[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I'll tell you all who the two security guys are.

The taller one is a Indy wrestler named Mikal Judas. Judas has been in wrestling since 1999. He is currently one of the mainstays in NWA Anarchy. Here are his accomplishments in wrestling.

He has held championships in both the United States and in Puerto Rico, including the NWA Anarchy, IWA and WWC championships. Here's also a 2 time Georgia Wrestler of the month, in May 2004 and June 2005. He was also ranked 20th out of the top 50 wrestlers in the state of GA in 2004 and #4 for in 2005. He was also ranked 463 in the PWI top 500.

The shorter security guard is Phil Shatter has been wrestling since 2002 and is a former Marine. His is the current and defending NWA National champion. Also like Judas, he is a former NWA Anarchy champion. Shatter also wrestled at ROH Big Bang iPPV.

Now another interesting factor is that Anderson have worked with Shatter and Judas in the WWE when he was doing his feud with Shawn Michaels
TVbytheNumbers.com is reporting TNA Impact drew 1.645 million viewers last night for the episode headlined by Abyss vs. Tommy Dreamer. I believe that is the strongest viewership the series has had since returning to Thursday nights after the Monday Night experiment.

The website is reporting the episode drew a 1.0 Household rating and a 0.5 among adults 18-49.
ok last nights impact was in the middle for me there were good things and bad things , the opening segment i think was a bit boring because im tired of abbys talking about "they" i like hes heel push but this thing with "they" are geting a bit silly i dont feel its it will turn to a major storyline and that "they" are going to be someone big but if its hes father mitchell then its ok.... and the matches match of the night i think the cage match between beer money and MCMG i dont really like the best of 5 series because its to easy to predict after 2 loses of MCMG i was sure that there 5 match , cage match was entertaining, i didnt like rob terry match against kazarian impact doesnt need this kind of 1-2 minutes mathces first all it didnt make kazarian look good and i was surprised no one from fortune helped him i mean come on TNA you create a stable but stable members didnt cheat to win or help to win then its not a stable, other tag match I have one problem I dont like that they make eric young look insane or crazy i mean the guy can be good heel but why they are destroying things by puting him to a team with homo jordan.... am I the only one who sees mr anderson as face and feel that something is wrong hes face thats whats wrong.... main event was better then i expected i didnt thought they will use barbed wire table glad they did and glad that raven turned hes back on dreamer of course when started licking him that was omg i will puke TNA they can make look thing interesting and the next minute they can fuck things up im talking about raven kiss to dreamer thas was lame!
Date: July 29, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

This is likely just going to be a buildup to Hard Justice with more ECW guys being featured. Also we’re going to get the returns of Hogan and Bischoff tonight as they actually earn those paydays of theirs. There’s also another match with the Guns and Beer Money where the Guns are more or less secured to win due to the whole best of five thing. Let’s get to it.

We open with the ECW guys in the ring and Dreamer is talking less than 20 seconds in. He says this is the loudest the Impact Zone has ever been. Yeah you’re wrong. He talks about not being able to say ECW so it’s called EV 2.0. WOW that sounds bad. It sounds like a computer program. D-Von is with them too. They call out Bubba to see why he’s not with them.

Here’s Bubba. Raven has bleached blonde hair now and looks like an idiot. Well…more of an idiot than usual. Dreamer compares themselves to KISS, saying that it’s one more time for the fans. Oh but this isn’t about recapturing the magic or anything. What the hell is it about then? Foley says the show will be better with Bubba on it and that if he doesn’t do this show he’ll regret it more than anything in his career. WOW.

Taz, who just happens to have a mic, says for Bubba to just do it. The opening segment of this show is focused on Bubba Ray Dudley. This was bashed in 2002 and now it’s happening 8 years later? Bubba wants to know if they’ll light someone on fire. The fans chant EV 2.0. Oh how I hate this. Bubba joins to no one’s shock or caring.

And here’s Hogan, giving these ECW guys the biggest rub of their careers by just being in the same arena with them. Seriously, what else have they done that’s more interesting than that? He says the ECW guys are going to ride again and says this is cool. Yeah….Hogan and hardcore don’t mix in the slightest. Wasn’t he one of the kinds of things that ECW was supposed to be completely against?

Dixie is here of course. Apparently what Hogan was to the 80s, ECW was to the 90s. Give me a fucking break. There’s a surprise for later and here’s Abyss. Can we just announce Hogan vs. Abyss for Bound For Glory? He keeps talking about THEY as I wonder who else they’re going to bring in next. THEY blame Carter for this and will take care of her for it. Abyss vs. Dreamer tonight. Oh joy.

Back from a break and the Beautiful People argue some more. Velvey is hot when she’s pissed off. They make a truce and no one cares.

Sarita vs. Angelina Love

Winner is #1 contender so they can not beat the champion and win the title. The Abyss/Dreamer match will be hardcore. This match already sucks and it’s barely started. It’s not awful but it’s your traditional semi-mess of a match that doesn’t go anywhere at all. Sarita tries to use the tights but gets caught. Love hits a spear to take over again and a bicycle kick to end it.

Rating: D. This was pretty boring but it was short enough to not be completely horrible. Love continues to be attractive and Sarita stays hot. At least we’re getting some fresh blood in there which is a nice thing for a change.

Young is insane again and is partners with Jordan. Oh dear.

Ink Inc vs. Orlando Jordan/Eric Young

We see Young getting hurt on Xplosion. Thanks for an actual explanation there. Oh and I couldn’t be happier to have Jordan back on my TV. Young, who promised backup, brings out a mannequin. Oh great, so we’re back to this again. Jordan and Neal start us off as Taz makes references to Adrian Street who was the inspiration for Rico.

