[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I thought this was A great opening episode of ReAction. I really like how the show gives us a nice backstage element, and it really promoted the next episode of Impact. The show did a good job at Building the Ev2.0 and Fourtune feud. The MCMG segment was well done with them showing alot of character and their 4 year struggle to finally capture the Tna Tag Team Titles. The only bad thing I can see is that not many people are going to stay up to 12. I agree with IDR's idea of putting the show @9 before Nxt. If they do keep this time slot, I think it would be a good idea to have iMPACT focus on the wrestling and have ReAction focus on building and advancing the feuds.
You say its not a PPV quality show and bash it, but yo give them a B? Hope you can find some other wrestling show on TV that has better wrestling(I dare you to find one).

TNA promoted it as being PPV caliber.

There were a few good quality matches along with a bunch of average matches, the only GREAT match was the tag team match. It’s no different then WWE who have some good matches as well mixed in with their averages matches. You can certainly find good quality matches on WWE tv (unless you’re a WWE hater). It’s not as if every week of TNA Impact usually has the kind of great matches the MCMGs and Beer Money have had lately. It’s not as if every TNA Impact is like this past Impact which was a special “a PPV caliber show”. Get over yourself.

If you ever watched ECW the sand man always plays to the crowd before he get in the ring matter of fact some times he will have a beer or two b4. So you say its bad when he do it for TNA, but good when he did it in WWE right?

I watched ECW all the time when it was around. But this was suppose to be a SERIOUS angle and Sandman’s portion of it made it look ridiculous and extra fake to me. Sorry! And I never said anything about him in WWE.

Most of the people on here don't do the research and mix opinions with facts.

What are you referring to exactly?

Oh and the main event at the end was Fortune vs EV 2.0 look at it again, but flair rant in the end of the show should have explained all of that to you.(pay attention it not ADD wrestling TNA is putting on)Did you realize hogan never got to say his big secret?

Hogan didn’t? Ohnoes!

Not sure how there was no meaning to this segment. If you watched/listened to Ric Flair and then watched ReAction right afterwards, the whole attack was explained. During ReAction Kaz and AJ had a conversation. Basically what was said is that Dixie has brought in these big names from other current and dead promotions time after time and have given them the spotlight every single time, while they themselves, the "originals" of TNA built TNA to what is today so that these guys could have jobs, get screwed over. They are also upset that Dixie gave the EV2.0 guys an entire PPV for themselves while they had to take a backseat. This segment not only gave fortune a purpose, but it also gave the EV2.0 guys a purpose as well. Yes, there was an excessive amount of blood, but it's better than stopping an entire match half way through to clean up the blood. This segment worked well and hopefully is a great start to an awesome story/feud that will end at Bound For Glory.

I said there was no meaning in the excessive blood. It was overdone and to me took away from the segment when you have people carving up the guys blatantly for the sake of carving them up and showing blood. It didn’t shock me, it didn’t make me feel the ‘fight’ was more intense, it just had me rolling my eyes about TNA’s overuse of blood. When a story’s good and there’s meaning in what the people are doing then they shouldn’t need to go to those extremes to try to get it over.

I didn’t watch ReAction at the time (I have since), which I’m sure many fans didn’t either, so hopefully they restate what they did on that show on TNA Impact so people can know all this ‘reasoning’.

At the same token I can understand that angle from a shoot perspective and a reality based perspective, but unfortunately I don’t think it makes much sense from the perspective of what’s been built over the course of months on television and ppv. How has AJ Styles the character been screwed over by anyone? He lost the World title fair and square, he fought for it again at Sacrifice and lost again fairly. He was given a shot at the Television title and won it. He’s been endorsed and praised by Hogan and Dixie on television. Beer Money? They’ve been showcased for weeks now fighting over the Tag Team titles!

It would’ve made a lot more sense to me if:

A) If there was actually some TNA originals doing it that had been overshadowed and held back IN character.

B) They had done it on the Hardcore Justice PPV if that’s what they were protesting (and AJ Styles hadn’t been ON the ppv promoting ECW :lmao:) and

C) And this ones the most important; they weren’t made out to be HEELS and EV2.0 the clear FACES. Now, due to the booking and writing (including on ReAction), people are prone to feel sympathy for the EV2.0 guys instead of the TNA guys. They’ll be drawn to cheer for the faces that are likely going to come back for revenge, which is the EV2.0 and other guys who join them from 'outside the company'. And what’s the natural payoff with an angle like that? To me it feels like this angle’s going to help get the EV2.0 (unless they’re no longer with the company and this takes them out permanently) and other castoffs over MORE then it will the heels involved in it, so the angle kind of contradicts its own motivation.

