[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I'm sorry TNA has angles that hurt your brain. You can go back to watching Nexus/Cena since it's soft and simple for you to process.

It hurts my brain not because it's so complicated, but because it's not only convoluted but it's poorly executed, poorly done, and a clusterfuck of inconsistency and poor writing. Maybe you're fine with a bunch of ideas all crammed together, contradicting each other, under the pretense of some huge angle, but I'm not.

Any good angle doesn't need to be explained for hours for people to understand, it's as simple as that. When you have to explain it to the degree TNA had to, they've failed. TNA has failed.

Fail. They did not. It was made very clear they did not have total control of Dixie overruled Bischoff about 4 weeks ago. Dixie was the President. They were her partners that were her right hand men.

No, actually when you look at TNA since Hogan first came in, Dixie's given Hogan everything he wanted and been entirely backing him. Dixie overruled a few small things Bischoff wanted and that's why They happened? Is that what you're claiming? Because that would be ridiculous.

Do your ears not work? Flair said it's all about business. Personal hate is put to the side for Power.

My ears work just fine, but my memories not as bad as yours. With the hatred that Flair has for Bischoff, and the history of Ric Flair when it comes to Bischoff and even the nWo, there's absolutely no fucking way Flair would put aside that history for POWER. Flair could've used Fourtune and they could've fought Hogan's rule, not become lackeys to Hogan. Maybe you can accept all of that, but I once again can't. I'm not a blind sheep willing to just follow any stupid thing TNA's horrible writing tells me to, even when it contradicts everything about a legend like Flair and his long history. Flair and the four horsemen did everything they could to fight against the nWo and Bischoff in WCW, time and time again. He fucking hates everything to do with both of those things, and you're telling me he's going to be a shadow to a new incarnation of the nWo? Bullshit.

Is AJ styles an established star with a mega fanbase? No. Your idea is worse than Russo and Ferrera on a joint writing ideas.

How do you make established stars? They don't just magically appear. You have to build them up to BE those established stars! This was the PERFECT way to finally build up AJ Styles as the next big star, and someone who could actually draw for the company. Every stone was right there, placed down by accident because of the poor writing of TNA, and instead of seeing it they go with something that makes NO sense for the swerve factor.

Sorry to tell you, but Jeff Hardy doesn't have a mega fanbase. He's nothing without the WWE machine. He's done nothing for ratings for TNA since coming back. And as a heel? Please.

Because, TNA also helps Panda Energy's money. It's like leaving your boyfriend but still being forced to have them around you because you have a kid. In this case, it's money and revenue.

Bullshit. TNA's not some huge source of revenue for Panda Energy. They're barely in the positive I bet, compared to the amount of money Panda Energy throws at them. Panda Energy makes heaps of money off their own corporation, they don't need TNA in any way. So Hogan and Bischoff steal the company from Dixie, screw her over and her family, and you think Panda Energy isn't going to pull out and let them sink and bury themselves as revenge? Come on. You can only suspend disbelief so much and then it just gets stupid.


More thoughts:

I hear people keep talking about things going in the way of reality television. Does reality television have the same shaky camera bullshit that was a constant all lastnight? That's not good camera work for effect, that's just amateur bullshit. I know good camera work, it's part of my educated background, and that was just poor camera work. I don't know how anyone could sit there and actually not get annoyed with it, let alone sit back and watch these segments and think... that's great! Extreme closeup for no reason! Focus on the fingers of someone's hand. Why? Who cares! Unbelievable.

Much like this being the perfect opportunity to have had AJ Styles finally be the center of the company and the top guy if he had been given Hardy's role (and it would've made a lot more sense then Hardy), this angle could've also been the perfect opportunity to make Samoa Joe a force again and a DRAW. Joe was screwed and he comes out to face Abyss, this could've been the start of Joe being pushed like Sting was with the nWo, or Goldberg was.. in the whole one man against many and they have some fear of him. Instead they fuck that up and have Abyss get the upper hand showing Joe can barely deal with Abyss alone, and RVD comes out to chase Abyss away, instead! RVD, an already established guy instead of a young star who could be made into an established star to further benefit the future of the company. Anyone else seeing a pattern here?

