[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I never said I wanted everything to be agreed with. I also said go back and look at all of his and a few others posts. There comes a time where it just seems like he is being a jerk off on purpose for whatever reason. Just because some ass clown on the internet says he isn't a fan boy of WWE and doesn't hate TNA doesn't mean it has merit. There is a difference between having a discussion and a debate and straight up being an asshole about everything this company does. Now you see why the IWC has such a bad rap because people act like 5 year old kids just to stir some shit up. Again I ask you to go look at his posts. Never anything constructive or insightful. All he does is disagree with everyone's opinions about everything going on. Then to add to that tries to completely bury anything TNA does before it even gets off the ground. Then tries to pass everything off as truth because he seems to know better than everyone else.

Since this is the case why does he and a few others bother at all. If you completely dislike the product to the point where everyday you are in a forum trying shit all over the company in every aspect why even bother? Don't tell me it is because he likes wrestling because obviously he doesn't like it that much. Again it is the same shtick from him and a few others everyday on here.

And that's why I went off on him like that. It's just plain madness. Honestly, I might be crazy, but I have a feeling that people like him come to the TNA section to only bash TNA and nothing else. I respect people's opinions but only when they're backed up by logic and common sense. I looked at his posts and there are only negative comments about TNA. That tells you something. If you don't like it THAT much, why the hell do you keep watching it and commenting on it week after week?

"TNA sux0rz they'll be out of biz in 2 yearzz. They hire The Hoganzz and The Bischoffzz who heF like Ego and they deathed the WCW and they'll death the TNAzzz. Dixie is a mark, the storylines make no sense, they end prematurely"

All that crap comes from guys like him. I'm sorry, I respect only logical complaints. When I mark for TNA, I know what I'm marking on, when I hate something about TNA I hate it with a reason, I don't hate it because it's not WWE or because Hogan's there or because their arena is small. That guy's full of crap. This is a forum but hey dude -- I'll shit on your opinions until the day they make some sense.
And that's why I went off on him like that. It's just plain madness. Honestly, I might be crazy, but I have a feeling that people like him come to the TNA section to only bash TNA and nothing else. I respect people's opinions but only when they're backed up by logic and common sense. I looked at his posts and there are only negative comments about TNA. That tells you something. If you don't like it THAT much, why the hell do you keep watching it and commenting on it week after week?

"TNA sux0rz they'll be out of biz in 2 yearzz. They hire The Hoganzz and The Bischoffzz who heF like Ego and they deathed the WCW and they'll death the TNAzzz. Dixie is a mark, the storylines make no sense, they end prematurely"

All that crap comes from guys like him. I'm sorry, I respect only logical complaints. When I mark for TNA, I know what I'm marking on, when I hate something about TNA I hate it with a reason, I don't hate it because it's not WWE or because Hogan's there or because their arena is small. That guy's full of crap. This is a forum but hey dude -- I'll shit on your opinions until the day they make some sense.

First of all, this is a forum for fake wrestling and my opinion, even if it's entirely negative, is just as valid to be said time and time again as all those here like yourself who have nothing but praise to say about TNA. Why do I have nothing but negative things to say about TNA's product? Because in MY OPINION TNA doesn't give me anything to give it praise about. I don't constantly come on here and toss out negativity, in fact if you actually did pay attention to my posts I always have very real and sensible reasons for every negative thing I say (which is more then I can say about half the blind TNA marks who praise TNA to the point they have to discard logic and sense in their arguments).

Not to mention, if you actually paid attention to my posts you'd realize there's stretches of time I'm not even around between my posts. In fact, if you even read the initial post from this past week's Impact I commented on I specific said I hadn't watched Impact in weeks and had only watched it again on a whim and to see if it had improved at all. It was horrible and I commented on that out of sheer disappointment, just like everyone else who gives long drawn out reviews of the show every week and constantly gives it Ds and Fs.

Am I going to stop commenting negatively about the product? When they start improving and giving me something to give praise them about, yes. Until then I'll continue to be honest about a product that's lacking and frustrating, because I believe TNA has tons of potential and they're constantly, constantly, constantly wasting it and doing horrible shit. If people don't like it then don't read my posts, even though I know you still will. This is a wrestling forum, don't come around if you don't like people using it for what it's created for.
I never said I wanted everything to be agreed with. I also said go back and look at all of his and a few others posts. There comes a time where it just seems like he is being a jerk off on purpose for whatever reason. Just because some ass clown on the internet says he isn't a fan boy of WWE and doesn't hate TNA doesn't mean it has merit. There is a difference between having a discussion and a debate and straight up being an asshole about everything this company does. Now you see why the IWC has such a bad rap because people act like 5 year old kids just to stir some shit up. Again I ask you to go look at his posts. Never anything constructive or insightful. All he does is disagree with everyone's opinions about everything going on. Then to add to that tries to completely bury anything TNA does before it even gets off the ground. Then tries to pass everything off as truth because he seems to know better than everyone else.

Since this is the case why does he and a few others bother at all. If you completely dislike the product to the point where everyday you are in a forum trying shit all over the company in every aspect why even bother? Don't tell me it is because he likes wrestling because obviously he doesn't like it that much. Again it is the same shtick from him and a few others everyday on here.

If he wants to debate in a style which makes him a pretentious prick then so be it. I happen to think his posts are insightful and show off his opinions with well structured arguemetns. There is a reason he bashes TNA because he believed it's worthy of the criticism it gets, and I honestly believe if people on these TNA subforum weren't such absolute fanboys and didn't act like such defendants then this user wouldn't act like the complete opposite. Some people enjoy analyzing a wreslting product even when it's quality becomes low enough as to become , 'quality wise' , a hard experience.

I know this might sound ridiculous but even when a show is bad I'm still entartained by it. Now I barely watch IMPACT since there's other wrestling shows which entartain me more but even when watching IMPACT, quality wise it might not be good but I'm still entartained by it.
I thought tonight's episode was a 100x better than last weeks. I enjoye the opening segment with Flair and Morga. I thought the opening match was good. I enjoyed the Raven vs Hardy match. I thought the Jarrett was decent. I liked the Abyss vs Moore casket match was but I thought the ending was stupid. Mickie vs Love was a pretty good knockout's match. Ithought the Main Event was decent. The only things on the show tonight that I did not like was the Dreamer Rhyno segment and Bubba's promo because I don't care about a 3D feud.
Grade: B
TNA iMPACT! - November 18, 2010

Opening Segment - I’m a little mixed on this segment. On one hand, Ric Flair is great on the mic. I don’t take him the least bit serious right now, but he’s just plain fun to listen to. He definitely overshadowed Morgan on this and part of me would’ve liked to have seen Morgan get more mic time. You know, let’s see him hold his own against Flair. I have ZERO desire, however, to see a match featuring these two. Ric Flair showed how he can contribute best in terms of being an on screen character with his mic abilities, but I can’t get too excited about seeing a guy that hasn’t done damn thing worth anything in wrestling go up against a 62 year old in a wrestling match. At any rate, Flair was enjoyable to listen to and that was enough to make the segment pretty solid in general. Thumbs Up

Motor City Magine Guns, Jay Lethal & Velvet Sky vs. Generation Me, Robbie E & Cookie - I thought this was a pretty fun and energetic match. The Guns and Lethal all looked sharp inside the ring and Velvet looked delectable as usual. I don’t even know why the hell Robbie E and Cookie were out here as their participation was negligible, especially Cookie. The Guns hit some of their signature moves as did Lethal. Can’t really say that GenMe blew me away in the ring or anything. Most of their stuff in the ring was quite basic and I don’t see what some people see in Robbie E. I’ve seen nothing remotely special about this guy. Anywho, GenMe, Robbie & Cookie get the win around the 5.5 minute mark. Pretty fun little match here, mostly due to the Guns. Thumbs Up

Jeff Jarrett MMA Demonstration - This may well have been the overall dullest segment on TNA television of 2010. I think I would rather see a Santino Marella & Vladimir Koslov dance off than see this again. I watched about the first 2 minutes and then kept flipping the channel. I kept coming back to it only to see Jarrett still using his “MMA expertise” on his bitches…uhhh..students. Joe eventually came out and blah blah. This was just an utter waste of time. Thumbs Down

Jeff Hardy vs. Raven - Completely forgettable 3 minute match with Raven losing. I’d read that TNA had released Raven a week or so ago, but I’d forgotten all about it until I heard about this. Not really much to say about it. I mean they wrestled for roughly 3 minutes before Hardy got the win. Raven lost, meaning he’s gone. I like that a lot so this was passable for what it was. Thumbs Up

Rhino & Tommy Dreamer - Another segment with the broken down ECW bastards waxing nostalgic. Rhino has never been strong on the mic so it was no surprised that I wasn’t thrilled about this. Dreamer did his usual thing, trying to put over ECW’s legacy while telling his sob stories, etc. RVD comes out after Dreamer is laid out and gets similar treatment. Virtually anything and everything EV2.0, I just don’t care about. Thumbs Down

Abyss vs. Shannon Moore - I don’t know what this thing with Abyss and caskets are as of late. I just wasn’t feeling this match at all. I don’t know why Moore & Abyss are even having a casket match in the first place. They don’t have a fraction of the impact they once had and they simply don’t get it done anymore. Probably the highlight of the match was Moore hitting a springboard moonsault on Abyss. As Abyss has the match won, he opens the casket and out pops The Pope. I guess he’s got Undertaker powers now. He & Moore beat on Abyss, Abyss takes a powder. The match is ruled a no contest about the 5.5 minute mark. It reminded me of a cage match TNA had a while back that ended in a no contest. How can you have a casket match without a winner? They’re supposed to be no DQ. Lame. Thumbs Down

Mickie James vs. Angelina Love - This was a quality Knockout match, probably the best one on one Knockout match I’ve seen in quite a while. Mickie James & Angelina are both good inside the ring and they put on a good, back and forth, competitive 6 minute match. It’s a shame that TNA has basically made Mickie James just another Knockout on the roster, but the match was still solid. Overall, I think this has probably been the best match of the night. Mickie gets the win at roughly 6 minutes to win a shot at the Knockout title. Thumbs Up

Bubba Ray Promo - I don’t care in the least about a feud between the Dudleyz. I would say that it’s like peanut butter & jelly feuding, except that neither peanut butter or jelly need one another to be good. At the same time, there’s not really anything left for Bubba & DeVon to do as a team. They’ve been stale for quite a while as it is, so trying to go the singles route in TNA is all they’ve got left. Bubba’s comment on him being Shawn Michaels & DeVon Marty Jannetty would be alright if not for the fact that all the major accomplishments Bubba has in his career were achieved with DeVon. When The Rockers broke up, Shawn Michaels rose to greatness while Jannetty faded into relative obscurity. I guess you could count Bubba’s runs as WWE Hardcore Champion if you wanted to. It might be somewhat impressive if the title hadn’t changed hands a total of 230 times in less than 4 years. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan vs. Ric Flair - This barely qualifies as a match before Flair pushes the ref down. Fortune comes down and beats on Morgan, Douglas Williams suddenly turns face and helps Morgan out to get the win. Turning Williams face I think is another mistake that TNA has made with him. At any rate, Morgan now gets to pick the special referee for his match against Jeff Hardy. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - TNA iMPACT! this week was better than it usually is. There were actually a few good matches on the show tonight, though the promo segments just didn’t interest me. I just want EV2.0 gone, Bubba vs. DeVon holds little appeal, Abyss & Pope continue their crap, a typical “I bet you didn’t see this coming” Vince Russo special featuring Douglas Williams and an excruciatingly dull segment with Jeff Jarrett posing as an MMA fighter. It wasn’t a great show by any means, but it was better than last week.

