Online Petition to WWE to Cease the Chavo vs Hornswoggle program

I doubt Chavo cares that he jobs to Hornswoggle on a weekly basis. He gets a fat paycheck every week, why would he care? It's not like he is doing this for free. Plus Chavo isn't going anywhere. He has a job with the WWE for life because of his last name.
Thank you for finally making a petition, I keep on forgetting to make one myself. But anyways, the feud between Chavo Guerrero and Hornswoggle is a joke to not only the WWE fans, but to Chavo himself who has a ton of experience and WWE is wasting it on him fighting Hornshit night in and night out in these stupid matches. I can't wait till Hornswoggle gets released. Everytime I get to see Hornswoggle get hurt, I laugh at that because Hornswoggle is a joke. I also blame John Cena because he is probably half the reason Hornswoggle still has a job in WWE because he told Vince that they should go from being rated R to rated PG. Next John Cena is gonna convince Vince into going from rated PG to rated G and that means no more hardcore matches, no more ladder matches, no more submission matches, just all normal matches. Raw is pretty good, but they need to get rid of the shit stain on Raws underwear which I like to call Hornswoggle out of the WWE.
If you don't like it don't watch. That's the only form of protest Vince will acknowledge and even that is suspect. I believe a a massive boycott of WWE programming or at least swoggle vs. chavo segments would prove to be more fruitful. If the segments show a huge decrease in viewership and possibly in total viewership of RAW then it could motivate McMahon to reassess these segments if they are costing him viewers. It's rather easy, just change the channel, get your friends to change the channel, get everybody on this site to change the channel, I already have. If you don't like something don't watch it, then change may follow.
This probably won't work but as Sidious said, at least we tried.

I signed it and hope to God that it works, the crap on Raw right now with this program is getting way too much. I was over it a long time ago and as others have said it's not Horny in particular that's frustrating, it's the constant match's with Chavo that are all basically the same thing.

Doesn't everyone realize that this isn't going to last much longer anyway? They're setting up Bourne/Chavo. It isn't going to take them 8 more weeks to do that. So while I totally agree that this Chavo/Hornswoggle thing is absolutely ridiculous, not entertaining, not funny, and boring as hell (as well as being skipped over by my DVR as part of the 45 minutes I skip each show from all the commercials, ads, rewinds, recaps, etc) I don't think this petition will really serve a purpose.

Its better than nothing, sure, because maybe this will reach one of the people backstage and they'll realize that this type of stuff is ridiculous and not do it again. But as far as getting it to stop, I doubt it'll do anything. By the time it gets enough signatures to really mean something, it'll already have been stopped anyway and everyone will start thinking that the petition is the reason we have Chavo giving Bourne a fight (despite how he couldn't beat Hornswoggle).

But, signed. Lol.
This does take up shitty quality PG era Raw time each week. There are a lot of kids who enjoy this even though it's pretty pathetic.
Kids eat up Horny. They enjoy seeing him make Chavo look stupid because it's funny to them.
They're trying to appeal to kids right now and this is a way to do it.

They release quality wrestlers, yet keep a dwarf dressed as a Leprachaun. Not because he's a good wrestler, but because he makes money.
I don't see the big deal with these segments. Is it childish? Yes. Is it stupid? Sometimes yes (the cow suit and tuxedo match especially). But I find amusement in how they try and embarrass Chavo each week, and stupid is sometimes funny, which is why I found the cow suit thing hysterical.

