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[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Let me first say that I'm actually liking what they're doing with Sting and not explaining every detail of it as they build this storyline involving him. Now, I find it pretty obvious what the storyline actually is leading towards and the fact that Sting isn't actually the heel some people are claiming he is.. but, with that bit of praise comes the negative. The segments involving Sting tonight really show what's wrong with TNA and how nonsensical and inconsistent they are. So Sting gets 1% of the voting on the fan poll for the ranking system... 1% of the fans watching and voting want to see Sting in the main event and challenging RVD.. while a far larger ratio want to see Mr. Anderson and the LARGEST ratio wants to see Desmond Wolf. So what's happening? Somehow Sting is now the number one contender, even though the fans voting should be proof to the people behind the scenes and writing this stuff that people don't want to see it!.. and even though storyline-wise it makes absolutely no sense because of his actions for weeks now. But throw all of that out the window and now we have Sting as the number one contender, Sting vs. RVD... that's giving us that youth movement we want! And what's happening with the talent that's actually getting the votes and that people actually want to see? Mr. Anderson's character, based on this Impact and the past PPV, is having his balls cut off and being turned into something that entirely hinders the success of his character since he debuted on TNA. Desmond Wolfe is being buried, loses every match, and is being pushed down the ladder to obscurity. I swear that any young talent that gets over, whose not rubbing shoulders with either Hogan or Flair, is being buried and sabotaged. That's really what it seems like to me. I'd even use AJ Styles as an example for that matter, because I feel they've sabotaged his career and changed everything about him that made him such a star and the face of TNA before Hogan/Bischoff came on. It's sad, really.

It’s nice to see Jay Lethal getting a chance now, no longer in a tired gimmick and actually being given the opportunity to be himself and see where he can go. It’ll be interesting to see if he’s successful with the chance he’s given, he definitely has a ton of potential. On the other hand… what the hell is TNA doing with Beer Money? Supposedly your top tag team, and the best tag team in the business right now, and they’re just using them as jobbers to everyone they can for the benefit of other storylines and feuds. I think Beer Money right now is one of the most disappointing things about how TNA is using their talent. These guys should be the tag team champions right now, carrying the division and ushering in the future of tag team wrestling for TNA, and instead they’re being pushed behind teams like the Band, Team 3D, Ink Inc, and even thrown together teams that aren’t even teams like RVD and Lethal! It’s unbelievable.

I was happy to see Roxxi return and beat Madison Rayne, hopefully beginning a rivalry with the Knockouts champion. Roxxi’s definitely one of TNA’s best female talents right now and they need to use her with the loss of other talents recently. But what happened to her? What happened to her unique appearance and personality (and I don’t even care about her having hair as opposed to not having hair).. now she seems to be just another carbon copy of all the other blond divas in the division instead of something different like she was.
Let me first say that I'm actually liking what they're doing with Sting and not explaining every detail of it as they build this storyline involving him. Now, I find it pretty obvious what the storyline actually is leading towards and the fact that Sting isn't actually the heel some people are claiming he is.. but, with that bit of praise comes the negative. The segments involving Sting tonight really show what's wrong with TNA and how nonsensical and inconsistent they are. So Sting gets 1% of the voting on the fan poll for the ranking system... 1% of the fans watching and voting want to see Sting in the main event and challenging RVD.. while a far larger ratio want to see Mr. Anderson and the LARGEST ratio wants to see Desmond Wolf. So what's happening? Somehow Sting is now the number one contender, even though the fans voting should be proof to the people behind the scenes and writing this stuff that people don't want to see it!.. and even though storyline-wise it makes absolutely no sense because of his actions for weeks now. But throw all of that out the window and now we have Sting as the number one contender, Sting vs. RVD... that's giving us that youth movement we want!

The online polling is just an extra/bonus for the ranking system. The poll doesn't determine the entire ranking system or else Morgan would've been in the top 10, which he isn't. Bischoff said when he came out that the current ranking system is determined by a # of things such as win/loss record, title reigns, the poll, etc. Being that Sting is a 3x world champ in TNA, got a decent amount of votes, n doesn't have to bad of a win/loss record and some other things, it probably made him a top tier choice. :shrug: I don't exactly know why.

And you say Wolfe is being buried? How? Have we forgotten that the man only made his debut in the company a few months ago. He should be lucky to even be considered in fan polls and be in the top 10 rankings. Let's not forget how many times he's main evented and semi-main evented since he's been in the company. Let's not forget about who he is aligned with. Wolfe's win/loss record isn't impressive but you people use the word bury to loosely.

Anyway, Impact was decent.

The reality UFC cameras backstage
The development of newer talent: Kaz & Jay Lethal
Wolfe getting mic time
Sting continuing to not give a damn and beating down anything that gets in his way.
The top 10 ranking system turnout.
Kurt Angle's return and his plan to reinvent himself
Eric Young standing out in the Band.

The show had lots of positive development on it. I look forward to next week. Now I'll wait for the Jack-Hamers of the world to come with an essay of negativity as always to trump over all positive feedback.
I barely watched. It was on in the house but I didn't pay attention much. Reason was because not only did I read the spoilers (which I never do by the way, but I just don't like TNA at the moment so I read them), but TNA just isn't fun to watch anymore.

The storylines make no sense, and I actually get angry when I watch the show. There is just so much wrong with it, that I can write a book on.

Another piss poor TNA Impact. Complete illogical clusterfuck of nonsense.

When was the last time Beer Money won a match? Roode is tapping out to Jay Lethal's Figure 4 Leg Lock now? All I can say is that it is not an entertaining show. I can't wait to see how awful the ratings are over the next few weeks.

I feel sorry the most for AJ Styles. He was a great face. He wasn't stale, and he was a strong champion as a face. He had no reason to turn heel. No reason at all. Now he is booked as some wimpy wanna-be, and RVD is calling himself Mr. TNA but he's only been there for a little over 2 months. Sickening. I'm done with TNA. Thankfully the WWE is fun to watch again.
TNA iMPACT! May 20, 2010

Thumbs Up

Kurt Angle's Return - It was nice to see Kurt Angle again. Angle is one of the best overall pro wrestlers in the world and really has been since his debut in pro wrestling. Overall, he gave a very solid promo and the crowd was very into him. However, I've no interest in seeing him in the TNA World Championship picture. Since Angle's debut with TNA, he's been firmly planted within the main event and title scene and it's just gotten old for me. When it comes to constantly being in the hunt for or having the title, Angle is very much becoming TNA's version of Triple H.

Jay Lethal - Jay Lethal is someone that's fun to watch in the ring and I'm glad to see that they're actually giving him something serious. Black Machismo appears to be dead and that's a huge positive as I think it's definitely been holding Lethal back for a long time now.

Using Young Stars - With Flair essentially give a rub to the likes of Beer Money, Kazarian and Jay Lethal, it's nice to see that young guys like Lethal and Kazarian in the mix. These are two guys that need to get over and Flair is probably the best one in TNA to do it. I'm still not overly convinced about Kazarian, I think the guy is as bland as my mom's meat loaf, but at least it looks like he's getting a chance to do something here and he may make me change my mind.

