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[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I haven't watched Impact in week's so I guess I'm not able to really state an opinion that has the same amount of substance that someone who actually saw the show would.

I've read the spoilers/results, and it continues to be a show of confusion, where there are left turns at every corner. People are turning heel and face out of no where, and complete randomness overtakes the show. Stories from a week to week basis don't seem to flow, and this Impact didn't help to answer any questions. What it seemed to do was have us ask more questions, but not in a compelling suspenseful way, but in a way that confuses the audience.

It's almost like we are to forget the nonsense that just occurred, and except the new twist on the angle (Abyss' heel turn), as if it just wasn't a shit show 5 minutes ago. No, that doesn't fix the problem. What Impact needs is more great wrestling, and less nonsense and randomness. Getting rid of Taz would also help.

I am sorry for myself for saying this, but I agree with everything Mark Madden says in his rants. Every. Single. Word. Unless it comes off differently on TV, there is nothing compelling about TNA Impact.
Folks – please remember this is still a non-spam thread. That means explanations to your posts are a requirement for every post you make here – even if you're responding to what another user has written, or posing a question yourself.

Make a point, or rebut one, but back it up with at least one factor of evidence.

I just removed two spam posts, so please remember that while we're very interested in your opinions here at WrestleZone, we want to know why you feel the way you do.
The critique by Suneeboy was pretty spot on, though, despite not having seen it.

Jeff Jarrett and Sting have a confrontation and promote their match next week. Okay, great, at least TNA's continuing a storyline and being somewhat consistent in it. There's girls screaming in the background that makes the segment utterly f'cking annoying to sit through. Then we have Jarrett, who is not entertaining or compelling in the least and did nothing to make me interested in this segment or excited about the match. Jarrett's fighting for Hogan and Bischoff, trying to trick the fans into backing him up and backing Hogan/Bischoff, when I've known for months now it seems how this stories playing out, how it's going to end, and the 'mysterious' twist that's coming, which isn't really a twist to me at all. Maybe if Sting had added more to the segment it would've come off better, but he didn't.

Angelina Love vs. Lacey Von Eric was fine for what it was. TNA desperately needed Love back, so it's good to see her back and right into the title picture again. The match was nothing special, but Lacey was less horrible this week in the ring (but there wasn't much to mess up, really). Love purposely gets dq'd to send a statement to the Beautiful People and a warning to the champion, Madison Rayne. I predict Madison Rayne will be losing the title at Victory Road, because as I've mentioned before I feel like Rayne was only champion to begin with because she was the only option and a transition while waiting for Love to return and get the championship.

What are they doing with Samoa Joe? I am so fed up with the inconsistency of TNA's writing and their use of talent. Samoa Joe disappears for how long? Nothing's explained, not even when he returns and starts attacking random people and laying them out. The old Samoa Joe is back, yay! Except that nothing's explained! This week Joe was used as nothing but a side note to the feud between Morgan and Hernandez and Joe's supposed 'storyline' has all been but forgotten. No explanation, no reason to care, and by now an explanation would just annoy people because it's been so long people just don't care. It's like explaining something that happened several season's ago on a show, the time when it was relevant and mattered is far past and the opportunity was missed. Samoa Joe is back to his old self, but yet that "good" is countered by the fact they're doing absolutely nothing with him, he's not even used for weeks, doesn't show up on ppvs at all, and he's basically just wandering right now with no purpose and no reason to really care about his character at all. Horrible writing and horrible use of Joe.

The tag team tournament began tonight, which is a good thing. I always enjoy tournaments and a bit of focus placed on a championship in this way. So we have Ink Inc. against the Band. Ink Inc. can only be over in the Impact zone, and quite honestly they're neither very good nor are they deserving, in my opinion, of this push they seem to be getting. What the hell has Moore ever done to deserve this push, except to be friends with Jeff Hardy? The guys average in the ring, his character is annoying, and I can't see anyone caring whether he has a job or not.. and yet he and the rookie Neal, whose unimpressive in the ring, entirely green, bland and uninteresting, are getting a push. They beat the Band and I pray that Brother Ray interferes in their match next week so they lose because they do NOT deserve to be competing for the championships over Beer Money. No way in hell.

Beer Money finally gets a win! They beat Team 3D; except they're booked to look weak doing it. The 3D was coming to end the match when Brother Ray notices Ink Inc. on commentary so he LEAVES the ring, forgets about the match, and walks off to leave his partner alone with both members of Beer Money. Even with the advantage of two against one Beer Money STILL has to spit beer in the face of D-Von and roll him up to cheat to win, because the two of them can't just double team him and take him out by sheer force. Cheating to win when it wasn't even needed? Priceless.

So, the eradict booking of TNA once again surprises us and continues an angle they've been building for several weeks (except it's an angle no one gives a crap about). I doubt ANYONE wants to see Team 3D split up and feud, so I'm praying that doesn't happen. It was attempted once before and neither of them can get over on their own, so they really need to be a tag team by necessity alone. Ink Inc. vs. Team 3D doesn't interest me in the least, but I'm quite happy to see Beer Money actually doing something beyond being jobbed to everyone and I'm very happy to see them in the finals of this tournament and hopefully going on to face the Motorcity machine Guns.

Oh, by the way, where the hell are the Motorcity Machine Guns? They haven't been see for weeks now. The team that's facing the winner of the tournament at the next ppv and competing for the TNA Tag Team championship haven't been used or even seen for WEEKS. Unbelievable.

Another Four Horsemen stable was born in TNA tonight! Now, I am and always have been a HUGE fan of both 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen. I've been a fan since I was a kid. I didn't enjoy the first part of the segment at all. One of the reasons Evolution worked and became such a great stable was the fact they were a clone in many ways of the Four Horsemen, but they never needed to reference the Four Horsemen or compare themselves to the Four Horsemen. They became an entity of their own, not just a rehash of something else. This stable, Fortune, had potential but I feel like they're beginning it in the worst way possible and portraying it as just a second rate version of arguable the greatest stable in wrestling history (my top stable, anyway).

Not only that but watching Ric Flair tonight constantly being his own mark, revolving the entire angle around him and his legacy really, completey killed the segment for me. I watched the legendary Ric Flair I've loved carrying on in the ring like a carricature of himself, with a beat red face that made me think he was about to keel over in the ring and made it really hard to even watch the man, and I just kept thinking how I wish he had just retired and stayed that way. There were some amusing and good parts of the segment, such as when Lethal first came out and Desmond Wolfe's back and forth with Lethal, but then other parts of the segment just became overkill and was not working at all for me.

But I can't wait to see Macho Man Randy Savage debut at Victory Road and help Lethal win!

Good: Abyss finally turning heel, because he really was not working as the clone of Hulk Hogan. Bad: Abyss in general. The turn was done well at least and it was much needed, although I can't say I'm excited about the possibility that Abyss is now going to be somehow claimed as the number one contender and be facing RVD for the championship. Not a feud or a match I'm interested in, personally. The only way I see this working is if Sting got in Abyss's ear and is behind turning him against Hogan, although with that said I'm really not excited with Sting vs. Hogan continuing to be the center of the main event scene (even with them not physically in the main events).

Overall the show was watchable for the most part and has shown some signs of improvement over weeks ago, but there's still so much inconsistency, bad booking, and random, nonsensical stuff that I can't say it was 'good'.
I thought TNA gave us some nice surprises tonight by booking a logical wrestling show with enough matches and promos to flow evenly. I'm sure the ratings might take a dive considering Impact went up against the NBA Finals and Superstars.. Just kidding about that last part.

Bischoff started the show stripping the titles of The Band for Scott Hall's behavior. I'm glad they did because now maybe the tag team division will be worth a damn. We got some good tournament matches with Ink Inc. vs. The Band and Team 3D vs. Beer Money. Ink Inc. vs. Beer Money Inc. next week to see who faces the invisible Motor City Machine Guns at Victory Road. It would be nice to see the Machine Guns again, even if its only for one night.

Ric Flair came out with his faction now known as Fortune. I can't say I like the name because it sounds like a girl pop band. Why not call them Sparkle Motion? Someone will probably be kicked out of the group since there are 5 members, not counting Flair. This segment was hilarious with Lethal coming down. It is a crutch for Lethal to be doing his impressions, but at least its entertaining and he is winning matches for a change. This was probably one of the funniest things I have seen in TNA or anywhere else in a long time.

Wolfe vs. Lethal later on and if Wolfe loses he is out of the group. So long Wolfe.. Footage was then shown of Lacey topless wearing very little while getting a massage. I don't know why someone needs a massage before a match, but it was nice to see some rump and side boobs. I was kinda surprised about the nudity since that is most bare I can remember seeing someone on a wrestling show. Besides The Kat and Mae Young's wardrobe malfunction. Ughh.

Samoa Joe defeated Hernandez with a little help from Morgan. I am digging this set up because Morgan can continue his feud with Hernandez or even face Joe. It was a predictable finish, but Joe and Hernandez didn't lose face from it.

Doug Williams defeated Max Buck. I really enjoy William's character as the almighty technical wrestler that looks down on the X Division. Kendrick actually got some air time tonight as well coming down and attacking Williams. Wow, Flair/ Lethal promo, Lacey naked, Machine Guns getting a title shot, and Kendrick and Samoa Joe all on one show? Must be my birthday.

Angelina Love beat down Lacey Von Erich announcing she will take out one beautiful person at a time. The knockouts title match was announced at Victory Road against Madison Raye. Here is hoping that Angelina wins every match and doesn't get fired on the day of the PPV like Roxxi.

