[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I agree that they need to protect him to some degree. But, it can only go like this for so long. Typically, the cryptic, behind the scenes promos are done by the person doing the stalking (for lack of a better term). I just can't remember ever seeing the top champion of any company I have watched keep their "main guy" out of the lime-light as much as this.

I agree. I mean he IS the champion, and one would figure that after ... what ... three months (?) of no TNA Champion we'd get a LOT of whoever won it at BFG. Don't get me wrong, I love Jeff's role, he's playing the stupid ass heel who cowers behind cameras and stuff ( which I believe is just some "training" for Hardy, in order to get used to this new heel persona so he can finally come in the ring and cut some damn promos, he didn't do that bad at his first appearance after BFG ), but like you said I hope that changes soon. But overall, I'd much rather play it safe and have the guy cut the cool backstage promos without mistakes and Hardysms, than stuttering all over the place in the ring.
And as a smart company, I think they'd want to prevent their CHAMPION from fucking up infront of a live crowd. Isn't this what Paul Heyman was all about? Covering the talent's inabilities and focusing on what they CAN do? He's not horrible at it but he's not damn good either.

First of all, isn't TNA trying to be "different" and not "copying" other promotions? I believe you've made this argument on many occasions. If that's the case, why would they follow Heyman's old ECW rule of thumb?

Secondly, you think it's smart to keep your world heavyweight champion off live television??? And even worse than that, you even admitted that they're doing it so Jeff won't "fuck up in front of a live crowd"?? Then why the fuck is he champion if he's a risk-factor and a fuck-up??

I'm so sick and tired of the marks just pulling excuses out of their asses that try and (quite poorly) defend TNA and their horrific booking. I had to add my two cents here.
I don't understand why they waited so long to the very end of the show leading into Reaction to have Matt Morgan challenge Jeff Hardy. I like Hardy's videos because they are eerie and different, but he should be shown in person on Impact for at least a few minutes. I think Morgan should have signed the contract last week and this week should have been the build up for Morgan vs. Hardy.

There has been little to no build up for this match. As far as the rest of Impact goes, there was more wrestling this week but nothing that really stood out. Fortune and EV 2 are feuding with and against each other.

Mickie James and Tara are setting up their feud. Team 3D and the Machine Guns have a match for the tag titles. For some reason The Pope and Abyss will have a lumberjack match with Impact zone fans as lumberjacks.

There were some good videos on Reaction last night. I cracked up when I heard Bischoff putting over how Hogan and Flair have had back surgery and Flair was in a plane crash, and then Flair yells out "I've been hit by lightning you fool!".

I like Morgan being pushed as the main babyface to step up to the Hogan/Bischoff regime. I just wish it would of happened sooner so it would have meant more. Nothing great about this show. The PPV might be decent, but I'm not watching it. This will be the first time in over a year I haven't ordered a TNA PPV. At least my wallet can take a breather.
First of all, isn't TNA trying to be "different" and not "copying" other promotions? I believe you've made this argument on many occasions. If that's the case, why would they follow Heyman's old ECW rule of thumb?

Because it's good? Because it's useful? Because it works? If taking that approach is "copying" another company, then TNA using a Four Sided ring is also copying another company. Turning heels by beating up faces is also "copying" another company. Anything good and logical TNA does that has been done by another company is copying that same joint. TNA would be copying the WWE if they went in WWE's direction. PG stuff, less violence, less sexual content. They would be copying ECW if they turned into a fully hardcore company that solely relies on bloodshed and gore. Besides, I only used Heyman's approach as an example. I suppose you didn't get the memo -- Paul Heyman did not invent booking and the idea at hand. It's just common sense, something a lot of bookers lack. Not TNA's bookers in this case, though.

Secondly, you think it's smart to keep your world heavyweight champion off live television??? And even worse than that, you even admitted that they're doing it so Jeff won't "fuck up in front of a live crowd"?? Then why the fuck is he champion if he's a risk-factor and a fuck-up??

First of all, it's taped television. Second of all, he's not kept off ANY television, he's doing his promos, and hiding just like a classic cowardly heel. Running his mouth, having other people do the dirty job for him, and he does the occasional sneak and give somebody a concussion. Third of all - yes I did admit that they're probably doing it to keep Jeff from fucking up. What? Are you mad that he's not on "live" television so he WOULD fuck up, thus giving you more ammo every week? Jeff is no Roddy Piper on the mic, so TNA is smart by eliminating the risk of mic fuck ups, and allowing Hardy to look good when he cuts his little taped promos, attacks somebody and lands on his head for a living. WHICH he does pretty well.

The reason why he is a champion? Jeff Hardy is one of the most popular pro wrestlers today. His new heel turn has made him interesting for the first time in at LEAST 5-6 years. The guy has proved that he can really go in the ring on a couple of occasions. Apparently even less than that is enough to be a world champion in any company these days. Just look at WWE's champions over the last few years, the majority of them didn't have even half of what Hardy has, and nobody wanted them. Is he the best choice? Fuck no. Is he a bad choice? Fuck no.

I'm so sick and tired of the marks just pulling excuses out of their asses that try and (quite poorly) defend TNA and their horrific booking. I had to add my two cents here.

Well you know where to shove your two cents now, don'tcha? :flipa:
The initial reports of the ratings for last night's show are in and it's not really much of a change. The show drew a 1.15 rating, which is up just slightly from the 1.13 they did last week, with an average of roughly 1.4 million viewers, which is down from the 1.5 million the show's done for the past few weeks. So, something of a mixed bag generally speaking with the household rating being up by a hair and the number of viewers dropping by roughly 100k. The show's quarter hours were:








The first hour of the show did pretty well. The show started out with a 1.14 and then increased to a 1.19 for the rest of the hour with an overall rating of 1.17. It peaked at the beginning of the second hour with a 1.25 but then started dropping significantly afterward. The second hour averaged a 1.13, so the show continued the usual trend of TNA losing viewers over the course of the second hour. The ending of the show drew under a 1.0 and that hasn't happened for any TNA segment for a while

It'll be interesting to see what next week's show pulls as the show will be about the fallout from the Turning Point ppv and Jeff Hardy's first title defense. Hardy's presence on iMPACT! since becoming champion has been minimal with his appearances consisting of 20-30 second promo videos. It's been a little unorthodox keeping the newly crowned TNA World Heavyweight Champion off television, especially when the title was vacant for 2 months, so the numbers for next week's show might determine if it's been a short term strategy that's paid off.
Because it's good? Because it's useful? Because it works? If taking that approach is "copying" another company, then TNA using a Four Sided ring is also copying another company. Turning heels by beating up faces is also "copying" another company. Anything good and logical TNA does that has been done by another company is copying that same joint. TNA would be copying the WWE if they went in WWE's direction. PG stuff, less violence, less sexual content. They would be copying ECW if they turned into a fully hardcore company that solely relies on bloodshed and gore. Besides, I only used Heyman's approach as an example. I suppose you didn't get the memo -- Paul Heyman did not invent booking and the idea at hand. It's just common sense, something a lot of bookers lack. Not TNA's bookers in this case, though.

