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[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I think this was the Impact TNA needed to become a real player in the Monday Night Wars. When RVD was facing Hardy I tuned into Raw at the top of the hour only to see R Truth "explode" into smoke. That definitely kept my focus on Impact the rest of the night. Besides Hardy/RVD and RVD/Styles I wasn't that impressed with the other matches.

The Knockouts tag match was pretty much clustered but I'll let it slide as long as Velvet keeps wearing those booty shorts every week. I think I saw her kidneys during those closeups. I really applaud Hogan and the rest of TNA for making the TNA title prestigious. The focus of the whole show revolved around the heavyweight title which is something you rarely see.

I liked seeing Team Flair and Team Hogan brawl it out, but did we really need to see another Lockdown match? I was surprised to see Rob Terry join the team and actually routed for him until he feel on his ass and couldn't even body press Desmond Wolfe. How much does Wolfe weight anyway? 200 lbs? I know every wrestler makes a mistake or trips in the ring every now and then, but Rob Terry just looked awkward and proves to everyone he doesn't belong in the ring.

I think in time he could get better, but its painful to watch Terry in the ring now. At least it was refreshing to see Orlando Jordan act normal for a change. The Team Hogan vs. Team Flair match wasn't bad but I don't see why it needed to be the same as Lockdown without the cage. The good thing was that it allowed Samoa Joe to come back to the ring. We still don't know who or why Joe was abducted, but seeing Joe as an old school monster was fine enough for me.

Hardy and RVD put on a good show. I just didn't need to see RVD and Hardy talking about how much they love each other. Styles vs. RVD was a decent match even though I was hoping to see a longer bout between the two. I was surprised to see RVD win the championship. It doesn't take anything away from AJ though since he has been champ for the past 7 months. I also think AJ will claim a rematch against RVD at Sacrifice which would be amazing to see.

PPV matches shouldn't always be on live television, but it is nice to know that TNA can deliver a show where anything can happen at any time. A great show to top a great PPV.
I enjoyed Impact even though it was far from the best stuff we are used to seeing. Even though I hated seeing Flair and Abyss in the ring, I loved Flair's promos and his backstage segments. I also liked seeing a potential Pope and Anderson feud. Morgan is doing a decent job as a heel while Team 3D and The Band drift off into obscurity.

Steve Austin recently watched Ric Flair the dirtiest player in the game in his match, then he saw Hogan and changed the channel. I would change the channel on Raw for Cena and Hornswoggle, but I think Hogan may actually be worst. Hogan is getting really annoying sharing the spotlight with RVD and every other wrestler. It is like seeing an old parent try to stand in the spotlight of their children.

The divas match made TBP look strong while continuing the feud between Tara and Angelina. I like the new scrolling bar TNA has on the screen to inform fans about news and injuries on TNA wrestlers. I'm also glad Taz mentioned during the X Division match, about Doug Williams being unjustly stripped of the X Division title.

Sting vs. Jarrett could be a decent match if we will ever hear Sting speak about why he turned heel. Samoa Joe is playing the monster character nicely. I just hope he doesn't get lost in the mid card. Bischoff's new ranking system isn't really newsworthy, but it will be interesting how it plays out.

TNA has a weekly poll online about fan's favorite web matches of the week. I just don't think that Bischoff will tailor is program to the 10% of TNA fans on the IWC. He has said before that he listens to opinions on the internet but don't take them all seriously. Right now on the website Desmond Wolfe is leading the polls. Something tells me we aren't going to see RVD vs. Wolfe at a PPV any time soon, but I could be wrong.

Any time TNA has to give The Band and Orlando Jordan air time, you know its going to be shit show usually. I am interested to see what OJ will do next week in the "O Zone". I just can't take the guy serious when he wears peacock feathers and sprays jizz on his chest. I think this week's episode was in between. I have seen better, but I have also seen much worse. Hogan, Flair, and Abyss need to end this God Awful Lord of the Hall of Fame Rings saga ASAP.
Any time TNA has to give The Band and Orlando Jordan air time, you know its going to be shit show usually. I am interested to see what OJ will do next week in the "O Zone". I just can't take the guy serious when he wears peacock feathers and sprays jizz on his chest.

You just contradict yourself by saying that Orlando Jordan's air time is shit, yet you're interested in watching him next week. The man has a gimmick, and that gimmick has been greatly toned down compared to when it first debuted.

