People that I fucking hate!

Thank you Nick.

The OP has a nice cushy job at a bank, easy to bitch at the less fortunate when everything is going your way. Why don't you try to find a job with tons of debt, a criminal record, a disability, or even being unattractive. Did you ever think that maybe some peoples aspirations aren't to be McDonalds workers either? All you do is eat there, why don't you try working it and see how you like it. Odds are you'd hate it and you wouldn't stick around because A. you are no better than anyone else, B. it's a shitty job and you wouldn't want to do it anymore than the next guy you are talking shit about. Just because you might have had some luck and things have went well for you doesn't mean that people who haven't been graced with being perfect like you are any of the bullshit you are saying.

Why don't you try being down and out, at the bottom, and try to crawl back up. You got the guts or the courage to get back up after life has beat you beneath the ground Mr. Perfect? I highly doubt it. People like you need to be feel what it is like to deal with real adversity, you don't seem to know what that is. I bet you'd be a little more humble is you weren't sitting there acting like hot shit because you have a decent job.

How would you feel asshole if you were the guy who was having a hard time finding a job for whatever reasons? You wouldn't like it, and then how would you feel when some hot shot little prick like yourself told you, you were lazy and this and that. You wouldn't like that either. Why don't you get some decency, and I'll wire you a quarter to go but some class asshole.

Heh... Working in a bank isn't even a "job"... I mean, what do you do? Stand there and count money? Especially a bank like Wells Fargo... You get paid more than most to do next to nothing. Enlighten me... What does your job entail?
Wells Fargo is more than a bank. It's loans, Mortgages, etc. My brother does their FHA loans and is a Notary Public

I understand that Wells Fargo does all that. But they have certain people trained for certain things. I'm simply asking what HIS job entails. Their Loan officers are specifically trained for that purpose. Their tellers are just that... Tellers. Their account officers are the same... I'm asking what HIS job is. And becoming a notary sucks, btw...
Heh... Working in a bank isn't even a "job"... I mean, what do you do? Stand there and count money? Especially a bank like Wells Fargo... You get paid more than most to do next to nothing. Enlighten me... What does your job entail?

Exactly, it's not like this fucking jerk has to bust his ass making mediocre wages to get by at a shit job. You do nothing, literally next to nothing. Odds are this guy sits on his ass at work all day answering phones or something, real hard work ya know. So what do you know OP about "swallowing your pride and taking whatever job"? You act like people are just handing out jobs but the truth is that it is becoming harder and harder to get any job let alone a fast food job. And when was the last time you even had to try? And what stood in your way if anything? Everything might have went perfect for you because your such a master of your existence, but shit happens to people that makes in very very difficult to get anything. Just because someone might not be doing so well, doesn't mean they are lazy, or don't want a job, or just want someone to take care of them. You might sit there and have no remorse for the people you are talking about because "you did everything right, and they're where they are because they didn't" but guess what that doesn't make you any better than anyone else. It only means that you were for whatever reason fortunate enough to not have to deal with the things those people had and have to deal with that has put them where they are. Put yourself in the shoes of the downtrodden and the defeated, the poor and the unlucky, try to dig yourself out of a hole high above your head.
Exactly, it's not like this fucking jerk has to bust his ass making mediocre wages to get by at a shit job. You do nothing, literally next to nothing. Odds are this guy sits on his ass at work all day answering phones or something, real hard work ya know. So what do you know OP about "swallowing your pride and taking whatever job"? You act like people are just handing out jobs but the truth is that it is becoming harder and harder to get any job let alone a fast food job. And when was the last time you even had to try? And what stood in your way if anything? Everything might have went perfect for you because your such a master of your existence, but shit happens to people that makes in very very difficult to get anything. Just because someone might not be doing so well, doesn't mean they are lazy, or don't want a job, or just want someone to take care of them. You might sit there and have no remorse for the people you are talking about because "you did everything right, and they're where they are because they didn't" but guess what that doesn't make you any better than anyone else. It only means that you were for whatever reason fortunate enough to not have to deal with the things those people had and have to deal with that has put them where they are. Put yourself in the shoes of the downtrodden and the defeated, the poor and the unlucky, try to dig yourself out of a hole high above your head.

LOL that quote job looks like I've seen that I wonder if anyone else will notice
It pisses me off as well. I mean, I just got a job at Primark, I'm not overly experienced in the area, I've never worked with clothes before, and have only just left school. But, while some ARE looking for work anywhere, most people are sat at home thinking "Well I'm not doing that job..." or "Well, I get more sitting at home on my arse..." So what it's a shop job that pays like £6 an hour, it's more than you lazy fuckers are making.

And half of those who DO get interviews turn up in fucking tracksuit bottoms or an unironed shirt. I mean, really, act like you WANT it. Those fuckers are worse than the ones who sit at home doing nothing - they ACT as if they want a job, so apply, but as soon as it becomes a possiblity they do what they can to not get the job. This way they can get the sympathy of "I am looking, I had an interview..." while still being sat at home doing fuck all, claiming jobseekers allowance as they technically are 'looking'.

