[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I think if you put it in perspective, that is an awesome report about the rating. Everything hit over a 1.0 and second half actually hit over a 1.3 at the end of the show. Normally, everything is jumping around and nothing really is consistent.

I think that proves that the shows are getting better, regardless of what the internet may bitch about.
Not sure what the etiquette is on commenting during the show, but that 2 out of 3 falls Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money match tonight was fantastic. They really are the two best teams going right now. Not the greatest series in the history of wrestling like the announcers kept saying, but still incredible.

You can argue all day about the talent between WWE and TNA, but with tag team wrestling there really is no discussion; TNA is light-years ahead of the WWE.

And that is coming from a big WWE fan.
Words cannot describe how correct the thread above me is...holy crap. I just tuned in after a 2-3 month hiatus and man i was impressed...I am def tuning in faithfully. I gotta see how this turns out.
That was what an Impact should be. Maybe give the time for one of the matches to promos to getover the big stories but with what they were presenting it was awesome. Has me wondering what is next for everyone involved tonight. Great matches and a great show. Hopefully they can keep it up.
There are some minor things, but overall this has been one of the best Impacts of the year. There wasn't one bad match tonight, and Fourtune along with EV 2.0 actually have a point to exist now. The TNA guys are pissed at the former extreme guys getting one last shot at glory. We finally know who "they" are as Abyss has just said. Does that make Abyss a member of Fourtune?

Angle vs. AJ Styles was another classic even though it was kinda short. I wish they could give these guys a PPV 20 minute match up. The knockouts actually had a decent match up. I am tired of the mind games of "who is the biker chick" since we all know who it is. Morgan vs. Pope vs. Anderson was short but sweet. I'm glad that Morgan finally got a pinfall.

The Machine Guns and Beer Money put on a match of the year type match up with their 2 out of 3 falls battle. I'm glad the Machine Guns won and kept their titles. Tag team wrestling is alive and well again in TNA. I was disappointed that Shannon Moore was Jeff Hardy's mystery opponent, but they pulled off a good match.

Abyss vs. RVD had a great match up too. The whole Stairway to Janice stipulation was stupid and unnecessary. Abyss was successful in picking up Janice from the ladder, so wouldn't he win the match? If the rumors are true about RVD taking time off, why wouldn't he just lose the title to Abyss? I'm not a fan of Abyss but at least he will show up to work. I don't know if there is a personal problem or that if RVD is really injured, but why would a world champion take time off after only being in a company for a few months?

I really enjoyed the ending with Fourtune taking out the extreme 2.0 guys. Because in reality, wouldn't you be pissed that some older talent from a different era was put on a TNA PPV instead of you?

TNA went a little overboard on the blood. RVD was feuding with Abyss outside the ring and then a second later he was covered in blood backstage? The angle did accomplish what it was supposed to though. Fourtune is a threat finally with some new members in Morgan and Williams. Too bad Wolfe couldn't be put in there too. The EV 2.0 group actually has a purpose now.

Awesome show tonight. I don't think anyone can say anything bad about tonight's show compared to other shows we have seen. Mark Madden will probably prove me wrong though. I just wish all shows were as action packed and exciting as tonight's show. A great job tonight and hopefully next week will be even better. A +
Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam was a really good main event match. The match was just wild & hardcore fun and it was a perfect way to showcase both men. We even got a fucking VAN TERMINATOR!!! A first in TNA, and it was sweet. As for RVD getting attacking with "Janice" off camera...that's a bit much, but the match was great fun & I really enjoyed it.

- Jeff Hardy vs. Shannon Moore. Well Moore being named the opponent was a letdown. I didn't expect a major name or anything, but it was kind of strange to see a lowcard guy come out an answer the challenge, but it was a pretty damn good match. I was pleasantly surprised.

- The Pope vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan was brief, but solid while it lasted. I enjoy all three of these guys and it was nice to see them get showcased on a big show like this.

- Love vs. Rayne...eh, it was alright. The KO Division still needs a lot of work, but it was nice to see the title change hands in a singles match on a pinfall for a change.

