The Chit Chat Forum--The Rules

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
There seems to be alot of confusion over what exactly this forum is for, so I thought I could clear up any confusion for you newer posters out there.

The Chit Chat forum is NOT for spam. There are sections for that, such as the Live Discussion/Spam Zone and the Bar Room (the forum with the ever changing name). Chit Chat is for real discussions about topics such as politics/whats going on in the world and general topics about random things that don't fit into any other forum's criteria.

So, these are the rules. If you break any of them expect a warning for the first violation, an infraction for the second and a possible banning for the third time. Thank you.

1. This forum is NOT for spam--thats for the spam zone and the Bar Room. Please make your posts atleast a few sentences in length. If thread topics are asking a question, don't just answer the question. Provide an explanation. (Example: Thread title: "Do you like sitcoms?" Bad Reply: "No.")

2. There is absolutely no flaming in this forum, if you don't agree with someone explain why you don't agree but do not attack them for simply having different opinions.

3. Please use the search tool at the top of the forum to look up any new thread topic you might be thinking of posting.

4. All of the basic forum rules apply obviously to this forum as well. You can read them HERE

Thanks and have fun guys!
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