[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Jesus Christ, the people with the overly detailed reviews are so obnoxious. Does it makes you feel like you're something when you act like you're paid for this shit?

Anyway. I loved the show tonight. I wish TNA would never, ever return to the iMPACT Zone. The crowd was hot the entire night and that made for a great show. I loved everything except for the excessive promoting of the wedding stuff. I was okay with the wedding segments, this is the first time I enjoyed them. Another problem were the short matches. They were good and entertaining but it would've been sweeter if they were longer.

Awesome show, great crowd, different feel to it, advanced the storylines, had some shockers, had big moments, cool segments, fine wrestling. I like it. Others won't unless there's a little "W" with a red striple below it at the bottom left corner.
:confused:The only thing entertaining about this show was Eric Young/Orlando Jordan, and Angle with the axe.

Anything else, :confused:

So, they build up Jeff Hardy as this "fighting champion," right after making Anderson champion and Matt Morgan a top contender. Than after all that, a middle aged guy win's the TNA Championship. Huh? Wait? Why did he just return and win the belt, somebody please tell me? Make's no sense at all.

I though TNA was trying to be their own identity? But the last 4 champion's were'nt even TNA homegrown. (3 from WWE, one from WCW). Might as well just kept the belt on Anderson, really. Or, give it to a guy who is young, talented, and has a personality, as in AJ Styles. But no, give it to Sting.

Even though Sting looked in good shape, I'll give him a few show's to see how he really is.

Anyway, show was averagily bad, as usual. Nothing to talk about really besides the cunfusing booking, and awful segment's.

Oh yeah, why is a man Hulk Hogan talking aobut dignity?
What I liked...

- The Arena. It was a wonderful change from the Impact Zone and I wish we never had to go back. The crowd were hot all night and it just looked so much more professional.

- Beer Money. They got a dominant win, which was much needed after only winning the tag titles due to a miscommunication. They were really over and got the most out of their catchphrases.

- Velvet vs Sarita. It wasn't a technical masterclass by any means, but it was short and sweet. I could never complain about two beautiful women in the ring performing honest to god wrestling moves (unlike WWE).

- Kurt Angle's wedding interruptions. The wedding itself was dull, but I really enjoyed each time he decided to throw caution to the wind and attack the Jarretts. Special mention goes to how viciously he pushed his ex wife's face through several layers of cake. Plus....AN AXE?!?! WTF?!?!

- Sting vs Jeff Hardy. I was very disenchanted with Sting towards the end of his last run. His matches were repetitive and he was always protecting his injured shoulder. However tonight he was alot more lively and got a little innovative with the top rope finisher. Could've run a little longer to warrant a big match feel, but I liked what we got too.

What I didn't like...

- The opening promo. Dixie Carter is a really nice person and I honestly didn't enjoy seeing three grown men run her down infront of Impact's largest audience ever. It was cheap and petty and I don't believe for a second she's actually gone. Plus, it played up the Immortal/Fortune feud, which was then completely ignored for the next two hours.

- Jersey Shore. I don't watch the show and I could care less when it invades TNA. Although, I'm sure a number of the boys backstage aren't very happy at management dropping thousands of dollars on a no talent reality "star".

- Scott Steiner vs Rob Terry. I'm sure both men need the work, but couldn't this match be on Xplosion instead? I mean, I'd rather watch a Sharkboy match than this...wait, what do you mean he was released?

- Matt Morgan vs Hernandez. I'm sure both men could get over with the right opponents, but this isn't a combination that works. Surely they would've remembered their matches from last year. This is the exact same thing.

- Putting the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on Sting. I respect Sting, hell, I even like him sometimes, but at this point of his career, he shouldn't be coming in and wiping the floor with TNA's biggest star. Especially only mere weeks after the last title change. I can only imagine it was a contractual obligation to get Sting back. One more world title run or he stays at home.

Overall - It was hit and miss, with them largely focussing on the wrong talent, but it's a big step in the right direction for TNA. Now if they could get back in a professional looking arena like this one, throw together a top notch card featuring exciting wrestlers people actually want to see (Kurt Angle, RVD, Motorcity Machine Guns, etc), they could be onto something. I genuinely applaud them for trying to up their game tonight.
Jesus Christ, the people with the overly detailed reviews are so obnoxious. Does it makes you feel like you're something when you act like you're paid for this shit?

Funny thing is ********, I DO get paid for it. So, you know, go fuck yourself. I don't give a shit if you approve of my reviews or not, so going forward you might want to keep your snarky comments to yourself.

Of course you loved the show tonight. Almost no wrestling, tons of pointless segments that exploit Angle's real life marital troubles, more pseudo-celebrity Jersey Shore bullshit and a 51 (soon to be 52) year old man who hasn't been seen in months is your new World champion. Yeah, what a brilliant show. :rolleyes:

Oh and incase you didn't notice, the name of this thread is "TNA TV Shows Aftermath, REVIEW, & Ratings". So if you don't like reading reviews, don't click on the fucking REVIEW thread moron.
Funny thing is ********, I DO get paid for it. So, you know, go fuck yourself. I don't give a shit if you approve of my reviews or not, so going forward you might want to keep your snarky comments to yourself.

Of course you loved the show tonight. Almost no wrestling, tons of pointless segments that exploit Angle's real life marital troubles, more pseudo-celebrity Jersey Shore bullshit and a 51 (soon to be 52) year old man who hasn't been seen in months is your new World champion. Yeah, what a brilliant show. :rolleyes:

Oh and incase you didn't notice, the name of this thread is "TNA TV Shows Aftermath, REVIEW, & Ratings". So if you don't like reading reviews, don't click on the fucking REVIEW thread moron.

"Review" thread or "Look at me, mommy! I'm doin' reviews on the Interwebz! I know stuff and I'm a real-ass critic who knows what he's talkin'bout, heeeell yeah" thread. There's a thin line between a "review" and "basement booker mumbo jumbo".

I DID love the show, I DID enjoy seeing a 51 (soon to be 52) years old man win a belt. I think it was awesome. I also enjoyed the segments that exploited Kurt's real life troubles. Is it exploitation if you AGREE to do it? Oh and don't even get me started on how much I loved the "almost no wrestling". Newsflash: "almost no wrestling" is the M.O of both Mainstream Companies, and they're both in business and doing just fine, so blow them and then come back to blow me, nimrod.

The more TNA grows, the angrier the haters get. MAN I love that company. Because I'm a mark, not because it's good. Psh.
i think tonight show was awesome! the matches were short and sweet! the promos were really good! i marked out for Sting ! the crowd was hot ! kurt angle/jarrets thing was fun to watch ! overall an awesome episode of impact! look forward to next episode!
some people are here just watch the show for the sake of finding something bad!! i mean get a life ! anyway doesn't matter cuz they will watch it next week and weeks to follow! it's just that they think they would look "Cool" if they say shit about TNA! u know .. what the cool guys do .. we should do too!
I haven't watched TNA in quite some time, and the only reason I watched tonight was because I heard Sting was going to win the title. I'm sure I'm not the only one who tuned in just to watch one of the greatest and most popular wrestlers of all time--- the Icon, Sting--- win one more world title.

Why put the title on him? Because it's good business. It brings in ratings.
what is the main purpose of TNA wrestling? entertainment.
regardless of how much wrestling happens during the TELEVISION SHOW, it is just a TELEVISION SHOW with wrestling.

fans love Sting. they cheer for him.

I knew last week when I read the spoilers that I would not be surprised if there were numerous people not please that OLD Sting returned to win the title. so what?
you know who really(mostly) writes reviews? wrestling fans. people that for the most part want to see a lot of in ring wrestling. IMO there are a lot more general wrestling fans that want to be entertained and that includes heavy story lines and not just in ring wrestling.

personally I did not get to see most of Impact but I taped it and will watch it tomorrow, so I can't say yet what I did like and didn't like.
of course just knowing that Velvet won(knew because of spoilers) is AWESOME! pigeons!!!
My thoughts / review for the March 3, 2011 edition of Impact.

Dixie Carter / Immortal / Return of Hulk Hogan segment
Dixie addresses the crowd and tells them that things didn't go her way in the hearing. Immortal comes out and Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair make fun her. Then out comes Hulk Hogan. He says he now controls all of TNA and pretty much calls Dixie stupid. Then out comes Fortune which almost leads to a brawl between them and Immortal.

I don't get how a judge would give Hulk Hogan control on TNA. Because him and Eric Bischoff admitted that they lied to Dixie to steal the company from her. In fact on an episode of Reaction Bischoff went over step by step how they went about doing it. So why would a judge rule in their favor?! It makes no sense.

Beer Money vs Gunner & Murphy - Tag Team Title Match
1st match of the night and Beer Money retains. Nothing more to be said.

Ink Inc who look like bad CAWs come out and challenge Beer Money to a match at Victory Road. So are Ink Inc heels now?