Grade: D+
Date: November 18, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: Morgan Woooo’s the Nature Boy

Well this has to be better than last week’s show right? I’m hardly looking forward tot his and it’s likely going to be as gimmick heavy as ever but unfortunately that’s what TNA is now. I’m not thinking anything good is coming from this but it’s what you get here anymore. Let’s get to it.

We open with clips of Hardy and a recap of his whole heel stuff. His belt still looks like a Barney cookie cutter.

Flair comes out and says the fans are here to see Immortal, Fourtune and Flair. He’s here to talk about Morgan and says he’ll be the guest referee for Morgan’s rematch. His match will be refereed by God. Flair calls out Morgan and here comes the not seven footer. He revokes the Naitch privilege, meaning Morgan can’t call him that anymore. Ok this is SERIOUS.

He says he could have Fourtune come out here right now and kick Morgan’s ass. “Don’t look over your shoulder. Keep your eyes on God.” Flair vs. Morgan tonight apparently. Big DO IT chant for that. Morgan says that’s the #1 thing on his bucket list. Flair freaks out and says that last night he slept with Zenyatta or some horse. I have no idea what the point of it was but I’ll go with it I guess.

Gen Me is coming to the ring and Tara slaps their asses. Lucky guys.

Hardy vs. Raven later and it’s win or be fired. Well there’s the release angle for him. There’s also an open casket challenge from Abyss tonight.

Motor City Machine Guns/Jay Lethal/Velvet Skye vs. Cookie/Robbie E/Generation Me

For the love of crap can we get the Guns ANYONE else to feud with? Apparently Sabin and Skye are dating in real life and that’s of course going to be mentioned on here because TNA SHOOTS BABY! Jeremy vs. Lethal to start and here come the Guns. Apparently if Morgan wins he gets to pick the referee and if Flair wins Morgan doesn’t get the title shot at the PPV.

Shelley plays the face in peril as everyone gets to beat on him. No tag yet as we’re getting a bit of time here, which granted in TNA is like 4 minutes. Robbie E vs. Lethal for the title at the PPV. There’s your opener. Lethal Combination gets two on Jeremy. Velvet gets a very long headscissors on Jeremy as the face team is dominating, signaling their downfalls. Velvet spears cookie down as Skull and Bones takes down Max. Yep there’s the hairspray to Sabin so Max can get the pin. I guess it’s time for match #6 for Gen Me.

Rating: C-. I couldn’t bring myself to give this lower but it was closer to that than the C- I think. The problem here was that the tag feud is played and Robbie is a comedy/parody character for the most part which means his interest levels are limited to say the least. Also, why would I want to see Gen Me vs. the Guns AGAIN when the Guns are what, 5-0 against them? Apparently that’s what we’re getting though and since TNA has the BEST tag division in the world, and I know that because they tell us that so often, it’ll be oh so interesting right?

Jarrett is in MMA gear in the back. Oh dear.

Back from a break we have Gen Me celebrating until the Guns come up. Empty arena match….on ReAction. Great.

Jarrett is a jerk and slaps JB. There’s an MMA exhibition tonight. He kisses Hogan and Bischoff’s asses because that’s what he does anymore.

We get a package on Angle who says he isn’t ready to retire yet. Not sure when that was said but it appears to be before BFG.

It’s time for the Double J Double M A (get it?) exhibition. Oh this is going to be bad. He brings out six jobbers to destroy. JB is going to be doing the in ring commentary. Jarrett’s thing under his name says MMA enthusiast. They do a don’t try this at home thing to show that Jarrett is a pro. First up is an armbar. The fans chant boring almost immediately.

The second hold is a heel hook and points out that his buddy Frank Mir made Lesnar tap to it. I can hear the MMA fans changing the channels as this happens. Third is an ankle lock. Get Angle out here already or Joe or whoever. There’s the Shamrock reference. The fourth move is the rear naked choke and Jarrett says he might have done the naked rear choke with you know who, as in Karen Angle, his new wife.

As he demonstrates that, here’s Joe to FINALLY end this. Jarrett says if Joe can get through the two students Jarrett has left he’ll get a submission match vs. Jarrett tonight. Jarrett shouts to SHOOT ON HIM. Key lock gets the first to tap and a modified Anaconda Vice gets the second one. JB calls for the submission match and Jarrett, of course, bails after sending the students at him. One of the students goes after Joe and gets destroyed with the MuscleBuster.

Stevie says to Raven that he’s a star and Dreamer says EV is dying with everyone leaving. Kendrick rambles.

Jeff Hardy vs. Raven

Well Hardy looks drunk off his ass. JB does the specially written entrance for Hardy which kisses his ass nice and well. No entrance for Raven. Guess they didn’t have time for that since we needed more MMA. JB says this is the featured contest of the evening. What does that make Flair vs. Morgan then?

Raven does the old wedge the chair in the corner and get thrown into it because karma is a bitch spot. Hardy in control but the Whisper in the Wind misses. Twist of Hate is the counter to the DDT and the Swanton ends clean in three minutes flat. Nice to see the former world champion looking so strong there. This was more or less a squash.

Rating: N/A. So much for Raven I guess. Also so much for Hardy not using the Swanton anymore. This was a waste of time but it writes him off I guess.

EV comes out to console Raven. Hogan comes out and says “Raven, you’re fired, quoth the Hulkster nevermore.” Ok point for a decent line.

Back from a break and Dreamer is calling out Rhyno. No music for Rhyno for some reason. Rhyno says that EV didn’t care that his contract was expiring but only Bischoff cared. It was about employment or unemployment. Dreamer kisses his ass (I’m shocked too). Dreamer talks about Rhyno selling out which they would never do. Tommy Dreamer is trying to tell people about selling out. That’s rich. Rhyno grabs Dreamer’s bad wrist and RVD comes out to save him then gets Gored to end the segment.

Morgan has no issue with going through Flair to get to the title.

Shannon Moore vs. Abyss

And this is a casket match. Great. Abyss tries to be all shifty to start. That’s just amusing. A modified powerbomb/throw puts Shannon in trouble early on. Moore gets a top rope slap to the back of the head which is called a bulldog but can’t get Abyss in the casket. He charges and still can’t get him down.

This has been mostly Moore so far which is freaking pitiful. Abyss is supposed to be unstoppable and he can barely stop a glorified career jobber. Black Hole Slam takes Shannon down and Pope is in the previously opened casket. It’s a DQ in a casket match. Well of course it is.

Rating: D. This match may have been decent but it made ZERO sense. First of all, Abyss needed almost seven minutes to beat Shannon Moore in a match where you don’t even have to get a pin. Second, Pope popped out of the casket in Undertaker style. Third, A DQ IN A CASKET MATCH? ARE YOU HIGH OR JUST REALLY STUPID, to quote someone from South Park. This company makes my head hurt.

Angelina Love vs. Mickie James

Winner gets Rayne at the PPV. Back and forth match to start with neither being able to keep an advantage. Love can’t get anything going and just stands there for like 10 seconds with her back to Mickie. She pulls Mickie’s hair to act a bit heelish. A rollup gets two for Angelina. This isn’t bad but it’s just not interesting for the most part. Big old kick takes Mickie down for two. Mickie gets a bad version of her jumping DDT to end it.

Rating: D+. The match was ok for the most part but it just wasn’t interesting at all. Mickie vs. Angelina is a decent sounding match on paper but this never was able to get going. I guess they set up the next feud and Angelina’s next storyline but I could not get into this at all.

After a break Angelina is all pissed off and breaking stuff. Winter comes up and says her rambling stuff to her about destiny and all that jazz. Just make out already.

Here’s Ray for his explanation. He kicked D-Von because he could. Fifteen years ago he created the 3D and it had never been kicked out of before. He talks about everyone it has beaten and we list off the WWF guys just because it’s been a whole night since we have. Apparently D-Von has always been the weak link and it’s his fault that the 3D failed for the first time ever. We get the Jannetty/Shawn reference and Bubba says D-Von was just the guy that got his tables.

Quick aside: Marty Jannetty had a good career. Why not say I’m the Bret you’re the Anvil?

Ric Flair vs. Matt Morgan

Yes, in 2010 Ric Flair is the main draw of a television show. Morgan dominates of course and does his elbows so that Flair can do the Flop. And down goes the referee maybe two minutes into this. Low blow takes Morgan down. Flair, despite being on offense for the most part, starts to bleed.

We go into ReAction with Morgan taking over. Side slam takes down Flair and here’s Fourtune. Douglas Williams is kind of standing back for a bit here which gets AJ to yell at him. The referee hasn’t been seen since the bump he took and is likely dead. Williams finally goes off and beats up Fourtune so there’s your next face. He leaves Morgan to fight for himself. Carbon Footprint hits and Morgan wins.

Rating: D. Almost an N/A here as the match was all over the place with the turn, the run-in, the ref bump and then the ending finally happening. Oh and it was on a new show. This was rather stupid to put it mildly and of course the ending of Impact is about Flair again in some fashion. Weak ending to a mostly bad show.

