Chavo Won A Match!!!

The Best At What I Do

and that's posting
Whoa!! Did you guys just see that!? Of course you didn't because it was on Superstars. But Chavo, yes Chavo Guerrero the man who jobbed to Hornswoggle the majority of this year, just won a match! Cleanly beating JTG with the One-star Frogsplash. His 7 year losing streak is over. Here are some questions for you:

How do you feel about Chavo actually getting a W?

Is Chavo looking towards a push?

Is JTG the new King of The Jobbers?

Does this win even matter since it took place on Superstars?
Eh... The sun shines on a dog's ass every once and a while. This means nothing for Chavo, really. He's still old, he still isn't the wrestler he used to be, and more importantly, he still couldn't get the fans to give less of a fuck about what he does. While it may seem like an ok win, it really means nothing.

JTG... Ooh, man, JTG. I thought, at least, that WWE had high hopes for him. looks like he'll be wished well in his future endeavors soon. Not like it matters, he'll still suck in any company. But this doesn't look good for JTG in the least.
Chavo Guerrero, one of many wrestlers in the company that the company doesn't give me a reason to care for.

A win on Superstars means nothing, Gail Kim and Trent Barretta win matches on Superstars, that is never a reflection on Smackdown and RAW form.

One of things I miss about WWECW actually - it gave me a reason to care for the likes of Chavo, Goldust etc...
Whoa!! Did you guys just see that!? Of course you didn't because it was on Superstars. But Chavo, yes Chavo Guerrero the man who jobbed to Hornswoggle the majority of this year, just won a match! Cleanly beating JTG with the One-star Frogsplash. His 7 year losing streak is over. Here are some questions for you:

How do you feel about Chavo actually getting a W?

Is Chavo looking towards a push?

Is JTG the new King of The Jobbers?

Does this win even matter since it took place on Superstars?

Oh where to begin with the inaccuracy of these statements. You seemed to forget that Chavo won the ECW title off of Punk a couple of years ago. 7 year losing streak my ass.

Everybody gets a win occasionally so I'm not go out into the streets and yell about the greatness of a rare Chavo victory. I don't know where this leads for JTG. JTG would made a decent face midcarder along with Kofi and Matt isn't going to be around forever. Hopefully they can build JTG up and make him worth something but I don't see it happening.
Yeah I got great respect for Chavo but one win...hardly cause to celebrate. Even Ric Flair managed to perform a move from the top rope once or twice right? But I agree with some of the posters here the company really could give two shits about Chavo...sad really because Chavo can work, he just needs to get away from the cancer that is Vicky
"Woah, woah, woah...pump the breaks girl pants..." Haha

You're right I didn't see it because it was on Superstars, but that's cool that Chavo actually won a match. But holy cow man, you kind of jumped on the win like it's never happened before...oh wait.. But all joking aside, one win (on Superstars) is not enough to say he's in line for a push, just like one loss is not enough to say that JTG is destined to job for the rest of his career (although that's pretty likely). Maybe Chavo was just getting annoyed, or maybe that's just how the coin was flipped before Superstars started this week, I don't know. Or maybe you're right and the WWE was actually trying to gauge the popularity of a Chavo win, and it could mean they're going to try and give him a chance. I would be all over that, if they did it properly. I wrote a pretty lengthy post about Chavo and his career earlier this week, and it's funny that this is coming up again so soon.

My outlook on Chavo is the same as it's always been...wait and see, and don't get your hopes up.
Whoa!! Did you guys just see that!? Of course you didn't because it was on Superstars. But Chavo, yes Chavo Guerrero the man who jobbed to Hornswoggle the majority of this year, just won a match!

You are wrong here because Chavo did not job to Hornswoggle since the Draft which was in April which is 4 months ago. Chavo jobbed to Hornswoggle in 2009 which was last year and we are now in 2010.

As for your question, yeah it is great to see Chavo win a match on Superstars but Superstars is the least important of the 4 shows so does it really matter?
As much as I want this to mean something... it won't. Chavo is a jobber, and won't be anything more. Maybe 5 years ago this would have meant something... but not anymore. He's 40 years old, and this is the end of his career anyway. Also, Superstars means nothing. Not that many people watch it, and the matches are usually trash.
Oh where to begin with the inaccuracy of these statements. You seemed to forget that Chavo won the ECW title off of Punk a couple of years ago. 7 year losing streak my ass.