I wasn't able to watch all of tonight's show, but from what I saw it wasn't on the same level as last weeks show, but last week TNA brought out all of the stops.

I have been noticing that TNA often does a very strong show one week, and then takes it easy the second. This makes sense to me as the strong week is always the live episode of Impact, probably to eliminate the risk of spoilers making their way out before the show airs.
You just contradict yourself by saying that Orlando Jordan's air time is shit, yet you're interested in watching him next week. The man has a gimmick, and that gimmick has been greatly toned down compared to when it first debuted.

I wasn't able to watch all of tonight's show, but from what I saw it wasn't on the same level as last weeks show, but last week TNA brought out all of the stops.

I have been noticing that TNA often does a very strong show one week, and then takes it easy the second. This makes sense to me as the strong week is always the live episode of Impact, probably to eliminate the risk of spoilers making their way out before the show airs.

I think that is TNA's problem since they have so much talent there. They have a great show one week and a weaker show the next so they can rotate all the talent around and make sure everyone one is on the show.
I'm no fan of Orlando Jordan I'll admit but as I said before I am curious to see where they go with him with his gimmick. I wouldn't be said though if Jordan and The Band disappeared and never came back though.
Pretty crappy show last night, methinks. Especially going against the draft. This combo certainly explains the lackluster .5 ratings.

I was disappointed to see Hogan come out to start rather than simply and RVD celebration, which would have been a little more fun. Typical stuff between him and AJ. The KO's division is just a mess right now. At leas the BP are still hot, that's barely saving it. JJ/Sting has actual been built up kind of well. Could've been much shittier.

What else was there? O ya, Terry on Orlando Jordan's show. Should be epic. Can't wait for that. I'm being completely serious. Morgan is starting to get annoying as shit. Bringing Jessie Neal into that angle is just an epic fail. There was a random X-Division Title match as well. I'm baffled as to how Moore has had 5 title shots already despite not really doing anything except for looking really odd.

The main event was just bad. Not sure why Flair feels the need to bleed 3 quarts during every match at this point. Don't know where they're going with this whole ring thing, or why Abyss/Flair was the main event of anything.
Impact was mind-numbingly bad this week...even more than usual.

First off we have Hogan coming out AGAIN and I can't be the only one that is sick of seeing him on my screen all the time.

Then we have RVD coming down to the ring and glorifying his drug use. Glad to know there are still good role models in pro wrestling...

To top everything off, we have Abyss fighting 137-year-old Ric Flair for possession of both of their Cap'n Crunch Decoder Rings...Then we get the cliffhanger of next week we will find out who 153-year-old Hulk Hogan will give Flair's Decoder ring to and I positively can't wait!!!!! I wonder why they only got a .5 this week??? It must be because it's taped :banghead:
Now I know you hardcore wrestling fans want to see fifthteen minute mat classics each week but thats not realistic there has to be a show that advances storylines and fueds and this show did that in a very entertaining way it was far more exciting than raw even beening it was a taped episode .if you guys will just enjoy it and stop trying to be a monday morning quaterback than maybe you will enjoy it more.:shrug:monday 's show was intriguing ,extreme and fun while raw was just slow and boring.and speaking of extreme i got a feeling paul heyman is in the building .clues samoa joe being used the way he should be and Mr.Anderson talking about drinking the kool-aid .just my observations.
0.5 is pretty bad but it deserved the rating it got because the show was god awful. I'm sure Hogan will bail once the ratings hit rock bottom and blame the failure on anybody but himself. The guy is a self-serving jerk. I thought the guy who traveled to Orlando (forget his name) said it was a good show? It's sad when the best part of TNA are the Knockouts and the BP.
God awful now December to Dismember was god awful. this show was storyline development setting stuff for future and as far the ratings goes is the number final or is the cables,satellite and DVR or TIVO numbers in.because I just got the opportunity to watch the show last night. I have aDVR
Now I want to mark out for TNA but come on. Pope Anderson feud was fine I suppose. I just love anderson besides that WTF. Desmond wolfe RVD shouldve been gold. Instead it was a 7 min match that they kinda just went through the motions. Why do that match then. That should be a 30-45 min ppv. Instead they made wolfe look like a jobber. I'm fine with hulk being a major part of the show. But that simply isnt the way to end a tv show. Also it ended mid segment. They seem clueless to me. Another thing the O-zone .......enough said.
I'm one of Impact's biggest supporters, but I can't say one good word about it tonight. I was intrigued about the big announcement and the Hogan/Sting confrontation. Not to mention the Wolfe vs. RVD title match. Everything was just jammed together from start to finish. Mike Tenay and Taz basically said TNA was going to Thursdays because that is what the fans want. Probably because there aren't enough fans watching on Mondays.

