[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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TNA Impact: 3/24/11

Mr. Anderson

We start off with Anderson and a Professor from the University Of Wisconsin. Apparently, this professor is a math expert. There’s a board in the ring with some math already on it. Anderson continues to whine about his rematch, as he talks about the double pin finish from last week’s show. Anderson talks about a crush he had in College. He tries to blame the professor for sabotaging his chances with the woman. Anderson says the professor told the woman he was gay. Anderson gives the professor a Mic Check. Hogan and Bischoff make their way to the ring. Ugh, I don’t like where this might be going. Bischoff tears into Anderson. He says he’s a bad example and a bad comedian. I agree 100% with Bischoff about Anderson being a bad comedian. He’s not funny at all, his jokes are as corny as corny can be, and he just sounds like a fucking cry baby most of the time. Hogan praises Anderson’s actions with the professor, but he doesn't approve of his blatant disregard for authority. Hogan says Anderson MUST EARN HIS REMATCH. Really???? Hogan says the rematch clause in his contract doesn’t mean anything, because it was approved during Dixie’s tenure as TNA President, so of course it’s worthless, because Hogan is the boss now. Hogan says Anderson must face RVD again. Anderson says RVD isn’t in his league. RVD interrupts. RVD dares Anderson to talk trash about him to his face. Anderson calls Hogan a douche bag. RVD mentions Russo and Dixie. He says he was burnt out from politics. RVD starts whining about being held back. Sting interrupts. Sting says he received a call from the network. Sting says he will be the special enforcer for the #1 contender’s match. Tenay reminds us that the network loves ratings. You know something, the stuff with the professor wasn’t that bad. Anderson's comedy was atrocious as usual, but I actually chuckled when Anderson hit the Mic Check, and then Hogan and Bischoff had to make their way to the ring. Then the opening segment for tonight’s show turned into the same type of segment TNA has done for weeks. Anderson starts shouting about his rematch, and Hogan reminds us he has all of the power. Also, RVD really killed this segment for me. He sounded terrible on the mic, and while I did enjoy Sting’s mic time here, this segment was already dead for me by this point. The whole thing just dragged on for too long.

Mickie James VS Tara

Mickie hits a hard DDT on Tara for the win. After the match, Madison comes out. She looks pissed. This was pretty decent. Mickie and Tara did have a nice little battle here, and there were some rough spots in this match. This match doesn’t compare to the cage match these two had on Impact a while ago, but still, this wasn’t bad. Also, Mickie was able to gain some momentum with this victory, as she heads into Lockdown to challenge Madison for the title- Match Rating: 5/10

Okato VS The Pope

Pope whacks Okato with his boot. He takes off his glove. Pope has some rings on his hand, and he clocks Okato with the dangerous hand. The ref FINALLY calls for the bell, and this one ends in a DQ. After the match, Pope continues the beat down. He punches the ref. Joe finally hits the ring, and Pope quickly makes his escape. Yeah, Okato managed to get in some offense at the beginning of this one, but Pope dominated the entire match after that. He destroyed Okato here, and this one turned into a giant squash. At first, I had some hope for the Joe/Pope feud, but now I have lost all interest in it. It’s become so underwhelming, and TNA doesn’t seem to be going anywhere with Pope and Joe. The whole thing just seems meaningless if you ask me- Match Rating: 1/10

Ric Flair Challenges Fortune

Flair comes to the ring with Bully Ray and Matt Hardy. Flair talks about being God again. He hands the mic to Matt. Hardy gloats about changing the business forever with Bully Ray. He talks about back stabbing. Hmmm, more shots at WWE. What a surprise. Ray gets on the mic. He gloats about taking out AJ Styles. Ray proposes a challenge for Fortune at Lockdown. Fortune comes out to answer the challenge. Fortune hits the ring fast. A brawl erupts. Abyss returns. He takes out Fortune. Ray’s mic work during this segment was pretty damn good, but I wasn’t impressed with “Cold Blooded Matt Hardy.” He just sounded like the same old boring and bland Matt Hardy, as he continued to bitch about his time in WWE. Abyss’ return didn’t excite me. I used to be very high on Abyss, but he has regressed a lot over the past couple of years, and I do think his character has been ruined beyond repair. I am not looking forward to this match at Lockdown.

Hernandez, Rosita, Sarita and Anarchy

Hernandez introduces his new friend. He talks about Mexicans taking over the US. A big Mexican flag is hung over the ring. Anarchy wants a street fight. Matt Morgan and Devon come to the ring. They accept the challenge. I’ve never been too crazy about Anti-American stables, because I just think it’s a way to get cheap and lazy heat, but I am curious about this stable. Rosita and Sarita are there to provide the eye candy, Hernandez seems to be a competent leader, but as of right now, I’m not too crazy about this Anarchy guy. I thought he was terrible on the mic, and I hope he doesn’t have to talk too much. Still, this stable could make an impact, and it’ll be interesting to see how TNA handles them.

