[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I thought the backstage stuff with Immortal and Fourtune was hilarious.

I don't understand why everyone is always bitching about all the 'talking'. Any wrestling show that goes on in the current day has more talking than wrestling and if your not used to it by now, then simply turn the TV off and dont watch it. It's probably going to stay this way for a while on any network so get a grip.

I personally don't look at every minor aspect of the show and comment on if it was good or not. People take it far too seriously when all they want is wrestling. Go watch ROH then and look at how storylines are told in the ring. Boring as bat shit. I judge it on the entertainment i get and i thought Impact was entertaining. It kept me watching for the duration and the main event was really heating up, despite the stupid nWo DQ finish.

Will be watching next week as always. Talk then.

For the record, I don't watch ROH. I don't even know and don't get the channel it comes on where I live. I've never seen an ROH match and really don't care to, so I'm not an ROHbot. The WWE and TNA is enough wrestling for me, and I've been watching for 20+ years.

You're right. I do bitch about a lot of talking and not much wrestling. I watch both the WWE and TNA, and both shows usually have at least one promo that goes too long. My problem is that in TNA the talking doesn't lead anywhere. Think about Impact this week: we saw 15 minutes of wrestling, and 30 minutes of a Thanksgiving dinner! Our billed main event before the elimination match was made was Jeff Jarrett vs. Jesse Neal.

I always do have positive points, like I actually like that the Knockouts are getting re-shuffled, and tag team wrestling is finally being utilized for the first time in years. But if I'm going to watch a wrestling show, I want to be entertained. I know some moments fall flat on both shows, but you can't base a two-hour show around 11 wrestlers eating Thanksgiving dinner and talking about how great they fooled someone out of their company. You can't depend on important moments of a wrestling show to be watching Ric Flair chug Smirnoff Ice and hit on women old enough to be his granddaughters. And you certainly can't allow the TNA World Champion to wrestle three matches total since October.

Another thing: it's WRESTLING! That's the point! I want at least one 10 minute match to show me some athletic ability. I'm not turning on wrestling to watch people act! You think people watch football to hear Al Michaels commentate? People watch the Patriots vs. Colts to see Peyton Manning cut a promo?! I'm sorry but if I'm watching a 2 hour show, I should get a minimum of 45 minutes of wrestling. Maybe I'm old school, but why are people watching TNA to listen to promos?! How can a wrestling fan possibly defend that listening to promos is better than a match?!

Again, I don't want to step on anyone's opinions, and I will always watch TNA no matter how bad it gets until it literally offends me like WCW did, but it boggles my mind how anyone can not want to see wrestling on a wrestling show.
Funny how this is the only forum who disliked yesterday's Impact, most of you guys are probably ROHbots. No one cares about the amount of wrestling. And also this was a throwaway show. Last year's Thanksgiving Impact was focused on wrestling and yet it got a worse rating than the Turkey Bowl shows.

You idiots, if you dont like the show, then dont watch it. Go and continue sucking Danielson's dick.

Alot of people care about the amount of wrestling. Just look at SmackDown!, they have a HUGE portion of their show devoted to wrestling while still fitting in time to advance multiple angles. That's what makes it work. It's the perfect balance of GOOD wrestling, not 5 minute gimmick matches that serve almost no purpose, while SmackDown! also has solid segments and interviews that help advance everything. And from what I've seen, SmackDown! usually gets about twice as many viewers at TNA gets. Just wait and compare iMPACT! to tonight's SmackDown!. You'll see.

Your arguing about this being a throwaway show? Well then every week in TNA has been a throwaway show lately huh? There was random brawling, shitty matches, and poinless segments. Sounds like a standard iMPACT! to me. Just look at Old School Raw. That could've been devoted to being a throwawy show, but it wasn't. It mostly advanced everything happening on Raw, there was one good match with a few ok ones, and there were some good segments and interviews. And overall, IT WAS ENTERTAINING!!! You find Ric Flair getting iced backstage entertaining? You find Jeff Jarrett putting submission holds on children entertaining? I sure as hell don't! I'm sure the ratings will show that I'm right in just a few days.

And I'm not even an ROH fan, so if you decide to try to argue what I've just said, don't even TRY to use the excuse that I'm an "ROHbot."
iMPACT started off fine, but it quickly went downhill. As usual, the ratings will most likely reflect this.

I liked Morgan's promo. I really feel like he's getting better every week on the mic. Anderson is obviously going to be the ref at Final Resolution. Williams was actually pretty entertaining on the mic as well. Kazarian? Not so much. It was damn near cringe worthy, though I did like the fact that they honored Survivor Series with the 4 on 4 elimination match for the main event.

Dreamer/Rhino was okay while it lasted, but did the damn thing even last 5 minutes? There was absolutely no point to this. Sets up RVD/Rhino in an Extreme First Blood Match at Final Resolution. Just read that last sentence. Yeah, exactly.

Madison/Sarita was actually okay, though it could have been better if Sarita didn't botch every other move. Don't really see the point of Sarita going over here, seeing that she isn't even in the title picture.

Jesse Neal/JJ was fucking bad. This whole MMA thing with Jarrett is absolutely hilarious though, but I don't know if it's supposed to be funny. I think it's a solid way to get people to despise Jarrett, and it works into this feud he has going with Joe and Angle (kinda?). But these "MMA" matches need to stop. It's absolutely ******ed to make a mockery of MMA, seeing that Spike is partners with UFC. I'm going to stop myself here, as I could go into a page long rant of how stupid it is that TNA is making fun of MMA.

Team Morgan/Fortune was actually solid. Some cool spots in there, and I actually enjoyed it. Probably overrated it in my mind seeing that it was really the only decent wrestling we got all night. Well, let me re-phrase that: It was solid until the end. The fact that we go through all this trouble, and then Hardy just comes in and kicks Morgan in the nuts was just fucking stupid. Why couldn't we get a clean finish, then Hardy comes in after the match? Is a fucking clean finish too much to ask for in this company?

Oh and Dixie's return? The segment they were hyping the whole night? Oh yeah, that didn't even air on iMPACT. Makes perfect sense.

I really want TNA to be successful, I really do. I watch every week, I watch all the PPV's, I watch old matches and PPV's frequently, I watch Xplosion, I watch TNA Today, etc. But the stuff they are putting on TV right now is absolute garbage. I could just tune out like everyone else, but there's something about TNA that screams potential. It's the fantastic roster, the innovative programming in stuff like Reaction, that Attitude Era-like feel, and most importantly, the in-ring action (at times) and larger than life characters.

There's something about WWE these days that just doesn't appeal to me. It's not like it's shitty TV, I just can't get into it. Even though TNA is shit right now, I still get pumped for iMPACT every week somehow, so that has to be worth something.

Though putting all my faith in guys that haven't struck gold since the nWo probably isn't the best idea in the world.
Last night's Impact was bad. There is really no other way to look at it. The only thing I enjoy on Impact lately is seeing Ric Flair get iced and joke around with Fortune, but even that is getting boring. There was one match if you could call it that in the first hour of the show. Rhino vs. Dreamer in a street fight which we have seen time and time again. Why should we care about Rhino if he is going to be released after his match with RVD? Dreamer actually got the pin on Rhino.

RVD is going to face him at the PPV in a first blood match. When every match on Impact is either hardcore or has blood in it, it is hard to get excited about a first blood match or even a hardcore match. The Knockouts brawl was pointless. Of all people that could of wrestled in the show we got Madison vs. Sarita and Jesse Neal vs. Jarrett in an MMA match. Both matches were terrible.

Matt Morgan wants to make a shocking announcement about his referee when we all know that Mr. Anderson is the obvious choice. Why not reveal it and get it over with. I'm not really into Doug Williams as a face and the crowd isn't either.

They teased Dixie Carter coming on the show for 2 hours and she came on Reaction only to slap Hogan with an injunction and say he has no authority to sign anyone. The good thing is maybe they can end this ridiculous Immortal storyline. At this point I wouldn't even care if it ended soon as long as TNA could get back to putting on great matches.

Bubba calling out Devon because he was weak was ridiculous. No one cares about two washed up tag team wrestlers fighting each other. What will happen after their match? Just retire for the love of God.

The 8 man tag could of been good, but it was the same crap as usual. Is there any reason why Samoa Joe and Pope fought each other? Don't they have PPV matches against the immortals next week? There have been many bad Thanksgiving Impacts in the past, but I think this one takes the cake. I'm usually the biggest TNA and Impact supporter, but Impact has been garbage ever since Bound For Glory.

There is great talent there but they are being wasted. Final Resolution is looking worse than any other TNA PPV this year. I desperately hope something changes in the next month or so but I doubt it will.
Funny how this is the only forum who disliked yesterday's Impact, most of you guys are probably ROHbots.

I can't speak for anyone else but I've never watched ROH. I'd give it a shot if I got the opportunity. You don't have to be a fan of any particular wrestling company to know that last night's iMPACT! was a waste of more than 2 hours. I had more fun using the toilet after gobbling down a helluva lotta turkey than I did watching TNA.