Overall Rating: D+. Well it was better than last week, but that’s really not saying much. It’s still just killing time before Final Resolution as we wait for someone to rise up to fight Immortal. What is different now than at this point last week? Morgan gets to pick the referee, and that’s about it.

This wasn’t a horrible show, but it wasn’t interesting at all and nothing of note happened. I don’t look forward to Impact for the most part anymore and it’s just two hours of usually bad wrestling and angles and then a week passes and we have another one. That’s Impact in a nutshell and it’s steadily not improving. That’s bad.

I really enjoyed this. Flair is batshit crazy, and makes it enjoyable. Morgan doesn't say much, but he's getting better and better on the mic every week. Flair absolutely carried this promo, but he usually does. Flair calling himself "God" and bouncing off the ropes is always entertaining, I just wish he wasn't wrestling so often.

Tara/Generation ME

I know her shirt read "Cougar," but is this going to be her gimmick from here on out? I hope so.

MCMG's/Jay Lethal/Velvet vs. Generation ME/Robbie/Cookie

Minus Robbie,Cookie and the absolutely terrible finish (Hairspray to the eyes..really?), I thought this was solid. I like 6 or 8 man tags that display one or more feuds leading up to a PPV. I still feel horribly for Jay Lethal, who has to put up with this "Shore" shit, but he's talented enough to get throught it. How about Velvet? That ass looks better and better each week.

Jeff Jarrett/MMA..stuff

J E Double F bashing on Jeremy in the back was rather funny. To be honest, this whole thing was kind of humorous, and I never say that about Jeff Jarrett. I hate Jarrett, always have. Joe comes out, cleans house, no surprise there. Who is Jeff feuding with? Joe or Angle? I swear, TNA overbooks just about everything they do.

Jeff Hardy vs. Raven (aka, My Grandmother

I feel bad that Raven went out like this. I have no clue if he's actually done with TNA or not, but if he is, this was a horrible send off. Maybe the worst in the history of pro wrestling, and I'm not even kidding. Do I want to see Raven anymore? Hell no, just look at him. He's a slob who is about 10,000 light years past his prime. But Raven was pretty damn good, in his prime, and deserves more than this. If you want him gone, just fire him off-screen, don't embarass him. This is classic Hogan/Bischoff/Russo right here. No respect for guys who are thought of as anything less than a total legend. It's bullshit. Oh yeah, and this was an absolutely terrible match.

Tommy Dreamer/Rhino

This was beyond pointless. I can't even begin to explain how sick and tired I am of having to listen to the same bullshit from Tommy Dreamer, week in and week out. "You mean so much to THIS business!" "You are a legend!" "I know your kids names, so that means we're WAYYYY beyond kayfabe, BROTHER!" It's not bad to have a nostalgic moment every now and again..but every freakin' week with Tommy Dreamer is beyond boring. The crowd doesn't care, and neither do we. End this EV2 shit, once and for all, please. Oh yeah, and Rhino CARRIED that promo, and he speared the hell out of RVD.

Abyss vs. Shannon Moore

Ya know, we can go weeks without seeing Amazing Red, Doug Williams (in the ring), Rob Terry, etc. Why, for just one week, can we not go without Abyss? This was another terrible match, no surprise when Abyss is in there. Pope comes out of the casket "Undertaker-style" and beats on Abyss. How did Pope do that??? Taker and Kane have "supernatural" gimmicks, the Pope does not. Probably not as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be, but this feud is shit, and I'm sick of it already.

Mickie James vs. Angelina

Decent women's match here. But, I have to say, I think Angelina looks like a broken down, 40-year old stripper.

Bubba Ray's Explanation

Bubba comes out talking about why he did what he did...like anyone cares. He toots 3D's horn, as usual, totally unaware that they are NOT the best tag team of all time, not even close. He brings up big-time legends, talking about how he's beaten them. Yeah Bubba, go ahead and put yourself in the category of guys like Austin, Rock, Taker and Kurt Angle. What an idiot.

"I'm the Shawn Michaels" he says. Yeah...you're both Marty's, Bubba. Neither of you are in the same universe as HBK, sorry to tell you. So now we're not only "treated" to a feud no one cares about, but we have Bubba straight lying about how good he and Devon really were? This angle has done the impossible..gotten even worse.

Flair vs. Morgan

Flair hits about 5,000 chops, face-plans 2 or 3 times, sells his ass off and is bleeding like a stuck pig...so nothing really out of the ordinary here. Flair makes Morgan look like a monster by, as usual, looking as weak as possible while still showing why he's one of the greatest of all time. This wasn't a good match, but it was effective. Doug Williams is officially out of Fourtune, which is probably good for all involved. Not sure what this has to do with Morgan vs. Hardy, seeing it did nothing to further that feud...but it's TNA, so that's what should be expected.

OVERALL- I would give this show a D+. Much, much better than last weeks shitshow, but nothing special either. I'm still not sure who's feuding with who (Angle/Jarrett/Joe and Fourtune/Morgan/Hardy), but oh well. Anything is better than following Abyss into the shitter.
Ric Flair Calls Out Matt Morgan

Flair calls himself God again. He calls out Morgan. Flair threatens Morgan with a Fortune beat down. Flair challenges Morgan to a match. If Morgan wins he gets to name the special guest ref for his title match with Jeff at Final Resolution. If Flair wins, Morgan’s title shot is gone. Morgan gladly accepts the challenge. Morgan says he’s going to shove his size 18 boot up Flair’s ass. Yeah, this just didn’t do it for me. Morgan got a weak reaction here, and Flair constantly referring to himself as God became tiresome after a while. I know he’s Ric Flair, and he is a legend in the wrestling business, but I just think he went way over the top with the God stuff in this segment.

Motor City Machine Guns, Velvet Sky & Jay Lethal VS Generation Me, Robbie.E, & Cookie

Sabin gets blinded by Cookie’s hair spray, and Gen Me is able to pick up the win for their team. This match was pretty solid, but did we really need Cookie and Velvet here? With the exception of Robbie.E, I thought the men in this match did fine, but Cookie and Velvet just seemed to be there for eye candy. Cookie can’t seem to do anything but stomps, and Velvet isn’t one of the better Knockouts as far as wrestling goes. Also, Robbie’s selling looks kind of ridiculous sometimes. He goes over the top. The shaking after the inzguri looked very silly.

Jeff Jarrett’s MMA Exhibition

Jarrett comes out in MMA gear. He has a bunch of guys with him. He hops around like an idiot for a while. Borash narrates this whole thing. So Jarrett is a MMA expert now? Okay then. He demonstrates a bunch of MMA moves on these guys. He makes sure to mention Mir defeating Lesnar. Jarrett makes a reference to Karen Angle. Samoa Joe interrupts. He challenges Jarrett. Jarrett says Joe has to beat two of his guys, and then he can face him in a submission match. Joe destroys two of the guys. Jarrett dodges Joe again. One of the guys tries to be brave. He challenges Joe, but he gets a Muscle Buster for his troubles. I thought this entire segment was terrible and stupid. Jarrett looked a fool, and I just couldn’t buy into the whole “I’m a MMA expert” stuff. The crowd berated this segment with boring chants, and I couldn’t agree more. This had to be one of the worst segments I’ve seen on Impact all year.

Jeff Hardy VS Raven- If Raven loses, he’s gone from TNA

Jeff Hardy gets a long and extravagant introduction from Jeremy Borash. This was ordered by Eric Bischoff. This match was pretty dull. It was short, slow, and the match never really picked up any momentum. You knew Raven was going to lose here, so there was no suspense. After the match, Kendrick, Dreamer, and Richards try to console Raven, but Hulk Hogan comes out to crash the party. He trashes EV2.0. He publicly fires Raven.

Dreamer Calls Out Rhino

Rhino tells Dreamer he doesn’t take a backseat to anybody. Dreamer tries kiss Rhino’s ass, but he doesn’t go for it. Dreamer is disappointed in Rhino. He calls Rhino a quitter. He attacks Dreamer’s injured wrist. RVD comes to the rescue. RVD holds his own for a while, but Rhino hits the Gore to get the upper hand. I enjoyed Rhino on the mic here. He showed a lot of intensity and emotion, but I just don’t care about this whole situation. I hate Dreamer, and I don’t think Rhino will do anything major after this, so this whole thing just feels kind of pointless to me.

Abyss VS Shannon Moore- Casket Match

Abyss is about to throw Moore into the casket, but Pope stops him, and this one ends in a DQ?!?! A casket match ending a DQ? I was literally speechless when this happened. Moore helps chase The Monster away. The match was okay. Things were going good until Pope showed up, but you just knew the interference was coming sooner or later, so this didn’t surprise me.

Angelina Love VS Mickie James-#1 Contender’s Match For The TNA Knockouts Championship

Mickie hits a Spike DDT for the win. I actually enjoyed this match. This match had a strong competitive feel to it, and there was some nice back and forth action between Mickie and Angelina. I’m glad Mickie won this, because I don’t want to see Angelina in the Knockouts title picture again.

We’re backstage, and Angelina is throwing a tantrum after her loss to Mickie. Winter appears. She tries to comfort Angelina. I'm really liking this angle so far. Angelina seems to be on her way to a feud with Winter, and I can't wait to see how things will further develop.

Bubba Ray Explains

Bubba Rey comes out. He takes credit for Team 3D’s finishing move. He names everyone who has fallen to the 3D finishing move. He’s pissed about Chris Sabin kicking out of the 3D. He blames Devon for this. He says Devon was weak. Bubba compares himself to SHAWN MICHAELS. Wow….just wow. Yeah, this almost put me to sleep. The only thing that woke me up is my laughter from Bubba comparing himself to HBK. Seriously, who gives a shit about this feud? I’m just glad Devon didn’t come out and tell his side of the story, but unfortunately, it’ll probably happen next week.

Matt Morgan VS Ric Flair

Flair shoves Morgan into the ref. The ref is out, so this allows Flair to hit one of his famous low blows. This spills over into ReAction. Morgan manages to get the upper hand. Flair gets busted open, and of course Fortune comes down for the attack. Doug Williams hesitates to attack Morgan. He turns on Fortune. Morgan hits the Carbon Footprint for the win. The ref FINALLY gets in the ring, and he makes the three count. Wow. So the ref gets knocked out, Fortune comes down for the beat down, Flair bleeds for the 10,000th time, and we get a Williams face turn. This match just felt like a mess. You knew Flair wasn’t going to do this alone, and Morgan losing would not have made sense. The Williams face turn could be something to look forward to. Immortal is a mega stable, so more people are going to be needed to take them down, and members from within the stable will defect as time goes on.

