Is ECW Bourne again?

Evan Bourne is the only reason i watch ECW. I started watching him in WSX and he realy isnt that bad on the mic. His mix of athleticsism and charisma is something that i have NEVER seen before and it's truly something special. With that said i hope that WWE doesnt hot shot him towards any title in the WWE. Bourne needs to build up a legitamate fan base before he can win a title.
Personally, I think they shouldn't hot-shot him a title. I'm a big fan of the "rising the ranks" concept of the old days (wherein like, you'd win a tag team title, make a name for yourself, win the IC title once or twice, then move up and win the WWE title and stay in the main event). Hot-shotting titles to people belittles it, I think, and it ends up coming off as "we really, really, really want you to just like this guy, please, cause we think he's marketable".

But Bourne is a great talent. What I'd really like to see them do is tag-team him with Rey Mysterio. I'd love to see the two of them as a mentor/apprentice role, but WITHOUT the standard "younger talent turns on the mentor and claims he's better, then they feud" type of storyline. I say, team them up and either give them the tag titles or just have them come out to each other's matches like Dreamer/Delaney were doing. Then, Mysterio could effectively pass the torch as the babyface high-flyer of the company that the kids like from himself onto Bourne, as Mysterio only has a few years (5 max, I'd say) before retiring.

isnt the entire point of the ecw to help development stars now?? "hot-shotting" him to the ecw title is just as giving him the ic title imo..because of the show its on, i actually think it would be a very good move to make bourne ecw champion, it just prooves to me "hey your good, we like you, your new, so were going to put you on the top of our NEW stars" other than matt hardy/(dare i say) mark henry, ecw has pretty much all new stars...and i find matt/mark should go back to the other rosters, and just make it kinda like a fcw type thing out of wwe....if you know what i mean i dunno i could be wrong, (older posters correct me if i am) but, this is the way i see it
Matt Bourne is no doubt a very exciting, refreshing and talented wrestler. He amazes me week after week and better yet entertain's me. I would like him to beat lower talent for another month and then get transfer over to smackdown, and from their go in the US Title Hunt. He could have some very good feuds with Benjamin or Kendrick.
Matt Bourne is no doubt a very exciting, refreshing and talented wrestler. He amazes me week after week and better yet entertain's me. I would like him to beat lower talent for another month and then get transfer over to smackdown, and from their go in the US Title Hunt. He could have some very good feuds with Benjamin or Kendrick.

i think raw would be the best choice for him, with guys like santino, rey, cena batista, kofi, etc.. he would work a lot better with them since they are fairly developed, taking him to smackdown would pit him agaisnt rising stars that if one puts the other over, the other looks weak, fueding with benjamin/kendrick are perfect examples of this, but fueding with a guy like rey, can make it look as "passing the torch" mentor/pupil type thing, with rey MANAGING bourne while hes "injured" rey gets back in the ring, and bourne "looks to proove something" that would work rey puts bourne over, neither looks weak bourne goes on to face kofi wins the title, loses it to a guy like cm punk when hes out of the title picture, and bourne moves up to the title picture, all that good stuff (im talking like a year from now) a move to raw, would be much more effective than a move to smackdown..imo.
Bourne just gets me more and more excited. The attempted Hurricanrana he converted into a DDT...the standing moonsault where he touches his knees on the way down...every match there's something incredible. He sells really well, too. Bags of charisma, his pops get bigger and bigger every week.

One thing annoys me, though. Some announcer idiot said he was only 5 foot 6 on the most recent ECW. Huh? I know heights in wrestling are flexible, but do they really expect us to believe this? Bourne's easily 5/9, maybe 5/10. Any moron can see that.
Damn, get this guy off of ECW because he's ready to start climbing the ranks of Smackdown or Raw. I'd prefer Raw because then Bourne could team up with Kofi Kingston to feud with Rhodes/Dibiase for the Tag Team Titles, whether Kofi's still Intercontinental Champion or not! Truly Evan Bourne is a great talent and could easily become a mid-card Champion before the end of the year, IF Kofi has already lost the title.

However, due to the fact that both Kofi and Evan are/could be great Intercontinental Champions make you wonder if with two great faces with similar styles if they should be going for the same title.

So... maybe move Evan Bourne to SD! to feud with Shelton Benjamin, which could be a totally insane feud. Heck maybe even have him and Jeff Hardy win the Tag Team Titles. Either way, Bourne's future is totally golden!
He is good, i'll give him that. Maybe not as good as a lot of people are saying but I certainly enjoy watching him week on week. That shooting star is astounding and his kicks and headscissor moves are ones you dont see every day.
I dont see a massive amount of potential in the lad, but its too soon for me to see, or maybe I just wanna sit on the fence for a little while longer.