Thumbs Down

Wrestling Content - Every match on iMPACT! last night was pretty much crap. Nothing came off as good. I knew Roxxi would beat Madison Rayne as the Knockout Division is extremely thin at this point on credible wrestling talent, so they need to give Rayne some threat. Jordan and Terry was another yawnfest I cared nothing about. The X Division Battle Royal was a 3 minute waste of time that did the X Division no favors whatsoever. Dixie Carter is trying with everything she can to get Eric Young over, but it's just not happening for me. He gave a bland promo and his match with Moore was just meh. The Jeff Hardy vs. Sting match was certainly no dream match no matter how much Tenay or Taz tried to make it into one.

TNA Ranking System - I know that TNA is trying to make a big deal out of it, but this is something I'm just not buying into. One reason I'm not buying into it is because the position of some of the contenders doesn't seem logical to me. I have difficulty seeing Rob Terry ahead of Samoa Joe and I don't think anyone can convince me that more people voted for Terry than for Joe. Another reason is that the TNA Ranking System is completely transparent and I have trouble believing that TNA fans honestly have anything to do with deciding who gets the #1 contender spot. If anything, I feel it's designed to just get fans to visit their website as TNA is ultimately going to push whomever it wants.

Abyss, Desmond Wolfe & Chelsea - So, basically, we get to watch Abyss act like a dumb, hyperactive, neurotic virgin that's never laid eyes on a pretty woman before over the next 30 days. Great. And, of course, don't be surprised to see Chelsea falling for the guy. The whole beauty and the beast angle. Yawn and gag.

Overall Show - For the most part, I thought iMPACT! last night was just plain dull. It bored the crap out of me quite frankly. By the time it was about 10:30, I was so bored out of my mind that I just had the DVR record the rest of it and I picked up a 30 year old Dean Koontz novel and decided to read it instead. Shitty matches, mostly lame angles and a few small bright spots throughout the show.
That Impact was mental...as in written by someone that is absolutely mental

1)The rankings system:
Why was Joe in a suit? The guy who's supposed to be a killer, coming down to the ring and raping people is suddenly behaving like a good little corporate Samoan and complying with the regime. What a way to make your killer look like a mammys boy.

Actually calling it a system is giving it way too much credit. Basically managment made it up. If you're gonna get the fans involved then at least honour it somehow. Its fan votes and win/losses eh? So Abyss, who for years before Hogans arrival was losing to the likes of Judas Messias and many others. The same Abyss who got 1% of the public votes, ends up above Matt Morgan, who got around 20% of the vote and who hasn't lost a match for ages? Absolutely moronic.

2)Kurt Angle: "It's not about ego...I need to prove that I'm the best...I'm gonna have the best matches you've ever seen," right ok

3)Why the fuck did Sting have to come back in at the end to beat up Hardy and Anderson, it would have been nice to end the show with Anderson and HArdy. The image would be left of them two, thus building this feud. Now we're left with the image of Sting beating them up, which has nothing to do with anything because he's feuding with Van Dam.

4)My my how Beer Money's star has fallen since they've become Flairs hired goons.

5)I didn't even notice Brian Kendrick was in the battle Royale until Taz said that he wondered where he'd gone.

6)I really hate it when wrestlers use knives and broken bottles, it's just totally uncalled for. The Wolfe segment was just confusing, why did he keep hesitating? Why was Chelsea stopping him considering Wolfe was protecting her?

7)Everytime Eric Young utters a word the Band lose around 20 cool points.

Beyond awful. They don't deserve a TV slot nevermind the 1.0 rating they got. It's like it's written by people who don't understand the basics of story telling let alone pro wrestling.
Also it was weird for Doug Williams not to be on Impact. He is the X division champion after all and just won it back at Sacrifice. He should have been there to cut a promo at least.
First I want to say that the Ken Anderson asshole thing is already tiresome.

Ken Anderson is too much a jerk to be a face. I just hope he's setting up Jeff Hardy.

The triple threat match between The Band / Team 3D / Ink Inc was OK with Jesse Neal using his weak looking spear to pin Brother Ray.

Kazarian vs Jay Lethal was good and I guess it will set up a Jay Lethal vs Ric Flair match some where down the line.

Abyss vs Orlando Jordan wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But I really hate this angle with Abyss, Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea and I just don't care about OJ and Rob Terry at all.

The Beautiful People vs Sarita & Taylor Wilde was OK that's all I can say about.

It was nice to see Velvet back after not being on the show last week. I did think that Velvet looked good and showed some ability tonight. Hopefully it's a start of TNA finally letting her show what she can do when given a chance.

It's also funny to me how Sarita didn't even try to stop Lacey from pinning Taylor. As for the midget thing no comment.

Desmond Wolfe vs Jeff Hardy was decent and it nice to see Desmond pick up a win though it was which he really needed.

AJ Styles vs Ken Anderson was OK. I'm not liking Ken Anderson's face turn at all.

I hate seeing Beer Money reduced to being used as muscle these days.

Also it would have been nice to see Doug Williams and the MCMGs on the show, but what are you going to do.

All in all an OK Impact nothing really great nothing really terrible.
I enjoyed Impact this week, but there were some things that still puzzle me and a lot of viewers out there I'm sure. Instead of talk about hit and misses I'll just discuss some questions that need to be answered that probably never will from TNA.

Why hasn't Sting spoke about his heel turn? Anderson has just turned face and already he gave an explanation. Will anyone care why Sting turned once the reason is revealed?

Why does TNA constantly show The Band, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, and Abyss week after week while Samoa Joe and Motor City Machine Guns get the shaft?

Why does Matt Morgan get another tag title shot when he should be feuding with Angle or Samoa Joe in singles competition. Even more importantly what happened to the Guns' tag title shot?

Other then those basic questions I guess I found Impact more enjoyable this week. Desmond Wolfe received a huge win. I'm not a fan of how Wolfe won, but at least he won a match for a change. I hate how Orlando Jordan's character defaces gay people, but at least he is starting to get over as a heel.

Ric Flair's faction has a lot of talent, I just wish they were more credible. Jay Lethal is somewhat relevant now branching away from Black Machismo and having singles matches on Impact. I could really care less about Bubba and Jesse Neal but at least they aren't going after the championship. The Knockouts division is turning into a joke with the only Knockouts on the roster getting squashed by the beautiful people yet again. At least Roxxi will have a title match at the PPV.

Half Pint Brawlers looks like a show that will last all but 4 weeks. I didn't mind seeing puppet or whatever his name is plug the show or even roll around with Lacey, I just hope Spike TV doesn't turn Impact into another midget wrestling show. I just feel sorry for the dwarf wrestling fans out there because this brawlers show looks pretty humiliating implying that midgets are drunk crazed sex fiends.

I enjoyed Hardy vs. Wolfe until the cheap finish. Styles vs. Anderson was really rushed so I couldn't get into it. Anderson is really over in the Impact zone with his new face persona. I just think its too soon. Anderson is great on the mic and does have some witty lines, I just think Anderson is coming off too cute and full of himself. Basically the same way the Rock started to get annoying when he turned face. It's too soon to tell but Anderson is starting to sound like a PG 13 version of John Cena.

