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Bourne to fly...and be creatively destroyed


Dark Match Winner
Evan Bourne.
Does creative have absolutely no rope to give him to the point where's he's coming out each week just to help Hornswoggle get over by embarrassing Chavo?
Since coming to Raw he's had random fueds with Big Show, Jack Swagger, and even Kofi Kingston, so it seemed as if he may be in line for a U.S. title shot...But, none of those "fueds" lasted for more than a few weeks. Bourne just kinda seemed to be floating around, being the definition of a small fish in a big pond. Then he started making appearances just to help out Horny. But the hope in that was a fued between him and Chavo, which would be awesome and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. So this week on Raw it was Bourne Vs. Chavo, in a supremely disappointing match that end with yet again, another Hornswoggle appearance. So Bourne wins with a rollup after Horny sprays Chavo with a super soaker. Yes, a SQUIRT GUN.
So where does this leave Bourne? It seems as if he's doomed to be Hornswoggle's best buddy and continue to help him defeat and humiliate Chavo. So my question is, would it be better for Bourne to be moved over to Smackdown where there is somewhat less of a mid-card clutter, and maybe more of a chance for creative to give him something more useful to do?
Or is it just a matter of time before he's future endeavored?
Which by the way would be a HUGE loss on WWE's part becuase Bourne is hugely talented and could be a great asset to them if used properly.

What do you guys think?
I think he would be a lot better off in smackdown. I was enjoying Chovo and Bourn but Hornswoggle just runied it. I can't belive Hornswoggle is put over on every Raw while guys like Swagger,Carlito,the and U.S. champ Kingston, all struggel for airtime
Evan going up against Chavo is a feeler feud. If he can hang with Chavo, put on some good matches, and have a all around good program with him, we will see Evan in some bigger and better feuds. Bourne was great on ECW, but Raw isn't ECW, he needs to prove himself again. Once he does that, which he will, then he'll be moved farther up the ladder. Bourne is a great talent, the fans MTFO for him and don't think Vince hasn't noticed, why else did he get the move to Raw? Evan will be fine. Just give him some time and let the WWE get the U.S. Title scene organized a bit more and get some actual feuds lined up, and when he finishes up with Chavo, we will see Bourne move up the ranks and not just have some random matches.
I can understand the concern, but keep in mind... not too long ago, it seemed Mark Henry was doomed to be Hornswoggle's bestest buddy, but he's since moved on. I'm sure this'll pass and Bourne will wind up doing better things eventually.
To be honest, they're simply finding something to keep Evan Bourne on TV. And this is a good thing. They could just NOT put him on television. He has worth. He puts on great matches and can be entertaining also. It's just a matter of finding a place for him in the mid card scene. And I think they will. He's too talented to not be counted on for a great match. And if Chavo was taken seriously, this would be an ideal program for the both of them. Right now, Horswoggle's got a lot to do with ruining the quality of the wrestling around him. Bourne will be fine, it's just a matter of time.
I agree with Lariat. People would bitch and complain that Bourne isn't on tv if he... well... wasn't on TV. Now he's on tv weekly and people are still bitching that it's not good enough. I don't understand it. I like watching the guy as much as the next person... but I'm not huge on him. Where do you want Evan Bourne? In the US Title hunt? Cause I sure don't. That's somewhere he will surely get buried and shuffled into obscurity. The only problem with what he's doing now is that he's up with Chavo. Yes I realize this is a test-out feud of sorts... but how much of a test can it be when Chavo has lost to Hornswoggle like 7 weeks in a row in various awful ideas for matches. What does a win over Chavo mean other than pretty much nothing. This could actually be a good feud because Chavo does have talent. As does Bourne. They could put on great matches. But you can't take Chavo seriously because he loses to a midget on a weekly basis. That's where creative screwed up. Making Chavo look like a tool but want to establish a young superstar over him. The establishing Bourne I understand... but over Chavo? C'mon. Bourne isn't being buried by creative at all. They're scrambling to do anything possible to keep him relavent.
Evan going up against Chavo is a feeler feud. If he can hang with Chavo, put on some good matches, and have a all around good program with him, we will see Evan in some bigger and better feuds. Bourne was great on ECW, but Raw isn't ECW, he needs to prove himself again. Once he does that, which he will, then he'll be moved farther up the ladder. Bourne is a great talent, the fans MTFO for him and don't think Vince hasn't noticed, why else did he get the move to Raw? Evan will be fine. Just give him some time and let the WWE get the U.S. Title scene organized a bit more and get some actual feuds lined up, and when he finishes up with Chavo, we will see Bourne move up the ranks and not just have some random matches.