Overall Show Rating 5/10: I thought tonight‘s episode was okay. I have zero interest in the Bubba Ray VS Devon feud, and I just can’t stand how Team 3D (whether it be Bubba or Devon) keeps going on about their greatness. It’s enough already. I also don’t care about the situation between Rhino, Dreamer, and RVD. Watching Jarrett use his “MMA skills” to taunt Joe and Angle was painful to watch. It was by far one the worst segments I’ve ever seen. I enjoyed Angleina VS Mickie. It was the only match I could truly get into tonight, and it wasn’t bad at all. The rest of the wrestling on tonight’s show was either solid or very lackluster. Also, Flair VS Morgan as the main event just didn’t do it for me.
My DVR cut off the first 10 minutes of Impact, so I didn't see the promo between Flair and Morgan, but I got the gist as the show went on.

It certainly was a better show overall, but it was more of a hit and miss kind of show. My points:

- First match is the 8 man (6 man 2 woman?) tag match. The pairings actually make sense except for the women actually being in the match. So, the point of having Velvet Sky and Cookie in the ring was...

- Robbie E. was just silly. This is the new X-division champ? From "No Frills" Douglas Williams to proud Jay Lethal to Jersey clown Robbie E. Keep in mind he's now 5-0, only won one clean match, and hasn't looked dominant in anything.

- On that note, I have a thought: since X-pac is gone from wrestling, can we redub "X-pac heat" to "Robbie heat?" I know he's new and all but it seems the consensus is that he has X-pac heat. Plus, doesn't it sound right? "Robbie heat?"

- Shouldn't Chris Sabin's heel gimmick be "I'm porking this HOT ASS CHICK and YOU'RE NOT!" Don't you hate him now for that?

- And why is he cool with Alex Shelley staring at her like she's lunch?

- I understand that Generation Me doesn't like the Motor City Machine Guns, but maybe they should do something to get better. Like, beat another tag team maybe?

- A rep point to anyone who can name me ONE MMA fighter Jeff Jarrett can beat. At least The Undertaker studied it, has a bad-ass reputation, is a biker in real life, and is 7 feet tall and 300 pounds. Even though his injury history would be his downfall, he could do some damage to some guys. Didn't Jeff Jarrett lose to a porn star named Japan or something?

- On the MMA note, when did Jarrett start becoming a submission specialist? Didn't he badly steal the Figure Four from Ric Flair?

- One more thing and that's it on JJ, why does Jeff have TWO feuds going? Jarrett is feuding with Angle and Joe? I know Angle hates all of the Immortals but his main focus has been Jarrett. Styles and Fourtune get to share EV2 but Jarrett gets TNA's two best face wrestlers (arguably)?

- Jeff Hardy looks coked up now. I hope someone noticed him stagger out crazily, and it didn't look like an act to me. I'm sorry but his new persona would work so much better without Hogan and Bischoff. If you ran a wrestling company, would you want a coked up Antichrist as your top champion?

- Does Jeff's new custom-made World Title glow in the dark? Wouldn't that make it the real X title (as in the drug X)?

- What a sorry way for Raven to go. A bad match that saw none of Raven's real trademarks (drop-toe hold to the chair, taunts, or even the DDT) followed by Hogan mocking him. Plus, in the ring Jeff as a heel is not crisp anymore, and it seems like he's avoiding doing moves which may confuse him.

- I know people rag on Tommy Dreamer but I like the guy. He's always passionate when he speaks and he does have a commanding feel to him. He's been a locker room leader for years and has always been unselfish. I hope they let him do more than just say goodbye to people.

- RVD vs. Rhino should give me more thrill, but it doesn't. It just doesn't have the appeal anymore.

- I have a problem with the booking of Matt Morgan: I feel like they hotshot this match. Hardy beating Morgan cleanly kinda took away the luster. I know Hardy needed the victory, but at least Morgan should scare him a little.

- Shannon Moore sure loves accepting challenges, doesn't he?

- Abyss sure can get DQ'd in matches that should not have DQ's, can't he?

- And what's the point of Janice now?

- One TNA does well is make their smaller guys look tough. In the WWE Moore would have been practically buried except a few token moves. In TNA Moore and Abyss looked even. Problem is it hurts Abyss more. Another chance to make Abyss a monster fails.

- Let's see: a dark, brooding figure in a long trench coat whose brother turned on him, always seems to have a casket lying around, can appear in them when needed, has problems facing wrestlers in masks and has a legion of fans. I got it: The UnderPope! Truthfully I hope The Pope does become TNA's version of The Undertaker: a wrestler you can count on for big matches and a locker room leader.

- When I heard Shannon Moore had a Dilligraf title made, I actually became curious. Could Moore be the one to beat Robbie E?

- Angelina Love vs. Mickie James really should have been a better match. I also think we haven't seen the last time. Angelina and Velvet's temper tantrums lead me to believe we're due yet another heel turn, with The Beautiful People back in their heelish ways against Mickie when she wins the belt. Which leads me to wonder if Madison Rayne will rejoin them, and the involvement of Winter. Lots of possibilities, which leads to good storylines.

- Bubba Ray saying he's like Shawn Michaels is like saying the Spice Girls are like The Beatles. I admit the guy has done a lot, seeing as he's been a part of a dominant tag team in several companies, but I need to see more if he's going to be a World Champion. A lot more! Winning the Hardcore title does not a top singles star make.

- Ric Flair is helping create stars in TNA, but he doesn't need to bleed for it. Every match he's blading. Maybe it gives him some kind of rush, but it's just so dangerous and unnecessary. I can't believe TNA is taking head shots seriously and still allowing a 60 year old man to cut himself.

- Douglas Williams turns face and helps Morgan win. I actually expected this. It makes sense except that it's 5 out of 8 shows someone has changed alignment. The prevailing thought is seeing Styles vs. Williams for the TV title. I could enjoy that.

- One theory I read is that it could be a double swerve, where either Morgan or Williams are still aligned with Fourtune and will reveal it at an important point later, but for what purpose? It's not like the faces are unified in any way right now.

- Last thing: it's a better show when there's wrestling. They got Jay Lethal and the Motor City Machine Guns on, so I'm happy. They gave us a preview to Angelina Love vs. Mickie James, and setting up the PPV. I understand we need to set things up, but when the set-ups are done, show me more matches! A great TNA Impact or PPV to me is six matches or more. Maybe one day. Sigh...
The numbers for iMPACT! and ReAction are in and they're not all that great, generally speaking. TNA ultimately managed to finish still in their average range, though it was on the very low end of the average totem pole.

Last Night's iMPACT! drew a 1.07 rating with 1.4 million viewers, down from the 1.16 and 1.63 million viewers from last week. The numbers it started out with were solid:

Hour 1:

Q1: 1.13 - Flair Promo, Flair calls out Matt Morgan & Generation Me backstage with Tara

Q2: 1.12 - MCMGs, Jay Lethal & Velvet Sky vs. GenMe, Robbie E & Cookie, Beginning of Jeff Jarrett backstage segment

Q3: 1.13 - Jeff Jarrett backstage segment continues, Jarrett/Angle video package, Jeff Jarrett MMA demonstration

Q4: 1.13 - Samoa Joe confronts Jarrett & students, EV2.0 backstage, beginning of Jeff Hardy vs. Raven

Hour 2:

Q5: 1.10 - Hardy vs. Raven continued, EV2.0 consoles Raven, Dreamer Promo on Rhino & Rhino takes out Dreamer & RVD

Q6: 0.97 - Abyss pushes out the casket, Morgan showed backstage, Abyss vs. Shannon Moore & Angeling Love backstage

Q7: 1.00 - Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Bubba Ray backstage

Q8: 0.98 - Angelina Love & Winter, Bubba Ray promo & Matt Morgan vs. Ric Flair beginning

The first hour of iMPACT! drew a 1.13 rating, which is an overall solid number for the show. The second hour took a good sized dip and it drew a 1.01 rating with two segments drawing under a 1.0.

As for ReAction, it's numbers weren't all that hot either. As the rest of Morgan & Flair kicked off ReAction, the audience dipped further. The last quarter of iMPACT drew a 0.98 and instead of the audience increasing for ReAction, as it tends to do, the 1st quarter of ReAction only drew a 0.77. It dropped further still in the 2nd quarter to a 0.59 and further still with the 3rd & 4th quarters both drawing a 0.51. As a result, ReAction drew a 0.595, or a 0.6, with about 705,000 viewers.

It looks like a lot of fans had little interest in seeing Morgan vs. Flair and ReAction featuring an empty arena match between the Guns & Generation Me.
Impact was enjoyable. It wasn't great and I didn't like the show as a whole but still better than last week's show.

Shouldn't Chris Sabin's heel gimmick be "I'm porking this HOT ASS CHICK and YOU'RE NOT!" Don't you hate him now for that?

I am so glad someone brought this up. We know Velvet is dating the guy in real life but why mention it? Just because it's real doesn't mean it has to be on TV. Plus you would think Velvet would be the last person TNA would want to admit is dating someone in real life. And your right this actually would make people dislike Sabin. I couldn't enjoy Velvet's entrance this week with Taz's usual dumb comments and Sabin looking dead at her ass. We get it Sabin you have her in real life and we can only dream about it. Honestly I don't get the logic behind doing it.

Anyway the 8 person tag was fun. I liked Velvet's headscissors takedown to Max and she did a lot more than Taylor Wilde did last week and actually got her hands on Cookie. The finish was kind of lame with the spray to the eyes though. Winners: GenerationMe & The Shore.

Jeff Jarrett's MMA exhibition was actually amusing to me.

I still think Jeff Hardy's title looks like crap and it looks like a Decepticon. The match with Raven was OK. It's sad to see Raven go because was of the few EV2 guys who liked.

So just because Rhino turns heel he can take out both Tommy Dreamer & RVD now? Really?!

Abyss vs Shannon Moore in a casket match was stupid. Plus I'm really suppose to believe that Shannon Moore can go toe to toe with Abyss now? Also how does a casket match end in a no contest? Plus the Pope must think he's the Undertaker now the way he layed in the casket.

Brother Ray saying he was the Shawn Michaels of Team 3D was the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

Mickie James vs Angelina Love was a good KO match. I still don't care for the Winter storyline but it may get interesting soon.