No one cares about the amount of wrestling. And also this was a throwaway show. Last year's Thanksgiving Impact was focused on wrestling and yet it got a worse rating than the Turkey Bowl shows.

No one cares about the amount of wrestling? There's so much bullshit in that statement that you could smell it from a mile away. God forbid that a wrestling television program actually have wrestling on it.

You idiots, if you dont like the show, then dont watch it. Go and continue sucking Danielson's dick.

If you're gonna be a little whiney bitch that can't stand the thought of anybody criticizing your favorite wrestling company, then an internet forum isn't the place for you. You'd be better off using your time to make your own little TNA fan site and only allow people to join that are love TNA as much as you do and would never think of saying anything bad about it.
I really don't get it. People in this forum usually complains that TNA does not push the originals... that they are always misused... that TNA only uses WWE "rejects"... how the show sucks... how they should concentrate in the originals... blah blah blah.

Then yesterday, TNA does exactly the opposite and people still complains... giving Impact bad reviews.

Yesterday, TNA was all about originals (except for Rhino/Dreamer/RVD segment... plus Bubba segment... Pope in the match... and Hardy at the end). Everybody else, a TNA original...

Morgan, Williams, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, MCMG, Sarita, Madison, Samoa Joe, Jarret, Jesse... Isn't that what people wanted? But it seems that no matter what TNA does, it is not enough for you guys!

Oh and BTW... SMACKDOWN?!? Really? No talking? All wrestling? REALLY? Last SD had like 6 segments of Edge/Kane (stupid segments of Edge being a bully to Paul and Kane looking like a maniac for the guy). Isn't Kane supernatural? He can appear from nowhere into the ring but cannot find his father?!? SD had like 7 matches... sounds good, right?!? Well, not really... 5 of them were simply SQUASH matches that didn't last more than 5 mins. Is that really what you want? And WTH? Alberto del Rio is the top heel right now and he is NOT the last guy to be eliminated/pinned?!? WOW! SD is impressive! *sarcasm
Funny how this is the only forum who disliked yesterday's Impact, most of you guys are probably ROHbots. No one cares about the amount of wrestling.

If this is the only forum that doesn't share your idiotic opinion, then by all means, go back to where you came from.

No cares about the amount of wrestling? It's a WRESTLING show, you hump. How could you possibly believe that no one cares about the actual wrestling? When a wrestling company has over two hours of programming to fill, they might wanna, ya know, have some actual WRESTLING!

And also this was a throwaway show. Last year's Thanksgiving Impact was focused on wrestling and yet it got a worse rating than the Turkey Bowl shows.

I'm sorry, but when you're attempting to become a mainstream wrestling company and you have fans in the seats and people watching on television, there is no such thing as a throw-away show. Jesus, if TNA adopted your ideas it would be ever worse off than it is now, and that's saying something.

You idiots, if you dont like the show, then dont watch it. Go and continue sucking Danielson's dick.

I legit laughed at this. What does Impact, or how badly TNA blows, have to do with Danielson?? Last time I checked, WWE was curb-stomping TNA in the ratings. You are calling other people idiots? That's funny stuff.

I don't understand why everyone is always bitching about all the 'talking'. Any wrestling show that goes on in the current day has more talking than wrestling and if your not used to it by now, then simply turn the TV off and dont watch it. It's probably going to stay this way for a while on any network so get a grip.

Ok, how about people go along with your advice, and start turning their televisions off. You think that's going to help TNA? TNA is lucky to be drawing the 1.0-1.2 it gets on a weekly basis. You're honestly going to say that having that many talking segments doesn't hurt the promotion? You are insane. I actually find it hilarious that you want us to shut our tv's off...wow.

I personally don't look at every minor aspect of the show and comment on if it was good or not. People take it far too seriously when all they want is wrestling. Go watch ROH then and look at how storylines are told in the ring. Boring as bat shit. I judge it on the entertainment i get and i thought Impact was entertaining. It kept me watching for the duration and the main event was really heating up, despite the stupid nWo DQ finish.

Well, as long as TNA can hold onto one or two million dopes like you, they should stay in business for a few more years at least.

Will be watching next week as always. Talk then.

Oh good, I can't wait....:disappointed:

I really don't get it. People in this forum usually complains that TNA does not push the originals... that they are always misused... that TNA only uses WWE "rejects"... how the show sucks... how they should concentrate in the originals... blah blah blah.

Some say that, and some just want a decent show. I'm with the second group.

Then yesterday, TNA does exactly the opposite and people still complains... giving Impact bad reviews.

It "got bad reviews" because it stunk.

Yesterday, TNA was all about originals (except for Rhino/Dreamer/RVD segment... plus Bubba segment... Pope in the match... and Hardy at the end). Everybody else, a TNA original...

For the love of Christ, you yourself just named over half of the show being guys who are not TNA originals! Like I said earlier, I don't care about originals, free agents, etc. I just want a good show. But you really just showed exactly how ignorant you are.

Morgan, Williams, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, MCMG, Sarita, Madison, Samoa Joe, Jarret, Jesse... Isn't that what people wanted? But it seems that no matter what TNA does, it is not enough for you guys!

How about having them wrestle, in an actual match? No gimmick matches, no parking lot brawls, no talking segment followed by promo followed by another talking segment. That's the formula TNA is going by, and in case you haven't noticed, it isn't working out so well.

Oh and BTW... SMACKDOWN?!? Really? No talking? All wrestling? REALLY? Last SD had like 6 segments of Edge/Kane (stupid segments of Edge being a bully to Paul and Kane looking like a maniac for the guy). Isn't Kane supernatural? He can appear from nowhere into the ring but cannot find his father?!? SD had like 7 matches... sounds good, right?!? Well, not really... 5 of them were simply SQUASH matches that didn't last more than 5 mins. Is that really what you want? And WTH? Alberto del Rio is the top heel right now and he is NOT the last guy to be eliminated/pinned?!? WOW! SD is impressive! *sarcasm

I'm...yeah, I'm not even going to touch this.

TNA is doing a terrible job of showing of it's talented roster. The show ran into Reaction, once again, and the main event was a 3 minute talking segment involving Dixie Carter. Bubba Ray did the EXACT same thing he did last week, and Devon wasn't there again. I swear to God, some of you are so obsessed with defending TNA, you refuse to acknowledge how bad it is right now. Fine, have it your way. Defend TNA until the entire company falls into the Atlantic Ocean for all I care.
I really don't get it. People in this forum usually complains that TNA does not push the originals... that they are always misused... that TNA only uses WWE "rejects"... how the show sucks... how they should concentrate in the originals... blah blah blah.

The show did suck last night.

Then yesterday, TNA does exactly the opposite and people still complains... giving Impact bad reviews.

It deserved a bad review.

Yesterday, TNA was all about originals (except for Rhino/Dreamer/RVD segment... plus Bubba segment... Pope in the match... and Hardy at the end). Everybody else, a TNA original...

All about originals you say?

I fully expect you to reply to me as to what exactly constitutes a wrestler being a TNA original. Don't forget.

We started off the show with Matt Morgan. He was with the WWE for three years, the same amount of time he's been with TNA. Hardly call him an original.

Sarita- Hardly a TNA original

Have you forgotten about Bischoff, Hogan, and Flair?

Doug Williams- You'll have to help me on that one.

Katie Lee/Winter and Mickie James- Well James was in TNA before WWE but more known in WWE.

Morgan, Williams, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, MCMG, Sarita, Madison, Samoa Joe, Jarret, Jesse... Isn't that what people wanted? But it seems that no matter what TNA does, it is not enough for you guys!

Only originals I'll give you are AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, MCMG, Samoa Joe, and Jarrett.

Oh and BTW... SMACKDOWN?!? Really? No talking? All wrestling? REALLY? Last SD had like 6 segments of Edge/Kane (stupid segments of Edge being a bully to Paul and Kane looking like a maniac for the guy). Isn't Kane supernatural? He can appear from nowhere into the ring but cannot find his father?!? SD had like 7 matches... sounds good, right?!? Well, not really... 5 of them were simply SQUASH matches that didn't last more than 5 mins. Is that really what you want? And WTH? Alberto del Rio is the top heel right now and he is NOT the last guy to be eliminated/pinned?!? WOW! SD is impressive! *sarcasm

The length of 6 segments of Edge/Kane = length of TNA's opening segment.

Alberto Del Rio isn't the top heel. Kane is and yet somehow they've managed to screw that up lately. I knew Edge could suck the life out of anything.

They could trim down that opening segment about five minutes, cut out the Bubba Ray pointless crap and actually give some time on Impact for Dixie's big announcement in a two hour time slot. Smackdown does it's job a whole of a hell lot better than Impact. Smackdown advances storylines, furthers characters, and gives you entertaining wrestling. TNA just makes your head hurt.
I'm in a writing mood, so I'm going to pile on. Plus, this could be fun.

