[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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What I liked:
- opening promo. It felt as Roode was really speaking from his heart,
- Hogan and Bischoff's investigation into who is the network,
- Gunner and Bully Ray vs AJ and Daniels. Gunner looked good in this match. I think he has a potential,
- Crimson and Joe segment,
- the fact that Tara might be soon free from Madison,
- Segments with Bucks.
- little mystery who is going to be Matt Hardy's partner? Maybe Jeff?
- Murphy gone from Immortal. Immortal needs strong people and he was just weak and did not fit into this group.

What I did not like:
- A. Love as a zombie. It is stupid.
- Mexican American. What is the point of them? I don't now.
- Tommy Dreamer. Why he is still on TV?
- Main event. Nothing special.
Main event was only good when JJ and Angle were in the ring, yeah Velvet somehow is pulling a McCool(sleeping with a top star/backstage worker in order to be in the spotlight), difference is that McCool was a good wrestler.
What I did not like:
- A. Love as a zombie. It is stupid.
- Mexican American. What is the point of them? I don't now.
- Tommy Dreamer. Why he is still on TV?
- Main event. Nothing special.
-Undertaker isn't a zombie? (Angelina Love is not a zombie. She's simply under Winter's spell. If she was a zombie then how come Woody Harrelson didn't jump out of somewhere and pop a cap in that oh so fuckable ass? See? That makes more sense now, doesn't it? NOPE!)
-What's the point of any wrestler? Answer that and you'll know what the point of Mexican Amerca is.
-Because he's ... he's ... like ... so ... I can't give you an answer. I'm sure the real answer is quite silly.
-Agreed. Worst match of the night for me IMO.
Main event was only good when JJ and Angle were in the ring, yeah Velvet somehow is pulling a McCool(sleeping with a top star/backstage worker in order to be in the spotlight), difference is that McCool was a good wrestler.
I really doubt that sleeping with Chris Sabin who has absolutely no pull backstage will somehow help her advance in her career. It's not like she's sleeping with Russo. I think they chose Velvet for that role simply because, as scary as it is to think about, she does the best job on the mic. Yes, cracking voice, overacting, screeching noises and overusing the word "bitch" is better than anything the other KO's can do on the mic. Told you it was scary.
TNA iMPACT! - May 5, 2011

Opening Segment - I had mixed feelings about the opener of the show. I'm glad that it didn't turn out to be a "We are Immortal and we rule the world" type of promo that we usually get when Immortal is out there in force. I like that Robert Roode was given some legit time out there on the mic. The guy can talk really well but his big speech sounded a lot like we usually hear from Tommy Dreamer. You know the whole "I'm a blue collar guy that loves this business and I've devoted my life to this company in order to provide for my kids" type of thing that Dreamer goes into each and everytime he gets a microphone in his hand. Roode's delivery was good and passionate so I give the guy props for that but it sounded far too much like Dreamer's one shot promo. I'm sure that Roode will be praised for it, and rightly so, but John Cena sometimes gives similar promos and people shit all over the guy. But, the promo also helped to set up next week's big angle in which the executive sent by The Network will be revealed. Thumbs Up

Sangriento vs. Suicide - Sangriento, who I knew simply had to be Amazing Red under the mask the very second I saw him, came across very much like a poor man's Sin Cara. I'm just gonna call the guy Amazing Red, there's no point in pretending that it's someone else. It was hard for me to take this seriously when it didn't even remotely seem serious. It was hard to get excited about this match because: 1. TNA only wheels out Suicide once in a while for jobbing purposes. & 2. Red really wasn't all that interesting or exciting. Both guys got in a decent amount of offense, Red's high spots, mostly, amounted to a few hurricanranas here and there. Red gets the win around the 4 minute mark. 1/2*