Lethal beat Wolfe as Flair ran down to the ring to capitalize on a battered Lethal. Of course Hogan can't have any of that so he has to involved himself in the spotlight. At least he isn't knocking out half of the roster this time.

Next we have the Sting and Jarrett promo. Jarrett cut a good promo against Sting, but we still haven't heard anything from Sting at all. In reality I don't know why Jeff would stick up for Hogan and Bischoff, the two men that took over your company and made you flip burgers, or have wrestling matches in a bathroom with Val Venis.

I guess I should have known all along that Sting's heel turn was because of Hogan and Bischoff joining TNA. I just thought it would be something more to it then that.

The three way main event is up with Hardy vs. Anderson vs. Abyss. I don't understand why Anderson doesn't at least want to attack Hardy. It's not like his feeling will get hurt if they wrestle each other. It's all mind games of course to "Confuse" us. I also don't know how a triple threat match for the #1 contender ship can end in a count out. The good thing coming out of this match was Abyss turning heel... sort of. It is odd considering that it just happened out of nowhere.

I'm not complaining though since the Abyss/Hogan gimmick is beyond stupid and revolting. I just hope we actually see the old school Abyss back. Not the Dr. Stevie or Eugene Abyss, the real monster Abyss. Somebody call James Mitchell! Maybe they can have Dreamer and the other ECW guys feud with him or join him in a hardcore stable. The ECW hardcore thing has been done to death, but I prefer that over the Hogan version 2 bullshit any day.

This impact was pretty impressive to me. There were a lot of matches, kinda short but they served their purpose. It looks like Victory Road is shaping up to be a pretty damn good PPV. The top ten rankings actually make sense and some matches were announced already for the PPV.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Ink Inc/ Beer Money (Tag Team Title)
Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne (Knockouts title)
Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez (Steel Cage)
Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal
Possible:Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett
Possible: Kurt Angle vs. Wolfe
Possible: Williams vs. Kenrick (X Division title)
RVD vs. Abyss? Hardy? Anderson?
Date: June 17, 2010
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Anderson’s Agenda

We open with a quick recap of Slammiversary, of which there isn’t much to say.

Bischoff says that due to Hall having some issues, the Band have been stripped of the belts and there’s a tournament to determine who gets a shot at the Guns, who still aren’t the champions.

Tag Tournament Semi-Finals: Ink Inc. vs. The Band

It’s Nash and Young here. Wait, why not have them drop the belts to the Guns? Oh that’s right: it’s TNA. We get Abyss vs. Anderson vs. Hardy for the #1 contender spot tonight. Nash and Young are dominating early on as I’m finally caught up with all this. Team 3D vs. Beer Money is the other semi-final. Neal is getting his ass kicked here.

It’s a bad sign when you need to tag in a career jobber to save you. I love that elbow Young uses from the top. Moore gets the hot tag and botches a top rope rana. Nash goes old school with the straps down but Neal spears him and Ink Inc hits the Mooregasm (I hate my life) on Young to win it.

Rating: C-. Short and sweet here with the Band being put out of the title picture for awhile as they should be I guess. They were hardly legit champions anyway so it’s not like they’re going to be missed. I still don’t get why they’re not just giving the Guns the belts in a throwaway match but whatever.

And here’s Flair with his team and he says he has a big announcement after the break.

Back from break and Chelsea wants to be with Abyss. Shoot me now.

Flair says they’re reforming the Horsemen. Instead they’re called Fortune though. Oh dear. Flair compares AJ to Arn, Kaz to Windhamd and Beer Money to Ole and Tully. Wolfe is the Lex Luger of the Horsemen. So….Flair would still be leader? Flair goes off on AJ for losing to Lethal.

Of course that brings out Lethal in a sweet suit. Ok, the Flair imitation is absolutely amazing, but can he just be Jay Lethal? I can’t tell them the difference between them if I close my eyes. They start throwing shoes at each other. THEY HAVE A WOO OFF! This is absurd but hilarious as the camera keeps jumping back and forth between them like a bad comedy movie. Wolfe cuts them off and it’s Lethal vs. Flair later.

Lacey is getting a massage.

Anderson is ready for the match.

Hernandez vs. Samoa Joe

Uh…sure. Joe has sideburns now too and they look awful on him. The familiar Joe chant starts up. I hope they mean Joe the Plumber. Hernandez hits a SWEET springboard shoulder block to take over. This is a physical match to put it mildly.

Supermex hits something close to a Pounce to put Joe on the floor but Morgan runs in for a low blow. Joe comes back in and a T-Bone Suplex ends it. Joe sees the replay and goes after Morgan as does Hernandez. He gets away and we hear Morgan vs. Hernandez in a cage at Victory Road. Ok then.

Rating: B-. Short but VERY physical. If this had gone longer it would have gone down in rating but even at this it was very fun. At times all you have to do is just have two big guys hit each other and that’s what happened here. This worked quite well.

Wolfe and AJ talk and AJ says Wolfe’s woman is gone. If Wolfe loses tonight he’s out.

Hardy and Anderson have a weird BFF moment.

Williams is here and says the old X-Division is dead. He says he’s going to make things about ground and pound etc.

Max Buck vs. Douglas Williams

These guys are still on the payroll? This is a glorified squash as Buck gets the hell beaten out of him for the most part. He gets a little bit of offense in and looks all smiley and happy. Then he gets his head slammed into the mat with a tornado DDT to end it. Kendrick comes out and chokes Williams out to a roar.

Rating: N/A. This wasn’t long enough to mean much but this worked fine for what it was supposed to do: get Williams over more and let Kendrick get his run in done.

Jarrett vs. Sting in a stern lecture match still to come.

We get a video about the action figures, complete with jokes about how they don’t look like the figures.

Love is in the ring and DAMN her boobs are epic. Tonight she gets Lacey and next week it’s her vs. Velvet and THEN at Victory Road she’s getting the title back.

Lacey Von Erich vs. Angelina Love

Do they grow these hot girls somewhere? Lacey isn’t that horrible here, but Love is destroying her as you would expect. Love hits a powerbomb and goes to get a chair. DDT on it and Lacey is more or less dead. This worked as she already has the title match so there we are.

Rating: N/A. Love’s boobs are enough to make this passable here. This was about an angle so that’s all that it needed to be. This worked.

Hogan talks to Lethal about being a star and how impressive he is. THIS is how you use Hogan right here.

Hardy says it’s about tonight, not Victory Road. And here’s Mr. Anderson for the sake of interruption. Nothing of note is said here.

Tag Tournament Semi-Finals: Team 3D vs. Beer Money

Please…don’t split them up. They argue in the aisle to the shock of no one. I hate that stupid cruiser thing Storm rides. Winner of this gets Ink Inc. This is a pretty decent match and Ink Inc. does commentary. Bubba gets chants of being a douchebag. Ink Inc (what a damn idiotic name that is) wants Team 3D to win.

Beer Money does their pose and the Dudleys smack them in the head because they have common sense. They hit the Doomsday Device but Bubba goes after the Ink guys. Storm spits beer into D-Von’s face and gets the rollup for the pin.

Rating: C-. Nothing great here but you have the old school team doing what they do best: having a simple tag team match. Beer Money vs. Ink Inc should be fine but it’s not going to light the world on fire. I’m afraid they’ll go with the titles on Beer Money to help the Fortune stable but that’s another story for later on. This was fine for what it was, which is a 4 minute tag match with an angle for an ending.

Wolfe yells at Chelsea for no apparent reason. Maybe she burned the kippers and chips to feed the redcoats for the stereotype festival.

Desmond Wolfe vs. Jay Lethal

Dreamer is here. Ok then. This is mainly about Wolfe and Chelsea though but Lethal hits that throw in the air neckbreaker thing for the win. There was maybe a minute of wrestling here and the rest was Wolfe yelling at Chelsea. Post match Wolfe beats up Lethal (throwing in a HILARIOUS growl into the camera) and here’s Flair to help with the beatdown. Hogan comes out for the save.

Rating: N/A. WAY too short to grade it here but I like that neckbreaker thing.

Hogan calls out Flair and of course it’s Flair vs. Lethal at the PPV.

10. Angle
9. Wolfe
8. Pope
7. Lethal
6. Joe
5. Sting
4. AJ

Abyss, Hardy and Anderson are some combination of the top three so there’s your main event. That’s how much notice I got for these as well: none at all. They just appeared. By the way, what has Pope actually done to deserve a spot?

Jarrett calls out Sting. He wants to see “Steve” eye to eye. That’s the second time I’ve seen Sting’s bare face on a wrestling show. Jarrett talks about how the company is theirs and so on. Then we hear a bullshit line about honor and Sting should have taken out Jarrett. There’s a rematch next week. Sure. Another PPV match on TV.

Why not? Some chick will not stop SCREAMING at the top of her lungs. Oh and the fight next week is for Bischoff and Hogan. That’s freaking idiotic but it’s TNA writing so there we go. Of course a guy trying to break Jarrett’s arm and 20 years of feuding isn’t enough for a match. We have to make it about Hogan and Bischoff. Sure, that makes PERFECT sense right?

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson

Winner gets RVD at the PPV. If this has a clean finish I may faint. This is exactly what you would expect it to be. Hardy and Anderson beat him down but can’t pick who goes for the cover so they argue/fight and Abyss comes back. Hardy beats him down as Anderson teases turning on him but goes for Abyss instead. And there’s a triple count out. Sure, why not. Abyss beats the hell out of them both after the match, I guess turning heel.