I wanna see him work to the crowd a little more, stop a few times during the match for a little pop, like before heading to the top rope or smtg. He also needs to start doing some promo's too, or at least explore his character a little more.To me he seems to have no personality or background or anything really, I just have no idea who he is or anything about him... except what i see in the ring..which is still very impressive, but.... I suppose it will come with time and experience and confidence. hopefully with Chavo he will get that.

I can see a good couple of months in Bournes future, possibly getting to work with Dreamer, Hardy and hopefully against Miz and Morrison. An oppertunity to get him on Smackdown will be good for him too. I can also see an encounter between him and "the" Kendrick at some point down the line.
This is why I like ECW. It really gives the younger guys a chance to shine. Both CM Punk, Kofi and Shelton all have straps on them. If that doesn't tell you the impact being in ECW has had for them, I don't know what will.

As of now, I say keep Bourne on ECW. Let him have a chance to work with the majority of the roster there. He has a chance to be a main eventer on ECW, but will only probably be a low carder on RAW/SD. Take the CM Punk route. They branded him real well until the finally moved him onto the big show.
Evan Bourne is the reason I watch ECW right now. I used to like watching Punk, Burke, and Kofi on there but with 2 gone and one never appearing, this guy is the star right now. Once Matt Hardy wins the ECW title and feuds with Morrison, ECW will actually be able to have a good show again based around these young guys. It really does some that he can fly and is well worth the moniker "Air-Bourne" If nothing else, ECW is accomplishing it's task of getting these young guys noticed and making them stars. I'd love to see Bourne start feuding with some bigger guys after Chavo and maybe even having a run with the ECW title, which would give it more of an 'extreme' feel.
His SSP is an unbelievable finisher too. I haven't seen anyone ever do it better. WWE was very wise to let him use it.
The sky's the limit for this kid. If not the ECW title, he could easily go to Smackdown and feud with Shelton for the U.S. title or team with Hardy for the tag titles.
So, some time has gone by and Mr Bourne, thanks to the ECW/RAW talent exchange, is moving up into the big-time. It looks as though they're planning to assign him some sort of role for certain in the Kane/Mysterio feud. Certainly Rey needs the help, the size disparity is just a joke. Once that's finished, I definitely see him and Mysterio teaming up more regularly - Team Priceless badly need the babyface competition!

Interestingly, the the crowd was completely flat when he came out for the tag match against Miz and Morrison. Clearly nobody knew who the hell he was. By the end of match the crowd was anything but flat - it was incredible tag match, and they weren't just cheering for Rey Rey, either. This week, the reaction was much better. I don't see him have any problems getting over with RAW watchers, who have spent too long watching uncoordinated Big Men like Batista and JBL.

The fun thing is, WWE haven't seen all of this kid's moveset either, not by a long way. I like the way they've unveiled it bit by bit. A star has been Bourne here....
Looks like Rey Mysterio has a new apprentice. I was surprised that WWE let him get the jump on Kane. But if they want to have fans take him seriously then they're going the right way about it. The matches won't be pretty. But if Bourne can win it could really do something for him.

Maybe Rey Mysterio is coming to the end of his career.
I really like Evan Bourne, I think he needs to stay on RAW or SmackDown. RAW would be preferable for myself.

His Shooting Star Press is simply amazing. We were watching RAW when he was tagging with Mysterio and I told my friend, man you have to see his Shooting Star Press and my friend was slightly sceptical but he was suprised when he hit the SSP on Kane.

The WWE have something which could be huge, lets hope they don't stuff up on Evan Bourne.
I love this guy!!!!

I don't normally watch ECW but wtaching him on Raw, he really impressed me

But It does make me think why did wwe get rid of the cruizerwieght title I would much rather watch matchs with guys like bourne than crap divas matches wich im sure are just put in to give people a chance to make a sandwich.
Bourne has the makings to be a major star in the coming year. Hell, there already sticking him into the 619-Kane feud on Raw (probably because there're gonna try and draw comparisons to Rey and Bourne and hope some of Rey's popularity rubs off on Bourne).

