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[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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of course the ratings were gonna go up. most of you seem happy cuz it went up so small. i mean u act like it went up to there average 1.2's they didnt even get over 1.0. this show was live ppl. Do you really think TNA can really be happy with these ratings
Well, a 0.86 is very slightly above what they pulled last week and TNA has to be at least somewhat relieved that the ratings didn't decrease. However, no I don't think that TNA is happy with these numbers at all.

In terms of ratings, this past Monday was a bad night for both iMPACT! and Raw. Raw only drew a 3.24 for the night and 4,505,000 viewers for the night. These are the lowest numbers Raw has pulled in a while. Monday was the go home show for WrestleMania and there's no way the WWE is pleased with those numbers. If Raw's numbers don't go up significantly this Monday for the WrestleMania fallout, there'll be some concern.
I thought this week was better than last. TNA still had some really stiff competition with the night after Wrestle Mania and HBK's retirement on Raw. We will have to wait and see next week when Impact debuts at 8 pm to see if the ratings take off or stay the same. I really enjoyed the tag match to start the show, along with the Jarrett and Styles match. I'll admit I do get tired of seeing Jarrett wrestle every week, but he still puts on a good match.

The Knockouts match was a disappointment. It was very tame for a first blood match. I could hardly even see the blood on Daffney's forehead. There has been so much blood in pretty much every match in TNA lately so I wasn't that upset that Daffney wasn't bleeding. Jay Lethal was funny, but after seeing his character for so many years its about time for an overhaul. I can't get over how frickin hot Chelsea is. The Pope cut a good promo with Wolfe interfering. Their match was forgettable, but at least Wolfe won a match for once.

I don't know what the hell Orlando Jordan is supposed to be. I guess a Lady Gaga version of a wrestler. I am intrigued by it though and am glad TNA is staring to push the envelope a little bit. I don't what they are doing with Samoa Joe and the videos, but I'm sure it will wind up in the Wrestle Crap Hall of Fame. Angle and Anderson had a good promo. Not the best one they have had, but a good one. I'll be sad when their feud ends.

I'm sorry but I can't think of a lamer team then Young, Hardy and RVD. Especially since all 3 of them have horrible mic skills. I guess I can think of one in The Band. I love seeing Hall wrestle again on live television, but once is enough. There is no need to revolve the main event or the whole show around The Band. At least Bubba is becoming a decent heel voice for them. Its great for nostalgia 2 months ago, but its about time for the band to split.

I didn't see the cage match but I guess I didn't miss much. I was entertained more this week then last since we didn't get to see Hogan and Abyss in a blast from the past angle. I just hope TNA has something better up their sleeves next week because The Band in the main event up against HBK's farewell speech on Raw isn't going to draw flies.
Honestly i didnt like either. im siuck of the abyssamaniac crap. I love abyss but its getting eally old as the monster green lantern. Only reason i watch anymore is for a small spec of X-division and zombiehot herself. I hate that the knockout division is turning into the divas crap. Wheres kong and roxie, the hardcore bitch made things fun. Get eric young a good gimmic cause hes a good wrestler but a blank screen and black trunks ok. And stop having RVD and Hardy tag. Thats too much awsome for one ring. They are tag boys anymore. Hardy shined then but hes a solo flyer. They need to stop making them nice guys. Get rvd back to his whole ffin show gimic and make hardy the lone flyer that he is. I really wanna see tna make a push for the ecw style matches. I loved seeing original matches with sabu and abyss. AWSOME!!! now with rvd, seeing rolling thunder with a chair and turnbuckle to turnbuckle chair drop kicks. Overall wasnt bad but the angle/anderson thing is already boring. Anderson is so good he needs to be neutral, have him going at faces and heels. His mic work is perfect for a stone cold type character. Just a thought
The March 29, 2010 episode of TNA iMPACT! pulled a 0.6 Nielsen Rating last night. iMPACT! hasn't scored that low since the days when they were on at 11 pm on Saturday nights. This is bad..this is just really really bad for TNA.
The March 29, 2010 episode of TNA iMPACT! pulled a 0.6 Nielsen Rating last night. iMPACT! hasn't scored that low since the days when they were on at 11 pm on Saturday nights. This is bad..this is just really really bad for TNA.