Mexican America - When you stop and look at it, this entire faction is nothing more than one big Mexican stereotype. That might not necessarily be so bad if it was actually entertaining but it isn't. Anarquia's exaggerated accent is extremely annoying and the fact that half the promo was in Spanish didn't help because I don't speak Spanish. If I can't understand what you're saying half the time, then why should I care what you're saying the rest of the time? The stuff with the Spanish announce team and Anarquia's Puerto Rican comment was just kind of uncalled for. Nice to see TNA embracing negative stereotypes and the outdated exploitation of cultural tensions in an attempt to get over a mediocre faction.:rolleyes: The interference of Ink Inc. here made no sense whatsoever. I get that Jesse Neal is a former serviceman but being the proud, flag waving patriot is completely against what his character has supposed to be about. And that goes for Shannon Moore even more so. I thought Moore just turned heel a month or so ago and doesn't the whole "proud to be an American" schtick fly in the face of DILLIGAF nonsense of Moore's philosophy? Thumbs Down

AJ Styles & Chrisopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray & Gunner - Pretty decent tag match while it lasted. The match really kicked in once Styles got into the ring as he just brought at lot of energy to the match. I still don't understand what some people see in Gunner. The man should have generic tattooed on his forehead next because that's him to a T. The match ends with Tommy Dreamer coming in and giving Styles a piledriver. Yep, two random character changes in a single episode of iMPACT!. Dreamer didn't stay and pal around with Bully Ray or anything afterward so I'm assuming that means Dreamer is going to be playing the reluctant heel. You know, the guy that has no choice or he's out of a job and all that. **

Kurt Angle, Velvet Sky & The Jarretts - I wish I could pretend to be interested in the neverending saga of the Angle-Jarrett feud but I'm over it. No, scratch that. I'm just plain tired of it. I just found my attention sort of phasing in and out through the segment whenever Karen & Velvet tried talking smack about one another. This segment did sort of set up the arrival of Angle's "mistress" next week and set up a mixed tag handicap main event. Winter & Angelina Love offered nothing to the segment, just two more people to ultimately take up space for the most part. Thumbs Down

Rob Terry vs. Murphy - This match was basically to determine which one of these two scrubs would be the only alpha scrub within Immortal. Or, at least, that was initially the idea of the match. Generally speaking, the match wasn't a visible abomination to witness but it certainly wasn't anything to care about either. Two very limited guys doing the best they can and that's just not much. Terry ultimately gets the win around the 3.5 minute mark. After the match, in a backstage segment, Hogan & Bischoff said both of them are out of Immortal. Bischoff himself said "that was bad". Terry got some cheers so I'm guessing that he's turning face after this. N/A

Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher - Miss Tessmacher has improved in the ring since I last saw her wrestle. The highlight of this match, however, was her entrance with the whole stripper bit. She's definitely hot. This match was for the Knockouts Championship, so that's lame. I might be wrong but isn't this Tessmacher's first match back since suffereing a broken jaw? The match itself was decent though Tessmacher is still extremely green and definitely showed in a few spots. Mickie ultimately wins with the Tornado DDT. After the match, Madison Rayne and Tara come out on the stage. Madison does her think and challenges Mickie for the title. Mickie agrees on the condition that, if she wins, Tara is no longer under contract to Madison. Why doesn’t TNA just use the old standby rematch clause for an explanation why a former champion should get a shot at the title they just lost? It seems like every rematch has to have some sort of stupid stipulation to it that gives away the finish. It’s another case of TNA overdoing a gimmick that ultimately waters it down and takes away its impact. 1/2*

Kurt Angle & Velvet Sky vs. Jeff Jarrett, Winter & Angelina Love - The match just kind of dragged until Angle & Jarrett got into the ring. Prior to that, it was mostly exactly what you'd expect from Velvet, Winter & Angelina these days. At one point, Angle has control and slaps Jarrett in the ankle lock. Karen reaches out and grabs Jarrett's hands only to be dragged into the ring. Velvet tags herself in and counters an attempted double team from Winter & Angelina into a double DDT for the win a little before the 8 minute mark. 3/4*

Overall Show - TNA iMPACT! was really lackluster this week. From top to bottom, almost the entire 2 hours felt like nothing more than meaningless filler. The only thing that TNA really did this week was let the viewers know that the executive from The Network and Angle's mistress would appear next week. The highlight of the show for me really was Robert Roode's time on the mic. I liked his delivery even though it felt like the Tommy Dreamer promo standby. Wrestling content on the show was generally mediocre. Suicide vs. Amazing Red in a mask came off as just kind of lame. The tag match between Styles & Daniels and Ray & Gunner was decent. Rob Terry vs. Murphy was beyond boring, Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher was just kinda meh as was the main event. I generally had the feeling that TNA was truly just phoning this show in and putting all its apples into next week's basket.