Anyways I think that the show was enjoyable but TNA needs to spend more time on the X division and talent that people actually want to see wrestle. I.E Joe, Wolfe, Angle, Morgan, Machine Guns. I'm sure the band wouldn't mind to take a day off. It's not like Hall and Nash are in the poor house.
TNA iMPACT! - May 27, 2010

Thumbs Up

Opening Segment - The first 12-15 minutes of TNA iMPACT! last night were really the overall highlight of the show. Anderson gave a quality promo as he usually does. His personality and charisma shines through, but the asshole bit is already beginning to get tiresome. There's only so many times when you can use curse words and expect them to be edgy and the annoyance factor is already beginning to climb. Having Flair come out with Styles and Beer Money was a nice touch. I still don't buy AJ Styles as a heel, but it was a pretty good segment overall.

Ken Anderson - I'm wondering exactly what TNA is going to do with him. On the surface, it looks like a face turn but it could all be some elaborate scheme to lull Jeff Hardy into a false sense of security. They could also simply be keeping Anderson as a tweener. Anderson can get over as a face, tweener or heel, that's already long since been established and he's among the more entertaining members of the TNA roster at this point.

Matt Morgan & Kurt Angle Interaction - I enjoyed Morgan's work on the mic. He came across as an arrogant, very self-assured heel and having him talk down to someone the level of Kurt Angle was a very nice touch. I think the "we" thing that Morgan is doing has run its course, however.

Thumbs Down

Ink Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. The Band - On one hand, I will say that I give the Dudleyz credit for trying to get their boy Jesse Neal over as Neal once again scored the pinfall to win the match over Bubba. However, I still just don't really care about the feud between Bubba and Neal at all. I have no interest whatsoever in seeing those two wrestle a match at a ppv. Literally, zero interest at all. The match in and of itself was entirely forgettable and just mostly dull. As of right now, Ink Inc and Eric Young look completely out of place even in the same ring as Hall & Nash and The Dudleyz.

AJ Styles - It's bad enough that Styles has been transformed into this weak heel that can barely even win against anyone anymore, but Styles came off like a whiny, clingy little bitch during the locker room meeting with Flair and Kazarian. He reminded me of a 16 year old girl that just caught her boyfriend checking out another girl. Really weak.

Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal - The match in and of itself was decent but Ric Flair's presence out there completely overshadowed anything these two were doing. Kazarian and Lethal haven't been built up a tenth as much as they need in order to keep from being rendered completely irrelevant with Ric Flair running around out there. I've little doubt that Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair at a ppv is coming soon and I dread when it does. I like that they seem to be trying to do something with Lethal and Kazarian, but neither of them have the steam to seem to legitimately be able to hold their own in a situation with Styles and Ric Flair.

Abyss vs. Orlando Jordan - Another forgettable match and a continuation of an awful gimmick. Pretty much anything associatied with Abyss at this point is crap and there's no sense in me trying to pretend otherwise. It might be different if TNA did anything to actually make the viewers care about Chelsea in any way.

RVD & Sting Segment - Nothing whatsoever was accomplished here other than simply reminding people of what the main event at Slammiversary is going to be. It didn't further the feud between the two, no hint of a reason has still been given for Sting's heel turn. Just meh.

The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Taylor Wilde - How far the Knockout Division has fallen. This was a pityful match that saw TBP beat the only other tag team in the Knockout Division to retain the Knockout tag titles within a span of 2 minutes. The TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship is worthless and the entire Knockout Division is barreling more and more in that same direction each week.

Double Main Event - TNA iMPACT! has had a number of what could have been dream matches take place over the past several weeks and they've all turned out to be epic failures overall. Last night was no different. The matches of Hardy vs. Wolfe and Styles vs. Anderson lasted a combined total of about 12 minutes. Both matches were dull, quite forgettable and had very cheap finishes.

Overall Show - Personally, I'm very much on the verge of giving up on iMPACT! and I'm seriously thinking about just not watching it altogether. Last night's iMPACT! was worse than the week before overall with a few bright spots scattered here and there. In the 4 years I've been watching TNA, the past 5 months or so have easily been the worst I've seen from them.
The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Taylor Wilde - How far the Knockout Division has fallen. This was a pityful match that saw TBP beat the only other tag team in the Knockout Division to retain the Knockout tag titles within a span of 2 minutes. The TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship is worthless and the entire Knockout Division is barreling more and more in that same direction each week.

The thing that made it worse was that Lacey who didn't even take a punch or kick just came in did one move and pinned Taylor. The least they could have did was let Velvet get the win since she did take all of the punishment from Taylor & Sarita during the match.

But overall I agree the KO division isn't looking good these days and the KO tag titles are meaningless at this point.
I've got to said that i found it funny to see that since the took a step backward by going back to thursdays, that they took another step backward by doing the exact same things they were doing before hogan and Bischoff arrive but with different wrestlers.

The only thing missing is the six sided ring and you would have the exact same thing they did last year.

Now with the rumors of Hogan and Bischoff leaving soon, will this prove that even the biggest names in wrestling history can help TNA?

The last 2 weeks of Impact were really interesting but i got to say that i don'T understand why Sting is in the main event picture when he not able to wrestle because of an injury. Why is Mr. Anderson Suddenly a face? was he not good at playing the heel.
Why are the beautiful peoples the focal point of the knockout division and why suddenly tease a split between Lacey and Velvet. But my favorite stupid moment of last night's show was the promotion of the Midget wrestling show, this show looks terrible and if i was TNA i would have object to even promoting this crap, but since Spike TV is helping TNA paying all these big name guys,TNA has no choice but to promote this.

TNA has been stuck in a rut for a really long time and watching the last 2 IMPACT i realise that even with the best of intentions, it'S not going to change anytime soon.

I not going to be one of those guys that's think what TNA need to be successful because quite honestly i really don'T know. The one thing i know is that Dixie need to stop treating everybody like they are family and start treating them like employees because when TNA will go bankrupt and someday it will, i don't see any of them thinking of her as family or friend anymore.
The bad:
"I've been looking for you all day," says AJ to Flair who just moments ago was accompanying Flair to ringside

TBP match was a mess, the Dwarf was hideous and abnoixous on commentary. Lacey Von Erics finisher is crap. Roxxi is sooo not over, "OMG yes, I can't believe it, yes," are we really supposed to cheer for someone so limp.

Angles beard

The way the MCMG are no.1 contenders for the tag straps and still don't even get on the show.

Beer Money have way to much charisma to be wasted in the hired muscle role.

Sting and Van Dam is gonna stink, I'm not buying RVD as champ. His music is fucking dreadful, he has seemingly lost all charisma since his run in the original ECW. He just has no passion and doesn't say anything remotely interesting.

The band and Eric Young are god awful.