His move-set's phenomenal too. Like the person above said: Best SSP in WWE. Better than Kidman. Kidman just knda dropped it on his oppenents (therefore making it so dangerous, as we saw with the Chavo incident in 2004). Bourne is able to actually get some air, to make sure he gets the full rotation, and land it properly (I love the fact that he's able to grab his ankles in the rotation too, f**king phenomenal). Oh, and that crazy almost like-a-double-leg-lariat-takedown from the top rope. It's amazing he doesn't over shoot his mark, or worse, nail the guy in the head lol

Bourne's got something going for him, even if his promo work needs improvement (I have to admit, that promo on him confronting Kane was horrible, he looked like one of those nerdy marks saying how Rey inspired him and stuff). But yeah, definately think he'd work well with the ECW title, or maybe move him to Raw and work with the IC title area (I'd like to see Bourne v.s Kingston at some point, think that'd be a show-stealer)
Apparently not for much longer as WZ has reported that there are already plans to move Bourne to RAW perminatly, at some point during this ECW Talent Exchange I'd imagine, although it could be much longer though. I disagree with the move as WWE has been doing this alot with many talents in ECW, taking them after only a short debut. Evan Bourne could actually be the one talent that could rise the ranks to become ECW champion and make it become more legit. Right now no mainevent talent will ever go to ECW and become champ. Hardy, Henry, Morrison, that's about the best it's gonna be for ECW champion. Now, I know Bourne is no mainevent talent right now. But, have him competitivly go after it, make him actually act like he wants it, have it take some beatings, but in the end win and have a good long run with it, at least 6 months. Have him take on all challengers, win, have him show up on RAW or SD, take on challengers and champions. It'll do the same for him as putting the IC title on him on RAW will, but unlike when an IC champion takes on maineventers, it'll make ECW's seem more legit, sought after by those after the big two. One pin, even in a tag match, over one of the Big Two, and boom Evan Bourne's a star and ECW title is a world title again, definitly not #1, but up there with them again. And from there on, when Bourne does leave ECW, he'll make an even bigger impact on RAW as a legit mainevent. If WWE really wants ECW to be born again, then they need to leave Bourne on ECW, he is the best thing on it and he is talented enough to carry it back up the ladder.
I have thought of Bourne as an Alex Shelley rip-off, but man oh man, I was wrong. This guy is better. I mean, ECW has possibly one of the best high flyers I have ever seen on their roster. He flies. He doesn't just go through the air by jumping either off the mat or the top rope. He flies through the air onto his opponent. He is one of the reasons I come back to ECW. He should tag team with a power wrestler. They'd be unbeatable.
Shock64, I wouldn't really consider you wrong. Evan Bourne IS an Alex Shelley (and Chris Saban) rip-off. The only difference is he's a rip-off that's making it, whereas they're a tag team struggling right now.

When Bourne debuted, I stick by what I originally said. I thought it really WAS Alex Shelley. I thought for whatever reason he'd been dropped from T.N.A. (it's not like they use him well anyways) and signed on with the W.W.E.. it also made since that he was in the same program that brought Chris Harris (a.k.a. Mr. Walker) in.

Evan Bourne is fun to watch, he's explosive, he's high flying, he's all the things you'd want in a Cruiserweight minus the actual division for him to flurish in. But when we break this down.. what will Bourne become? My guess.. mid-card level Champion, and that's being pret-ty open minded.

He's way too small to be a Heavyweight Champion, even by E.C.W. standards. He's touching Rey Mysterio size and advantages, without the ability to market by selling a mask, and he's basically a Cruiserweight without a division to thrive in. So he'll be forever 'fun' to watch, but he'll never be the main guy on any program.. ever.
Shock64, I wouldn't really consider you wrong. Evan Bourne IS an Alex Shelley (and Chris Saban) rip-off. The only difference is he's a rip-off that's making it, whereas they're a tag team struggling right now.

When Bourne debuted, I stick by what I originally said. I thought it really WAS Alex Shelley. I thought for whatever reason he'd been dropped from T.N.A. (it's not like they use him well anyways) and signed on with the W.W.E.. it also made since that he was in the same program that brought Chris Harris (a.k.a. Mr. Walker) in.

Evan Bourne is fun to watch, he's explosive, he's high flying, he's all the things you'd want in a Cruiserweight minus the actual division for him to flurish in. But when we break this down.. what will Bourne become? My guess.. mid-card level Champion, and that's being pret-ty open minded.

He's way too small to be a Heavyweight Champion, even by E.C.W. standards. He's touching Rey Mysterio size and advantages, without the ability to market by selling a mask, and he's basically a Cruiserweight without a division to thrive in. So he'll be forever 'fun' to watch, but he'll never be the main guy on any program.. ever.

But what is wrong with that???

Fun, explosive.... that sounds to me exactly what the Mid-Card needs. WWE's biggest problem right now is that with such a needlessly stacked main event they struggle to mantain a solid and entertaining momentum for the full two hours of a show. Evan Bourne could really become something special, he could be the greatest mid-carder of all time. He could be the one to put excitement, entertainment and class into either the tag team divisions or the IC division.

