[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I thought yesterday was another great episode of ReAction, I was very intrigued, interested and entertained by this hour of ReAction. My favorite parts of yesterdays episode was. 1 the Impact Player of the week segment with Kendrick was very interesting and it gave us insight into his character. 2 The continuing build between Angle & Anderson.

Grade A+
Date: September 30, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: Eliminating the Monster

We open with a recap of Abyss freaking out over RVD.

Angle is on the phone with Hulk who apparently gives him the support for the title match at BFG. He has a cage match with Abyss. Hulk doesn’t know the show is starting now apparently. We do get to see Angle get loaded into his riser which is cool.

He hits the ring and talks about the same stuff he said in the back. There’s a focus on Abyss though He’s a cancer of course. Abyss comes through the crowd and guess what we get? Well what would Impact be without a random brawl? Abyss gets a ladder and chucks it at Angle, hurting his arm. Agents FINALLY break it up.

After the break they’re STILL going at it.

Beer Money vs. Tommy Dreamer/Rhyno

This is a lumberjack match because a regular match wasn’t good enough I guess. Nothing of note to start as the heels (I guess they’re heels even though they’re cheered) take over. After about two minutes of nothing of note we get the obligatory brawl. Kendrick is here too. Styles spits….something into Dreamer’s eyes and a Backstabber gets two. Kendrick runs out in a fucking Gi and does….something, allowing Dreamer to hit the DDT for the pin, which I believe is EV’s first clean pin. Sabu does a big dive.

Rating: N/A. Way too short to really mean much and the lumberjacks were there I guess to simply prevent the obligatory big brawl. EV needed a win so that was good at least. This was really a nothing match and it was boring as hell for the most part. They did what they could I guess but

Foley gets on the mic and says he wants to get Flair in the ring….to talk. Flair is rather funny here but now everyone is saying dates like they’re saying 10-10-10. One more match next week of course. Flair stomps on the book and drops a knee on it. He’s rather entertaining here. This leads to them hitting themselves in the head for no apparent reason. And now we make it last man standing. If Flair loses he’ll kiss Foley’s ass. This was ok but it tried to be too epic and it hurt it somewhat I think.

Anderson is bitching to Bischoff about not getting a call from Hogan. He gets Joe tonight. Sure why not.

Generation Me vs. Ink Inc

The heels have Sabin’s belt still. Nothing to start until Max misses a moonsault and hurts his knee. Of course it’s fake. The Dudleys will have an announcement at BFG which might be them leaving. Mike says he wouldn’t miss next week’s show. That’s good because if he did he might be fired. Moore takes over and hits a SWEET double hurricanrana, as in on both guys at once to clear the ring.

Standing Lionsault for two. Neal misses the spear and Max hits a low blow on Shannon for the pin. Beatdown follows the ending until the Guns make the save. Sabin gets the belt back, more or less making Gen Me stealing it pointless.

Rating: C+. Fun little TV match here although I’m trying to figure out the point to it. Moore for once looked good out there which stuns me. The ending is kind of weak with nothing more than a low blow to get the pin. This wasn’t bad though and was FAR more entertaining than the first though.

The Guns say they’re ready. That match is going to rock.

Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson

And here’s Pope which confuses the announcers too. He sits at the commentary table and here come Nash and Sting behind him. Hey make sure to follow Dixie Carter on Twitter! Joe assaults quickly to start. Ok he’s there because Joe was aggressive last week. Joe’s man boobs look a bit smaller this week. Pope references Tessmacher a lot and the dueling chants begin. For once they make sense too which blows my mind. Nice dropkick by Anderson for two. Joe just kind of walks into the Mic Check for the totally clean pin.

Rating: C. Not bad here again but the ending was totally out of nowhere. Nothing too bad and Anderson needs a win like this for credibility’s sake. I’m really not liking all these angles at once as it’s getting to the point of being too much to keep up with. It’s fine for awhile but you need to give the fans a chance to catch their breath at times and that’s not happening here.

Nash comes to the ring with the bat and Joe says get in here. Nash says this is Joe’s last chance to join them as we take a break.

This show is FLYING by as it’s already almost ten after ten.

After the break, Nash, Pope and Sting are in the ring. Pope blasts Bischoff and Nash says the same stuff as always. The guy that usually has his face painted says this is about stuff that started in WCW and it’s good vs. evil. What he wants to know though is who’s wearing the black hats and who’s wearing the white hats. Sting says that everything has to happen at BFG, so we make it a 6 man: Hogan/Jarrett/Joe vs. Pope/Sting/Nash. Either the surgeries are a fake or the plans have drastically changed.

Bischoff comes out with Tessmacher and bitches about the three guys in the ring. Hogan will be here on Impact next week and will make an answer. Can you say screwjob?

AJ vs. Kendrick tonight for the TV Title by AJ’s demands. Flair does the ice thing again.

We get clips of the X Title switches which makes sense as they’re trying to make house shows seem like must see stuff. That’s very smart.

Tessmacher tells Rayne and Tara to be good or they’re fired. Cue the BP for a big thing of yelling. Apparently a waiver allows Tara to unretire or something. Tessmacher is the dominant personality here and I’m sure every word is a clue for something later on. Four way for the title at BFG, as in everyone but Lacey. More yelling ensues and Tessmacher throws them out. She gets a call and says something like the usual in 20 minutes.

TV Title: Brian Kendrick vs. AJ Styles

Flair comes out for commentary. Ok so he’s just going to rant about the Foley thing. Kendrick is in the gi again for no apparent reason. AJ misses the forearm in the corner and after a nice sequence AJ takes over. Kendrick hits some kicks to make a brief comeback but dives on Morgan instead of AJ like he should have. Back in the ring some Morgan interference allows the Styles Clash to end it.

Rating: C. Not bad here but Kendrick was a bit limited out there. That’s not his fault mind you and this made the most sense of any match tonight. This wasn’t bad at all and AJ looked great. Naturally they’ve made him a heel because that’s what makes sense right?

Abyss says let’s make it Monste’s Ball at BFG. Oh and he’s taking out Angle tonight.

RVD says maybe he’ll take it. I think that’s what he said at least.

Video about next week’s show which sounds like a PPV which is the idea I guess.

Abyss vs. Kurt Angle

Cage match remember here. Angle goes after him immediately and punches Abyss down. All Angle so far as Abyss looks fairly weak. Angle gets Janice and throws it to the floor. Abyss FREAKS and wants it back as we go to a break. Back and Abyss takes over. Most of this match has been punching and cage rams. Angle gets cut badly and the blood freaking FLOWS. That can’t be intentional.