Originally Posted by perucho1990
Funny how this is the only forum who disliked yesterday's Impact, most of you guys are probably ROHbots. No one cares about the amount of wrestling. And also this was a throwaway show. Last year's Thanksgiving Impact was focused on wrestling and yet it got a worse rating than the Turkey Bowl shows.

You idiots, if you dont like the show, then dont watch it. Go and continue sucking Danielson's dick.

First off, an ROHbot? If you mean Ring of Honor, never seen it. In fact, I asked once what channel does it come on in New Jersey so I could watch a show and see how it is. From what it sounds like, though, I guess it's pure wrestling, which right now is light years ahead of TNA, which changed from the cruiserweight alternate to the WWE to what Russo did to WCW during the reboot.

And no thanks to sucking Danielson's dick. I'll watch him defend the US title and listen to people chant his name and petition for him but I draw the line on ******io.

Originally Posted by wrestlemaniaxxx: I really don't get it. People in this forum usually complains that TNA does not push the originals... that they are always misused... that TNA only uses WWE "rejects"... how the show sucks... how they should concentrate in the originals... blah blah blah.

Then yesterday, TNA does exactly the opposite and people still complains... giving Impact bad reviews.

Yesterday, TNA was all about originals (except for Rhino/Dreamer/RVD segment... plus Bubba segment... Pope in the match... and Hardy at the end). Everybody else, a TNA original...

Actually the focus was Thanksgiving dinner in the back of the Impact Zone. They weren't getting pushed at all. They were eating and talking.

And the show did suck. If I wanted to watch a show about a screwy Thanksgiving dinner with weird people, I'd watch the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special. In fact, I did and watched TNA on my DVR.

And how is focusing on Bischoff hosting Thanksgiving dinner with Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy at the heads of the table focusing on the originals? In fact, one of the "originals" was catering...by himself. The only thing Eric Young was pushing was drinks.

Morgan, Williams, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, MCMG, Sarita, Madison, Samoa Joe, Jarret, Jesse... Isn't that what people wanted? But it seems that no matter what TNA does, it is not enough for you guys!

You're right. It's not. I want them WRESTLING for longer than 5 minutes. I want competition. That's like asking for a hamburger and getting raw ground beef with ketchup. Fine, I bitch a lot about the lack of wrestling. Unlike most fans, I'm not changing the channel. I love wresling and I'll watch until I get offeneded. I'll keep adding to their ratings. A lot of people don't share my sentiment though.

Originally Posted by wrestlemaniaxxx
Oh and BTW... SMACKDOWN?!? Really? No talking? All wrestling? REALLY? Last SD had like 6 segments of Edge/Kane (stupid segments of Edge being a bully to Paul and Kane looking like a maniac for the guy). Isn't Kane supernatural? He can appear from nowhere into the ring but cannot find his father?!? SD had like 7 matches... sounds good, right?!? Well, not really... 5 of them were simply SQUASH matches that didn't last more than 5 mins. Is that really what you want? And WTH? Alberto del Rio is the top heel right now and he is NOT the last guy to be eliminated/pinned?!? WOW! SD is impressive! *sarcasm

I know some guys won't touch this but I will. I love logic battles.

First hole of logic: The top heel is the World Heavyweight Champion Kane. I'm pretty sure when you hold the top title, you become the top guy. Don't let Jeff Hardy's lack of appearances fool you. Alberto Del Rio is probably #2 behind him, which is pretty impressive considering he's only been around for a few months. That's more on his talent than anything else.

Second hole of logic: Who was the last guy to get pinned in the TNA elimination match? Oh, right...NOBODY. It was a no contest. Why couldn't have allowed Styles to pin Morgan, or Morgan to pull a babyface comeback and beat Styles and Roode? At least Del Rio has reasons for not getting pinned, via injury or simply walking out, because it fits his character.

Third hole of logic: Did you put a stopwatch to the matches? I DVR every wrestling show, and at least three matches went 10 minutes plus.

Fourth hole of logic: You knock Kane for being unable to find his father. Didn't Abyss lose Eric Bischoff in the bathroom? And since they're in the same building every week (instead of the WWE always being somewhere new) and Abyss usually hides in dark places, wouldn't he have had an easier time seeking him out? And didn't Abyss have other guys to help him?

Fifth hole of logic: Kane is supernatural, where he can appear and disappear in the ring. Corny I know, but it's kayfabe. Plus, the Pope recently appeared in a casket so it can't be that hard to do. Still, doesn't mean Kane has a GPS in his head. And last I saw, Kane isn't blue so he can't teleport to places he sees on TV like Nightcrawler.

Sixth hole of logic: Smackdown had seven matches, and five were squashes? First off, bullshit. Second off, the most recent Impact had 4 live matches, and 2 were squashes. Sarita brutalized Madison Rayne, and Jesse Neal spent the whole match avoiding Jarrett. Rhino vs. Dreamer was slow and the War Machine got beaten by a cookie sheet. The elimination match was the only close to decent match, which got ruined by Pope vs. Joe fighting and leaving. And to pile on, at least Smackdown had SEVEN matches! When's the last time TNA had seven matches on TV. When has two shows combined had seven matches?

Seventh hole of logic: Smackdown spread out its promos, and none were in the ring. Smackdown did just enough to tell sections of the story, like with the Thanksgiving dinner, only Edge was actually funny, considering he beaned Bearer in the head with a dodgeball. Had Styles plunked Hardy in the head with a turkey leg, then I would thought that was funny. Instead, TNA's segments involve Hardy coming out of a room filled with smoke. I'm still laughing at that, but in a mocking manner. Plus, the segments were filled with wrestling matches, instead of more promos of backstage brawls, prissy Knockouts, Jesse Neal trying to be a bad ass, and Bubba Ray saying the same thing he said last week.

Eighth hole of logic: Kane being a maniac = intimidating. Abyss being a maniac = clownish. It helps when you don't need a nail-filled 2 x 4 to scare people yet you lose every match since August.

Last thing:

Originally Posted by perucho1990
And also this was a throwaway show. Last year's Thanksgiving Impact was focused on wrestling and yet it got a worse rating than the Turkey Bowl shows.

Posted by nickb03: I'm sorry, but when you're attempting to become a mainstream wrestling company and you have fans in the seats and people watching on television, there is no such thing as a throw-away show. Jesus, if TNA adopted your ideas it would be ever worse off than it is now, and that's saying something.

For the record, if I was doing a throwaway show, I'd literally have it be all matches and a few promos in-ring. You don't film elaborate backstage segments and bring back Dixie Carter for a throwaway show.

Nickb03 is right. TNA is massively behind in the ratings, and Thanksgiving may be a tough sell but if they were punting because of the football game, they made another huge mistake. If the WWE can do a show for halftime for the Super Bowl, I'm sure TNA can figure out how to make their Thanksgiving entertaining instead of a dinner in ring gear. I actually think they tried by saying Dixie would be there on Impact. Instead they pulled a bait-and-switch and moved it to ReAction. I actually missed it because I didn't record enough. Here's an idea, though, for Russo and Bischoff: when a big name comes back, GIVE THEM AN IN-RING SEGMENT ON TV AT LEAST! I was waiting for her to come back and do something about Hogan and Bischoff and this is her triumphant return?!

Your move, to anyone that wants to detract. I'm sure WMXXX and Perucho have plenty to say. Read it slowly and use a dictionary if you need to.
Impact could put on a show similar to a 1999 Raw, or a Nitro 1996, and people would still bitch about it. Too much wrestling. Not enough wrestling. Too much talking. Not enough talking, blah blah blah. It's more like comedy reading these posts now.
I really don't get it. People in this forum usually complains that TNA does not push the originals... that they are always misused... that TNA only uses WWE "rejects"... how the show sucks... how they should concentrate in the originals... blah blah blah.

Then yesterday, TNA does exactly the opposite and people still complains... giving Impact bad reviews.

Yesterday, TNA was all about originals (except for Rhino/Dreamer/RVD segment... plus Bubba segment... Pope in the match... and Hardy at the end). Everybody else, a TNA original...

Morgan, Williams, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, MCMG, Sarita, Madison, Samoa Joe, Jarret, Jesse... Isn't that what people wanted? But it seems that no matter what TNA does, it is not enough for you guys!

Oh and BTW... SMACKDOWN?!? Really? No talking? All wrestling? REALLY? Last SD had like 6 segments of Edge/Kane (stupid segments of Edge being a bully to Paul and Kane looking like a maniac for the guy). Isn't Kane supernatural? He can appear from nowhere into the ring but cannot find his father?!? SD had like 7 matches... sounds good, right?!? Well, not really... 5 of them were simply SQUASH matches that didn't last more than 5 mins. Is that really what you want? And WTH? Alberto del Rio is the top heel right now and he is NOT the last guy to be eliminated/pinned?!? WOW! SD is impressive! *sarcasm

Impact could put on a show similar to a 1999 Raw, or a Nitro 1996, and people would still bitch about it. Too much wrestling. Not enough wrestling. Too much talking. Not enough talking, blah blah blah. It's more like comedy reading these posts now.