If others enjoyed the whole angle and how it played out to end Impact that’s great, I didn’t enjoy it while I was watching it play out and I feel the angle being given in the way it’s being given has some huge flaws. That’s MY opinion. But it’s a great attempt by TNA, I’ll give them that, and hopefully it plays out better then I expect it to.
I think what you miss is this angle has something for everyone. If you view the ECW guys as has beens then that is one of the main draws of this angle. A lot of people do think that and there is nothing stopping you from siding with fortune which are saying exactly that. As far as dominance goes they sure dominated last night. They basically hardcore demolished these suppose "hardcore legends" while debuting several new fortune members.

Well yeah, I do view the ECW guys as has beens overall but has beens have just never been of particular interest to me. Generally speaking, I'm not a very nostalgic person when it comes to wrestling. While I was never particularly a fan of ECW overall, I do respect what they meant to some people. But, quite frankly, it's hard for me to get behind wrestlers that I never particularly cared for in the first place.

As for Fortune sure they dominated, but they dominated a bunch of has beens that are mostly past their prime. I just have zero interest in watching AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer or Beer Money vs. Raven & Stevie Richards. But, since Fortune hasn't exactly been setting TNA on fire in terms of being a dominant faction and EV2.0 is so new as well, the feud does have that going for it.

While I am somewhat burned out on TNA faction wars, I'm just over the whole ECW theme. Still, I admit that it's possible the whole thing might grow on me.
As someone who isnt a TNA follower, I thought Reaction was a great show. They did it right, seemed just like a post-game show from any other sport and they treated it with respect...no bogus nonsense, no B.S.....just a wrap up show, treating the industry with respect.

I don't like their product completely, but I respect their effort.
Was it the debut of a new show? I had no idea. I was channel surfing and came across it. I barely ever watch TNA, so I thought this was a show that had been on for a while. Watched it for about 10 minutes and it seemed ok. I liked how they interviewed the different wrestlers.
The early numbers for last night's "The Whole F'N Show" episode of TNA iMPACT! are in and it's sort of mixed. It's being reported that iMPACT! drew a 1.15 rating and 1,524,000 viewers last night, which are good overall numbers for the show in and of itself. It is down, however, from the 1.22 and 1.21 that iMPACT! has drawn the past few weeks. TNA hyped the show as being a ppv caliber line up and matches given away for free and it was much better than iMPACT! usually is overall, so the lower numbers have to be at least a little disappointing.
The debut of TNA Reaction did a strong 0.87 rating with 1,140,000 viewers. That is very good rating for the re debut of ReAction. If they get this type of rating every week they should be very happy with it. Bischoff said he would be happy with the debut of ReAction getting about .05 rating so they have to be very pleased that it did better then they expected.
Well yeah, I do view the ECW guys as has beens overall but has beens have just never been of particular interest to me. Generally speaking, I'm not a very nostalgic person when it comes to wrestling. While I was never particularly a fan of ECW overall, I do respect what they meant to some people. But, quite frankly, it's hard for me to get behind wrestlers that I never particularly cared for in the first place.

As for Fortune sure they dominated, but they dominated a bunch of has beens that are mostly past their prime. I just have zero interest in watching AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer or Beer Money vs. Raven & Stevie Richards. But, since Fortune hasn't exactly been setting TNA on fire in terms of being a dominant faction and EV2.0 is so new as well, the feud does have that going for it.

While I am somewhat burned out on TNA faction wars, I'm just over the whole ECW theme. Still, I admit that it's possible the whole thing might grow on me.

Of course you view the ECW guys, oh sorry, I mean EV2.0 guys, as has-beens, most of them are nearly a decade removed from relevance. In fact, to be even more accurate about it, many of them are technically not has-beens, they are never-were's. Guys whose relevance exists only in the nostalgic memories of true ECW fans, but not really in reality.

And that's the problem I have with this angle. Even if you buy into the storyline that the indignant TNA guys, specifically the Fortune faction, are pissed off about being passed over by the old school guys (kayfabe), and are fighting back to protect their position in the company, it still will be an uphill battle for this storyline. Because when push comes to shove, these TNA guys have to keep the storyline breathing by wrestling guys who look they require a ventilator to do so. I really have difficulty buying into a major storyline if its key components include Stevie Richards, Sabu, Sandman, and all of these other relics.

