[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Ramblings ahoy:

Flair tells Dixie fortune are great wrestlers. Flair puts them over. Nice. Styles makes a nice interjection about him being champion. Dixie Suspends Flair

Here’s ****ing Hogan and team WWE. Hogan says Flairs not suspended. OK. Hogan then tells us that the real TNA is Jeff Hardy, The Pope, Kurt Angle and Mr Anderson. That is so epic fail it’s beyond words and doesn’t need explaining. People are chanting for Hogan. The Impact Zone needs napalming.

EV 2.0 attack fortune. If this feud was just fortune vs. EV2.0 it would make sense. But this is TNA and everybody in the locker room is involved.

Orlando Jordan then attempts to bugger So Cal Val. Joe then buggers Jordan for the three count. Fair enough. Match was shite.

Jarret cuts a promo on Joe. He wants him in his corner against Nash. Joe declines.

Jarret and Nash have an awful match for in which Sting interferes. Hogan comes out and attacks Sting with a chair. Bischoff, Sting, Jarret, Nash and Hogan are involved in a feud. Its like WCW all over again.

This so far is the most backward **** awful episode of wrestling I’ve seen in ages.

Beer Money liven things up with a match against the FBI, who’s work I rather enjoyed in the old ECW. Beer Money kill them in a nothing match. Beer Money need to look dominating I suppose.

This is how stupid this is. Fortune are feuding with both Hogan ‘s team WWE, and EV2.0. EV2.0 are feuding with Fortune and Abyss. None of this is going to come to anything at the PPV because there’s a tournament to crown a new TNA Champion at No Surrender. Seriously, what is going on.

Women are in the ring. Madison thinks its her entrance song. Brilliant. She’s actually pretty good on the mic. All 4 go nuts.

THE GUUUUNNNNS are playing Rock Band. They say Generation Me have bad hair and are going to lose . Actually that segment made me smile a little.

Magnus and Wolfe are up and are looking for clothes while being sexist to Chelsea. This is actually ****ing funny. This makeshift team could be a blessing in disguise. You know, they do have a decent tag division and are making a decent effort to give it more exposure.

Tag match between the Guns and GenMe featuring some awesome high risk moves and lightning quick action. An absolutely great TV match, that was a little short. TNA’s tag division is its new X-division.

Sting then attacks Flair during a promo, saying he’s coming for him. What the ****.

A ridiculously long backstage brawl takes place between Richards and Abyss.

Italy…sorry Rhino offer Abyss out. Rhino gores him.

Styles cuts a damn good promo saying he’s going tear down the house he built.

Morgan, Kazarian, Styles and Williams vs. Pope, Hardy, Anderson and Angle was a reasonably good bout that never got the time to develop. Fortune beat WWE down then EV2.0 come out and beat Fortune down. Williams gets Arabian Facebustered through a table. TNA ends in a brawl.

One decent 15 minutes segment with the tag stuff . The rest was an absolute mess.
I do not think you are meant to believe Dreamer is going to take Styles out. I think you are meant to wonder what happened next. It was interesting to see a fight situation booked as a cliffhanger. That pretty much never happens. It also is not a match. It is dreamer sneaking up on an unprepared styles in a brawl situation with who knows what foreign objects and or help. So he could definitely get some damage in even if AJ is superior in the ring obviously.
Thursday night's TNA Impact on August 26 scored a 1.07 rating off a first hour 1.03 rating and a second hour 1.11 rating.

Looking at the quarter-hour numbers, Impact started right at the show's average in Q1, was below the show's average the rest of the first hour, then received a boost in Q5 to set up the rest of the second hour to be above the show's average.

The Beautiful People resumed their position as the highest-rated act on Impact. The BP reunion and subsequent back-and-forth jawing with Madison Rayne at the top of second hour scored a show-high 1.15 quarter-hour rating in Q5.

The next highest quarter-hour rating during Impact was a 1.11 rating in Q8 for the eight-man tag main event match.

The low point for the show was a 0.95 rating in Q2 (the only quarter-hour below a 1.00). The segment featured a backstage talk with Kurt Angle and Co., Orlando Jordan's long entrance, Samoa Joe's return match vs. Jordan, and two commercial breaks.

First Hour Break Down

Following up on the previous item, Q2 followed the opening segment with Dixie Carter and Ric Flair's verbal exchange and other people involved. That exchange in Q1 scored a 1.07 rating. It took an hour for Impact to recover to the 1.15 rating in Q5 following the first segment of the show.

After the show-low in Q2, Impact climbed back to a 1.04 rating in Q3 and Q4, which were still below the opening segment. The third quarter-hour featured Jeff Jarrett's promo with Samoa Joe, Jarrett vs. Kevin Nash, and involvement from Sting, Hulk Hogan, and Eric Bischoff.

The fourth quarter-hour held the line with Hogan backstage talking to Tommy Dreamer, Beer Money vs. FBI, Mick Foley backstage, and two commercials.

Second Hour Break Down

The second hour opened with an increase to a 1.15 rating in Q5 following the 1.04 rating in Q4. As mentioned above, Q5 predominately featured the Beautiful People segment. At the tail-end of the quarter-hour were the Motor City Machineguns backstage and clips of Desmond, Magnus, and Chelsea in the shopping mall.

Q6 then dropped slightly to a 1.09 quarter-hour rating - which was higher than any quarter-hour rating in the first hour - for the Machineguns vs. Generation Me match, Ric Flair backstage, and Abyss and Stevie Richards brawling backstage.

Q7 kept the pace with a slight drop to a 1.08 quarter-hour rating for Rhino and Abyss brawling, A.J. Styles's pep talk backstage, and ring introductions for the eight-man tag main event.

The show then concluded with a 1.11 rating in Q8 for the main event tag match with Ric Flair's Fortune group (Styles & Matt Morgan & Doug Williams & Kazarian) vs. Team TNA (Kurt Angle & The Pope & Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy), followed by the post-match brawl with EV2.0.


Original BP = Ratings.

Date: September 2, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: 10.10.10

It’s the go home show for No Surrender, and I can’t believe that’s the case. It feels like we’ve got four matches for it. Upon further review, that’s because we do only have four matches for it. Main event is a tag between the four guys in the semis at the PPV, so let’s get to it.

Opening video is about the four guys and Bischoff saying that having this tag match is controversial. Sure it is Eric.

Theme song, and the show is referencing the date of BFG. Yeah that makes sense.

Hogan and Bischoff open the show and Hogan brings out the Fatal Four. Oh and Tessmacher is there too, which is never a bad thing. Bischoff and Hogan say you have to raise the bar and Abyss comes through the crowd with Janice. Abyss says he has a message from THEM, and amazingly, what we were told last week (Fourtune is THEY) isn’t true! Naturally THEY will be revealed at BFG.

Abyss says THEY will get rid of Carter and then Hogan and Bischoff. And Pope. Add Hardy to that. AND WE TAKE A BREAK IN THE MIDDLE OF ABYSS’ PROMO?

We come back and we’re talking about the Knockouts. Sure why not.

Velvet Sky/Angelina Love vs. Motorcycle Girl/Madison Rayne

We start with a brawl on the floor and the BP go after the biker immediately. Madison gets caught between the BP and they do a little dance as Madison tries to get out. And there’s a bell….which is opening the match I guess. We get a throwaway line saying Madison vs. Velvet on Sunday.

Nothing special at all here as it all breaks down after just a few minutes. Spear by Love takes down the biker chick. She blasts Skye with the helmet, and I use that term loosely, to get the pin. After an additional beatdown, the mask comes off and of course it’s Tara. And that’s the end of that segment.

Rating: N/A. This was just kind of a mess. Not particularly bad, but again it’s like two minutes long so how much can you actually say about it being good or bad? It was ok I guess, but at the same time it just never got going at all. The ending sucked too as the BP dominated the whole time until the one shot at the end.

Stevie Richards wants Abyss. Tonight he stands on his own.

RVD speaks next week.

Stevie Richards vs. Abyss

Richards jumps him immediately as he comes through the crowd. Abyss vs. Rhyno, falls count anywhere on Sunday. Abyss dominates for the most part but goes for a chair. Richards kicks the chair into his face and pins him. Holy sweet mother of crap this is dumb.

Rating: F. This is for the booking. Abyss is one of the biggest stars in the company and Stevie Richards just beat him three days before a PPV in like 3 minutes. Just no.

Post match Abyss beats on Richards some more and we cut to the back where Fourtune is fighting the ECW guys. Foley is on the ground holding his ankle. We cut back to the arena where it’s still a beatdown. He goes for the nail board and BRIAN KENDRICK of all people comes down to get Richards out of there. Is TNA even thinking anymore?

Anderson is in the back and babbles about Pope. Pope is behind him and they don’t trust each other.

The ECW guys are in the ring and they want Fourtune. AJ is the mouthpiece here and talks about how all the individual matchups favor Fourtune. Dreamer’s reply: YOU ALL SUCK. Four on four later tonight I think.

Jarrett again asks Joe for help. Joe again says no.

More from Nash and Sting and Jarrett about taking down all the stuff that they built etc.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting

Nash hooks Jarrett’s leg immediately as we hear that the 8 man tag will be elimination. This is another three minute match as Nash keeps interfering until finally the third or fourth time is enough for the pin. Post match Jarrett tries to beat up Nash and Sting but Hulk comes out for the save. He doesn’t get involved though as Joe runs through the crowd (ok so maybe runs is a stretch but work with me here) and beats up Nash. Joe more or less tells Hogan I’ve got this and we have a standoff.

