[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Yeah, because a 1.33 and a 1.29 is EARTH SHATTERING! Honestly, I think this shows that the ECW audience is just replacing the old audience they had from last year and lost. That's not much of a gain, especially if this ECW audience leaves.

TNA ratings come in, dismiss your pathetically juvenile and baseless arguments that "veterans" need to be fired and that "pushing youth" is the key to success, and your rebuttal is that their success is marginal? Hilarious. Anything to win, right?

I think TNA has to be disappointed that they actually dropped in the ratings as opposed to rose at all considering this was suppose to be a super show. I don't think it shows very much promise for whatever their PPV buyrate for Hardcore Justice was either, since this is the Impact after it and this is the audience they get which started off at a 1.03.

So it's OK for you to use a marginal drop of .05 as a base for your argument, but when any of their quarterly rated segments rise by that or more, it's nothing but sarcasm so as to dismiss it's value, right?

But, maybe the ending of Impact and the angle that played out will lift this week's ratings higher and we'll see some good signs. Although, ReAction only got a 0.9 (I believe), which was right after Impact, so a lot of the audience tuned out right after Impact and didn't keep watching which could be a bad sign.

What bad sign – that a million viewers watched into a three-hour block to actually follow-up on a B-show debut? Yeah, what a bad sign. I bet next Panda Energy will pull out and TNA will go bankrupt and sell to WWE, right? I certainly wouldn't expect anything less but apocalyptic conjecture from you, after all.

Do yourself a favor and educate yourself in the historical ratings of three-hour blocks of wrestling programs. It's rare they are a success.
TNA ratings come in, dismiss your pathetically juvenile and baseless arguments that "veterans" need to be fired and that "pushing youth" is the key to success, and your rebuttal is that their success is marginal? Hilarious. Anything to win, right?

Actually their success isn't marginal at all. Their success is non existant. They're gaining the same or less ratings as they did back in 2007 and 2008. Sorry to break it to you but that's not success. My arguments are fact, I can't help it if you don't like that truth because you're extremely pro TNA even beyond logic.

So it's OK for you to use a marginal drop of .05 as a base for your argument, but when any of their quarterly rated segments rise by that or more, it's nothing but sarcasm so as to dismiss it's value, right?

Clearly you didn't understand the correlation between the PPV that happened the night before and the opening rating of TNA Impact in terms of audience.

What bad sign – that a million viewers watched into a three-hour block to actually follow-up on a B-show debut? Yeah, what a bad sign. I bet next Panda Energy will pull out and TNA will go bankrupt and sell to WWE, right? I certainly wouldn't expect anything less but apocalyptic conjecture from you, after all.

Do yourself a favor and educate yourself in the historical ratings of three-hour blocks of wrestling programs. It's rare they are a success.

The questions to ask isn't why a million viewers watched ReAction, since that should be clear. Obviously they were TNA fans and were interested in the ending of Impact and stayed to watch the aftermath. That's great. The question to ask, though, is why did 500,000 or so of the audience STOPPED watching after Impact.

I don't know where you get these apocalyptic ideas, seems you're on edge about it and it has nothing to do with anything I said since I never said a thing about bankruptcy or apocalptic signs or Panda Energy pulling out. Calm down, it's okay.. there's still hope..
I thought that today was another great edition of ReAction. I love the drama around the show and how intense it is. I thought that all of the segments were done. I really liked the promos from The Fourtune Guys,Dreamer and Raven. The show also set up next weeks Impact they announced the Return of Samoa Joe it will be interesting to see how they fit Joe into the Fourtune Vs EV2.0. I loved the Impact Player segment with Magnus I think that he has tons of potential and can see him as future World Champ and he is still very young he is only 23 years old They also announced a match between MMCG and Gen Me which could be a really good match. ReAction closed with a Segment with Angle and Anderson that was very good and probably sets up Angle Vs Anderson at BFG. Overall- That was another Great episode of ReAction A+
Good show tonight with interviews from the top 4 contenders for the title, along with footage of Fourtune and EV 2. I enjoyed Foley's commentary the most. It was great to hear the history that Foley and Flair had together. Brutus Magnus was Impact player of the week. Magnus is young, but I think he can contribute to TNA even more. Hopefully we can see him and Wolfe in action on Impact in the next week or two. We get to look forward to Joe's return next week, and the return of the Machine Guns vs. Generation Me. It should be a good Impact and Reaction next week.
Tonight's show was decent without anything to worthwhile to write about. The huge news about the TNA World Title being vacant and being put up in an 8 man tournament was new. I don't know how TNA can keep the tournament interesting since it is being stretched out until Bound For Glory. There are only 3 matches between now and October 10th.

I'm glad Doug Williams and Matt Morgan were included, but what happened to Abyss, Hernandez, and AJ Styles? Samoa Joe was in the top 10 as well, but was suspended so it was obvious why he wasn't there. I guess you could say Abyss was disqualified because of what happened to RVD. Hernandez hasn't wrestled much over the past few weeks, so I guess I can see why Williams or Morgan was put in. I don't understand how Rob Terry was put in the tournament since he hasn't won a match in weeks.

AJ Styles was number 6 last week, and his only lost was against Kurt Angle in the past few weeks. AJ even won the Television title against Terry. Why was Terry included instead of AJ? I guess TNA wanted to put AJ in the main event against Tommy Dreamer. To quote Tony Schiavone or Eric Bischoff, "That will put a lot of butts in the seats".

Hardy vs. Terry was sloppy. Hardy fighting Abyss was different starting the show, but the man needs to pull his pants up. There was children present. No girls even scream as much as they used to years ago when he takes his shirt off. Hardy looks like an out of work plumber. Williams vs. Angle was the match of the night, but that isn't saying much.

Too bad there wasn't a Motor City Machine Guns match to save this one. Anderson vs. Jay Lethal and Morgan vs. Pope were decent but short. Angle will face Hardy and Anderson will face Pope. Flair cut a good promo with Foley. Not so much with Dreamer. Dreamer is still terrible on the mic. If Fourtune are heels, then why are the audience cheering them over EV 2.0? I haven't heard an EV 2.0 chant since the PPV, and even then they chanted ECW instead.

The fans are on the side of the TNA talent group Fourtune. They cheer for the hardcore guys, but no one wants to see the old hardcore guys go over the TNA guys. Dixie putting the hardcore guys over the young talent was sickening too. Hogan didn't make things better saying that RVD was what made TNA, and was like the President. No wonder RVD has a big head.

I don't know what to make of Sting and Nash or Jarret with Hogan. Sting and Nash are trying to unveil Hogan and Bischoff's true motives while Jarrett stops them. Hogan talks about how its not about them but the younger guys, but he is constantly involved on television and in conflicts. I hope this whole power struggle ends soon because its going nowhere fast, and taking time away from the young talent.

The knockouts match was another yawn since we have seen Angelina and Madison wrestle for months now. Does anyone care who the biker chick is? Isn't it obvious by now to everyone? The biker chick's identity is more obvious then the identity of the Black Scorpion in WCW. It is nice to see Velvet back with Angelina.