I did lose it when Jay Lethal came out and dropped the knee on the jacket. Flair came out and cut a good promo and then it was business as usual with Team Flair and Team Hogan fighting each other. Its night and day at the impact zone with this. I don't know which week I'm watching since we see the same brawl week after week with the heels beating down the face and then the faces getting retribution as always.

There were a lot of matches crammed together. I was looking forward to the Machine Guns against Beer Money. After their little PSA last week, I thought these two teams could have a good feud. But of course Team 3D has to stink it up and we get a clusterfuck of a match with The NWOld Wolf pack attacking Team 3D. Eric Young joins The Band breaking the Guinness Book of World Records of a wrestler turning the most between a heel and face over a few months.

The show should be called Total Nonstop Hogan because that is all it is. I was a huge supporter of Hogan, but the man doesn't need to be on television every other segment beating down the heels like he is Super Man. When the man can't even walk. The X Division tag match was a throw away match with Kendrick jobbing again. Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal just formed a tag team with the worst name in wrestling and they get a tag team title shot. Neal and Moore as a team is fine but why the hell do they or even Moore deserve a title shot?

I wish I was Jeff Hardy's driver. The knockouts tag was hideous. I thought we might actually see a wrestling match with Sarita and Wilde. I guess Lacey Von Erich acting like a bimbo= ratings. We get to see another boring Tara match for the knockouts title at the PPV this month. If Tara loses she quits. Wow, can she just quit without the Knockouts title match.

Samoa Joe teased telling us where he was. I think if I was kidnapped and as ruthless as Joe, I would want revenge and I would want to tell everyone what happened. But no, we are left wondering what happen to Joe. By the time they tell us, no one will give a damn. Most people don't now anyway.
Anderson vs. Pope would be a lot more interesting then Hardy vs. Anderson. I guess Pope is sidelined so that won't happen. Hardy gives me more douche chills then Hogan at times. AJ beat Abyss in a monster's ball match with the help of Flair and the brass knuckles. Wow, I think 1984 just called to get their gimmick back.

RVD vs. Wolfe should of stolen the show. It wasn't even hyped. Hogan says hey Desmond Wolfe you look like you are ready to go. You will face RVD. No promos from either of the guys and little mention of the rankings system online. Then RVD beats Wolfe in a squash match. TNA is pretty much saying hey fans vote for you favorite star and he will be in a useless squash match against RVD on Impact.

The O Zone would of been intriguing if anyone gave a damn about Orlando Jordan or Rob Terry. The cap things off, Sting's big speech was jumbled and cut off by Hogan so he could say his catch phrases. I didn't understand a word they said during that promo but "Well you know something Stinger". I don't want to rant with this long post, but this is the worst Impact I have seen.

There is nothing that makes want to tune in next Thursday except that Impact is the only show on.
yea OJ is pretty freakin weird and he can go kick rocks with a damn open toed shoe for all i care lol....TNA had some good moments tonight....Mr anderson never disappoints....im likin the new 4 Horsemen if you will....everything else is blah...i hope RVD and AJ get a good feud going for at least another couple PPVs...AJ is the best thing TNA has right now....wtf happened to Jeff, hes starting to look like Fat Matt lol
Good post Kenny,

That was one of the main things that struck me.. how many times are we going to have these overused brawls between the heels and faces. It seems like on average we've had 20 minutes of them each Impact and it's beyond annoying now.

Also agreed with Joe.. TNA is now the master of pushing back explanations, and allowing angles to fizzle off.. Sting.. Joe.. remember when people complained the build up was slow on Hart-Vince?

Overall it's just typical TNA at this point, little logic, little wrestling, and little entertainment.
I agree with Kenny Powers' post.

It may not have been the worst Impact but it wasn't very good either and it just seemed very rushed. I did like Jay Lethal's Ric Flair immitiation though.

Something I really need to complain about is why won't TNA give Velvet Sky any defensive moves to use in her matches?

