[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I'm pretty sure you do realize the website is not going to tell you who draws right? I'm talking wrestlers who sell merchandise not just a t-shirt or a DVD.

You do know the meaning of the word "draw", right? "To draw money." So a listing of top selling merchandise item is the purest expression of who draws. Cena draws like a motherfucker. For TNA, Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson draw. Merchandise IS mostly T-shirts and DVDs, dipshit.

She said it herself. She sated the number last year during her state of TNA address to fans. Now, all of a sudden she's lying lol.

What are you babbling about? What number? PPV buyrates? @TNADixie has been silent about it, because TNA's buyrates suck month-old zombie cock. Which is why they're quietly getting out of the monthly PPV business. Expect a rerun of the "we listened to our fans" bullshit that was trotted out at the end of the Monday Night disaster.

Are you talking about the $80 million in revenue claim? Because I just don't see where that money comes from.
From 2007 they made 15 million in revenue. Last year they were at 80 million. This is all with 1.2 million viewers the last 3 years.

-They draw about 850 in small areas that WWE does not go too which is about the maximum in those facilities.

-Bigger cities they draw about 2,000 or more which is way more than they did the last two years.

-They gain merchandise sales from UK, Canada, India, etc. TNA is seen in 130 countries.

-Jeff Hardy, RVD, Anderson, Hogan are their top merchandise sellers. There is no maybe in that.

- PPV buyrates they obviously make money in. There is no real legit number in buys leaked or anything.

-They offer VIP packs to people who attend PPV events which costs about 100 bucks. So, they found a way to gain money out of the Impact Zone.

-They always sellout during the UK tour which should generate over 20,000 depending on the locations and attendance.

Mind linking some sources to all these random numbers you're throwing out? Because last time I checked TNA doesn't offer their finanical details to the public, and they never have. So, please show me where these revenue figures are from. And while you're at it show me how much money they've lost in comparison, or compared to their EXPENSES.

You also seem to fail to realize that revenue does not equal profit.
TNA iMPACT! - October 28, 2010

Knockout Brawl - This was a pretty intense and generally physical brawl to start things off. It started off with Tara & Mickie James but eventually came to include The Beautiful People, Madison Rayne & Sarita. It was a pretty standard brawl, you know punching +kicking+being tossed into stuff, but it was the single most interesting thing I’ve seen involving the Knockouts in the last 6 months. It flowed out eventually into the ring and Ric Flair & TNA Security broke it up. I thought Ric Flair looked like a fool out there flopping around all over the place. His presence added nothing to the segment at all but at least it didn’t kill it. A match was set up between the six Knockouts and it was just an overall fun little brawl. Thumbs Up

Bischoff, Flair, Head Trainer - I’m a little mixed on this one but I do think that Flair & Bischoff have a good dynamic. The segment basically featured Flair & Bischoff funning around until the head trainer comes in and tells them he doesn’t think Anderson should wrestle due to suffering a concussion. Flair & Bischoff do some sarcastic stuff talking about all the “safety” issues and all the head trauma stuff and it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. After all, wrestlers have been dropping like flies this decade or committing terrible acts and some of it can be attributed to the aftermath of severe head trauma and it’s just not something to joke about in my view even for a segment. Also, the fact that there’s still stuff going on like unprotected chair shots to the head in TNA sometimes and then to talk about head trauma in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way just kinda rubs me the wrong way. Thumbs Down

Abyss & Pope - I don’t particularly care about this feud in general, but both Abyss & Pope were generally solid on the mic. Pope’s delivery does kinda get on my nerves at times, but it does help him to stand out. Abyss also annoys me, mostly with the screaming and constant heavy breathing into the mic. The part where he grabbed a couple of fans out of the audience after threatening to get us all “one by one” was just plain corny as all fuck. I thought this was passable, but I think Abyss needs a character overhaul. His stuff is just far too corny for my tastes. Thumbs Up

Ric Flair & Matt Morgan - Morgan talks to Flair about Anderson and all the concussion stuff and it just didn’t resonate all that much with me and I think it’s mostly due to Morgan himself. Quite frankly, Matt Morgan has been weaker since hooking up with Fortune than he’s been probably within the past year and a half in TNA. I don’t think he simply has a lot of juice at this point to ultimately make me care about him, at least not now. I think I would’ve been more into it had it been someone that’s done a little more, accomplished more and not spent the last 4 or 5 months jobbing most of the time arguing/discussing something like this with a 20+ time World Heavyweight Champion. This will probably lead to Morgan turning face, which might be the best thing for him as he’s literally nothing with Fortune. It wasn’t really a bad segment, but I’m just not really feeling Matt Morgan trying to play the conscious of Fortune right now. Thumbs Down

Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E - This match was a “Jersey street fight” and I thought it was pretty shitty. Basically, this was little more than a supposed street fight that lasted about 4.5 minutes. For me, lame little street fights that don’t even make it to 5 minutes just don’t blow my skirt up. Robbie gets the win after Cookie sprays lethal in the eyes with something then he hits him with a neck breaker. So with this win, Robbie E gets an X-Division Championship match at Turning Point. He cuts two lame promos, wrestles two lame matches and now he’s #1 contender for the X-Division Championship. Whoopee. Thumbs Down

Angelina Love & Winter - This just isn’t working for me. I mean the whole idea with only Angelina being able to see Winter just sucks balls. It’s an idiotic concept really. Velvet Sky comes back in the room as Angelina is freaking out and “pretends” not to see Winter standing in the corner. The chick that works on the wardrobe of the Knockouts is also in the room and she also pretends that Angelina has been the only woman in the room. Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior did shit like this back in WCW and it wasn’t good then either. Thumbs Down

RVD & EV2.0 - This was just flat and more of the same rehashed shit that Tommy Dreamer has been spouting off since he came to TNA. You know, another “we go way back” and “talking about the good ol’ days” speech. RVD was completely wooden on the mic and I’m want EV2.0 to go away. Just go the frig away, please. Flair comes out and interrupts them and puts Raven & RVD in a tag match against Kazarian & AJ Styles. The whole angle about creating dissention in EV2.0 is extremely weak and this tag match later on will be nothing more than a continuation of that. Thumbs Down

Mickie James & The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne, Tara & Sarita - The match was ok, but it just felt kind of flat with me. I actually busted out laughing when Mike Tenay said that Lacey Von Erich was teaching Miss Tessmacher to wrestle. Nothing overly special about the match, it was basically a solid 6 women tag match. The crowd was all but dead for this, but all six women gave a good outing in general. It wasn’t nearly as good as the brawl they had at the top of the show, not even close, but it was ok. Madison, Tara & Sarita get the win that the 6 minute mark when Sarita hit’s a power bomb on Velvet for the win. Thumbs Up

Abyss & Pope II - Yeah, this pretty much sucked. Abyss was back there with those fans setting up his sex dungeon or whatever and beat the crap outta Pope. He eventually puts him in the casket that Pope brought out earlier then spends about a minute or two looking for Janice. Honestly, why does Abyss carry Janice around? Seriously, it’s a weapon that he can’t even use on anybody without literally killing them. It’s worthless. After he finds the board, he repeatedly strikes the top of the casket with it, denting it badly before turning it over. Nothing you can say about this except more nonsense from Abyss. Thumbs Down

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me - This was a fun fast paced tag team match, though it was a little spot heavy at times. It was a fun little triple threat tag match for the titles, though nothing ultimately special happened. With the whole thing with Team 3D going on, it was obvious that the Guns would retain here, which they did a little before the 6 minute mark. Gen Me needs a new look, they really do. They truly do look like a couple of freshmen standing out there. Still, a fun little match while it lasted. Thumbs Up

AJ Styles & Douglas Williams vs. Rob Van Dam & Raven - Generally speaking, I thought this was pretty boring. I’m just over the Fortune/EV2.0 feud. Truth is, I’ve never cared anything about it and I just wish it would go away. The match was nothing more than another step in creating problems with RVD and EV2.0. Styles & Williams get the win in about 6 minutes. Raven is laid out by Flair and is unable to make the tag, thus creating more tension. Yawn. Thumbs Down

Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan - Morgan continued his crusade to save Anderson from this match with Jeff Jarrett and comes out. Jarrett lectures Morgan and places him in the chain match instead of Anderson. Jarrett wins in about 3 minutes. Morgan recovers as Jarrett calls out Anderson and beats down Jarrett before Fortune swarms out and beats down Morgan. So Morgan is officially out of Fortune. Can’t say I exactly care right now. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - I thought the show was definitely better than average for TNA. It wasn’t great, not by a long shot, but it was better than normal. The stuff with the Knockouts was pretty good, especially the opening brawl as it’s the best thing I’ve seen out of the Knockouts in forever. Some of the promo segments were solid, though I was a little pissed about the whole concussion being done so tongue-in-cheek. The tag match was pretty fun but the rest of the show feel flat for me. I don’t care about EV2.0, I don’t care about Fortune’s feud with EV2.0, Abyss was doing his usual bullshit, Matt Morgan is no longer a member of Fortune and that might mean something to me if Morgan had been worth a shit as Fortune’s muscle.