The main event match wasn't anything special. AJ beat Tommy Dreamer with interference by Fourtune. The EV 2.0 guys came out at the end, but really didn't do much to the group. This angle started out red hot, but I don't like where its going. When the old hardcore guys are the good guys and the young original TNA guys are the bad guys, its not good. Hopefully next week's show will add something new with the Machine Guns vs. Generation Me and Samoa Joe's return.
Date: August 19, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay
Episode Title:

So this is the wekk after the Whole F’N Show and the run-in by Fourtune as they beat down the ECW guys, which I’d bet sets up a big match between them at No Surrender, which I’m SURE won’t be looked at as a Summerslam Team Cena vs. Nexus match AT ALL. I mean it’s not like it’s invaders vs. the homegrown guys or anything like that at all.

We open with a fight between Hardy and Abyss from earlier tonight where they’re not sure if they’re supposed to call it or not. The arena is half empty here. You have to watch Reaction to get this as Hardy said he’d be on the side of the ECW guys. There are maybe 100 people in the Impact Zone other than crew. Jeff’s ass is partially hanging out so they blur it which takes away a LOT of the effectiveness of this. Security pulls Hardy away after like 5 minutes of this and we go “live”.

Bischoff is here and says Flair is to blame for this. He says Abyss will pay for what he did to RVD and that RVD has over 117 stitches in him and he’ll be gone for awhile. The title is now VACANT, so we’re going to have a tournament starting tonight and it ends at BFG.

World Title Tournament – First Round: Rob Terry vs. Jeff Hardy

Well this should be one sided I’d think. Hardy is in street clothes. Ok let me clarify that. He’s in traditional street clothes rather than his normal street clothes that he wrestles in. He’s also hurt from that fight earlier. Terry dominates kind of but Hardy fights him off. Twist of Stunner and Swanton, as in the legs to Terry’s chest, end it. This was almost a squash. Not quite, but it was close.

Rating: D. The selling/botches at the end there were AWFUL and looked like kids in the back yard trying to pull them off. Terry looks like a joke now as Hardy, not dressed to wrestle (give me this one) and banged up beat him in like 4 minutes. Not a good match and I don’t get the booking at all. Weak, but Hardy is in the semi-finals now.

Fourtune is here, all 6-7 guys in it.

Hogan is on the phone and is thinking about quitting. Attacking RVD was like assassinating the president. Wow.

World Title Tournament – First Round: Mr. Anderson vs. Jay Lethal

This should be good if nothing else. Anderson goes for the Mic Check very early. He’s probably the best choice for the title so I’d bet against him winning it. The fans chant asshole, because that’s just what they do I guess. Lethal does the Tajiri elbow and of course they chant TNA. Ok the semi-finals are at No Surrender, so we’re not going to get any tournament stuff for two weeks. Mic Check ends clean.

Rating: C-. Nothing special here but it was ok I guess. They’re keeping these short of course which can be good or bad. It’s bad that it makes these guys look like they can’t last five minutes without getting pinned, but it makes the winners look very strong. This was ok though, but with like 5 minutes to work with, much like most other matches, they can never get going and it’s like watching a match in fast forward since everything is about getting in big moves to set up the quick finish.

Love has another match with Madison here tonight. Seriously, Love is gorgeous.

We see clips of the Guns winning the titles last week. Their finisher is called Skull and Bones, which helps a lot since it’s annoying to call it the neckbreaker/cross body combination. The Guns do some sound bytes where the lights are off so you can’t tell who they are but why would that be important? They’ll be in a match next week. By that I mean the Guns, not THEY.

Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love

Madison comes out on the bike with the biker chick. Does no one see that chick in the back? Velvet comes out with Angelina as her backup. Love beats up the biker chick and Madison fights Skye, since you know, that makes sense. Ah now they get in the ring and have the scheduled match, making the brawl pretty pointless. Botox Injection (bicycle kick) ends it. The heels beat the girls down afterwards.

Rating: N/A. Way too short here and nothing of note at all. No entrance or anything good like that either as this just was there to have Love and Skye reunite. This was on the level of a Divas match, which says a lot about how far the division has fallen.

Fourtune is here which now has 7 people if you count Flair. Flair talks about how great they are and that Morgan is the insurance policy. He talks about how great they are and how this is wrestling, not garbage violence. That makes sense and is a face line, but since this is TNA that can’t happen so whatever. AJ says this is the house he built, so here’s Dixie.

She says this is her house because she owns it. No but whatever. She brings out the ECW guys and they have contracts. Foley talks about a phone call he got from Flair where Flair was drunk and didn’t know what to do so Foley told him to come to TNA. Looks like Flair vs. Foley is coming. Flair says he doesn’t work for Dixie and the segment just kinds of ends.

Angle talks about being in the tournament, meaning he’s going to skip the whole get through the top ten thing.

World Title Tournament – First Round: Douglas Williams vs. Kurt Angle

If Angle loses he retires, meaning of course that he’s going to win and will likely win the whole thing. AJ vs. Dreamer later, meaning AJ isn’t in the tournament, which is BRILLIANT naturally. This is your standard match as they do their back and forth stuff. Both finishers are blocked and the ankle lock ends it clean. Yeah it was that short.

Rating: C+. It’s very hard to give matches this short legitimate grades as you don’t really have enough meat in them to get anything going. It was good, but how good can you really be in like four minutes other than something very special? Williams vs. Angle was a good pairing, but it’s not like this means anything. We knew Angle was going to win and he did, but at the same time the match just came and went. It’s not going to mean anything until No Surrender when Angle is in the semi finals, so while it was good, it’s just kind of a waste.

Anderson talks about RVD into a mirror for some reason.

Sting and Nash come out with Sting in white paint. Nash says he loves the business and isn’t in it for the money, which isn’t his deal at all but whatever. He says no one is throwing him out and if someone wants his spot to come take it. The cancer is in the back, of course not saying who, and here’s Jarrett. Since he’s been involved with Nash the last two times he’s been there, Tenay is surprised to see him.

Jarrett says the locker room is tired of the games Nash and Sting have been playing. Of course he praises Hogan and Bischoff and dedicates the beating he’s giving Sting and Nash tonight to Hogan and Bischoff. Cue Hogan and it’s a big war of….words. Sting throws the bat away and here come the faces I guess.

The lights go out and it’s Fourtune, beating all four of them up. It’s BRUTAL mind you.

The ECW guys are trying to explain the plan to Raven.

World Title Tournament – First Round: Matt Morgan vs. D’Angelo Dinero

So Morgan pinning Dinero last week apparently is grounds for having another match. Morgan uses size and power stuff of course as he is known to do. He’s more or less dominating and hits a two handed chokeslam then slaps Pope. Morgan goes to the floor and misses the big boot into the post, so Dinero rolls him in and pins him. Four faces in the semifinals? It looks like Hardy vs. Angle and Anderson vs. Pope.

Rating: F+. This was just bad. Morgan just looked bad out there as Pope was getting squashed the whole time. And then all of a sudden one missed move is enough for the pin to happen because that’s just perfectly logical right? This was really bad and you could see the ending coming from a mile away. Just not a good match at all and I wanted it to end very badly.

Foley says he’s injured but is with EV 2.0.

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer

Tommy has these finger gloves like Taker tends to wear. Dreamer is bleeding. This isn’t much at all. AJ is of course cheered because he wrestles like a face and is the most popular guy in the company so let’s just make him a heel. Dreamer gets the DDT but can’t cover. Here’s Fourtune and the ECW guys run in for the big brawl. Abyss pops out from under the ring and being the hardcore dude that he is hits the Black Hole Slam on Dreamer for the pin.