Rating: C-. Despite this being a total throwaway match that was just to set up the angle at the end, this worked because they kept it with a simple story: Nash keeps cheating and Jeff can’t win in a 2-1 match. That’s a basic story and at times that’s all you need. Joe coming in at the end advances the story, so this was a decent enough segment. An explanation of what they hell they’re all talking about would be nice, but you take what you can get in TNA.

Shore is still coming and my head still hurts.

Wolfe, Magnus (why is this guy still employed?) and Chelsea are in the ring. They do a generic promo against the Guns but it’s nothing that bad. Here come the champions and we get some dueling promos. The Guns think the Brits are gay. We talk about Chelsea and her being a ****, and hear that Wolfe has a small dick. Heel beatdown follows.

The ECW guys say they’re losing the war. Foley can’t wrestle tonight and Kendrick comes in to replace him for no apparent reason. Foley more or less says Kendrick is crazy, and therefore perfect.

Angle and Hardy are ready for their match.

Fourtune vs. EV 2.0

AJ/Kaz/Beer Money

This is under elimination rules, because we haven’t seen a ton of them lately right? Rhyno gets a dropkick that isn’t half bad actually. Sabu vs. Williams this Sunday, which sounds….well it sounds like it could be bad but could be ok. Not sure which. Williams hooks Sabu’s foot and a rollup gets rid of him in like 90 seconds. Sabu beats up Williams afterwards and they brawl to the back.

Foley has a fractured ankle, which they can tell sans x-rays of course. We do some back and forth for awhile as Kaz and Kendrick do a nice little sequence. NICE leg lariat/kick to the face from Kendrick and Kaz is gone to tie it up. Kendrick misses a dropkick and it hits the referee, starting a big brawl. Here comes Foley as we go to a break.

During the break Kendrick got eliminated by DQ for the kick. Nash/Sting vs. Jarrett/Joe for Sunday. Dreamer gets the hot tag and Rhyno gores the HELL out of Storm. Naturally the best Gore he’s done in months doesn’t get a pin because that would make the move look devastating and we can’t have that. Here’s Abyss to beat on Rhyno which should be a DQ and naturally isn’t as Rhyno gets counted out.

Beer Money/AJ vs. Dreamer if you haven’t been able to keep track. Dreamer gets the DDT and puts Roode out before rolling up Storm to make it 1-1. Crossface by Dreamer but AJ gets to the ropes. Some other stuff doesn’t work for either guy until Dreamer sets for the Figure Four. Morgan stops it and the Pele Kick ends it.

Rating: D+. This was ok, but at the same time what does this prove or do other than filling in about 20 minutes? Have to give them credit for giving the match time as other than one or two it wasn’t just rapid fire eliminations to get guys out of the match. I can’t stand when that’s done as it’s rather annoying. This was pretty decent though and definitely watchable. Nothing great, but not bad.

Mr. Anderson/D’Angelo Dinero vs. Kurt Angle/Jeff Hardy

Dinero and Hardy start us off as we’re getting low on time. Pope hits a Flair kneedrop for two. Angle comes in as there is NOTHING special about this match. It’s not terrible or anything, but it’s the epitome of just being there so far. Whisper in the Wind hits Angle by mistake, and then a Mic Check gets the pin, which was stolen by Dinero. The winners and losers both brawl afterwards.

Rating: C. Again with the five minute matches! Like I said, this was just kind of there until the end which was pretty good. The problem was that there was no real drama or story going on here and it came off as just the two teams doing moves on each other until the ending happened. That’s acceptable, but it’s not much more than that. Decent enough match though I guess.

Overall Rating: C-. Well, it was definitely better than last week. This wasn’t a great show, but it was only supposed to be to set up the PPV on Sunday, which I think it did a decent job at. The whole announcing matches during commentary is REALLY getting old as if you get a phone call or need to do ANYTHING else for like 8 seconds you don’t know what is being announced at the PPV. The main thing that was an improvement over last week is that they toned down the senseless brawling and we got some actual angles and wrestling, which is a BIG improvement for them.

As for the PPV, I’m not really looking forward to it at all as there is nothing from a storyline perspective that makes me want to see it. The big draw is the semi finals of a tournament, which brings up the obvious issue of those matches prove nothing at all. The title match isn’t for over a month, so why should I pay to see the semis? This could have been worse by far and while it’s not exactly a great show, it’s not awful and did its job, so a passing grade as well as an improvement.
WHAT THE HELL. That is all i can say about last night. bad segment to start, with abyss hyping they for bfg. Then, TARA is revealed as the biker. What kind of storyline is that, not to mention the pre match fighting! Then, even though he got attacked last week, STEVIE RICHARDS beat ABYSS in 2:20!!!!!????? Then, Brian Kendrick shows up, saving stevie!? A few weeks ago, there was a thread on where is brian kendrick, well he's back, and no explanation as to where he was and why he saved richards. it shocks me how they are trying to build abyss, then have him lose to a former wwe jobber! in 2:20! In wwe, richards jobbed to chris masters, as well as others, now he beats abyss. right. i missed the 8 man tag, but shockingly fortune won, and i say that because i thought ev2.0 was getting pushed. why the hell would kendrick replace mick foley? an ankle injury. sure, that explains everything. Obviously, the tag main event was a disaster, then reaction. impact has been getting worse and worse lately. with tonight, tara and kendrick returning, and the horrible knockout segment last week.
TNA iMPACT! - September 2, 2010

Opening Segment - I wasn’t all that hot about the opening segment of the show last night. It wasn’t terrible and it actually had the potential to be good. Hogan came out and did his usual sucking up to the Impact Zone and brought out the four semi-finalists. I was actually really hoping to see some real hype for their matches at No Surrender but the main event for last night’s show got most of that hype. I think Abyss’ presence with the continuation of the “They” and “Them” shit is ultimately what ruined it for me. I’m long since past caring about who “They” are. Maybe I’ll be forced to eat my words come BFG but I’m over this. Abyss also tends to irritate me a lot during promos with all the heavy breathing into a microphone. It’s just loud and annoying and it sounds like he’s on the verge of an orgasm every time. Hogan put over RVD as this legendary TNA Champion that I didn’t buy into as I thought the reign was very lackluster overall with no real memorable matches and no significant feuds to speak of. Angle, Hardy, Pope & Anderson just all stood there in the ring and kinda got swallowed up and forgotten with the whole interaction with Hogan and Abyss. Personally, I think they should’ve just beaten down Abyss. It’s not exactly straight up baby face mentality but since TNA continued to hype what Abyss did to put RVD out, it would’ve fit and would’ve been better than them standing around with their thumbs up their asses. Thumbs Down

Angelina Love & Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne & Tara - Not really much to say about this overall. It’s basically the standard fair from the Knockouts. It’s nice to see Angelina and Velvet back together and all, but the Knockout Division really needs some fresh blood. Rayne & Tara get the win at the 2.5 minute mark with the Biker Chick ultimately revealing herself to be Tara. The crowd was dead for this match, the part that got the most response was Velvet threatening to use the riding crop or whip or whatever it was on Madison’s ass. Of course, nobody was surprised that Tara was the biker chick and even Tenay and Taz couldn’t fake their surprise even remotely adequately. It wasn’t bad really, just extremely flat and overly forgettable. Thumbs Down

Abyss vs. Stevie Richards - Shit 2 minute match with Stevie Richards actually getting the pin. I honestly have no idea why TNA did this. It’s not going to make anyone see Stevie Richards in a positive light and it kills any and all interest I have in seeing Abyss against Rhino in a Falls Count Anywhere match at the PPV. If Stevie can beat Abyss in 2 minutes in a regular match, then Rhino should slaughter Abyss at No Surrender. Brian Kendrick coming out to pull Stevie out of the ring after getting beaten down was sort of surprising, but it’s hard to really care about since last night is the first time I’ve laid eyes on the guy I think since Kevin Nash laid him out more than a month ago. Thumbs Down

D’Angelo Dinero & Mr. Anderson - This was a solid backstage segment with these two. They have a good dynamic with one another and I’m glad to see that they still haven’t really “made peace” since Anderson’s face turn. Pope’s continued distrust makes me wonder if Anderson is going to be turned soon once more. Thumbs Up

Fortune & EV2.0 - Overall, a solid confrontation promo between the two factions. Styles gave a solid performance on the mic and all, continuing to refer to the Impact Zone as his house. Dreamer challenged Fortune to an 8 man tag match due to the confrontation earlier. During the Abyss/Stevie Richards match, the two factions were shown backstage being separated with Mick Foley holding onto his foot. Tenay hyped the match immediately and it does have the potential of being a fun tv match. Thumbs Up

Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett - As with the whole thing with Nash, Sting & Jarrett, this match was extremely dull but it was also fairly short with Sting winning at the 3 minute mark. Samoa Joe came out to the ring post match to keep Jarrett from getting his ass kicked even more. Overall, career wise, it’s been an outright shitty year and a half for Samoa Joe. I will say that at least this feud is keeping the older guys away from any title scene, so that’s something I suppose. Thumbs Down