First of all, it's taped television. Second of all, he's not kept off ANY television, he's doing his promos, and hiding just like a classic cowardly heel. Running his mouth, having other people do the dirty job for him, and he does the occasional sneak and give somebody a concussion. Third of all - yes I did admit that they're probably doing it to keep Jeff from fucking up. What? Are you mad that he's not on "live" television so he WOULD fuck up, thus giving you more ammo every week? Jeff is no Roddy Piper on the mic, so TNA is smart by eliminating the risk of mic fuck ups, and allowing Hardy to look good when he cuts his little taped promos, attacks somebody and lands on his head for a living. WHICH he does pretty well.

The reason why he is a champion? Jeff Hardy is one of the most popular pro wrestlers today. His new heel turn has made him interesting for the first time in at LEAST 5-6 years. The guy has proved that he can really go in the ring on a couple of occasions. Apparently even less than that is enough to be a world champion in any company these days. Just look at WWE's champions over the last few years, the majority of them didn't have even half of what Hardy has, and nobody wanted them. Is he the best choice? Fuck no. Is he a bad choice? Fuck no.

Well you know where to shove your two cents now, don'tcha? :flipa:
I'm late to this party but I want to throw out the fact that Hardy doesn't show up for "live" shows draws more heat.

By Hardy not being in person, fans just wanna see him more so that they can see him get his ass kicked. It also makes him look more cowardly, which is a very big heel trait.

This along with the fact that they are allowing Hardy to learn how to cut a good promo is the reason I like this move.
Date: November 11, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tazz, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: Night of the Immortals

Well after Turning Point I have no idea where they’re supposed to go other than to the same exact places they’ve been before. Hardy is still champion, Immortal and Fourtune are still running everything, and everything is working exactly the same as it was just a few weeks ago after BFG. The only difference is that less people are watching and the fans are less enthusiastic. I’m not looking forward to this but this is what I do so let’s get to it.

And here’s Immortal to new music which sounds like a bad country/rock song. Fourtune is here too. They bring a trashcan for some reason. Eric says Turning Point was great and he’s going to start with Abyss who apparently was behind the buying of the Congregation. Ok then. Eric says that we saw an MMA clinic at the PPV by Jarrett. Oh I’m not liking where this is going.

Flair says nothing of note. AJ says they got rid of Sabu and they’re happy with it. Tonight it’s Richards vs. AJ. They bring out Hardy who is in a tie. Wow indeed. He says something about Morgan and it makes no sense. The fans chant overrated. Hardy says he has sipped from the cup of Hulkamania and is therefore Immortal. I give up.

Hogan is amazingly enough here for a change. He has the five o’clock shadow thing going again so you know he’s a heel here. The fans cheer him of course so the whole THEY’RE EVIL thing means nothing here. Hogan insisted on having Flair here apparently. He thanks Flair for helping which he was gone and has a surprise for Jeff.

From the roof lowers the new TNA World Title belt which is ugly as all hell. It looks like it has a mask on the front of it and is purple. He says if anyone wants to challenge Immortal they need to pray. Cue Pope’s music and he’s in the crowd. He gets way too emotional and is going to put Eric in a casket tonight.

Joe pops up in the crowd also and Jarrett says bring it on. He makes fun of the MMA thing Jarrett talked about and said bring it on tonight. Oh and something about Gunner and Murphy. RVD comes out by the announce table and wants Hardy tonight. Morgan comes out to the main stage and says HE wants a title shot. He says he exposed Hardy at Turning Point and will expose that ass again tonight. Please there are children present. Nothing special here as Hogan says be careful what you wish for.

Back from a break, Hogan and Flair and Bischoff are in the back and say that everyone wants to be Immortal. Flair says they don’t get old but they get great. That’s true actually as Flair officially predates history. Hogan throws out Joe vs. Gunner/Murphy and RVD vs. Kaz where if RVD wins he’s #1 contender. Morgan vs. Beer Money and Williams.

Robbie and Cookie are slightly arguing. Apparently they have a mixed tag tonight. Apparently it’s now.

Cookie/Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal/Taylor Wilde

Wilde is a tag champion here since you probably forgot that. Cookie isn’t happy about this in the slightest. She looks good though. And let’s have a break so we don’t have wrestling in the first 35 minutes. Ah there we go and Shore stalls immediately. I thought they were from Jersey, not Memphis. Cookie won’t do much as Wilde wants to fight.

More heel stalling as Cookie doesn’t want to fight so she tells Robbie to do it himself. Wilde comes in which means that Cookie has to come in too. And then Cookie literally runs around before tagging out. Back to the guys now and Lethal gets to show off a bit. Basically this is a glorified comedy match. Heel miscommunication sets up the Lethal Combination on Robbie but Cookie stops the cover. Robbie gets a shot with Cookie’s boot to Lethal to end this.

Rating: D. Sweet DAMN this wasn’t interesting at all. This is the third week in a row that the X Division has started the show and will then be forgotten within five minutes. This Shore vs. Lethal thing isn’t working at all and bringing the girls in isn’t helping either. Not much here, like at all.

We recap the Dudleys’ career. They’re up next.

Here’s Team 3D to say goodbye. I’ll put the heel turn time at 3 minutes and I’ll take slightly under. The fans don’t want them to go. Ray talks about how great it is to get to leave after facing the Guns and how proud they are. Yep he’s the heel here. They say they’re going to have fun after they retire and hug it out. And of course Bubba blasts D-Von in a SHOCKING, yes SHOCKING I say, display.

Back and Bischoff talks to the referees about some punk kid referee that happens to be Bischoff’s son (not mentioned). He can’t keep a straight face so they put the camera on Eric’s hands. The referee says he was wrong and Morgan should be champion. Morgan comes in and says make him the referee in the handicap match tonight.

Gunner/Murphy vs. Samoa Joe

The guards beat on Joe to start as they have to tag in and out. Muscle Buster to Murphy and it’s over in 85 seconds. Gunner gets beaten up too. Jarrett comes in to beat up Joe with the nightstick. Oh and the long choke on Gunner is no sold. A fan runs in and he happens to be bald and be one of the best amateur wrestlers in American history. He takes out Jarrett and all the people know his name.

We apologize for having that wrestling interrupt our talking. Flair says Gunner, Murphy and Angle are dead men. Abyss goes to guard Eric as he heads to the bathroom.

After a break in said bathroom, Pope punches Bischoff and beats up Abyss.

Rob Van Dam vs. Kazarian

Kaz jumps him as he poses on the ropes and it’s on fast. Big old monkey flip sends Kaz down. RVD accidently takes down the referee with a cross body and here comes Flair, chair in hand. Rhyno, whose contract has apparently expired, comes out and turns heel, goring RVD and putting Kaz on top for the pin. No rating again due to the vast majority being Rhyno standing around.

Dreamer comes out to yell at Rhyno and like an idiot turns his back on Rhyno who pops him with a chair.

Pope continues to torment Bischoff and puts a Pope skull cap and sunglasses on him and tells him to rap. This is getting very creepy.

Hogan yells at Abyss who is assigned to go find Eric.

