[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Little curiosity on my part..if it's been previously posted I apologize in advance but here goes anyway. I've noticed in TNA broadcasts that there's always a certain clique of attractive young girls always facing the camera side of the ring. Judging by TNA's overall track record I'm inclined to think these are "paid" attendees to help bolster the overall perceived TV crowd reaction...especially when they're put in close ups and seem to be cheering when no one else is. I'm in no way saying that attractive female fans and wrestling don't mix, it just seems a little odd to me given they're always in the same place. It's not always the same ones, but they're always attractive. Thoughts? Also...is it just me or is Matt Hardy sort of mirroring his brother as of late? Just about everytime I've noticed him on camera he looks high, as in dazed and confused high. This isn't a complaining thread just an overall curiosity on a few things as I'm sure these things have probably been brought up before.
So, between Mister Rob's negative rep and Rasha literally copying what I was doing except his adding the time stamps, I can see my random thoughts are causing too many problems. It was fun until this past week. I've had it. I'll post on here and respond as usual but no more Random Thoughts. Seems to cause too many issues, and since I'm not a moderator too many negative rep points will get me banned. I still like talking wrestling but I don't have the time to create these in-depth reviews the trolls want me to create for them.

I've actually warmed to your random thoughts. I think they are pretty witty and kinda funny so don't stop doing it because a couple of people don't like it. I don't read many in depth reviews as it just isn't really my thing. Everyone has their preferences so keep at it. :thumbsup:
My thoughts / review of Impact 4-14-11

I missed the opening segment so I can't talk about that.

Crimson vs Doug Williams vs Jesse Neal vs Orlando Jordan
All of the wrestlers had their partners in their corner. There were a LOT of shenigans during this match. Abyss came out and attacked Crimson, Eric Young was being silly, and Shannon Moore was taunting Scott Steiner. The finish happend when OJ pinned Doug Williams.:wtf:

There was way too much crap going on in this match and it would have more sense for Doug Williams to win but whatever.

Kazarian vs Matt Hardy
This was the 1st of best 3 to see who gets the advantage at Lockdown. Hardy wins when he made Kazarian submit to his new move the Ice Pick.

Madison Rayne / Tara / Mickie James Segment
1st I'm going to say why does Tara even listen to Madison? Yes I'm aware that Madison was the one who "retired" her at Sacrifice last year but got her job back. But still makes no sense to me for Tara to be that scared of Madison. I guess their splitting but I really don't care at this point. Mickie says she is going to beat Madison within a inch of her life at Lockdown.

Hopefully Mickie wins because this feud has gone on long enough and Madison's "Rayne" as champion needs to end.

Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan & Samoa Joe vs Hernandez, Jeff Jarrett & The Pope
There are so many things wrong about this match. Also sadly the Pope just isn't "pimpin" atm which is sad. Angle chases Jarrett to the back and The Pope gets the win when pinned Joe after using a foreign object to knock him out.

Like the 1st match this one had way too much stuff going on. If they really want this Mexican America group to look like a threat why not just have them win clenaly? With the Pope getting the pin on Joe I assume Joe will be winning at Lockdown.

I will say that the backstage segment of Jeff Jarrett driving off without Karen was funny.

Abyss vs James Storm
The 2nd of the best of 3. Abyss wins and cleanly at that. Way to make Fortune look like chumps going into Lockdown TNA.

Velvet Sky / Angelina Love / Winter Segment
Velvet calls out Angelina who looks even made zombied out. What I don't get is Velvet seemed to have an idea that something was wrong with Angelina and that Winter might be during something to her but now she wants Angelina to explain herself? I hate how TNA writes Velvet they seem to love making her characer look dumb. Anyway after Velvet pushes her Angelina attacks her DDT's Velvet on a chair. Seriously this whole angle is just getting ridiculous and if they want to break up TBP they could do it better than this and without a character like Winter.

Mr. Anderson vs Immortal - Gauntlet Match
Murphy is out 1st and Anderson pins him. Rob Terry comes out and Anderson pins him. Then Gunner who is the TV champion btw comes out and Anderson pins him. Then Bully Ray comes out and they brawl to the entrance way and he is about to powerbomb Anderson off the stage like he did AJ. Until Hulk Hogan comes out and he's about to do and then Sting comes out and chases them away and stands over Anderson to end the show.

Overall not a great show but they did do decent job of hyping Lockdown. What I hope comes out of Lockdown is that a lot of the current feuds that are going on end. Pope / Joe, Morgan / Hernandez / and Mickie / Madison mainly.
I don't know how to compare it last week's, but I enjoyed this week's Impact. It wasn't anything spectacular, but we got to see a lot of feuds built up this week. AJ Styles and Bully Ray had a good promo to start out the show. Even Hogan and RVD had a good promo, and Sting sounds better then he has in a long time. I don't know how Sting has the power to book his own matches, but I'm sure the main event will change once we get to Sacrifice.

Matt Morgan and Steiner had a good confrontation, but weren't these guys best buddies when Morgan said "they" were taking over TNA? I don't know what changed between then and now.This should be a short feud to what will hopefully lead to a main event spot for Morgan later on.

The matches weren't great this week, but I did enjoy the majority of the show. Angle and Eric Young's segment was funny. The whole Jarrett and Angle saga is ridiculous since its been going for half a year, but it has its moments. The horse crap falling from the ceiling was pretty dumb. I guess we will see a inter gender tag match with Angle's "mistress". I hope its not Rhaka Khan.

I zoned out and fast forwarded most of the Knockout bits. The Knockouts tag titles are a joke and so is the Mexican midget group of Sarita and Rosita. Angelina Love is still drugged by Winter I guess. You would think someone would call the police, but logic doesn't go hand in hand with wrestling shows.

Abyss got his front teeth knocked out and Sting actually wants Jeff Hardy back in TNA. Why? Why should Sting or anyone feel sorry for the top heel leader in Immortal? Also, why would Sting feel sorry for a drug addict that put his life in danger during a live PPV?
Just because you turn Hardy face, doesn't mean he is sober.

Matt Hardy and Sting had a decent bout. I like how Anderson is still playing the tweener role. Sacrifice is 3 weeks away and it looks like half of the matches are already booked, good going TNA. At least we know what the main event will be for the PPV, unlike Victory Road.

The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter

More original than the Styles Clash! More resilient than my mom in her usual room in the ****ehouse! Presenting once again The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter!

This is the show after Lockdown, a PPV that once again didn't seem to deliver. I have a good feeling about this Impact, especially hoping that we'll see some new feuds start up. I notice that the usual reviews aren't up for Impact. Zevon, what have you done?!

Anyway, here we go!

- And we start off in great fashion, with A.J. Styles lowering down!

- What significance does an A.J. Styles vs. Bully Ray feud have?

- Does Bully Ray have any other clothes?

- “Do you know who I am? I’m the Bully Ray, bitch!”

- Bully Ray loves taking families out, doesn’t he? He should be called Homewrecker Ray

- The countdown to Daniels’ heel turn has begun.

- Starting off Impact by not seeing Eric Bischoff’s contractually obligated first promo is refreshing.

- Starting off Impact by seeing Bully Ray get his ass kicked is even more refreshing.

- If Gunner wants credibility he should face and defeat Daniels. If TNA wants the TV title to mean something, Daniels will win it sooner than later.

- Aw!!! Bully Ray just had to move! Still, holding off the big splash until the PPV is a good move.

- Ric Flair is out for awhile? Damn.

- And before we go to commercial, we get Rob Terry and Murphy. Can they become the tag team Terry Murphy?

