Isn't That A DQ?

Last night on RAW, Chavo had a singles match with Evan Bourne. It was actually a pretty decent match, and very refreshing to see Chavo actually wrestle. Then, much to the dismay of those over 12 years old, Hornswoggle decided to get involved. And how, do you ask? By using a Super Soaker. And yet, it was not ruled a DQ. The ref saw it. He looked right at Horny. But he did nothing. He didn't even try to force him out of the ring. This led to the expected victory for Bourne, via roll up.

I do have a problem with this, and not just because Hornswoggle once again screwed Chavo. Shouldn't this have been a DQ? Just last month, a match ended in DQ because Randy Orton entered the ring. That's it. Is anyone else bothered or annoyed by this huge inconsistency in the rules?
I think I don't know anything about rules anymore. When they want, they DQ someone for a hit, sometimes not...sometimes they get DQ with interference, now they not....the rules are not (as I think) something extra. ((sadly for us))
I think if this were anything but a storyline bit and if they were keeping any semblance of reality to this match, then yes that would be a disqualification. I guess it's just one of those situations of ref's discretion, and we all know that the refs both in just about all forms of professional wrestling are not exactly known for their consistency.

And as a slight correction, I don't think Evan Bourne actually got off a shooting star press, but instead nabbed Chavo from behind while he was kicking around Hornswoggle and school-boyed him for a quick pin. But then, I might be remembering the match wrong. But anyway, that's of little consequence.

The usual rule I've heard is "If the ref doesn't see it, it didn't happen." I suppose this is a case of "If the ref doesn't call it, it doesn't count."
To me it seems like WWE big wigs are deciding that rules are no longer needed but they will just throw them in when they pick and choose. It is a very unfortunate fact for all of us who have seen the product change over the years and also knew the rules and can pick up when they don't enforce them.
Those inconsistencies have been going on for years in the WWE though. Just the other day I was watching a match, and I noticed the ref was counting when someone would go to the top rope. Do the refs even still do that? Or what about the old days when getting thrown over the top rope resulted in a DQ. There's all kinds of stuff like that, that either just faded away, or in some matches rules got bent so the finish would be procured.
It's only water, it's not like he clocked him in the head with a 2x4. I know the feud sucks and you want it to end but again it's only water.
Because that was 4 the kids,because of yall i missed most of the match when i see Chavo i was like "the lil bastard and him fighting again"!I am too am tired of his lil ass!He aint funny except when they made Chavo wrestle wit 1 arm and a little lol when the Michael boy from Home Alone was there i am tired of that!Why does Air Bouenw need help when a midget beats him cleany?Stupid!He cant defend the Cruiser Title so we retire it but now wrestles everyweek?I remember they said that!Playing us but Chavo i do feel sorry for him,this been going on since Vickie left and Chavo suffers for it,Vince is pisssing on Edddie too and the whole Guerrero name!
The WWE doesnt really pay much attention to rules if it wont help the story the way they want it too.
I think it was at extreme rules when Cena had a submission match with the Big Show and he couldnt lock in the stf because Shows so big. So he puts his leg in the rope. But if Shows leg is in the rope Cena should have to break the hold. But Cena had to win somehow and had to look like a genius while doing it so they bend the rules for him.
The WWE wanted Chavo screwed out of a win and that was the best way of doing it.
yeah that was abit pointless bit really would of preferred them to have a match without that little cunt getting involved, but what i dont get is john cena won by dq in his match yet randy didn't hit him did he i thought he threw him out of the ring then cena won?
I was thinking the exact same thing when Hornswaggle got involved, because he technically attacked Chavo, watergun or not. If someone gets DQ'd for just entering the ring, than i'm sure this would account for a DQ. If they really wanted to use the segment, just have Horny distract Chavo, then Bourne roll-up for the win, THEN do the bit with the squirtgun for the kids. This would have at least kept the rules consistent to a degree.
That's it. Is anyone else bothered or annoyed by this huge inconsistency in the rules?

I would be, if it was a sport, but it's not is it? It's an entertainment show, aimed at children. You need to stop analysing the show as if it was real or you will just end up finding fault after fault instead of letting your mind freely enjoy the show.

On TV shows you always have faults, such as one person talking to someone at night, when another part of the show is taking place in daylight.

The winners of the matches aren't important unless a title is on the line. The matches are meant to further storylines, which the match did. In no way had they made it seem Chavo and Hornswoggle was finished so of course he was going to interfere. Anyone who thought he wouldn't are deluded.
The rules have been messed with so much more this year than I think I've ever seen in my life. The DQ wasn't called because Vince wants Hornswoggle to screw Chavo week in, week out. It's getting pretty sad. What's worse is it's making Evan Bourne look weak in the sense he needed help to beat Chavo, the same guy who's lost to Hornswoggle for week now. I don't know... this is just embarrassing.
Rules being ignored has been around for ages, and isn't just WWE.
Same with blind referees and mistaken ones who you can plainly see looking straight at something then turn away thinking, shit i wasn't meant to see that.

And ref's being totally incositent in enforcement of the rules.

All of these have existed since wrestling went primetime.

I do agree though that it's stupid,

use an example, When Triple H had to battle to get a title shot again and Ted Dibiase ran out, apparently if he'd hit Ted that woulda been a DQ??? how for hitting someone who was interfering against him and shoulda not even been at riungside, if anything that shoulda been a DQ against cody rhodes?

Or count out endings in a no DQ match. ???

Or titles can only be one by pinfall or submission, or when the ref,gm or owner decide to alter this rule which happens alot, so why not just permanently alter the rule to say if caught blatantly cheating said champ can lose his title by DQ or count out.

it boggles the mind. Best to just ignore it. the "hypothetical" Wrestling rule book (which by the way does not exist) rarely gets followed or gets amendments on a per match basis.

as for the case of RAW, hornswaggle just sprayed a bit of water on him. the ref was obviously sprayed in the eye b4 hand, or maybe he was texting someone and not paying attention, which you didn't see so he was totally unaware. :P
It should be a DQ, but this is a children's angle. We have to put up with bullshit like this as long as Hornswaggle has a job and is on RAW. Let it go.
First off, I'm just glad Bourne has finally had a match for the first time in a month besides his run ins to save hornsewoggle, and if they actually let chavo go into full guerrero lucha style with evan that would be a pretty cool match.
As for the lack of a dq I like to think that the WWE refs are like police officers. Some cops will let you go if your going 10 over or some will give you a ticket. Some refs are just not that touchy and let midgets with water guns come interfere. While others will end a match after a guy enters the ring but before he hits someone. I just ignore the stupid storyline pattern and just put it under as a ref's decision.
It's getting pretty sad. What's worse is it's making Evan Bourne look weak in the sense he needed help to beat Chavo, the same guy who's lost to Hornswoggle for week now. I don't know... this is just embarrassing.

I disagree to an extent. Chavo is a veteran. Bourne is not. So, IMO Bourne is not looking weak because he had assistance. Yea, maybe if they were feuding for a long time and this happened then yea, i'd be more inclined to agree. And yea a midget named Horny keeps beating Chavo everyweek in gimmick matches. But they're gimmick matches and half the time chavos eyes are covered.

Also, in a kayfabe sense, Chavo doesn't look bad, the WWE looks bad for not giving chavo a legit match with Hornswoggle .

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