Matt Morgan vs Ric Flair was entertaining. Though tired of seeing the Nature Boy get busted open. I still can't buy Doug Williams as a face though.

Overall Impact was OK this week.
Thoughts on tonight's Impact. It wasn't quite as bad as the Impact from 2 weeks ago but I wasn't feeling it overall.

Rhino vs Tommy Dreamer - Last Street Fight
It was OK but real short. Then when find out that RVD will face Rhino in a 1st blood match at Final Resolution.

Ric Flair trys to get TBP to join him and Immortal for Thanksgiving dinner they are suppose to be faces yet they were going to leave with him until Madison, Tara & Mickie showed up and the brawl broke out. Also I looks like Angelina isn't the only one who can see Winter now since Sarita asks who she was. Velvet was really acting heelish and I have no idea why she was holding her action figure plus she seems to have a problem with Mickie now. So TBP seem to have no problem with Immortal. The thing bugs me the most is Velvet's boyfriend's tag team biggest rivals Beer Money are a part of that group and she has no problem going to eat with them? It just weird but of course it's TNA.

Madison Rayne vs Sarita - Non title match
OK match. Sarita wins with a crappy pin.

I was funny seeing Immortal get creeped out by the things Abyss was thankful for. AJ's expression was priceless.

I was thought Jeff Jarrett wanted to be a MMA fighter now was funny.

Jeff Jarrett vs Jesse Neal - Submission Match
It was what it was. A way to get heat on Jarrett in the feud with Samoa Joe.

Brother Ray's promo was good but I still don't care about a Team 3D feud.

Matt Morgan, The Pope, Samoa Joe & Doug Williams vs Forture - 8 Man Elimination Tag
It started out good but the finish sucked. Really a no contest in a elimination tag match?! Come on.

Another thing TNA really needs to time out the matches better so they don't have to spill into Reaction.

Overall So So Impact.
Lol Jarrert MMA gimmick is terrible but its terribly funny. The show overall was boring as hell, all matches were too fast and the segments were crap except for Jarrert's sgement with MMA.
We start off with Immortal celebrating Thanksgiving. Bischoff gives a big speech. There’s an empty seat at the table. Eric says it’s for Dixie. The rest of Immortal is pissed off about this.

Matt Morgan

Matt Morgan comes out to open the show. He says Jeff was lucky to retain the title at Turning Point. He talks about the special guest referee. Douglas Williams comes out. He runs down Immortal. Doug has apparently joined Morgan in fighting the good fight. Fortune interrupts. Flair goes nuts. Kaz steps in. He reveals Fortune’s attack plan. There’s going to be an 8 man elimination tag team match tonight. Morgan and Doug need to find partners. This opening segment was kind of dull. The best part about this was Flair going nuts. Other than that, everything else here just didn’t do it for me. Someone else in Fortune should’ve had a chance to speak, because Kaz sounded awkward on the mic here. And I don’t know who came up with the “Matty Matty Chicken Patty” line, but this had to be one of the worst insults I’ve ever heard.

Tommy Dreamer VS Rhino- The Last Street Fight

Rhino goes for The Gore, but Dreamer whacks him with a cookie sheet for the win. This match was pretty dull. This was slow and very short. Also, why was this called The Last” Street Fight? I was expecting something brutal and viscous, but we didn’t see it here. After the match, Dreamer talks about friendship. They shake hands, but Rhino quickly turns on Dreamer. He puts him through a table. RVD comes out with a chair. He chases away Rhino. RVD announces a first blood match at Final Resolution.

Knockouts Brawl

We’re in the parking lot area. Micike and Tara engage in yet another brawl. Angelina,Velvet, and Madison scuffle. Sarita gets involved. Winter comes to the rescue, and now she has been seen by the other Knockouts. She tells the other Knockouts to leave Angelina alone. I really couldn’t get into this. The best part about all of this was Winter’s appearance. I could care less about Tara and Mickie because their feud has been pretty lackluster so far.

Madison VS Sarita

Madison is pissed about the brawl earlier. She comes to the ring with Earl Hebner. She challenges Sarita to a match. Sarita gladly accepts. This was another match I couldn’t get into to. It wasn’t too bad, but this match wasn’t that good either. This just felt very awkward. It was short, and this match never really picked up at any point. Very boring show so far.

Jesse Neal VS Jeff Jarrett- MMA Match

Jarrett uses Brian Hebner as a shield, as Neal runs into him. Jarrett smashes a guitar over Neals head. Jarrett puts on the rear naked choke, and he gets the win via submission. Wow. This was just so fucking stupid. Neal spent most of the match trying to avoid Jarrett’s submissions, and you just knew some foul play was going to take place sooner or later. I’m sorry, but I just can’t get into this whole” Jarrett is a MMA expert stuff.” What’s wrong with Jarrett just being a wrestler? It’s not like he’s bad in the ring. Jarrett can put on good matches every now and then. I don't think he needs this MMA stuff.

Bubba Rey Continues To Taunt Devon

Bubba says Devon deserved what he got. Bubba shows us highlights of Devon getting his ass kicked in various matches. Bubba then shows us his highlights. Of course he leaves out all of the bad stuff. He says he’s responsible for Team 3D’s success. Bubba throws down a challenge to meet Devon face to face in the Impact Zone next week. Bubba wasn’t bad on the mic here, but I just don’t care about this feud. I don’t want to see these two wrestle each other. Also, Bubba and Devon competing in singles competition isn’t something to look forward to.

Douglas Williams, Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan, & The Pope VS Fortune- 8 Man Elimination Tag Team

Joe snaps. He starts to beat the crap out of Pope. They fight into the backstage area. This spills over into ReAction. Morgan holds his own against Roode and Styles, but Jeff Hardy comes down. He takes out the referee with a Twist Of Hate. Hardy, Roode, and Styles beat down Morgan to close Impact/ReAction. This match wasn’t bad, but I wasn’t too crazy about the ending. The match was going good, but TNA just had to have this one end with some foul play. Why couldn't Hardy have come down for the beat down after the match? Also, Joe snapping on Pope didn’t surprise me at all. Seriously, who couldn’t see that coming?

Dixie Carter/Immortal Confrontation

Dixie says the judge has slapped an injunction on Hogan. She says Hogan’s services are no longer needed. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I literally facepalmed during this segment. TNA promoted the hell out of this all night long, they wait until ReAction to air this, and the fucking segment lasts about two or three minutes? Dixie freakin’ Carter, the president of TNA returns, and they have a two or three minute segment on ReAction? TNA should’ve given this more time, because Hulk Hogan being disciplined is a huge issue.

Overall Show Rating 2/10:
Terrible, terrible show tonight. The majority of the wrestling on tonight’s show was very lackluster and short. The tag team match wasn’t bad, but the ending just killed it for me. I still can’t get into this “Jarrett is a MMA expert” stuff. I don’t think it’s funny or entertaining in any way. I just think it’s ridiculous and stupid. Final Resolution is getting closer, and I’m not excited about the pay per view at all. Bubba Rey and Devon? Matt Morgan VS Jeff Hardy? I have a good idea who the special guest ref will be, and the focus of the match will probably be on him, and not Hardy and Morgan. RVD VS Rhino might be decent, but I doubt this feud will do anything for Rhino. He’ll be stuck in the mid card again, while making a few appearances on Impact every now and then. I just can’t get excited about any of this. And then to top it off, they waste Dixie’s big return with a VERY short segment on ReAction? Last week’s show was okay, but I thought this episode of Impact was very boring and lifeless.
I started watching Impact tonight. While I was watching it I realized something.. I have absolutely no interest in any of the characters in TNA right now or any of the storylines. I turned the show off after that. I cannot believe how boring TNA Impact is. The matches weren't good, the segments were uninteresting and boring, and there's no characters in TNA that are interesting. TNA has done a horrible job lately of writing characters that stand out and have anything to offer the viewer in my eyes, because I don't care about any of them. They're all bland and lacking.. something.. I don't even know how to describe it. Listening to Matt Morgan's bad promo at the start of the show, and then Kazarian of all people cut a HORRIBLE promo where he went so far as to say, "Mattie mattie chicken pattie". Are you kidding me?

Rhino's in a PPV match against RVD and he LOSES against Tommy Dreamer!? How can anyone care at all about the PPV match or not know RVD's going to win. Why does anyone need to pay for the PPV and watch it with this kind of horrible build? Bubba vs. Devon? Who the fuck wants to see that? Morgan vs. Hardy AGAIN, where the outcomes as predictable as it was the last time. In fact, it's even more predictable now.

How the hell can TNA fail so badly at building to a PPV? Who in their right mind would actually spend money on a PPV where every single outcome is known and none of the matches are interesting in the least? I feel as if TNA's hitting an all time low with how bad their product is. Then you have the Dixie Carter segment. Holy FUCK!

TNA needs to realize the state they're in and do some changes quickly. Seriously. It's getting to the point where if they don't realize they have a problem and fix it its going to be too late. When you're in the low 1's for YEARS, and you're constantly failing to improve and make any ground, how the hell can you be so blind as to not realize you need to make a change. How the hell can Vince Russo still be writing for TNA after years of failing to make ANY ground. It baffles the mind!

Impact's grade is a giant F!

Please for the love of GOD make some changes, make some improvements, do something so I can actually get behind you and not feel like you're wasting all that great talent.
Tonight's Impact was boring I will agree with you. I fell asleep during the main event.

The ratings are low yes, but you also need to understand that SpikeTV is not available in all US markets. I live in California where we have it all around the state, but I know people in other states that don't get SpikeTV. Blame the ratings on that. Remember when the WWE was on SpikeTV (TNN at the time) and you remember how low their ratings were. No wonder why they jumped back to USA a few years after that.

As for PPVs, TNA doesn't use PPVs to make a lot of money. They use it for bonus cash. Unlike the WWE which would rather build up a PPV card right (and yes I'm a TNA fan) to sell a PPV. TNA is all about ratings, not about buys. I think that's a quote from Eric Bischoff.

I started watching Impact tonight. While I was watching it I realized something.. I have absolutely no interest in any of the characters in TNA right now or any of the storylines. I turned the show off after that. I cannot believe how boring TNA Impact is. The matches weren't good, the segments were uninteresting and boring, and there's no characters in TNA that are interesting. TNA has done a horrible job lately of writing characters that stand out and have anything to offer the viewer in my eyes, because I don't care about any of them. They're all bland and lacking.. something.. I don't even know how to describe it. Listening to Matt Morgan's bad promo at the start of the show, and then Kazarian of all people cut a HORRIBLE promo where he went so far as to say, "Mattie mattie chicken pattie". Are you kidding me?