The idea of writing a petition to try and get WWE to change a storyline is a little extreme, especially since it is one involving the most over guy right now. I also find it amusing that the 1 week the petition omits is the first time Chavo got the upper hand in the feud (Chavo hand-picked Legacy to replace him in a tag against Hornswoggle/Markswoggle, and horny got hit with Dream Street). said:
The show was watched by 5.13 million viewers.
If the petition is to mean anything, it would need a SUBSTANTIAL amount of signatures. If every member of the IWC signed it (which they won't because I doubt 100% of them agree with the petition, I don't), it wouldn't even put a dent in the 5.13 million. get like 205200 signatures, that would be 1/25th the audience, and would lower the number to below 5 million, that might get WWE's attention.

the company should also recognize that its primary audience for the program does consist of adults and that your adult fans are subjected to this on a weekly basis, as well.
I also love how according to the petition adults do not like the feud. I am an adult, and I like the segment most weeks (I could do without the Sharp Dressed Man match), and I bet a lot of other adults do too.

So basically, the feud isn't everybody's cup of tea, but that's the joy of wrestling. You don't have to like every segment, because the next one will have nothing to do with the previous, and could pretty much be the exact opposite (midget beating a full-size-guy one minute, 2 women fighting the next, followed by an intense battle between 2 great "technical wrestlers")

For the record, i haven't watched a full Raw in a month or so, and skipped it completly the last two weeks, mainly because of this fued.

This is sad, based on my comment about wrestling having something for everybody. Because of 5 minutes worth of comedy, you don't watch 2 hours worth of a show? I guess you aren't really a big fan of wrestling then, because if you were a fan of wrestling, you would watch and change the channel for segments you didn't like (or just watch the segment anyway, and bitch like people do now), as supposed to not watching at all. Your loss, because there have been some pretty good things this week (the DX stuff, the beat down of DX/Cena and the involvement of Dusty Rhodes in said beat down, the ensuing tease of a Cody Rhodes turn, and the fatal 4-way from this week in my eyes were very entertaining). But you wouldn't have known that because you missed it, all because of a meaningless 5-minute comedy segment that isn't your thing. Your loss.
I fully support this petition 100% to the fucking limit. This stupid little feud is well...stupid. It's time wasted that could be spent developing a feud that actually matters. Every time these two come on the screen I hit fast forward on my DVR.
I'm sorry, but everyone who keeps saying Hornswoggle is one of the most over people on the roster as some kind of valid reason for these skits is full of shit and has been chugging down the Slyfox Kool-Aid a bit too much. So what if he's over? Things that are TERRIBLE are popular all the time, did anyone see the absolutely absurd amount of money that piece of shit Transformers 2 made? Terrible things are successful all the time, because the majority of America is too stupid or lazy to give a shit if any thought it put into what they're watching. Well god damnit, I care what I'm watching. You can have Hornswoggle be over and STILL stop this bullshit, it's not an either/or situation. I don't care if Hornswoggle has a 20 minute therapy session on air with Dr. Phil and Linda McMahon, just stop the bullshit with Chavo. How anyone can defend that cow-suit nonsense is beyond me. Would you guys be saying the same thing if this were the Shockmaster and he were over? Oh, but The Shocker is so over, we HAVE to have his wonderful glitter-decorated stormtrooper ass on TV every week!

Sign the petition, or don't. But please don't come into this thread simply to "troll", which is against the rules here. What that means is please don't come into this thread for no other purpose than to insult Sidious or the thread idea itself. If you don't think the petition matters, that's fine, feel free to tell us that, just do it respectfully, and don't troll.
i am actually very pleased that somebody actually got this in sick of them putting this shit on tv week in week out.i cant stand it.i would much rather watch grass grow than see another little bastard/chavo match.i turn the channel every time it far as it actually working.i dont think it will but i really hope it gets creative to actually be a bit more creative.the same match for 2 months with stupid ass stipulations is getting really redundant and powerfully stale.i dont care if the kids like dont know what they want.but apperently they like seeing a midget beat a grown man week in week out.
Well, like I said, I am not necessarily stating it will matter or not. It really depends on a lot of things.

Firstly, how many people actually take the time to sign it. There is an IP restriction I placed on it to allow only 1 signature per IP address as I wanted to cut down on Spam voting.

Secondly, take it serious enough and earn a couple hundred signatures on it .... and if Wrestlezone would be so kind to publish it on the Main Page in the News Section, that will make it even more viral to reach out to the entire viewing audience, and not just the forums.