Legends Title: Stevie Richards vs. AJ Styles

Richards jumps AJ in the aisle and it’s on. No bell yet. They go to a break before it starts. The bell rings after apparently 5 minutes of fighting. Would it have killed them to ring the bell before we left so they could argue they had five extra minutes of wrestling there? AJ destroys him for the most part as Stevie is trying but he’s not in AJ’s league.

The springboard forearm eats Stevie Kick for two as his foot gets to the rope. Apparently AJ renamed the TV Title in tribute to Flair. As in the guy that was TV Champion in the 70s. They botch a powebomb adnt eh Styles Clash is botched to hell and back as Stevie lands on his head in a SCARY bump to end it.

Rating: C-. Not bad here actually but that ending was a truly scary sight. Luckily Stevie seems to be ok and was moving his hands afterwards. This was again nothing and again there was no challenge for AJ as the title becomes a prop more and more by the day. This feud that never should have happened is still going somehow but thankfully it looks like it’s dying off FINALLY.

Pope is STILL beating up Bischoff, throwing him in a casket. And Abyss can’t find these guys HOW?

Back from a break Pope wheels the casket out to the arena. Nice place to hide wouldn’t you think? Abyss of course comes out to beat on him and tries to get to Bischoff but Pope comes back. Here’s your brawl for the week. Eric gets out to low blow Pope and put him in the casket. They ram it into the stage.

Fourtune/Beer Money vs. Matt Morgan

The heels jump him to start and apparently they don’t have to tag here even though Gunner and Murphy did. Ok so they do have to tag and it’s Williams to start. Heel chicanery allows a lot of knee work to be done. Storm uses a figure four and here’s Eric to yell on commentary about Pope. He wants Morgan to win or he never gets a shot at Hardy.

Morgan makes the comeback and Mike talks Eric into saying if Morgan wins he gets a title shot. He suplexes Beer Money and we head to ReAction. We open the NEW SHOW with Morgan popping Flair. Beer Money and Flair just leave so Williams takes the Carbon Footprint to end it and give Morgan the title shot.

Rating: D+. Nothing special here as the commentary was the focus. This was just ok and was better than nothing for a reason to give Morgan his rematch. Also I’d assume Williams turns next week as it will have been a week since the last person turned so it’s time already. Nothing special here though as Morgan winning was about as predictable as possible.

Hardy pops up and talks about true power before popping up behind him and kicking him in the balls. Twist of Hate and Swanton don’t end the show because this is another show.

Overall Rating: D. This show was entertaining beyond belief for all the wrong reasons. It was absolutely hilarious for all of the comedy it had going for it. Wrestling of course took a major backseat to more talking here with Bischoff and Flair and Hogan being the focus of the entire night.

This doesn’t really set up the PPV (no name given tonight) other than one match which is a rematch from the previous PPV. I was laughing the whole time, but it was at dramatic moments. Bad thing yes, but it gives me a reason to want to watch next week so maybe that’s something. More of the same from TNA here.
TNA iMPACT! - November 11, 2010

Opening Segment - This segment went much longer than it should have at roughly 25 minutes. The first 16-18 minutes mostly comprised of the usual mutual dick sucking that we see out of a lot of factions, especially in TNA, whenever they’re dominant. You know the “you’re the man, no you’re the man. You’re great. Hey, did you hear what he said about me? That guy’s the greatest” kinda stuff. We got tons of that out there. Jeff Hardy came out and cut another small promo with a decent overrated chant going. Hardy responded by saying “overrated my ass”. He said a wordy dird, so I guess he’s cool or something. He was presented with the new TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt and yeah, it still looks like shit. The IWC has given the WWE grief over the design of the WWE Tag Team Championship belts but a lot of them have been alright with Hardy having the Decepticon symbol as part of the title. Having the faces like Samoa Joe, RVD, Pope and Matt Morgan come out and kind of draw the battle lines was a nice touch and it was really the only thing that gave life to this segment. Overall, it felt like another nWo themed promo from another similarly rehashed storyline. TNA loves having huge factions involved in power struggle storylines and I’m just kind of over them at this point. Flair, Bischoff & Hogan were shown backstage “booking” tonight’s matches doing this and that. I don’t really know what they said, I needed a caffeine jolt. All the stuff with the opening segment and the big three plotting backstage ate up about 30 minutes or so. Thumbs Down

Robbie E & Cookie vs. Jay Lethal & Taylor Wilde - This was a 6 minute waste of time and energy. For about half the match, Robbie E argues with Cookie and tries to get her to participate in the match. Taylor Wilde must’ve been there just for window dressing as she didn’t really see any action unless you count chasing Cookie around the ring for 5 seconds. If the story TNA wanted the match to tell was that Robbie E & Cookie are talentless wastes of airtime, then mission accomplished I guess. Robbie & Cookie get the win in 6 minutes after Robbie hits Jay Lethal with Cookie’s boot. Oddly enough, Robbie snatched the boot out of the referee’s hand before hitting Lethal with it. How about a DQ there ref? Thumbs Down

Team 3D - We’ve all known this was coming for weeks and I can’t say that I was all that excited about it. The Dudleyz put themselves over for a few minutes with the crowd chanting “Please don’t go”. Taz & Mike Tenay put the angle over and Team 3D themselves before Bubba jumps Devon from behind and eventually left him laying. It worked for what it was supposed to work for, so it was passable overall. I’ve little real interest in seeing these two feud as I simply don’t think they can make it as singles wrestlers. However, since they intend to stick around for a while longer, they might as well go in a different direction as there’s really nothing left for them to do as a tag team. Thumbs Up

Samoa Joe vs. Gunner & Murphy - Basic 1 minute squash with Joe in there against a couple of security scrubs. Jarrett interferes and gets them DQ’d and beats on Joe for a bit. Kurt Angle makes a surprise appearance and cleared the ring. It was nice to see Angle back, but it felt rushed. Why not tease it for a bit, build it up, have Jarrett cut a few scathing promos on Angle and build it up? Thumbs Down

Rob Van Dam vs. Kazarian - I was actually looking forward to this match and it turned out to be another bust for the most part. RVD hit a couple of really great looking monkey flips on Kazarian and that was mostly the highlight of the match. RVD controlled almost the entire match and the ref gets knocked down less than 3 minutes in. My disappointment runneth over as I knew the match was essentially over. Flair comes down with a chair, Rhino shows up, knocks it away and gets into the ring. He and RVD stand there for a few seconds before Rhino hits RVD with the spear and gets out. The ref makes the count and Kaz wins in about 3.5 minutes. Dreamer came out to preach to Rhino for a few seconds, turned his back like a complete jack off and got hit in the back with a steel chair. TNA wasted what could have been an honest to goodness great match and we get another “I bet you didn’t see that coming” “surprise” from Vince Russo. Thumbs Down

AJ Styles vs. Stevie Richards - This was a pretty good 6 minute match and is one of the better matches on iMPACT! in quite a while. Both wrestlers hit some good offense and the match was more or less split down the middle overall. Styles wins via a botched Styles Clash, at least I assume it was botched, to win the match. The way Richards landed on the back of his head and neck just looked really nasty. I know he has a history of neck problems and I really do hope that he’s alright after that. I assume he is as there hasn’t been anything on the net about it, so that’s a positive. I’ve never been a fan of the guy but I don’t wanna see ANYBODY get fucked up. At any rate, good match from these two. Thumbs Up