- Angle vs. AJ was VERY good and a strong way to open up this show. I really liked it.

-THE GUNS VS. BEER MONEY- Was a fucking awesome match and quite possibly MOTY candidate great tag team wrestling between the Two of best Tag Teams in Wrestling

-The ending I thought the ending was very good and I love that Fourtune beat the crap out of the EV2.0

-Overall Great Show A+
Tonight's Impact was a pretty damn good show and one of the best Impacts this year. That is for sure. I enjoyed it from start to finish.

Angle vs AJ Styles - A bit shorter than I would have wanted, but another solid match from these two. Not their best match, but it was good and kept me entertained.
Final Match Rating: 4/5

Love vs Rayne - A decent match, but much much better than most women's matches. I'm glad Love got the win here and became a 5 time Knockouts Champion.
Final Match Rating: 2.5/5

Pope vs Anderson vs Morgan - Entertaining match. Pretty short as well though. I enjoyed how Morgan was just literally sitting on the outside floor watching and waiting for the perfect time to get involved. BIG fan of all three of these guys. Probably would have liked to see Pope or Anderson pick up the win here, but Morgan getting the win the way he did made for a good finish.
Final Match Rating: 3/5

Jeff Hardy vs Shannon Moore - I wasn't happy that it was Shannon Moore that accepted the open challenge. Not a huge fan of either of these guys, in fact, I haven't been a fan of Jeff Hardy since the original Hardy Boyz / E&C / Dudley feuds. However, they put on a decent, solid match.
Final Match Rating: 3/5

Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money, Inc. - A 2 out of 3 falls match for the fifth and final match in a best of 5 series. It was a solid series and this final match was AMAZING. It reminded me how much I LOVE tag team wrestling and not only did this series, but this match alone helped revive a dying division in TNA. Now with MCMG, Beer Money, Ink, Inc., Team 3d, Generation Me, and hopefully some other tag teams the division can get back to the greatness it use to be. This match was match of the year candidate for sure and MCMG winning this match and the series was a perfect way to end it!
Final Match Rating: 5/5

Rob Van Dam vs Abyss - This was a Stairway to Janice match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. This match exceeded my expectations for sure. RVD vs Abyss wasn't all that appealing to me, however they pulled it off. Lots of good action and even some good hardcore action mixed in as well. Having Janice hanging above the ring didn't make sense as it wasn't used and obviously wasn't going to be used during the match. Entertaining match from beginning to end.
Final Match Rating: 4/5

Ending Segment - I thought this was done well. Probably my second favorite part of "The Whole F'n Show" and was very entertaining. I somewhat expected for something to happen because EV2.0 already had their clean celebration/thank you party at the very end of Hardcore Justice. So something happening tonight just made sense. However, I didn't expect what did actually happen. This was great and gave purpose to both Fortune and EV2.0. Made both factions matter. However I thought Fortune was just AJ, Kaz, and Beer Money, so it didn't make sense to me that Morgan and Williams were out there helping out during the beat down of EV2.0...if Morgan and Williams are actually gonna be apart of fortune, then that could be good and makes Fortune even more legit. A little bit too much blood, but Storm was using the beer bottle and fragments of the beer bottle every chance he got, so it made sense. Loved how Ric Flair yelled at Dixie and attempted to jump over the guard rail to get to her. Ric Flair is ALWAYS entertaining, he never fails! The way they did the RVD/Abyss w/Janice bit was perfect and was a good way to show just how much of a monster Abyss truly is and that Janice is a real threat in his hands.
Final Segment Rating: 4.5/5

Overall Rating: 4/5

Like I mentioned, I enjoyed this entire show and one of the best Impacts of the year. However, like someone else mentioned, Mark Madden will probably find a way to trash this show. He always tends to find a way to do that. :disappointed:

Also, if you turned your TV off or changed the channel after Impact, then you missed out. ReAction was entertaining and well done. It makes for a good third hour of TNA on Thursdays and I will be watching it each week. It also somewhat gives some "realism" to professional wrestling....That's odd to say.
My thoughts on Impact. It was good but not PPV quality.

Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles
Was a great opening match even though you knew Kurt was going to win.

Madison vs. Angelina - KO Title Match
It was decent and they really need to unmask the biker already.

I'm not excited about Angelina being KO champ again but I didn't enjoy Madison's run either.

As for Angelina and Velvet possibly reuniting I don't know what to think of that. Because I would like to see Velvet get a singles run to show people that she can make it on her own without being paired with someone.

The Pope vs. Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson - Triple Threat Match
It was OK and way too short considering who was in the ring. Also what was up with The Pope and Matt Morgan not getting their entrances?

Jeff Hardy vs Shannon Moore - Open Challenge Match
Decent match but I'm disappointed that it was Shannon Moore who answered the challenge.

The MCMGs vs. Beer Money - Final Of The Best Of 5 Series / 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match
Awesome match that's all I can say about it.

Hopefully the MCMGs get a good run as champions. Though I would not have been mad if Beer Money won.

RVD vs. Abyss - Stairway To Janice Match
This was good and RVD using the Van Terminator was a great way to end the match.

The beatdown on EV2 from Fortune was sick and I just hope the whole Fortune vs The EV2 guys angle has a good pay off.

Overall good Impact the best episode I've seen in a while.

I enjoyed ReAction as well.

It would have been nice to see Jay Lethal, Samoa Joe and few others that like on the show but what are you going to do.
I already gave my thoughts on the tag match, but overall the show was really good as well. I agree with the other people throwing up reviews. Angle/Styles was really good but too short. Knockouts match I could take or leave. Shannon Moore was a disappointment as the challenger, but the match was OK. The three-way was OK, but again, too short. RVD vs Abyss was actually better than I thought it would be. I kept thinking, Abyss is going to end up really bloody at some point (didn't realize they were saving the blood for later :) )

Fortune attacking EV2 a great way to end it. Also, one of the few times in recent memory when the psychology of the situation made sense. Of course the TNA vets (for lack of a better term) would be pissed at all the time spent on guys not even in the company. I agree that it was probably a bit over the top with the blood, but the intensity/violence (ignoring the blood) was right there with the initial Nexus assault so overall perfectly within reason.

Two final points.

First, the announcing is horrible. If I had to hear "Whole F'n Show" one more time I was going to snap. Tenay was like a little kid who was allowed to swear for the first time. Also, enough with constantly declaring "You won't find action like this on any other program this week!". I have no doubt WWE and WCW did it when they feuded, but it was amateur-hour then and still is. Just makes them seem desperate.

Second, what does this mean for Hogan? Haven't seen it mentioned, but was Hogan's special surprise the final curtain call for EV2 with his respect and approval or was it the beat-down that followed?
TNA iMPACT - August 12, 2010

Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles - These two always have good matches and this was no exception. Overall, it was a good solid start to the show but it fell far short of some of the epics Angle & Styles have had in the past. The match lasted a little over 8 minutes I think and it would've been better had it been longer. Another thing that hurt the match was the extremely predictable outcome. The retirement stipulation added to Angle making his way through the top 10 contenders has made a long and drawn out angle little more than a waste for me. Still, it was a good match to open with. Thumbs Up

Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne - For me, this match was just completely dull. The Knockout title got traded yet again and it's just more of the same old same old waste from the Knockouts. TNA really needs to come up with something different because the Beautiful People feuds just don't have any sizzle. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr. Anderson - I was really disappointed in this match. There's an interesting dynamic with Dinero & Andeson and their dislike of Morgan. However, the match lasted about 4 minutes and it's just not enough time for a threeway. Along with the Knockout match, this just felt like a standard 3-4 minute match that you'd normally see on iMPACT! each week. Thumbs Down

Jeff Hardy vs. Shannon Moore - TNA usually goes way overboard with surprises and hype and all this, but they didn't with Jeff Hardy's open challenge. I dunno, I just wasn't really into this match. It was basically Jeff Hardy wrestling against his little sidekick and it's just not something that got me interested or held my attention. Overall, it was ok but it just felt like filler. Thumbs Down

