[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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The 18-48 male demographic is the most important one as far as advertisers are concerned, so this is great for TNA. Things have been shaken up quite a bit since BFG so it will be interesting to see where the ratings go from here. I'm sure BFG gave them a ratings bounce because people were curious about that outcome of things at the ppv. The next two or three weeks of ratings will really be the gauge of how well BFG has effected TNA. I'm hoping they can hold on to the increase, or at least most of it.

LOL... It isn't the first time I've heard it, but you gotta admit it sounds funny. DVR Viewership? Definitely sounds like a company or whatever, trying to really stretch the ratings as far as they can.

But anyway, I too, hope they can continue to climb. I have always liked TNA but they haven't ever been a threat! Hopefully this will cause them to truly get hot and score some high ratings. Obviously that comes with even more hope that the overall product will get better.

Though it is BETTER right this second than usual, hopefully TNA will continue to push things and keep with the fight to make an "impact".
"Looking at one key demographic for Thursday's show on Oct. 14, Impact was up to a 1.30 rating among males 18-49. The show scored a 1.24 rating in the demo during the original broadcast."... THIS IS INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPACT DID NOT score a 1.3 in the 18-49 Demo.... The 1.3 was the TOTAL rating number and IMPACT SCORED A 0.5 in the 18-49 DEMO!!!!! (In that demo it was tied for 25th place out of the top 30 shows on Thursday night.) RAW for example did a 3.1 rating this week with a 1.6 in the 18-49 Demo. (Smackdown did between .09-1.0 Friday Night in the 18-49 Demo to put it in comparison.) Just wanted to clarify the mistake in the article.
I don't hate TNA. I don't hate WWE. I think with TNA's action and WWE's writers...:worship: I would bow down to that company! Anyway...so it looks like TNA is competing with Smackdown! numbers now. Wow...no wonder Vince is pushing the writers to pretend like Smackdown!'s the A-show. But, TNA FINALLY did something RIGHT with a story: they did something NEW! HOLY CRAP! :thumbsup: Way to GO TNA! I'm seriously impressed with the Hardy heel turn. BUT...you're putting the strap on a guy who, let's face it, can't talk...oh wait, Bischoff and Hogan will be there as mouth pieces you say? Oh, and Ric Flair's crazy ass is there too? Ok...Let the Smackdown! vs Impact! war begin. Impact is closer to Smackdown! name-wise than RAW anyway...so maybe they should've tried going for those ratings first?
TNA FINALLY did something RIGHT with a story: they did something NEW! HOLY CRAP! :thumbsup: Way to GO TNA! I'm seriously impressed with the Hardy heel turn.

Really? Not something new. Hardy Turn = Hogan's turn scaled down to TNA size. Again its the rehashing of old ideas. What's next? Immortal Japan?

Give it a week and watch the numbers dip.
I am kinda surprised DVR numbers are not higher. I live a pretty normal life and I rarely have time to watch things live. I'm either out with friends of at work. You would think if you include people with kids into that more people would be watching via DVR. I don't remember the last time I watched something live. Even football games I watch later in the day. Also I really think they should give it more then 3 days. Sometimes I don't finish last weeks Raw or Impact till the following episode. Fuck I still have this whole season of Survivor on my DVR I plan on watching.

I think people are too quick to jump on the number of viewers and not waiting for the DVR updates. Hell I never see ratings updated for DVR number on the main site. IMO DVRs will come a bigger part of life and how more people start watching tv in the future. With more high end shows being on TV then ever before. DVR numbers could play a big part in how future rating numbers or discussed.
LOL... It isn't the first time I've heard it, but you gotta admit it sounds funny. DVR Viewership? Definitely sounds like a company or whatever, trying to really stretch the ratings as far as they can.

But anyway, I too, hope they can continue to climb. I have always liked TNA but they haven't ever been a threat! Hopefully this will cause them to truly get hot and score some high ratings. Obviously that comes with even more hope that the overall product will get better.

Though it is BETTER right this second than usual, hopefully TNA will continue to push things and keep with the fight to make an "impact".

Do you even Know what a DVR is? I do and I have one from Directv and Auto Record Impact each week and watch the show every saturday morning so DVR numbers are real and are a legitimate way to follow who watches your show!

And no matter what, TNA isn't going anywhere with all Viewership across the board going down maybe except for the NFL on Network TV not referring to Espn because does numbers are down from there days on ABC! And Tna is getting some of the highest ratings on spike! So all the naysayers that say Tna is going to fold need look closer to everything because spike doesn't have a lot of shows doing what Tna is doing ratings wise ,despite all the negativity going on around the Internet!
"Looking at one key demographic for Thursday's show on Oct. 14, Impact was up to a 1.30 rating among males 18-49. The show scored a 1.24 rating in the demo during the original broadcast."... THIS IS INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPACT DID NOT score a 1.3 in the 18-49 Demo.... The 1.3 was the TOTAL rating number and IMPACT SCORED A 0.5 in the 18-49 DEMO!!!!! (In that demo it was tied for 25th place out of the top 30 shows on Thursday night.) RAW for example did a 3.1 rating this week with a 1.6 in the 18-49 Demo. (Smackdown did between .09-1.0 Friday Night in the 18-49 Demo to put it in comparison.) Just wanted to clarify the mistake in the article.

What is your problem? It's no mistake. The DVR numbers increased it all around the board.

200,000 people who recored and watch it via DVR adds to the entire demographic and rating. Point blank, end of story.

Get over it. No need to flip out. I find it amusing many people are shitting on this now that their own ignorant words are coming back to haunt them.

And no matter what, TNA isn't going anywhere with all Viewership across the board going down maybe except for the NFL on Network TV not referring to Espn because does numbers are down from there days on ABC! And Tna is getting some of the highest ratings on spike! So all the naysayers that say Tna is going to fold need look closer to everything because spike doesn't have a lot of shows doing what Tna is doing ratings wise ,despite all the negativity going on around the Internet!

TNA is actually the highest rated show on Spike. UFC draws less believe it or not.
Bischoff,RVD, & Anderson

We start off this episode of Impact with Mr. Anderson. He looks pissed, as his arm is in a sling. He calls out Jeff Hardy. He says he has little balls. I don’t like Anderson, but I’ll admit that this was funny. RVD comes out instead. RVD says he wants a crack at Hardy first. Hardy appears from another location again. He cuts another weird promo. Bischoff has a special invitation for everyone on ReACTION. He makes Kaz VS Anderson in a X-Divison match. He says Anderson must survive. RVD will team with Sabu. They will take on Beer Money.

I thought this segment was okay. I liked Hardy’s promo last week, but this one felt kind of flat. Last week’s promo was kind of creepy, but this one was just bland.

Robbie. E VS Amazing Red

Nothing special happened here. I expected Robbie to win this match, because TNA wants to push this whole “Jersey Shore” thing. I like Amazing Red, because he can be fun to watch, and it’s a shame he had to be fed to the Shore people. After the match, Robbie calls out Jay Lethal, and Cookie shrieks AGAIN. The Impact Zone was chanting “boring” the entire time, and for once, I actually agreed with them.

