[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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This is how you defend TNA: Attack WWE. Does that mean TNA's faults, bad angles, etc. are excused and don't matter? Nope. But if WWE does a dumb thing, that means it's ok for TNA to do it, and thus TNA is excused in their mind.

On a thread about TNA talking about issues in TNA, YOU MUST ATTACK WWE! Just like if the topic was (in another forum) "Problems with the New York Yankees" a Yankee fan will say "Well the Red Sox suck!!" (and don't bring up the point on people being hypocrites on WWE when the subject is/was TNA alone.)

Yeah raw had a limited amount of wrestling, mostly because it's raw and they're cramming for Wrestlemania. Do they have stupid angles too? Yes and it sucks. They also have a show called Smackdown that had a ton of wrestling the previous episode, like they usually do since they only have 3 actual angles going on right now.

Total Nonstop Action once said "We Are Wrestling". They also for a period of time had less wrestling in ring time than ECW on Sci Fi. The irony is painful.

First off I'm not attacking you!

In threads that have/has to do with the WWE alone people bash TNA all the time for no reason just cause it's the popular thing to do on these forums. When a TNA fan points out something the WWE did as a comparison to defend TNA they get shit on for that by the WWE hypocrite fans, theres no winning for TNA or their fans.

WWE puts crap story line and matches together all the time and people praise them and talk about how creative they are.(HHH destroying Sheamus & Debiase or this boring ass Wrestlemania build up) The last three raws have been promo driven and everyone says its the build up to wrestlemania, its progressing the storylines so its ok. Tna does the same thing trying to build up Lockdown which is one of their bigger ppvs and they get bashed for it.

There is a large ammount of hypocracy on these forums and it comes from the blind sheep koolaid drinking WWE marks (not saying you're one of them, there is a difference between them and regular wrestling fans) and its sad. If all you do is comment about how you cant stand TNA and you hate TNA quit fucking watching TNA its that simple.

Now before I get attacked for being a Tna mark I'll let you know I'm a wrestling fan. I watch/watched WWE, TNA, ROH when I can)( wCw, WWF, AWA, WCCW, ECW, NWA/GCW and have my likes and dislikes about all of them. No promotion is perfect and fans shouldn't expect them to be, just enjoy it for what it is wrestling/entertainment.

But I do feel TNA would be better if they would get rid of Russos sorry ass!
Does it even matter whether it was this or last week's episode? They were both total horseshit with little to no wrestling at all, overlong badly-acted promos, and big fat "Fuck Yous" to the fans with Dusty Finishes galore. Shit they were practically the same show, both ended with mediocre number one contender's matches in the main event ending in bullshit non-finishes, both shows featured roughly 15 minutes of in-ring wrestling, both shows were chock full of bad promos, and both shows featured a laughably bad street fight tag match. Same shit, different week.

With TNA basically your expectations have to be absolute ROCK BOTTOM OP. That way when they throw you a bone every few weeks with a good match, it'll seem like an amazing show just because of how shit they usually are.

Cue the TNA apologists in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

What if there is less than 20 mins of wrestling? The whole point is to be entertained, JR said it better on Raw "We want the viewers to have fun". The only people who want 30+ mins of wrestling are the ROH fans.

You said that the shows sucked because of the amount of wrestling?, well TNA is sports- entertaiment, if you want wrestling watch ROH,Japan or the indys.
This weeks impact was awesome. Only weak point for me was the INK vs steiner and syn match. The rest was really easy viewing. TNA have stepped it up in my eyes since the hardy incident
What if there is less than 20 mins of wrestling? The whole point is to be entertained, JR said it better on Raw "We want the viewers to have fun". The only people who want 30+ mins of wrestling are the ROH fans.

You said that the shows sucked because of the amount of wrestling?, well TNA is sports- entertaiment, if you want wrestling watch ROH,Japan or the indys.

...I do watch ROH, puroresu, and independent wrestling. I just happen to prefer sports-entertainment myself, just as you claim to. There's no reason you can't have sports entertainment and a decent amount of wrestling on a TV show at the same time, the WWF did it all the time around 2001-2002 on Raw and Smackdown.

Anyways, on to my early review.

TNA iMPACT! 3/31/11
March 31st, 2011
Impact! Zone, Orlando, Florida
Attendance: ???


Well it's once again that time of week kids, time for another edition of "How Will TNA Fuck Up Tonight?" iMPACT! on Spike TV. To be fully honest, I've already read the spoilers for the next few shows so keep that in mind if you disagree with my analysis or whatever. Anyways, let's get to the show. Oh and one more note, there may be a few backstage interviews I mention here that don't make the American broadcast on Spike TV, as I'm watching a pre-aired version of the episode that aired in Australia earlier before the American start time.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz

We open the show with (who else?) Mr. Anderson coming out, shoving Earl Hebner to the ring with him. I'll give you one guess as to what he's going to say. If you guessed "Bitch and moan about his title shot", you win the grand prize! Your prize? You get to shut off Impact right now! Go on, read a book, go for a walk, learn a foreign language, do something constructive while I waste my time with this show. Okay, okay, I'm being way too negative and the show's barely started, I apologize. Back to the ring. Anderson moans about Hebner's decision in the main even last week, but Earl is like that senile old grandpa who walks around without his pants on, fully aware he's nude, but he's just too old and grumpy to care. He tells off Anderson in a way that makes me think maybe Hebner should be a valet for a heel. Hebner calls him an asshole, so Anderson tries to him a mic check as boos reign in on him. This is your number one babyface ladies and gentlemen. Hebner's son hits the ring and breaks it up as Anderson is just coming off like a total heel in this segment. Sting's music hits and the Icon comes down to the ring to talk some sense into Anderson. Sting talks with his fists though, so we get a little brawl in the ring until security breaks them up. Since this is the opening segment of Impact and we need to have atleast 3 main eventers come out to interrupt one another, RVD's music hits and he walks down the ramp. RVD says he doesn't want the tainted win, so he asks Hebner to reverse the decision and make the title match at Lockdown a three-way, but Earl doesn't have the power. Cue Hogan and Bischoff, who by god actually seem to be getting some boos for once. They book the three-way for Lockdown (I think?) and then decide to book tonight's main event, which is Mr. Anderson, Sting, and RVD against Abyss, Matt Hardy, and Bully Ray...IN A STEEL CAGE! Yes, we're having a main event cage match three weeks before a PPV dedicated entirely to cage matches.

After a quick commercial break we get some backstage comments from Anderson ("No comment"), RVD ("Blah blah blah, Rob Van Dam"), and Sting ("I'm gonna git him!"). Elsewhere backstage Shannon Moore of Ink Inc cuts a lame promo on Scott Steiner, trying to claim he's "young and hip". Maybe ten years ago Shannon. Steiner responds by calling him a little bitch and threatening to impregnate his girlfriend. Pure over-the-top, unintentionally hilarious Steiner promo gold here.

Elsewhere backstage Jeff and Karen Jarrett try to reason with Hogan and Bischoff about the Jarrett-Angle match at Lockdown. Karen's rack looks extraordinary in HD, by the way.

Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan are our guest commentators, for some reason. Young's big announcement is that he and Orlando are going to be in a four-way tag match against Steiner/Crimson, Ink Inc and another mystery team. Shannon does a lot of running and stalling to start until Crimson throws him back in the ring to eat a Steiner beatdown. Tons of lame gay innuendo jokes on commentary right now with OJ and Young while Moore eats a back elbow. Belly-to-belly suplex from Steiner gets a close two count. Young and Taz are actually pretty amusing here, listing off old school tag teams trying to figure out who the mystery team at Lockdown will be. Something tells me it won't be the Beverly Brothers EY. Moore gets a cheap shot and tries choking Steiner for a bit. He mocks Steiner with some push-ups of his own and kicks away at him in the corner. Dropkick from Moore and he picks up Steiner's mesh chain headdress, puts it on, and misses a moonsault off the top rope. Overhead belly-to-belly and a big clothesline from Steiner. Frankensteiner off the top finishes it for Steiner at 4:28. After the match Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus run down and jump OJ and Young, presumably setting them up as the fourth team at Lockdown. Certainly a better use of Williams than what they were doing with him currently (which is nothing). Oh, right, the match. It was mediocre at best.

Backstage Anderson has a conversation with a poster of himself. This guy's character becomes more and more of a joke with every passing week. Elsewhere Jeff Jarrett laments over Anderson getting to be on the Lockdown poster. Karen would make a good adult film star, no?

Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck

We get a little video package before the match, showing the growing dissension among the brothers since their disagreement during the Ultimate X match at Victory Road. You probably wouldn't know there was any dissension unless you watch Xplosion, but whatever, that's what the video package is for. Max wants Jeremy to lay down for him, but Jeremy will have none of it and they lock-up. Nice nearfall trading sequence with both men zipping around and getting a huge pop from the crowd for the sequence. Jesus, they're talented and over, no wonder they're being split up. Nice twisting wristlock sequence sends Max to the floor for a breather. Jeremy tries to be the gentleman and hold the ropes for his older brother to get in the ring, but Max counters Jeremy's offer of a handshake with a side headlock. Another nice roll-up trading sequence. Jeremy springboards into an armdrag and is fired up now, hitting a series of dropkicks on his brother Max. Hurricanrana gets a close two for Jeremy. He tries a waistlock but gets thrown out of the ring and lands badly on his elbow. Max offers to hold the rope for Jeremy to come back in, but he just gives him a superkick as he comes in and then delivers a big powerbomb into the buckle. Springboard ace crusher by Max and it's enough for the win at 4:01. This was just starting to get good when they ended it. I really don't get why they couldn't give these kids another 3 or 4 minutes out there so people don't forget this match five minutes after it's over. Good fun while it lasted though. **½

Backstage Winter caresses Angelina Love's hair while she drinks what I guess we're supposed to assume is brainwashing Kool-Aid of some kind. Love looks like a robot, so I guess she looks like she always does.

Velvet Sky vs. Winter

Velvet looks like every wrestling fan's fantasy girl, as usual. Winter is creepy, as usual, with her weird silk blindfold thing. Velvet is feisty to start, laying in kicks and punches into Winter in the corner and hitting a dropkick for an early two count. Velvet tries for a monkey flip but Winter moves and slams her head back to the mat with force a few times. Scoop slam from Winter and she chokes Sky for a bit with her boot. Velvet hits a clothesline and follows up with a bulldog while Angelina Love slowly walks down the ramp, distracting Velvet. Winter chokes her on the second rope and then hits a big backbreaker before locking Velvet into a crossface submission of sorts, which might be a new finisher for her as Velvet taps almost immediately to end it at 3:47. Not terrible thanks to Winter, and it did its job of showcasing Winter and pushing this "brainwashed Angelina" storyline, as stupid as it may be. *

After the match Anderson's music hits and he comes out once again, immediately grabbing a mic and calling out Sting, who answers immediately by joining him in the ring. Sting wants Anderson to apologize to him, but Anderson just gives him a right hand instead and once again they start brawling. Security doesn't seem to care this time as both men begin brawling into the crowd and up the stairs. This goes on for way too long honestly until finally Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, and Abyss come out to beat both of them down. RVD ends up making the save eventually.

Backstage Velvet Sky says shes going to "cleanse" Winter. I do believe that phone ringing is the genocide awareness group that's going to be hatemailing you.

Kurt Angle's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring and grabs a mic, calling out Jarrett immediately. Jarrett comes out, with Rob Terry at his side, which I guess leads us right into our next match...