You would think with her being a champion now they would make an attempt to book her a bit stronger in the ring but they won't. I don't understand it and it seems like they keep taking moves away from her as well.
i must say, way to go TNA, make desmond wolfe job to RVD in 5 minutes. We vote, you set them up to lose.
You know Bubba The Love Sponge accused Dixie of catering to the IWC. When you watch impact you know that is a downright lie. impact is so terrible, it's not watchable. Please DIXIE IF YOU LISTEN TO THE IWC, GET RID OF HOGAN, RUSSO, OJ, BISCHOFF AND THE BAND!

Every week is worse than the last. And the sad thing is TNA has the potential to destroy the WWE. They just don't utilize their tools and try to be an alternative to WWE for "wrestling" fans. Dixie should give 50% ownership and complete creative control to Paul Heyman. She can focus on finances (since even a kid with down syndrome is better at finances than Paul E).
I would defend last nights impact as a show that was decent opposed to the bad that many are saying here.
The opening was really good. Lethal and Flair were great and it looks like this might be the spark in getting lethal out of the machismo gimmick. Sure they brawled a little too long but at least that setup who wrestled the rest of the night (that rvd pop was huge).

Then we have Williams cutting a decent promo followed by a decent match. The segment setup the x division and tag team title matches at the ppv and continued Joe's story with him taking wrestlers out. As far as I know people like Joe killing people. Ink inc gets a shot because they both got screwed over by morgan when they teamed with him as the champs. Makes at least as much sense as an unlimited internet vote.
One thing I will note here is that while it is not especially practical on a nightly basis, I liked it much better when instead of Flair talking for everyone they each got to say at least a little bit.

Pope is injured and is not going to be able to wrestle at the ppv most likely so they had to do something. What they did was pretty good. I thought Anderson would slay that promo but he only did good. However, Hardy actually did some stuff on the mic that was decent which was great. Dude those panties are sweeet. A match between those two could have some drawing power.

Knockouts match was nothing special. Then again that is nothing new, unfortunately. It was basically there to setup them getting rid of Tara. Good looks, a few decent moves but the division is not what it was a few months back.

I think it was smart to turn EY back heel because it was pretty clear he was going nowhere the other way and now there are some people in the band that can actually work a little bit, which might make them tolerable. It was predictable once he got in the ring but that is true about every one of these that ever happened. The match itself was a signature movefest with little to no wrestling but not terrible. MCMG taking it to the band was interesting.

Ozone was a little drawn out but ultimately I think it worked. We finally see this weird dude bringing the fight and he was pretty vicious. Rob terry is boring but this feud should bring something interesting no matter how you feel about Jordan.

Monster's ball was a pretty good impact match. They had some good spots and AJ wrestled a solid match. Chelsea in a trench coat and Abyss into the tacks. It certainly was not bad and they did not book Abyss like he was the unstoppable Hogan character.

Main event picture is somewhere TNA has often struggled. It takes good shows and makes them average and decent shows and makes people talk about how bad they were. I had a bad feeling about Wolfe and RVD matching up tonight but it first appeared they might have given them enough time. When you find out half that time is for Hogan-Sting it is kind of annoying. Realistically, what do you expect them to do? Wolfe is a lackey right now who has barely wrestled in a major promotion. RVD is the champ who has been over everywhere. They gave Wolfe a few nice moments which is more than they really had to. It was a big step up from being hardly mentioned and jobbing to abyss in two minutes. A little more time might have been nice but realistically they cannot have this match go too long without making RVD look weak and it is on impact.

When it comes to Sting-Hogan. Sting cut a good promo but then we have a few wrinkles in the situation. I liked it better than I thought I would. I just do not see what was or is terrible about this show. Maybe it could have been better but that does not make it bad.
I'm definitely not sorry I spent time watching the 5/3 iMPACT show. However I think it could've been better... a lot better in fact. Since shattered dreams put more emphasis on the highlights of the show, I'll counter a bit with what I considered the truly low points:

Dixie Carter announcement - Translation: The network didn't give us sufficient time to establish a brand in the face of a competing show that has run non-stop for 17 years. We were under ultimatum to either get the ratings up in X number of weeks/months or move the show back to Thursdays. We chose the latter, you know, for the fans.

Ink Inc. - I thought WWE creative perfected the art of pairing together two guys who weren't doing much as singles into a tag-team that will range in success level somewhere between "limited" and "none." So they look alike... a little. Big deal. The area of "thrown together tag teams" is not one where TNA should be trying to compete with WWE.