Are you guys really that butt hurt that the majority of people on here didn't like Impact last night? Not every Impact is good. The same can be said about Raw and Smackdown. Fortune and Immortal sitting around a table talking for 2 hours with four 2 minute throwaway matches is not what I call entertaining. Jarrett vs. Jesse Neal in an MMA match.. really?

Madison Rayne and Sarita fighting a sloppy match for no reason, and Tommy Dreamer and Rhino having a 3 minute street fight isn't grounds for bitching? TNA isn't about the originals at all since over half of the people featured aren't originals. I don't care who is featured on the show as long as its an entertaining show with good matches.

Impact has the ability to be much better, but it was garbage last night. If you guys loved Impact that's great. Even you can't deny though that TNA is capable of putting on a better show then what we saw last night.
Are you guys really that butt hurt that the majority of people on here didn't like Impact last night? Not every Impact is good.

Apparently IMPACT suck every week. These are the reviews every week:

Example 1:
The segment was not bad... but because I don't give a shit about the storyline - THUMBS DOWN!

Example 2:
I don't like Robbie E. Robbie E sucks! Why he is the champ? He is a joke. No room for parody in TNA. Because I don't like Robbie E, I'll give it D-. BTW. I love Santino and Zack Ryder!

Example 3:
The match sucked because there were all WWE rejects! No TNA Originals! I'll give it 2 out of 10.

Example 4:
All originals! But booking suck! Creative should be fire! They are misusing talent! Not watching anymore!!!

Example 5:
Abyss is a joke! He is not a monster. Kane is! He is a ****** beast! WWE rules! TNA suck! Because I'm a WWE mark, I'll give this IMPACT an F!

My point is that apparently TNA never does a good job. I'm not saying this episode of IMPACT was good... but TNA give the fans what they want and still they ***** about it! It doesn't matter what TNA does, people complain about everything...

I watch lot of wrestling every week. I have to admit that right now, the best show is RAW because of the Cena/Nexus/Miz/Orton angle. Smackdown is a joke! TNA is way better than Smackdown. I stopped watching ROH - don't like it. I also watch AAA, which is alright sometimes. I'm not trying to start a debate here on who is best or not. All companies have their pros and cons. I love TNA and I think they are doing good. They can do better! But they don't SUCK! Stop being so critical about everything they do and enjoy the show. TNA is really trying to be the best in the industry!

Apparently IMPACT suck every week. These are the reviews every week:

Example 1:
The segment was not bad... but because I don't give a shit about the storyline - THUMBS DOWN!

Example 2:
I don't like Robbie E. Robbie E sucks! Why he is the champ? He is a joke. No room for parody in TNA. Because I don't like Robbie E, I'll give it D-. BTW. I love Santino and Zack Ryder!

Example 3:
The match sucked because there were all WWE rejects! No TNA Originals! I'll give it 2 out of 10.

Example 4:
All originals! But booking suck! Creative should be fire! They are misusing talent! Not watching anymore!!!

Example 5:
Abyss is a joke! He is not a monster. Kane is! He is a ****** beast! WWE rules! TNA suck! Because I'm a WWE mark, I'll give this IMPACT an F!

My point is that apparently TNA never does a good job. I'm not saying this episode of IMPACT was good... but TNA give the fans what they want and still they ***** about it! It doesn't matter what TNA does, people complain about everything...

I watch lot of wrestling every week. I have to admit that right now, the best show is RAW because of the Cena/Nexus/Miz/Orton angle. Smackdown is a joke! TNA is way better than Smackdown. I stopped watching ROH - don't like it. I also watch AAA, which is alright sometimes. I'm not trying to start a debate here on who is best or not. All companies have their pros and cons. I love TNA and I think they are doing good. They can do better! But they don't SUCK! Stop being so critical about everything they do and enjoy the show. TNA is really trying to be the best in the industry!


Did you just say Smackdown is a joke and TNA as a whole is better than Smackdown? Smackdown could have the diva's reenact 2-girls 1 cup in the middle of the ring for the entire show, and IMPACT would still be Smackdown's bitch.

I absolutely love how this guy thinks there's one huge conspiracy against TNA at Wrestlezone. We met up one day and decided to dislike a show for the purpose of, well disliking it.

Of they're fucking trying to be the best, a company with the resources TNA currently has, would certainly try and be the best. The problem for TNA is they're failing and I guarantee 80% of people on this website could sufficiently argue that last night's IMPACT was on the level of a hemorrhoid bursting while taking a shit.
Did you just say Smackdown is a joke and TNA as a whole is better than Smackdown? Smackdown could have the diva's reenact 2-girls 1 cup in the middle of the ring for the entire show, and IMPACT would still be Smackdown's bitch.

I absolutely love how this guy thinks there's one huge conspiracy against TNA at Wrestlezone. We met up one day and decided to dislike a show for the purpose of, well disliking it.

Of they're fucking trying to be the best, a company with the resources TNA currently has, would certainly try and be the best. The problem for TNA is they're failing and I guarantee 80% of people on this website could sufficiently argue that last night's IMPACT was on the level of a hemorrhoid bursting while taking a shit.

He is right though. I check what people say about Raw all the time. Nothing is perfect and Raw never is great from start to finish. Between the Divas stuff, the GM BS with Michael Cole, and the fact that they don;t build PPV's just as bad as TNA and peoples till give it A's week in and week out. The same people come over here and shit on the product no matter what happens. Here is an example.

1. A Divas match on WWE TV is complete shit. In the review however people will say things like it is what it is or we need the eye candy.

2. TNA will have the Knockouts in a match and it is bad booking, shitty wrestling, and a waste of TV time.

- To me that is a big difference in reviewing a show. Here is another one.

1. The DEAD MAN or Undertaker being in a vegetative state. That goes against a 20 year gimmick. The man has been burned, buried, and beaten to hell and has shown that he has been never harmed. What do people say about this. It is great because it will help get Kane over while he looks for the Undertakers attacker.

2. Samoa Joe has gone almost a year without talking about his kidnappers. I am to the point where I don't want to watch TNA because this booking is shit and they miss treat Joe and all of his talent.

- In both cases it is bad booking, but they are treated completely different. They where both at the time used to further a story. Here is another one.

1. All the stuff about John Cena being fired if he doesn't follow the orders of Wade Barrett. So we are supposed to believe that the biggest draw in wrestling for the past 5 years is going to get fired because a fucking laptop said so. By the time Cena actually had all the nexus merchandise on he was fired. You know what everyone thinks about this angle. That it has been the greatest thing in wresting in the past 10 years. The majority on here never shits on it. To go even further the WWE spits in your face by making Cena give that speech then on twitter he says he will be at Raw next week.

2. Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett being "They" was a huge let down for a lot of people on here. Even though you could see it coming from a mile away. Much like you know 100 percent fact that John Cena wasn't getting fired and since he wasn't getting fired why is this dumb shit going on. Anyways. people shit on the angle because what everyone expected to happened happened. The only thing is no one outside of like 3 people on here thought Jeff hardy would turn. To go a step further for how badly booked this was there is no way you can tell me that an angle involving Cena being fired is not the ultimate slap in the face and trumps anything negative TNA has ever done because let face at least TNA didn't insult your intelligence. They gave the fans exactly what they knew was going to happen.

- You can clearly see what the problem is here. The WWE gets to be the exception. Fans are way more lenient with WWE's product. I don;t know if that is because TNA could put on a better wrestling show or if it is because WWE fans have been WWE fans for way to long and just go with the flow. I mean look back at past reviews of Impact on here. People would give it C's across the board and then turn around and give it a final score of a D. I don't know where you learned to do averages, but that doesn't seem right. Anyways it doesn't really matter because nothing is going to change and both products have the same amount of flaws, but the only problem is one company gets exceptions and the other one doesn't. When is the last time WWE booked something badly and someone said they refused to watch anymore? That shit happens in this forum daily for TNA. I don't get it and never will. TNA is far from perfect, but so is WWE.
He is right though. I check what people say about Raw all the time. Nothing is perfect and Raw never is great from start to finish. Between the Divas stuff, the GM BS with Michael Cole, and the fact that they don;t build PPV's just as bad as TNA and peoples till give it A's week in and week out. The same people come over here and shit on the product no matter what happens. Here is an example.

Quality is always subjective, always has been and always will. However, let's not try and make it seem like everything on Raw is Divas & the Raw GM. The Divas are filler, we all know that. They're usually terrible filler and terrible filler doesn't do it for me. Sometimes, they'll pull off a good match or a segment that tends to be the exception rather than the rule. As for the GM, the Raw GM is rarely a factor. Often, the GM will chime in once a show and that's it. As for Michael Cole, I think the guy's great at what he's doing. His character right now is an annoying heel announcer. Cole is loads better now than he's ever been, though I do wish he'd cut out on the stupid jokes with Jerry Lawler. As far as people coming here and shitting on TNA, people are entitled to their opinions. I think that TNA is pure shit right now, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. If you think that about WWE, ROH, New Japan or whatever, more power to you.