Grade: C-
Knockouts Brawl

Tara and Mickie start off tonight’s episode with a brawl. They seem to be fighting in the catering area. The camera man goes down. The fight continues in the parking lot. Madison comes in to get a piece of Mickie. Angelina and Velvet come to Mickie’s rescue. Sarita gets involved. And now we have one GIANT Knockouts brawl. All of the women eventually make it to the ring and continue the brawl. Flair and security break things up. But Flair gets slapped for his troubles. Flair makes a tag match for later tonight. Umm, yeah I just have one question…..why the fuck would you start off a show with this??? Surely this segment could’ve been saved for later on in the show, and I don’t think this needed to be so long.

Pope Calls out Abyss

The Pope comes out with a casket. He says he wants to pimp slap Abyss over and over again. Abyss comes through the crowd pissed. He says Hogan and Bischoff have instructed him to take out Pope. Abyss says the fans aren’t safe from his wrath. Oh, that’s nice, now he’s going to start executing fans. He grabs two “fans” from the crowd, and Pope chases after the Monster.

Robbie. E VS Jay Lethal-Jersey Shore Street Fight

This match was okay. Cookie uses hair spray on Lethal. Robbie takes advantage of Lethal being temporarily blinded. He hit’s a neck breaker for the win, and now he has a title shot at Turning Point. This match wasn‘t great, but I thought it delivered. A bunch of weapons were used, and Lethal dominated early on. A good amount of brawling here, but it’s a street fight, so you have to expect that. I knew the interference from Cookie was coming sooner or later, and she didn‘t disappoint. Robbie winning this match doesn’t surprise me, because TNA is really pushing this whole Shore thing.

Winter Continues To Stalk Angelina

Velvet leaves Angelina alone for a while, and Winter suddenly appears behind her. Winter starts flirting with Angelina. She seems to be creeped out by this. Velvet returns, and Winter disappears again. It seems as if Winter has a crush on Angelina. The stalker thing hasn’t been bad so far, and I’m actually anxious to see how this storyline will further develop.

EV2.0/RVD Confrontation

Tommy Dreamer tries to convince RVD that EV2.0 is still on his side. Raven tries to talk some sense into RVD, but he lashes out at him. Fortune interrupts. Flair calls them Punks. Flair makes a tag team match for later tonight. Apparently, Fortune VS EV2.0 will take place at Turning Point. Ugh, I’m not looking forward to this feud continuing at all. I thought this was over after Bound For Glory, but TNA is dragging this feud out even longer. Fortune will probably triumph over EV2.0 at Turning Point, and the mole will be revealed. On a side note, Kendrick was reading a book while all of this was going on.

Sarita, Madison, & Tara VS Angelina, Velvet, & Mickie James

This one starts off with Mickie, Angelina, and Velvet attacking Sarita, Madison, and Tara. Security breaks this up, and Earl Hebner manages to get things under control. Sarita hit’s a sit down power bomb on Velvet for the win. I couldn’t get into this. I REALLY tried, but I just couldn’t. This started out okay, but this match turned into a huge clusterfuck towards the end. Everyone started hitting their finishers consecutively, and the selling wasn’t from all of the Knockouts during this frenzy wasn’t too good. This started off as one huge brawl at the beginning of the show, and it continued during this match.

Pope VS Abyss Continues

Pope finally catches up with Abyss backstage. The two people who he kidnapped earlier manage to escape. Pope and Abyss start fighting each other. Abyss throws Pope in the casket. Abyss finds Janice. He bashes the casket with it, and then he flips the casket over. Abyss yells in triumph. This was creepy and kind of stupid.

Ink Inc. VS GenMe VS The Motor City Machine Guns-TNA World Tag Team Championship

Fun match. This match had a fast pace to it, and there were some cool spots here. The Guns retaining was expected, because you just know they’re not going to lose the titles just yet, especially with the Team 3D challenge looming.

After the match, Team 3D comes out to challenge the Guns. They praise The Guns. The Guns accept the challenge for a match at Turning Point.

Jeff Hardy

Hardy talks about being the Antichrist of pro wrestling again. He says trying to be accepted never made him famous. Really? So I guess he didn’t receive a huge push before he left WWE? Anyway, I thought this promo was solid. Jeff came off as this creepy creature of the night again, and I‘m actually enjoying the new character.

RVD & Raven VS AJ Styles & Doug Williams

AJ and Doug attack Raven early on. RVD takes his time coming to the ring as RVD is being beat down. Flair takes out Raven with AJ’s title. He tries to fight off AJ and Doug by himself, but Doug hit’s a knee from the top rope. AJ grabs the pinfall. Now of course RVD didn’t see Flair clock Raven with the belt. RVD yells at Raven after the match, and for some reason, Raven doesn’t explain himself. Who knows, maybe he’s the traitor? There was also some tension between Doug and AJ here.

This match wasn’t bad, but I just couldn’t get into this. This was just another way advance the RVD paranoia storyline, so you had to expect some interference and foul play here.

Jeff Jarrett VS Mr. Anderson-Chain Match

Jarrett calls out Anderson. His music hits, but Matt Morgan comes out instead. He tries to talk some sense into Jarrett, but JJ won’t listen. He says he doesn’t give a damn about Anderson and his concussion. He says he doesn’t care about anyone. He tells Morgan to leave, but The Blueprint replaces Anderson instead. The match spills over on to ReAction. Jarrett tries to sneak attack Morgan, but he quickly turns things around. Jarrett uses the chain for a low blow, and he hit’s The Stroke for the win. After the match, Morgan attacks Jarrett. He tries to choke him out, but Fortune comes to Jarrett's rescue. Fortune and Jarrett use the chain to choke Morgan. This ends this week’s episode of Impact.

Overall Show Rating 5/10:
This week’s show was a lot better than last week’s show. The majority of the matches were pretty solid, and I did enjoy the Winter segment and the Hardy promo. The Morgan face turn kind of shocked me. I always think he’s better as a heel, and I wish TNA could make up their mind when it comes to his heel/face status. He’s turned so frequently over the past couple of years, and I don’t think he’s had a chance to get into a rhythm as far as his character goes. Morgan seems to be on the road to another huge push, but I just wonder if he will actually stay in the main event scene this time. Also, it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Doug Williams. He seems to be showing some signs of frustration, so he could be the next one to go from Fortune. I’m not happy at all about the Fortune VS EV2.0 again. I thought this feud was over after Bound For Glory, but these two stables will go at it again. I don’t want to hear Tommy Dreamer whine about various topics all over again. And I sure as hell don’t want to see EV2.0 triumph over Fortune again. I doubt it’ll happen again, but you never can be too sure.
I thought Impact was 100x better than last weeks show. The Show opened up with the Knockout Brawl and it was a good change of pace opening it up instead of the Long Promos we got the last two weeks. The Robbie E Vs Lethal was okay not great but not horrible, I'm just waiting to see Robbie E in 10+ match. I like the new Character with Katie Lea and stalking Angelina Love can make for an interesting storyline. I thought the Knockout 6 tag was Solid. MCMG Vs Ink.Inc Vs Gen was an excellent Tag match fast paced and exciting with the Guns picking up the win with the Skull&Bones. Rvd and Raven Vs AJ and Doug was a decent Tag match but it was more meant to continue RVD's paranoia. Hardy had very good backstage video and I really Like Hardy's new Character. Impact ended with Morgan Vs Jarrett in a Chain Match Jarrett got the win after a Low Blow and The Stroke after the match Fortune come out to Help Jarrett ad beat the crap out of Morgan. This show was MUCH BETTER than last week.

So I've been lurking for a while, been a fan of wrestling for years and tonight I was expecting the usual run of the mill Impact.

And it was, only something was different. Matt Morgan was actually in a coherent story that made sense and made me think "hey maybe TNA do take these things seriously!".

But all that changed right at the end of the show, for what they did with the hanging after the Morgan story through the night they may aswell have dug up Benoits' grave, shoved it in the ring and danced all over it.

That hanging was sick, disgusting and has totally turned me off of TNA. I'm done with them!
Knockouts Brawl

I just can't bring myself to care about the Knockouts in TNA, or the Diva's in WWE. Call me sexist, but I just don't care. And what the hell was Flair doing out there?


If there's one thing Bischoff can do, it's talk. Same thing with 60+ year old Flair. I got a kick out of them chewing out the security guards, even if it was completely pointless.

Pope Promo

Pope cut a decent promo, setting up a feud with Abyss. Can't knock the Pope, but I'm not a real big fan either. Abyss spits and yells some more, and kidnaps some people..yep, he's still about as disgusting as someone can be.