Rhino's in a PPV match against RVD and he LOSES against Tommy Dreamer!? How can anyone care at all about the PPV match or not know RVD's going to win. Why does anyone need to pay for the PPV and watch it with this kind of horrible build? Bubba vs. Devon? Who the fuck wants to see that? Morgan vs. Hardy AGAIN, where the outcomes as predictable as it was the last time. In fact, it's even more predictable now.

How the hell can TNA fail so badly at building to a PPV? Who in their right mind would actually spend money on a PPV where every single outcome is known and none of the matches are interesting in the least? I feel as if TNA's hitting an all time low with how bad their product is. Then you have the Dixie Carter segment. Holy FUCK!

TNA needs to realize the state they're in and do some changes quickly. Seriously. It's getting to the point where if they don't realize they have a problem and fix it its going to be too late. When you're in the low 1's for YEARS, and you're constantly failing to improve and make any ground, how the hell can you be so blind as to not realize you need to make a change. How the hell can Vince Russo still be writing for TNA after years of failing to make ANY ground. It baffles the mind!

Impact's grade is a giant F!

Please for the love of GOD make some changes, make some improvements, do something so I can actually get behind you and not feel like you're wasting all that great talent.
Another weel, another lackluster Impact. I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm finding lots of things to laugh. I'll always watch wrestling like I did during the WCW days until they offend me, but they'll need a lot more to keep everyone else. Here are my points:

- A massive dinner with all of Immortal just feels like the Corporate Ministry is meeting for a reunion.

- I got a feeling this dinner is more about the humor. The main heels of the show are doing comic skits now. And did anyone notice Eric Young catering? Not a good sign.

- The opening promo had its good points. Douglas Williams was pretty funny and had some natural timing. It didn’t feel scripted, which made it both homegrown but a little rough. Except for the censor beeps though, didn’t it feel a little childish with the 1st grade style insults? Kaz just doesn’t work the mic well.

- I still wish every show didn’t begin with the same long ass promos.

- So the Immortals are having dinner DURING the show? Wouldn’t eating turkey before the matches be a really bad idea?

- Was Jeff Hardy at the dinner or did I miss him?

- I’ll tell you honestly: I’m tired of blood. WWE doesn’t use it at all and TNA overuses it to try to compensate. Frankly, I'd rather save the blood for a big moment, like a PPV or a really brutal attack. So far Flair and Dreamer combined must have a gallon of blood spilled by now.

- Even in the old-school ECW and Hardcore matches, a cookie sheet never beat anyone. I could hit my 80 year old grandma with one and she’d just look at me cross-eyed. And not in the comic injured way either.

- From a Last Street Fight to a First Blood Match. I see the relation. Again, didn't the promos with RVD and Rhyno seem childish in nature?

- So we're supposed to care that an old man is going to hit on women who are 1/3 his age?

- Then again, Angelina Love hasn't looked too well lately. Maybe she could use a sugar daddy.

- I do like Samoa Joe being on his own. Makes more sense to the character.

- I knew The Beautiful People fit better as heels. They're going to party with Ric Flair and ignore Mickie? And they gang up on Madison during the fight? The Knockout division has my interest again as we need to sift through who's on who's side. Look at the line-up: Angelina, Madison, Velvet, Tara, Mickie, Sarita, Winter, and Taylor Wilde. Not a bad roster, and there's still Cookie who hasn't shown anything yet and Miss Tessmacher "training."

- I wonder if Chris Sabin will question Velvet opening flirting with Flair and agreeing to hang with a bunch of men (that oppose them technically) and being referred to as "candy." Never mind; I think too much and I've said enough.

- There's Jeff Hardy...coming out a room full of smoke! LOL! I HAVE NO COMMENT!!! LOL!

- Hardy's real speech before editing: "I am larger than life. I am the sky, I am the clouds, I am the water, I am earth, I am things, all things to all people, I am high as balls because that was some good shit in there, and I love being in TNA where I can toke up anytime I want to, and I have more shit to smoke and snort, but I will eat."

- Nice move putting the empty arena match on Impact because I missed it. Very intense match that showed the dark side of the Motor City Machine Guns. I like it.

- Wait a minute. The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me in a CLT match? Are they that afraid of calling it a TLC match? Or is it a copyright thing. Luckily the tables aren't Italian or Irish, or else that'd be a very naughty match.

- Nice points by Morgan and Williams recruiting The Pope. At least he's not just jumping in because he's a face.

- One live match in the first hour? Again? I guess I can count the empty arena match as the 2nd match.

- Madison Rayne's boyfriend must wear earplugs to bed.

- Speaking of Madison, she is the WEAKEST Women's champion I've ever seen. Even Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley had men to help her win. All Madison has is Tara, and she's always fighting Mickie or hitting on Max and Jeremy Buck.

- Come on, Knockouts. You can do better than this. Whoever plans the Knockouts matches, stop smoking out with Jeff and put more cohesion in the matches.

- Jeff Hardy came out of a room full of smoke! HA HA HA HA HA!

- No one's told me any MMA fighter that Jarrett can beat. Anyone?

- What idiot company hired Eric Young to cater? And ONLY Eric Young?!

- You know, I wonder how many of the children in the video could beat Jarrett in MMA. I'm betting at least 50% of them. They got speed, stamina and youth on their side.

- If they're going to do MMA stuff, why not go all the way? Bring in some real MMA fighters! So many want into the WWE, why doesn't TNA at least make them an offer first? Even if they it down, that's still press.

- 3 live matches so far, and all three actually drew boos for how boring they were. Ouch.

- You can't have Jesse talk about how tough he is, only to spend most of the match taking punishment.

- A guitar Jarrett? Really? A new gimmick with old shit? And notice how no one marked out over it?

- Brother Ray's problem with D-Von and the 3D doesn't make too much sense. Ray is the one that does the cutter part of 3D. D-Von does the flapjack lift. So unless Ray is mad that D-Von didn't lift him high enough, it's HIS fault the cutter didn't work. Again, I'm thinking too much.

- Brother Ray isn't hard to find. Especially on Thanksgiving. Just follow the bones and food remnants.

- I love how Fourtune always wears matching tights. Nice touch for the group.

- On that note, why does Fourtune suck at elimination and group tag team matches? Thet're already 0-2 and this contest is actually worse because they

- Another match carried over in to ReAction. Lovely. One that ended in a no contest for no reason!

- No Robbie E. or Jay Lethal tonight?

- Lastly: Jeff Hardy CAME OUT OF A ROOM FULL OF SMOKE!!! :lmao:
Thanksgiving Day Impact

Opening Segment

Immortal is having a big Turkey-day dinner, and Bischoff says Dixie is invited. This should be amazing...

Matt Morgan

Morgan talks about Hardy and who the special ref is going to be. Doug Williams comes out, volunteers, and is sort of shot down. I'm glad these two are joining forces, and Williams is a bigger part of this TNA vs. Immortal feud. Morgan's a bit too much on the mic sometimes, but I guess it fits his character.

Fourtune comes out, and Flair is hilarious, as usual. We're going to have an 8-man elimination match to celebrate the tradition of having "wrestling" on Thanksgiving. To be honest, I don't even mind that TNA is complete ripping of WWF's original Survivor Series format. Sounds like a decent main event, if TNA doesn't fumble the thing up.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhino in "The Last Street Fight"...whatever that means

Shit match. Both of these guys are moving at about half the speed of most normal wrestlers, and do nothing worth remembering. After Dreamers wins this pointless contest, he deicides to grab the mic, which should be of no surprise to me. Once again, he goes on and on about friendship, loyalty, respect...yeah, the usual garbage he spits. He attempts to make friends with the WarMachine, and Rhino creams him. RVD comes out, and challenges Rhino to a "First Blood" match at the PPV.

A "First Blood" match?? Is this a joke? First of all, Dreamer was bleeding about 40 seconds into his match with Rhino tonight, so it's obviously not that hard to bust someone open on TNA programming. Second, someone bleeds in just about EVERY match they have on Impact, so where's the shock-value in a First Blood match on PPV? You cannot have people bleeding on a weekly basis and expect it to draw come PPV time, it just doesn't work that way.

Knockouts Fight In the Parking Lot

Flair was the only entertaining part of this entire segment. He "WOO's" his way in there, and for no apparent reason, every woman TNA has begins to brawl. This is total chaos, and no one knows what the hell is going on. They're hot, I'll give em' that...but that's all this division has going for it. And what in the hell was with Katie Lee (or however she spells it)? Everything she did tonight was just...terrible.

Madison vs. Sarita

Another women's segment, that I'm sure no one really cared about. But, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Sarita actually go after The Beautiful People in the parking lot, and not Madison? Maybe I missed something, but I think this was a botch from start (the parking lot) to finish.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Jesse Neal, MMA Fight

Am I the only one who laughed my ass off during Jarrett's video package of him destroying those children?

This match was...well, it wasn't a match. It was trash, and a complete waste of time. While Jarrett has been mildly entertaining in this "MMA" role, it really doesn't fit the feud he's in. He looks like a joke, and if he actually beats anyone with this gimmick, they will look like a joke as well.

Bubba Ray Talks About D-Von..again

Did we not just see this same interview (minus the pointless video package) just a week ago? Nothing new here, seeing most of us know this feud is shit. D-Von will be here next week...why wasn't he there this week? I wasn't excited for this feud, and now I'm remembering why.

Matt Morgan/Doug Williams/Pope/Samoa Joe vs. Fourtune

Wow, TNA really dropped the ball here, in several ways. 1. The action was decent, but short. Pope and Joe took off so TNA could have another talking segment, I guarantee it. 2. Can we get a clean finish once in a while? I'm not asking for every week, because when you have Hogan, Bischoff and Russo in charge, you know that's not possible. But sometimes would be nice. 3. The damn match runs into Reaction, AGAIN! Stop doing that, some people DVR this shit and can't see the end. TNA took a match with a lot of potential, and flushed it right down the shitter.

Dixie Comes To Dinner (good title?)

THIS is the main event? A backstage, talking segment? Jesus, this is ridiculous. Dixie has some kind of injunction against Hogan. What that injunction entails, I'm not really sure, because while they talked a lot about it, they really didn't say much. Hogan can't sign new talent, or does Hogan no longer have any control at all? Horrible explanation to a bad segment.