1. A Divas match on WWE TV is complete shit. In the review however people will say things like it is what it is or we need the eye candy.

2. TNA will have the Knockouts in a match and it is bad booking, shitty wrestling, and a waste of TV time.

I don't know what comments you're reading from concerning the Divas but it doesn't sound like anything I've read recently. The Divas get almost universal criticism whenever they're talked about in the WWE section and with good reason. I'd rather the WWE put some focus on them and actually made them a legit division if they're going to put them on television or disban women's wrestling altogether. But, they're obviously not going to do either so the only thing to do is endure it, change the channel for a bit, or go take a piss break. If anything, I see more people trying to defend the Knockouts instead of the Divas because the Knockout Division used to be among the best things TNA had going for it. It used to be a legit women's division and, over the course of the past year, it's dwindled to the point that it's not really any better than the Divas. Like the WWE with the Divas, TNA has women on the roster that can actually wrestle quite well but they're given almost no time and many of the best in-ring talent hardly appears on TNA television.

1. The DEAD MAN or Undertaker being in a vegetative state. That goes against a 20 year gimmick. The man has been burned, buried, and beaten to hell and has shown that he has been never harmed. What do people say about this. It is great because it will help get Kane over while he looks for the Undertakers attacker.

2. Samoa Joe has gone almost a year without talking about his kidnappers. I am to the point where I don't want to watch TNA because this booking is shit and they miss treat Joe and all of his talent.

- In both cases it is bad booking, but they are treated completely different. They where both at the time used to further a story

As you pointed out, it's a 20 year gimmick. The Undertaker has, more or less, done the same thing in terms of his character for most of his time in the WWE. One common complaint you hear in wrestling is that it's too predictable or not enough happens to shake things up. The WWE went in a different route with The Undertaker in the hopes that it would generate interest in an eventual feud with Kane and it worked. The WWE made Taker more "human" than he's ultimately been with his Dead Man character and I've got no problem with that. I'm not all that crazy about the whole vegetative state business. That was a little too far fetched and it might've been better to have gone with some other type of catastrophic injury. Once again, it's been roughly 20 years since Taker has done this "supernatural" force of nature schtick and I found it refreshing to see Taker come back and ultimately be on the losing end of a feud for once. As for Samoa Joe, well I mean what can you say? The guy gets "kidnapped" and nothing is ever mentioned about it again. He just shows up as if nothing's ever happened. It's like TNA just decided to drop the whole angle and simply ignored the angle as if it'd never taken place. No explanation given, no reason for why he was "kidnapped" and by whom.

1. All the stuff about John Cena being fired if he doesn't follow the orders of Wade Barrett. So we are supposed to believe that the biggest draw in wrestling for the past 5 years is going to get fired because a fucking laptop said so. By the time Cena actually had all the nexus merchandise on he was fired. You know what everyone thinks about this angle. That it has been the greatest thing in wresting in the past 10 years. The majority on here never shits on it. To go even further the WWE spits in your face by making Cena give that speech then on twitter he says he will be at Raw next week.

2. Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett being "They" was a huge let down for a lot of people on here. Even though you could see it coming from a mile away. Much like you know 100 percent fact that John Cena wasn't getting fired and since he wasn't getting fired why is this dumb shit going on. Anyways. people shit on the angle because what everyone expected to happened happened. The only thing is no one outside of like 3 people on here thought Jeff hardy would turn. To go a step further for how badly booked this was there is no way you can tell me that an angle involving Cena being fired is not the ultimate slap in the face and trumps anything negative TNA has ever done because let face at least TNA didn't insult your intelligence. They gave the fans exactly what they knew was going to happen.

Of course nobody believed that John Cena was going to be legitimately fired. People also guessed how the second Star Wars Triology was ultimately going to end as well even before the first movie came out in theaters back in 1999, but they still flocked to the theater to watch them anyway. What mattered was the attention and interest that the story was able to garner and what the overall payoff would be. Cena loses a match, generates a lot of interest as to what his role is ultimately going to be in the WWE for a little while and, when he eventually does make his return, he'll sill be extremely popular and will make a grand return as the hero often does. Simultaneously, the WWE has used Cena to help get Wade Barrett over. You can hate Barrett, the Nexus, Cena & all of it but storyline overall has accomplished what it set out to do. It didn't go perfectly, hardly anything in life ever does, but it was still entertaining. As far as "They" goes, I think people are disappointed in that, for all intents and purposes, it's the same "big story" that TNA has done time and time again: An nWo style faction involved in a power struggle/corporate takeover. TNA's done this a lot and a lot of people are just plain tired of it. The reason a lot of people shit on it is that they were hoping for more than this same tired of the same Vince Russo Special that they've seen time and time again.

- You can clearly see what the problem is here. The WWE gets to be the exception. Fans are way more lenient with WWE's product. I don;t know if that is because TNA could put on a better wrestling show or if it is because WWE fans have been WWE fans for way to long and just go with the flow. I mean look back at past reviews of Impact on here. People would give it C's across the board and then turn around and give it a final score of a D. I don't know where you learned to do averages, but that doesn't seem right. Anyways it doesn't really matter because nothing is going to change and both products have the same amount of flaws, but the only problem is one company gets exceptions and the other one doesn't. When is the last time WWE booked something badly and someone said they refused to watch anymore? That shit happens in this forum daily for TNA. I don't get it and never will. TNA is far from perfect, but so is WWE.

What you fail to realize is, as I said, quality is subjective. There are people that think TNA is magnificent, a shining beacon of what wrestling should be and there are some that feel it's garbage right now. The exact same goes for the WWE. When I first started posting in this forum back in March of last year, it was wall to wall WWE hate. Just about every wrestling section on this forum had several anti-WWE threads going each week while TNA got mostly praise. Now things, for the most part, are reversed because a lot of people see things differently. Many feel that the WWE has improved its product and that it's better than what it has been overall for the past several years. Many also feel that TNA has regressed from being the type of company that they used to love to now being little more than a cheap copy of WCW. They were hoping for big things with Hogan & Bischoff came to TNA and many feel that not only has the Hogan-Bischoff era been a huge failure, but it's brought down the company as a whole. Some agree, some disagree. At the end of the day, it's all about perception and whether or not a company does something that you find entertaining and can keep your attention.
Here we go:

Originally Posted by wrestlemaniaxxx
Apparently IMPACT suck every week. These are the reviews every week:

Example 1:
The segment was not bad... but because I don't give a shit about the storyline - THUMBS DOWN!

Well, if you don't care about the wrestlers then why would you care about the segment? That's Creative's job; to make them interesting, and if they're not over with the fans, someone's at fault.

Example 2:
I don't like Robbie E. Robbie E sucks! Why he is the champ? He is a joke. No room for parody in TNA. Because I don't like Robbie E, I'll give it D-. BTW. I love Santino and Zack Ryder!

The difference between Robbie E. and Santino\Zack Ryder is: 1. They're not holding a prestigious title, and 2. Robbie E. is trying to be a serious wrestler who is currently undefeated, while Santino and Zack are comedy guys that rarely ever win. We accept their antics because they're not holding down other wrestlers who could be champion. Remember that we hated Santino when he was Intercontinental Champion

Example 3:
The match sucked because there were all WWE rejects! No TNA Originals! I'll give it 2 out of 10.

If the match sucks, it's not because someone came out of TNA or WWE. The Jarrett vs. Jesse Neal match sucked, and both of those guys are originals.

Example 4:
All originals! But booking suck! Creative should be fire! They are misusing talent! Not watching anymore!!!

What 2nd grader wrote that? I've seen guys say they're not watching anymore. That's their prerogative. They do, however, use much better grammar than this.

Example 5:
Abyss is a joke! He is not a monster. Kane is! He is a ****** beast! WWE rules! TNA suck! Because I'm a WWE mark, I'll give this IMPACT an F!

Well, if you were walking down a dark alley, who would you be more afraid of, Kane or Abyss? Besides, storyline-wise, Kane is booked light years better than Abyss has ever been. Even when Kane was jobbing people were scared of him. I think your issue lies with the grading guys who you think are WWE marks.

My point is that apparently TNA never does a good job. I'm not saying this episode of IMPACT was good... but TNA give the fans what they want and still they ***** about it! It doesn't matter what TNA does, people complain about everything...

What did TNA give us? Thanksgiving Dinner with the Immortals? Sounds like a show on Bible channel. Did someone here ask for the Immortals eating Thanksgiving dinner? Did someone ask for Jeff Jarrett doing his best Ken Shamrock impression? Did somebody order a casket match with Abyss and Shannon Moore?

I watch lot of wrestling every week. I have to admit that right now, the best show is RAW because of the Cena/Nexus/Miz/Orton angle. Smackdown is a joke! TNA is way better than Smackdown. I stopped watching ROH - don't like it. I also watch AAA, which is alright sometimes. I'm not trying to start a debate here on who is best or not. All companies have their pros and cons. I love TNA and I think they are doing good. They can do better! But they don't SUCK! Stop being so critical about everything they do and enjoy the show. TNA is really trying to be the best in the industry!PEACE!