Velvet Sky vs Sarita
After feuding for over 4 months and losing several times to Sarita, Velvet puts her career on the line in this match. The match starts with Velvet in control and then Rosita comes in to interfere and is stopped by Angelina and the ref sends them to back. The match continues Sarita gets the upper hand and his about to finish Velvet but she reverses into a DDT and pins Sarita.

So that's it?! After all that build up we get a short match that is suppose to be the most important match in Velvet Sky's career. To make Velvet's win and the match seem even more unimportant The Shore and Angelina from Jersey Shore come out and challenges TBP to a match. Velvet gets into a catfight with Angelina from JS and then gets attacked by Sarita. So I guess TBP will face Sarita and The Shore next week. What is TNA's obsession with Jersey Shore?

Don't get me wrong I'm glad Velvet finally got a win over Sarita. I just don't like how meaningless they made it with the match being so short and everything that happened afterwards. It was very anti-climatic.

The Jarrett's Wedding
The Jarretts about to renew their vows but Kurt Angle attacks Jeff and then smashes Karen's face into the cake which was funny.

Hulk Hogan / Jeff Hardy segment
Hogan tells Hardy that the "Network" wants him to defend the title against someone tonight but he doesn't know who.

Scott Steiner vs Rob Terry
Steiner destroyed Terry here. Steiner wins after Terry taps out.

Matt Morgan vs Hernandez
I will be honest I didn't really pay any attention to this match. I just know Morgan won by DQ.

Hulk Hogan / Mr. Anderson segment
Decent segment. Hogan calling Anderson an asshole was funny for some reason. I think it's the way he said it.

The Jarretts wedding part 2
This time things seem to go well. Then Kurt snaps and breaks out an axe and destroys everything. Football player Barry Scott tries to stop Kurt but gets an ankle lock for his troubles.

Jeff Hardy vs Sting - World Title Match
Hardy's mystery opponent is Sting. Sting wins and is the new TNA world champion. They really need to get a real world title because Hardy's custom belt is a joke.

OK so Sting comes back after being gone for months and is able to do what RVD, Matt Morgan, Mr. Andreson, Samoa Joe, etc couldn't do take down Immortal. Really?! I don't hate Sting but I don't think he should have been the one to do this but I will see where this goes.

Anyway overall Impact was decent. Surprisingly I have seen worse Impacts then this. I did like the setup for the show and NC crowd was into it. It was nice to see them finally get out of the Impact Zone for once.
Tonight's show was AWESOME and the main reason is because TNA was out of the Impact Zone. The Impact Zone hurts TNA so much. Anyway, besides the wedding taking WAY TOO LONG, I loved almost everything about tonight's Impact. The crowd was red-hot all night long, Eric Young is damn funny, Kurt Angle was trending on Twitter because of his creepy/funny as hell smile during the wedding and his blow-up with the axe at the end, Beer Money is the best damn tag team in the world today, Sting returned to a huge pop, and Sting won the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Not the greatest Impact ever, but it worked, and worked well enough in order for me to enjoy it. Now, TNA just needs to get out of the Impact Zone forever, and NEVER go back!
I was blown away by tonights show. The crowd and the arena made all the difference right off the bat. I actually enjoyed all the stuff they did tonight. Maybe that's somewhat due to the excitement of seeing TNA properly, but nonetheless I was glued, excited, and entertained the whole time. I marked out all night, simple as that. I'm not ashamed of it, in fact I am quite proud because I had a little something it actually mark out for.

There was tons of great stuff all night if you were at all invested and paying attention. You could see the wrestlers responding to that environment as well. They were dialed up way higher than anytime I've ever seen them at the Impact Zone.

I thought the segments with Hogan were great tonight, his return worked out rather nicely actually. He played it all perfectly, Bischoff and Flair aided and assisted MASTERFULLY throughout the night too. It was fun watching them juggle all the events occurring at once an their reactions to everything.

I thought the Jarrett-Angle segments were perfectly done too. It was a the classic wrestling wedding gone bad and they had fun with it. Hell, it looked like Angle, Jarrett, and Karen were having fun with it, and that makes a difference too when you can really see them enjoying what they're doing. You knew angle was going to freak out again and you were just waiting for it and waiting for it. Then, BOOM, he's Jason Vorhees on the set. Great stuff, well played.

I'll even admit, normally I am a heavy critic of the Jersey Shore gig, but they got it right tonight. Once again, we got more from those chicks than on a regular impact. Velvet Skye was eating the moment up and dancing in it. Angelina rose to the occasion with poise as well, like she belongs in front of that bigger audience in this bigger venue, and it was believable. That kind of thing seals the deal for me on both of those them.

I loved the segments with Eric Young, whether interacting with Orlando Jordan or Jeff Jarrett, it was all hilarious and it made me laugh. What makes me laugh makes me happy, and if the show is making me happy they are doing something right.

Oh yeah, and on top of everything we got a ton of GOOD MATCHES, 2 title matches above all. Like I said, we got more out of all of them tonight and this just tells me this is THEEEEE answer. They should be live from different arenas every Thursday night, period. If they can continually draw crowds like that, there's no way it's not more profitable than stalling in the Impact Zone.

It would be almost blasphemous for me not to mention Sting though. I thought the way they did it was very cool. The stage set up was sweet with his entrance and I thought that helped it all feel and look like the big deal it was supposed to and turned out to be. The biggest thing was that Sting looked great. You could really see in his face that he lost some weight and I think it was pretty obvious that he bulked up a bit, even dawning the leotard again.

This guy actually turned back the clock a bit tonight and looked great in his match with Hardy, and don't forget to give Hardy props either. He put on one hell of a good match for Sting as well. I thought the title change was awesome, Sting back on top once again. You could see him mouthing the words "one more time" and he seems pretty serious.

He looked better than I've seen him in at least a couple years and even though I basically knew he was coming back tonight, it was no less surprising. His coming back looking so great was the surprise, I loved his jacket too, that thing was awesome. It was kind of like one of his "Man Called Sting" jackets but still a long trench. I though that was a nice touch. Jeff's reaction to Sting's arrival was great too, for a guy who gets knocked for not being able to communicate on the mic so great, he communicated perfectly tonight with no words at all.
"Review" thread or "Look at me, mommy! I'm doin' reviews on the Interwebz! I know stuff and I'm a real-ass critic who knows what he's talkin'bout, heeeell yeah" thread. There's a thin line between a "review" and "basement booker mumbo jumbo".

I DID love the show, I DID enjoy seeing a 51 (soon to be 52) years old man win a belt. I think it was awesome. I also enjoyed the segments that exploited Kurt's real life troubles. Is it exploitation if you AGREE to do it? Oh and don't even get me started on how much I loved the "almost no wrestling". Newsflash: "almost no wrestling" is the M.O of both Mainstream Companies, and they're both in business and doing just fine, so blow them and then come back to blow me, nimrod.

The more TNA grows, the angrier the haters get. MAN I love that company. Because I'm a mark, not because it's good. Psh.

It's true. The guy is a ********. He's been a ******** since my day1 of this forum. I hate fans like him that think they are holier than thou. Fuck out of here. Fans like him and Jack-Hammer with their long winded segment by segment reviews are such nerds that it's not even funny. When I see fans like them and ROHbots, I don't even wanna call myself a wrestling fan. They do wrestling fans such an injustice. Just look at the show. Part of a show is atmosphere. It felt right. I liked tonight's show and I'm sure most people that are fair thought it wasn't the greatest show ever but thought it was pretty okay and that the atmosphere really helped the show and that this was the right direction for TNA. Let these reviewers go watch some Puroreso wrestling from Japan and give out as many 5 star ratings as possible. There opinions on mainstream wrestling will always be in the minority because people like them just don't get it that wrestling fans vary in the mainstream and that mainstream has many types of fans to please and not just a niche group.

All I will say is GOOD IMPACT! TNA could have made some matches go longer but I was happy with the show for the most. It contained nice surprises, title change, hot crowd, great atmosphere, decent promos. Fun show.
It's true. The guy is a ********. He's been a ******** since my day1 of this forum. I hate fans like him that think they are holier than thou. Fuck out of here. Fans like him and Jack-Hammer with their long winded segment by segment reviews are such nerds that it's not even funny. When I see fans like them and ROHbots, I don't even wanna call myself a wrestling fan. They do wrestling fans such an injustice. Just look at the show. Part of a show is atmosphere. It felt right. I liked tonight's show and I'm sure most people that are fair thought it wasn't the greatest show ever but thought it was pretty okay and that the atmosphere really helped the show and that this was the right direction for TNA. Let these reviewers go watch some Puroreso wrestling from Japan and give out as many 5 star ratings as possible. There opinions on mainstream wrestling will always be in the minority because people like them just don't get it that wrestling fans vary in the mainstream and that mainstream has many types of fans to please and not just a niche group.

Lulz. You, my friend, are a tool. You're honestly trying to say that his opinion is in the minority? Then tell me, why is it that TNA hasn't grown in popularity at all in the past 3 years? Why is it that TNA still has the same god damn audience it had since 2008?