When it comes right down to it, this storyline is destined to fizzle out because it just don't have legs, literally or figuratively, to endure. Meanwhile, talent like Desmond Wolfe stay in suspended animation, waiting for their time, when these other geezers had their time. Over and over again. A decade ago. In a bingo hall company which didn't even have the legs to pull it off back then.
The immediate backstage reaction stuff was great as it gave you the feeling like it was happening live.

But as TNA is actually taped before hand you can tell Where it lacks is the Interviews that had the feeling as they were done days before and not live or after there matches, like the Motor City Machine guns and the Love/Rayne/Sky interviews seemed
I don't like the fact Reaction is on right after Impact. Yes, I'm that helped this week and the rating it got was in large part because it was on right after and a lot of the audience watching Impact just stayed there and kept watching, but when I watched Reaction a lot of it felt very repetitive because of the fact it was on right after the Impact show it was referencing.

I enjoyed the interviews about the angles from Impact, I also enjoyed some of the interviews with MCMGs and others. But, as I stated, the recaps of what happened on Impact being done right after they'd just happened and most had just watched it on Impact were a bit repetitive and took away from the show for me. I like the idea though, and the show overall was good. I would rather see it in a different timeslot, though.
I think its a great, fresh idea that no other wrestling company as far as I know about has given much thought to, I mean to give the fans a full hour long recap of earlier events is a big push in the right direction for TNA and its Super Stars, hopefully the idea will stick for awhile then evolve into something bigger then even that.
It's a great concept, and I enjoyed last night's "debut" episode very much. The only drawback I can see is that it's a show that will only be as good as the Impact that immediately precedes it. It was a great episode last night because Impact was such an eventful show itself. If Impact has a lackluster episode, then there will be no interest in watching REaction afterwards. I'll be curious to see how the show is handled from here.
I don't think that show is half bad it's actually pretty innovated on TNA's part. I found it more entertaining than Impact. My only problem with Reaction is the time slot. I have a hard enough time sitting through two hours of Impact without being bored. Hopefully they can move it to another day.
I don't think that show is half bad it's actually pretty innovated on TNA's part. I found it more entertaining than Impact. My only problem with Reaction is the time slot. I have a hard enough time sitting through two hours of Impact without being bored. Hopefully they can move it to another day.

So you watch the recap of the show you find boring. This is some weird case of TV masochism, but anyway.

I think the timeslot could not be better. This thing got 0.9 in its first week back. It'll get the most ratings if it's right after iMPACT. Just like they did this week. No commercials, just go. That's three hours of iMPACT and if they keep it up this thingy can hit 1.0 which is awesome for a recap show or whatever it is. WWE Superstars is WWE production, an hour or something of WWE wrestling and they've not went over 1.0 in ages it seems.

Having it be on another day is just stupid, nobody's going to watch a recap two, three days later. Strike the iron while it's hot. And by the way, why the hell do you watch TNA if it bores you. I still can't fathom it. Turn it off if you don't find it entertaining, geez.

It's an awesome idea, though. I hated its previous version, this seems quite interesting. My only fear is that it was interesting only because of the angle they had on Monday. I don't know if they can keep it up. I can just hope, it's another hour of TNA, another hour of fun for Zevvie boy.
I have been watching Wrestling for over 20 Years. And this whole EV2.0 crap is the worst thing I have ever seen. last night was more like a horrible horror movie with the worst special effects Ive ever seen. This crap has to end for TNA to go anywhere. I just cant see how any real wrestling fan thought last night was good in any manner. Anyone who thought this wasn't the most horrible moment in TNA history should stop watching wrestling right now. Plus I just heard that the PPV only had 300 purchases.

I'm not sure what you were watching, but I watched the whole F'n show....and it was just that! all the matches were excellent, plus it had a shocking ending! something Vince needs to research, he could learn a lot from this episode of Impact!

and I'm going to keep watching, because if they keep raising the bar, the shows will just get better.

you on the other hand probably have a John Cena T shirt and actually think he's a good wrestler.

who told you that the PPV only had 300 buys? Mark Madden? consider your source and STFU
The rating is somewhat of a disappointment. However, with ReAction doing well all things considered I like the chances of the crazy ending angle to spike ratings next week. FYI Habs Wolfe has a tag-title shot with Magnus. So he is not exactly in suspended animation considering how hot the tag division is right now.
Great iMPACT this past week, though im disappointed to see it didn't even match last week's rating, especially when it was such a major TV special.