Kurt Angle vs. Rob Terry

And the Rob Terry push is officially dead after last week. Don't worry, I couldn't be more apathetic either. Jarrett distracts Angle and Terry jumps him from behind to start. Terry knocks Angle around some more while he tries clawing at Jarrett at ringside, but Angle quickly regroups and locks Terry into the ankle lock. Angle grapevines the leg and it's all over as Terry taps at 1:35. Total squash for Angle. If I actually gave a shit about Rob Terry in any way I might be upset at how quickly his push has been killed over the last few weeks, but I don't, so I'm not. Standard squash fare. ¼*

After the match Kurt tries attacking Jarrett but the cops show up and arrest Angle. I wonder if this was taped before he was arrested for drunk driving? Let me check...yep. Funny how life imitates art.

We get some weird video package with the official TNA voice-over and everything as Karen tries to paint Kurt as a piece of shit and Kurt just comes off like a broken man who just wants to see his kids. I'm not nearly as upset about the exploitation of this entire feud as I was when it started, but I still really don't like how they're dragging real life events into this thing. No matter what front Angle might put up, you know inside he can't be enjoying his children being exploited in an angle with his ex-wife and Jeff. This is a really long video by the way, nearly 10 minutes. It does make you want to see the blow-off at Lockdown though, so kudos to the TNA production crew.

Cage Match
Sting/Mr. Anderson/Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss/Matt Hardy/Bully Ray

How freaking bizarre is the heel team here? They have absolutely nothing in common really. The cage looks smaller than the one they used at Lockdown last year, but just by a bit. Ever since switching from the six-sided ring to the traditional four-sided ring the cage matches have become alot more cramped, they really need a Hell in a Cell type construction so they can give the guys some more room to work. Anderson gets jumped by Sting before he can enter the match, which really makes no sense since he's his partner and Sting just walks into the ring at a 3-on-2 disadvantage moments later. Sting cleans house quickly, hitting a Stinger Splash on on all three of his opponents. RVD waits on the apron for the tag like a bozo while Abyss and Ray double-team Sting. They can't seem to decide whether or not this match requires tags or not. Anderson pulls up a chair at ringside to watch the match. There's being a tweener, and then there's being a legit asshole heel. Anderson is being booked as the latter. Quick commercial break and when we return it's all Immortal, beating down Sting and RVD. Hogan's music hits and Hulk comes down to ringside, wearing some weird complex backbrace that may or may not also be a part of Hogan's BDSM closet. He orders Anderson to get into the cage and then rakes Anderson's eyes, tossing him back in. Again, Hogan is the heel here, but he comes off like the babyface and we even get a few fans chanting "Hogan!". Anderson gets beaten down by his own partner Sting once he enters the ring though, as this match has really become just a mess at this point. Immortal continues to beat down Sting in the middle of the ring now as RVD and Anderson are out of it. Things finally settle down into a traditional tag now as Matt Hardy works a neck cravat on Sting. Sting fights out of it but Abyss tags in and he and Ray doubleteam Sting while Hebner sits there with his thumb up his ass (not literally, that would be horrifying). Sting fights back though and hits a double clothesline on them as I guess that was our big extended heat segment and RVD gets the lukewarm tag and cleans house with spin kicks for everyone. RVD hits a thrustkick on Abyss and then goes for the Five Star Frog splash, but Anderson knocks him off (why? Sting beat you up, not Rob) and Bully Ray hits the Bubba Bomb on RVD for the pin at 8:34 (shown). Weird match with Sting and Anderson purposely screwing their own team over through out the match, to the point where it was basically Immortal vs. Sting while RVD and Anderson laid around wheezing. The cage was also unnecessary since they didn't even use the freaking thing once in this match, so why even waste the visual on free TV when you should be saving them for the PPV? As far as Impact main events go though, this was perfectly fine and better than most, it just didn't need to be a cage match. **

After the match Fortune (minus AJ Styles) hits the ring to try and help out Sting and RVD, but Immortal lays them out quickly and Kaz does a nasty bladejob that makes the pussy scratch on Robert Roode's head look silly by comparison. Ric Flair locks them all into the cage and the beatdown continues. Suddenly Christopher Daniels hops the guardrail, climbs to the top of the cage, and flies off with a huge cross body block that wipes out all of Immortal! Awesome return for Daniels and the chants of "Fallen Angel!" start up almost immediately. We take a quick commercial break and when we return Ric Flair and Immortal are going crazy over Daniels backstage. Elsewhere Daniels cuts a promo to make it all clear, saying he's here to avenge AJ Styles injury at the hands of Bully Ray. The rest of Fortune cut promos as well. Kaz is still a bloody mess. Elsewhere backstage Sting promises to show everyone who the veteran is at Lockdown. Mr. Anderson bitches some more about being screwed over and RVD jumps him in his trailer. What I don't get is why the hell did Anderson decide to screw RVD over in their match and start a beef with him after RVD was nice enough earlier in the show to get Anderson included into the title match at Lockdown as a three-way. Rob does him a favor, and Anderson screws him for it. He really is an asshole, but not the kind the fans want to cheer, because he got nothing but crickets and some boos tonight for his actions.

Bottom Line:​
While this was a big step up over the last two weeks, it still wasn't exactly a perfect show. Anderson's booking continues to make little to no sense whatsoever, and you have to question the point of a cage match (where you don't use the cage) on free TV with Lockdown coming up so soon. Daniels return was a great moment and injects one of TNA's founding fathers right into the Lethal Lockdown match I'd have to assume in place of AJ, and for once there was actually a moderate amount of wrestling on the show as opposed to the slim-to-none it usually has. Jeremy and Max Buck had a fun match little match and there were no long, drawn-out horribly acted promos like there have been recently, so really this was a step-up across all boards for TNA tonight. Now let's see if they can't keep the momentum up until Lockdown. We're going with the ever so slight Thumbs Up here, based mostly on the awesome return of Daniels.

Score: 5.5/10

REMEMBER! You can find ALL of my reviews and match ratings at my blog, which is updated daily:
X's Wrestling Review
I thought tonight's Show was Very Good. I enjoyed the Opening Segment alot and was glad that they kept it to 10-12 minutes. I thought the Stiener vs Moore match was decent and I always Love to see him pull off the FrankenStiener, I also thought EY was Funny on Commentary. After the match British Invasion reunites and beats down EY/OJ, BI is a Good thing and adds some depth to the Tag Divison. I thought Max vs Jereamy was Real Good and could've been Excellent if it got maybe 3 more minutes. Winter vs Velvet Ok and I'm interested to see where they go with the Love and Winter thing. Angle Terry was a squash. The Main Event was Good while it lasted, then Fortune came down to beat down Immortal but Immortal had the advantage until Christopher Daniels returned and hit a HUGE Crossbody of the Top of the Cage. Afterwards we get some good promos from Immortal and the Fortune members.
I thoughts tonight's show was Very Good with an Awesome Ending. Grade: A
i thought this weeks show was way better than the past couple weeks. they finally seem to be balancing the promos and the wrestling a little bit better. i still would have liked to see a little bit more wrestling but the show as a whole was entertaining. the bucks impressed the hell out of me tonight. at first i didn't like the idea of gen-me splitting, but after their match i kind of hope they do (a ladder match between those two would be epic!). I also loved the return of the british invasion and the fallen angel. The main event coulda been better but im not gonna sit here and bitch about a six man tag cage match on free t.v. Overall one of the best impacts i've seen in quite a long time
TNA Impact: 3/31/11

Mr. Anderson

Anderson comes to the ring with Earl Hebner. He drags Hebner into the ring. Anderson wants to know why Hebner screwed him. Anderson shouts at Hebner. Hebner demands respect. Anderson shoves him. Hebner threatens The Asshole with a suspension. Anderson wants the decision for the match from last week to be reversed. Earl won’t budge. Anderson goes for a Mic Check. Brian Hebenr comes to the rescue. Anderson continues to goad Hebner. Sting interrupts. Sting looks pissed, as he asks the two referees to leave the ring. Sting takes a shot at Anderson. A brawl erupts, and the two men are eventually separated by security. RVD makes his way down the ramp. RVD wants the match at Lockdown to become a three way. Earl Hebner says he can not reverse the decision. Hogan and Bischoff interrupt. Hogan makes the three way match at Lockdown official. Bischoff makes a steel cage match. It will be Sting, RVD, and Anderson VS Abyss, Matt Hardy, and Bully Ray in the main event. As usual, TNA went overboard with the “Asshole” stuff here. TNA is trying to turn Anderson into this popular face/tweener character, but I think they took another step in the wrong direction tonight. Anderson just came off as a petty bully, as he threatened the Hebners. I know he has been screwed by the higher ups in TNA, but Anderson just sounds like a cry baby most of the time. Also, what happened to RVD’s head trauma? He wasn’t all there after the hard Mic Check on the ring post last week, but he seemed just fine tonight. I guess TNA decided to scrap that potential angle.

Shannon Moore VS Scott Steiner

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan join Tenay and Taz for commentary. Young announces multi team tag match for Lockdown. Young hints at a mystery team.

Steiner hits a Frankensteiner from the top rope for the win. I couldn’t get into this. This match was pretty underwhelming. Moore spent a lot of time taunting and dodging Steiner, and Big Poppa Pump hit Moore with some heavy offense. Moore has become a disrespectful punk, and it seems like Ink Inc. might be splitting soon. I’m not too crazy about the idea of a Ink Inc. feud, because I don’t think either man will receive a significant push when it’s all over. Match Rating- 2/10

After the match, Magnus and Doug Williams attack Young and Jordan. It seems as if Magnus and Williams are the 4th team, and The British Invasion has returned. I don’t know if too excited about this. Williams can put on some entertaining matches, but I don’t see why some people are high on Magnus. He’s one of those guys who gets the “he has potential!” label, but I just don’t see it. I’ve always thought Magnus was plain and ordinary. He just doesn’t have that “wow” factor.

Max Buck VS Jeremy Buck

Max gets the win with a hard cutter from the top rope. I thought this was a solid match. Max and Jeremy were pretty competitive, there was some nice back and forth action here, and this one had a quick pace. I don’t want to see Generation Me break up, because I do think they are one of TNA’s better tag teams. Max and Jeremy might be strong contenders for the X-Division Championship, but they are one hell of a tag team, and seeing them break up is disappointing for me. Match Rating- 6/10

Velvet Sky VS Winter

Velvet is distracted, as Angelina Love slowly comes to the ring. Winter hits a back breaker, and she locks in the submission. Winter continues the attack on Velvet, as hypnotized Angelina watches. This match was okay. Velvet started this one off with a fierce attack, and this one did have a nice flow. There was a steady pace here, and Winter really took it to Velvet towards the end. Winter obliviously has Angelina under some kind of spell, and Velvet will have to come to her rescue soon enough. This storyline seems kind of weird as of right now, but it’s in the early stages, so we’ll have to wait and see how this one will develop. Match Rating- 4/10

After the match, Anderson comes to the ring. He calls out Sting. Sting quickly answers the call. Anderson teases an apology, and then he strikes Sting with a hard punch. Sting takes down Anderson, and another brawl erupts. Immortal(Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, and Abyss) jump Sting and Anderson. They punish Sting and Anderson with a viscous attack. RVD joins in to help. He takes out Bully Ray. RVD chose to help Sting, but he decides to leave Anderson. Hardy and Abyss toss Anderson to Sting, and Sting gets his revenge with a quick shot. I actually enjoyed this. This little fiasco helped build more interest for the main event, and it makes you think about the tension between Sting, RVD, and Anderson.