Angle snaps and it looks like a sprinkler of blood is going off. He hits a frog splash for two and the ankle lock goes on for a bit. Chokeslam from Abyss gets two. Angle Slam is countered into the Shock Treatment for two as well. Taz asks the intelligent question of why hasn’t Abyss been fined or fired. The Slam hits and naturally Abyss kicks out. Angle goes for the door but stops himself. BIG ASS MOONSAULT is teased as Impact goes off the air and ReAction begins.

Sweet damn I hate that. Angle climbs down and jumps off at Abyss but gets caught in a Black Hole Slam. Oh and Abyss chokeslammed the referee. Abyss keeps beating on him and here’s Anderson for the save. He gets beaten down as well and Abyss breaks the door down. Abyss gets Janice off the floor but Angle gets up and punches him enough for him to back off, ending the show I guess in a no contest. This ends the show.

Rating: C-. Intense as hell brawl and that cut was IMPRESSIVE but the ending just kind of ticked me off. I get not wanting to have either guy lose, but in that case why would you put them together in a match that potentially could have drawn some money on PPV? However there’s a silver lining there as with no winner you could lead to a PPV match down the line if need be. I don’t like the booking but it could have been worse which is a good thing. Too much punching for my taste though.

Overall Rating: D+. Not a great show, but not bad. This show FLEW by, feeling about half as long as it really was. It’s certainly not horrible and while slightly weaker than last week it’s still pretty good. I wasn’t as wild as some people on that Flair/Foley promo as some but I thought it was ok. To say they’re putting everything on one show is an understatement which is a bad idea I think, but maybe I’m wrong. Not bad but nothing great at all.
Thursday's TNA Impact scored a 1.2 rating with an average of 1.5 million viewers, which is up from the 1.01 rating the show drew last week.

This is a pretty good rating for TNA after the 1.01 from last week its good to see the rating go up and the total number of viewers was also up. Hopefully with next week being live it will lead to a rating increase and hopefully get around 1.3 or 1.4
TNA iMPACT! - October 7, 2010

Abyss “Kidnapping” Dixie Carter - The show opened tonight with Abyss dragging a handcuffed Dixie Carter around backstage and it made zero sense whatsoever. Abyss is carrying a weapon that he can’t use on anybody, cuz he’d legitimately kill them if he did, and Dixie is screaming and crying her head off for someone to help her. There’s a ton of people hanging around backstage and they just stand there and do nothing. Why?? Abyss eventually dragged Dixie out into the Impact Zone and, after about another 3 minutes of crying and pleading, Bischoff heads out there and TNA’s crack security forces get through scratching their nuts and come out behind Eric. While I was watching his unfold, I noticed how easy it would be for all the security and agents to rush Abyss before he could “hurt” Dixie with Janice or Bob. Abyss was standing awkwardly, he often kept looking back at Dixie and turning his attention from Bischoff and the security guys, so it would’ve been easy to “save” Dixie Carter. Now, if Abyss had actually smacked Dixie Carter around some, actually done something besides breath heavily in her face, then it would have a real tangible feel to it. It wasn’t as corny as Abyss’ S&M torture chamber a few weeks ago, but it was still pretty cheesy. Thumbs Down

Pope, Nash, Sting & Bischoff - I’m really tired of this bullshit. It’s been going on for months and, to be perfectly honest, nobody still knows what the point is or what it’s all about. It’s more of the same that we’ve heard for a long time now. The only thing fresh about it was airing footage of Hogan in the hospital along with some footage of surgical procedures he’s undergone. I know that we sometimes rag on certain wrestlers, sometimes to the point that it almost sounds personal, but I honestly do feel bad for Hulk Hogan. The man’s a human being after all and he’s meant a lot to wrestling. The whole idea about these three guys wanting Hogan in a match is kinda pointless as NOBODY is going to believe that these three weren’t aware of Hogan’s condition and multiple hospital stays and surgeries over the course of the past year and a half. Thumbs Down

Angelina Love & Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne & Tara - This tag team match was over the rights to use The Beautiful People name and entrance music. Really? This is what the Knockout Division has been reduced to? Fighting over the usage of a name and generic stripper music? The match was pretty much as you expected, which was about 2.5 minutes of forgettable action involving women that’ve been primarily made up the Knockout Division almost entirely for months now. Thumbs Down

Mickie James - After the match, Miss Tessmacher tells all the girls out there that there’ll be a special referee for their four way match at BFG. Mickie James’ music hits and she comes out, and she looks pretty damn good to me. Mickie got herself a nice reaction from the crowd and she gave a good promo. I honestly don’t know why she felt the need to put over the WWE the way she did. It wasn’t overt, but her championship references were clear as was Taz calling her a 5 time Women’s Champion. Still, Mickie gave a solid promo and established herself a bit. It wasn’t some jaw dropping debut or anything like that, but it came off as solid for what it was. Thumbs Up

Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley - This was surprisingly a pretty good brawl from these two. I have to say that I wasn’t really all that thrilled about this match, but I do appreciate the effort that both of them put into it. A minute into the match, both of them are bleeding and that’s pretty much what I expected. It would’ve been a big deal if Flair hadn’t bled on like every other appearance he’s made for TNA. Still, it was a good brawl and both of them really tried hard. There were a few hiccups in the whole Last Man Standing aspect of the match. For instance, near the end of the match, Flair did get to his feet briefly so Earl Hebner should have stopped counting him. When he fell flat on his face, he should’ve started all over. There were also no real dramatic moments during the match. You know, no teases of a long 10 count in which one or both guys barely makes it to their feet with a quarter of a second to spare? But, it was still an ok match with Flair jobbing to Foley. I’m glad that Fortune came out and took out Foley so we didn’t have to see any ass kissing and I’m glad that this didn’t turn into yet another brawl between Fortune & EV2.0. This match didn’t make me interested in Fortune vs. EV2.0, but it was a fun match and has been the best match of any within this Fortune/EV2.0 feud. Thumbs Up

Eric Young & Orlando Jordan vs. Ink Inc. - This was terrible, really just stupid and pointless. People in the Impact Zone were actually cheering Eric Young over this shit. I forgot just how bad this thing with Young & Jordan was as I haven’t seen either of them on the show in months. Eric Young has definitely fallen hard compared to where he once was. After the match, EY gets on the mic and ho hums around for a bit before getting Ink Inc. to agree to a rematch at BFG. If the idea was to try turning people off from ordering the show, mission accomplished. Thumbs Down

The Shore - Somebody please make it stop!!!!! This segment really was awful. These two tools come out to this lame club music as if they’re a couple of stars and proceed to get on my nerves in a seriously LayCool kind of way. This was just completely awful and one huge bomb of a debut. This is going to give somebody PTSD, I just know it. Somehow, some way, this is gonna give people the squirts. Thumbs Down