He beats the HELL out of both guys, giving Anderson a Black Hole Slam on glass and chokeslamming Hardy through the stage. Hogan comes out for the save and asks Abyss what the problem is. Abyss does the Hogan Point and shouts YOU to end the show. Nice ending and nice show.

Rating: C-. This was of course a match for an angle but since it started a big old heel turn, I can’t really complain. Ok I could but I’ll spare you this time. I’d bet on a fatal fourway for the title (original isn’t it?) which could work fairly well I suppose, but it could also lead to Abyss being the champion, which could be horrid.

Overall Rating: B. This was VERY good overall. The main event left us hanging, there was a new stable formed, the tag titles I guess you could say changed hands, Angelina’s boobs looked great and we set up more Sting vs. Jarrett. This show worked very well, but with Game 7 of the NBA Finals going up against it, this will be lucky to get a .5. Good show though.
The critique by Suneeboy was pretty spot on, though, despite not having seen it.

Jeff Jarrett and Sting have a confrontation and promote their match next week. Okay, great, at least TNA's continuing a storyline and being somewhat consistent in it. There's girls screaming in the background that makes the segment utterly f'cking annoying to sit through. Then we have Jarrett, who is not entertaining or compelling in the least and did nothing to make me interested in this segment or excited about the match. Jarrett's fighting for Hogan and Bischoff, trying to trick the fans into backing him up and backing Hogan/Bischoff, when I've known for months now it seems how this stories playing out, how it's going to end, and the 'mysterious' twist that's coming, which isn't really a twist to me at all. Maybe if Sting had added more to the segment it would've come off better, but he didn't.

Angelina Love vs. Lacey Von Eric was fine for what it was. TNA desperately needed Love back, so it's good to see her back and right into the title picture again. The match was nothing special, but Lacey was less horrible this week in the ring (but there wasn't much to mess up, really). Love purposely gets dq'd to send a statement to the Beautiful People and a warning to the champion, Madison Rayne. I predict Madison Rayne will be losing the title at Victory Road, because as I've mentioned before I feel like Rayne was only champion to begin with because she was the only option and a transition while waiting for Love to return and get the championship.

What are they doing with Samoa Joe? I am so fed up with the inconsistency of TNA's writing and their use of talent. Samoa Joe disappears for how long? Nothing's explained, not even when he returns and starts attacking random people and laying them out. The old Samoa Joe is back, yay! Except that nothing's explained! This week Joe was used as nothing but a side note to the feud between Morgan and Hernandez and Joe's supposed 'storyline' has all been but forgotten. No explanation, no reason to care, and by now an explanation would just annoy people because it's been so long people just don't care. It's like explaining something that happened several season's ago on a show, the time when it was relevant and mattered is far past and the opportunity was missed. Samoa Joe is back to his old self, but yet that "good" is countered by the fact they're doing absolutely nothing with him, he's not even used for weeks, doesn't show up on ppvs at all, and he's basically just wandering right now with no purpose and no reason to really care about his character at all. Horrible writing and horrible use of Joe.

The tag team tournament began tonight, which is a good thing. I always enjoy tournaments and a bit of focus placed on a championship in this way. So we have Ink Inc. against the Band. Ink Inc. can only be over in the Impact zone, and quite honestly they're neither very good nor are they deserving, in my opinion, of this push they seem to be getting. What the hell has Moore ever done to deserve this push, except to be friends with Jeff Hardy? The guys average in the ring, his character is annoying, and I can't see anyone caring whether he has a job or not.. and yet he and the rookie Neal, whose unimpressive in the ring, entirely green, bland and uninteresting, are getting a push. They beat the Band and I pray that Brother Ray interferes in their match next week so they lose because they do NOT deserve to be competing for the championships over Beer Money. No way in hell.

Beer Money finally gets a win! They beat Team 3D; except they're booked to look weak doing it. The 3D was coming to end the match when Brother Ray notices Ink Inc. on commentary so he LEAVES the ring, forgets about the match, and walks off to leave his partner alone with both members of Beer Money. Even with the advantage of two against one Beer Money STILL has to spit beer in the face of D-Von and roll him up to cheat to win, because the two of them can't just double team him and take him out by sheer force. Cheating to win when it wasn't even needed? Priceless.

So, the eradict booking of TNA once again surprises us and continues an angle they've been building for several weeks (except it's an angle no one gives a crap about). I doubt ANYONE wants to see Team 3D split up and feud, so I'm praying that doesn't happen. It was attempted once before and neither of them can get over on their own, so they really need to be a tag team by necessity alone. Ink Inc. vs. Team 3D doesn't interest me in the least, but I'm quite happy to see Beer Money actually doing something beyond being jobbed to everyone and I'm very happy to see them in the finals of this tournament and hopefully going on to face the Motorcity machine Guns.

Oh, by the way, where the hell are the Motorcity Machine Guns? They haven't been see for weeks now. The team that's facing the winner of the tournament at the next ppv and competing for the TNA Tag Team championship haven't been used or even seen for WEEKS. Unbelievable.

Another Four Horsemen stable was born in TNA tonight! Now, I am and always have been a HUGE fan of both 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen. I've been a fan since I was a kid. I didn't enjoy the first part of the segment at all. One of the reasons Evolution worked and became such a great stable was the fact they were a clone in many ways of the Four Horsemen, but they never needed to reference the Four Horsemen or compare themselves to the Four Horsemen. They became an entity of their own, not just a rehash of something else. This stable, Fortune, had potential but I feel like they're beginning it in the worst way possible and portraying it as just a second rate version of arguable the greatest stable in wrestling history (my top stable, anyway).

Not only that but watching Ric Flair tonight constantly being his own mark, revolving the entire angle around him and his legacy really, completey killed the segment for me. I watched the legendary Ric Flair I've loved carrying on in the ring like a carricature of himself, with a beat red face that made me think he was about to keel over in the ring and made it really hard to even watch the man, and I just kept thinking how I wish he had just retired and stayed that way. There were some amusing and good parts of the segment, such as when Lethal first came out and Desmond Wolfe's back and forth with Lethal, but then other parts of the segment just became overkill and was not working at all for me.

But I can't wait to see Macho Man Randy Savage debut at Victory Road and help Lethal win!

Good: Abyss finally turning heel, because he really was not working as the clone of Hulk Hogan. Bad: Abyss in general. The turn was done well at least and it was much needed, although I can't say I'm excited about the possibility that Abyss is now going to be somehow claimed as the number one contender and be facing RVD for the championship. Not a feud or a match I'm interested in, personally. The only way I see this working is if Sting got in Abyss's ear and is behind turning him against Hogan, although with that said I'm really not excited with Sting vs. Hogan continuing to be the center of the main event scene (even with them not physically in the main events).

Overall the show was watchable for the most part and has shown some signs of improvement over weeks ago, but there's still so much inconsistency, bad booking, and random, nonsensical stuff that I can't say it was 'good'.

Can you tell me exactly what you know about booking.I mean what show have you booked, have I ever seen one of these shows.boy some of you guys aint very realistic as to what they can do in eighty six minutes of t.v. time.for alot you if you don't get what you want then its a bad show despite it being very good or even great.
I haven't watched Impact in week's so I guess I'm not able to really state an opinion that has the same amount of substance that someone who actually saw the show would.

I've read the spoilers/results, and it continues to be a show of confusion, where there are left turns at every corner. People are turning heel and face out of no where, and complete randomness overtakes the show. Stories from a week to week basis don't seem to flow, and this Impact didn't help to answer any questions. What it seemed to do was have us ask more questions, but not in a compelling suspenseful way, but in a way that confuses the audience.

It's almost like we are to forget the nonsense that just occurred, and except the new twist on the angle (Abyss' heel turn), as if it just wasn't a shit show 5 minutes ago. No, that doesn't fix the problem. What Impact needs is more great wrestling, and less nonsense and randomness. Getting rid of Taz would also help.

I am sorry for myself for saying this, but I agree with everything Mark Madden says in his rants. Every. Single. Word. Unless it comes off differently on TV, there is nothing compelling about TNA Impact.

If you didn't see the show, then why waste your time commenting. This is for reviews. Basically you just came in here and said, "Hey I didn't watch the movie, but I read the script....". Listen to how you sound. Watch the show and comeback with a review. Other then that, this is irrelevant.

Now back to the review which is what this thread was for. Decent show. I like the 4tune name. It's clever. Flair and Lethal's interaction was pure entertainment. Looking at Lacey Von Eric was a highlight. Gorgeous chick. It may not be much but I thought I'd note that she's improved in the ring. Ink Ink being pushed so fast to the tag title picture after only becoming a team from no where is not something I'm raving about but I do appreciate TNA giving these 2 a chance and trying to push new people. When Beer Money came together who thought they'd be so great, so you never know what may come of Ink Ink down the line if TNA remains consistent with their push. Sting/Jarrett confrontation left more to be desired but I can't wait to see what comes about the story next week between the 2 and the whole deception thing. And last but not least, Abyss' heel turn was long overdue but what made it awesome is that it was so random and unexpected. It was well executed and it just shows that when you don't know what you're going into before watching a show, you can have some appreciation for it unlike those who spoilers! and then comment on review in here. Not the greatest TNA show but decent.
I haven't watched Impact in week's so I guess I'm not able to really state an opinion that has the same amount of substance that someone who actually saw the show would.

I've read the spoilers/results, and it continues to be a show of confusion, where there are left turns at every corner. People are turning heel and face out of no where, and complete randomness overtakes the show. Stories from a week to week basis don't seem to flow, and this Impact didn't help to answer any questions. What it seemed to do was have us ask more questions, but not in a compelling suspenseful way, but in a way that confuses the audience.