Motor City Machine Guns & London Brawling - I was looking forward to this segment but most of it was comprised of little more than generic gay and pecker jokes. I like Desmond Wolfe, have since he arrived in TNA, but I’m still not sold on this pairing with Brutus Magnus. I absolutely despise the name London Brawling. I can’t get behind this team because I haven’t seen them in a match together. Xplosion doesn’t air in the states, or so I’m told, so it’s hard to ultimately know what they’re made of. The Guns were solid at first with the we’re the best team in the world schtick, which they are damn good of course, but then it went from that to sounding like smack talk between four 15 year olds. I have a feeling that the two teams will have a good match at No Surrender, though there’s practically no chance of the Guns dropping the straps to a team that most TNA viewers have never seen wrestle a single match together. I like the Guns, I like Wolfe, jury is still out for me on Magnus but this segment ultimately ended up sounding like four teenage jack offs. Thumbs Down

Fortune vs. EV2.0 - An overall good match between these two teams. The match was made into an elimination tag match so that gave it the ability to go much longer than most TNA matches have on iMPACT! When you consider the various limiations of EV2.0, it was actually a fun tv match. Sabu is the first to be eliminated at the 2 minute mark, followed by Kazarian around the 5 minute mark thanks to Brian Kendrick. Kendrick ultimately gets eliminated via DQ for dropkicking the ref for some damn reason. The last 5 minutes or so of the match I wasn’t all that wild about with Dreamer scoring two straight and quick pinfalls to eliminate Beer Money. I just don’t buy into Tommy Dreamer as a significant force, sorry I just don’t. There was also a lot of attempted interference when Dreamer is in control of Styles. This interference ultimately helps Styles get the pin on Dreamer around the 18 minute mark. I like that Fortune won the match, but I hate the fact that Styles continues to look like an impotent tool unable to win a match on his own. Overall, a pretty good match though. Thumbs Up

Kurt Angle & Jeff Hardy vs. D’Angelo Dinero & Mr. Anderson - Not really all that much to say about this match. It was ok overall, nothing to write home about with Pope & Anderson getting the win. As expected, a misunderstanding between Angle and Hardy took place as a final hype for their match at No Surrender. Can’t say I’m all that interested in it as Angle is going to win. It could be a good match, but the fact that the outcome is already so obviously determined takes a lot of fire away from it. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Thumbs Down - The show last night wasn’t terrible but I thought most of it just simply fell flat. There's just so much in TNA right now that I just simply do not care about. I don't care about seeing Fortune take on overrated ECW has-beens, I don't care about seeing the same Knockouts do the same thing week in and week out, I don't care about Abyss and "They", I don't care about the Sting/Nash/Jarrett thing, etc. Surprisingly enough, the highlights of the night tended to all involve the Fortune/EV2.0 story. They had a pretty good interview segment and a good 8 man tag elimination match. The rest of the show just did nothing for me. It was better than last week's show overall, but I still found myself bored to death and/or simply not giving a damn about what I saw throughout most of the show. D+
I thought yesterday was another great episode of ReAction. The segments with Pope, Anderson, Angle, and Hardy were well done and it did a great job of selling their respective matches at No Surrender. The segment with TBP and Tara & Madison was done well and did a good job of explaining why Rayne would hire Tara to be her bodyguard. The Impact Player of The Week did a great job of showing us about who Neal was. The EV2.0 and Forutune segments were good and I really liked Kendrick's promo. The show did a very good job at building the matches at No Surrender.

Overall- I thought this was another great episode of ReAction A+
Show starts off with Hogan calling out Pope/Anderson/Hardy/Angle and tells them that the next TNA champ needs to be worthy of that title, thus why a tag match was booked for tonight. Abyss comes out and says they are coming. EV 2.0 and Fortune aren't them. They are coming on 10.10.10. I still think TNA is going to have Hogan/Bischoff as "them". I really wouldn't be surprised.

Love/Velvet vs Madison/Tara - I forgot how amazing the Love/Velvet entrance is. Definitely glad to see that back. This match was pretty bad. Afterwards, a brawl ensues, of course. Tara reveals that it is her. Pretty anticlimactic, seeing anyone with a brain knew it was Tara from the very beginning.

Stevie Richards/Abyss - This match was whatever. It was hardly 3 minutes if even that. I don't really have a problem with Stevie winning, seeing it was done in a fluke way, and Abyss got his heat back by beating up Stevie at the end. And then Kendrick comes out and saves Stevie? What?

Backstage, Pope criticizes Anderson for being full of shit. He says he's pulled all this crap over on the fans and guys like Hardy. Just some more controversy for tonight's tag match.

Sting/Jarrett - Ugh. This again? Really? This was hardly even a match. Sting pins Jarrett. No shit. Nash and Sting start taking out Jarrett. Cue Hogan. Right as Hogan is about to get in the ring, here comes.....Samoa Joe? He scares off Sting and Nash. Hm, okay.

Magnus and Wolfe come out and say how they are the next big thing in TNA. They are pretty good on the mic, but trying to put yourselves over MCMG when you have hardly done anything as a tag team, yeah...that just doesn't work. MCMG come out and pull some cheap jokes to get some cheers. Ends up in a brawl, with London Brawling coming out on top. After going over here, they have even LESS of a chance of beating MCMG this Sunday, if that was even possible.

Backstage, Kendrick talks to EV 2.0. Foley's ankle is hurt, so Kendrick will replace him in the match tonight.

AJ/Kaz/Beer Money vs Dreamer/Rhyno/Kendrick/Sabu - This was better than I expected. I was expecting a complete clusterfuck, but this was fine. Kendrick looked pretty good, just to show TNA how stupid it is to not have him on the program at all lately. The one thing I didn't like was Dreamer almost overcoming a 3-1 disadvantage. If Dreamer had won that match, the IWC would have exploded. Unfortunately, with AJ pinning Dreamer for the win, look for Dreamer to win the I Quit match at No Surrender. Fuck.

Anderson/Pope vs Hardy/Angle - This was good while it lasted, but this wasn't even 5 minutes. I realize you don't want to give anything away, but seeing this is arguably your main storyline right now, at least give us a solid match in terms of length. Hardy inadvertently hit Angle with the Whisper in the Wind. Anderson then gets the Mic Check on Angle but Pope steals the pin. Pope/Anderson begin brawling, as do Hardy/Angle. That's how we end iMPACT this week.

This was just really lackluster, especially for a go-home show. My interest in a lot of the storylines is really waning right now. There just wasn't enough solid wrestling and good storyline progression to make this show worthwhile. With a card that could take a turn for the worse this Sunday, TNA really needed a great go-home show here. That didn't happen. On a irrelevant note, did anyone else notice the massive heat Abyss got? Fortune got booed pretty good too. I even heard some "You suck" chants for AJ. Maybe TNA told them to stop cheering everyone? But back on topic, this show just didn't do much for me. D+ this week.
This go home show wasn't anything special, but I thought it did a decent job of setting up the PPV. I don't think it will add any new buys to the PPV this Sunday though. The Fourtune and EV 2 segments were good. I was actually interested again in the knockouts with the beautiful people and Rayne/Tara feud. It was more than obvious that Tara was the biker chick. It is still odd that Tara would want to align herself with Rayne, the person that retired. I could understand why Rayne wants to have Tara has bodyguard, but why does Tara hate the beautiful people more than Rayne?

Most of the matches were lackluster like Abyss vs. Stevie, The knockouts tag, and Jarrett vs. Sting part 8. Even though they waited last minute to have this, London Brawling and the Machine Guns had a good promo to set up their tag match. I don't expect London Brawling to go over, but hopefully they can have a good long match.

It was odd to see Kendrick with EV 2, but at least he is on television. I like his wild out of control character. Its sad that the Sandman had to no show just so Kendrick could appear on television. Impact did a good job of foreshadowing the "them" angle and the tournament at No Surrender and Bound For Glory. Anderson and Pope along with Angle and Hardy fighting each other, really added some tension and excitement for the PPV this Sunday.

Surprisingly the EV 2 and Fourtune 8 man elimination match was good too, along with the main event. AJ and Dreamer are really coming into their roles well. If this was 2000 then this feud would be red hot. Its not a bad feud, its just bad timing.

Overall the show did a decent job to create interest for Sunday for regular viewers, but I don't think it did enough to create interest for casual viewers that tune in.
The Good

Tara is back

The match between the BP vs. Rayne and Tara itself wasn’t anything all that special. It was still nice to see Tara finally return to the ring. The Knockouts division was pretty much on its last leg. With the return of Hamada and Tara things should get much better.

I know we have to let this little story line play out a little longer. It’s obviously not going to end after what we saw tonight. Let’s just hope they don’t prolong it too long and we see either Hamada or Tara contend for the belt.

Stevie Richards beat Abyss.

I know the match was terrible. It was nothing more than a beat down given to Stevie Richards. Still, it was nice to see Stevie Richards get a big win for a change. I know I have been down on EV 2.0 since the beginning.

I can’t help it; I have always had a soft spot in the old ticker for Stevie Richards. He spent a good portion of a career as a Jobber. So anytime I see him pick up an occasional win it makes me happy. If there are any people I am pulling for in EV 2.0 its Stevie and Snow.

The return of Wolfe

While I would prefer to see Wolfe making his way up the singles ladder in TNA, at least he is on TV again. I think the London Brawlers will make a good tag team. The interaction between The Brawlers and the Guns was funny for the most part.

I look forward to seeing these two teams mixing it up in the ring. The TNA tag division seems to be back on track, and that is a good thing. Let’s just hope that TNA keeps the momentum going strong in the future.