Morgan/Flair/Random Hottie

Flair is a pimp, no doubt. Morgan is getting better and better on the mic as his career moves along. To be honest, I like TNA addressing the concussion problem in sports. Good segment, as usual when Flair is on the mic.

Jay Lethal/Robbie E.

This 'Shore' gimmick is idiotic, but this Robbie kid can wrestle. I wish it had been an actual wrestling match as opposed to a 'Jersey Street Fight,' but I'll take what I can get.

The Beautiful People/The Pirate's Sister

The Beautiful girls need to realize that sometimes less is more. They are constantly talking over one another, and it's hard to understand what in the hell they are talking about. What in the hell is with the Pirate's sister? This isn't creepy, it's downright embarassing. I couldn't help but laugh the second I saw her just sitting there. Weird, pointless angle, IMO.


EV2 is still hanging around? Another segment with Tommy Dreamer yet again talking about the good ol' days, and how much he loves everyone, and blah blah blah. This gets more and more annoying every week. RVD is paranoid, and goes after Raven (who by the way, looks like an 80 year old woman). Fourtune comes out to tell EV2 they suck..which is true..and they had better get ready for the next PPV. For the love of God, let Fourtune win and be done with this EV2 shit.

Fourtune Backstage

Williams is pissed now (starting at the end of the last segment)? I'm wondering TNA just realized the group didn't really need the extra two wrestlers (Morgan and Williams)? Though I have to say, Fourtune making fun of Williams was rather funny.

Knockouts Match

Decent action with the girls..but I still couldn't possibly care any less.

MCMG/Gen. ME/Ink Inc.

Best match I've seen on Impact in some time. If there is one thing TNA does leaps and bounds better than WWE, it's A. Putting together REAL tag teams, and B. Putting on great tag matches. Good stuff here, all three teams looked good.


Another good segment, really driving home the idea that concussions need to be taken seriously. Probably doesn't make for the most entertaining of storylines, but it's important.

Jeff Hardy video package

I am really liking the heel Jeff Hardy. Does that mean I like the Immortal angle? Not at all, but Jeff is playing his role pretty well. I think he could have done this on his own.

RVD/Raven vs. Williams/AJ

I was a huge Raven fan..once upon a time. But now, with him looking like an old woman, it's time to hang em' up. Ok match, with an odd ending. LOL'ed when RVD yelled at Raven, "What the hell are you doing over there?" Funny stuff..but not in a good way. RVD's paranoid..that's all that came from this.

Jarrett and Morgan

As I said earlier, I'm glad TNA is focusing on how dangerous concussions are, but this whole Morgan-face-turn thing is just odd. This guy cares about no one, but tonight of all nights, he decides enough is enough? I wish there had been a build-up to this face turn, but then again, TNA's creative team seems to be coming up with this shit week-to-week. I think this is exactly what happens when you don't look far enough down the road, in terms of writing.

I think it's a positive for both Fourtune and Morgan to not be teamed up, as I think Morgan can shine on his own, as can Fourtune without him. Just not sure it was well done, the whole break up.


I'm being gracious because I really enjoyed the tag match. TNA, without a doubt, has the best tag division in mainstream wrestling. I wish that division would have more segments, because it really is the best thing TNA has going.

I like Morgan, and part of me is happy he's getting away from Fourtune. He's too talented to just be a bodyguard. But the other part of me wishes they had spent more than one episode doing it.
ReAction was awesome last night. Jeff Hardy was fantastic on last nights' episode of ReAction, he seems much more convincing as a Heel then a face and I really enjoy his new character. The segments with Mickie James and Tara were very well done and they did a Great job of selling the hatred between each other. The other segments were good and interesting. I think that ReAction does an Excellent job of Building the PPV feuds.

I agree with people that Impact was better than it's been in two weeks. Some points:

- Good job to the Knockouts for the fierce brawl to start the show.

- Flair is part of the security force now? Is he moonlighting since he got cleaned out by his divorce?

- Did the writers write the storyline while watching the NFL? Matt Morgan turns face because of his concern for a rival wrestler with a concussion? For anyone who wants to say storylines are written in advance, this is where you're wrong. This really came out of the blue, and Matt Morgan is probably one of the oddest choices to be a top face, especially after he just spent 6 months being a rather weak bodyguard. Maybe TNA is going for the Diesel push, but even Diesel got victory after victory. Morgan hasn't won in months.

- On the concussion\head trauma point, maybe Bischoff and Flair making fun of it and having complete disinterest was in bad taste, but at least the heels were doing it and it was serious enough for Morgan to question his loyalty to the Immortals. Plus, Anderson didn't wrestle so it's pure kayfabe.

- One more thing on the concussion\head trauma: I'm realizing that every show has someone bleeding. Do we need wrestlers blading every single show? Blood is a cool effect (even though I'm staunchly against the act of blading) but shouldn't it be a once-in-a-while thing? Especially with the studies that Morgan was talking about?

- I'm exetremely happy that both Jay Lethal and the Motor City Machineguns made Impact this week. Lethal faced his Turning Point opponent Robbie E., who I'm not so down on anymore. He's better when he's not talking and just wrestling. Seems a little quick for a Jersey Street Fight, but hey, Lethal was on the show so I'll take it. And tag team wrestling is the BEST thing TNA does right now. Go Motor City!

- Does anyone NOT think the mole is Brian Kendrick? And I'm not as down on EV2 as others are. I just wish they had a new feud to go to. I feel like as long as they're there they'll be in a holding pattern with the same feuds.

- Interesting thought: what if RVD's actions drive ALL of EV2 to turn heel and join the Immortals? We know RVD isn't going heel (due to the rumors that he was against it) but what else do you do with them?

- I don't want to see the guy that keeps bringing back the sign "I Make It Rain All Over Madison." I'm betting that guy is creepy.

- Speaking of Madison, she's hot but I hate screaming Knockouts\Divas. That includes Melina and Daffney.

- Lacey Von Erich is TRAINING Miss Tessmacher? Lacey Von Erich is TRAINING Miss Tessmacher?! Hopefully Lacey shows her the nipple-popping-out technique she's mastered for a while.

- I'll say it again because it bears repeating: Tag team wrestling is the BEST thing TNA does right now. Another great triple threat tag team match. Every team looks credible right now to win, and that includes Team 3D and Beer Money.

- Those mohawks of Ink Inc. never move. I'll never understand it.

- Did Ray and Jesse Neal settle their differences? I guess I missed it.

- A.J. Styles must have pissed somebody off. Seriously. People keep saying, "Wait for the storyline to play out." Well, A.J. han't faced anybody outside of EV2 except The Pope in months. Sounds like punishment to me.

- Douglas Williams as a face as well? The British Invasion as faces maybe?

- Last thing: Matt Morgan talking like an expert in brain and head trauma and sounding like a genius? Jeff Jarrett a cold-blooded and vicious bad-ass? Did somebody mix the scripts up for people's characters?
The numbers are in for last night's show. TNA iMPACT! scored a 1.13 Nielsen Rating with around 1.5 million viewers. The household rating was down just a shade from last week's 1.15 and the number of viewers is extremely similar to last week.

Quarter hours:
Q1: 1.18 = Brawl between the Knockouts, Flair breaking up the Brawl in the ring & Pope shown with the casket.

Q2: 1.06 = Update on Mr. Anderson, Bischoff & Flair backstage, Pope and Abyss promo & Jeff Jarrett promo on Samoa Joe.

Q3: 1.13 = Ric Flair with Matt Morgan backstage, Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal & The Beautiful People backstage.

Q4: 1.14 = EV2.0 and Fortune promo, Fortune backstage arguing & entrance of the TNA Knockouts.

Q5: 1.29 = Mickie James and The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne, Tara and Sarita, Abyss and Pope backstage & Generation Me promo.

Q6: 1.10 = MCMGs vs. Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me & Team 3D challenge to the Guns.

Q7: 1.05 = Morgan & Bischoff backstage & Jeff Hardy promo.

Q8: 1.12 = AJ Styles and Douglas Williams vs. RVD and Raven.

As the overrun/main event of the show with Jarrett & Morgan was featured on iMPACT!, it hasn't been factored into the ratings of TNA iMPACT!, at least right now.

The first hour of the show averaged a 1.13 rating. It started out strong, dipped for a bit and then managed to regain some ground with the final two quarters. The second hour averaged a 1.14 and the highest rated segment of the entire show was the Knockout tag team match by far. After that, the ratings went downward quickly though they did recover some in the tag match. The high rating that the six Knockout tag team match got is probably what kept the show's rating from slipping more than it did compared to last week.
Date: October 28, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: Chained To Fate

This is another show that appears to be another of the exact same thing that they’ve had last week. Odds are that we’ll get more Turning Point set up which is probably a good thing. The main advertised match is Jarrett vs. Anderson in a chain match. Why a chain match between these two you ask? Probably because it’s a gimmick match and there is no real feud going on between these two. Let’s get to it.

