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People that I fucking hate!

Sorry to get going again but some other things popped in my mind in regards to the topic and the OP. OP, you know why people don't just take fast food jobs where they are going to get low wages and mediocre hours? Because those low wages and mediocre hours aren't enough to make it. If you need to make "X" amount an hour to pay all your bills, anything less doesn't help and makes your effort futile. Are you stupid? You don't see that? Why don't you try it and tell me how well your plan for everyone else works for yourself.

How about this slick, what if you don't have a car, or no money for a bus, or no nice clothes for an interview, or no phone, or how about even no hope? You know how that feels asshole, to be hopeless? To try, and try, and try and against all your efforts to have everything turn on you to spite you? You know what it's like to have to pick yourself up off the ground over and over and over and over? Eventually people lose hope.

Everything isn't as cut-and-dry or as easy as you make it. Life may have dropped everything in your lap, but that doesn't happen for everybody. For you to judge someone because their down on their luck, beaten down, hopeless, hurt, struggling, and have faced a reality that you better pray you never face is thoughtless, low, and cruel. Have you no compassion for the strife of others? You think it's easy to just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on going. It's not. You do not know defeat apparently, but someday you will and when you do hope that someone else doesn't look on you as you are looking on whoever you have in mind. People like you who are so heartless and cynical about the hardship of others need knocked off your pedestals so you can see what it's like down here on Earth.
But, while some ARE looking for work anywhere, most people are sat at home thinking "Well I'm not doing that job..."

While I understand a job is a job, and most people need 'said' job to provide a living. I will say in defense, working is what most people will do over 70% of the time in their whole life. Do you really want to take on a job, as an adult, that will make you miserable and asking the question "Is life really worth this shit?"

I'm thankful everyday I have the job I do. Its a dream job to me. Something I love doing and never want to quit on. However, I didn't reach the 'mountain top' in one stride. I hit several bumps along the way, and have indeed quit many a job that made me flat-out miserable and wanting to loathe life entirely. (especially that of a Gas Station, and Walmart working for a 19 yr old who thought life would be better to fuck with the sole male in her unit.)

I'm now 28 years old. I have a Wife, and two children. I will provide where I can, how I can. But I'm also not about to lower myself for morons and fucknuts to walk all over me because they feel they can.

or "Well, I get more sitting at home on my arse..."

This is the line I can again trace back to my friend. He worked at a Store that shut down at that location. As a result, he makes more oddly enough in unemployment than he did per bi-weekly paycheck off the hours he was getting.

So, when looking at the situation through that perspective, you also have to understand.. is it worth more to bust your ass and make less. Or rest up, look sparingly, and make more that you can save back?

And half of those who DO get interviews turn up in fucking tracksuit bottoms or an unironed shirt. I mean, really, act like you WANT it. Those fuckers are worse than the ones who sit at home doing nothing - they ACT as if they want a job, so apply, but as soon as it becomes a possiblity they do what they can to not get the job. This way they can get the sympathy of "I am looking, I had an interview..." while still being sat at home doing fuck all, claiming jobseekers allowance as they technically are 'looking'.

I wanted to break this down to only include what I was replying to. Unfortunately, the whole bit is pretty much important..

I had an interview for a Front Desk job at a Hotel a couple years back. I dressed up business-like. Black dress pants, dress shirt, tie, dress shoes even. I had my interview, the Manager even said she was highly impressed with the way I conducted myself in the interview and was "putting me top of the list".

She said she was most impressed with how in the interview, I said on more than one time that I wanted the job. Instead of saying I needed it. Apparently that is a big thing with Management. They want someone who WANTS to work for them, not someone who's only applying because they NEED anything available.

... I was told I'd have a 2nd/final interview with the Owners. That interview never came. The reason? I have no clue. The individual hired? I've heard rumors that it was someone who knew the Manager/Owners.

So.. in the end, I acted on everything I was suppose to. I knocked everything I could've out of the 'ballpark' and in the end, still got shafted in favor of a "friend" of the Employees. :disappointed:

Those who say no to a job because they get more sat at home, do they really have NO self respect?

You say they have no self-respect. I say they're thinking more logically then you want to admit. You need to factor in several situations.

How much in expenses will it cost me, to have this job? (ie. Gas, transportation, food at work/on breaks, etc.)

Obviously if you're taking a "pay-cut" in going from unemployment to having a job.. while you're securing your long-term future, you could be accidentally hurting your present self.

So, before you go off saying everyone has no self respect - think a little outside the box on why they're sitting at home instead of taking a job.

I'm 18, and literally left college 2 weeks ago, I could easily be sat at home doing nothing and have an excuse. Yet I don't WANT to be sat on my arse allowing other people to pay for me, and the fact some people are happy to do that is pathetic. They make more than I do, fucking government.