So it really depends on how many signatures we can initially get and if people are willing to take it seriously enough, and it also depends on whether Wrestlezone is kind enough to report on it if we can collect enough signatures, to take it to the next level.

I'm looking now at 171 signatures which is decent for only being promoted on the forums in the Raw section for a couple hours and definitely is a tribute to the Wrestlezone readers. Anybody who is upset with the program and want it off your TV set, here is your chance to be heard. If anyone is a member of another forum, please feel free to post it in the appropriate forum for anyone who may be interested in participating.

In the very least, let it NOT be said that "We did nothing".
Well if you continue to watch the show is that not doing nothing. the only way these segments will stop is if people turn the channel. if you hate it change the channel and maybe something good will come of it. a petition will do nothing as long as everybody that signs it continues to watch the segments (all though a bigger impact would be had if the show was boycotted altogether).
Well, even though I've posted a couple threads about this feud where I sarcastically described their feud as one of the all time greatest, it's time to get serious and yes, I'm fucking tired of this shit and yes I fucking sign this petition.
Well if you continue to watch the show is that not doing nothing. the only way these segments will stop is if people turn the channel. if you hate it change the channel and maybe something good will come of it. a petition will do nothing as long as everybody that signs it continues to watch the segments (all though a bigger impact would be had if the show was boycotted altogether).


The reason why Matt Hardy was brought back had nothing to do with the petition but it had to do with the people who park their asses in the seats demanding Matt Hardy. The people who park their asses in the seats on RAW are enjoying the whole Chavo vs Hornswoggle thing. Vince doesn't care about the IWC. Never has never will.

Hypothetical question, let's say the petition works and they take Chavo vs Horny off the air and Chavo gets fired the next week. How would you people who signed the petition feel?
I'm pretty sure the majority of people who don't like this angle would not want to see Chavo or Hornswoggle get fired. I mean if I saw Santino vs. Chavo or Carlito in the same feud for two months in horrible gimmick matches, I would want that to end too. That would actually be more mildly amusing then Hornswoggle and Chavo. Just Imagine Kane and The Great Khali fighting week after week, 7 weeks in a row. Wrestling in tuxedos and cow costumes. I don't think you would approve of that.

I don't think the Chavo and Hornswoggle feud is going away anytime soon. I thought it was over with Mark Henry facing Chavo, but no we still have worst matches week in and week out. I guarantee you that next week we will see some sort of Raw Roulette where Hornswoggle faces off against Chavo in a Coal Miner's Glove Match. Saying Hornswoggle is as over as Michaels or Undertaker is ridiculous. Hornswoggle would be lucky to even get a pop as big as Kofi Kingston.

I don't care if they sell millions of dollars in merchandise, which you don't see that much anyways in the audience. If Brian Kendrick was still in the company, would you want to see him job to Jerry Lawler for 7 weeks in a row? It's the same thing if you think about it. I signed the petition, I didn't donate money, whatever that is for but I did sign the petition.

I didn't sign it to get anyone fired, which wouldn't happen anyways. Chavo and Hornswoggle are fine, just not feuding together in crap matches for 7 weeks in a row.

The reason why Matt Hardy was brought back had nothing to do with the petition but it had to do with the people who park their asses in the seats demanding Matt Hardy. The people who park their asses in the seats on RAW are enjoying the whole Chavo vs Hornswoggle thing. Vince doesn't care about the IWC. Never has never will.

Hypothetical question, let's say the petition works and they take Chavo vs Horny off the air and Chavo gets fired the next week. How would you people who signed the petition feel?

Well, now that they've already ruined any credibility that Chavo ever had, what makes you think they were going to keep him around anyway, after they finally finish this program?

You think they are just going to insert him back into being an Upper Midcarder after this?