Katie Lea Debuts

Tessmacher tries to get help from The Beautiful People. Velvet tells her to kiss her ass. Once Velvet and Lacey leave, Katie Lea appears behind Angelina. Her new name is Winter. She says she has been an admirer of Angelina’s for a while. I thought this was a good way for Katie to debut. It seems as if she’s going to stalk Angelina and The Beautiful People. I hope Winter can have a good start in TNA, because I loved her in WWE. I just hope she doesn’t get buried by The Beautiful People. They’ve seen more than enough spotlight, and they’ve been stale for quite some time now.

AJ Stlyes VS The Pope-TNA TV Championship Match-Street Fight

TNA almost had me fooled here. I thought that this would remain a one on one match, but Abyss hit the Blackhole Slam on Pope. Earl Hebner didn’t want to count to three, but he didn’t have a choice, and AJ picked up the win. This was just another way to show the dominance of Immortal. After the match, Eric Bischoff celebrates with Fortune. Yeah, another celebration. That’s just great.

Team 3D Talks About Facing The Motor City Machine Guns

Team 3D talks about being the greatest tag team of all time. Bubba says Team 3D has earned the right to jump over everyone else when it comes to being the #1 contenders? Really?

Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley toss a football around. Velvet flirts with Chris Sabin. A reporter asks if the MCMG will accept the challenge laid down by Team 3D. GenMe interrupts. A scuffle breaks out. Velvet gets involved. Okay, the MCMG are supposed to be worried about 3D. So why the hell are they fighting with GenMe? What do they have to do with any of this? They already got their shot at Bound For Glory, and now it’s time to move on.

Jarrett Continues To Bash Angle

Jeff Jarrett acts like he’s going to apologize to Angle, but he runs him down again. Yeah, nobody saw that coming. Samoa Joe comes down to attack Jarrett. Joe puts up a good fight, but the security and handcuffs we’re just too much for him. Jarrett throws Joe over the stage. Mike Tenay lectures Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett seems as if he feels bad, but as he looks at Joe on the floor, his evil grin quickly returns.

Again, this was just another way of showing Immortal’s dominance. Last week Taz got in the middle of Jarrett’s assault, and this week, Mike Teany decided to give him a piece of his mind. Tenay’s anger did seem real here, and the look on his face was priceless as he told Jarrett off.

Beer Money VS Sabu & Rob Van Dam

The crowd was really dead for this one. Sabu’s bumps looked very awkward here, and this match turned into a clusterfuck towards the end. Storm spits the beer in Roode’s face, and Sabu decides to get a chair. He doesn’t even try to hide it from the ref, and of course, he hits RVD with it. RVD has become paranoid, so of course he doesn’t trust anybody. Sabu and RVD go at it after the match, but EV2.0 breaks up the fight.

Mickie James VS Sarita

This wasn’t bad at all. I actually enjoyed this match. Mickie’s kick at the end did look kind of weak, but this was a nice way for Mickie to debut. Although, the constant bickering between Teany and Taz kind of killed this. This was supposed to be Mickie’s moment, but the accusations by Teany kind of distracted me from the match. After Mickie got the pinfall, Tara(who looked like Sensational Sherri here) beat down Mickie. She’s doing Madison’s dirty work, and the challenge for the Knockouts Championship should come anytime soon.

Kaz VS Mr. Anderson-Ultimate X match

Before the match, Fortune beats down Anderson. The match was actually okay for a while. Watching Anderson struggle to fight Kaz with one arm was kind of cool, but then Fortune had to get involved. They beat down Anderson, and Matt Morgan raises Kaz on his shoulders to grab the X. This whole thing made me face palm. Kaz needed help to beat a one armed man? Jeff Hardy also came down to get a piece of Anderson. He continued to destroy Anderson's injured arm, and Anderson had a SICK cut on the back of his head here. As I’ve said before, we all know Immortal is dominant. They’re a mega stable. We get it. This particular beat down was just so unnecessary.

Kurt Angle Attacks

Bischoff and Flair were heading to a club, but they were cut off by Kurt Angle. Angle(he also had his arm in a sling) came with a pipe. He took out the driver, and he attacked the car with a pipe. Security chased Angle off, but you just know he’s going to come back for more. This was a good way to end the show. Angle looked like a mad man here, and you just know he’s coming for Jarrett sooner or later.

Tonight’s episode was okay. I really hated how the X match went, but Angle’s surprise attack was done. Katie Lea's debut was cool, and so far, I like how things are going in the Knockouts Division. The Beautiful People are being phased out, and now some new blood is getting the chance to shine. I just wish we could see more of Hamada and Taylor Wilde again, but with all The Shore stuff going on, I don't think we'll see them on Impact or a PPV anytime soon. Sarita VS Mickie James was my favorite match of the night. I could’ve done without Taz and Teany’s constant bitching, because I think this took the focus off of Mickie’s debut. I don’t know where TNA plans on going with this Tenay/Taz feud. This started at Bound For Glory, and it looks like it won’t end anytime soon. We saw a lot of run-ins tonight, and I think this will be a reoccurring trend as time goes on. Immortal will continue to show their dominance. I just hope that these constant run-ins won’t last too long.
I thought ReAction was really good tonight and one of the Best Episodes of the series and it did a good job at explaining the story but It's still not Perfect in anyway but it was a Good Explanation and the Angle makes much more sense now.

Rating: A
TNA iMPACT! - October 21, 2010

Opening Segment - The show started off with Mr. Anderson coming to the ring essentially telling Jeff Hardy he wanted him down there tonight. RVD’s music hits, he comes out and does the same and tells Anderson to get in line. Hardy comes up on the screen and cuts maybe a 20 second promo with forgiveness as the general subject. Bischoff comes out doing his Easy E thing and puts Anderson in an Ultimate X Match against Kazarian and hints to RVD that Immortal has a mole in EV2.0. I thought this opening segment was rather lackluster. Nothing wrong with it, but it was just flat all the way around and had a little too much cliché about it for me. Nothing wrong with Hardy’s promo, of course it was too short to gauge anything but I’m sure some will think that it was pure gold for some reason. Anderson’s arm is in a sling and taped up, so he’s not going to have a chance at winning Ultimate X and Bischoff “getting into RVD’s head” about the mole was really lame shit. And, of course, Van Dam is going to fall for it. Thumbs Down

RVD & EV2.0 - This was a backstage locker room segment in which RVD questions all members of the group, asking if they’ve been bought off before he attacks and chokes Raven before being separated. This is the oldest shit in the book and it’s being done in such an old fashioned way that it feels downright hokey to me. I don’t care if there’s a mole in EV2.0 quite honestly. I really just want to see them gone at this point. And even if there is a mole, who cares? The wrestling world would hardly be set on its ear if Little Stevie Richards or Sabu defected. Thumbs Down