Pope, Bischoff & Abyss - Pope spends a good portion of the night terrorizing Eric Bischoff over buying out his family and friends and having them turn on him at Turning Point. While this was going on, I couldn’t help but think that he should be more pissed at his brother than Bischoff. Or, he should be at least as pissed. The stuff with the casket has been losing me. It’s 2010 and, quite frankly, caskets simply don’t have the same impact in 2010 as they did in 1990. Also, Pope’s not The Undertaker or Kane and they’re really the only two that, today, even have a remote chance of being able to get away with it. Even with them, it just doesn’t have the same effect. Abyss just doesn’t interest me and I think Abyss is just dragging Pope down at this point as I’ve zero interest in watching these two have another match. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan vs. Beer Money & Douglas Williams - I honestly can’t say anything about this match as I turned the television off before it aired. I don’t know what happened during the match. I haven’t read any spoilers online as of yet but it wouldn’t surprise me if Morgan won the match.

Overall Show - TNA just continues to be extraordinarily dull and flat week after week. I found myself continuously glancing up at the clock to see what time it was. LOTS of talking, especially in the first 30 minutes of the show, all the stuff with Pope, Eric Bischoff & Abyss holds no interest for me. The only real bright spot on the show was AJ Styles vs. Stevie Richards. I knew Richards was going to lose, but it was a good effort and an all too brief interruption from the latest TNA incarnation of the nWo.

Grade: D-
Immortal Segment

Immortal comes out. Immortal/Fortune brags about their dominance at the Turning Point pay per view. Jeff Hardy says he annihilated Morgan at Turning Point. Really Jeff? Hulk Hogan comes out. He praises Ric Flair, and then Hogan presents Hardy with his new and very ridiculous World Championship belt. Hogan throws the old TNA World Title in a trash can. Hogan warns the TNA locker room about challenging Immortal. Pope interrupts. He comes through the crowd. Pope threatens to destroy Eric Bischoff. Samoa Joe has arrived. He’s pissed about losing at Turning Point. Joe challenges Jarrett. RVD joins the party. He is disappointed in Jeff’s alliance with Immortal. RVD wants a title match with Jeff Hardy. Matt Morgan appears. He wants his rematch first. He says he exposed Hardy at Turning Point. Morgan says he’s disappointed in Hogan. Hogan says Immortal will put a battle plan together. Oh, this should be fun.

Wow did this segment last long. Jeff’s new belt looks cartoonish. This segment just dragged after a while, and this whole thing reminded me of the Immortal’s first promo on the Impact after Bound For Glory.

Robbie. E & Cookie VS Jay Lethal & Taylor Wilde

Cookie refuses to get in the ring at first, but she eventually joins in the match. Robbie uses one of Cookie’s boots to clock Lethal for the win. Yeah, I hated this match. There was a lot of stalling from Robbie and Cookie here, and this match never gained any kind of momentum. I didn’t see anything from Cookie, because she never locked up with Taylor. I just can’t get into The Shore. I’ve tried, but I just can’t.

Team 3D’s Farewell?

Team 3D praises themselves….AGAIN. They talk about life after wrestling. Team 3D embraces, and then Bubba takes out Devon. Oh, great a Team 3D feud. I’ve grown tired of Team 3D, and I really, really don’t want to see them feud against each other. Hopefully they’ll just have one match at Final Resolution, but I have a bad feeling that this feud will go on for a long time.

Samoa Joe VS Gunner & Murphy

Joe hit’s the Muscle Buster on Murphy for the win. After the match, Jarrett and the goons beat down Joe. While Jarrett has the Ankle Lock on Joe, Angle hits the ring from behind. He takes out Gunner and Murphy. Jarrett escapes before Angle can get a piece of him. This match was over pretty quickly. I expected Joe to win, but this just felt VERY rushed.


Kaz accidentally knocks out Earl Hebner with a cross body. Flair comes out with a chair. Rhino looks like he’s out to help, but he Gores RVD instead. Dreamer comes out. He wants an explanation, but he gets a chair shot from Rhino instead. Apparently, Rhino’s contract has expired, and he’s not even supposed to be in TNA anymore. Yeah, this was another match that didn’t do it for me. This was just another way to advance the EV2.0 traitor storyline.

AJ Styles VS Steven Richards- TNA TV Championship Match

Richards attacks AJ as he makes his way to the ring. AJ hits the Style Clash on Richards for the win. Styles made sure to focus the impact of his finishing maneuver on Richards’ neck. This match wasn’t bad, but I still had a HUGE problem with it. AJ Styles is considered to be THE best wrestler in the world by many people, and he has to struggle to beat Steven Richards? It’s a shame. Last year AJ main evented Bound For Glory. Fast forward one year later, he’s being pinned by Tommy Dreamer at TNA’s flagship show, and he’s struggling to beat Steven Richards. What a shame.

The Pope

Throughout the night, Pope terrorized Eric Bischoff, and it seemed as if Pope would finally get his revenge. Pope rolls the casket containing Bischoff into the Impact Zone. Wait, I thought Pope was going to teach Bischoff a lesson. Why would he come to the Impact Zone? Doesn’t he know Abyss will find him there? Anyway, Abyss comes out of no where. He takes out Pope. Bischoff escapes, and he joins in on the beat down. Pope is put in the casket, and the casket is rammed into the stage. Abyss continues to tell us how dominant Immortal is. I could care less about this feud. The match between Pope and Abyss at Turning Point was very boring, and this feud has had a very lackluster feel to it so far.

Beer Money & Doug Williams VS Matt Morgan

The ref who allegedly messed up the pinfall in the Turning Point main event is calling this match. Bischoff comes out to warn Morgan from the commentary table. He says Morgan must win this match if he wants another title match with Hardy. He complains about being disrespected. The match goes into ReAction…AGAIN. Flair makes sure to interfere. Morgan hits the Carbon Footprint on Williams for the win. Bischoff is pissed. Hardy cuts another promo from the titantron. But this is all a diversion. Hardy hits a low blow on Morgan. He follows this up with a Twist of Hate on Morgan, and then a Swanton Bomb. Huh? I thought Jeff said he was done with Swantons?

Morgan winning here was expected. Pope is tied up in a storyline with Abyss and Bischoff, Anderson is out, so Jeff needs a challenger. Morgan needed to look dominant, and this match did a good job at accomplishing that.

Overall Show rating 3/10: I just couldn’t stand tonight’s show. The majority of the matches on tonight’s Impact weren’t worth getting into. Richards VS Styles was pretty solid, but most of the other matches were either too quick, or I just couldn’t take the matches seriously. Angle rescuing Joe was kind of cool, and it'll be interesting to see if Joe will trust his former rival. I’m dreading the upcoming Team 3D feud. I had feeling Bubba and Devon wouldn’t go away quietly. I really, really don’t want to see these two feud against each other.
It's interesting that three people in succession have reviewed tonight's show: KB, Jack, and Mitch. We see a D, a D-, and a 3/10 respectively. Without getting into a detailed breakdown as my words could not do justice any better to the show than these three guys have already done, I'll be generous and give the show a C-.