Gauntlet Battle Royal - Personally, I would’ve preferred that TNA had a standard battle royal. With one guy coming out every 45 seconds, there just wasn’t enough time for whatever it was TNA wanted to accomplish to happen. The battle royal did mostly feature Abyss, Angle, Anderson & RVD. Abyss came out looking pretty strong and basically eliminated half the guys in the match. I just wasn’t really feeling this match. I think most of what took place over the course of the show just wore me down to the point where I just didn’t give a shit about this by the time it was all said and done. Angle ultimately won the match and the $100,000, as if he needed it. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Tonight’s show was really awful. Aside from the debut promo of Mickie James and The Ric Flair/Mick Foley match, this entire night was a dud. The whole thing with Abyss & Dixie Carter that went on through the night was cheesy, although I will say that I thought Dixie Carter showed some nice acting chops throughout. She looked and sounded visibly upset, so good job on her part at least. But, nobody believed that Abyss was going to be fired and this sets up some sort of swerve for BFG. The Knockout match was rather pointless, the match with EY & Orlando Jordan vs. Ink Inc. was just plain crap, the debut of The Shore is one of the single worst things I’ve seen on TNA television this entire year. I didn’t really go into tonight with any sort of expectations for the show, which is good because I would’ve been extremely disappointed if I went into this hoping for big things. Over the course of the past month, I do think that TNA has done a good job in hyping the big stuff for BFG but tonight’s show was really lackluster. D
I was really expecting much better than what I saw Today from Impact. The Shore had an awful debut that actual got the Crowd to chant this boring which tells how bad that segment actually was. The Tag Match between Ink.Inc vs Jordan and Young was completely pointless and shouldn't have been on what was the Go Home show to the Biggest PPV for TNA BFG the same thing can be said for the Lethal stuff. I did enjoy Mickie James debut and the Knockout match was decent. The Brawl between Mick and Flair was pretty good. The Battle Royal was also decent.

I enjoyed the first hour, but the rest was just awful. I'm not a huge fan of battle royals and the gauntlet battle royal was just a giant mess. I know this is an old school concept having a battle royal for "money", but what does it accomplish? Does Kurt Angle really need $100,000? Even if he is donating it to charity. If it were real.

Abyss kidnapping Dixie was just ridiculous. How in the hell can this man handcuff the owner of a company against her will and walk past tons of people backstage without someone stopping him? Why isn't he in jail? No one even heard Dixie's cries until Bischoff showed up. Dixie actually finally made sense by wanting to fire Abyss for his carnage over the past few months. It looks like Bischoff always shows up at the right time to save Abyss' ass.

Sting, Nash, and Pope aren't a bad team together, but its getting really annoying hearing about the "smoke and mirrors" and "black hats, white hats" metaphors. Why is Sting challenging a man who is in intensive care? Even if this was a work, why wouldn't you book Hogan to be at Bound For Glory? If Hogan is really in intensive care, why doesn't Sting, Nash, and Pope know that? I could care less about the handicapped match. I just want the smoke and mirrors to be put out for good.

The knockouts match for the title of the beautiful people wasn't great, but better then I expected. I thought Toby Keith was making his return when I heard Mickie Jame's music. I guess they are making her a cowgirl. Better then Piggy James. I don't know why TNA has to put all their new debuting big name talent as referees. WCW did the same thing. At least hopefully Mickie James will breath some life back into the division.

Flair and Foley had the match of the night obviously. These two really impressed and can still put on a good brawl. I've never seen Ric Flair put in an environment like this against Foley. Seeing Flair involved with thumbtacks and barbed wire is something I thought I would never see. We have seen Flair bleed all over the place before along with Foley. I give them credit for beating the hell out of each other. This match should of been saved for Bound For Glory, but this show would have suffered more then anything without it.

Orlando Jordan and Eric Young vs. Ink Inc. Who gives a damn about either of these guys? Why is Ink Inc. being brought up over and over again if they aren't going to win any matches? This match and the segment before it with EY and OJ was awful and a waste of time. We also get the pleasure of seeing this garbage again at Bound For Glory. Awesome.

The Shore. What the hell was that? I understand the concept is to be an annoying version of Jersey Shore, but this was terrible. The heat these two got was go away heat. I'm not expecting much from these 2 in the ring after what I heard. Anyone that can be this bad at cutting a promo is probably shit in the ring too. Becky Bayless is pretty hot, but not as a Jersey Shore rip off. Who ever watches that show is a douche and probably doesn't even watch wrestling. Just because that show is popular it doesn't mean people will tune in to watch Impact. These gimmick is getting worse heat then LayCool or Vickie Guerrero.

The same thing can be said about Raw having shows like America's Got talent or dancing with the stars. Just because its popular on one show, doesn't mean it will be popular in the wrestling world.

The Reaction segments and the house show segments were a waste of time. This is the last Impact leading up the biggest show of the year. Possibly the biggest show of the decade by the way TNA is talking about it. Its the first live Impact on Thursday in a while and we get footage of Jay Lethal talking about his boyhood home in Jersey? Does anyone care? Save that for Reaction. No one cares about the hardcore fans in Philly or New York at a house show that was weeks ago. Hopefully Team 3D's announcement will be them leaving TNA once and for all.

Basically this was a bad way to get people to tune into Bound For Glory. With a $50 price tag, I don't know how they can sell it. I will watch it with my buddies and make fun while partaking in mind altering substances to make it through. Dixie didn't unveil her big "change" that she was talking about for months. Russo didn't appear live which I guess that's a good thing. I am still hoping for the best this Sunday, but things are looking good.
Abyss/Dixie- This was pathetic. Abyss is disgusting, and Dixie is worthless. All that segment did was prove Dixie can be spit on, by Abyss, without throwing up everywhere. I have never had a problem with "kidnapping" segments, and in some way, this could have a lot to do with the "Deception"/"They"/whatever angle. But this was poorly executed, incoherent bable. - D -

Pope/Nash/Sting/Bischoff- Once again, this was almost as incoherent as Dixie/Abyss. What are they even talking about? What's the "PROBLEM" they are having? Not once do they actually say what their problem is, they just keep beating around the bush. As someone said earlier, this has gone on far too long without anything at all being revealed. - D -

Flair/Foley- Good chemistry, good action, etc. But I couldn't help but feel bad for both men. Is this what it has come to? You have two of the biggest names in the history of wrestling beat one another senseless, and for what? A ten minute match on tv? These guys busted their asses out there, and I only wish it had gone to serve an actual purpose. - B+ ..mainly because I feel sorry that Mick and Ric had to do that for little or no reason.