The mannequin is standing in the corner with Young. So is Jordan a face now? Jordan accidently tags the mannequin so Young throws it in, breaking its leg. The Mooregasm ends Jordan. Oh this was stupid.

Rating: D. Again the same grade but for a different reason. This was a BAD comedy match that went nowhere at all. Is there a reason why these four guys are getting TV time? I mean seriously, why do these guys need to be employed? They add nothing to the show but take up about 8 minutes of TV time given their two segments. That’s just overkill.

Flair and Fourtune are in the ring and it’s Flair vs. Lethal next week in a street fight. Beer Money is in Fourtune now. Wow that’s shocking. So in other words after the whole tryout thing, Fourtune is the same four guys that Flair hung out with, therefore wasting our time. Shocking. Beer Money says they’ll win the tag titles tonight.

Kaz says they’re the brightest stars in the TNA Galaxy. Give me a break. AJ says he’s going to defend the title everywhere. Oh and it’s now the Television Title, now shut up IWC. Terry gets a rematch for the TV Title but he had to beat Kaz tonight. They’re about to leave and here’s Angle. Seriously, that riser is just totally awesome. He says AJ is next. Yeah we knew that because we can count to ten.

Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Technically this is a title match but not really. Screw it as it makes the show sound better. The Guns climb in over the back of the cage to get an early advantage. Roode is busted open early and we’re tagging in a cage match. I’ve always hated that. They’re flying around and there’s little flow to it. They’re going with the tag match in a cage instead of tag team cage match, which is fine.

Taz says Beer Money has the lead in the series in his opinion. I’m pretty sure they have it in reality too Taz. Sabin hits the hesitation dropkick which is awesome. Shelley hits a top rope double stomp which is always a dangerous as hell bump to me. Storm hits an elevated Backstabber as this match is pretty solid. Everyone other than Sabin goes for the escapt but they all come down.

Sabin does a cross body off the top to take down Beer Money in a cool spot. Storm gets the beer bottle from somewhere and cracks it over the head of Roode by mistake. The Guns hit their finisher to take over and get to pick the match next week which they’ll win to set up the final match later on.

Rating: B. Solid match here but at just 10 minutes or so it needed more. These matches have been good but having one a week is just kind of overkill of it. I get it: the matches are great, but it would be nice to have a point to them and have matches where the winners aren’t completely predictable. Also: the Guns are now 1-2 as tag champions.

After a break Anderson’s music hits but it’s Matt Morgan instead. It takes forever for him to get the mic dropped and Morgan has to jump to get it. Morgan is near 8 feet tall and weighs 484 pounds. He hides it very well. Morgan kind of imitates Anderson but not really. Ah here’s the real Anderson.

He demonstrates how easy it is to get a mic dropped to him as we waste more time. He goes to the ring and Morgan talks about leaving Anderson bleeding last week. Morgan dares Anderson to hit him so he hits him in the balls. Morgan comes back and chokes him out with the mic cord and Hardy runs down for the save. TNA security holds Anderson and then beats up Hardy. The agents come down to pull the security off. Glad to see one of those guards stopped getting NWA World Title shots and is a security guard now.

Back from another break and we hear that it’s Hardy and Anderson vs. Morgan and Security later.

Kazarian vs. Rob Terry

20 second squash. Freakbuster ends it. Yeah that’s it. The great pushing of Fourtune continues as they’re 0-2 tonight.

Matt Morgan/Murphy/Gunner vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson

Something tells me this is going to be short. Oh and the announcement mentioned earlier was promised just after the break but we get this instead. Morgan and Anderson start but it lasts about a second as Gunner comes in. Ok make that Murphy. They all tagged in just to make it more fun. The security guys have been trying to get into wrestling for ten years. Oh and look: even MORE guys being brought in to wrestle.

This is kind of a mess but not bad. I’m not sure how this helps build to Morgan vs. Anderson….which already happened and already got a segment tonight but whatever. Morgan leaves for no apparent reason. Gunner botches a Mic Check and the Swanton ends it. This was just weak.

Rating: D+. It was ok I guess but this just went nowhere at all. It was more about Hardy and Anderson than the Anderson/Morgan feud. Also, two more guys being brought into the company? Seriously? We don’t have enough already? I know Murphy (Phil Shatter) is a good worker but that doesn’t mean he has to be signed. It’s ok to let some people just not be there. You have two hours of American TV a week. Don’t overcrowd it anymore than it needs to be.

Hogan won’t tell us what the big announcement is.

Not like it matters because we’re about to be told what it is. Was there ANY point to that cameo other than to get Hogan on TV again this week? On August 12 there’s going to be a 3 hour show with PPV quality matches. Bischoff sucking up to the ECW guys is nauseating. He HATED ECW and tried to put it out of business for years but now he loves it? Seriously?

Abyss comes out and THEY say that there needs to be a Janice on a pole match vs. RVD on this show. Only Bischoff can make this match as musical powers come into play again. He threatens Bischoff with the board but RVD comes down with a chair for the save. Hey I remember him! He’s the world champion and the centerpiece of the company! Abyss beats him down and the agents come out again. Yeah I guess Abyss is scared of the old guys.

Dreamer comes out and I guess the match is now? Snow hands him the board and we take a break before the main event starts.

Abyss vs. Tommy Dreamer

We’re back and the fight is already on. Naturally it’s the WWE style of hardcore and not the ECW style because WWECW is dead right? The stipulation for the tag match next week is Ultimate X. Stunning. Dreamer in white boots doesn’t work at all. They plod back and forth for a bit while there just isn’t any caring here at all. Tree of Woe dropkick hits but he has to scream EV 2.0 first.

We bust out the barbed wire board as the Janice thing is just completely forgotten. DDT on the board is blocked and there’s Janice. I hate my timing on occasion. Abyss punches a garbage can into his face and a chokeslam on the barbed wire ends this insanity. Good to see that Abyss can overcome Dreamer after Hogan could barely hurt Abyss a few weeks back.

