Chavo going face??

While I was watching this little program reel out (and I have been following it because it has been highly entertaining slapstick in my opinion) and saw Chavo basically concede defeat to Hornswoggle, I had the feeling that one of them would eventually make a move to make up with the other. The fact that it was Chavo was the surprise for me. I thought it was going to be the other way 'round with Chavo in trouble and Hornswoggle making a surprise distraction to get him out. It says a good deal about Chavo's performance ability that he could project this desire to see the little leprechaun punished...and then actually witness what merciless punishment truly was and become disguised with it. Even to the point of making his move to stop it.

This is something that has endeared both Chavo and his uncle Eddie, yes they lie, they cheat, they steal...but they also are, at core, big hearted even despite themselves. The internal conflict and its conclusion were both well done, and I'm quite anxious to see how this plays out.

Who knows, perhaps the two of them can teach each other something new along the lines of lying, cheating, and stealing. I'd enjoy watching these two plot some particularly devious things against their opponents.
Before MVP"S face turn WWE made him loose matches for like 5 months. Seems like they are doing the same for Chavo. To be honest I think this turn fits Chavo since he can be a better face do to his mic skills and his in ring ability then almost any other mid card face. I think this is a necessity move that WWE is making since they are lacking faces who actually can speak on the mic. I think Cena is the only face on raw that actually speaks, other then DX whose a tag team. I think this might be a good thing for wwe. I would enjoy seeing a primo and chavo tag team with hornswaggle as the manager if he dropped the gimic and became chavos mini me.
I don't care what happens to Chavo as long as he's getting treated better. If that means turning face, then I'm all for it. Chavo Guerrero hasn't been a face since July 2007 and he hasn't been wrestling as a face since I believe February 2007. He hasn't been taken seriously in, I don't know how long. Even when he was the ECW Champion, he was still booked terribly. Now, with the whole Hornswoggle/Chavo fued, I assumed WWE would be rewarding Chavo after the fued. Maybe this assumed face turn is it. He needs to be included in the United States Championship scene... all his talent is just wasting away. Am I right?
You are absoulutley right. Like he says he is a guerrero and i wonder why he wasnt pushed like eddie was. I mean rey mysterio was pushed for eddies death why wasnt chavo he has a lot of potiential. You would think after coming out of ecw he would have more momentum and be a second tier champion.
Obviously this can only be good. Compared to the weeks of Hornswoggle beating Chavo, this seems like the storyline of the year. The more I think about it, I'm actually excited to see where this is going.

I actually have always thought Chavo was pretty decent and he has been an upper midcarder in his career, so he could be going somewhere with this. After the recent events, I find myself asking "Why did Chavo do it?" "Where will this lead?" "What is up with Hornswoggle's patches of here on his face?"

This is actually an intriguing storyline that may lead somewhere. If Santino gets involved, that can only be a positive. Looking forward to the aftermath.
I don't have any problems with Chavo turning face, especially if he gets treated a bit better, but I do have a problem with how it's coming about, if it is, indeed, a face turn.

So let me get this straight, Chavo gets beaten and humiliated by Hornswoggle for weeks and weeks. He's said several times how much he hates it, how much he hates Hornswoggle, and has seemingly wanted to get revenge in some degree. Hell, HE'S even roughed up Horny now and again. So Masters has Horny in the masterlock, completely helpless. This was Chavo's big chance to finally get retribution, and instead he knocks the crap out of Masters and saves Hornswoggle? Wait, what?

Does that make any sense to anyone? I could see if they showed signs of him turning face weeks before, but just last week Hornswoggle cost him a match against Cedric. The last thing he'd want is to save him from anything, so what gives? I know they say if you can't beat em', join em' but this is ridiculous. I hope this is a double swerve like someone else thought and he's doing this to get Hornswoggle's trust just to back-stab him and finally get his revenge, because that would make a lot more sense than what's happening now.
I don't think Chavo is turning face come on think about it Chris master's in his first encounter with Hornswaggle did what Chavo couldn't do over several weeks what is that you might ask ? Chris Masters got the best of Hornswaggle and Chavo Punches Masters becasue he was pissed off that it was sooo easy for Masters to do it he was mad as hell that Masters took out Hornswaggle in one match when He couldn't do it over the course of several weeks / matches . Plain and simple .. come on man was it that hard to figure out ?? Or have I been watching wrestling too long ? I have been watching for 31 years literally since I was a baby . Is that too long ?? Take care All
If Chavo and Santino are really going to team up, what if (in order to combine national tastes and pay tribute to Eddie) they came out in a lowrider Ferrari?