Grade: D
I'm slightly confused as to how they could release Jay Lethal one week and make a huge plot point of him the next.

Unless it's all a giant work and they're trying to build anticipation for his eventual return, it's the dumbest booking I've ever been witness to.

Roode mentioned him, the X-Division guys mentioned him, hell, you'd almost think his name meant something.

The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter

Hello all,

Another day, another Impact as we are on the cusp of major changes once again in TNA. How many major changes have to happen before they run a line of shows consistently?

Well, here we go!

- And we start with a clusterfuck in the ring! Sting and Rob Van Dam vs. the Immortals.

- That was nice of TNA, to save us from the Immortals bragging about how great they are.

- Oh, D’Lo, why did you lay hands on Hogan? Would he do that knowing Hogan is in charge?

- Fourtune hits the ring for the face vs. heel standoff.

- Oh no, more “talk from my heart” promos. Come on, Robert Roode.

- Isn’t Robert Roode supposed to be rich in kayfabe?

- They mentioned Jay Lethal being released? Is his release going to be a storyline?

- Even Velvet Sky fresh out of the shower isn’t worth the Jarretts.

- The Hardy Boyz were a great tag team, but I can name 6 better teams off of the top of my head.

- So Suicide is now Okada I’ve heard?

- And this is who? Sangria? Sanchez? San Mateo?

- Wow, Amazing Red sure has fallen hard.

- Maybe with a mask he should called Fascinating Purple, or Hyper Black, or Really Cool Yellow.

- I always thought Suicide was a face.

- You know, if I were Mexican America, I’d come after these two. Isn’t that more offensive that TNA is using TWO non-Mexican guys in masks playing luchadores?

- If Amazing Red is going to play Santino here, he needs to vary his offense a lot more.

- Nice, a Back Springboard Jumping Stunner for the Santa Maria victory.

- It’s always weird when someone is a mystery person, two people will talk about who it could be and how they won’t mention the OBVIOUS choice.

- Great. A large Mexican flag and confetti. Fun times!

- More fake Mexicans!

- Does the Latino announce team need tequila to get through the show? Why else would they have a half-empty bottle on the desk at work?!

- Wait, I should be more positive. The bottle is half-full.

- Should I know who Willie Urbina is? Doesn’t he play outfield for the San Francisco Giants?

- Ink Inc. makes the save? Really? Why not Kurt Angle?

- Jesse Neal I can actually buy fighting for America since he was a Navy Seal, but Shannon Moore? Didn’t he wipe his ass with Steiner’s head gear a few weeks ago?

- So, Shannon Moore goes from promoting the book of Dilligaf to being the representative of America? Ink Inc. goes from being weird and different to Kurt Anglelike flag-waving patriots? Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2011 TNA booking!

- Alright, our 2nd match of the night: Bubba Ray Dudley and Brian Kendrick on steroids vs. TNA Frontline.

- On paper this is a complete mismatch. A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels are on such a higher level.

- I know some people don’t like Gunner, but he’s new to the mix and I want to give him a chance to succeed.

- How did Miss Tessmacher get a title match? Oh, wait…I remember how she got her last job in TNA.

- Bully Ray is a great heel. Just not a World Champion.

- Tommy Dreamer is here…and turning heel?! Did I miss something? Anyway, piledriver for the DQ loss to Immortal, but Styles is out.

- Why didn’t Tommy use the DDT?

- Oh no. I already know the storyline. It’s the same bullshit as Rhyno I’m betting. “I need to feed my family and I can’t be fired like Jay Lethal.”