Robbie E vs. Amazing Red - There’s not really much to say about this match. It lasted about 90 seconds and Robbie E won. There wasn’t nearly enough time to see if Robbie E can do anything in the ring and if Red’s not flipping around like a spider monkey on PCP, he just looks lost. Following the match, Robbie and Cookie get on the mic and annoy us for about another minute or so and Robbie E demands an X-Division Championship match. Really? A few awful promos and a mediocre 90 second match against someone that’s only been on TNA television a handful of times throughout this entire year and they’ve already got this guy saying he wants a title match. Been a shitty night so far. Thumbs Down

Brian Kendrick & Mick Foley - I hate this shit they’re doing with Kendrick. They show him at a book signing asking Foley all these various questions about the book as though it’s offering up some deep, philosophical insight to the reader. The fans that are there are cracking up at this but I don’t know if they genuinely thought it funny or just how ridiculous Kendrick sounded. I’m going for the latter. Thumbs Down

A.J. Styles vs. The Pope D’Angelo Dinero - Basically, this match was a street fight for the TNA Television Championship and it was simply very lackluster. About 90% of the 6 minute match included either Styles or Pope throwing punches, extremely fake and weak looking punches at that. Fortune was unable to interfere in this match, meaning nothing of course as Fortune is aligned with Immortal. Abyss comes into the ring, hammers on Pope for a bit before hitting the Black Hole Slam and Styles gets the win. Styles is someone that can do soooooo much in the ring and it’s sad to see how watered down he’s become over the course of the summer. Thumbs Down

Jeff Jarrett - Jarrett’s promo tonight started off with him basically saying he owed Kurt Angle an apology and how he tried to look all sad. Of course, Jarrett only apologized for not doing more to Angle. Hearing Jarrett talk about how the king of the mountain is back and how he gave Kurt an opportunity and made him what he is today reminded me tonight that Jarrett is still an overrated mid-carder trying to fill a spot too big for him. He runs down Angle a bit but leaves out all the juicy personal stuff, you know the stuff that made the promo with Angle last week worth a shit. Samoa Joe’s music comes out and he gets attacked by Jarrett’s security and Jarrett himself and is eventually pushed off the stage. Mike Tenay starts in on Jarrett trying to look angry or fierce or whatever. Really, this has been one damn lackluster show. Thumbs Down

Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs. Beer Money, Inc. - I don’t know what it is, but TNA just was unable to get things going tonight. Pretty lame tag team match here and that’s a shame as Beer Money is easily my favorite tag team today. A few blown spots here and there, slow and choppy action and Sabu just looks lost and completely mediocre if he can’t put someone through a table or use steel chairs or whatever. The match ends when Sabu accidentally throws a chair in RVD’s face, allowing Beer Money to get the win. RVD & Sabu start fighting as RVD thinks it was on purpose and all this and that. Forgettable and utterly flat all the way around. Even the crowd in the Impact Zone wasn’t into this match and they’ll chant and cheer for damn near anything. Thumbs Down

Mickie James vs. Sarita - This is Mickie’s first match in TNA and she comes out looking quite hot in those Daisy Dukes in my view. Anybody that thinks she’s fat obviously has no idea what a woman’s supposed to look like. Anyhow, this was a pretty good Knockout match and is certainly the best one I’ve seen in a while. However, I think a large part of that might be due to the fact that this is the first time in literally months that a Knockout match has aired on iMPACT! without The Beautiful People somehow being involved. It was just nice to see someone else out there quite frankly. The match was alright, nothing special at all really but it’s easily been the best match of the night thus far. Mickie James gets the win over Sarita before being attacked by Tara and laid out by the Widow’s Peak. I think Mickie James needs to cut out the kicks because she just looks really slow and awkward rather than agile and graceful when she gives them. Nothing special here, but it’s been the highlight of the night for me. Thumbs Up

Mr. Anderson vs. Kazarian - It’s a shame that TNA just simply throws around gimmick matches like they’re nothing. An Ultimate X match was TNA’s signature at one time and it’s borderline mediocre now as it’s just become another gimmick match. Kazarian took most of the match, as expected, as Anderson only had one arm. Kazarian ultimately winds up getting the win after Fortune comes out and beats Anderson down after he’s climed a ladder and is about to pull the big X down. So not only has TNA just casually toss around its best gimmick match with no build up, but Kazarian is booked in such a match with a lot of experience and is unable to beat a one armed man. Kazarian gets the X after being hoisted up on Morgan’s shoulders. Anderson clears the ring with a lead pipe before being jumped by Jeff Hardy. Hardy uses a chair on Anderson and bleeds very heavy from the head. Nice botch there Jeff and I just turned it off after that. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - This show was absolute shit, there’s no other way to put it. The follow up to last week’s iMPACT! with the formation of Immortal & Hardy’s heel turn was 2 long, boring hours of numbing mediocrity. As bad as iMPACT! usually is, this was worse than usual. The matches were almost entirely crap and there was only about 7 minutes of wrestling the entire first hour of the show and the matches were filled with run-ins and interference. Best match on the card for me was the Knockout match and it wasn’t all that great. Jeff Jarrett reminded me just how overrated he is and it looks as though all the personal issues that had me interested in a potential Angle/Jarrett feud has flown out the window. Hardy’s second week as a champ and a heel was also just lackluster and the show overall was just a failure as a follow up to last week. I didn’t go into this show with any real expectations and I’ve learned its best not to have them with iMPACT! as it just seems easier if you feel you’ve wasted 2 hours. But I thought tonight was the worst its been in quite a while.

Grade: F
Bischoff,RVD, & Anderson
I thought this segment was okay. I liked Hardy’s promo last week, but this one felt kind of flat. Last week’s promo was kind of creepy, but this one was just bland.

I agree with you. If they are going to do the video interrumptions on every IMPACT now, at least do it the right way. Create some suspense... drama.

Robbie. E VS Amazing Red
The Impact Zone was chanting “boring” the entire time, and for once, I actually agreed with them.

I disagree with you and the audience on this one. Robbie E had a good match! I liked the SHORE promo before the match. The second promo was ruined by the audience. C'mon... the guy talked for just 15 secs. BORING?!? Let the guy develop the character... if the audience keep doing this $#!% and fans don't give it a chance... they are hurting TNA. If I'm not a TNA fan, or I'm new to wrestling because I heard it on TMZ and I watch TNA and I hear the BOOing, I will questioned the product right away and will probably turn it off. So please, stop the bashing and try to enjoy the show. Like I always say: BOOO all you want, after all SHORE are heels... but the BORING is unnecessary. And like it or not, the SHORE angle is working for TNA and like it or not, they will keep pushing it.

Katie Lea Debuts
I hope Winter can have a good start in TNA, because I loved her in WWE. I just hope she doesn’t get buried by The Beautiful People. They’ve seen more than enough spotlight, and they’ve been stale for quite some time now.

Fantastic way to debut Katie Lea... ummm, Winter. I even like the name, a lot. Excited about this.