Ink Inc. vs. Jordan/Young-Yeah..who in the hell even knows what went on here.
- D -

Robbie E and Cookie- Quite possibly the worst debut since The Shockmaster..seriously.
- F -

Battle Royal- While it wasn't anything special, it gave TNA a chance to show most of their talent in the same ring. Did it go over all that well? No. But it gave most people a shot to show their mugs. Did it accomplish anything, or really move any storylines forward?..No, but it didn't hurt anything either. -C+-

Overall= D

Not a very good outing, worse than usual actually.
Fuck me but I loved this show. I liked everything except for :

1. They fucked up the finish to the Flair/Foley match. Foley was down, then up, then down again. They should've broken the count and count him again once he faceplanted in the tacks.

2. Live show - cameras were not at the right place at the right time. They missed a lot of moments they should've showed.

3. "The Shore" - Rob Eckos is a very, very talented kid, I don't know WHAT happened to him tonight. That bitch with him is worthless, and the gimmick will NOT work. This is bad. Very bad. Hopefully these two will either be released or given a gimmick change, something, but fuck that it was bullshit. Screw people saying "but they got heat". They got heat cuz they suck, and not in character suck, they suck overall.

4. ReAction - my God did that blow. Production problems, segments taking WAY too long. Live ReAction is not a good idea. Or maybe they'll improve with time, it's the first time they do it so I'll give 'um the benefit of the doubt. But as far as tonight goes - horrific.

5. KO's match. As always, total suckitude.

6. Mickie needs to drop the goodie two shoes attitude she's got going on. Reminds me too much of a diva and that's not good.


Foley/Flair was so damn entertaining. Can't say I didn't expect these guys to do something of that nature, but they exceeded my expectations. That bump Foley took off the stage was some sick stuff, I loved it.

Ink Inc. vs Gaybo plus EY was the most random match ever, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I absolutely love EY. He's hilarious. People give OJ way too much crap, the guy can go in the ring. The match was totally thrown together in the last minute, but if they dish out that sort of thing at B.F.G but make it big PPV quality I'll be a happy camper.

I enjoyed the promos throughout the night. Very well done.

Overall, I'll give the show a B. I don't know why people hated it so much. Issues that bugged me the most were the production, The Shore, Mickie's fakeness, and that one guy who never stopped yelling " WOLFPACK IN DA HOUUUUSE!!!! "
Fuck me but I loved this show. I liked everything except for :

1. They fucked up the finish to the Flair/Foley match. Foley was down, then up, then down again. They should've broken the count and count him again once he faceplanted in the tacks.

2. Live show - cameras were not at the right place at the right time. They missed a lot of moments they should've showed.

3. "The Shore" - Rob Eckos is a very, very talented kid, I don't know WHAT happened to him tonight. That bitch with him is worthless, and the gimmick will NOT work. This is bad. Very bad. Hopefully these two will either be released or given a gimmick change, something, but fuck that it was bullshit. Screw people saying "but they got heat". They got heat cuz they suck, and not in character suck, they suck overall.

4. ReAction - my God did that blow. Production problems, segments taking WAY too long. Live ReAction is not a good idea. Or maybe they'll improve with time, it's the first time they do it so I'll give 'um the benefit of the doubt. But as far as tonight goes - horrific.

5. KO's match. As always, total suckitude.

6. Mickie needs to drop the goodie two shoes attitude she's got going on. Reminds me too much of a diva and that's not good.


Foley/Flair was so damn entertaining. Can't say I didn't expect these guys to do something of that nature, but they exceeded my expectations. That bump Foley took off the stage was some sick stuff, I loved it.

Ink Inc. vs Gaybo plus EY was the most random match ever, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I absolutely love EY. He's hilarious. People give OJ way too much crap, the guy can go in the ring. The match was totally thrown together in the last minute, but if they dish out that sort of thing at B.F.G but make it big PPV quality I'll be a happy camper.

I enjoyed the promos throughout the night. Very well done.

Overall, I'll give the show a B. I don't know why people hated it so much. Issues that bugged me the most were the production, The Shore, Mickie's fakeness, and that one guy who never stopped yelling " WOLFPACK IN DA HOUUUUSE!!!! "

For starters, BFG is the biggest PPV of the year, so what do they do? They do a tag match with two guys no one has seen in months(even worse is EY's stupid gimmick). All its doing it making a filler match that no one will care about. Then, they 'debut' that 'shore' guy, which was horrible.
For starters, BFG is the biggest PPV of the year, so what do they do? They do a tag match with two guys no one has seen in months(even worse is EY's stupid gimmick). All its doing it making a filler match that no one will care about. Then, they 'debut' that 'shore' guy, which was horrible.

That's your opinion! I liked that whole segment! And I Loved the Whole F'n show It was good To me,I don't no what people want out of Pro Wrestling these days ! If people didn't like that show then Pro Wrestling is DEAD! They gave you Things to make you Think,Laugh,Boo and Mark out about I don't know what people want out Pro Wrestling these days,It's becoming harder and harder to satisfy people Today.

That was a very Entertaining show! I enjoyed every minute of it ! Even Orlando Jordan and Eric Young Vs Ink Ink, it was very Entertaining! The Shore did what it's supposed to do get people to hate them and they will continue to get heat which is good! The gauntlet match was an fun Royal Rumble Style Battle Royal that had me on the edge of my seat hoping by the end Mr Anderson would pull it out.

It was a very entertaining show from my view that got me excited for Bound For Glory this sunday!!!
That's your opinion! I liked that whole segment! And I Loved the Whole F'n show It was good To me,I don't no what people want out of Pro Wrestling these days ! If people didn't like that show then Pro Wrestling is DEAD! They gave you Things to make you Think,Laugh,Boo and Mark out about I don't know what people want out Pro Wrestling these days,It's becoming harder and harder to satisfy people Today.

That was a very Entertaining show! I enjoyed every minute of it ! Even Orlando Jordan and Eric Young Vs Ink Ink, it was very Entertaining! The Shore did what it's supposed to do get people to hate them and they will continue to get heat which is good! The gauntlet match was an fun Royal Rumble Style Battle Royal that had me on the edge of my seat hoping by the end Mr Anderson would pull it out.

It was a very entertaining show from my view that got me excited for Bound For Glory this sunday!!!

While i barely watched it, the shore thing apparently got a LOT of boring chants. Thats NOT good heat. It doesnt make any sense do have a guy debut(which technically, it wasnt since he didnt wrestle) before the biggest PPV. OJ and EY's gimmicks just have vince russo crap written all over it.