It's almost like we are to forget the nonsense that just occurred, and except the new twist on the angle (Abyss' heel turn), as if it just wasn't a shit show 5 minutes ago. No, that doesn't fix the problem. What Impact needs is more great wrestling, and less nonsense and randomness. Getting rid of Taz would also help.

I am sorry for myself for saying this, but I agree with everything Mark Madden says in his rants. Every. Single. Word. Unless it comes off differently on TV, there is nothing compelling about TNA Impact.

But you have to understand, Suneeboy, that there's a context and a level of personal reaction in which all of this takes place on television that doesn't translate or make it seem so contrived when you read about it in a spoiler that you're not taking into account here.

Spoilers can't help convey the reaction of a particular moment/segment –*namely of the crowd, the announcers or the wrestlers involved – outside of simply stating the obvious. For example, if Abyss turns heel and Hogan is shocked, the spoiler will read "Hogan comes out and is shocked", but what you won't take away from it is just how shocked, and just how much the crowd plays off the moment and just how well it works as a televised script/angle because you've already prejudged the segment as a failure despite ever having even see it based solely on how it was (poorly) described by someone else.

While I can understand your concerns and can even appreciate you not particularly liking the current incarnation of TNA, it does seem a little silly to be writing a review of a program you never actually watched – especially when you haven't based your opinion off anything else but someone else's opinion cleverly disguised as a report in the first place.
TNA iMPACT! - June 17, 2010

Thumbs Up

The Band vs. Ink Inc. - The overall match was pretty solid, nothing particularly memorable but a solid opener and, at roughly 6 minutes, the longest match of the show last night. I'm not totally sold on Ink Inc. but I do like the fact that TNA is FINALLY starting to give young talent a push. It also looks as though EY and Nash might be heading back to the singles division.

Douglas Williams Promo - I've found myself liking Williams a little more as the weeks go by. He's confident on the mic and pretty good overall. Even while he's "bashing" the X-Division, he's simultaneously putting it over and gives me the impression that he not only gives a damn but likes being the champ. Williams is easily the best to hold the X-Division strap in close to two years.

Team 3D vs. Beer Money, Inc. - The match was ok and nothing special at just a little over 4 minutes. It was little more than a throwaway match to build up the feud with Bubba and Ink Inc. and to probably ultimately be the beginning of Team 3D breaking up. It wasn't really all that good, but it wasn't terrible so I'll give it a slight thumbs up.

Abyss' Heel Turn - While it seems like another random TNA heel turn, I have to give it a thumbs up because it can only mean that Abyss is actually going to improve. Abyss has been shit for the past few years but he's been pretty unwatchable for the last 5 months or so. A glimpse of the old Abyss was seen last night and it's tons better than what we've been seeing from him.

Thumbs Down

Fortune - The entire presentation of this last night turned me off. For one thing, the name is absolutely horrible and you could hear a pin drop in the place after Flair said it. Another thing that turned me off is that Flair tore down every guy out there with him, talked down to them as if they were a bunch of 18 year old kids wrestling their first match, and we're supposed to believe they're going to be the new dominant faction. You can't expect me to take them seriously when he tells them how Windham, the Andersons and Tully Blanchard would've kicked the crap out of them. The worst was calling Desmond Wolfe the "Lex Luger" of the group. In terms of overall ability, charisma and presence, Wolfe was the best young guy out there and is one of the best overall workers on the TNA roster. It just irks me to see him used so poorly.

Jay Lethal & Ric Flair Exchance - I'm just really getting tired of the Lethal impersonations. I wanna see what Lethal can do, not act out what other legendary wrestlers have done at this point. It added to the ridiculousness of the overall segment as Lethal and Flair took away focus from Fortune and made me take the group less seriously than before. Flair is good on the mic, as always, but how about TNA book him to actually put over those young guys? And we also get to see Jay Lethal and Flair wrestle at Victory Road. Wow..I get to watch Jay Lethal beat up on a may 34 years older than he is.

Samoa Joe vs. Hernandez - This match went only for about 2 minutes and some change and felt like a complete throwaway from the very beginning. The match was little more than filler and I just think they could've done something else to push along the Hernandez/Matt Morgan feud than having him interfere and make the match a real waste.

Angelina Love vs. Lacey Von Erich - The Knockout Division is just...well it just sucks, that's really all I can say. The match was...well it had Lacey Von Erich in it so that's really all there is to say. I do have to say that Lacey is a stunning woman, seriously and watching her make her way to the ringside area was the highlight of the match in and of itself.

Jay Lethal vs. Desmond Wolfe - The match lasted about 2 minutes and Desmond Wolfe loses yet again. I honestly can't remember the last time that he won a match. He's too good to be put in these situations. Hogan must hate the guy or something. Between the thing with Wolfe bickering with Chelsea, Tommy Dreamer taking his seat in the audience, it just...meh. Piss break.

Jeff Jarrett & Sting Confrontation - I just haven't really been able to get into this feud. I'm just over it really. I'm at a point that I just ultimately don't care about what's caused Sting's heel turn as the bloom is off the rose. He's a heel now, so move on I guess. Jarrett was solid on the mic, but just listening to him preach at Sting without Sting saying a single word just didn't do it for me. I know TNA wants us to care about this, but I really don't.

Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Abyss - The ending of this match was the only part of it that was worth anything, as I gave Abyss' heel turn a thumbs up. Four minute triple threat matches just don't work all that well and they especially don't work on a count out. I might be wrong but I think that this is the first time I've seen a triple threat match end in a count out. I expect that the ending of this match will be used in some way for next week or the Victory Road ppv somehow, given that this match was supposed to determine the #1 contender for the TNA Championship.

Overall Show - Thumbs Down - As with the usual pattern of TNA the past few weeks, there were some bright spots that happened but weren't enough to outweigh the darkness. A second hand attempt at recreating the Four Horsemen with Flair tearing down some of the top workers in TNA instead of building them up and shitty matches pulled the whole thing down for me. I give the overall show a 5 out of 10.
So I watched my first TNA show in months tonight.

I have to say that the starting tag team match was pretty okay, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary in a tag team match, but it was decent, I would've liked to see Eric young and Kevin Nash proceed in the tournaments although, must be because I've never been too high on Shannon Moore, and I find his current look to be ridiculous, Shannon was great, when he was Matt's lackey, that's the only time I've liked him.

I loved the segment with Fortune in there, I can't help but chuckle a little bit over the fact that when Flair mentioned The Four Horsemen, people cheered, Fortune, no reaction whatsoever.

I didn't really like too much how Ric Flair started to basically rant on The Four Horsemen and how they were back in the days, because Fortune should be focusing on Fortune, not to be The Four Horsemen, but be Fortune, it's the same with A.J Styles trying to be Ric Flair, it's not working, because they're trying to reach a level they couldn't possibly achieve.

I loved Jay Lethal, first time I've seen one of his impersonations, and he damn well sounded like Ric Flair, I can see why Flair loves this guy, and would want him to get a push, hell I'd even go as far as to say Jay Lethal does a better Flair.. than Flair, but that might be an odd one, so let's call it a draw.

And I actually admit that Jay Lethal took the words out of my mouth, saying they are no Four Horsemen, I don't know whether he has in the past, but he should run a promo on A.J being no Ric Flair.

Flair looks awful taking off his shirt every time, he needs to stay in the suit, hides his sloppy body, now it's no bash to Flair, because he's old, but for the love of god, no need to display your flaws to the world.
And him getting redder and redder in the head, he looked like he's about to pop a vein, or five.

That promo is probably one of the best promos I've seen in a LONG time, I love Ric Flair's promos, two of them at once, how the hell is anybody gonna compete with that? give me two Roddy Piper's or Roddy Piper and Ric Flair, and we got a close one.

Awful camera angles although during the woo'ing.

I wonder how Nigel failed a WWE screening, what does a WWE screening involve? he's no failure in the ring, or on the microphone.

By god, going from one of the best promos in a long time, to perhaps the best toe to head view I've seen in a long time on wrestling, Lacey Von Erich, that girl has so much going for her, hottest thing in the wrestling business today most likely, I'm loving The Beautiful People, probably one of the only things I've consistently followed from TNA.

Samoa Joe vs Hernandez was a pretty decent match, again nothing out of the ordinary, I liked Matt Morgan's interference, always liked Matt, especially around his feud with Kurt Angle, it's a shame WWE let him go, what a waste by them.

I know me and IDR discussed a face-turn by A.J, the backstage segments suggests anything but that, because his attitude just shines heel, TNA would need to change up on him if they're to make him a face again.

Still not liking the camera angles, especially during the Hardy - Anderson backstage thing, looked way too much like some reality interview thing, I know TNA has some of that going, at least I think they do, but I'm not too fond of it, but I loved the "asshole" "yes I am" while I know it was a little annoying with the whole chanting he got the crowd doing some weeks back, I can't help but laugh at it when he uses it occasionally.

I'm not too fond of Douglas Williams' promo, it sounded a little boring, but nonetheless decent, Generation Me looks an awful lot like a thin Matt Hardy, especially the pants and entrance.
They had a pretty good match, short but good, I can see why the X-Division is so highly prided, reminds me of the Cruiserweight Division in WWE, lots of great athletes with great matches.
Brian Kendrick doesn't cut it as the brutal guy he displayed last night, he does really just scream too much of a Spanky like character, which was probably his best thing.