AJ Stlyes VS The Pope-TNA TV Championship Match-Street Fight
This was just another way to show the dominance of Immortal. After the match, Eric Bischoff celebrates with Fortune. Yeah, another celebration. That’s just great.

I thought SHORE match was better than this, and I'm a huge AJ Styles fan. But common... AJ is losing it or something. Lately his matches have been sloppy and the matches are making him look like a sissy. Was it me, or Bischoff was looking at AJ like if he doesn't like AJ? That was before celebrating with the Fortune guys.

Team 3D Talks About Facing The Motor City Machine Guns
Okay, the MCMG are supposed to be worried about 3D. So why the hell are they fighting with GenMe? What do they have to do with any of this? They already got their shot at Bound For Glory, and now it’s time to move on.

So Velvet flirting with Sabin, uh? I hope TNA is not thinking in pulling a Lenon/Yoko kind of story here. Anyway, I liked this segment. Seems like the rivalry is not over.

Jarrett Continues To Bash Angle
Again, this was just another way of showing Immortal’s dominance. Last week Taz got in the middle of Jarrett’s assault, and this week, Mike Teany decided to give him a piece of his mind. Tenay’s anger did seem real here, and the look on his face was priceless as he told Jarrett off.

I agree with you on this one. SIGH! Another cheap shot by Jarret. This is going to get old pretty soon.

Beer Money VS Sabu & Rob Van Dam
RVD has become paranoid, so of course he doesn’t trust anybody. Sabu and RVD go at it after the match, but EV2.0 breaks up the fight.

Why is EV2 still with TNA?!? I don't get it. Why?!? I like what they are doing with RVD but I hate to see EV2 getting involved in the storyline.

Mickie James VS Sarita
This wasn’t bad at all. I actually enjoyed this match. Mickie’s kick at the end did look kind of weak, but this was a nice way for Mickie to debut. Although, the constant bickering between Teany and Taz kind of killed this. This was supposed to be Mickie’s moment, but the accusations by Teany kind of distracted me from the match. After Mickie got the pinfall, Tara(who looked like Sensational Sherri here) beat down Mickie. She’s doing Madison’s dirty work, and the challenge for the Knockouts Championship should come anytime soon.

Great match! Too sad the crowd suck!!! I agree with you. The finisher was terrible. I hope she changes it to something else.

Kaz VS Mr. Anderson-Ultimate X match
Kaz needed help to beat a one armed man? As I’ve said before, we all know Immortal is dominant. They’re a mega stable. We get it. This beat down was just so unnecessary.

I liked this match... but TNA is dropping the ball with Fortune. They brag that they are the best in the business, etc... but their matches are saying the contrary. AJ is losing it, Beer Money didn't go over, and now Kaz cannot win by himself in an X match against a guy that is "hurt". Fortune is looking WEAK. Really WEAK! Is that how they are planning in pushing the new guys?!? BTW, this NWO type of interferences are getting old.

Kurt Angle Attacks
This was a good way to end the show. Angle looked like a mad man here, and you just know he’s coming for Jarrett sooner or later.

Awesome way to end IMPACT. And congratulations for finishing IMPACT before ReAction.

Overall, I'll give this week IMPACT a 6/10. The NWO wannabes ruined it. Until next time!
Date: October 21, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Rob Van Damned

We open with a recap of last week’s show which recapped the PPV. I wonder if we can get over 20 minutes of wrestling this week. We open with Anderson coming out and he wants Hardy. Naturally it’s RVD instead. Well he’s the title character this week isn’t he? Anderson has his arm in a sling mind you.

Hardy pops up on the screen and talks about forgiveness. He says he played both guys and wants forgiveness. He has the whole evil grin going on now. And here’s Bischoff. He says HE orchestrated the takeover then says he and Hogan did it. This is after Hardy said he did it mind you. Eric is hosing ReAction tonight and a lot will be explained apparently. Why do I not buy that at all?

Eric wants to make it up to both guys so he makes Anderson vs. Kazarian in an Ultimate X match for later tonight. Well sure why not. Apparently the official name is Immortal. RVD/Sabu vs. Beer Money tonight and Eric implies that Van Dam can’t trust Sabu. Let the ECW fans rejoice: one of the most overrated tag teams ever is back!

Cue theme song, ten minutes in.

Mickie James vs. Sarita tonight and the two other matches announced. Can we please get some others?

Shore is up next. Oh great.

RVD comes in to yell at EV, thinking that someone has betrayed him and he jumps someone, thinking it was them that turned. Hard to see who that was. Ah it was Raven.

We recap J-Woww from last week and people still don’t care.

Amazing Red vs. Robbie E

No intro at all for Red. Robbie is rather aggressive. Again, someone greenlit a Jersey Shore character. Wow. Red hits a BIG spin kick to the head (think Trouble in Paradise twice in a row but he missed the first one) Red misses a cross body off the top and an RKO ends it. One match down in a mere 90 seconds. Somehow that’s more than last week. Not bad while it lasted actually.

Pope is in a strip club that is as PG as I’ve ever seen. There’s a camera there and no one seems to mind. He wants AJ first. DAMN he has some white teeth.

We get a clip from a Foley book signing where Brian Kendrick asked him a question and of course he’s insane.

Beer Money is ready for RVD/Sabu tonight. This is the other super stable that combines with the OTHER super stable to become the ultra mega super duper stable if you were confused. AJ accepts Pope’s challenge which is somehow tonight. Flair gets iced again. Bischoff pops up to make it a street fight and Fourtune can’t interfere. What the hell?

In ANOTHER segment, Tessmacher comes in to talk to the Beautiful People and she wants them to teach her to wrestle and is desperate. Velvet throws her out. And Katie Lea pops up after Angeline is left alone. Her name is Winter now and apparently we just need to forget that she used to be in WWE. She disappears when Velvet and Lacey come in though.

TV Title: AJ Styles vs. D’Angelo Dinero

So in about seven months they’ve gone from fighting for the world title on the second biggest PPV of the year to an unannounced TV match for the midcard title and now Hogan and Bischoff are the big deals. They’re in street clothes and brawl on the ramp to start. Pope’s money wouldn’t drop which is a nice touch I think.

The announcers talk about Immortal the whole time minus a bit here and there. Pope launches AJ into the post and is totally dominating so far. Decent little brawl here but nothing particularly special. This is getting some time actually which is a nice change of pace. Pope gets choked by some tape but sends AJ into the corner. And here’s Abyss for the run-in of course. Black Hole Slam sets up the easy pin. Bischoff comes out to glare at AJ and then smiles and gives us a big thumbs up. Did you expect something else?

Rating: D+. Just nothing at all special about this. It got six minutes and somehow is the longest match on Impact in two weeks. The run-in might as well have been painted on a billboard and hung in the Impact Zone though, which is never a good thing. This wasn’t horrible but it’s another thrown on gimmick match for the sake of having a thrown on gimmick match. I hate that.

Sarita talks about her match with Mickie. The camera won’t stay on her face for some reason.

Pope wants Joe to help him and Joe says he’s not on either side.

