[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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ReAction was Great once again this week and I absolutely Love this Show. I that Tonight's show did a Great Job of Selling me the PPV , All of the Feuds going on right now got time on tonight's show another great show with some really good and great segments.

Overall Rating: A+
I do think that TNA put on a pretty good show tonight. The beginning really had me pumped because they started immediately with a match, and a damn good one. The whole thing w/the ref has me bummed, though, because I can see the whole "ref turning heel to help 4tune" coming and that's always been "Ugh" to me. Only guy to pull it off was Danny Davis. I loved the Morgan coming out and grabbing Flair part, too. The beginning had me absolutely stoked.
Moving on, I actually liked seeing Mickie James come out and sing. She was smokin', plus they cut it short for the catfight. Unfortunately for the viewers, they had this going on through the night and overdid it. I mean, every week it's the knockouts battling in the back. They're brawling all over the arena more than they're in the ring. Enough already.
Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian good match. I like Williams' direction even though he isn't hugely over yet. Not the greatest on the mic, but pretty solid in the ring and was nice to see the victory over Kaz.
Dudleys I actually enjoyed this segment, even though it was a tad too long IMO. D-Von still has some great mic skills and the part where Taz interjected had me laughing and saying "hell yeah". As long as they don't have Taz doing that all night every week, it's nice to see it every now and again, i.e. when he stopped Jarrett from beating Angle down more. That was great stuff. It just hit that emotional level that said "hey, he's going to far and somebody unexpected stands up for him" which gave it more of a "real" feel.
Samoa Joe/Pope segment. Eh. I saw what they were going for in this segment, but, eh. Pretty boring filler stuff.
Knockouts match. I actually liked the ending of this match. It was a nice, unexpected twist there. Well, maybe not unexpected, but certainly a good ending. It helped further the feud between Sarita/Madison and they made it look god IMO.
Morgan/Rhino I have to say, it wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't horrible. Rhino still has some decent work in the ring and Morgan's a top face now. The only thing I noticed of real merit was that Morgan needs to work on making his punches look better. He barely swung his arm at Rhino in a punch that didn't look like it would knock over Pee Wee Herman, yet Rhino sold the hell out of it by dropping to his back and saving the spot. I would dare say that if Rhino hadn't sold it the way he did, that would have looked worse than it already had.
Anderson's return was awesome. He is just golden on the mic. I loved the entire segment, especially w/Morgan grinning like a kid that just got 5 bucks to spend in the candy store. He looked as excited to see Anderson as the fans. lol But the way Anderson cut that promo was just great.
Mickie and Tara (again) like I said before, a little overdone in my book. But at least they peppered it through the show a bit instead of back to back "shoot your tv" segments.
Fist Bump. Annoying filler stuff, yet you can't really fault them when WWE has the dance offs. Sure, the dance offs turn out more comedic and interesting, but this one was luckily saved by the cutting it short thanks to Lethal. He had some pretty good moves going, then blasted that annoying Russo cliche right in the chops. Segment went too long in my opinion, though, should have just had the chick distract him long enough for jersey boy to bail, Lethal runs across the ring stopping at the ropes and leaning over them, pointing at him and telling him to come back as Robbie hustles to the back. Over and done.
I did miss most of the main event because my mum called me. What I did see looked kind of weak, with Jarrett getting waaaay too much of that "mma offense" in. I also saw the end w/Joe getting caught w/the guitar and getting dq'd. Decent show until that point, with Russo and co. again giving people the bad WCW feeling in the last match of the night. Not smart at all. Thanks for ruining the ending, Vinny.
Overall show, maybe it's just because TNA's been sucking hind tit for so long, but I really did enjoy this one a lot. I wasn't just half-heartedly watching it like I have before. Here's crossing my fingers for a decent ppv and follow up show...
IMPACT- December 2nd, 2010

MCMG's vs. Ink Inc. vs. Beer Money vs. Generation ME

It was nice to start the show off with some wrestling, but I really have no clue what happened here. It was a jumbled up mess, and I wasn't even sure if the MCMG's and Generation ME were officially competing in this match. A bit of variety to open the show, but still a total mess.

Also, the commentary is really beginning to remind of WCW. Flair, Taz and Tenay barely focused on this match, talking about Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie the entire time. Flair was funny, and I'm pretty sure he was hammered drunk.

Matt Morgan/Fourtune/The Ref

Beating on the ref is needless. This does nothing in terms of creating or maintaining a storyline. Morgan is much better on the mic than he was this time a year ago, but I didn't get the whole choking Flair thing. Fourtune was about 20 feet from Flair! It's not like Morgan had a gun. It just didn't make any sense. Flair going nuts after Morgan choked him was rather humorous.

Mickie James Performs Her "Hit" Single

Total waste of time. How is this a "hit" single? TNA is now in the business of just straight up lying to it's viewing audience. The Tara/Mickie thing is going way overboard as well.

And for the love of Christ, do something with Eric Young. If you can find television time each week for The Shore and Rhino, I can't understand why EY gets absolutely nothing to work with.

Douglas Williams vs. Kaz

Easily the high point of the show. A good, solid match. But, TNA should have given these guys more time. They could have easily cut out the Fist Pump thing and the multiple women's segments to give this 15 minutes. But, that's TNA booking, right?

Team 3D

Wow, this just keeps getting worse and worse. It's taking up far too much t.v. time and accomplishing nothing. NO ONE CARES! And what's with Taz getting involved? Is that supposed to make me care about this feud? Enough of these "worked" shoots already.

Pope and Joe Backstage Segment

Why is TNA pushing a semi-feud between Joe and Pope? Both men are already involved in feuds that have set up matches for the PPV this Sunday. Maybe they should work a little harder to push the feuds that end in PPV matches???

Sarita vs. Madison vs. Angelina

Too many women's segments tonight. Wayyyy too many.

Rhino vs. Matt Morgan

Morgan gets busted open within 2 minutes, and RVD has a First Blood match with Rhino this Sunday. Is RVD going to be opened up that early as well? Too much blood each week for me to care about any First Blood match. Terrible match, mostly because Rhino is a fat load who no one cares about. Why is he still wrestling?? RVD brawls to the back with Rhino..yes, another backstage-style brawl. Then.....

Mr. Anderson Returns

I'm a big Mr. Anderson fan (more so in TNA than I was during his WWE run). But why have him return right now? It totally takes away from the Hardy/Morgan feud, making it more about Hardy/Anderson. However, TNA doesn't feature Hardy much, so I guess they had to do something here. Anderson is the ref, and I'm praying to Christ he doesn't turn and join Immortal.

Mickie and Tara..in the freakin' Parking Lot

Jesus, have we not watched this same scene forever now?? Far too many "backstage" brawls tonight. This is total garbage..minus the small amount of clothes Mickie has decided to wear this evening.

Fist Pump Contest w/ Jay Lethal and Robbie E.

Although JB and Lethal did their best to save this segment..they failed. This was a gigantic waste of time, and ended in ANOTHER backstage brawl. Also, Cookie has to be the most annoying bitch on the planet. Horrible segment, and I feel very bad for Jay Lethal.

Joe and Pope vs. Abyss and J-E-double F

Not as bad as I thought it would be, considering Pope and Abyss were involved. Abyss makes me physically ill, so it's almost impossible for him to appeal to me at all. Jarrett's actually mildly entertaining, mixing his MMA shit in with his hidden guitars every week. Kurt Angle popped out of the casket, which IMO is another pointless return for this particular episode of Impact.


A good match between Kaz and Williams saves this from being a total failure. Also, not seeing Hogan and Bischoff helped. Too many women's segments, too many backstage brawls, too much Immortal.

And why have Angle and Anderson return right now? Some will say to help improve PPV buyrates this Sunday, and I say bullshit. Neither man is competing, and they are actually taking away from current feuds. No one is buying this PPV, myself included. This could be their lowest buyrate of the year. Six out of eight matches are gimmick matches, and none of them need to be. If TNA focuses on actual WRESTLING this weekend, the show might not be terrible. But it's TNA...they'll fuck it up.
I wonder if any idiot fans took D-Von's line, "If you want some, come get some!" as a sign that Cena is going to show up in TNA soon.

Dudley Boys/Team 3D shouldn't be split. They suck as singles wrestlers, as we've seen in the past. They are two great tag team wrestlers though, but nothing else.
Such a better show this week! If this is what Ric Flair does when he’s “in charge,” give me more of it!

- Finally, a show that DIDN’T start with a promo. TNA did what it does best: give us tag team action!

- I like that Ink Inc. got the rub. The victory legitimizes them a lot more. The Fatal 4-Way makes me really care about the Tag Team Titles. They’re arguably the most valuables belts due to their exposure of the champions.

- Is this going to be a Shane McMahon thing with this ref? Will he eventually give Morgan the finger when he’s about to win the TNA World Heavyweight Title? Does Russo have another swerve in him?

- I don’t know why Mickie James had to sing other than to set up Tara’s attack. I’m glad it wasn’t outside for once.

- I also don’t know why Eric Young had to be there. Quick note, TNA, Eric Young is NOT Santino. He really doesn’t just fit in anywhere.

- I love wardrobe malfunctions.

- I love wardrobe malfunctions. (It’s worth saying twice.)

- Did Ric Flair have marbles in his mouth tonight? He was mumbling a lot more.

- If any wrestler has William Regal mannerisms and ability down, it’s Douglas Williams. And that’s not meant to be an insult.

- Speaking of reminders, Kaz reminds me of a smaller Paul Roma. He might even have the same kind of career.

- The Chaos Theory is AWESOME. What a great bridge. I haven’t seen it often but it’s amazing.

- Did Morgan pause while A.J. Styles hit Williams? Was he waiting for an invitation?

- Brother Ray in a yellow jacket? I guess NYC is missing a cab tonight.

- I miss Taz wrestling. The guy was awesome on so many fronts. He was the first wrestler that actually looked scary to face without theatrics.

- I will say this: D-Von can work a mic very well. Not bad in an effort to make people care about the feud.

- Samoa Joe is a dick. Plain and simple. That’s how he should be. Vicious, hate-filled, untrusting dick.

- 3 matches in the first hour of TNA? Sweet deal! Somebody up there heard me!

- Angelina Love still looks a little broke down. How old is she?

- Madison Rayne can’t even hit a girl with a belt right.

- God bless the guy or girl that put Madison in those shorts. Watching her get pinned made my night.

- Interesting that Sarita is on a winning streak. I like it because it spreads the focus out among the Knockouts. Mickie James vs. Tara, Madison Rayne vs. The Beautiful People, Cookie vs. Taylor Wilde

- The Winter storyline is growing on me. Never lose again, eh?

- Where is Taylor Wilde?

- More blood. TNA, it’s not necessary. Trust us, you can sell a beating without it. The only point of the bleeding was for selling the first blood match coming up.

- Rhino NEEDS to win on Sunday or his credibility is shot. Unless he’s on the way out, in which case, so long.

- How nice of Fourtune to leave Rhino to get the hell beaten out of him while they keep on beating up Morgan.

- In fact, how nice of RVD to completely ignore helping Morgan.

- Doesn’t it still seem odd to have Styles practically serving Jeff Hardy?

- Mr. Anderson is back!

- You know, So Cal Val could have brought Morgan a towel at least. Or somebody.

- I hate it when a wrestler says “That’s a shoot.” Come on now.

- Would you want to see Jeff Hardy in the shopping center? Would he wear make-up? Carry his belt around? Have colored coupons?

- Please don’t swerve us, Mr. Anderson. Please don’t throw a swerve at us, Russo. We don’t need any more heel turns.

- Mickie James and Tara just HAD to fight outside! Can’t someone lock the door or put them in a cage?

- In fact, would they have the first ever women’s cage match? Would TNA consider it? If any two could make it look good…

- Just when the show was rolling, the New Jersey Fist Pump Showdown?!