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money - Fantastic match up to close out the best of 5 series. The two out of three falls stipulation all but guaranteed that the match would go 20 minutes, which is precisely what needed to happen. My biggest complaint about the other 4 matches in the series was the length as I don't think a one of them went to the 10 minute mark. It was another great showing from these teams and the best match of the series in my opinion. Thumbs Up

Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss - For the first time in forever, the main event on iMPACT! actually seemed to be and felt like a main event. Great effort from both RVD & Abyss and easily the best match RVD has had since coming to TNA. Both guys took big bumps in the match and the overall effort was really good. RVD hit some of his signature spots and won the match around the 18 minute mark for the win. It wasn't as good as the Guns/Beer Money match, but it was a strong final match to close the show. Thumbs Up

Fortune Attacks EV2.0 - Honestly, I'm just over the whole faction war thing. TNA has done the faction war so many times that it's just lost its appeal for me. I also don't care about the EV2.0 guys at all. I'm not surprised that they're going to be used again because you're not going to give a group of wrestlers a name for just a one night deal. The ECW guys are mostly has beens and Fortune hasn't exactly shown itself to be dominant factor in TNA. Of course, the ECW diehards will love it but I've just got no interest in this whatsoever. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Thumbs Up - The novelty of last night's episode worked overall as it easily one of the better episodes of iMPACT! this year. Some of the matches didn't feel special and just seemed like the usual 3, 4 or 5 minute matches you'd normally see on iMPACT!. The Styles/Angle match was good, but it just can't compare with what they've done in the past. One match that was scratched from the line up was Ink Inc vs. Gen Me to determine the #1 contenders for the tag titles and I would've much rather seen that than a lame knockout match, a 4 minute three-way or an underwhelming Jeff Hardy open challenge. The Guns/Beer Money & RVD/Abyss matches are what made the show a success. Really good effort from TNA and I give last night's iMPACT! a solid B.
The Following Episode of TNA Xplosion First Aired On July 28th, 2010






Opening segment:

Desmond Wolfe (still with Chelsea) and Magnus cut a promo in which Wolfe, still jaded over the fact Flair didn't pick him as a member of Fortune shots on Flair talking about how Ric hasn't exactly made the best decisions in his life, even going so far as to say that Flair's been married 17 times, and that so many women have ridden space mountain that Flair should buy shares in penicillin. He then talks about how he doesn't need Flair or Fortune, and refers to Magnus as being a "wolf" in his "pack".

Orlando Jordan & Eric Young are promoted for their match against Generation Me (they're still around? ;)) and Magnus & Wolfe are promoted for their match against Suicide & Amazing Red.

Generation Me cut a promo that furthers why very few people actually care about them – no personality. They talk about being a great tag team, and it goes no where.

Amazing Red cuts a fantastically pathetic promo about being a prototypical X Division wrestler – it, just like the Generation Me promo, does him no justice. Then again, as a spot monkey, he does himself no justice.

Jordan cuts a promo yapping about "choice" being a funny thing, culminating in him proclaiming himself a victim. Very odd character, this guy – Young follows up with a cute "Shockmaster" reference for comedic relief.


Magnus & Wolfe v. Suicide & Amazing Red

Fairly average tag-team match, but Magnus & Wolfe look good as a team – Suicide & Amazing Red, well, not so much. Good action both ways, but ultimately Magnus & Wolfe pick up the pinfall victory after a sick looking double-team Tower of London is performed on Suicide.


Orlando Jordan & Eric Young v. Generation Me

EY does a great job of furthering the story of him "hitting his head" by not remembering how to get into the ring during his entrance, and OJ, as usual, creeps everyone out with the lollipop (this week). Generation Me get a pretty good pop, and they're still an exciting tag team in the ring, but they still look like vanilla midgets. Couple of good spots in the match help Generation Me look good, and OJ & Eric's tag team frustrations further throughout it as well – Generation Me eventually win with a series of high spots hit on a prone OJ. Eric Young actually awards the win by raising both their arms, comically.