- There’s Goldberg, Batista, Gunner, and then there’s Murphy. Not exactly a big, bold last name.

- I see getting a title shot in TNA is painfully easy. Just ask.

- I’m always a fan of starting out a wrestling show with a wrestling match.

- Has anyone else noticed that the fireworks don’t quite match up with the entrances at times? That they just kind of…happen?

- Robert Roode taking out Ric Flair is a focal point of the commentary. Interesting.

- Rob Terry has a great arsenal of moves. He just doesn’t put it together right.

- Murphy, meanwhile, may be selling Amway in 2012.

- James Storm probably has some of the best combination of moves I’ve seen from a guy his size.

- BMI gets the win for Beer Money. Predictable but a good way to open Impact.

- Why no follow-up from Ink, Inc.?

- Damn it all! TNA follows an opening cage match for tag team titles with the fucking Jarretts! AARGH!

- I can smell the horses from here.

- Who did Kurt Angle piss off to deserve this mess of a feud?

- And can we all chip in and rescue him?!

- Dear TNA, it’s not good when your top heel (Hogan) gets more cheers than boos. Just sayin.

- Hogan walks like he has a stick up his ass. I mean, FAR up his ass. Like keeping his sunglasses on.

- I think Rob Van Dam’s song is for the people in the Hooked on Phonics program.

- Hulk Hogan says RVD is a few fries short of a Happy Meal, and RVD is thinking, “Mmmm…fries.”

- I hate it when wrestlers call each other heel and face.

- If you want Hogan to get out of the business, clap your hands. Louder! Louder!

- Didn’t RVD win the WWE title too? And isn’t he undefeated at Wrestlemania? Unlike Hogan?

- And here’s Sting…showing off more of his 70’s gay piano player jackets.

- “Are you high too, brother?” RVD is thinking, “I love the lights. What? High? Who? What? Fries?”

- The Network strikes again! We’re now taking bets on who it is.

- Matt Hardy is dropping bombs? That’s the smell! I thought it was the horses!

- So, tonight, Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss and Sting vs. Matt Hardy in the main event.

- Madison Rayne is a really good heel out of the ring, and if she just learned to string her moves better, she could be something special.

- Tara turning face is something I’m looking forward to.

- And here’s Eric Young feeding the horses and being nutso. Why doesn’t someone just crack him in the head again?

- Oh no. Oh God no. Eric Young is feeding horses chili and Kurt Angle wants buckets. I know where this is going. And I don’t want it to go there.

- So let me get this straight: Kurt Angle wants to stay in TNA for a feud involving horseshit?!

- Our next match, another tag team title match with heels vs. heels in Mexican America vs. Madison Rayne and Tara.

- Tara in this match should make it passable.

- Nice tag on the back, Tara.

- Good match so far. Some nice moves from Madison, Sarita and Rosita.

- How does Madison not blow her throat out talking like that?

- Wow, that was a long and pointless exchange to end the match.

- One clothesline beats the former and longest reigning Knockouts champion?!

- Oh geez. Prepare the fast forward device!

- From two good tag team title defenses to Jeff and Karen Jarrett putting a blight on my screen.

- I don’t know what smells worse: the horseshit or Jeff Jarrett’s bullshit.

- Karen Jarrett being around brings a tear to my eye too. Especially when other wrestlers don’t get a match because of it.

- Wow. Karen getting shit poured on her is disgusting. Shit has no place on a wrestling show.

- Hey, Kurt Angle. You’ve lost to Jeff Jarrett everytime for the past four months. Let it go.

- Was an Angle Slam worth landing in a bunch of shit?

- I notice the fans aren’t reacting to the smell. I guess it’s not real shit.

- Kurt Angle is bringing in a woman to buffer Karen. Shouldn’t he have done that last month?!

- Hogan doesn’t hate Sting, or Vince McMahon, or Edge, or the Ultimate Warrior, or his ex-wife, but he hates Mr. Anderson?

- Hasn’t Mr. Anderson gotten enough ass-whippings?

- Oh, the Sting vs. Matt Hardy is for the World Title? Wow, three title matches tonight!

- Do we need to see the shitstorm again?

- Next up is RVD vs. Abyss, with Hulk Hogan in the corner.

- Holy crap! The blood! What the hell happened to Abyss?! Can’t have Impact without blood!

- Match is short but served a purpose.

- Abyss wins with a pipe to the stomach followed by a Black Hole Slam. Wow, Abyss got busted in the mouth hard. Still, he needed another big win to sell his new look.

- Crimson is here! Sweet deal! I want this feud to happen!

- I kinda like the Avenger angle that Crimson plays. It fits him well.

- Sting always cuts a good face promo. He gets me pumped up.

- Oh no. Matt Hardy is bringing back the Immortal title. Maybe for one night hopefully.

- Welcome, Matt Morgan. It’s promo time. I guess he’ll be announcing his intentions of getting the TNA Title.

- Matt Morgan has a point. Everyone is handing out title shots, so why not put his name in there?

- Anderson is bored. Morgan is bored. Don’t they have board games or an Xbox backstage?

- Oh, here’s Scott Steiner. This should be interesting.

- Uh no…I smell a heel turn coming.

- Steiner hasn’t lost a step. He still talks nonsensical smack.

- Why did you beat guys bigger than you, Steiner? Um, cause you were roided out of your mind?

- Morgan is really playing the babyface here.

- Scott Steiner has never been a wrestler who valued respect. Heel turn in 3, 2, 1…

- So, now Scott Steiner has turned heel. The 6th turn in a month. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 TNA booking!

- Hell yeah…welcome back, Miss Tessmacher! I guess Hooters is laying people off due to the NFL strike.

- Hey, Velvet Sky. Yeah, cameraman, show those boobies off.

- Don’t use big words, Winter. Velvet will get confused.

- There’s Velvet Sky trying to be tough again. God, she sucks at it.

- I like this Angelina Love storyline. Maybe I’m one of the few, but it’s a good way to break up the Beautiful People.

- Only 4 matches tonight but 3 title matches. I can live with that happily.

- Melee! Fourtune helps keep Immortal at bay.

- Well, almost. Gunner gets a shot in. It’s good that Gunner got the shot in. Makes him more important.

- Matt Hardy is doing much better lately. Some guys just need a change of address. Is he a World Title contender though? Eh…not yet.

- This is a good match. Matt Hardy is looking really tough here.

- Great ending with the quick Scorpion Deathdrop for the hard-fought victory.

- And Mr. Anderson continues his Twinkie run with a Mic Check to Sting and to Matt Hardy.

- Can we PLEASE just turn Mr. Anderson heel? PLEASE?

- So TNA ReAction changed from a DVR ruining show into a 5 minute segment.

- Just show your tits and shut up, Karen.

- Interesting that both Bischoff and Flair weren’t around tonight.

- Last thing: Who is this annoying ass interviewer that doesn’t watch the show?!

Overall: Except for the shitty segment, I really enjoyed Impact tonight. New feuds were created, some feuds intensified and the titles were really emphasized well. I just wish TNA Still wasn’t relying on heel turns and this asinine feud between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett. If this feud goes past Sacrifice, I really may have to fast forward through anything they do again.
Here is my review / thoughts on Impact 4-21-11

I will try to keep as short as I can.

Opening Segment - AJ Styles /Bully Ray
AJ is in the steel cage and calls out Bully Ray. They fight and AJ is about to put Bully Ray though a table but he escapes before AJ can do it.