Yea that is pretty bad. The crazy thing with TNA is that it does not seem to matter if the shows are live or not, the ratings seem to be around the same. Only hardcore TNA fans seem to watch TNA and they don't really attract new viewers. Neither does WWE but they have a strong fan base so they don't seem to care.
This is bad all around for TNA. Now first of all, let's take a look at the one good argument that TNA has. The night after Mania is going to draw huge because Mania is the biggest show of the year and Mania was awesome. That's very true. That's a legit argument they can make and yes it does explain some of the loss of viewers. However, the numbers that I see that are most disturbing for TNA are the total viewers. Last week the ratings combined for a total of 4.1 as TNA had a .9 and Raw had a 3.2. This week the total is 4.3 as Raw had a 3.7. There are .2 more people watching, and apparently none of them came back and watched TNA. What it tells me is that last week when Raw was a glorified commercial for Mania as it was expected to be, the people didn't watch Impact. They watched something that wasn't wrestling. That tells me that the fans aren't watching TNA as an alternative to WWE, but rather just not watching wrestling. That's the worst news that I take from this.
This is bad all around for TNA. Now first of all, let's take a look at the one good argument that TNA has. The night after Mania is going to draw huge because Mania is the biggest show of the year and Mania was awesome. That's very true. That's a legit argument they can make and yes it does explain some of the loss of viewers. However, the numbers that I see that are most disturbing for TNA are the total viewers. Last week the ratings combined for a total of 4.1 as TNA had a .9 and Raw had a 3.2. This week the total is 4.3 as Raw had a 3.7. There are .2 more people watching, and apparently none of them came back and watched TNA. What it tells me is that last week when Raw was a glorified commercial for Mania as it was expected to be, the people didn't watch Impact. They watched something that wasn't wrestling. That tells me that the fans aren't watching TNA as an alternative to WWE, but rather just not watching wrestling. That's the worst news that I take from this.

Good observation. You are right, when WWE loses viewers it is not really to TNA. It is probably to sports and sitcoms. TNA may need to get out of that slot before Monday night football rolls around if things don't get better.
:banghead: TNA needs to do something big soon.

I love TNA and I completely understand bringing in established names to try to get casual fans to make the switch.

That being said, the past few Impacts have been mediocre at best.

They are completely wasting RVD and Jeff Hardy right now. It's painful to watch.

It's hard to sit and watch something you love wither and die but that's what it looks like.

It doesn't even look like they are trying with these Impacts. It seems like everyone is going through the motions.
There is simply no excuse to have a 0.6 for a rating. None. What TNA has done is gone backwards, something that no one thought would happen with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. Surely they would learn their lesson and not do the same things they were trying in WCW before it folded. Umm... guess not.

It's hard to believe that TNA would have been better off without Hogan and Bischoff. I would call you crazy and probably trash the thread about it, but that's what it looks like right now. What made TNA cool was that it was DIFFERENT than the WWE. TNA's starting to look like a generic brand of the WWE. The talent's not an issue. It's the booking, and it's the management of the company. The management may be piss poor at best.

TNA needs to rethink its strategy and do it soon. I'll list those in the appropriate thread, but overall, TNA is in some trouble. Some will say it's too soon to tell, but when the ratings are nearing WWE SUPERSTARS level... you have problems. REAL problems.
The fact is the ratings are even lower than the Superstars rating now. I think Superstars has beaten TNA over the past week or two. This is bad. I didn't say anything about the 1.2 or even the 1.0 to .9, but a 0.6 is God awful. We will have to wait and see if next Monday at 8 will round a better number for them, but it looks like the so called Monday night wars may end before they even begin. Awful. I hope TNA can make a turn around because they certainly have the talent to do it, but I just don't know now.
- This week’s edition of AM RAW drew a 0.65 rating, with 767,000 viewers.

That's really what's got to hurt. WWE AM RAW which is on late at night scored a higher rating than TNA on a Monday. TNA better start thinking of some ideas, because they are running themselves into one big hole. A 0.6 is downright horrible.
Lariat, look up wolvdog316. That was me before I was banned. I said it a THOUSAND times, that TNA will fail as long as that selfish piece of shit Hogan is anywhere near the product. I told everyone then he didn't care if TNA succeeded or failed. And what do you know, .6 Rating. That's horrible. That's beyond horrible. That means TNA has lost 50-70% of their fans in a span of 3 months. Why? Because you have Hogan/Bischoff starting shows, and ending shows. You have Abyss running around trying to be Hogan.