Did a good job of continuing the rivalry between OJ & EY, as well as making Magnus & Wolfe look good, and for a B-show it wasn't half bad at all. Borash is still a bore as a play-by-play, but otherwise it was a success.

Overall rating: B+
The Following Episode of TNA Xplosion First Aired On August 4th, 2010






Opening segment:

Show opens with JB announcing that a two-week tag-team tournament will be held to determine the number one contenders to the TNA World Tag Team Championships, where Hernandez & Rob Terry will take on Magnus & Wolfe, and Generation Me will take on Ink Inc.

Terry & Hernandez are interviewed by Christy Hemme who reminds the audience that this will be the first time the two have tagged together. Hernandez reminds the world of his history with LAX being a three-time TNA World Tag Team Champion, and assures everyone that he'll have chemistry with Terry as well – this time as strength and strength. Terry also affirms his experience as a tag team wrestler by citing his history as part of The World Elite and The British Invasion. Terry isn't half bad, but Hernandez is still uncomfortably poor.

Magnus & Wolfe cut a promo where they tear Terry apart for being a "stupid meathead" and talk about the continuity between the two. Wolfe refers to them momenarily as "London Calling", which could be a prelude to the name of the team.

Ink Inc. cut a backstage interview where Moore talks about representing the 1% of society who "think outside the box", and affirms that it's OK to have tattoos, makeup, etc. if that's the way you feel like expressing yourself. He says they have no strategy for Gen. Me – they're gonna go out and kick ass, and do whatever it takes to win.

Gen. Me are interviewed by Hemme backstage who reminds the viewers that Gen. Me are still unknown and asks them to share something about themselves the fans may not know, to which they answer they were born and raised in a Christian home in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Pretty useless information, really – maybe next time they can tell us something people actually care about? They promote their "More Bang for Your Buck" finisher, which is a series of high spots all hit one after another that was seen the week prior when they hit Orlando Jordan with it. JB tells us that Gen. Me have a ton of promise.


Hernandez & Rob Terry v. Magnus & Wolfe

Hernandez & Terry come out to their own music respectively, and Magnus & Wolfe come out to Wolfe's. Terry looks especially green in the early ons of this match, despite how great AJ has made him look over the weeks prior. Terry & Hernandez is an odd couple if there ever was one, despite they share the fact they're both big bodied, but Magnus & Wolfe continue to flow very well together, and that's made even more evident when they picked up the win as Wolfe pinned Hernandez with a back-slide near the ropes (which Magnus aided by holding Hernandez' legs while the ref couldn't see). Magnus & Wolfe head to the finals to face the winner of Generation Me. v. Ink Inc.


Generation Me v. Ink Inc.

Both teams get good reactions to their entrances, as neither are heels. Quite a few rope spots early on get the crowd into it. The match cools with a lot of rest holds and center ring work, but picks up toward the end. Ink Inc. eventually hit what JB referred to as the "Mooregasm from Hell" and will go on to face Magnus & Wolfe to determine who will be the new #1 contenders.



Magnus & Wolfe look fantastic again, which makes me think they're almost certainly going to win the tournament to become the #1 contenders for the TNA World Tag Team Championships, but hey, I could be wrong? Generation Me are still exciting in the ring, but boring everywhere else, and Hernandez needs to take another trip to Mexico if only to see if he can't buy a personality for cheap somewhere on the black market.

Borash is still boring on play-by-play and he's heavily carried by Taz' color, but otherwise the show was good as both matches were pretty exciting.

Overall rating: B
It seems like a bit of gore and violence has made TNA faithful have a collective orgasm. This wasn’t exactly a PPV caliber show, but it was better then the usual Impact shows we see every week. Is it the best Impact of the year? Probably, but that’s not exactly saying much.

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle was fine for what it was, but it’s very hard for me to get into a match and get interested in it when I already know the outcome and there’s not one degree of doubt in my mind to it. I’ve said this before and I’ll continue to say it, this Kurt Angle angle has entirely disappointed me because it’s all about Angle just walking through everyone and no one’s gaining anything from wrestling Angle in these.