Rating: D-. Again this was nothing. That seems to be the theme of this company. The match means nothing at all and not many people wanted to see it. We also get more stuff about this big angle that makes no sense as we’re constantly told to be patient and wait for the revelation of the whole thing which is fine in theory but at the same time there’s a great chance that it’s going to wind up being underwhelming. I can’t imagine it being anything else actually. Match was awful.

Overall Rating: C-. This show was definitely ok, but there are some major flaws. For one thing, nothing of note is answered here again. We get it: there’s a massive power struggle going on and the answer isn’t going to be revealed until BFG. Like I said earlier, this becomes a major problem when you have everything focused on one major show/angle. If you lose all your viewers getting to that show or if you bore them to death on the way there, no matter what happens the angle is going to underwhelm, which is the direction they’re headed in here.

The other main issue I have here is the wrestling. Angle vs. Williams was solid, but when there are six matches and only one, Styles vs. Dreamer which involved a big brawl and a run-in, breaks 6 minutes it’s not much. With most of the matches being under five minutes it’s really hard to get anything going on the show. Everything is so stop and go and it’s hard to get into it. Most of the talking goes longer than the matches, which is never a good sign.

The final issue I have revolves around the tournament. Tournaments are cool, but we’re not going to have anything else to do with it until No Surrender and then nothing else to do with it again for four more weeks. There will be a lot of hype, but with only hype you’re going to get bored and tired of hearing about it. None of the final combinations are matches you can drag out for four weeks of buildup while expecting a classic. It’s a fun idea, but not for seven weeks with seven total matches.

The show is ok but there are a lot of flaws with it. I’m worried about what’s coming in the next few weeks. Other than the Guns, what reason would someone have to tune in next week? The tournament is off the table three weeks on Impact and nothing was really promised for next week other than more of the same with faction wars. Unless you’re into that, what reason would you have to watch the show next week? I can’t think of one, and that’s a really bad sign.
TNA iMPACT - August 19, 2010

Abyss/Jeff Hardy Brawl - I can understand the idea of wanting to open the show with something like a chaotic brawl with fans just starting to come into the Impact Zone. It's a good idea, but it didn't come across well. In truth, the brawl between Hardy & Abyss was really quite tame overall. Mostly, it just consisted of 5 minutes of Hardy & Abyss punching each other or pushing each other into a wall or something. Just felt kind of weak here. Thumbs Down

Opening Segment - Bischoff comes out looking all somber and sounding all somber. When I think back of all the beatdowns Bischoff has been party to, at least as a cheerleader/organizer if nothing else, back during the days of the nWo, I just found it kinda eye rolling to come out and lay the blame on Ric Flair for what happened to RVD. Not that Bischoff's work on the mic wasn't solid, but I just didn't buy into the whole somber sincerity about RVD. Just doesn't fit with Bischoff's character overall. Declaring the World Championship vacant and having another tournament for it was just really weak and is exactly what I feared they might do. As with gimmick matches, TNA holds tournaments for vacant titles or #1 contenders so casually that they just don't mean anything. Thumbs Down

Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Terry - Great gobs of goose shit, this match was horrible. I've seen 30 second squash and comedy matches better than this piece of crap. The match was extremely slow and plodding, filled with botches and awful selling from top to bottom. Rob Terry is just not nearly ready to have been placed in the position he's had and TNA is making him look like the joke that he actually is having him lose to an "injured" Jeff Hardy in about 3 minutes. Awful match. Thumbs Up

Mr. Anderson vs. Jay Lethal - Pretty good match from Anderson & Lethal. Overall, Lethal seemed to be the one that made the match worth watching. They work pretty well together and put on an overall entertaining match. Anderson gets the win a little past the 4 minute mark. Nothing memorable, but a solid match. Thumbs Up

Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne - More of the same here. Another dull 90 second match for a meaningless championship. Love scores the win and really the only consolation out of this is that it appears Angelina Love & Velvet Sky are back together as a team. Well, that and the women looked hot. But it's pretty much just standard operating procedure from the Knockouts. Thumbs Down

Fortune & EV2.0 - I liked this segment a lot and it was do entirely to Ric Flair. When Ric Flair got on the mic and was laying into EV2.0, I couldn't help but think that Ric Flair probably does mean just about everything he said about them. Styles said a few things on the mic that were solid, it was kept short and sweet because his promos get worse the longer they go. Dixie came out looking quite hot with EV2.0 saying that they've all got contracts and all that, yeah big surprise. The fact that EV2.0 was going on about how much they respect Ric Flair and aren't coming down to kick Fortune's ass becuase they promised Dixie they wouldn't is just further evidence that the spirit of ECW truly is dead. I really don't have any interest in a Fortune/EV2.0 feud. I think Fortune could be a good faction but I just don't really see the competition from EV2.0. Who is ultimately going to carry the load for them? Sabu? Dreamer? At any rate, it was a fun segment overall.Thumbs Up

Kurt Angle vs. Douglas Williams - Good physical match from Angle & Williams. Williams looked pretty strong against Kurt Angle overall but of course Angle was going to win. The retirement stipulation has really ruined this whole thing with Kurt Angle in my opinion. Angle gets the win about the 5 minute mark. It wasn't a spectacular match or anything, but it was very solid and damn good compared to most of the rest of the show. Thumbs Up

Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, Sting & Kevin Nash - This just didn't really do much for me. I've heard Sting talk about the cancer in TNA stuff for a while now and I just don't really care about it. Nash playing the pissed off veteran being told it's time to step aside is ok, but I've just no interest in this really. I guess one reason I've no interest is that there's nothing to lose or gain. All four of these guys have had great careers and there's nothing left to do or prove. The lights going out and Fortune laying waste to everyone was just weak. So we potentially have Fortune vs. the ECW guys and now the Old Lions, neither of which I have any interest in at the moment. Thumbs Down

The Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs. Matt Morgan - Pretty bad match in my view. I dunno, these two just don't click with one another. Pope spends most of the time getting kicked around but basically lands one move, namely his finisher, and gets the win over Morgan at the 4.5 minute mark. Douglas Williams & Matt Morgan are part of Fortune, with Morgan as Flair's bodyguard. Williams lost to Kurt Angle, I can understand that. However, Morgan lost so easily doesn't quite make him out to be the badass bodyguard he's supposed to be. Thumbs Down

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer - This is the main event match for the night and it just...meh. That's really all I can say. Honestly, does anybody really care about seeing AJ Styles against Tommy Dreamer? I guess Dreamer's schtick is going to be getting busted open every match he's in. Styles gets the win at the 6.5 minute mark after Abyss interferes and hits the Black Hole Slam on Dreamer after Fortune and the ECW guys into into the expected big brawl. Just didn't care. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Thumbs Down - For all intents and purposes, this was basically TNA getting back to normal. Personally, I would have preferred TNA have just had RVD drop the title to Abyss rather than vacate it and have yet another tournament. It's hard to get interested in tourneys when TNA has them so often. They're supposed to feel special, not standard run of the mill. It's also hard to really care much about the tournament when the tournament matches last only 3-5 minutes a piece. The tournament as a whole doesn't mean anything to me. I know that TNA wants to give the impression of Fortune & EV2.0 to be this epic clash of titans and all, but it doesn't feel that way at all to me. I know that some are going to be into it, especially the diehard fans of the original ECW, but I'm long since over TNA's nostalgia kick. The Angle/Williams & Anderson/Lethal matches were pretty good, the Fortune/EV2.0 promo segment was also good due almost entirely to Ric Flair. Other than that, there's not really much to say. Overall, I give last night's episode of iMPACT a D.
I don't know? I've seen bad TNA Impact shows and this wasn't one of them this show was interesting to say the least!