X is a very fair reviewer. He holds WWE to a higher standard than he does TNA and hols his Japanese stuff even higher. I think giving the show a "terrible" rating was actually quite kind of him seeing how that show was outright fucking atrocious.

I'd say X speaks for the masses here as just about every wrestling fan who isn't a blind TNA mark knows that TNA is fucking garbage. There's a few people with acceptable viewpoints, but you are not one of them.

All I will say is GOOD IMPACT! TNA could have made some matches go longer but I was happy with the show for the most. It contained nice surprises, title change, hot crowd, great atmosphere, decent promos. Fun show.

My God this show was fucking terrible. I missed the first half hour or so, which means I missed the opening segment and unfortunately a Beer Money match. But since it was against Gunner and Murphy, I think I'll live.

The Knockouts match sucked. I am not just bashing TNA here though, I despise all women wrestling at this point.

The wedding segments took way too damn long for absolutely no payoff.

Bart Scott's involvement was 100% useless. The Morgan/Hernandez match was boring. The Steiner/Terry match was pretty weird. Steiner basically went out there and squashed him, which is perfect because Steiner is in his late 40s.

Then they put the title on Sting. Not Anderson, not RVD, not anyone else who has actually had a part in busting ass to get the ratings meter to bump up a measly .1, Sting. He looked like shit in the ring as well.

I understand them trying to get a ratings bump since Sting was a hot topic there for a while, but they completely destroyed their main event scene just to have a one off match for a surprise. What a crock of shit. they're going to have to rebuild again to make up for this in the long run.

Also, everyone keeps talking about this awesome crowd, but tell me, why could you have heard a mouse fart when Sting won the title? Nobody fucking cares!!!!

Atrocious episode of iMPACT.
Noticeably F.A.T. said:
Lulz. You, my friend, are a tool. You're honestly trying to say that his opinion is in the minority? Then tell me, why is it that TNA hasn't grown in popularity at all in the past 3 years? Why is it that TNA still has the same god damn audience it had since 2008?

TNA hasn't grown since 2008. That just shows how much of an ignorant fucking tool you have. TNA's attendance, ratings, merchandise, sales, and every category you name has grown since 2008. You my friend talk out of your fucking ass.

Noticeably F.A.T. said:
X is a very fair reviewer. He holds WWE to a higher standard than he does TNA and hols his Japanese stuff even higher. I think giving the show a "terrible" rating was actually quite kind of him seeing how that show was outright fucking atrocious.

The show was atrocious in your minority smark opinion. So far most of the reviews in this thread say otherwise. Maybe you are the one with the atrocious opinion.

Noticeably F.A.T. said:
I'd say X speaks for the masses here

No he doesn't.

Noticeably F.A.T. said:
as just about every wrestling fan who isn't a blind TNA mark knows that TNA is fucking garbage. There's a few people with acceptable viewpoints, but you are not one of them.

TNA is garbage yet you are in a TNA section reading TNA reviews and commenting in a TNA section. It can't be that fucking garbage if you have that much invested fucking interest to keep up with them on the internet and to talk about them.

Noticeably F.A.T. said:
My God this show was fucking terrible. I missed the first half hour or so, which means I missed the opening segment and unfortunately a Beer Money match. But since it was against Gunner and Murphy, I think I'll live.

Oh I didn't get to try the rice and stuffing but I ate the salad and chicken and all I can say is that the ENTIRE meal was discussing. You didn't watch the whole show therefore your review is null and void. Stfu!

Noticeably F.A.T. said:
The Knockouts match sucked. I am not just bashing TNA here though, I despise all women wrestling at this point.

Noticeably F.A.T. said:
The wedding segments took way too damn long for absolutely no payoff.

Bart Scott's involvement was 100% useless. The Morgan/Hernandez match was boring. The Steiner/Terry match was pretty weird. Steiner basically went out there and squashed him, which is perfect because Steiner is in his late 40s.

Then they put the title on Sting. Not Anderson, not RVD, not anyone else who has actually had a part in busting ass to get the ratings meter to bump up a measly .1, Sting. He looked like shit in the ring as well.

I understand them trying to get a ratings bump since Sting was a hot topic there for a while, but they completely destroyed their main event scene just to have a one off match for a surprise. What a crock of shit. they're going to have to rebuild again to make up for this in the long run.

Also, everyone keeps talking about this awesome crowd, but tell me, why could you have heard a mouse fart when Sting won the title? Nobody fucking cares!!!!

Atrocious episode of iMPACT.

This post is exactly what I'm talking about. Even though some of your points are points I may agree with, it's your smarky attitude that kills it. I'm fed up with it. Smart mark nerds like you are constantly trying to push their negative nancy and sulky opinions down everyone's throats and wanting everyone to soak in their misery. Yeah misery loves company. You got so much gripes with TNA. Don't watch it. Go watch your Purereso, go watch Lucha Libre, go watch sumo, or some MMA. Stop trying to down everyone with your misery. It's fans like you and your over critiquing is what will kill companies like TNA so do us a favor and watch something else or take the same road Benoit did.
TNA iMPACT! - March 3, 2011

Opening Segment - Pretty standard opening though it did the job it was supposed to. Dixie Carter came down and it was pretty obvious that the "court case" didn't go her way. Immortal comes out and they do their usual thing with Bischoff running Dixie down on the mic and all this and that. Hulk Hogan eventually makes his way down and goes on about how he & Bischoff used Dixie to get back to the top of the business. The "court case" scenario has been pure and utter nonsense. It boggles me when people bitch and moan about WWE storylines insulting their intelligence when this story squats over the face of the collective audience and takes a giant shit not only on them but on basic common sense itself. The logic of Fortune just suddenly coming out and taking Dixie's side without any real explanation just is quite iffy as well. Styles wasn't all that great on the mic and they need to keep Kazarian as far away from a mic as they possibly can. When you take the fact that TNA has a new set, was outside of the Impact Zone and playing in front of a crowd about triple their size in the IZ, it was mostly the same standard stuff we've seen. Thumbs Down

Beer Money vs. Gunner & Murphy - The match was pretty much shit. It lasted barely 3 minutes and that's just not nearly enough for a title match nor did it even remotely do anything to make it seem that Gunner & Murphy belonged there. If anything, it's shown how far the tag team scene in TNA has fallen in recent months. The one good thing here really was Robert Roode, the guy looked great and came off looking like a legit star. The crowd was hot for both him and Storm, but Roode especially seemed to be drawing off the energy of the crowd. Predictably, Beer Money did get the win and made it look easy after they got over the fact that Storm was jumped. Gunner & Murphy continue to look like guys that should be carrying Beer Money's bags from their car to the back rather than wrestling against them for the tag titles. 1/4*

Beer Money & Ink Inc. Promo - After the match, Ink Inc. comes out and Moore cuts a promo explaining Dilligaf. While they're definitely a step up from Gunner & Murphy, they still look like a couple of clowns that I just don't take seriously at all right now. Good stuff, however, from Storm on the mic as he put himself & Roode over as the best tag team in the world today, which they arguably are. His comment about the fact that he & Roode weren't a couple of green rookies that Moore was addressing really did kinda drive it home for me just how unevenly matched these two are. It could be a decent feud and Storm made this brief promo segment work. Thumbs Up

Velvet Sky vs. Sarita - Another crappy match here that did absolutely nothing. Velvet's career was supposed to be on the line here and there was absolutely ZERO drama for it. Velvet is hot and she has improved somewhat in the ring, but she still just looks so damn uncoordinated and slow when she tries to pull off those flashy moves. Sarita is the best in-ring worker left in the Knockout Division and she's become so watered down in order to make the rest of the Knockouts seem like they can compete with her that it's almost a shame. Velvet gets the win with a DDT at the 2 minute mark. 1/4*

Beautiful People & "Jersey Shore" - You'd have to be a fan of the mind numbing crap that is the Jersey Shore to like this segment. It amounted to little more than four hot chicks calling each other bitches over and over again. I've tried watching JS a few times in the past, can't stand it, so I have no idea who that brunette Angelina chick is. I know she's on the show now so does that make her a celebrity? At any rate, they set up a match for next week and it already makes me a little queasy. It'll probably be pretty putrid seeing as how neither Cookie, Angelina or JWowww can actually wrestle. This will almost certainly be an early worst match of the year nominee. Thumbs Down