- Yep. I called it.

- Oh no. Please no Jarretts. No, no, no.

- What the holy hell is up with Winter? Can’t she just be a lesbian stalker and make out with her? Why add this “drug her and we’re soulmates” thing? I was enjoying this storyline but the shark has been jumped.

- The Jarretts are here. Seriously, I’m fast forwarding.

- I jumped 10 minutes (literally) to Kurt Angle saying his mystery mistress will be in the Impact Zone next week. Plus, there’s a handicap match that once again involves Angle and Jarrett facing each other. $10 says Jarrett wins again.

- How is Velvet Sky talking so much smack when she continually loses and gets shown up at every turn?

- Great, a match between two losers (Rob Terry and Murphy) to determine who stays with the loser team of Immortal.

- Can’t they just find a flaming pile of dogshit to replace both of them? At least that will scare some people away.

- Crimson just looks scary, even without a large sledgehammer.

- And by the way, officially he’s not undefeated. He has lost two tag matches, even though he wasn’t the one who was pinned.

- 3rd match of the night: Rob Terry vs. Murphy. So much for the tag team of Terry Murphy.

- Is Rob Terry the most unintimidating big man ever or what?

- This match is the epitome of why these two will never be worth anything.

- Are the fans cheering for Rob Terry or for the match to end?

- Suplex Slam from Rob Terry for the win. Hooray, he gets to stay in Immortal. Jobbers all over the world rejoice.

- Wow, even Hogan commented on how bad that was.

- Samoa Joe went from defending the rights of the fans and the wrestlers giving money to The Pope to not caring about Crimson getting beat up.

- Miss Tessmacher is giving me that funny feeling.

- If Velvet Sky has pigeons, Miss Tessmacher has a whole aviary.

- Great camera angle. Can we just focus Miss Tessmacher’s ass instead of the Jarretts?

- Actually, I’d rather focus on ODB’s ass than the Jarretts.

- Alright, girls, let’s dance.

- A Victory roll in a Knockouts match should be a requirement.

- This match is basic but the visuals are awesome.

- The jumping DDT, which is a better finisher than the roundhouse kick, on Tessmacher for the win.

- Speaking of which, Miss Tessmacher didn’t shame herself. Good job for a comeback match.

- And we have Madison Rayne out here to try to her belt back.

- Thank you for keeping it short, Madison.

- I like Tara’s t-shirt, but I want proof.

- I like the stipulation. Either it frees Tara up to be a champion again, or she gets renewed as a complete heel.

- This handicap match is our main event?! Ugh.

- Why didn’t the WCW wrestlers stand up to Bischoff the way the X-division guys did?

- And what’s the point of being a cruiserweight-sized wrestler when neither wrestling company will push you?

- Didn’t Angle say last week that this mistress would be here tonight?

- Velvet Sky is TNA’s version of ECW’s Tommy Dreamer in the 90’s.

- And Kurt Angle is just being wasted jobbing to Jarrett every time.

- So, do Winter’s drugs brainwash you AND make you immune to pain?

- Can we just train Karen Jarrett to wrestle and get this shit over with?!

- Double DDT on Velvet for the win. More jobbing for TNA’s lovable losers in Kurt Angle and Velvet Sky.

- Last thing: No blood and no really great matches. Did the creative team party too much for MayDay?!

Overall: This show was a definite step down from past weeks. It wasn’t as bad since there weren’t endless Jarrett promos but they still dominated too much time. The X-division wrestlers have a right to be pissed in real life, as do the fans. Plus, why does TNA keep having these super-hyped shows instead building to their PPVs? Alright, so we’re seeing the Network AND Angle’s mistress next week? Is that a reason to put on a lackluster show? I hope these surprises are worth it next week.
Double DDT on Velvet for the win. More jobbing for TNA’s lovable losers in Kurt Angle and Velvet Sky.