Eric talks to Hulk on the phone and talks about Flair who is with him.

Team 3D talks about how awesome they are. Their last match is at Turning Point apparently.

There’s a football game apparently in the back while Velvet talks to Chris Sabin. The cameraman wants an answer about Team 3D but Gen Me jumps them and a brief brawl breaks out. As Disco Inferno says, once there’s a clean pin, there’s no point to continuing a feud. That applies here.

We recap Jarrett’s issues with Angle and Joe. Jarrett is going to, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it……………he’s going to TALK NEXT! Oh he’s going to apologize to Kurt. No way he’d fake that. Nope not a top heel in a wrestling company run by Russo. Nope not here.

Here’s Jeff to try to apologize but we get a big Jarrett Sucks chant and a You Sold Out one to add to it. And of course he’s apologizing for not beating him up even worse. The fans boo the hell out of this which is the idea I guess. Apparently NO ONE wanted Kurt when Jarrett hired him. Yeah no indy company in the world wanted him or anyone in Japan. Nope not a soul.

Joe comes out instead and the security from last week helps to handcuff him this time. He gets the choke on Jarrett but the numbers catch up to him and Joe gets thrown off the stage. Tenay yells at Jarrett and Jarrett says Joe needs some help as we go to a break.

7.5 minutes of wrestling in 75 minutes of television at this point.

And now we recap Joe and Jarrett. Give me a break.

Beer Money vs. Rob Van Dam/Sabu

Let the ECW fans rejoice! Storm and Van Dam start with RVD beating him up pretty well. And here’s Sabu to have weird offense. Tenay thinks Taz is supporting Immortal so we can’t even get the commentary to be paranoia free. Sabu plays Ricky Morton as the crowd is surprisingly dead. Tornado DDT lets Sabu bring in RVD to meet Roode.

RVD wakes up the crowd a bit as a combination move hits Roode for two. Half Rolling Thunder and half slingshot legdrop if you were wondering. Beer goes into Roode’s eyes for two and then Sabu accidently hits Van Dam with a chair and Roode gets the pin. They start to fight (badly) until EV makes the save.

Rating: D. Another boring tag match here and AGAIN no clean finish. The X match from earlier has been the only clean ending all night long. This was nothing special of course and really went nowhere. As usual the match sets up the angle rather than vice versa, which is really getting old quickly.

Mickie James is on a bull. Yeah it’s stupid.

Same Turning Point ad from earlier featuring Angle. Either very bad spoiler or they’re very sloppy with their promos.

Bischoff believes in Kazarian.

Sarita vs. Mickie James

Sweet DAMN Sarita looks good in green. Mickie is in a tied off flannel shirt and Daisy Dukes. And of course we talk about Immortal and ReAction all night. Sarita dances a bit and stomps on Mickie. This is rather boring. We hear that this match happened on Xplosion and Mickie won. Thanks for taking away the whole THIS IS HER DEBUT thing Taz. Basic comeback, spin kick ends it.

Rating: C-. Not a horrible match and it got more time than it sounds like it got. The girls were especially good looking here and it helped that it wasn’t the Beautiful People. This wasn’t bad though and it’s nice to have some fresh blood out there for a change.

Tara comes down and beats up Mickie with a Widow’s Peak.

Anderson says he’ll beat up Harty.

Mickie is looking for Hogan and Bischoff because she wants Tara.

Fourtune jumps Anderson and carry him to the ramp.

Kazarian vs. Mr. Anderson

Kaz walks to the ring as Anderson is just lying there. Anderson is crawling to the ring as Kaz gets up the buckle and is going across. Since it’s a grab the object match though he is incapable of moving quickly and Anderson makes the stop. Back from break and Kaz is stopped again from grabbing the X.

Anderson can’t do the climbing though due to his shoulder being destroyed though. We do the same thing again but Anderson gets the Mic Check this time so that Kazarian is in big trouble. Anderson gets a ladder and sets it up as Kaz is more or less dead. Fourtune makes the save, Anderson gets powerbombed, Kaz wins. Hardy comes out to kill Anderson with a chair to end this.

Rating: D. Another match where everyone did the same stuff repeatedly until we got to the planned finish. This was just boring and there was again no point to the gimmick aspect of this match. I’m not a fan of these random matches like these and this is no exception. Pretty weak match.

Flair and Bischoff are leaving and Angle pops up with a pipe and blasts the van as the show ends.

Overall Rating: F+. What the heck happened on this show? It was more or less a two hour commercial for the ReAction show later on. The matches were bad for the most part. We had a throwaway TV Title match, a tag designed to set up RVD’s paranoia, Mickie’s debut and a totally throwaway Ultimate X Match where apparently Anderson won the shot at Hardy. Apparently he just had to survive it?

No Hogan, Hardy is there all of four minutes, Angle comes back like nothing happened last week and doesn’t go after Jeff, and somehow nothing happened tonight. What is different now other than us knowing Jeff’s opponent, which might not have even been flat out said. This was just a bad show with nothing redeeming about it at all.
TNA Reaction: The "Explanation"

Enough has been said about Impact already, so I'll talk about Reaction instead. I wouldn't usually rate an hour long segment of nothing but promo's, but that seemed to be TNA's main focus tonight...

The Good

-Jeff Hardy shows he can cut a heel promo. I think he seems more natural in that role, or maybe it's because it was somewhat scripted, and edited. Either way, one of the better promo's (all of them throughout Reaction) I have ever seen from Jeff. He has a dark side to him, and I'm glad it's being shown, even if it's not that great of an overall story. Did the explanation make any sense? We'll get to that later.

-Mic work in general. This showed a lot of guys in TNA can work a promo. I was especially impressed by Hardy, Morgan and Kaz. Jarrett was pretty good as well, but he's no rookie when it comes to talking. Bischoff was solid, as usual. Now remember, this is based on performance alone, not content.

The Bad

- The only thing I gained from Reaction was that Hogan/Bischoff/Russo/whoever is in charge knew they had a problem. They knew there were holes big enough to drive a frickin' combine through, so this was more or less damage control.

Did it work? Not really. Sure, some things made sense, but a lot of questions just flat out cannot be answered. Why? Because no matter what they say, this plan wasn't finalized that far in advance. It took shape (backstage) in the weeks leading up to BFG, and that's painfully obvious. I believe in opinions, and I respect people's opinions. But, if you tell me this was actually planned out months in advance, you are either A. Stupid, or B. Too much of a blind mark to see what truly happened.

- They basically wrecked EV2. Was I a fan of EV2? No, not at all. But for those who were, and actually believed EV2 was getting respect from Hogan, Flair, etc., that idea was flushed right down the shitter. Every guy on that show, at least once, took a hard shot at EV2/ECW.

Flair's reason for joining up with Hogan was because he was so furious that anyone dare compare his career to the ECW guys? Do I agree with Ric that not one of those guys can hold a candle to him? Yes. But for storyline purposes, it didn't make any sense. TNA basically came out and said yes, the guys in EV2 are bums, and are nowhere near the level of Flair/Hogan/anyone else in "The Immortals." I wonder how pissed off Dreamer and company were after watching this...