When they hype a live show before a huge PPV, I dont expect crap like this. I thought the battle royal was very predictable. It may lead to a Nash/Morgan feud(not sure abut his contract though). The whole Abyss thing is just way too goofy. It belongs in wwe.
For starters, BFG is the biggest PPV of the year, so what do they do? They do a tag match with two guys no one has seen in months(even worse is EY's stupid gimmick). All its doing it making a filler match that no one will care about. Then, they 'debut' that 'shore' guy, which was horrible.

EY and OJ are on Xplosion every-single-week. I watch it ever week, it's fucking stupid, but it works since their roster is so damn huge it's hard to use everyone.

The match is really random and I completely agree with you. No build up, no story, only questions ( seems like that's all we've been gettin' for the last year ). But still, I enjoyed the match, and I like EY's stupid gimmick. The gimmick is stupid to you, not to me. If you think about it, any gimmick is stupid. Remember that one guy who speaks in third person and always cooks some stuff and wants us to smell 'um? I like Young, I see talent in the kid and I enjoy the stuff he does. I also like OJ. He's over the top and maybe that's the biggest reason why I like him. He's better in the ring than some people make him out to be and the team is pretty entertaining. It's a Goldust/Booker T type of situation.

The match I saw on Thursday was good, I liked it. If they have a good match at B.F.G I'll have zero problem with the fact that it's random and had no story. It's just one match, they need an opener, and the card is packed with story anyway.
While i barely watched it, the shore thing apparently got a LOT of boring chants. Thats NOT good heat. It doesnt make any sense do have a guy debut(which technically, it wasnt since he didnt wrestle) before the biggest PPV. OJ and EY's gimmicks just have vince russo crap written all over it.

When they hype a live show before a huge PPV, I dont expect crap like this. I thought the battle royal was very predictable. It may lead to a Nash/Morgan feud(not sure abut his contract though). The whole Abyss thing is just way too goofy. It belongs in wwe.

Dude There's more than one way to debut! And The Shore has been getting alot of Heat at TNA House Shows! And as long as people are responding to This Group That's better than people not Responding! That gives them a chance to get over and that's the purpose!Good or Bad!
Date: October 7, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: Before the Glory

This is the live go home show for Bound For Glory. Shore debuts tonight and we have a battle royal for fake money. I wouldn’t expect much tonight as everything is more or less set for Sunday and they won’t want to risk an injury that close to the show. Naturally TNA will probably make some big announcement tonight but that’s to be expected. Let’s get to it.

Abyss is bringing in Dixie with what sounds like chains around her. He has a message for her from THEM (I thought it was THEY?) and brings her through the back as I wonder WHERE IS SECURITY? And we’re in the arena now. Abyss says he smells power and control. Are you sure that’s not your clothes dude? He yells a lot and says Dixie is gone after Sunday.

Eric finally comes out as I realize Bob and Janice, the board and branding iron he carries, are the names of Dixie’s parents and the head of the company that owns TNA. He finally unchains her and it’s AL SNOW to the rescue. Eric looks old as hell here.

And here are Sting, Nash and Pope. Oh wait there’s a commercial first. Pope does the talking and runs him down, talking about smoke and mirrors etc. He mentions Abyss, which suggests to me that the stories are connected. Things are going to fall on Bischoff on Sunday. Eric says it’s about Sting and Hogan and Sting says that’s exactly right because of something from ten years ago. Sting wants him in the ring.

Sting keeps yelling about Hogan and here come Jarrett and Joe. Bischoff calls them off and says Hogan is in intensive care right now, and OF COURSE we have a video of him in the hospital. Apparently he can’t do anything for weeks which screams WORK to me. Bischoff makes it a handicap match at BFG, much like the original NWO match I believe?

Mickie James is here, looking good as always.

Long package on the three way. Nothing we haven’t seen before.

We cut to Team 3D in New York City. They’re making a big announcement at BFG. Methinks they’re retiring.

Madison Rayne/Tara vs. Angelina Love/Velvet Skye

Winner gets the name and music of the Beautiful People. So we’ve had a power struggle and copyright issues. Well sure why not. Madison and Tara jump them as they do their entrances so they can beat down Angelina to start. Tessmacher is on the stage taking notes. Semi-hot tag to Angelina and she cleans house. And there is a kick combination to get Angelina and Velvet the win. Well that was quick.

Rating: D+. Nothing special here but it worked ok I guess. The girls looked good and in theory this should end the conflict between them to open up some new storylines which is desperately needed. This isn’t much at all but I guess four minutes of wrestling in the first 32 is better than none.

Tessmacher yells at them and gets the WHAT treatment. She names Mickie James as the guest referee. They play up her country singer thing here and she wants the winner of course.

Dixie wants Eric to fire Abyss. Uh, she’s president of the company. Why can’t she do it?

Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley

Last man standing here. I’m meeting Foley at a book signing tomorrow night so I’m rather hoping he doesn’t get too banged up here. And of course the announcers screw up the match stipulation by saying it’s falls count anywhere before correcting it. If Flair loses he’s going to kiss Foley’s ass apparently. Foley’s eye is bleeding already. Barbed wire ball bat is brought out already.

And Flair is already busted open, clearly blading on camera. They head to the announce table and Foley gets launched to the floor through a table. LOUD holy shit chant that they censor so the sound comes off as really choppy. We take a break as Foley’s eye looks BAD. Back and somehow that table spot didn’t end it. And Flair brings out the thumbtacks.

And of course he winds up in them. Foley busts out the barbed wire board which he’ll likely wind up on top of. Never mind for now at least as Foley rams it into Flair in the corner. Foley’s eye looks TERRIBLE. He busts out a table and gets two low blows for Flair go get the advantage back.

And I’m right the barbed wire board did wind up on him. Foley on the table now and Flair goes up, hitting a splash off the top through Foley through the table. Foley gets up as does Flair but Flair does the Flair Flop into the tacks. Foley is sitting in the corner which counts as being up, even though Flair was sitting like that earlier and got counted.

Rating: D+. Violent as hell, but I have a big problem of seeing a man in his mid 40s and a man in his early 60 mutilate each other like this and have TNA call it great. The violence was good but this again just isn’t my taste at all. What does this prove anyway? Flair falls down so Foley wins? That doesn’t exactly live up to the promos last week.

Foley demands that Flair kiss his ass and you know the chant they start up. And of course here’s Fourtune to save that from happening. EV 2 runs out for the save which might have worked better if Williams hadn’t looked up at the stage to see if they were coming yet.

With no break here’s Eric who walks past the EV guys. He calls out Abyss and we’re still waiting when we come back. Great to see that Bischoff is tired of waiting just as we come back from a break. Here comes RVD instead, now without bandages. More or less he demands that Abyss stay or he’ll leave.

We see the EV 2 guys in Philadelphia to show us that they’re over I guess, even though Rhyno was a hated heel there but who cares about that right?