- And Las Vegas oddsmakers?!

- Well, the X-division title match is getting more exposure at least.

- A note to Jay Lethal: if you want to be bigger, you gotta dress for success, kid. Dress for the spot you want, not the spot you got.

- Robbie E. and Cookie are weird caricatures for TNA. I think that’s why no one likes them. Too over the top for 2010.

- What the hell?! No, I’m sorry, pardon my French, but what the FUCK?! Robbie E. looks like he’s practicing for prom night failure.

- Nice fist pump from Jay Lethal! That’s how you break up this silliness!

- Jay Lethal saved this segment from being a disaster.

- Did they just almost lock Cookie in a live pyro zone?! Her hairspray alone would make her a torch!

- Abyss and Jeff Jarrett makes a very odd couple. Their children would be butt-ugly.

- I am very happy to see A.J. Styles vs. Douglas Williams for the TV title is going to happen. Textbook match if there ever was one.

- Does Janice have any point now except sheer intimidation?

- There was some nice ring psychology going on: Pope and Samoa Joe hate each other but take it pretty good to Abyss and Jarrett, which made me think: Why isn’t Samoa Joe feuding with Abyss and Jarrett feuding The Pope? Hopefully that’s down the line.

- It was more a screwjob finish than a schmozz, which I don’t mind. Samoa Joe being DQ’d actually makes sense for the ending. My ONLY issue is that why wasn’t Morgan and Rhino at the end of the night, seeing as it sells the main event?

- This was the first Impact I truly enjoyed from beginning to end in months. PLEASE do that again! I’ll take 5 good matches on Impact if that’s all you can give me!
My thoughts on Impact 12-2-10

I thought Ink Inc going over in the 4 way tag match was odd.

Mickie performing Hardcore Country was meh to me and I could have lived without seeing Eric Young in assless chaps. Also the brawls between Tara & Mickie are starting to get ridiculous.

Doug Williams vs Kazarian was a good match. It looks like Doug maybe getting over as a face.

I don't care about Team 3D feuding at all.

The 3 way KO match was pointless. Looks like TNA is pushing the hell out of Sarita. Also how does Madison keep getting away with not defending the KO title?!

The Angelina / Winter storyline is still dumb to me because it looks like Angelina is the only one can still see her. So are they saying that Angelina is going crazy?

Matt Morgan vs Rhino was alright. Seeing Mr. Anderson return was cool but I have this feeling that he is going to turn on Morgan at the PPV.

The fist pumping contest was stupid. Also is Cookie that much a threat where she has to be put into a cage?

Also once again the main event goes to a no contest.

Overall I didn't enjoy Impact at all last night. Also the most important question is where the hell was Velvet Sky?! She wasn't even in backstage segment. What is the point of TBP being back together is they aren't going to really work together as a unit or watch each other's backs?
Impact 12/3/2010: "Who's Wearing The Stripes?"

Impact starts with a recap of last weeks "bombshell" of Dixie overturning Immortal. And it lasts less than2 minutes and then... A match?! WHAT?! AMAZING! Anyway...

Non- Title 4-Way Tag Team Match:

Beer Money vs Motorcity Machineguns vs Ink Inc vs Generation Me

Ric Flair is on commentary and is nothing short of awesome there. The match is already underway as we come on air. Guns and Gen Me with their typical high flying awesomeness 4-way Tower Of Doom a minute in. It's basically two simultaneous matches as Gen Me go off on the Guns and Beer Money focuses on Ink Inc. After a 2 count, Beer Money argues with the ref, Eric's son and ruff him, costing them the match to Ink Inc.


Awesome, awesome opening match. I can't wait for these two matches at FR.

Match is followed by Robert Roode doing his best Triple H impression. And it's a very good impression too. Morgan makes the save, though and grabs Ric. Probably Morgan's best promo ever ensues. Awesome opening.

Mickie James talks about performing her theme and Eric Young (yay) and OJ show up. Eric's wearing a "pava" (double yay). Eric wants to play the cow bell. :lmao:

Maximum Impact! Tour returns this January. They really should televise this. And TNA should fucking come to PR.

Mickie is set to perform her theme. Somebody has to explain to me how the backup singers sound just like the recorded version. Tara interrupts. Eric intervenes in a cowboy gitup, but Tara just shoves him and... Yup. A brawl. Mickie's dress breaks.

Eric's kid want's to ref Morgan's match with Jeff. We get references to Eric being his dad. Shoot, bitch, shoot!

Ric can't pronounce Jackson James (Eric's kid) name.

Doug cuts an indy style backstage promo. It's an awesome one too.

Douglas Williams vs Kaz (again):

Great little technical match by the two. Better than the one they had earlier. No rest holds or long, dramatic stand ups necessary. Taz realized Fourtune was odd with the numbers. Doug counters Kaz' Axe Driver into his Chaos Theory for the win.


I feel this one was a bit short. Still good stuff and Doug is doing great as a face.

Fourtune attack Doug and Morgan backstage. Al Snow and D'Lo Brown cameos.

Here's Devon. Ray looks like a fat guido. Guidos can't be proud of that. Taz yells at Ray to get in the ring after calling him washed up. Taz saved this. This is awful. Devon fucking rips off John Cena's catch phrase?! WHAT THE FUCK?!! I can't save this. This feud is awful.

Pope and Joe don't get along. And chickens lay eggs.

Pointless Non-Title 3 Way:
Sarita vs Angelina Love vs Madison Rayne

I just noticed Sarita's theme is a cover of a Carlos Santana song. Yay. Tara drives Madison on her bike. Expect Mickie soon. The fuck? That took no time at all. Mickie arrived in no time. Angelina Love doing the Worlds Strongest Slam is awesome and Sarita sneaks in the win.


Standard Knockout work. Not much to talk about. Still better than NXT.

Ric is talking to somebody about beating Matt Morgan and talks about his contract. If you can't tell it's Rhino, you are a jackass.

Angelina is pissed. Winter is horny. Angelina asks “explain Wii”. Winter tells her to “cum”. Huh?!

Matt Morgan vs Rhino:

Standard match, Matt is busted, Fourtune interrupts. Again. RVD with the save but Fourtune just stays there. Ha ha, funny.


Like I said, standard. Nothing of real worth.

Now Jeff Hardy is here with a chair. Jeff sets Morgan up for the concussive chair shot, but... MRRR.... Anderson returns like lightning and rushes everyone away. Hell yeah!

Anderson thanks Morgan for being respectful. Anderson just sounds so damn natural on the mic, it's unbelievable. I have no problem with The Miz, but if he's really gonna be the next best thingin WWE, he should pick this up. Anderson is the special guest ref.

Mickie and Tara just don't know when to fucking quit. God!

Fist pumping contest. The Shore theme now has lyrics. Ugh. Dear lord. Robbie just looks moronic, Cookie is annoying, Taz is mocking the living hell out of this and I miss JB as an interviewer. Fuck, Lethal sounds like Flair with that tone of voice. Pretty meh promo from him here. At least he shows glimpse of personality. This was stupid. Really stupid. But Lethal never looked better without impersonating another wrestler. At least it's not a total dud. Thumbs down for the contest, thumbs up for Lethal. Christie Hemme locks Cookie in a cage. A brawl goes on. Again.

Feed dies. Returns as Pope makes his entrance.

Main Event:
Jeff Jarrett/Abyss vs D' Angelo Dinero/Samoa Joe

Six matches on Impact?! I don't believe it. And they've been far from short. No way. There's a casket at ringside. :shrug: Jarrett is in MMA gear and suddenly he's all about mat wrestling. He is really selling this shit. Joe and Pope don't get along and problems early on. In a very nice highlight, Joe Snap Power Slams Abyss. Very impressive. Jarrett eventually locks Pope in an Ankle Lock. I'm guessing the show changed to Reaction, because the Titantron graphic changed. No announcement was make. Guess this is the UK cut then. Pope slips off and bumps the ref. Jarrett grabs his guitar but Joe sees it coming. DQ for Joe and Pope because the ref thought he used the guitar.


Pretty simple, until the end. Pretty OK.

Immortal dominates. KURT FUCKING ANGLE POPS UP FROM THE PREVIOUSLY OPEN CASKET!!! Holy fuck! For the save!

Jeff Hardy does his heel mumbling as Impact ends.


Most organized Impact I've seen the entire year. Covered every single storyline with a good amount of time, great opening. It was a match. And no 20 minute promo to start the show. They are finally catching on with this organizing stuff. I hope they keep it up.
Date: December 2, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Who’s Wearing The Stripes?

It’s the go home show for Final Resolution which feels like one of the most thrown together shows I can remember in a long time. We find out tonight who the guest referee is and other than that the rest of the show looks like a standard go home show for a pay per view. Hopefully it’s better than the fairly awful show we got last week. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of last week’s ReAction segment with Dixie serving an injunction to Immortal and Hogan in particular, taking away Hogan’s power. You might remember this segment. It was the one that was set up the entire time on Impact and then was shown on ReAction and lasted maybe two minutes.

Ink Inc. vs. Motor City Machineguns vs. Beer Money vs. Generation Me

The camera went to the ring with this already going and it’s non-title. We get a Tower of Doom spot. Flair is on commentary for no apparent reason. The Guns beat up Jeremy (I think that’s him at least. I can never remember which is which) and bring out a ladder. Flair is talking about Hogan the entire time so we have no commentary on the match at all.

We’re finally told that the Guns face Gen Me in about their 5th PPV title match with the current score being 4-0 MCMG. This upcoming is a Full Metal Mayhem match which is their version of TLC. Nice to see them being original with their December PPV concepts. Roode gets a spinout flapjack on Moore as we finally get a shot of the ring.

The ladder is gone now. Five of the eight guys are more or less gone and it’s Beer Money vs. Moore. The match has been going on about four minutes so far and we might have heard the announcers talking about it for thirty five seconds. Moore tries to fight back but takes a catapult into a DDT for two.

The referee is Jackson James again who is Eric Bischoff’s real life son. Flair complains about his counting just before he counts a three for Shannon as he rolls up Storm for the pin. This was more or less a handicap match for fifty percent of it. Match wasn’t bad for the approximately 5:00 we saw of it.

Rating: C. Fun stuff from what we could see of it but given that 5/8 of the people were gone for the most part and we didn’t see the whole thing. These matches are the right way to open a show though as they’re the best way to fire up a crowd. You can’t ask for much more than that.

Fourtune yells at the referee and beats on him before Morgan comes up behind Flair and chokes him. He threatens to kill Flair unless they let the referee go. Flair’s face is beet red and he looks like he’s about to explode. In other words he must be just fine. Morgan lets him go and gets the referee out of there.

Mickie says she’s going to perform her theme music tonight as Eric Young and Orlando Jordan come up. Jordan has a special suit for Young tonight. Young is going to play cowbell tonight apparently. Even Mickie says “really?”

Flair gets to hand pick the opponent for Morgan tonight.

Morgan picks the referee tonight.

Knockout threeway later and Jarrett/Abyss vs. Joe/Pope.

It’s time for Mickie to perform her own theme song. There’s a band that is here with her and she looks VERY good in a short black dress. And of course Eric is there in assless chaps maybe 10 seconds into it. Tara of course interrupts her and they brawl again. WE GET IT! THEY HATE EACH OTHER! NOW DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH THEM! Apparently Mickie had a wardrobe malfunction. That’s definitely the highlight of this show.

Jackson James runs up to Morgan in the back and offers to be the referee at the PPV. Why do I smell a swerve coming from him on Sunday? Morgan says he got his first world title match this year. Didn’t he have a few in late 09?