I had to actually walk away for a while when Tara laid down and allowed Madison to pin her and become the new Knockouts champion. Are you kidding me? What was the point of having Tara win the title at Bound for Glory if you were just going to have her job the next week. Why not just have Madison of won at Bound for Glory and start the whole Mickie James thing that way the next week? Oh, I know. It's because championships to Vince Russo are nothing but props. They have no meaning, and neither does the Knockouts title. Will Mickie James change that? I doubt it, especially when it's TNA behind things.

And Jeff Hardy's explanation also made no sense. He doesn't give a damn about the fans? Since when? He turned against them because they wanted him to just kill himself as a stunt man? Sorry, that may have worked for Foley and his Anti Hardcore promos are the best in wrestling history (in my opinion), but that doesn't work for Hardy. Hardy's a dare devil, he loves the thrill of it, he does it because it's HIM. That's well documented, in and outside of wrestling. Another contradiction! It just makes no sense. Hollywood Hogan worked because it complemented the previous history of Hogan's career, it took from that and just twisted it. You can say that about every great heel turn, really. Hardy's you have to FORGET everything about him and his history before Thursday's impact to believe his heel turn. Fail.

And by the way, there is NO excuse for having like fifty minutes of the first hour go by without one single wrestling match on a WRESTLING program. None.
Last night's Impact Has more Excited about Pro Wrestling than I have been in a long while!Just a Great storyline advancement show!

Great backstage segments and a surprising couple of Jeff Hardy Promos! Both were Great IMO, And Dixie signing over her company is going to be a great storyline to follow for a while to see if she could even come close to getting it back and what lengths will she go to get it back?

The people that are hating on this show just doesn't get where Pro Wrestling's at right now And if wrestling in the ring every show was the key to having a great show than nobody would have had any problem with Bound For Glory this past sunday! And the wrestling business wouldn't have changed in the first place!

Grade A- because I wouldn't have mind seeing another match. I just think wrestling shows need another thirty minutes and more matches can happen on shows like this!
Last night's Impact Has more Excited about Pro Wrestling than I have been in a long while!Just a Great storyline advancement show!

Great backstage segments and a surprising couple of Jeff Hardy Promos! Both were Great IMO, And Dixie signing over her company is going to be a great storyline to follow for a while to see if she could even come close to getting it back and what lengths will she go to get it back?

The people that are hating on this show just doesn't get where Pro Wrestling's at right now And if wrestling in the ring every show was the key to having a great show than nobody would have had any problem with Bound For Glory this past sunday! And the wrestling business wouldn't have changed in the first place!

Grade A- because I wouldn't have mind seeing another match. I just think wrestling shows need another thirty minutes and more matches can happen on shows like this!

If you think a Jeff Hardy promo was great, then I don't know about your judgment of what is a good promo. All the talking last night was good for this week only since it was just a huge explanation of Bound For Glory. If this continues every week, then TNA is just going to dig itself deeper and deeper.

Looks like this whole Hardy/Hogan/Bischoff/etc. storyline is going to dominate TNA for a while which will put Fortune on the backburner which I'm not a fan of. Styles is one of your top guys and they need to book him like it and being pinned by Dreamer isn't a great start. With Kurt's "retirement" angle, the only main event faces are RVD who will be feuding with Hardy and Mr. Anderson. I believe it's time for Fortune to be faces and Styles to be what he was when he was the guy in TNA.

As far as the Knockout's Division games, I am intrigued by a Mickie James feud but I hope this means that other knockouts get a chance because I'm tired of them focusing on the same old ones. There is so much you can do with Madison, Sky, and Love before people stop caring and hopefully James will be the catalyst for change.
One thing I was imprested with about Impact yesterday was the promo done with Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle. I really don't know how Jeff was able to say those things to Kurt with Kurt ripping Jeff’s head off for real. Kurt must have a lot more control than I thought, and really showed how much of a professional, and a bigger man, he is.
you had one show last night that did not have much wrestling. ONE SHOW. I wouldn't expect that to continue.

this isn't just some good angle, this was a huge angle that had a lot of connections. it had a lot people to tie in, even including Tessmacher who Bischoff bitched out for leaking information to Nash/Sting. some people were thinking Tessmacher had a major role with the new heel group, now it seems she not only does not but she will also no longer be running the Knockouts.