Good for you, that you wanna work. Most teenagers can't look beyond a mirror and the stupid over-priced clothing they wanna buy. However, again I have to say you're seemingly showing a jealous streak toward people who get paid more by sitting at home.

Almost as if you want to do it yourself, but couldn't bare the backlashing someone else would give you.. or the downward frowns you'd get for doing such a thing.

Me? Again, I'm more thankful each and everyday that I have the job I do. I'd work there forever if I could. But if something ever happened to that job, and no other was available that I couldn't see as something that would at least make me happy to a moderate degree.. I'll gladly sit on my ass, at home, with my Family and collect an unemployment check for as long as I can.
While I understand a job is a job, and most people need 'said' job to provide a living. I will say in defense, working is what most people will do over 70% of the time in their whole life. Do you really want to take on a job, as an adult, that will make you miserable and asking the question "Is life really worth this shit?"

I'd be miserable sponging off other people. I'd be miserable going to see old friends who ask what I'm doing now saying "Oh, nothing..." while they're in a good job because they actually got off their arse.

I'm thankful everyday I have the job I do. Its a dream job to me. Something I love doing and never want to quit on. However, I didn't reach the 'mountain top' in one stride. I hit several bumps along the way, and have indeed quit many a job that made me flat-out miserable and wanting to loathe life entirely. (especially that of a Gas Station, and Walmart working for a 19 yr old who thought life would be better to fuck with the sole male in her unit.)
I don't have my 'dream job' or anything close to it, I don't even really like it but the point is that it's money - I'm providing for my family, not expecting other people to do it. Not everyone can like their jobs, they need to get the fuck over it.

This is the line I can again trace back to my friend. He worked at a Store that shut down at that location. As a result, he makes more oddly enough in unemployment than he did per bi-weekly paycheck off the hours he was getting.

So, when looking at the situation through that perspective, you also have to understand.. is it worth more to bust your ass and make less. Or rest up, look sparingly, and make more that you can save back?
I just despise those selfish fuckers. "Oh it's okay, I'll sit at home because I only make £10 an hour at that job I've just been offered, and the government gives me 11..." never mind the fact people like me and you have to actually work in order for those lazy bastards to sit at home and have whatever they like.

I had an interview for a Front Desk job at a Hotel a couple years back. I dressed up business-like. Black dress pants, dress shirt, tie, dress shoes even. I had my interview, the Manager even said she was highly impressed with the way I conducted myself in the interview and was "putting me top of the list".

She said she was most impressed with how in the interview, I said on more than one time that I wanted the job. Instead of saying I needed it. Apparently that is a big thing with Management. They want someone who WANTS to work for them, not someone who's only applying because they NEED anything available.

... I was told I'd have a 2nd/final interview with the Owners. That interview never came. The reason? I have no clue. The individual hired? I've heard rumors that it was someone who knew the Manager/Owners.

So.. in the end, I acted on everything I was suppose to. I knocked everything I could've out of the 'ballpark' and in the end, still got shafted in favor of a "friend" of the Employees. :disappointed:
If that rumour was actually true, yeah, shit happens. But the point is, you went BACK out there and clearly have a job now and are providing for your family. Unlike many other people.

You say they have no self-respect. I say they're thinking more logically then you want to admit. You need to factor in several situations.

How much in expenses will it cost me, to have this job? (ie. Gas, transportation, food at work/on breaks, etc.)

Obviously if you're taking a "pay-cut" in going from unemployment to having a job.. while you're securing your long-term future, you could be accidentally hurting your present self.

So, before you go off saying everyone has no self respect - think a little outside the box on why they're sitting at home instead of taking a job.
I won't 'think outside the box' when it's the people who DO go to work that allow them the luxury of being able to think about the fucking bus or the sandwiches they'll go through. It's lazy and selfish.

Good for you, that you wanna work. Most teenagers can't look beyond a mirror and the stupid over-priced clothing they wanna buy. However, again I have to say you're seemingly showing a jealous streak toward people who get paid more by sitting at home.

Almost as if you want to do it yourself, but couldn't bare the backlashing someone else would give you.. or the downward frowns you'd get for doing such a thing.
Jealous? Of course I am. I could sit at home doing nothing and get paid more than I do now. The thing is I WANT to work. I don't want to have children who grow up thinking it's okay to allow other people to do work while you sit and do nothing. Those who believe it's better to do that and don't even WANT a job are pathetic and don't deserve children.