Too much Immortals. Too much talking. Horrible Jersey Shore bullshit again. One Dudley turning on the other in a "swerve" that Stevie Wonder could see coming. Who the hell are Gunner and Murphy? Rhino heel turn (yes folks, it is 2010). AJ Styles, once the face of TNA Wrestling, the Wrestler of the Year, being taken to the limit by Stevie Richards until he finally ends the match by botching his finisher. Pope/Bischoff, I just don't know what to say. And a main event that was totally uninteresting to me, which of course ran over into Reaction (although in fairness, just barely).

Kinda sorta solid show. I liked everything about tonight's show except most of the wrestling. AJ vs Stevie was the match of the night ( the bar wasn't too high anyway ). I'm liking Robbie E more and more each week. Don't ask me why, I wish I knew. Starts with m and ends with -ark. Anyway, I loved the opening segment, Hardy did well on the mic ( you wanted the champion to come out and cut promos in the ring, well there ya go, he did it ). But, it'd be easier to mention what I didn't like.

- Every match that did not involve AJ Styles.
- Pope was fuckin' cheesy tonight.
- Rhino turning heel : no no no no no! NO! ... Fuck No! Be gone stupid keg!
- Buh Buh and D-Von : Hey remember when D-Von was skinny? Yeah .. good times. Oh yeah, he's feuding with Buh Buh and my brain turned to dust. Wish it was Bye Bye and B-Gone instead of Buh Buh and D-Von. Oh well ...

I give this show a 5/10. More grapplin', less fat guys.
So, I haven't watched Impact for weeks now and decided, since I was doing work and the television was already on I'd watch Impact and see what was happening. This had to be one of the worst opening segments in wrestling history. What the hell is TNA thinking? Anyone who doesn't feel this whole Immortal angle is a complete ripoff of the nWo with nothing original about it is crazy.

The show starts and everyone comes out like classic nWo, boring us with another long and drawn out promo. Then Hardy, TNA's world champion, comes out and cuts one of the worst promos I've ever heard from anyone. He was rambling incoherently and didn't know what the hell he was doing out there. Anyone who wonders if Hardy's heel turn is successful and he can pull it off should watch this horrible promo and realize Hardy as a heel absolutely sucks. Horrible. You could see Bischoff literally standing behind Hardy cringing whil he spoke.

Then to make things even worse Hulk Hogan comes out to the nWo theme song! Hogan rambles and then gives Hardy a new title, one that looks worse then the horrible Divas title. It was about here that I literally groaned. Then they're interrupted by the "good guys", first Pope, then Samoa Joe, then Rob Van Dam who cuts another horrible promo to add to the rest, and finally Matt Morgan. By this time its been TWENTY FIVE minutes and the crowd seems dead while Morgan and Hogan go back and forth. In fact, the crowd seemed like they didn't care one little bit.

Then to make things even more clear with this rehashed angle the segment ends with the playing of the nWo theme song. I sat there, staring at the television, wondering if I had actually just watched what I had. We then come back from commercials and we get MORE Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair talking. Half an hour into the damn show, now, and it's been nothing but Immortal talking. And what the fuck is with the camera work? Seriously. How much more amateur can you be?

Jershey Shore is up next and I groan. Not only do I groan but I turn the damn television off. TNA is absolutely shit, and they need more help then they even did before. They're not getting better but they're consistently getting worse. Good job TNA!
Kinda sorta solid show. I liked everything about tonight's show except most of the wrestling. AJ vs Stevie was the match of the night ( the bar wasn't too high anyway ). I'm liking Robbie E more and more each week. Don't ask me why, I wish I knew. Starts with m and ends with -ark. Anyway, I loved the opening segment, Hardy did well on the mic ( you wanted the champion to come out and cut promos in the ring, well there ya go, he did it ). But, it'd be easier to mention what I didn't like.

- Every match that did not involve AJ Styles.
- Pope was fuckin' cheesy tonight.
- Rhino turning heel : no no no no no! NO! ... Fuck No! Be gone stupid keg!
- Brother Rey and Brother D-Von : Hey remember when D-Von was skinny? Yeah .. good times. Oh yeah, he's feuding with Buh Buh and my brain turned to dust.

I give this show a 5/10. More grapplin', less fat guys.

I have to ask you this, Z_Z, because, with all due respect, I consider you to be one of the biggest and occasionally blindest TNA marks on these forums (no offence intended). If this show only gets a 5/10 from you, and you have a significant list of things you didn't like, why do you start off with calling it a solid show? Just seems a little inconsistent. Plus, isn't it a little odd to suggest that after watching a 2+ hour wrestling program which you typically defend to the bitter end, you say that you liked everything about the show except the wrestling? Aren't you concerned that the highlight of the show for you was a match involving Stevie Richards, in 2010, with AJ Styles, which concluded with Styles botching his finisher in a scary fashion?
I have to ask you this, Z_Z, because, with all due respect, I consider you to be one of the biggest and occasionally blindest TNA marks on these forums (no offence intended). If this show only gets a 5/10 from you, and you have a significant list of things you didn't like, why do you start off with calling it a solid show? Just seems a little inconsistent. Plus, isn't it a little odd to suggest that after watching a 2+ hour wrestling program which you typically defend to the bitter end, you say that you liked everything about the show except the wrestling? Aren't you concerned that the highlight of the show for you was a match involving Stevie Richards, in 2010, with AJ Styles, which concluded with Styles botching his finisher in a scary fashion?

It's fine. I'm actually proud of that moniker.

And I called it a "kinda sorta" solid show. Hence why I gave it a 5/10. It was solid as far as segments went and their entertainment value. Match wise - not so much.

And I do usually deffend the program to the bitter end, because I like it a lot and find few flaws. I didn't enjoy the show THAT much this week. I love me some wrestling and I didn't get me some so that disappointed me. Unlike other weeks, this week the wrestling was a complete Zero, bar AJ/Richards. I'm not THAT blind dude. I call it like I see it. Just because I defend TNA all the time doesn't mean that I love everything about it. If I don't like something, I'll make fun of it and mock it like a TNA hater. If I love it, I'll defend it like a mark.

And it is bad that Stevie Richards is the guy who put on a great match with AJ Styles. But I'd be an idiot if I complained EVEN THOUGH I got a good match. Hey, I don't care who you are. Pull off a good match and you're fine with me. Could be fuckin' Tatanka. As long as he gets his ass in the ring and delivers I'm all for it. But if you look at the matches on the card -- how COULD they have been decent?

You've got Robbie E. and Cookie vs Taylor Wilde and Lethal. Talk about a filler match. So random. Cookie can't wrestle, Robbie E. is green as shit and obviously can't work that type of match. Same goes for Lethal and I never liked Taylor Wilde.

Then you have Joe vs Gunner&Murphy. To call them mediocre would be quite the praise. It was a squash match, and noone finds that entertaining.

Kaz vs RVD was ... eh. It started nice and all but Rhino's heel turn cut it short and killed whatever momentum these two had.