The Wedding - I'll just lump all the various wedding stuff into one place. Jeff & Karen are shown a few times backstage getting ready for everything, seeming all happy and this and that. Orlando Jordan & Eric Young are going to be involved, with Jordan wearing a dress and being the "flower girl". When they come out at first, Angle starts beating on Jarrett on the stage, Karen comes out and assaults Kurt before he pushes her face first into the cake. It was cheesy and predictable, but it was harmless. I would've been happy if they'd have let it end there but they did the whole wedding thing again later in the night. This was so fucking stupid that no words I can write do it justice. Here comes Kurt & Karen walking down the ramp with Kurt grinning and all that while Karen is smiling like the happy bride with bits of cake still in her hair. About half an hour earlier, Angle beats the crap out of Jarrett and shoves his wife face first into the wedding cake and now they're going about this as if none of it ever happened? Eventually, Jeff & Karen are saying their vows and Kurt eventually pulls out an axe and goes apeshit. I don't know what happened after that. It was so stupid that I just had to go take a piss. I found out later that Bart Scott came down and Angle put him in the ankle lock. By that time, I was long since past the point when I would've even remotely given a shit. Thumbs Down

Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry - Not a great match by any stretch, but it's definitely match of the night thus far and was actually better than I was expecting. Steiner was over with the crowd and did much of his usual stuff. Mostly standard powerhouse stuff with Steiner getting the win a little before the 4.5 minute mark. He locks in the Steiner Recliner after hitting a Samoan Drop on Terry off the top. 1/2*

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez - This was a fairly decent brawl that kept the heat on Hernandez and making him look vicious. Morgan controlled much of the match, nothing overly spectacular happened here, but it was solid for what it was. Hernandez pounds Morgan outside by the steps viciously. Morgan bleeds while Hernandez gets DQ'd, or maybe a double count out, I'm not entirely sure which. *

Jeff Hardy vs. Sting - Pretty decent match to close the show out with. Overall solid stuff from both wrestlers though I couldn't really pretend to be all that interested. I always avoid spoilers for shows but there was so much about Sting featured on the net over the course of the past week that there was just simply no way to avoid it. Even if you didn't click on any of the articles to read them, you knew what happened. Sting eventually gets the win, winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, at the 6 minute mark after hitting 3 Scorpion Death Drops. **

Overall Show - When you look underneath the flashy new set and get past the fact that this is the largest crowd I've ever seen for TNA iMPACT!, it was a pretty standard, shitty episode. The new set looks great and TNA being in an arena with about 3,500 people made it look big league. Once you get past all the cosmetic enhancements of last night's show, the "celebrities" running around and actually looked at the product, it was pretty standard stuff and that's a shame. I'm hoping that all this court case nonsense is over and done with, but at least we weren't subjected to court skits at various points throughout this whole thing. All the stuff with Hogan, Bischoff, & Dixie was pretty standard fair, Nothing more and nothing less. People have bitched and moaned about the lack of wrestling on Raw this past Monday, which I agree was a disappointment, but TNA doesn't seem to be catching all that much flack. Surprise surprise. Wrestling content on iMPACT! was quite weak overall. The first hour had a combined total of 5 minutes with neither match meaning anything. Beer Money, especially Robert Roode, did look like stars last night and that was the only positive thing to come out. The whole wedding thing was an abysmal waste of time. When Angle sabotaged everything, like we knew he would, I was hoping that'd be the end of it. It was quick, painless and we could move onto something else but they went through with the "actual wedding" later on in the night. Everything about it was so ludicrous that it's little wonder why people outside of wrestling just seem to roll their eyes at the mention of it. Steiner vs. Terry was crappy but was better than I expected it to be. Morgan vs. Hernandez was an ok brawl while it lasted. Sting winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship just seemed downright ho-hum for me. I like Sting, don't get me wrong there, but him being champ just doesn't excite me. He doesn't need to be champ and it just seems rather pointless. Why even put the title back onto Jeff Hardy only to take it from him 2 weeks later? If his lawyers get him another continuance, does that mean they'll just put the title back on him until his next looming court appearance? Anderson is running around crying and whining like a bitch about his title shot so I just don't see why they took the title off of him in the first place if this is what they were going to do. If you're someone that just hasn't been a fan of the whole Dixie Carter vs. Hulk Hogan court case/power struggle scenario, the Angle/Jarrett wedding scenario and subpar wrestling then iMPACT! was just a horrible show last night.

Grade: D
I thought this weeks show was much better than it has been the past few weeks, I've been watching TNA for about 3 years now and whilst i seem to remember the show being better in the past, (notably in the time directly preceding Hogan's arrival), this weeks show has been a vast improvement over recent weeks.

The two weeks prior to this I watched maybe the first 20 minutes of the show before skipping through the vast majority of the then awful segments, in fact I think I only watched last weeks main event and didn't even get into the second hour of the broadcast before I gave up hope the week before. With that said, the crowd this week really did make the show more entertaining than the terrible impact zone crowd which helped a lot, it seemed to gloss over some weakness in the story lines when the crowd were so into it regardless. By contrast in the impact zone the dead crowd really highlights the weakness of the story because thats where the entirety of you attention is focussed. TNA should record more impacts outside of the impact zone

I never liked the 'Hogan in court' story line anyway, it was crap and forced from the get go, but i suppose it could have ended in a worse way. At least its over now (I hope).

I liked Beer Money squashing gunner and murphy, Roode looked great and it was quite satisfying seeing gunner and murphy squashed as they really don't have any business in the tag title scene or the tag scene at all; they're crap. Problem is so is the rest of the tag division now we're minus the guns, maybe Ink inc can surprise me.

Steiner made terry look like a complete fool, but the match was better than i expected. I thought it was going to be awful seen as Steiners old and Terry sucks, but Steiner throwing Terry about was quite fun. This and the Beer Money match though really highlight how weak immortal actually it, the faction controlling the company is mainly comprised of jobbers.

The wedding segments were too long and boring, but we all knew they were going to be, have to admit i was surprised to see an axe in the ring though. Hopefully Kurt can beat Jarret at the next PPV and we can be done with this whole angle. I know Kurt must have agreed to it, but it still feels uncomfortable to watch.

The knockouts match was crap, and next weeks 6 way promises to be even worse. Just more of the same from the knockouts division really, im honestly struggling to remember when this division was actually entertaining. At least they're hot.

The main event was a blatant and hasty rip-off of the WWE's angle, but i was happy seeing Sting back (maybe this is where the crowd helped again), I get why they gave him the title, but i can help thinking the match could have been so much better with more planning. Teasing the return for a few more weeks would have helped, and not giving Anderson the title (i'm still confused as to why this happened anyway) would have made it a more feel good moment to see Sting finally topple the man who had held the championship since last october. I dont know where TNA is going to go from here though now, and i doubt they even have too much of an idea.
A Few Random Thoughts-TNA Impact!-March 3rd, 2011

-A change in scenery makes a big difference. The set looked great, the crowd wasn't totally smarky, and it was much bigger than the Impact Zone. Loved it, hope they travel more often.

-Hogan, Dixie, Bischoff-- none of them have been on the same page in terms of telling us what's at stake with this legal battle. Ownership? Control? What?? They have said 20 different things, and it is confusing as shit.

-Even with the walking dead, totally useless Gunner and Murphy, Beer Money looked great. I love the Guns, but I'm starting to believe Beer Money is the best tag team out there. Mic skills, character, in-ring ability-- they have it all.

-Over the last several weeks, two storylines have been building; Scott Steiner/Rob Terry and Velvet/Sarita. WHY in the FUCK did these end in complete squashes? Neither match went beyond four of five minutes, and if you can't kick out after four minutes of the other persons offense..it's a squash. I mean come on, this was a retirement match for Velvet, and she squashes Sarita? Really, really stupid.

-We didn't need to see two wedding segments. It just didn't need to happen twice. Kurt could have beaten the hell out of Double J., thrown Karen through the cake, and brawled with Bart Scott in one segment. Overbooking at it's finest..or worst, I mean.

-Unlike most who didn't like this show, I'm fine with Stinger holding the title. However, the way he won it was stupid. This whole 3/3/11 deal was about nothing more than shoving it in WWE's face. Unfortunately, WWE doesn't care, and neither did casual fans.

-The best part about Sting taking the strap is Anderson not holding it. I don't mind Anderson, in the ring, but on the mic..ouch. He's been really terrible, and annoying as of late. He babbles on and on and on, never really getting much of a point across. If Sting holding the strap means less Anderson for a bit, I'm fine with. And I'm a huge mark for The Stinger.
I think if this was a regular Impact in the Impact Zone then we would hear different reviews of the show. Maybe, maybe not. I had my rose colored glasses on so I saw the show in a whole new light. TNA leaving the Impact Zone for one night with a new set felt like watching a major show like Nitro or Raw. The fans were loving every minute of it. They loved it so much that you hardly heard them boo anyone.

The matches were pretty lame for the most part. Beer Money vs. Gunner & Murphy wasn't as bad as I thought. Beer Money received a huge ovation. The opening segment was ridiculous since the majority of fans could care less about who is in charge of TNA. You can't get fans from North Carolina to boo Ric Flair or even Hulk Hogan when they haven't seen them in years.