I said it then, and I'm saying it now. TNA is in deep fucking shit. If they don't figure it out, and QUICK, they are done. They won't make it to 2011. You can quote me, take a picture of this, I am dead serious. Panda does not want to be affiliated with a company that is headed in a downward spiral.

And don't hand me all that "They have TV shows, and house shows they are fine" bullshit. WCW had that, in fact the story broke on a Friday? Saturday? By Monday at 10:04 PM Central, WCW was done.

Dixie, if your listening, Bischoff, Russo, Hogan failed. Get them as far away from TNA as possible before you end up just like WCW and a lot of good men and women lose their jobs and their careers. Get off of Monday nights, get back to Thursdays and stay your ass there until you can beat Smackdown.
This rating has nothing to do with Hogan or the product. It's obvious people just don't care for a new wrestling product. WWE is getting it's ratings based on being an established name. WWE being the only game in town not only has made it hard for any other promotion to be mainstream on their level, but it's pretty much killed the wrestling industry in N.America. WWE is making money, but tell me, if you aren't in TNA, and you aren't busting your arse touring around the world, who else is making money from wrestling? The talent themselves, like Stone Cold are the smart ones, they know the industry needs TNA to succeed, because without it out favorite wrestlers have to choose between an alternative career choice or going against their own ambitions and do whatever WWE wants them to. Good for some, horrible for others.

I really hope fans see that by not watching TNA, a product that whether you like Hogan/EB or not, puts on quality wrestling matches more often than the WWE. I hope TNA bounces back because it's a sad day when "wrestling" fans go against everything they complain about online when they choose not to support the alternatives to WWE, especially the only true alternative that has a shot and getting on their level.

Also, one more thing. To anyone that thinks you can judge quality TV by the ratings, you couldn't be more wrong. Just look up some of the shows that have been canceled due to ratings, and you'll find some of the best quality TV in history. Ratings have nothing to do with quality. TNA can improve in so many areas, but they aren't nearly as bad as the IWC likes to pretend it is due to whatever agenda the individual haves. Though I'm willing to be it's a simple game of follow the consensus.
I liked impact and think in general they have been succeeding in putting on quality shows. But this monday night move clearly was an overreaction to that first night with Hogan. If they had even waited to see what happened that second time before going with it I all but guarantee you they would never have done it. They need to cut their losses before they kill the company and take it back to thursdays so people will actually tune in to see the improvements and wait until they have enough of an audience to make such a move.
.6 is just wow. ECW back when it was awesome did better than that. I'll say it again (even though I don't post enough). Hogan and Bischoff are not the issue. Russo can't book, he ruined WCW, and now he is killing TNA.

I don't put blame on the talent, or Hogan or Bischoff. I put blame on Russo yes, but he is following orders from Dixie. That right there is the main reason why. Dixie even though she has been a part of TNA for a long time, she really doesn't know the industry like Vince, JJ, or even Eric. If you guys watch the fall of WCW you'll see that Eric basically had unlimited funds to stop the WWE in which he did. He can't do that in TNA. TNA doesn't have Ted Turner backing them up, instead all they really have is Don West's deals to make any real money that is worth profit.

Secondly I put blame on Spike. Spike barley promotes TNA. While USA is always promoting WWE, even UniversalSports is promoting re-runs of Raw and the HOF this weekend. You don't see that on Spike. USA basically everybody has, Spike well not so much. A lot of people have it, but USA has a larger population scale. If TNA was on lets say TBS, than the ratings would be a lot higher. Maybe not in the 2.0s but at least in the high 1.0s.

TNA won't be able to keep them self afloat much longer with these ratings. At the end of the day, Russo is number two to blame to Dixie who really doesn't know anything about wrestling. WCW failed before they brought in someone who knew wrestling like Eric. Even Dusty Rhodes couldn't run it that well but that's because Dusty is more wrestler than business. Dixie is more business than wrestling. No balance.
Here were i think TNA need to really think about what they are doing because a .6 ratings is really awful. What's going to happens when they got head to head with Monday night football in the fall. The comments from Dixie Carter about the low Ratings just show how much she doesn't know her audience. TNA didn't get low ratings because of Shawn Micheals, TNA got low ratings because they don'T want to invest time in telling a story and making the fan cared about the TNA wrestlers.