They are doing this and jobbing him out because it is pretty clear that they plan on firing him anyway once they are done with this program.
Well, I think that this feud has gone on a little too long & isn't doing any justice to Chavo Guerrero. It's great to see little Horny get involved on TV to help him get over with the crowd, draw in the kids & sell some merchandise for WWE profit & it was great to see Chavo take on Horny for the first couple of times. I laughed at the endeavour. Right now, I could not care less if the WWE were to keep featuring Horny against other superstars like TBK before he got released or Jaime Noble... but for someone who has done a lot for the business like Chavo? He has held the world title, us title, tag title... basically every title except the major Main Event title, which I do not see him reaching to that status at all.

The whole feud may be justification enough to create a petition, but these things are less effective in operation. You must use low-key fear in order to scare big corporations than high-key. Petitions are a high-key fear in which someones says to their face more or less that I don't like & we want a change. It is better to just switch the segment off for the entire time & resume watching, something that is low-key. Once WWE finds out it is old news, they shall scrap it.

I am going to enjoy the program they will be pitting Chavo in with Bourne. It can give us a preview of the old school cruiserweight type matches with Guerrero giving the experience of the ring to Bourne. It would also be nice to see Jaime Noble take up the COMEDIC JOBBER role to Horny as he isn't doing anything & unfortunately won't amount to do anything. Over the years, he has been used as the rad doll of the company. Why not use him against the Giant Hornswoggle?

Just like to mention here that my next review of feuds will indeed be the Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero feud. Once the entire thing stops, I can review it & we can move on with the normal wrestling fan lives.
I really don't see how you getting a few people from a forum to sign a petition is going to drastically change WWE's mind on something like this. Chavo really doesn't deserve to be treated this way, but they're not going to stop doing it just because a couple hundred internet folks said that they should. Vince hates the internet and isn't going to go out of his way to please us. In fact, this is how I envision the conversation going if your petition goes anywhere:

Random Writer: Hey Vince, there's an online petition against Chavo vs. Hornswoggle.

Vince: Screw those know it alls, let's give it more time every week.

This petition will do absolutely nothing, and this really isn't that big of an issue to deserve one.

I'd also like to alert you to the fact that they have a "Petitions" section on WWE Universe. You know how many of those petitions WWE actually looks at and seriously considers? Maybe one of every thousand, if they get really bored.

In fact, I just looked, and there's another petition to end the PG rating with over 250 signatures already.

If they actually end the PG rating, I'll eat my words. I don't think they will.
I really don't see how you getting a few people from a forum to sign a petition is going to drastically change WWE's mind on something like this. Chavo really doesn't deserve to be treated this way, but they're not going to stop doing it just because a couple hundred internet folks said that they should. Vince hates the internet and isn't going to go out of his way to please us. In fact, this is how I envision the conversation going if your petition goes anywhere:

Random Writer: Hey Vince, there's an online petition against Chavo vs. Hornswoggle.

Vince: Screw those know it alls, let's give it more time every week.

This petition will do absolutely nothing, and this really isn't that big of an issue to deserve one.

The goal is not a couple hundred people, and I really wish you would re-read the stated goals before providing your opinion. That is what has been achieved for the petition being posted for a couple of hours on the first day. The first goal has always been to get it to attract enough attention to earn attention on the newsboards ... not to just be restricted to simply the forum. So, we'll see.

With that being said let me re-iterate from an earlier posting:
The goal is for this to pick up enough speed to actually get the newsboards to pick up on the fact that there is an Online Petition circulating, because someone in WWE does read the newsboards. That much is accepted now. If it does hit the newsboards, WWE will pick up on it, and then the seed will be planted in their head that maybe fans are growing tired of this.

If anything, it will simply put a seed in someone's ear that maybe it is time to end this horrendous program that has been running for an eternity. Just getting the seed in someone's ear that it may be time to end this thing is good enough for me.

Something has to be done, and if anyone has a better idea, I am all for it.

So, with that being said, let's hear your better idea?