The Ugly

My God, could this have been any more repetitive? I feel like I really wasted an entire hour of my life. The "explanation" could have been done in 5-10 minutes. But instead, we were treated to an hour long yap-fest, where every guy basically repeated what the last one had said. The only guy with anything original to say was Hardy. I thought about turning it off multiple times, but I felt it was something I needed to hear. What a mistake I made.

Overall Reaction (no pun intended)- I feel like the only positive thing this did for TNA was prove they have some guys who can cut promo's. Can they do so on live television? Can they provide a good segment, filled with dialogue, in front of a crowd? I have no clue. But some of the guys had more ability (on the mic) than I had given them credit for. But the content was horrible. It was TNA management covering their ass for an hour, in fear some people might realize the obvious; this angle isn't nearly what they are making it out to be.
This iMPACT was good but felt a bit WWE-ish to me in the sense of all the hype about ReAction, JWoww, Mick's book, all that unecesary shit. That annoyed me. I was left with the impression that TNA isn't too big on spending a lot of time on plugging things other than a PPV, DVD or a Special Show. I hope this changes it's so random.

I liked all the matches except for Robbie E. vs Amazing Red. It was way too short and they could've let Robbie wrestle more, show what he's made of. It's Amazing Red he's in the ring with, not Rob Terry.

KB said that most of them were "throwaway" matches which is a crock of shit. They advanced the storylines, they had a point, a purpose and they served their purpose.

I liked the promos as well. Anderson opening the show was cool but he sounded funny on the mic with his hand all taped up - that was weird, he should be at least angry and he made it seem comical. Hardy's promo was way better from last week's. He's getting into the character.

I LOVE Katie Lea's new look and name. She's a good wrestler too so I'm expecting nice things. Mickie and Winter kind of brought some life in the dead ass K.O's divison, that can only be a good thing.

Overall, good matches with one exception, the promos were nice, the storylines were advanced - nothing to bitch about here.

P.S: I don't know if anyone noticed but the iMPACT intro was all about Immortal. No Angle, none of the faces, just Immortal guys. Felt like a real take over. Nice touch.

Rating : A-
AJ styles will turn face in the near future

I'm convinced after tonights impact!

Bischoff gave him a funny look when on the ramp, and abyss looked as though he was going to hit aj after celebrating his win and a slap on the ass

tna is doing the right thing here, it won't be aj turning on fortune, eric will instruct them to turn on him, thus becoming face and going against immortal.
This iMPACT was good but felt a bit WWE-ish to me in the sense of all the hype about ReAction, JWoww, Mick's book, all that unecesary shit. That annoyed me. I was left with the impression that TNA isn't too big on spending a lot of time on plugging things other than a PPV, DVD or a Special Show. I hope this changes it's so random.

I liked all the matches except for Robbie E. vs Amazing Red. It was way too short and they could've let Robbie wrestle more, show what he's made of. It's Amazing Red he's in the ring with, not Rob Terry.

KB said that most of them were "throwaway" matches which is a crock of shit. They advanced the storylines, they had a point, a purpose and they served their purpose.

I liked the promos as well. Anderson opening the show was cool but he sounded funny on the mic with his hand all taped up - that was weird, he should be at least angry and he made it seem comical. Hardy's promo was way better from last week's. He's getting into the character.

I LOVE Katie Lea's new look and name. She's a good wrestler too so I'm expecting nice things. Mickie and Winter kind of brought some life in the dead ass K.O's divison, that can only be a good thing.

Overall, good matches with one exception, the promos were nice, the storylines were advanced - nothing to bitch about here.

P.S: I don't know if anyone noticed but the iMPACT intro was all about Immortal. No Angle, none of the faces, just Immortal guys. Felt like a real take over. Nice touch.

Rating : A-

You must have been watching a different TNA than I did because the one I saw was terrible. AJ was on top of the world and putting on great matches week after week. Now, he has a title no one cares about fighting people no one cares about.

Why is EV 2.0 still here? I thought they were supposed to be gone a long time ago and now RVD is attacking people who might be turning on him. At this rate, all of EV 2.0 may turn on RVD now.

We should have had Kurt go after Jeff because of what Jeff did but we didn't get that. Don't worry. We'll get it two months later.

The biggest issue I have is Immortal. The payoff for this could be great but there are way too many damn people. Who is left to fight them? Anderson is injured, Joe says he's not on either side, and who knows about Angle? So that leaves Pope and RVD. I don't see any winners in this, not even Jeff Hardy.

The only thing I liked about this show was the James/Sarita match. They need to focus on Knockouts other than the Beautiful People more now and I think this will be the start.
This is my first post in this forum

Impact was solid show, I dont give a shit for the amount of wrestling like most of the guys do in this forum. They probably want TNA to be like ROH, yawn.

People like Jack Hammer shows why this is one of the worst wrestling forums ever.. right there with WWE Universe.

The sob wants TNA to be like ROH, then go and stick with ROH. Most casual fans care more about promos than wrestling.

Other fans here also bitch for the lack of wrestling......, unbeliavable.
I don't understand what the problem is. I really don't. When I was watching Impact last night, all I was saying to myself was, "This is what I want my wrestling show to be like."

I don't know what people want to see out of TNA. They have a completely different product than the WWE. They continue to do provide new perspectives on wrestling and a wrestling television show.

People are complaining about AJ Styles and how great he is in the ring...Yes we know that. But great wrestling matches are not what TNA needs right now. Spots and moves are not important. Character development and storylines are the focus right now, and what the fuck is the problem with that? AJ is heel, and although you may not want him to be, he has more character and charisma than he has ever had in his career. He is being re-invented, and when he turns face, his run will be epic.

The faces getting screwed by Immortal is good television. The heels are running wild, and the faces are outnumbered....isn't that what a hostile takeover is???????? Didn't they clearly say this is a HOSTILE TAKEOVER? Why is there a problem when the story shows that in the early phases the faces are confused, there is disorder, and the heels are DOMINANT.

Everything TNA is doing right now I am a supporter of. Other than EV 2.0 and the Knockout Tag Titles, I don't have a complaint at all about what they are currently doing. It's just fun to watch, and that's all I can say. I'm not going to sit back and nit pick the whole fucking show, because I'm getting out of the WWE frame of mind of watching a show. The WWE way of analyzing wrestling of who looks weak, who looks strong, who should turn heel, who should turn face, this one needs a new finisher, this one needs to feud for the title, this was the comedy segment, this was the whatever segment, and then grade each segment....that's bullshit. It's the whole show that counts.

I guess you'd rather watch Wade Barrett cut scripted promos about bullshit, have John Cena pout like a child, and have the Anonymous GM turn the lights off and speak through Michael Cole, Undertaker shooting lightening at Kane, and Hornswaggle painting his face and kicking COLE out of the announcing booth....yeah, that's much better.