The Knockouts match was certainly nothing special but I’d prefer Angelina Love to have the title over Madison Rayne any day, so something good came from it. I absolutely hate the mystery biker angle though, and her having on a mask underneath the helmet just made me groan. Please just get to the point already.

The three way had nothing memorable about it, Morgan wins and he’s the one guy that’s involved in the angle at the end of the show that actually won a match tonight. Shannon Moore responding to the open challenge by Jeff Hardy was a huge let down and I really had no interest in the match or the story of friends fighting for no reason at all. I’m still wondering what the point of that open challenge was…

Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money had another great match and it’s nice to see the Guns retain the titles and not have some short reign with them. RVD vs. Abyss was a fine match but I’m just not into either wrestler so it wasn’t as “great” for me as some other people have made it out to be. This whole hardcore stuff has already become tiring for me.

I’m not one of the many who seem to have loved the ending of Impact. To me it was just a convoluted cluster fuck with a bunch of blood for the sake of blood and no meaning in it. From what I was watching it seemed as if EV2.0 was thanking the fans again and giving the spotlight back to TNA sooo it didn’t much make sense for the lights to flicker off and then on (something TNA is using FAR too damn often!) and for Fourtune to attack and beat them to a bloody pulp. This doesn’t work as a TNA Originals vs. EV2.0 angle at all, especially since the TNA guys are all HEELS. Where’s the pay off for them then?

Then we have Sandman who likely was suppose to be in the ring but was in some broom closet drunk out of his mind come out of nowhere through the crowd and while all his buddies are getting pummeled and bloodied he doesn’t rush the ring but instead turns around to pose for the CROWD and then gets taken out. Is this a cartoon?!

The only way this works for me is if the heels came out to make an impact at the expense of EV2.0 and they now want the spotlight solely for themselves, and the other TNA original talent are faces who’ll oppose them. Despite what some might think there really was no build up to this moment and it was classic Russo writing with a big twist for the sake of having a twist. The brutality of what Abyss did to RVD was fine, it was a horror show for shock value, but how does this put over the next World champion? RVD won his match and looked strong and now the only way he’s lost the title is because someone violently attacked him and injured him and now the next champion will not only be more questionable because the former champion never actually lost to him, but RVD will return with momentum as a face out to get his revenge and he actually gained the momentum here as opposed to whatever champion is eventually crowned. Oh, I guess it put over Janice!

One thing I found kind of funny was the fact that AJ Styles ends the show by being part of the group that attacks EV2.0 for, I’m guessing, overshadowing them and taking their spotlight (or whatever their reasoning is) but yet he’s on the ECW PPV on Sunday in an “I Remember” segment.

Overall I’d give the show a B, but it really was carried entirely by two matches.

Oh, and one last thing: Where the HELL is Desmond Wolfe!?

Opening Segment- The new team of Wolfe and Magnus cut a promo, Wolf was upset with the fact that Flair didn't allow Wolfe into Fourtune , then goes on to say that he does not need Flair and Fourtune and that Magnus is a wolf in his pack. Good opening segment. I really like this team of Wolfe & Magnus

Generation Me Promo- Not so good they don't have much personality and its had to care about this team because of it

Amazing Red Promo- This showed why he is not on the mic alot it was just a bad promo about being a X division wreslter.

Wolfe & Magnus Vs Suicide & Amazing Red- Decent tag team match. Wolfe & Magnus continue to impress as a new team and they worked really well together. The match ended with a sick Tower of London combo on Suicide.

Gen Me Vs OJ & EY- Gen Me got a good pop and are a very exciting Tag Team in the ring but they have no personality. There were some good spots in this that made Gen Me look Impressive. OJ & EY frusatrations also made Gen Me look like a strong team. The finish came when Gen Me hit a series of high spots on a prone OJ. This was a soild match.

The Bad- The promos by Red & Gen Me were not that good and they were the only part of the showed I didn't enjoy

The Good- Wolfe cut a good promo and I enjoyed both Tag Matches.