Knockouts match was absolutely attrocious. I usually enjoy these segments, if anything for the Beautiful Peoples antics as they're probably some of the best heels TNA has right now. This match was just a mess though and made the BP's look bad. Tara looked like she didn't even want to be out there. Only a hair better than Sarita and Taylor Wilde though, as they appeared as if it was their first night out.

Eric Young joining The Band makes zero sense. The Band is a bunch of "established" guys who still think they are "the show." I'm not badmouthing them. That's their gimmick. Kevin Nash has said as much a few weeks ago in a promo, as have Hall and Waltman on different occasions. Number 3 needed to be a guy who fit that mold. No offense to Young but he was never "the show." At best, he's a guy on the periphery of "the show" who just can't cross the line (pun intended) and get into the spotlight.

Ozone: When one of your commentators is questioning how much longer a segment is going to run, you know you have a problem.

The worst part of the night was Hulk Hogan coming straight out of 1987 and cleaning house on all the heels. This was extremely damaging for a number of reasons. Obviously it made the heels look very weak. Moreover, it makes the faces look really weak as well. Case in point, RVD has had some level of difficulty with many of those guys (primarily AJ, Storm, and Wolfe), yet Hogan takes each of them out with a single punch? Van Dam is their World Champion for crying out loud.

I hope I'm not coming across as yet another TNA hater. I have enjoyed their program for the last few months, even when others have droned on and on about how terrible it is. Last night show though? It was bad for the most part, so much that it overshadowed the good that also came out of it.
I wanna know who the hell were hogan and bischoff talking about in the limo. Something about defecting, goin into the pond, and bout to touch down on a plane in 7 mins. That caught my attention, and I was thinking it might have been a new wrestler or something. So I waited throughout the show and then nothing ever came about it. And also wasn't hogan and bischoff goin to the airport to pick that guy up? Cause they had told the driver to turn around to go back to the impact zone, cause of wat lethal did. So wat ever happen to that guy that was landing in 7 mins??? Maybe I missed it, but who was the guy??? Did they ever mention it again throughout the show? See it's stuff like this that makes me have a headache while watching impact. If they did mention it and i missed it, then i apologize. I just wanna know, WHO THE EFF WERE THEY TALKING ABOUT.
Since Jan 4th's episode of Impact, I had never been looking forward to watching TNA as much as I did leading up to last nights show (03.03.10).

At first, I was mostly interested in seeing the first interation between Orlando Jordan and Rob Terry (for some reason). Eventually I wanted to see how Douglas Williams would react to the fact that due to something completely out of his control, he is no longer the X-Division Champion. Even who Hogan would give the ring to had me guessing and anticipating the episode.

A few hours before Impact aired, there was the rumblings of a HUGE anouncement that would change wrestling. Now I've been a big wrestling fan for a while, and I know that when a wrestling company announces a big anouncement, it often amounts to very little, but nonetheless, I had my hopes up high for a breaking announcement.

Impact started with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in a limo en route to an airport to pick up someone who has defected to TNA and would drive Ric Flair crazy. Instantly, I assumed that it was Shawn Michaels, and that this would indeed be one of the biggest anouncements ever made in professional wrestling. If this was setting the pace for the next two hours, very little would tear me away from my TV.

The first live arena segment with Jay Lethal imitating Ric Flair perfectly, followed by Flair confronting Lethal was the best thing TNA had aired in a long time. Lethal was incredible as Flair. Flair played the insulted, disrespected and angry heel really made Lethal look good even as he gave the ring back to Flair in a sign of respect. Lethal getting the upperhand over Flair was very unexpected, but nice to see that maybe TNA was looking towards the future of the company in the young talent. Once Beer Money, Desmond Wolfe, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Team 3D and Abyss got involved it was all ruined and lead to ten minutes of a giant clusterfuck.

Douglas Williams cut a decent promo. I understand why he is challenging Kazarian to a match a Sacrifice, but has TNA forgotten that their X-Division consist more than Kazarian, Douglas Williams and Shannon Moore?

The Knockout Division has had me leaving the room for a while now, even when the Beautiful People are on. The whole division has been booked in the complete opposite direction compared to when it was first formed, and consistently the highest rated segment on Impact.

Why was Team 3D involved in the tag-team match? Just to add them to a match that they didn't need to be anywhere near. Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns would have been a much better match than the three way dance with Team 3D, who had already been occupied with The Band.