It had some good yet short wrestling and some interesting storyline devlopement.yeah there was one bad to maybe even average match but other than that the show was flawless in my view. I just think people are very unrealistic about what they expect to see from Impact on a regular basis they have to fit alot in a 86 minute time frame and to me that's no diffrent than what we've be seeing from the WWE the last ten years.It's the time restraints that people fail to take into account to have a realistic view of what's possible on a two hour weekly episodic show!

So from a guy like me who understands the problem this brings and one day hoping for a Three hour impact, Because in my opinon this is were wrestling eventually has to go, I can deal with shorter matches to advance storylines and that's just where we are right now.

And people must also understand that they are trying to get guys on and keep them happy! Which is obviously not an easy thing to do!

So all that being said I'll give Impact an A-, Because I thought every thing had a purpose and felt important, atleast to me.I was entertained for three hours of TNA tonight and was finding myself racking my brain about some of these twists, turns and mysteries that makes this brand of wrestling very compelling to me, so as fan of mysteries thank you Tna for bringing that aspect of entertainment to Pro Wrestling, It's much appreciated!
And it's bad:

(Source: PWtorch.com)

Last night's episode of TNA Impact dipped below the 1.00 rating benchmark following the 1.15 rating for last week's "Whole F'n Show" episode.

We don't have the official TV rating yet. Impact was out of the Top 50 among cable TV programs last night and the lowest-rated show in the Top 50 chart was a 0.98 rating.

Looking at the target audience ratings, Impact's demographic ratings among males 18-34 and 18-49 were the lowest in five weeks.

Impact scored a 0.71 rating among both key male demographics. Last week's show scored a 0.88 rating among m18-49 and a 0.83 rating among m18-34.

In addition to losing older male viewers, Impact's rating among teenage males dropped nearly 30 percent. Impact scored a 0.85 rating among males 12-17, compared to a 1.19 rating in the demo last week.

The following is a look at the last ten weeks capturing Impact's ratings this week returning to the previous level from June.

June 17 - 0.99 rating
June 24 - 0.98 rating
July 1 - 0.99 rating
July 8 - 1.14 rating
July 15 - 1.09 rating
July 22 - 1.06 rating
July 29 - 1.22 rating
Aug. 5 - 1.21 rating
Aug. 12 - 1.15 rating
Aug. 19 - below 0.98 rating

This is your hot angle for the next two months...

Have the ECW fans turned off already?
The official numbers for iMPACT! last night are in. The show did a 0.97 with 1,350,000 viewers. This is the lowest number iMPACT! has drawn since early June. Factor in all the various demo ratings and compare the numbers with what TNA's been drawing the past several weeks, then these numbers are pretty dismal. With the beginning Fall television series just about the corner, these are not the kinds of numbers that TNA wanted to see. With a lot of high profile shows starting and with football games airing on Thursdays, TNA could be in for a rough time.
Impact this week opened with a brawl between Jeff Hardy and Abyss through a half empty arena. You had a constant blur to hide Hardy's ass hanging out, you had a very weak looking "fight", and then after brawling for what felt like ten minutes finally, and I mean FINALLY, two security guys arrive to pull Hardy away from Abyss. That's right, TWO security guards, despite the clear dangers these two guys were brawling in and around crowds of people coming into the Impact zone. Somehow, on top of that, Abyss is still free and allowed in the Impact zone after he brutalized RVD and almost killed him. You can only suspend disbelief so much! This whole opening segment came off extremely weak and amateur.

Then we cut to Eric Bischoff coming to the ring and he cuts a promo that sounded entirely fake, as if he didn't even believe what he was saying. The World championship is vacated and there's now a tournament. So Rob Van Dam comes into the company and randomly, on free television, wins the World championship. He makes AJ Styles look utterly weak in the process and pushes him down to the mid-card title. Then RVD spends months dominating the main event scene and beating everyone for the championship, and then he doesn't even put anyone over when he loses the title! RVD goes out as a strong champion who never lost the title, with the sympathy of all the fans behind him, and now the next champion is destined to look weak and most of all look like a fake champion. A champion who didn't win it by beating the TRUE champion. This is just horrible booking. And how many tournaments do we need? Hasn't there just been two Tag Team tournaments in the last three months? One just ended a week ago!

Then we have Jeff Hardy limp down to the ring, beaten and hurt, for his match against Rob Terry. Not only does Hardy compete but he beats Rob Terry in just a few minutes! I'm no fan of Rob Terry, not in the least, but this booking officially buried Terry for good. This monster can't even beat an already injured Hardy. And how in the world did Rob Terry get into this tournament anyway? I'm pretty sure he was number 10 on the list weeks ago and he's done nothing but lose since then. Nothing in TNA makes sense!

By that time I was so fed up with the product I was watching I actually laughed and walked away. If I hadn't have left the television on I wouldn't have seen anymore of Impact lastnight, and I'm sure the same happened with a great many of the audience. I was going to write a whole review for the show, but then I realized it would all just be negative and I'm just so entirely fed up with TNA at this point. This had to have been one of the worst Impact's in a long time; from the horrible promos -especially the altercation between Ric Flair and Carter/EV2.0) - to the average matches in a tournament that means nothing, to a main event no one cared about that ended with yet another brawl. Tommy Dreamer loses to Abyss, Tommy Dreamer loses to Raven at Hardcore Justice, in fact Tommy Dreamer's lost every match since coming to TNA and AJ Styles can't beat him without Abyss's help?

I give this show a D, if that, and it's no wonder the show got such a poor rating this week. TNA needs serious help, yet again.

One thought though:

I absolutely groaned when Kurt Angle was coming to the ring and the announcers reminded everyone that if he loses his careers over. Not only was I annoyed by the fact his angle is suddenly over, just like that, but you're telling me they gave away the winner of the tournament? *lol* What's the point of me watching for the next two months now? Or are they somehow going to have Kurt Angle lose and find some way to get around him having to retire? This whole angle with Kurt has completely ruined any interest I could have in any of his matches. Lastnight's Impact was no different. I can't get into a match that I already, without any question, no the result to. And if Angle wins the tournament then it's got to be one of the worst and anti climatic championship journeys in the history of the business. Just bad. Nice to see so many young wrestlers getting the rub from him, though!
We start off with a painful "brawl" with Hardy and Abyss. The reason behind it makes sense and I like the shoot aspect of it with Tenay/Taz and the rest of the crew unaware of what the fuck to do. The problem here is, is that it came off terrible on TV, and it was just lame.

Bischoff comes out and says we will have a tournament, ok. I like the idea of a tournament, as it's the most logical way to crown a new champion when the title is vacated, but 7 weeks for an 8 man tournament? God damn, they better build up the semi-finals and finals match-ups damn well.