Hernandez & Anarchy VS Matt Morgan & Devon

Anarchy pops Devon from behind with a brass knuckles, and he gets the three count for the win. During this match, Velvet decided to come down. She fought Sarita and Rosita, as they tried to distract Morgan and Devon. The numbers game eventually caught up with Velvet, but Angelina made her way down to ringside. She was in a trance, and then Winter decided to appear. She screamed Angelina’s name, and Velvet’s BFF answered Winter’s shrieking call. Velvet was like fresh meat for Rosita and Sarita, and they continued their attack. This was just one giant clustrefuck. There was a match going on, but the cameras cut to the brawl with the Knockouts as the action was going on. It’s like they we’re trying to tell two stories at the same time, and it just became so messy after a while. I just don’t care about the Velvet/Sarita feud anymore. Velvet managed to save her career a few weeks ago, so why does she still need to get the best of Sarita? As far as the “Angelina being under Winter’s spell” stuff goes, I don’t know what to think just yet. This storyline could have some promise, but the tug of war between Velvet and Winter has been going on for quite some time, and everything has been pretty underwhelming so far- Match Rating: 0/10

Ink Inc. VS Crimson & Scott Steiner

Crimson hits the Red Alert on Moore for the win. After the match, Moore wipes his ass with Steiner’s headdress. He throws it at Steiner. Steiner tries to get a piece of Moore, but the refs manage to restrain him. This was another forgettable match. Steiner dominated Neal, and Moore managed to get some offense going. Then the whole miscommunication issue occurred, as Moore went for a tag, but Neal was on the floor recovering from the beating he had to endure. It seems as if Ink Inc. is going to split, and TNA’s tag team division is becoming more and more weak. I’m also not too excited about the potential Ink Inc. feud. I don’t see any superstar potential in Neal or Moore, and I don’t think an Ink Inc. feud will be that big of a deal. Moore VS Neal just seems like another feud that wouldn’t go anywhere, and I don‘t think either man will receive a HUGE push after this is over- Match Rating: 1/10

#1 Contender's Match- RVD VS Mr. Anderson- With Sting As The Special Enforcer

Anderson accidentally takes out Hebner with a clothesline. Hebner is out, so of course Sting has to step in. He takes over as the official for this match. Anderson slams RVD into the ring post with a Mic Check. Anderson tries to get a count out victory. He pushes Sting to count out RVD, but the Champ doesn’t budge. A brawl erupts between both men. The bell rings, and TNA officials come out to separate Anderson and Sting….. So now RVD is the number one contender? Okay then. This match was okay. Anderson and RVD actually started off with some decent action, but things took another turn for the worst when Hebenr went down. We saw another messy finish. Sting and Anderson went at it, and the bell mysteriously rang- Match Rating: 5/10

We’re back from commercial break. RVD is backstage. He’s being interviewed. He doesn’t seem like he’s all there. RVD is confused, and he isn’t making any sense. Anderson is still pissed. He says Sting is afraid of him. Sting denies ringing the bell. Anderson comes over. Both men start fighting again. TNA officials break up the fight again.

Overall Show Rating 4/10- Tonight’s show was pretty underwhelming. It wasn’t as horrible as last week’s show, but this still wasn’t anything to remember. The wrestling was very forgettable, and I’m not too crazy about where the World Championship picture is going. We all know Anderson won’t go away quietly. He’s going to find some way to get his title shot. Also, are we headed for another major concussion storyline? RVD didn’t look too good after the match. He complained about being dizzy, and you could tell he wasn’t all there. So what’s going to happen next? Is RVD going to miss his title shot? Will TNA have Anderson take his place? If something like this does happen, then will RVD continue to complain about be screwed? TNA’s World Title picture looks very messy right now.
I enjoyed TNA a lot tonight as I usually do.

There is so much intensity in TNA it isn't even funny. From the start when the promos get going all you see is heart and passion coming out of these wrestlers, just busting their asses trying to get over and make their mark.

Anderson especially comes to mind, he gets it now. A lot of the wrestlers in TNA are starting to "get it" I feel.

I do feel like the opening segment was getting a bit... edgy... they were certainly "crossing the line" when it came to what you talk about on air.. and what you talk about in the locker room... but I guess TNA wants to be real right? Well RVD was basically saying... "Hey Hogan..... Let me win the World Title..." that kind of makes me cringe because thats like RVD basically saying that wrestling is fake on live tv... oh noz...

The matches, why they may be short... they are completely intense... starting off with Okato and Pope being all sorts of physical and violent. Pope even channeling some Fit Finlay tying Okato up in the apron and beating the crap out of his head. Then pimp slapping the hell outta Okato with his ring hand. (see guy 2 posts above me.. I can talk good about TNA, I don't know what the hell your watching..)

The Womens match was a bit sketchy, Tara dominated it with some pretty solid grappling, almost a botch type fall off the apron towards the end, and right at the end of the match Mickie basically kills Tara with a ddt out of nowhere and Mickie gets the win when she barely did anything during the match...

Other thoughts I have from Impact... Scott Steiner... I don't know how.. but man he keeps ticking in that ring and he has been doing pretty damn good... hasn't killed anyone yet.. lol.

looking very good in the ring, just need an opponent that can match him in the ring and your in for a barn burner... perhaps Matt Morgan.

Ink Inc.. kinda interested in it.. Jesse Neal showing some respect to his competitors after the matches while Shannon Moore basically just being a "punk" to his opponents. Could get some nice Jesse Neal Vs Shannon Moore matches in the future.

I'm ready for another Kurt Angle wrestling classic when he takes on Jeff Jarrett at Lockdown... especially after that spit he threw out on the mic last week.

Matt Hardy, Ric Flair, and Bully Ray enter the Impact Zone, most internet nut "wrestling" fans might be thinking I'm about to bust out a joke, but no... I'm going to talk about a damn good segment from some veterans who know what they are talking about and are playing their roles to perfection. So after their speals, Fortune's music hits... I see the fans in the Impact Zone throwing up their Fortune Fingers and bouncing to the music that is starting to grow on me. That one chord in the song is sweet.

Anyways, Fortune storms the ring with only the intensity that they can, and the WWE guys respond with their intensity and we have a pretty damn intense brawl on our hands. Fists are flying.

Abyss returns out of nowhere, surprised the hell out of me... hit some pretty damn intense chokeslams... good return for Abyss.. I want to see more of this Abyss.. not the fat and lazy Abyss... even though he still may be fat.