Rating: D+. Just a boring "hardcore" match that didn't really go anywhere. I can't get over that Dreamer is supposed to be this threat to Abyss all of a sudden but as usual with TNA I'll just go with it. This was supposed to hype up the ECW show I guess but I'd rather them hype up, you know, TNA stuff? The barbed wire board was a cool thing to see if nothing else but this just went nowhere at all.

Raven comes out to save Dreamer and of course he goes after Tommy. Well at least that fits with continuity. Good to see that we’ll get to see a feud that ended perfectly keep going again.

Overall Rating: D. I’ve been reading some reviews of this show and while a lot of people have bashed it too much, this show just did not work for me at all. To begin with, Hogan should never be associated with ECW. He’s completely against everything they stood for, he’s never been extreme and until now he’s never even mentioned them, but he’s been a huge fan or something forever? The first forty minutes of this show were a complete mess. Nothing of note happened.

The opening 20 minute segment was centered around Bubba Ray Dudley and went like this: “Join us.” “No.” “Join us.” “No.” “Join us.” “Okay.” Then we move on to two comedy characters losing to a regular tag team and there’s a mannequin involved. But hey, at least it wasn’t a midget right? Because that would just be STUPID. The tag match was solid as usual, but coupling that with Kaz getting squashed and AJ being challenged by Angle who will beat him and Fourtune looks completely weak. What have they done that looks impressive at all?

The Anderson/Morgan feud, which has already seen a clean pin by Anderson mind you, became about Jeff Hardy who has nothing to do with it but they’re partners so they have to be joined at the hip I guess. And then there’s the ending. So Abyss, the guy that Hogan, RVD, Anderson and Hardy combined could barely put a dent in has trouble beating Tommy freaking Dreamer? Also, Dreamer vs. Raven ended perfectly. There is no point to them coming back and having one more match at all but why bother sticking with something that worked long ago?

The biggest issue I had with this show though was the announcement of the Impact Special. It comes off as just completely idiotic to give the ECW guys the PPV and have the TNA guys get relegated to a TV show. The whole idea of PPV is to put on the best and most intriguing matches possible, to the extent that the fans should pay to see them. So now we’re supposed to just accept that ECW is the far more interesting show and that the TNA guys should just take a backseat to them?

That just doesn’t sit well with me as the ECW guys have done nothing to earn a PPV spot as they sucked in the first place and will suck even worse now. Every day this company keeps looking more and more desperate and that’s never a good thing at all. Bad show this week and a big step back for them. Oh and that’s right: Hogan and Bischoff came back this week too didn’t they? Yeah….they can’t write TV. They never could. Bad show.
This past Thursday's episode of TNA iMPACT! drew a 1.22 rating and 1,645,000 million viewers. That is the highest rating and viewership for the show since February 18 of this year. We will have quarter-hour numbers when they are available.

This is up from last week's episode, which drew a 1.07 rating, with 1,441,000 viewers.
I didn't really enjoy this Impact as much as last week's episode. So I'm just going to go over what I liked which sadly wasn't much.

It was good to see Velvet even if it was just a minute. They really need to let her wrestle more it's been over a month since she's had a match.

The MCMGs / Beer Money steel cage match was great. Also kudos to Robert Roode bleding buckets and takinga beer bottle to the head.

It's also good to know that Raven still hates Tommy Dreamer after all these years.

What I don't get is how they keep guys like Samoa Joe, The Pope, Hernandez and Jay Lethal off the show for weeks at a time. Especially when they are suppose to be some of the top guys in the company.

As for the ECW angle I'm not really liking it but I'm willing to see where it goes.

Overall OK Impact.
UPDATE: The actual rating for TNA iMPACT! was a 1.22 (1.2), the highest rating since the February 18 show. The main jump in the ratings was in the male 12-17 demographic, which jumped from a 0.97 to a 1.21. The rating among males 18-34, 18-49, and 12-34, as well as the overall adult 18-49 demographic, did not increase and in some cases even dropped.

Its good to see that the rating has been the highest since February. It looks like the male 12-17 age group grew a lot for this week's episode. This has to be some good news for TNA heading into Hardcore Justice. I just wonder if they can keep the same viewers next week and after Hardcore Justice is over with.
Wow this weeks Impact was bad.

We start of with the ECW guys in the ring, Dreamer basically says that they cant call themselves ECW so they are EV2.0 they couldnt think of anything better than that, Raven has bleach Blonde hair and looks like a Douche . Devon is here and Dreamer asks where Ray is, Ray comes out and they ask him to join them he says no, this goes on for a while before Tazz gets a mics and says for Ray to do it and he accepts he walks to the ring and asks Devon if they are gonna light someone on fire. End of segment right? Not even close, this is where it gets really bad.

Hogan comes about and says about how he loves ECW, wasnt he the kind of guy ECW hated I just keep expecting them to beat him up. Hearing Hogan say “I get this whole extreme thing, brother” is cringe worthy. Hogan in the same ring as these guys isnt necessary and it just dosent look right. Any end of segment right? No.

Here is Abyss he says that “They” told him to be here and that EV2.0 are ruining their plans so he challenges Tommy to a match and he accepts. Finally it’s over. If this had have ended after the Ray joinded EV2.0 it would be okay but after hearing Hogan say “I get this whole extreme thing, brother” this fails. Hogan and extreme dont mix end of story.

Angelina Love vs Sarita : This is a No 1 contenders match. Not much happens Angelina wins with the Botox Injection, bad match.

Eric Young is apparently ******ed again and is tagging with Orlando Jordan, this is gonna be bad.