All they do is throw stuff on the wall hoping something stick. I've just read a great article on the PWTorch webside about this. WWE take the long road in creating interest for their wrestlers, just look at Rnaady Orton for exemple, the guy has been in the company for a long time, he's started out as a young rookie, then was the legend killer with Evolution became a world champion before getting screwed by HHH. was a babyface for a while before returning heel, formed a tag team with Edge then after the split when through what he is right now and the fans are now caring enough about him to turn him babyface. WWE is doing the same thing we alot of newer superstars right now, Sheamus, Drew Mcintyre, Jack Swagger, The miz are just some exemple of guys who are strating a journey which if they are able to connect with the fans, with lead them to superstardom.

TNA isn't doing this, The Pope should have been the focal point of TNA since Against All Odds because he won the tournament and was getting a title shot at A.J. Styles at Lockdown, One of TNA biggest PPV of the year. Instead he got forgotten for a month and suddenly reappeared. Jeff Hardy and RVD came out of nowhere and never explain why they came to TNA. Sting turns Heel without any explaination. Samoa Joe got kidnaps and we still don'T know who kidnap him. Don't get me started on the x-division.
The orlando Jordon is so pointless that even the TNA roster hates it.

So TNA just don'T give the fan a single reason to turn back the next week. You want peoples to tune in to TNA IMPACT every week, give them a reason to tune in every week and stop doing unstructured crap every week like your doing every week.
Because right now, your doing more harm then good and i would love to see what Dixie Carter says if the rating don'T go up next week, especially since IMPACT is starting at 8 instead of 9. Will see blame the Basketball game, Will she blame ROH for being on the same timeslot as they are even if ROH is on a smaller network then TNA. This will be an interesting week for TNA.

I Hope for them that the go over the 1.0 ratings this week but with the product they are giving since Hogan and Bischoff arrive, i doubt it. They were better off stying on Thursday, at less they didn'T have any direct competition.
This coming Monday could potentially be a telling night for the future of TNA on Monday nights. Moving to an 8-10 pm timeslot gives them one full hour in which they're not in competition with the WWE. The problem is that Raw really isn't stealing any of TNA's audience, they're just changing the channel to something else entirely and that's just as bad. I do think that there's a good chance that the rating for iMPACT! will go up this week and if TNA is able to pull at least a 1.0, then a permanent move to the 8-10 pm timeslot should definitely be considered. If there's no real improvement or, even worse, if the numbers drop once again, then I really don't see how TNA has much of a choice but to look at itself for the source of the problem.

Dixie, TNA Management and some TNA fans are holding firm that the fact that this was the Raw after WrestleMania and HBK giving a farewell speech are the reasons for the low ratings. However, the argument doesn't stand up when you look at the fact that every segment of iMPACT! drew badly that night. The most watched segment of the show only drew a 0.64. Shawn Michaels was only on television the last 15 minutes or so of Raw and it's not as if Raw doesn't draw a 3.6 or 3.7 on a regular basis. Dixie Carter trying to put it all on HBK shows, in my opinion, that she really does have a lot to learn.
This coming Monday could potentially be a telling night for the future of TNA on Monday nights. Moving to an 8-10 pm timeslot gives them one full hour in which they're not in competition with the WWE. The problem is that Raw really isn't stealing any of TNA's audience, they're just changing the channel to something else entirely and that's just as bad. I do think that there's a good chance that the rating for iMPACT! will go up this week and if TNA is able to pull at least a 1.0, then a permanent move to the 8-10 pm timeslot should definitely be considered. If there's no real improvement or, even worse, if the numbers drop once again, then I really don't see how TNA has much of a choice but to look at itself for the source of the problem.

Dixie, TNA Management and some TNA fans are holding firm that the fact that this was the Raw after WrestleMania and HBK giving a farewell speech are the reasons for the low ratings. However, the argument doesn't stand up when you look at the fact that every segment of iMPACT! drew badly that night. The most watched segment of the show only drew a 0.64. Shawn Michaels was only on television the last 15 minutes or so of Raw and it's not as if Raw doesn't draw a 3.6 or 3.7 on a regular basis. Dixie Carter trying to put it all on HBK shows, in my opinion, that she really does have a lot to learn.