Mr. Anderson & The Pope vs. Angle & Jeff Hardy

This was a very solid main event that TNA put on last night. All four worked well together through the bout. This should be an exciting tournament for the finals. It looks like they are gearing up for an Angle vs. Pope Match. If it is good as their last bout then we are in for a treat.

I liked the job they did with pushing the Pope and Anderson attitude. Over all they are doing a good job building up the tension with all four. With all four competitors being faces, I wasn’t sure if TNA could make this main event work.

The Bad

The repeated vintages shown over and over

It seems that as of late we are forced to watch the same clips between each match. I know they are trying to push storylines, but it isn’t necessary to have to watch the same ones all the time. What would be even better is if they didn’t show them at all.

EV 2.0 vs. Fortune

This match was nothing but one big cluster f@ck. The only positive that I pulled out of it was getting a rare appearance from Brian Kendrick. Kendrick has been misused his whole career IMO. If you doubt me look up his work in Dragon Gate.

As far as the rest of the match goes; it just never seemed to have any flow to it. During the match everyone started brawling and we went to commercial. When we came back it was down to only four people.

We never received any real explanation on why. All we were told was that things got crazy. If you’re going to have a four on four elimination match we should see the eliminations. This feud is getting worse and worse, I hope we see an end to it shortly.

The Ugly

Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett

I’m not sure what is worse. Watching a bunch of old out of shape wrestlers take up mic time, or watching a bunch of old out of shape wrestlers trying to wrestle. To be fair Jarrett does still have some gas left in the tank.

My complaint is having to watch Nash and Sting week in and out. To say these two are well past their prime would be kind. If sting’s gut gets any bigger it will explode. He looked awful in the ring last night; it’s time to treat these two old grapplers as if they were a horse with a bum leg.

Match results

The Beautiful People lost to Madison Rayne & The masked biker

Stevie Richards beat Abyss.

AJ Styles, Kazarian & Beer Money, Inc. with Ric Flair, Matt Morgan & Douglas Williams beat Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Brian Kendrick.

Mr. Anderson & Pope beat Hardy and Angle
Date: September 16, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tazz, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: One More Time

We’re back after a one week absence due to the start of the NFL season. For those that might have missed it, Angle vs. Hardy had a great match with stupid booking to mess it up. Check out the No Surrender review for more details. Let’s get to it.

We open with video of Hardy and Angle talking about their match and explaining that they didn’t know the time limit either. We also see the cut that was too bad to continue. If the blood hadn’t been completely stopped I’d buy that but whatever. Angle says he wants Hardy again, which I’d agree with if the booking wasn’t so bad this time.

Angle and Hardy are in the ring and Eric joins them. Eric makes it a three way of course. Dixie comes out (looking great in a skirt) and says that the match was awesome. Did they mention the match was awesome? She’s overriding Eric and making the match AGAIN tonight with no time limit. Winner gets Anderson at BFG. This works. Was there any point in having Bischoff and her both out there though as the first announcement was more or less pointless.

Pope is MAD about something and talks to Sting and Nash about it, shaking their hands.

Dreamer says maybe EV 2.0 goes home now. You know that’s not going to happen but whatever.

Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe

Sting is with Nash of course. The fans are way behind Joe, who has Jarrett with him. He hits that running jumping big boot and Nash is in trouble. The JOE’S GONNA KILL YOU chant is always a bit chilling. The big brawl breaks out and no one is disqualified of course. And it’s a double countout of course.

Rating: N/A. More time goes by with these two and nothing is explained again. Even the announcers are saying get to the point already, which of course they’ll never do. Most casual fans don’t get what’s going on here and even veteran fans either don’t get it or don’t care because of one reason: these angles aren’t interesting.

The brawl goes longer than the match of course.

The BP have a Tag Title match later as Lacey is back from nowhere. Yep she’s still gorgeous.

Sting and Nash say nothing of note.

X Division Title: Jay Lethal vs. Douglas Williams

Hey Jay Lethal is back. And he’s still in red and yellow. Williams lost to Lethal on Xplosion which you can’t watch on American TV due to it being the international show. Isn’t that nice? The xenophobic crowd chants USA of course. Apparently some areas do air Xplosion in the US. That’s news to me.

Chaos Theory is blocked and a Lethal Combination gets two. Big elbow misses after he takes forever to set it up. The belly to back into the neckbreaker ends it completely clean. What a shock. You have a young guy in a heel group that they want to push so a guy that hasn’t been around in a few weeks comes in and beats him. Oh and confetti comes out too. Glad they had that ready.

Rating: C-. Not bad but another way too short match to mean anything. The problem with these five minute matches is everyone that loses in them looks like they can get beaten clean in five minutes. It makes finishers look better I guess but at the same time it makes the guys look like they can be put in a finisher in five minutes. This wasn’t horrible or anything, but it means nothing at all, which is a really bad sign.

Abyss is dragging someone’s unconscious body through the back. Same old same old.

While we’re on a commercial, something I’d like to point out. I know I harp a lot on the matches being short, but in this first 40 minutes there are at least three distinct moments of wasting time. For one thing, the opening with Bischoff saying it’s a triple threat and then Dixie coming out to override him. That’s about two minutes you could add to the matches. A second instance is the brawl going on for about 2-3 minutes. That could have EASILY been cut down. Finally, the Nash/Sting promo where nothing was said. It was like thirty seconds long but adding 30 seconds to a two minute match is a big addition. This is what we mean by wasting time.

Kurt says he’ll win.

Knockouts Tag Titles: Taylor Wilde/Hamada vs. Madison Rayne/Lacey Von Erich

Madison and Tara kiss on the apron. Nice touch. I had forgotten who the champions were so this is nice for a reminder. There might have been a Lacey wardrobe malfunction early on. Lacey does some backflips but misses an elbow drop. Moonsault from Hamada (because she’s Japanese and has to uses that move you know) gets two. She kicks out a few more times then Hamada and Wilde beat the hell out of her and kick Madison to get the pin after Cryme Tyme’s old finisher. Total waste of time.

Rating: D-. Just more pointless knockouts stuff to set up the BP dominating again. Is there anything close to more than one story going on here? The division is just so freaking horrible anymore and it’s absolutely pathetic. It’s ALL Beautiful People and no one else at all. The tag champions were just thrown on there with no rhyme or reason to it, having not been mentioned in months. I checked and they won the belts on August 5. This is their first defense. Are you kidding me? Match was a joke of course.

Madison freaks on Lacey afterwards and gets shoved down. Tara blasts her with the helmet and kicks her ass. Cue the Beautiful People for the save.

Hardy says he’ll win.

Dreamer is here in a suit and his eye seems fine. He calls out Fourtune and they seem to have a remix of Flair’s music. Not sure if that’s new or not. No Williams there. They do one hand signal and Flair does another. Well sure why not. Dreamer says he has a personal history of everyone in the ring which makes no sense but whatever.

He talks to each member and says how awesome they are, continuing to make Fourtune look like faces. Storm is better than Sandman apparently. Dreamer could have a future gimmick of Captain Obvious. Dreamer got Kaz his first job in WWE. Morgan is a great big man. Roode was offered a WWE contract by Dreamer. He thanks Flair because of how awesome he is. Flair is hardcore. Give me a break.

We finally get to AJ, who Dreamer says is better than he is. Again, throw him in a mask and put CAPTAIN OBVIOUS on his ass and we have a winner. Somehow Dreamer compliments him for nearly blinding him. AJ says Dreamer is all heart. He says he respects Dreamer and then of course we have the beatdown. Brian Kendrick runs in for the attempted save and gets his ass kicked.

Fourtune leaves and Kendrick grabs a mic. He says a bunch of technobabble and wants a match with any member of Fourtune RIGHT NOW. We go to a break, ending this 18 minute segment, which is about double the wrestling time so far tonight.

Matt Morgan vs. Brian Kendrick

We come back with this in progress and both in street clothes. Big elbows from Morgan as his shirt is covered in sweat. All Morgan so far as he pulls Kendrick up after a fall away slam. And then Kendrick hits a leg lariat and gets the clean pin. Lasted all of a minute and half.

Pope is still looking for Eric so he hits on Tessmacher to kill some time.

Abyss has someone tied up by chains and another guy on a table. They might be the Guns but I can’t tell. He says Janice needs a good man with her and pulls out Bob, a branding iron. He brands the guy on the table in what looks like his crotch.

RVD is on the phone and says he’ll be back soon. Actually he’ll be in the Impact Zone next week.

Generation ME is here to talk. Is that all we’re doing here tonight? They say that since they hurt Shelley so he can’t defend his title in 30 days. They’re dressed like the preppy kids you see at college and want to punch in the face for being douches so at least they look like heels. They want Sabin to come out and forfeit the belts. He hits the ring at a power walk and beats the hell out of them for a bit. Double elevated DDT on Sabin whose neck might be hurt.

Hardy vs. Angle is FINALLY next.

Shore arrives on 10/7. Oh great.

Same video package on the Hardy vs. Angle match as earlier as we waste EVEN MORE TIME.

Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

And remember, THERE MUST BE A WINNER. No time limit either. Angle’s career is on the line of course here. They just kind of look at each other to start us off. And now it’s an armbar to keep things interesting here. We finally pick up the pace a bit after about two and a half minutes of nothing as Hardy goes for Angle’s previously injured ribs.