Kurt Angle VS Rob Terry

Angle comes to the ring. He’s pissed. He calls out Jarrett. JJ comes to the ring with Rob Terry. Angle slaps on the Ankle Lock. Terry tries to reach the ropes, but Angle pulls him back to the center of the ring, and The Freak taps out to give Angle the win. This match was pretty quick, so these two never had a chance to go at it. This was another way for Angle to look strong, as heads into Lockdown to face Jarrett, and Rob Terry was just the sacrificial lamb here. Match Rating- 0/10

After the match, Angle attacks Jarrett. Jarrett runs backstage. Angle is confronted by cops. Karen Jarrett is screaming. Angle is arrested.

Bully Ray, Matt Hardy & Abyss/With Ric Flair VS Mr. Anderson, Sting, & RVD- Steel Cage

Anderson prepares to grab his mic before the match, but Sting attacks from behind. Anderson is out. Anderson decides to sit on his ass, and watch this match. Hogan comes to ringside. Hogan is wearing a back brace. He tells Anderson to get into the ring. Anderson wants to punch Hogan, but Hogan points out his back brace. Anderson lets his guard down. Hogan strikes Anderson. He throws Anderson into the cage, and Hogan forces The Asshole into the match. Wow. Was this really necessary?

RVD goes for the Frogsplash, but Anderson pushes him off of the top rope. Bully Ray takes advantage of this, and he hits the Bubba Bomb for the win. This was a decent main event. Immortal looked dominant here, and the build for the World Title match continued. Although, they really didn’t use the cage here. I can understand TNA trying to build some hype for the Lockdown pay per view, but the cage just didn’t seem necessary here. Match Rating- 5/10

After the match, Immortal continues the beat down on Sting and RVD. Anderson doesn’t want to help his team, so he escapes the cage. Fortune comes to the rescue, but they are overpowered by Immortal. Ric Flair locks the cage door. Christopher Daniels makes his return. He takes out Immortal with a cross body from the top of the cage. We’re back from commercial break. Flair is pissed. He tears Daniels apart. Daniels and Fortune cut promos on Immortal. They won’t back down from Immortal. Sting is shown backstage. He can’t wait for the World Title match at Lockdown. Anderson starts to whine about being screwed AGAIN. RVD attacks Anderson from behind to close the show.

Overall Show Rating 6/10- Tonight’s show was pretty decent. The wrestling wasn’t anything special, but the build towards Lockdown was done pretty well tonight. I think bringing Daniels back was a good move. He’s AJ’s best friend, so it makes sense for him to want revenge on Bully Ray and Immortal. I also think Daniels is a suitable replacement for Styles, because The Fallen Angel can be fun to watch in the ring. Although, I’m still not sold on Anderson being this popular face/tweener character. He just sounds like a cry baby, and I think he’s becoming worse and worse as time goes on.

(The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter)

Hello all!

Another night, another Impact, and this odd pattern of booking for several stars continues on. And of course, I’m here to make inappropriate comments about it! And here we go!

- And here’s Mr. Anderson to start us off, once again bullying an older man. Where’s the whiteboard?

- So, Anderson, are you a face or a heel? OR are you a twinkie…oops, I mean a tweener?

- Referees can suspend wrestlers now?

- Why does TNA love these yelling back-and-forth promos? People say it’s real, but it just looks like two high school kids arguing.

- Earl Hebner could be a great heel. What am I saying? He already is. He screwed Bret.

- Sting is the only wrestler that might actually defend the refs.

- What, no Bischoff today?

- I guess Rob Van Dan has snapped out of his dizziness.

- Earl Hebner can book matches too?

- Ahhh….HERE’s Eric Bischoff’s contractually obligated first promo appearance!

- Can Mr. Anderson just join Immortal already so we know what the hell he is? Two faces fighting is one thing, but three is just annoying.

- RVD keeps things in balance? Wasn’t he very off balance just last week?

- And we have another near heel turn coming in Shannon Moore and possibly Jesse Neal.

- How is Scott Steiner a face again? Would you want your kids to be just like Steiner when they grow up?

- Oh no, not the Jarretts again.

- Yeah, what Rob Terry thing?

- Oh, no…not these two. (Eric Young and Orlando Jordan I mean)

- Shannon Moore has as much chance of beating Scott Steiner as PTC does of hiring Steiner to read to 1st graders.

- And here come the double entendre commentary for gentlemen of alternate lifestyles.

- This is a definite squash so far.

- The Beverly Brothers?! The Moondogs?!

- I have no comment on Orlando Jordan. None.

- Except that this week he and Lady Gaga are going cruising this weekend.

- Amazing how Steiner can still do the Frankensteiner with as much ease as he does. Squash win.

- And we have ANOTHER possible heel turn with Douglas Williams joining Magnus. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 TNA booking!

- Mr. Anderson is trying too hard to be funny.

- More talking over each other promos from the Jarretts.

- Aw…Max and Jeremy Buck are having issues.

- So, if they’re so mad at each other and ready to split up and fight, why are they wearing matching pants still?

- If there were any point for the crowd to chant TNA, this match would be it. These two should – and hopefully do – represent the future.

- Max Buck gets the win on an awesome looking springboard stunner.

- Neither one really stood out to me, but only because I haven't seen enough of them against other people.

- Winter brainwashing Angelina Love with a Dixie cup full of something? I guess that’s another heel turn, or is Velvet going heel?

- I have to side with Winter on this one. Velvet Sky is a loud, temperamental bitch who always complains, gets into fights she can’t win and thinks she’s better than everyone. At least Winter is loyal to Angelina.

- Guys who want to side with Velvet Sky, try thinking with the OTHER head.

- What the hell is Winter wearing? Her grandmother’s bathing suit?

- Winter plays the crazy heel extremely well. She’s also carrying this match.

- That’s a submission hold? Looks like a headlock to me, which by default makes it a submission hold, albeit a simple one. Anyway, Winter wins by tap out.

- How can Velvet Sky save Angelina Love when she could barely beat Sarita and now can’t even beat Winter?

- And why is Velvet Sky the Knockout version of Sting all of a sudden?

- Another Anderson promo? He’s calling out Sting.

- Wow, Sting sure is on call tonight. That was fast.

- This is where the booking goes wonky. A few weeks ago Anderson jumped Sting from behind. Beginning of the show he’s trying to beat up his 2nd old man in so many weeks. Yet now, he calls Sting out to the ring just to punch him in the face and wait for the fight? Why not just jump him again?

- I guess the Immortals are back on security duty. If Gunner and Murphy became wrestlers, someone had to replace them, if only part-time.

- Typical face move by Sting. Save your opponents for your upcoming match.

- RVD’s booking made sense. Save Sting but not Anderson.

- What ARE they doing with Anderson?! How should we feel about this guy?

- Are the Jarretts FAKING a 911 call?!

- Who will Kurt Angle’s opponent be? Gee, I wonder…might it be a huge, worthless British guy whose name came up earlier?

- The Immortals are still a very odd mix of wrestlers.

- Hey, TNA production director, you can hear Mr. Anderson’s music in the background of Velvet's promo…just sayin’…

- So, I’m assuming this will lead to Velvet Sky vs. Winter for the control of Angelina Love in a oil wrestling match. (OK, so I made that last match up, but who would really change the channel if that came on…)

- This is our 4th match of the night. I’m glad but 3 out of 4 matches the endings were so predictable. Rob Terry couldn’t beat Kurt Angle if Angle were clinically dead for 3 months.

- As I say that Terry is tapping the mat playing those submission blues.

- What just happened? Did Jarrett just hide in plain sight in front of Angle?

- We’re in the same boat, Kaz. We don’t know what’s going on either.

- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I can’t WAIT for this Jarrett vs. Angle feud to end.

- 10 minutes of this stupid promo? I had to fast forward. Why must this feud take up THIS MUCH TIME?! WE GET IT!! THEY HATE EACH OTHER!!! THEY HAVE HISTORY! WE UNDERSTAND, TNA!

- Main event time. 5 matches again for Impact. Good enough I suppose.

- Does anyone else miss Six Sides of Steel?

- Did Rob Van Dam write his own theme music?

- So much for great team work.

- Hey Mr. Anderson, maybe NOW you want to join the Immortals?

- I know Taz called Mr. Anderson as asshole for sitting and watching, but would you help a guy that attacked you from behind?

- Or better yet, why not take the chair and whack EVERYBODY?

- What the hell is Hogan wearing? He couldn’t find a jersey to cover his S & M back brace?

- Wow. The Hogan eye-rake and a face-like toss into the cage for Anderson.

- When did this become a tag match?

- It’s a sad state of affairs when two women had a better cage match than 6 men.

- Immortal did the smart thing in leaving Anderson alone. He may actually decide joining Immortal is better than facing Sting alone if they don’t beat the hell out of him.

- The ring looks painfully small with 6 guys in there.

- Is Anderson over there taking a nap?

- NOW is Anderson a full-fledged heel?!

- Fourtune comes in for the save! And get there asses handed to them.

- And we got blood! Can’t have TNA Impact without blood!

- Wow, brutal beating by the Immortals. They needed this to get their heat back.

- Holy shit. Christopher Daniels! And not in his Suicide gear!

- So Daniels will replace Styles…now I’m curious…is Styles really hurt again?!

- Does anyone else see Daniels joining Fourtune, winning the TV title, and all of them going heel and feuding with a returning Styles? That’s a Vince Russo storyline if there was one!

- Mr. Anderson is going to be sore with all of those ass-whoopings he took.

- Last thing: Wow, the guy on the censor button earned his money tonight, didn’t he?!

Overall: a decent Impact that wasted time with showing more of the overexposed Angle\Jarrett feud, and we saw the clearer heel paths of Winter, Angelina Love, Douglas Williams, Shannon Moore and Mr. Anderson. Maybe the IWC loves everyone to be heels, but in the end, it’s how the fans take the character, and right now, everything is chaotically all over the place. I hope things make more sense next week and we see some better storyline and character development.
Yeah I thought Impact this week was quite good. A huge improvement over the past 2 weeks which again isnt saying much, but a good Impact nontheless.

I am getting increasingly confused with Mr Anderson. I dont know if they are booking him to be a heel or a face. I realise they are trying to go with the whole Stone Cold anti hero type deal here, but hes just comming off as a whiney heel. Although I did like his comment about Hebner being renown for screwing people.

Anyway first match. Shannon Moore and Steiner, well, it doesnt take a genius to see that Steiner is going to decimate Moore here. Although he does put up a good fight. Wasnt a fantastic match, but really helped set up this tag match for Lockdown. Good to see Magnus and Williams back together, looks like they got tired of waiting for Wolfe to get his head sorted so just did something with these two. EY is golden at the announce booth, as is Steiner, does he know what he is saying or does he just open his mouth, words come out and it turns out hes hilarious.

As far as Moore and Neal goes, it kinda looked like they were on simailar pages tonight, however when Crimson through Moore in the ring Neal just kinda stood there, so I dont know whats going on with those two.

Max and Jeremy, great match. Wouldve loved it to go another 5 minutes, but fantastic match. I am still disappointed to see them getting broken up, however if you are going to revamp the X Division, Young Bucks will do it. They really showed their technical side tonight, usually they are just 10 minutes of spot fests but they really showed their depth.

Winter and Velvet Sky... Get someone decent for Winter to wrestle please. Velvet is great eye candy (as is Winter if she didnt dress like an 80 year old) but Winter should be wrestling Tara and Mickie.