Everybody gets a win occasionally so I'm not go out into the streets and yell about the greatness of a rare Chavo victory. I don't know where this leads for JTG. JTG would made a decent face midcarder along with Kofi and Matt isn't going to be around forever. Hopefully they can build JTG up and make him worth something but I don't see it happening.

Sigh... clearly I was just exaggerating. Of course he hasn't been losing for 7 years now but I honestly can't even recall his last victory. Can you?

Also, in case you didn't realize it, I'm not actually excited about this win. Just surprised WWE actually decided to give Chavo a victory even more so a clean one. Honestly I figured this past year or so was the Official Make Chavo Quit Tour.
You are wrong here because Chavo did not job to Hornswoggle since the Draft which was in April which is 4 months ago. Chavo jobbed to Hornswoggle in 2009 which was last year and we are now in 2010.

As for your question, yeah it is great to see Chavo win a match on Superstars but Superstars is the least important of the 4 shows so does it really matter?

Are you sure? Are you sure about this? Are you sure they didn't both get supplementally drafted to Smackdown! and the jobbing didn't continue? Are you sure you're sure?

Because I'm not since I don't get MyNetworkTV hahaha. Still I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Chavo found someone to team up with like I dunno maybe Ziggler to continue jobbing to Hornswoggle and his new best buddy hmmmm Christian seems like a good fit.
Well my fellow Chavites it's official. JTG is the new KOTJ (King Of The Jobbers). He just lost again CLEAN to Chavo. I think it's Chavitos time to move from lower-lowcard to upper-lowcard talent.
I am very glad to see Chavo win a match on Superstars. I feel that Chavo deserves a couple of wins so this is a sweet victory in my mind. I don't believe Chavo is getting a push at this point in his career its way to late but not only that if Chavo gets a push to many people think of him as a jobber for life so nobody would be behind him getting the push so i believe a push would be a waste of time.

As for Superstars it dosen't mean anything. Nobody follows it nor do any people care about it. Superstars is the lowest show out of the four (Raw, Smackdown, NXT). It absolutely dosen't matter since it was on Superstars and nor is Chavo getting a push.

Lastly JTG in my mind since Cryme Tyme was broken up has been nothing but a jobber. As long as JTG isn't part of a tag team i can't see him being anything but a jobber.
It's not like it's going to change anything for him. Chavo was th biggest jobber we have ever seen, until JTG lost to him taking over that title. So what Chavo lost to a lesser wrestler than him. I know that there aren't many wrestlers lower on the pecking than Chavo but obviously JTG is if he loses to him. Chavo will continue to lose to every other superstar because he is second last on the order of importance. I would have labeled him last but JTG is there now. But Chavo hasn't been taken the seriously at all since 2007, when he feuded with Rey Mysterio. Since then no one has given a shit about him and that is how it will continue to be, and Chavito will continue his weekly or bi-weekly routine of jobbing out left and right.
If anything, Chavo's getting a few wins for a while to make him look somewhat legitimate when they need jobbers to put others over into the Midcard title hunt. We all know that Chavo is a talented performer and apparently is satisfied staying employed even if it means having a Brooklyn Brawler sort of win-loss record. Hell, this man jobbed to a circus midget while wearing a cow costume, a tuxedo and being tied up. He has swallowed any and all pride that he could have possibly ever had just to be a part of the big time.

Not everyone can be a main eventer or upper midcarder. They need guys like Chavo, JTG, etc so that they're not bringing in loads of local talent to get squashed every week. Do any of you remember 1980's WWF? The Saturday and Sunday shows had maybe 3 or 4 matches, of which, you were lucky if two names even got in the ring together. It was always "SUPERSTAR vs. Joe Schmuck" as I recall it.

At least this way, you KNOW Chavo, he's a familiar character and you can at least suspend disbelief long enough to think he might actually have a chance now and then to pull off a lucky win. Anytime they bring in the local talent that nobody's ever heard of, you know before they ring the bell how it's going to end for that poor sucker.
How do you feel about Chavo actually getting a W?

Maybe he'll stop jobbing to Horswoggle now. That fued really did kill his credibility, maybe it's time for a face run. He has been arguing with Vickie lately, maybe we'll see him vs Ziggler. Just something that can get him back his credibility. I'm just glad he finally got a win.

Is Chavo looking towards a push?