Rob Terry/Jeff Hardy - So here's our first quarter final match up. Did anyone think Terry was going to win here? Yeah, exactly. Also, why the fuck is he in the top 8 contenders? Hardy comes out in a tanktop and jeans and Taz says it must be really hard for Hardy to pull off his wrestling moves in this attire. Wait what? Isn't that basically what Hardy wears regularly? Hardy hits the Swanton and it's thankfully over.

Jay Lethal/Mr. Anderson - Here's quarter final number two. Lethal looks pretty good here, and I dig that handstand into the ropes into the elbow, cool move. But with Anderson and Angle on opposite sides of the bracket, it's pretty obvious TNA is building towards a Angle/Anderson final, which I have no problem with. Anderson hits the Mic Check and it's over. Nothing amazing, but definitely better than Hardy/Terry.

Madison Rayne/Angelina Love - Good god, how many times do these girls have to wrestle each other? Here each girl has backup, Rayne has Tara and Love has.....Velvet? Cool to see the original BP back together I suppose. Painful to watch, just like all women's wrestling. Love gets the win due to Velvet screwing over Madison.

Fortune/EV 2.0 Promo - Fucking gold mic work by Flair here. He says he dares the EV 2.0 guys to call themselves pro wrestlers. AJ pulls out some good heel mic work here too. And then.....Dixie interrupts AJ, really? All the EV 2.0 guys now have contracts. Back and forth between Foley/Flair here. AJ/Dreamer later tonight. Still confused as to where this angle is going, but im somehow entertained.

Douglas Williams/Kurt Angle - Quarter final number three here. Another match with a painfully obvious winner here. Also, Douglas hasn't been in the top 10 recently at all, how the fuck is he in the top 8 contenders? Whatever. Pretty good back and forth here, but Angle eventually snaps in the Ankle Lock and it's over. Best quarter final match so far for sure.

Jarrett/Hogan and Sting/Nash promo - Nash comes out and talks about he's the shit and no one is going to tell him that his time is over. Sting sits back and looks like a badass as usual. Jarrett and Hogan eventually come out and say they are just pissed because it's the young guys time and Sting/Nash's time is over. Right as a brawl is about to ensue, the lights go out and there's Fortune. Well that saved us from a painfully bad brawl, but Fortune attacking just didn't make sense. I guess they have a Nexus/NWO mentality or something.

Matt Morgan/Pope - Last quarter final match. I like both of these guys, so I was expecting a solid match, but that's not what we got. This was pretty bad, and the finish was clumsy at best. I like Pope going over, but this match just wasn't good at all.

AJ Styles/Tommy Dreamer - Not really main event quality here, but the reason for the match makes perfect sense. Decent back and forth here. AJ goes for the springboard finish but Tommy counters it into the DDT. Here comes Fortune but EV 2.0 jumps them and all hell breaks loose. As the ref is distracted, Abyss comes out from under the ring and Black Hole slams Dreamer. AJ gets the win.

I like teasing Fortune as "they", but this show was a let down in my mind. Coming off The Whole F'n Show, TNA basically ignored the fantastic show they put on last week, and decided to go in a different direction this week. Im confused as to where the Fortune/EV 2.0 angle is headed, but im still somehow enticed. Having 4 quarter final matches in one night was pretty damn stupid too, seeing they are stretching this 8 man tournament out for 7 weeks.

Not surprised by the low rating for this show, it was definitely a step down for TNA.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2265115]

Just so you know, I have no clue what "187" stands for. Our area code is 787.

187 is Los Angeles police code for murder thus the name Homicide. Just like LAX's 5150 was police code for something else but I forgot what it was. I don't know if your familiar with American music or rap; I stopped listening to that stuff since 2002 (even then I later found out the bands Nickleback and Default were Canadian). But back in the early 90's these rappers called Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog popularized the number with some song and it became a common term in gangsta culture. One of New Jack's moves is called 187 as well.

Thanks for putting these xplosions up. Everything makes sense now because Mike Tenay didn't know why Taylor Wilde and Sarita split upped and Taz was like," It was on Xplosion, remember?... Watch the product man!" I was like doesn't Tenay do commentary for xplosion?

What I don't like is Borash doing announcing for Impact, hes alright on commentary or interviewing but not announcer. I like SoCal Val better. I dont know if its because i havent heard many women announcers but she reminded me of the announcer from Pride, a mma promotion that closed downed.
Date: August 26, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: Hogan’s Cavalry

This is the followup to last week’s show which I wasn’t wild on and apparently neither were the fans. Since the tournament is pushed back until next month now at the PPV which makes limited sense but what did you expect? The Guns are in action tonight which helps a bit, but last week there was nothing to grab us to this show, which is a bad sign indeed. I’m very skeptical about this, but let’s get to it.

We open with clips of Fourtune, where they flat out say they’re reforming the Horsemen. In other words, you can’t say they’re not flat out saying this is the Horsemen. We get clips of last week’s show which ended in a huge brawl, even though they say they’re not there to brawl.

Dixie says she has to do something and Bischoff can’t help her. And here’s Dixie, now with theme music. What ACTION, yes ACTION I TELL YOU! She talks about hard times and how they’re really successful and all that. Have you ever noticed that every week is the best week ever for TNA? She calls out Flair and here’s Naitch.

Let me guess: they’re going to talk about power. Flair says she’s gorgeous, and I can’t say I disagree. He offers to take her back to the hotel like only Flair can. Dixie talks about how Flair isn’t special or anything like that because he’s been talking about nothing but himself. He’s the same as everyone else and is suspended for the next 90 days without pay. Flair hasn’t taken the young guys under his wing or mentored them.

Flair proves that he hasn’t done that by bringing out the 6 young guys he leads. Dixie says they were with TNA before Flair and that Flair hasn’t done anything with them. There goes the jacket and Dixie’s husband, I kid you not named SURGE, pops into the ring and gets taken down.

Cue Hogan and the four semi-finalists in the tournament. Hogan says that he and Dixie run the company 50/50 so he’s going to override her. Flair is NOT suspended and Hogan says his guys can beat up Fourtune. Pope, Hardy, Anderson and Angle are TNA. You know, the four guys that made their names in WWE. Flair says they’ll take over TNA but not tonight. Yep it’s their four against Morgan, Williams, AJ and Kaz. Why does that not surprise me? The ECW guys come out and jump Fourtune because it’s been a full 15 minutes into the show and we haven’t had a huge brawl yet.

Angle talks to his teammates for later in the night.

Orlando Jordan vs. Samoa Joe

Great to see that suspension lasting a long time. Jordan more or less molests So Cal Val to start. Joe is moving out there for once. His chest looks smaller. Ok apparently I missed it completely, but Fourtune is THEY. What the hell??? Whatever, who cares. Instead of a squash this is a competitive match. Jordan had a Joe action figure around his neck and licks it while punching Joe in the corner. Muscle Buster ends this in like 2 minutes.

Rating: N/A. Not sure what the point was in having Jordan get any offense in but whatever. This really wasn’t much but I guess it gets Joe back into things.