Overall Rating- B+ This was a good epsiode and I was entertained for this our of Xplosion.
It seems like a bit of gore and violence has made TNA faithful have a collective orgasm. This wasn’t exactly a PPV caliber show, but it was better then the usual Impact shows we see every week. Is it the best Impact of the year? Probably, but that’s not exactly saying much.

I’m not one of the many who seem to have loved the ending of Impact. To me it was just a convoluted cluster fuck with a bunch of blood for the sake of blood and no meaning in it. From what I was watching it seemed as if EV2.0 was thanking the fans again and giving the spotlight back to TNA sooo it didn’t much make sense for the lights to flicker off and then on (something TNA is using FAR too damn often!) and for Fourtune to attack and beat them to a bloody pulp. This doesn’t work as a TNA Originals vs. EV2.0 angle at all, especially since the TNA guys are all HEELS. Where’s the pay off for them then?

Then we have Sandman who likely was suppose to be in the ring but was in some broom closet drunk out of his mind come out of nowhere through the crowd and while all his buddies are getting pummeled and bloodied he doesn’t rush the ring but instead turns around to pose for the CROWD and then gets taken out. Is this a cartoon?!

Overall I’d give the show a B, but it really was carried entirely by two matches.

You say its not a PPV quality show and bash it, but yo give them a B? Hope you can find some other wrestling show on TV that has better wrestling(I dare you to find one).

If you ever watched ECW the sand man always plays to the crowd before he get in the ring matter of fact some times he will have a beer or two b4.
So you say its bad when he do it for TNA, but good when he did it in WWE right?

Most of the people on here don't do the research and mix opinions with facts.

Oh and the main event at the end was Fortune vs EV 2.0 look at it again, but flair rant in the end of the show should have explained all of that to you.(pay attention it not ADD wrestling TNA is putting on)Did you realize hogan never got to say his big secret?
TNA iMPACT - August 12, 2010

Fortune Attacks EV2.0 - Honestly, I'm just over the whole faction war thing. TNA has done the faction war so many times that it's just lost its appeal for me. I also don't care about the EV2.0 guys at all. I'm not surprised that they're going to be used again because you're not going to give a group of wrestlers a name for just a one night deal. The ECW guys are mostly has beens and Fortune hasn't exactly shown itself to be dominant factor in TNA. Of course, the ECW diehards will love it but I've just got no interest in this whatsoever. Thumbs Down

I think what you miss is this angle has something for everyone. If you view the ECW guys as has beens then that is one of the main draws of this angle. A lot of people do think that and there is nothing stopping you from siding with fortune which are saying exactly that. As far as dominance goes they sure dominated last night. They basically hardcore demolished these suppose "hardcore legends" while debuting several new fortune members.
I only watched the second hour, which was pretty damn good. The tag match was definetly one of the best free TV matches of the year, right up there with AJ/Angle from the beginning of the year. The MCMG are clearly one of the best things going in wrestling at the moment. Hopefully they keep the belt on them for quite awhile.

I enjoyed the title match as well. Got me to let out a couple of "O Shits!", but the who thing was rather predictable with Abyss being the one getting all messy and bloody for the most part. Don't really know why I thought Abyss was going to win in the first place. Good match though.

I didn't mind the ending, even though it was false advertising with the whole "Big Surprise/Announcement" that really wasn't anything. That beatdown as vicious as hell though. Sandman gave me a good laugh as well. Truly enjoyable. To top it all off, RVD if freaking DEAD backstage. They really brought the ketchup out last night. Not sure how the first hour was, probably pretty average, but what I saw was freaking fantastic.
I have been watching Wrestling for over 20 Years. And this whole EV2.0 crap is the worst thing I have ever seen. last night was more like a horrible horror movie with the worst special effects Ive ever seen. This crap has to end for TNA to go anywhere. I just cant see how any real wrestling fan thought last night was good in any manner. Anyone who thought this wasn't the most horrible moment in TNA history should stop watching wrestling right now. Plus I just heard that the PPV only had 300 purchases.