EY/Jordan vs Ink Inc: Eric Young has a mannequin with him as a second partner, after getting beat up a bit Jordan tags the mannequin who tags him back. Jordan gets pinned after the moregasm. In a funny bit after the match one of the mannequins arms falls off and EY puts up the X signal OK I’ll admit it I laughed at that.

Fortune are in the ring apparently Beer Money are members, so after having a search for members Flair ends up with the same four guys makes sense right. Kaz talks about not being a bunch of angry rokies and something about the TNA galaxy ok I laughed at that, I love some of these shots TNA takes at the WWE they’re pretty funny. AJ says the Global Title is now the TV Title. Angle comes out and challenges AJ as he is next in the rankings, cant wait for that.

Beer Money/MCMG: This is in a steel cage. I think it is impossible for these two teams too have a bad match together, they could be blindfolded and put on a passable match. Not much I can say about this other than if you havent seen it then go see it.

Andersons music hits but it’s Morgan, in a funny bit he the Mic wont drop down for him so he yells at the cieling. Finally he gets it apparently he is 8 ft and 484 pounds. Here is the real Anderson, Morgan gives him a free shot so Anderson punches him in the nuts. Morgan regains control and heres Hardy security is here and they get a bit too physical.

Its gonna be Hardy/Anderson VS Morgan/Security Guards

Kaz vs Rob Terry: 20 second squash Terry hits the Freakbuster, great way to push fortune right here have 3 out of 4 members loose in one night.

Anderson/Hardy vs Morgan/Security: The sucurity guards are obviously wrestlers which is just what TNA needs more peopls. They look pretty ordinary in the ring. Morgan walks out and the faces win after a Mic Drop and a Swanton. Bad match

Eric Bischoff is here and announces the Free Per View on August 12, he is sucking up to ECW here which makes no sense as he hated them and tried to put them out of business but where in TNA so we dont have to make sense. Abyss is here and they told him that the main event will be RVD vs Abyss for the World Title in a Hardcore match with Janice hung above the Ring. Here is RVD for his weekly 2 minute appearance he has a chair and hits a Van Daminator before Abyss beats him up a bit. Heres Tommy for the save.

Dreamer/Abyss: This is obviously a hardcore match not much to say here as it is mainly random weapon shots. Abyss wins with a chokeslam onto barbed wire. This was a decent match but nothing special. Abyss tries to beat him up with Janice post match with Janoce but here is Raven. To the surprise of no one Raven hits Tommy with a chair then DDT’s him onto it and licks him. What I dont get is after that why didnt Abyss still hit him with Janice?

Overall: This was a bad show the only good part was Beer Money/MCMG. Dreamer/Abyss was OK but apart from that everything else was either bad or didnt make sense. 5/10.
Q1: 1.23 rating - The ECW crew in the ring, Tommy Dreamer promo, Brother Ray agrees to be part of the Hardcore Justice pay-per-view, Hulk Hogan and Abyss out

Q2: 1.11 rating - Beautiful People backstage, Angelina Love vs. Sarita, Orlando Jordan and Eric Young talk backstage

Q3: 1.08 rating - Eric Young video package, Ink Inc. vs. Jordan and Young, Ric Flair and Foutune promo

Q4: 1.21 rating - A.J. Styles renames the Global Title, Kurt Angle out, Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money cage match,

Q5: 1.28 rating - Cage tag match continuation, Matt Morgan and Mr. Anderson verbal exchange,

Q6: 1.21 rating - Continuation of Morgan and Anderson verbal exchange, backstage interview with Anderson and Jeff Hardy, Rob Terry vs. Kazarian

Q7: 1.33 rating - Hardy and Anderson vs. Morgan, Gunner, and Murphy, Christy Hemme talks with Hulk Hogan backstage, Eric Bischoff and Miss Tessmacher with Abyss and Rob Van Dam out

Q8: 1.28 rating - Tommy Dreamer out for main event, Abyss vs. Dreamer, Raven turns on Dreamer

The show opened much stronger than usual, so it definitely appears that there's extra interest due to the ECW angle. The highest rated segment went to the continuation of the entertaining Morgan and Anderson verbal exchange and the match they were involved in. Ecw peaked some interest But guys MCMG, Beer Money, Hardy, Morgan and Anderson were in the highest rated segments. It seems they have gained extra viewers due to Ecw and hopefully those who tuned for Ecw become fans of the Tna guys and continue to watch
Well as of right now the numbers show that the people who said nobody wanted to see ECW were wrong. TNA has been consistently scoring over a 1.0 rating for the last month or so, and now this week the rating rose even more. It appears that 1.33 were watching when Bischoff made the announcement about the TNA free PPV special, so it appears that TNA could possibly reach the rating that they got for the January 4th IMPACT! or maybe even higher. They must not be so bad after all.
Well as of right now the numbers show that the people who said nobody wanted to see ECW were wrong. TNA has been consistently scoring over a 1.0 rating for the last month or so, and now this week the rating rose even more. It appears that 1.33 were watching when Bischoff made the announcement about the TNA free PPV special, so it appears that TNA could possibly reach the rating that they got for the January 4th IMPACT! or maybe even higher. They must not be so bad after all.

I think your praise is just a little unwarranted; it's also a bit exaggerated. These are numbers TNA has gotten in the past, years ago, long before Hogan and Bischoff came along and dragged TNA down a few notches so they were forced to climb back up again. I think people should hold off on the praise until TNA starts doing numbers, consistently, that they haven't done in years past. Until then it's just the same ol' same ol'.