I went off a little bit, but TNA Impact as well as Reaction were both fun shows to watch. Gave me a great look at the Immortal build up, and how it was a sham all a long.

I give both shows an A, and I will watch again next week.
I don't understand how anyone can give Impact an A this week. The past two weeks I've seen very lackluster and sluggish matches and a show full of mild banter and endless talking. I don't mind the constant interference because that's what heels do, and I'm as positive as I can get because I want TNA to be successful, but some things just aren't clicking now:

- This plan took 9 months? This reminds me of Total Recall: a master plan that is massive complicated but everyone is in on except the hero. Hogan and Flair were on the same side from the start? Could have fooled me. Maybe that was the point, but it does what the Fingerpoke of Doom did, and that's basically erase storylines to convince people that EVERYTHING was a ruse.

- The Knockouts quality of matches has gone way down. Even Mickie James, who still looks painfully hot, looks sloppy. Her kicks weren't on point and looked slower than molasses. I disagree with their choice but I see why the WWE dumped her if she was in danger of working like that. The WWE likes their cookie cutter divas but apparently so does TNA nowadays. I guess the storyline though is that Mickie must get through Tara to get to Madison Rayne. That sounds like it has potential. Meanwhile, the Beautiful People look like they're headed into a feud with Tessmacher and Winter maybe. No Knockout Tag Team Titles in there anywhere?

- Character development? For who? Out of all of the characters on TV the past two weeks, who needs more character? Hogan and Bischoff aren't new to this. Fourtune already had great characters from the start. (...and don't tell me chugging Smirnoff Ice is building character Come on now. Isn't Ric Flair a playa? Isn't Smirnoff Ice a little girly for him?!) Mr. Anderson was already a cocky and tough asshole. Rob Van Dam still sounds laid back even in anger. And wrestlers staring psychotically at downed wrestlers isn't development, it's emotion. The only people making developments is Jeff Hardy from face to heel with his promos and Robbie E. making his debut.

- On the note of Jeff Hardy, what was up with the chair shot? It looked like he was waiting for Anderson to turn around, but nailed him anyway when he didn't. The blood looked fake on the mat but I'm not sure. I HOPE it was fake because he was bleeding pretty bad. If that was the plan Hardy should have just hit him. Anyway, of all things, I'm chomping at the bit to see Jeff Hardy wrestle. I want to see if he changes his wrestling gear and style in-ring. That's a good build-up I'm waiting for.

- Again, no Jay Lethal but the X division title was mentioned. Not Lethal's name mind you but the belt was mentioned. The Motor City Machineguns made it onscreen playing football and flirting with Velvet Sky. Then, probably one of the lamest backstage attacks I've ever seen by Generation ME. The teams looked like they forgot when to hit each other. :disappointed: At least the TV title was on the line, and maybe we'll see a return match. It shocks me that The Pope has never held a belt in either the WWE or TNA.

- Every match the past two weeks hasn't looked right. They've either been way too short or has looked very off in terms of rhythm. Robbie E.'s debut was very unimpressive. Even his "RKO" looked off, and Amazing Red I figured could have at least made it look better. I noticed that the crowd's reaction to finishers weren't there. No reaction to Abyss's Black Hole Slam, Mickie's kick, Robbie E.'s um...I'll call it the REKO (I would have said the Cookie Cutter but it sounds too corny), or RVD's chair shot. Normally finishers get some kind of ooo or ahhh. (Note: This was RVD's first pinfall loss, by the way. His first loss period.)

- I get the hostile takeover. It's the Immortals of Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Abyss, and Jeff Jarrett. Then you add in Fourtune with Ric Flair, A.J. Styles, Kazarian, Douglas Williams, Robert Roode, James Storm and Matt Morgan. Plus we need to add Jarrett's two security goons, since they gotten involved twice (four times if you count their involvement with Anderson and Hardy...oh, wait, Hardy was on their side, so never mind) so that makes 14 people on the Immortals, including 10 active wrestlers. The wrestlers in opposition are The Pope, Samoa Joe, Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson and Kurt Angle. I get why the 5 of them will work alone until they realize they need to work together (the same way WCW figured it out 6 months into the storyline) so that makes sense. Still, apparently EV2 doesn't care about getting directly involved despite winning at Lockdown, and no other wrestlers think much of it. If you're gonna do a hostile takeover, shouldn't it be company wide? Doesn't it affect every wrestler who works in TNA which people sign their paycheck?

QUOTE - "I guess you'd rather watch Wade Barrett cut scripted promos about bullshit, have John Cena pout like a child, and have the Anonymous GM turn the lights off and speak through Michael Cole, Undertaker shooting lightening at Kane, and Hornswaggle painting his face and kicking COLE out of the announcing booth....yeah, that's much better."

Actually this isn't a good point. Everyone cuts scripted promos in both TNA and WWE and you can't knock Barrett's promos because he is damn crisp for a rookie, plus The Pope pouted like a child to Samoa Joe when he got beat up, and Jeff Hardy's promos involve the lights going out, and hasn't Eric Young been painting his body with fake tattoos and Orlando Jordan with...whatever that stuff is? Plus I care more about the Anonymous GM than I did about THEY because I knew 4\5 of who THEY were in August and I still have no idea who the GM is. But, this isn't the WWE forum, so I digress.

QUOTE - "Why is EV 2.0 still here? I thought they were supposed to be gone a long time ago and now RVD is attacking people who might be turning on him. At this rate, all of EV 2.0 may turn on RVD now."

Same reason why Austin was still in the WWF even though McMahon was in charge. Same reason why Sting and Luger weren't fired when the NWO ruled. When heels are in power somehow faces don't get released from their contracts no matter how powerful they are. It's one of those "unwritten storyline rules."

- Last thing: I know it's been "character development" shows, but I'm not watching TNA to see guys talk about how evil they've become or how dominant they are. I watch TNA for the wrestling. I watch see the Motor City Machineguns tear the house down, and I watch to see wrestlers that have no shot of being featured in the WWE show their stuff on a big stage. TNA can achieve the promos they want to achieve in half the time and still add at two or three 5-minute matches featuring more people. I respect peoples' opinion, but me personally I want more wrestlers in matches than just the Immortals. Remember that the NWO featured the same guys as well and look where that got them, and they at least had cruiserweight matches to start the show.
This is my first post in this forum

Impact was solid show, I dont give a shit for the amount of wrestling like most of the guys do in this forum. They probably want TNA to be like ROH, yawn.

Oh yes, god forbid that a WRESTLING show actually have some wrestling to it.

People like Jack Hammer shows why this is one of the worst wrestling forums ever.. right there with WWE Universe.

So basically, you're another whining little fanboy that can't stand someone that doesn't have as high of an opinion as your favorite wrestling company as you do? As if there aren't enough in here like you. If anything makes these forums bad, it's people like you that aren't mature enough to accept that not everyone is willing to just blindly lap up anything and everything TNA puts out and call it good

The sob wants TNA to be like ROH, then go and stick with ROH. Most casual fans care more about promos than wrestling.