The Good:
Despite the first part of the show being a mess the last hour was decent.
Wolfe v Hardy and Styles v Anderson were both worthy bouts

Matt Morgan is hilarious, the whole segment was pretty good, Joe looks tough and is minus one tribal knife which is good, I'm intrigued as to where its going.

It's about time Wolfe got mad eto look more than a glorified jobber.

No Hogan, yay

AJ is the absolute star of the show, it's madness that they took the belt off him on an unadvertised match on TV, especially to Van Dam.
I have to say that this week's impact was pretty entertaining. The show started out strong with Sting, Morgan, Joe, and RVD brawling with Sting alluding to reveal his big secret of his heel turn after Slammiversary. I got douche chills seeing Hogan on Impact again, but since he was only there a few seconds it was okay.

I have a couple of questions though. Doesn't Hogan need that crutch more then Bischoff?, and how can Bischoff book tag matches but he doesn't have the authority to book a 4 way match? I really enjoyed the animosity between Flair, AJ and Kaz. I got a chuckle out of seeing AJ and Kaz berate each other during their match, but it kinda got old fast. Jay Lethal is finally receiving the spotlight which is good. I just think AJ and Kaz are becoming a bunch of comedy jobbers instead of strong heels.

Hopefully AJ comes back as a strong babyface and takes out Flair and his regime. I have to say Rosie Lottalove is a pretty terrible name with a horrible ring attire. I can't comment on her as a wrestler since I haven't seen much of her. I do think she has the ability to become a flamboyant figure in the knockouts division. Its hard to take her serious as a large woman wearing lingerie though.

I really enjoyed Flair's promo against AJ, Kaz and Kurt Angle. I didn't like the way that AJ walked off while Angle attacked Flair from behind. Flair looks like he is having a ball. Sometimes he can be over the top, but I just enjoy seeing Flair as his old crazy self.

The Hardy and Anderson dynamic against Beer Money has potential, but I just don't think Hardy and Anderson are the right two people to team together. Like Roode said they are oil and water. BP and the Gulf of Mexico forming a tag team. Anderson can always deliver on the mic, but he is getting too obnoxious for me. It would be nice to see a swerve so Anderson can get some heat back, but I doubt it. It seems all you have to do to be over in the impact zone is mutter a dirty comical phrase like jack-off or jizz rag.

Hardy and Anderson both had decent singles matches with Beer Money. I hope this feud makes Beer Money credible again as a tag team. Honestly is there any reason for Hardy and Anderson to get the win and remain a team at the PPV?

The stinker of the evening was of course Terry and Abyss vs. Wolfe and OJ. Wolfe always has some funny things to say about OJ, but I would rather see him in a feud that means something instead of being a jobber. Wolfe is probably the most underutilized talent on that roster. How many times do we have to see Terry destroy OJ and Abyss act like a mongoloid?

I enjoyed the main event for what little time they had. A Hernandez tease in the audience really helped Impact feel special. Here is hoping that Hernandez and Morgan will feud at the PPV and the Machine Guns can finally get their title shot. That happening will probably be between slim and none but one can hope.

Doug Williams cut a good promo about being a true tough European X division wrestler. Too bad TNA hasn't given Kendrick hardly any mic time to shine as well. This Impact had improved greatly compared to the last few weeks. I hope next week TNA can capitalize on a great show leading into Slammiversary.
TNA iMPACT! - June 3, 2010

Thumbs Up

Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm - This was a pretty solid match with a lot of good near falls. Nothing overly special took place during the match, but it was a solid performance from both guys and both came off looking strong.

Mr. Anderson vs. Robert Roode - This match was ok, not as good as Hardy v. Storm but it was pretty decent. The outcome of the match was pretty obvious but it went along well with the angle TNA set up.

Anderson/Hardy vs. Beer Money Hype - TNA did a good job in building up this match for the Slammiversary ppv. Having Hardy and Anderson come off as fun loving and carefree while having Beer Money come across as all business and professional is a nice touch. Anderson's mic time last night was good but, I have to say, the asshole thing is already beginning to get annoying. But, it gets him a good pop. A cheap one, but a good one.

Thumbs Down

Opening Segment - I thought the opening segment of the show was a little ridiculous. To hear Eric Bischoff lecture Sting on what it meant to be a "superhero" and that he showed his true colors and all this stuff about how it's all about Sting putting Sting ahead of the good of the company was just kind of eye rolling. To me, it didn't sound the least bit authentic, particularly coming from Eric Bischoff as we all know that he and Hulk Hogan used WCW as their personal playground for about 5 or 6 years. Again, no explanation as to why Sting turned and I'm past the point of caring at this point. I was actually looking forward to seeing Joe and Sting go at it but that didn't happen. Instead, RVD asks Bischoff to make the match a 4 way between himself, Sting, Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan after they all came and got involved. So, cue Hogan's music as he's got to get his tv time. The match is declared a 4 way for later tonight. Hogan has spoken, so let it be written, so let it be done and all that.

Roxxi vs. Rosey Lotta Love - Firstly, I thought Rosey was Samoa Joe in drag for a moment but watching her in this match really made me miss Awesome Kong. The match was pure shit and, thankfully, it lasted less than 2 minutes. I wasn't impressed by Rosey's debut at all as she was awful inside the ring. TNA lets wrestlers like Awesome Kong and Tara go, they frequently keep wrestlers like Sarita and Hamada off tv and bring someone like Rosey Lotta Love on? Pathetic.

Jay Lethal vs. AJ Styles vs. Kazarian - I'm kind of mixed on this one overall but what happened after the match just sunk the whole thing for me. The match in and of itself was little more than Styles and Kazarian trying to one-up the other. They dominated Lethal almost the entire time and it looked as though they could have taken him out at will. I didn't at all buy into the attemps of Kazarian and Styles to outshine the other because Kazarian is so far outside of Styles' league that it just didn't make me care. Styles has done everything in TNA that there is to do while Kazarian is a guy that's been coming to TNA off and on for years and still really hasn't been able to get over. Did TNA really expect me to buy into Kazarian thinking that he's as good or better than Styles? Lethal ultimately scored a predictable pin and it was nice to see him get a win, even though he looked kind of weak through most of the match. After the match, Flair came in and started doing his thing and started lecturing AJ Styles. Watching Ric Flair talk to and treat AJ Styles like a little bitch really made me see just how far Styles has fallen. What made it even worse was to see Styles just stand there and take it. If Flair had been about 20 years younger when saying this speech, it would have had much more impact on me. I just can't buy into a 61 year old man dressing down one of the best in-ring wrestlers in the world, who is literally half Flair's age, like he was some green 19 year old punk that'd never wrestled a match in his life. Kazarian's presence out there was completely overshadowed by what was going on with Flair and it didn't do anything to help him at all. Simply put, AJ Styles is too good to be put into this kind of role. He's accomplished too much in TNA and he's shown time and time again how good he is.