Fortune receive a good response and I enjoyed their promo. Robert Roode is really coming into his own. The Knockouts match with the set up of Jersey Shore vs. Beautiful People does nothing for me. I really doubt it will do anything for ratings.
Steiner actually put on a decent match with Terry for what it was worth. I don't know how anyone can take Terry serious though since he hasn't had a win in ages.

The wedding skits were a little too much. I wish TNA would have put more emphasis on the wrestling matches and had an actual main event. Mr. Anderson and RVD weren't even wrestling on the show. If I was a Jets fan, I would be pissed that Bart Scott is fighting on Impact.

As far as Sting returning and winning the world title. I guess TNA is either desperate to keep Sting, or to get the title off of Hardy. If that is the case, then why did they put the title on Hardy to begin with? I was never a big Sting fan, but it is cool to see him back. He looks to be in great shape for his age. It sounds crazy, but I would rather see him as the face of the company right now instead of Anderson.

I like Anderson, but I don't think he is the face of TNA. AJ Styles is the face of TNA. Anderson is just a guy that works there. As long as he can receive his title shot against either Sting or Hardy, I don't see a problem with Sting being champion for the short term. Sting is still over and has a lot of fans. If Sting signed with WWE and received a Hogan like response, they would make Miz drop the title to him in a heartbeat. Just like they made Triple H do to Hogan in 2002.

Overall the show for me was more enjoyable then the past few weeks. The actual content of the show wasn't something to brag about. It was great to see TNA in a new environment, and hopefully I can see them live for their next Impact on the road. I guess the bottom is if you are eating the same sandwich in the same restaurant, does it taste better if you are eating it in a nicer one?
TNA Impact on Thursday, March 3 scored a 1.37 rating (rounded up to a 1.4), compared to a 1.26 rating (rounded up to a 1.3 rating) on last week's show.

Impact scored a 1.32 rating in the first hour (Impact peaked in Q1 with a 1.52 rating).

Impact then scored a 1.41 rating in the second hour (the over-run scored a 1.48 rating).

The 1.37 overall rating is the highest rating for Impact on Thursday nights and just behind the 1.41 rating for the January 4, 2010 live Impact featuring Hulk Hogan's TNA debut.

The previously heavily-hyped Impact episode on February 3 scored a 1.31 rating and averaged 1.95 million viewers.

Jan. 27 - 1.28 rating / 1.93 million viewers
Feb. 3 - 1.31 rating / 1.95 million viewers

Feb. 24 - 1.26 rating / 1.55 million viewers
Mar. 3 - 1.37 rating / 1.80 million viewers

I believe there were people who said TNA wouldn't get over a 1.3.

Stings return and title win drew a 1.48. Second highest rated segment on the show. Not bad being the highest rated Impact on a Thursday ever.
I was actually pleasantly surprised. The show did have a better feel for it, being in front of PEOPLE instead of the ECW Arena wannabes in Orlando.

First segment was crap. How long has "ownership of the company/control of the company" been an angle? About 5 years now. Maybe the true wrestling fans REALLY DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE! What would be nice is a little stablilty. TNA comes off as bush league and will continue to come off that way until this is over. And now it's the Network? I guess that's like Russo's Creative Control back in WCW.

Beer Money squash was decent--good way to get the fans into it. Nice to see Shannon Moore remind me why I dont allow my kids to watch this show.

Wedding part one and wedding part two. Wrestling weddings are always horrible, and so glad we had to sit through is twice. Why is Bart Scott a badass? He is about as scary as Mongo McMicheal. Should have brough in Ray Lewis instead. Legit badass who would be great on the mic. And Kurt Angle with an Axe?

He's a lumberjack! Is Angle ripping off Triple H or Big Josh?

And I'm glad the Knockouts got so much mic time--"****-skank-bitch-****e" What a classy segment.

Steiner-Terry was about as good as it could have been. Rob Terry is completely useless in the ring. Maybe Vince can hire him as the new coverboy for the WBF?

The 3-3-11 thing notwithstanding, Sting winning the title was a smart move. Yeah, he's 51--but that is no different than WWE putting the belt on Taker.. At least with Sting you dont have to worry about court dates and jail time. You could tell the way he was looking at that title belt what he thought about it.

What TNA needs is stablity. Keep the title on Sting for a little while---a real belt not that purple piece of crap--and have him drop it to AJ or Morgan.

Wont happen though
TNA Impact: 3/3/11

Dixie Carter Returns

We start off with Dixie Carter in the ring. She’s shaken up, as she tries to fight back tears. She thanks the fans for supporting her. Dixie prepares to go public with the judge’s ruling, but Immortal interrupts. Eric Bischoff runs down Carter. Flair gets on the mic. He boasts about being in Flair Country. He takes a few shots at Carter. Flair introduces the returning Hulk Hogan. Hogan brags about controlling 100% of TNA. Hogan puts Dixie in her place. He brags about deceiving Carter again. Fortune interrupts. AJ Styles gets on the mic. Styles says Fortune does things the hard way. He escorts Dixie out of the ring. Robert Roode tells Hogan to kiss his ass. Fortune tries to attack, but security stops them. Meh. Dixie was the best part of this entire segment. She did a great job of showing emotion, and you wanted to feel sorry for her, as Bischoff, Flair, and Hogan tore her apart. Although, I grow tired of seeing Impact open with Immortal. It’s the same stuff over and over again. Bischoff talks about how smart and great the entire stable is, and some legal mumbo jumbo is always thrown in the mix. It just gets stale after a while.

Beer Money VS Gunner & Murphy- TNA World Tag Team Championship

Beer Money hits the DWI on Gunner for the win. After the match, Ink Inc. comes out. Shannon Moore gets on the mic. He talks about his weird book. Moore challenges Beer Money to a title match. James Storm gladly accepts. As far as the match goes, I really couldn’t get into it. It was VERY short, and Beer Money dominated the bulk of the match, and Gunner and Murphy looked real weak here. As far as the post match segment between Beer Money and Ink Inc. goes, I actually enjoyed it. Storm sounded great on the mic, and I do think the match up between these two teams is very intriguing- Match Rating: 2/10

Sarita/With Rosita VS Velvet/With Angelina Love-If Velvet Loses, She Must Retire From TNA

Velvet hits a DDT on Sarita to win the match, and she manages to save her career. This match was pretty underwhelming. At one point, Angelina and Velvet got involved, and they were both tossed out. The action between Sarita and Velvet was kind of sloppy, and this match really didn’t get into a rhythm. Everything just felt so awkward here. Also, I really didn’t care about the “Velvet must win to save her career” stuff. I know she finally overcame the big bully Sarita, but Velvet really doesn’t bring anything to the table. Yeah, she’s a very attractive woman, but her matches are never worth watching, and she just doesn’t have that spark when it comes to personality- Match Rating:1/10

The Shore Returns…….

After the match, Robbie. E, Cookie, and Angelina(the former Jersey Shore cast member) come to the ring. Cookie wants revenge for the JWoww attack a while back on Impact. Angelina wants a match with JWoww. Velvet tries to ignore Angelina, but she kicks her in the ass, as Velvet tries to perform her dry hump the ropes ring entrance. A brawl erupts. Sarita gets involved. The Jersey crew leaves the ring with Sarita. Angelina Love challenges them to a match next week on Impact. Ugh, I can not count the number of times I facepalmed during this entire segment. JWoww’s arrival on Impact can be looked at as a HUGE flop, because the ratings were not impressive at all(http://www.wrestlenewz.com/wrestlin...does-best-since-january-jwoww-flops-and-more/), so I don’t know why TNA is still so obsessed with all of this Jersey Shore stuff. I can’t stand the show, and I’m not looking forward to seeing where this feud might go.

Jeff & Karen Renew Their Vows

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan come to the ring. They’re helping out with festivities. Jarrett comes down the ramp. He has a big smile on his face, but before he can reach the ring, Kurt Angle attacks from behind. He clobbers Jarrett. Karen tries to step in, but Kurt shoves her face in the large wedding cake. Really? After all of this fuss and hype, TNA decides to end this whole thing quickly?