Actually, I've never watched ROH in my life. I can't criticize it or praise it. I have watched TNA and TNA is absolute shit in my opinion right now. What I want TNA to be like is something that's actually good instead of watching it put out another nWo power struggle angle. TNA has done so many of them over a relatively short span of time that it's just beyond lackluster at this point. I enjoy promos too by wrestlers that are able to make me care about listening and watching them cut promos and are able to make me care about what they're currently involved in. However, I'm not going to pretend that I enjoy hearing an overrated mid-carder like Jeff Jarrett try to come across as some sort of badass when he clearly doesn't have it in him. I'm betting it won't be too long before he starts hitting people with the guitar again.

Other fans here also bitch for the lack of wrestling......, unbeliavable.

Oh yes, it's absolutely unbelievable that a pro wrestling company should actually include wrestling. The reason other people bitch about it is because...wait for it....it's about wrestling. Promos, angles & storylines are supposed to lead into wrestling matches.
I give this show one and three quarters fully errect Mike Tenay dicks out of five fully errect Mike Tenay dicks...

too much blabbering about power struggles,not nearly enough wrestling,too much Taz talking and not letting Mike Tenay talk! AJ Styles looks like his momma dresses him when he's in street clothes,didnt like that female dancer all grinding on Pope like that(this isnt HBO guys),way way too much to of those skanky knockouts!...Idk about you guys,but i want men,men,n more men on my screen when i watch a wrestling show!

Liked Mike Tenay getting more face time.He was looking pretty GQ last night! Bischoff needs to do something about his hair,but he looked good.
I find the sheer opposite grading of this week's Impact, between TNA fans and non-TNA fans to be extremely enlightening. How anyone could give this week's Impact anywhere close to an A is also extremely enlightening, because that show was horrible. I swear the younger generation who have grown up on shit like non-stop reality television, constantly remakes (never as good as their originals) and low quality shows now have no sense of what "quality" actually is anymore.

Some thoughts:

I hated the Beautiful People segment in their dressing room putting on makeup (didn't that happen last week, too?) I was actually happy when Katie (Winter now) appeared and made her debut, although when she suddenly just disappeared when Velvet Sky came back I literally groaned. Are you fucking serious? They couldn't come up with anything better then an appearing and disappearing act for her?

What's with all the damn gimmick matches? AJ Styles vs. the Pope in a street fight. An Ultimate X match! Shouldn't that be kept for the PPV hat revolves around it? I'm so tired of TNA doing gimmick matches without any need to week after week. Why have a gimmick match if the match is only going to be five minutes to begin with? It's pointless. If it was given lots of time, okay. If it was used to end some heated rivalry, okay. But it never is.

I'm just not into Jeff's heel character. His appearance and attack on Anderson did nothing for me except prove how sloppy he is in the ring. The one highlight of Jeff's appearance on Impact is him fucking up and injuring Anderson. Wait, isn't Anderson suppose to be the one injuring Hardy? Further more.. Kazarian wins the match with help from Fourtune and then Anderson still gets the title shot and is the number one contender? Huh?

Flair chumming up with Bischoff still makes absolutely no sense.

The Shore shit is not getting over. Those reactions are not good heat, they're the reactions of people who don't want to see that crap in TNA. You'd think the people in the back would realize that and scrap this Shore stuff, because I realized that weeks ago. Now, not only do we have to watch a sloppy new wrestler in the ring, but we still have to listen to horrible promos from the two of them constantly drowned out by the crowd not caring about this gimmick at all. This is going to change TNA forevah!

I enjoyed Mickie James's debut match. Not because the match was anything special or well done, it really wasn't, but merely because I find Mickie to be hot. I love her new attire, too! Victoria (er, Tara) comes out to attack Mickie afterwards and we get to see through this whole segment from match to aftermath how good WWE is at developing their female talent! Good job, WWE, I'm glad it's paying off for someone else. Where's all the great home grown TNA Knockout talent, though?

This show just keeps getting worse.

I don't know about some of you guys, but i don't know what to grade Impact last night and i know i wouldn't give it an A because it doesn't deserve an A from me. I rather give it a D or F. those who gave grade over all F for the show am siding with your comments. I knew from last week, i wasn't going to expect anything good this week. You know what i think the problem is?? the fact that last week because they spend 40 minutes explaining why "Immortals" took over the company the fact that they put all this on one show instead of explain as they go every week but instead they putting all this so call power struggle in one night. If i wanted to see "the shore" i rather change the channel to watch Jersey Shore on MTV. if they fans don't like it then get rid of the gimmick.

what's going on right now is taking away a lot of time and space for the guys who work their asses off to get where they at. Like other people here has said where is the character development??. I be very surprise tonight's show gets over 1.0 ratings because last night looks like a 0.6 to me. I don't want to see guys like bischoff or hogan take up television space tryin to show this so call authority or power over the company because I want to see Total Nonstop Action and for some reason TNA doesn't understand what Total Nonstop action means. The fans are upset the fact they want to enjoy a good wrestling show, but how can they do that if TNA keeps doing the same bullshit over and over again. Last night I end up changing the channel in between matches because i wasn't feeling it last night. all that damn talent and don't know what to do with it
You must have been watching a different TNA than I did because the one I saw was terrible. AJ was on top of the world and putting on great matches week after week. Now, he has a title no one cares about fighting people no one cares about.

Why is EV 2.0 still here? I thought they were supposed to be gone a long time ago and now RVD is attacking people who might be turning on him. At this rate, all of EV 2.0 may turn on RVD now.

We should have had Kurt go after Jeff because of what Jeff did but we didn't get that. Don't worry. We'll get it two months later.

The biggest issue I have is Immortal. The payoff for this could be great but there are way too many damn people. Who is left to fight them? Anderson is injured, Joe says he's not on either side, and who knows about Angle? So that leaves Pope and RVD. I don't see any winners in this, not even Jeff Hardy.

The only thing I liked about this show was the James/Sarita match. They need to focus on Knockouts other than the Beautiful People more now and I think this will be the start.

But isn't that the reason to have shows like this to build stars ? And that's what they are doing! They're Making Pope , Joe , and Anderson the stars something people have complained about for years now you're getting it and you don't understand what you are getting right now ! The matches are secondary right now in order to build these stars! You long time Tna fans want to see Tna like it was, but in order to grow they have to make stars that the mainstream can connect with!

Earlier this year dixie told the wrestlers there in ring work was sloppy and told them to step it up in the ring and people told her to shut up, now some of the same people are complaining about TNA's match quality! I guess dixie knows what she's talking about after all! Huh?

Great show! I loved it because I see where they are going I wish you others could see what's going on right now and stop being blinded by not getting your in ring classics!

Some of you people have no clue what the hell you want! I've read on the Internet that the reason for the Immortal storyline is to build stars Face and heels and that is happening. yet people see bischoff on their T.V. and he's hoging the time from the Tna originals! That's B. S. he's becoming a heel character so the young faces can eventually knock down ! How a so called wrestling fan can't see this is beyond me. It just blows my mind!
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