I’m turning off Brock vs. Eddie to watch this TNA. Don’t screw me over again.

We open with Jeff talking about forgiveness and his pain and being the anti-Christ of wrestling. Yeah that’s not overkill at all. We also see the cut on Anderson’s head which is a legit injury it seems. Anderson is hurt. I’m stunned too.

Tara and Mickie are brawling in catering and it’s a big old fight. What an original way to open this show. It appears that Tara is winning but we go out to the backstage area and Mickie pulls the jacket over her head like a hockey fight. Madison runs in to help out Tara as the Beautiful People run in to help out Mickie.

The heels take over and Angelina appears to be out. At least they’re hot I guess. Sarita is in this too from somewhere. She and Velvet are up by the booth as we have three separate fights going on here. Somehow we manage to talk about Immortal out of all of this. We’re into the ring now as this has been going on for like 8 minutes now.

Here comes Flair and SECURITY to stop this I guess. TARA SLAPS FLAIR as he tries to break all this up. Now Mickie slaps him around a bit. He grabs a mic for no apparent reason to yell at him and threatens to make a woman out of anyone that slaps him. They start going at it again and Flair makes the obvious six person tag. Good night Mickie is beautiful. They start it up again and hey let’s play that theme song.

Lethal vs. Robbie tonight in a street fight. If Robbie wins he gets a regular match for the title at the PPV.

Guns defend the titles in a three way.

Jarrett vs. Anderson in a chain match. Sure why not.

Pope is wheeling a casket to the ring. Tenay: what’s he doing with that? Tazz: maybe he’s a bad ass going after some MMA guy. Cute Tazz. Very cute.

We get another video about Hardy, which is more or less the same thing that opened Impact but with more of a focus on the Anderson injury.

Flair is in Bischoff’s office and makes more ex-wives jokes. Bischoff says that Hogan isn’t here but is looking for some new acquisitions for Immortal. That scares me. If Angle gets to the set tonight then the security guards are fired. The head trainer comes in and says Anderson is too injured to fight. Eric says it’s still on of course. Anderson has a concussion and the trainer says it’s not safe.

Pope is in the arena, not that we saw his introduction or anything, with a casket. There’s a monster on the loose with demons running through him so Pope is going to pimp slap him. So a street pope is going to put a demon monster in a casket by pimp slapping him. TNA: SERIOUS BUSINESS BABY!

Abyss pops up in the crowd and has orders from Hogan and Bischoff to take care of Pope. Abyss says he’ll need a priest to administer last rites. He says that the congregation isn’t safe either so he kidnaps two fans.

Jarrett says he knew how far he threw Joe. Anderson is out next and Jarrett doesn’t care about his concussion. Joe vs. Jarrett at Turning Point.

After a break, Flair is talking to some chick that might have been Tessmacher and here comes Morgan to make jokes about Brett Favre and text messages. He says that Anderson shouldn’t wrestle with the concussion tonight. Morgan knows about concussions from playing football and that it’s not worth the risk. Flair kisses Hogan’s ass of course and says he’ll forget what Morgan just said.

Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal

This is a Jersey Shore Street Fight and if Robbie wins he gets a title shot at Turning Point. Yeah we’re going to have a gimmick match to set up a regular match. Of course we talk about J-Woww some more because we need to get that 15k worth. Lethal is in street clothes and it’s on immediately. Big suicide dive to take out Robbie. There are weapons at ringside too.

Lethal is dominating so far which more or less seals his loss. Back in the ring as Robbie gets a bit of control. He shouts at Cookie to bring him something so he gets a kendo stick. Lethal gets it though and Robbie is in trouble. Whenever I say Robbie I hear one of the Highlanders saying “I’m Robbie” in that weird voice of his. Lethal is dominating here but Cookie sprays some stuff in his eyes. Neckbreaker ends it. Taz thinks this is an upset. Yeah a guy who has been around a month beating a champion is almost an upset.

Rating: D+. Another five minute match here with nothing of note. Like I said the ending was pretty clear with one guy dominating the whole time and then the other having his chick cheat to win it for him. It wasn’t horrible but I don’t get having a gimmick match to set up a regular match. Oh well though.

The Beautiful People chat a bit and Winter pops up again and apparently loves Angelina.

After a break we recap the RVD/Sabu thing from last week. EV is in the ring and says RVD hasn’t answered any attempts at contacting him so could he please come out here, which he does. RVD wanted Tommy to come to TNA and last week was an accident according to Dreamer. Kendrick is in the corner reading some book. DILLIGAF perhaps?

Jeff is a scumbag according to Dreamer. This is Bischoff we’re talking about and he wanted to kill “our old company.” RVD gets after Raven who is in a military jacket or something. He suggests getting off the weed and says that Bischoff is like him: a super genius. RVD goes after Raven and here is Fourtune. OH COME ON MORE OF THIS FEUD? Fourtune vs. EV 2 FOR THE LAST TIME at Turning Point. RVD/Raven vs. AJ/Kaz later tonight. Williams isn’t happy.

Knockouts fight next.

Fourtune is arguing in the back about Williams and Morgan walks off. Apparently it’s AJ/Williams instead of AJ/Kaz. Flair wants a beer and says he’ll never get iced again.

Beautiful People/Mickie James vs. Tara/Saria/Madison Rayne

Sweet damn Sarita looks great. It’s 10 PM and the second match is just starting. The faces run down to start a brawl in the aisle but the security dudes are here. No bell that I heard at least and it’s just a big mess. The security dudes are in there too and Hebner hates his. Ah there’s a bell with Madison vs. Angelina starting us off. Great to see those new feuds building up in the division.

Mickie comes in and beats up Sarita a bit but gets kicked in the head by Tara to shift control back as well as getting a two. Hot tag to Angelina who stays on offense all of a second and brings Mickie back in. Thesz Press off the top to Sarita but she gets triple teamed in the corner. This is a huge mess. Velvet gets a DDT on Sarita for two. Lacey is now training Tessmacher. Oh good grief. Mickie gets her jumping DDT but walks into the Widow’s Peak but everything falls even more apart and Sarita gets a Tiger Bomb on Velvet to end it.

Rating: D-. The girls were hot, but we saw them brawl earlier on. The match was a mess with Velvet or Madison or Tara barely being in it. This wasn’t very good at all and was just a big mess. Somehow six minutes get us more than double the amount of wrestling in the first hour. Not a good match at all.

Pope hears screaming and chases after it as we go to a break.

Back and Pope is brawling with Abyss and there just happens to be a casket there too. Abyss dominates and puts Pope in the casket. Casket match anyone? He looks for Janice and beats on the casket with it after the camera cuts away from it.

Generation Me says it’s all about them. Ink Inc comes out and says they’re Hardy Boys rip offs. Oh wait it’s a break first.

Tag Titles: Ink Inc vs. Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns

So yeah no way the titles are changing here. Amazingly we don’t have this started during the break. Neal vs. Max (I think as I can never remember which is which) starts us off. Tenay goes into his old man rant about how this generation does nothing. The Guns haven’t been in yet which seems to be the theme going here. They finally come in and of course the match and the crowd picks up.

Moore almost gets a pin on Max for an Asai moonsault. Mooregasm is avoided and the crowd dies when the Guns aren’t in there. Of course there is no sense of coherency in hits match as Sabin takes a Mooregasm but Jeremy pulls the referee out. Skull and Bones out of nowhere on Neal ends it.

Rating: C+. Fun but just a mess that we’ve seen before. The crowd DYING when the Guns weren’t in there is rather interesting and tells an interesting thing about the tag division: no one cares about anyone but the Guns. This wasn’t bad at all though but the Guns were the highlight of it by far, which is no surprise to anyone with a brain.

Team 3D comes out and long story short, the match is on for Turning Point.

Morgan comes in to talk to Eric about the chain match later. Eric says it’s about ratings and Morgan says it’s about more than that. Matt mentions giving Hernandez his concussions and says it’s bad. Eric doesn’t care and throws Matt out.

Matt wants to talk to someone whose name wasn’t clear enough.

Tazz and Tenay argue over the chain match. They then run down the Turning Point card which only has Mickie vs. Tara as anything new.

Hardy says he’s better than everyone else but wasn’t accepted until Eric and Hulk. Oh ok he was accepted but didn’t get money or fame until he won the TNA Title. Not touching that one.

Rob Van Dam/Raven vs. AJ Styles/Douglas Williams

No RVD to start as Raven is double teamed while his music is still playing. That has to be against a wrestling law from somewhere. RVD’s music hits but he casually walks out there and lets the double teaming go on. There he is and lands Rolling Thunder on Williams for two. Slow start to the match as there is no Raven in the match officially.