Front suplex gets two for Jeff and the fans boo a bit for some reason. Charge misses and Hardy hits the floor. Pescado by Angle and Anderson comes out for commentary as we take a break. We come back to see a double clothesline so both guys are laying down again. Anderson won’t say who he’d prefer to face at the PPV.

Angle Slam misses and Hardy hits the worst Twist of Fate ever. That was horrible. Angle does something that was supposed to be a spinning cross body for a cover but it more or less was a shoulder to Jeff’s head. Ankle lock goes on but Hardy kicks him off and is just fine in some of the worst selling I’ve ever seen. Swanton gets two and his head is busted open.

And there goes the referee. Angle Slam brings out another referee and I think I know what’s coming. Another Angle Slam gets two. Impact officially ends and we go into ReAction. Damn it I hate when things like this happen. If you can’t fit you whole damn show into 2 hours, THEN DON’T FUCKING HAVE TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES OF MOTHER FUCKING TOMMY DREAMER ON YOUR DAMN SHOW BITCHING AND MOANING ABOUT FUCKING BULLSHIT!

Slingshot dropkick gets two and Angle gets knocked to the floor. Five Germans get two for Angle. Angle gets a leg lace which is like the way you would hold a Boston Crab on one leg but Angle is laying on his back as is Jeff. The other referee gets up and both he and Earl make the counts. Yep it’s a double pin. Bischoff comes out and we’ll have the decision right after this.

Rating: B-. Solid match but Jeff’s selling is an embarrassment. Actually that would imply there’s something there to be embarrassed about. He doesn’t sell anything at all and it looks horrible. This was another typical TNA match with everyone kicking out of finishers and no actual conclusion. Bravo TNA. Thanks for wasting our time again. Match was decent though.

Keep in mind that it is now 11:15 so the ending of the show and the conclusion or lack thereof will be completely missed by anyone recording the show.

Bischoff makes it a three way dance of course, JUST LIKE WE HAD AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW, making the last half hour TOTALLY POINTLESS.

Overall Rating: D-. Well let’s see. We got a total of about 23 minutes of wrestling, 13 of which were in one match. We got a ton of promos, none of which actually said anything. The main event had no conclusion (remember that it ended on ReAction and this is an Impact review) and we’re right back where we were at the beginning of the show. Yep this show was terrible. Not quite a failure as what we saw of Hardy vs. Angle was good but then again who cares about people needing rest or sleep? You want to be a TNA fan you better be HARDCORE BOY! The Dreamer promo was WAY too long and made Fourtune look like total faces. This was just a bad show and that’s not even taking into account Abyss tying up two men and branding one of them. More typical TNA: promising PPV, horrible Impact.
Another Week and I thought it was another excellent episode of ReAction. I thought it was a smart idea to continue the Angle Vs Hardy on to ReAction. I enjoyed all of the backstage segments. The Jesse Neal interview was well done. Pope continued the storyline with Nash & Sting against Hogan and Bischoff. They talked to Lethal about winning the X-Division title. Great episode of ReAction- A+
TNA iMPACT! - September 16, 2010

Opening Segment - TNA iMPACT! opened last night with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship scene, particularly the match between Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy at No Surrender. The segment overall was solid and it's nice to see some emphasis finally being placed on the TNA World Heavyweight Championship situation on iMPACT!. There was very little overall build up for the two tournament semi-final matches at No Surrender that nobody seemed to care all that much, so I'm glad that it now seems to appear that TNA is going to rectify that mistake this time around for BFG. Bischoff announcing a three way dance beween Hardy, Angle & Anderson at BFG only to be overruled by Dixie Carter was a nice touch. Personally, I think there are too many authority figure characters running around in TNA right now, so it's nice that Dixie ultimately shows that she's THE boss right now. She sets up a match between Angle and Hardy with no time limit with the winner facing Anderson at BFG. Thumbs Up

Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Nash - Not really all that much to say about this match. Most of it involved punches and kicks and is a continuation of the whole Sting/Nash/Jarrett deal, whatever in the blue frig that's supposed to be. The match ends around the 2.5 minute mark with Joe, Jarrett, Sting & Nash brawling. Again, the only remotely good thing about this is that it's keeping the three veterans away from any major championship scene. I still have no idea what this is whole feud is supposed to be about and neither, it seems, does anyone else and I'm really past the point where I don't care. Thumbs Down

Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal - This was a pretty decent match overall. Both are talented guys in the ring. Nothing particularly special or memorable about the match and that's a shame because it was an X-Division Championship match. Lethal gets the win about the 5 minute mark and Fortune hits yet another bump in the road. I just can't really see Fortune as this major league faction as they've lost yet another match and this one for a title. Jay Lethal is a talented wrestler, don't misunderstand me, but Williams needed to retain here. Thumbs Down

Abyss - They showed Abyss backstage a couple of times during the show. The first time, he's mumbling something and doing his whole heavy breathing thing while dragging somebody. The next time, they show him with two guys backstage and he's tortuing them, one with a branding iron. Even though Abyss no longer acts like a 10 year old, this came across as pretty corny to me. Also, the whole thing with having those two guys tied up and half naked screaming in pain while being tortured was supposed to make Abyss look like some fiendish psychotic, but the whole thing just simply screamed of homo erotic S&M subtext. Thumbs Down

Taylor Wilde & Hamada vs. Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich - Basically, this is just more of the usual crap that we've come to expect out of the Knockout Division, only this time it lasted about 4 minutes rather than 2 minutes. The Knockout tag titles are less than worthless at this point and Lacey Von Erich has to rank #1 among the worst wrestlers in either TNA or WWE. Lacey Von Erich best thank God that she's drop dead gorgeous and better find herself some filthy rich hubby because she's dead when her looks go. Hamada & Wilde retain the titles with Tara & Madison beating down Lacey Von Erich for losing. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky come to her rescue and she leaves with them. Too bad for Angelina & Velvet as all they accomplished was gaining about 120 pounds of dead weight. Thumbs Down

Tommy Dreamer & Fortune - Throughout this entire segment, which ran way too long, I did little more than roll my eyes. Dreamer asking Fortune to come out, saying that EV2.0 wasn't going to be there just immediately screamed beat down. Tommy Dreamer asking Fortune for a truce just kinda...well it just really shows I think how far the so called "Innovator of Violence" has fallen. Tommy Dreamer has pretty much ridden the coattails of the original ECW legacy his entire career and has jacked that up to the 10th power since coming to TNA. I don't really see how Dreamer can do that anymore with even the tiniest shred of credibility since he went to Fortune with, metaphorically speaking, his hat in his hand and asked for a truce. He's sick of seeing his friends get hurt and he wants a truce. These are the same ECW guys that so many among the IWC have looked upon as gods for years and having the "heart and soul" of the original ECW ask for a truce and to stop beating up his friends is about as un-ECW as it gets. Dreamer addressed the members of Fortune, hyping them, kissing their asses, etc. only added to that in my opinion. Fortune eventually did beat down Dreamer's ass as I figured they would. I just wish it would've happened sooner rather than listen to another 15 minute Tommy Dreamer sob story about how much he loves this business and how he had to watch his company die. Brian Kendrick ran in to protect Dreamer only to get beaten down. He gives some incoherant promo and challenges any member of Fortune. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan vs. Brian Kendrick - Morgan tosses Kendrick around for the duration of the match literally, doing the whole cocky heel thing. Kendrick hits him with a heel kick and scores the in in about 90 seconds. Seriously? A year ago, Matt Morgan was in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship scene, wrestling great matches against Kurt Angle & AJ Styles and now he's losing to the likes of Brian Kendrick with a single move in 90 seconds? Damn that man has fallen hard. Also, I fail to see how anyone can even remotely take Morgan seriously as Fortune's muscle after this. Thumbs Down

Generation Me - So far as I know, this is the first time I've ever heard these two speak and not wearing wrestling gear. They're pretty fun to watch inside the ring, they have high energy matches and all, but they definitely do need to work on their promo skills. I know this was their first time and all, I wasn't expecting perfection by any stretch, but they weren't at all comfortable out there. I think they did a pretty decent job in covering that up overall, but it was still fairly obvious. When you think of a wrestler that has "The Look" or "The Presence", these are two guys that simply do not have it. They look about as threatening as Betty White and just about as intimidating as well. Demanding that Chris Sabin come out and just hand over the titles was a nice touch though, it established a nice young cockiness to the team and them beating him down ended the segment on a high note. Generation Me honestly tried and I think they were pretty decent for their first time around. They definitely need work, but it was a decent start. Thumbs Up

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy - Very good match between Hardy and Angle and easily the highlight of the night. The match was generally slow paced but they worked well together and they worked very hard. Jeff Hardy's selling is abysmal, it really is, but he and Kurt Angle do have good working chemistry. I wasn't all that thrilled with the ending as it just seemed a little generic for me with both guys locking in a submission hold, with both their shoulders down and getting double pinned. Bischoff came out and declared that the match at BFG would be a threeway with Mr. Anderson, which did kind of defeat the whole purpose for the match. I would have preferred a winner, but the match at BFG has a lot of potential to be really great, depending upon how well TNA hypes it between now and the ppv.Thumbs Up

Overall Show - If it wasn't for the Angle/Hardy main event match, the entire should would've been a huge failure. It was easily the highlight and really the only true bright spot of an otherwise mediocre show. Personally, I would have preferred to have had them shave 10 minutes off the Tommy Dreamer promo and put it into some of the matches they had on the card, or just give it all to the last match. The Knockouts are essentially recycling the same shit from each week, only now Lacey Von Erich is back in the picture and that's far from any improvement, Abyss came off looking like a sadist that's on the verge of coming out of the closet, the X-Division Championship changes hands in 5 minutes with no pomp or build up and Tommy Dreamer spends 15-20 minutes trying to sponge a little more sympathy from viewers as to how pathetic he is. D-
Some Thoughts:

Tonight's episode of Impact was a very clear example of how TNA (and Russo behind it) use the championships as nothing more then props. The X Division championship changed hands with no build up and no reason to care at all about either the match or the new champion being crowned. Jay Lethal wins, but what's the point of this? Is this to rehash the feud with Flair and expand it to all of Fortune? Doug Williams was a good champion, he actually made the title look credible and something somewhat meaningful, it would've been quite nice for the next champion to win it from him with some build up and MEANING in doing so. This was a let down for me and another step back from something TNA had done pretty well, with having Williams as champion. The second example was, of course, the Knockouts Tag Team title defense. The entire match, the entire defense, all of it was done for no other reason but to further the Beautiful People's storyline with Madison Rayne. Not only were the Knockouts tag team titles used as props, but so were the champions who we haven't seen in weeks and who have no value at all as champions. It was ridiculous.