And here’s Jeff Jarrett to look at Joe. Ok then. We go to a commercial since I guess this is enough to get you to stay through the break? Jarrett talks about how he’s always wanted Joe here in the company and has helped a lot of people in the company. He wants Joe in his corner tonight just because I guess. Jarrett talks about Nash and Sting messing everything up again which still hasn’t been explained. Joe of course says no, so there’s your next storyline that goes on for weeks and no one cares.

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett

Nash tries to bring in a chair and we start with a brawl on the floor. We get in the ring and things slow down. The straps go down like 90 seconds in and there goes a turnbuckle pad. Jarrett hits a punch off the middle rope but a second is caught in a chokeslam. He gets slammed into the buckle and a chokeslam gets two.

And here’s a sleeper, which makes sense as Jarrett’s hair looks like Ziggler’s. Referee goes down, Stroke hits, Sting comes down in red paint and bat shots get Nash the pin. Another match that doesn’t go five minutes. Bischoff comes down to stop Sting from beating up Jarrett even more. Sting wants Hogan. Oh dear. While Eric talks, Hogan sneaks up on Sting and pops him with a chair.

Rating: D+. Weak match and the whole time thing is clearly becoming a problem. We’ve had two matches combine for about 7-8 minutes and it’s 9:45. Other than that it’s been talking and commercials. This was watchable I guess, but let’s see: turnbuckle down, chair, ref bump, ball bat, no referee for the pin. That’s a different ending per minute. Overbooked much?

Hogan and Dreamer are talking and Hogan says to lay off tonight but to do something to Abyss.

Beer Money vs. FBI

Beer Money runs in and this is total domination. FBI gets in maybe 2 punches and that’s it. DWI to Luke ends it. Extra beatdown follows and Guido is cut open by whatever Storm has. The beatdown is longer than the match.

Rating: N/A. Total squash and there’s no other way to describe it.

The ECW guys yell about nothing in particular with Richards doing most of the yelling.

The original Beautiful People are here. Angelina says that people learn from their mistakes and she and Velvet have made up. Here comes Madison and the biker. She takes the helmet off so she looks like a ninja. Madison says that she gets the name Beautiful People and that she’s all natural unlike them. The inevitable brawl breaks out and we go to a break.

The Guns are playing Rock Band and are fighting Generation Me tonight. Wow they’re still on the roster?

Magnus and Wolfe are shopping. They’re the #1 contenders apparently and get their shot at No Surrender. Chelsea sneaks off with Magnus’ no limit credit card.

Generation ME vs. Motor City Machine Guns

This should be good at least. Fast paced match of course with Max hitting a springboard X Factor which wound up looking like a piledriver. Nice move. SWEET Asai moonsault off the top by Max as well. Everything goes nuts and Shelley hits a standing Sliced Bread #2. Skull and Bones ends it.

Rating: B-. Fast paced and fun. This was to give the fans a bunch of high spots and get them excited and it certainly worked well in that regard. It worked in WCW and it works now. People like high flying and flips and this was no exception. Well done.

Flair rants on something and Sting pops up from behind him and chokes him. Oh joy: Sting vs. Flair again. Sting says once they get rid of the big problem, Fourtune is next.

Shore is coming soon. Oh I think I know what that is.

Dreamer vs. Styles in an I Quit match at No Surrender. Magnus/Wolfe (London Brawling) vs. the Guns there too.

Stevie Richards is beating up Abyss in the back. Way to make him look strong. Abyss fights back by throwing garbage at him. He grabs Janice but it misses. They keep talking about revenge and how Abyss has to pay, I guess referencing RVD. Ah yeah that’s what they’re talking about. And then we just go to commercial. Ok then.

Rhyno comes out and calls out Abyss, who is here with Janice. Gore misses and it’s a big fight. They go up to the stage and Rhyno hits the gore but is limping slightly afterwards.

Fourtune vs. Fatal Four

AJ has feathers on his head from the robe. Kaz and Anderson start after the break. Anderson got to the taping late and they had to do extra dark matches because of it. As usual I’m not going to try to keep track of what’s going on here due to a high level of insanity. Morgan wants Hardy. I’ve always liked that slingshot dropkick that Hardy does.

Hardy plays Ricky Morton for a good while. With so many guys in there they kind of blend together. Hot tag to Angle to an ok reaction. Ankle lock to Kaz but AJ hits his springboard forearm to take care of that. Everything goes insane of course and Angle Slam hits Kaz. Pope tags himself in blindly though and steals the pin. And of course here are the ECW guys to brawl to end the show.

Rating: C-. Just another big clusterfuck of a match with nothing special about it at all. They more or less just threw everyone in there all at once and hoped for the best. It’s certainly not horrible but at about ten minutes long it’s almost double the second longest match of the night. That’s a really bad sign. This was ok I guess, but again Fourtune looks like a big joke.

Overall Rating: D. I’m likely going to get bashed for that, but what actually happened on this show? I mean what do we have now that we didn’t have last week when the show ended? You can really see that they’re betting absolutely everything they have on this one angle, and if you don’t like it then too bad because that’s what we’re going with. Fourtune is THEY. Any bets that that’ll be repealed and THEY will be revealed at BFG?

This is all about one massive angle, but the problem is that if the fans stop watching because they get tired of waiting then there’s no one to get the big reveal. No one seems to care about that in TNA though so we continue with this massive angle. I’ll be looking forward to the ratings in the next six weeks or so as I can’t imagine they’ll be good. Weak show this week, but not their worst ever at all.
TNA iMPACT! - August 26, 2010

Opening Segment - I thought the opening segment was pretty decent overall. The highlight of everything for me was the interaction with Ric Flair and Dixie Carter. I thought Flair doing the whole sexist no woman can resist me bit with Dixie being coyly unaffected was a nice touch. You know, I have to say that Dixie Carter really is quite beautiful. All the various milf jokes you'll hear sometimes, she's simply a damn fine lookin' woman. I think they’ve got pretty good chemistry together. While I thought Dixie’s promo was more than a little self serving and definitely doesn’t reflect a lot of the feelings behind the scenes in TNA these days, I thought she did a good job. Predictably, Hogan came out and inserted himself into this with the four semi-finalists of the TNA World Championship tournament at his back. Overall, a solid opening that I think was and is much hotter than anything involving Fortune and EV2.0. I’d much rather see Fortune feuding with top TNA talent than the ECW boys. Thumbs Up

Samoa Joe vs. Orlando Jordan - For all intents and purposes, this was a 2.5 minute squash. It wasn’t a complete squash, but it was close enough. Not really much to say about this. Orlando Jordan did his thing trying to be controversial with Joe basically being capable of taking him out at will. Thumbs Down

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett - Pretty much the extremely slow and plodding snooze fest one might expect from this match. Nobody really knows exactly what the point of this thing with Nash, Jarrett, Sting and Hogan is and people are starting to care less and less each week. Me, I stopped caring a long time ago. I will say that at least these guys are nowhere near titles right now so I will give this feud credit for that. Still, doesn’t make what they’re into all that interesting. Nash scores the pinfall at the 5 minute mark after Sting lays Jarrett out with a baseball bat. Thumbs Down

Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Full Blooded Italians - This match is a perfect example of why I don’t care about Fortune vs. EV2.0. I’m supposed to believe that a couple of never-wases and never-will-bes like the FBI, whose biggest accomplishment was a 99 day run as ECW World Tag Team Champions when the company was on its last legs more than a decade ago are a legitimate threat and competition for Beer Money? As with Joe vs. Jordan, this match was little more than a 2.5 minute squash that Beer Money could’ve ended at anytime. Thumbs Down