Anyways main event, some good action from TNA with RVD and Anderson.. real physical and intense as it usually is with TNA. Anderson has been impressing the hell out of me lately with his ring work, he really is just improving tremendously. He can flow around that ring and is much more fluid.

The dude two posts above me calls it the TNA House Special with the botched ending, whatever, its a free TV show thats meant to hype the PPV. And yeah, but this one was done good... the ref got flipped inside out..

Sting came in and got involved..

Anderson Mic Checks RVD into the post, he takes a sick bump into it. Anderson then wants Sting to count him out but Sting wont, all of a sudden a brawl breaks out, someone rings the bell...

Like wow, I really didn't expect to see a brawl between those two, but damn do I dig it! I almost thought it was just the wrestlers out there letting their egos get the best of them, like it wasn't scripted. Anderson is a bit of a loose cannon and if he really is just going nuts, whos to say he doesn't think he can change his script on the fly and strike Sting if he feels it is best in the situation? Then Sting would want to respond to hold up his ego and strike Anderson.. so I buy into the realism of this.. lol

Anyways TNA did kind of drag it out over the commercial break again.. not all that bad though..

Whats up with Van Dam? TNA claims to be more real storylines, I wonder if that was real footage of Van Dam being bumped up backstage not knowing what was going on.. good acting if it wasn't.. interesting to see where that goes.

I thought it was a Very Good TNA show, look forward to next week. I do wish they would focus more on the wrestling, but hey, thats what we get at the PPVs. Can't expect these guys to put on 15 minute matches every night and wreck themselfs for free!
Just watched TNA and I almost turned it off about an hour in.

I've been supporting them for a long time but it's painful to watch.

Even my Dad said they should stop calling it TNA Wrestling and call it TNA Talking.

I mean really, in the first hour we had two matches that were a whole 5 mintues of wrestling?

Way too many promos, I actually yawned and got tired.

And Anderson, I'm sorry, you're a great talent but you are the most annoying person in pro wrestling today.

Whining, complaining, asshole, asshole, asshole all the time.


If it wasn't for the fact my Dad likes to watch it, for some reason, I'd give up on TNA.

On the plus side, my girl Sarita looked smokin' hot!
Yeah Impact was much better than last week, however, that really isnt saying much.

The Knockouts match was good and as has been said already, if it had of gone for another 5 minutes it wouldve been fantastic. I really love Mickie's finishing DDT.

I was looking forward to seeing Okata in action, he looked promising in the beginning but the match really didnt do much for him overall. Watch this space though, Okata looks good.

Crimson and Steiner v Ink Inc. I dont know what theyre doing with Ink Inc. I cant tell if they are trying to break them up or have them turn heel. Either way, Crimson impressed me. The match itself was again held back due to time contraints, usually I would blame Steiner because he blows up like a tomato, however every other match has been following the in and out scheme so Steiner gets a free pass.

Main event... good match. Dumb. Ass. Ending. Ok we get it, theyre teasing a Triple Threat for the title. Instead of wasting our time, come out and say it and have a clean ending for gods sake.

I dont know who they think they are fooling with these swerve endings.

Also, this WHERES MY TITLE SHOT, is getting really old, really fast.
When we return Hogan has a heart-to-heart talk with RVD. Hogan is coming off as the total babyface here, which, as usual, makes no sense at all. Hogan says he's 100% behind RVD and is pulling for him tonight, saying he's “his guy”. Sorry, wasn't it like 4 months ago he was sending out Abyss TO FUCKING MURDER HIM WITH A BOARD FULL OF RUSTY NAILS?! Yeah, I seem to remember that, and I'm guessing Rob does too.

at the end when RVD left, Hogan said "what an idiot". he was simply telling RVD what he wanted to hear. Hogan wasn't really backing RVD.

I thought tonight's Impact was good/decent. continued/set up feuds.

Abyss return. 4 of Immortal (Hardy/Bully/Abyss/Flair?) vs the now 3 of Fortune(minus AJ). I assume AJ will return at Lockdown to help Fortune.

for a change I actually like the Joe/Pope feud. Pope beat down Okato. Pope looking like the heel thug that he should be and forgetting about anything to do with religion. Joe comes to save the day and the fans cheer. seeing this I can defensible see Pope as the heel and Joe as the face, which I felt should have been opposite going into this feud.

you have another controversial non finish. I would say TNA is setting up another 3 way match at a PPV for the title. this is where one of them will join Immortal. my guess is Anderson. Anderson keeps saying he wants his title shot. he almost comes off as desperate. IMO this is the perfect way to get him into Immortal. he wants the title so bad he is willing to join Immortal to get it. if Jeff Hardy is not around, Immortal NEEDS a new member who can get the title. it's either going to be Anderson or RVD.

Hernandez mentioned a name of the new guy. I think he called him Anarchy? on the TNA wikipedia page his name is listed as Esteban.
I don't really understand the connection of Morgan and Devon. looks like Bully Ray was right, Devon was the Marty Jennety of the group.

looks like there could be a Ink Ink break up, which I totally don't understand. the two of them are made to team together, they both have the same look. they should be getting tag team title shots, not breaking up.

"wrestling" fans who want to see lots of wrestling might not be satisfied, but this is what TNA is doing. it's heavy promos and story lines. TNA IS A DRAMATIC TELEVISION SHOW WITH WRESTLING. deal with it.
I guarantee you there are a lot more general wrestling fans who would be bored at watching if it was heavy wrestling all the time.
There are 2 things that have been bugging me with TNA lately (I still like the product and all don't panic).

First I will use the example of this week Impact to show my point. In the opening segment Bischoff keep telling Hulk, I don't know what you are seeing in Anderson he is worthless. Then Hulk say he is cool and all but he broke is rules. Fine.