All right, your opinion is respected. However, you can't crap on other people's opinions. If they think the show sucks, to them the show sucks. We can be criticial because that's our right as fans, the same way you're critical on us for being critical. I don't hate TNA at all, in fact, I don't even review TNA; I simply point out things I like and don't like. I don't give grades because, well, it's not my place. And I know they're trying. That's why they're spending money. But Russo and Bischoff have messed up before and we're seeing the same problems beginning to arise, and none of us want TNA to go the route of WCW.


MB1025 posted: He is right though. I check what people say about Raw all the time. Nothing is perfect and Raw never is great from start to finish. Between the Divas stuff, the GM BS with Michael Cole, and the fact that they don;t build PPV's just as bad as TNA and peoples till give it A's week in and week out. The same people come over here and shit on the product no matter what happens. Here is an example.

1. A Divas match on WWE TV is complete shit. In the review however people will say things like it is what it is or we need the eye candy.

2. TNA will have the Knockouts in a match and it is bad booking, shitty wrestling, and a waste of TV time.

I've say over and over again I like the Knockouts better than the Divas. The difference is that TNA actually emphasizes the Knockouts, while the WWE definitely plays the Divas as bathroom break matches. TNA puts effort into the Knockouts, as evident by Mickie James and Tara, and proceed to dump their best one (Awesome Kong) and the ones who made it different (ODB, Daffney). The WWE's only real storyline is Laycool being annoying. Still, TNA has the WORST female champion in history (Madison Rayne) while WWE probably has the one with the best lineage (Natalya).

1. The DEAD MAN or Undertaker being in a vegetative state. That goes against a 20 year gimmick. The man has been burned, buried, and beaten to hell and has shown that he has been never harmed. What do people say about this. It is great because it will help get Kane over while he looks for the Undertakers attacker.

2. Samoa Joe has gone almost a year without talking about his kidnappers. I am to the point where I don't want to watch TNA because this booking is shit and they miss treat Joe and all of his talent.

- In both cases it is bad booking, but they are treated completely different. They where both at the time used to further a story.

Here's the point of logic you missed: By your indication Taker should never lose. The guy can regenerate like Wolverine, shoot lightning bolts like Storm and can teleport like Nightcrawler. By your logic he should just bolt his opponent in the head and leave them burning. In all seriousness, The Undertaker, even in the old school, took time off for injuries. The guy has been buried in a casket, turned into a ghost, had his face ripped up, buried alive twice, disappeared, came back as a biker, buried again and died as a biker, came back supernatural again, crashed into a set and blown up, set on fire inside of a casket, put in a vegetative state, and buried again. (And for the record, a vegetative state was how God was almost beaten in Dogma, and how Jason was incapitated in Firday the 13th movies, and since you can't kill Wolverine, what better way to stop him than put him in a coma somehow, so the strategy is sound) And yet, after 20 years of "bad booking", The Undertaker is STILL a top draw. You think it's bad booking? Taker is still the top draw on Smackdown and he hasn't wrestled in two months! If the fans love it and he's over there's no complaint.

Samoa Joe disappeared and came back. No explanation. No injury. Just kidnapped and brought back. At least Taker disappeared once without a reason and came back repackaged.

1. All the stuff about John Cena being fired if he doesn't follow the orders of Wade Barrett. So we are supposed to believe that the biggest draw in wrestling for the past 5 years is going to get fired because a fucking laptop said so. By the time Cena actually had all the nexus merchandise on he was fired. You know what everyone thinks about this angle. That it has been the greatest thing in wresting in the past 10 years. The majority on here never shits on it. To go even further the WWE spits in your face by making Cena give that speech then on twitter he says he will be at Raw next week.

2. Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett being "They" was a huge let down for a lot of people on here. Even though you could see it coming from a mile away. Much like you know 100 percent fact that John Cena wasn't getting fired and since he wasn't getting fired why is this dumb shit going on. Anyways. people shit on the angle because what everyone expected to happened happened. The only thing is no one outside of like 3 people on here thought Jeff hardy would turn. To go a step further for how badly booked this was there is no way you can tell me that an angle involving Cena being fired is not the ultimate slap in the face and trumps anything negative TNA has ever done because let face at least TNA didn't insult your intelligence. They gave the fans exactly what they knew was going to happen.

Actually I can easily tell you that an angle involving Cena being fired is not the ultimate slap in the face and trumps anything negative TNA has ever done. In fact, it's not the ultimate slap in the face. The slap in the face to me was Hogan, Bischoff and Jarrett turning as well. Everyone called those three turning. Everyone knew it would happen and it did. That insults my intelligence. If I and hundreds (maybe thousands) of people can call a heel turn as its exact moment, that's not a good thing. Cena getting fired is not groundbreaking TV, but it does one thing: keeps me interested. You're right, the top draw of the entire WWE in real life is NOT getting fired, but storyline-wise, he is, which means, we're going to wonder. We're going to be curious what happens to him. Same thing happened when The Undertaker was "banished" by Vickie Guerrero. Same thing happened when The Rock was "indefinitely suspended." Same thing happened when Austin was "fired" at least 3-4 times. I'm not saying the Cena\Nexus storyline is the greatest booking ever. What I'm saying is that I (and apparently millions of other people) care more about John Cena vs. the Nexus than I care about the Immortals and their goddamn Thanksgiving dinner. The storyline is better executed and has more intricate plot points, which by the way, is helping the entire Nexus, all fresh faces, become bigger stars for the future.

- You can clearly see what the problem is here. The WWE gets to be the exception. Fans are way more lenient with WWE's product. I don;t know if that is because TNA could put on a better wrestling show or if it is because WWE fans have been WWE fans for way to long and just go with the flow. I mean look back at past reviews of Impact on here. People would give it C's across the board and then turn around and give it a final score of a D. I don't know where you learned to do averages, but that doesn't seem right. Anyways it doesn't really matter because nothing is going to change and both products have the same amount of flaws, but the only problem is one company gets exceptions and the other one doesn't. When is the last time WWE booked something badly and someone said they refused to watch anymore? That shit happens in this forum daily for TNA. I don't get it and never will. TNA is far from perfect, but so is WWE.

Actually, I can agree with you on this. The WWE gets a pass becuase they've been around longer. Hate him or not, Vince McMahon has been doing this for 30 years. He knows what works and what fails, and will either drop what doesn't work or at least finish it out and move on. He's not perfect but he is consistent. Eric Bischoff caught lightning in a bottle for two years and failed. Vince Russo sat on his laurels in the WWE and benefitted for the duration. They both are trying to create this new edgy product but they're not executing well. We still have no interest in any storylines or angles, and arguably the top three draws for the company (Kurt Angle, Sting and Mr. Anderson) are ALL out for various reason, and there's no one to pick up the slack effectively and no one for people to follow except how fucked up Jeff Hardy looks. The WWE, in my time of 20 years watching, has never in its time given me a terrible show for 2 straight hours. I've only changed the channel once for the Katie Vick thing, but I came back. TNA, however, as much as I love wrestling, has given me less wrestling and more strange promos and pointless brawls backstage. When TNA gives me a great show from start to finish, which they did back in August last time I remember, I'll be the first one to shout it from the rooftops.
Morgan cuts an ok promo about hardy. He’s no main eventer though, he‘s just not interesting enough. Enter Douglas Williams, Doug Williams is too posh to be a face. This is awful. Oh dear. I know your good at wrestling Douggie but face promos aren‘t your thing. It’s so stilted and forced. And why exactly are we supposed to care about Doug all of a sudden? Fortune come out. Kazarian cuts a decent promo setting up a 8 man tag. God lord, Matt Morgan and Doug Williams have to be the most unimpressive face alliance in recent memory. Have they really no one else?

Good VT of Rhino and dreamer setting up a Street fight.

This is billed as ’the last street fight’

Dreamer goes over Rhino in an alright Street Fight. I thought they were setting up Rhino/RVD? Obviously not. Rhino gores Dreamer through a table after losing to life long jobber Tommy Dreamer. RVD comes out and says it’s a first blood match for him and Rhino at the PPV. Wacky booking galore.

Get this: in the parking lot faces TBP are happy to go to a party with heel Ric Flair, face Mickie James turns up and gets DISSED by face Angelina, Tara and Madison come along, Tara slaps Mickie and they brawl, TBP then attack Madison. Sarita turns up and attacks TBP. Winter then appears and destroys Sarita. All this happens in about 2 minutes. Utter nonsense. Mickie and Tara do throw some very convincing punches though.

Heel Madison comes to the ring and calls heel Sarita out to the ring. Impromptu match full of botches. Awful.

I do think its funny that Jarrett thinks he has an MMA career.

Bubba cuts a promo but I missed it because I had a particularly tricky conundrum on Super Scribblenauts to solve.