Back from break and Eric Young and Orlando Jordan are throwing baseballs at a carnival. They’re a team or something now and get Ink Inc tonight.

Orlando Jordan/Eric Young vs. Ink Inc

Great to see such great tag storylines being built up. Young is still insane here. Total nothing match so far as Orlando and Neal have a very boring sequence. Moore comes in to get a moonsault for two as Young is still nuts. Jordan gets a low blow for the pin on Neal. Young grabs the mic and says they forfeit due to the low blow. He’s a member of the international tag team union or something and is filing a report or something. And we get a rematch Sunday.

Rating: F+. I mean seriously, who cares?

We more or less get a Cribs with Jay Lethal at his old house in New Jersey.

Dixie tells RVD that Abyss is out after BFG. He’s fired at 12:01 Monday morning. I smell a swerve. It’s on a paper that she gives to Bischoff to give to her attorney.

And here’s Shore. Yep it’s totally unimpressive. They get booed out of the building almost immediately and are rather annoying already. He has no accent either. I hate this company. And of course we get references to the actual Jersey Shore people to really hammer this home.

Hype video for BFG.

Battle Royal

Everyone on BFG is in this so use Wiki if you want to know the participants. Ok apparently it’s a Royal Rumble style as Anderson and Angle start us off. The clock is at 45 seconds here to keep us on our toes. And of course #3 is Jeff Hardy. This was pre determined according to Mike. And Jeff’s entrance takes 20 seconds so this is going to be short. AJ is fourth as we take a break.

This means all of EV and Fourtune is in this doesn’t it? It’s about as clear as you could ask for it to be that the trio will be the final three in. Back in we have about 9 people in there and Tommy is coming out. No one has gone out yet either. Lethal comes in and no one cares. He’s on the card Sunday? Jarrett comes out and goes for AJ.

Far too many people out there at the moment. Pope comes out and no one is out yet. No one is out still as Sting is here and we take another break. Like five people have been put out during the break and NO ONE is out yet. Abyss come out at #19 and cleans house putting four people out almost immediately. Ok five. Uh six. He gets the Andre treatment and everyone beats him down.

Sting breaks it up like a douche of course but then hits Abyss with another splash but gets dumped as Nash is #20. At least some dead weight is out now. Morgan is in next as not a lot is happening here. Everyone keeps hitting Abyss as Morgan and Nash square off. Here’s Joe as Abyss puts out Nash and Morgan. The entrances are too fast to mean anything. Dreamer puts Abyss on the apron but can’t get him over.

Angle can’t either so everyone goes after him again. Gen Me goes out and here comes Shelley. Kaz goes out and here’s Rhyno. Abyss puts out Jarrett and goes for Pope. And there he goes. We also end Impact which pisses me off to no end of course but hey, this is a DIFFERENT show right?

Shelley put out by Abyss. Joe goes out by guess who. We’re FINALLY out of people to bring in. Wait was RVD ever in this? Beer Money does their thing and Roode tries to put Storm out. They shove then hug. And Abyss puts them both out anyway. We’re down to the final six I believe: AJ, Dreamer, Abyss and the original three. Dreamer is out. AJ is out.

Twist of Fate and Swanton to Angle but Abyss puts Hardy out. Chokeslam to Anderson but he’s still in. Here’s RVD finally after about four minutes of no entrances. RVD and Abyss eliminate each other so we’re down to Angle vs. Anderson of course. After a brief wrestling sequence, Angle puts him over the top with the Angle Slam to end it.

Rating: D+. Pretty much boring beyond belief here with no real intrigue. It was pretty clear that RVD would take Abyss out and one of the main three would win it the whole way through which hurt it a bit. This wasn’t horrible but it just wasn’t that interesting and went on too long. Also with nothing substantial to back it up, (I mean it’s pretty much a given Abyss isn’t interested in money) it didn’t really have much of a meaning here. Pretty boring but it could have been far worse.

Overall Rating: D+. The first hour of this was ok. The last hour however was just flat out bad. The battle royal got about half an hour (but remember, not all of it was on Impact! Those are DISTINCTLY different shows) and was the highlight of the second half of the show, even though nothing of note in it was very good. Shore bombed and we got the first chapter in that EPIC Ink Inc vs. Young/Jordan saga. This just didn’t do it for me as this was supposed to fire me up for BFG. That flat out didn’t happen and this show did not work for me at all. Weak go home show.

Kidnapping Opener - only possible redeeming factor is that it may have further facilitated the "10-10-10/they" storyline. other than that, it was a waste of the first 10 minutes of your first live Impact in about ten months. I fast forwarded through nine minutes of this garbage and didn't miss a thing. Grade: D minus

Pope/Sting/Bischoff Promo - wasted time with nothing of value except to lead to the announcement that the BFG match is now a handicap match. TNA has now thrown away its first 20 minutes of live Impact. Grade: F

Knockouts Tag - Velvet Sky is hot. Her entrance is hot. She gets an automatic A+. The tag match itself was a bit of a blow-off, considering this is part one of the culmination of the feud between the BP and Madison. Why not give this match another three minutes and cut out some of the nonsense in the beginning of the show? Still, most KO matches are better than any WWE Diva's match you will see on a weekly basis. Grade: C minus

Flair/Foley/Last Man Standing - stepping away and looking at this match from a completely objective perspective, without giving any consideration to the two legends who competed in the match, makes me want to give it a low grade. But since it IS Flair and Foley, I will grade on a curve. Foley looked like he took a HARD bump off the stage through the table. Flair's blading was comically obvious (great camera work boys! you couldn't go with a different shot?). It amazes me what this two guys will still do for the love of the business, even though it was pretty much wasted here. Grade: C

Ink, Inc v. Weird, LLC - really, TNA? with all the storylines and talent on roster, this is what you want to put on the go home edition of Impact? Grade: F

Jersey Bore/Jersey Snore (take yer pick) - see above comments. Grade: F minus minus

Battle Royale w/ Cheese - seemed really rushed. it was also a complete mess. again, this is the go home Impact before BFG, and TNA thinks the best way to hot shot all the feuds going into the PPV is to throw everybody in the ring at the same time. it made absolutely no sense, and there was no point in awarding only a monetary prize to the winner. how about a title shot as the prize? or would have that made it just too similar to the Royal Rumble? Also, for as badly as RVD wants to face Abyss at BFG, he didn't take out much aggression on him during the battle royal. RVD should have been trying to beat the living bejeezus out of Abyss, not just merely attempting to eliminate him from the match. again, total mess and (surprise!) a waste of time. Grade: D

OVERALL GRADE: D minus - a "D" for the actual product, and an extra "minus" because this was supposed to be the go home to BFG.