But then backstage Hogan tell RVD, I don't know what Bischoff see in Anderson he is worthless and RVD doesn't even call him out on that, no wonder Hogan his laughing and saying what an idiot. Just not very believable.

My second problem is that they ALWAYS take too long to make a point. I don't need to see Pope torture the guy for 2 minutes, just a 30 second would do the same. Same thing with their backstage brawl who always last too long instead of just making a point (like the abyss/Hardy brawl back in the days or the Knocout brawl).

Those are the main 2 things that annoys me with TNA.
I agree, they do carry SOME segments on a bit long. But maybe they want to test the ratings by keeping these guys out there longer and seeing who keeps them going up and who drops em.

Like AJ Styles being powerbombed last week, really didn't need to spend so much time doing that, but I guess they wanted to make a point..

I did like all the stuff going on after the main event, you know the wrestlers are emotional.. theirs a world title shot on the line, they've been jerked around for months. The adrenaline got pumping a little much and BAM.. everything just exploded between Anderson and Sting.
TNA iMPACT - March 24, 2011

Opening Segment - This was a lousy opening segment for any number of reasons. The stuff with Anderson and the "professor" was asinine. It's a shame that TNA is trying to make Anderson into their version of Stone Cold Steve Austin because it's NOT WORKING AT ALL. Each week, Anderson comes across like a bitch whining about his title shot with juvenile attempts at humor while calling out asshole whenever. Anderson is NOT Steve Austin and, aside from that, there's no need to try and make him into Steve Austin. Anderson's a talented guy and was getting by just fine without all this stuff going on. Hogan & Bischoff come out with Anderson standing with one foot planted over the prone "professor", which just made the whole thing seem like a bullshit scene from a D-list comedy film, and do their thing. RVD comes out, then Sting playing the white knight and all this. At over 20 minutes in length, the opener was repetitive, seemed to drag on forever and certainly didn't make me care about the main event. Thumbs Down

Mickie James vs. Tara - Pretty solid match overall and easily one of the best Knockout matches we've seen on iMPACT! this year. Both of them worked hard and delivered some fun, high impact offense. The match was meant to give Mickie some momentum and a slow build for Mickie James against Madison Rayne at the ppv. Mickie hits her DDT finisher for the win at the 3.25 minute mark. Nothing special, but a solid effort from two gals that can work in the ring. *3/4

The Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs. Okato - Basically a squash in which Dinero spends about 2.5 minutes beating the shit out of Joe's sidekick. It's a good simple way to put heat on The Pope for his match with Joe but I didn't give a crap about Okato. Whether or not Pope beat him up or didn't beat him up made no difference to me. Just wasn't particularly interested here. It didn't make much sense when Pope took off his boot and started beating on the guy without the ref DQing him. I guess punching him with rings on his fingers is different though. Unnnggghh. Just book Pope & Joe at Lockdown and get this over with. N/A

Immortal/Fortune - I'm kind of mixed on this. Flair comes out with Matt Hardy & Bully Ray and does a good job of putting them over. Matt Hardy drones on about how bitter he is towards WWE and how he's cold blooded and all this shit. He had too much success in WWE and everyone knows it, that's why nobody's buying into any of it. Bully Ray gets on the mic and does a good job. I like hearing Ray talk, it's just a shame that his promo ability doesn't translate into interesting matches. Beer Money comes out with Kazarian and they all start to get into it. The whole gist of this is that Fortune is being challenged by Immortal for a match at Lockdown. Flair will be in the match, so he's gonna be bleeding all over Hell and Creation. Roode really had the crowd behind him while he was choppin' the piss out of Flair in the corner. On one hand, it's good to see the crowd behind him. On the other hand, Flair looked pathetic in there. He looked like a poor homeless wino that just got rolled for the change he got from taking some cans to the local recycling center. Abyss made a return last night and left all three members of Fortune laying. I can't get excited about Abyss right now. There's just been too much awful bullshit he's been involved in. I will say that my opinion could change. He's been gone a while and maybe a fresh start could help. Thumbs In The Middle

Mexican America - Yeah, they've got LOTS of work to do before I get on board with this. I will say that Sarita & Rosita looked hot. I guess they're the chicken heads of the group. Hernandez is awful, he just cannot cut a promo. Bad enough that half the promo was in Spanish, which means you're up shit creek with a turd for a paddle if you can't understand it. Hernandez just doesn't strike me as a leader, he just doesn't have the charisma, not nearly enough. I think the guy with him is Anarchy? I don't know for sure. I guess TNA is going back to the wrestling staple of exploiting racial tensions with this group, which is basically LAX without Homicide. Thumbs Down

Mexican America vs. Matt Morgan & DeVon - Shit, what a mess this was. Everybody's running around all over the place doing this and doing that without a single damn thing being accomplished. You've got Velvet Sky running out and getting into it with Sarita & Rosita, you've got Angelina Love becoming Winter's bitch and I guess there was some sort of match going on. When Matt Morgan falls, he falls harder than just about any guy I've ever seen and it's exactly the same pattern we've seen a few times with him before. This guy gets jerked around somethin' awful. A few months ago, he was the #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and now he's doing this. Mexican America wins after Anarchy? hits DeVon with some brass knucks. Too chaotic to mean anything. N/A

Ink Inc. vs. Scott Steiner & Crimson - This match was ok. Nothing overly spectacular but Crimson got an opportunity to show his stuff a little bit. Ink Inc. came off looking like a couple of scrubs here for the most part. Steiner & Crimson get the win about the 3 minute mark but the stuff afterward is sort of interesting. Moore wipes his ass with Steiner's chainmail head covering, which of course pisses Steiner off and we've got bleeped out dirty words flying. Can't say it interests me much as Steiner would wad Moore up like a basketball and dribble him all over the Impact Zone. A break up with Ink Inc. looks to be coming and Neal just comes across looking like a poser rather than this whole anti-authority, disrespectful follower of dilligaf or whatever the frig it's called. 1/4*

Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam - I knew how this match was going to end before it even started. That's not always a bad thing if it's played out right and you ultimately care where it's going, but that's not the case here. There was some decent action during the match, a couple of botches here and there. The match went for 6.5 minutes roughly, the ref goes down, Sting gets involved, Sting brawls with Anderson and someone rings the bell. Apparently, Anderson is DQ'd and RVD wins the match. So yeah, another messy finish to a match involving Anderson & RVD. 1/2*

Overall Show - This week's iMPACT! was better than the show last week, though that's not saying much. All in all, it was a pretty typical episode with many of the usual TNA standards: chaotic booking, repetitive promo segments that run too long, build up to uninteresting feuds, clusterfucks and a few bright spots scattered here and there. Wrestling action overall was generally better this week than last week but it was definitely nothing to write home about.

Grade: D
Hello all!

Welcome to the RTKC!

(The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter)

After a horrific Impact last week, let’s see if we can get a better one. TNA tends to follow up bad shows with decent ones. Let’s take a look. And here we go!

- OK, whose little kid got into the sound effects for the opening video?!

- And it’s time for our Thursday bitching session with Mr. Anderson.

- Aw, Kenny brought his daddy with him tonight!

- This guy is a professor?! TNA’s casting choices are always a little off.

- Forced comedy is never good.

- Um, Kenny, you’re married. Might not wanna mention girls you wanted to plow.

- You went through all of those math problems to say you want a rematch?!

- What does the teacher wanting Mary Beth have to do with anything? Did I miss something?

- And it’s Eric Bischoff’s contractual first promo appearance!

- Clean up in the ring. Someone get a mop for the teacher.

- Bischoff doesn’t know what Hogan likes in Anderson. Maybe Hulk likes the blonde hair.

- Is Bischoff, a HEEL, worrying about what little kids think of Mr. Anderson as a role model?

- Dropping old-ass professors is entertainment? What about dropping, oh, I don’t know, OTHER WRESTLERS?!

- Wow, Hogan’s statement about Dixie’s championship contract makes a little sense. Even though that could be an intriguing lawsuit, not in professional wrestling.

- Who is better: Rob Van Dam or Mr. Anderson? Hmmm….

- Is this a repeat of the past few weeks where everyone comes out and talks trash?

- I hate to say it, but TNA needs scripts.

- What were you burned out on, RVD? Can you speak up? What were you burned out on?

- And here’s Sting. Yep. Repeat of the past few weeks.

- Wow, the Network is FAST!

- 10 bucks says RVD vs. Anderson ends in a no contest.

- A.J. will be back for Lockdown. No doubt.

- Yay, Mickie James and Tara! The only two female wrestlers who can really throw down in TNA!

- Good to see Mickie back and wrestling again.

- I love Tara’s response. “Go out there and destroy her…or else.” “Or else what?!”

- I could watch these two wrestle once a month in TNA. Seriously.

- Mickie and Tara would be great Knockout tag team champions.

- Wow. A new lapdance.

- This is a great match so far.

- I think this match was longer than all the matches last week. Definitely more intensity.

- Nice DDT by Mickie for the win!

- I wonder if we'll find out what "or else..." is.

- Thank you TNA for this match. I was worried the Jersey Shore was taking over female wrestling in America.

- Sting awarded a title shot? You mean a contract perk maybe?

- Sting seems pretty calm to a guy that jumped him from behind a few weeks ago.

- And we get a recap of TAKA Michinoku and Val Venis…oops, I mean The Pope and Okada.

- Has any Japanese wrestler done well in America besides The Great Muta and Tajiri?

- I still don’t know why The Pope is a heel. He was such a great face.

- Pope needs to win this match. He can’t lose to a pudgy excuse for Bruce Lee.

- And we have BLOOD! Can't have a TNA Impact without blood!

- And we have boot?! Pope doesn’t mind wrestling in one shoe?

- The boot doesn’t get a DQ but the rings do?

- Well, Pope loses by DQ but we see how vicious he can get. I would have rather seen how crafty he is by beating Okada, since Pope has NO chance to out-brutal Joe.

- Again, why is Pope the heel and Joe the face?

- Well, Sting, one thing else you could do is…never mind, I won’t say it. TNA marks will kill me.

- Please let this Angle vs. Jarrett feud end at Lockdown. Please, TNA.

- If RVD didn’t have the permanent pot smell in his nose, he could smell the bullshit that Hogan laid on him.

- I wonder how smart RVD really is? I mean, he does own a comic book store that’s pretty successful, so he can’t be that dumb.

- Flair with Bully Ray and Matt Hardy just looks odd. VERY odd.

- What’s sad is that Matt Hardy did as much as his talent could take him, and he actually believes he was held back.

- Ric Flair’s contractual obligations: 1. Get clothes ripped off. 2. Give someone a nut shot. 3. Flair flop. 4. Bleed.

- It’s Abyss. He’s back! Speaking of guys getting stabbed in the back…

- I guess he’s learned no more playing with nails and wood.

- Wasn’t that Crimson who buried Janice in Abyss’s back? Wasn’t Fourtune still with Immortal at the time?

- And we have Mexicans! Suddenly I’m in the mood for Taco Bell…

- Jigga what?!

- I knew someone robbed me last night! Hernandez took my money apparently!

- Damn, I took Japanese in high school. I’m lost.

- Aren’t the people behind the flags seeing the American flag in front of the Mexican flag?

- Street fight with Matt Morgan and Brother D-Von I see.

- It’s a shame that the Bully Ray\D-Von match never got closure. D-Von is just cannon fodder here.