Angelina Love is pretty decent on the microphone, she looks hot, but she's nothing compared to Velvet and Lacey really, I know she made her solo entrance last night, but god damn she could do that entrance all by her self and it'd still be almost as hot, she does an awful rope entrance although, should really focus on that ass.

Awful match really, but then again, it's female wrestling, so I can't really expect much can I? doesn't spell well for the knockout division to impress me on others than looks, last time I watched TNA at least they had decent matches.

Jeff Hardy backstage, always liked Jeff on the microphone at least, and in the ring, but not as much as on the microphone, he has a certain intensity mixed with chill that you just can't deny him, Anderson mixed in there just keeps it entertaining, odd that TNA chooses to discuss Matt Hardy, Matt doesn't discuss TNA and Jeff.

The tag team match between Beer Money and The Dudley's were pretty decent, still never liked The Dudley's, I find them overrated, but the match was decent and that's all that matters.

I think it's a shame that Desmond had to loose that match due to Chelsea, way too much concentration on what could've been perhaps match of the night, or an overall great match to say the least, too short to consider decent.

Hogan needs to stay backstage, and not talk about how TNA is on fire, TNA isn't pulling the ratings that should allow them to scream "We're on fire" they burned themselves against RAW, so Hogan, shhh.

And to say that Jay Lethal is on the main event level of Ric Flair is bullshit, while I don't know the status of Jay, I definitely don't believe anything about Ric Flair and Jay Lethal being on the same level, or well maybe, Jay Lethal is on the level of an old man, that's not exactly something to brag about.

Jeff Jarrett and Sting seems like a decent feud, two "big" (" " due to Jeff not exactly being a big name) of the business, and while I don't know the background of this feud, I still believe it seems pretty interesting.

Good promo from Jeff, I don't get why TNA wants Sting to be so silent again although, like recreating the 90's Sting, what's gonna happen now? he's gonna come out in a couple of weeks with a sign saying "I want Ric Flair", Kurt? Abyss? who? why?..

Anderson announcing himself, I'm curious, isn't that like gimmick infringement? the self announcing wrestler? wasn't that WWE? self made gimmick? I don't know, I'm loving it although.

I'm not liking Abyss, still screams Mick Foley rip off to me, awfully boring guy as well.

Decent match they had, I'm not getting the ending although, isn't Triple Threat matches supposed to be non disqualification matches? decent beat down afterwards although, definitely seems like Abyss is turning heel once more.

Decent show, I was actually surprised to how much I enjoyed it as opposed to what I would've thought of it, it wasn't great, but it wasn't bad, the promo between Flair and Lethal saved the majority of the show, my score is: C+
TNA iMPACT! scored a 0.9 cable rating against Game 7 of the NBA finals, with 1,215,000 viewers. credit to Tnawrestlingnews.com. The rating is down from last week which got a 1.0 but this still a pretty good rating considering most people thought the rating would to drop to 0.7 to 0.8 range going up against Game 7 of the NBA finals. I am very happy wit the rating that they got
I enjoyed the majority of Impact this week - the flair/lethal promo was the funniest thing i've seen on tv for ages - but I do have a few gripes.

First - and this isn't a big gripe but it still left me scratching my head - when Willams was doing the beat down on Max Buck why did Kendrick come out to make the save? I know they are fueding but wouldn't it have made more sense to have Jeremy Buck come out seeing as he's Max's brother and tag team partner? I can understand them wanting Kendrick to come out and "beat williams at his own game" but at least have Jeremy come out and try to make the save, have williams beat him down and then have Kendrick come out. They would have achieved the same result and it would have made more sense.

Secondly, will someone please shut that screaming girl up! I noticed/heard her during Slammiversary too and it annoyed the hell out of me. It's not like she's even doing it at appropiate times - "oh, Jeff Jarret is talking, i'm going to scream like teenage girl frigging myself at a Jonas Brothers concert". Also, TNA filmed next week's impact the night after so you just know she's going to be on next week's show too. If I was stood next next to her i'd punch her in the face and really give her something to scream about.

Lastly, and this is the main thing that didn't make sense, since when can a triple threat match end in a countout? The rules to a triple threat are you win by pinfall or submission - there's no DQ and no countout. TNA have also done similar with cage matches. I can understand that they didn't want a winner and they wanted the abyss heel turn but they could have done all of that without having the countout. Anderson ended up a bloody mess in the ring and Hardy ended up through the stage floor so the match could have ended with neither Anderson nor Hardy able to continue whilst abyss didn't WANT to continue so the match is ruled as a no contest. That is way more acceptable than a countout. They would have got the result they wanted and it would have made more sense.

Why can't TNA just get someone in who knows something about wrestling?! And surely Hardy has been in the business long enough and has enough clout to say that that ending doesn't work and to suggest something different? I read another thread asking if Heyman is secretly already working in TNA - well, there's your answer!
Overall, I liked the last impact (17 June 2010). It was not perfect, but it was good enough to keep me watching from beginning to end, and what's more it made me interesting to watch next week.

One complain is about a Flair vs Lethal segment. I think it was just too long. It was funny at the beginning, but later it just become ridiculous. The idea of the match Flair va Lethal at the PPV is also stupid. It makes no sense for me to have a match between 25 years old guy and 61 grampa.

Another complain is Sting vs Jarrett confrontation. This segment begun very strong! Especially, I liked when Jarrett sad "you are wrong about both of them ...". It took few more sentenced before he actually said he meant Hogan and Bischoff. I really like that it was left to the viewers to figure out who "both of them" are. And I think only fans that remember nWo times would know that. This was clearly targeted toward older fans. Very nice.
However, the fact that Jarrett will fight Sting to defend honor of Hogan and Bischoff was stupid. Jarrett also had a history with hogan (i.e. Bash at the Beach, 2000) and back in Jan this year Bischoff was humiliating Jarrett. So why Jarrett suddenly wants to fight for hogan and Bischoff? I don't know. Also, what happen with Sting's deception angle? Did they abandon it?

Any way, I look forward to the next Impact!
So then, after watching and enjoying Slamiversary I'm confronted with one of the most boneheaded backward thinking promos I've ever seen in wrestling. Ric Flair is starting a new group, he say's they're called Fortune and compares them to the Four Horsemen. The ****ing imbocile then goes on to ****ING BURY every single member of his new stable. Basically he tells AJ he's a pussy, tell's Beer Money that Ole Anderson would eat them for breakfast and tell's Kaz that he's not fit to lick Arn Andersons boots. He then tells Desmonde ****ing Wolfe that he's the Lex Luger of the group. Seriously.

Are people just blind to this sort of stupidity? If someone wrote this they need shooting, if Flair ad libbed it he needs a ****ing muzzle. He's supposed to put these ****ers over not bury them. The segment then continues into (admittedly quite amusing) back and forth dialogue between Flair and Lethal, that went on for way too long and mostly involved Flair bellowing above everybody else and putting himself over as per usual. Absolute rubbish.

Also are Sting and Jarret really feuding again? It's like it's 2007...or 2008...or 2009 again. Also I love the way Jarret's doing this for Eric Bischoff, the guy who had him flipping burgers a few months ago.
Date: June 24, 2010
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Monster on the Loose

Hogan comes out and calls out Abyss. It’s going to be Abyss vs. Hardy vs. Anderson vs. RVD at the PPV. Abyss says that someone is coming that will take over TNA and there’s nothing Hogan or anyone can do about it. Abyss rips off the ring and literally shoves it into Hogan’s mouth and chokes him down. He gets the glass out but here’s RVD. He gets beaten down. And here’s Anderson with a chair. That doesn’t work either even though Abyss lets him pop him with the chair.

Hogan and Bischoff can’t believe that a PSYCHO named Abyss that shot his father and loves glass and barbed wire went crazy. The brilliance here astounds me.

The Beautiful People argue about Angelina Love.

Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky

The main event is Anderson vs. Abyss in a No DQ match. Sky actually gets in some offense here but you can feel the ending coming. It’s mostly Sky here as Love’s arm looks bruised. Love gets a chair like she did last week but it doesn’t connect. Wow this is sloppy. I know the WWE is also, but damn this is almost Candice Michelle levels. Ok no it’s not that bad but whatever. Love counters a DDT into one of her own on the chair for the DQ. At least they did the right ending.

Rating: N/A. This was a continuation of the angle last week which at least makes sense but at the same time this was sloppy as all hell. They’re setting up the PPV well enough though so I can’t really complain. This was too short to mean much but I’m sure there wasn’t much meaning here anyway.

Lethal’s brother is here. I’m sure nothing bad will happen to him at all.

Nash and Young are in the back. I still don’t get why they couldn’t keep the tag belts.

Matt Morgan is here. He says he told us so. What did he tell us? Ah that he was going to leave Slammiversary with a win. SuperMex is in Mexico this week so Morgan calls him out. There’s a cage match at the PPV between them and Homicide jumps Morgan. He does the kick to the head to the post that he did to Hernandez.

AJ cowers before Flair and talks about a package of some sort. They’re looking for someone, who I would bet is either Lethal or related to him.

Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal

Lethal is number seven in the rankings and Kaz is unranked. Those things make my head hurt so I’ll drop it at that. After about a minute we see Lethal’s brother getting beaten up by the WORST chops I’ve ever seen. This turns into a pretty technically sound match with Lethal hitting a SWEET side roll for two. Kaz goes for the piledriver thing but Lethal counters into the throw in the air neckbreaker thing he’s been doing which finally has a name: the Lethal Injection.

