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[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I'm a bit surprised that Impact only did a 1.0 rating, rounded up. I thought they did a decent job hyping the move to Monday nights. For the past few weeks, they were averaging at least a 1.2 - 1.3 rating on Thursday. So where did all those viewers go? RAW didn't do that much better than normal, so I can't think they all tuned in to that show. I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks if TNA can pull in at least a 1.5 or better moving to Mondays, or else it could be bye bye Hogan, Bischoff, and even Russo?
I know Impact isn't over yet but I just wanted to say that Daffney slamming Angelina into a wall actually shocked me and proved why I'm excited and taken back when I watch Impact. That was kind of scary and it's a bump I don't think I've seen before, and I don't mean this to sound bad but it's from the women's division. And on a side note, I still find Daffney very hot.

Whenever I switch to Impact, which I mainly now stay on, I get this tingly feeling that takes me back to why I got into wrestling that I haven't felt for years. And as much as I love Jeff Hardy, please keep him off the mic or get him lessons. He's just awful.
Having Mick Foley shave the head of a "knocked out" Eric Bishoff might have been one of the dumber things I have ever seen. Foley has been giving people the mandible claw since 1996. Not once has he knocked someone out cold with it. But yet there was Eric... out cold... eyes closed not moving...

Why the hell didn't they just have foley hit him with a chair or something to KO him? Really TNA? I've had my intelligence insulted before as a wrestling fan.. But this was pretty bad.
I'm pretty sure that the Mandible Claw did make people pass out before. I thought that was its whole thing, it just made people pass out originally instead of tapping. I vaguely remember one instance of Shamrock passing out instead of giving up but I could be wrong here.
Well, I guess not every Impact can be great. I thought tonight's show was alright and better then the post January shows, but I was disappointed. Raw had Austin and 3 Wrestle Mania matches along with a contract signing and TNA had Scott Hall vs. Kevin Nash? I know they are having a match this weekend but why? I love Hall but man I don't need to see him in the ring anymore.

I also don't need to see the tiresome hazing of Foley and Jarrett every week. One of the main events advertised for the show besides the tag match and Hardy main event was Mick Foley gets a haircut? To quote Tony Schiavone "Yeah, that will put a lot of butts in the seats" It was a waste of time. I know Hogan and Bischoff want to go old school but does anyone care about a wrestler shaving someone's hair? We've seen Foley with a shaved head already. Bischoff doesn't have that much hair any way to care about.

I have to say though I liked the opening segment and RVD getting his revenge. I could really care less about a Hogan/Sting match. It was ruined 13 years ago so we don't need to see it again. The main event was good but it just felt rushed. Hardy facing AJ Styles was nice to see on free television but in Jeff's first match? Flair looked like Leather Face he was cut and bleeding so bad. It was pretty bad seeing Team 3D and Nasty Boys opening the show for the first match. Once you see that you know the show is going to be mediocre.

The match wasn't bad but Team 3D and The Nastys are going to have to put people through 20 tables before anyone gives a shit about them. I liked the tag match between Angle/Pope and Anderson/Wolfe. Anderson is getting better every week as a top heel against Angle. It would of been awesome seeing Angle in a pool of his own blood if Nature Boy didn't already bleed all over the Impact Zone earlier.

TNA did do a good job of promoting the Knockouts and the X Division in the PPV. Even though Beer Money had another handicapped match with Jarrett involved, it was nice to see them build the distension between Morgan and Hernandez further. I don't know what Shannon Moore is or what glam rock is. All I know is that it was funny that he told Hemme to google something.

Impact had some tough competition tonight. I just hope their show after the PPV is better. Maybe Flair won't bleed and maybe Samoa Joe will be rescued if he isn't dead. Not a bad show but it was pretty lacking compared to last week. I just hope TNA hasn't shot it's wad already.
I'm pretty sure that the Mandible Claw did make people pass out before. I thought that was its whole thing, it just made people pass out originally instead of tapping. I vaguely remember one instance of Shamrock passing out instead of giving up but I could be wrong here.