- Has a street fight happened on Impact every other week?

- And Velvet Sky coming to help for no reason.

- Here’s Angelina Love just staring, and Winter controls her now? What the hell?

- By the way, we’re IGNORING a street fight to watch the females go at it.

- And El Anarchia pins D-Von. Like I said, cannon fodder.

- When is Homicide coming back?

- Was that only the 3rd match of the night?

- A Scott Steiner appearance! And Crimson! He’s my new dark horse favorite in TNA.

- How much hair dye and make-up do Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore go through?

- And does Jeff Hardy go into their stash?

- I really hope we’re not leading into YET ANOTHER HEEL TURN by a tag team partner.

- Steiner can only do 3 push-ups now? Hard times I guess.

- Nice Falcon Arrow. Don’t see that move much.

- Crimson has an explosion and a great look. I hope he has a bright future.

- Red Alert for the Crimson win. Short but effective.

- You how they say never say never? I’m saying it: Shannon Moore will NEVER be a World Champion!

- Maybe Ink Inc. as a team could go heel but don’t split them up.

- Censor guy suddenly got busy. I guess someone woke him up when Steiner walked through the curtain.

- My DVR cut out for this match, so I didn’t see the whole match, just the recaps. Still, you don’t need a college professor to know the ending.

- 5 matches isn’t bad for Impact. The 1st match was the best of the night so far.

- Crazy ref bump.

- Anderson wasn’t DQ’ed for hitting the special enforcer and referee? Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 TNA booking!

- What’s up with RVD? They’re not doing the concussion thing again, are they?

- That promo made no sense, and not in a good way.

- Is this guy laughing at RVD for being confused and dizzy? That’s a little insensitive…

- Last thing: To sum up the Sting\Mr. Anderson exchange in PG language: “You rang the bell on me, you jerk!” “Did not!” “Did too!” “Did not!” “Did too!” “Did not!” “Did too!” “Not, not, not!” “You doodyhead!”

Overall: Better than last week, but it's obvious we're rolling to a 3-way at Lockdown for the TNA World Title Why not just announce it rather than linger on this song and dance? And, is it just me, or are Hogan and Bischoff seem oddly removed from the match and yet trying to pull the strings a little? Could there be another swerve on the horizon?
Here are my thoughts and review of Impact 3-24-11

Opening Segment
Mr. Anderson is out with a guy dressed as a professor and basically he wants a rematch. He also beats up the guy dressed as a professor because he's an asshole. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff come out blah blah and then Sting comes out. Sting says that the network said he will be the special enforcer for the #1 contenders match between RVD and Mr. Anderson.

OK if the Network can overrule Immortal decisions that means Immortal doesn't really run the show then. I also didn't care for RVD "shooting" either.

Mickie James vs Tara
Before the match Madison tells Tara she has to beat Mickie tonight. Looks like some tension between them. Mickie wins the match was good for the time it got.

Mickie has to win at Lockdown because Madison as KO champion is just beyond stale at this point.

The Pope vs Okato
I see OKato is no selling the beating he took from the Pope last week. The Pope beats the crap out of Okato and loses by DQ. I loved Pope's aggression I just have no reason to care Okato getting destroyed.

I still don't get why Pope was turned heel he was really over as a face. This feud with Samoa Joe just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. No matter who wins I think it will do anything for either one of those guys.

Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, Bully Ray and Fortune segment
Flair, Hardy, Bully Ray come out to cut a promo. Matt Hardy's promo was BS IMO. Matt you was not held down by the WWE you wasn't that good. I still don't get how Bully Ray gets moved up to the main event because Jeff Hardy f***ed up. Anyway they challenge Fortune to a match Lockdown. Fortune come out and beats them up. Then the lights go out and Abyss is back and destroys Fortune.

If Abyss was coming back the week after why did they have to take the TV title off of him?

Hernandez & El Anarchia vs Matt Morgan & Devon
Mexican America with Sarita and Rosita cut a promo and pretty much plays the race again and challenges Matt Morgan to a street fight. He comes out with Devon for some reason. They fight and Matt Morgan is on the outside and Sarita & Rosita get in his face which brings out Velvet Sky. Now why does TNA still have like she has issues with Sarita? It's bad enough they made Velvet beating her mean nothing they should just drop it. Rosita & Sarita beat up Velvet then Angelina Love comes out with a blank look on her face and then goes to the back because Winter told her to. So Winter now has mind control over Angelina? If so that's silly. So I guess this is how TBP break up I knew it had to happen eventually but this is a lame way to do it. Morgan goes to help Velvet and El Anarchia hits Devon with a foreign object for the win.

Lame match and the street fight part never really came into play. Also if it was a street fight why did El Anarchia have to hide the weapon he used on Devon?

Ink Inc vs Scott Steiner & Crimson
Alright match and Crimson was impressive. I guess with the way Shannon Moore has been acted lately Ink Inc will also be breaking up soon. Why is TNA trying destroy their tag division?

Mr. Anderson vs Rob Van Dam
I can't comment on the match since I missed most of it. I knew the finish came when someone rang the bell ending the match. Mr. Anderson blames Sting for it.

Overall once again I didn't care for Impact. It's like they just don't seem to care anymore. At least there was some build for Lockdown.
So, I just watched TNA for the first time in a while, and I've gotta say I was really disappointed. Last time I watched was around the time Hogan was debuting and I was really optimistic, but must say this episode was rubbish.

So it starts off with Sting/Fortune/Hogan/Bischoff/Anderson/Bully Ray in the ring. Too many people! AJ should have come on his own, really was a pointless angle, and felt really unprofessional!

I think there were about 4 matches, probably at a total of about 15 minutes. In the middle was a Rob Terry match, which says it all really.