Main Event. Surely this can’t fail. You know if Fortune was comprised of just these four without Flair they would be miles better. Styles is decent enough on the mic now to take charge, fuck Flair. Any way the match is actually very entertaining. Joe looked strong. The Chaos Theory is fucking incredible. Then Joe and Pope fight, they say there has been communication problems between the two in the past but I don’t remember any. If they were having problems there certainly hasn’t been enough emphasis on it. It goes to a no finish. Anyway the match was pretty good.

Back to the party, here’s Dixie to slap a court injunction on Hogan. And that’s where it ends, as per usual not with the actual wrestlers.

Awful show saved moderately by a decent main event.
Ok, how about people go along with your advice, and start turning their televisions off. You think that's going to help TNA? TNA is lucky to be drawing the 1.0-1.2 it gets on a weekly basis. You're honestly going to say that having that many talking segments doesn't hurt the promotion? You are insane. I actually find it hilarious that you want us to shut our tv's off...wow.

Well i don't really understand why you would continue to watch TNA for a whole 2 hours when you were clearly not enjoying it. And yet, you deep down want to help TNA by not changing the channel? TNA is going to be affected deeply when one piss stained viewer turns their TV off. Think they give a shit? No they don't.

Well, as long as TNA can hold onto one or two million dopes like you, they should stay in business for a few more years at least.

Are you considering me a dope because i reflected on how much I enjoyed Impact while you didn't? So when you enjoy RAW and i don't, that makes you a dope? Are you then considering all 5 million viewers of that RAW episode dopes? Your a fool.

Oh good, I can't wait....:disappointed:

Either can I.
Well i don't really understand why you would continue to watch TNA for a whole 2 hours when you were clearly not enjoying it.

Maybe because I'm a wrestling fan? Maybe because no matter how shit TNA is right now, I hope they can eventually get it together?

And there are moments I enjoy each week when watching TNA. I enjoyed Ric Flair and Matt Morgan, both guys cut a decent promo. I enjoy watching hot women roll around on the ground, even if it doesn't seem to make any sense.

And yet, you deep down want to help TNA by not changing the channel? TNA is going to be affected deeply when one piss stained viewer turns their TV off. Think they give a shit? No they don't.

When they are getting crushed 2 to 1 by the competition, yes, every viewer matters. It's called word of mouth. People spread their opinions to other potential viewers, and when you put on a show like we got last Thursday, the word of mouth can't be positive, no matter what a moron like you may want to believe.

Also, you would have to be pretty stupid to believe I'm the only "piss stained" viewer out there who thinks TNA is in the crapper right now. My guess is every person who watches WWE is a wrestling fan. If TNA had a product that was worth anything, those people would watch. However, because TNA gives them a garbage show each week, they don't.

Are you considering me a dope because i reflected on how much I enjoyed Impact while you didn't?


So when you enjoy RAW and i don't, that makes you a dope? Are you then considering all 5 million viewers of that RAW episode dopes? Your a fool.

I don't care if you like Raw or not. If you don't like it, write a horrible review about it, as some of us have done in regards to Impact.

I cannot believe some of you are so quick to defend TNA when they are giving you nothing but garbage each week. At least have some compassion for the good workers in TNA who have to go out there and bust their ass for a creative department that gives them nothing to work with. I'm bashing the TNA wrestlers, I'm bashing the creative department (Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, whoever else).

Either can I.
Here's the deal. The WWE is a watered down product. It didn't happen over night. Drastic changes aren't acceptable on television, and especially in pro wrestling. Just ask TNA when Hogan and Bischoff came on board. They (The WWE) slowly watered down the product. As they slowly watered down the product, the fans became watered down as well.

Now many people who watched the WWE either don't realize that the product is shit, or just don't care that the product is shit...OR they are actually as dumb as WWE Programming takes them for. Either way the shit is unwatchable.

Impact is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it is leaps and bounds, and I mean leaps above what the WWE is putting out or has put out in the past year. I actually have stories to follow. I actually have characters that have a purpose week in and week out. Whether you like every story or not is your opinion, but at least there is substance to the show.

The WWE has no substance. It's a merchandise pusher, and everything they do is to get you to buy a T-Shirt, Video Game, Hat, Toy or whatever other bullshit they put in front of the camera at just the perfect angle for you to see all of the detail. That's it right now. It's a publicly traded company, they have other interests. You're too smart for their product now....or maybe you're not?

TNA, even when the show isn't the greatest gives me the best wrestling product on television, hand down. Best matches, best concepts, most "realism", best characters, better experience.

I don't want to use the word mark, because other than Wikipedia and these boards, I don't really know how the hell to use the word. But people need to jump off of Vince's cock and let him know that his shit is not cutting the cheese right now. Blind support is what's keeping the product so shitty.

Wait this is an iMPACT! Thread right? The show was good. PPV is still a while away, and we already have a full card to work with. The heels are really building up the faces well here. They are in for a good ass kicking, and it will be fun to watch. Especially Jarrett's.
Now many people who watched the WWE either don't realize that the product is shit, or just don't care that the product is shit...OR they are actually as dumb as WWE Programming takes them for. Either way the shit is unwatchable.

Ah yes, the last bastion of the blind mark. Since not nearly as many people are watching TNA as they are WWE, then it automatically must be that there's just something wrong with these people. Here's another potential explanation: TNA is pure shit right now and has been through this entire year. The product would make for fantastic fertilizer but not so much when it comes to wrestling. One common rant I hear is that TNA has an "edgier" or "more adult" product. It's a smokescreen, that's really all you can say about it. Whenever TNA has had the opportunity to do something edgy or controversial, it's always shied away from it. The closest TNA gets to edgy is having its wrestlers say a few dirty words during promos, most of which get bleeped out, and a few of the women on the roster behave like pole dancers. That's it. That's the limit of TNA's "edge", little more than a few tired cliches.

Impact is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it is leaps and bounds, and I mean leaps above what the WWE is putting out or has put out in the past year. I actually have stories to follow. I actually have characters that have a purpose week in and week out. Whether you like every story or not is your opinion, but at least there is substance to the show.

The WWE has no substance. It's a merchandise pusher, and everything they do is to get you to buy a T-Shirt, Video Game, Hat, Toy or whatever other bullshit they put in front of the camera at just the perfect angle for you to see all of the detail. That's it right now. It's a publicly traded company, they have other interests. You're too smart for their product now....or maybe you're not?

Why not just put in the rant about how the PG Era is all because of Linda McMahon running for senate. It's about the only weightless argument that hasn't been tossed in yet. So let me get this straight, if a wrestling company markets the likenesses of its wrestlers to make money, it has no substance? What exactly is your definition of substance? Is it TNA's attempt to capitalize on the popularity of a certain MTV show called the Jersey Shore by having two members of its roster behave like people on the show? Is it TNA's latest attempt at yet another nWo based power struggle faction angle from WCW? Is it the latest batch of wrestlers to arrive in TNA that have had their names made by WWE? Is it their attempt at a potential ECW revival by bringing in half the old ECW locker room at some point? Maybe when TNA actually attempts to try something original, when it attempts to maybe produce its own stars and stop falling back on the Vince Russo Specials in the hopes of generating interest, then maybe there'll be something of actual substance regarding TNA.

TNA, even when the show isn't the greatest gives me the best wrestling product on television, hand down. Best matches, best concepts, most "realism", best characters, better experience.

I don't want to use the word mark, because other than Wikipedia and these boards, I don't really know how the hell to use the word. But people need to jump off of Vince's cock and let him know that his shit is not cutting the cheese right now. Blind support is what's keeping the product so shitty.

:lol: You're actually going to call someone a blinde mark after posting all this stuff? Everything that you've been saying has been exactly what you're accusing everyone else of being: you're a blind mark to TNA and absolutely refuse to see any of its faults. But, it's easier to attack the WWE fanbase of course than to admit that 95% of what TNA puts out is utter trash. Best matches? Yeah man, that 4 minute street fight Dreamer had with Rhino last Thursday was an all time classic. It's been months since TNA put what could be called a really good match on iMPACT!. For the past month or so, the best action seen on TNA programming has usually involved the Knockouts. Better concepts? You mean like Jeff Jarrett's MMA schtick right now? Maybe Abyss & Pope's feud that's been centered around caskets lately? You mean watching Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair take center stage each week? You mean a World Champion that TNA doesn't use to help build his own feud and upcoming title match? If mediocrity is what you're into at the moment, more power to you. You'll definitely find all you can handle and more of that in TNA at this moment.
I thought Impact was Much Better than it was last week and I really enjoyed almost Every thing about Tonight's show. The only thing that was Bad on tonight's show to me was the Jersey Shore Fist Bump Showdown it was bad but not horrible, everything else on tonight's show was pretty entertaining or good.

Overall Rating: B+
This entire show was sloppy. The brawl between Micke and Tara just got plain absurd. Anderson and Angle's returns were pretty cool though. However, the fist pumping segment was just awful and as usual, almost every segment had a brawl in it.