Good segment and it was nice to see start off Impact with something like this instead of the usual Immortal promo.

Beer Money vs Murphy & Rob Terry - Tag Team Title Match
TNA really needs to do something about the tag division if Murphy & Terry are getting title shots now. Also didn't Ink Inc win that match at Lockdown? So shouldn't they be challenging Beer Money for the belts instead. They could be saving it for Sacrifice.

Anyway Beer Money wins. Short match and I didn't like they when they came back from a commercial the match was already in progress it makes TNA look bush league when they do that.

Hulk Hogan / Rob Van Dam / Sting Segment
This went a little long but it was a good segment. All 3 guys cut a good promo. RVD's line to Hulk Hogan saying "You can't make it in wrestling with just a legdrop these days, Hulkie." was hillarious.

Rosita & Sarita vs Madison Rayne & Tara - Knockout Tag Title Match
As I've said before the KO tag titles are really pointless now. Also why are they still trying to push Mexican America as a threat? They pretty much buried them at Lockdown.

Madison finally lost the KO title but I'm not as happy about it as I thought I would be. Anyway the champions retain when Sarita pins Madison after a clothesline?! Plus it looks like Madison and Tara are splitting soon.

This match had the same problem as the tag title match it was already in progress when it came back from commercial. TNA needs to stop doing that.

Jeff Jarrett / Karen Jarrett / Kurt Angle Segment
Why couldn't they just let Kurt win at Lockdown so this feud could end? Kurt literally dumps crap on Karen and then slams Jeff on the chair. Kurt then tells Karen he has a "mistress" that wants to meet her.

I wonder who Kurt's mistress will be? Even though she's in another angle it could be Velvet since she and Karen had a confrontation before Lockdown.

Abyss with Hulk Hogan vs Rob Van Dam
Abyss gets his tooth knocked out by RVD. Abyss is tough to continue after that. Abyss pins RVD after hitting him with a steel pipe. Abyss continues to attack RVD until Crimson makes the save.

Matt Morgan / Scott Steiner Segment
This was alright. I'm glad Matt Morgan's feud with Hernandez is finally over and he can concentrate on winning the world title. Though I don't get why they turned Scott Steiner heel after the reactions his been getting lately.

Miss Tessmacher Promo
Miss Tessmacher is back. OK I honestly thought she was released.

Velvet Sky / Angelina Love / Winter Segment
Velvet talks about what happened with her Angelina last week and Winter shows up and ask Velvet is she accusing her of something. Then Angelina beats Velvet up. Seriously this story is just getting weird. Why does TNA continue to book Velvet this way she talks tough but always gets her ass handed to her everyweek no wonder she has no credibility. As I said before if they wanted Angelina and Velvet to split there were better ways to do it. As one of the fews of TBP that's left I honestly just don't want to see them fight each other again.

Sting vs Matt Hardy - World Title Match
How does Matt Hardy get a world tite shot? Also why is he wearing Jeff's crappy custom title belt? Alright match Sting wins after the Scorpion Deathdrop on Hardy. Then Mr. Anderson attacks Sting and then lays out Matt Hardy with a Mic Check. Why because he's an asshole.

OK Impact this week but it could have been better. Plus it was just a little to promo heavy and I don't like the stuff with Kurt Angle and The Jarretts I want it to end.
Quick note: Thank you to all for the overwhelming support to keep up my Random Thoughts. I do want to make a formal apology to Mister Rob. Apparently, along with hating the fact that I post random thoughts and not an official review even though he doesn't do anything more than complain, he was extremely offended over my "more resilient than his mom in a ****ehouse line," and he went to the mods to get me banned or reprimanded. I would have edited it out but I guess the time limit expired. Therefore, to Mister Rob, I'm sorry I offended you and your mom. No more references will be made about her in the near future.

Oh, and TNA Impact was very good this week. I enjoyed it. This is a review thread, after all.
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Velvet Sky / Angelina Love / Winter Segment
Velvet talks about what happened with her Angelina last week and Winter shows up and ask Velvet is she accusing her of something. Then Angelina beats Velvet up. Seriously this story is just getting weird. Why does TNA continue to book Velvet this way she talks tough but always gets her ass handed to her everyweek no wonder she has no credibility. As I said before if they wanted Angelina and Velvet to split there were better ways to do it. As one of the fews of TBP that's left I honestly just don't want to see them fight each other again.

I meant to say one of the few fans of TBP. I really have to start proof reading my posts better.

2 things I forgot to mention in my review.

1. Why wasn't Samoa Joe on the show? He did beat The Pope at Lockdown. Speaking of which TNA is really dropping the ball on that guy. I just hope both of these guys can finally move on to something better now.

2. You would also think Mickie James would have been there to cut a promo about finally winning the KO title too. Obviously everyone can't be on the show but that's something I think should have happened on this week's Impact.
TNA iMPACT! 21.04.2011
"Two Horses For Sister Karen"

Opening Segment - This was great! AJ looked great, spoke great, Ray was awesome like always. AJ jumping from the cage would have been an EPIC moment, but we knew that wouldn't happen because of Ray's position on the table. Great moment and I really want to see Ray vs AJ Styles. I liked very much that they used GUNNER, finnaly ! He is the TV Champion, and he should be used differently from Murphy and Terry. ROH TV Champion vs TNA TV Champion FTW!

Terry & Murphy vs Beer Money - Terry was good on the mic, and he looks better with beard. The cage wasn't really necesarry for this segment too, but it was ok. Beer Money won, the commentators really put over the fact that Roode made Flair tap out, wich is interesting cause this could lead up to a Roode vs Flair match/feud. It would be great for Robert Roode.

Sting, RVD, Hogan - EPIC segment! I loved it! It was friggin awesome!

Mexican America vs Madison & Tara - I really like the image with the Mexican flag in the background, but I hope that the people behind it can see. I'm glad that they use the KO Tag Titles and didn't throw the champions away. Sarita is great, I love her. Rosita great too, lot of potential. It wasn't a good match, but the storylines are advancing, Tara looked great!

The Jarretts and Angle - I was glad that this didn;t last forever, it was quick, received heat, and it was great to see how Jarrett avoided Karen when she was full of crap. :lmao: All the lines about crap/shit were great and the Angle Slam Awesome! Also, FUCK Isis the Amazon!

Hogan & Anderson - What a great segment! I was surprised that Anderson wasn;t in the earlier segment, but this one on one with Hogan was priceless.

Abyss vs RVD - This could have been a great main event. It needed more time. Respect for Abyss, going on with teeth broken. Ouch! I loved the CRIMSON intervention! I like that guy very much, and I'm happy to see that he is used, and he even make Abyss and Hogan run away!

Sting / Matt Hardy - Both vids were great, Sting was high, and Matt with Jeff's belt was a nice touch.

Scott Steiner & Matt Morgan - Fuck. Yeah.! Scott Steiner best ever! Every time Scott Steiner gets the mic, be sure you'll be entertained. Good segment, but I would like to see Morgan being more aggresive, less respectfull. Also, this felt like I was watching the Main Event Mafia era. :D

Sting vs Matt Hardy - This was a good match, Hardy was good, and Sting had a one on one match longer than 2 minutes since his return. Anderson, a guy with attitude just like Stone Cold. I liked that they used Gunner great here too.

I liked the show, very entertaining, and I really want to see the next week one, which from the spoilers, looks great.
iMPACT was fun tonight. I'm very, very impressed with Gunner. People say he's green, and he is, but that guy is intense, he's got the look and also the ring ability he needs right now. He's a big guy and it works for him. I'm glad he beat Daniels for the TV title. It was a clean win, in a decent match, made him look good. That's what a guy like him needs.