Back from a break and Flair is ranting about Morgan and the referee thing. He does the joke again about not knowing the referee’s name. If Morgan doesn’t name the referee tonight he’s going to do it himself. If he can do that then why didn’t he do that a long time ago?

We recap the Williams face turn and alliance with Morgan against Fourtune. He says he’s going to beat Kazarian tonight because he’s wrestling royalty. He says he’s the king. I think that would be Sheamus but whatever.

Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian

Williams starts off fast and uses very basic moves to control. Rolling Chaos is avoided though and Kaz gets a slingshot legdrop for two. I like that move. He follows that up with a Cravate to make this truly European. Tenay shills Facebook instead of the PPV. Well why should they tell people to order that? That’s not important. Getting more Facebook friends? THAT’S what matters.

Kaz in full control here as he gets a dropkick for two. Oddly enough his portion in control is slower paced than Williams’. Kaz goes for another slingshot ledgrop but is countered into Rolling Chaos which is countered into a rollup which is countered into another rollup by Williams for two. Kaz gets a Downward Spiral for two and then goes for his reverse Piledriver. Williams gets out of THAT and hits Rolling Chaos for the pin at approximately 5:00.

Rating: B-. Slow start but a VERY good ending sequence. My main criticism here: zero mention of Williams’ title shot against Styles on Sunday. Williams looked great here though so I can’t complain that much. This makes sense from a booking perspective as Williams beats a member of Fourtune before going after their crown jewel Sunday, but the announcing didn’t help things at all. Fun match with a great ending though.

Mickie is still looking for Tara. Such highly innovative storylines.

Back from a break with Morgan coming up to talk to Williams about something but AJ and Beer Money jump them before the agents break things up.

Tenay says he’d hope to see AJ vs. Williams soon. Maybe on Sunday? He and Taz run down the card for Sunday. They don’t get through it as here’s D-Von to reply to Ray. Oh joy.

He calls our Ray who won’t come out. And never mind here he comes after D-Von calls him a coward. Ray is in a BRIGHT yellow jacket which is apparently advertising a steak house. D-Von says it was Taz that put the Dudley Boys together and Bubba says he’s washed up.

Taz grabs a mic and says it sucks to see them deal with things this way but Bubba doesn’t need to bring Taz into this. Now get your ass in the ring. Bubba of course won’t do it and the Dudleys argue some more. This goes on WAY too long. Bubba calls D-Von Marty Jannetty. Yes, Bubba Ray Dudley/Brother Ray just implied he’s like Shawn Michaels. D-Von charges at him eventually but Ray shoves So Cal Val in between them and runs.

Back from a break and Pope and Joe are arguing. Pope says Joe is stupid and Joe says he doesn’t like Pope. Great insults there guys.

Sarita vs. Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne

DAMN Sarita looks good. She’s wearing those tiny shorts again and has a nice little four pack going on. Non-Title here of course. Mickie of course jumps Tara as they come into the arena. This is what, their tenth wild brawl in three or four weeks? Madison drills Sarita with the belt to start so it’s more or less one on one. Love gets a seated dropkick for two.

We hit the chinlock almost immediately after that with Madison in control. This is your typical match between these two which isn’t anything special for the most part. As Sarita tries to get in, Madison pops Angelina with the belt to ZERO reaction. Sarita hits Madison and steals the pin at approximately 4:00. What a shock

Rating: D-. Weak match with a screwy finish. Was there any point to this being a threeway other than to steal the win like that? I’m not a fan of three person matches in general and I’m definitely not a fan of endings like that. Just didn’t work for me but a match with three women that look that good can’t be a failure.

Flair is talking to someone behind a door that we can’t see.

Back from a break and Angelina is freaking out about losing again. Winter comes up and says they’ll never lose again now that they’re together. Angelina wants to know what Winter means by “we”. Winter says they need to talk.

Matt Morgan vs. Rhyno

Flair handpicked Rhyno. Tenay mentions that Williams vs. AJ will happen at the PPV. Thanks for pointing that out in a match that it has nothing to do with. They hit the floor early and Morgan eats post. Morgan is busted open and Rhyno yells at RVD about it. The more he bleeds the more he Blueprints Up. Here’s the comeback with the splash in the corner and side slam for two.

Rhyno blocks a chokeslam but a discus lariat gets two. There are the elbows in the corner from Morgan. That cut is pretty solid on his head. Belly to belly by Rhyno gets him out of trouble though as Morgan is down. Here comes the Gore but Morgan moves and the Carbon Footprint….doesn’t end as Fourtune runs in just as you would expect them to for the DQ at approximately 5:00.

Rating: C. This was a decent power vs. power match before the stupid and predictable ending. Was there any need for a run-in here? We get that Rhyno can make someone bleed easily and that Morgan can dominate people. Both guys win in a sense and there’s no shame in Rhyno losing to Morgan. I don’t get the run-in but that’s typical anymore.

RVD comes out and fights off with Rhyno but Fourtune keeps beating on Morgan until Hardy comes out to beat on him even more. Here’s the champion, chair in hand. He wants to do the same chair shot that he injured Anderson with, so here’s Anderson with a pipe for the save before the chair shot hits. The mic drops as we go to a commercial.

Back with the heroes in the ring and Anderson says he’s going to do something that he’s only done a handful of times: he thanks Morgan. He talks about there being a code of things you don’t do, such as drill guys in the back of the head with a chair. Anderson says his memory is gone and he can’t remember what he did on Friday. AND THAT’S A SHOOT, meaning it’s completely untrue more than likely.

He volunteers to be the referee and of course is accepted by Morgan. This sets up either a screwjob where Anderson turns heel which would make no sense or Hardy winning which would make Morgan look incredibly weak. Granted it’ll probably be a screwjob with the referee that’s been on camera a lot lately so that might help them a bit. It won’t make sense, but it’ll likely happen.

In the back, Mickie and Tara, ARE STILL FIGHTING. This is getting so ridiculous I can’t put it into words. This takes up about another two minutes. It’s not like these brawls could be used for like, an actual match or anything right?

We’re back….with a Jersey Fist Pump Showdown. Oh my aching head. Remember people, it was the X-Division that got TNA on the mat. It’s Lethal vs. Robbie E in this if you didn’t get that. JB makes a bunch of stupid jokes about them being from different exits and how this is under official Fist Pump Showdown rules.

They get to make opening statements. Robbie says that Lethal is a disgrace to Jersey and that Lethal doesn’t know how to fist pump. Robbie dances and calls this the Greetings From Asbury Pump. My head hurts badly all of a sudden. More or less he dances with his arms in the air.

Lethal says he’s ashamed to be from New Jersey because of Robbie. He more or less plugs the match on Sunday and makes fun of Cookie. He turns his hat sideways and says let’s do it. Thankfully he pumps his fist a few times and drills Robbie instead. And hey look it’s a brawl that isn’t actually a match on Impact. We haven’t seen one of these in….damn in almost five minutes!

They fight to the back and run into Christy who was interviewing someone. Christy beats up cookie and throws her into a conveniently placed cage. Robbie rams the cage door into Lethal and pins him down with it. Cookie IS NOT going in the cage I guess.

Jarrett talks to Abyss and they mention the MMA thing again and Abyss says something about Janice.

We get a quick rundown of the PPV card and it’s main event time.

Abyss/Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe/D’Angelo Dinero

Jarrett is of course in his MMA stuff and there’s a casket at ringside. We take a break before the faces’ intro. As Pope comes in we get a quick recap of the brawl he and Joe had last week. Jarrett vs. Pope to start. Dinero destroys him with grappling, mat work and striking. Off to Joe now and Jarrett runs away. Joe is in a shirt here which helps him a good bit I think.

Pope wants in again to fight Abyss but Joe won’t let him in. He steals a blind tag and the fight is almost on. Abyss takes them down before they can go at it though as Jarrett shouts “atta boy monster!” That made me laugh for some reason. Jarrett back in and he goes for a cross armbreaker (I know next to nothing about MMA so if I say the wrong name I apologize) for a second or two.

The Immortal guys tag in and out rather quickly as we’re about to head into ReAction which I’ll spare you my traditional rant about why it’s so stupid. ReAction starts with both guys down after a belly to back suplex from Pope. Joe tags himself in and hammers on Abyss. The Samoan one gets a back splash and a powerslam for two each. He runs into a chokeslam though but Pope is back up.

Pope knocks Abyss to the floor as Jarrett grabs his legs for the ankle lock. I have a bad feeling about where that casket is going to come into play. Naturally the referee goes down because where would we be without that in a main event? Pope takes out Abyss with a plancha. Jeff grabs the guitar but Joe gets a boot up to block the blow. The referee gets back up and sees the guitar pieces on the mat so he disqualifies Joe because of it. Eh I’ve seen worse.

Rating: D+. Not great but not that bad I guess. They played up all of the angles well enough but the wrestling and ending were kind of weak. It was your standard main event tag match which is a good way to set up a PPV. Nothing great but it did its job for the most part.

Post match Jarrett hooks a choke on Joke and Abyss sends Pope into the lid of the casket to slam it shut. The heels try to put Joe in the casket and just as I thought he would, Kurt Angle pops out of it. Does TNA have magic caskets or something? Angle Slam to Abyss as Jarrett runs as we end the Impact portion of ReAction.

Overall Rating: D+. Well, it was better than last week, although granted that’s not saying much. The PPV was built up fairly well and the wrestling wasn’t horrible. That being said, the wrestling was good in the first hour but bad in the second half. The brawling between the girls was WAY too common and the fist pump thing was pretty stupid. This wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t anything more than just ok. Until next week.
Last nights' Impact was head and shoulders above the usual Impacts we have been seeing over the past few weeks. It wasn't spectacular, but at least there was some decent matches that last more than two minutes. The opening tag match had some short but good action. The show wasn't focused entirely around Hogan, Bischoff, and Fortune this time around.

Douglas Williams and Kazarian had the match of the night. It was relatively short too, but better than what we are used to. I just feel like these two performers can turn heel, face, put on 5 star matches, and people still wouldn't give two shits about them. The Morgan vs. Rhino match set up Mr. Anderson's return. I enjoyed seeing Anderson square off some with Hardy. I think that most people are more excited for an Anderson vs. Hardy title match than the title match at Final Resolution.

The Mickie James concert was kind of ridiculous just like the fist pump contest between Jay Lethal and Robbie E. It did set up both matches more so I can overlook that. The best part of the concert was seeing Mickie's wardrobe malfunction. You would think that Mickie would have put on some more clothes knowing that she had to fight Tara all over the building later on that night. I can't complain about the clothes though. I am getting sick of seeing Tara and Mickie fight all over the arena week in and week out.

They fought each other for the entire broadcast of the show. Seeing nothing but backstage brawls and blood every week doesn't make me want to see them more on a PPV in 3 days. Bubba and Devon's promo is what it is. They can put on a decent promo, but does anyone really care? Why does every TNA face call a heel a bully now? Is that really an insult? Arguing back and forth about who was weaker. Guys, you are both pretty mediocre.

I'm happy to see Sarita get another win. The knockouts matches are still pretty shit though. The main event was underwhelming with that lame DQ finish. Kurt Angle coming back on Impact was kinda of a let down to. Angle has come back twice during his few week hiatus and hasn't accomplished anything really. I think it would have been much better if Angle didn't appear at all after Jarrett injured him after Bound For Glory. Just wait until the upcoming PPV for Angle to appear.

Overall it was a decent show. I actually cracked up at Eric Young on Reaction when he said Mickie James kicked Tara in her "vag bone". The PPV card looks good, but with a predictable main event and a lot of gimmick matches. I'm just waiting for London Brawling to come back so I can see someone bow before Wolfe's howel.