It has rendered people helpless but never once has someone been out cold. Pretty much every time it leaves someone grabbing their throat grasping for air.
this was a OK episode of impact, i do love how taz makes fun of Cole with vintage and saying going to try to get that in every Monday.

the A.J. vs Hardy match was pretty good but i am surprised, they didn't cut of before the end like they did last week.

i like how they promoted Destination X with the X-division that is my favorite part of TNA, is the X-Division.

i would give this show a 7/10
I think TNA is going to be at a disadvantageous on the nights when they are not live. Tonight Raw had Stone Cold, and it sucks that TNA werent going to head live with them. On weeks like this WWE can easily get the IMPACT! spoilers and pretty much plan what segments they want to head up with TNA any place they want. So I think we're gonna see a back and forth thing with TNA being good on live weeks and normal on non-live weeks, but I don't have too much of a problem with TNA. They just need to stop throwing together last minute matches.
I like last-minute matches. It was what use to make wrestling so good and it adds to ones ability to suspend disbelief. As far as the mandible claw, this is a scrawny, wimpy, sniveling Erik Bischoff we're talking about. If the claw makes main event level wrestlers gasp for air why could it not make Eazy-E pass out?? Seems completely logical to me, i think you folks are grasping at straws on that point. And as for the quality of last nights show, i thought it was another hit out of the park! My only complaint is on the Nastys, but hey, better them than Khali or Hornswaggle! All in all Impact recieves a 9 in my book!
I've read that last night's iMPACT! scored either a 0.7 or a 0.8. Some sites have listed one or the other with an average audience of 1.1 million viewers. The quarter hour ratings were 0.87, 0.85, 0.82, 0.96, 0.93, 0.82, 0.81 and 0.72 with the overrun doing a 0.74.

No matter how TNA tries to spin this, these are easily the worst numbers TNA iMPACT! has pulled in a long time and there's no real positive way to spin it.
I've got to say something, after watching the replay of last monday'S IMPACT, something buged me. Why would you have a performer put down your company on national TV. When Syxx-pac said '' They've been thrown out of shittier place then this one'' pretty much made TNA look bad and like TNA wasn'T that important for them.

A couple of other thing bug me: First the beatdown of Sting, the guy got beat down by RVD for couple of minutes then get thrown into the ring for Hogan to hit him with the bat and completly disappear. Just as Hogan is about to hit Sting, Bischoff stop him and Sting is just able to walkout like nothing happen. This was a weak segment and after the tremendous job they did of turning Sting Heel, they completly miss the boat on the follow up.

Finally, the las thing that buged me was the whole Foley/Bischoff and Jarrett/Bischoff stuff. Like Eric Bischoff said last night, i'm tired of this. It does make sense and isn'T going to lead anywhere interesting in the end. Having Eric Bischoff get his head shaved once again is stupid and won'T bring new fans in, so why do it.

Everything else was pretty good, even the opening match which wasn't a great match but still had it's purpose.
I've got to say something, after watching the replay of last monday'S IMPACT, something buged me. Why would you have a performer put down your company on national TV. When Syxx-pac said '' They've been thrown out of shittier place then this one'' pretty much made TNA look bad and like TNA wasn'T that important for them.
It was a reference to WCW when Pac was fired via fed-ex by Bischoff. It was just a mild comment and you're overthinking it.

A couple of other thing bug me: First the beatdown of Sting, the guy got beat down by RVD for couple of minutes then get thrown into the ring for Hogan to hit him with the bat and completly disappear. Just as Hogan is about to hit Sting, Bischoff stop him and Sting is just able to walkout like nothing happen. This was a weak segment and after the tremendous job they did of turning Sting Heel, they completly miss the boat on the follow up.

Having Bischoff demand Hogan put the bat down and the growing tensions between Hogan's TNA vision and Bischoff's vision is leading to a storyline with more conflict. Pretty simple, it also leaves the Sting vs RVD feud open for further events.