I'm also impressed with Crimson. I like the fact that they'll give him a "streak". I was afraid they forgot about him after the whole M.E.M thing fell apart but apparently now he's getting the Samoa Joe push. Yes, not the Goldberg push. Goldberg was squashing people, Crimson is having matches with them, much like Joe. A good way to keep him relevant. Tonight we also saw why Joe is not getting pushed. The guy was just lazy and sloppy. He was no-selling 90% of Crimson's offense, he was slow as fuck, had no intensity like he used to. I'm sorry but if he wants to go back to where he used to be, he better step it up. No one's gonna push him because of what he used to do in 2005. Bully Ray is big and fat too, but he's fucking good and that's why he's pushed.

I don't care what anybody says about Karen Jarrett - that bitch is a natural heel and I love seeing her jag her jaw. She's very easy to hate, very heelish, I love it. Pair her with Double J and you have yourself a great heel duo.

The matches were all fine, nothing to mark out about, nothing special. They were great for iMPACT.

It was also great to see Shelley back. I hope Sabin's injury is a work. Anarchia or Anarquia, whatever his name is, is so good for Mexican America. He's just fucking annoying on the mic with his Spanish, a typical douchebag. I love it.

Overall - good iMPACT. I didn't like it as much as the last two, but still fun. I can feel something's different about the product, though. I don't know what it is, but it makes it better.
I love seeing the Knockouts, but the part at the beginning took way too much time. I don't think it really resulted in anything either. I missed the very beginning when Kared called all the women out, but how come Angelina/Winter were not already out there?

I was wondering if the Chris Saban "injury" was real. he did the move, then the ref checked on him, then they showed a replay of how the knee/leg looked, then back to live action and Sabin loses in a small roll up.

I was also wondering if anything will come of when Abyss came out to attack Crimson, Samoa Joe just looked at Abyss and walked away.

I also like Gunner. he looks good. his whole image thing is good and he looks good in the ring. whatever promotion he was at before, he was the world champion there. he was champion there while still in TNA doing the whole security/part of Immortal thing. then he had to drop the title there when he signed on full time with TNA.

can't remember exactly how long TNA has been doing this now, but they finish the main event like 10 minutes before the show ends, and then show interviews/backstage stuff that they used to show on ReAction. not sure how I feel about this. while it's nice to see that type of stuff, I don't think that is what should end the show. I like it better when Impact ends with a bang/surprise.
Only one thing that was lame yesterday... "Oh no Anderson has the steel pipe, stay with us to see how it unfolds after the break"... waiting... commercial break... waiting... commercial break... waiting... commercial break... TNA is back from the break and all we see are Reaction segment....

That and the bleeping was annoying during the Morgan/Steiner backstage brawl, since when are they bleeping in TNA?

Overall good Impact and a REALLY, REALLY good segment with Karen. Not that it was super interesting or seemed forced that she accused everyone and everybody, but it's more the fact that except for the food and costumes girl it all push storyline further. Mexican American were able to get heat saying they don't want anything to do with Americans. Rayne got to blast Tara more and Velvet got her ass kicked by Love.
TNA iMPACT! - April 28, 2011

Opening Segment - On one hand, it was somewhat refreshing to see the show start out with something other than an Immortal promo or Anderson whining about his title shot. At the same time, however, I thought this segment was extremely boring. It's just the latest chapter in this very drawn out Jarrett/Angle feud that should have already ended. But, it's not going to until Angle gets himself a win over Jarrett at a ppv. I find myself caring less and less already who this "mistress" is that's almost certainly going to turn this into some sort of mixed tag team feud at some point. Karen was good on the mic in general and it was a fun novelty seeing all the various Knockouts in the ring at once, but I just simply do not care about this feud. It just seemed to drag on and I kept glancing at the clock hoping that it'd be time to move onto something else. This was also one of those segments that really makes the canned heat & applause in the Impact Zone come off as extremely cheesy. All those wide camera shots of the audience showing most of the fans sitting with their mouths closed while TNA pumps sound through the speakers to make it seem that the whole crowd is reacting just looked completely second rate. I don't really have anything against TNA using canned heat or anything but they need to lay off the wide crowd shots when they do it because the Impact Zone is much to small to be able to get away with it. Thumbs Down

Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky - This is the kind of match that makes me long for a 90 second squash. I HATED this match and was easily the most boring TNA match I've seen in 2011. It just kept dragging on and on and on while perpetuating this extremely stupid zombiefied Angelina Love being under the thrall of Winter storyline. Angelina no selling virtually everything Velvet did as part of her new zombified character was worse than when the WWF had The Undertaker do at times during the first few years of the character's existence. Love eventually gets the win with a submission putting an end to this terrible, dull match. 1/4*

Anarquia Promo - Before his match, Anarquia came out with the rest of Mexican America and cut the standard promo. I found myself chuckling at the guy because he comes across as such an exaggerated Mexican thug stereotype that I just can't take him seriously. He's not acting like a tough guy really, it's mostly the thing he does with his voice. You know, putting a huge emphasis on the accent and drawing it out while keeping his voice kind of high like Eddie Guerrero used to do. Sarita & Rosita looked hot out there and aside from looking at them, there's just nothing about this group. Thumbs Down

Chris Sabin vs. Anarquia - The match was really too short to mean anything. Anarquia has done nothing whatsoever to show that he's anything special and nothing changed here. Sabin hit some fast paced offense and sold the knee injury he sustained from the springboard well. Given the way he landed, it's easy to think that he literally could have tweaked his knee. However, having Sabin job out cleanly to Anarquia in only this guy's 1st or 2nd singles match in TNA just will not do. N/A

Scott Steiner & Matt Morgan Brawl - Earlier in the night, TNA had shown a couple of backstage promo segments on both of them with Morgan looking for Steiner and Steiner hanging in the locker room. The brawl was pretty decent but I thought Steiner came off looking weak in the end. It wasn't a particularly brutal or physical brawl but Morgan beat Steiner badly enough that he apologized for what he did last week. It was decent but if the objective was to make Steiner really come off as a serious threat to Morgan & his ambitions, I don't think it worked. Thumbs In The Middle

Sting Trashes Anderson's Truck - This segment came off as extremely cliche`. Early in the evening, Anderson is shown arriving with Jason Hervy complimenting him on his truck and all that. I immediately knew that someone was gonna screw with it before the night was over. So, here comes Sting. Sting uses the baseball bat to bust the headlights, the windows of the door and to obliterate the windshield before leaving the bat to let Anderson know who did it. There wasn't anything wrong with this segment really it just...I dunno...it just seemed a little lazy and flat. If you wanna do a segment in which you trash some guy's ride, be creative about it. Thumbs Down

Gunner vs. Christopher Daniels - This was a pretty decent match while it lasted. Daniels added a lot of energy to the match and he was one of the few aspects of the show that had the Impazt Zone legitimately interested. Gunner did an ok job in the match, nothing spectacular or anything and I still don't see anything special about the guy. I hear some keep trying to insist that he's intense but I just don't see it. Carrying the belt between his teeth and snarling like a pit bull while he runs his hand over his face doesn't really strike me as intense so much as just being kind of generic. He still does come across as green but he hung in there and gave a decent 5 minute match. Gunner is able to get the win, earning him his first successful title defense, by hitting an F-5 on Daniels that looked a little sloppy. I'm not surprised to see Daniels job cleanly, he jobbed cleanly to Sean Morley last year cleanly after Hogan's arrival after all, and it was really the right call to make. If they want the TV Title to have any prestige or Gunner to even remotely seem like a viable star, then giving him a clean win over a long time TNA star is a step in the right direction. *3/4