P.S..... I love the new TNA Velvet Sky Christmas video:

I hate to say this because there are some amazing wrestlers in TNA, but what are they doing with this show?
True, TNA hasn't been top rated EVER but still do something to draw some ratings.
TNA is getting BORING.
Making Jeff Hardy go evil.
What were they thinking?
I hate to say this because there are some amazing wrestlers in TNA, but what are they doing with this show?
True, TNA hasn't been top rated EVER but still do something to draw some ratings.
TNA is getting BORING.
Making Jeff Hardy go evil.
What were they thinking?

So they'd have been better off leaving Hardy as the same boring, unimaginitive face with shitty mic skills? What was he accomplishing before the heel turn? He had some solid matches, but only the Hardy marks gave a damn when he showed up on Impact. This heel turn has made him a point of interest for most TNA fans and increased his usefulness.

There are plenty of things to complain about with TNA, but Hardy's heel turn isn't one of them.
I really enjoyed this Impact tonight and I thought it was better than the previous two episodes. I liked everything thing about Impact Tonight except for 1 thing that was really stupid and that was Pope's segment with the casket and the gospel dancers it was really dumb and the only thing I did not enjoy about Impact tonight.

Grade: B
Date: December 9, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Immortal Ups the Ante

Tonight is the fallout show from Final Resolution where for the most part Immortal reigned on high. Jeff Hardy retained his world title, Jeff Jarrett made Samoa Joe tap and Abyss put the Pope in a casket, which to any non wrestling fan would certainly raise an eyebrow or two. Tonight we see where things go from here as we head towards Genesis. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Morgan vs. Hardy at the PPV and the rather odd moment at the PPV of Bischoff throwing in a referee when Hardy was covered. I didn’t really understand that at the time but it could have been out of fear of Morgan I suppose.

The first shot on the actual show is Bischoff lecturing Immortal and Fourtune in his office. Apparently they may be in a lot of trouble due to Dixie’s lawsuit against Hogan. Bischoff says that they need all the titles and gold they can get in case things go bad in court. He calls out AJ for losing to Williams at the PPV but tells him to sit down.

Rhyno comes in and asks for the contract that Eric promised him. Eric writes NO in green marker on a piece of paper and gets on him for losing to RVD. Eric more or less says go away and Rhyno lunges at him, only to have the troops make the save.

Out to the arena with Immortal, complete with a new name graphic. If my math is right they have 10 guys here, not including Hogan and Hardy who aren’t here. Eric brings out Hardy because ten guys in the ring at once isn’t enough I suppose. After some ass kissing, Bischoff asks Morgan to come down. The Blueprint comes down with a pipe. At least he’s smart about it.

Bischoff says everything is about fair play now. As long as it’s not Johnny I can live with that. Bischoff says he watched the Morgan/Hardy match 25 times today. It was 12 minutes long so he really spent 5 hours watching the same match? Is he turning into Howard Hughes? Bischoff says Morgan could have beaten Hardy but the referee messed things up.

Morgan vs. Anderson for the next shot at Hardy is made for tonight. Anderson isn’t cleared to wrestle though so Morgan says no match. Bischoff doesn’t seem to care and says that if Anderson doesn’t wrestle tonight he’s gone. Immortal has new music here which is a really scratchy sounding version of Hogan’s TNA theme.

Theme song hits fifteen minutes into the broadcast.

Tara is going to perform tonight, as in singing.

Another MMA contest tonight. I’m still not sure what I think of this gimmick for Jarrett.

Abyss vs. Williams for the TV Title tonight.

Brother Ray says that tonight he proves that he was the star and that anyone could have been D-Von. He says come on D-Von and we see a fake D-Von. Can they just have their bad and uninteresting matches and get them over with?

Back and we’re told that Hamada has passport issues and the Knockout Tag Titles are vacant. We’re going to have a tag team title tournament with four teams to determine the new Knockout Tag Champions. This is what, the second time the belts have been vacated due to lack of defenses? Why are they keeping these things around?

Team 3D vs. Ink Inc

Remember it’s a fake D-Von. It’s a student from the wrestling school according to Taz. Bubba has to keep giving D-Von tips and instructions as they do some Dudley signature moves. Moore goes for a sunset flip and Bubba misses as he tries to drop down onto his chest. D-Von is rather green and misses a middle rope headbutt.

Neal, who is also a student of Team 3D, comes in to clean a few rooms. He isn’t doing enough to qualify for cleaning house. Jesse gets a nice move on D-Von where he sets for a belly to back suplex but slams forward instead to drive D-Von’s face into the mat. Bubba fights the heroes off and we get What’s Up and GET THE TABLES to a limited reaction. Ink Inc gets back up as the table is set up and the Mooregasm takes out D-Von to end this at 4:45.

Rating: C. Not bad here as it was there to further the Dudley Boy Explosion which could manage to set new lows in lack of people wanting to see a feud. The idea was fairly creative here or at least it hasn’t been used in a very long time which is fine. Nothing special but it wasn’t here for the wrestling anyway so I can’t complain much.

Bubba beats up D-Von post match but D-Von makes the save to save….himself I guess. The real D-Von ran in if that didn’t make sense. The match is announced for Genesis.

Tara is warming up and hits on Gen Me who are going to be her backup dancers. She makes them take off their shirts before they go out as her cougar character continues. Can’t complain about a sexed up Tara.

Back and Morgan is looking for Anderson who Christy hasn’t seen. He was shown earlier in the opening segment.

Tara sings her theme song which is pretty clearly lip-synched. A little bit of trivia for you very old school TNA fans: Goldilocks sings Tara’s theme song. This is basically just an excuse for Tara to be in loose clothing and to gyrate a lot. And of course here’s Mickie to drill her after about a minute to the surprise of no one.

Eric Young of all people comes out to save Mickie when Gen Me holds her arms. I’m not sure why they’re connected all of a sudden but apparently they are. The song playing throughout the majority of this brawl is good for a nice chuckle. Mickie says she’s sick of this so they need to have a cage match. This is happening tonight apparently. Great to see them giving a blowoff to a long running angle the proper build it deserves of a full hour.

Beer Money wants Gunner and Murphy to rough up the Guns before the title match at Genesis. Roode gives Storm more money for beer, which is I think his first money related action in many months.

Jarrett says that his fans have poured out a ton of support after his victory Sunday. He’s starting an MMA Challenge series for his money tonight.

Gunner/Murphy vs. Motor City Machineguns

I have a feeling the Guns drop the belts at Genesis. Beer Money comes out to do commentary and their entrance allows the security guys to take over early. Only Storm has a headset. Shelly starts for the champions and I have no idea which security guy is which so barring the announcers telling us I’m not sure who is who.

Storm says the Guns remind him of a six pack of Zima. That’s certainly a unique analogy to make. The Guns finally take over and set for Skull and Bones but Murphy brings in a nightstick to drill Shelly with to draw the DQ at about 3:45. The Guns beat down the security guys post match.

Rating: D+. Nothing special here at all with this being here to set up the Guns vs. Beer Money at the PPV. It’s kind of telling that the tag titles have had three teams fighting for them since the Guns won them: the champions, the team the champions used to be feuding with and the former champions. This depth to the division is kind of a stretch to put it mildly.

The Beautiful People are getting ready and Winter comes in, freaking out Velvet. She asks Angelina what’s going on and they leave.

Anderson tells Morgan he’s wrestling tonight which Morgan isn’t happy with at all. He yells about turning his back on Immortal to stand up for the wrestlers after Anderson got hurt. This goes on for a very long time but it’s interesting.

Knockouts Tag Titles Semi-Finals: Daffney/Sarita vs. Beautiful People

Daffney stays on the roster and Hamada is fired? Really? Sarita says that whenever Velvet gets in trouble she goes running back to Angelina and asks when she’s going to grow a set so Velvet spears her. Velvet destroys her for the most part including a nice Fujiwara Armbar.

After a save by Daffney she comes in to a nice cheer. Angelina finally comes in and cleans house. She completely dominates both girls and hits Lights Out (Downward Spiral) to end it at 3:30. Sarita says that Velvet still can’t beat her because she’s a loser. This is the bullying angle that was rumored to be coming.

Rating: D+. Another fairly weak match here but as there’s a theme tonight this was more building for the future. That’s certainly a good thing as it sets up the PPV which TNA has been having some issues doing lately. I’m curious as to who the other girls are. I’d think Madison and Tara are one and the other would be Mickie and….who else?

A casket is being brought to the ring.

We recap Mickie and Tara which is summed up as they used to have issues so they’re fighting. We see part of the finale at the PPV which sets up the post finale match tonight. The cage match is billed as the main event. That’s considered the main event over Anderson vs. Morgan?

Recap of the casket match from the PPV.

Here’s the casket and as it opens….a gospel choir in red robes come out singing This Little Light of Mine. Pope’s voice comes over the loudspeaker and says this is a new beginning. He compares himself to Moses and tonight he’s going to help those in need. The choir is dancing the whole time. He talks about a little girl that needs help or something and asks for a donation from the audience.

AJ yells at Abyss to get it done. I’m not going where that line should lead so don’t wait on me to.

We get some clips of TNA in Abu Dhabi which is rather cool.

Mickie talks about doing things for the first time, as in having a cage match.

TV Title: Abyss vs. Douglas Williams

Abyss uses power so Williams tries whatever he can to get out of trouble. Taz tries to convince us this has been all Abyss once he gets a chinlock/neck crank for about 4 seconds. Williams makes a comeback despite not really being on defense that long including a jumping back elbow from the top which is one of my favorite moves. Abyss blocks Rolling Chaos and rips off the turnbuckle. Naturally he goes into it seconds later and a rollup ends it at 3:40.

Rating: C-. This was just a step above a squash for Williams as Abyss had maybe 30 seconds of offense in the whole thing and Williams was never in any real danger. It was more like he was trying to find a way to beat Abyss rather than survive. I’m not sure I get the concept of having the soldier of Immortal get treated like this but then again, I’m no professional.

AJ comes out and hits a Styles Clash on Williams on the stage.

Tara accepts Mickie’s challenge. Is there a reason that Tara vs. Mickie James is getting as much if not more camera time than Morgan vs. Anderson? Gen Me is there and it’s them vs. Young/Jordan next week.

It’s time for Jarrett’s MMA open challenge. Simple deal: if any fan can make Jarrett submit they get $100k. The fan is naturally a plant and his name is Mike. Naturally Jarrett destroys him and a rear naked choke ends this non-match. I’m still not sure if I like this character or not but it’s certainly different.

There are 15 minutes left in the show and the cage match and Morgan vs. Anderson are left.

We come back to see the cage ready and then see a package on RVD.

Tara vs. Mickie James

It never ceases to amaze me that Vince let Mickie go because she didn’t look right and that Hugh Hefner turned down Tara for Playboy back in the day. Men have odd choices at times. They brawl outside the cage to start for a bit before actually going into it. Mike says we’ve got to take a break. The bell rings between “take” and “a”. Talk about cutting things close.

Back and apparently Morgan vs. Anderson is at Genesis. That makes a lot more sense from a time perspective but it’s kind of confusing as I could have sworn they said it was happening tonight. Tara is thinking about leaving but goes back for some more violence. Mickie gets a reversal and an Edge-O-Matic to take over. Seated dropkick gets two. Tara takes over again and gets a snap suplex before rolling through into a guillotine choke.

The dueling chants are REALLY loud here. They go up to the corner and Mickie grabs the cage and lifts her legs up. She goes for a rana off the top but is caught in a semi-powerbomb that looked really bad. Until then for two girls that hate each other this much they’re being pretty tame in there. Mickie is thrown into the cage door.

ReAction starts (as my blood pressure rises in anger over it) and Mickie can’t get a comeback going. Mickie more or less Hulks Up and throws Tara all over the place. One of the time sends her into the cage which gave her a serious injury that is going to keep her out for a few weeks apparently.