What's with the stupid confetti everytime a championship changes hands on Impact? Really takes away from the feeling of surprise, that was unexpected! It's nice to rain down confetti, have the new champion go in the crowd and celebrate, and for there to be a big hooplah for a title switch... except when there's no build up for the match or the title switch and therefore no one even has emotion or interest invested into the win by Lethal. It fell entirely flat to me because there was absolutely NO build up. But yay, let's celebrate a random guy randomly winning a title. Party! I've been waiting so long for this!

Note - Velvet Sky is freaking hot. That is the only thing even remotely interesting or good about the Knockouts division right now.

Generation Me needs some serious work on the mic and they might want to state the obvious a little less (especially in terms of it all being about Them, as in Generation ME!). No shit. At least they got a reaction from the crowd though, and Sabin looked quite good in his brief march to the ring and attack. This segment was definitely not as bad as I would've expected with Generation Me involved, so props to them for that. They're still no London Brawling, though!

What the hell's up with the gay new hand sign from Fourtune? They've already claimed to be the Four Horsemen time and time again, referenced the Four Horsemen time and time again, but now they don't want to use the hand sign? Instead they alter it into something that looks silly, like you'd see people doing on a beach in California. Can't TNA do the SIMPLEST thing right? The whole segment with Tommy Dreamer was bad, didn't come across at all like I think they wanted or planned it to, and Styles even messed up his lines at the climax of it!

TNA seriously had Matt Morgan lose that fast to Brian Kendrick? The enforcer and bodyguard of Fourtune gets beat by Kendrick, who was jobbing to everyone just months ago? Way to really make Morgan and Fourtune look strong. It was one thing when they had Morgan mandhandling Kendrick and looking like he was toying with him, but then the finish didn't make it look like Kendrick upset Morgan out of nowhere, the finish made Morgan look entirely weak. How many people have been hit with a running calf kick before? Hundreds. How many people have been pinned afterwards by a weak move like that one? No one (aside from Morgan now!) Just poor execution by TNA here, in my opinion. In some scenarios this may have actually worked, but Morgan just hasn't been built up effectively enough or consistently enough as a dominant monster for it to have. Kendrick's promo was interesting though!

I'm not even going to justify the end of Impact, and the lack of an ending to the main event on the show, with any further mention. Unbelievable.

Overall Rating: D-
I thought tonight's show was pretty bad. I watched it with my friends that are the biggest TNA fans out there. Even they thought the show was awful. The main event wasn't bad but wasn't as good as for contest Angle and Hardy had at No Surrender. The bullshit finish was painful too. I'm sure most of us already knew that the main event at BFG would be a triple threat even if we didn't read the entire spoilers, but you have to feel sorry for the people that actually tuned in for 30 minutes hoping to see a winner this time.

The entire opening segment was a waste since we wound up finding out the main event at BFG would be a triple threat anyway. I'm getting pretty tired of Dixie coming out all the time now. She is coming out more than Hogan. It's turning into the Dixie Carter show.

I could really care less know about the whole "deception" Sting, Jarrett, Nash, and Joe angle. I feel sorry for Joe, but at least he is a semi main event feud. I just have no desire of seeing Sting, Nash, or Jarrett on television wrestling again. I can't wait for this whole 10.10.10 thing to be over with.

Doug Williams vs. Jay Lethal was a letdown. Jay Lethal winning the X division title happened at the wrong place and time. The confetti came down and he had a big celebration, but this should of happened at a PPV with some buildup so it would have felt special. Lethal winning the title didn't do him or Fourtune any favors.

The Knockouts tag title match was a joke. Lacey is beautiful, but please get her out of the ring. She has been there for at least a year and she is still terrible in the ring. Its hard to care about Wilde and Hamada since we usually don't see them for months. This match turned out to be nothing but the Beautiful People hour.

The Tommy Dreamer and Fourtune promo sounded better on paper then it did watching it on television. Dreamer did a great job putting over a Fourtune, but I seriously thought Dreamer was going to suck them off right then and there. Brian Kendrick coming out and rambling a bunch of gibberish didn't make sense either. Morgan came out and pretty much beat down Spike Dudley, I mean Kendrick. Then Kendrick gets a cheap roll up. Fourtune looks like a joke again. Kendrick looks even worse.

Don't get me started on Abyss' sex chamber. It was a cross between a lame horror movie or haunted house and S & M sex. What does Abyss branding 10.10.10 into some random dude's crotch accomplish? Shouldn't Abyss be fired or thrown in jail for assaulting someone backstage? RVD's interview didn't accomplish anything either but remind us how lame his Carrie's bloodbath on Impact was. When did Impact turn into a B horror movie?

Gen ME are trying to be heels, but I don't buy it. They look like Ambercrombie & Fitch models. Maybe if they came out wearing a t shirt and jeans instead of dressing like calendar boys from a teen magazine.

Hardy and Angle was the only decent part of the show, and their match wasn't even that memorable. Not to mention the overbooked finish. I have seen so many videos and interviews from Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy from tonight's Impact alone to make me sick of them. Mr. Anderson is magic on the mic, but he is awful at commentating. Anderson is acting too impartial to not turn heel. After the match up Hardy and Angle hug. Really? This is the main event at BFG that determines Angle's career. I want to see Angle, Hardy, and Anderson at each others throats for the next few weeks.

I'm sure I have seen worse Impacts, but this one was one of the worst ones of the year. I just hope that the new episodes will actually be worth watching. Hopefully we wont have to watch ReAction just to see the end of Impact again.
The Jeff Hardy/Kurt Angle Situation

So as we all know, Hardy VS Angle at No Surrender ended in a no contest. So of course, Eric Bischoff had to straighten this whole mess out. He makes a triple threat match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound For Glory between Kurt Angle, Mr.Anderson, and Jeff Hardy. The main event for TNA's big show is set! Or is it.........Dixie Carter comes out and over rules Bischoff. She announces the Hardy VS Angle rematch, and of course the Impact zone loves this.

So there were some signs of tension between Eric and Dixie here. It looks like a power struggle could be looming.

Pope is shown pissed backstage. Nash gets ready for his match with Joe, and he is of course accompanied by Sting.

Tommy Dreamer is shown at a gas station. A reporter asks him where EV2.0 should go after No Surrender. Dreamer says, "Maybe we should go home".

Kevin Nash With Sting VS Samoa Joe With Jeff Jarrett

Nothing really happened here. The match was pretty short, Sting got involved, and a brawl erupted between these four men. This was just another way to advance the storyline between these four. I'm really not into this storyline. I have a feeling Joe will turn on Jarrett soon, and who knows, Nash and Sting might be revealed as the ones who kidnapped Joe months ago.

Lacey, Madison, and Tara are shown backstage. Madison bullies Lacey. She still hasn't made up her mind on whether she should side with Velvet and Angelina or stay with Tara and Madison. They get ready for the upcoming title match.

Nash and Sting declare war. Wow...just wow. I literally facepalmed when I heard this last night.

Jay Lethal VS Doug Williams-X Division Championship Match

Lethal won the title, and he received a big time confetti celebration. This was a pretty good match, but I'm not too sure I'm excited about Lethal winning the title. Doug Williams had an awesome reign as X-Division champ. Williams was a very solid heel champion, and he can deliver in the ring. Jay Lethal just doesn't seem that appealing to me. When he's impersonating Macho Man Randy Savage or Ric Flair, he can be worth watching, but Jay Lethal is just very boring and bland to me. He's solid in the ring, but everything else about him just falls flat for me.

Abyss is shown backstage dragging a body in a large black sack. Hmmm, this should be interesting.

Kurt Angle guarantees a win over Jeff Hardy.

Hamada & Taylor Wilde VS Lacey Von Erich & Madison Rayne-TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship match

Okay so Taylor Wilde and Hamada(who are the TNA KNOCKOUTS TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS by the way) haven't been seen on Impact for a while. They win the match, but all that is overshadowed by more Beautiful People turmoil. As far as the match goes, I thought it was pretty bad. It was just a weak match, and Lacey's selling was horrible here. After the match, Lacey stood up for herself, but Tara and Madison got the best of her until Angelina and Velvet showed up. It seems Lacey has sided with the real Beautiful People, but I just don't care anymore. The Beautiful People dominate the women's division in TNA, and they just seem stale now.

