Pet Peeves

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Did this on another forum and it exploded into an astounding success.

So hit me – some of your pet peeves?

Coupla' mine:

• People who use the word "irregardless". By saying irregardless, you are actually saying the opposite of what you really intended. The word 'regardless' already means despite or without regard, and the prefix –ir is a negative, so irregardless would mean not despite or not without regard, which is illogical.

• People who butcher the phrase "... couldn't care less" by reciting it as "... could care less". If you could care less, you obviously care. This makes no sense.

• People who who butcher the word "supposedly" by reciting it as "supposebly". Please, for the love of the English language, stop making up words because you're too lazy to understand how to pronounce the real one!

• Cotton balls. Seriously. Can't touch them. No idea why. Sends nasty chills down my spine.

• When people spell the word "lose" as "loose". Lose is not to win. Loose means not tightly.

• When people don't use capital letters.

• When people type "rediculous" instead of "ridiculous". Re- means again, so by typing "rediculous", you are insinuating that you were once diculous and are now diculous again.
The could/couldn't care less I intentionally mess up as often times I very well could care less. If I simply could not care less, I likely wouldn't be talking about it.
As for me, off the top of my head:

People that don't use a turn signal when changing lanes. I'm not sure why but this sets me off like no other. Is it that hard to flip a light on for 2 seconds to say hey, I'm about to move my 2500 pound machine that's going 60 miles an hour in front of you?
• Traditional tattoos. Are you really a sailor? Then why the hell do you have a pirate ship tattoo on your chest next to two giant nautical stars? Have you ever even been on a boat?

• "Reality TV". How many different versions of WHO WANTS TO MARRY A DOUCHE can you have? You want reality? Stop watching everyone elses lives, and live your own.

• DIY punk kids, and squatters who don't have a pot to piss in, but wear 100+ dollar doc martins and 150+ Leather Jackets. Fuck you and your uniform. Punk rock is dead, the Sex Pistols sucked, and St. Marks if for sellouts. Go BUY another Anarchy T-shirt and help support the CAPITALIST market you so passionatly pride yourself in hating.

• When couples celebrate an "anniversary" on a date that's anything but yearly.
When some idiot uses the word "ideal", when they mean "idea". Seriously, bro? you had a great ideal the other night? No, you had an "idea" the other night.

Also, douchebags who make up words. I'm looking your way, Moby.
As for me, off the top of my head:

People that don't use a turn signal when changing lanes. I'm not sure why but this sets me off like no other. Is it that hard to flip a light on for 2 seconds to say hey, I'm about to move my 2500 pound machine that's going 60 miles an hour in front of you?

I could go on and on about traffic pet peeves. How about the guys who wait until the very last second to get over when their lane is ending despite the fact that you generously slowed down long before to give them the opportunity?
People who whine about not having a job and it's being given to other people, but then don't want the job they're offered. If you want the damn job you'll take it.
• Movie quoters! I don't mean someone who uses the occasional quote... I mean the irritants who have a one-liner from some obscure film from the 80's or 90's for every single thing you could possible throw at them.

• Self-diagnosed "insomniacs" who actually sleep very little. Insomniacs don't sleep, jackass. Stop fishing for sympathy because you've got some kind of chemical instability.

• Hipsters.

• Bible thumpers.
• Traditional tattoos. Are you really a sailor? Then why the hell do you have a pirate ship tattoo on your chest next to two giant nautical stars? Have you ever even been on a boat?

If you're going to say this then I sugest you also mention any form of tribal tattoos. Seeing that the owner of the tattoo more than likely is a generic white dude and belongs to no tribe other than the collection of bro-dudes and dude-brahs he hangs with.
I could go on and on about traffic pet peeves. How about the guys who wait until the very last second to get over when their lane is ending despite the fact that you generously slowed down long before to give them the opportunity?

If you're going to say this then I sugest you also mention any form of tribal tattoos. Seeing that the owner of the tattoo more than likely is a generic white dude and belongs to no tribe other than the collection of bro-dudes and dude-brahs he hangs with.

Tribal tattoos are for the super-kewl people, though!

Ugh, I can't believe I typed that. Anytime I see a tribal piece, I blank out, and wake up with blood on my hands and clothes.
Unless it's a band logo. I've got the Godsmack logo on my left arm. My lone police report cites it as "Tribal sun".
People who criticize wrestling because it's fake then praise things like Avatar and Lost. Nothing wrong with enjoying those, but guess what. Along with just about everything else on tv they're fake.

These are the people who ocassionally ask "was that real?" when they do watch. None of it is real. They were already insightful enough to mention that before we started watching, but are suddenly confused.
On the subject of tattoos, people who get them on their knuckles and neck look absolutley stupid in my opinion even more so when they hit 50
If you're going to say this then I sugest you also mention any form of tribal tattoos. Seeing that the owner of the tattoo more than likely is a generic white dude and belongs to no tribe other than the collection of bro-dudes and dude-brahs he hangs with.

Yup. Those too.
I'm a very ordered person. I'm not OCD but it's pretty close.

Driving pet peves: People cutting me off, People not paying attention when the light turns green, people making a wrong turn when it clearly says no turn, thus blocking traffic. I could go on.

Working: people not using the knife that's there for sanitary reasons, people asking for one thing then wanting another.

Those are just some things.
On the subject of tattoos, people who get them on their knuckles and neck look absolutley stupid in my opinion even more so when they hit 50

If you consider tattos in the spots stupid than you should really consider all tattoos stupid. What difference does it make where it is? It's still the same thing. I'm not crazy about hand or knuckle tats but the neck is a good canvas to work with.
Political ads where the candidate being advertised isn't mentioned but the whole ad is saying the opponent did this and this and this and at the very end it's said that the candidate the ad is for won't do that so vote for him/her. Those make me want to vote for the other person as at least I know what they've done.
If you consider tattos in the spots stupid than you should really consider all tattoos stupid. What difference does it make where it is? It's still the same thing. I'm not crazy about hand or knuckle tats but the neck is a good canvas to work with.

It's probably more what I see people have in those places (silly messages and so on)

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