Tazz and Bischoff bicker like an old married couple over Bischoff and why Tenay worked for him. After a lot of nothing, Flair comes down and drills Raven with the Legends Title which RVD didn’t see. RVD finally gets over for a tag but there’s no Raven. Double teaming and the flying forearm take RVD down. A flying kneedrop from Williams gets the pin but AJ steals it.

Rating: D. Far more of an angle than a match here and the match wasn’t anything of note. Quick too at like three and a half minutes. It’s not horrible but it just didn’t work that well at all. The angle should be good though so this is a nice little advancement to it. Not very good at all though.

Raven and RVD argue as we go to a break.

TNA people are going to be on Family Feud.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Mr. Anderson

It’s a chain match and Jarrett’s music hits at 11pm. And there’s no Anderson as Morgan comes out TO END IMPACT! Oh wait we can watch ReAction immediately after it. Words can express how much I hate that. Morgan says he’s a card carrying member of the Sports Legacy Institute which is Chris Nowitski’s group. This turns into a PSA and we throw in a reference to Jeff’s kids because that’s required.

Morgan says this is more important than wrestling. Jarrett freaks on him and says this is about survival and nothing else. He doesn’t care about Morgan anymore and says the massacre of Mr. Anderson happens tonight and there’s nothing Morgan can do about it. Morgan picks up the chain and puts it around his wrist, threatening to kick Jarrett’s ass and it’s on. This is a match apparently.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan

Morgan is in street clothes. Morgan dominates early on as Jarrett gets nothing. A shot into the post busts open Morgan as Tazz and Tenay bicker even more. Jeff jumps into a chokeslam though but the Carbon Footprint is blocked into the Stroke to end it. No rating of course as this was like 3 minutes long.

Matt gets up and beats down Jarrett, choking him with the chain. Cue Fourtune for the big beatdown as I guess Morgan is now a face. They hang him with the chain as there is no one to save him.

Overall Rating
: C-. There was a bit more wrestling on the card this week and I think it helped a good deal. Having a match like the tag title match is something that is an easy solution to breaking the monotony that a lot of these shows have been having lately. In short, the solution to a boring wrestling show is a fast paced wrestling match. What a concept!

This was ok, but Hogan hasn’t been on camera in two weeks and Hardy is barely on the show at all. I will never understand the concept of don’t have the champion there ever. I can understand not having the champion wrestle, but not having him there at least in the arena is a bit of a head scratcher to me. Also I do not like them using concussions as a storyline like they have been. Those things are serious injuries that are thankfully getting more spotlight and recognition lately which is always a good thing.

I understand that Anderson has one, but that doesn’t mean you need to talk about it and use it as a plot device. Anyway this was a better show than last week but the lack of wrestling is still hurting it. Waiting half an hour for a five minute Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal match and then not having any more wrestling in the first hour is not good. With Hogan saying they’re going to be shooting more, I do not like where this is going.
Q5: 1.29 = Mickie James and The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne, Tara and Sarita, Abyss and Pope backstage & Generation Me promo.

Q6: 1.10 = MCMGs vs. Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me & Team 3D challenge to the Guns.

This is the type of thing that shows that the IWC does not know everything it claims too. Women wrestling sucks, we want more MCMG and other lesser know but talented workers. The match here was at least good and it was advertised beforehand and it lost viewers compared to a KOs match just put together at the beginning of the show. Sometimes the who draws the ratings stuff has to come into play as well.

I enjoyed impact. People were whining about who the faces were going to be and Morgan stepped up in a big way at the end of the show. If he realizes his potential then that could be a big thing for TNA. It also seems like this immortal/fortune thing is starting to solidify cheers for faces and boos for heels. I thought the KOs were great tonight.
I thought Impact was good last night.

the Knockouts fighting at the beginning was awesome! I love the KO so pretty much anything they do is gold to me. not only brawling at the beginning but then a match later one. people complain that TNA recently has had too much of Velvet/Madison/Angelina. now TNA mixes in some other wrestlers, and still not happy? I was happy.

people wanted more wrestling, and you got that. the tag match was incredible.
your likely not going to get a lot of straight wrestling on the weekly TV show. if you want a lot of wrestling, buy the PPV.

I'm not surprised by the ratings. likely what your going to continue to get. it would take something really big to change the ratings on a permanent basis. maybe TNA could get their name/product out there to more general fans to pick up more viewers. maybe being on Family Feud soon will help that.
I don't think any of the ratings are a result of the product your seeing. TNA deserves better ratings.

were you entertained by watching Impact?
there were things they could have done differently.
I'm not buying the way "Winter" is being used. can only Angelina see her? how is that going to work when they have to wrestle? would have been better to just have her come in with her name and say she is there to wrestle.
you know, we always talk about how we want more wrestling on the show and its always a matter of tna not having enough time on tv to have 6 or 7 really solid matches. But i just watched an old WCW Nitro from 97 and it was one solid match after another, along with a great storyline with the nwo going on. tna could totally do this. why don't they? i personally am tired of 10 minute brawls that go nowhere and 5 minute matches.
I give the show a 4 out of 10. I’m not a TNA hater. It’s just that this was a bad show with way too many things going on at once. It wasn’t an enjoyable experience. The push of the Knockouts I enjoyed, but the majority of the show was disappointing. Too many logic holes. Too much head scratching.

Here’s my problem with the Morgan angle. There were no signs of him turning at all before this. They did about three weeks worth of angles in one show. Every week somebody turns heel or face out of the blue and it leads to confusion because as a viewer you have no idea if you should be behind somebody or against them. I’m not sure why anybody thinks that’s good television. That’s not to say that Matt Morgan will be a bad babyface. I think he’s a good performer who is ready to come into his own. It’s just that they did it too fast because they realized their babyface roster is weak. Long term planning would be nice.

One other thing is they need to stop doing unprotected chair shots to the head. They have a guy walking around on the show talking about them, yet they do them and it legitimately hurt Anderson. Be smart. You’re not selling any more buys by having a guy get his brain scrambled.

I miss Kurt Angle. Get him back on TV soon. He’s on the payroll. Use him always. No injury angles.

Lastly, the best thing about the show is no more Dixie acting. I don’t miss that. Keep her off the show please. I’m sure she’s the nicest person. I’ve heard great things. It doesn’t mean she should be on TV.
This weeks impact was brilliant. It was paced and spaced perfectly. Im not gonna dissect every fucking minute of the show like some guys do onhere. The show was just really easy and enjoyable viewing with a great balance between story and wrestling. Keep it up TNA :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Bischoff Shows Us His Skills

Bischoff comes out dressed in karate gear. He’s joined by Ric Flair and a referee. Bischoff says Morgan is out of Fortune and Immortal. Bischoff challenges Anderson to a match. Bischoff says if he pins him, then Anderson will get his title shot at Turning Point. Bischoff beats up a referee. He fires him afterwards.

I thought that this was kind of silly. Watching Bischoff kick a ref into oblivion just didn’t do it for me.

Fortune confronts EV2.0 in their locker room. RVD is still paranoid. Raven is no where to be found. AJ pushes Rhino, and he accidentally spears RVD into a locker. This spear looked sick. Kendrick was reading a book and getting a massage before this went down. I still have no idea what TNA is doing with Kendrick.

Winter Stalks Angelina

Velvet wants to take care of Sarita by herself. Angelina wishes her good luck. Once Velvet is gone, Winter appears again. Winter continues to show her admiration for Angelina. The Winter storyline has been intriguing, but I wish they would change the venue of her appearances. The sudden appearances in the dressing room are starting to become stale.

Sarita VS Velvet Sky

Sarita gets the win with a powerbomb. I thought this match was pretty bad. Velvet looked sloppy out there, and this match never really picked up. The crowd was pretty dead here, and this match just felt very awkward. After the match, Velvet throws a tantrum.

Generation Me & Tara VS Ink Inc. & Mickie James

Ink Inc. and Mickie picked up the win here. This was a solid match. Mickie and Tara kicked a lot of ass here. Watching the Knockouts take it to the men was kind of weird. Gen Me provided us with some nice spots, and of course Mickie and Tara went at it. After the match, Mickie and Ink Inc. are beat down by Gen Me and Tara.

Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett continues to bash Kurt Angle. He continues to take shots at Angle’s personal life. Jarrett fakes another apology. He says he wish he would’ve done more damage to Samoa Joe. Jarrett says he didn’t sell out. Jarrett walks up the entrance ramp, and Joe bursts through the floor. Joe attacks. He goes for the Muscle Buster, but the two security guards stop him. Jarrett escapes, and Joe decides to take his frustrations out on the security instead.

I hated this segment until Joe appeared. Watching Jarrett fake another apology almost put me to sleep, but Joe’s attack was done so well. He looked like a beast here.