Rating: B. This was very fast paced and fun as hell. The more I see of Lethal as himself the more I think of him which is something I didn’t expect. This was very well done and a nice showcase of what the young guys can do.

Flair and AJ pop up on the screen and beat the brother up even more. Lethal stands there for a bit before going to the back and taking us to a break.

Jarrett is coming to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting

Sting is in the rafters so we go up. Jarrett beats the hell out of Sting and of course Sting is really in the ring. It’s 1999 all over again as Sting destroys him and says something about if you stand with them you’ll fall with them. No match obviously.

We recap Angle vs. Wolfe from back in October. Ah there’s actually a point to this.

Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

Alas, if only Wolfe had a snowball’s chance in hell here. Chelsea is with him despite her costing him a bunch and turning on him at least once. Naturally this is technically sound as you have two greats in there. Wolfe gets a NICE reversal to a wristlock and slams Kurt into the mat with it in a nice one.

This is of course a damn good match as Wolfe is allowed to actually do something impressive in the ring for once. He hits some decent stuff but the Tower of London is blocked into the Angle Slam. The leg lace Ankle Lock ends it.

Rating: B. Very fast paced and solid stuff here, but the lack of drama hurts it a lot I think. Wolfe is the epitome of wasted potential in this company and it’s matches like these that make that so very painful to realize. Wolfe looked great of course and had a solid wrestling match. This worked and it’ll likely be the last good match he has for awhile.

Anderson promises to teach Abyss how to wrestle. There’s more jokes there than there is paper to write them on.

We see a video of Williams vs. Kendrick and Williams is in the ring. Williams calls Kendrick out and Kendrick says he wants an Ultimate X match that you can also win by submission. Uh…actually that makes sense. Williams of course tries to jump him and yet Kendrick hooks the cobra clutch and gets the tap out.

Abyss again talks about how they are coming. If it’s the ECW guys I don’t know what I’ll do.

Ink Inc and 3D fight in the back….again. D-Von shoves Bubba and yells at him.

Tag Championship Series: Beer Money vs. Ink Inc.

Neal is out in the back so it’s 2-1. The Guns are on commentary, making their token appearance this month. Dreamer, Richards and Raven come into the crowd. Neal comes out holding his head. This is kind of a mess but kind of not. Neal can barely move so at least he can sell. Moore hits a nice dive over the top to take out Roode. Storm misses a super kick but the Mooregasm is blocked. I still hate that name. DWI ends it.

Rating: C-. Not bad but just kind of a meh match. It was fairly obvious Beer Money would win, but I will say this: Ink Inc isn’t nearly as bad as I expected them to be. I don’t like either guy, but there’s a weird thing of them complimenting each other and it works very well for them. I still don’t like them, but they know what they’re doing and it works to an extent.

AJ and Kaz do a fairly stupid bit as AJ gets an AJ action figure delivered to the arena for some reason.

Mr. Anderson vs. Abyss

This is hardcore which means very little. There isn’t much at all to say here as Anderson dominated for the most part. Somehow for a ten minute match, this wasn’t much. As was said in the LD, for a falls count anywhere match this didn’t really go anywhere.

Anderson gets some nice shots with the kendo stick but once we get in the ring Abyss realizes he’s the monster heel and goes insane (er…maybe he went sane. It’s hard to tell with him) and hits Shock Treatment which has to hurt like hell for the pin. Post match they fight up to the ramp and Abyss throws him off. Hogan comes out and pops him with a chair that does nothing at all. The point and YOU end the show.

Rating: D. Total and complete nothing here. This was a hardcore match and the hardcore element was a kendo stick. For a regular match it’s probably a C or so. For a hardcore match it was bad. Anderson used a Swanton in it also which was a “tribute.” Ok then. Abyss had to win this but it looked for awhile like he wouldn’t, which isn’t a good sign I don’t think but at least the ending worked.

Overall Rating: C-. This was about furthering the angles and that worked to the letter. The wrestling is passable only though and the overall product was just kind of annoying. We get more of the constant talk of THEY are coming and it makes you realize it’s going to be a letdown.

Sting/Jarrett was just pointless as NOTHING has changed this week between the two. Also, Anderson used Hardy tribute moves because of his injuries. These bromances are getting a bit irritating but whatever. Not terrible, but they’ve done better lately and this was a step down I think.
Did you see iMPACT! last week? Then you already saw iMPACT! this week. The same shit happens except with the other Beautiful People tag partner replacing their partner who was put out of commission last week and the other Enigmatic Assholes tag partner replacing their partner who was put out of commission last week. This whole episode was an awful spoonful of deja vu.

Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot to mention how Morgan did the same carbon footprint boot of the head into the ring post to the former tag team partner of the guy he did it to not long ago. Bubba and Ink Inc also brawled in the back again! JJ went up to the rafters so he can fight with Sting on the stairs AGAIN!! But of course it was a fake Sting because the real Sting was in the ring all along AGAIN!!! COME THE FUCK ON!!!!!
This week's episode of Impact seemed as if they took last week's script and just altered it slightly, nothing more. That is obviously not a good thing. I have no interest in Hulk Hogan or Abyss, so the two of them opening the show was not exactly something that drew me in and made me want to watch Impact. There's an Invasion coming (oh joy!) and I have a pretty good feeling it'll be a complete let down (since it's TNA we're talking about) and it'll probably be Tommy Dreamer and some ECW rehash behind it all. That's just what we need!

Angelina Love vs. Beautiful People happened last week. This week's match was a different Beautiful People but the same outcome, and the match was also rather poor quality just like last week, too. I noticed after the match while Angelina Love and Madison Rayne were shouting back and forth that Madison Rayne, for being in the "Beautiful People" really isn't very pretty. I really have no interest in the Knockouts division anymore or this title match at the PPV, although it's been built up the past several weeks as well as it can possibly be.

Nice to see Jay Lethal really coming out of his shell and becoming his own person, without bad gimmicks holding him back. He's really impressing me lately and I think he's definitely running with the ball he's been given. I can't say I'm excited about Lethal vs. Flair though, but Lethal better be going over the 60-something year old.

I don't give two shits about this Jarrett/Sting feud, and I was really thinking during this whole segment just how convoluted TNA is right now. They have so many storylines happening and many of them never have any true resolution and I really think they should think about less being more. Basically nothing much was furthered with this angle and Sting just repeated what he's been doing for weeks now in a slightly altered way. Oh my what's going to happen next!?

I'm quite happy Ink Inc. lost to Beer Money and the Tag Team Championship match at the PPV should definitely be a good one. And finally we see the Motorcity Machine Guns on an Impact show! The match wasn't anything special, but it built up to a good result at least.

I hate TNA for how they're using Desmond Wolfe right now. In every way, even with Chelsea, everything about it is just bad right now. Desmond Wolfe has been made out to be nothing but a jobber, and is just a one night roadblock for Angle to continue his 'angle'. I'm so disappointed with this it's unbelievable.. you have a guy who the fans want to see and are clearly behind, you have a phenomenal heel whose something different and interesting and he even had a good thing going with his valet before they fucked that whole thing up, and instead of pushing the guy who could be a top heel and a great addition to the main event scene they're instead doing everything to bury him it feels like. Unbelievable. Will this madness ever end?

And the show ends exactly the way it did last week. If someone only caught the very end of this week's Impact, with Abyss facing Hogan and pointing his finger at him, they'd likely question whether they were seeing a replay of last week's episode. It actually reminded me of something Chris Jericho (or maybe Eddie Guerrero) said on the documentary of the Monday Night Wars. He was referencing WCW and was saying how the show got to the point you didn't know what month it was because every show seemed the same. That's not a good omen for TNA!
This week's Impact kinda lost its luster compared to the last few weeks. The matches weren't really memorable this week. I actually think Abyss is even worst as a heel now then as a face. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that the ridiculous Hogan suck up gimmick is over with, but the way Abyss was turned last week was uneventful. Abyss should of gave Hogan the black hole slam instead. I know Hogan is fragile, but if he is spry enough to get in the ring, he should be able to take one bump.

Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe was a nice surprise while it lasted. Its just a shame that these 2 had the hottest feud going in TNA 7 months ago, and now Wolfe is just a shell of his former self. Kurt Angle is plowing through the rankings. I guess his next opponent is The Pope. This should be a good match, but shouldn't Pope get a win? The man has been off television so long that the fans have forgotten him. Hopefully Pope can achieve a few wins before taking on Angle.

The Angelina Love vs. Beautiful People feud has been done too much now. I really hope the beautiful people split, or Angelina joins Velvet again. The knockouts have just really been watered down for months now after all the talent has left. Another feud that has been done to death is Sting vs. Jarrett. When will these guys actually have a match? If Sting is really injured then he shouldn't be in the ring or wasting television time. I'm sure Samoa Joe or the Machine Guns would be more then happy to fill in for him.

Kazarian vs. Lethal was good but predictable. The only member of the Fortune team that got a win last Thursday was Beer Money. A cheap win at that. Williams cut a good promo on Kendrick, but I just got lost trying to decipher what Kendrick was saying. I think he was lost too since he was stumbling over his words. Kendrick gets loud chants in the impact zone, but he works more effectively as a heel.

The main event wasn't anything special. Abyss teased earlier in the night that "They were coming"! Then we see Tommy Dreamer, Raven, and Stevie Richards sitting together. When you put two and two together its pretty obvious who "they" are. When "they" are finally revealed as the ones that turned Abyss will anyone care that its the obvious Raven, Dreamer, Richards, and possibly Foley? I'm a big fan of all the former ECW guys, but that was 10 years ago.