It's a damn shame that people can sometimes over look the importance of the mid-card, it never used to be that way. WWE had a winning formula for a while with 4 main eventers always in the title frame, a select group of upper-mid carders who could be thrown in to stir/ freshen things up whilst having insanely good feuds with the new mid-carders in the meantime.

In my eyes WWE are so worried that they are going to be criticized for not grooming new main-eventers the way WCW were that they are trying too hard, and the majority of the overall product fails because of it.

No one can argue that Bourne is a tremendous talent, he shouldn't need to be thrown into the Main-Event ever in his career to proove that. His role isn't to be the next Hogan, Cena, Austin.
the guy really is more than just a small guy that can fly around. He reminds me of Brian Kendrick but even better. Bourne is pretty good on the mic just as good if not better than Mysterio's. He has a crap load of charisma, and seems to have the fans behind him. I think he will have some sucess but it really depends if the WWE will be behind him. There has been some great smaller guys who were really good but never got the oppurtunity but hopefully he will rise. I think it's obvious to call him the next Mysterio or RVD but I think he has all the tools to do it.
Evan Bourne is talented. Theres no doubt about that. The guy is amazing in the ring and seems to have above average mic skills which is a huge bonus. He should be a great asset to the WWE for years to come. Starting out on ECW is the best thing the WWE could do for him as a rookie. He has been booked very well especially on Raw as well as ECW. He already has credibility and could even be challenging Matt Hardy for the ECW Championship this weekend at Cyber Sunday. He won't win, but if he gets voted in, it will be a huge accomplishment.

He is already over with the fans and has great potential. I noticed his greatness when he debuted under the name 'Matt Sydal' and I instantly made a thread about him because I was amazed with his in ring ability. A few months later and the guy has been in several ECW main events and has often been featured in one of the big matches of a few episodes of Monday Night Raw. He could be the next Rob Van Dam or Rey Mysterio but I really can't see him becoming a World Champion. He will most likely be a mid-carder for life as we all know Vince isn't a huge fan of the little guys.

He seems too small to be World Champion but I can see many Intercontinential and United States Championship reigns in his future. Hell, he could team with Kofi Kingston to become a successful tag team if given the right push at the right time. They could help bring credibility back to the tag team division by simply putting on great matches while holding the World Tag Team Championships. A feud with Priceless will benefit all 4 men greatly. Evan Bourne seems to have found his great and is growing with confidence every week. He improves all the time and COULD one day hold the ECW Championship. I don't consider that title as a major World Title but if Chavo Guerrero can win the title, then why can't Bourne in a few years time?
Sorry to break this to everyone, but Evan Bourne fucking sucks. He oversells badly, telegraphs, has zero phsycology, is laborious on the mic, and works an extremely spotty match. He is mildly entertaining for the athleticism, but when he is in the ring, it looks more like a choreographed dance, than a fight. His involvement in the triple threat the other night was absolute shit. His spots have zero logical transition (most of the time) and you can see them coming from far away. Hopefully these are things he will be able to ocercome, becuase he obviously understands the importance of selling, and he is pretty green. So there is hope, becuase he is very athletic, and willing to take risks, and its been said he is more than willing to be coached up.
Well at least a cruiserweight is getting a push now (expect Noble) into a brand's main title and main event. It's just a shame Sydal wasn't on RAW and London might be made use of as a tag team. Shame. Give Bourne credit for using many high flying moves WWE hasn't used for years.
WrestleZone said:
ECW Entertainer, Evan Bourne, who has been on a roll since being introduced by WWE, may have suffered a set-back last night.

Bourne tore ligaments in his ankle during the ECW Six-Man Tag Match.

He was examined in the back where the torn ligaments were diagnosed. He he was told it would be best to stay off the ankle, and out of WWE action for up to 4 months.

Bourne hopes to rehab the injury much sooner, and take as little time off as possible, if any, and try to work through the injury if he can.

Damn, this sucks. And he was on fire after his match with Matt at Cyber Sunday...kinda reminds of Kennedy, getting injured after such an impressive debut. Well, I wish him a speedy recovery and can't wait to see him back in action, because he's the damn bomb.
this is terrible news. Bourne was riding the crest of a wave. And doing it magnificently. Torn ligaments can be nasty: a friend of mine got them once from falling down a staircase. He could be out for a while. WWE will be much poorer without our favourite high-flyer. With luck he'll recover fully and won't have to alter his style upon return.
Darn!! I have yet to see this weeks ECW but that does not sound good - the Cyber Sunday match was brilliant imo :D
I hope he recovers properly tho', saying he wants to get back asap and preferably work through the injury is all cool and groovy as long as it doesn't mean he manages to injure himself further and/or make it worse. I really hope he is able to stick the same style and moves he was able to do before.
Best of luck to him I say :D

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