Finally, the las thing that buged me was the whole Foley/Bischoff and Jarrett/Bischoff stuff. Like Eric Bischoff said last night, i'm tired of this. It does make sense and isn'T going to lead anywhere interesting in the end. Having Eric Bischoff get his head shaved once again is stupid and won'T bring new fans in, so why do it.

Everything else was pretty good, even the opening match which wasn't a great match but still had it's purpose.

I seriously don't get how you can't notice this, Foley and Jarrett are being constantly pushed by Eric to the point where they're starting to snap. As has been reported a few months ago, there are plans for a storyline involving a company power struggle. Hogan is dealing with Flair, Jarrett and Foley are dealing with Bischoff. It's pretty obvious IMO.
I seriously don't get how you can't notice this, Foley and Jarrett are being constantly pushed by Eric to the point where they're starting to snap. As has been reported a few months ago, there are plans for a storyline involving a company power struggle. Hogan is dealing with Flair, Jarrett and Foley are dealing with Bischoff. It's pretty obvious IMO.

Yes i understood that but my point is will it lead to something that will make peoples want to watch TNA over WWE. Personally i don't think so and if you look at the ratings, these segments are the lowest rated segments on the whole show so i think i'm not the only seeing that this power struggle storyline is leading anywhere interesting.
What gets me about the ratings the past 2 weeks is that for a few months prior, they were pulling in at least a 1.2. From Jan 4th to March they were getting 1.4 to around 1.1. Now they can barely get a 1.0? Where are all those viewers going?
It is because they have not "settled" into their new day and timeslot yet. The proof is in the pudding. The Impact replay on Thirsday drew another .84 just like Mondays show did. What this shows is that some people are still watching on Thursdays and haven't made the day switch yet. Furthermore if you take both showings into account then Impact drew a 1.7 last week. That means about 2.4 million viewers tuned into Impact. I wouldn't be too worried yet. Let's wait till after the aftermath from Wrestlemania and then see what they can draw. Just for analysis sakes, Superstars drew a .85 and their replay drew a .16 so added that only makes 1.01. NXT was also outdrew by Impact, just don't know have the exact numbers in front of me.
patience is keyword here for TNA , nothing will change in 2-3 weeks and to go from decent 1.3-1.4 on thursdays to 1.4++ on mondays head to head with raw isnt the easiest thing in the world. Also its wrestlemania time and raw has top rating around here. my main concern for tna is the bookings lately that has been all but good, they need to step up the game there. o.8 this week on a thursday and around same the week before this just shows that there are an audience on thursdays.
I have DVR, I have wireless internet and I have, uh, iMPACT! on Saturday night. I call that Pimms O'Clock, don't you? Furthermore, it's good conditions for a running iMPACT! review. Unfortunately, I've already started watching it.

So we start with four guys getting out of a car - Hogan, RVD, Abyss and Jeff Hardy. Well, that was fantastic. They're not exactly the Union of People You OUghta Respect, Son, are they?

Ric Flair, AJ and Hardy cut a promo. People kept saying how Hardy looked cool. I thought he looked like a massive twat - but to each his own. Flair busts himself open and I can't decide whether he's intense or batshit insane. Probably the latter. We learn that Hardy is now calling his fans "creatures of the night". Pretty much, Jeff. Pretty much. AJ was heeling it up quite well though.

Foley/Bischoff promo that I'm going to skip here, even though it was quite good. I have catching up to do. Update: Yay, something something.

Nasty Boys beat up Jesse Neal. I wasn't sure why. Then I found out why. Then I watched a Nasty Boyz/Dudley Boyz match. It's probably best if you put your own interpretation of that.

Then I find out that Kevin Nash and Eric Young are having feud with Waltman and Hall. What is this, 2004? Seems the sort of desperate throwback TNA would put together in 2004, that's all.