Sting, Mr. Anderson & RVD Segment - At the start of the second hour, Sting's music hits and he comes out to a good pop. Anderson comes out a bit later carrying Sting's bat and looks all angry and whatnot. I like that they didn't go and have him running around extremely pissed off about what happened. Him making a joke about Sting trashing his truck and that he can always get another one by channeling his inner Dave Chappelle with his "I'm rich, beyotch!!" comment was a nice little touch. RVD's music hits and here's where the segment heads south. RVD comes out with his usual stoner aura about him and says he's willing to give up his title shot just so Sting can give it to Anderson just so they can shut him up. Say what now?!?!?!?! After all the screwjob endings and stuff over the course of roughly a year and RVD actually says this?!?!?!?! Why not just ask Sting if he wants RVD to hold Anderson while Sting gives him a few good shots in the gut with the bat? It's not an act that screams babyface but at least it's something with a shred of logic about it. Hogan comes out and sets a main event and all this with Sting against Anderson & Bully Ray. Definitely a mixed back to this. Thumbs In The Middle

Samoa Joe vs. Crimson - Throughout the match and the introductions prior to the match, Tenay & Taz go on about Crimson's undefeated streak. The hell're they talking about?? The guy's wrestled like 3 matches the whole time he's been there and now they're trying to tout that he's got some sort of impressive & important streak going on? I thought the match itself looked kinda sloppy for the most part. Both Joe & Crimson's strikes, chops, punches, etc. looked extraordinarily fake with some of them not even connecting and most of the ones that did didn't have enough impact to stun a fly. Crimson also hit an extremely sloppy suplex on Joe before both of them eventually wind up outside. Abyss comes out and attacks Crimson. Apparently, the match is thrown out instead of Samoe Joe getting disqualified, which is what would normally happen in this instance. Joe walks off and leaves Abyss to beat on Crimson. I'm guessing the "winning streak" of Crimson is some ham fisted way of putting over Crimson in a future match & feud with Abyss. 1/4*

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray - Pretty decent main event for the most part until the standard, overbooked TNA main event finish. This was mostly a with Anderson & Ray I think, they handled most of the offense with Sting popping up occassionally. There was some good energy in the match in the closing minutes with Sting getting more into the mix of things, lighting Anderson up & hitting a Stinger Splash. Sting tried to hit Ray with the move but wound up catching the ref. Yeah, I know. Another ref bump in a triple threat match. Ray has the advantage after hitting Sting in the gut with the lead pipe before AJ Styles pops up out of nowhere and hits the Pele Kick on Ray. Sting grabs the pipe, hits Ray and gets the win after a replacement ref comes down to make the count. I know that there was some stuff going on after this match but this is when I turned it off. **

Overall Show - Generally speaking, I thought last night's iMPACT! was pretty typical: a world of darkness with a few beams of light cutting through it from time to time. The opening of the show with most of the Knockouts in there being interrogated by Karen Angle, while different, was every bit as boring as your standard 20+ minute Immortal group promo. The other big promo segment that started the second hour was decent overall but kind of stupid too. RVD just needs to stay off the mic, he really does. The idea of any wrestler willing giving up a World Title match for something as ridiculous as Sting shutting Anderson up is mind numbingly stupid. It's an insult to the intelligence of anyone that's ever watched wrestling. Wrestling content on the show last night was longer than it usually is but most of it was definitely nothing to write home about. Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky was awful. I'd rather watch a 90 second squash that then 5 minutes we had to endure. Anarquia vs. Chris Sabin was too short to really be anything while Samoa Joe vs. Crimson was a sloppy, half assed mess. Gunner vs. Daniels was a pretty decent match while it lasted. I'm still not sold on Gunner at all and don't see what anyone sees in the guy, but he got himself a clean win over a respected & over TNA veteran. If TNA wants to at least try and make him come across like a star, this was a good way to do it. The main event was alright, some decent action going on but, predictably, it was overbooked. Most of the first hour of the show was awful with the brightest spot being the TV title match. There was more energy during the second hour with the main event being the highlight. Two decent title matches on an otherwise lame show.

Grade: D+
As you can tell I've obviously stopped doing full reviews of Impact. It's just too bad most weeks and I've got enough stuff on my plate to review without reviewing this show. A few thoughts on what I saw of last night's show though.

The opening segment was everything that is wrong with TNA in a nutshell. 15 minutes of Karen Angle screaming on the mic in one of the single most boring and annoying promo segments I've ever seen in my entire life. The crowd was fucking DEAD and that was the worst possible choice to open up the show with. As if that wasn't bad enough though, they transition right into Velvet vs. Angelina in a match so bad it almost defies the laws of physics. I'd call it a DUD but that would be too generous to just how bad that match was. Angelina is downright painful to watch in this "Zombie" role, and her already awful in-ring work has become unbearable. God how the KO division has fallen.

The Steiner/Morgan stuff backstage was downright hilarious I thought. Steiner is always so over the top and I was nearly in tears when Morgan was attacking him and Scott kept yelling "I said I'm sorry!" Their inevitable match is going to blow, but man, what a hilarious segment. I fucking love Scott Steiner.

Gunner pinning Daniels clean...ugh. I get trying to make Gunner credible, but they've fucking buried Daniels since the minute he's returned and any hopes of him being a main event player seem to be right out the window already. Silly move. And fucking GUNNER? Jesus I do not see what the fuck TNA sees in this guy.

Rest of the show was very forgettable. Main event was decent, nowhere near the "great" match that the live reports were calling it but I expected that. Not a terrible show or anything, but man that first hour was bad.

The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter

Hello all!

One of the most controversial writers in TNA forum history is back, with more random thoughts! And hopefully I can avoid the insensitive comments to overly sensitive people. Whoops...except that last one.

Anyway, this week's Impact was delayed for me but I've been able to catch up and get it all in. And here we go!

- NO! We’re STARTING with Karen Jarrett?! Are they trying to shoo away their fans?

- Having all of the Knockouts in the ring is interesting, but we’re wasting a segment with the goddamn Jarretts.

- The costume lady is in the ring too? One of these things is not like the other...

- I know this is going to take forever. Karen is wasting a lot of time.

- Oh my God! How racist can you be?! Rice and beans?!

- Fast-forwarding in 3, 2, 1…

- Does this make Jeff and Karen Jarrett tweeners since all of the Knockouts hate them? No, wait…everyone hates them so that just makes them ********s.

- You know it’s bad when I’m pining for Eric Bischoff’s contractually obligated first promo.

- Well, the slap to Jeff should make Velvet a bigger face.

- And here’s Winter and Angelina to break it up.

- And we have a match to start us off. Thank God. I was ready to rip my ears off listening to Karen speak.

- Are Karen’s children deaf? If not, those poor kids.

- I said it before and I’ll say it again: I LIKE this Angelina Love. It’s something new for her to do than the usual blonde bimbo stuff.

- Can Velvet Sky come to my house wearing that outfit?

- Actually, can she come to my house anyway?

- Actually, can she...never mind. :blush:

- Winter looks so much better when she’s not dressed like an 1880’s school marm.

- By the way, TNA has used her better in a few months than the other company EVER did.

- Is Angelina no-selling or is Velvet just not hitting her hard enough to react?