Honestly I think it was an act of damage control, more than ignorance. Dixie Carter knows that rating is bad, and she knows that HBK is not the reason for a .56. For whatever reason, she decided to try and spin it to make her company not look as bad. That is not abnormal in any business, or entertainment environment.
Honestly I think it was an act of damage control, more than ignorance. Dixie Carter knows that rating is bad, and she knows that HBK is not the reason for a .56. For whatever reason, she decided to try and spin it to make her company not look as bad. That is not abnormal in any business, or entertainment environment.

Even if that was her reasoning it's a stupid move on her part because next week when the rating doesn't increase and they stay at their aweful numbers then she'll look even more like an idiot then she would've if she didn't blame the ratings on Shawn Michaels. TNA is in serious trouble and they just continue to dig themselves deeper instead of crawling out of the hole and making strides towards a new, good direction. I feel bad for TNA because I'd love to see them succeed, but I actually feel quite happy because I told friends right when Hogan signed on that TNA was about to make a horrible mistake and start a downward spiral, and it is. They're doing everything wrong and nothing right right now.
Honestly I think it was an act of damage control, more than ignorance. Dixie Carter knows that rating is bad, and she knows that HBK is not the reason for a .56. For whatever reason, she decided to try and spin it to make her company not look as bad. That is not abnormal in any business, or entertainment environment.

The point of damage control, however, is coming up with a reasonable and fairly believable excuse. Nobody is seriously buying into Dixie Carter's statement and that's where the ignorance comes from. There have been so many flimsy excuses coming from the TNA offices lately in regards to why their ratings are falling that it's getting hard to take some of them seriously. This one, however, is just the weakest of them thus far.
The point of damage control, however, is coming up with a reasonable and fairly believable excuse. Nobody is seriously buying into Dixie Carter's statement and that's where the ignorance comes from. There have been so many flimsy excuses coming from the TNA offices lately in regards to why their ratings are falling that it's getting hard to take some of them seriously. This one, however, is just the weakest of them thus far.

Sorry for the confusion.

I was in no way trying to justify what she was doing; her statement was stupid. Coming up with constant excuses (especially saying the other product offered something more to watch than we did) just makes you look bad.

I just saw that some people had viewed it as her honestly saying it was HBK's retirement causing the .56, but if she honestly believes that, which I don't think she does, then she really needs to get a new business manager, partner, or something.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Here is a segment-by-segment breakdown of RAW and iMPACT! on March 29.

WWE Monday Night RAW (March 29):
Hours: 3.53, 3.79 (overall audience of 5.8 million viewers)
Quarter hours: Not available yet
Demographics: 2.50 in people 18-49, 3.35 in males 18-49

TNA iMPACT! (March 29):
Hours: Overall audience of 813,000 viewers
Quarter hours: .50, .54, .46, .61, .62, .64, .53, .58 and .63
Demographics: 0.5 in males 18-49, 0.4 in males 18-34, 0.8 in males 12-17

Segment 1:
RAW opening with Batista and John Cena promos and Jack Swagger attempting to cash in his "Money in the Bank" briefcase drew a 3.75, while iMPACT! opening with a backstage promo featuring Hulk Hogan saying he wasn't going to be at the show and a segment with The Band and Eric Young drew a 0.55 rating.

Segment 2:
Christian vs. Ted DiBiase in a Legends Lumberjack match lost 409,000 viewers, while iMPACT! featuring Kazarian & Shannon Moore vs. TNA X Division Champion Doug Williams & Brian Kendrick along with a backstage promo featuring Eric Bischoff gained 62,000 viewers.

Segment 3:
The WWE Divas in a hot tub with the stars of "Hot Tub Time Machine" and Triple H's attempt at a farewell to Shawn Michaels with a Sheamus interference gained 345,000 viewers, while iMPACT! featuring "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero's in-ring promo, a Samoa Joe clip and Orlando Jordan's segment did a 0.5 losing 123,000 viewers (possibly one of the lowest quarter hours in the history of iMPACT!).

Segment 4:
RAW with a Divas match lost 304,000 viewers, while iMPACT! with Tara vs. Daffney in a first blood match gained 231,000 viewers.

Segment 5:
Bret Hart's farewell speech on RAW gained 740,000 viewers (the biggest growth of the night) doing a 3.89 rating, while iMPACT! with AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett gained 15,000 viewers for the first half of the match.