OVERALL- This show gets a D-. It would be an F, but I've seen worse. Hardly any wrestling, again, and the wrestling we did get wasn't worth anything. Too much talking, too much Immortal. And the problem with too much Immortal is the fact that the other angles they have going are just as bad, if not worse. TNA's creative direction is really, really bad right now. I feel bad for their roster.

And what was with Jeff Hardy walking in, followed by purple smoke?? Idiotic.
Date: November 25, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Don West, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

It’s Thanksgiving and Dixie is allegedly back tonight. Other than that there isn’t much going on here. We have two gimmick matches scheduled. Does that surprise anyone? Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the ending of Impact last week which is where Williams turned on Fourtune and Morgan won the right to pick the referee for the Final Resolution main event. Even money says it’s Anderson.

Immortal and Fourtune are having Thanksgiving dinner. Bischoff toasts them all and they all have a drink of what looks like water. Hogan keeps talking for no apparent reason. There’s a seat saved for Dixie and Immortal/Fourtune isn’t happy in the slightest.

In the arena Morgan is here, mostly rocking a suit. He says he should be champion and Hardy only is champion because of a mistake by a referee. Morgan says he needs someone that is tough and will kick ass and take names and all that jazz. Williams comes out for no apparent reason.

He runs down Fourtune and says he doesn’t like AJ and all that such and such. Ok so he’s running down Kaz. Uh make that Beer Money. Basic stuff here but it works for the most part. The fans don’t react to any of it but whatever. Williams offers to be the referee and Morgan says maybe. He has another ten days to pick the referee. Oh give me a break.

And here’s Fourtune to waste some more of our time. Flair is all pissed off and wants to charge the ring but Kaz stops him. 8 man tag tonight apparently. Oh and it’s elimination. Ok then.

We recap Dreamer and the whole EV thing. Dreamer vs. Rhyno in a street fight next.

Back at the Thanksgiving thing which is apparently backstage at the arena. Flair is iced again. Is this supposed to be entertaining still?

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhyno

This is the LAST street fight which is named that uh….just because. Dreamer still has the bad wrist. Weapons are busted out and Dreamer is suplexed on the ramp. Dreamer is busted. Shoulder block from Rhyno hits the trash can wedged into the corner. Some metal thing crushes Rhyno’s head. Table is set up in the corner and since Rhyno sets it up…it’s never used. The Gore is countered by a cookie sheet and a rollup for the pin. Less than five minutes for a street fight. Nice job guys.

Rating: D+. Pretty boring match here and guys seriously, if you’re going to use a gimmick match then give it more than five damn minutes. This went nowhere at all and it was to further the storyline rather than anything simple at all. And look here as we get more talking. Oh great.

Dreamer says that he and Rhyno tried to entertain the fans and it’s all cool. He gets beaten up for his efforts and here’s RVD. Somehow we have a first blood match at the PPV with Rhyno and Van Dam. Sure why not. Why did Rhyno lose anyway? He’s supposed to be a killer and he lost to Tommy Dreamer by pinfall. What the hell?

Back with Morgan talking to Joe. He apparently wants him to be the referee too I guess. Joe turns it down. Williams says Joe is a mad man and he’s going to be on their team tonight. Wait was this about the referee thing or not?

The Beautiful People get on some chick for some reason. Flair comes up to them and wants them to be eye candy at the dinner party. They want who appears to be Mickie also but Tara and Madison come in. Yep it’s another brawl. Mickie accidently hits Angelina. Sarita comes in and beats up Angelina. Winter saves her by screaming a lot and saying Angelina is with her. Freaking do something with this already.

Back to the dinner as the two talking segments were all we had for the time between two commercials. It’s time for the guest of honor and it’s Jeff. He is apparently the sky, the water and earth but he’ll eat. Sure why not.

We show the brawl on ReAction with the Guns and Gen Me. It’s dark so you can’t tell who is who. Naturally in a brawl they go into the ring and use wrestling moves. The kicks and such I can accept. This is clipped multiple times and it’s still relatively long. The Guns hit Skull and Bones through a table. They tied up the other one in the corner without ropes it seems so he spits on them and they kick him in the face to end this. Not a match but just a brawl.

The Guns are talking about it and Alex doesn’t seem happy with it but Sabin does. It’s Full Metal Mayhem (TNA’s TLC match which I’m sure the timing of having it the same month at WWE’s TLC PPV is just a coincidence, much like their guest referee thing and their elimination match tonight) at the PPV. Mickie or someone runs up looking for Sarita.

Williams and Morgan want Pope to join them and Joe tonight. He says he has Abyss to deal with or whatever. Morgan says team up with them anyway because beating Abyss means nothing for the most part as there are too many people for one guy to fight alone.

Madison Rayne brings out Hebner for some reason. Apparently she was the person that yelled at the Guns a few minutes ago. She’s mad at Sarita and wants her here now. She’s hot as the mad brunette. Apparently this is a match. Both are in jeans.

Madison Rayne vs. Sarita

So they’re having a match when it should be a brawl. Got it. Mickie vs. Tara at the PPV in ANOTHER gimmick match, this time falls count anywhere. They’re in the same clothes more or less so I can barely tell them apart. Madison’s jeans are lighter and her stomach is showing. That helps a bit.

Sarita counters a submission attempt into a rollup for two. Sarita slips on a top rope armdrag attempt and a bad looking dropkick follows. They keep doing this mock Mexican dancing thing until Sarita just grabs Madison’s leg to trip her and roll her up for the pin. Two matches, less than ten minutes combined. I guess this is going to be your standard match at the PPV.

Rating: D. The girls are both way hot and that’s all that’s keeping this from being a failure. Bad match and no point to it but the girls were sexy looking. Yeah I’m just filling in space now.

Jarrett is having an MMA match tonight. Oh just kill me now. He has some special DVD that we’re looking at after the break.

Back from another break (it’s 10:15 and we’ve had 9 minutes of wrestling) and Immortal and Fourtune say what they’re thankful for. Nothing you wouldn’t expect here.

The DVD Jarret had is of Jarrett showing a bunch of kids MMA stuff. A kid puts the ankle lock on him. Nice to see this: yes kids, here’s how to put submission holds on a kid. This is somehow less interesting than the rest of the show so far. Hogan is thankful for Dixie for some reason.

We get an MMA match next. And Jesse Neal is in it. Oh sweet merciful crap just end this damn show.

Jesse Neal vs. Jeff Jarrett

This is an MMA match officially but they call it a submission match. They’re in MMA gear here. I give up. To the shock of no one it becomes a wrestling match. Jarrett vs. Joe at the PPV in a submission match. Four matches announced, four gimmick matches. Neal gets out of an armbar and out of an ankle lock. And there goes the referee. Guitar shot to Neal and Jarrett locks on a rear naked choke as the referee gets up. Still didn’t crack five minutes.

Rating: D-. Another stupid as hell match and we still haven’t cracked 15 minutes of wrestling in an hour and a half. This is more stupidity as Jarrett is a talented wrestler so they’re giving him a comedy gimmick. Well why shouldn’t they? It’s not like wrestling talent means anything here right?

Back from another break and Brother Ray is here to say that D-Von deserved what he got. He has a video package showing us how bad D-Von is. It’s proof that he’s the leader or something like that. It’s nothing but D-Von getting beaten up. He’s in what looks like a New Japan jacket. He has another video of himself beating people up. They’re going to talk face to face next week.

Dixie Carter gets here.

D’Angelo Dinero/Matt Morgan/Samoa Joe/Douglas Williams vs. AJ Styles/Kazarian/Beer Money

This started at 10:50 and we have the Dixie thing to go. If this makes it to the top of the hour I’ll be stunned. Pope and AJ start us off. Storm wrestles in his hat. Pope pins him relatively easily on some fluke. We take a break with Roode beating on Pope. No eliminations during the break which means this is going to last even longer. Kaz and AJ get two on Pope.

Morgan comes in to fight Kaz. And Morgan does nothing as Joe is brought in before he throws a punch. He beats up everyone and NOW we get….Williams. Is Morgan hurt or something? Kaz botches the hell out of what looked like a spinning DDT for two. Joe and Pope argue a lot. Rolling Chaos gets rid of Kaz. AJ vs. Williams now which is a dream match for some reason that I’m missing.

Off to Roode as I’m amazed this got past 11PM. Middle rope knee drop hits Williams for two. Joe and Pope tag Williams at the same time. And they go at it up by the announce table so it’s 2-2. Spinebuster gets rid of Williams and it’s 2-1. ReAction starts, meaning the biggest match we got in full on Impact was a Tommy Dreamer match.

The springboard 450 misses and Morgan destroys Roode for some fun. Chokeslam can’t hit on Roode after Morgan beats up both heels. Carbon Footprint is set for and here’s Hardy for the low blow to Morgan. There goes the referee, and yes, it’s a no contest. I fucking hate this company. I truly do.

Rating: D. The match was boring, the show was boring, I hate TNA. This is fucking garbage. After all this waiting, the main event’s non-finish doesn’t happen on Impact and Dixie, the fucking draw for all of Impact, is on ReAction too. Fuck I hate this place.

Overall Rating: F. I’ve been watching Impact for a very long time now and I don’t ever remember them flat out ticking me off until tonight. They’ve had bad shows before, but this one straight up made me mad. We sat around for two hours watching bullshit gimmick matches and then are promised the whole Dixie deal.

And then that’s not on until ReAction. Well at least it was on the beginning of ReAction right? Well yes it was. All two minutes of it was on the early part of ReAction. Instead of having this on Impact, we had Brother Ray showing movies, we had Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhyno, we had Immortal talking about how great they were, we had the girls brawling forever, and we had Jeff Jarrett hurting children.

At what point do you have to question the stability of the people writing these shows? Do they honestly think this is entertaining? Do they have some grudge against the fans? Are we supposed to like this? This isn’t something I want to see again for a very long time. It was just awful with them teasing one big thing and it wasn’t even on this show. Horrible show and the worst I’ve seen in a very long time.
Funny how this is the only forum who disliked yesterday's Impact, most of you guys are probably ROHbots. No one cares about the amount of wrestling. And also this was a throwaway show. Last year's Thanksgiving Impact was focused on wrestling and yet it got a worse rating than the Turkey Bowl shows.