Kurt & Velvet won the match after Velvet hit a double DDT on Angelina and Winter. She pinned Winter for the victory.
Here is my review / thoughts on Impact 5-5-11

Opening Segment with Immortal / Sting / Rob Van Dam / Fortune
I admit I didn’t pay much attention to the opening segment. Sting and RVD run and they get beat up by Immortal. Then Fortune comes out for the save. Robert Roode then cuts a great promo on Hulk Hogan. I guess he’s going to be Bobby Roode again. I just hope this leads to something for him unlike when he cut that promo on Jeff Jarrett where nothing happened.

The Jarretts / Velvet Sky Backstage Segment
I still don’t get why Karen thinks Velvet is Kurt’s mistress but at least we get to see Velvet in a towel.

Suicide vs. Sangriento
This was the Impact debut of Amazing Red’s new gimmick. Sangriento wins after a springborad neckbreaker on Suicide.

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray & Gunner
This match was going well until Tommy Dreamer came out and attacked AJ. That was a really random heel turn. I admit Gunner isn’t that bad but I still don’t think he should be TV champion.

The Jarretts / Velvet Sky / Kurt Angle In Ring Segment
I admit this went a little long but it was entertaining. Jeff Jarrett’s facial expressions were hillarious. Velvet really shined here. Kurt comes out to back Velvet up against Winter, Angelina and The Jarretts and sets up the main event match. Though all Velvet had to say is that she’s not with Kurt because she is with someone else. Unless they decided to drop the fact that’s she’s dating Sabin in real life from storylines which I have no real problem with.

As for the Winter / Angelina storyline it’s just getting way to out there. Plus if this is how the Beautiful People end that is a sad way for it to happen. Plus I don’t like the fact that drugs are now involved in this storyline.

Rob Terry vs. Murphy
Loser leaves Immortal. Rob Terry wins nothing else to say.

Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher - Knockout Title Match
So after being gone like forever Tessmacher comes back and gets a title shot just like that. It was an OK match. Mickie wins after hitting her DDT on Tessmacher.

Then Madison Rayne & Tara come out and Madison wants a rematch. Mickie agrees but only if it’s for Tara’s freedom. So it will Mickie vs Madison Part 4 at Sacrifice. Though you would think Tara would want to fight Madison for her own freedom and not have Mickie do it for her.

Eric Bischoff / X Division Backstage Segment
Bischoff is a having a cup a coffee in the catering area and he’s confronted by Brian Kendrick, Amazing Red & GenerationMe who I thought was feuding with each other. They want to know why their not used and Bischoff tells them they need to grow a foot taller. He might as called them vanilla midgets while he was at it.

Kurt Angle & Velvet Sky vs Jeff Jarrett, Angelina Love & Winter with Karen Jarrett - Main Event
Velvet and Winter start things off before Angelina gets tagged in. Angelina is doing the whole no selling zombie bit but Velvet hits with a big spear and takes her down. Kurt eventually gets tagged in and gets his hands on Double J and Karen come in to save him which leads to Velvet tagging herself back in. Velvet then gets jumped by both Angelina & Winter but she turns the tables on them and nails a Double DDT on them and pins Winter. Giving Kurt & Velvet the win. Kurt then puts over Velvet which was really good of him and says his “mistress ” will show up next week.

Overall I thought this Impact was decent. Robert Roode cut a great promo and I think he can be a main eventer if they get behind him. Velvet Sky was clearly the star of the night and I hope she does become Knockout champion but I would like to see her angle with Winter and Angelina end first. Plus Kurt Angle giving her his stamp of approval was a nice touch.
Impact was awesome this week the best one I remember in some time. There were a bunch of times I was laughing out loud. The ending was great with the x division guys dissing hogan and bischoff and kendrick smoking a cig. I can't wait for thursday its been a long time since I was looking forward to a Impact this much.
Everyone complians about tna and how bad it is. But this week it was much better than anything the wwe mustered up. Yes tna uses some of the same story ideas but in a diff way. I like the jarret angle feud and chyna coming back to wrestling is a crazy shocker. Mick foley is back on t.v. where he belongs, witch gives clarity to the network story line...how bout that wwe and the ananous gm. Tna takes alot of shit but I think its because people are use to just that shit. Most wrestling fans can't fathem a 2 month long story cause it hasn't happened in wwe since the 90s excluding the adr christian edge thing. Well thought out Tna i seriously hope people start watching because it's getting interesting.
Um ... I'm glad you liked the show, I did too, but did this really need its own thread? Can't you hear the WWE fans screaming in blind rage right now? The show was better than RAW/SD not just now but since Victory Road I believe. That's for me, at least. Good string of entertaining shows. Things are happening, it's getting interesting, we can only hope it only gets better.