I don't see Fortune working long with Immortal. going into BFG Fortune was heel. maybe there could be something where Immortal turns on Fortune, thus making it seem that Fortune become face? Flair might not seem like the type you would see as face, but it was Flair who played a major part in a wrestle going against Hogan and the nWo.
The 10/14 edition of Impact did a strong 1.4 rating with 1,895,000 viewers.

This is a Very good Rating by TNA standards and the rating increased from last weeks 1.3, The key like I said with the 1.3 rating before BFG will if they can keep this rating over the next weeks and maybe even improve upon it.
I actually really enjoyed impact this week :) There was a hell of alot of talking but it all meant something so its fine with me. The matches inbetween were all strong. My biggest thing was seeing how well Hardy played the heel. His 1st promo with imoortal and fortune in the ring was avg and a little nervy, but his second promo on the screen I thought was fucking awesome and shed some light on his new character. Way to go Hardy. I can see him growing into this role nicely.
Here are my thoughts of the October 14th edition of Impact after watching it online.

The explaination of "They" was OK. So basically it was a plan by Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair to take control of TNA with Jeff Hardy being their champion.

I don't like Fortune being part of this group because they should be fighting against Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff not side with them.

Jeff Hardy's promo wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. I just don't buy him as a heel or his explaination for turning heel. Plus he seems to be doing a poor man's Raven gimmick now.

Also Kevin Nash & Sting should have just told Dixie what was going on instead talking in riddles for months and they just leave.:shrug:

I will give Dixie Carter some credit her confrontation with Bischoff and Hogan backstage was done well. I still can't believe they let her call Eric a "smug little shit" without bleeping it out. Seeing Serge get knocked out was unintentional comedy.

I did enjoy the Kurt Angle / Jeff Jarrett promo. That was really great.

As the KO title match (if you want to call it that). That was pretty much "The Finger Poke Of Doom" all over again. Tara had no reason to lay down for Madison. She was the champion and got her job back so she didn't need Madison anymore. But she went along with it and Madison is KO champion again. Which sucks because I didn't care for her first run. Though I assume Mickie James will beat her for it at the next PPV.

The second KO segment involving the Shore and J-Woww was just embarassingly bad. Also it was a complete was of Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. They should be pissed about losing the KO title at Bound For Glory but didn't even care and would rather hang with the Jersey Shore chick instead.:disappointed:

That segment got no over and just made everyone involved look bad.

Overall I didn't like Impact this week but I guess it did what it needed to do since they received their highest rating ever with a 1.4.
I know a lot of people will grilled me for saying this... but I honestly don't know why they hate the SHORE so much. I kinda like the gimmick. In fact, the purpose of the gimmick was to get heat. I know I know.. people are going to say there is good heat, bad heat... whatever! I think SHORE has really improved from their first appearance, and I liked how Robbie E beat the hell out of Lethal at BFG. The JWoww section was ok... but better than the majority of "celebrity" segments that WWE usually do.

If you don't agree with me, fine! It's just my opinion. But I want SHORE to stay. Just give them a chance!
How good or bad iMPACT was this week really depends on who you ask. I'm fine with having a lot of promo time when it's needed, and it certainly was needed this week. This week's show did a really bad job of throwing wrestling in between those segments though. I don't really feel like this is indicative of the future of TNA, seeing that this week just needed WAY too much promo time.

I like how TNA is building the whole thing how the faces could take down Immortal, but they aren't on the same page right now. I really like Sting and Nash "leaving", because it really gives a feel that Immortal is truly taking over TNA. Not to mention Kurt could be "gone", as well. Similar to the Nexus angle, the faces will eventually HAVE to join forces.
Though I'm not really sure if I like Fortune in Immortal, as that probably means EV2 will come in and be the "heroes".

I'm actually genuinely interested to see how the Mickie/Tara/Madison storyline pans out. Mickie has added a lot of intrigue and interest into this dead division.