I'm thinking about taping next week's Impact too, but I'm afraid my DVR will laugh at me.
I agree the KO match should have been longer since it was suppose to be the blow off to year long feud. I did like Velvet's kick Tara. Who knew Velvet could kick that hard.

As for the rest of the show I thought was good for what it was. I guess I liked it because I wasn't expected it to be a spectacular show. It did it's job of hyping Bound For Glory for the most part.

I also liked Mick Foley / Ric Flair. It was better than should have been. Looking back they should have saved that match for Bound For Glory.

I didn't care for the Abyss / Dixie Carter kidnapping segment, Orlando Jordan & Eric Young and The Shore. I also didn't like that Velvet didn't get to do her entrance. Everything else on the show was OK.

Overall a good not great Impact going into Bound For Glory.
most of this Impact I liked. I would have liked it more if this wasn't the Impact leading into the PPV. TNA didn't really build leading into the PPV the way I think they should have. the battle royal I think was a complete waste. you had some BFG match participants against each other, but also way too much non BFG participants against each other. a battle royal type match would work better after a PPV to set up new story lines, but you should not have a battle royal the show before a PPV where matches/story lines are already set

the EY/OJ Ink/Ink tag match was a filler and while EY was amusing it was a waste. TNA could have used that time a lot better by having people involved in BFG. maybe that time could have been better spent on time using MCMG/Generation Me.
(EDIT- reading another site, EY/OJ vs Ink/Ink IS a match at BFG? yet they were not in the battle royal. waste to even have them at BFG.)
TNA also didn't promote Jay Letha vs Doug Williams, which I see is another match at BFG, and they weren't in the battle royal either.

the more I read the more I seem to be in the minority on seeing Dixie Carter. I thought the opening with Abyss having Dixie in handcuffs was great. Dixie was so scared and panicking. Abyss let her go, but the point was accomplished because she was so scared that she wanted him fired, and signed papers without looking at them.

I also liked the Flair/Foley match. 2 legends that even at their age were able to perform in that type of match. I also like the blood. something different than WWE, yet also something that has been in wrestling for a long time.. rather than something different just to be different that doesn't connect with wrestling, like a 6 sided ring.
Abyss Captures Dixie Carter

So we start off this live episode of Impact with Abyss holding Dixie Carter captive. She's handcuffed to the Monster, as they make their way into the Impact Zone. Abyss continues to talk about the arrival of "They". He threatens Dixie. Security and Bischoff FINALLY come to the Impact Zone after Dixie's constant cries for help. Bischoff manages to talk Abyss into letting Dixie go.

I thought this was a good way to kick off the show. I know we've been hearing Abyss warn us about the arrival of "They" for months, but I thought this entire segment was done very well. Dixie looked so terrified, and Abyss is always creepy, especially when he's a heel. Dixie seemed like she was in real danger, and I kept wondering when someone was going to come to her rescue.

Nash, Pope, & Sting Continue To Rant About "The Conspiracy"

After Dixie's rescue, Bischoff gets in the ring, but before he can talk about anything, Nash, Pope, and Sting interrupt him. Pope tells Bischoff "the wolves" are coming at Bound For Glory. Sting talks about how personal his rivalry with Hogan is. Sting continues to challenge Hogan. Really? Now it's about Sting and Hogan?......Anyway, Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett run down. Bischoff stops them, and I'm so glad he did. I couldn't stand to see another brawl between these men. A video package of Hogan's surgery and rehabilitation is shown. Of course we get the sad faces from everyone. Bischoff tells Nash, Pope, and Sting to kick his ass, because he's had enough. Bischoff proposes a handicap match against Joe and Jarrett, and then......we see Mickie James arriving at the Impact Zone? I guess they were running low on time here, so they had to rush things along.

Rights to The Beautiful People match is up next.

A video package of the Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship match is shown.

Team 3D is shown in New York. They talk about how great The Big Apple is, and they hype the major announcement for Bound For Glory.

Tara & Madison VS Angelina Love & Velvet Sky-Rights To The Beautiful People Match

Miss Tessmacher, the new boss of the Knockouts division, decided to watch this match. The match itself was pretty okay. Velvet and Angelina won, and I think that this was the right move on TNA's part. Velvet and Angelina are the original members, and it would only make sense for them to own the rights to TBP.

Mickie James Returns To TNA

Tessmacher talks about the Knockouts title match at BFG. She calls all four women skanks. Tessmacher is starting to grow on me. She plays the authority figure role pretty well, and she does have this nasty attitude. Anyway, Tessmacher says she has appointed a special guest ref for the match at Bound For Glory. It's Mickie James of course. Mickie looks like a cowgirl, and her new entrance music is pretty good. She gives the typical new arrival speech. She talks about becoming Knockout Champion, and the crowd did give her a pretty nice pop. I hope Mickie will do well in TNA.

Mick Foley plugs his book again. He hypes the last man standing match. He says Flair will have to kiss his big fat ass.

Dixie is still shook up backstage. She wants Bischoff to fire Abyss.

Ric Flair VS Mick Foley-Last Man Standing Match

Wow. This was EXTREMELY violent. We've seen Flair and Foley wrestle a lot of hardcore matches, but this one was sooooo brutal. I thought Mick was seriously hurt when he took that scary dive off of the stage. He looked like he was in a lot of pain after he crashed through that table. Flair's crossbody off of the top rope was also another jaw dropping moment. Also, Foley's backdrop on Flair on to the thumbtacks was pretty nasty. This match featured tons of sick spots, lots of blood, and these two did beat the hell out of each other, but you had to expect this, especially after that intense segment last week. This wasn't a bad match, but I just wonder how long can Foley and Flair continue to do this? Flair is in sixties, and I know Foley is up there in age also, so you just have to wonder........how long can these two keep having matches like this?

After the match, Foley of course reminds Flair about the deal. Flair hesitates to kiss Foley's ass, and this allows Fortune to come down for the attack. They beat down Foley until EV2.0 rushes the ring.

RVD's Ultimatum

Bischoff comes to the ring. He prepares to fire Abyss, but RVD comes to the ring instead. RVD says he will leave TNA if Abyss is fired before Bound For Glory. RVD wants Abyss on Sunday, and if he doesn't get him, he will walk out of the company.

Tommy Dreamer and Rhyno are shown in Philadelphia. Philly fans go nuts, as they walk down the street. Man I hope EV2.0 gets destroyed by Fortune on Sunday.

Orlando Jordan and Eric Young are shown at a carnival throwing baseballs, as they try to win some silly game. They talk about making an impact on the PWI lists. This was just sad....so sad.