Anderson and Wolfe versus - and I marked out a little - Kurt Angle and The Pope. Right, I'm all caught up, let's watch some wrestling...

Angle looks in good shape. Going-back-to-the-WWE shape, you could call it. "Anderson's a cagey veteran" - fuck off, Taz. Pope comes in, I wasn't watching. Something's happening. I'll be honest, writing this review is distracting me. I'll just fast forward to Jeff Hardy/AJ Styles. See ya later.
Just wondering everyone's opinion on Spike TV showing a commercial for Stone Cold's new movie? It just doesnt make sense to air one of the biggest wrestler in the history of WWE during the show that is supposed to start a ratings war with Raw. Especially during the main event!
So they go from showing very little TNA commercials during the week to showing a commercial of the biggest star in the last 20 years of the rival company. Just doesn't make sense!
Stone Cold has said via Twitter and interviews that he's watching TNA and wishes them all the best, so I don't see any problem with them showing a commercial for a non-wrestling project he's involved in (and receiving some much-needed advertising money). And really, do you think TNA fans are going to have Impact on, see Austin's commercial, and then decide they should flip to RAW? It'd be one thing if he was still an active WWE talent, but I think you're overreacting.
I probably am overreacting. It just seemed weird to me when I saw the commercial. I also didnt know SCSA watches TNA and wants them to do ok. So I guess thats my bad for not researching
This was the best wrestling impact in a while. Overall it was good show that maybe most importantly managed to avoid having as many segments that totally missed as other shows they have put on. This allowed the show to flow enjoyably. I think the less is more approach was an improvement, although in the long run you have to wonder about how well not having storylines continue each week will work (for example no angle-anderson, wolfpac or x-division this week). I also have been thinking they need to do a better job of promoting matches for the upcoming weeks impact in general and was glad they finally did that.

That was about the best guitar shot I have ever seen. Foley and Bubba was also a great moment/idea. That being said I am kind of sick of them stalling the resolution of Bischoff's character and who is in charge. It is reaching a point where it makes little sense and the interest factor of the subtlety involved has fallen flat. A couple weeks ago Bischoff fires Foley and Hogan steps in and Foley is back. Then with this show Hogan is nowhere to be seen until afterwards talking about how Foley was looking more like an asset until this happened like he could not do anything about it. Unless the swerve is Hogan is going heel as well, which may have reached the point of no return already at least as far as making sense is concerned, they need to figure out who is in charge quickly.

They gave the talent enough time to work and it made a big difference in the quality in all the tag matches and the team hogan-flair segment. In past weeks they were rushed and made everyone look bad but not this week. I thought the main event was the best they have had in a while and is perfectly suited to what they should be doing. Only disappointment there was RVD's height on his frog splash, but other than that his moveset was better than I expected.

Only two things missed for me. Rob Terry in another pointless squash and I am not a fan of fake serious injury segments in general, although the homicide sighting had a certain intrigue.
I recorded iMPACT! last night via DVR and thought the show last night was about average when compared to most of what TNA's been doing. Bischoff comes out with a guitar, calls out Jarrett, goads him, blah blah. Basically, the entire segment was geared towards having Jarrett blast him with a guitar and that's what happened. Big yawn. Afterward, Bischoff is pissed and puts Mick Foley and Jarrett in a match where the loser gets fired and the winner becomes "his bitch". Yeah, Bischoff said bitch. There's more of that edgy, adult programming that TNA fans love so much. Jarrett winds up winning and, of course, we all know that Foley isn't gone from TNA forever. It was a lame match with a lame premise. Given that there's no build up for the match, you'd have to be a fool to believe Foley is gone from TNA.

The illogical storyline with Hogan and Abyss vs. Flair and Styles continued last night as well. I was..ehh..I dunno...Abyss and Styles as a couple of Hogan and Flair posers just doesn't work and it hasn't worked. Hogan's big announcement is that there's going to be "Team Hogan" vs. "Team Flair" at Lockdown. Sting will be captain of Team Flair and D'Angelo Dinero will captain Team Hogan. Hogan gets handcuffed by Sting to the ring ropes, no explanation as to why Sting has turned heel.