Kurt Angle and Rob Terry, Squash match. Purely setting up Lockdown using poor Terry as cannon fodder.

The main event. Now I read the spoilers so I knew Daniels was comming back. I was sitting there the entire time thinking where is he? When is he comming out? As such practically ignored half the match.

Again though, Mr Anderson is a face, Hogan is supposed to be the supreme evil. WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY CHEERING HOGAN FOR HITTING ANDERSON!!!

This cage does look very small with 6 people in the ring, it also looked as the people in the ring didnt know if it was a traditional tag or tornado style. RVD got out on the apron and tried to tag and Hebner went over and told him its a tornado match so he acted hurt and fell into the ring. Then about 3 minutes later Bubba and Abyss were on the apron looking for tags. I think halfway through the match they realised hey, this ring is small we cant all be in here. Which...makes me wonder how they are going to do the X Division match and the Tag Team match at Lockdown.

DOUBLE RING BABY! Ok maybe not.

Anyway Good show, great to see some matches, good to see some storylines starting to take shape without having a flood of promos like past weeks.
TNA iMPACT - March 31, 2011

Opening Segment - For the most part, this is the same opening segment that we've seen on iMPACT! for a while. Anderson's whining about his title match, Hogan & Bischoff doing the heel authority figure routine, Sting trying to play the white knight and RVD trying unsuccessfully to make us think he gives a damn. After weeks of boringly dragging this out, they finally book a triple threat match at Lockdown between these guys for the title. They also announce a main event with Sting, Anderson & RVD against Matt Hardy, Bully Ray & Abyss inside a steel cage. So for the first time in forever, this could be a decent main event. It felt repetitive but it didn't take up 25 minutes, they finally got around to booking the damn triple threat at the ppv and it set up what might be a decent main event. Thumbs Up

Mini-Promos - After coming back from commercial, they did a block of maybe 60 second promos from a bunch of guys. Anderson & RVD did their usual thing. Shannon Moore's promo on Steiner was completely lame, Steiner's over the top delivery cracked me up and Bully Ray did a nice job. I didn't really see the point of all this but there were a few decent little promos here and at least the show hasn't been an "We are Immortal, we rule everything!!" type of love fest that we've seen a lot of. Thumbs Up

Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore - I wasn't really feeling this. The match crawled along at a snail's pace and Moore just didn't look like he belonged in there with Steiner. Moore managed to get in just enough offense on Steiner for this not to come off like a squash match. Steiner hit all his signature suff and I thought the match was pretty dull generally speaking. The Frankensteiner that he hit on Moore off the top was pretty cool, that's the most innovative thing I've seen out of Scott Steiner inside the ring since he went juice happy. Steiner gets the win about the 4.5 minute mark. *

Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck - Nice high energy 4 minute match from these two. We're 2 matches in and TNA's had a total of 8.5 minutes of wrestling, which is very above average compared to what we've gotten for a while. The match told a decent little story of brotherly rivalry and a game of one-upsmanship. One thing I didn't like about the match was that neither guy sold anything up until the last move Max hits on his brother. The match was on the short side but was pretty decent while it lasted. Max hits a cutter out of the corner to get the win. **

Velvet Sky vs. Winter - Decent effort I suppoe though it was sometimes hard to watch the match. Velvet Sky is gorgeous but the girl is just so damn uncoordinated in the ring sometimes. This is easily the best that Winter has looked since coming to TNA. While certainly not a huge factor in anything in my opinion, her ring attire was shit. Looked like she was wearing the wrestling gear's version of granny panties out there. Just didn't compliment her at all. One of the better Knockout matches we've seen in a while. Winter gets the win via submission around the 4 minute mark. I'm not all that crazy about Angelina Love's brainwashed angle or whatever it is, but the match did it's job. Winter looked ok and Velvet did put out a good effort even though she's still pretty weak in the ring. *1/4

Sting & Anderson - To be honest, I've found a lot of this situation to be boring and just unimaginative. I guess one thing that turns me off is Sting saying he wants an apology and all that. It just comes off as extremely mundane and uninspired because, of course, it's not going to happen so it's just an excuse for them to fight. Surely they could've come up with a somewhat fresher excuse than that. It also went on for too long I thought and here comes RVD and then Immortal to beat everyone down. Thumbs Down

Kurt Angle vs. Rob Terry - Man, it just doesn't pay to be the muscle of the big heel faction in TNA. Whoever gets the job just winds up coming off looking like a scrub. It happened with Matt Morgan and it's happened with Rob Terry. While Terry actually is a scrub, TNA isn't even bothering to hide it by jobbing him out to Kurt Angle in 90 seconds. I understand that they wanted Angle to look strong against Jarrett going into Lockdown and all, there are just some other guys that could've been fed to him. You know, guys that don't have spots in big factions that are "running" the company. N/A

Sting Mr. Anderson & Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Hardy, Bully Ray & Abyss - I'm kinda mixed here. On one hand, it's good to see a TNA match on television that went to at least the 10 minute mark. I can't remember the last time that's happened this year. On the other hand, this match just came across mostly as just one long continuous beatdown from Immortal. Sting & Anderson basically screwing RVD over, and themselves in the process, here was completely expected and fit exactly in with the sort of match formula you'd expect. I thought the stuff with Hogan forcing Anderson into the match just seemed...ehhh I dunno...it just seemed kinda weak. It would've made Anderson look like less of a bitch if he'd just decided to stroll on in whenever he damn well felt like it. If they want Anderson to seem more like Steve Austin, that would've been a good way to go with this. Immortal gets the win after Anderson screws RVD by shoving him off the ropes before he can hit the frog splash on Ray. Bully Ray then hits the Bubba Bomb about the 12 minute mark for the win. It did drag at times and it did seem to be more like one long beatdown at some points, but it's easily one of the most relevant main event matches on iMPACT! in a while. **1/4

Chrisopher Daniels - After the match, Immortal continues to beat on RVD & Sting while Anderson escapes. Fortune comes down to make the save and are overpowered. Suddenly, Chrisopher Daniels comes out of the crowd and climbs to the top of the cage for a cross body block onto Abyss, Hardy & Ray. After coming back from commercial, Daniels says he's there to avenge AJ Styles and all this and that. So he's going to be Styles' replacement in the 8 man tag match at Lockdown. It would've felt nice if they'd made Daniels' return into a bigger deal since he's such a big part of TNA's history, but the crowd was into it. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - For me, this was probably the best iMPACT! of 2011. The show had some good energy about it and I couldn't help but think that this was the sort of show that they should have put on while they were in North Carolina. The wrestling content on the show was stronger than it's been, quite possibly, the entire year. TNA actually put on about 20 minutes of wrestling for the show. Steiner vs. Moore didn't really do anything for me and Angle vs. Terry was nothing. Max vs. Jeremy Buck was a fun match while it lasted and the Knockouts put out a decent effort. I'm sort of mixed ont he main event overall but it was passable and one of the better ones on the show in a while. The wrestling may not have been 5 star quality, but it's definitely head and shoulders above what TNA has put on in a long while. They did a good job of building towards the ppv as well. Overall, a pretty decent 2 hour wrestling program and that's FAR above TNA's usual standards.

Grade: C+
I know it's a late but better late than never. Here is my review / thoughts on Impact 3-31-11

The Opening segment wasn't that great but did what it needed to do in setting up the main event for the show.

Scott Steiner vs Shannon Moore
Scott Steiner gets the win. Which I had no problem with since I don't care for Shannon Moore. It looks like he's turning heel and that Ink Inc might break up which I think is dumb. With GenMe breaking up and possibly the MCMGs TNA's tag division is looking weak.

Also Orlando Jordan and Eric Young was on commentary for some reason and got attacked by the British Invasion afterwards. I guess its nice for the British Invasion to be back but I think it's lame that Doug Williams has to be back in a tag team after the singles run he had.

Max Buck vs Jeremy Buck
Max wins. I don't have much to say about this match but I feel they shouldn't break up because they are good young tag team.

Velvet Sky vs Winter
Before the match we see a backstage segment with Angelina and Winter and Winter once again trying to convince Angelina that Velvet is not her friend. It looks like TNA is implying that Winter might be drugging Angelina. I don't think that is wise on TNA's part to do a drug related angle especially with Jeff Hardy's current situation.

As for the match I thought Velvet did well. Winter wins after making Velvet submit with a crappy looking submission move. Also seeing Angelina in a zombie like state is weird. I guess this is how TBP will break up. If they do I don't want see them feud because when I was somewhat interested in a Velvet vs Angelina feud they screwed it up. So I would rather Angelina and Velvet just go their separate ways.

Kurt Angle vs Rob Terry
Kurt makes short work of Terry and makes him tap. Rob Terry is the worse enforcer / bodyguard ever. I'm really getting tired of the whole Jarretts / Kurt Angle feud and I really hope it ends at Lockdown.

Main Event: Sting, Rob Van Dam & Mr. Anderson vs Matt Hardy, Bully Ray & Abyss - Steel Cage Match
I like Mr. Anderson but not his current character because just don't know if he is suppose to be a face, heel or tweener. Immortal wins when Bully Ray pins RVD after Mr. Anderson pushes him off the ropes. Of course the big beat down happens and out of nowhere Christopher Daniels returns and makes the save.

Overall I thought this Impact was better than what I've been seeing lately. All matches got some time and didn't seem rushed for once. They are actually doing a good job of hyping Lockdown. I just wish they would do this every week and not just when they have one of their big PPVs coming up. It was also cool to see Christopher Daniels return.

(The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter)

Hello all,

Here we are again, hoping that TNA has figured out how they want to book their stars. They better figure it out soon, because Lockdown is coming up, and with the lackluster Wrestlemania, they may have an opportunity that they can't pass up.

And here we go!

- And we begin with Fourtune and an explanation why Daniels is back.

- Let's set our timers for Eric Bischoff's entrance.

- Daniels wears eyeliner. There. I had to say it.

- The wrestling business has wronged you, Christopher Daniels. On many levels.

- The over\under for months it takes for Daniels to turn on Styles is 4 months. Place your bets soon.

- Does Ric Flair count for Eric Bischoff since he kisses his ass? No? OK then...

- Ric Flair would be an awesome heel right now if he wasn't 200 years old.

- Let's just face it, when you're old, you can't be an effective heel.

- Does Ric Flair mentioning Eric Bischoff count for his contractually obligated first promo? No? OK.

- There he is! HERE'S Eric Bischoff's contractually obligated first promo! And time!

- Bully Ray is the baddest man on the planet?!

- Why doesn't Bully Ray use the powerbomb as his singles finisher, instead of that Full-Nelson Ass-Rapist Bomb?

- Bully Ray mentioned the mascara and fingernail polish!

- Is Sting too old to send Mr. Anderson an email instead of the love card?

- Is there a worse name for a stable than Mexican America?

- And we have a Tommy Dreamer sighting! Well, we know who's jobbing tonight.

- Shame about Devon. His kids get powerbombed through a table and Bully Ray gets main event feuds and Devon gets to job to Mexicans.

- Is Angle mad that Dveon stole the Thesz Press from Randy Orton?

- Not even a finisher to beat Devon? Really, TNA?

- Matt Morgan saves Dreamer and this feud goes on apparently.

- Oh no. More Jarrett\Angle bullshit.

- Beware the Winter Dixie cup.

- And the feud that wins the award of making the littlest amount of sense: The Pope vs. Samoa Joe.

- I thought The Pope only wore white for his pure body.