The rest of the show was pointless angles with The Pope's Healing, RVD moaning, AJ bragging (about 3 different segments of this) and the show ended in a main event no-contest, and about 10 minutes of shocked reaction as AJ went to hospital.

Obviously I'm not a booker, but surely most people could come up with a better show than this.
Does it even matter whether it was this or last week's episode? They were both total horseshit with little to no wrestling at all, overlong badly-acted promos, and big fat "Fuck Yous" to the fans with Dusty Finishes galore. Shit they were practically the same show, both ended with mediocre number one contender's matches in the main event ending in bullshit non-finishes, both shows featured roughly 15 minutes of in-ring wrestling, both shows were chock full of bad promos, and both shows featured a laughably bad street fight tag match. Same shit, different week.

With TNA basically your expectations have to be absolute ROCK BOTTOM OP. That way when they throw you a bone every few weeks with a good match, it'll seem like an amazing show just because of how shit they usually are.

Cue the TNA apologists in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Doesn't TNA stand for Tonal Non Stop Action..... Wish they would live up to this and give us wrestling. 15 min in ring action is a joke. Just put A.J. and Angle in the ring and let them wrestle. It's what the fans want....
Doesn't TNA stand for Tonal Non Stop Action..... Wish they would live up to this and give us wrestling. 15 min in ring action is a joke. Just put A.J. and Angle in the ring and let them wrestle. It's what the fans want....

That is what i told get. Before Hogan and his so call boys showed up, TNA use to put on 10 minute matches on taped television and now all of the sudden we getting 3 minute matches or less and the knockout division are putting 2 minutes in the ring with crappy finishers. The first hour of impact we see two matches, the rest probably backstage segments or in ring promos then the next hour is whatever they are doing.

talk about promos what's up with Hernandez. wasn't he down in Mexico couple months ago. How the hell his mic skills haven't improve a bit, what was he doing in Mexico all this time because i can't believe for one bit that they send him down there and he comes back with talking on the mic as if he hasn't done that in two years.

Whatever the company is doing now is not Total Nonstop Action
I have tried to watch Impact myself recently and its just horrible. Its not really the storylines because some of those have a good backbone or make sense on paper its like they don't know how to translate that to the screen.

There is way to much going on at once of ra starter and not enough wrestling.. WWE was struggling with this a while back and although they still have far less wrestling than they should they have upped it.

TNA was at its best when they had decent long matches and story to back it up, the story was never great but now they have the people to fix that. It seems like their priorties are over the place.

I can't blame them for the whole Sting/Hardy thing that is solely Hardys fault for being a drug addict but they should be held responsible for letting him go out at all to work.

I think they should put some time in effort back in to the x-division, get some matches going with some decent storylines behind it and build from there, that is how they got noticed in the first place.
So it starts off with Sting/Fortune/Hogan/Bischoff/Anderson/Bully Ray in the ring. Too many people! AJ should have come on his own, really was a pointless angle, and felt really unprofessional!

1. Too many people? What happened? Did it make you dizzy? It's a stable war, what do you expect? One person from each faction? Why? So you could say that TNA doesn't focus on the rest of the guys? Yeah, that ought to work. Or maybe you could say that "Why form a stable if only one of them will come out". Yeah, that's good!

2. AJ should've come down on his own - look at 1.

3. "Really pointless angle" - Right. Promos are not pointless. Advancing storylines is a pointless thing. Sting introducing the new championship is pointless. GOD you're fucking smart.

I think there were about 4 matches, probably at a total of about 15 minutes. In the middle was a Rob Terry match, which says it all really.

Make that 5 matches and 20 minutes of wrestling. RAW had 14 minutes of wrestling in 6 matches. Did you make a thread about that too?

Also, why do you make comments about a Rob Terry match. I thought the last time you watched iMPACT was a fucking year ago. I guess you're surfing on the IWC wave right now. It's fun, right? Heard some shit about something TNA, made comments about it, seemed like you know stuff? Fun!

The rest of the show was pointless angles with The Pope's Healing, RVD moaning, AJ bragging (about 3 different segments of this) and the show ended in a main event no-contest, and about 10 minutes of shocked reaction as AJ went to hospital.

To me it seems like you were not interested to watch TNA in the first place. You make everything seem like it's bad. I can do that too with some cool moments in history. Watch.

"And then Stone Cold comes out with a fucking beer truck which was absolutely pointless, and it sprayed everyone. Is this Russo's booking? What the fuck? It got everything wet. WWF should be saving money not spending them on beer trucks. There were too many people in the ring which was pointless. JR was screaming his ass off and he hurt my ears. SOme of the fans in the audience got wet which is against their civil rights"

"The Rock came back on RAW and started talking in 3rd person like always. Same boring shit he did 10 years ago. He's washed up, that TV time could've been given to Zack Ryder. WWE is taking the spotlight off their young guys."

"Shawn Michaels wrestled Flair at Mania. Oh my God what's with the old people? A 40 years old guy vs a 60 years old guy. When will this stop? Who cares about these washed up has beens".

Sounds like a moron? Then I did my job.

Obviously I'm not a booker, but surely most people could come up with a better show than this.

Yeah, that's why you're all running wrestling companies from your parents' basements. You go geniuses!
It stinks!
Thats why it was bad.

On a serious note I get peoples, or more so TNA fans theory of "Oh well look at this identical thing the WWE did" gimmick. Did you ever realize WWE is not a growing company TNA is. WWE can put leperchauns beating there stars, because people will still watch.