It's good, though, that they're crawling ahead slowly but surely. But I wouldn't get too excited yet about this whole ECW aide to the ratings, it really hasn't been very significant at all when you look at it and there's no proof that once these fans get their nostalgia fix they won't just disappear when ECW disappears again, no different then what happened January 4th.
I just got done watching the 8/5 edition of Impact, and whereas most of the show was kind of on the slow side. the tag match with MCMG and beer money was once again totally off the hook! what a great pairing of teams....just that match alone was better then an entire 2 hour edition of RAW. the spike DDT on roode was a true holy shit spot
This show had some high highs and some low lows. The tag match was amazing, and the final brawl really built up a good energy that makes me excited for the PPV. Conversely, the Jordan shtick is old, Flair's match was a waste, and the tag match proceeding the main event brawl did not leave me with high hopes for what Raven and Dreamer can actually still bring. I actually really liked the Sting return, as I thought it was pretty exciting, but I'm guessing they'll get a lot of heat for pushing story-lines from two defunct brands at once. Overall I found the show pretty enjoyable, and a marked step up from last week, albeit with some extremely frustrating elements. B
This show had some high highs and some low lows.

More like the show had its MCMG/Guns match, and its low lows. Just an absolutely terrible show tonight. The ECW thing is a stupid idea, the Flair/Lethal match was a complete abomination, the OJ/Pope sucked and made absolutely no sense, and Sting coming out in red face paint with the announcers freaking out over the Wolfpac, just after Hogan talked about making the old guys step aside, made me facepalm so hard it went through my skull and gooshed my brain.

Credit where credit was due, there were some good parts to the show. As mentioned before, the MCMG/Guns match was excellent, and I really enjoyed the Beautiful People (especially Lacey von Erich because as I've made clear in other threads I just really like her). But other than that, the show was shit.

the only thing that I enjoy about tonight was the tag team match they had between-The Motor City Machineguns and Beer Money, everything else i kept changing the channel. I saw the beginning of the show and i was like are u kiddin me, this is what u want people to watch the pay per view for? I can understand suppose to hype up the pay per view a little bit but this is kind of lame. they bringing a storyline back some that happen in ecw years ago and bring it back up but change it a little bit and this is suppose to hype it up, i hope that's not the main event match for hardcore justice because the hype was too weak

they claim that this is not about ecw thats what Tommy dreamer said and that's what eric bischoff said in the interview that i read on wrestlezone.com ..ok if that was the case then why at the end of the show they going to show old pictures of what ecw was back in the days. can somebody explain that to me??
I decided to turn on impact and I see MCMG and Beer Money having another gimmick match and i thought "why they just can't have a non gimmck match in this series is it that hard and if they are ending the series wuth a singles match then that would be pretty ass backwards wouldn't". I almost turned it off but I watched it and it was a good match my favorites parts are the spike ddt on rhodes I thought Rhodes was dead after that and I liked the Sliced Bread on the apron or whatever alex sheily calls it. I thought it was sick but I knew they were gonna win still good match. Next I see orlando jordan and what he did with the sucker and the thing in the corner made me think :wtf: and i turned the channel. I turned back after that and see raven and abyss and I'm think "its about to get bloody" and I watch and nothing. Nothing extreme about it. I don't think there any weapons used in the whole match so tonight was basically garbage besides MCMG/Beer Money
Very entertaining show tonight! Besides the women's tag match everything was fun to watch.Yeah the Bps are fun to look at but they can't wrestled and I must say Hamada is hot in a diffrent way, She's a very good looking woman!AJ really made Rob Terry look good and He finished the match in spectacular fashion.

What else can you say about the MCMGS and BEER MONEY just plain and simple they're awesome!This rivalry has a very old school feel to it and I think it's Great!

Wow Ric Flair you are my Hero you are the most entertaining 60 year old I have ever seen just hilarious, I was laughing with tears coming out of my eyes just a very entertaining match/segment!

Stings return surprised me and made the Hogan and Bischoff segment even more interesting I'm curious were this leads to and will we finally find out who's ''they'' I hope so?

So Tonight was a great way to get me hyped for the next two shows and I especially can't wait until next Thursdays IMPACT should be all kinds of awesome!

Very Entertaining not overall Great but I was Entertained for Two Hours and that's all that matters.
Another entertaining Impact. We got new KO tag titles. Hurray. Finally, no more BP holding the KO tag titles. We got a Sting return in Red & Black, we got a fantastic match with the MCMG/Beer Money, we got a good promo with Raven/Dreamer that has rekindled their feud, we got a bloody entertaining match with Flair and Lethal, we had a fun main event match with all hardcore guys, and a return of the Sandman.

TNA iMPACT - August 5, 2010

Opening Segment - I understand that TNA is trying to build interest in the Hardcore Justice ppv. After all, they decided to go against good sense and do the show anyhow so they might as well try and do what they can to get people to order it. The overall mic work and exchange between Raven and Dreamer was solid, but this was not the match to try and hype this ppv around, not by a long shot. Neither of these two are particularly all that good in the ring. They're alright, but using this match to sell the ppv fell on deaf ears with me. Having Mick Foley as the guest ref in the match after laying out Raven with the ballbat shows that Dreamer is going to win or Foley is going to backstab dreamer. I give TNA credit for trying, but I've no interest in anything with these two. Thumbs Down

Taylor Wilde & Hamada vs. The Beautiful People - The one consolation in this match really was that both Lacey and Velvet were mouthwateringly hot. The match in and of itself was extremely sloppy, due in large part to Lacey Von Botch. She's a very beautiful woman but she cannot wrestle. Watching her try to wrestle with Hamada or Taylor Wilde was just absolutely painful. Lacey needs to be the fluff toy/valet to someone, stand around and look pretty, occassionally interfere to help her man out and that's it. I can't get excited about the changing of the Knockout tag titles as they mean about as much as a toy WWE title you can buy at Wal-Mart. Thumbs Down