- Velvet completely missed on the knee-to-face attacks.

- And Velvet gets distracted by simply yelling at Winter. Geez.

- And now comes the evil headlock of doom for the pass-out victory!

- Ah, that lovable loser Velvet Sky.

- Let’s take bets on who destroys Mr. Anderson’s truck. I have $5 on Sting and the baseball bat.

- Wrestlers in TNA bitch too much about not getting title shots.

- I see Christy Hemme has been promoted.

- And bring on the Home Depot Heroes themselves! Oh, wait, I sound like Karen Jarrett now.

- Seeing Sarita in that outfit makes me forgive TNA for making me sit through a Anarchia match.

- Sweet! Chris Sabin is here! And wrestling! I missed you man!

- So the giant Mexican flag doesn’t block anyone’s view?! If I paid money for tickets I’d be pissed if I had to stare at a Mexican flag for 10 minutes.

- What the hell? Sabin twisted his knee and loses already? Was that an ad-lib or did someone plan that?

- So we haven’t seen Chris Sabin on free TV in weeks and his first match back he blows out his knee and loses in 2 minutes? Well, that’s what you get when you get to bone Velvet Sky without getting brought up on charges!

- Still, welcome back, Alex Shelley! I hope the Machineguns are back for awhile.

- Scott Steiner has still got it. Those roids are hardwired into his blood.

- Does he keep cotton in his mouth or are those Hogan’s balls from getting his latest push?

- Steiner being around is always good for the censor button guy so he can feed his family. If Steiner gets a World Title run, he’ll put the guy’s kids through college.

- Honestly, Morgan doesn’t need a feud with Steiner. Hasn’t he already proven himself ready for the main event and the title?

- Wow, Steiner is getting punked. Is he really crying about how sorry he is?

- Sting is busting up the truck with his bat! Pay up!

- Note to any wrestlers: if you drive your brand new vehicle to the arena and there’s a cameraman and interviewer waiting for you, DON’T PARK! FIND A PARKING GARAGE! Learn from history, people!

- Well, Sting and I have something in common: after I destroy a truck in Florida, the first thing I want to do is put a black leather coat back on!

- Interesting…Gunner defends the TV against Christopher Daniels for our 3rd match. We should see how much stock TNA has in Gunner.

- Gunner looks like Brian Kendrick’s alcoholic father.

- I can’t see Daniels losing clean to this guy. And I can’t see him winning the belt either.

- I thought Gunner was way bigger than Daniels. He doesn’t look that big in comparison.

- Nice crucifix pin attempt. This is a solid match so far.

- Gunner with a face-first suplex. Impressive so far.

- Wow! Jumping curb stomp I’d call that from Daniels.

- Daniels is using moves I thought only video games and Japanese guys used.

- Gunner with the F-5 for the clean win. I am impressed. Good length of time and good offense on both sides.

- Mr. Anderson looks pissed. I wonder why…

- Did Sting just LIE to Mr. Anderson? That’s not a role model! I’m corrupted now!

- “I’m rich, biatch!” All right, for once Anderson was intentionally funny.

- Wait, so Sting’s plan was to completely bust up Anderson’s truck, leave his bat in the windshield, let Anderson find it and him, and ALLOW him to beat the shit out of him with the bat? Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2011 TNA Russo booking!

- One up Sting? What’s next, Anderson? His house?

- Oh, Rob Van Dam. Why must you interrupt? You know it’s GOOD if they fight each other and beat each other up!

- You came out to tell us that, RVD? You came out to give your blessings like it’s a Greek marriage?

- Sting vs. Mr. Anderson for the…oops, wait. Gotta have Hogan interject.

- I think it’s a good thing that a World Champion actually wants to defend the belt. Especially at Sting’s age.

- Ooo…that’s a nightmare. Bully Ray beating Sting for the World Title? I’d rather see Carol Channing actually beat Mike Tyson like on Family Guy.

- Oh Lord…I smell a heel turn for Samoa Joe. I really hope not.

- Our 4th match of the night technically, Crimson vs. Samoa Joe.

- Crimson is from Brooklyn? Now I know why I like this guy!

- Has anyone noticed how the “Amazing Red is his brother” thing has been quietly dropped?

- I can only hope Crimson can have enough matches in one year to be credibly undefeated, let alone 18 months. He's been around since January and this is his 6th match total, including a handicap match and two tag team matches.

- Come to think about it, he's not completely undefeated. Only in singles action.

- It’ll be odd for Samoa Joe to go from a PPV victory over The Pope to a loss to a veritable rookie.

- Nice combination of knees and the neckbreaker. Crimson is very deliberate and intense which is what I like about him.

- He didn’t get him up for the suplex, so the Red Alert is going to be difficult.

- This is a vicious looking match. Two mean-looking bastards going at it.

- A DQ win for Crimson and Samoa Joe walks off. I’d say it’s a heel turn but Joe has always been a dick anyway.

- This feud is going to Sacrifice. No doubt. Crimson can really make a rise up if he wins.

- Hey, Mickie James is here. I’m guessing a promo due to her shoulder.

- Kurt Angle is bringing in a new girl obviously. Next week, eh? And nobody knows her? Interesting. You see, TNA. THIS is a cliffhanger that people will tune in to watch next week.

- Even if it does involve this asinine feud that never ends.

- I don’t know if Mickie James is the greatest woman wrestler of all time. Undeniably in the top 10 for sure.

- That sends a shudder up my spine. Bully Ray, TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

- The wrestling world would hate it. They might even boycott TNA.


- Cool double clothesline from Sting!

- Is Sting taking a nap in the corner?

- Why doesn’t Anderson do that double feign roundhouse kick anymore?

- Stinger Splash for Anderson, then one for the ref. Always gotta have a ref bump in title matches!

- A.J. Styles coming in for revenge and saving the title for Sting.

- I just had a thought: if Bully Ray won the belt, his feud with Styles would be for the title. Would that be worth Bully Ray winning the belt?

- Sting gets the shot on Bully Ray for the victory. And Mr. Anderson looks pissed.

- TNA ReAction begins. And no follow-up to Anderson threatening to bust up Sting.

- And no blood tonight. I guess without Flair there's no one that wants to blade anymore.

- Bully Ray should be proud of his performance, but everyone is happy he’s not champ right now.

- I love Bully Ray acting like he’s all innocent about powerbombing Styles.

- NOOOO!! It's not worth it. Bully Ray as the World Champion for any reason just isn't worth it.

- We didn’t get an in-ring appearance from Fourtune tonight?

- Wow, Steiner is officially back to full heel mode again.

- Steiner rented time? Where? Did he put a deposit down?

- AHHHHH! No more Jarretts!

- Why didn’t Velvet Sky say she’s still with Chris Sabin? It’s been said on the air before.

- Last thing: AAHHHHH!!!!! NO MORE JARRETTS!!!!!!

Overall: It was ALMOST a good show. The wrestling action was great was but Christ Almighty I’m tired of seeing the Jarretts! These two dominate air time like no one I’ve seen before and it’s sad and pathetic. People can talk about overexposure all they want, but the Jarretts are past that point. They practically have their own show if you strung together all of their segments. Enough is enough! We get it! They’re bad people! AHHHH…. My head hurts!
TNA iMPACT! - April 28, 2011

Opening Segment - It wasn't an Immortal Promo, Karen did a decent job on the mic, as did the rest of the Knockouts (Though Madison's voice is still pissing me off). Tara spitting gum at Madison was just :wtf: and Winter and Angelina showing up to attack Velvet was :icon_neutral:, but the latter storyline's been floundering for a while and I'm in a forgiving mood. D+, because everyone calling everyone ****s is getting old.

Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky - *sigh* D-. One of the worst Knockouts matches in months. Really, the Divas seem to be doing better as of late. Still, Winter is getting pushed and Angelina's doing something besides the Beautiful People crap.

Anarquia Promo - ... D+. Anarquia is not a good promo guy, and neither is Hernadez. Or the Knockouts. Mexican America needs a talker.

Chris Sabin vs. Anarquia and Shelly returns - Too short to mean anything, and Sabin might be injured. Anarquia needs to work against other people before you can push him at a top guy of Sabin's caliber and give him the win. Anarqia throwing the new Knockout at Shelley was funny. D+

Scott Steiner & Matt Morgan Brawl - Pure entertainment :lmao:. B

Sting Trashes Anderson's Truck - Done before so many times, done again here. Can't really say anything bad, but he probably should have done something besides giving Anderson his bat. C-

Gunner vs. Christopher Daniels - This was a decent match, if only five minutes. Both guys had a lot of movement in and Daniels losing to the Television Champ helped put him over. I'd like to see Daniels hold the belt after a feud to keep legitimizing it, though. C

Sting, Mr. Anderson & RVD Segment - C-. Good interactions between everyone, though RVD's just handing Anderson the title shot after the shit he's been through to get it boggles the mind. Anderson's been more interesting this week, and Hogan comes out to put Sting in a match with Bully Ray. I'm starting to wonder if they're trying out a new top guy for the stable through these defenses.

Samoa Joe vs. Crimson - People wonder why Samoa Joe isn't working the main-event right now? This match is a good way to explain it. Joe's basically sleepwalking the match, and it's hurting Crimson that he does so. Crimson picks up the win, as he's apparently starting a streak if you hear Tenay and Taz talk. Well, it worked with Goldberg and Lesnar but failed with Lashley and Terry. Let's see if it works out for ol' Tommy Mercer. Abyss comes out to attack Crimson as this feud continues. I'm actually interested in seeing Crimson and Abyss go head to head, as Crimson established himself best when he put Janice through Abyss. Crimson is a keeper for TNA. C, but only for the angle between Abyss and Crimson, and not because of anything Samoa Joe has done.

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray - C+. Okay main event for the most part until the standard TNA main event finish. Sting didn't do much for the match, so his defending champion schtick isn't really meaning much to me. Bull Ray is impressing me more by the week and if he doesn't get rewarded with a Television title run (because you know he would be awesome with that), then I've got nothing. Ref bump happens and AJ pops up to Pele Kick Ray, allowing for Sting to use the pipe to get the win when a replacement ref comes down. *sigh* Using pipes and laying low in matches would be a great part of a heel defending champion's gimmick (especially if he tried to make it seem okay), but for Sting? Not really.

Overall Grade and some random thoughts - It was decent, but a lot of uneven shit that isn't reflected in the average grading of each segment just didn't help. Christy Hemme needs to keep her spot as ring announcer, because So Cal just doesn't do it this good and I think I have a few people here in agreement. Grade: C
Alright So i did watch Smackdown and blogged about it before watching Impact..Did Impact beat Smackdown for best Wrestling show of the week lets find out!

Here is the BlipTV Link : http://blip.tv/file/5085318
this review is right around 20min long has a few rants and goes more into detail on things!

Youtube Review Here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waLjK83_dOU
Its a shorter6-7min version goes over every match but not as in depth..some people like em short others like em long! you get to choose!
If you havent Subscribe to my youtube channel so you can be kept update on videos!
As Always questions comments they are all welcome! so ask away!
I thought this Impact was pretty bad. The in ring action was good, was great to see the TV Title finally defended on TV and Gunner and Daniels had a pretty good match and would happily see them have a 20 minute match at a PPV.

...and I am enjoying Crimson.

What really let the show down tonight was the promos. Anderson just sounded HORRIBLE, absolutely horrible. Calling Sting a "biatch" really? He just sounds like hes trying far to hard to come across as a person who doesn't really care.

Almost 20 minutes of Karen Jarrett discussing who is Angle's mistress, dealing with the catering lady... Ugh.
Gunner pinning Daniels clean...ugh. I get trying to make Gunner credible, but they've fucking buried Daniels since the minute he's returned and any hopes of him being a main event player seem to be right out the window already. Silly move. And fucking GUNNER? Jesus I do not see what the fuck TNA sees in this guy.

Daniels was never going to return and be main event anyway. if those in charge of TNA now thought Daniels could be main event level, he would have been around the entire time.
I'd take Gunner's look over Daniels any day.
Daniels should be used with the other similar types they have in the X division. his return was built up to hype Fortune more than it was to hype him.
I liked the last impact. Specifically, I liked Gunner and Crimson matches as I'm interested how they will be used, will they become the next tna stars, etc.? Also is Gunner vs Daniels feud finished? I though it would last at least till the next ppv.

I also liked Sting. I have to admit that since his return he has become more interesting and entertaining then before. Similarly, Stainer was also entraining and interesting.

I didn't like the opening segment. I'm just not that interested in the feud JJ vs Angle. I wish it just finished.
The ratings continue to go down, he'll Tough Enough is doing better.
No diss intended but if TNA is going to talk crap about WWE not being a (excuse my language) wrestling company than the 20min promos need to stop. I used to watch every week now I rarely tune in.
The ratings continue to go down, he'll Tough Enough is doing better.
No diss intended but if TNA is going to talk crap about WWE not being a (excuse my language) wrestling company than the 20min promos need to stop. I used to watch every week now I rarely tune in.

exactly and the fans can tell that TNA is not paying attention to what is going on with their companyy. There are people there acting like things are good everything going great when they know for sure that something is wrong with TNA. Now they want to Bash anotehr company when another company is doing 10 times better than them. Right now am taking a break from watching TNA because after last week, it gave me a headache
Here is my review / thoughts on Impact 4-28-11

Opening Segement - Jeff & Karen Jarrett & All of the Knockouts
I know the Jarretts did this because they want to know who Kurt Angle's "mistress" is, but why wasn't Christy, Val, Angelina and Winter there? Anyway this went way too long though I thought it was funny when Velvet said she loves Taco Tuesdays. So it comes down to Velvet and Karen says some pretty insulting things to her which prompts Velvet to slap her but Jeff stops it and Velvet slaps him instead. Go Velvet! This leads to a "catfight" between Velvet and Karen and then Winter and zombie Angelina come out and this leads to the first match of the night.

Angelina Love vs Velvet Sky
Not much to say about this. Angelina pretty much no sold and beat up Velvet for the entire match. Angelina wins after choking out Velvet with the same lame move that Winter uses.

Honestly there was no point of them having a match if Angelina was going to no sell Velvet that badly. They should have just had Angelina beat up Velvet and choke her out and then leave. I know some people enjoy this storyline but I think it sucks. If TNA really wanted to break up TBP they should have just had Angelina of own free will just turn on Velvet and go heel again. I would probably liked it better if they did it that way. But that's TNA for you.

Also if TNA really wants Velvet to become a big star in KO division I don't think it's a good idea to have her lose like 90% of her matches and get beat up every week. Does she even have any cred at this point? The way she is booked is just so weird to me.

Anarquia vs Chris Sabin
Mexican American once again cuts a bad promo. The irony of this group is none of them are Mexican. Sabin got injured in the match. It looked really bad too, Anarquia gets the win with a small package. MA starts to beat up Sabin and Alex Shelley returns and makes the save. It's a shame on the night Shelley returns Sabin gets injured.