Kurt Angle/AJ Styles - Didn't really like this one opening the show, seeing it featured two of the best in the world, but this match was fucking metal. Fantastic back and forth action, lots of near falls, and just top notch wrestling. While it was predictable, like all of Kurt vs top 10 matches, this was my favorite of the top 10 battles.

Madison Rayne/Angelina Love - I feel like an idiot for this, but I honestly don't remember when Rayne won the title back from Love. I know Love won at Victory Road, so I guess she dropped the title on iMPACT? Who knows. The Knockout Division is pretty lackluster and it's quite obvious the "mysterious motorcycle woman" is Tara. Though it's cool to see a Velvet/Angelina alliance slowly re-forming. This one was your standard Knockouts match, nothing special.

Morgan/Pope/Anderson - I thought this one had a decent backstory. Pope and Anderson have had their recent issues with Morgan, and Pope and Anderson have had their fair share of issues in the past. The problem with this one was, did it even last 5 minutes? I doubt it. It was good while it lasted, and I liked the way it was booked in terms of how the match went, but these are 3 emerging stars in TNA, give them more than 3 minutes to put on a good match. And what was up with the jobber entrances for Pope and Morgan?

Jeff Hardy/Shannon Moore - While I was disappointed that Hardy's "mystery opponent" wasn't a newcomer to TNA, Moore was the perfect choice out of the current TNA locker room to face Hardy. Anyone with a brain knows Hardy and Moore are BFF's in real life and it was cool to see them finally face off. It was a solid match, and it was nice to see Hardy put his friend over. But Hardy winning was the right choice here, and Moore still came off looking damn good.

MCMG/Beer Money - These guys have been putting on fantastic tag team action every week for about a month now. Whether it was Ultimate X, Cage Match, Ladder Match, Street Fight, 2 out of 3 falls, or just a standard tag match, they were all superb. Glad they gave these men the appropriate time to shine, and the result was nothing short of spectacular. Beer Money still came off looking damn good, and the Guns came off looking like the best tag team in the world.

RVD/Abyss - I didn't really have high hopes for this one, but it surprised me. There were some sick ass spots here, specifically when RVD powerbombed Abyss onto the glass and tacks, or the flying dropkick into the barbed wire board that smashed right into Abyss' head. It was a fun match, and RVD came off looking pretty good. It's good to see that RVD's reign has really improved over the past weeks, because for a while it was a pretty weak title run.

EV 2/Fortune brawl - Damn this was shocking. Who said Fortune wasn't a legit stable? They fucking smashed EV 2's heads in. Perfect way to get over. Then during the carnage we see Abyss backstage with Janice and RVD is on the floor laying in a pool of blood. Im guessing this is how they are going to write Rob off of TV, especially with the recent reports of RVD taking time off. The big questions are, where does EV 2/Fortune go from here? And what's the future of the World Title?

Great iMPACT, one of the best shows of the year. Better than all of the 2010 TNA PPV's excluding Lockdown, and it was just nonstop action. For a 3 hour PPV, I would say B+, but seeing this was just merely a 2 hour iMPACT, I have to say A-. It accomplished everything it set out to do, while surprising us along the way. It's just a shame the ratings didn't reflect that.
Amazing Impact this week, probably the best I have ever seen. The Angle/AJ match was great as you would expect but it needed more time, shame about the botched DDT that would have been a really cool spot if it worked properly. The KO title match was ok but the title needs to stop changing hands every two seconds. Pope/Anderson/Morgan was short but an OK match for what it was. Hardy/Moore was Ok bit dissapointing Moore answered the challenge. MCMG/Beer Money was nothing short of amazing easliy the best of the serier and a MOTY candidate, possible the best tag match I have ever seen. Abyss/RVD was an entertaining hardcore match good to see the Van Daminator return. The ending segment was really cool, RVD looked like he was dead, fuc*ing brutal.

Overall: Amazing show 9.5/10
Date: August 12, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: The Whole F’N Show

This is the PPV caliber show, since they NEVER have PPV style matches on TV. Nope, not TNA. I guess this is supposed to be like their Clash of the Champions or whatever. The ratings here should be most interesting. Hopefully there are no ECW guys tonight and remember: NO TALKING ALL NIGHT. Any bets on that one?

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

If Angle loses he retires. AJ has a tattoo on his side which looks weird but it has his initials and his kids’ birthdays so I can live with that. Angle gets a SWEET suplex on the floor. This is non-title which just about gives away the ending as well as you could want it to. AJ is freaking awesome to watch, which is what irritates me about the whole Flair tribute thing. There’s no need to add that in with his great stuff.