AJ Styles vs. Rob Terry - As in their first match, AJ Styles was booked to look almost completely impotent in the ring with Rob Terry. It's painful to see AJ Styles booked to look so weak against an opponent so inferior. Styles barely got any offense in the match, most of which included a low blow, the Pele Kick and then the Springboard 450. He didn't look quite as weak against Terry as Styles managed to win without outside interference, but he still pretty much had to cheat. The match lasted about 3 minutes and I'm hoping that this is the last we see of Styles and Terry. It wasn't as bad as their first match, but watching Styles get completely dominated by someone that should be carrying his bags from the car for him for 2.5 minutes doesn't do much for me. Thumbs Down

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money - Predictably, this was the highlight of iMPACT! last night. Prior to the match, both teams were in the ring and cut a solid confrontational promo. The match in and of itself was very fun and entertaining. I admit that I'm a little bit mixed on TNA making all of these matches gimmick matches, but they've still been fun to watch overall. While the match didn't have an epic feel to me, it was better than most Ultimate X matches because it was actually more than a series of endless highspots with 8 guys flying around all over the place. The outcome was entirely predictable but, overall, it's been a very entertaining series of matches. Thumbs Up

Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash & Eric Bischoff - To be completely honest, I liked this segment. I'm not interested really in watching an old guy face vs. an old guy heel feud over how the old guys need to step aside. What I liked about it is that Hulk Hogan came right out and finally said what so many TNA fans have been screaming for a long time. It's time for the older guys to step back. TNA has done a pretty good job with having most of their older wrestlers step back. Nothing particularly thrilling here, not even the beatdown of Hogan & Bischoff or Jarrett running in to make the same, just some solid mic work with Hulk Hogan mostly saying something that I didn't expect him to acknowledge or admit. Thumbs Up

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Orlando Jordan - Aside from Jordan doing his whole creepy gay guy thing at various points through the match and Eric Young doing his brain damage routine, there's nothing to say here. Basically, a standard 3 minute filler match that was entirely forgettable. Thumbs Down

Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair - It makes me sad to see how far Ric Flair has fallen. I've watched him and loved him pretty much all my life, but I was just outright embarassed for the man last night. The match itself was mostly Flair flopping around. He must've done his whole schtick of walking casually before falling flat on his face half a dozen times last night. Lethal stripping him down to his underwear and then having his drawers pulled down to show his ass...well, at least TNA blurred that part of it out. Lethal lost the match due to outside interference from Douglas Williams, so hopefully Lethal is heading back into the X-Division. But yeah, 5 minute street fights with a 61 year old man flopping around in his underwear just don't do it for me. Thumbs Down

Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss & Raven - One thing that's indisputable is that Raw's main events definitely outshine TNA's. On Raw, the main event match for a while now generally lasts 15-20 minutes whereas TNA main eventers feel like your typical 3-4 minute filler matches like this one did. Nothing memorable happened in the match really. RVD & Dreamer very predictably got the win and all. The Sandman showing up in the middle of the ring no doubt had the ECW fans creaming themselves for some reason. Still, nothing overly memorable about this match unless you're a diehard, old school ECW fan.

Overall Show - Thumbs Down - Last night's iMPACT! wasn't as bad as last week's, but it's been following the usual pattern that's been going for about a month. The real and only bright spot on the show was the tag match between the Guns and Beer Money. The rest consisted of filler matches, 3-4 minute matches for titles that nobody cares about, a 61 year old man running around in his underwear and ECW nostalgia. Last night, there was a 5 second appearance by Jerry Lynn during an RVD interview. I didn't include the RVD interview as part of the review as it was the typical nonsensical ramblings of RVD so I didn't really see a point. Anyhow, RVD & Jerry Lynn is the match that TNA should have been building this ECW themed ppv around instead of Raven & Tommy Dreamer. From what I understand, Jerry Lynn can still go and some of the matches he and RVD have had in the past have been fantastic. But, all we get for building that match is a brief, 5 second cameo. Overall, just another lame episode of iMPACT. I kept looking up at the clock throughout the night to check the time with the hope that it was nearly over. I am looking forward to next week's iMPACT! however. This week's show, however, gets a D.
I think this was a good show because it played to the audience they want. It likely did little to attract the current younger WWE fans but it sure played up on some interesting nostalgia both through the people involved and the style of the show. That was the closest thing I have seen to an updated attitude era show in a long time. That comes with all the pros and cons of that era. It is likely that those who were able to move on to the latest WWE era do not want to see this stuff brought back up but those of us who never could move on to a product we did not like are enjoying seeing this back. Beer Money and MCMG keep putting on some great matches. The creativity those teams are displaying is awesome (way more awesome than saying awesome in an annoying way several times in a row). Sting with the red face paint was pretty intriguing and that segment was put together well. Overall, I enjoyed the show and think it was yet another continuation in TNA being on the uptick.
I really enjoyed the first hour of Impact compared to the second hour. Raven and Dreamer confronted each other, and its good to see that the reunion show will actually have some heated matches. It will be interesting to see how Foley will do in his role as special guest referee Sunday. Odds are Dreamer will lose another match to Raven, but he may not since this is "the last show" the ECW guys are doing.

The beautiful people drama continues. I'm glad that Hamada is back and she actually has some gold. It is kind of odd to throw a random tag team together to win the straps, but there are no other tag teams in the knockout's division. I hope to see Velvet back with Angelina and they can feud with Madison and you know who.

AJ Styles vs. Rob Terry was the match that we were all used to. I'm just glad that AJ actually pinned Rob Terry in a half clean/ half dirty way. He may have cheated by giving him a low blow, but at least he didn't need help this time from Kaz to beat someone.

The Ultimate X was definitely the match of the night and in my eyes the match of the week, and the best match of the series. I don't know why it took TNA this long to put these two teams together, but when they are wrestling it is always a highlight reel.