Shore is terrible. Jwow or whatever in TNA? Who cares? End this angle. No one gives two shits about it.

Hardy's promo was pretty cringe-worthy, but I think he can be a decent heel if he goes with the whole Raven type character, and just lets other people do the talking to get him over. Why should he have to talk? You have some of the best mouthpieces in pro wrestling history in Flair, Bischoff, and Hogan to help get him over.

Hopefully next week we get a good bit of wrestling to make up for the general absence of it this week. TNA pulled some solid numbers this week, but to keep people interested, they need to put on more wrestling, and not let this turn into an all-out soap opera.

It's really hard to give this show a grade. On one hand, it did what it needed to do. We got our answers, and the storyline makes sense if you don't think about stuff like Joe being kidnapped by ninjas. But on the other hand, there was hardly 10 minutes of wrestling, so it left a lot to be desired. I guess it really depends how interested you are in this angle. If you like it, then it was probably an enjoyable show. But if you aren't into this angle, this was probably a terrible show.

I say a C. Not a C+ or a C-, just a plain old C. In terms of storylines, it worked. As for the wrestling? It wasn't really there. If we get the same show next week? Then that's a very bad sign.
I forgot to mention the Eric Bischoff / Miss Tessmacher segment. That was OK and it looks like she will be a wrestler now. I read she was training so we will see how that turns out.

Another thing is if Dixie knew she couldn't trust Eric Bischoff why hire and put him in charge of her company in the first place?!

Madison getting a title shot was dumb as well. Because she has lost a lot lately to Angelina and Velvet. Velvet beat her at No Surrender and on several house shows last month and Angelina has pretty much owned her in the ring. So Madison getting a titile shot before them again is pretty stupid.
I think before TNA made it seem like Bischoff had more power than he really had. I haven't checked lately, but the last time I checked wikipedia it had Bischoff listed as Executive Producer.

I think TNA is/was trying to make it like Tara was worried that if she didn't lay down for Madison that Madison could make her leave TNA again. since Madison was the one who beat her last time to end her TNA career and then be the one to bring her back, that Madison still has the power to make her leave. I don;t think it really works that way, but seems that's what TNA wants you to believe.
Ok I havent watched TNA in months and I heard about the new Immortal Reigeme on Impact so I thought why not tune in.

As I did I was impressed with the setup of guys, but the one thing about Impact i thought was absolutely pointless was the fact it was over an hour of NO WRESTLING...And the first glimpse of a match was a pointless knockout one which involved my ear's bleeding through Madison Rayne...Worse than Jillian Hall's singing seriously.

The next match was a no contest with Abyss and Joe...again completely pointless. Then we get the Kurt Angle segment, which I will agree with JJ went way to far smashing Angle's head into the stage, you could see kurt was seriously hurt...And after all that you finally have a match with the Lazy Stoner (RVD) vs Mr "Im injury prone" Anderson. All and all it was quite a good match, but the way it ended was completely stupid. They want to prove hardy is the next big thing blah blah blah, well to be honest I thought Impact was crap...I dont think I will be tuning in again.
The two most worthless hours ever on TV!Im still having night terrors thinking about how soul deadning that was.Somewhere Christopher Nolan is thanking God he dosent have the talent of Vince Russo...A wrestling show is supposed to people,guys,girls,anything that moves and walks squaring off in a wrestling ring,battling it out for titles,winning and losing matches,settling grudges!...But what happened on Thursday night made The Junk Yard Dog,John Tenta,Brian Pillman spin over in there graves and thank Satan that he took them before they got so desperate in this mortal world that they would have to wrestle in TNA!

I feel really sorry for anyone that actually thinks this is a good wrestling show...what we witnessed on Thursday was wrestling's version of 9/11! I know ill never be the same again
The two most worthless hours ever on TV!Im still having night terrors thinking about how soul deadning that was.Somewhere Christopher Nolan is thanking God he dosent have the talent of Vince Russo...A wrestling show is supposed to people,guys,girls,anything that moves and walks squaring off in a wrestling ring,battling it out for titles,winning and losing matches,settling grudges!...But what happened on Thursday night made The Junk Yard Dog,John Tenta,Brian Pillman spin over in there graves and thank Satan that he took them before they got so desperate in this mortal world that they would have to wrestle in TNA!