TNA iMPACT - December 2, 2010

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Ink Inc. vs. Beer Money vs. Generation Me - The show started off oddly tonight in the middle of a four way tag team match. It was unusual but it felt fresh. At any rate, this was a fun opening match that had a lot of action. The highlights were the offense between the Guns & GenMe, most of which took place outside of the ring. The second half of the match focused on Beer Money & Ink Inc. in the ring. I was a little annoyed that the Guns & GenMe basically took each other out and didn't make any other appearances in the match. Ink Inc. gets the win at about the 6 minute mark after hitting a School Boy roll up while Beer Money argues with the ref. The match was a little short, but fun while it lasted. Thumbs Up

Fortune & Matt Morgan - I'm generally mixed on this particular segment. Watching four guys smack around and bully a 140 pound referee just doesn't do much for me. I will say, however, that I thought Robert Roode was solid on the mic. Matt Morgan comes out from behind and puts his arm around Flair's neck up on the ramp, forcing Fortune to let the ref go. When Morgan's music hit, I thought it looked kinda dumb for Flair to be just standing there looking from side to side. TNA continued the tease of Matt Morgan revealing the special guest ref for his match at Final Resolution against Jeff Hardy. I just find it incredibly off that the reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion has had virtually no involvement in building up this match. Overall, fairly solid segment here with some good mic work from Roode & Morgan. Thumbs Up

Mickie James Performs Hardcore Country - I just didn't care for this segment at all. I know it's Mickie James' dream to be the next Reba or whatever, but these sorts of segments just don't do it for me. If this sort of segment took place with Mickie while she was in the WWE, I have little doubt that the WWE would get absolutely ripped by the IWC. Not that it wouldn't be justified, but I'm willing to bet that some fans will just accept this because it happened to take place in TNA. The addition of Eric Young was just plain stupid in my view. I sometimes compare Eric to Santino but can't really do it as Santino is actually funny every so often. Tara jumping Mickie from behind and ending this was the best part. Thumbs Down

Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian - Very good match from these two. It was set at a good pace with some fun offense from both guys. Even though the match only lasted 5 minutes, it was still a quality 5 minutes. I'd like to see these two be given 15 minutes sometimes because this was easily one of the better matches I've seen on iMPACT! in months. Williams gets the clean win via Chaos Theory. I think Williams is probably the most underrated guy on the TNA roster. Thumbs Up

The Dudleyz - There was some solid mic work from both guys during this segment but, nothing particularly great. The truth of the matter is that I'm just not interested in seeing these two in a singles feud with one another. These two have shown themselves to be mediocre in the past as singles wrestlers so when you've got two mediocre singles wrestlers feuding, you basically end up with a bad feud. They didn't book this match on the ppv so it looks like we'll be seeing more of this in the coming weeks. I'm just at a point where I want them to get it over with and both move on to something else. Thumbs Down

Samoa Joe & The Pope - They're shown in a little backstage segment getting ready and basically saying they don't like each other and all that. Nothing special here but the comment Pope made about Joe being a pimple on his backside just kind of made me shake my head. I'm not a huge fan of Joe, but I just thought that comment coming from a guy that hasn't accomplished a thing in wrestling to a guy that's basically done it all in TNA was just eye rollingly stupid. I know the point was to keep the tension between these two for their tag team main event match, but when a guy said some stupid shit like that, it just plain annoys me. Thumbs Down

Madison Rayne vs. Sarita vs. Angelina Love - This was supposed to be a three way match but Sarita was laid out early on before the match started. Madison & Angelina had a basic Knockout match. Neither of them are the best in the ring and it showed but it wasn't awful. It wasn't really good either. Angelina gets hit by Madison with the Knockout title and is about to go for the cover but Sarita recovers and pushes her out of the ring, covers Angelina and gets the win at the 3 minute mark. Aside from all three ladies looking scrumdiddlyumptious, nothing much to speak of here. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan vs. Rhino - I thought this match was pretty dull. I've just never been a fan of Rhino and this match just seemed to drag on longer than the 5 minutes it actually lasted. Morgan bled after being rammed into the post, which would mean something if Ric Flair didn't blade himself everytime he gets in the ring. Morgan hits the Carbon Footprint and has the match one but Fortune comes down and gets Rhino DQ'd. They then start beating on Morgan for a while until Anderson's music hits and he runs down to the ring with a pipe. Lame match. Thumbs Down

Mr. Anderson - Anderson was solid on the mic and addressed the various stuff that's been said while he's been out with a concussion. Anderson coming back is something TNA should've built up and announced or teased last week. I know Vince Russo loves the "I bet you didn't see that coming" special, but this is the go home show to Final Resolution. Maybe you could guarantee that more people would tune in, interested after hearing Anderson would be returning. At any rate, Anderson did his thing about there and is named the special guest referee for Morgan vs. Hardy at Final Resolution. Anderson's return was cool but one of two things will most likely happen: Anderson turns heel and causes Morgan to lose or Anderson lays Matt Morgan out and allows Hardy to retain just so he can be the one to take the title from Hardy rather than Morgan. Thumbs Up

Mickie James & Tara - The physicality these two have had with this feud has been quite solid. To be honest, I think it's probably the most interesting feud TNA has going right now and that should tell you what some lackluster feuds TNA has had going on for a while. They're shown brawling out back and I just thought it was a fun little segment. These two should have a pretty good FCA match at the ppv. Thumbs Up

Fist Pump Contest - I hated this friggin' segment altogether. This talentless clown is what the X-Division has been reduced to with his equally talentless fluffer by his side. This was basically a TNA version of a dance off. Nothing really to be said here. Thumbs Down

Samoa Joe & The Pope v. Abyss & Jeff Jarrett - Lackluster main event tag team match. It went about 7.5 minutes, making it the longest match on the card. At least it's better than watching Jeff Jarrett do his MMA shit. These are just two feuds I don't particularly care about at this point, especially Pope & Abyss. The match ends with a DQ as the ref, after being knocked down, sees Joe holding the remnants of the guitar Jarrett tried to use on Pope, Ugh. Kurt Angle showing up was kinda cool but I just had zero interest here. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - TNA iMPACT! was actually a fairly decent show tonight, much better than the steaming pantload that was put on last week. The four way tag match and Williams vs. Kazarian were both fun matches with the latter possibly being the best match I've seen on iMPACT! in months. Anderson's return was cool but it should've been hyped. The announcement of him being the special ref for the TNA World Championship match at the ppv wasn't all that surprising but he's either turning heel or he'll keep Morgan from winning the title just so he can be the one to do it. Everything else on the show, for the most part, was just kinda lackluster and dull. Not as dull as it has been, but nothing that happened tonight makes me wanna pay money to order this ppv.

Grade: C
TNA's PPV is this Sunday and tonight I really realized that this PPV card has to be one of the weakest ones in TNA in years. What match is worth buying this PPV for? Tonight on Impact they give Jay Lethal and the Jershey Shore ripoffs a TEN minute segment revolving around a fist pump showdown. Seriously? That's as bad as WWE'S NXT show. Then they give Team 3D almost ten minutes, too. Does anyone care in the LEAST about either of these matches? How are either of these matches benefitting the TNA product? Horrible.

Kazarian weill never get over. Nope, sorry, never going to happen.

That had to of been the slowest, the weakest, and the loosest anklelock by Jarrett that anyone has ever performed in wrestling. And he needs to stop using the guitars, it isn't over after all these years. He can't get it over like the Honkytonk man could. And what the hell is up with the casket? I still haven't a clue why it was brought into the product to begin with and now it's there every single week. And then Kurt Angle is INSIDE it! GROOOAAANN.

Why are Beer Money jobbing to Ink Inc.? Please explain this to me. One of the best tag teams in the business right now, part of the Fourtune stable, and all they've been doing is barely teaming up or losing when they do. The members of Fourtune seem to lose every match they're in, which is baffling to me. Well, aside from AJ Styles when he's used... which isn't regularly. Best Wrestler of the Year he's certainly not going to be in 2010!

The lyrics to Mickie James's song are horrible, good thing she's hot. The brawl between her and Tara, one of countless brawls every week on Impact, was bad, too. The segment would've been far, far better to watch if I'd actually seen Mickie's breasts. I could've given some good feedback for Impact's show, then!

Speaking of the Knockouts. I don't know why they constantly get so much praise by people, because honestly they're not very good. The only ones who are any good in the ring, consistently, and don't botch things or wrestle rather poorly are Mickie and Tara.. and we know where they came from.

I also don't know how anyone can praise Jeff Hardy and his promos. This week he cut another boring, horrible promo. He's still just as bad on the mic as ever, even when he probably has twenty takes because its not even live. And now he's stealing even more from the Undertaker in his promos, too! His creatures of the night.. rest in eternal peace... there was a casket for the fifth straight week... what is this WWE?

Was there anything good about this week's Impact? Well, Doug Williams Chaos Theory is always sweet and he had a pretty good match with the bland and uninteresting Kazarian. Mr. Anderson returned and his segment with Matt Morgan was watchable. That about sums things up.

I give this week's Impact a monotone D-. May it rest in eternal peace.
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