- Is that Gunner or Murphy?

- Wow. Two matches, two squashes.

- And that was pointless. Samoa Joe has already squashed The Pope, so having him squash someone else is pointless.

- Well, this match shouldn't be a squash. Hopefully.

- Never mind.

- How did Angelina Love and Velvet Sky earn a tag team title shot when Angelina and Winter didn't get their rematch and Velvet hasn't won in weeks?

- Interesting turn by Angelina Love. I guess this is yet ANOTHER heel turn. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 TNA Russo booking!

- Three matches, three squashes.

- Chris Sabin must love Velvet Sky. She spends a LOT of time on her back.

- Do Eric Young and Orlando Jordan really get paid to stand around and say random shit?

- Wow, Rob Van Dam showing some trickery. Nice character touch.

- NOW can Mr. Anderson turn heel and join Immortal?

- Or better yet, can we get a surprise and have Rob Van Dam join Immortal?

- What's sad is that if either of them turn, it'll be yet another triple threat match that culminates in a wrestler turning heel.

- That was a long beatdown. Mr. Anderson has to get revenge later to get his heat back.

- And here's Sting with another mid-show promo.

- Did Sting sell his old hand-me-down black coat to RVD?

- And that was fast. I guess RVD came down from the rafters.

- Sting: "Rob, I'm sorry for whopping your ass with my baseball bat several times."

- When was RVD in WCW?

- Do we need a double dose of Hogan and Bischoff?

- I think Hogan is turned on by Robbie V.D.

- When did Tara scrub toilets for a living?

- 5 match guaranteed tonight. Not bad.

- Do it, Kenny. You know you want to join Hogan.

- Hey, the Price is Right almost winner Brian Kendrick!

- Motor City Machine Guns! Welcome back Chris Sabin!

- Suicide?! Who's playing him now?!

- 6 man X-division match for our 4th match of the night.

- At least this won't be a squash.

- Good to see Kendrick getting serious again.

- Max Buck turned...um...heel...on his brother...um, OK.

- So, let's see...The Motor City Machine Guns are focusing on singles competition, Generation Me turn on each other, Ink Inc. is next to turn on each other, and the top contender for the tag team titles is Eric Young and Orlando Jordan. What the hell is going on?

- I guess it was Murphy that was Samoa Joe's bitch tonight.

- Finally, a move that makes sense! Mr. Anderson hinting at joining Immortal!

- Did Tara run over Mickie James? Or was it a drive-by? And why did Madison Rayne run on foot?

- Wow, this is a first: a CAMERAMAN showing concern for someone! Normally they film everything and don't do shit!

- His talent aside, Christopher Daniels is the most homosexual-looking wrestler I've ever seen.

- Which is fitting since he's facing a wrestler whose finisher is the Full-Nelson Ass-Raping Bomb.

- Hulk Hogan does his first physical heel move of 2011 with a chain-assisted knockout to Daniels for a Bully Ray win.

- Bully Ray is one UGLY motherfucker. And that ugly is to the bone!

- Can I start a petition to get Jeff Jarrett off of my TV?

- Or better yet, can we take up a collection? I have $5.

- Don't the cops have proof that the Jarretts faked the 911 call? Like say, THE SHOW?!

- This feud is absurd. Christ.

- With speed like that, Jeff Jarrett should have never lost a cage match in his life.

- The over\under and lead pipe hits from Mr. Anderson is 5. Place your bets now.

- Can anyone else see Mr. Anderson being an actual referee should his wrestling career derail? He looks pretty natural in a ref shirt.

- How happy is Sting that his opponent is coherent?!

- So far this match is OK. Our 6th match of a very good Impact so far.

- RVD beats the champion after a Mic Check from ref Mr. Anderson. Who DIDN'T see that coming?

- Anderson isn't joining Immortal. If he was, wouldn't the rest of the hee-haws join in?

- And Mr. Anderson continues his Twinkie run.

- Last thing: if you bet the under on pipe shots, you win.

Overall: A very good Impact that ended the way it should have weeks ago: Mr. Anderson almost joining Immortal. 6 matches, the last 3 pretty good, plus more set-up for the PPV. Let's hope next week, the going home show, lives up to the quality.
tonight is proof...TNA is F****** AWESOME!!! Reminds me of WCW/Attitude Era WWE(F). Matt Hardy, Abyss, Bully Ray and Flair are hilarious. The storylines are are 100x better than WWE. As VKM takes wrestling away from the WWE and turns it into a hollywood spectacle, I hope the loyal wrestling diehards tune into TNA for classic pro wrestling. The Angle/Jarrett and Pope/Joe feuds are getting kinda old, but everything else is great. It reminds me of watching RAW in 1998 just with less fans in the arena.
TNA iMPACT! - April 7, 2011

Opening Segment - I'm mixed on the opening of the show last night. The talking was handled by Ric Flair, Bully Ray & Chrisopher Daniels. Daniels wasn't spectacular or anything but he did a solid job overall by drawing on his history with TNA & AJ Styles to establish his presence with Fortune before Immortal's music hits. Flair started out doing his usual "I'm God" schtick and I can't say that Flair made me excited about Daniels' presence in this feud. Daniels is very much a "TNA Original" and his return should have been made to feel like it was a big deal. Instead, Flair talked about Daniels as if he were nothing. Usual heel tactic I know, but the way to go shouldn't have been to make Daniels seem like a poor man's AJ Styles and that's how it came across to me. I know that Daniels isn't a multiple time World Champion like Styles, but his connection to the history of TNA and him stepping up to "help" it and his friends should have resulted in more than a "who are you?" type of heel promo from Flair. Buly Ray gets in Daniels' face and does a good job though I have to say that I buy into the whole "baddest mother f'er on the planet" stuff less and less each time I hear it about Ray. He's fun to listen to on the mic but it definitely feels more tongue-in-cheek as he has pretty much zero credibility as a singles wrestler. Hogan & Bischoff came out, all this stuff with "The Network", blah blah and made a lumberjack match between Ray & Daniels before the usual brawl between the factions breaks out. Thumbs In The Middle

Hernandez & Anarchia vs. Tommy Dreamer & Devon - Shitty 2 minute match that did absolutely nothing whatsoever to make me even remotely care about this Mexican America faction. If it wasn't for Sarita & Rosita running around, I wouldn't even have given this a second look. There really wasn't much action in the match, the only thing the crowd really cared about was Devon kissing Rosita. The match ends with Anarchia hitting Devon with a chair as he's about to bounce off the ropes. Hernandez gets the pin. Morgan comes out afterward to make the save before the boys try to do something with Devon & Dreamer on the concrete outside. This match was DOA. N/A

Winter & Angelina Love - Winter is backstage berating Angelina for agreeing to be Velvet's tag team partner in a match tonight before Angelina starts to drink her "drugged" drink. Yeah this whole thing with Angelina being in this drugged out zombie state under Winter's thrall is ridiculous. It's beyond cheesy and sounds like part of a plot line to some 1960s action cartoon serial. Thumbs Down

Samoa Joe vs. Murphy - Less than a minute squash match for Joe with Pope talking trash on commentary. Don't care. I just want Joe vs. Pope over and done with. N/A

The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Rosita - Apparently this match is for the Knockout tag titles. It lasts all of about 90 seconds with Velvet trying to get through to the drugged out, zombiefied Angelina. Angelina turns on Velvet, Sarita gets the win. Far too short to mean anything, which is sad considering it's supposed to be a title match. N/A

Ken Anderson & Rob Van Dam - This starts out with Anderson running around looking for Sting carrying a steel pipe after finding little notes addressed to him all over the backstage area supposedly from Sting. He first runs into Eric Young & Orlando Jordan, Young acts like his dumb self while Jordan makes the expected gay joke. Anderson's supposed to be an asshole right? An asshole with a chip on his shoulder at that, someone that's "edgy" right? So why not use the pipe on Jordan & EY? Anyhow, Anderson eventually makes his way up to the rafters and is attacked by RVD wearing a trench coat. RVD jokes around slightly by making a stoner reference, hey go with what you know right? There are plenty of bleeped out curse words throughout the beating for all those excited by that to go "Wow!!! This is, like, so completely friggin' awesome!!! It's like the Attitude Era!!!". RVD does give a decent beatdown on Anderson so it was pretty passable overall. Thumbs Up

Sting & Rob Van Dam - Sting comes out to start off the second hour of the show and addresses Hogan & Bischoff and all this. I like Sting, don't get me wrong, but this whole white knight that's come to save TNA act is just really really really stale to me. I'm just bored with it. Sting says that he's been distracted from his purpose in TNA, namely saving it from Hogan & Bischoff, by Anderson & RVD. RVD comes out, Sting apologizes, RVD says I respect you and all this before Hogan & Bischoff come out again. Hogan praises RVD's new attitude, whatever that's supposed to be, and gives him a match against Sting tonight. An ok segment generally, but I was just bored by the whole thing. Thumbs Down

Chris Sabin, Brian Kendrick & Suicide vs. Max Buck, Jeremy Buck & Robbie E. - Pretty decent match while it lasted with some good action. It only lasted about 4, maybe 5 minutes, but that's as long as the first 3 matches on the card so far put together. Kendrick probably had the strongest showing of anyone in the match after catching a hot tag about 3 minutes in, though I still can't take the guy seriously with his current character. The match was mostly just window dressing to the storyline going on with Generation Me, Max is the glory hog while he has Jeremy do the dirty work. I guess they're working it out with Max as the "dominant" brother because he's the older of the two. That's not saying much since they both look like they're about 15. I thought the ending was kinda lame in which Jeremy tagged himself in and was doing pretty well and seemed to have Kendrick where he wanted. Max comes in and causes Jeremy to straddle the top turnbuckle before DDTing him off, allowing Kendrick to pick up the cheap win. So yeah, it's pretty much over for Generation Me at this point. Decent while it lasted though I wasn't hot for the ending. **

Hogan & Anderson - This segment starts off with Hogan back in his office berating Rob Terry, Gunner & Murphy. Well, not really Murphy so much as Hogan calls him champ, which got a chuckle out of me as the TV title is the single most worthless wrestling championship in existence at this time. Hogan tells Gunner to slap Murphy & Terry, which he does, before Anderson comes in. Basically, TNA to make the viewer think that Anderson is hooking up with Immortal as he's tired of getting beaten up and all this and that. Hogan makes Anderson the special ref for the RVD vs. Sting match and Anderson says Hogan has his support. Nothing good here but nothing all that bad. This is just one of those segments that's just...well it's just there. I don't think anyone buys that Anderson has or will join Immortal. It's blatantly obvious that this is meant to be sort of a swerve within a swerve. Thumbs In The Middle

Hit & Run - Mickie James is shown unconscious in the parking lot with Tara & Madison pulling their motorcycle off of Mickie's prone body. Hit & Run is probably not exactly accurate since we didn't see Mickie get "hit" by the motorcycle or anything, but it's what it seemed like with Tara & Madison driving off afterward. Don't care, simply don't care. Thumbs Down

Chrisopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray - Good 5 minute match here with the typical lumberjack stuff going on with the members of Immortal & Fortune outside. There was some fun offense from Daniels and Ray took it well. Ray looked much smoother in this match than he usually does. Daniels eventually hit the BME on Ray and Jackson James was making the count before getting pulled outside. A HUGE pet peeve of mine in TNA is it's inconsistency with how the refs are treated. Why wasn't Ray disqualified after Flair pulled James out? Now in another match later on down the road, someone will do this exact same thing and will get DQ'd. I know, I know people don't like DQ endings, especially in this sort of match, but it's situational logic like this that just irks me. Anyhow, as James is out there trying to keep the two factions apart, Hogan runs down and wraps a chain around his hand. He punches Daniels, allowing Ray to get the win. Nice little twist with Hogan himself running interference. It added a little unexpected element to this match. **1/2