I feel really sorry for anyone that actually thinks this is a good wrestling show...what we witnessed on Thursday was wrestling's version of 9/11! I know ill never be the same again

In other words. You loved it.

I'm not going to explain why there was no actual wrestling. Since it was very obvious but let's just ignore that.

Next time, when TNA does a major angle that involves the fate of the company they should just forget about it and focus on irreverent wrestling matches. Then everyone can say they are inconsistent.
Why is that you want so much on free tv? That's why PPVs mean absolutely nothing anymore, because in the midst of competition, they gave out way too much on TV. PPVs are supposed to be the place where the big matches are settled, not on IMPACT!. Yes they should have matches that further the storyline, but in order for a match to actually mean something there has to be a story behind it. You can't just throw a RVD vs Jeff Hardy Ladder Match on IMPACT! without actual buildup, what would be the point of that. What also would be the point of having a match on IMPACT! that you could save for PPV. The ratings for IMPACT! don't show that many people cared much about that much.
The funny part is when TNA airs major match ups like Flair vs. Foley or Hardy vs. RVD fans complain, it should be on PPV.

The whole point of last week's episode was to build up a reason to buy Turning Point and every PPV after. You want wrestling, wait for the PPV that's how you make money from buyrates.

Why do you think WWE went from 20 million in PPV revenue two years ago to about 1.5 million? They have to many gimmick matches that they do every year which eventually becomes boring and less anticipated for viewers to care about. The same exact thing with wrestler feuds.
Ok I havent watched TNA in months and I heard about the new Immortal Reigeme on Impact so I thought why not tune in.

As I did I was impressed with the setup of guys, but the one thing about Impact i thought was absolutely pointless was the fact it was over an hour of NO WRESTLING...And the first glimpse of a match was a pointless knockout one which involved my ear's bleeding through Madison Rayne...Worse than Jillian Hall's singing seriously.

The next match was a no contest with Abyss and Joe...again completely pointless. Then we get the Kurt Angle segment, which I will agree with JJ went way to far smashing Angle's head into the stage, you could see kurt was seriously hurt...And after all that you finally have a match with the Lazy Stoner (RVD) vs Mr "Im injury prone" Anderson. All and all it was quite a good match, but the way it ended was completely stupid. They want to prove hardy is the next big thing blah blah blah, well to be honest I thought Impact was crap...I dont think I will be tuning in again.

don't judge TNA on one Impact following their biggest PPV. if they continue to have very little wrestling on following ImpactS I wouldn't blame anyone for changing the channel, but I know that wont happen.

a wrestling show with just wrestling might make some pure wrestling fans happy/satisfied, but I bet it would be terrible for ratings. BORING!
don't judge TNA on one Impact following their biggest PPV. if they continue to have very little wrestling on following ImpactS I wouldn't blame anyone for changing the channel, but I know that wont happen.

a wrestling show with just wrestling might make some pure wrestling fans happy/satisfied, but I bet it would be terrible for ratings. BORING!

I am not saying have it as pure wrestling, obviously promo's need to be cut, but the best person for that at the moment in TNA is Ric Flair, the man is a genius, but having over an hour of non stop backstage crap and talking is pure boredom!

And the way the matches went that night were awful, I mean look at WWE back in the Attitude Era, or just after they would have their ppv, then on RAW cut a couple of promo's not all this backstage talking crap.

I dont even watch the WWE anymore because I believe the product has gotten boring, also the PG crap has made me tune off, I dont want the wrestlers to nearly kill themselves, but a little bit of non PG entertainment is what makes it fun.