There was an eight Knockout tag match last night that was pretty good. It was nice to see Sarita and Taylor Wilde back on television. It eventually boiled down to where everyone waits their turn and hits their finisher, but it was still an ok match. Daffney came out with the pin over Tara and challenges her to a First Blood match next week.

Rob Terry has a match against Tomko and dominates. Lasts about a minute or so, Tomko gets completely squashed.

Matt Morgan and Hernandez go at it in a match that winds up with Hernandez playing the injury angle after receiving the Carbon Footprint into the steel ring post. Homicide even comes out to check on his "best friend" in spite of the fact that they haven't been friends for months kayfabe. This doesn't make any sense to me at all. Why didn't they just take the tag titles off Morgan and Hernandez at the ppv. The tag titles are in limbo and looks like they're going to stay there for the time being.

Jeff Hardy and RVD went up against Beer Money in the main event and it was a pretty good match. All four wrestlers worked hard and had a good, solid tag team match against each other with RVD and Hardy getting the win.

Most if iMPACT! last night was just meh for me. With the exception of the tag team main event, I didn't really care very much about anything that happened last night. A lot of wrestlers that had matches at the Destination X ppv weren't on the show or even had their matches mentioned including Angle vs. Anderson and pretty much the entire X Division. The only thing out of the X Division last night was a brief appearance by Shannon Moore backstage as he arrives with RVD and Hardy.

Overall, just a lame episode for me.
It looks like TNA did slightly better in the ratings this week gaining a 0.9 overall. About a 2 percent increase from last week. I wasn't really impressed with last night's show. It just started out weird with Bischoff playing the guitar. It was something new and different though so I can't take that away from them. I'll give Bischoff credit for taking that guitar shot and being the most believable heel in the business.

There was just a lack of matches tonight and no mention of any X Division stars after the big X Division PPV. The knockouts match wasn't bad, but I wish Daffney and Tara can feud over something more exciting then just a stupid spider. I'm sick of seeing Rob Terry in squash matches too. Terry could win 150 matches like Goldberg but no one will ever cheer for him. It also makes the Global title look even more like a disgrace.

I'm also growing tired of the Jarrett/Foley power struggle. The good thing is with Foley fired we can see the end of the etiquette lessons. I'm guessing Foley may come back as Cactus Jack but what will he do when he comes back? Its also boring to see Jarrett as Bischoff's scapegoat every week.

The only matches I cared about were Morgan and Hernandez and the main event. Since Hernandez is out of action now, what is going to happen to the tag titles? Morgan is going to defend them by himself now? Its nice seeing RVD and Hardy in TNA, but they haven't been used well enough. When can we see Hardy and RVD actually give a promo and get into a feud with someone instead of having random matches.

I guess Team Hogan and Team Flair will face off at Lockdown. I guess I should of seen it coming. I'm wondering how the St.Louis will take it. I wouldn't be surprised to hear Abyss booed out of building is so terrible now. At least its interesting to see who will be the other partners in the next few weeks. I guess AJ won't be a part of Team Flair if he is wrestling The Pope.

The one thing I liked was seeing Bubba getting clocked by Foley. I guess he received a busted nose from the punch. He is playing it off as a huge thing online. That is the only real use for Bubba. Have the TNA guys beat the hell out of him. God knows he isn't drawing ratings or new fans from his show.

At least the ratings are up. Hopefully next week will be better. This week I was changing the channels more then usual.
Impact did a 0.86 cable rating and 1.2 million viewers.

Here are the quarter hours: 0.79, 0.85, 0.93, 0.76, 0.85, 0.97, 0.89, 0.85, and 0.81

The impact increased slightly in the ratings but this number continues to be a failure, as in any part of the show reached 1.0

Is bad for the sides of the TNA
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