Since this is a new TNA television program, it probably deserves it's own aftermath thread. Let's keep all of the discussion for this new TNA television program in here.
I’m not one of the many who seem to have loved the ending of Impact. To me it was just a convoluted cluster fuck with a bunch of blood for the sake of blood and no meaning in it.

Not sure how there was no meaning to this segment. If you watched/listened to Ric Flair and then watched ReAction right afterwards, the whole attack was explained. During ReAction Kaz and AJ had a conversation. Basically what was said is that Dixie has brought in these big names from other current and dead promotions time after time and have given them the spotlight every single time, while they themselves, the "originals" of TNA built TNA to what is today so that these guys could have jobs, get screwed over. They are also upset that Dixie gave the EV2.0 guys an entire PPV for themselves while they had to take a backseat. This segment not only gave fortune a purpose, but it also gave the EV2.0 guys a purpose as well. Yes, there was an excessive amount of blood, but it's better than stopping an entire match half way through to clean up the blood. This segment worked well and hopefully is a great start to an awesome story/feud that will end at Bound For Glory.
I really enjoyed the show last night. It picked up right where Impact left off. I wasn't for the idea of this show at first, since it was basically a recap show of the previous shows. After watching it last night though, it was a great way to showcase the angle that ended on Impact. It showed all of the wrestlers insights to the angle and what they were planning to do next week. Also, the show let the viewers know who will be wrestling next week.

It was great to see time devoted not only to the Fortune/EV 2.0 storyline, but to the new tag team champs Motor City Machine Guns and even the new Knockout's champ Angelina Love. It may be overkill to have 3 hours of TNA in one night, but the show flows well with the ending of Impact in my opinion.
The Whole F'n Show!

Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles
At this point Angle and Styles know each other in the ring about as well as Dreamer and Raven. They have great chemistry together and their bouts never disappoint. This one was no different. While this was by no means there best match together, it was still a great opening.

Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne
I'm tired of seeing these two go at it. The KO division is a mockery of the greatness it once was. The mystery biker chick gets involved but no reveal still even though the crowd was chanting Tara Tara. Love wins her fourth (fifth? who knows) reign and no one cares.

Matt Morgan vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mr. Anderson - This match was an absolute letdown considering the talent in the ring. Nothing of note happened and Anderson seemed to have botched the Mic Check while The DNA of TNA picks up a needed win.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shannon Moore
I was expecting someone (read: anyone) better than Moore to be challenging. Here would've been a great place for the rise of The Fallen Angel. However, it was not meant to be and we get a spotfest in order to help Moore a little over.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money
Greatastic stuff here. Tag team match of the year without a doubt. These guys should be the ones headlining TNA right now. The MCMG picked up a much-needed victory to help their credibility as the tag team champions. Beer Money didn't look bad at all in defeat and would be a believable contender any day of the week.

Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss
Pretty decent hardcore match. Lots of spots and what not. There should be no way they actually have a staircase to janice match teasing the use of such a deadly weapon and it never actually get used. That is my one complaint with a worthy showing.

TNA takes out EV2.0
Greatest part of the show. This just made sense. It was beautifully done and I give TNA credit for doing something right for a change. Best episode of iMPACT! ever.
i just finished seeing it ... and gotta tellu this . it was Briliant .. they built Really good about iMPACT next week ... ijust can't w8 till next week with a Great job they did .
Plus I just heard that the PPV only had 300 purchases.

Are u sure it wans't Mark Madden that tellu that :lol:
cuz from what i heard they did one of the best buyrate in TNA history .
come on .. 300 ? just 300? Really .. u better takeur pills.
u guyz want to bash TNA anyway ... even if they did a Perfect job like Last Week .
I found it slightly funny that anderson and hardy where not showered and dressed in normal clothes but rather basically just sitting there waiting for the cameras to show up.

I may be wrong but I always imagined that the first thing the wrestlers would do after their match is shower. Specially hardy to remove all that make up.

The show itself is a nice touch though. Maybe a bit redundant though. Following up on RVD was nice, and seeing a bit as to why the tna guys jumped the ecw guys was good too, but we could have waited till next week. As long as the show is on ill watch it.
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