This impact wasn't great, but the good thing is that TNA is getting steady 1.0 ratings again. I know that they were getting around the same or higher before moving to Mondays, but they faces some stiff competition last week with the NBA finals. A 1.0 isn't news, but at least it shows TNA are keeping their viewers.
No way will you eve see Hogan take any kind of slam or bump like the black hole slam. He just had back surgery. Even watching him walk down the aisle, it looks like he's struggling.
TNA iMPACT! - June 24, 2010

Thumbs Up

Opening Segment - I thought the opening of the show was pretty decent. I'm not saying that Abyss is great or anything like that yet, but it's a refreshing change from what we've seen the past few years. His work on the mic was solid and the whole "They are coming" bit has people talking and curious. Choking out Hogan was a nice touch, even though shoving the ring down his throat was a little cheesy. Laying out RVD and having Anderson run off like a bitch made Abyss look tougher than he has in a long while.

Jay Lethal vs. Kazarian - This was a good little 5 minute match. Lethal and Kazarian are both good inside the ring and I gave it a thumbs up mostly because I just think the two worked well together. Overall, I'm really kinda mixed on this. Putting these two in a match didn't make much sense to me because both of them really need wins and credibility. Kazarian has virtually none of that right now. Still, a good little match.

Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe - This was the best match of the night, though far from the epic encounters these two were having in the closing months of 2009. These two always work very well in the ring together but, kind of like Lethal/Kazarian, I'm kinda sorry this match took place. Why? Because Desmond Wolfe seems to become a little more meaningless with each passing week in TNA. Wolfe was probably the hottest debut of 2009, but it's all been downhill in 2010. Still, a good showing from these two even though it was very predictable who'd come out with the win.

Doug Williams - Doug Williams is somebody that's really grown on me. He's pretty good in the ring and he's shown himself to be quite capable on the mic. He gave a solid promo last night and he's slowly helping to bring some prestige and credibility back to the TNA X-Division Championship.

Thumbs Down

Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky - Aside from the fact that both women are beautiful, this match was just completely blah. Substitute Velvet for Lacey and it's pretty much the same match Angelina had last week. The Knockout Division is about as fresh as a week old corpse right now. It was painful watching Velvet try to awkwardly move Angelina into a position to DDT her on the chair. If TNA wants to put bad women's matches on tv, they should at least try to keep them under 90 seconds like the WWE does.

Fourtune Follow-Up - I don't know if TNA has decided to just scrap the idea of a Four Horsemen-like stable but, if they hadn't, then they've really gotten it off to a lackluster start. Having Flair dress them down like a bunch of 18 year old green bitches last week was bad enough, but there was no follow through on this week's iMPACT! and two members of the faction both lost yet another match. A good example of that half-assed booking that Kurt Angle talked about earlier in the week.

Beer Money, Inc. vs. Ink Inc. - The match was decent, but having Beer Money come out with a cheap win over Ink Inc. just made them look weak. Beer Money has been the best tag team in TNA for a few years now, three time tag champs and have to cheat to pull off a victory over two guys that've been together for a month or so? And, on the flip side, having Ink Inc. lose to Beer Money Thursday night pretty much rendered anything and everything they've done over the past few weeks irrelevant.

Brian Kendrick - Kendrick just killed the segment featuring him and Williams. This whole deep thinker/philosophical shit they've got Kendrick doing just doesn't pull me in at all. Listening to him ramble incoherently about some shit that he thinks matters gave me a painful flashback to my college days when I'd hear guys like that try to pick up girls at frat parties.

Matt Morgan Attacks Homicide - Morgan was solid on the mic, but I just wasn't feeling him Thursday night. The crowd was absolutely dead during his promo segment and, even though I don't base my enjoyment off what the crowd is doing or not doing, it's hard to ignore near dead silence. Having him do to Homicide what he did to Hernandez to "put him on the injured list" for three months was just kinda lame and felt like a good example of lazy booking.

Ric Flair & AJ Styles Attack Jay Lethal's Brother - I've never particularly been a fan of this kind of angle because it's so dull and predictable. Thursday was the first time Lethal's brother is shown on a TNA program so, of course, he's gonna wind up getting his ass beat by Ric Flair. If they'd had him appearing over the past several weeks, building it up a little and then show him getting beaten up, it would've had more of an impact with me as a viewer. But, really, it just felt like watching and old man beat up some random guy.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting - I'm just over this feud. To be honest, I haven't really gotten into it. It just hasn't interested me all that much at all. Watching them rehash the old Sting doppleganger gimmick made me feel like I was watching WCW circa 1999. It was another example of TNA teasing a wrestling match that results in not a wrestling match, but another beatdown.

Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson - This wasn't anything special really. The main events of iMPACT! for the past few months really haven't been much to brag about. It sounds like it could be a really good match on the surface, with this being a Falls Count Anywhere match, but the reality is that it was just average at best. It was a decent 6 or 7 minute match, but an FCA match that lasts under 10 minutes pretty much an automatic dud in my view.

Overall Show - Thumbs Down - I know that it might not sound like it, but I do think that TNA has improved some over the past month or so. There are actually things on the show I can stand to watch now, but the bad still outweighs the good. As with iMPACT! over the past month, there were some bright spots but they couldn't penetrate the darkness that comprised the rest of the show deeply enough. I give it a 5 out of 10.
Date: July 1, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: The Voices in My Head

We get a recap of Hogan vs. Abyss which is mainly about THEY are coming.

We open in the arena with Abyss going crazy and throwing chairs into the ring. Hogan comes out and we’re told he needs back surgery. Bicshoff comes out before anything happens and Hogan tells him to step aside. TWO security guards come in to stop things. BISCHOFF SLAPS ABYSS.

Hogan pops him with a chair which does nothing and Hardy comes out for the save. A Twist of Fate puts Abyss down but a Hogan chair shot doesn’t? He adds a Swanton for the hell of it.

AJ vs. Joe later. That should work. Abyss comes up to the announce table and points at Taz, doing the YOU thing. It’s really going to be the ECW thing isn’t it?

Abyss vs. Hardy tonight.

Ink Inc vs. Motor City Machine Guns

First match for the #1 contenders in….4 weeks? Shelley and Shannon to start which makes me think this is a Divas match for a second. This is a decently fast paced match which tells me we’re going to be done with Ink Inc soon. D-Von comes down to keep an eye on this and does commentary, saying he’s making sure Bubba doesn’t screw this up.

Neal hits Shelley with a spear for two and here’s Bubba just like the obvious would suggest. Neal gets distracted, setting up a SWEET double team move as Shelley hits Sliced Bread #2 while Sabin hits a sitout powerbomb on Neal for the pin.

Rating: C-. This was decent enough and the ending was AWESOME but seriously, the Neal/Bubba thing needs to die. It just does. No one is interested in either Dudley as a singles guy so don't try to make them interesting. Just do Ink Inc vs. 3D like you should. We've tried the Dudleys as singles guys twice and it's bombed both times. Don't waste time on it a third time.

Pope is back tonight.

Bischoff makes Abyss vs. Hardy for the main event.

Dixie is just getting here. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET TO A TV SHOW ON TIME?

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Ok, these two are usually AWESOME. Let’s see if they can manage to mess this up. Flair and Kaz come out behind AJ. That chant Joe gets every time has to be intimidating. Joe allegedly has the home field advantage….in the house that AJ built. Got it. AJ slams Joe and looks for approval from Flair. Eh that’s fine I guess. There is no one in Fourtune yet.

This is a decent back and forth match but I wish they could have it be more like their old ones without AJ constantly looking for approval. AJ goes for the figure four and gets caught in the clutch for the tap out. Post match AJ gets yelled at AGAIN by Flair. Kaz gets all smirky and I wonder what the point in making AJ into this is. AJ gets a mic and calls out Kaz for a match next week and it’s on.

Rating: B-. For only six minutes, this was solid. It’s obviously light years away from their epic wars, but this was far from bad. The post match thing showed promise for AJ which is a huge thing. Joe still looks completely directionless which is normal for him anymore but this was fine for what it was.

Dixie is with Hogan and Bischoff and in one of the funniest segments ever, Hogan calls Sting cancer, says Sting can’t handle success and says that Sting wants to destroy everything that’s successful and always has. I almost had to pause the show to clear the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. Oh and Nash had a cameo.

Brian Kendrick vs. Desmond Wolfe

This is a submission match and Williams is on commentary. Wolfe dominates early so you know that Wolfe is jobbing here again. Williams vs. Jeremy Buck next week in a ladder match. Uh….WHY? He’s having an Ultimate X match at the PPV so shouldn’t he be doing that instead? Chelsea walks off and Kendrick gets the cobra clutch on Wolfe for the eventual tap. Yep that was predictable and pay no attention to the hold looking HORRIBLE.

Rating: N/A. This was maybe two minutes long and therefore the shortest submission match I can ever think of other than against a jobber. Ah never mind as this would fall into such a category. Again, is there a point to having Wolfe job so much? I’m certainly not seeing it.

Tommy Dreamer won’t comment on attending Impact.

Pope gets a video package.

And here he is. The fans chant hallelujah. He starts crying and says he’s glad to be back and thanks everyone. He says he wants Anderson and he’ll get back to him later. He wants the title back and talks for awhile. And cue Angle. He gets far more cheers and takes the entire segment which is expected I guess. Pope is the future of TNA apparently. The match is made for Victory Road, which makes me wonder who isn’t allowed to make matches.