Beer Money and Doug vs Morgan. What do you expect? It's a handicap match against a big guy. No way for that to be good no matter who's in it.

So basically, I don't blame the wrestlers, I blame the bookers. And to answer your question -- I'm not at all concerned about Stevie and AJ being the only good match. It's happened before. TNA does a sucky show, I don't like it. Then next week they have a great show. That's what turned me off about WWE. It was a bad show, after a bad show, after a bad show, and after years of waiting for the good show I finally said fuck it. So, if TNA does that, then AJ will be Pele Kicking a lot of bunnies 'cause I'll hate on TNA just like I hate on WWE.

P.S: I think that this "botch" was intentional. I might be wrong, but doesn't it seem kind of weird that AJ vowed to cripple Stevie, and then their match ends like this? And the commentators know exactly what to say, a split second right after the move was executed? Usually it catches them off guard. Especially Taz who mumbles like an idiot. Dude's got no connection between his mouth and his brain. If you re-watch the footage you'll see that Stevie had his head tucked all the time, as if he wanted to land on his neck. That was a spot they talked about before the match I'm sure. But ... noone's injured, and it looked sick. Fine by ZZ.
All 58 Members of 'Immortal' Are In the Ring

This segment really accomplished nothing, and took far too long (nearly 25 minutes). So, if RVD wins tonight, he gets a shot..sometime in the future? Ok. Jeff Hardy cuts a not-so-great promo in the ring. Hardy is much better when he's taped before hand. Hogan yaps about how amazing Immortal is, and talks about Hardy drinking from some "Hogan fountain of youth" or some shit. The babyfaces cut decent promo's, but once again, it took 25 minutes to set up nothing but matches for the night. That is way, way too long.


They stumble over one anothers words for a few minutes, and that's it. Nothing said here that matters, in all honesty.

The Jersey Shore People vs. Lethal/Taylor

I cannot believe the Jersey Shore kid is holding that belt. He is uninteresting, annoying, and the crowd doesn't care. I hate mixed-tag matches, and this one was especially bad, only lasting a few minutes..which in all actuality, might have been a good thing.

The Dudleys Are Gone..(yeah...ok)

They talk about how great they are, blah, blah, blah. Then, out of NOWHERE (note sarcasm), Bubba turns heel, nailing Devon. I mean, come on TNA. This never works. These two are horribly uninteresting in singles competition. After they feud for a while, then what?? They really retire? I see no other option, seeing neither one of them have a prayer of doing anything in singles competition. At this point in their career(s), what's the point of breaking them up???

Morgan/Bischoff/Easy-E Jr.

This...made no sense. The kid screws up..so Bischoff wants him to ref Morgan's match? And Bischoff listens to Morgan? Please, explain to me how this makes any sense seeing Bischoff is doing anything in his power to screw Morgan over..yet he listens to his advice? This show has a lot of holes tonight...a lot.

Gunner/Murphy..yep, the security guards vs. Samoa Joe

We have the two security guards wrestling..yep. Is this Joe's next big feud?? What a freakin' joke. But, on the bright side, Angle appears to be back. But..is this a good thing? Call me crazy, but (with Angle not touching Jarrett) I smell an Angle heel turn coming. If he joins Immortal, I'm seriously done watching TNA.

Pope Finds Eric/Abyss Is Taking A Shit

Yep...this actually happened. Abyss was taking a shit. We seriously just heard Eric talking about the Monster Abyss dropping a stinky load. Whatever was in that toilet cannot stink nearly as bad as tonight's show.

Kaz vs. RVD

I'm sorry, but this was a shit-show from start to finish. These two guys, two of your best in-ring guys, are only given three minutes before they take out the ref (something we've been seeing about twice per week lately)? What does this further? What storyline? Is RVD actually going to feud with Rhino now? Your "top draw" is going to feud with someone no one has ever really cared about? And what about Kaz? A good competitor who has nothing going on for himself, at all. Trash.

And Rhino turned heel..let's file that under the "no one gives a shit" column. I mean honestly, who cares? And, as a fan screamed out around the same time I did here in my recliner, why in the hell was Tommy Dreamer spitting everywhere?? This whole thing stunk, horribly.

Pope/Bischoff Backstage II

Pope yells at Eric while asking him questions.. then tells him to shut the hell up..? He asks Eric if he is trying to be like Pope..by buying Pope's family off? Does Pope pay off his family for some reason?? This made absolutely no sense. The things coming out of their mouthes just didn't make sense. How is Eric trying to be like Pope?

AJ Styles vs. Stevie Richards

Decent match, per usual when talking about AJ Styles. But this EV2/Fourtune shit is really, really getting old. AJ belongs in the main event scene, not messing around with Stevie "No One Cares" Richards.


Pope ends up in the casket, because not for even ONE second can Immortal look somewhat weak..nope, never. Not even a glimmer of hope for Pope (no, I didn't mean for that to rhyme). Abyss spits all over the camera, almost causing me to vomit, which is rather common when Abyss is anywhere near a camera.

Beer Money/Doug Williams vs. Matt Morgan

Another handicap match, favoring Immortal, of course. Taz is babbling, making no sense as usual. Bischoff joins commentary..for the love of CHRIST, we have seen ENOUGH of Bischoff for tonight. Jesus Eric, let the wrestlers wrestle. Stay in the back. And of course, the show runs over into Reaction.

At least Morgan won, and he looked strong doing so. I am liking Matt Morgan more and more every week. It's just too damn bad that Bischoff had to basically ruin this main event by not shutting his mouth. Oh wait..yep, here's Hardy. Once again, the babyface can't look good to save his life.

This show was crap. Usually, I am not this tough on TNA. Usually, they have at least a few segments I am happy to watch. Tonight..no. Tonight was the probably the worse episode of Impact I've seen in some time. Far, far too much Immortal. This is WCW (late 1998, 1999 and 2000) all over again.

Not to mention, we get a segment where Abyss is taking a dump. Jesus, and I thought I couldn't possibly find Abyss anymore disgusting than I already did. I'm just...I'm at a loss at how bad this show was tonight.

Can someone help me out............

The modified styles AJ done on Stevie last night, was that a wrestling move gone wrong or was it supposed to go like that taking stevie out. I know AJ said he was going to cripple him. Prowrestling.net are reporting it is an injury angle, some sites are saying he was not injured and it was kayfabe and some are saying it was a botch.

Your thoughts
I was able to get through this Impact much easier then the last few Impacts. It still wasn't a great show. I did enjoy seeing the top faces Pope, Samoa Joe, Morgan, and RVD come out at the start of the show. Not a fan of the new TNA championship Immortal belt, but it may just be for Hardy.

There were no Knockouts on this show besides Cookie and Taylor Wilde. I don't know why Cookie was never tagged in. Is she that bad in the ring? The majority of the matches really didn't do anything. Stevie vs. AJ Styles was decent even though people could care less about Stevie.

I don't understand why Team 3D just can't stay retired or why Rhino turned heel even though he has no new contract. There is so much talent in TNA and they continue to not let go of mediocre talent. Why put Joe in a match with two security guard jobbers when he could have faced any member of the Immortal group.