To be fair though you are a tad late for an Impact review bud. I try so hard to like TNA to like I hate Bubba. He is a fat, wortless, turd. That said, I think he is doing good as playing what he is.. a bully and asshole. His mic work is superb. At the end of the day though, he is still Bubba Ray Dudley. This Impact I got no wrestling, really dumb promos (outside of the Bubba stuff), boring crowd that is to familiar,"who cares" title changes. Watching there "relaistic"from around the corner shaky cam stuff makesme want to punt a baby. Its so hard to watch TNA. I love TNA to be honest....
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On a serious note I get peoples, or more so TNA fans theory of "Oh well look at this identical thing the WWE did" gimmick. Did you ever realize WWE is not a growing company TNA is. WWE can put leperchauns beating there stars, because people will still watch.

... and you do realize that the people who continue to watch a midget beating up THERE stars are complete idiots for doing that, right?

As far as Bully Ray goes, you're being too harsh on the guy. His mic work is pretty damn good and he's good in the ring for what he's worth. People expect him to do fucking 450 splashes and shit. His gimmick is a BULLY. He's doing what he should be. He's brawling. He's beating people up in a simple way and he's good at selling. If you're a bully and you wanna get some kid's lunch money, do you Spiral Tap the motherfucker, then hit a moonsault off a ladder before applying a triangle choke on him, or do you simply smack the taste out of his mouth and get the cash?

Wrestling psychology. It's a wonderful thing, evaded by the IWC.
This is what is wrong with TNA fans I come as a man who says he loves TNA but finds to many flaws with it. Then you counter with telling me my bold statement may be true but those who still watch are idiots.....you do realize that ....hopefully.

My favorite wrestler is the Big Show....what the fuck do I care about flips.....
I have seen many Bubba matches and nothing ever was the great. Just stiff as shit. I said I like it, it surprised me as a highpoint actually. Just his mic work, once he gets in the ring in my opinion he is just ...bleh.

They could call him Shit taking Ray where his gimmick would be to take a hot steamy shit on his opponents chest and be doing his character justice, still doesn't mean I want to see it.
This is how you defend TNA: Attack WWE. Does that mean TNA's faults, bad angles, etc. are excused and don't matter? Nope. But if WWE does a dumb thing, that means it's ok for TNA to do it, and thus TNA is excused in their mind.

On a thread about TNA talking about issues in TNA, YOU MUST ATTACK WWE! Just like if the topic was (in another forum) "Problems with the New York Yankees" a Yankee fan will say "Well the Red Sox suck!!" (and don't bring up the point on people being hypocrites on WWE when the subject is/was TNA alone.)

Yeah raw had a limited amount of wrestling, mostly because it's raw and they're cramming for Wrestlemania. Do they have stupid angles too? Yes and it sucks. They also have a show called Smackdown that had a ton of wrestling the previous episode, like they usually do since they only have 3 actual angles going on right now.

Total Nonstop Action once said "We Are Wrestling". They also for a period of time had less wrestling in ring time than ECW on Sci Fi. The irony is painful.
Another "let's bitch about TNA" thread. YAY!

Last week's episode of Impact was hectic and "off the mark" because they had just lost a guy who is arguably their top draw. Not only that, but he was the #1 guy in the company's top heel faction. Creative had to write their way around Jeff Hardy on the fly, and they didn't do a very good job of it. So what?

I'm not a TNA apologist by any means, but I get tired of people CONSTANTLY bitching about the show. If you don't like it, don't watch. It's as simple as that. Seriously, this forum is overflowing with whiners who nitpick everything from the way a certain guy smiles to the color of ring ropes. Do you people not see how ridiculous you are?
I'm not a TNA apologist by any means, but I get tired of people CONSTANTLY bitching about the show. If you don't like it, don't watch. It's as simple as that. Seriously, this forum is overflowing with whiners who nitpick everything from the way a certain guy smiles to the color of ring ropes. Do you people not see how ridiculous you are?

Are you new to the world of pro wrestling fandom or something? Come on man, we're wrestling fans, over-analyzing every little thing down to the last mundane detail is what we do, we're called fans for a reason, we're fanatical. I don't get how this is some big shock to people or something, of course we're ridiculous, we're pro wrestling fans.

The only thing more annoying than everyone constantly bitching about TNA? The people who bitch about people bitching about TNA.

I'm going to just merge this thread into the main Impact Aftermath/Impact review thread.
I've watch TNA since the beginning and I used to really enjoy watching it. I would pay ten bucks every Wednesday it on PPV. Because it was something completely different than what WWE was doing. The X Division was amazing back then and the storylines were great. Over the years I started enjoying their shows less and less. The X Division started going down hill, and the storylines became less interesting and unwatchable at times.

Now I still watch Impact every week or I should say try to watch it. The storylines have gotten ridiculous at times. The Pope holding a knife to guys throat after he cured the blind. Was one of the last straws for me. I watched TNA mainly because it was an alternative to WWE, and they had awesome matches week after week. Now they have maybe ten or fifteen minutes of wrestling and the rest of the show is nothing but mostly god awful promos.

Many people blame Vince Russo for the lack of wrestling and increased promos. Maybe he does deserves some of the blame, but I think it has more to do with Hogan and Bischoff. Russo was the writer back when they had better matches and less garbage. Ever since Hogan and Bischoff came to TNA the quality of the show has gone down hill. They turned what was the backbone of TNA the X division into a joke. The storylines for the most part have become hard to follow or are dragged out forever. When the payoff finally does arrive most of the time it's a huge letdown.

I do hope that TNA can one day become true competition to WWE. Or at least put on a better show with actual wrestling matches on it. Right now it's just a shitty soap opera with shitty three minute matches. Which is a complete waste considering the talent they have. I know some die hard TNA fans flip out when anyone dares to knock their beloved TNA. Some get so offended as if someone called their girlfriend a ****e. Which I think it's great to stick up for what you believe in, but don't take it so personally. WWE puts on shitty shows sometimes too, but to me it's a lot easier to watch and follow their angles.
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