AJ does all of his usual stuff but can’t get the pin. He hits the forearm and the Pele but none of them work. This isn’t Angle’s usual formula yet but of course it’s good given who is out there. AJ avoids the running belly to belly but Angle hits a middle rope moonsault press which was NICE.

Ankle lock goes on and from that angle Kurt looks FAT! AJ misses his moonsault DDT thing which he hasn’t busted out in years but the recovery was fine. Angle Slam gets two as this is a very fast paced match. Angle blocks the low blow into the ankle lock with the grapevine for the tap. Nice match but they needed more time, as in like twice the time.

Rating: B. Solid match here but with more time, as in like ten more minutes, this could have been a classic. They were WORKING out there though and everything flowed quite well. These two have mad chemistry together and it’s clear why they get put on TV so often. I can live with the TV Champion losing, but I still see little reason to not make this a title match since the career thing is only for the top ten guys.

Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne

Now, can we break the streak of title changes without an actual pin? How are we supposed to take this division seriously with the commentary the way it is? Naturally a lot of the moves from Madison are shall we say suggestive? And make sure you get the ass shots. Love kills her with a bunch of stuff and here’s the motorcycle chick.

The crowd chants Tara as they know what’s coming. Skye pops up from behind and DRILLS her with a chair. The helmet comes off and she’s wearing a mask underneath. It comes half off but all we see is a mouth. Back in the ring Lights Out ends this and Love is a five time champion.

Rating: D. Crap match but did you expect anything else? Love looked like Mr. Perfect with the outfit and that was more or less the high point. This whole biker thing is going on to not make it look like Tara just returned a week later which is stupid since clearly the crowd knows who she is. This was a really short match but it did the job….whatever that was supposed to be.

Mr. Anderson vs. D’Angelo Dinero vs. Matt Morgan

Anderson is the only one to get a TV intro. The faces go after Morgan which doesn’t work at all naturally as they wind up fighting over it. The rankings will be announced next week due to….something. Anderson with a Thesz Press as Morgan sits on the floor and lets them fight, which isn’t a bad idea at all. Mic Check to Dinero and Morgan slides in for the save and to steal the pin. I’m not sure if this was longer than the women’s match or not.

Rating: D+. Better than the previous one but more disappointing at the same time. This has been built up for weeks and technically months and it gets four minutes? This could have been much better than it came off as which is never a good sign. It’s ok but it’s just ok, which is never a good thing given what they could have likely done with more time. Imagine that: TNA needing more time for their wrestling.

Jeff Hardy vs. ???

I’ve heard that this is supposed to be a debut and that this isn’t a debut. If it’s a debut, the common guess would be Helms, which would be somewhat exciting. And it’s Shannon Moore.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shannon Moore

When will wrestling companies get that no one cares about Moore? Why does this guy keep getting a job? They’re brothers apparently, or at least that’s what Shannon says. No reason why but whatever. We’re told they’re friends which is news to about 90% of the wrestling audience but whatever. Jeff keeps running into the corners after Shannon and ramming into the buckle like an idiot in a bad comedy movie.

Moore dominates for the most part until Hardy realizes he’s a three time world champion and Shannon Moore is Shannon Moore. A name change might help him a lot actually. Twist of Fate sets up the Swanton into the knees. Shannon gets shoved off the ropes and lands in perfect position for the Swanton and the pin.

Rating: C. Better than I expected here, but again I ask: Shannon Moore? Is that the best they can come up with? Wrestling companies have tried to push this guy for years and it hasn’t worked so why do they keep trying it? This didn’t work back in the days of the WWF and it’s not working here. Anyway, this was an ok match but really nothing special at all. And remember, this is PPV quality baby!

Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns

This is 2/3 falls. I’ll give TNA this: when they find something that works, they RUN with it. Shelley and Roode start us off and the crowd is WAY behind Shelley. The Guns do their usual insane speed stuff which is always cool looking. Roode does the old classic heel tactic of slapping his hands to convince the ref that there was a tag. It doesn’t work but it’s always awesome.

Sabin breaks through the endless domination of the heels as the fans are just getting irritating. NICE (I think) double team spot from the Guns as we get a downward spiral combined with a DDT and a missile dropkick. Roode takes Sabin’s head off with a big boot and the Guns clear the ring. Back in the ring a Backstabber sets up DWI on Shelley to make it 1-0 Beer Money.

Never a fan of challengers getting clean pins in the first fall of a 2/3 match. It makes the champions look like they lost completely clean. Nice double dropkick by Sabin to clean house again. The splash/neckbreaker ties it up after about two minutes. That move needs a name.