A push could be good for Chavo, he may be getteing older, but he can still go in the ring(I thought he was in his early 30s, I never would've put him at 40). I would at least like a see a IC Title or 2 for him...but that's really it.

Is JTG the new King of The Jobbers?

He wouldn't be if they would just let him and Shad become Tag Champs. But for now, Yes.

Does this win even matter since it took place on Superstars?

A win is a win no matter where it is. Hopefully they'll continue.
I have to say Chavo is actually a pretty good wrestler, if you look over the "decades" long feud with Hornswaggle, you have to say he is a good wrestler and can and should get more wins....but i have to say that isn't likely...:icon_neutral:
I'm pretty glad Chavo won. Its about time someone brought some respect back to the Guerrero name, we all know it won't be Vickie. I'm just a little mad it took Chavo jobbing to a Keebler elf after all that time and then even getting screwed over by Vickie 2 weeks ago on SD for a MITB qualifier. I mean, to this day, people know the Guerrero name and automatically remember Eddie. But they forget Chavo was part of the equally successful tag team.
That sucks to forget how successful a duo they were as Los Guerreros. I for one will be proud to hold up a Chavo is the Best sign when they come around my way again. :) Its a shame because you heard the accomplishments Striker was talking about last night on Superstars and it seems like Chavo can't catch a break even with a win under his belt. Maybe I'd just reading too much into it probably.
I was pleasantly shocked seeing Chavo win back-to-back televised matches (even if its on Superstars). Maybe Vince is actually giving Chavo a semi-push because of his hard work and dedication through the years. The same is obviously happening to Kane on a much bigger scale.

Chavo isn't as great as he used to be a decade ago in WCW but he's still a superb talent and would love to see them put the IC strap around his waist. If that over-the-hill whining bitch Rey can get the World Title, Chavito definitely deserves an IC title run.
I must say that I'm pleasantly surprised so many of you are also happy for Chavito getting a couple W's lately. Honestly I think Chavo should be in Mysterio's position right now with the 2 world title reigns even if they were pity runs. It's very unlikely but how would you guys feel if this led to an IC title win for Chavito as WCW mentioned? I know for a fact him and Kofi could put on an excellent match if nothing else.
I'm glad Chavo finally got a win for a change. Yeah he's old, yeah he can't draw much anymore, but it's not his fault. Rey got all the energy after Eddie died when it should've have gone to Chavo. Yes the fans were behind him for a good while, and yeah he eventually won the ECW title, but back when Eddie passed, Chavo should've gotten the IC title at least. He was inspired then and had the ENTIRE WWE fanbase behind him it seemed for a while. The lack of a real push has greatly hurt Chavo and that's why he is what he is today. He can still put on a decent match.

I feel bad for JTG at the same time because it did seem he had a bright future. Just bring Shad back and make Cryme Tyme again and add MVP if you want to take care of that. Chavo though, I'm just glad he got a win. His Frog Splash may not be as good, but I still love seeing the move!
Did anybody watch his match against MVP last night??? It was awesome!!! (Sorry Miz) Chavo was telling a great story in the ring and was shown at his best in quite some time. I just kept on thinking that that is how wrestling is supposed to be done! It's a shame that MVP had to win but it was the best match I've seen in the E in a while. Push Chavo already!! He deserves it!!!
Yea I saw it WCW. It was a great match. I actually thought for a second that Chavo was going to win especially since the announcers went out of their way to mentioned he won his last two matches. I agree that Chavito deserves a push and a win here would've helped him a lot more than it did MVP.
No, this leads nowhere for Chavo. He won two matches cleanly on Superstars. Big fucking deal. He can't lose to everyone. But what gets me is why they chose JTG. JTG had a promising future, has the talent, has charisma, and could have been a solid midcarder. But I guess that's out the window. Nothing good can come of this. The damage is done for Chavo. It's all over for him. He jobbed for months to Hornswoggle. He got beat for months by a guy who it 4 feet tall. He lost repeatedly to a dwarf. You can't recover from that. Him beating JTG won't build him, it will only hurt JTG. Once you lose to the king of jobbers twice, cleanly both times, your career is headed for the shitter. Shad got sent down to FCW for sucking too much, and even he's better of than JTG is now. JTG's career might as well have been on the line in that match, because if you lose to Chavo cleanly, your whole career is fucked.

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