Rob Terry VS Scott Steiner

Steiner locks on the Recliner, and Terry taps out. I thought this match was decent enough. Steiner looked sharp in the in the ring, and these two did have a nice little exchange of back and forth action. I hope this is the end of this feud, because I do not want to see Rob Terry receive any type of serious push. The guy has an awesome physique, but he falls flat when it comes to charisma, in ring ability, mic skills, and personality- Match Rating: 4/10

Hernandez VS Matt Morgan

Hernandez slams Morgan’s head into the steel steps on the outside. Morgan starts to bleed badly, and the ref calls for the bell. What was this? Morgan dominated the entire match, while Hernandez played possum for a while. This was pretty short, and this one never picked up. I’m a fan of Morgan, but TNA doesn’t seem to want to go the extra mile with him. He’s almost been to the top so many times, but he never reaches the brass ring. I just can’t see this feud going anywhere, and I don’t think it will sky rocket either man into the main event- Match Rating: 1/10

Jeff & Karen Part II

Kurt tried to ruin the ceremony earlier, but the Jarrett’s won’t go away quietly. Ric Flair decides to make New York Jets’ linebacker Bart Scott a special enforcer for the ceremony. Scott arrived at the arena earlier. He was involved in a brawl with AJ Styles and Kaz, but he had Matt Hardy as his back up. He also insulted Angle when he met him. Eric Young is the ring bearer, and Orlando Jordan is throwing out the flowers. Jarrett is out first. Karen and Kurt are out next. Kurt has this weird smile on his face. Jarrett takes shots at Angle, as he reads his vows. Karen does the same when her time comes. The Jarretts exchange rings. They enjoy a sloppy kiss. After everything is over, Kurt pulls out an axe from the podium. He destroys the wedding set with the axe. Bart Scott comes out. He gets in Angle’s face. He repeatedly shoves Angle. He shoves Kurt in the face, and the distraught Ex Husband finally snaps. He locks on the Ankle Lock. Security pulls Angle off of Scott, and the Jets’ star linebacker limps away. I’ve been on the fence with this storyline, but I do think things went too far tonight. Kurt Angle actually pulled out a fucking axe. What’s next, is Kurt actually going to try to kill Karen and Jeff? If this storyline didn’t have any real life drama behind it, then I wouldn’t have a big problem with what’s going on, but this storyline does have real life drama behind it. Karen and Kurt were once husband and wife, and Karen is the mother of Kurt’s children. I just don’t think airing dirty laundry in this manner is such a wise idea.

Jeff Hardy(Champion) VS ??????- TNA World Heavyweight Championship

So the network is going for a ratings boom again. Jeff has to defend his Championship against a mystery opponent. The 3/3/11 video is shown. There’s a lot of tension….AND IT’S STING! Sting gets a warm reception from the crowd, and he he’s wearing an awesome jacket.

Sting hits two consecutive Scorpion Death Drops to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. This was a solid match. There was a good amount of back and forth action between Hardy and Sting, this one had a good flow to it, and there was a some nice suspense towards the end- Match Rating: 6/10

Overall Show Rating 5/10:
Sting winning the Title was a nice surprise, and I don’t think I’m too upset about this decision just yet. TNA has been dragging along after Bound For Glory. Sting winning the World Title could give TNA a spark. I like Jeff Hardy, but both of his tenures as Champion have been very underwhelming, and he still has to deal with his legal problems. Sting being the World Champion could be something to look forward to, because there are a lot of new possibilities now. Mr. Anderson is still lurking in the shadows, and I have to believe he will get his rematch soon enough, and it’ll be interesting to see how TNA handles this situation. The atmosphere in North Carolina was refreshing. It did give TNA a big time feel, and I was glad I didn’t have to listen to the annoying chants from the jackasses at the Impact Zone. I do think taking Impact on the road was a good decision, because TNA had a chance to see how they fared in front of a different live wrestling crowd. Still, the majority of the matches on tonight’s show were disappointing, and Impact still had this lackluster feel to it. Also, I do think Karen and Jeff’s wedding segments took up too much time. Throughout the night, TNA spent so much time showing Karen, Jeff, and Kurt backstage. Plus, they stretched the wedding ceremony into two segments. It just became overkill after a while.

(The Random Thoughts of Kitten Cutter)

Hello all!

Before I go on, know that isn’t a review, these are my random thoughts as I watch, I don’t get paid, I could be a moron, a WWE mark, or whatever else you want to call me, and I like doing this because it’s fun. I wish I hadn’t read the forum before I wrote this, but this episode seemed to spark a LOT of anger, and people, it’s pointless. We’re all wrestling fans. Can’t we debate on topics without childish insults?!

Anyway, I’ve been looking forward to this Impact due to debuts, hyped matches, and the chance to see TNA in a new venue. So, here we go!

  • I love the screen and the set-up for the new stage.
  • Thank God this “court case” thing is over regardless.
  • What idiot judge ruled on this case? Since when is videotaped evidence and confessions ruled inadmissible? I smell a Hulk Hogan Hollywood bribe here!
  • Interesting how Ric Flair, Jeff and Matt Hardy are in their home state and all of them are heels.
  • Hey, Dixie, here’s a thought…maybe leave the ring rather than listening to the chauvinist pigs make fun of you?
  • Even more interesting how the four biggest draws in TNA are heels.
  • I thought the 5 o’clock shadow meant Hogan was heel. Now I’m confused. :shrug:
  • Do Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy have the same hairdresser?
  • Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are at the top of the wrestling business? Did Vince McMahon die?
  • New Fourtune theme? Cool!
  • A.J. Styles is awesome as the lead face.
  • Wasn’t Fourtune practically spitting on Dixie with Flair? It’s good that they actually support Dixie.
  • Hulk Hogan looked sad that Robert Roode was cutting him down.
  • Aw, come on! Give us an opening melee in the ring! Come on!
  • I just noticed…RVD is the only action figure in the six-pack that’s a face!
  • Bart Scott is here. OK…
  • I love how Matt Hardy is the guy showing Bart Scott how to party. I’d rather go with Flair personally.
  • Did Kaz just call Bart Scott “Jermaine Hardy?”
  • So that’s a near racist comment by Kaz and chauvinistic comments by Bischoff and Flair. Ladies and Gentlemen your 2011 TNA booking!
  • I really hope this Jarrett\Angle shit ends tonight. I’m moved on to nausea.
  • The Network is at it again. Hmmm…I wonder if the Network and the RAW anonymous GM are the same guy. Or at least get their phone and internet service with the same provider.
  • Gunner and Murphy = psycho lean version of the Steiners? No, wait, they need talent.
  • I really do like Beer Money a lot. They and the Machine Guns are just two awesome tag teams.
  • Nice cop-out regarding Bart Scott, Taz.
  • This crowd is hot for this match!
  • A good match that the crowd enhanced even further, but why not let the match go a little longer and give Gunner and Murphy a little bit of a rub as real threats?
  • And another NC resident, Shannon Moore. I’m kinda surprised he and Matt didn’t wrestle a match, just to get two more Carolina guys in the ring.
  • North Cacka…what?!
  • Beer Money, Inc. vs. Ink Inc. should be a good match. I will say this: those tag team titles get some work in TNA, unlike the crazy switching in the WWE.
  • When did this Jarrett\Angle storyline turn into the absurd direction?! I mean, the OBVIOUS absurd direction? I mean, do we NEED to see Eric Young taking a shit?! Does this storyline really need the blatant comedy?
  • Velvet Sky is just clumsy in the ring. She’s hot as hell but her moves never seem sharp.
  • Can Sarita face Tara at some point? I want that match next and see what two great female wrestlers can really do.
  • That’s it?! One quick DDT and Velvet wins?
  • And Velvet can’t enjoy keeping her career because the fucking Shore just has to come out NOW. Couldn’t they like wait like, 2 minutes, to let her enjoy the moment? Or better yet, let the crowd enjoy the moment?
  • Why does every celebrity and top draw in TNA somehow become a heel? J-Woww is the only exception to my knowledge.
  • Angelina is so fake. Ugh. Acting lessons couldn’t save that.
  • The other Angelina (the one called Love) wants a six-way. Can they just all be naked and make out instead of trying to wrestle each other? Sarita and Angelina Love will be the only two competent wrestlers in the ring.
  • Hey Mr. Anderson, stop bitching!
  • Would you want a ring that’s been on Eric Young’s foot?
  • Can’t TNA build a green room instead of having segments in the men’s room?
  • Ric Flair’s line of the night: “Why don’t you bring your mother-in-law and kill yourself?!” I want to party with Ric Flair!
  • So wait, why is Kurt Angle seeing his son? Didn’t he lose the chance to do that? And who was the mystery guy that took him away?
  • And I wonder what’s going to happen now…maybe Jeff Jarrett gets his ass kicked and Karen gets put into her own cake? You don’t need spoilers to see that coming.
  • Hulk Hogan’s line of the night, “You don’t surprise the people you’re in business with.” Wasn’t Russo infamous for doing just that?
  • Is the minister chewing gum?!
  • A wedding with a nutso fake World Champion and a cross-dressing bisexual. Well, it won’t be boring.
  • Can this wedding song be Jarrett’s new theme music?
  • Oh not the cake, J.J.!
  • WOW! Angle grabbed her pretty viciously, but there goes Karen into the cake!
  • Why is Jeff Hardy dressed up? Was he supposed to be at the wedding and lost his invite?
  • I’m glad Hogan and Hardy were under a rock last week. Obviously they didn’t see the last promo because they weren’t at the show. It makes a minute amount of sense.
  • Ric Flair looks priceless!
  • The wedding happens again tonight?! Oh, Jesus, kill me now!
  • Well, of course when you’re having wedding problems you send Ric Flair! He has LOADS of experience!
  • Steiner just looks weird being a face. Just weird.
  • This match is very slow. Steiner looks gassed already.
  • And is Steiner wearing rain boots?
  • And that’s it? Terry taps out after a very short match.
  • I shouldn’t complain, but I’m noticing so far that Immortal is getting buried tonight after Hogan gets 100% control of TNA. Gunner, Murphy and Rob Terry all lose and Jarrett’s wedding gets ruined. I guess it evens everything out.
  • Not the wisest booking to put two power game matches back-to-back.
  • Do all Mexicans do the beg-on-their-knees thing? Or were the Guerreros just the best at it?
  • Ooo…nice throw by Morgan!
  • I love this crowd. They are definitely into the night.
  • Well, it wouldn’t be TNA if someone didn’t blade.
  • I like the ending of this match. This feud can continue on without a definite winner. And these guys can get intense, which should make the feud interesting.
  • Mr. Anderson, stop bitching! You’re an asshole and no one likes you. I guess nice guys can finish first!
  • Snappy comeback by Hogan! I laughed out loud at his muttering “asshole.”
  • A wedding with a nutso fake World Champion and a cross-dressing bisexual. Take 2.
  • I guess none of the Knockouts were available to be flower girls.
  • I hope the minister spit his gum out.
  • They at least removed the ring ropes for Randy Savage and Elizabeth.
  • Angle looks like Michael Douglas in the movie War of the Roses.
  • Don’t be surprised at the reception if the punch looks a little yellow.
  • This storyline has gone far away from where it started. From Angle crying that he can’t see his kids to Karen not bothering to wash the cake off her face.
  • They couldn’t hire an OLDER man to be the minister? Or at least one that doesn’t look and sound like he failed his SATs?
  • I’m sorry but I DVR’d past the vows. I stopped it at Eric Young pulling the fucking ring out of his show.
  • Where are Jeff and Karen’s friends?! Where’s Immortal for that matter?!
  • I think the laughing by everyone is real. This is so ridiculous they all broke character several times I think.
  • What the FUCK?! An AXE?! An AXE?!
  • Did Kurt Angle just pull a fucking AXE?!
  • OK…check please. Table 1. Wow. Just wow.
  • I’ve never seen this ever in a pro wrestling ring. And I hope I never do again.
  • OK, what IDIOT would willingly walk into the ring with Kurt Angle WIELDING A FUCKING AXE?!
  • Bart Scott needs to get injured more. He can’t sell the ankle lock for shit.
  • There are a lot of bleeps tonight. Or is it just me?
  • I think Jeff Hardy had a flashback to a bad trip watching the lights.
  • Welcome back, Sting!
  • What is Sting wearing? Did he fly back from a Carnegie Hall concert with that outfit?
  • It’s like Superman 3, with blonde crew cut Sting and Crow Sting got into a fight and bonded into this hybrid Elton John version of Sting.
  • Sting makes sense to face Jeff Hardy. Only Sting could really get more cheers in North Carolina facing Jeff.
  • I wonder why they had to make it a title match. Wouldn’t Sting simply facing Hardy in a non-title match be a marquee encounter? Still, I can’t be mad when TNA Impact has two title matches televised.
  • I think Sting forgot to tuck his tights into his boots.
  • Sting looks great for 51. He looks leaner and doesn’t have to wear the T-shirt like he used to.
  • It wouldn’t be TNA without someone kicking out of a finisher.
  • That top-rope Scorpion Deathdrop looked intense!
  • Wow. I don’t believe it. I read about it, heard about it and still don’t believe it!
  • I guess we now know the incentive for Sting to come back to TNA. :shrug:
  • It was still a very good match, though, and a nice shock for the live crowd, who deserved a good ending after the double wedding debaucle.
  • Oh, and Immortal, after acquiring 100% power in TNA, lost every match and looked weak in every segment. I guess it evens things out.
  • Let’s hope next week the Jeff Hardy Memorial Title gets buried in a foreign country somewhere.
  • And lastly: I got it! The Network loves veterans, got Bart Scott to show up and face off against Angle so he could get his ankle snapped, and is the secretive, reclusive and authoritative boss of TNA? Of course, the Network and the RAW Anonymous GM is Bill Belicheck!
Overall: I loved the wrestling and hated the segments. I’m not anti-segment in wrestling; I’m just anti-Jeff Jarrett\Karen Jarrett\Kurt Angle–segments right now. I’m burned out by the overexposure and can’t wait for this feud to end. Give me Kurt Angle wrestling for 20-30 minutes and Jeff Jarett wrestling…well, once in a while, and TNA will be light years better for me. Not the worst Impact in the world, but far from the best. The crowd, Fourtune and Sting more than made up for it.
1.52 to start the show, then 1.48 during Sting's return. that's awesome! obviously people did want to see Sting.