Roode does a HUGE dive over the ropes which they screw up by changing the camera at the last second. After a break it’s more even fighting. This has been a great match. Sabin hits a springboard DDT on Roode which I loved. Granted that might be because the DDT is my favorite move. Both teams hit a sweet double team sequence.

Sliced Bread #2 is countered as is DWI. Last Call superkick ends Roode and the double team combo DOESN’T get the pin on Storm. I would have bet on that ending it. Another one does in fact end it though, which is a bit anticlimactic but still, GREAT match here, although just a step behind the initial win at the PPV. Still though, great match.

Rating: A. This was indeed a great match but it makes me wonder where they’re going to go now that these two have fought so many times now. This is more about a back and forth insanity pitch rather than psychology or storytelling and that’s fine a lot of the time, especially in tags. This was very entertaining and the false finish was great for drama. These two teams have insane chemistry and this was no exception at all. Great match and well worth finding, although most of their matches are.

TNA World Title: Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam

Janice, the board with nails in it, is above the ring and can be used as a weapon, which of course it won’t be. You win by pinfall. Eric Bischoff is the referee for no apparent reason. I mean that literally: no one can come up with a reason for him to be out there. Abyss goes up the ladder as RVD is coming to the ring but gets caught. That was very smart.

Rolling Thunder misses and RVD hits the ladder. After a break Abyss misses a chokeslam onto the ladder. They do the run up the ladder as a ramp spot which is ok. This is about 5 minutes into it not counting the commercial and it’s 10:33. This is going to be a long match or the announcement is going to take forever.

This is a pretty standard ladder based match but it’s not bad. The pinfall being the way to win makes Abyss a much bigger threat here which is very smart thinking. There are the thumbtacks of course since those are perfectly normal in a match like this. Let’s pour some glass on top of that too. Abyss of course lands on them since he has the shirt on which telegraphs it completely. His ass landed on them but whatever.

Barbed wire board is brought in and of course Van Dam puts Abyss into it plus a few more spots which look cool if nothing else. Van Dam gets his hand on the board and they botch a spot as he gets shoved off and BANGS HIS FACE on a ladder that is set up like a bridge between the ring and the barrier. Holy shit that looked terrible. Abyss gets the board.

Naturally he puts it down to punch RVD a bit. For like the third time it gets stuck in the buckle. RVD looks ok and at least his face is still in one piece. He gets some chair shots in and then the Van Terminator into the barbed wire board into Abyss and the Five Star eventually gets the pin. Solid fun match but again I ask: WHY WAS BISCHOFF THE REFEREE?

Rating: B. Solid hardcore style match. The nail board of course meant nothing at all as you would expect. This was a fun main event, although I really wonder where they’re going with Van Dam now as he’s beaten EVERYONE now. I get that they wanted to make him dominant, but the smart move here was to put the title on Abyss, which they passed on so there we are.

Hogan comes down and we go to a break. RVD is still here and Hogan talks, since there can’t be any talking right? Hogan declares that TNA is the top wrestling company in the world and that Hardcore Justice set the bar. He brings out the ECW guys, or at least the main ones. Even Sabu is here.

Hogan says he gives them the ring in a show of respect. There are like 10 or more guys in there. Dreamer is the mouthpiece and thanks everyone. RVD kisses him on the cheek and the lights go out. And here’s Fourtune plus Williams and Morgan. Raven and Sandman come out to even the odds as it’s a massive beatdown. Abyss comes back and beats up Van Dam some more. Flair comes out as the fans cheer this. In the back Van Dam is covered in blood and Abyss holds up Janice. Flair yells at Dixie, saying she caused this, as we end it.

Overall Rating: A. This was a GREAT show. Everything hit on almost all cylinders although the Hardy/Moore match and the triple threat left a bit to be desired. This was a very fun show though and I had a good time watching it. I’m skeptical about how it’s going to go after this week though as they’re banking everything on this one big angle and if it doesn’t work, they’re in trouble. We’ll see though, and we get a good show here so that’s a success if nothing else. Worth seeing for sure.
The Following Episode of TNA Xplosion First Aired On August 11th, 2010






Opening segment:

Show opens with JB announcing that the tag team tournament finals between Magnus & Wolfe and Ink Inc. would take place tonight, and we send it to the back to interview Ink Inc. who still talk about the 1% of the population who tattoo/pierce themselves, and the fact they'll represent them tonight. He also announces that we'll be hearing from Magnus & Wolfe as well, and that one half of the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Hamada will go one-on-one with Daffney later in the night.