You idiots, if you dont like the show, then dont watch it. Go and continue sucking Danielson's dick.
- I wonder if Chris Sabin will question Velvet opening flirting with Flair and agreeing to hang with a bunch of men (that oppose them technically) and being referred to as "candy." Never mind; I think too much and I've said enough.

That's what I pointed out in my post and your right. It does make Velvet's character look bad doesn't it? Also she was acting really heelish last night I wonder what that is about it. Could TBP be turning heel again?

This is why I hate they decided to bring Velvet's real life relationship with Sabin into storyline. Because it really goes against her character to hang out with the guy let alone date him.

I also agree with Madison being the weakest KO champion they have had. Also how does she keep getting away with not defending the KO title? Madison hasn't defended it on TV or PPV since she won it. Using TNA's logic she should have been stripped of it by now.
TNA iMPACT - November 25, 2010

Fortune & Immortal Backstage - Since TNA did several of these segments, I figured I'd just lump them together. Generally speaking, they turned out to be little more than what we usually see from these factions inside the ring when they give promos, which is basically just mutual dick suckery. These segments were just flat and more of the same that we've gotten used to seeing. The finale with Dixie Carter coming in was little more than a joke. Dixie Carter made a return last night, which technically took place during ReAction, and it was 2 or 3 minutes tops. This is something that TNA should have made a big deal out of and it's a perfect example of how TNA often takes what should be at least somewhat momentous and renders it mediocre. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan & Douglas Williams - I thought that Morgan & Williams did a nice job on their promos last night. Both of them seemed confident and smooth and it just felt like an all around solid job from them. Truthfully, I would have liked the segment more if Fortune hadn't come out. It seems that Fortune has to be featured in every other segment for some reason. Flair did his thing and I liked it at first and then he started acting like an idiot. The segment did help set up the main event for the show and I liked Morgan & Williams. Thumbs Up

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhino - This match was nothing more than yet another lame 4 minute street fight. To make it worse, it's a street fight featuring two of the most overrated guys to ever step in a TNA ring. It was an extremely dull match between two extremely dull wrestlers. Tommy Dreamer gets the win and, of course, gets on the mic and delivers another sermon promo only to be laid out by Rhino afterward. RVD comes down to the ring and challenges Rhino to a First Blood match at Final Resolution. Rhino just lost a shitty street fight in less than 5 minutes to Tommy Dreamer so why in the blue shit would I even remotely care to see Rhino against RVD? If they were going this route, wouldn't it make more sense to have Rhino just demolish Dreamer in this match and for RVD to come out and save his ass before making the match. Good goodely moo. Thumbs Down

MCMGs & GenMe Brawl - They showed some clips of these two teams going at it in their empty arena brawl from last week's ReAction. This sort of setting was unique and it was an overall entertaining brawl. One big problem was that it was dark and you couldn't tell who was who half the time. This was meant to be little more than filler and will be used as hype for a tag match between the two at the ppv, but nothing wrong with good filler. Thumbs Up

Morgan & Williams recruit Pope & Samoa Joe - They showed a few backstage segments of Morgan & Williams talking to Joe & Dinero seperately to convince them to join up with them. Of course, Pope and Joe did the whole I don't trust any of you guys/I don't like any of you guys or I'm such a badass that I could peckerslap Godzilla stuff before eventually agreeing. Another yawn inspiring segment that you know is going to consist of this team breaking down and going at each other halfway through the main event. Thumbs Down

Madison Rayne vs. Sarita - If this match did anything, it showed just how far above Sarita is over Madison Rayne inside the ring. Sarita seemed to be pretty crisp overall but Madison just seemed awkward in there against her. Both girls delivered a number of extremely fake looking punches, chops, slaps and kicks throughout the match. Both of them looked extremely hot. Few things I like better than a hot gal wearing pants so tight that it looks like they have to be sewn together around her. Sarita gets the win around 4 minutes with a modified roll up. I didn't think this match was horrible, but it was still pretty bad. Madison did better than Velvet did against Sarita a few weeks back, but it just felt flat. Thumbs Down

Jeff Jarrett MMA DVD Segment - Ever wish that someone would just kick you in the nuts really really hard? I normally would say no to that question but this stuff with Jeff Jarrett and the MMA stuff is even more painful. This shows Jarrett in what looks like a karate school filled with 8 year olds and he demonstrates submission holds on them. Yeah, I know, putting kids in joint locks. When the kids are tapping out, it cuts to a close up of their hands slapping the mat. After the first kid slapped the mat, I got up for a pee break. Thumbs Down

Jeff Jarrett vs. Jesse Neal - Shit match, that's all you can really say about it. They got into the ring for about 5 minutes or so and just put on an extremely dull match. I kept flipping back and forth through some channels while this match was going on. I flipped it back when the ref was knocked down and Jarrett did the only thing that could make all this any worse: He reached under the ring and pulled out a friggin' guitar. He whacks Neal with the guitar and locks on a rear naked choke as the ref comes to. Thumbs Down

Brother Ray - Brother Ray comes out and cuts a promo while showing a video package featuring footage of DeVon getting beaten up and Ray saying how he's the better wrestler, blah blah. There wasn't anything wrong with the promo here, I just don't have the slightest interest in a Dudley feud. Thumbs Down

Fortune vs. Matt Morgan, Douglas Williams & D'Angelo Dinero & Samoa Joe - Like the WWE, TNA has done a lot of these big tag team matches in recent months. This one was just kind of lackluster, though it actually did make to at least the 10 minute mark and that's something not seen on iMPACT! very often. I thought there was some good action in the match, there were a few sloppy spots here and there, but the match was ok for the most part. What ruined it for me was yet another no contest and, as I figured would happen, Morgan's team broke down with Joe & Pope eventually going at it. The overall match was just rather lackluster and it just didn't really seem to matter. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Last night's iMPACT! was a horrible show from top to bottom. Until last night, in all the time I've watched TNA, I've never seen an entire iMPACT! in which I cared about absolutely nothing that went on throughout the entire show. The only thing that held any interest really was the video clip of the Guns & GenMe going at it and that was from last week. The backstage stuff with Fortune & Immortal was the same as we usually see out of them, only it was backstage rather than out in the ring. The thing with Dixie Carter seemed like an absolute joke. Jeff Jarrett is nauseating right now with his MMA bit. I guess it's the UFC's turn since TNA hasn't been able to built its audience by, at times, imitating WCW or WWE. The fact that they haven't used the reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion in any way to build his feud with Matt Morgan and his title match against said Morgan at the ppv definitely hasn't helped in generating interest for their match. Tommy Dreamer is out there being himself, enough said, and RVD is going to face Rhino in a match when Rhino couldn't even beat Dreamer. Virtually everything shown on last night's show was extremely boring.

Grade: F
Tonight's Impact was boring I will agree with you. I fell asleep during the main event.

The ratings are low yes, but you also need to understand that SpikeTV is not available in all US markets. I live in California where we have it all around the state, but I know people in other states that don't get SpikeTV. Blame the ratings on that. Remember when the WWE was on SpikeTV (TNN at the time) and you remember how low their ratings were. No wonder why they jumped back to USA a few years after that.

As for PPVs, TNA doesn't use PPVs to make a lot of money. They use it for bonus cash. Unlike the WWE which would rather build up a PPV card right (and yes I'm a TNA fan) to sell a PPV. TNA is all about ratings, not about buys. I think that's a quote from Eric Bischoff.

So what does TNA use to make a lot of money? Or are you just saying they don't make any money and they're okay with that? :lmao: And if its all about ratings, not about buys, then TNA's still failed miserably. I'm curious though, how do you think TNA -does- make money?
I thought the backstage stuff with Immortal and Fourtune was hilarious.

I don't understand why everyone is always bitching about all the 'talking'. Any wrestling show that goes on in the current day has more talking than wrestling and if your not used to it by now, then simply turn the TV off and dont watch it. It's probably going to stay this way for a while on any network so get a grip.

I personally don't look at every minor aspect of the show and comment on if it was good or not. People take it far too seriously when all they want is wrestling. Go watch ROH then and look at how storylines are told in the ring. Boring as bat shit. I judge it on the entertainment i get and i thought Impact was entertaining. It kept me watching for the duration and the main event was really heating up, despite the stupid nWo DQ finish.

Will be watching next week as always. Talk then.
I thought the backstage stuff with Immortal and Fourtune was hilarious.

I don't understand why everyone is always bitching about all the 'talking'. Any wrestling show that goes on in the current day has more talking than wrestling and if your not used to it by now, then simply turn the TV off and dont watch it. It's probably going to stay this way for a while on any network so get a grip.

I personally don't look at every minor aspect of the show and comment on if it was good or not. People take it far too seriously when all they want is wrestling. Go watch ROH then and look at how storylines are told in the ring. Boring as bat shit. I judge it on the entertainment i get and i thought Impact was entertaining. It kept me watching for the duration and the main event was really heating up, despite the stupid nWo DQ finish.

Will be watching next week as always. Talk then.

Any wrestling show you say. How about Smackdown? Watch Smackdown tonight and see if they have more talking than wrestling and come back to me.

I honestly don't see how anybody could find last night's episode of Impact entertaining. This Winter storyline has to go somewhere and they're doing nothing with it. Either let her fight or just release her.

TNA is trying so hard to make the D-Von/Ray feud like Harris and Storm did but there is one problem. Harris and Storm were much better wrestlers and D-Von and Ray's match won't be a tenth of the greatness that was the Texas Death Match Harris and Storm had.

The eight-man tag had potential but I was stupid for expecting an actual finish instead of a no contest. The ending was moronic for plenty of reasons. Styles was in there illegally yet doesn't disqualify him. I would have been happy if Morgan got the DQ victory after Hardy low-blowed him in plain sight of the referee.

Jeff Jarrett's MMA gimmick is pointless and will get him no where. I can just see a Angle/Jarrett MMA type match and it will be awful. Jarrett and Angle have had great wrestling matches in the past. Jarrett is a great wrestler so why just not have him wrestle instead of looking stupid every week.

The worst thing of all was this whole Dixie announcement that I and others thought was supposed to be on Impact but we have to wait until Reaction to find out. It took no less than two minutes and as usual, left more questions than answers. So does Hogan have no power completely for the time being? Does he even have to bother showing up because he can't do anything? Who knows?

I was actually disappointed that I didn't get to see Robbie E. which should tell you a lot.
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