The Jarretts & Kurt Angle - Jeff Jarrett is inside the ring after a cage is put up and goes on about his feud with Kurt Angle. Jeff Jarrett went on about a "restraining order" against Angle, using the steel cage erected as a metaphor for Angle being "arrested". Jarrett calls for Karen to come out, only for Angle's music to play. Angle comes out on Suicide's zip line and seals Jarrett inside the cage with him but Jarrett manages to scamper out of the cage. This was a shitty segment. They go to all the trouble of erecting the cage just for this? We don't even get to see Jarrett smacked up against it a few times? Like with Joe vs. Pope, I'm more than ready for this feud to be over and done with. Thumbs Down

Sting vs. Rob Van Dam - Generally speaking, this match went exactly as I figured it would. The only exception was that Sting winds up getting pinned in about 3, maybe 3.5 minutes here. I just thought it made Sting look kind of weak to lose so quickly. I'm fine with the whole screwjob ending to the match, we all knew it was coming after all, but this match really should have been given a decent amount of time. Anderson hits Sting with the Mic Check before RVD hits the frog splash for the win. Afterward, Anderson & RVD stare each other down before Anderson waffles RVD with the belt before screaming that it's his title, etc. Murphy & Rob Terry come out and hoist Anderson up on on their shoulders before Hogan comes out clapping. Anderson quickly hits the Mic Check on the two stooges. *1/2

Overall Show - Virtually the entire first hour of iMPACT! last night was awful. The opening segment was ok but definitely had some drawbacks. The promo work was solid but I just think that TNA did a poor job of making Daniels seem relevant to this feud with the way he was put down by Flair. The wrestling content in the first hour was shitty with 3 matches lasting a total of about 4 minutes or so. The stuff with Anderson, Sting & RVD, for me, comes across as lukewarm at best. Neither of these guys are particularly interesting for me right now. Anderson seems more like a whiney bitch now than anything else, Sting is painted as the knight in shining armor come to save TNA and RVD is...well, he's still the same wooden guy he's always been. The X Division six man tag match was decent while it lasted and Bully Ray vs. Daniels in the lumberjack match was a fun 5 minute encounter with a nice little unexpected twist of Hulk Hogan himself actually interfering in the match. The main event was your standard, subpar 3 to 3.5 minute event with the World Champion getting pinned in no time at all. I thought the show had far more downs than ups. Last week's show was decent but this one just felt like it was back in TNA's usual territory. Aside from a couple of decent matches and a decent opening promo segment, the show felt flat.

Grade: D+
TNA Impact: 4/7/11


We start off with Fortune in the ring. Daniels talks about his history with TNA. He talks about his friendship with AJ Styles. Daniels wants to be the fourth man at Lockdown. Immortal interrupts. Flair gets on the mic. Flair says he has no idea who Daniels is. He trashes Daniels. Flair gives Daniels the chance to walk away. Daniels says Flair can stick his offer up his ass. Flair tells Daniels to hit the bricks. Daniels says The Network wants him in TNA. Hogan and Bischoff interrupt. Hogan reminds Daniels he is in power. Hogan grants Daniels his wish. Hogan says Daniels must wrestle Bull Ray tonight. Ray threatens Daniels. He tells Daniels to go back to California. He says Daniels should touch up his makeup and watch Oprah. Daniels pops Ray. A brawl erupts, but before things get too out of hand, Hogan calls for security. I thought the opening segment was solid tonight. I was glad Anderson didn‘t open the show. Everything just felt so refreshing. I was glad I didn’t have to hear the same old tired promo, where he whines and bitches about being screwed out of his title shot. Daniels was solid on the mic here, and Bully Ray’s mic work was pretty damn good. He was very intimidating and mean. I wasn’t too crazy about the Bully Ray push at first, but I do think he’s doing a fine job with this heel character. Also, I love Flair, but I think he can go overboard with the “God” stuff sometimes. He’s Ric Flair. Everyone knows he’s a legend in the world of pro wrestling. We don’t need to be reminded of it EVERY time he grabs a mic.

Hernandez & Anarquia VS Tommy Dreamer & Devon

Anarquia hits Devon with a chair as he comes off the ropes, and Hernandez gets the pinfall for the win. Yeah, this was pretty quick. This match never got a chance to get into any type of rhythm, and the chair shot to Devon’s back ended this one fast. Sarita and Rosita looked good here, and Devon was able to steal a kiss from Rosita. Lucky bastard. Match Rating- 1/10

After the match, Hernandez tries to hit a Border Toss to the exposed concrete floor on the outside, but Matt Morgan comes down for the save. Hernandez escapes, but Anarquia gets a choke slam.

Samoa Joe VS Murphy

Joe is getting ready for his match. Pope interrupts. He joins Tenay and Taz for commentary.

Joe slaps on the Rear Naked Choke, and Murphy taps out to give Joe the win via submission. This was another quick match that didn’t deliver anything at all. Joe’s opponent managed to get some shots in at the beginning, but Joe made a furious and quick comeback, and he destroyed Murphy to get the win in this short match. Also, Pope on commentary was kind of distracting here. There wasn’t too much focus on the match, but then again, the match wasn’t anything to remember. Match Rating- 0/10

After the match, Joe chases Pope from the commentary table.

Sarita & Rosita VS Velvet Sky & Angelina Love- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships

Velvet goes for a tag, but Angelina is still in la-la-land, so she doesn’t respond. Winter comes out. She throws up a break signal, and Angelina attacks Velvet. Rosita takes advantage of the beat down, and she gets the pinfall to retain the tag titles. This match got off to an okay start, but things went down hill pretty quickly. This one didn’t last long, and Winter’s influence over Angelina put an end to this one fast. Also, I could care less about Sarita and Rosita retaining here. The Knockout Tag Titles have been nothing more than a prop in TNA, and things haven’t changed since these Titles debuted a few years ago. Match Rating- 0/10


Sting comes to the ring. He seems to be in a good mood, as he calls RVD to the ring. Sting says he returned to TNA to stop Hogan and Bischoff. Sting apologizes for the baseball attack on RVD last year. Sting wants an apology from RVD. RVD disguised himself as Sting to fool Anderson earlier on. This deception allowed RVD to beat the crap out of The Asshole. RVD reminds Sting he has grown over the years. Bischoff and Hogan interrupt. Hogan says RVD will face Sting in a one on one match tonight. This was an okay segment. Sting was the best on the mic during this segment, but RVD just sounded very boring here. He had no energy, and he just sounded so dull.

Robbie. E & Generation Me VS Brian Kendrick, Chris Sabin, & Suicide

.Jeremy goes for a top rope move, but Max stops his own brother. Max hits Jeremy with a DDT. Kendrick takes advantage of the sibling rivalry, and he picks up the pinfall for the win. FINALLY. Man, I was waiting for a match I could actually get into it, and this one did deliver. There was lots of energy here, there were some high spots in this one, and the pace here was pretty quick. The tension between Jeremy and Max was expected, because these two obliviously still have problems with each other. Match Rating- 6/10

Bully Ray VS Daniels- Lumberjack Match

Abyss, Hardy, and Flair are representing Immortal as lumberjacks. Beer Money and Kaz are representing Fortune.

Daniels hits the BME on Ray. He goes for the cover, but Flair pulls the ref out of the ring. Hogan comes down. He wraps Bubba’s chain around his fist, and he smashes Daniels in the face with a hard punch. The ref comes back in the ring, and Bubba gets the pinfall for the win. Ray dominated the first half of this match, but Daniels was able to make a nice comeback. There was some hard hitting offense in this one, and this match did have a steady pace to it. This was a lumberjack match, and Immortal was at ringside, so you had to expect some foul play here. Hogan’s interference didn’t completely kill this match for me, because you just knew something fishy was going to go down here. Match Rating- 4/10

Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett comes to the ring. There’s a steel cage being built around the ring, and Jarrett is rushing the crew. Jarrett tears into Angle, as he brings up his arrest from last week. Jarrett says Angle is using the restraining order to dodge him. Jarrett says he will not let Angle’s kids visit him in prison. Jarrett calls his wife Karen to the ring. Kurt Angle’s music hits instead. Angle comes down from the rafters. Kurt uses a zip line to enter through the top, and Jarrett is starting to panic. Karen runs to the ring, as Jarrett and Angle prepare to fight. Jarrett manages to escape the cage. Jarrett’s mic work was solid here, but I still couldn’t get into this. This feud has been dragged out long enough, and Jarrett has already done everything he can do to torture Angle. Also, the cage really didn’t seem necessary here. I thought Angle would use the steel to punish JJ, but instead, Jarrett just escapes through the top? I hope this feud ends at Lockdown, because the overkill in Angle VS Jarrett is off the charts.

Sting VS RVD With Mr. Anderson As The Special Guest Referee

Earlier tonight, Anderson was suckered into attack by RVD. Van Dam posed as Sting, and he managed to issue a viscous beat down on The Asshole. Anderson made a deal with Hogan, and Anderson was named the ref for this match. Anderson comes to the ring with a lead pipe…yeah, this should be interesting.

Sting hits The Scorpion Death Drop. He yells at the crowd, and Mr. Anderson hits a quick Mic Check on Sting. RVD hits the Five-Star Frog Splash for the win. This was a weak main event. This match was quick, and I couldn’t get into this because Sting and RVD never got a chance to really go at each other. Also, you just knew the interference from Anderson was coming at some point. Match Rating- 2/10

After the match, Anderson takes the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. He clocks RVD with it. Murphy and Rob Terry come out to celebrate with Anderson. Anderson plays along for a little while, then he quickly turns on Terry and Murphy. He takes both men out with a Mic Check. Anderson wants to take out Hogan next. The Hulkster is pissed, and he ends the show with a profanity filled rant.

Overall Show Rating 3/10- I had a hard time getting into tonight’s show. Everything just seem to drag along, and the wrestling was pretty dull tonight. This show lacked energy, and a lot of stuff tonight just felt so lackluster. TNA’s feuds just aren’t doing it for me right now. Every other feud in TNA just feels so long and drawn out. When Mickie James was shown on the ground in the backstage area after the very obvious sneak attack from Tara and Madison Rayne, I just had this overwhelming “meh” feeling. Madison VS Mickie hasn’t been memorable at all, but it seems as if TNA is hell bent on pushing this rivalry. This feud has been dull for quite some time, and I just want to see it end.
Here are my thoughts review of Impact 4-7-11

Opening Segment
Christopher Daniels & Fortune come to the ring. It was nice to not to see Immortal open the show for once. I also liked that Daniels explained that it was the Network he gave his contract to return. This segment basically sets up a match between Daniels and Bully Ray for later in the night.

I don't know if it is legit or not but it sucks if AJ will be out of action for a while.

Tommy Dreamer & Devon vs Hernandez & Anarquia
I don't care for Mexican America at all. Also I guess Sarita's gimmick is that she is a Canadian who thinks she's Mexican. MA wins and Hernadez is about to give Dreamer the Border Toss to the outside when Matt Morgan runs in for the save.

I just don't care about this feud at all. Also if TNA really wants to push Mexican America and make them look like a threat just have them win clean.