Wilde & Hamada are interviewed in the back, and she still has no personality, and a terrible haircut that makes her look like a lesbian. Hamada understands probably four words that are being said and just stands there awkwardly for the most part.

Daffney cuts a rival promo talking about how she had no idea they were tag-team champions because she must have been off in la-la land.

Magnus & Wolfe are interviewed by Christy, who Wolfe calls "Crusty". They compliment one another back and forth, and it's quite comedic, especially the bit when they refer to one of Ink Inc. as a "sailor" – an obvious gay joke. They close again by referring to themselves as London Calling, which I hope they are referred to as the team continues to work together.


Daffney v. Hamada

Hamada may be able to wrestle well, but just like her male counterparts in guys like Evan Bourne, etc., she has no personality whatsoever, and because of that it's kind of difficult for me to buy into her character at all, but the match itself isn't half bad (for a women's wrestling match), as it does feature Daffney, after all. Certainly a lengthy match, and a bit of a botch by Hamada on her finisher, but ultimately she hits Daffney with the Hamada Driver and picks up the pinfall victory. After the match, Daffney attacks Hamada and pulls a chain out of her boot to choke Hamada with. Wilde comes in for the save and chases Daffney out of the ring.


Magnus & Wolfe v. Ink Inc.

Magnus & Wolfe look solid, and certainly have a ton of potential moving forward, despite the fact they'll likely lose to MCMG at No Surrender, and Ink Inc. still have decent chemistry themselves, but I doubt they'll share the same future success, as Moore isn't enough to really carry Jesse Neal, who I'm sad to note still hasn't developed a personality since debuting. The match is fairly good, and Chelsea even gets involved which pleased me as I always enjoyed the classic aspect of a heel manager helping his/her team win by cheating. As Ink Inc. begin to build momentum, Chelsea steals Neals dog tags and waives them in front of his face long enough to distract him before Magnus & Wolfe can hit a double-team bulldog-like maneuver to pick up the win.



Just as I noted the week prior, the look of Magnus & Wolfe was too good for them not to pickup the victory and move on as the new #1 contenders for the TNA World Tag Team Championships. Ink Inc. certainly helped make them look as good as they did, but considering the Guns are being billed as more of a face team than a tweener team, it made more sense to give the nod to Magnus & Wolfe, despite the fact Ink Inc. have been around longer.

Daffney seems to be getting another push via a feud with Hamada/Wilde, so we'll see how far that takes her, but I'm glad she's back in the mix at least.

Borash is still boring on play-by-play and he's heavily carried by Taz' color, but otherwise the show was good as both matches were pretty exciting.

Overall rating: B-
The lighting, just like at Hadrcore Justice, is very bad. I really don't like the lighting and I really think they should change it. The team of Ink Inc are ATROCIOUS on the mic, my god. The previous week posted was almost unbearable to watch and Shannon Moore rambled on incoherently for so long I almost stopped watching Xplosion because of it. This past week's Xplosion's promo by them was just as bad, but thankfully it was far shorter. I'm not high on either one of them as in ring talents, so the fact they're absolutely horrible on the mic just makes them as a team THAT much worse for me.

The Knockout's match was average, but I always enjoy Daffney as she's my favorite of the Knockouts. But the announcing was atrocious too and just really, really awkward. This pairing of Taz and JB is not good, and Taz came out with some very strange things. TNA needs help with their announcing.

The only good thing, really, about Xplosion was London Calling, from their promo which was gold to their match with Ink Inc. The match was only average, though, and there was a lot of sloppy parts to it. Ink Inc aren't good and I'd rather not be seeing them at all, but I am really liking this team of Wolfe and Magnus. I also always love seeing Chelsea! Great to see them pick up the win and become number one contenders, and even better to see that FINALLY they'll be back on Impact where they belong because I don't want to watch another expisode of Xplosion.

The following are the quarter-hour ratings for the August 12 TNA iMPACT!:

Q1: 1.03 rating - Kurt Angle vs. A.J. Styles

Q2: 1.05 rating - Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne, Mr. Anderson entrance and promo

Q3: 1.06 rating - Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson vs. D'Angelo Dinero, Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore introductions

Q4: 1.07 rating - Hardy vs. Moore, Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

Q5: 1.22 rating - Bulk of the MCMG vs. Beer Money match,

Q6: 1.17 rating - Conclusion of MCMG vs. Beer Money, main event ring introductions, RVD vs. Abyss

Q7: 1.33 rating - Continuation of RVD vs. Abyss, announcers talk and hype TNA Reaction

Q8: 1.29 rating - Hulk Hogan in the ring with Rob Van Dam, introduces EV2.0, Fortune, Matt Morgan, and Douglas Williams beatdown on EV2.0 faction.