Tommy Dreamer is up next.

Tommy Dreamer Attempts To Make Peace With Fortune

There were a lot of shots taken at the WWE here. Dreamer praised Fortune, and he asked for a handshake from AJ Stlyes. Well, AJ shook his hand, and the obvious beat down occurred afterwards. Then, the honorary member of EV2.0, Brian Kendrick came down to try and help Dreamer. He covered Dreamer, but his human shield attempt didn't work. I haven't been able to get into this whole EV2.0 VS Fortune feud, and I just know this isn't over after last night. Dreamer will probably rally the troops and try to take on Fortune again. I'm sorry but Tommy Dreamer as the EV2.0 front man is just terrible. He cuts the same type of promo every week. How many times can you feel sorry for this guy? Also, I think Kendrick could be doing something else besides this. He would be a great candidate for the X-Division title picture. I highly doubt being a member of EV2.0 is going to get him near the TNA World Heavyweight Title.

Brian Kendrick VS Matt Morgan

So Kendrick still wants a fight. He gets on the mic and spews out a bunch of weird stuff, as he calls out any member of Fortune. Morgan gets too cocky here, and Kendrick escapes with a win. I really didn't get into this. I know Kendrick was supposed to gain some momentum here, but Matt Morgan is supposed to be this unstoppable beast, and he gets beat quickly by Kendrick?

Pope badgers Tessmacher about talking to Bischoff.

Abyss tortures two people. He brands one of them. We get more warnings about "they". This was kind of creepy.

RVD does a telephone interview with Tenay and Tazz. He says he will return to Impact next week. I doubt Rob will wrestle, because he still has to sell being attacked by Janice, but it should be interesting to see what TNA will do with his return.

Generation Me cuts a terrible, terrible promo as they call out Chris Sabin. They demand Sabin hand over the tag team belts. He comes out fired up, but two on one is just too much for him to overcome. Generation Me's awful promo here almost killed my desire to see this feud. I've liked what I've seen from them in the ring In TNA, but I haven't been a fan of their mic skills at all. I'm hoping Alex Shelley will return soon so that this feud can pick up, and we'll here better promos.

Shore is coming to TNA 10/7/10......I think I know what this all about, and from what I've read, things don't seem too good so far.

Kurt Angle VS Jeff Hardy

Hardy VS Angle was easily the highlight of the night. This was a good match, and you just knew these two were going to go out there an put on a show. This was a really physical match, and I had a feeling that this one would have a fishy ending. Both Hebners count to three, as Hardy and Angle's shoulder's were on the mat.......and here comes the controversy. Also, I was surprised Mr.Anderson didn't interfere during his guest commentary here.

The Power Struggle Begins

So this spilled over on to Reaction. Bischoff has yet another conference with Dixie at ringside. They discuss the match, and Eric heads back to the ring to make a decision. Bischoff makes the triple threat match AGAIN, and Dixie doesn't like this at all. She storms off, and the show ends.

Last night's episode of Impact was really weak. I really enjoyed Angle VS Hardy, but everything else just didn't do it for me. I'm tired of seeing The Beautiful People dominate the women's division in TNA. They've been stale for quite some time now. I was glad to see Hamada and Taylor Wilde, but TNA didn't really focus on their return. They made sure to push more Beautiful People drama. I'm starting to wonder if Hamada and Wilde will even have a match at Bound For Glory, because if they do, it might just be a dark match. Nash and Sting fighting the good fight just bores me. I was hoping that the match at No Surrender would be the end of all this, but unfortunately, I was wrong. I still have a feeling Joe will turn on Jarrett.

They hype for Bound For Glory kicked off, and I the only thing I'm really looking forward to is the triple threat world title match. I think the whole "they" storyline will be a huge let down, and I've already ranted about the Beautiful People enough. The Pope seems like he could be a wild card in TNA's drama. This could mean he's on the verge of a nice push. I'm really not a fan of The Pope, but maybe he'll regain the status he had earlier this year.
The official TNA Impact rating for last night's show was a 1.12 rating. It was up from a 1.04 rating two weeks ago on September 2. This is a good rating it went up from the previous iMPACT and the week off with TNA being preempted because of the NFL opener didn't have a negative affect on the Ratings. Hopefully the ratings can increase leading up to BFG.
this week reaction was awesome , the fact that they actully talk about joe "production" thing was pretty awesome , the fact that break unread code in the show maken it very real and accepable made me relize that reaction is the future of wrestling... Good job TNA ,, A+
So Bischoff says its a triple threat at BFG then goes on to jerk off over the Hardy/Angle match at the last PPV. When WWE lads have a great match, they never wank over it like this. Dixie comes out and tells us its not a three way and that Hardy and Angle will face off tonight. Ok.

Samoa Joe vs Nash
Ends up in a worthless brawl, no one knows any of the motivations as to why any of this is happening. I do. Its because they've got fuck all else to do. This is the worst bulit feud of the year, easily.

Lethal v Doug Williams (X-Division Title)
Out of the ring Jay lethal is a very likable bloke. TNA can't even make a likable bloke likable on TV. TNA. TNA. TNA. Lethal should use the lethal combo as his finish, the big elbow is garbage. Ah Lethal injection, ok thats a decent finish. Lethal wins the x-division title in a match that wasn't advertised, had no build, the challenger has never been on Impact for weeks and expect us to think it's wonderful. This company is beyond pathetic.

Hamada/Wilde v Madison/Lacey Von Erich
I forgot these titles existed. I imagine these titles will be changing hands. Poor babyfaces, both talented individuals, both haven't been on Impact for weeks. That handspring elbow is horrid.Hamada hits an awesome moosault and lacey kicks out at 1. Good lord. Lacey Von Erich could fuck up eating a a mars bar. Thank god the right team won.The faces win with a nice double team neckbreaker thing.

Another beat down, this time Rayne on LVE. Beautiful People make the save. The BP are terrible faces.

Dreamer promo. He calls fortune out. He says some very nice about all members of fortune. I don't know where it's going but he makes some nice points. There's too many WWE mentions here. This is going on for ages, way to long. Bored now. Why don't they just get out of each others arses. Predictably Fortune attack Dreamer. Brian Kendrick makes the save. This is awful. Less than one hour into the show and three beatdowns, and not even good ones. AJ absolutely lamps Dreamer with a nasty looking punch. Then Kendrick cuts a promo...if you want to call it that. He calls them reptiles. It was all "look at me I'm a bit mental." I'm not convinced. This farce continues.

Kendrick v Morgan
It's weird but WWE Kendrick felt like a superstar compared to this version. Kendrick wins after getting mauled.

The backstage segments with Abyss branding people are stupid. Really stupid. Unbelievably stupid. You can't suspend your disbelief with this shit, its the sort of stuff that I'd be embarrassed for people to watch with me.

Generation Me come to the ring. A slightly awkward promo by Jeremy (I think) calling out Sabin telling him to give them the tag titles, he doesn't do a bad job and occasionally sounds convincing. Sabin comes out and gets creamed. This is the only part of the show so far that is well constructed, easy to understand and that makes sense. Bravo.

Angle v Hardy
A mediocre match that killed both men’s finishers and had a senseless ref bump. Its one thing kicking out of finishers in a long match on PPV, its another to do it on free TV in a significantly shorter one. What an absolutely horrible end. After kicking out of each others finishers both men forget to raise their fucking shoulders off the floor whilst in submissions? ARE THEY IDIOTS! ARE WE WATCHING WRESTLERS OR MORONS! How anyone can watch this show as anything other than wrestling parody is bewildering.

A three way is booked for BFG between the all WWE crewe. Not a single TNA wrestler in sight
The September 16th edition of TNA ReAction scored a .71 (0.7) cable rating with 939,000 viewers. This is a higher rating then last weeks show got and I think it is due to Angle Vs Hardy continuing onto ReAction and I wouldn't be surprised if they did this again to entice fans to watch ReAction. Viewership was way up from last week. Good Rating for ReAction and hopefully it continues to get good Ratings so Spike Tv will sign on for more episodes of ReAction.
OMG... what an awful, awful show.

They open with Bischoff cutting a promo that verbally sucks the dicks of Angle and Hardy. Apparently, every main event match on Impact is the greatest match of all time and the "bar keeps getting raised." Once again, if every main event match every week is one of the greatest matches that booking promoters like Eric Bischoff had ever seen, they're going to stop being special after a while. Let the wrestlers talk about how great the match was. Or, even better, move on and talk about the future and not so much the past.

Anyway, Bischoff gets contradicted by Dixie and his decision to have a three-way dance at BFG is overruled. A rematch is booked that night in which there must be a winner. I like this a lot. Very smart.

Then, the rest of the show happened.

- I don't understand what the deal is with Samoa Joe, Jarrett, Nash and Sting.

- Doug Williams got beat by a guy that's been struggling to get over with the audience for years in TNA. Unless he mimics another wrestler, he's been useless. And now he discounted Doug Williams' entire run as X-Division champion. The guy held the title for almost 7 months in 2010 and just got beat in 5 minutes. Yeah, that makes sense.