Kurt Angle & Ric Flair Confrontation - After Styles left the ring, Angle came out and Flair begins dressing him down as well. Flair goes on about how Angle doesn't treat him with respect, how he's a god in wrestling and all this and that. Watching him try to do to Kurt Angle what he did to Styles was even more ludicrous. On one hand, Flair's mic work overall was excellent, but I just don't buy into how TNA has booked this. Ric Flair is an old man, he's 61 years old and I'm not going to buy into him being a physical threat to someone like Kurt Angle. Instead of Kazarian getting a rub from Flair, Flair completely overshadows him by being made into the center of this angle.

Abyss & Rob Terry vs. Desmond Wolfe & Orlando Jordan - This match was nothing more than combining two awful feuds into a single, big awful feud and a shitty match. What really disappoints me about all this is that Desmond Wolfe is so damn good and he has been wasted by TNA these past 6 months. He's better than the other 3 guys in this match combined and it just...meh. It's a shame really.

Rob Van Dam vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan - These sorts of matches really do not work when they last less than 5 minutes. It doesn't work when WWE does them and TNA is no exception. The big story from this, I think, is that TNA teased an RVD/Samoa Joe feud potentially on the horizon. I'm not really surprised. The hype for RVD vs. Sting at the ppv was practically nill, but it's hard to get excited about a match when the outcome is hardly ever in question.

Overall Show - I thought iMPACT! was better this week than last week, or even the week before for that matter. The only real bright spots on the show this week for me was the Anderson/Hardy vs. Beer Money feud. All four guys had solid matches and the hype for their match at Slammiversary was really well done. Everything else was mostly just something I either didn't care about or was just majorly disappointing.
I really enjoyed this impact. It seems like TNA might be close to finding that identity that everyone has been saying they need too. Early in the show they are going to run with their great promo guys and build something up. Then later in the show you can expect some good wrestling, usually at least one solid or better match going a nice length and a few others with good wrestling but shorter than what they would give you on PPV. The way they book their main events on impact might leave a little bit to be desired but that has always been true about TNA. Aside from Lotta Love I pretty much liked everything. I thought the story and execution surrounding Lethal-Styles-Flair-Kaz-Angle was great. Plus we also have Anderson cutting a nice promo followed by some good wrestling with a nice build towards the PPV. The main event and its build earlier in the evening were hit or miss at points but provided some solid intrigue which was enough for me.
I still trying to figure out what Sting's real motivation is. Also it seems like he has to win the world title for whatever is reasons for what he's been doing lately to be revealed.

Roxxi vs. Rosie Lottalove - Nothing much here. I can't really behind Roxxi at all as the #1 contender for the KO title and I still do not buy into Madison Rayne as KO champion. Even though she acted tough last night I still can't take her seriously.

AJ Styles vs. Kazarian vs Jay Lethal - Decent match. I hated how bad they made AJ look with Ric Flair bitching him out like that. Pissed me off.

Mr. Anderson as a face just seems forced. The whole asshole thing is annoying and I'm already sick of it.

I loved Beer Money's confrontation with Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson. The highlight for me was Robert Roode's line to Jeff Hardy saying that "Your brother carried you and you both sucked!"

James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy - This was actually good. I wish the Cowboy would have won but I guess they have to keep the Charismatic One happy.

Robert Roode vs. Mr. Anderson - This was good too and I'm glad Robert Roode went over.

Abyss & Rob Terry vs. Desmond Wolfe & Orlando Jordan - It was OK. Desmond Wolfe was the stand out here and I loved his reactions to Orlando Jordan. He really deserves better than this.

Also can the Rob Terry / Orlando Jordan feud just end now?

Douglas Williams backstage promo was amazing.

Rob Van Dam vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan - It was decent though it seemed kind of pointless to have a title match like this a week before Slammiversary.

Plus the lack of the MCMGs and Velvet Sky was just stupid.

Impact overall was OK. That's all I can say about it.
I thought Impact was pretty good this week and it was definitely an improvement form last weeks episode. The show had good matches and good segments that furthered feuds. I also like the whole Kaz and AJ and maybe this leads to an AJ face turn. They also announced a couple of good matches for Slammeriversary including Beer Money vs Anderson, Kaz vs Angle which could be a very good match if they are given a enough time, and also AJ vs Lethal which also could be a very good match. I also liked how they teased Hernandez return and a potential feud between RVD and Samoa Joe. The only ad thing about the show to me was the knockout match. Overall i would give last nights Impact a 8/10
I was quite glad to see this week that they used Beer Money more. I thought the altercation earlier on and then the two matches were a good way to build further to their tag team match at the PPV, although I'm still not too optimistic about the final result. I hate to see Beer Money used just to push Anderson and Hardy further and I'm predicting one of two outcomes.. either Beer Money just job for Hardy/Anderson, which is sad to see the best tag team around forced to consistently lose and now lose again to a tag team that's never teamed before, or we'll see Anderson turn on Hardy (which I'd much rather prefer). Beer Money should be headlining the tag division right now, not used to put over two singles stars. They're the young tag team, they should be getting put over by the more established stars.

I love Doug Williams, he's the only good thing about the X Division right now.

I literally can barely stand to watch Abyss, Orlando Jordan or Rob Terry. All three of those wrestlers are just bad right now and I really wish Desmond Wolfe was in a better place and being used for something I can actually enjoy watching and get behind. I dread the day that instead of pushing Wolfe as a top heel with Chelsea along his side as it should be we're going to see Chelsea turn on Wolfe and side with the disgusting monster Abyss and once again TNA will have made me groan and angry.

I'm not liking AJ Styles right now at all.. his character seems to contradict what he's been in the past and now he's just a pussy who wants nothing but to please Flair, it's ridiculous. This pairing between Styles and Flair has done nothing but damage Styles in my mind. And why is Kazarian being pushed? The guy has no charisma, no character, and is just boring to watch. I also found it very, very ridiculous that Flair, a 60-something year old man is pushing around guys like Styles and Angle. I don't think Angle came out looking well lastnight and I really didn't enjoy that entire segment. I have always been a huge Flair fan, but now I'm starting to really not enjoy watching him or what he's doing, which is sad for me.

The Knockouts division is crumbling right before our eyes. Madison Rayne, Roxxi, and this new Rosie Lottalove are the best they can do right now? That's the top talents in the division that are being pushed on television? That's utterly sad. It really shows how far the division has plummetted. Where is ODB? What in the world has she been doing? Where is Angelina Love?

There seemed to be a few good points to Impact, but the bad still far outweighed the good. I also found it funny when RVD did the frog splash and then did a crazy quick kick of his legs before pinning, just to try to sell his own move when he didn't have the time to fully sell it. It looked silly. Here's to hoping LAX comes back together and feuds with Morgan, though.
Alright, I have a lot of DVR from some Impacts from about a month ago, so here's my first, of about 5 or 6, reviews of impact.
TNA Impact
Monday, April 26, 2010

-AJ's drug insults at RVD were quite great, tbh. I know AJ isn't much of a talker on the stick, but that was a pretty solid promo delivered by AJ, bringing up RVD's past drug addictions and all. However the two ear-rings makes him look like a metrosexual douch. Wearing Flair's robes is a cheap rip off as well. (I know I'm late on all that jazz, but I'm just beginning to catch up on some of this shit). AJ should be taken under of the wind of Flair, like he is, but he shouldn't be a carbon copy of him.