I totally agree. Creative has been teasing this feud for several weeks. IF creative has any ideas with this they will make this Evan/Chavo feud something worth watching. I was enjoying the match last night until Hornswoggle came out and started messing with Chavo. If this feud takes off it will help Evan establish himself on Raw and get Chavo out of the suck hole his career has been in for the past several months and help establish him as a credible wrestler once again.
While Chavo isn't much of a feud, it's still something for Even Bourne to do which means they're keeping him on television. The WWE fans respond to Bourne, he's exciting to watch in the ring and is very young.

I expect the WWE to send Bourne to Smackdown probably around the time of the next WWE Draft. With guys like John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler and a few others in the mid-card scene, Bourne could wind up being placed in some good feuds that'll give him a chance to shine and have some great matches. I don't look for much to happen with him on Raw. While Raw has focused more attention on the mid-card scene, it still has some work ahead of it if it wants to be on the same level as Smackdown's.
Yea He should go Smackdown Feud with Rey Mysterio If he comes back from suspension. Get a Ic Title push against John morrison. Or they Could put him back to Ecw. But that would be a horrible since most of The people who could have fueded with or now in diffrent brands.
And if Vince is leaving Bourne on raw At least give the guy a story line.
Ok...seriously. We're talking about Evan Bourne, here. Evan Bourne.

What has Evan Bourne accomplished in his career? 3 things come to mind:

1) He was voted into a ECW Title match at Cyber Sunday 2008. Ok...cool. So the fans like him. Awesome. Or at least they liked him more than Finlay and Mark Henry.

2) He was MAYBE friends with Rey Mastrio? I'm really digging for stuff here. This lasted like 1 or 2 shows.

3) He got injured. And he was missed from ECW. But he was probably missed in the capacity that DJ Gabriel would be missed from ECW.

So, are we really getting huffy about a guy who has done...well, not really anything...in WWE getting buried? Buried from what?...being a midcarder on the C show? Bourne does a shooting star press. Cool. But that's all he has done. He's not really ever spoken, so the creative opportunities are fairly limited.

Bourne has some serious potential as far as a lightweight goes...but don't expect him to be doing anything prominent for awhile. WWE seems to be building stars gradually these days.

P.S. The Chavo-Hornswaggle segment is my favorite on Raw...so for me, Bourne is a main-eventer.
lets put it this way. Plain and simple, point blank period. Vince McMahon and his creative team are a bunch of fucking idiots. They create thi retarted shit and forces the millions of Americans (young kids and the family) to watch this stale boring, product. Us (the real wrestling fans) has no choice but to deal with this. wtf? Honestly im sick of seeing hornswoggle's little green ass come out with his stupid lilttle water gun spraying chavo. In fact im sick of the entire fued. Can someone tell me the point of it/Its like seriously, deaf blindlady can come up with better storylines. I havent watched Raw in 3 weeks for the simple fact it shows the same thing over and over. There is nothing new. Evan bourne is great talent who i feel should leave when his contract expires. And head to TNA who actually utilizes there talent. And for god sakes DX is back....again...which isnt even the real DX its a kid friendly DX who's purpose is a contridiction. They want to appeal to kids but you got the whole crowd saying "SUCK IT" WTF!!!! The WWE is that uncle that will not leave your house and you have to put up with his shit cuz you love him regardless. Shawn even stated in a interview he wasnt comfortable with DX bein brought back he doesnt even do the crotch chops correctly. If they do not start building young stars like evan, in 5 years whe all the good wrestlers like taker, hhh, edge, the hardys, orton etc are gone the WWE will have trouble ofcourse assuming TNA gets the deals i think are coming in the future.
I consider myself a real wrestling fan...and I love the Hornswaggle segments. Perhaps because I am cool with sitting back and being entertained. If you have Evan Bourne go out there and have a ROH style match with Chavo, then no one is going to care. It's PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. It's a byproduct of the circus. There are supposed to be crazy antics, and having little people as part of the act is a rich part of professional wrestling's history.
Are people honestly flipping out over Evan Bourne being "buried" right now? :disappointed:

What do you people want? You want Evan Bourne in the main event? Newsflash: That's NEVER going to happen. Bourne is over, but the chances of him being a main eventer at his size are slim to none. Only one man that small comes to mind as a main eventer, and that was Rey Mysterio. And for the love of Christ, let's not even begin comparing Bourne to Rey f'n Mysterio yet.

Bourne has done nothing to warrant a spot higher than he has. I for one am actually interested to see what develops between Chavo and Bourne. Could I do without the Hornswoggle bullshit? Of course, but those two are gifted wrestlers, and they could have a good feud if booked correctly. This is exactly the place Bourne should be right now. Being in the lower midcard on Raw is a step above being a midcarder on ECW, it truly is people.