The MCMG were, as always a big hit with the crowd and, as always, were the most entertaining and exciting wrestlers to watch in the ring.

Watching MCMG work in the ring I was wondering two thoughts:
1) TNA should book them to open Impact, or have a match at 8:55pm to try and keep people from turning to Raw.
2)Why doesn't TNA have this quality of work for the whole show, to make it all enjoyable and really better than WWE.

Since Orlando Jordan first made his debut with his current gimmick, I have been his sole defender. I was extremely excited what he would do next on 'The O-Zone,' as well as interested in see the first meeting between OJ and Rob Terry.

Everything about Jordan has been toned down since he first appeared covered in Cross the Line tape. The set should of had members of both sexes, instead of one man doing a handstand while balanced on a ball (which was kind of cool considering how long he had to stay there). As soon as Jordan started to talk, I wondered why I had defended him so much. He seemed so awkward, nervous and lost rather than over the top and confident.

Abyss, as a baby face, is just pathetic now and it is really what Abyss had going for him as the unstoppable, unstable monster. I don't know if anything can be done to salvage his image.

I voted for Desmond Wolfe to be the next challenger for RVD's title. I voted because I knew that both Wolfe and RVD would be able to put on a very entertaining match. Both of their wrestling styles would would really well together. If I knew that TNA wouldn't not only give the match the proper time it should have, but also having Wolfe lose in what pretty much was a squash, I wouldn't have wasted my time in voted.

Desmond Wolfe won a poll that TNA fans voted for. Clearly fans wanted to see Wolfe vs RVD. For TNA to not give us the match that we asked for, all because we voted differently then they wanted is ridiculous.

Over all, this show was no where close to meeting my expectations for the show. It started off with a strong fifteen minutes, but continued to go down hill each minute after that.

I am a fan of TNA, and for the longest time have chosen to view TNA over WWE on a weekly basis. But last night's show might have been the worst Impact I have ever witnessed.
This wasn't a bad episode of Impact tonight. There were a lot of matches, but not every feud was given enough time in my opinion to build up the PPV this Sunday. The Abyss/Wolfe incident was beyond stupid. Chelsea didn't have a scratch on her. Why would police arrest Abyss without any probable cause or evidence?

I wish Abyss would stay in prison, unfortunately its an obvious work that has been done to death. I'm sure the PPV will be decent, but I don't think TNA did a great job hyping the feuds tonight. Hardy pretty much demolished Anderson, and no one is interested in Orlando Jordan vs. Rob Terry. Worst yet The Band are tag team champions facing an irrelevant team in Ink Inc. These guys have been a tag team for a week and they have a tag team title shot?

Sting vs. Jarrett could be good if they were given the proper amount of time. The main event would of been great if it would have been given enough time. Tara beat the crap out of Sarita and Wilde easily without any mention of Madison Rayne or her final match in TNA. The good thing about tonight's impact was that Hogan didn't take out every member of the roster.

There was a lot of matches tonight even though they were short. I was impressed with AJ Styles coming out without Flair and cutting a pretty good heel promo against RVD. I just wish AJ was more aggressive instead of a cowardly heel. I'm going to check out the PPV as always to enjoy some wrestling and laughs with friends this Sunday. I don't think it will come close to Lockdown, but maybe we will be surprised.
TNA iMPACT! - May 13, 2010

Thumbs Up

Opening Segment - I thought the opening segment of the show was pretty decent. Styles cut a pretty good heel promo, though I do wish he were booked as a more aggressive heel rather than a cowardly one. However, he did look strong when he essentially said that he was the heart and soul of TNA and by challenging RVD to a match.

Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match - This was a solid match with good action. The Guns put on the best show during the match and the crowd was really behind them. While I do feel that there are teams more deserving to be in the TNA World Tag Team Championship scene than Ink Inc., I'm glad to see a young team get pushed. The tag team scene in TNA is pretty stale and, while I'm not sold on Ink Inc. yet, maybe some young blood is what's needed. Shannon Moore is a complete idiot for wearing earrings into a match as it was ripped out and his ear was bleeding heavily.

Samoa Joe - Samoa Joe coming in and leaving Matt Morgan laying was decent. Up until last night, Joe had focused his attention on X Division wrestlers and seeing him deliver the Muscle Buster to Morgan looked impressive. However, I still just can't make myself believe that Joe looks intimidating. He just doesn't have the look.