But if something ever happened to that job, and no other was available that I couldn't see as something that would at least make me happy to a moderate degree.. I'll gladly sit on my ass, at home, with my Family and collect an unemployment check for as long as I can.
Having a job isn't necessarily about happiness, and that's another problem with the lazy fuckers who think they're too good for certain jobs. Sure, we'd all love jobs we can be happy in, but sometimes you have to be less selfish than that and think about what's best for your family, and the country even.
On a side point, I took a number of temporary jobs, that however harms your long term job prospects as employers see you've had 5 jobs in a year on your CV. I was actually told by the woman in the job centre it would be better to not take the short term jobs.
On a side point, I took a number of temporary jobs, that however harms your long term job prospects as employers see you've had 5 jobs in a year on your CV. I was actually told by the woman in the job centre it would be better to not take the short term jobs.

I was told it's not a big deal if your contract is only for a certain amount of months - it only becomes a big issue if you choose to leave a load of jobs for silly reasons, or get fired from them.
I was told it's not a big deal if your contract is only for a certain amount of months - it only becomes a big issue if you choose to leave a load of jobs for silly reasons, or get fired from them.

It's all about ages, ie you're 18, it's expected you'd have temporary jobs. I'm 24 and been to university, 5 temporary 1 month jobs in a year look bad as hell.
:lmao: Becca, I'm not going to reply and break all of that down because I have a feeling no one else would care. I'm simply going to say, I do actually agree with a lot of it. Just providing an opposite (as-always) opinion.

I will say I don't feel my friend is doing anything wrong in collecting unemployment for a couple reasons I've stated in a different thread, in the past. A.) He has a job, and is collecting on a 2nd job - thus, I think he's fine with not finding a 2nd job when he's making more NOT having to work even harder. B.) Unlike most on Unemployment, he didn't ask to be released, or slack on his job - the Company merely downsized and he never wanted the unemployment, he'd just as soon have that same job back.


While I agree on the fact that, "a job is a job and you need to do whats right".. I would assume you can still see the point of.. you shouldn't torture yourself and put yourself in a position to feel life is worth shit when you have to go through hell on a 9-5 basis, just to make a living.

Its one thing to accept whats available now, and keep looking for something that will make you 'happier'. Its another to accept anything, and rot. I couldn't do that. If something begins to torment and make me miserable - I'll do everything in my power to change it, and make my life happier.

I do see your point of view though, and agree with it otherwise.
If I can get paid by having ads on my blog and all I have to do is sit on my ass and write a review for an episode of Power Rangers every day, fuck you, fuck your high standards, I'm taking it.

I'd be much happier getting paid to do something I want to do than by doing something I don't.
:lmao: Becca, I'm not going to reply and break all of that down because I have a feeling no one else would care. I'm simply going to say, I do actually agree with a lot of it. Just providing an opposite (as-always) opinion.

I will say I don't feel my friend is doing anything wrong in collecting unemployment for a couple reasons I've stated in a different thread, in the past. A.) He has a job, and is collecting on a 2nd job - thus, I think he's fine with not finding a 2nd job when he's making more NOT having to work even harder. B.) Unlike most on Unemployment, he didn't ask to be released, or slack on his job - the Company merely downsized and he never wanted the unemployment, he'd just as soon have that same job back.


While I agree on the fact that, "a job is a job and you need to do whats right".. I would assume you can still see the point of.. you shouldn't torture yourself and put yourself in a position to feel life is worth shit when you have to go through hell on a 9-5 basis, just to make a living.

Its one thing to accept whats available now, and keep looking for something that will make you 'happier'. Its another to accept anything, and rot. I couldn't do that. If something begins to torment and make me miserable - I'll do everything in my power to change it, and make my life happier.

I do see your point of view though, and agree with it otherwise.

Your friend HAS another job, so I don't include him in my bitching, seeings as he isn't just sitting on his arse doing nothing all day.

If I can get paid by having ads on my blog and all I have to do is sit on my ass and write a review for an episode of Power Rangers every day, fuck you, fuck your high standards, I'm taking it.

I'd be much happier getting paid to do something I want to do than by doing something I don't.

The fact is you're doing something and not sponging off of everyone else.
On a side point, I took a number of temporary jobs, that however harms your long term job prospects as employers see you've had 5 jobs in a year on your CV. I was actually told by the woman in the job centre it would be better to not take the short term jobs.

This! Every bit of it.

As Lee pointed out to Becca in another follow-up post.. the older you get, the better it is to have no job.. then 3-more in a year's span. It shows that you get uncomfortable, or can not conform to any one place.

It makes everyone uneasy about hiring you, putting the time and effort into training you - just to see you leave in a few weeks/months time.

In 2002, when Mr. Movies closed the first store I worked for them at.. I took on several different jobs during that year, trying to find anything close to something new that would fit me. (4 in total, I believe) I was actually turned down by Employers following that year, because of that and told that was the reason. That they wanted someone who could prove to be stable and accountable.