They go up to the same corner as before and Mickie kicks Tara down before heading up the cage. We get the huge spot as she hits a Thesz Press off the top of the cage for the win at 13:15. Mickie apparently messed up her knee legitimately so both girls are hurt now. Solid match.

Rating: B. I liked this quite a bit. Solid stuff and they took a chance on it. You certainly can’t say they didn’t try something new here so big points for them on that front. The match worked, but please, NO MORE BETWEEN THESE TWO. For one thing, this is the definitive blowoff to the two of them. Good stuff and I liked it rather well.

Overall Rating: B-. WOW. I actually liked the show this week. It’s not a perfect show or anything like that as there were problems with it, but for the vast majority this worked. The most important thing is that they set up a lot for Genesis which is what a show like this is supposed to be.

The main event was good and it was set up mostly well. The main criticism I’d have for this show is that the main event was a big deal and good but it got a single hour of buildup. If you weren’t watching tonight, you simply miss the match. That’s not smart business at all. All that being said though, this was a rather solid show and the best since Bound For Glory. Not perfect, but certainly acceptable if not rather good at times.
Bischoff Is Pissed

Bischoff says Hogan is caught up in legal trouble. He says Immortal needs all of the gold in TNA. We’re in the ring now. Bischoff is surrounded by the rest of Immortal. Bischoff gives Jeff Hardy a extravagant introduction. Matt Morgan comes out with a led pipe. Bischoff says he should be upset with the refree. Bischoff wants things to be fair. Bischoff says Morgan must beat Anderson at Genisis to get a another title shot at Jeff Hardy. We usually see Immortal kick off the show every week. This wasn’t anything special, but the opening for tonight’s show was decent.

Team 3D(with fake Devon) VS Ink Inc.

Bubba has a new Devon. Jesse Neal gets the pin for the win. After the match Bubba kicks the fake Devon in the back of the head. The real Devon comes down. He chases Bubba away. The match here was pretty solid, and this was another way to advance the Bubba VS Devon storyline. The build for this feud hasn’t been bad, but I don’t want to see these two wrestle each other, because their “glory” days are long gone. The thought of Bubba and Devon in singles competition doesn’t excite me at all.

Tara Performs "Broken"

GenMe are Tara’s dancers. They aren’t wearing shirts, and they’re dancing like fools. Tara looks ridiculous, as she “performs” her song. Mickie attacks Tara. GenMe tries to hold Mickie, but Eric Young comes to the rescue. Tara and Mickie continue to brawl. Mickie challenges Tara to a steel cage match. I couldn’t get into this. This was just a reversal of what we saw last week. I’ve seen enough of Tara and Mickie brawling over the past couple of weeks. I get it…THEY HATE EACH OTHER. It’s getting old now. I hope this steel cage match will be the end of their feud.

Gunner & Murphy VS The Motor City Machine Guns

Beer Money joins for commentary. This one ends in a DQ. The MCMG take the billy clubs brought out by Gunner and Murphy. They beat down Gunner and Murphy with them. The MCMG just wanted to send a message to Beer Money. That’s what this was all about. The match at Genesis should be good.

Sarita & Daffney VS Velvet & Angelina Love-Knockout Tag Team Tournament Title Match

Sarita gets a mic. She says Velvet runs back to Angelina when she’s in trouble. She taunts Velvet. Velvet snaps. She takes down Sarita. Love gets the pin for the win. After the match Sarita, continues to taunt Velvet. This match was okay. It started out kind of messy at first, but it got a little better as time went on. Angelina and Velvet moving on here doesn’t surprise me, because I really couldn’t see Sarita and Daffney going too far. That, and TNA does love The Beautiful People. Sarita’s mic work was decent. I haven’t heard her cut too many promos, but this was okay. She seemed like a real bully. Although, I’m not too sure about a Velvet VS Sairta feud.

The Pope Isn’t Dead Yet

A casket is brought out to the ring. Pope starts preaching, but he's not in the Impact Zone. We just hear his voice, as a choir dances around his casket. Wow. I guess you can say this was different. This wasn’t bad. Pope did sound spiritual, but did we really need the choir? Anyway, this segment wasn’t bad, but this is another feud I don’t care about it. Both of the matches between these two have been pretty terrible. I don’t want to see these two wrestle again, but it’s probably going to happen at Genesis.

Abyss VS Douglas Williams-TV Championship

Williams goes for the Chaos Theory, but Abyss grabs the turnbuckle. He rips the padding off. Abyss gets thrown into the exposed turnbuckle. Williams gets the roll up for the win. After the match, AJ Stlyes attacks Williams on the entrance ramp. Styles hit’s the Styles Clash. The match here was pretty short. Nothing special happened, but Dougals’ title reign is off to a nice start so far. The rematch with AJ should be worth looking for.

More Jeff Jarrett MMA Stuff

Jarrett gets pissed off at the “you sold out!” chants from the crowd. Jarrett gloats about his victory over Joe at Final Resolution. Jarrett issues a open MMA challenge. Jeremy Borash helps out. Jarrett finally picks a fan. Brain Hebner comes to call this thing. Jarrett slaps on the rear naked choke. The fan doesn’t last long. Jarrett is proud of himself. I still can’t get into this MMA stuff. I just don’t think it’s funny or entertaining. I’m waiting for Joe to get his revenge, and maybe that will end Jarrett’s MMA gimmick.

Mickie James VS Tara-Steel Cage

Mickie does a Thesz Press from the top of the cage to win the match. I haven’t been a fan of the Mickie/Tara feud so far, but I really enjoyed this match. I was kind of worried at first. Mickie and Tara started brawling, and I thought we wouldn’t get to see these two wrestle. Anyway, this match was very physical. Mickie and Tara really gave it their all here, and the steel cage gave us a break from the usual brawling we’ve seen between these two over the past couple of months. I hope the Micke Tara feud is finally over, because it is time for both of these women to move on.

Overall Show Rating 7/10: I actually enjoyed this show. It’ll be interesting to see what happens between Morgan and Anderson. Will the #1 contender’s match take place? If not, then who will Morgan face? These are some big questions that need to be answered. The matches were okay, and the main event between Tara and Mickie was a nice way to end the show. This was probably one of the better Knockout matches I’ve seen on Impact in a while. I just hope Mickie VS Tara is FINALLY over. I’m still not a fan of Jarrett The MMA Expert, and Tara’s concert was just painful to watch. But tonight’s episode of Impact was solid. I hope TNA can keep this up.


This starts off in Bischoff's office, and A.J. gets bitched out for losing to Doug Williams. Rhino comes in and wonders where his contract is. Bischoff tells him to take a hike, no contract. This was actually pretty funny, seeing I think Rhino is totally worthless. Is this the last we see of Rhino? If so, these ECW guys aren't being shown ANY respect on their way out.

Now we have Immortal in the ring, minus Hardy and Hogan. But, we get Gunner and Murphy..? Morgan comes out (with his pipe) and Bischoff says he and Anderson will fight for the #1 Contenders spot...when, we have no clue, because details obviously aren't TNA's strong point :shrug: Morgan isn't buying into it, seeing Anderson is injured.

Team 3D (sort of) vs. Ink Inc.

Decent action here, seeing the "new" Devon probably moves better than the original. I just can't bring myself to care about this angle. It's been done to death, both guys are way over the hill, and never work out as singles competitors. Hopefully this ends soon, but I doubt it will. Of course, the new guy blows it, Bubba whips his ass, Devon comes out, etc. Nothing good here.

Tara Sings

I kind of like the whole MILF thing going on with Tara..but that's it. Another concert? Two weeks in a row? It was garbage. Mickie comes out, they brawl..I know, what a freakin' shock! Please, please, please! end this soon. They have a cage match tonight...interesting.

Gunner/Murphy (that's right people..the security guards) vs. The MCMG's

Gunner and Murphy are sent out to "soften" up the Guns...for the PPV match Beer Money and the Guns have in a month :disappointed: I really think it's stupid to have these security guards wrestling. You're telling me TNA doesn't have any real wrestlers back there who need something to do? This is just plain idiotic, and a massive failure on all accounts. None if it made any sense.

The Beautiful People/Winter

Angelina and Velvet really need to calm down during promo's. They say "REALLY?!?!" about 4,000 times, and constantly interupt each other. It takes away from what they're saying. The Pirate's Sister comes in, and freaks everyone out..myself included. They need to do something with this Winter character, or drop it. Pick one, I really don't care either way.

The Beautiful People vs. Sarita/Daffney

This is the first round of the terribly pointless Knockouts Tag Titles tournament. Do they even have enough women left for a 4-team tourny? If it weren't for Velvet and Sarita looking like a million bucks each, this wouldn't have even mattered. These tag belts mean nothing, this tournament means nothing...lot's of pointless shit tonight.

The Pope and a Choir

Haven't we had enough live music over the last two weeks? This was just stupid. I'm not sure what's going on with Pope, but please, no more live music. How about we have some...I dunno, wrestling?!?!

Abyss vs. Doug Williams

AJ says he wants his TV title back before the match..does that mean Abyss would hand it over? Nothing special here, very short. Doug does his best to make this watchable, but Abyss is getting worse and worse each match. As I said, very short match, not much men's wrestling tonight, I guess.

And ANOTHER Mickie/Tara promo segment. This is becoming a bit much.

J-E-doubleF's MMA Challenge

I think it's rather pathetic that this was probably the most entertaining segment of the evening. Jarrett beats the hell out of some kid, and is quite humorous doing so. Jarrett is actually really funny in this role, but I don't see it meaning anything to TNA in the long-run. But hey, I'll take an entertaining angle from TNA whenever I can.

Tara vs. Mickie/Steel Cage Match

I must say, this was a decent match. It's nice to see the women getting a cage match, which almost never happens. However, I have to question when and where. To close the show? This is your main event? Granted, I'll take this over Bischoff talking any day of the week, but no one cares about Women's wrestling. It's a fact, sorry to say. Maybe I'm just an asshole, but we saw wayyyy too much Tara/Mickie tonight. And, it ran over into Reaction..just stupid.


I didn't hate this show, not at all. I just didn't find it entertaining. Hardly any wrestling, again. Too much Tara/Mickie, again. I don't need to see a live musical performance each week, I don't care how if "furthers" an angle. Better than previous weeks, because it didn't literally piss me off. But not a real good show either, just below what I want to see in an average wrestling program.

And maybe it was just me, but didn't Bischoff make it sound like Anderson/Morgan was happening tonight? Bischoff and company are not very good at fully explaining what they're talking about.
OK, another week, another good show. Still some odd points, but every wrestling show will have them.

- I didn't see the PPV due to work (and the lack of desire to pay for it) but from what it sounds like and what I read, not much outside interference happened. Bischoff explained this with the injunction thing, which I like because it makes the heels actually have to work and win on their own.

- Then again, didn't Jarrett cheat his ass off anyway to beat Samoa Joe?

- I also like the renewed focus on belts. That means the X-division title will also come back into focus, and more than likely Robbie E. is going to lose his belt soon, since I doubt TNA will do heel vs. heel.

- Jeff Hardy is now 85% Joker. All he needs is the green hair and redder lips.

- Overall, decent opening promo. It explains some stuff, and a Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan match would be interesting. I hope it doesn't lead to yet another heel turn though.

- So Brother Ray broke up Team 3D to find a skinner D-Von? At least he and A-Von didn't win their match.

- How close is the combined age of Generation Me to Tara's?

- And despite the whole psycho thing, isn't she still pretty hot?

- Tara would make Milli Vanilli proud. Just like Generation Me makes the Hansons proud.

- Can Eric Young find a role and stick with it?!

- I said this in one of my points last week, "- Mickie James and Tara just HAD to fight outside! Can’t someone lock the door or put them in a cage?" I'm taking credit. The link is below: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=9671&page=133

- Beer Money pulled an old-school plan. Hire Jarrett's goons to weaken MCMGs. Nice move.