Jeff Hardy brawls with Mr. Anderson - The brawl that these two had at the end of last night's iMPACT! did well in helping to hype their match for this Sunday. Hardy's Swanton Bomb off the announce table and putting Anderson through a table was a nice touch.[/B]

Thumbs Down

Knockouts - The two Knockout matches on the card were absolute shit. Tara vs. Taylor Wilde was worse than any Divas match that I've seen in a little while, which was surprising. It lasted about 90 seconds, was choppy and sloppy and the crowd sat on its hands. You could hear a cricket chirp if you really listened. Tara against Sarita later on wasn't any better, lasted about the same time with the only offense Tara gets being a shot with her kneebrace to get the win. With Tara said to be leaving after this Sunday, anything involving her last night was really just pointless.

Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick - When one wrestler cuts a brief promo criticizing the wrestler he's about to face for not winning a single match in TNA, you automatically know that the former is going to lose. During the match, what there was of it, Kazarian comes to the commentator's table and chats for a bit. So, of course, there's going to be some degree of interference or distraction. Williams' attention was on Kazarian, Kendrick rolls him up for a win. Completely forgettable 2 minute match.

Chelsea Attacked - This entire story, that lasted through the end of the show, was just plain cheesy and utterly predictable. Of course Chelsea would say her attacker was Abyss and, of course, the whole thing was going to be a scheme concocted by Desmond Wolfe to get Abyss out of the way. Abyss' part in the angle was equally as cheesy but could have been saved had he acted like an actual person instead of his character. The part about asking to keep his mask on didn't help. It was a lame attempt to try to mix in reality with the fantasy of wrestling that fell flat. Had TNA put some thought into this and stretched it out over about a month or so, it could have been interesting.

Matt Morgan Squashes Generation Me - Matt Morgan was supposed to go up against these two last night and obliterated them before the bell even rang. Generation Me is a talented young team and last night did them no favors at all. They simply looked weak.

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall win the tag titles - After Joe left Morgan laying, Hall and Nash comes out and cashes in the Feast or Fired briefcase. The bell rings, Nash covers Morgan, the ref counts to three and Hall and Nash are tag champs. Don't get me wrong, the belts needed to be taken off Morgan but there are much better choices than Hall and Nash. Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, even Generation Me would have been preferable in my view. Instead, we've got a broken down 50+ year old that can hardly move and an out of shape drunk to embarassed at his own appearance to wear tights.

Orlando Jordan and Rob Terry - These are two guys that I care less than nothing about and nothing that took place last night changed that. Rob Terry was scheduled to face Abyss for the Global title, only for Abyss to be "arrested" for assaulting Chelsea. The Global title is a prop right now and needs credibility. That's not going to happen when title matches are advertised and then don't take place. As for Orlando Jordan, I dunno. Is this angle supposed to be where he has a thing for Terry and is pissed because Terry doesn't swing that way? I know that TNA is trying, somehow, to make Orlando Jordan a controversial heel, but it's just not getting over.

Orlando Jordan vs. Tomko - After laying Rob Terry out with a steel pipe to the back, Jordan puts out an open challenge and Tomko answers. I dunno what's happened to Tomko but he's just really out of shape. Tomko has done nothing but job since his return to TNA and I knew that it would be no different this time the second he walked out. A dull 3 minute match.

AJ Styles vs. RVD vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA has made several of these "dream matches" as of late and they've been completely forgettable. This was a lame, dry 5 minute triple threat match that seemed completely and utterly watered down. The most exciting part of the match was when AJ Styles did his flipping suicide dive over the top rope.

Overall Show - There were a couple of interesting moments during TNA last night, but I thought most of the show fell flat. Most of the segments were either lame, cheesy, completely predictable or some combination of any or all of the above. While TNA did have 5 or 6 matches on the card, most of them lasted 2 minutes or less and what should have been a dream match pretty much sucked ass.
I thought it was a strong episode of impact. The abyss/chelsea angle was done very well. It was obviously a sexual assault they were hinting at so for such a serious crime i can understand them cuffing and taking abyss away for questioning.
I actually enjoyed this Impact more then the previous few weeks. I think it started off hot with the "championship committee" announcing who the top ten contenders were. The sad thing is the list is bogus as hell. How is Sting the number #1 contender for the title? Wasn't Hogan supposed to suspend Sting for taking Jarrett out of action? So I guess the committee decides to reward bad behavior with a title shot?