We can talk about Evan Bourne being buried in a few years, because right now he is exactly where he belongs.
The Hornswoggle/Chavo feud got so bad that they put Evan Bourne into it hoping the crowd would get into it, but it just gets worse and worse with every passing week. Chavo deserves better and Evan is way too damn good to let this hold him back. What a crock. Evan is off the charts amazing and he is subjected to this? WTF. Hopefully something good will come out of this, because he is way too talented for this crap!
I don't think Bourne has anything to worry about creatively. His mini-feud with Chavo is just so he has something to do. I was a little concerned with his lack of air time and wins a little while ago, but, as someone said, "You can't push all the mid-carders all the time."

I do agree though that Bourne would be much better off on SmackDown, but then again, everyone would.
I really don't think that they're going to fully kill the Bourne thing. I think they're trying to kill the Chavo/Hornswaggle joke feud and possibly build a legit feud with them. Could just be my opinion of a good feud. Maybe bringing in more cruiserweights and bringing back the cruiserweight belt maybe? *hopes*
oh wow! i was just thinking about posting a thread about this topic lmao
while watching raw last night i was thinking, "damn evan bournes career is over" lol

this thing with borune helping horny NEEDS to stop or else evan is done with his dreams of becoming a big star
oh wow! i was just thinking about posting a thread about this topic lmao
while watching raw last night i was thinking, "damn evan bournes career is over" lol

this thing with borune helping horny NEEDS to stop or else evan is done with his dreams of becoming a big star

There is no way this will hurt Bourne's career. It appears that Creative is trying to slowly build a feud with Chavo which is a lot better than just having two people feud just because they aren't doing anything else. The only career the Hornswaggle/Chavo feud is hurting is Chavo's.
Don't hate on DJ, Lewington is a pretty skilled guy and the gimmick was mildly entertaining.

Another superstar lost in the mix and Alicia will never amount to much in the Womens/Diva's ranks.

It's another hark to WWE hating managers and being the reactive push monkeys we've become used to.

Bourne is popular to an extent but he needed to thrive on ECW and work on his promos - Let him use Cyclorama and Here We Go or the Slice if Melina won't bitch.

ECW is meant to be the proving grounds but all to soon they push a wrestler who loses momentum and they return to ECW. Shelton, Kozlov the list goes on
Chavo/Hornswaggle was Vince's way to "punish" Chavo because Vickie left (taking ratings and legitimate heel heat with her). Chavo is getting the heat over Vickie leaving because of the fact they share the same Guerrero last name. Vince always has to blame and "punish" somebody and take out his frustrations on them when ratings go south and always has to 'initiate' a new WWE wrestler (but well known elsewhere) with an awful and ridiculous first-time gimmick to 'humble' them and let them know that Vince is the boss.

Now the feud is getting stupid and we see Bourne in the feud. This feud will build up Bourne for his next feud while Chavo gets buried further and further down. Deep down, I really believe that Vince really despised the Guerrero's from the days of Gory and Hector but knew they could draw and make him money.
Moving him to Smackdown would be good, but its not exactly necessary. A good feud with Chavo should be enough, then he can move on to Carlito and can pick up a huge push if they let him feud with Masters (who hasnt been doing anything except helping heels) he'll be really for a US title match. Evan is one of the most exciting new superstars we have here in the WWE, and to let him go to waste like that is not a great decision by the WWE.
I'm an Evan Borune fan myself, but honestly people want too darn much. Back in the day a wrestler had to earn their spot before being pushed to the moon. Guys like Jeff Hardy, HBK, HHH, ect all were in limbo, jobbing, and had to work their way up. Yet now a days if your favorite wrestling isn't world champion a year or two in people get all upset.

Bourne is still reletively new. He isn't hugely over in the WWE yet(I swear you can still hear crickets)even though he had a nice little push in ECW. Also at least he's on the card and getting used. Right now their's alot going on, so I understand why guys like Kofi, The Miz, Swagger, ect are getting better spots/segments/feuds.

Give it time. It's fustrating but if Bourne can wow the audience(get consistent pops), and wow creative, he'll get his chance. Who knows maybe some of Hornswoggle's "overness" will rub off on Evan and make he connect better with the fans.

He really hasn't show any reason why he should get big ole' pushes yet, and he's got to earn the right. Just because he can flip and do a shooting star press(which I love personally)doesn't mean he's going to be a huge star. It takes time.