However, there was also the time when "on paper" I was unemployed for over a year.. and that doesn't look any better. When you combine the two, it makes you look very unreliable. Truth be told, if anything happened to my job - I can almost see the future interviews with being told "Well, you had great job history w/ Movies Inc, but crap everywhere else. We aren't them, so why should we think you'd be great here?"
While the OP should have put a little more thought into this post based on the sensitive nature of the economy, I have seen a little firsthand about what he is talking about.

I have a cousin who always has jobs drop in his lap. He has a little more computer knowledge than some and manages to always find a job. They don't last and he has sometimes worked himself out of a job based on his piss poor attitude. In his opinion his shit don't stink.

He even turned down a 14 dollar an hour job after telling them he wouldn't take less than than 18.

He is married and has two children and is now milking the unemployment system, making around 13 an hour to sit on his ass.

So to all the people bitching about the OP, yes he did come off as being a little pompous and arrogant, but his statement has some truth to it.

I have worked shitty job after shitty job, sometimes even two to three jobs at a time. I have never been out of work even when I was just finding out I was getting let go or my hours cut in half. Because I actually try and give a shit and I have a degree, its worthless but I have one.

There are lazy people out there, its a fact of life. I am sure that the OP wasn't aiming his comments at any of you.
It's all about ages, ie you're 18, it's expected you'd have temporary jobs. I'm 24 and been to university, 5 temporary 1 month jobs in a year look bad as hell.

I concede this point. Hopefully, though, with the economy being as it is, they see you LOOKING for work and taking temporary contracts as better than nothing. You have a job now don't you, so it doesn't seem to have hurt you too much :)

This! Every bit of it.

As Lee pointed out to Becca in another follow-up post.. the older you get, the better it is to have no job.. then 3-more in a year's span. It shows that you get uncomfortable, or can not conform to any one place.

It makes everyone uneasy about hiring you, putting the time and effort into training you - just to see you leave in a few weeks/months time.

In 2002, when Mr. Movies closed the first store I worked for them at.. I took on several different jobs during that year, trying to find anything close to something new that would fit me. (4 in total, I believe) I was actually turned down by Employers following that year, because of that and told that was the reason. That they wanted someone who could prove to be stable and accountable.

However, there was also the time when "on paper" I was unemployed for over a year.. and that doesn't look any better. When you combine the two, it makes you look very unreliable. Truth be told, if anything happened to my job - I can almost see the future interviews with being told "Well, you had great job history w/ Movies Inc, but crap everywhere else. We aren't them, so why should we think you'd be great here?"

This part is what I meant above, earlier. If you take on temporary contracts, where it's known you'll be leaving after a few months work, it isn't a negative. However, if you leave many jobs for no 'good reason', I see why this would be an issue.
I concede this point. Hopefully, though, with the economy being as it is, they see you LOOKING for work and taking temporary contracts as better than nothing. You have a job now don't you, so it doesn't seem to have hurt you too much :)

Yeah I start on the 30th but the 6months of being practically unemployed without any dole money does take its toll
On a side point, I took a number of temporary jobs, that however harms your long term job prospects as employers see you've had 5 jobs in a year on your CV. I was actually told by the woman in the job centre it would be better to not take the short term jobs.

you have to let them know they are temporary. It's not that big of a deal.. If you have five jobs that last 3 months, it's pretty obvious they were temporary.
Yes, you let them know they're temporary, you write that it's temporary but employers would still rather NOT have someone who's been doing temporary work.
I've had one temporary job, which I got after doing work experience there, one I left because of family stuff, and the one I'm at now.
Yes, you let them know they're temporary, you write that it's temporary but employers would still rather NOT have someone who's been doing temporary work.

how the fuck does that make sense? It lets them know you are capable and are willing to do anything for work. I have two friends who are in job placements and a couple of friends who recruit people. They work with you and everything and they always tell me temporary jobs are not bad. You have to use it to your advantage.
fucking swallow your damn pride and at least get your ass a job at some fast food place.
Its people that don't even fucking try to look for a job and just sit around wile people take care of them is what pisses me off. Its fucking ridiculous.

You act like a fast food job is guaranteed. I've been home from college for a month looking for a summer job and the only reason I finally found a fast food job a couple days ago was because I have two friends that work their and bugged the owners constantly to hire me. I applied at countless other fast food places over the last month and couldn't even get a proper interview.
on a side note, I once had a manager of a fast food place ask me if I partied in my interview.

Her response, "because I smoke pot, and don't care if you do, just don't do it at work".

2nd night I worked, same manager and two of the maintanence people went out into the parking lot and fired one up after close.

She was kind of a fatty but she could suck a mean dick.


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