P.S: I don't mean to be a jerk or anything, but Spell Check can do wonders.
I don't know what show you were watching. All I saw on Impact was the same old shit they always do. Bad, short matches that barely last 3 minutes, non-stop promo segments eating up crazy amounts of TV time, and TNA bringing in more ex-WWE talent who haven't been relevant in 10 years as their big "shockers". Shit the only part of Impact this week that wasn't just a re-hash of the same old shit was the main event battle royal. Everything else was business as usual.

RAW wasn't very good this week either, but atleast it had a good main event with Del Rio, Mysterio, and Miz. That's more than I can say for Impact in a long, long time. It's been months since they've had a match on Impact that was ***, meanwhile the WWE delivers that on a weekly basis with Raw, Superstars, and Smackdown.

It's all a matter of opinion of course, but I'm not seeing what was so great about this week's Impact. RAW wasn't any better, but again, atleast they had a wrestling match that lasted more than 5 minutes and didn't massively suck, unlike Impact. Which is pretty ironic considering TNA's new slogan about being all about "wrestling" (which, hey, is another re-hashed idea from years ago), and yet the WWE's C-show provides more in-ring action on a weekly basis than Impact ever does.

I haven't watched Smackdown yet either, but I'd literally be willing to bet real money right now just from looking at the line-up for tonight's show that it'll feature more in-ring action than Impact did, and much better action at that. I'll take Daniel Bryan vs. Sin Cara over the shit Impact rolls out every week for a main event any day of the week, thanks.
Don't take this the wrong way as I'm in no means trying to be insulting. Everybody's entitled to their opinions of course and I've yet to ream anyone out over it. But how can you declare iMPACT! this week to be better than SmackDown! this week when SmackDown! hasn't even aired yet? It's one thing to be bias but that's just plain outlandish.

As for iMPACT! this week, I mostly agree with X on this. Much of the show just seemed like your typical show: one long promo segment after another, 3 matches that lasted a combined total of about 7 minutes, some very talented wrestlers wasted and the old reliable standby that TNA pulls out every once in a while in which former WWE talent pops up in the hopes of popping a rating via the nostalgia factor. The battle royal was a lot of fun that just seemed to have a lot of energy going on about it and it's maybe the 2nd match on iMPACT! to go 10 minutes or longer this entire year. So that was a nice change of pace.
Don't take this the wrong way as I'm in no means trying to be insulting. Everybody's entitled to their opinions of course and I've yet to ream anyone out over it. But how can you declare iMPACT! this week to be better than SmackDown! this week when SmackDown! hasn't even aired yet? It's one thing to be bias but that's just plain outlandish.

As for iMPACT! this week, I mostly agree with X on this. Much of the show just seemed like your typical show: one long promo segment after another, 3 matches that lasted a combined total of about 7 minutes, some very talented wrestlers wasted and the old reliable standby that TNA pulls out every once in a while in which former WWE talent pops up in the hopes of popping a rating via the nostalgia factor. The battle royal was a lot of fun that just seemed to have a lot of energy going on about it and it's maybe the 2nd match on iMPACT! to go 10 minutes or longer this entire year. So that was a nice change of pace.

That's kinda what I saw also. I enjoyed the battle royal, but that was about it for me. Most of the rest of the show was virtually unwatchable. The whole Chyna, Angle, Jarrett thing needs to end. Hopefully this weekend, we finally stick the final nail in this one and move on. So many good storylines have been abandoned and now I'm hearing that they will put Storm and Harris back together at some point to move Roode to a singles career so I think that's a good move. But it probably means a heel turn for Storm and Harris but who will they feud with?