The second hour of the show was a bit of a letdown. Hogan and Bischoff came out telling Kevin Nash that it isn't about them but about the young guys. Then we see Sting back in his Wolfpac paint attacking Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett. We have already seen a version of the NWO before and we also have a hardcore reunion. Now we have a Wolfpac vs. The old NWO feud? It's hard to think of the future when TNA is constantly going back to the past.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Bischoff turn on RVD, allowing Abyss to become champion. Hogan, Bischoff, and the other guys are better in a backstage role.

I can't believe Jordan and The Pope had a match again. Pope did beat him, but it makes Pope look like a jobber when he first came in. Eric Young just needs to go period.

Lethal vs. Flair in a street fight was more like a tuxedo match. We all love Flair's tactics from back in the day, but does anyone want to see a nude 61 year old man in the ring? I like the idea of Williams joining Fourtune, but why is Lethal being pushed to only lose to a half naked Ric Flair?

RVD & Dreamer vs. Abyss & Raven was short and sweet I guess. I don't know why TNA didn't allow all of the ECW originals to come to ringside and air it on Spike TV. Taz said that people will have to order the PPV to find out who is there. Why would someone order a PPV if they don't know who is wrestling in it? Its always nice to see The Sandman, no matter how big he is. He was never in shape to begin with, but he was lean in WWE 5 years ago.

It doesn't take a body builder to sling a Singapore cane though. TNA did a good job in my opinion of hyping next week's Impact. The videos and interviews of the former ECW guys were done really good. I think Jerry Lynn could of been used more. He just appeared for a few seconds. You would think that Lynn vs. RVD as the main event would be given more then just a few seconds of air time.

A solid first hour overall and a mediocre second hour. I enjoyed this episode more than last week's episode. I hope that Hardcore Justice can deliver, and hope that the Impact special next week will deliver more.
The 8/5 edition of Impact did a 1.21 rating with 1,626,000 viewers. Another good rating which makes it two in a row that they drew a 1.2 rating. Total viewership has been increasing over the past few weeks which is a good sign. Hopefully the rating will increase for next weeks special The Whole F'n Show and it can possibly approach a 1.3 Rating. Overall another good rating
Date: August 5, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: There’s No Place Like Home

We open the go home show to Hardcore Justice with a recap of last week’s show. Abyss says THEY are still coming and Dreamer got beaten up by Raven. Raven/Abyss vs. Dreamer/RVD later.

Dreamer is here and wants to talk to Raven. He says they’re friends now and his kids call him Uncle Scotty. Raven talks about knowing each other for 30 years and how he stole Raven’s girl. Dreamer’s kids should have been Raven’s, prompting a very funny look. This is at least a story for Sunday. They go at it and Abyss comes out. Then RVD comes out. Is anyone in the hardcore closet anymore? Raven Effect on the stage to Dreamer and it looks bad. Foley comes out and hits Raven with a barded wire bat. He’s the referee for Raven/Dreamer. Uh….why? What connection do they have to Foley?

Knockouts Tag Titles: Beautiful People vs. Hamada/Taylor Wilde

Well this is different. Lacey is gorgeous. Take a guess as to how good this is. Lacey does a backflip but lands on her ass. Allegedly it was an elbow drop but I fail to see it. Hamada and Taylor hug a lot. Madison is on the stage and here’s the biker chick. Madison’s boobs are EPIC. The referee gets nailed and you can make your own jokes. Taylor dropkicks a chair into the face of Lacey and they win the tag belts. Yeah I don’t care either.

Rating: N/A. I would give it a grade but that wouldn’t be right. The match was awful, but Madison’s boobs were amazing at least and that’s just not a failure in any way.

TV Title: Rob Terry vs. AJ Styles

Kaz gets thrown out immediately. Terry chases him off and destroys AJ. We all know there’s no way AJ is losing here but he’s going to get squashed in the process. Mike and Tazz talk about all the people to hold the TV Title including Flair and Anderson. I really hope they don’t try to do this. Terry dominates and then AJ gets a low blow, the Pele and the 450 to win it. Not wild on that but definitely better than when he won the title.

Rating: C-. Short but not bad. AJ got beaten up for the most part but he won in the end and it was mostly clean. I can live with that while he’s a heel and cheating to an extent to win. Him hitting the splash was good as he won with his own move which looks cool. Nothing great but for what it was, this was passable.

Kurt talks about his Top Ten challenge thing in a good package.

Lethal talks about his street fight in a not so good package.

The BP fight in the back and Lacey gets her head slammed into a wall or something, freaking Velvet out.

Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Roode talks to Sabin about how they have redefined the tag division but it’s about the titles. After a commercial to get here, we take a break after the promos. Beer Money might be growing on me. I’m not sure yet. Storm can’t climb because he’s drunk. This is more about fighting on the mat rather than going up the structure which is ok.

The BEER MONEY shout leads nowhere. Roode is busted open. He goes up but it doesn’t go anywhere. DAMN nice DDT on Roode by Shelley while Roode sold very well. Sabin and Storm both go up and Sabin gets a pretty nice rana. Beer Money does a nice spot as Roode does the crossing but Storm walks underneath him as a balance. Nicely done.

Standing Sliced Bread #2 on the apron. NICE. Roode goes up onto the structure above the cables and is walking on them. Sabin uses the traditional sense and crotches Roode making him land on his head. Sabin gets the X for the win.

Rating: B+. For free TV, this was very good. It’s not as great as some of these matches have been, but this was a rather entertaining match. They started slow which was a nice change of pace and then upped the ante with the cable stuff. This was good and rather entertaining including some SICK spots.