It looks like Doug Williams will turn face. I'm not sure how that will play out, but at least he isn't lost in the Fortune shuffle. Fortune is down to 4 wrestlers and Ric Flair. That is what the group should have been all along.

TNA did do a decent job of having the top faces become a threat to Immortal with Morgan getting the pin to end the show to become #1 contender. Immortal continues to look strong. There may be too much Hogan and Bischoff in the show, but at least Hogan is on Impact this week.

Reaction was good but still didn't answer all the questions like they say they would. Not a great show by any means, but I was able to get through this one with more ease then last week. I don't give out grades, but it sounds like a D + or C- would suffice for this episode.
I always hate bashing wrestling because everyone does it, but this past show...Jesus Christ. I cannot believe the plot holes and nonsensical stuff going on. Somebody approved this?!!

- I can understand the group coming out and gloating. I can understand the opening promos and I especially can understand the faces standing off against them. Why must it always be 30 minutes long? Can't we cut it to 20 minutes and add one match?

- I wanted to wait until I saw the new belt on TV, and now I have. Everyone's right. It's hideous. It's like the WWE Light-Heavyweight and Diva's Title had a love child.

- And by the way, what's up with the purple and green, Jeff Hardy? I know he wore it before but now he's gone nuts. I think Jeff watched too much Dark Knight to create his heel character. I can't wait for Jeff to dye a part of his hair green. Heath Ledger should get a writing credit.

- Speaking of writing, who was the idiot that booked the mixed tag? Did they forget to add wrestling moves? I'm giving Robbie E. and Cookie a chance, but they need to actually WRESTLE than run around scared and acting weak. And I feel sorry for Taylor Wilde even though she looked intimidating scaring Cookie. At least she got paid without taking a bump.

- And why does Taz LIKE The Shore so much? Being from Brooklyn myself, people there hate Jersey folk! I can understand the heel commentator thing, but he gets way too excited for them.

- So, let me get this straight: Eric Bischoff was MAD that the ref screwed up so that Matt Morgan isn't champion? Then Morgan shows up and Bischoff is COOL with him? Did I miss a turn?

- I really wish the writing team could read the internet. They couldn't have because maybe they would either delayed Brother Ray's heel turn, or at least made it more interesting. The WORLD called the heel turn. When everyone knows it's coming, it's not good for the character.

- Samoa Joe looks bored.

- Kurt Angle saving Samoa Joe looks cool. That's one I'm actually looking forward to, those two teaming up.

- Why wasn't Kaz vs. RVD better? And why doesn't Kaz seem as good as everyone else? Styles and Beer Money are elite, while Kaz is like the epitome of Syxx in the NWO: somebody small that can be beaten without losing heat or leaving others to take the loss.

- Did we really have an angle where Abyss is taking a shit? The Pope kicked his ass which was very cool. Making Bischoff try to rap looked dumb. I think they were going for something funny when it should be much more serious.

- Rhyno turns heel too. Wow, that makes 4 out of the past 7 shows where someone turned alignment. Since Bound For Glory we have seen Jarrett, Bischoff, Hogan, Hardy, Sting, Nash, The Pope, Morgan, The "Congregation", Brother Ray, and Rhino turn. That's a lot of guys to change in just a month.

- Is it just me, or is A.J. Styles the most elite champion in the company, while having the weakest belt in terms of status?

- Good match between Styles and Richards. That variation of the Styles Clash looked pretty brutal. Stevie seemed OK though.

- What's up with The Pope and caskets? Why does he always have one lying around backstage? Is that where he takes his afternoon naps?

- So, someone kidnaps your friend; would you send Abyss to find him? Alone?

- Would hitting weak plywood while being in a padded casket hurt a lot? A little? Be slightly annoying?

- We'll get 5 out of 8 shows next week. I'm sorry but Douglas Williams does not belong in Fourtune. I can't see him as a face but he doesn't mesh well with Beer Money, Styles, Kaz and Flair.

- Bischoff losing his cool is a nice start and made sense. It was probably the only thing that made complete sense all night.

- Lastly, does anyone see a Shane McMahon style ref turn coming soon?
So, I haven't watched Impact for weeks now and decided, since I was doing work and the television was already on I'd watch Impact and see what was happening. This had to be one of the worst opening segments in wrestling history. What the hell is TNA thinking? Anyone who doesn't feel this whole Immortal angle is a complete ripoff of the nWo with nothing original about it is crazy.

I don't understand how you can call it a complete ripoff. I don't remember Bischoff taking someone's company from them or planning a takeover over a long period of time. I certainly don't remember seeing subplots hinted through out the year by Sting either.

Also calling it the worst opening in history is laughable. We've seen much worse. Like Bob Barker on Raw's opening.

I know it's easy to find ways to hate TNA but have a legit reason instead of fabricating things everyone wants to believe.
I don't understand how you can call it a complete ripoff. I don't remember Bischoff taking someone's company from them or planning a takeover over a long period of time. I certainly don't remember seeing subplots hinted through out the year by Sting either.

Also calling it the worst opening in history is laughable. We've seen much worse. Like Bob Barker on Raw's opening.

I know it's easy to find ways to hate TNA but have a legit reason instead of fabricating things everyone wants to believe.

It's a very legit reason. And you claiming Bischoff was never part of a storyline where they took over for a long period of time makes you clueless. Ever heard of the nWo? Yeah, Immortal is entirely ripped off the basics of it. And I'm entirely entitled to hate on it for that reason or any of the other hundred reasons to hate on the silly overdone storyline.

And no, Bob Barker was more entertaining then this past weeks Impact ever could've been. And the proof? Well, that RAW opening had more viewers then Impacts opening, didn't it? I certainly didn't like the whole Bob Barker as guest host, but this past week's Impact opening that went on for half an hour was just horrid and accomplished absolutely nothing.
And no, Bob Barker was more entertaining then this past weeks Impact ever could've been. And the proof? Well, that RAW opening had more viewers then Impacts opening, didn't it? I certainly didn't like the whole Bob Barker as guest host, but this past week's Impact opening that went on for half an hour was just horrid and accomplished absolutely nothing.

If gay sex had more views than Impact would you still go ahead and consider it entertaining?

Bob Barker was more entertaining than Impact? Look dude, I get that you're a WWE fan, I realize that guys like you give the true WWE fans who CAN think a bad name, but that statement was borderline ignorant.

You hate a storyline because it RESEMBLES another storyline? I'm surprised you still watch wrestling. Usually people hate a storyline because it's poorly done, the booking makes no sense and the people in it are jokes. This storyline in particular was hyped for Nine months, executed perfectly at Bound for Glory, explained in the following weeks and is now more of a take-over than The Nexus could ever dream of. The people in it are extremely talented wrestlers, mic workers and legends.

You don't hate it because it's bad, you don't hate it because it's like the nWo[because if WWE did it you'd jizz on your face], you hate it because it is TNA-made, and for that my friend I give you a big, wonderful fuck you, you ignorant piece of shit.

Enjoy your day.
If gay sex had more views than Impact would you still go ahead and consider it entertaining?