But the show was pretty lackluster other than the battle royal.
Lmao. That's hilarious.

Look, it's great that Impact is getting better. It's about damn time. But it has a LOOOOONG way to go before it can begin to start being compared to Superstars and NXT, let alone Raw and Smackdown.

WWE has no competition, ergo they're not even trying, and they still outdo TNA by a considerable margin, even though they're trying their hardest. Think about that. WWE's C effort is miles ahead of TNA's A effort. That's very telling.
Lmao. That's hilarious.

Look, it's great that Impact is getting better. It's about damn time. But it has a LOOOOONG way to go before it can begin to start being compared to Superstars and NXT, let alone Raw and Smackdown.

WWE has no competition, ergo they're not even trying, and they still outdo TNA by a considerable margin, even though they're trying their hardest. Think about that. WWE's C effort is miles ahead of TNA's A effort. That's very telling.
Okay, I thought the OP was a bit too excited, but you out-did him. NXT and Superstars? Are you ... what are you?

P.S: OP, I told you the thread would be swarmed with members of The Justice League.
Ok Smackdown has not even aired yet and already your declaring better than both the WWE's Flagship Shows? I will agree other than the Battle Royal Impact wasn't much to scream at. Chyna just standing on the Stage wasn't much of a Debut to me anyway. Foley coming back doesn't bother me (always have liked him) but what else really stood out? They did a lousy job of hyping the PPV as well.

Thats fine if TNA wants to "re-brand" itself (yet again) but how many times are they going to hit the restart button? Just stick with something and go with it.
do people really enjoy watching wwe?

i mean, yes the arguement of wwe being for kids has been talked for years now, but cmon, im assuming most people here are over the age of 14, are you really entertained by wwe? if so..why? id like to think you're smarter than that... they're catering to a younger audience, much like a kids show would, yet you're still watching and consider it the better show??

amazing, im pretty sure if i said i watched saturday morning cartoons at the age of 24, people would make fun of me, dont get me wrong, every once in a while spectacular spiderman has a good episode, but im a little too old for those kind of things, much like wwe

its funny people here still consider it the better show
Okay, I thought the OP was a bit too excited, but you out-did him. NXT and Superstars? Are you ... what are you?

P.S: OP, I told you the thread would be swarmed with members of The Justice League.

I understand you're a big fan of TNA, but I've seen you state that TNA has their share of issues to deal with. I've been of the opinion that comparisons to WWE are, well, silly. I think TNA needs to stand on its own. Therefore, the evaluation of TNA needs to be only about TNA and not comparisons to what the WWE does. They are 2 very different companies headed in very different directions.
I agree. I really enjoyed TNA last night as well. Hopefully they stick to Foley's word and we get more wrestling and less Hogan, but we will have to wait and see.

Lately I have been giving WWE a chance as TNA had been pissing me off but for me WWE shows are very slow and uneventful with RAW focusing a lot on Cole/King which sucks.

and yet the WWE's C-show provides more in-ring action on a weekly basis than Impact ever does.

WWE's C Show (I guess you me Superstars) usually has more wrestling than Impact, Raw and Snackdown as it is not used to build storylines but just to get the lowercard on TV or Recap Raw, infact for me it is the second best WWE show on TV behind Tough Enough which is just sad.

I'll take Daniel Bryan vs. Sin Cara over the shit Impact rolls out every week for a main event any day of the week, thanks.

Well I will take a guess that Bryan gets jobbed out to the man who botches every week in 3 - 5 minutes. WWE does not like wrestling talent, just people who will make them money, Bryan will never be anything but a chump while in WWE.

Xfearbefore, You must be quite knowledgeable about wrestling looking at all your rep and your choice of avatar but how the fuck you defend WWE so strongly is beyond me. They were good once, unfortunately they are NOT now.
Completely disagree...

First off, I don't know where you're from but this week's Smackdown is currently airing in the US so if you're in the US, then how can you say that without having completely watched this week's Smackdown.