Those who say no to a job because they get more sat at home, do they really have NO self respect? I'm 18, and literally left college 2 weeks ago, I could easily be sat at home doing nothing and have an excuse. Yet I don't WANT to be sat on my arse allowing other people to pay for me, and the fact some people are happy to do that is pathetic. They make more than I do, fucking government.

Who cares if you have casual, part-time hours, somewhere? It's still an income, it's still you giving to society and providing for your family, it's giving you even more experience... Argh I hate people.

Exactly !!!!!
You act like a fast food job is guaranteed. I've been home from college for a month looking for a summer job and the only reason I finally found a fast food job a couple days ago was because I have two friends that work their and bugged the owners constantly to hire me. I applied at countless other fast food places over the last month and couldn't even get a proper interview.

I had this exact problem myself. No jobs are easy to get these days.
It took me months to find a job. I can't remember how many places I applied, and I just recently got hired by Home Depot. I am outside all day loading peoples cars for them. Nothing is worse than being outside all day in the Florida heat and loading 30 bags of shingles into the back of a truck only to turn around and have to load 20 bags of cement into a trunk of a car.

But at least its a job.
The only thing regarding Job interviews I dislike is when you go through more than one.. and the same exact questions are asked over and over. Its like they expect your answer to alter, and won't accept.. "Yeah, I answered this earlier."

That and Walmart's "there is no right or wrong answer" questions. Like the..

"If someone is not caught stealing but instead shoplifting a candy bar they were going to pay for without money the didn't have, and you seen them without seeing them, would you tell someone you didn't see what was seen that you thought you could've not seen before?"
The only thing regarding Job interviews I dislike is when you go through more than one.. and the same exact questions are asked over and over. Its like they expect your answer to alter, and won't accept.. "Yeah, I answered this earlier."

That and Walmart's "there is no right or wrong answer" questions. Like the..

"If someone is not caught stealing but instead shoplifting a candy bar they were going to pay for without money the didn't have, and you seen them without seeing them, would you tell someone you didn't see what was seen that you thought you could've not seen before?"

I applid to Walmart, and a screen came up saying I failed the application. I didn't know that was possible. My dad said I got the race wrong.
I applid to Walmart, and a screen came up saying I failed the application. I didn't know that was possible. My dad said I got the race wrong.

I can honestly believe that. I have a gay friend who was fired when they found out. He didn't tell them he was gay. Then they over heard people talking, confronted him, he admitted to it, and was shortly released for "poor job performance".
The reason I ask about what OP bank job entails, is because I can almost guarantee he makes well above minimum wage to do almost nothing. It pisses me off, because I work in a bank as well, but I BARELY make above minimum wage. Our company put a salary freeze in place a little while after I started, because of the shitty economy. I'm a teller, loan officer, and an account officer who gets paid less than a regular teller at a "big" bank. I love my job, but for someone to come in here and say shit like that really pisses me off. I do all of what a "normal" teller does and then some. I call people to recover negative accounts, which is a fucking walk in the park, lemme tell ya. Nobody wants a collections call, and that isn't even what it is... It's a goddamn courtesy call to let you know, "Hey, your account is overdrawn by 87.00 and you're gonna charge off on us. You wanna set up an arrangement to pay it off over time?" People who sit at home and pretend to look for work and get paid more than me are at the top of my shit list. I hope to god you get caught and have to pay back every single red fucking cent you didn't earn, so that my hard earned paycheck doesn't get divvied up amongst you *****. Eat shit, catch pneumonia, and rot on your fucking couch, you lazy, no good, worthless sack of placenta tasting donkey fetuses... I hope to meet one of you someday, because I will beat the everloving shit out of your fucking ears... Have a good day!
I hate everyone equally.

Onto more pressing matters... Nothing wrong with anything as a job. I've worked at a fast food place in Subway for 3 years. I work eight hours a day, five days a week there and get roughly $15 Australian Dollars an hour. On my two off days, I participate in other "jobs." One day is volunteering for the Special Olympics teaching kids to play sport, and the other is by helping out my dad with the family business. So essentially, I work every day of the week, five I get paid for (always late, though) and one cash-in-hand.

As long as you're legit looking, who cares?
People that sit at home all day and expect other people to take care of them!

People that make excuses of why they cant get jobs but there perfectly capable of working!
Fucking losers!

People who can't differentiate there, their, and they're. It is so simple. Why is is it so hard for others?
I flip weed to get by. Not to sound cool, I wish I could get a fucking job. But this is the only thing I got going for me. Fast food places don't even want to hire a convicted felon. I don't sit at home and expect other people to take care of me. I handle my own business. I have no shame in accepting my food stamps, if you take issue with it you can go fuck yourself. It's there for a reason.

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