one of the good things about recording the show and watching it later, is you can fast forward through parts you have no interest in, like the wedding crap.

the crowd was awesome! it wasn't a really large crowd, but certainly better than the Impact Zone.

so Hulk Hogan wins the court battle(for now, you know it's not over) so that Hogan has complete 100% control over TNA. except not really, because clearly the network can schedule a main event where the champion at the time has to wrestle against someone unknown. if Hogan had complete control like he is/was supposed to have then HE could schedule whatever he wants.
so "the network" (which we all assume to be Spike) has control to make matches. last week it was RVD getting a title shot against Jeff Hardy, and now this week it was Sting getting a title shot against Jeff Hardy. is there any chance that maybe Dixie has some control with the network? or is that reaching?
I completely skipped the jersey shore and most of the wedding stuff(I think eric young is funny though). Steiner is good with promos, but horrible in the ring. Rob Terry...great physique..everything else is horrible. The Morgan/Hernandez thing just doesnt make sense, since Morgan injured him as a heel, so when Hernandez gets revenge, it makes him bad.
My review of tonight's show. If you're a raging TNA mark who gets butthurt everytime someone says anything ill about your beloved company, I'd suggest just moving along because the next person to complain about people writing negative reviews in a fucking REVEW thread is going to get infracted and/or banned.

TNA iMPACT! 3/10/11
March 10th, 2011
Cumberland County Crown Coliseum, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Attendance: 3,500+

"The Return of the Icon"

Last week on iMPACT! we saw the return of the Icon, Sting who promptly defeated Jeff Hardy to become the NEW TNA World champion. What will Sting have to say tonight? Let's tune in and see. Tonight's show has also been taped in Fayetteville, North Carolina in front of over 3500 fans just like last week's show, so at the very least things should look good aesthetically tonight.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz

We open the show with our new TNA World champion, Sting, making his way down to ringside. He grabs the mic and says he feels like he's accomplished a lot in his life, but that he couldn't have done it without the fans. He says he hopes that one day Jeff Hardy will give back to the fans what they've given to him, and without another word being said Immortal's music hits and out come Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. Hogan grabs a mic and talks about the history between him and Sting. He says the TNA fans don't need him to be their hero, because they have Hogan. Sting responds by saying he's not going anywhere, and suddenly Mr. Anderson's music hits. Anderson makes his way down to the ring now and grabs a mic and starts whining again for his title rematch. Anderson just sounds like a whining asshole at this point, roughly the exact opposite of the Austin-esque tweener they're trying to book him as. Anderson literally sounds like a child here, yelling "ME ME ME MINE MINE MINE" like an autistic child unwilling to share his toys. Before he can get far though Jeff Hardy's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring now. And of course before Jeff can say more than a couple of words, RVD's music hits and now HE comes down to the ring. RVD reminds everyone that he never lost the title, but was stripped of it because of the whole Immortal conspiracy. Nice to see you remember your hunt for the title Rob. So of course Bischoff books Sting vs. Hardy for the title at Victory Road as well as a tag team match for our main vent pitting Sting and RVD against Hardy and Anderson

Backstage we see Angelina from Jersey Shore with Cookie and Sarita, who confronts the Beautifl People and Winter. Winter scares them off and we cut to commercial.

Samoa Joe vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero

Why again do we have to see these two wrestle almost every single week? Usually you save the blowoff for the PPV, but these two wrestle almost every week it seems. Pope sneaks up on Joe from behind and we're off. Joe starts laying big chops into Pope in the corner. Pope tries to escape but eats more big right hands from Joe. Pope comes back with a bigright hand of his own and then starts laying in shots. Big powerslam from Joe gets a quick two count. Pope begs for mercy but just gets slapped in the face anyways. Big clothesline gets Pope a quick two count of his own though. Pope exposes one of the metal turnbuckles in the corner now and then tries to send Joe into it, but Joe reverses with a beautiful over-the-head belly to belly suplex. He tries for the muscle buster to finish but Pope hits him with a chain while the ref is trying to fix the turnbuckle, and Pope gets the cheap win at 3:24. Not bad actually, this was pretty fast-paced for such a short match and could have actually been pretty decent if given some time.

Backstage we see Bully Ray who threatens the camera man and then starts talking trash about Tommy Dreamer sticking his nose in Team 3D's business. Ray tells the cameraman to tell Dreamer to meet him out in the parking lot, presumably for a fight.