Sting destroys Mr. Anderson "Stone Cold" truck because I guess Sting wanted to be an asshole for once.

Matt Morgan and Scott Steiner brawl backstage. I still don't get why Scott Steiner was turned heel. He's been getting a good face reaction since he returned so I don't get the logic in turning him heel.

Christopher Daniels vs Gunner - TV Title Match
It's about time Gunner actually defended the title. The match was alright Gunner wins. I'm still not impressed with him though. Though I don't get why they bothered to bring back Daniels just to have him lose but I know they want Gunner to look strong.

Crimson vs Samoa Joe
This was a weird match since both of these guys are suppose to be faces (?). The match goes to a no contest when Abyss interferes and attacks Crimson. Joe just walks to the back. Like with Gunner I haven't been too impressed with Crimson either. But maybe he will show me something in his match against Abyss at Sacrifice.

Kurt Angle cuts a promo saying that Karen is making an ass out of herself. I thought that was funny. He says his "mistess" is no one say knows and she will crap her pants when Karen sees her.

Mickie James In Ring Promo
Mickie James comes to the ring and cuts a promo thanking the fans and putting over her Knockout title win. This was short and to the point I liked it.

Also as others have said I really enjoyed Christy as the ring announcer.

Sting vs Mr. Anderson vs Bully Ray - World Title Match
I didn't pay off attention to this match all I know is that Sting won when he pinned Bully Ray.

Overall this Impact was alright. As I said before I want the Winter storyline to end. Winter really needs to cut a promo explaining her deal and why she wants Angelina so badly. It's been long overdue.
Roode was great on the mic.
Fortune has their music which clearly says Fortune FOUR, yet with Daniels they are FIVE?

Christopher Daniels beat Amazing Red. err I mean Suicide beat Sangrieto. it would be funny during this match to hear the crowd chant their real names.

Mexican America. the whole group IMO is weak and boring.

Dreamer became heel turning on AJ Styles, although he didn't look happy about doing so.

Rob Terry beat Murphy, to remain in Immortal. but Hogan says they are both useless. so is Terry in or out? what happens to Murphy?

Tessmacher. HOT!
Mickie James vs Madison at Sacrifice. if Mickie wins then Tara is free from being connected to Madison. I guess this is where Tara helps Mickie win, so she can be free. wouldn't be surprised to see TNA with some twist where Tara actually helps Madison.

I thought Eric Young did the comedy, but apparently Brian Kendrick is doing comedy now too. he says they(with the Bucks and Amazing Red) are the best wrestlers in the company. LOL silly Kendrick.
I was laughing when Bischoff said they had to grow a few inches, LOL so true.

I didn't like the main event. I love me some Knockouts, but they shouldn't be the main event.
Angelina Love with the clueless look. wait, isn't that the look she always has.

Impact was OK. nothing that great. looking forward to next week, where the Network person will be there AND Kurt Angle's "mistress" will be there. since I've read the spoilers from earlier this week I already know who they are. this is where it would be good if TNA had next weeks episode LIVE going into the PPV Sunday.
My thoughts on the May 26th Impact:

- Bobby Roode is amazing on the mic. When is TNA going to give this guy a shot at the main event? He could easily carry a world title as either a face or a heel.

- Sangriento is the stupidest gimmick I've seen in pro-wrestling in years. Why would a supposedly famous luchadore come to the ring wearing what appears to be a cheap Halloween costume purchased at Wal Mart? I have zero problem with TNA bringing in real luchadores. I have zero problem with TNA giving Amazing Red a new gimmick (because, quite frankly, he's boring). But trying to re-gimmick Amazing Red as a famous luchadore in an obvious attempt to copy Sin Cara is just obnoxious. It makes TNA look cheap, unoriginal, and second rate. If you want to have a more international appeal, if you want to have more luchadores, then sign them. Don't cheap out and expect us to not know the difference.

- Mexican America is an awful faction that feels about 10 years behind the times and is truly a poor-mans LAX. While Anarchia isn't terrible on the mic, he's being given far too long for his segments without having anything original to say. And his cliched appearance isn't helping matters. I don't buy Rosita as Sarita's cousin, as the two look nothing alike. And she's simply too small to be anything but an underdog face, IMO. I also don't buy Sarita as a heel, or as a Mexican rebel (probably because she's Canadian). Hernandez is completely wasted on this faction, as he just needs a manager to be a serious singles competitor. This faction feels completely slapped together; why do we need a pro-Mexico faction comprised of fake Mexicans?? It's just typical Russo lunacy. And while I like the touch of having Anarchia discriminate against the Puerto-Rican announcer, confirming that they are not just heels strictly for being Latino, something about the proceeding Ink-Inc promo still seemed borderline racist and xenophobic. Shouldn't TNA be reaching out to the Latino audience? I fail to see how fake luchadores and anti-Mexican stereotyping and promos are going to accomplish that.

- The whole Winter/Angelina 'lesbian brainwashing' story feels like it's straight out of a bad cartoon or comic book. And judging by the look on Angelina's face, she thinks it's as dumb as I do. On a positive note, this angle has certainly succeeded in developing Velvet Sky into something more than eye-candy, so I'm grateful for that. But if Angelina had just done a straight heel turn, this would be a thousand times better. Angelina is a great heel, and I don't see any benefit whatsoever in having her suppress her personality. I've heard that some people actually like this angle, but for the life of me I don't understand why.

- Tommy Dreamer's presence in Immortal does nothing for me. Really, what's so surprising or shocking about Tommy piledriving a guy who was trying to drive him out of TNA mere months ago? Now if Tommy did a true heel turn, and not this 'reluctant heel' role that Sting played in the MEM, I might be interested in that. As for 'moral crusader' Tommy Dreamer though, I've been sick of that guy for like 5 years.

- Miss Tessmacher is smoking hot, and wasn't too bad in the ring either. She will go far. It never ceases to amaze me how you can take pretty much any woman out of WWE and put them in TNA and have them instantly become more interesting. Maybe it's because they are permitted to do more than smile vapidly in TNA?

- I can't believe Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett are still feuding. I thought Lockdown was supposed to be the blow-off? And Karen Angle is getting way too much airtime for a non-wrestler.

- I didn't pay much attention to the Murphy/Terry match, but how in god's name is it a good idea to have E.B and Hogan openly criticize how awful it was immediately following Impact dedicating several minutes of airtime to it?? Anyways, I'm glad to see Murphy go, or at least his gimmick. If TNA really wants to use this guy, they should put some effort into it and give him something to work with other than 'security guy no.2.' Now if only they would do the same for 'Gunner'...

- If Jay Lethal was over enough with the audience that his firing can be brought up several times throughout the night to build up real heat against Hogan and Bischoff, than why was he fired in the first place?

- Crimson and Joe's segment backstage was well done, although I think that was mainly due to Joe. Crimson still seems green IMO, and his "come out and play" line was really hokey. Hopefully they don't blow this feud by jobbing out Joe too quickly.

- The Sting/RVD videos were interesting and did a good job of putting over their upcoming match. While I hadn't really cared about either RVD or Sting for some time, I've got to admit that both of them have been entertaining lately. RVD has been cutting some uncharacteristically good promos, and Sting seems reinvigorated (I had really expected his title reign to feel stale, but so far it hasn't been bad). If TNA doesn't overbook this match with ridiculous amounts of interference and other BS, it could potentially be great.

Overall: 4/10.
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