Angelina Love, Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne - I thought it was nice to see the original BP back together. For one thing, I’ve really missed that entrance the two of them had. I don’t really care about this feud between the BP, Madison & Tara as it’s really been going on for far longer than it should have. Still, the segment was fun if nothing else than to see Angelina and Velvet reunited as a team again. Thumbs Up

The Motor City Machineguns vs. Generation Me - Really good match for what it was. Basically if you blinked during the match, you missed a lot. The match was a spotfest but it was a fun spotfest and the potential for a high octane feud with entertaining matches between the two is there. The Guns score the clean pinfall at the 6 minute mark. Thumbs Up

Abyss & Stevie Richards Brawl - As with the Jeff Hardy/Abyss brawl last week, I just thought this was kind of weak. As with the Beer Money/FBI match, this is why I don’t care about EV2.0. Not only do I not really care about seeing Stevie Richards fight Abyss, Stevie Richards is about as threatening as a cloudy day. Why not just get all your boys together and beat Abyss down? You sure as shit should know that Little Stevie can’t get the job done on his own. Thumbs Down

Rhino & Abyss Brawl - This makes much more sense than sending Little Stevie out to get slaughtered like a lamb. It was good for what it was and Rhino is a much more believable opponent for Abyss than Stevie Richards. Thumbs Up

Fortune vs. Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson & D’Angelio Dinero - Even though there were a lot of big names in this match, I felt pretty let down by it overall. It just felt like your typical overly booked clusterfuck of a main event for iMPACT!. The Pope gets the win about the 9 minute mark over Kazarian after tagging himself in. Fortune has got potential to be an impressive faction, but they need to start winning matches against actual opponents. Thumbs Down

Post Match Brawl - What is it with all these brawls breaking out? As with a gimmick match, I think a brawl is something that’s supposed to indicate something meaningful and that goes especially for brawls that involve half the locker room. But, as usual, TNA has demonstrated the ability to take anything that should be meaningful and turn it into something mediocre and par for the course. Just as with a gimmick match, brawls lose any meaning and real purpose when you try to make them a regular part of your program. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Thumbs Down - Overall, a pretty typical episode of iMPACT!. Most of the first hour was boring as hell with the only real highlight being the opening segment. And, once again, a large part of that was due to Ric Flair’s mic work. The match with the Guns & Generation Me was the best match of the night, it was a very fast paced and quick 6 minutes and was a lot of fun for what it was. The original BP reuniting was also a fun little moment. I honestly don’t see why TNA tries to shove so much into one show. A lot of stuff took place tonight that could have been stretched out and paced nicely over several episodes of iMPACT!. For instance, there were so many brawls tonight that, coupled with those that’ve already taken place over the last little while on iMPACT!, they don’t mean anything. I often found myself flipping back and forth between the show and an old James Bond movie that I’ve seen half a dozen times already. Basically, the big thing overall in TNA right now is Fortune vs. EV2.0 and if you're not particularly into it, then it's a very long 2 hours. I give last night’s episode a D.
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What a god awful show last night. One of the worst of the year, no doubt.

Not a big fan of Dixie on my TV. I have no idead what her husband was doing out there? Just stupid. The Fatal Four, because all we need is another faction of sorts, with the ECW guys there as well. And Hulk overturning the suspension for no apparent reason. Just a giant clusterfuck of a segment.

I was worried that OJ was going to beat Joe, thankfully that didn't happen. Still, it was a shit 2 minute match. I wonder if Joe is going to do anything now? Probably not.

I want to murder Jeff Jarrett everytime he comes out. I'm pretty sure they've been doing this whole storyline about power and guys building the company and whatever for the past 3 years straight.

The Jarrett/Nash match sucked, obviously. Hogan with the attack, yipee! Where exactly are they going with this?

Hogan telling Dreamer to murder Abyss. Ok, then.

Not sure what the point of FBI wrestling is. Doesn't really make Beer Money look good, because what the hell has that FBI done? Disappointed Smothers wasn't out there, but at least they had the right team win. That's one positive, at least.

The Knockout's segment was nothing more than screeching, swearing, and brawling. A mess, more or less. The biker chick does have a nice rack though, and we got to see Gunner who wrestled a match a few weeks ago for no apparent reason!

The Guns appear on TV to be the first positive thing on the show all night. London Brawling AKA Wagnus at the mall was just pure gold. A couple of funny guys, that's for sure. Superb beard on Magnus, as well.

The Guns against Generation Me was alright. Best match of the night, likely, but it's not like we've seen much better from these two before. Most of it didn't make a lick of sense, but that flippy over the ropes was nice.

Sting choking Flair backstage. Awesome. This Fortune/Wolfpac/EV2.0 storyline is just tremendous. I am extremely excited for the Jersey Shore character though. They should just get the real thing and bring J-Woww aboard.

The Abyss brawls were just awful. He sounded complete ridiculous when he was talking to Stevie backstage. Just terrible. It went on for far too long, only to give us another brawl. An upcoming Rhino/Abyss feud should be, uhh, terrible.

The main event was rather pointless. Just your typical multi man match main event, with another brawl at the end of it. TNA is just a mess at this point. All of these factions are just too much, they're talking over the show with pointless brawls while guys like Lethal, Red, Hernandez, Terry, etc. are nowhere to be found.
yaaaa. I missed the first 45 minutes of the show, so i really didnt get abyss attacking STEVIE RICHARDS, Who's last gimmick was a doctor with a manager in Daffney. then, crushing the point of that attack, Rhino goring abyss. They should of had abyss attack stevie yesterday, attack rhino next week, and carry it out till its him and dreamer or him and sabu.

The "knockout" segment, i agree with the person before, was awful, with cursing, screaming and hair ripping.

The MCMG, THE TAG CHAMPIONS, beat generation me, who seem like early hardy boys. And what kind of name is london brawling???

The main event should have been good, but was so quick that it wasn't meaningful. Ric Flair kicking hardy below the belt and choking hardy were laughable. Then, the pope just takes angle's pin. the, ev2.0 come out, sabu missing a chair leg drop, just making it a flying chair to willliams through a table. i watched reaction to see the brawll, and nothing happened!

And, Beer Money vs FBI, was so awful it was funny. No offense from FBI, and someone said earlier, Roode is Triple H, Storm is Michaels, i mean, spinebuster and superkick! If "They" turn out to be a letdown, I will never watch TNA again.
Always entertaining to come in this thread and see which reasons people are trying to use this way to knock TNA. Do people even watch WWE anymore? Only reason I ask is that people are shitting on the main event for being clusterfucky or too brawly, yet many of these people praise nexus angle? Weird. I guess it all comes down to attention span. If you still have one most of what is going on in TNA is pretty interesting as the subtle developments really started to pile up this week on the big picture.
Nice "shot" the beautiful people got in on the wannabes this week on reaction. They are definitely not cool :lmao: The format of ReAction remains a great idea, blending together a lot of interesting elements of the wrestling world.
A good opening segment to start off the show with Flair and Dixie. I can take Dixie in small doses on television but not much. I feel the same way about Hogan. He is fine backstage, but coming out for every segment is getting annoying. He came out to overthrow Dixie Carter's decision to suspend Ric Flair. They probably should "suspend" him since he has used up most of his dates like RVD. The good thing is the Fourtune guys have a match with the TNA/WWE guys Hogan brought out.