Angelina Love / Winter Segment
Once again it appears that Angelina is being drugged by Winter. Seeing Angelina in her zombie state is just weird.

Samoa Joe vs Murphy
Joe wins it was basically a squash. The Pope came out and was commentary before Joe chased him to the back. I hate to sound like a broken record but once again I don't care for this feud. I think it's a waste of both guys.

The Beautiful People vs Rosita & Sarita - Knockout Tag Title Match
1st I'm going to say that I think the KO tag titles are worthless at this point. Velvet has to pretty much drag Angelina and help her into the ring. The champions retain when Rosita pins Velvet after Angelina turned on her.

So because Winter makes a motion with her hand she can now control Angelina? Really what kind of drug allows you to control someone? I guess this is the start of the BP break up. I really can't see them being the same after this. This could be a good thing because I feel Velvet being in TBP for so long has hindered her and I think she deserves to have some success on her own without being part of group. Maybe it's time to make that happen.

I think this angle has jumped the shark. But it is the most interesting thing in TNA right now.

Tara / Madison Rayne / Mickie James Segment
So Tara and Madison ran over Mickie in a really lame looking segment. But I guess this is how they are going to explain Mickie's shoulder injury. As for Tara doing what Madison's says I think it's dumb. Technically she works for TNA and they pay her salary so why does she even have to do what Madison tells her? Madison's run as KO champion really needs to end soon.

Chris Sabin, Suicide & Brian Kendrick vs Generation Me & Robbie E with Cookie
Why is Robbie E in the X division? The match ends when Max turned on Jeremy and Brian Kendrick got the pin.

Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray
Bully Ray wins. I understand they want Bully Ray to look like a threat but why have Daniels lose his return match? I don't get that.

Main Event: Sting vs Rob Van Dam
Mr. Anderson is the referee. The finish comes when Anderson Mic Cheeks Sting and RVD gets the win. After the match it appears Mr. Anderson has joined Immortal and Murphy and Rob Terry left him on their shoulders and then he turns on them and takes them out.

I guess TNA is trying to make Mr. Anderson into a more sarcastic type Stone Cold Steve Austin character. IDK

Overall I didn't like this Impact as much as last week's. Maybe next week's Impact will be better since it is the go home show to Lockdown.
I thought tonight was a GREAT Go Home show. The opening segment was good and I liked that we didn't get a Long opening promo like we always do. The opening was ok but It was used to build up the 4 way tag at Lockdown. The Kaz vs Matt match was Very Good for a TV match and Matt using the butterfly submission was good and makes sense because he spent the match working on Kaz neck. Next up was an in ring promo with Tara, Rayne and Mickie, Rayne cut a Good Promo Mickie came out and also cut a Good Promo. Good segment with Good buildup to the match at LD. 6 Man tag with Hernandez Jarrett and Pope vs Angle Morgan and Joe was a good match and build 3 matches at Lockdown in one and it was also good that Angle and Jarrett had no contact. They also announce that Jarrett vs Angle will a 2/3 falls that match Match just got Even BETTER. Good in ring promo from Sting. Abyss vs James Storm was another Good Match. Gauntlet match was Decent. Great Show tonight with Excellent build for Lockdown

Grade: A+
I loved iMPACT this week. It flowed so well, it was booked correctly, the wrestling was awesome, the promos as well, just a great show leading into Lockdown. Can't wait for the PPV.

Angry reviewers who don't care about the product but still watch it every week and try to act like critics to make themselves feel like they're big shots on the interwebs in 3...2....1....
Angry reviewers who don't care about the product but still watch it every week and try to act like critics to make themselves feel like they're big shots on the interwebs in 3...2....1....

Excuse me, but just who in the FUCK are you to tell me I don't care about TNA's product? I've been watching them for 6 years, have spent a good chunk of cash on their products, and I regularly watch their programming. Just like you, I too am a TNA fan. GOD forbid people who watch their programming and buy their merchandise get pissed when they don't like how TNA creative is currently working. Are we supposed to just say every TNA show is awesome, always, like yourself? If we were to all believe your posts, TNA has NEVER put on a single solitary bad show in the history of their existence.

Anyways, contrary to what Zeven the Zealous might think, most of us who recap/review Impact quite liked the show this week from the comments in the LD. A large cut in needless promo segments, more in-ring wrestling, and all of the programs for Lockdown got time on the show. Nothing amazing about tonight's show or anything, but definitely the best Impact in awhile. See how much better your show becomes when you actually wrestle on your wrestling show instead of just cut promos for 2 hours TNA? Things improve instantly.

Might do a full review later, but not sure. I had given up on reviewing Impact it had gotten so bad, but I may have to start again if things shape up as they did tonight.
TNA iMPACT! - April 14, 2011

Opening Segment - Pretty standard opening for iMPACT!. We have Immortal coming out with Hulk Hogan doing most of the talking. Typicaly stuff out of Immortal before Mr. Anderson comes out. Anderson’s comment about all the guys from Immortal swinging on Hogan’s nuts was kinda funny. Hogan eventually slaps Anderson in the face and Immortal beats him down. Nothing really good or bad here in general, it was just one of those segments that’s just there. It was much shorter than I figured it would though. Thumbs In The Middle

Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson vs. Jesse Neal vs. Douglas Williams - What a mindless clusterfuck this thing was. You’ve got everyone running around all over the place and accomplishing nothing in the process. Nothing really to speak of as far as the match itself goes, pretty standard stuff more or less for this type of setting in TNA. The partners of each of these guys was at ringside and got involved in this match to some degree or another. Shannon Moore was out there mocking Scott Steiner and it seems that the limits of his smack talking abilities is nothing more than the mock pose of Steiner that we’ve already seen him do a hundred times. Jesse Neal had control of most of the match before taking his eyes off the match to yell at Moore for mocking Steiner. Eric Young makes his presence known and tries to slam the ref over the top rope. Orlando Jordan, surprisingly, gets the win over Douglas Williams about the 4 minute mark. Orlando Jordan used Cody Rhodes’ finishing move so I wonder if Kurt Angle will Tweet about that tomorrow. 1/4*

Kazarian vs. Matt Hardy - This was the first of a best of 3 series announced by Hogan & Bischoff earlier via orders of “The Network” between members of Immortal & Fortune with the winning team getting a 1 man advantage for their match at the ppv. This was a pretty good tv match, better than I figured it’d be. Hardy was solid in the ring, nothing particularly special, and Kazarian brought a lot of good energy to the match. Both of them hit some high impact moves. The ending comes with Matt Hardy pushing Earl Hebner into the ropes as Kazarian is about to launch into a springboard sort of move off the top. Hardy locks in what he calls the Ice Pick, which is double underhook submission move. Basically picture a double arm DDT with Hardy then locking the body scissors onto Kazarian. Hardy gets the clean pin a little past the 5 minute mark. **1/4

Madison Rayne, Mickie James & Tara - This was a pretty good last sell promo segment for the Knockout Championship match at Lockdown. Some good work from Madison & Mickie James and it’s nice to see some of the old intensity from Mickie James. There were a few parts of the promo in which she seemed like her old maniacal self back when she first debuted in the WWE. I don’t have any interest at all in this match and the Knockout Championship is meaningless at this point, but these two cut a couple of good promos. Thumbs Up

Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe & Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett, D’Angelo Dinero & Hernandez - Pretty good six man tag team match here and at around 9.5 minutes in total, it’s definitely one of the longest matches I’ve seen on iMPACT! in a really long time. I like that they teased Angle & Jarrett here without them having lay hands on each other. I’m hoping that they end this feud at Lockdown so it’s good to save everything for the event. It was fun to see Angle in there for the brief time that he actually was in there. The last several minutes were kinda chaotic but it wasn’t a mindless cluster. The end comes with Dinero hitting Joe with a pair of brass knuckles for the win, courtesy of Mexican America. There was some good energy and one of the better matches I’ve seen on TNA tv in a while. **1/2

Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Sting & RVD - This segment just bored the shit out of me and was the only time I’ve really been bored for the whole show. The segment teased a potential alliance with RVD joining Immortal and Sting showing up to play his role as the white knight & savior of TNA from Hogan & Bischoff. After RVD leaves, the remaining players basically draw back on their time and history in WCW before Sting hits Bischoff with the Scorpion Death Drop and Hogan threatening Sting. I don’t care if RVD joins Immortal, I’m loooooong since over this Immortal storyline. Thumbs Down

Abyss vs. James Storm - Pretty decent match here for what it was. The match lasted a little less than 3.5 minutes but I thought it was ok. We don’t often see Storm have any singles matches and I thought he did a solid job. Abyss was out there doing his usual thing manages to get the clean win after hitting the Black Hole Slam. With 2 straight wins in this best of 3 series, Immortal wins and gets an extra man advantage in the Immortal vs. Fortune match at Lethal Lockdown. *1/4

Angelina Love & Velvet Sky - Well, it’s official now. The Beautiful People are no more as Angelina came out doing her zombiefied/thrall routine with Velvet demanding an explanation. Angelina beats down Velvet, eventually hitting her with a DDT on a chair before crawling out of the ring with the expressionless look on her face as Winter stands up on the apron beckoning her. This whole thing with Angelina being drugged is ridiculous. On one hand, it’s kind of sad to see TBP done with but, at the same time, it’s really time because they definitely peaked a long time ago. Thumbs Down

Mr. Anderson vs. Murphy - This is the first match in which Anderson has to run the Immortal gauntlet. Nothing really much to say here with Murphy getting in a little offense on Anderson’s leg before Anderson gets the win over Murphy in about 90 seconds or so with the mic check. Murphy’s status as jobber for life is going strong. N/A

Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Terry - Again, there wasn’t really much to speak of here. Rob Terry spends much of the match trying to work on Anderson’s “injured” leg before hitting the occasional high impact clothesline or something. Anderson comes back in about 3 minutes with the win after hitting the mic check 1/4*

Mr. Anderson vs. Gunner - Gunner works on the injured knee and beats him in the corner, etc. Anderson makes a comeback with a flurry of offense, eventually hitting a spinning neckbreaker. Anderson’s leg gives out in him as he’s about to continue his offense on Gunner. Gunner tries a clothesline, Anderson ducks and hits the mic chek for the win around the 5 minute mark. 1/4*

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray - When Ray gets in there the crowd decides to start a “you can’t wrestle” chant. Wow…they just saw 3 matches featuring 3 of the worst guys on the roster, guys that make Ray look like Kurt Angle, and the Impact Zone starts a “you can’t wrestle” chant on Ray? Holy shit. Not really much of a match here as it was mostly just one long beat down with Anderson managing an occasional attempt at a comeback. Anderson is dragged up the ramp and on the stage by Ray, who looks like he intends to put him off the stage as he did with AJ Styles several weeks back. Hogan’s music hits and I just kinda rolled my eyes here as it seems that Hogan is getting back into the mode of having himself be the centerpiece of every show. He acts like he’s gonna power bomb Anderson, Sting makes the save. I’m guesing the whole thing ended in a no contest, big surprise there. Sting lays out Ray & Abyss with the bat and stands over Anderson while Hogan begs off. *1/4

Overall Show - This was definitely one of the better episodes of iMPACT! I’ve seen in a good long while. There was a nice flow of energy on the show tonight and a huge step up from recent go home shows. I wasn’t all that hot about the opening. It wasn’t really good or bad it was just kinda there. The four way match was awful while Kazarian vs. Matt Hardy was a very solid tv match. Mickie James & Madison Rayne did a good job on the mic tonight and gave a nice little final push for their match at Lockdown. The six man tag was pretty fun and definitely one of the better matches shown on TNA television this year so far. Hogan, Sting & RVD just kinda bored me as I’m over the Immortal storyline. I want it to just end and I don’t give a shit if RVD is gonna turn or not. Abyss vs. James Storm was decent for what it was but definitely nothing to write home about. I’m over the zombied out Angelina Love/Winter thing, it’s a good example of wrestle crap in my opinion. The gauntlet match was pretty much what I figured it was. Not really much to write home about but considering that three of Anderson’s four opponents were arguably the biggest scrubs on the TNA roster, that’s not at all surprising. One thing that I think TNA needs to get rid of is the canned applause & heat. It really, really really looks cheesy because it’s done so poorly. Whenever a heel or face came out to either boos or cheers, the cameras did these wide shots of the Impact Zone crowd and most of them were sitting on their hands and not making a sound. It’s hard not to laugh at TNA when they’re trying to make it seem as though everyone in the Impact Zone is enthusiastically into what they’re being given when you can clearly see with your own eyes that most of the crowd is damn near dead silent. But, like I said, there was some good energy going on and much more wrestling content than we’ve seen on iMPACT! in a long time. A couple of the matches were quite good.