Rhino VS AJ Styles VS RVD- TNA TV Championship

AJ rolls up RVD and grabs the tights for the win. This match was solid. AJ and RVD looked good here. Rhino got a few shots in, and I thought this match had a nice pace to it. We all knew AJ wasn’t going to lose, and the tension between RVD and Rhino was expected.

After the match, RVD continues to show his paranoia. He clocks Raven. Tommy Dreamer gets on the mic. He tries to talk some sense into RVD, but he still won’t listen. Dreamer challenges him to a match at Turning Point.

Kaz VS Doug Williams

Ric Flair joins Taz and Tenay for commentary. Beer Money comes to ringside. Kaz throws Williams into the ropes. He knocks Storm off of the apron. Kaz gets the win with a roll up. Another solid match. There were some nice counters here, and this match had a nice flow to it. I knew Beer Money would get involved some how, but why were they at ringside? Why did Storm get on the apron? It just seemed like they came out there to hang out and have a good time. They really weren’t rooting too hard for either member of Fortune.

After the match, Doug becomes paranoid. Ric Flair urges Williams and Kaz to shake hands. Williams is reluctant, but he eventually caves in, and he shakes Kaz’s hand.

The Pope VS Abyss

Nothing special happened here. Abyss dominated Pope early, and the ref ends the match when Abyss attacks the “fans.” Pope challenges Abyss to a Lumberjack match at Turning Point. The Lumberjacks will be the Impact Zone fans. Abyss gladly accepts the challenge.

I haven’t been able to get into this feud. Watching Abyss terrorize and torture people is starting to become stale.

Jeff Hardy cuts another good heel promo. I’m really enjoying his new character.

Bischoff Calls Out Mr.Anderson

Eric Bischoff comes out with the contract for the World Title match at Turning Point. Jeremy Borash does a long and over the top announcement for this match. Bischoff wrote this announcement, and he seems to be very pleased with himself. Anderson doesn’t show. Bischoff challenges Borash instead. He cheap shots Borash. Anderson’s music hits, but Matt Morgan appears instead. He hit’s The Carbon Footprint on Bischoff. He gets a three count for the win. TNA cuts to ReAction AS MORGAN IS PINNING BISCHOFF. Nice work TNA. Morgan signs the contract, and Jeff Hardy has a new opponent for Turning Point.

I really didn’t have a problem with this. TNA needed a replacement for Anderson, and Morgan is a good choice. I could’ve done without Eric Bischoff flaunting his karate skills, and the cheap shot on Borash didn’t entertain me at all. We saw him beat up a referee earlier in the night. That was enough. We get it Bischoff. You’re a bad ass.

Overall Show Rating 5/10:
Tonight’s episode of Impact was okay. This was the final show before Turning Point, and TNA had to build some last minute hype for the show on Sunday. The majority of the matches on tonight’s show were pretty solid. Sarita VS Wilde was pretty bad, but I don’t think this match ruined the whole show. I was also surprised at the good amount of wrestling tonight. Also, I was very glad that I didn’t have to see too much of Robbie. E and Cookie. I can’t stand this Shore stuff, and I always enjoy Impact more if I don’t see that much of them. This show wasn’t that great, but it wasn’t as bad as some of the previous shows.
TNA iMPACT! - November 4, 2010

Opening Segment - The opening segment was generally lackluster and was taken straight out of the WCW playbook. Bischoff coming out dressed in his martial arts gear, talking big on the mic, having someone out there with him to watch his back/kiss his ass and beat up a referee. I’d say some will be into it maybe because it has a little bit of nostalgia about it, but I’m long since over nostalgia in TNA. Bischoff challenging Anderson to a match in the night is going to be a joke not only because Anderson’s not there, but it’s just flat. I take it that it’s supposed to be the main event of the night, so I can’t exactly say I’m all that hot. Bischoff doing his martial arts stuff, even back in WCW, was his version of Vince’s Kiss My Ass Club segments. Thumbs Down

EV2.0 & Fortune Backstage - This little locker room segment is the continuation of inserting more paranoia into the whole EV2.0 mole situation while continuing with their feud with Fortune. I just want this to be over with. Truth is, I wish it’d never begun to be perfectly honest and I just don’t care about it. Rhino accidentally gores RVD instead of Styles to end the segment. There wasn’t anything wrong with the segment, it’s just what the segment revolves around. It’s just something that TNA has dragged out for much too long in my opinion. Thumbs Down

Mr. Anderson Phone Promo - When RVD made a phone call after being taken out by Abyss, it didn’t work due to RVD’s wooden personality and promo skills. Anderson made this work well I thought because it was very toned down from what you usually see and hear from him. He came off as sounding sympathetic I think, which works when you consider he legitimately suffered a concussion a few weeks back and had the back of his head split wide open. Nothing groundbreaking about it, but it was just well done and showed that Anderson can do more than the more over the top stuff we usually hear from him. Thumbs Up

The Beautiful People & Winter - I know some people dig this, but it’s just not clicking for me. The whole thing is just far too much like the whole Ultimate Warrior/Hulk Hogan fiasco back in WCW. It didn’t work then, it was awful and it just doesn’t work now. This week, they did something different with Angelina Love actually turning away from the mirror and seeing Winter, so some will say that it’s totally different from Hogan/Warrior. It really isn’t because they still seem to be doing the whole bit where only Angelina can see her. Remember last week, they did this bit and one of the women that works on the outfits of the Knockouts happened to be in the room as well and didn’t see Winter either. It just feels stupid to me. Thumbs Down

Velvet Sky vs. Sarita - Pretty lame Knockout match here. Velvet did try a few new moves in the match, but the action throughout the entire course of the match was very slow, sloppy and clunky. Both Velvet & Sarita looked very uncoordinated in there at times, Velvet especially. I know Sarita is a good worker inside the ring from past matches, but Velvet just needs a lot of work in my opinion. It was still better than what we usually see from the Divas on SmackDown! or Raw, but that still doesn’t mean it was good. The only real consolation here is that both women looked hot. Sarita gets the win in about 4 minutes with a power bomb. Thumbs Down

Ink Inc. & Mickie James vs. Generation Me & Tara - This match was ok, nothing special in particular, but a pretty solid effort overall. The male wrestlers carried most of the action and did a solid job. I really think GenMe needs a new look or something. They need to hit the gym, get some tattoos, grow facial hair, shave their head, just do something because I don’t think I’ve ever seen two guys that come across as less physically intimidating in many years. Ink Inc. & Mickie get the win about the 6 minute mark. Nothing special, but it was ok. Thumbs Up

Orlando Jordan & Eric Young Therapy Session - Yeah, this was some pretty weak shit and an extremely lame attempt at adding some comedy to the mix. Eric Young rambling on about one thing with Orlando Jordan just basically sitting there talking to a “specialist”. I guess Orlando Jordan & Eric Young are TNA’s answer to Vladimir Koslov & Santino Marella. I have to give the latter a bit of an edge, however, as Santino’s actually pretty funny sometimes. Thumbs Down
Jeff Jarrett & Samoa Joe - Nothing really to say about this. It just felt pretty lackluster. Jeff Jarrett’s promo was routine and is, more or less, the exact same thing he’s been saying for the past several weeks. I’ve just never really bought into Jeff Jarrett as a heel, I’ve just never sensed that heel vibe coming from him realistically. Joe popping up out of the ramp was kinda cool, though it did feel kinda blah. Popping up out of a ramp or tearing a hole in the ring or whatever is something that works best when you’ve been gone a while rather than just not being seen on the show for a week. Thumbs Down

AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino - Pretty forgettable and disappointing match here. Generally speaking, there’s nothing wrong with 4 minute matches, but not when they’re for championships or when they’re gimmick matches. The match was basically little more than a tool to show the crowd RVD is paranoid. Personally, I would’ve preferred they had a lumberjack match between Styles and RVD and actually made the match worth something. They could’ve always come up with a way to make it appear as though RVD lost due to a misunderstanding with someone from EV2.0. The TNA Television Championship is about as meaningless as when Booker T first introduced it. Four minute gimmick title matches just don’t do it for me. Thumbs Down

Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian - This was a pretty fun match while it lasted. Both guys looked good in the ring and got about the same amount of offense on each other, some good back and forth worth and good counters. I honestly don’t know why Fortune is doing the whole dissention in the ranks bit when they’ve just allied themselves with Immortal. At any rate, a solid 4 minute match between Williams & Kazarian. I’ve never been all that high on Kazarian, but I like Williams and I think TNA screwed up taking the X-Division title off him. Kazarian gets the win in 4 minutes by rolling Williams up for the win. It’s really kind of stupid having James Storm standing on the ring apron drinking a beer while a match is going on. Still, Williams & Kazarian put on a solid match. Thumbs Up

The Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. Abyss - Three minutes of garbage basically. Not much I can say really. I mean they got in the ring for a few minutes before Abyss went out and started attacking “fans” by pulling them over the security railing and pounding on them. Nothing that’s happened between these two makes me want to see them wrestle for free on television, so why the hell would I pay $35 bucks to see them do it? Thumbs Down

Closing Segment - Basically, most of this is a continuation from the show’s opening. Bischoff comes out in his gi, makes Jeremy Borash announce him a certain way and walks around all big and bad. Anderson’s music hits, Morgan comes into the ring and pins Eric Bischoff, getting a world title shot at Jeff Hardy at Turning Point. Matt Morgan? Really? The guy that’s spent much of the past year in TNA doing little or nothing worthwhile? The guy who jobbed out to Brian Kendrick in about 2 minutes the last match I saw him work? Wow..just wow.. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that TNA had to come up with a replacement for Ken Anderson but Matt Morgan is quite under whelming at this particular point in time. Why not come up with some way to work RVD into the mix? I mean, he had to surrender the title right, so he didn’t get a chance to win it back. I wouldn‘t think it‘d be too difficult to find someway of intertwining the RVD paranoia scheme with a TNA World Championship match. Instead, they‘re wasting him on Tommy Dreamer. Hardy vs. Morgan will be one weak ass main event. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - This was extremely lackluster, and that’s definitely a bad thing for a go home show. Most of everything going on right now is just very, very flat right now. More of the same junk between Fortune & EV2.0, same with Dinero & Abyss, a forgettable 4 minute match for a championship that’s not worth packing to the ring, Orlando Jordan & EY getting couples counseling, Eric Bischoff reliving his WCW glory days, and a guy that’s spent most of the past 6 months as little more than a scrub is now #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The mixed six person tag and Kazarian/Williams matches were both pretty solid and were the only real bright spots on this rather weak go home show.

Grade: D
I thought tonight was another GREAT episode of TNA ReAction. Jeff Hardy new character is fantastic and he is doing a Great job of a Heel and all of his segments on ReAction were Excellent. The rest of the Show did an excellent job at selling the feuds Joe/Jarrett. MCMG/Team 3D. RVD's paranoia against the other EV2 members. Fortune/EV2. Tonight's episode was Great and Sold me on the PPV and I'm going to order it.

Grade: A+
Well, we got more wrestling this week, solid, longer matches. The only bad apple that failed to ruin the bunch was Sarita vs Velvet. These two couldn't communicate during the entire match and were so hesitant and sluggish in their moves that it just got annoying at one point, good thing it didn't take too long, that match was crap.

Other than that, all of the promos were awesome. Nothing to complain about. I thoroughly enjoyed Bischoff tonight, great stuff. The last two shows just prove that Hogan is not needed on TV -- AT ALL. Bischoff's doing all the work and doing it better than Hogan ever could. Bischoff + Flair = Epicness.

One thing I didn't like or at least could've seen is hyping the PPV more. They just showed a slide of the card and that's about it. Some may say that Turning Point isn't a big PPV, but making money out of it won't hurt anybody.

Other than that, excellent show, I enjoyed it more than last week's simply because I saw more wrestling and the promos were put together in a better fashion. Can't wait to see Turning Point.
Date: November 4, 2010
Location: Impact zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Kung-Fu Bischoff

This is the go home show for Turning Point which doesn’t sound like much of a show on paper so far. I haven’t heard of any matches for tonight and keep in mind that I know the results already as I fell asleep so this is being done almost two hours after Impact went off the air. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Morgan getting beaten down last week after being concerned with the injury to Anderson. And after all that, the title is about Bischoff. Great.

Bischoff comes to the ring in a gi and with Flair and a referee. Taz and Tenay start arguing immediately. Morgan is out apparently. Why do I have a really bad feeling that it’s going to wind up being a big swerve? Bischoff says good luck in his future endeavors. He says that all Anderson has to do is come out here and beat Bischoff and he’ll get his match with Hardy. There’s a contract which probably isn’t a good thing.

Eric gets on the referee he brought with him over letting the chain loose next week on Morgan’s arm. The match was over of course so this is more bullying. Down goes the referee and he’s fired.

Play that theme song 9 minutes in! Oh and make sure to get Dixie saying “You’re a piece of shit” in the video too because TNA is EXTREME!!!

Fourtune is perky.

Kendrick is getting a massage while reading Foley’s book when RVD comes in. He’s still paranoid and Dreamer and Richards try to talk him down. Here’s Fourtune to try to get EV to fight again, saying no one wants them there. SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP WHY IS FOURTUNE HEEL? They speak the truth but the storyline calls for them to be heels. AJ gets in Rhyno’s face and he goes to gore him but hits RVD instead. Ok, if RVD doesn’t get that it was an accident, he’s an idiot.

We recap Anderson’s arm injury and get a brief intro about Anderson vs. Hardy. Anderson calls into the show and talks about how bad his concussion is. Yet again we’re filling in time with not wrestling if you didn’t get it. Also they couldn’t put him on camera?

The Beautiful People are of course in the makeup room. Skye doesn’t want Love out there tonight because she needs to prove that she can do it. And of course Winter is behind her when Skye leaves. It amazes me that this is something WWE did and was bashed for it with Taker and Orton but this is just fine because they have boobs.

Sarita vs. Velvet Skye

Sarita continues to be sexy as all hell. Velvet is of course no slouch either. This is about the six girl match last week. Ok that makes sense. Decent little rana by Skye gets no cover as we head to the mat. And let’s talk about Bischoff now. WEAK chops in the corner by the Beautiful one. DDT is blocked by Sarita as the fans finally wake up a bit for a bad clothesline from the Mexicanadian. This is rather sloppy.

We touch on Lacey training Tessmacher as nothing special is happening at all here. Tenay and Taz bitch about even more stuff which I didn’t think was possible. I get that the match sucks but could they try a bit harder at least? Another DDT is blocked and Velvet is sent to the floor. Tiger Bomb by Sarita gets the pin.

Rating: D. Weak match here with all kinds of sloppiness. Naturally the announcers said nothing of note at all other than some very basic play by play. This at least had some continuity in there but there wasn’t much going on at all. Sarita is at least a fresh heel out there which is something the division was dying for. This was rather bad though.

Eric and Jarrett are warming up and Eric suggest Jeff apologize to Joe which of course is kind of a tongue in cheek thing.

Mickie is the Impact Player of the Week and we hear about her growing up watching wrestling. Naturally this takes like two minutes. Why is this so company afraid of having more than one match in a 20 minute span?

Flair makes Williams vs. Kaz tonight. Williams walks up to Christy in the back to force her into an interview but the mics don’t work. Instead Anderson’s mic falls from the ceiling, freaking Williams out. What a coincidence!

Generation Me/Tara vs. Mickie James/Ink Inc

Tara’s music is now a bad pop song as opposed to the awesome Broken song she used to have. Oh and she now has Cougar written on her top which I think is probably a slight jab at Vickie. Jeremy and Jesse start us off. Apparently both teams think they should be tag champions despite constantly losing their title matches, most recently the one last week.

The girls have to be separated which results in a sunset flip being missed by the referee. The crowd is decidedly less enthusiastic than they tend to be. Three minutes in and all penis people so far. Generation Me has beaten down Neal the whole time. On the floor Tara hits a superkick to Neal which gets Max two in the ring.

We talk about the microphone dropping in the back which was really rather stupid so of course they talk about it like it’s very serious. Moore comes in as does Mickie even though she wasn’t tagged. Moore hits a moonsault press on Jeremy for two which is apparently a Mooregasm too. The girls have a catfight and we’re told they fight at the PPV. Kick by Mickie sets up the Mooregasm to Jeremy. The girls were never legally in the match.

Rating: D+. So uh, can someone tell me the point of the girls being out there at all if they weren’t going to make any kind of a difference in the match? This was a fairly weak mixed tag as there was little mixing or tagging to be found. Nothing that horrible but dude, can we get the girls in there? Also I’d put money on this being the longest match of the night, clocking in at six minutes.

The heel beatdown follows the match.

Young and Jordan get “tag team counseling”. You can figure out where this goes I believe.

Team 3D is excited about their match and the Guns are too. Can we just get to the heel turn already?

Recap of Jarrett and Joe who is just one of the group of people that hate him.

Here’s Jeff to talk about….Angle. Is there an editor on this show at all? Ah ok now he’s talking about Joe. He’s sorry that he didn’t throw him through the stage from a higher point. At least they’re not bothering to try to hide it anymore. He didn’t sell out but rather he bought in. And that’s about it.

As Jarrett leaves Joe pops up through a hole in the ramp and beats the hell out of him. Ok that’s awesome. Joe vs. Jarrett on Sunday of course. Security breaks up the Muscle Buster. One of the security guards gets it instead.