We recap Flair vs. Lethal and continue to see how irritating Flair is now.

Jay Lethal vs. Matt Morgan

Lethal calls out Flair and AJ but gets his opponent instead. Morgan has been asked to join Fourtune apparently. Morgan jumps him and goes for the elbows in the corner, most of which miss but whatever. After Morgan kind of dominates, Hernandez comes out and causes the distraction so that a missile dropkick can end Morgan.

Rating: C-. This was too short to mean anything but it was just about setting up the angle at the end with Hernandez. It’s kind of a head scratcher but for a few minutes long, this was fine for what it did. Lethal got to yell at Flair and Hernandez cost Morgan a match so that all adds up.

Abyss makes a 2x4 with nails in it.

Madison Rayne vs. Taylor Wilde

WOW the champions is actually wrestling! I don’t believe it. This is of course not very good. It’s nice to see some fresh blood in there though so I’ll give them that. We lay around a lot as the ECW guys, this time plus Rhyno, show up to completely take away the spotlight from the match at hand as everyone cheers for ECW.

In a funny line Taz points out that none of these guys liked him in ECW anyway. Rayne hits that knee to the back of the head on Wilde to win it. Love comes out and beats her up with a chair.

Rating: N/A. This was bad but what do you expect really? The crowd only cared about the ECW guys and the match was awful. Love more or less has to win at the PPV but where does the division go from there? I have no clue at all but I doubt they do either.

Sarita beats the crap out of Wilde for no apparent reason other than a heel turn. She looks good in black too.

We run down the Victory Road card to waste some time.

Dixie finds Sting and he asks if she gets it now. She blames Sting for everything and she suspends him for 30 days without pay. Sting says she’s been conned but won’t explain. Dixie isn’t listening apparently. He’s about to explain and here’s Bischoff with security to get rid of Sting. He says let’s just make it indefinite instead of 30 days.

Abyss vs. Jeff Hardy

Van Dam is referee here. We get rid of the 2x4 board almost immediately. The ECW guys are gone too. Abyss takes over and that lasts only a bit as Abyss loses focus. This is fairly back and forth and is getting some time. Jeff “hits” a “Twist of Fate” but doesn’t get the Swanton. And then the Swanton does hit and gets the completely clean pin. Oh sure…why not. Anderson comes in for the save with a chair but accidently hits Hardy and takes Shock Treatment to end the show with Abyss standing tall.

Rating: C-. Eh nothing great here but nothing horrible either. The booking makes next to no sense here but it’s TNA so what do you expect? Abyss standing tall to end the show would be a lot better if he hadn’t gotten pinned in about seven minutes more or less clean but whatever. This did its job….I think.

Overall Rating
: C. This was a different kind of show but it had one thing going very well for it: there was a point to just about everything here. The angles were almost all advanced or at least addressed which is good. The wrestling mostly sucked, but the main thing here was that they had a coherent story.

There was some unintentional comedy which you have to expect here, mainly in the form of the Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie segment which was just great. The rest of the show was solid and Sting STILL not explaining is like a running joke now. This was a good show I guess, but they really need to upgrade the wrestling.
Pretty good show tonight. There were a lot of great potential match ups that didn't last that long like Wolfe vs. Kendrick and Styles vs. Joe. The Machine Guns match against Ink Inc. could of been good if it wasn't overshadowed by Flubba Ray. Wolfe seems to be in limbo right now, but hopefully with Chelsea gone he can come into his own. Abyss is still terrible but a little more bearable then before. I wont be pleased if Abyss becomes champion or stays in the main event though. I hope to hell Hogan doesn't come anywhere near Abyss if he ever becomes champion.

The Pope cut a great emotional promo coming back from his injury. I just hope he can go in the ring. Angle is obviously going to win every match from here on out, but it will be fun to see the matches he is involved in if they are given more then 5 minutes. It was nice to see Dixie back on television again. I really think she could be play a good on air character if used properly. The whole Sting deception angle will probably never be revealed at this point. It's obvious that he has a grudge against Hogan and Bischoff, but it would be nice to get some closure for once.

I guess that is a lost cause since Samoa Joe's kidnapping still wasn't explained. Jay Lethal is continuing to be pushed with Flair's faction continuing to bicker. I just don't understand how Kazarian and AJ are still in the group since they haven't won a match yet. The Abyss vs. Hardy match was pretty standard stuff. I really have no interest in Abyss no matter what he does at this point.

As long as TNA continues to build feuds for the PPV next Sunday, I'll be happy.
Pretty good show start to finish. Good focus on the key feuds and matches and a decent amount of good action and promos. The Mcmg Vs Ink.Inc was good. Joe vs AJ was good for the time given. Rayne vs Wilde served its purpose continuing their feud, it also started a feud between Sarita and Wilde which could be interesting. Kendrick vs Wolfe with Williams on Commentary. Kendrick won with a Cobra clutch thus advancing his feud with Williams. Morgan vs Lethal was decent, Lethal won thanks to the interference from Hernandez continuing his feud with Morgan. Pope cut a pretty good promo and they also announced Pope vs Angle at Victory Road which will be a very good match I think. Hardy vs Abyss with Rvd as the special guest Referee, was a good Main Event with Hardy winning with the Swanton Bomb. Tonight's Imapct had some good matches and promos. Every feud progressed in same way. Overall Rating B+
TNA iMPACT! - July 1, 2010

Thumbs Up

Opening Segment - The opening of the show was pretty solid, though kinda predictable and somewhat cheesy. There are still a few cheesy aspects left to Abyss, but it's much better than what he's had. Abyss continues to look more like the monster he used to be. I'm just hoping we don't ultimately have Hogan vs. Abyss. Jeff Hardy coming down to Hogan's aid got the crowd excited and sets up a match between the two at the end of the night. Solid opener.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Ink Inc. - This was a very solid tag team match between these two teams. The Guns, even though they've been a team for four years now, still feel very fresh to me. That might be due to the fact that they've barely been used for a year and a half, and used for shit usually when they're on tv. I liked the Guns getting the win here though I'm not wild about how it came about. The whole thing with Bubba and Jesse Neal needs to die and die quickly. This match should have been about the Guns and the very real chance that they might win the tag team titles finally. Instead, it was overshadowed by the Bubba, Devon & Neal situation. Still, a good tag match.

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe - The match in and of itself was pretty decent, though a far cry from the epic clashes they've had in the past. It's kind of wretched to see how weak Styles has become as a heel, but the aftermath of tapping out to Joe's submission and the brief confrontation with Flair & Kazarian gives me hope that Styles might be on the road to a face turn. That's primarily the reason I'm giving this a thumbs up as I was just disappointed really in the match as it could have been so much better.

D'Angelo Dinero - The crowd was hot for The Pope's return last night and was possibly the highlight of the show. The Pope delivered a damn good promo and things were just lined up right during the segment. Kurt Angle coming out and welcoming/challenging The Pope was a nice touch, although I'm not overly thrilled with the match. We all know that Kurt Angle is going to beat The Pope in his first match back all in this long, drawn out angle to put the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back onto Kurt Angle. Still, The Pope shined tonight.

Thumbs Down

Brian Kendrick vs. Desmond Wolfe - Basically, this was just a lame match from top to bottom. It was a submission match that lasted maybe 3 minutes, which should give you a pretty good idea how bad it was. I'm not really a fan of 3 minute matches at all, so a 3 minute submission match is even more disappointing. While I do like that Kendrick does seem to be getting a solid push, Desmond Wolfe has been rendered all but useless now. In terms of overall ability in the ring and on the mic, Desmond Wolfe is one of the best on the TNA roster and it really is a shame to see such a good wrestler wasted for the past 6 months as Wolfe has been. Also, I think it's time for the Wolfe/Chelsea thing to end. Nobody gives a damn, so ditch the bitch.

Jay Lethal vs. Matt Morgan - I just wasn't really feeling this match all that much. While Lethal is pretty good overall, I've found myself just becoming less interested in him as weeks go by. I think the feud with Ric Flair could have a lot to do with it. I want to see Lethal in a feud with someone relevant rather than someone 36 years his senior. The match was primarily about moving along the Hernandez/Morgan feud and all, but I just wasn't really feeling it. It wasn't horrible, but it didn't interest me.

Madison Rayne vs. Taylor Wilde - Like with the Kendrick/Wolfe situation, I think that this match is a good representation of TNA pushing someone weak over someone that isn't. The match was poor and Taylor Wilde is a good wrestler. She's light years ahead of Madison Rayne in the ring. She's not brilliant on the mic, but neither is Madison for that matter. A lame 3 minute match with most of the crowd's focus being on the ECW guys as they came to ringside. So, since they didn't head into the ring and pull a train on the girls, this match was a dud.

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss - As with the Lethal/Morgan match, this just didn't really interest me. The match lasted about 6 minutes and was more about Jeff Hardy being out there and RVD as the referee. The booking didn't really make all that much sense to me, but I'd have been shocked if it had. It is TNA after all. The match wasn't horrible, but it just didn't interest me either. Abyss devestating RVD and Hardy post match, standing tall like an unstoppable monster in the ring would have looked much more convincing if he hadn't lost the match.

Overall Show - Thumbs Up - Overall, I thought last night's episode of iMPACT! was one of the better ones I'd seen in a while. It wasn't a spectacular show, but it was a solid one in which most of what went on during the show had meaning. The Pope's return was probably the best part of the show and I enjoyed a few of the matches. I don't think it was a great show by any stretch, but it didn't make me gag. I give it a 7 out of 10.
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