- Then again, why did they have to pay them? Aren't they in the same stable?

- I'm glad TNA didn't cop out and just have Gunner and Murphy put the nightsticks to them early and get disqualified. It took them time to do it and still allowed the faces to look credible.

- MCMGs is getting vicious. Except those nightstick shots looked kinda weak. Still, the concept is sound.

- Angelina Love and Velvet Sky looked old-school TBP. Cool deal in my book. The stable fits so much better as heels, even if they haven't turned yet.

- Daffney is STILL AROUND?!

- Does anyone NOT think the Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament is going to come down to Tara and Madison Rayne vs. The Beautiful People?

- Wow, Mr. Anderson has still got it.

- Wow, Velvet Sky has a LOT of it. I HATE YOU CHRIS SABIN!!!

- I'm liking Sarita more and more. I only wish she and Daffney had a chance.

- 3 tag team matches so far. Interesting. I like it because it's what TNA does best at this point in time.

- Daffney was really enjoying the crowd tonight. I guess having that much time off makes you appreciate the adulation.

- I've never seen two females in a cage match in my life. Should be something new.

- I was waiting for The Pope to say, "I will NOT rest in peace!"

- The gospel choir was a little much. Fun, though a little much.

- Well, throwing Abyss at Douglas Williams after a difficult bout with Styles does make an interesting strategy. I wonder how Abyss will do.

- That robe of Douglas Williams is sweet. Boy, the British know how to dress!

- For a guy who abhorred high-flying moves, Williams sure can move well.

- Abyss sucked. As usual. He basically has the same job as Gunner and Murphy, only without the TNA security logo on his shirt.

- Smart of Styles to wear kneepads under his suit to do the Styles Clash on Williams without hurting himself. I could see the outlines but I'm not mad at him for doing it.

- Generation Me vs. Eric Young and Orlando Jordan next week. Ugh. This is their punishment for losing six straight matches to the MCMGs.

- The Double J Double M....A Invitational? I'd be more excited if TNA actually allowed audience members to try it. I'm sure that would take a bunch of waivers though. I'm guessing this will end up with Kurt Angle or maybe a new wrestler in the audience at some point.

- So creative is letting a female cage match be their main event? Unorthodox but not unheard of. The match is important and is the cap of a vicious feud.

- I can honestly say Mickie James might be the 2nd most over established face in TNA, behind only Mr. Anderson.

- Awesome match. Probably one of the best matches and endings I've seen in a cage match in a long time. Nice work, TNA.

Overall, two weeks in a row TNA has given me a good show. Keep it up, guys. Very nice.
TNA iMPACT! - December 9, 2010

Opening Segment - The show started off with Immortal back in Bischoff's office being sort of lectured about this and that. Styles gets raked over the coals a bit for losing the TNA Television Championship to Douglas Williams and Final Resolution. The stuff with Rhino was ok as it helped Bischoff look like a prick. They all moved out into the Impact Zone and basically did the same thing with Bischoff talking for the group. Jeff Hardy came out and did nothing but stand around and Bischoff called out Matt Morgan and praised him for a bit before making a match between him & Anderson for the night. The segment overall was solid, Bischoff did a good job but it's the same we've seen from him a thousand times. I continue to find myself underwhelmed by Jeff Hardy as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion as he comes across like a stooge to Bischoff more than anything else. It was alright for what it was and it was passable, but I'd love to see the young talent in this group step up. Thumbs Up

TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship - So it's pretty much as I figured. The titles are vacated and TNA is holding yet another tournament. I found the whole story TNA went with laughable because Hamada & Taylor Wilde weren't used enough on iMPACT! to defend the titles. These titles are worthless and I wish they'd just scrap them and be done with it. They're almost less than props at this time. Thumbs Down

"Team 3D" vs. Ink Inc. - All things considered, this wasn't really a bad match and it's use in building the Bubba & DeVon feud is obvious. Still, it was extremely hard to get into this because the outcome was painfully obvious from the very moment Bubba and the "Fake DeVon" were talking backstage prior to the match. Ink Inc. scored the win around the 4-5 minute mark over the "Fake DeVon". This didn't do anything to interest me in the feud and I just thought it was a little boring. Thumbs Down

Tara Performs - Meh, not much to say about this generally. Tara comes out dressed all sexily and lip synchs, badly I might add, her theme song while GenMe pretends to play guitar in the background. This serves as little more than an excuse for Mickie James to jump her from behind in revenge for Tara doing the same thing to her last week. I dig the intensity that Mickie & Tara have had but the continuous brawling is getting redundant. I wasn't wild about this by any stretch but I thought it was decent and I liked it better than what Mickie was doing last week. I think Eric Young's presence last week had a lot to do with how shitty it was, plus the fact that I just have little to no real desire for these segments. The idea of a cage match between these two later in the night is also kind of intriguing. Thumbs Up

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Gunner & Murphy - Another boring match that I just cared nothing for. Personally, I'd rather TNA just use Beer Money itself to continue building or reigniting the fued they had with The Guns. It should be fun because it was fun when they did it this past summer so I don't really see the point here other than just giving Gunner & Murphy television time for some reason. I dunno, I would've enjoyed this more if Immortal or Beer Money had just approached two guys backstage and hired them to whoop up on The Guns in a match to soften them up rather than falling back on the extremely lame thug security guards. Thumbs Down

The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Daffney - Weak Knockout match here and was the first match in the tournament for the vacated Knockout tag titles. Not all that much to be said here really. This was the first time I've seen Daffney in months, so you know right off the bat that she & Sarita are going to lose and they do in about 3 minutes. Thumbs Down

The Pope D'Angelo Dinero - Yeah, I'm just not digging whatever it is they're doing with The Pope at all. I admit that it was something different but different doesn't go hand in hand with good. The stuff with the choir was just kinda eye rolling in my view and I'm just ready for The Pope to move onto something else. Thumbs Down

Douglas Williams vs. Abyss - Overall, I thought this was a pretty solid match while it lasted. I was surprised at how little offense Abyss got throughout the match as I kind of expected him to really just kinda toss Williams around for 4 minutes before Williams managed to outmaneuver him and score a fluke pin while keeping Abyss looking strong. That didn't really happen here but I'm not complaining. It's nice to see Williams get a decisive victory over Abyss here. The stuff with Styles afterward was good and I'm glad that TNA just isn't having their situation just fade away. Thumbs Up

Mickie James vs. Tara - I liked this match. It was legitimately something different and I have to give TNA some props for doing this. This is easily the best main event match that they've had in a long time on iMPACT! and had a lot going for it. It was a good physical cage match and the fact that it was a cage match between women was a nice little novelty. I also liked that they went into this match with plenty of time for it to be shown on iMPACT! instead of having it start 2 minutes before and having it be the beginning of ReAction. Mickie hit a big spot off the top of the cage, hitting a Thesz Press on Tara to score the win a little past the 13 minute mark. It was a fun main event match that didn't have the usual overly booked clusterfuck we've come to expect. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - TNA iMPACT! has been better than usual the past few weeks. I'm digging the stuff with Williams & Styles and tonight's stuff with Mickie James & Tara was fun. Their cage match is the best main event iMPACT has had in a long time. That might be something of a double edged sword if you think about it as it doesn't say much for how TNA has booked their main events for quite a while. The Knockouts were featured prominently on the show tonight, so I'm guessing TNA is hoping that increasing their visibility could pop a rating. I found the majority of the show to be pretty boring though not as much as it has been and some of it was passable.

Grade: C
The Good:

Matt Morgan has had two shots at the World championship and lost them both, but has been made out to be the winner of both who was cheated out of the title, so it keeps him looking strong and he finally seems like a believable main eventer who can compete for the World title now. Everyone's clearly forgotten how misused he was in the past, or even him jobbing to the likes of Brian Kendrick not so long ago, which is a good thing to forget!

As terrible as the whole Team 3D thing is, at least they had Ink Inc. go over in the tag team match and get the win.

Douglas Williams isn't just the Television champion, he also had a successful title defense! He also beat Abyss and looked great in doing so. Props to TNA for pushing Williams and giving him the chance to shine. And at least this gives AJ Styles something to do, not to mention a feud that is actually worth watching and will be great in terms of the matches that come out of it.

The main event with Tara and Mickie James was good, and it's nice to see TNA giving the Knockouts a chance to main event and have a more porminent role on Impact, just like when the Knockouts division was at its best with Gail Kim and Awesome Kong. At least the gimmick match this week made some sense, unlike TNA's usual random gimmick matches for no reason. But, I still think the cage match lost its impact BECAUSE TNA uses gimmick matches so much and its become the norm.

The Bad:

Abyss was built up for almost a year with this whole THEY storyline, and now he's just become the Immortals jobber?

What the hell is up with the whole Pope segment? At least he didn't rise from the dead like the Undertaker.

The Tara musical performance was horrible. The main event with Tara and Mickie was good to make up for it, but I really hate how Impact continues to end without an actual ending and everything's carried over to ReAction. It's annoying as hell. I understand why TNA does it and the logic behind it, but sorry, for the casual fan I don't think its going to do anything but make them stop watching regularly. And it's clearly not raising the ratings of ReAction any, so people don't want to continue watching, they want an ending to the show they ARE watching!

The Terrible:

Why the HELL is TNA putting over and trying to push Jeff Jarrett? Jarrett has NEVER gotten over and now he's past his prime, past where he should be getting built up, and still won't ever get over. They're building Jarrett up for a feud with Kurt Angle, two guys who don't need to be put over and built up.. they're already at the stage that if they're not stars or draws they aren't going to be. Two guys who should be putting over young guys, not each other in major angles. Instead of building towards the future by developing new STARS, and instead of giving the rub to others, TNA buries Samoa Joe and continues to push veterans who shouldn't be taking the spotlight. This is EXCTLY what's wrong with TNA, and the very same thing that was wrong with WCW and led to WCW falling. They didn't build any stars! They counted on veterans, some of who were never STARS in the first place.

And sorry, but making a mockery of MMA like this whole sad and unentertaining Jarrett angle is doing only makes TNA look more second rate. Remember when WCW and Vince Russo used Tank Abbott? Ugh. Stop re-using the same shit!

Then there's the whole Team 3D angle. Once again, old veterans getting the time to try to be built and developed as singles stars. They could never get over when they were young as singles wrestlers, it's far past the time to be trying to do it now when they're older and far past their prime. For fuck's sakes. Instead of accepting their role as a long standing tag team that made it and now should be putting over the young talent and building the future of the tag team division or RETIRING they now take the spotlight from others and take the time on the show that can be used to build up younger wrestlers who DO have a chance of possibly getting over and becoming stars. How stupid is TNA? What does this whole Team 3D angle accomplish? How is this going to help the future of the product? It doesn't. It's pointless. And that's why TNA doesn't have a clue. This is an area TNA could actually start learning from the WWE and copying them in, instead of following them in all the negative ways they do. Build the youth movement! Build NEW stars! For the love of GOD, please!


What they should've done to actually get something out of this whole Team 3D nonsense is to, instead of promoting one of Bubba Ray's students who means absolutely nothing to anyone, have Bubba Ray come out with Jay Lethal as his partner and have Jay Lethal mimic Devon. Then have Bubba Ray attack Lethal after the match, Devon make the save, and the next week have a tag team match between the two members of Team 3D and have Jay Lethal come out as Devon's partner pretending to be Bubba Ray. At least that pushes Jay Lethal in some fashion and gives him time on the show. It also plays up Lethal's whole impressions thing which people love, and it'd certainly be more entertaining then the shit we're being given with Team 3D right now which will lead to nowhere because neither should be singles wrestlers. They have NOTHING to offer the product in that way.