-I skipped the 3-way because, well, I'm not a fan of women's wrestling. Sue me.

-Solid match b/w Moore and Kaz, and I'm guessing Joe has been off TV for a while? Idk, Joe has always semed better as a face, and I'm not sure how I'm feeling on a Kaz/Joe feud. Neither can work the microphone greatly, but it should have some solid matches.

-I still don't understand the point of Hardy/Jarrett vs. Styles/Sting was for. Probably because I haven't paid attention in a while, but it screamed pointless filler, as that's all that we saw of everyone but Styles that night.

-I'm a fan of Morgan holding both tag-titles, even though Jesse Neal looked like a total tool. 3-D interwined with both the Band and Neal/Morgan isn't something I like, but I guess I can deal with it.

-OJ should really get off of TV. Seriously.

-I'm not liking Abyss's push at all. Stop making him look like a prissy little bitch and have him kill someone. I know he's been changed since given the ring, but good god, this guy is horrible as a face. He should be a silent killer, not a psychopathic freak who pops a boner when he sees Hogan. And after the ME why didn't AJ come out to help his mentor Flair? Hogan was out there to help Abyss get the ring, but why wasn't AJ trying to help him keep his ring. Maybe he said something before the match and I wasn't paying attention, idk, but that irked me.

Overall: I was basically watching it in the background, so I'm sorry if my review was pretty shitty. However, from what I've seen, TNA's quite the train wreck. Hopefully it turns around sometime in the next 4-5 episodes I have to watch. 3/10
Thoughts etc:

Sting does a good promo, he's a great speaker it must be said. He doesn't talk about his match though, which is kinda pivotal when you're trying to sell a PPV

Bischoff comes down (not RVD) and its WHY STING WHY. More like Who cares Sting, who cares. WHY AREN'T THEY SELLING THE MATCH. FFS

Hahaha that lot a love bird is fit, at least she's not Roxxi. Actually this match is terrible. Madison Rayne hits Roxxi with the belt to no reaction. Roxxi the wins. Fucking terrible. Remeber Awesome Kong v Taylor Wilde and Kong vs Gail Kim? Yeah forget it.

At least Borash is still great

I hate saying this but lethal has absolutely no personality, he needs a gimmick

AJ has so much charsima, he should still be champ. He's actually great here, love the way he's explaining what he's goin gto do. This wasn't exactly a great match but it worked for what it's trying to build, which I assume is AJ vs Kaz

errrrr ok it's Angle v Kaz, that sounds like a good match at least

What the fuck is Flair on about, he needs a fucking script. He's just waffling about nothing.

That was rubbish, why did angle attack flair from behind? Who's the face here again? Isn't it Kazarian v Angle, this is absurd.

Nice backstage cam's there. AJ is brilliant again, seriously, go to stamford.

Anderson is really annoying, he's a good talker but he's really milking this profanity stuff. Everybody now "WE ARE MORONS clap clap clap clap clap WE ARE MORONS"

Beer Money have been reduced to jobbers, this Hardy/Anderson v Beer Money is a non event.

My girlfriend just said this "I have nothing for Jeff Hardy anymore" well done TNA

Holy fuck, Roode is awesome. This promo is great.

When Hardy and Anderson got out of each others arses this was good. Beer Money were fantastic here.

Pretty good matches between Storm and Hardy and Roode and Anderson

I love Douglas Williams, he's got a genuine gripe and it's working well into storylines.

Abyss' new cool music is only cool if you have a mullet and live in the 80's

Why is Wolfe wasted with these idiots

As much as I'm not into Neil or 3D, this feud is easily the best built for Slammiversary.

SOMEONE IS LAID OUT AGAIN. Every week someone gets laid out in TNA. I can't remeber an Impact where someone wasn't laid out in the back.

Despite what they've done to Joe I still have a lot of time for him.
I enjoyed this week's show. It was much better then what we have normally been seeing over the past few weeks. I think TNA did a good job of building the matches at the PPV. A lot of matches like Morgan vs. Hernandez were announced last minute, but I would much rather see that then The Band have a match at the PPV. No Rob Terry or Orlando Jordan this week either which is a plus in my book. As always though the negatives are No mention of Samoa Joe or the Machine Guns.

I like the Flair faction a lot better when Flair and Hogan aren't involved. Hogan was on screen a little bit, but not as much as he normally is. Lethal is getting a much deserved push along with Beer Money vs. Anderson and Hardy. I could still care less about Abyss vs. Wolfe part 10. Hopefully at the PPV, Flair's faction will actually get some wins. I must admit though I wouldn't mind seeing Styles lose and turn face against Flair.

The matches were few and far between, but they were actually good matches. The main event actually lasted more then 10 minutes which is a first. Kendrick cut a good promo fighting Homicide while Doug Williams gave some great commentary. It was nice seeing Angle give Amazing Red a rub even though Red didn't win the match, he looked better then he has before.

I'm glad Hernandez came back to get his revenge on Morgan. It would of been better for him to do it a few weeks before the PPV though so we could see these two go at it every week. Hernandez looks to be in great shape, and I'm glad he got rid of the Mexican banana hammocks. I was surprised that there wasn't a Knockouts match, but considering the knockouts haven't done much lately I'm not upset by it.

Even Bubba and Jesse Neal had a good promo. I could still care less about the match, but at least they peaked my interest a bit. Sting cut some pretty good but odd promos. I just hope it leads to something big instead of nothing. Slammiversary looks to be a good card on paper. I hope they can deliver. There was no mention of KOTM though which is weird.

Impact was good last night because they didn't go after cheap shock tactics or surprises like they have done in the past. The show just focused on matches and the buildup for the PPV. I hope Dixie will actually have a big announcement worth watching Sunday night.
TNA iMPACT - June 10, 2010

Thumbs Up

Hernandez's Return - Hernandez made his first TNA appearance in roughly three months last night and he looked great. He made the most of his time away from the company as he's definitely been spending some time in the gym. The guy was shredded. I'm still not sure if Hernandez really has what it takes to make it as a singles wrestler and I've little doubt that he'll go over Matt Morgan in their match at the ppv on Sunday. Still, it was a solid return.

Brian Kendrick vs. Homicide - This was a solid match overall, nothing spectacular but a good performance from them both. I gave it a thumbs up because of that, but I have to say that it just didn't really interest me all that much. Last night was the first time I've laid eyes on Homicide in months so I didn't expect much really.

Kendrick, Williams and Kazarian are pretty much all that's made up the X-Division for the past few months so I knew that Homicide wasn't going to go over. They carted him out, he pulled his job and now they'll stick him back in his little room for another few months. Minor thumbs up.

AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe & Beer Money vs. Jay Lethal, Abyss, Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson - This was a pretty good eight man tag match as the final match of the night. Some good action overall and I was a little surprised to see Styles get the pinfall on Lethal. The way things were going, I expected him to be on a slight losing streak. Decent match overall.