I caught Raw, Impact and am now watching Smackdown... Raw wasn't gold this week but it was a decent show; and Smackdown's currently airing Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan and it is a great match...

As for TNA, the Hogan, Bischoff, Flair segment was terrible, the Sting segment was terrible, the Knockouts match was ok, the Beer Money/Hardy segment was weak - even the debut of Chris Harris (the guy looks like he's better suited for a competitive eating contest or teaming with Bully Ray than he is to step in the ring with Beer Money), and the Mick Foley segment wasn't that good. The Chyna debut was cool.

So, all in all, based on what I've seen on Smackdown so far it's 1st place this week, 2nd place is Raw and dead last is Impact.

I want Impact to be awesome... Angle is one of my all time favorites, I grew up on Hogan/Flair, am a huge fan of Beer Money, Hernandez, Morgan, etc. I'm not going to rehash what many already say about TNA nor am I going to use this as a chance to bash them either but I will not lower the bar for TNA either. I'm pulling for the program to get better and will continue to support Impact, Raw and Smackdown.
i was well happy with tna this week

FOLEY turns up
CHYNA turns up



dont get me wrong james storm is cool and that but ive allways thought chris was better

But even that i like him i dont and i mean dont want him and hardy to win the titles i would like to see beer money keep them then run a story line bit like the 3 liv kru bg james kip james from years ago when kip james tried to get between the 3 liv kru and BG

that would be cool have like chris harris try to convince storm that he dint help hardy

Of course it's all ones opinion on which show is better. TNA marks will always think Impact is better than WWE. WWE marks will always think Raw and or Smackdown is better than Impact. Wrestling fans that aren't pro TNA and anti WWE or the other way around are usually the better posters on the subject of what company had the better show. Most TNA/WWE marks can't handle someones opinion if they don't share the same views.

In my opinion Raw wasn't that great this week but I enjoyed it a lot more than Impact. Smackdown has only been on for about forty minutes so I don't see how Impact was better. I haven't given up TNA yet and I probably never will. I haven't given up on WWE and they have pissed me off a lot lately. I'm not a huge fan of TNA's reality based shoot style interviews/promos.

I didn't see anything special from TNA last night. I find it ironic that they changed the name to Impact wrestling. Used the word wrestling over and over obviously taking a shot at WWE for dropping wrestling from their name. Yet they still had a very little amount of wrestling as usual.
Completely disagree...

First off, I don't know where you're from but this week's Smackdown is currently airing in the US so if you're in the US, then how can you say that without having completely watched this week's Smackdown.

I caught Raw, Impact and am now watching Smackdown... Raw wasn't gold this week but it was a decent show; and Smackdown's currently airing Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan and it is a great match...

As for TNA, the Hogan, Bischoff, Flair segment was terrible, the Sting segment was terrible, the Knockouts match was ok, the Beer Money/Hardy segment was weak - even the debut of Chris Harris (the guy looks like he's better suited for a competitive eating contest or teaming with Bully Ray than he is to step in the ring with Beer Money), and the Mick Foley segment wasn't that good. The Chyna debut was cool.

So, all in all, based on what I've seen on Smackdown so far it's 1st place this week, 2nd place is Raw and dead last is Impact.

I want Impact to be awesome... Angle is one of my all time favorites, I grew up on Hogan/Flair, am a huge fan of Beer Money, Hernandez, Morgan, etc. I'm not going to rehash what many already say about TNA nor am I going to use this as a chance to bash them either but I will not lower the bar for TNA either. I'm pulling for the program to get better and will continue to support Impact, Raw and Smackdown.

I thought the Sin Cara/Bryan/Guerrero match and segment was pretty good. Also liked The Corre v. Kane match and the run in from Zeke. Good stuff. Kept expecting Big Show to be there.

Also liked the Cole segment where Kharma (Kong) came out. Was hoping Cole would get the implant buster but maybe he's going to be her manager.

Pretty good show with far more wrestling than vignettes so far. Even liked the Randy Orton and Christian backstage segment. Sets up their next match well.
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