- They continue to allow Lacey Von Erich to wrestle. And she got involved in a KO Tag Title match from a team that hadn't defended their titles or hadn't been seen on television since they won the belts in AUGUST. :disappointed:

- Time for a group blow job, via Tommy Dreamer. He gives very heartfelt and beautiful comments towards each members of Fourtune. Naturally, the crowd needs to start a chant after every five words of the promo because TNA fans tune in to see THEM, right? What I don't get is that they're trying to make Fourtune out to be a monster heel faction, right? Then why is Dreamer babyfacing them by giving us insight to their struggles, accomplishments, and career highlights?? Oh, I get it... so he could get his ass kicked at the end and make Fourtune out to be better heels right? Yeah, totally ineffective. More time was spent babyfacing Fourtune than heeling them. And why is Tommy Dreamer, a career jobber and failure, the spokesperson for how great they are? The average wrestling fan views him as being a loser in the industry so who would respect his opinions on all of the Fourtune members? More brilliant booking here.

- Dreamer needs to be saved, so cue in... Brian Kendrick?!? What the fuck?? Apparently, he needs a match against someone in Fourtune. So we go to commercial. When we come back, Morgan is already in the ring beating the holy hell out of Kendrick. So anyone that missed 10 seconds prior to the commercial would have no idea how we went from a Fourtune/Dreamer suck-fest to an impromptu match between Morgan and Brian fucking Kendrick. Anyway, Kendrick gets pummeled, wins with a rollup, and no-sells Morgan's punishment all the way up the ramp because celebrating his win is more important for realism. Once again, :disappointed:

- Generation ME is turning heel. In other news, my balls itch. Moving on...

- Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle is up now. Excellent match between the two, as usual. But why is Jeff no-selling Angle's offense? And why is the show about to end with no match ending in sight?? OH, I see... Reaction is starting. So everyone's DVR's that didn't record Reaction is going to miss the end of the match. :disappointed: Fast forward about 15 minutes and none of that mattered because there's a double pinfall... no one wins. Bischoff says we'll have a result after the commercial. The ruling is THE SAME FUCKING RESULT THAT WE HAD BEFORE DIXIE CARTER OVERRULED BISCHOFF?!?!?!!?!? THEN WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT OF THE MATCH?!?!?!? AND WHY DID IT BLEED INTO THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST??

So let me get this straight... we had to watch a 25 minute match that bled 15 minutes into the next program in order to find out ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!?!? Yeah, try and defend that one, TNA fans. Please, enlighten me on how there is ANY logic in that. Defend your wonderful show and tell me how great everything is when nothing on the show makes sense.

I'm fucking finished with this promotion. They have baited and switched me for the last time. I used to feel sympathy for the TNA fans and tried to find light in their booking but it's merely impossible now. I have completely lost interest in the product, its stars, its management, its hype, and every piece of its programming. Say goodnight to the shittiest show on television in my home.
What is all the bitching about?

We get:
1)Sting/Nash vs. JJ/Joe rivalry heating up
2)A great match in Angle vs. Hardy
3)A new tag team developing in Gen Me and getting mic time
4)A great promo where Dreamer puts over Fortune big big time!
5)Jay Lethal becoming the new X-div. champion
6)A great TNA Reaction.

Despite a few things here and there, I honestly thought this week's TNA was a solid show.

You WWE fans have lot of nerves calling IMPACT the "shittest show" on television. We get a tv match of the year candidate and you sit there and call it the "shittiest show" on your television meanwhile that same week on RAW we got a costume vs costume match, a dance contest match, a bodyslam match. Are you shitting me? You guys seem to be so use to garbage that anything that resembles more of a wrestling show is deemed horrid while a show with dance contest probably isn't being treated with the same scrutiny from the very same people. Quit being such marks and just enjoy the show if you are indeed a true wrestling fan. You sat through People Court segments taking place under the ring and now you sit through horrid skits such as a leprechaun trying to learn how to speak and you have the nerve to criticize TNA for giving you a great matchup without a simple finish. You know what just quit being a wrestling fan in general because it's no way in hell you can complain about this and continue to watch a show with a pathetic tag division, pathetic women division, a lacking midcard division, and a redundant main event scene, non-entertaining skits, etc. The hottest thing WWE had was Nexus and now that's as cold as ice. TNA has the MCMG, a strong tag division, a mystery in They, a great main event division to find out who the next world champion will be, a great stable in Fortune, wonderful acts like Pope & Anderson, a good tv show addition in REaction. I named those things to let you know that there are lots of positive than negative in TNA going on but you all can't seem to get your heads out of your rear ends. If wou want to overlook all of that and continue supporting the PG show, then know that you are an EXTREEEEEMEEEE hypocrite. TNA is not perfect and neither is the WWE by a longshot but if you're gonna criticize TNA and quit TNA, then you better apply that same attitude to all wrestling on national television.
What is all the bitching about?

We get:
1)Sting/Nash vs. JJ/Joe rivalry heating up
2)A great match in Angle vs. Hardy
3)A new tag team developing in Gen Me and getting mic time
4)A great promo where Dreamer puts over Fortune big big time!
5)Jay Lethal becoming the new X-div. champion
6)A great TNA Reaction.

Despite a few things here and there, I honestly thought this week's TNA was a solid show.

That's one person's opinion.

You WWE fans have lot of nerves calling IMPACT the "shittest show" on television. We get a tv match of the year candidate and you sit there and call it the "shittiest show" on your television meanwhile that same week on RAW we got a costume vs costume match, a dance contest match, a bodyslam match.

It was a themed show. If you weren't entertained by it then fine. But I've also watched great programming week in and week out on their broadcasts while TNA continues to fail in clarifying and justifying their storylines. Their babyfaces and heels bleed onto each other, there is no rhyme or reason in their storylines, and I'm just not entertained by their product. You can't MAKE me like it... I either do or I don't.

Are you shitting me? You guys seem to be so use to garbage that anything that resembles more of a wrestling show is deemed horrid while a show with dance contest probably isn't being treated with the same scrutiny from the very same people.

Yup, you got me. Lulz.

Quit being such marks and just enjoy the show if you are indeed a true wrestling fan.

No, just NO.

See, this is where blind TNA marks piss me off. So you're saying that I should ignore the fact that a pro-wrestling TV show is dogshit if I'm a "true wrestling fan?" So discount the fact that I'd like to be entertained during a show just because I wouldn't be a "true fan?" I call bullshit here. I'm more dedicated in my pinky than most fans are in their entire bodies. But I can't sit down in front of a TV and watch a train wreck happen every week. BS excuses like being a "true fan" doesn't make your promotion's product any better. Being a true fan makes me watch it, sit through it, throw up in my mouth, and then actually tune in the following week. But I will NOT like it if it doesn't entertain me.

You sat through People Court segments taking place under the ring and now you sit through horrid skits such as a leprechaun trying to learn how to speak and you have the nerve to criticize TNA for giving you a great matchup without a simple finish.

Please don't go here. Do you really want me to dig into TNA's past and pluck out their shitty bookings? I highly doubt it. Stick to the present.

You know what just quit being a wrestling fan in general because it's no way in hell you can complain about this and continue to watch a show with a pathetic tag division, pathetic women division, a lacking midcard division, and a redundant main event scene, non-entertaining skits, etc. The hottest thing WWE had was Nexus and now that's as cold as ice. TNA has the MCMG, a strong tag division, a mystery in They, a great main event division to find out who the next world champion will be, a great stable in Fortune, wonderful acts like Pope & Anderson, a good tv show addition in REaction. I named those things to let you know that there are lots of positive than negative in TNA going on but you all can't seem to get your heads out of your rear ends. If wou want to overlook all of that and continue supporting the PG show, then know that you are an EXTREEEEEMEEEE hypocrite. TNA is not perfect and neither is the WWE by a longshot but if you're gonna criticize TNA and quit TNA, then you better apply that same attitude to all wrestling on national television.

Neither promotion is perfect... not by any means. So there we agree. I guess this is just a case of different strokes for different folks.

I can appreciate the fact that you defend your product. But nothing will change the fact that it does not entertain me... not at all. And judging by the reviews posted in this thread, I'm not alone. There is nothing you can say or do to MAKE any of us like what you hold so dearly. So stop criticizing us for having free will and an opinion. Instead, do what the WWE fans did during their shittiest and lowest storylines that occurred a few years ago... sit back, take the critical comments across the chin, support your product through thick and thin without crucifying others for having opinions, and move on with your life. No one personally attacked YOU... just the television show that you love. Therefore, there is no reason to attack any of us.
From the TNA fan perspective when you say it is the shittiest show on TV immediately all of your credibility is shot. Any point, valid or otherwise, will be ignored because you are obviously overstating everything. Having emotional scars from when people used to criticize WWE in its low period is not an excuse. I think some of us used to care because we thought people were missing something they would enjoy. Now for various odd reasons, some more logical than others, that is clearly not the case. Fine, do not watch if you do not like it. Who cares? But actually stop watching and commenting on every little facet of the company if you do not like it. I do not regularly watch WWE program and I sure as hell do not try and review every wwe show anyway. Why would I waste my time and everyone elses? We get it you do not like it. Move on. It is really that simple. No one cares about your biased viewpoint based on a loose following of the product. If you cannot see any logical progression in the TNA storylines then like I said earlier, obviously overstating everything. Why is your 34392808th anti-tna post any more important than the 34392807th? I am beginning to think many that prefer WWE are masochists. Watching TNA apparently brings them nothing but pain but they still do it on a regular basis. Weird. Either that or they are overstating everything.
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