But getting back to TNA, I seriously see them going the way WCW did and Vince will soon buy them out and get rid of all the worthless talent, which is most of the roster.
Do you think that Hogan, Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, or any of the others want to go crawling back to Vince McMahon for work. I doubt that they are going to make the same mistakes that they made. I think that essentially WCW went under because of Time Warner/AOL. Nitro and Thunder more than likely would have soon been taken off the airways and WCW would have been left with little to nothing. I think that TNA has a strong financial backing, thus why they haven't feel through the cracks already. TNA is being mentioned on TMZ with the JWoww thing, I see they are going to be on Family Feud, they are slowly growing in popularity. Even if you don't think some things are working, they just might be. TNA got close to the same rating of the January 4th edition of IMPACT! this past week. People are buzzing about TNA and things are only going to get interesting from here. Now that TNA is on the rise, WWE is going to have to take notice, which will be good for everyone.
I am not saying have it as pure wrestling, obviously promo's need to be cut, but the best person for that at the moment in TNA is Ric Flair, the man is a genius, but having over an hour of non stop backstage crap and talking is pure boredom!

And the way the matches went that night were awful, I mean look at WWE back in the Attitude Era, or just after they would have their ppv, then on RAW cut a couple of promo's not all this backstage talking crap.

I dont even watch the WWE anymore because I believe the product has gotten boring, also the PG crap has made me tune off, I dont want the wrestlers to nearly kill themselves, but a little bit of non PG entertainment is what makes it fun.

But getting back to TNA, I seriously see them going the way WCW did and Vince will soon buy them out and get rid of all the worthless talent, which is most of the roster.

this is your opinion and I'm sure there are some that agree with you. in my opinion and I'm sure some share with me, I thought it was gold! I was excited pretty much the entire show. I do think there needs to be more in ring wrestling and I bet you will get that going forward, but I know I personally love all the drama and promos and backstage stuff that they show on TV. must see TV.
this is your opinion and I'm sure there are some that agree with you. in my opinion and I'm sure some share with me, I thought it was gold! I was excited pretty much the entire show. I do think there needs to be more in ring wrestling and I bet you will get that going forward, but I know I personally love all the drama and promos and backstage stuff that they show on TV. must see TV.

It's a funny balance to much Talking and to the Hardcore fans it's Boring but to the mainstream to much wrestling is boring! What Pro Wrestling company's have to do is find the right balance or simply go to Three Hour Shows!

And to me that's on it 's way!
It's a funny balance to much Talking and to the Hardcore fans it's Boring but to the mainstream to much wrestling is boring! What Pro Wrestling company's have to do is find the right balance or simply go to Three Hour Shows!

And to me that's on it 's way!

I agree.
there should be a mixture of good matches and good promos. the matches should be good matches with mostly clean finishes. they can have occasional interference, but mostly clean. Impact should be used to build the feuds for the PPV and the PPV should be mostly clean finishes where most of the time your ending feuds. I like surprises but they should fit well with the story lines. I don't like surprises just to have a surprise when it isn't done right. example- I don't really like having Fortune with Immortal, but even if this is what they want to do it would have been better to have it during a match or towards the end of the show, rather than at the beginning where Flair just hugged Hogan.

I think Impact should switch to 8 PM start, especially if they are going to have ReAction. as it is now you have Impact 9-11 and then ReAction 11-12. 12 is late to have everyone stay up to watch the entire 3 hours. if they have Impact 8-10 and then ReAction 10-11 you could be done in better time and allow your entire audience to watch both shows.
Yeah I like the angry Dixie Carter lol... When she first started on television, she was a little nervous, but now she's starting to come into her own. She's keeping to character on her twitter, maybe the critics will be happy that she'll be too occupied with getting the company back to keep posting this will change TNA forever posts. I think Hogan mentioned something about this on IMPACT! last Thursday.
Last Thursday's episode of TNA Impact surpassed the 2.0 million viewer mark adding in DVR viewership.

Impact averaged 1.9 million viewers during the original broadcast on October 14. DVR viewership (live + three days) pushed the total to 2.1 million viewers.

TNA added 200,000 viewers through DVR viewership, which was the same the previous week's show. The October 7 Impact averaged 1.7 million viewers during the original broadcast and increased to 1.9 million viewers accounting for DVR viewership.

Looking at one key demographic for Thursday's show on Oct. 14, Impact was up to a 1.30 rating among males 18-49. The show scored a 1.24 rating in the demo during the original broadcast.


Hopefully they can continue the increase. This is by far the highest they've gone for an entire episode.
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