Jeff Hardy totally sticks out like a sour thumb in Immortal. He doesn't fit in at all, and it makes absolutely no sense that Hogan would've chosen Hardy of all people to be the top guy in Immortal. It would've been so much better if TNA had chosen Ken Anderson for that role, a natural heel, who can cut great promos, and who would actually fit into the role with the rest of Immortal. Even AJ Styles, then they could've had a far more logical way of bringing Fourtune and Immortal together as a stable because Styles would've been the link between both of them. Not only that, but it would've given AJ Styles... the best wrestler of 2009!.. the spotlight and continued to build him as the top star, where right now he's just lost in the shuffle and pushed to the background. That in itself is ridiculous and mindboggling. So, instead, TNA goes with a SWERVE at the expense of logic and long term success. Classic TNA.

I'd rather see Jeff Hardy and Abyss having been THEY in a stable with others who fit with them, because Hogan and Bischoff don't. Neither do Fourtune. Hogan and Bischoff's need to be in the spotlight has once again become a deterrent to the greater good of the angle. That doesn't surprise me in the least!
a seee face turn styles he looked very up set that eirc called him out and since he joined fortune he lost some matches and he has been helped to many times how can your team back you up and then lost on sunday to Williams and then looked attacked him on thursday
was weak i think if he loses again i think they going to kick out of fortune
Last night's Impact was pretty good with the best main event we have seen in quite a while. I didn't think it was a good idea at first to have Mickie James and Tara fight again in a steel cage for the main event, but I was pleasantly surprised. I like seeing the built up tension in Immortal with Eric Bischoff chastising AJ Styles. I hope this will eventually lead to a Styles face turn.

The TNA tag team division and the Television title are actually starting to heat up. I think Doug Williams brings some credibility to the belt and hopefully he will be featured every week on Impact. Williams and Styles could have even more classic bouts.

I don't know what to think about The Pope and his choir and casket. That was the weirdest segment I have seen on Impact. Is the Pope a preacher or The Undertaker? Pope needs something new, fast.

Jarrett's MMA stuff may be hilarious to others, but I just see it as lame. Hopefully there will be payoff with Angle coming out of the stands to attack Jeff.

I'm glad that the Knockouts division has 3 feuds going on even with limited wrestlers. Sarita vs. Velvet, possible Angelina Love vs. Winter, and Mickie James vs. Tara/ Madison Rayne. I don't know why they are having a knockouts tag team tournament for the titles. There aren't enough knockouts for the belts. The belts either go to the Beautiful People or to two random knockouts we hardly ever see on television, only to be fired and stripped of the belts later.

I was happy to see my girl Daffney back. The fans were going crazy for her. She didn't do much in the ring, but its always nice to see some Zombie hotness while she is still with the company. I guess Bubba has a new brother Devon now. I just can't get into this feud at all.

A pretty good episode overall with nice build up for Morgan and Mr. Anderson going in to the PPV.
I thought tonight was another good Impact this week. The opening was pretty good and we got some really solid mic work from Anderson and Morgan, then Hardy come out and tried to cause tension between Morgan and Anderson. Good opening segment with good build for Morgan vs Anderson at Genesis. The opening match between Lethal and Robbie E was pretty good and probably their best match together, Lethal gets the win at around 11 and is the new X Division champ.EY/OJ vs Gen Me was comedy filler and was not that good. The Knockout tag match was not that good but all Four looked Very Hot so that made up for it. Bubba Ray squashed Amazing Red in about 4 minutes continuing his bully storyline. RVD vs Rob Terry was actually decent and probably the best Rob Terry match I've seen thats not saying much but he has improved a bit. RVD picks up the win at 10 minutes with the 5 Star Frog Splash. Jeff Hardy and Kaz vs Morgan and Anderson was a decent Main Event, Hardy/Kaz pick up the win after a Rob Terry interference and a Hardy Twist of Hate to Morgan. Another pretty good Impact and thats two in a row hopefully they can keep this up leading to Genesis.

Overall Grade: B+
Date: December 16, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: Head Games?

Tonight it’s another episode of Impact with three announced matches. First off we have the X Division Title on the line as Robbie E defends against Jay Lethal. We also have Mickie James and a partner to be named facing Madison Rayne and Tara in the tag title tournament. Finally, Rob Terry is back and facing Rob Van Dam. Kind of random but ok. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the events last week that set up Anderson vs. Morgan at Genesis. Anderson talks about having a lot of concussions including the one from Hardy on Impact a few months ago. Is Hardy wrestling at the PPV? It doesn’t look like it.

Anyway Anderson gets here and kicks what looks like a time card display but it’s the match listing for tonight. Anderson is in a tag match against Hardy but it all ticked off about it. Morgan comes up to ask him what’s wrong but Anderson won’t say. It might be something about him not being cleared tonight. Morgan is his partner to little surprise.

Morgan comes into the arena and talks about how he made a choice to turn his back on Immortal and stand up for the injured Anderson. It was the right choice according to him. Tonight it’s Morgan/Anderson vs. Hardy/Kazarian and once the bell rings he can’t help Anderson anymore. If Anderson gets hurt tonight it’s not on him.

Here’s Anderson who talks about cheese and rice. Oh I get it. He says that he appreciates what Morgan has done for him but he is a man and a wrestler, so that’s what he’s going to do. Anderson offers a note from mommy or his doctor but Morgan says that’s not what matters. He says do what’s right by his fans. Morgan talks about Christopher Nowitski’s Sports Legacy Institute and about how they’ve been told to stand up to promoters if they’re injured.

Anderson can’t respond as Jeff comes out and says they should just get married. There’s so much smoke you can only see the outline of Jeff and barely anything behind him at all. Jeff asks how Anderson knows Morgan isn’t still working for Immortal. He goes on to say that Morgan needs to worry about himself, not Anderson. Hardy rambles about marks and how it’s all about the belt and the match tonight.

Tonight it’s another Jarrett MMA invitational thing.

Mickie/??? Vs. Rayne/Tara and the aforementioned main event tag match.

X-Division Title: Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E

At least Cookie looks good. Lethal jumps him for a fast start. Cookie trips Lethal seconds into it and his nose slams into the mat. Here comes Christy bouncing down the ramp with a pair of handcuffs to hook herself to Cookie. It’s a new zany comedy coming this Fall! We take a break with Robbie hammering on Lethal in the corner.

Back with Lethal getting a small package for two. Robbie gets a nice Russian leg sweep for two. The girls start fighting at ringside which means Christy beats on her. ReAction starts at 11:30 tonight only. Hopefully that’s a permanent thing. Lethal gets a suplex to take over again. We cut to Christy jumping in excitement. I regain consciousness as Lethal gets a nice top rope elbow for two.

Robbie gets a rollup with the ropes for two but gets caught as he goes up top. Superplex by Lethal has Robbie and the title in big trouble. Cookie tries to slip the spray in to Robbie get it winds up in her own eyes. Lethal Injection gives Jay his 6th title reign at 7:00 shown out of 10:30 total. Jay kisses Christy post match.

Rating: C+. Pretty good match here but all the interference and focus on the girls hurt a bit. This wasn’t terrible and Lethal should have the title again. At least we don’t have to see Robbie on TV as much anymore. Pretty good match and the longest Impact match I can remember in awhile.

AJ makes fun of Robbie until Eric calls him out for losing the TV Title. Anyone can imitate Flair apparently and he needs to be a leader. Possible seeds of a face turn?

Douglas Williams says that he thinks beating AJ with his own finisher was entertaining. He calls over Magnus who for some reason still has a job. Chelsea is gone and Wolfe is coming back soon. We follow Williams into his dressing room as he answers some questions about AJ but is jumped by AJ himself who beats the hell out of him.

Actually this looks like an apartment or a really nice trailer. The girls are getting dressed in there and freak about the guys being there. Williams takes a big beating as I still have no idea where we are. The girls are getting annoying, throwing shoes at AJ to get him out. This goes on for a good while as Williams gets destroyed.

And from that to this. Jordan is trying to find Eric Young who has his own Hooters girls and a title belt that he found in a garbage can and claimed for himself. Jordan isn’t sure about the girls and walks off. His outfit makes him look like a peacock exploded on him. We follow Eric who goes to find his sensei. It’s Brian Kendrick who says a lot of philosophical stuff including “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Uh…..yeah.

Hardy talks about the tag match tonight and about how he’s glad to be in the tag match tonight.

Generation Me vs. Eric Young/Orlando Jordan

We hear about a Hooters special of Hooters girls in bikinis while skiing. And I was right about what I was expecting: Orlando Jordan comes out in a Hooters outfit. I knew I recognized that title belt: it’s the old TNA World Title belt, as in the one that Hardy threw in a trashcan. Young says this is a battle royal for the title. He dumps out the referee but Brian Hebner slides back in.

Ok so it’s a tag match. Eric throws out everyone anyway including his partner and declares himself the winner. Gen Me jumps Young and hit on the Hooters girls before Jordan comes in to clean house. Young gets a nice dive to take out Gen Me. Jordan gets a modified cobra clutch to end this comedy match at roughly 3:00.

Rating: C-. From a quality standpoint it was pretty bad but from a comedy standpoint which was the point of the match it was ok. Nothing all that great but it filled in some time I guess. I hope they can stick to Eric’s comedy thing of the month for awhile for a change though.

Mickie comes up to Eric and wants to know who her partner is. It’s Miss Tessmacher and I don’t think Mickie is thrilled.

Knockouts Tag Title Semi-Finals: Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher vs. Tara/Madison Rayne

Sweet DAMN Tessmacher is gorgeous. Mickie and Rayne start us off but Tessmacher comes in instead. Rayne vs. Mickie for the title at Genesis. Madison beats Tessmacher down for awhile and chokes away. She misses a shoulder off the middle rope though and here’s Mickie. Neckbreaker takes down Madison as Tara hasn’t been in yet. Tara gets in a shot with her brace on her arm and a punch from Madison is enough to pin Mickie at 4:30.

Rating: D. This was pretty bad indeed but the girls looked great so I’ll give them that. With the recent cuts to the division having Tessmacher out there could help a bit. Tara must be hurt from the cage match as she was never in the match. Mickie getting the title shot is also a good thing as she’s the best they have in the division at the moment.

Beautiful People vs. Madison/Tara for the titles next week.

Kaz insults Rob Terry a bit and might have been recruiting him for Fourtune/Immortal. We also hear that Rhyno is officially gone.

Pope is in the back and gets a donation from some guy. That’s worthy of an amen. It’s nice to actually see them going somewhere religious with this street preacher thing.

Brother Ray comes out with a name patch that says hardcore. He wants the toughest guy in the locker room.

Brother Ray vs. Amazing Red

This is another bully themed angle it seems. It’s a total squash for a few minutes until Ray runs his mouth off to Red. The announcers push the whole bullying aspect to no end. Red gets in a few shots but Ray kicks his head off and the Bubba Bomb ends it at 3:00. No rating for it being just a squash. D-Von runs out to stop a Conchairto and it’s the Dudley Explosion at Genesis.

Jarrett talks about his MMA thing some more.

Someone that might be Pope gets into a car and drives off.

Rob Van Dam vs. Rob Terry

RVD says that he doesn’t care who Bischoff puts in front of him because he’ll get by them. Van Dam hammers away to start but falls victim to the power game soon. Terry gets some shoulder blocks in the corner to RVD then changes gears by going to the front. Terry takes him down as we take a break.

Back with Rob Terry sending RVD into the railing ribs first. More power moves have Van Dam in trouble until Van Dam unleashes the kicks. Rolling Thunder hits for no cover but the Five Star ends it at 6:00 shown of 9:30.

Rating: C. Pretty one sided match for the vast majority of it but wasn’t that bad. I do kind of wonder why they brought back in Terry to have Van Dam no sell most of his offense and then win with a few kicks and the splash, but there may be something coming in the future so it’s too early to tell. Decent match but nothing great or anything.