Grade: C+

Oh and Zevon, I don't need the internet to make myself feel like a big shot. I get that by making skinheads, ganbangers rapists & drug dealers call me Sir on a daily basis. :wave:

Hello all!

The set-up show for Lockdown is here, and TNA in the past hasn't set-up its pay-per-views too well. I have a good feeling about this show, so let's get to it!

- And we start the show with Eric Bischoff's contractually obligated first promo!

- So we have the Immortals A-Team of Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, and Abyss, then the B-Team of Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy.

- And licensed consultant Jeff Jarrett. Think Bret Hart's role in the NWO.

- Opposing them is Sting, a tweener who has a problem making friends and has a quick finisher in Mr. Anderson, and the occasional other faces.

- That image of anything swinging from Hogan's old-ass nuts is just awful.

- A little Anderson beat-down. Isn't Anderson already sore from getting his ass whooped last week?

- I hear Hogan is looking to wrestle again. Could a Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Anderson match be in the future?

- When you're an asshole you find yourself with no friends sooner or later. Just that most assholes don't get beat down every night.

- Velvet Sky isn't mad at Winter keeping Angelina locked away. Velvet Sky is mad that Angelina is catering to her whims anymore.

- Wake up, censor button guy! It's Scott Steiner!

- So it's the Roids vs. the Freaks vs. the Punks vs. the Limeys. It's a match that should take place in 1970's London.

- Douglas Williams sure has fallen hard from his old push.

- If you don't have to tag in, why stay on the apron?

- Who picks on Scott Steiner? Oh, right, someone who reads books of Dilligaf.

- FINALLY some continuity with Abyss and Crimson!

- I guess the match is No DQ as well, or the ref learned his trade from Ray Charles.

- Orlando Jordan actually gets the win with a Gender Bender (Cross-Rhodes).

- Is Bully Ray really the best salesman for Immortal?

- Our 2nd match of the night. This should be good...Matt Hardy vs. Kazarian.

- I always love it when the ref kicks people out from ringside.

- Matt is looking much more in shape. I'll give the guy credit.

- This match is lacking something. It's good but not that next level.

- Nice heel acting by Hardy.

- Wow. Sweet looking guillotine choke by Matt Hardy. Submission win.

- Why wouldn't Bischoff have made this match for the X-division title? Why not take a belt along with the advantage?

- Match picked up at the end. I'm impressed.

- Since when does Tara have remorse?

- When you play back the events in your head, Madison, do they sound monotone like you do?

- Who's the acting or speech coach for Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne? And can we execute said person so they don't ruin anyone else's life?

- Oh, no. Mickie James took advice from the same acting coach.

- The coward's way out is running over someone with a motorcycle?

- Next up, 6-man tag team action.

- The team of Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe sounds scary on paper. Two legit MMA style wrestlers and a vicious giant who can move.

- I must have missed the entrance of The Pope and Mexican America.

- Then again, I didn't miss much.

- Angle can still move with that jump and suplex off the turnbuckle move.

- You know, Joe could care less about Jarrett, a guy who beat him in the MMA thing a few months ago.

- This match seems a little short for a 6-man tag. Good amount of time, but I thought more should happen.

- And the alpha male is running like the last lemming.

- Hernandez is the weakest stable leader since X-Pac.

- The Pope knocks out Samoa Joe with brass knuckles. Again. Why is he going in a cage with him again?

- Their first match should never have been a squash.

- Does the Pope have Mexican blood now? Or is he gonna pimp out Sarita and Rosita and earn his cerveza?

- And is it Minority America now?

- Isn't there a restraining order on Kurt Angle? Why wasn't Karen waving that around?

- I'm convinced that if Karen were in Scream 4, she'd be killed off in record time.

- And probably by the other actors in the movie.

- How will Jarrett explain to his stepkids where mommy is?

- Hogan and Bischoff come out for another talk. Great.

- I need stop smoking this shit. I keep having Nitro flashbacks.

- And here's RVD for the customary "why don't you join us, buddy?" promo.

- And here's Sting for the customary "be strong and don't join the heels" promo.

- It's been a LONG time since Sting and Hulk Hogan were on the same side in the same company. I'd say, WCW, 1995?

- So Sting won't mind if RVD beats him without Immortal? Doesn't losing the World Title suck regardless?

- Rob Van Dam being an actual heel just sounds weird. Almost as weird as Jeff Hardy being an actual heel.

- Nice to see Bischoff take the Scorpion Deathdrop instead of Hogan, since he would have fallen and couldn't get up.

- Abyss vs. James Storm in the 2nd of the best of 3 matches.

- Abyss has new music. It's hard to see Storm beating him.

- Note to everyone: you don't want your re-packaged monster coming back and losing to one-half of a tag team.

- Then again, logic dictates that Storm has to win so we have a 3rd match to break the tie.

- Storm is really athletic for a big guy. That cross-body had some air. He's impressive.

- A Codebreaker followed by a Backstabber?! Extremely impressed!

- Nice chokeslam. Abyss's time off did him some good.

- Abyss wins a surprisingly good match with the Black Hole Slam. Surprising, really, that Immortal sweeps.

- No Robert Roode vs. Ric Flair? We're not going to have it anyway?

- So either Fourtune wins, or someone turns on them and Immortal wins.

- Would A.J. come back and turn on his stable mates?

- Velvet Sky is so pushy and demanding. How can I take her seriously as a face when she acts like a snotty bitch?

- Then again, can any straight male boo her?

- Angelina Love looks better when she's creepy.

- Velvet Sky, you suck as a friend. She's dazed out and drugged up and you hit her?! Hope Chris Sabin never gets sick.

- Winter looks fuckin' sexy now. She definitely looks better when we can see...her.

- I think Velvet forgot to wear underwear. After the DDT on the chair, her legs snapped closed like a bear trap.

- A Gauntlet match with the Twinkie Ken Anderson vs. the B-Team of Immortal is next.

- Why is Gunner holding the TV title like a dog?

- Murphy's first. This will be quick.

- And it is! Mic Check and bye, Murphy!

- Immortal having a unified attack on the legs is good strategy.

- TNA still doesn't know how to use Anderson.

- Rob Terry getting rolled up would actually have made more sense.

- Mic Check. Tap Tap Tap. Terry is gone. Gunner is up.

- Hopefully the freakin' TV Champion will look good at least.

- He's getting some offense but nothing special.

- And Gunner is gone. So, by this logic, Anderson should have no problem beating just 2 guys for the World Title when he took out 3 in 5 minutes.

- Then again, 1 main eventer equals 2 mid-card guys or 3 jobbers. That's the wrestling math.

- Wouldn't the other members of Immortal be part of this, seeing how weak Mr. Anderson would be after 4 guys beating him up?

- Does anyone take Bully Ray seriously yet? *crickets* Anyone? *crickets*

- The Lambeau Leap (Rolling Samoan Drop) still looks very cool.

- That dastardly Bully, attacking a helpless referee.

- Then again, Anderson did it last week.

- The problem with being a tweener: no one wants to save you when you're in trouble.

- Uh-oh, it's H2duh himself at the end of the show for a run-in. Anyone else having WCW bad trips?

- Has Hogan ever done a powerbomb before?

- Batter up!

- Sting saves Mr. Anderson, setting up an interesting sub-plot for the PPV.

- Which means that Rob Van Dam by logic should turn heel and join Immortal since he's the odd man out.

- Or by Bischoff logic Mr. Anderson would turn heel anyway because, like Austin at WM X-7, he really wants the title.

- Or by Russo logic, Sting would be the heel all along looking to swerve everyone.

- Fourtune vs. Immortal in the cages should be like Wargames with an extra ring. Or at least an extra large one for 8 guys (9 including the ref).

- Who's this mysterious interviewer?! And why is he so annoying?!

- Last thing: Is it just me, or do I care more about who turns on who than the actual match itself?! Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 TNA booking!

Overall: Eh. Good, not great. Matches were good, but it simply served par for me. Definitely good to have more wrestling and include more guys in the show, and cut down on the promos and skits, but TNA has so much more potential. I'm only looking forward to the end of the Jarrett\Angle feud, and who turns on who during the night, but this PPV I'm actually going to order and look for the match of the night.
I loved iMPACT this week. It flowed so well, it was booked correctly, the wrestling was awesome, the promos as well, just a great show leading into Lockdown. Can't wait for the PPV.

I agree with you 100% on the show's flow. One thing Impact has always had a huge problem is the flow of the show's content is rarely smooth. Tonight was an exception.

The wrestling tonight was good, but not great, which is appropriate for free television. The Promos were pretty decent, although I wish they would keep the microphone away from Velvet and Madison.

Personally I think if TNA can find the perfect balance to help Impact flow a lot better, it would make it a much more enjoyable show on a week to week basis; as opposed to being a giant cluster during most weeks.

Overall Good Show: B+
Who the HELL is going to read that post of yours Kitten Cutter? Seriously. Maybe if you actually said something in your huge posts, but you never actually do.

I saw bits and pieces of last night's Impact, having the television on while I worked. From what I saw it was better then usual (which isn't saying much). I enjoyed the Matt Hardy/Kazarian match, and I really think Hardy's looking good in his current run in TNA. I don't care for Madison Rayne, but I think Mickie James cut a GREAT promo and she really proved that WWE should've taken advantage of that much more during her time there. It had emotion and bite, and she proved she was so far beyond Madison's skill. I have no interest in Hogan trying to get RVD to join Immortal, or the overdone Angle-Jarrett feud. I wish both were over and done with already.
Who the HELL is going to read that post of yours Kitten Cutter? Seriously. Maybe if you actually said something in your huge posts, but you never actually do.

Jesus Christ, this shit again? Someone said the same exact thing to Kitten Cutter a few weeks ago and like 5 different people immediately came in to defend him because they love reading his thoughts each week. If you don't like his posts, don't read them, this isn't fucking rocket science man.
So, between Mister Rob's negative rep and Rasha literally copying what I was doing except his adding the time stamps, I can see my random thoughts are causing too many problems. It was fun until this past week. I've had it. I'll post on here and respond as usual but no more Random Thoughts. Seems to cause too many issues, and since I'm not a moderator too many negative rep points will get me banned. I still like talking wrestling but I don't have the time to create these in-depth reviews the trolls want me to create for them.
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