Bob Barker was more entertaining than Impact? Look dude, I get that you're a WWE fan, I realize that guys like you give the true WWE fans who CAN think a bad name, but that statement was borderline ignorant.

You hate a storyline because it RESEMBLES another storyline? I'm surprised you still watch wrestling. Usually people hate a storyline because it's poorly done, the booking makes no sense and the people in it are jokes. This storyline in particular was hyped for Nine months, executed perfectly at Bound for Glory, explained in the following weeks and is now more of a take-over than The Nexus could ever dream of. The people in it are extremely talented wrestlers, mic workers and legends.

You don't hate it because it's bad, you don't hate it because it's like the nWo[because if WWE did it you'd jizz on your face], you hate it because it is TNA-made, and for that my friend I give you a big, wonderful fuck you, you ignorant piece of shit.

Enjoy your day.

Actually, you just proved you were the ignorant piece of shit. Fact is, nowhere have I ever claimed to be a huge WWE fan. In fact, I'm not even what one could label a WWE fan. I watch WWE about as much as I watch TNA. You're just upset because I tell it how it is and I can be honest and say that WWE does things far better then TNA's bullshit.

Fact is I watched last week's Impact opening and it WASN'T entertaining in the least. Was Bob Barker more entertaining? Maybe you didn't get that I was being sarcastic about more viewers watching WWE then Impact as proof, but nonetheless, that doesn't make Impact's opening segment any less atrocious then it was. Boring as shit and the same old crap that's been done constantly. If you think that's ignorant that's your opinion, I think you're a blind sheep that gives TNA praise when they're putting out crap.

And I never said I hated the Immortal storyline SOLELY because it resembles the nWo angle. If you could read, which you clearly can't, you'd know that. I said I had hundreds of reasons that storyline is shit, and you're certainly right it's poorly done.

I don't hate it because it's TNA made, as I don't hate TNA. I do hate the crap they're putting out and the misuse of all the potential they have. As for you claiming
This storyline in particular was hyped for Nine months, executed perfectly at Bound for Glory, explained in the following weeks and is now more of a take-over than The Nexus could ever dream of. The people in it are extremely talented wrestlers, mic workers and legends.
It took Nine months for them to fulfill everything they built up to and you know what it got them? The same mediocre ratings they've always had, and no improvement in any feasible way. Congratulations TNA. Let's praise everything about them! Please.
Actually, you just proved you were the ignorant piece of shit. Fact is, nowhere have I ever claimed to be a huge WWE fan. In fact, I'm not even what one could label a WWE fan. I watch WWE about as much as I watch TNA. You're just upset because I tell it how it is and I can be honest and say that WWE does things far better then TNA's bullshit.

Fact is I watched last week's Impact opening and it WASN'T entertaining in the least. Was Bob Barker more entertaining? Maybe you didn't get that I was being sarcastic about more viewers watching WWE then Impact as proof, but nonetheless, that doesn't make Impact's opening segment any less atrocious then it was. Boring as shit and the same old crap that's been done constantly. If you think that's ignorant that's your opinion, I think you're a blind sheep that gives TNA praise when they're putting out crap.

And I never said I hated the Immortal storyline SOLELY because it resembles the nWo angle. If you could read, which you clearly can't, you'd know that. I said I had hundreds of reasons that storyline is shit, and you're certainly right it's poorly done.

I don't hate it because it's TNA made, as I don't hate TNA. I do hate the crap they're putting out and the misuse of all the potential they have. As for you claiming It took Nine months for them to fulfill everything they built up to and you know what it got them? The same mediocre ratings they've always had, and no improvement in any feasible way. Congratulations TNA. Let's praise everything about them! Please.

I think he is pissed and a lot of people like my self are pissed is because you and a few others are the only ones that come into the TNA section and say negative things and find negative things about everything that TNA does. Then when someone makes a positive thread about something you and the same few people flood that and it turn into a bitch fest because it seems like you and that group of people just like to piss everyone off. I understand this is a forum, and you have an opinion, but I don't understand why you have to come in here and continue to be a jerk off about everything. If you look at all your posts they are all the same. Its like you are trying to fight with everyone that likes TNA and you are going way beyond just giving your opinion. So maybe if you would wake up and fucking realize that you are being an ass hole all the time to everyone then people wouldn't come at you like that. If you don't believe look at your history of posts made in the TNA section. You always come off like an ass hole and it is always negative even if something is good.
I think he is pissed and a lot of people like my self are pissed is because you and a few others are the only ones that come into the TNA section and say negative things and find negative things about everything that TNA does. Then when someone makes a positive thread about something you and the same few people flood that and it turn into a bitch fest because it seems like you and that group of people just like to piss everyone off. I understand this is a forum, and you have an opinion, but I don't understand why you have to come in here and continue to be a jerk off about everything. If you look at all your posts they are all the same. Its like you are trying to fight with everyone that likes TNA and you are going way beyond just giving your opinion. So maybe if you would wake up and fucking realize that you are being an ass hole all the time to everyone then people wouldn't come at you like that. If you don't believe look at your history of posts made in the TNA section. You always come off like an ass hole and it is always negative even if something is good.

This is a fucking forum to discuss wrestling whether it be good or bad. If this guy wants to debate TNA with the blind positivity-****es than he is entitled to this. He obviously enjoys discussing wrestling and he would be doing an injustice to TNA if he kept riding it's diseased and inconsistent dick. This isn't the forum for you if all you want is for threads to be agreed with. Go to the TNA forums. If he went far beyond opinion based then he would be infracted and judging by his reputation he's a honest wrestling fan who argue to his beliefs and doesn't come of as any more of an asshole as some of your TNA buddies on here.
This is a fucking forum to discuss wrestling whether it be good or bad. If this guy wants to debate TNA with the blind positivity-****es than he is entitled to this. He obviously enjoys discussing wrestling and he would be doing an injustice to TNA if he kept riding it's diseased and inconsistent dick. This isn't the forum for you if all you want is for threads to be agreed with. Go to the TNA forums. If he went far beyond opinion based then he would be infracted and judging by his reputation he's a honest wrestling fan who argue to his beliefs and doesn't come of as any more of an asshole as some of your TNA buddies on here.

I never said I wanted everything to be agreed with. I also said go back and look at all of his and a few others posts. There comes a time where it just seems like he is being a jerk off on purpose for whatever reason. Just because some ass clown on the internet says he isn't a fan boy of WWE and doesn't hate TNA doesn't mean it has merit. There is a difference between having a discussion and a debate and straight up being an asshole about everything this company does. Now you see why the IWC has such a bad rap because people act like 5 year old kids just to stir some shit up. Again I ask you to go look at his posts. Never anything constructive or insightful. All he does is disagree with everyone's opinions about everything going on. Then to add to that tries to completely bury anything TNA does before it even gets off the ground. Then tries to pass everything off as truth because he seems to know better than everyone else.

Since this is the case why does he and a few others bother at all. If you completely dislike the product to the point where everyday you are in a forum trying shit all over the company in every aspect why even bother? Don't tell me it is because he likes wrestling because obviously he doesn't like it that much. Again it is the same shtick from him and a few others everyday on here.
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