Segment 6:
RAW with The Hart Dynasty vs. Big Show & The Miz, a DX video package and another segment with the stars of "Hot Tub Time Machine" lost 524,000 viewers, while iMPACT! with the second half of Styles vs. Jarrett and Beer Money vs. Jay Lethal gained 30,000 viewers.

Segment 7:
John Cena & Randy Orton vs. Batista & Jack Swagger on RAW lost 203,000 viewers, while iMPACT! with D'Angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe lost 169,000 viewers. So not a good quarter hour for either show.

Segment 8:
The beginning of Shawn Michaels' farewell speech gained 282,000 viewers going against a segment on iMPACT! featuring Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson that gained 77,000 viewers.

The rest of Shawn Michaels' farewell speech gained another 534,000 viewers, while iMPACT! with Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam & Eric Young vs. The Band in a steel cage match and Abyss revealing Jeff Jarrett as part of Team Hogan for Lockdown gained 77,000 viewers for a 0.69 rating.
Outside of the ladder match which was very good for a TV match and a few other enjoyable segments and promos in the show (like the Doug Williams vs. Generation Me segment) this was one of the worst Impacts I've seen in months. Who the FUCK is booking this shit? Is Vince Russo like secretly trying to stick it to Hogan by coming up with the most god-awful ideas in their creative meetings that he's ever thought of? Some just mind-bogglingly STUPID shit on Impact tonight.

TNA needs to shape up, really bad. If shit doesn't get right after Lockdown, they need to fire Russo for good and bring in someone new to make a change in creative, because it should be ABUNDANTLY clear to TNA at this point that the one thing that's hurting their ratings more than anything on Raw or any other channel is the shit product they've been showcasing recently on Impact.
I think TNA tried to cram too much stuff in tonight. I also think they focused the show on the Knockouts way too much. They had all the knockouts on the show, but the sad thing is we couldn't see Hamada because of the commercial breaks. TNA really needs to do a better job of transitioning between breaks and Tenay and Taz need a clue as to what the hell they are doing. It was just a total clusterfuck in topsy turvy land.

I will say that I enjoyed the ladder match even though it looks cheesy as hell to have a key hanging from the ceiling that says "Cage Key" written on it. I mean its kinda obvious and it looked like a key to a gas station bathroom. I think RVD and Storm had a good match and TNA seem to be trying to build Lockdown up. I just hope that Flair and Hogan aren't wrestling in the cage. Tenay said The Pope and AJ Styles are a part of Team Hogan and Team Flair. So are AJ and Pope going to wrestle 2 matches or does Tenay not know what the hell he is talking about.

I guess I'll go with the latter. Terry defeated Homicide in another squash match that no one cares about. Speaking of which who in the hell wants to see a Team 3D match against The Band? I mean I love Hall and Nash from back in the day, but this is ridiculous. Also enough with the Jay Lethal back and forth Macho Man impressions. I think Hogan only has Lethal on the roster for his amusement. Is there anyone more worthless then Bubba The Love Sponge in TNA? You would think with this big radio show that he could attract some viewers.

Who is the number one contender to the tag titles now after the match ended in a DQ? Who is the number one contender for the X Division title? I can't find it.. The hell with it. I still don't know how Team 3D can challenge any one for a title match just like Shannon Moore. Moore lost to Williams and Kaz became number 1 contender. Somehow Moore is allowed to have another title shot though? Book of D I L L I G A F my ass. I have a book for Moore. DILLIGAFAD Does it look like I give a fuck about the book of D I L L I G A F?

As far as the lock boxes were concerned, I just wanted to see a chick get half naked because that was really the only thing to keep me tuned in for the second hour. Maybe now that Tara has her spider we can stop hearing about the damn thing. So Tara lost her title because she didn't chose the right box and the only knockout that should be stripping (Velvet Sky) gets a contract to wrestle a match of who ever she chooses.

I don't have a problem with Angelina Love being the new champ because I'm sick of neurotic Tara. So Daffney does a strip tease and Lacey came out stripping for no reason and then fell on her ass as Impact just suddenly went off the air. I wouldn't be surprised if this show's ratings are completely in the toilet.

It sucked that Bischoff wasn't there but the good news is that he is coming to the house shows close to home this weekend for me to see. I just hope the house shows aren't as shitty as the live shows. I liked the first hour tonight but the rest was really bad. TNA needs a complete overhaul.
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