The fan polls are for nothing since Wolfe and Anderson were on the top along with Matt Morgan. Samoa Joe isn't even on the fan polling. Anyways, I guess Sting vs. RVD could be interesting considering Sting is really the only over heel in TNA right now. It would of been better for them to have the match months ago when RVD first debuted, but I guess Sting was injured.

Roxxi def. Madison Rayne
This was a quick match, but it was good to see Roxxi back and actually gain a win. Hopefully TNA will keep her around since the knockouts are a dying division.

Kurt Angle's return
I wish it would of been more meaningful, but it is interesting to see Angle feud from the bottom up. Hopefully we will see Angle vs. Samoa Joe again soon.

Orlando Jordan def. Rob Terry
Man I wish these two would just get off television. Too bad Terry's injury is a work, but I hope they keep both of them off TV. I could still care less about this feud.

Jay Lethal and RVD def. Beer Money
Finally Lethal has his own tights and music that cater to him and not the Black Machismo gimmick. This gave Lethal a much needed win against a team that has become nothing but jobbers unfortunately. Mike Tenay said that this was the first time to his knowledge that Lethal and RVD teamed together. You think so Captain Obvious? I think this is Lethal's first match on Impact in months. Considering RVD has only been there 2 months and usually one tags with Hardy, of course this is the first time these 2 have ever tagged together. Man Tenay is more annoying then Michael Cole.

Hardy Promo

Man some members of the Impact zone were for Hardy but it sounded like some angry drunk dude despised him. It was cool how Hardy rolled with the punches, but I can't blame the criticism from the audience. Hardy vs. Sting will probably be another dream match that doesn't deliver.

Abyss and Chelsea segment
Man this was awful, the only that saved it was Wolfe cutting Abyss. I really wanted to see him injure Abyss because I hate his character so much. Of course the Muppet Abyss takes Chelsea against her will which could be grounds for rape or sexual harassment in any other workplace, but I guess its OK since its pro wrestling.

Eric Young def. Shannon Moore
Even though The Band is about as interesting as a wet fart, its good to see Eric Young with a purpose again. Maybe this won't do much for him, but here is hoping that this makes EY a credible heel. The Bubba and Jesse Neal feud is heating up. I just don't care enough about either wrestler to get excited for it.

X Division Battle Royal
It was too bad to see Brian Kendrick come out the losing end again. It was also ridiculous to hear that the battle royal was only for the number 10 spot in the pro's poll. What does that matter anyway? Who ever wins this battle royal will be the first to job to Kurt Angle? What happened to winning the #1 contender ship for the X Division title? Being number 10 in a fake poll really doesn't mean anything. Maybe Kaz will get a new character at least since he is talking with Ric Flair. Maybe he will get some personality.

Jeff Hardy def. Sting
This was the usual non eventful main event. I just don't understand why Anderson would make the save. I know TNA are trying to turn him face but why are they turning him into a pussy? Anderson should of beat down both Sting and Hardy and he would of been cheered out of building. Instead he is being sympathetic toward Hardy.

Overall Show

This show was an improvement over the past few weeks, but I can't really get excited about the top ten poll since some random wrestler is going to be picked number one. I wouldn't be surprised if the committee picks Hogan or Abyss number 1 next week. Then I won't watch Impact for good if they do that crap. At least Sting is doing a decent job as the top heel. Hopefully him and RVD will have a decent match at the PPV.
Great points Kenny Powers.

Though I honestly couldn't get into the show tonight. It wasn't bad but it wasn't really good either.

I don't like that ever since Beer Money turned heel again they have been JTTS.

I actually enjoyed Jay Lethal's Black Machismo gimmick but I guess it was time for it to go. Even though I will miss it.

The X division battle royal was pointless and sadly it seems TNA just doesn't care about the X division anymore.

I also didn't like the Abyss / Desmond Wolfe / Chelsea segment. To me Abyss came off more as a heel then Desmond Wolfe did.

Another thing where was Velvet Sky? She is pretty much the highlight of Impact for me these days and it was weird for her not to come out with Madison Rayne. Maybe it's leading to a BP break up.

I'm shocked that Madison jobbed clean to Roxxi after beating Tara at Sacrifice. Kind of made her victory over Tara look like a fluke.
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