And personally I hate the Hornswoggle/Chavo/Bourne thing, but just like in life, not everything is perfect or the way I want things.
I consider myself a real wrestling fan...and I love the Hornswaggle segments. Perhaps because I am cool with sitting back and being entertained. If you have Evan Bourne go out there and have a ROH style match with Chavo, then no one is going to care. It's PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. It's a byproduct of the circus. There are supposed to be crazy antics, and having little people as part of the act is a rich part of professional wrestling's history.

This. To think I leave for a few months and it still takes the likes of Ricky to tell everyone that professional wrestling is a sideshow in and of itself. It's going to be over the top. It's what it's there for.

Are people honestly flipping out over Evan Bourne being "buried" right now? :disappointed:

What do you people want? You want Evan Bourne in the main event? Newsflash: That's NEVER going to happen. Bourne is over, but the chances of him being a main eventer at his size are slim to none. Only one man that small comes to mind as a main eventer, and that was Rey Mysterio. And for the love of Christ, let's not even begin comparing Bourne to Rey f'n Mysterio yet.

Bourne has done nothing to warrant a spot higher than he has. I for one am actually interested to see what develops between Chavo and Bourne. Could I do without the Hornswoggle bullshit? Of course, but those two are gifted wrestlers, and they could have a good feud if booked correctly. This is exactly the place Bourne should be right now. Being in the lower midcard on Raw is a step above being a midcarder on ECW, it truly is people.

We can talk about Evan Bourne being buried in a few years, because right now he is exactly where he belongs.

...And this. What has Bourne do to get over? He wasn't even getting cheered until Swagger gave him that fluke win. And even then, the cheers should have been louder for a dude who fucking does that Shooting Star or whatever the fuck it is. If Jeff Hardy (whom I love, by the way) can get mega, insanely over by jumping off of high shit then Bourne can duplicate at least a tiny fraction of that reaction with a moveset that is Mysterio's, except with a crazy Hardy jump. But, you know how it goes.

At any rate, why are we worried that Bourne is in a lower spot than The Swoggle? Swoggle is currently getting better and louder reactions than Bourne, putting him in a higher echelon than Bourne. Sorry dudes. If Bourne can't half the reaction of a short leprechaun, then he doesn't deserve to be any higher than he is. And I'll say the same thing about any other wrestler. At least they're trying to save Bourne by giving him a rub from The Swoggle. (Which is incredibly sad, by the way.)

Though, of course, everyone will whine about lower midcard. Okay. It's still higher than ECW midcard. Give it a year before you start overreacting like a bunch of ECW marks at the Hammerstein Ballroom because Sabu botched yet another move into the crowd barrier.
All I can say on this is that Bourne was much better on ECW. He was really over. He is in the land of the "big boys" now. By that, I simply mean physically large guys. It just wouldn't be realistic to put him over on RAW because realistically it wouldn't seem possible for him to beat any of the big guys. I realize that wrestling is scripted, but certain things just aren't believable no matter what.
...And this. What has Bourne do to get over? He wasn't even getting cheered until Swagger gave him that fluke win. And even then, the cheers should have been louder for a dude who fucking does that Shooting Star or whatever the fuck it is. If Jeff Hardy (whom I love, by the way) can get mega, insanely over by jumping off of high shit then Bourne can duplicate at least a tiny fraction of that reaction with a moveset that is Mysterio's, except with a crazy Hardy jump. But, you know how it goes.

At any rate, why are we worried that Bourne is in a lower spot than The Swoggle? Swoggle is currently getting better and louder reactions than Bourne, putting him in a higher echelon than Bourne. Sorry dudes. If Bourne can't half the reaction of a short leprechaun, then he doesn't deserve to be any higher than he is. And I'll say the same thing about any other wrestler. At least they're trying to save Bourne by giving him a rub from The Swoggle. (Which is incredibly sad, by the way.)

Though, of course, everyone will whine about lower midcard. Okay. It's still higher than ECW midcard. Give it a year before you start overreacting like a bunch of ECW marks at the Hammerstein Ballroom because Sabu botched yet another move into the crowd barrier.

First off, Evan Bourne has actually gotten pretty decent reactions since he had his first few matches on ECW last summer.

And I don't know what show your watching, but Evan Bourne has been getting ridiculously crazy reactions. Yes Hornswoggle does get a big reaction from everyone, but Evan Bourne get's at least the same or bigger of a reaction each week. Go back and watch Raw from this past monday, Bourne's reaction was like 5 times louder than Hornswoggle's.

But, I do agree that he's doing something at least. Especially on Raw, and not ECW. The U.S. Champion is hardly even on Raw and Bourne is on nearly every week, which is actually a good thing.

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