Ink Inc. VS Orlando Jordan & Eric Young

Apparently, Eric Young took a bad fall, and now he has gone nuts. He acts like an idiot during the entire match. He even exposed his own partner's sneaky ways. Jordan plays with Ink Inc. during the match, and then he hits a low blow on Jesse Neal for the win. After the match, EY gets on the mic. He spews a bunch of garbage about a forfeit.

Horrible, horrible match. This was so ridiculous and stupid. I'm not a fan of Ink Inc., but I think they could be doing something a better than this. EY and Jordan's antics distracted you from everything. It was just a waste of time. Jordan and EY should be jobbers. They should just be fed to potential contenders. Anything else is too good for them.

Jay Lethal's home where he grew up is shown. We get a trip down memory lane here.

Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Mr.Anderson are shown backstage preparing for the battle royal.

Bischoff gives Dixie the paperwork to fire Abyss backstage. She signs it. Dixie tells RVD to take Abyss out on Sunday.

The Shore Debuts

So now TNA is going to have characters based on Jersey Shore? At least the woman mocking Snooki was hot, but this Robbie. E guy was terrible. Both of them couldn't cut a decent promo to save their life. They were booed hard, and rightfully so. I hope TNA pulls the plug on this pretty soon, because I don't think this will work out in the long run. And they actually said they're coming back next week..ugh...

Another Bound For Glory video package is shown.

$100,000 Battle Royal

The ending of tonight's show spilled over on to ReACTIOn again. Abyss dominated the majority of the match, and of course RVD eliminated him. Kurt Angle eliminated Mr.Anderson to win this thing. This was a very lackluster battler royal. Sure the Angle slam to eliminate Anderson was cool, and there were some other nice spots, but for the most part,this thing was a snooze fest. It took so long for the first man to be eliminated. Everyone spent so much time clinging to the ropes. Although, I didn't have a problem with the gang attack on Abyss, because that usually happens to big men in battle royal matches. Still, this just didn't do it for me. I got tired of watching everyone clinging to the bottom rope and laying on the apron.

Tonight's show started out with a bang, but everything slowly went down hill as time went on. The Flair/Foley match wasn't bad, and The Beautiful People tag team match was decent enough. But then things took a HUGE dive with Orlando Jordan & Eric Young VS Ink Inc. And to top it off, TNA closed the show with a very sub par battle royal. This show was suppose to get me excited for the big show on Sunday, but it didn't. I still want to watch Bound For Glory, but I just don't feel that excited.
Despite what I thought was a pretty awful show, last night's episode of iMPACT! drew some very good numbers in general. The show pulled a 1.33 Nielsen Rating with the first hour drawing a 1.32 while the second drew a 1.33. I haven't read anything yet that lists the number of viewers but this was probably somewhere in the 1.6 million range.

At one time, this would have been considered average for iMPACT! but it's now considered to be a great night. At any rate, last night's live episode of iMPACT! brought on the highest rating for the show since January 28th, which drew a 1.4.
Last night's live Impact special on Spike TV scored a 1.33 rating off a first hour 1.32 rating and second hour 1.33 rating.

-- Overall: 1.33 rating; First Hour: 1.32, Second Hour: 1.33.

-- Quarter-hour peak: 1.44 in Q5 for the post-match of Flair-Foley with Fortune's run-in and EV2's involvement, then Eric Bischoff threatening to "fire" Abyss.

-- Quarter-hour low: 1.27 in Q7 for "The Shore" debut and the beginning of the Battle Royal.

-- Quarter-hours 6-8 (10:15 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. EST) all scored below the 1.33 overall show average.

-- Males 18-34 demographic: up to 1.00 vs. a 0.70 rating last week. It upped Impact's average m18-34 demo rating to a 0.70 since Impact returned to Thursday nights in May.

These are early figures, but if Impact managed to get above a 1.3 then that is a pretty good rating for an otherwise semi bad show leading up to Bound For Glory. The main thing is will TNA be able to maintain this interest after Bound For Glory.
Thursday's live edition of TNA Impact scored a 1.32 rating, which is up from the 1.2 rating the show scored last week. The first hour of the show drew a 1.32 rating, and the second hour scored a 1.33 rating

That rating is very good news for TNA after what was a sub par Impact. 1.3 rating is very significant for them after the 1.2 from last week it seems that being Live helped the ratings. The key is if these numbers continue after BFG
Bad show? Come on now. If 1.7 million viewers tune in stay tuned in then it's not a bad show. The Fans dictate on what's bad or good. If they stayed tuned in for the important segments then the show did it's job.

Honestly what more did you want? The only mistakes were The Shore getting on so late and not mentioning Lethal/Williams and Gen Me/MCMG. Other than that, It's a well deserved number for a well deserved show.

Last year's go home show was "too much" according to the IWC. They do less this year and its' still a problem.
Last year's Before The Glory special drew 1.4 million viewers. This year it's 1.7 million viewers. Something good was done for an increase.
Bad show? Come on now. If 1.7 million viewers tune in stay tuned in then it's not a bad show. The Fans dictate on what's bad or good. If they stayed tuned in for the important segments then the show did it's job.

Honestly what more did you want? The only mistakes were The Shore getting on so late and not mentioning Lethal/Williams and Gen Me/MCMG. Other than that, It's a well deserved number for a well deserved show.

Last year's go home show was "too much" according to the IWC. They do less this year and its' still a problem.
Last year's Before The Glory special drew 1.4 million viewers. This year it's 1.7 million viewers. Something good was done for an increase.

Yes, it was a bad show. Why? Because it did absolutely nothing to entice impartial viewers to buy the PPV. There was nothing about last night's Impact that said to me, "Are you interested in seeing more? Then plunk down $50 for Bound For Glory." Sure, TNA diehards were going to purchase the PPV anyway. But for anybody who was even remotely on the fence whether to buy the PPV, the go home edition didn't sell it at all.
Thursday's live edition of TNA Impact scored a 1.32 rating, which is up from the 1.2 rating the show scored last week. The first hour of the show drew a 1.32 rating, and the second hour scored a 1.33 rating

That rating is very good news for TNA after what was a sub par Impact. 1.3 rating is very significant for them after the 1.2 from last week it seems that being Live helped the ratings. The key is if these numbers continue after BFG

Here's the million dollar question. Can they continue to maintain these lofty numbers, or even expand upon them, after Bound For Glory. Of course their ratings have been up for the last two episodes of iMPACT. Last night was the go home show, with a lot of hype and anticiption about "they," deception, the debut of Mickie James, whatever. The folks at TNA have drawn fans in with all of the pomp and pagentry about BFG and how it will change wrestling forever. The question is, can they live up to the hype and continue their progress, or will BFG fizzle and die in a blaze of glory and undo all of the successes that have occurred in recent weeks.

Time will tell, should be interesting to see how it all plays out.
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