When we return from the commercial break Madison Rayne and Tara make their way out to the ring, both looking damn fine if I do say so myself. Madison grabs a mic and throws out another open challenge, which is promptly answered by...Roxxi? We haven't seen her in what, a year? Who knows, let's get to the matchj.

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Madison Rayne (C) vs. Roxxi

Madison dominates to start with big knees to Roxxi's face. Roxxi tries the comeback with big forearms but gets knocked into the ropes and slammed back to the mat by Rayne. Quick rollup gets Roxxi a two count. Rayne then hits the Rayne Drop and Roxxi's done at 1:33. After the match Rayne continues the beatdown but Mickie James comes out and makes the save in all of her jiggling glory. Pretty much the same match we've seen 20 times with Rayne now where she quickly buries some KO division veteran. ¼*

We cut to backstage where Tommy Dreamer answers Bully Ray's challenge and makes his way out to the parking lot. He waits for Ray as we take a commercial break. When we return Ray is waiting in the parking lot for Dreamer, but instead it's Brother Devon who attacks him. This goes on for an absurd amount of time, Devon screaming nonsensically about his children all the while. Devon pulls out a fucking SLEDGEHAMMER and finally Dreamer comes over to stop the fight, telling Devon he'll go to jail if he does this. I may hate this feud with all of my being, but atleast they've booked it well thus far. Kind of sad when your best booked feud on the show involves two guys as irrelevant and past their prime as Team 3D. A security guard goes to check up on Ray and he beats the shit out of him, slamming a freaking guardrail on him. Remind me not to try and ever open the door or something for Ray if I ever meet him.

Sarita/Cookie/Angelina vs. Angelina Love/Velvet Sky/Winter

Oh great, it's time for the Jersey Shore bitch to waste more TV time. Glad to know TNA gives this chick 7 grand per appearance while the rest of the KO Division are lucky to get a few hundred bucks per appearance, really lets your employees know how much their valued. Let's make this quick ladies, please. Velvet and Angelina start us off. The sad thing here is that Angelina doesn't even look worse in the ring than alot of the current Knockouts do. Things break down and all 6 women start fighting. I try to pass the time by staring at Velvet's ass, but then here comes Robbie E to ruin that. He holds Velvet while Cookie and Angelina argue about who gets the cheap shot, but Winter makes the save and BITES Robbie E's hand. Well Winter just got over with me. Velvet rolls up Angelina and thats enough for the pin to end it at 1:52. After the match Velvet spanks her own barely-covered ass to try and make up for the abomination we just saw. That was beyond awful, that match may have actually shortened my life expectancy infact. I wish there was a lower rating for me to give that other than DUD.

After a quick commercial break we recap the events on iMPACT! last week where Bart Scott of the New York Jets attacked Kurt Angle. This actually got them some decent publicity, so it's nowhere near as bad as the Jersey Shore shit atleast. Afterwards we cut to Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy in Bischoff and Hogan's office, where they argue like children about how they don't like eachother. My, how ever will they work together in our main event?!

Ric Flair and Matt Hardy come out now, as apparently we're going to have both Flair and Matt against AJ in a street fight? That's what's been announced atleast. They call out Styles and he comes out in street clothes, ready to fight. So this is apparently either a handicap match or a triple threat, don't ask me which because they haven't made that clear at all. We'll just call it a handicap match.

Street Fight Match
AJ Styles vs. Ric Flair vs. Matt Hardy

So how long do you reckon before Flair blades? 2, 3 minutes? AJ dominates to start, beating down Matt around the ring while Flair hangs out at ringside. Okay so Tenay confirms this is a triple threat match, but that it's "virtually" a handicap match because Flair and Hardy are stablemates. Why the fuck not just make it a handicap match then? Hardy gets a cheapshot and Flair comes in and tries to drop an elbow but misses. AJ sends Matt outside and then hits Flair with a big enziguri and then locks on the figure four on Flair. Matt breaks it up with a big legdrop off the top though and gets a quick two count. The action spills to the outside now as all three men brawl around the ring and YEP, Flair has bladed already! Look at that, exactly 2-3 minutes into the match and Flair blades, exactly as I predicted. It's just depressing watching what Flair has become at this point. Hardy sends Styles into the ring steps and then throws him back in the ring and pulls out a ladder to a big pop. Matt slams the ladder into AJ's sternum while a bloody Flair screams on the ring apron, blood pouring down his shirt in grotesque fashion. Matt tries for the Twist of Hate but Styles tosses him into the ladder. Flair comes back in and starts laying in a few weak chops. Matt hits the Side Effect, but Styles kicks out at two. Styles fights both men off and hits Matt with the pele kick. Flair comes up from behind and gives him a low blow though and Matt hits the Twist of Hate on a steel chair, letting Flair get the pin to end it at 5:56 (shown). This was pretty bad, but they got a few decent looking parts in and watching Flair blade and stumble around like a drunken vagabond is always entertaining in it's own sick kind of way.

Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me

Hey, look, the Young Bucks/Gen Me are still employed! Glad to see them using one of the best heel tag teams in the business today so well (note my sarcasm). Ink Inc have actually been improving as a team though, so this should be pretty good. Beer Money comes out to join the commentary table and we're off. Jesse and Jeremy start us off, trading armdrags. Shannon tags in and hits a big quebrada. Jeremy comes back with a slingshot facebuster and then tags his brother Max in. He tries a cover and only gets 2, so he tags Jeremy back in who hits a springboard dropkick for another two count. Gen Me are trading quick tags here, trying to isolate Shannon. Eventually Shannon gets the hot tag to Jesse who cleans house quickly. Nice cross-body from the second rope gets Jesse a two count, but Jeremy breaks it up. He eats a unique facebuster from Jesse but this gives Max enough time to get a cheap shot on Jesse. Max tries to catapult his brother Jeremy up to Jesse who's sitting on the top turnbuckle, but Jesse just spears him in mid-air! That's a neat little spot. Shannon tosses Max to the outside and Ink Inc finishes Jeremy off with a double-team Death Valley Driver combo at 4:16. Now that's more like it, this was short and fun and gives Ink Inc some momentum for their title match at the PPV. Good stuff, give them a few more minutes and this could have been great even. **¼

After the match we cut backstage to Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy in the locker room. Jeff wants to know if Anderson is going to turn on him tonight. After a quick commercial break we return to see The Pope backstage, saying he's sick of fighting Joe. So sick infact that he challenges Joe to a match at Victory Road.

We recap last week's wedding vows debacle, which ended with the hilarious image of an axe-wielding Kurt Angle smiling in the ring like he just saw his child take his/her's first steps. Backstage Jeff and Karen discuss their honeymoon and afterwards we get a nice little promo for the X Division and Kazarian. I sincerely hope they're serious about making the X-Division important again, but I don't believe for a damn second they actually are. We rundown the lineup for this Sunday's PPV and then cut backstage to Jeremy Borash and Sting. Sting says it's showtime, and then Anderson attacks him from behind, yelling about his title shot still.

Sting/Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson

So Cal Val does the ring intros for some reason, which just sounds weird. Anderson attacks RVD to start while Sting is nowhere to be found, thanks to Anderson. I'm sorry, I know Anderson is supposed to be a tweener, but having him take out Sting, one of the most over guys on the roster, does nothing good for his character at all. "We Want Sting!" chants start as RVD gets a quick near fall on Anderson. He tries for the monkey flip but Anderson counters and "tags" Jeff Hardy in by slapping him across the face. RVD uses his legs to rollup Jeff for a quick pin attempt but Hardy kicks out at two and "tags" Anderson in with a right hand of his own. Jeff hits the Twist of Hate suddenly out of nowhere, but before he can make the pin attempt Anderson knocks Hardy down. The lights go out and Sting's music hits and when they come back on Sting is in the ring. He gives Anderson the Scorpion Death Drop and then RVD hits Anderson with the Five Star Frog Splash and gets the pin on him at 4:28. Not awful for a quick main event, but I have no idea why they're doing everything in their power to bury Anderson with the fans and in the ring. *

We go off the air with RVD and Sting facing off. Just a reminder, these two guys are not facing each other this Sunday.

Bottom Line: Much better show this week than the last two, as they tried to just focus on building up for this Sunday's PPV, and they did a decent job at that. Well, aside from waiting until 3 days before your PPV to announce half the card and main event. We cut down on the painful soap opera-esque segments though and the wrestling was better overall than last week, even with that abomination of a six woman's tag match. There's nothing here that you necessarily need to see, but for a go-home show I've seen worse. If we had a match break the *** range I'd give the show the Thumbs Up pretty easily, but again without any matches worth checking out I can't rightfully recommend the show, so we'll go with a Thumbs in the Middle. Definitely an improvement over the last few shows though.

Score: 5.5/10

REMEMBER! You can find ALL of my reviews and match ratings at my blog:
X's Wrestling Review
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