I wish we would hear more gripes from Fourtune about the former WWE talent being pushed over the TNA originals. We hear more of that from ReAction then we do from Impact. I'm glad to see Samoa Joe back and actually get a win over Orlando Jordan. It was great to hear Joe tell off Jarrett saying he was his own man and Jarrett only looked out for himself. Nash and Jarrett match is the same boring match we have seen for the past 10 years. These 2 were actually fighting for the TNA championship 5 years ago. Sting and Hogan coming out was overkill.

Beer Money vs. FBI was a glorified squash match. I don't think the FBI received any cheers at all during the match. I'm glad Beer Money won, but there isn't any real competition for them in EV 2.0. I'm glad to see the Beautiful People back together. I just hope this Madison Rayne and Biker Feud ends. Maybe we will get to see the biker next week even though we know who she is. I liked Angelina's jab at LayCool on ReAction. There is only one Beautiful People group.

Motor City vs. GenME was the match of the night. Any Machine Guns match is usually the match of the night. GenME and Beer Money are the only 2 teams that can take the Machine Guns to the limit. I'm glad we got to know more about GenME on ReAction. I hope we see more GenME in the future, and hopefully we wont have to wait 2 months to see them on Impact again.

The brawls with Abyss, Stevie, and Rhino were pretty dull. Every week we see a brawl and its nice to see once in a while, but these brawls are starting to lose their luster. I'm not a fan on 4 on 4 matches, but the main event was good. Nothing too special but it was good to see Fourtune in the main event even if it was a loss.

A decent show this week but nothing new exciting to talk about. Flair said that Fourtune were "they", but I doubt its that obvious. I don't think we will see an end to the power struggle in TNA or to the "they" faction until Bound For Glory. I just hope the show can build enough interests until then.
Nice "shot" the beautiful people got in on the wannabes this week on reaction. They are definitely not cool :lmao: The format of ReAction remains a great idea, blending together a lot of interesting elements of the wrestling world.

What people don't realize is if you stay after and watch ReAction you get a lot of questions answered. Like I saw a video on You Tube of some one reviewing Impact. He says are we just supposed to forget that The Pope doesn't trust Anderson. Then at the end of the video he says I refuse to watch ReAction because it is all promos and drama. The first thing I thought about was during ReAction The Popes talks about not be able to trust Anderson and how next weeks tag match is going to be hard because he doesn't know which guy he is teaming with.
I would just like to say that I enjoy reaction as much as I enjoy impact. It's just something completely different that the wrestling world has rarely seen. And it serves a purpose. It furthers storylines. Though, one thing I HAVE to say is...at the end of reaction when Dreamer was in Styles' room and they faded out as if Tommy Dreamer was gonna take AJ out, I immediately shook my head in disbelief. Really? Am I supposed to believe that Tommy Dreamer is anywhere near the level of AJ Styles? Dreamer is a nobody and this whole Ev2.0 v. TNA thing could not end quicker.
The numbers for last night's iMPACT! have just started to come in and it made a nice little rebound from last week. Last night's show scored a 1.07 rating with 1,443,000 viewers. That's up from last week's 0.97 rating and 1,350,000 viewers. None of the demo numbers seem to have been released yet, so it might be tomorrow or early next week before they hit.

Last night's show looks to have pulled in solid numbers by iMPACT! standards overall. If TNA is able to maintain numbers like this over the next few months, it'll be a positive sign for them as the Fall television season is getting ready to start and they struggled some during the same time last year.
We open up iMPACT with Dixie in-ring talking about all the hard work they have put in to build TNA into what it is today. She calls out Flair. Dixie tells Flair she doesn't care who he is, his recent actions have been despicable, so he's suspended for 90 days. Out comes Fortune. Ric gets all sweaty and red while yelling at Dixie, you know the drill. For some reason Fortune beats up Dixie's husband. Cue Hogan. He's with Hardy, Anderson, Angle, and Pope. He says it's gonna be Fortune vs his guys in the main event tonight.

Orlando Jordan/Samoa Joe - So Joe is back after TNA realized keeping this guy suspended is just fucking stupid. Jordan could be a big heel if they played off his bisexual gimmick well. But his actions don't make the fans boo because he's a good heel, it's more of the "You suck, get out". Joe looked pretty damn good in this one. Musclebuster finishes Jordan off. After the match Jarrett comes out and tries to get Joe in his corner for his match against Nash. Joe says he only plays for one team....his.

Jarrett/Nash - Okay I just don't see where the fuck this feud is going. And who actually wanted to see a match between these two? Some okay action back and forth here. Ref bump and it's obvious Sting is coming. There he is. Nash gets the cheap win. Bischoff comes out and says Sting is a piece of shit basically. Sting wants Hogan. Hogan comes up right behind Sting, gets the chair shot. What the hell was that?

FBI/Beer Money - Glorified squash here. Beer Money fucking rocked FBI the entire match. Just pure domination. FBI did a good job at selling the beat down too.

Angelina and Velvet come out and talk, basically they are BFFs again. Out come Madison and Tara (mysterious woman). Basically they call each other fake boobed ****es and bitch at each other. Meh.

MCMG/GenMe - Damn. This was easily the match of the night. Just fantastic back and forth action here. Top notch tag team wrestling. Both of these teams are just amazing at using some damn innovative offense. Lots of near falls, but MCMG gets the win, and rightfully so. Even with the loss, GenMe came out looking damn good in this match.

Stevie Richards is brawling with Abyss backstage. Two weeks in a row we get a mediocre backstage brawl with Abyss. Pretty bad stuff. If there's one type of segment TNA needs to improve, it's the backstage attacks/brawls. They are just coming off as really cheesy and anticlimactic to me. Abyss lays out Stevie. Here comes Rhino. God damn this is a waste of TV time. More mediocre brawling. Rhyno hits a Gore on Abyss near the spanish announce table. What was the point of that?

Fortune/Anderson,Pope,Angle,Hardy - Fortune has a pretty cool entrance. They definitely look the part. This was decent, but it didn't really live up to the potential. It started off pretty slow and didn't really pick up until the end where all hell broke loose and everyone just started getting in the ring and doing their big spots. Angle hits an Angle Slam on Kaz, but Pope tags himself in. Pope gets the pin and the win. Angle shoves Pope and starts arguing with him. Anderson tries to break it up and Fortune attacks. Another huge brawl to end the show with EV 2.0/Fortune/Hogan's guys. Too many damn brawls lately.

Okay show this week, but nothing amazing. I like how they are building the semi-final matches though. The Angle/Pope conflict definitely makes things interesting, and we get Hardy/Angle vs Anderson/Pope next week on iMPACT. Im fine with the Fortune and EV 2.0 thing, but chill the fuck out with the damn brawls. They are just stale now. No Surrender seems like it has the potential to be a solid show though, so im looking forward to it. This show did a decent job at advancing storylines, but the wrestling was kind of slow and sloppy in places, and a good bit of TV time was wasted on some segments that could have been saved for ReACTION or something. C- for iMPACT this week.
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