The concept alone of WWE hearing that there are disgruntled people out there with the program and the concept alone of planting a bug in their ear that it is maybe time to end this program because people are getting sick and tired of it, is fine with me. We're not going into this thing with very high expectations ... but if we are unhappy about something, we sure as Hell deserve a voice to tell WWE that we are unhappy about it, instead of being spoon-fed the mindless drivel that it appears that you advocate.
I'll admit, at first I was asmused and entertained by this angle, I thought it was funny and they were just doing it for laughs, however it has drug on waaaay to long. I am suck of it and it is far from entertaining anymore. I usually DVR Raw so thankfully I can skip past the matches themselves and not have to watch them. I am also feeling very sorry for Chavo now, this is far beyond ridiculous. It needs to stop and thankfully I think it will as Chavo is going to be feuding with Bourne.

So I do not think this petition will accomplish it's goal, because the angle will be over by then anyways, but perhaps as has been stated, it will at least make the WWE aware that we do not want to see this kind of thing again. So I'll sign it, what the hell, it'll only help the cause.

EDIT: I was sig 223. Wow a lot more than I thought.
Well, I'm just going to say that I'll be shocked if this actually does anything. As I said before, if it does, I will absolutely eat my words. But I think there's a better chance of Bret Hart returning to WWE than your petition getting any kind of real attention. As for your Matt Hardy point, I think someone mentioned this, but Matt was brought back because the fans in the arenas demanded for him to be brought back. Maybe that petition helped, but I highly doubt they would have brought him back if not for the constant Matt chants and booing of Lita in the arenas nationwide. They knew that they had a golden storyline on their hands and they weren't going to pass up that opportunity. This situation isn't really comparable to that, since the fans in the arenas don't seem to mind this all that much, and there are far more Matt Hardy supporters than Chavo Guerrero supporters around. I understand the frustration behind the angle, but it's on for like five minutes a week, and I really don't get the necessity to put forth a petition so that you can have someone else on for those five minutes.

The remote control was invented for a reason. Now there's a surefire way to get what you want.
As much as almost all of us would like for this garbage to stop,a few people getting a petition to stop watching Raw will not stop this unless the numbers are huge.The numbers for the Matt Hardy petition must have been enormous,and the numbers may be why the WWE brought him back.But as for this,a small amount of people not watching won't hurt them,and to be quite honest,I won't turn it off,even though I hate it and the stupid commentary jokes.If we should petition anything,it should be for Raw to actually push someone.I'm not gonna stop watching it.It's not going to go on forever,so just be patient.I know it's terrible,but so is going to the dentist.It may hurt,but you want good teeth,and if you don't,then don't go to the dentist at all,and see how you feel when you have bad teeth.Just like this may suck,but you want to watch the show,and if you don't,then see how you are when it's over and something interesting is on.
I may be one of the few, at least in this thread, but I am being entertained by the matches that Chavo and Hornswoggle are having. I actually look forward to seeing what kind of match the guest host will put Chavo in and can't wait to see him get embarassed by a midget. I'm being entertained by this and I find it funny so I see no reason as to why it should stop. I guess some people just don't have a good sense of humour.

The live crowds seem to be enjoying these matches as well, so if they're liking it then it's all good. Maybe if half of the arena is chanting "Stop this Shit" it might end this. However that would never happen so I see the WWE milking this for maybe a couple or a few more weeks.
Signed it, i agree that this shit has to stop its getting really annoying now and i cant belive its gone on for 2 months its really that bad. I will help get some attention for this like posting the link to other sites so we get some more signs wish me luck.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever come across and I work with ******ed children.

A petition against an angle that's gaining a dull wrestler like Chavo popularity? How very silly. If you all like him that much then you'll be happy he's on TV, because he sure ain't going to be featured so strongly after the program has finished.

Personally I'm not too concerned about one specific crap angle where Raw has several already.

I'm pro midget all the way. His huge bottom and little walk is more intresting than Chavo Guerrero with Pepe. This is a fact.

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