We get a quick recap of Jarrett's MMA career and the MMA challenge is up next.

Pope gets out of his car with the donation in hand and goes into a strip club. Cue evil, ominous music!

Jarrett comes out to Kurt’s riser entrance. His students help him get fired up along with Gunner and Murphy. Some guy in a green hat is picked after various people are insulted. A rear naked choke ends it in about a minute or so of course.

Mr. Anderson/Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy/Kazarian

Anderson starts with Hardy but Jeff flips him off and it’s off to Kaz. Anderson is actually wrestling so I guess he really is back. Enziguri to the back of the head by Kaz gets two. Kazarian is whipped into the corner and falls down and his head rams into Anderson’s for a scary shot. Here comes Morgan who drills Kaz with a big right hand.

Hardy’s cheating allows Immourtune to take over with more shots to the back of Anderson’s head. He looks a bit deceased but gets back in to break up a double suplex. Down goes the referee and Anderson goes up. Rob Terry comes out and shoves him off to allow Jeff to hit the Twist of Hate on Morgan for the pin at 6:40. Anderson and Morgan had a mini-staredown to end the show.

Rating: C+. Well they did something with Terry so points for that. This was your run of the mill main event tag match and while it was pretty decent it wasn’t anything great. Furthering the wedge between the two good guys is a smart idea as it builds up their PPV match and we also add in something with Terry, which is a bit of overkill but nothing too bad. Decent main event to a pretty bad show.

Overall Rating
: D+. Where did this show go? What actually happened here? The matches were ok but this was one of the most lackluster shows I’ve seen in a very long time. It felt like it was barely half an hour in when we were on the verge of being done.

Ok so Pope uses his donation money at strip clubs, Anderson can wrestle again and some matches were announced for the show. Some minor things happened but this show flew by and it felt like nothing of note happened (the X Title change wouldn’t be classified as something of note if you’re wondering). Not a terrible show by any stretch but rather lackluster.
TNA iMPACT! - December 16, 2010

Opening Segment - I thought that the show started off with a solid opener with Matt Morgan & Mr. Anderson in the ring. Both guys did their things, squabbling about Morgan's concern over Anderson's condition and all. They're keeping the concussion thing in play for the time being, which they should as it's making Anderson a sympathetic favorite. Jeff Hardy came out, surprisingly, and did an ok job on the mic. I liked that he said that Morgan & Anderson sounded like an old married couple and that they should just have a wedding at Genesis instead of a match as I was kind of thinking the same thing. It was nice to see Jeff Hardy actually finally do something as champ. You know, actually participate in building feuds instead of playing second banana to Bischoff. Thumbs Up

Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E. - This was a pretty solid match overall and, at about 10.5 minutes, is one of only a handful of 10 minute matches I've seen on iMPACT! in quite a while. The X-Division title doesn't mean all that much anymore but I'm glad that they got the title off Robbie E. I just don't see anything even remotely special or entertaining about the guy and had no business with the title in the first place. All the stuff with Cookie & Christy Hemme outside did take away from the match some but it did tell a good story. Lethal comes out with the win and, for the 6th time overall and the 3rd time in a little over 3 months. Thumbs Up

AJ Styles & Douglas Williams Brawl - Good brawl segment here from these two. Styles came after Williams in what looked like a trailer rather than a locker room as Williams was talking to the camera guy. Nothing overly spectacular, but a good physical brawl. I thought Tara & Madison being in there "changing" and screaming at both of them was a nice touch, though they did get on my nerves a bit after a while. Styles screaming "shut up hooker" was a great touch and I thought it just felt appropriate. Aside from the Guns & Beer Money, this is really the only other feud going on in TNA that I'm into. Given the tension with Styles & Bischoff since Styles dropped the TV title, I have a feeling that they've started down the road of turning Styles face again. Thumbs Up

Generation Me vs. Orlando Jordan & Eric Young - Yeah I thought this whole thing was shit. When guys fall from grace in TNA, they tend to fall hard. A few weeks ago, GenMe were the #1 contenders for the TNA World Tag Team Championship and they job cleanly to Jordan & Eric Young inside of 3 minutes. I'm guessing that TNA is going the route with EY & Jordan that the WWE went with Santino & Koslov. Only problem is that Santino comes across as funny sometimes and Young just annoys the shit outta me. Thumbs Down

Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher vs. Madison Rayne & Tara - Pretty bad match here overall. All the gals looked hot, made my mouth water some while I was watching, but that's it. Miss Tessmacher is pretty damn bad, she's the new Lacey Von Erich at this point. Overall the match was extremely dull and entirely predictable with one weak ass finish. It's a shame that Mickie James, probably the biggest female wrestling star of the decade since Trish Stratus, has become just another name on the roster in TNA. Madison & Tara score the win at the 4.5 minute mark to move on next week to face The Beautiful People in the finals for the TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship. Thumbs Down

Bully Ray vs. Amazing Red - I'm not a fan of Amazing Red, the guy's a complete spot monkey, but TNA showed the guy no respect here. For all intents and purposes, just imagine if it was Red against The Big Show if Show was about a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter and that's the match you'd get. Nothing more than a 3 minute squash with Ray getting the pin. The match did tell Ray's "bully" angle alright but I'm just not feeling it. Thumbs Down

Rob Van Dam vs. Rob Terry - This match went for about 9.5 minutes but it felt like it was twice that, and I don't mean that in a good way. Rob Terry just doesn't get any better, he just doesn't no matter who he's in the ring with or how long he stays out. The match was generally one sided with Terry dominating most of it with some slams, a few tackles and a bear hug. It was extremely boring watching Terry no sell just about everything that RVD did. RVD managed to get some momentum going probably about 8.5 minutes in, hit a few kicks on Terry, then hit Rolling Thunder, then hit the Frog Splash for the win. So, for the most part, RVD hits about 5 moves and Terry loses. Pretty weak. Thumbs Down

Jeff Jarrett - Yeah, I took a piss break here. Jarrett pretending to be an MMA fighter just doesn't flop my mop. Thumbs Down

Matt Morgan & Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy & Kazarian - This match was alright while it lasted, nothing special or spectacular but it told a good story and, as I said earlier, it's good to see Jeff Hardy actually being involved in building the championship feuds finally. Rob Terry interferes, causing Anderson to get pinned around the 6.5 minute mark. I have a feeling that Meatsack will be joining Immortal next week, probably filling in Morgan's old role. By the time this match started, I was extremely bored and just didn't really care much about what was going on. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Tonight's iMPACT! felt pretty dull and just generally lackluster. It's been pretty decent the past few weeks but it felt like it was back to business as usual tonight. The first 25-30 minutes of the show were actually pretty good in my view. The opening was solid as was the X-Division title match and I thought the Styles/Williams' brawl was the highlight of the night. Immediately after that, however, everything just started going downhill and downhill quickly. As I said earlier, the Guns vs. Beer Money is the only other feud going on that interests me and neither team was on the show so the last 90 minutes was filled with stuff I had little to no interest in.

Grade: D+
My thoughts on Impact 12-16-10

I thought the Matt Morgan / Mr. Anderson / Jeff Hardy promo segment was OK. Hardy's title still looks stupid.

Robbie E vs Jay Lethal - X division title match
I see they continued from 2 weeks ago with Christy to neutralize Cookie. Lethal wins and is the champion again which is fine.

AJ Styles / Doug Williams brawl was good and I admit it was funny with Madison screaming in the background and what AJ said to her.

Eric Young & Orlando Jordan vs GenerationMe
So EY finds the old TNA title and declares himself the new world champion. That just reeks of WCW. Also I really could have lived without seeing OJ wearing a Hooters uniform. EY & OJ win and I don't what to say about GenMe going from having amazing matches with the Guns to losing to a comedy tag team.

I still think the KO tag team tournament is pointless. The Beautiful People are the only real team left they should just give them the titles and let that be the end of it.

Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher vs Madison Rayne & Tara
Obviously Tara's is injured from her steel cage match with Mickie since she never tagged in. Tessmacher isn't too bad. Madison pins Mickie for the win. Meaning Mickie's getting the title at Genesis.

Brother...Bully Ray vs Amazing Red
I still don't care about Team 3D feuding and Red finally gets back on Impact just to lose.

So the Pope is using his donation money for strip clubs? OK then I guess that means he is a heel again. If so that sucks.

RVD vs Rob Terry
RVD's entrance theme is hillariously bad. RVD wins nothing to really say.

I thought Jeff Jarrett's MMA gimmick was funny at first not it's just getting stupid. But I guess it sets up him facing Kurt Angle and Genesis.

Matt Morgan & Mr. Anderson vs Jeff Hardy & Kazarian
OK main event. Hardy & Kazarian win with Rob Terry's assistance. Meaning he is with Immortal now.

Overall OK Impact this week.
Last night's Impact actually had more wrestling than we have been used to over the past month. The matches weren't long or that great by any means, but at least there were 6 matches and we didn't have to wait an hour to watch the first one.

I really enjoyed the opening segment between Anderson, Morgan, and even Hardy. Hardy is better in his videos than his live promos, but it was good to see the TNA World Champion actually say something in person for once. I still don't know what be triangular means, but I did laugh about the hot topic line Morgan threw in about Hardy's title. Morgan just needs to stop smiling at everything Anderson says.

Jay Lethal winning the title probably should of happened at the PPV instead of Impact. No one really cared that he won. I'm glad he did since Robbie E isn't ready to be a champion of any sorts in my opinion. I hope Christy Hemme's husband wasn't upset with Lethal smooching her.

GenMe vs. Eric Young and Orlando Jordan was as pointless as the Hooters girls coming out. Young can be alright in small doses. I just don't think TNA should waste more than 5 minutes on Young and Jordan. Young wearing the old TNA heavyweight championship doesn't do him or TNA any favors.

I liked the brawl between Williams and AJ Styles. I never knew the TNA wrestler's locker rooms were trailers, and why did Doug Williams go into Madison Rayne and Tara's trailer? Do they share one? It was cool to see Magnus back and hopefully we will see Wolfe back soon. I guess Chelsea is no more.

I liked the tension shown between AJ Styles and Bischoff. I hope we will see an AJ face turn sooner rather than later.

The knockouts tag match had some nice eye candy, but was pretty lame compared to the steel cage match between Tara and Mickie last week. I have no interest in the knockout tag team championship tournament. I have even less interest in seeing The Beautiful People or Tara and Madison become tag champs again. I know we haven't see Velvet and Angelina as champs, but who cares.

I guess Bubba's new gimmick is a bully. He even changed his name to Bully Ray. Can't we stop talking about bullies now? I know its a major concern in high schools, but TNA has been beating a dead horse lately talking about bullies and even concussions. I don't care what Bubba's new gimmick is because I don't care about Bubba or Devon as singles wrestlers.

Rob Terry actually had a decent match with RVD. Nothing great, but good for Terry's standards. I'm glad he interfered in the main event because he desperately needs a new gimmick. Terry standing around and talking out threats as Immortal's insurance policy is much better than being a muscular face that can't wrestle.

Jarrett did his MMA shtick again. Isn't the guy he challenged this week the same guy he challenged last week? He should of challenged the angry fat dude in the front row. I'm just waiting for Angle to reappear and challenge Jarrett so we don't have to see this stuff again.

The main event was pretty much the standard 5-6 rushed main event we are used to seeing on Impact lately. There have been a lot of tag team main events lately. There is usually someone interfering or cheating to win the match. I'm just glad ReAction was delayed so the main event actually finished on Impact.

Nothing great this week, but we got some actual matches. Even though next week will be the day before Christmas Eve, the matches look pretty good on paper. If anything the Iron man match between Styles and Williams should save the show.
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