Here are Hogan and Bischoff with their hot chick. They’re here to talk about the Whole F’N Show, which is the special they’re doing. Abyss vs. RVD in the board above the ring match for the title, Love vs. Rayne, AJ vs. Angle, Anderson vs. Pope vs. Morgan, Hardy has an open challenge, MCMG vs. Beer Money and I think that’s it.

Here’s Nash to stare down Hogan. He talks about how he’s tired of being ignored and Hogan/Bischoff say the old days of politics are over. Nash hits Bischoff and the old guys explode. Nash gets a chair and here comes Jarrett for the save. And Sting is back. Oh here we go again. Sting hits Jarrett in the face with the bat and he doesn’t go down. Sting and Nash leave together and Jarrett and Hogan are both out.

Orlando Jordan vs. D’Angelo Dinero

Jordan is still employed. Why is that? Well at least he’s a jobber now. That’s a big step in the right direction. Jordan is creepy for a bit and then we go at it. And here’s Eric Young to slide down the ramp and try to get the money that drops down from the ceiling. DDE ends it soon after. Morgan beats up Dinero and Anderson saves. The security guards get in Anderson’s face.

Rating: N/A. This was just a way to set up the triple threat last week which is ok. It’s not like Jordan means anything.

Flair talks about winning tonight and how great it’s going to be.

Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal

It’s a street fight. Flair is in a damn suit? If Fourtune interferes then Flair is suspended sans pay. This is your standard street fight with weak weapons. Flair is busted open. In other news, Velvet Skye has a name. Douglas Williams comes out for no apparent reason and there go Flair’s pants. The underwear have pink flowers on them.

Lethal beats him with a belt and Lethal throws his pants and socks into the crowd. Flair has one shoe, one sock, and underwear with pink flowers. Second Flair Flop of the match. Williams pulls him to the floor and it goes nowhere. The underwear comes down and thankfully it’s censored. Hebner has to pull them up in a scene that is going to scar him for life. Lethal gets a foot on the rope after a belt shot from Williams but it gets knocked off and Flair wins. Flair is busted BAD.

Rating: D-. Read the description. Do I need to explain why this was bad?

RVD talks about how he has a tough schedule coming up. Jerry Lynn pops up and says he’s the opponent at Hardcore Justice.

Tommy Dreamer/Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss/Raven

We start it out on the ramp for a bit. Van Dam dives over the top rope to get at Abyss. Dreamer is in white boots here and has on an RVD shirt. This doesn’t go long at all as in maybe three minutes the Five Star ends it. I know I didn’t say much about it but nothing really happened.

Rating: N/A. I’m not sure why that ended with five minutes to go in the show. It didn’t prove anything or change anything and RVD pinning Raven doesn’t mean much. Just a weird main event.

Abyss goes crazy and beats everyone up so Richards and Rhyno come down for the save. Gore is blocked though and here comes Team 3D. Raven with a chair puts them down as they go for their namesake. The lights go out and it’s the Sandman, looking like complete and utter hell. I mean hell for Sandman, so let that sink in. Some guys bring out a cooler to end the show.

ECW guys talk about the days of ECW for three minutes to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This just didn’t do it for me. The Ultimate X match was good but there was zero doubt about who would win. I see no reason at all for Flair to beat Lethal or for it to have been a goofy and bad comedy match. The main event meant nothing and Sandman being there means….what exactly? Other than that there just wasn’t anything of note here. The tag titles changing means nothing and the TV Title win is inconsequential since it’s all about AJ vs. Angle anyway. This just didn’t do much as they knew that Hardcore Justice is already sold. This was weak to me overall but there was at least a point to most stuff, which is nice.
This weeks Impact was awful bar the Ultimate X match. The Dreamer/Raven promo was OK and atleast it gives their mathc a bit of a story to it, I'm not sure why Mick is ref though what does he have to do with either of these guys. KO match was nothing short of horrible, then only thing worse than a thrown together male tag team winning the titles is a thrown together female tag team winning the titles. AJ/Terry was pretty bad as they continue to make AJ look weak. As I said the UX match was the saving grace of this show. Pope/Jordan was a bad comedy match but I guess it was used to set up the triple threat which is OK. Flair/Lethal was awful they really made Flair look pathetic which is just sad. The main event was also bad as it was only about 5 mins and sh*t all happened. Sandman showing up was a nice surprise though.

Overall: 4/10
iMPACT! last Thursday pulled in a 1.2 rating again – which translates to 1.6 million viewers – a number they pulled in the week prior.

The quarterly hour breakdowns are as follows:

Q1: 1.07 rating - Tommy Dreamer and Raven verbal confrontation, Abyss and Rob Van Dam brawl, Mick Foley announces he's special referee, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne entrance

Q2: 1.09 rating - Sky and Rayne vs. Hamada and Taylor Wilde, A.J. Styles vs. Rob Terry

Q3: 1.11 rating - Styles vs. Terry continuation, Kurt Angle training video, Jay Lethal pre-tape, Beautiful People fight backstage, Beer Money and Motor City Machine Guns verbal exchange

Q4: 1.19 rating - Talk continues, Beer Money vs. MCMG in an Ultimate X match

Q5: 1.29 rating - Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, and Miss Tessmacher promo, Kevin Nash interrupts and brawls with Hogan, Jeff Jarrett save, Sting attack

Q6: 1.27 rating - Sting and Nash backstage, D'Angelo Dinero vs. Orlando Jordan, Eric Young out during the match, Matt Morgan attack and Mr. Anderson save, Ric Flair interview backstage

Q7: 1.32 rating - Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal with Doug Williams interference, two commercial breaks

Q8: 1.30 rating - RVD promo with Jerry Lynn, RVD and Dreamer vs. Abyss and Raven, Abyss out, several ECW wrestlers attempt to make the save, Sandman save, Hardcore Justice video, Whole F'n Show preview video.
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