Anyways I've been a fan of Chavo for a long time, though it has waned in the past couple years due to really horrid storylines even for him. Him becoming face has been something I've been longing for for a while now and it'd be nice to see people cheer him on again, maybe see some lying, cheating, and stealing again?
his partners have jumped all around, first him and goldust, then him and goldust and festus, then him and Mark Henry, then Him and Evan Bourne, then Him with Santino, and him with Chavo and Santino, i think vince is tring to get those 3 some ratings for once
Macinirocks r u kiddin me?? Yo listen I have watched wrestling forever.. I kno a lot about wrestling.. And we all know that if he wasn't eddies family he would of been gone once eddie and the cruiserweight division was.. Before hornswoggle what did we get from chavo? Being vickies lacky gettin his ass kicked? Dieing his hair blonde and being more borin then nething trying to be a while golfer guy? Come on.. Being beat by hornswoggle is the most attention he's ever gotten..

Chavo turning face thanks to the horrible program he was in is great for him.. He can do his funny stuff at the same time puttin on good matches and hopefully winning.. So how bout u watch some chavo and see what I'm talking about.. Btw even winning the ecw did nothin for him cause he even entered the rr with the title and then lost to kane in what? 2 second? On wrestlemania no less.... So please retrack your statement.. Thanks
Personally, I'm pretty stoked about this. And who saw this coming? I don't think of any of the threads I've read in recent weeks about how everyone hated the Chavo/Hornswoggle program, and of all the ideas I read about how to fix it.. I didn't see a single one that said to turn him face. I just hope that slowly they move him away from Hornswoggle. As far some of you people complaining about the possibility of a Chavo/Santino tag team.. I don't know what you're complaining about? As much as everyone on here complains there's not enough tag teams, the division can use as many teams as they can get. And I can totally see these two being hilarious together, and hopefully building up some of their credibility back.
Macinirocks r u kiddin me?? Yo listen I have watched wrestling forever.. I kno a lot about wrestling.. And we all know that if he wasn't eddies family he would of been gone once eddie and the cruiserweight division was.. Before hornswoggle what did we get from chavo? Being vickies lacky gettin his ass kicked? Dieing his hair blonde and being more borin then nething trying to be a while golfer guy? Come on.. Being beat by hornswoggle is the most attention he's ever gotten..

Chavo turning face thanks to the horrible program he was in is great for him.. He can do his funny stuff at the same time puttin on good matches and hopefully winning.. So how bout u watch some chavo and see what I'm talking about.. Btw even winning the ecw did nothin for him cause he even entered the rr with the title and then lost to kane in what? 2 second? On wrestlemania no less.... So please retrack your statement.. Thanks

Excuse me? How bout you retract your idiocy?

God you are such a mark. An idiot mark at that. Apparently believing that whatever the writers throw at you determines how good someone is. Chavo has been severely underutilized in recent years, and more recently made a mockery of. I wouldn't doubt of the original rumors of the whole thing being punishment for Vickie leaving, since Vince is notorious for that.

And I've been watching Chavo since before he was "owned" (yes I mean in the literal sense as property) by Eddy Guerrero (No I didn't misspell that) in old WCW. I've been a fan of his work for over 10 years.

So how bout you actually watch some of him? I'm sure I could dig up some greatness on youtube for you if you are too outright lazy and stupid to do it yourself...

And "yo" I bet dollars to donuts you don't know a hill of beans about wrestling just based on your comments about Chavo. I've been watching since I was little, since I used to look forward to Superstars at Noon on Saturdays... 1986. So "r u kiddin me?? Yo listen I have watched wrestling forever.. I kno a lot about wrestling.. "
Lol... Macini u r a funny guy.. I do like chavo... He is a great wrestler.. But hasn't been used greatly.. But I'm talkin bout ever since Eddy Guerrero past away or even when he was removed from the tag team, there was nothing great or special bout anything chavo has done.. Have you grew a man crush over him cause ur getting really crazy bout this... And yeah superstars being on at noon on saturdays on Fox 5 and origional saturday night main events.. Even that gladiador type wrestling show that wcw would fued with from UPN... Listen macini.. U wanna see how much I know make a new thread and ill show u.. I know what I kno.. And I kno that you need more help then Chavo Guerrero lol
Umm... Chavito going face in WWE? Wrong move. I believe you want to see Chavo be successful.... he belongs in TNA. Trust me... the fed has been good to me in my years of PPV orders, but for wrestlers of different cultures lets say... heritage... Spanish, British, etc... TNA is the place to be, so I dont want to see Chavo going face, nor do I care, I would like to see a respected man, part of one of the greatest wrestling families of all time... get what he deserves. Not facing a midget on Monday Nights.
Chavo has always been one of my personal favorites. It's not for his skill, though he has tons of that. Its because he has NEVER had a problem embarrising himself for the fans. For those reading this old enough to remember. Back in WCW Chavo used to ride to the ring riding a stick horse called "Pepe". I do believe, he did this dressed as a cowboy with a propeller hat once. It was very entertaining. Chavo and Hornswoggle was a fun program too. Though, yes it did get old after awhile. I thought it was great for Chavo, and hopefully now things will look up for him. Maybe a WWE Championship before he is finished.

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