RVD doesn’t know who he can trust.

Eric continues to warm up.

TV Title: AJ Styles vs. Rhyno vs. Rob Van Dam

And hey here’s another triple threat title match with no announcement to it at all. Speaking of titles, is Hardy ever going to be there in person again? Rhyno and Van Dam are arguing of course due to the accidental Gore earlier. AJ keeps trying to stir the pot so he gets thrown out. Well that’s one way to deal with him.

Rhyno gets knocked down too so we get the former dream match that was rather good but not great. We get more Tenay vs. Taz which makes my head hurt even more. Rhyno back in and he won’t hit RVD which I’m sure won’t last. Gore misses AJ which means Rhyno is more or less dead. Mini match #2 between the bigger stars results in AJ getting sent to the floor. The two ECW guys argue so AJ hits a double forearm to both guys, allowing AJ to roll AJ up for the pin.

Rating: D+. Another waste of a match here as it runs four minutes and went nowhere at all. They continue the RVD vs. EV stuff which is fine but having the paranoia continue needs to actually lead somewhere which will likely be a swerve that no one is going to be interested in due to the fact that no one cares about EV. This was pretty boring though with Rhyno doing next to nothing.

Rhyno and RVD argue post match so EV comes out to waste our time. Dreamer vs. RVD at the PPV. I’d bet on RVD or Kendrick turning.

Williams vs. Kaz next.

Abyss thinks Pope is a false prophet. Oh and Hogan is awesome.

Kazarian vs. Douglas Williams

This is “Horsemen Style” whatever that means. Flair is on commentary. This match is taking place in public because Flair wants to keep this in house. Well of course he does. Beer Money comes down to ringside. Flair says the Horsemen weren’t as tight as Fourtune. I give up.

Back and forth match as the fans cheer for both guys. But remember: THEY’RE BAD GUYS. No matter what the fans think, they’re bad guys. Why are they bad guys? Because the script says they are. Douglas reverses a cross body for two. Overhead release suplex gets two. Storm gets up on the apron for no apparent reason, Douglas goes into him, Kaz rolls him up for the pin.

Rating: C-. Best match of the night somehow but again it’s a four minute match that gets us nowhere and is there to go straight on to the next pointless segment without being able to really get into it at all. This is entertainment in the youtube era ladies and gentlemen: get through everything as fast as possible so that we can get on to the next thing and put as little effort into it as possible.

Fourtune argues a bit afterwards and Flair breaks it up to a huge We Want Morgan chant.

Pope wants Abyss.

More therapy which is more gay jokes that aren’t funny. Jordan says he’s bi. Bipolar that is, which Eric knew months ago so he calls the therapist a scam. Oh how I hate this place at times.

Abyss vs. D’Angelo Dinero

No contest coming in 3…2… Yeah you know it’s coming. Pope has bad ribs from the beatdown with the casket last week. Pope’s ribs hurt so Abyss goes after him. They head to the floor and the brawling continues. And now Abyss goes after some “fans” for the DQ. Yep that’s it. I hate this company at times. Wait, why was that a DQ? Dinero makes a lumberjack match for Sunday with the fans as lumberjacks. Yeah because NOTHING could go wrong there right?

Shore is going to win the Title Sunday. I hate this company at times.

Quick rundown of the card wastes some time.

Bischoff says he’ll kick some ass and knocks down the camera guy.

Hardy talks about letting people down and him not caring.

Bischoff comes out for what won’t be a match. He makes JB read a big introduction with Earl Hebner getting a big pop for some reason. Bischoff weighs 160 apparently. Apparently Bischoff has won all 34 fights he has been in by TKO and is the TNA Kickboxing Champion. The intro was kind of funny.

He has to introduce Anderson as the Impotent Warrior, the Russian with a Concussion and the President Obama of Head Trauma and the Pussy Willow of Wisconsin. Again, someone GOT A PAYCHECK TO WRITE THIS STUFF. Anderson isn’t here so Bischoff says we’ll have Bischoff vs. JB. Naturally JB gets destroyed. Anderson’s music hits but it’s Morgan behind Bischoff. And he couldn’t come out to his own music why?

Big boot kills Bischoff for a pin. Yeah that’s not a match. Morgan signs the contract to get a title shot at the PPV. Flair comes out and yells at Morgan who left through the crowd.

Overall Rating: D. This was just pointless. It didn’t feel like a go home show at all with the focus of the show being….uh…..I actually don’t think there was a focus here. Everything more or less got equal time and was talked about the same. What was accomplished here? We have Morgan vs. Hardy now which was set up in the last two minutes of the show. Joe vs. Jarrett which I think everyone knew was coming.

Seriously what else did we get from this? No Hogan, no Hardy live, the EV vs. Fourtune stuff got more time than anything I guess and Bischoff was apparently supposed to be the star of this show. Terrible go home show as I have zero interest in seeing the PPV as nothing of note is going to happen other than Kendrick turning on RV probably. Bad show.
I thought Impact was basically OK. Not horrible, but certainly not what I would call good. I think the biggest issue I have right now is the way they are protecting Hardy from doing virtually anything in front of the audience. All his promo's are behind the scenes where they can control it and edit as needed. As the champion I would think they would want him in front of the crowd more...
I thought Impact was basically OK. Not horrible, but certainly not what I would call good. I think the biggest issue I have right now is the way they are protecting Hardy from doing virtually anything in front of the audience. All his promo's are behind the scenes where they can control it and edit as needed. As the champion I would think they would want him in front of the crowd more...

And as a smart company, I think they'd want to prevent their CHAMPION from fucking up infront of a live crowd. Isn't this what Paul Heyman was all about? Covering the talent's inabilities and focusing on what they CAN do? He's not horrible at it but he's not damn good either.
And as a smart company, I think they'd want to prevent their CHAMPION from fucking up infront of a live crowd. Isn't this what Paul Heyman was all about? Covering the talent's inabilities and focusing on what they CAN do? He's not horrible at it but he's not damn good either.

I agree that they need to protect him to some degree. But, it can only go like this for so long. Typically, the cryptic, behind the scenes promos are done by the person doing the stalking (for lack of a better term). I just can't remember ever seeing the top champion of any company I have watched keep their "main guy" out of the lime-light as much as this.
little disappointed because I have been expecting more.
how many matches for the PPV this Sunday were just announced last night?
Morgan signed the contract to face Hardy.
Dreamer and RVD.
Abyss and Pope with congregation as lumberjacks. congregation as in fans? surrounding the ring?
Joe and Jarrett.

we know Fortune vs EV2.0 where the winner gets to pick someone from the losing team to be fired, but do we know exactly who is involved? with Dreamer wrestling RVD I assume he is not in the EV2.0 match? so who is EV2.0? Richards/Rhino/Raven/Sabu/Kendrick? and Fortune of Styles/Kazarian/Roode/Storm/Williams?
I assume EV2.0 will lose and since Rhino contract is up he will be the one leaving. you know Fortune is going to win, because if EV2.0 wins they wouldn't be stupid enough to pick the weaker Williams to be fired. I'm wondering if they will however be more friction with Williams. IMO he should soon be out of Fortune.

I liked Joe busting out of the floor and attacking Jarrett. could Angle some how get involved? we saw the beat down of Angle the night after the last PPV and then him attacking Bischoff/Flair van the next week, but nothing since then even though Jarrett continues to talk about him. I thought Jarrett would talk more about how Angle said he would retire if he did not win the title and that's why we haven't been seeing Angle, but then Angle could show up at the PPV to attack Jarrett. Jarrett would be surprised to see him.

what I did not like about last night was having Eric Young and Orlando Jordan twice. what was the need for that? they are not wrestling at the PPV, they just took up time on Impact for no reason. that time could have been better used continuing to build for the PPV.

Angelina Love/Winter thing is taking too long. 3 weeks now Angelina sees Winter in the mirror in her dressing room. Angelina is not in this coming PPV? so nothing will be happening this Sunday. this seems more time wasted that could have been used towards building for this PPV.

I always enjoy seeing the Knockouts so I liked seeing Velvet, but this was another match that seemed like a waste. as far as I know Velvet is not wrestling at the PPV? so why was there need to see her in a match against Sarita? Velvet said she wanted to do things on her own without Angelina at ring side, and then lost and was frustrated. I guess maybe this is going to be explained more going forward next week.

I know Impact always runs into ReAction, but the way they did it last night was horrible! Morgan kick to Bischoff and the pin 1-2-3 and immediately they cut off and then start ReAction. the kick/pin/sign should have all been done without interruption.

I think because there was such a huge turn at the last PPV and it took some time to explain that, that TNA hasn't had the same amount of time to build this PPV. it would have been nice to see all the matches already announced 1-2 weeks ago and built up more with last nights Impact.

I think this Impact could have been better, yet I will admit that I was entertained.
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