Slammiversary Hype - TNA sold the importance of Slammiversary and what it's meant for the company well. The most important matches of the night were hyped up well and, while there are matches on the card I don't give a crap about, TNA focused on the strongest stuff they've got going on.

Thumbs Down

Opening Segment - The opening segment really just didn't hook me. I think one reason for that is because Flair wasn't there and Styles was left on his own to do the mic work inside the ring. Promos aren't Styles' strong suits. While I was watching him, I couldn't get the image of Jim Cornette out of my head. Styles' facial expressions and his accent sounded so much like Cornette's but his voice is deeper.

Seeing Jay Lethal come out and impersonate Ric Flair is mixed for me. I dunno, I guess I'm just tired of watching Lethal impersonate wrestling legends. He did it with the Macho Man Randy Savage for two years, even long after it was time to put the gimmick to rest, and it just didn't click with me. Not to say that he didn't do a good job with Flair's mannerisms and all that, but I'm just over it.

Kurt Angle vs. Amazing Red - I'm sure some people probably loved this match but I just couldn't get into it for a couple of reasons. For one, I'm not a fan of three minute matches and never have been, no matter which company does them. Another reason is that this is the first time I've seen Red in months and months, he's done nothing and there's no way he has a shot in winning.

Kurt Angle has this story going about taking on all the top 10 contenders for the TNA title so, of course, Red's pulling a job. I'm not really a fan of Amazing Red, I wouldn't buy him as any sort of potential threat to Kurt Angle in a hundred years.

The Band vs. Matt Morgan - What can I say? Just a waste of time really. I despise whenever a show advertises that they're going to have a title match and wind up not really having a title match. After Matt Morgan was laid out by Hernandez, The Band comes down and Eric Young gets the pin in about a 10 second match. The tag titles in TNA are pretty much worthless at this point.

Team 3D & Ink Inc. Confrontation - I know that TNA wants people to care about this, I know that they especially put some time in on it last night but I really just don't care about it. Not that Bubba didn't cut a solid promo, it's just that I'm not interested. Yes, I know that Jesse Neal was trained by the Dudleys and yes I know that Neal's got all kinds of tattoos and a mohawk and all that. And...so what? I give them credit for trying, but this just really hasn't captured my attention.

RVD & Sting - I've just been supremely bored by this feud that's going on. TNA has legitimately tried to make it interesting but, it's just been meh for me. I guess one reason why I don't care is because I know that there's absolutely no way in Hell that RVD is going to lose the title to Sting. The thing is, even if there were, I've really got no interest in seeing Sting with the title again.

The brawl that they had to close the show out last night was ok but I found myself comparing it to the NXT Invasion on Raw and it just didn't even come remotely close. Wasn't even a blip on the radar. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they TNA was trying to compete with that or anything, but it's just a comparisson that just sprang to my mind and I couldn't get it out.

Overall Show - I think that iMPACT! was better this week than it has been in quite a while, but I found myself either bored or simply not caring about what I was seeing far too often during the show. I like that TNA, at least for now, seems to be done with trying to use cheap stunts to increase ratings and is trying to put on a solid wrestling show. Hopefully, something will happen in TNA that just ultimately makes me care about more than 10% or so of what I'm seeing.
Date: June 10, 2010
Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: A Flair for the Dramatics

We open with a recap of Anderson vs. Hardy. I really hope this doesn’t end with a terrible heel turn for Anderson. We also see the AJ/Flair/Lethal/Kaz thing which could be awesome if Flair being so important didn’t matter as much.

Angle wrestles tonight.

We open in the arena with AJ, Wolfe, Kazarian and Beer Money. Are they like the bad Horsemen or something? Flair isn’t here tonight so AJ is running things for them tonight. There’s an 8 man tag tonight but AJ sees a problem here: there are five of them. He mentions there were four Beatles, the Fantastic Four (and a lesser known team known as the Fantastic Five) and Four HORSEMEN. Oh dear. He says there’s no problem though because Kaz is out so there we are. And here’s Jay Lethal coming out to Flair’s music. Again to be fair, his imitation of Flair is freaking amazing. Lethal cracks me up for awhile and introduces his team. First off is Abyss, who is against Wolfe in a Monster’s Ball match Sunday. We get further implications that Abyss rapes Chelsea. Anderson is the third man and why do I think the fourth is Hardy? Apparently Abyss counts as two guys, but we’re going to do this right now. Lethal does a great dive over the ropes to take out Kaz and AJ. Lethal takes a low blow and the faces are in trouble. Oh look it’s Hardy coming through the crowd to surprise Wolfe. Ok having Wolfe go to the ramp to wait for him at least makes sense. Jeff clears the ring other than the other faces.

Kendrick says a bunch of weird things where he was likely on coke or something like that. Apparently the X Title is sans qualifications. Other than being signed to a TNA contract and being a trained pro wrestler and qualifying for a title shot and being able to win the title.

Brian Kendrick vs. Homicide

Let the smarks loose! Doug Williams comes out to look at the match. And Kendrick is getting his ass kicked. Sure why not. Williams has the annoying British voice going which is great. Kendrick makes his comeback and it lasts about 4 seconds. Williams says he is the walrus as Kendrick is being massacred three days before his title match. Makes perfect sense right? Williams is wearing a British Invasion shirt which hasn’t been a stable in months now. Ah Kendrick is getting more offense. That’s always nice to throw a jobber a bone like that. And so much for that theory. Homicide chokes Kendrick with his tape so I’m guessing Kendrick is supposed to get sympathy here or something? We go to the ramp where Homicide almost gets his head slammed into the ramp a bunch of times. Homicide finds a tool box and has a screwdriver. And Kendrick kicks him in the face for a pin. This could be a working definition of a clusterfuck.

Rating: D+. Was there a point to this that I’m just not getting? Kendrick getting the win helped, but damn was this all the build that the X Title match is going to get? Kendrick goes insane so I’m supposed to care now? Williams says it wasn’t a typical X-Division match. That sums this up fairly well I guess.

Oh look: another random brawl in the back, this time with Bubba and Neal.

Ink Inc. is in the ring after a break. And here’s Team 3D. They deny being behind the card attacks, which Jordan had done three weeks ago but we’re just supposed to forget that. My bet is on Pope in a heel turn which no one would care about nor would it make sense but whatever. Neal says he doesn’t understand Ray freaking out like he has been. Ray says Neal owes Ray everything because he was just a failure. Is this supposed to be a big grudge match or something? D-Von is a puppet according to Neal. They tease Bubba vs. D-Von. PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN. Bubba hits Jesse and runs.

And now we’re going to show the Jarrett vs. Sting deal from Sacrifice. Uh, point? For those that haven’t heard what happened, go check my Sacrifice review as I recapped it in full there. In short, Sting beat the living hell out of Jeff Jarrett and messed up his shoulder really badly. We’ve now spent five minutes just reairing this. Make that 8 minutes. Hogan came out to stop Sting and PLEASE tell me that’s not what this is leading to: Hogan vs. Sting. Also, Hogan coming out to save one of his wrestlers from a beatdown is perfectly fine. That’s something perfectly acceptable for him to do and I have no problem with it because it fits his role and doesn’t seem like he’s just out there for the sake of being on camera.