As expected, the two highest rated segments (yet hilariously the two most ridiculed segments) were RVD v. Abyss in the main event, as well as Hogan's surprise turned Fortune beatdown on EV 2.0, but I guess Fortune v. EV 2.0 is more of the same from the failing TNA, yeah? :rolleyes:

Thankfully, in addition to this, the "bulk" of the MCMG v. Beer Money, Inc. match also served as the third highest rated segment, as it was the best match of the night.
The following are the quarter-hour ratings for the August 12 TNA iMPACT!:

As expected, the two highest rated segments (yet hilariously the two most ridiculed segments) were RVD v. Abyss in the main event, as well as Hogan's surprise turned Fortune beatdown on EV 2.0, but I guess Fortune v. EV 2.0 is more of the same from the failing TNA, yeah? :rolleyes:

Thankfully, in addition to this, the "bulk" of the MCMG v. Beer Money, Inc. match also served as the third highest rated segment, as it was the best match of the night.

Yeah, because a 1.33 and a 1.29 is EARTH SHATTERING! Honestly, I think this shows that the ECW audience is just replacing the old audience they had from last year and lost. That's not much of a gain, especially if this ECW audience leaves.

I think TNA has to be disappointed that they actually dropped in the ratings as opposed to rose at all considering this was suppose to be a super show. I don't think it shows very much promise for whatever their PPV buyrate for Hardcore Justice was either, since this is the Impact after it and this is the audience they get which started off at a 1.03.

But, maybe the ending of Impact and the angle that played out will lift this week's ratings higher and we'll see some good signs. Although, ReAction only got a 0.9 (I believe), which was right after Impact, so a lot of the audience tuned out right after Impact and didn't keep watching which could be a bad sign.
Yeah, because a 1.33 and a 1.29 is EARTH SHATTERING! Honestly, I think this shows that the ECW audience is just replacing the old audience they had from last year and lost. That's not much of a gain, especially if this ECW audience leaves.

I think TNA has to be disappointed that they actually dropped in the ratings as opposed to rose at all considering this was suppose to be a super show. I don't think it shows very much promise for whatever their PPV buyrate for Hardcore Justice was either, since this is the Impact after it and this is the audience they get which started off at a 1.03.

But, maybe the ending of Impact and the angle that played out will lift this week's ratings higher and we'll see some good signs. Although, ReAction only got a 0.9 (I believe), which was right after Impact, so a lot of the audience tuned out right after Impact and didn't keep watching which could be a bad sign.
A lot of the audience? No! Only about 400-500,000 people left after reaction. A million people stayed to watch.

Why do you always look for something negative to say about TNA? Yeah you maybe a WWE fanboy but it's not like you can't be a fanboy of TNA as well and be a fan of 2 promotions or wrestling in general. Do you pick 1 thing over the other in life. Do you pick 1 genre of music over the other, do you pick 1 gaming console over the other, 1 fast food place over another and bash the others. Goodness. You got a Mister in your name. It's time you start actling like one and grow up. Stop the childish haterish antics. It's real old!
A lot of the audience? No! Only about 400-500,000 people left after reaction. A million people stayed to watch.

Why do you always look for something negative to say about TNA? Yeah you maybe a WWE fanboy but it's not like you can't be a fanboy of TNA as well and be a fan of 2 promotions or wrestling in general. Do you pick 1 thing over the other in life. Do you pick 1 genre of music over the other, do you pick 1 gaming console over the other, 1 fast food place over another and bash the others. Goodness. You got a Mister in your name. It's time you start actling like one and grow up. Stop the childish haterish antics. It's real old!

ONLY 500,000 left!? :lmao:

I'm not being negative, I'm being honest. I'm keeping it real. TNA fan boys can praise everything about TNA, even when it's bad, but that doesn't mean I have to follow suit. I'm certainly not a WWE fan boy, since I watch about as much WWE as I do TNA. I also have a great deal of criticisms about the WWE product and wish for a lot of improvements in the WWE product just as I do TNA, the only difference is, in my opinion, TNA is doing a much worse job. I'm entitled to voice my dislikes, because after all this is a forum where we get to voice our OPINIONS. So if I have more negative things to say then positive, then blame TNA and it's product right now.
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