Jarrett is going to confront Sting next…while he’s in Tennessee.

Morgan and Bischoff and his girl are talking as Morgan wants to know his partner. Instead of having the tag title match at the PPV we get it right now. Morgan is scared of his partner. Or is he excited? Maybe it’s a stomach bug? I’m not entirely sure.

We come back to hear Jarrett say he’ll get Sting soon while we see highlights of the full thing we just saw. That makes perfect sense. Oh and make sure that Hogan gets praised too.

Tag Titles: Matt Morgan/??? Vs. The Band

Second match in 55 minutes. That makes sense. And here’s Hogan to make the announcement of the partner. Again, nothing wrong with an authority figure making an authority based decision/announcement. Of course it’s Hernandez. Hogan messes up and points to his right as in Hernandez is there but Hernandez is actually on the other side. That was actually pretty funny. Hogan does commentary here which is VERY rare as they say. Hernandez beats the hell out of Morgan in what is supposed to be a tag title match, so I guess the match hasn’t started yet. Hogan is putting Hernandez open huge so I’m happy there. Hogan makes the one on one match at Slammiversary. Morgan takes a stretcher ride and I guess there’s no match? Ok so one match in 61 minutes so far. That makes sense. Wait here comes the Band. When did Nash get those tattoos? Young covers him for the pin. Sure why not. We’ll call it a match to be nice and to give me something to make fun of later. So…does the Band have actual matches anymore? They never tagged into the fourway a week or whatever ago did they?

RVD talks about the match on Sunday with Sting and that Sting is going to have to come get the title. It’s a generic promo for a reason as Sting jumps him and chokes him out. He steals the belt and leaves. Nothing wrong with an old tactic like that to get some heat.

Angle is here and says he’s challenging the best X Division wrestler in the world to a match tonight to prepare for Kaz on Sunday.

Kurt Angle vs. Amazing Red

This makes perfect sense and I’m actually not being sarcastic on that front. Red busts out some nice flying spots and the fans are liking it. Not that that means much but still. Red botches a rana and Angle’s head gets slammed into the mat. And the Angle Slam ends the carnage. This was fast paced and good though.

Rating: B-. Short and sweet actually. The booking makes sense here as Angle needs a warmup for this Sunday. The fast paced stuff helped with Red hitting a bunch of stuff but falling victim to the veteran that is Angle. I liked it and the length was good too. Also, THE SLAM GOT A DAMN PIN!

Sting has the belt and puts the word DECEPTION on it. Any bets on how long before we get an explanation? I’ll set the starting mark and never and put bets on never ever.

Come see our house shows since our TV or PPVs make no money at all.

We get a video package about the history of TNA. To be fair that’s a big deal as it’s longer than ECW was around. I wouldn’t have bet on them being around this long. It’s called the hottest PPV of the summer this year. So is there a fall and spring hottest PPV of the year? It turns into a build up for the PPV segment. Did I mention we’ve had 11 minutes of wrestling, including the Band thing which I’m counting as a full minute to be VERY nice as it was about 5 seconds and we’re an hour and a half into the show?

RVD is looking for Sting.

Holy shit it’s a match!

AJ Styles/Desmond Wolfe/Beer Money vs. Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy/Abyss/Jay Lethal

Ok a long main event and I’ll declare this a passable show. Chelsea is with Abyss of course and at least it’s Hardy’s music and not Hogan’s. Hardy looks like he has a sock wrapped around his face. So is there a reason Chelsea doesn’t just run away during an Abyss match? Lethal and Roode start and Lethal hits the Tajiri springboard elbow. It’s your standard main event tag match with Hardy getting beaten down for the most part. I do like the Beer Money signature thing but it needs to take less time. Lethal gets the hot tag and Jeff is magically ok after a ten minute beatdown. Everyone beats on everone and Wolfe shouts at Chelsea to give him a chair. Of course she doesn’t do it because it lets Abyss nail Wolfe since she likes him now I guess. Styles Clashon Lethal ends it. Main event goes 10 minutes, giving us a total of 21 minutes of wrestling so far.

Rating: C+. Even Taz calls it a basic eight man tag. This just felt like a thrown together match with no rhyme or reason to it other than to get all right guys on the card at once which is never good. It wasn’t bad though, but it’s almost as average as you could manage to make a match. I still don’t care about Slammiversary.

Sting is still waiting on RVD.

Sting jumps RVD as you would expect him to do and we get a big brawl in the back. RVD kicks Sting in the ribs while Sting is wearing the belt. Sting sells it anyway. So we’re in the ring now and we’re likely to end the show on a 7 minute brawl. Sure why not. Van Dam’s face is RED. Taz makes sure to point out that they’re not giving away the world title match three days before the show. Well good to know they’re not doing that this month. He throws the belt on Van Dam and says it’s deception because it’s his until Sunday.

Overall Rating
: D+. Another not bad show, but this wasn’t anything great. Instead of having us wait until Sunday to see them fight, we get a seven minute brawl here. The lack of wrestling hurt it a lot here, but there was some good stuff. The Angle match is decent and the main event did its job well enough I guess, but still I have no desire to watch the PPV even though I will. Also they're hotshotting Morgan vs. Hernandez 10 days after he's back rather than building to something special, but I get where they're coming from with it which is a huge improvement. I’ll give it this though: this is light years better than some of the other recent Impacts so it’s a definite step in the right direction. Although I still wonder: what do the Outsiders actually get paid for?
Simply put I thought Impact was great' much better thing anything wwe did this week overall. once again some of you people refuse to give credit were credit's due. they can't seem to please everybody,somebody all ways not happy about something.one guy wants a fast paced show another wants a slower pace, somebody wants more wrestling another wants more indepth storytelling.but people need to more realistic, they only have eighty six a week to try give everybody what they want.
I thought that tonight's Impact was very good. I like the opening with The Band being stripped of the titles and setting up a tournament with the winners of the tournament facing the Guns at Victory Road. In the first match of the tournament Ink Inc faced The Band and Ink Inc got the win in a decent match. Next up we had a segment with Flair where said he was bringing back the 4 Horsemen but they were going to be called Fourtune. Lethal came out and him and Flair had very goo segment. Hernandez vs Joe was a good physical match. Williams vs Buck served to continue the storyline of Williams Trying to change the X division. After the match Kendrick came out and attacked him continuing their feud. Angelina Love returned and faced Lacey Von Erich, Angelina was Dqed when she Ddt Lacey onto a steel chair. In the Tag tournament semi finals Beer Money defeated Team 3d in a decent match which helped the new Fourtune stable look strong. Lethal beat Wolfe in a short match. Hogan afterwards announced it will be Lethal Vs Flair at Victory Road. Abyss vs Anderson vs Hardy ended in a Countout. After the match Abyss snapped and he destroyed Hardy and Anderson. Hogan came out and asked him why Abyss pointed at him and said YOU!!!!. Overall i thought Impact was very good and I would give it a 8.5/10
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