[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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To put it simple, I had one tv on Raw, and the other set to impact...and personally i liked how the members of the nWo were all in the ring, brought back great memories...the surprises that TNA brought tonight were tremendous, watching just twenty minutes of the show, brought soo much excitement, Jeff Hardy coming back kinda got the momentum with TNA..now on to WWE, the show started off alright, not good, not bad, kind of expected more, but lets see it was good, right up to the point they showed the midget, I dont agree with DX keeping the titles, or at least the way they kept the titles...Raw really had nothing to offer, kind of upset at Swagger nor Carlito got the title match, they give it to some guy who has had one recently....well whatever though, i give Raw a 2.5/10 and TNA an 8/10
People seriously seem to forget that these old folk are most likely not going to be doing much wrestling. The only, ONLY appearances to stars which may wrestle periodically are hardy and shanon moore. Tonite was the start of great things to come. The old guys: hall, sean (not really old) are members of the NWO. That is the best thing you can do next to really officially naming them the NWO. The NWO was the most contorversial group in recent wrestling history, it created controversy and put WCW on the map. It's the matches that carry TNA.. the knockout tag team match was more entertaining than anything the WWE put on tonite.

I really feel like im in a forum of ignorant WWE fanboys. No matter what TNA does you guys are going to pick them apart. Red cage, nasty boys who appeared in two.. 10 second segments.. So TNA uses the wrong color cage and you over look that raw SUCKED???
im not a WWE mark, or TNA mark

TNA was terrible tonight, the opening match was a huge clusterfuck, the red cage was impossible to see through, ZERO SPOTS..AND ITS THE X DIVISION, and a cage match got ruled a no contest, the first hour only had 9 minutes of wrestling if that, big IF

the old guys like hall and xpac totally killed any momentum hogan had going in his speech, nash was awkward as fuck in his promo earlier in the night

the segment with the beatiful people was terribly acted, val venis saved that fucking shithole segment

the 5 hour energies everywhere looked SO minor leagues, it was nausiating, the amount of commericals were ridiculous, so many unanswered questions but they are stupid questions i wont care about....random jagoff in a mask who doesnt make an impact AT ALL....who cares....hogan heel turn at the end....i dont get it....why did flair randomly go to the ring for 30 seconds and walk back...who was in that limo in the beginning...bischoff..?...what happened to sting, he just pooooof from the rafters?

desmond wolfe losing in 2 minutes to elijah burke after beating angle a few weeks back....awesome

jeff hardy painted a fucking picture

angle styles was awesome, val venis and bischoff were the only interesting things, tna really blew ass

i really lol'd hard when hogan got their in his limo after driving for what felt like 3 days and then saying in the ring "he's been in the back all day"

definently not watching Nitro next week
Regardless if you thought TNA was good or bad tonight, was there anything that happened tonight that would make you want to purchase their next PPV? I didnt see it.
i liked both shows overall but TNA did get me by surprise with the returns/debuts, for me this night there was no clear winner for me since it was only the first night
man tonight was fing awesome!!!!!!!!!
i was always a wcw guy growing up and tna tonight felt just like the old days. the first match was kinda pointless but hardy in tna is cool. the nwo reunion gave me goosebumps. i was so nervous watching tonight. it felt like the old days when you HAD to switch channels back and forth. that lasted about 10 min after i realized wwe would fumble.

i was pretty much glued to impact all night. i became a big fan of the pope tonight. where were his promo skillz in wwe

knockouts tag match was awesome. they had the bellas vs maryese on wwe and it was like watching to autistic kids wrestle compared to the knockouts. i was dissapointed they didnt bring out angelina love as i read she was backstage.

overall i would say tna definetly beat wwe tonight. as far as ratings go......i think tna will be very close to wwe if they dont BEAT them.
im not a WWE mark, or TNA mark

TNA was terrible tonight, the opening match was a huge clusterfuck, the red cage was impossible to see through, ZERO SPOTS..AND ITS THE X DIVISION, and a cage match got ruled a no contest, the first hour only had 9 minutes of wrestling if that, big IF

the old guys like hall and xpac totally killed any momentum hogan had going in his speech, nash was awkward as fuck in his promo earlier in the night

the segment with the beatiful people was terribly acted, val venis saved that fucking shithole segment

the 5 hour energies everywhere looked SO minor leagues, it was nausiating, the amount of commericals were ridiculous, so many unanswered questions but they are stupid questions i wont care about....random jagoff in a mask who doesnt make an impact AT ALL....who cares....hogan heel turn at the end....i dont get it....why did flair randomly go to the ring for 30 seconds and walk back...who was in that limo in the beginning...bischoff..?...what happened to sting, he just pooooof from the rafters?

desmond wolfe losing in 2 minutes to elijah burke after beating angle a few weeks back....awesome

jeff hardy painted a fucking picture

angle styles was awesome, val venis and bischoff were the only interesting things, tna really blew ass

i really lol'd hard when hogan got their in his limo after driving for what felt like 3 days and then saying in the ring "he's been in the back all day"

definently not watching Nitro next week

If you thought TNA "blew ass" i wonder what you think Raw was like..
The cage match i can agree with..
The overall speech i can also agree with..
have you thought of the fact that maybe TNa wants to push Dinero maybe he's that good? Just becuase someone beat a main eventer it doesn't mean that person is unable to loose a match and loose a match quickly. He was standing at the end of the match on on the floor. Beginning of a fued.
SO what jeff hardy was painting.. maybe he sells paintings. Good for TNA for doing something alternative. at least they don't have a midget running around.

You seem to forget there were matches tonite.. Very good ones in fact.
Maybe this is just me but....

Do you we have a lot of 12 year olds that post on this board?

Sure it was the McMahon ego that got in the way of the "perfect" ending to the Hart segment at the end of Raw, but keep in mind, he wasn't like every other guest host. He signed a short term deal, so he will be back. All they are doing is setting up for a potential Hart v. McMahon Street Fight at Wrestlemania.

So the kick to Harts groin to end the show and keep the suspense? Genius.

Anyone who truly understands the depth of the Montreal Screw Job, the distain and hate the HBK and Hart had for each other through the early and mid 90's, the true heartache and sleepless nights these men have endured since '97 because of everything, would NEVER say that anything on TNA during the Hart/Michaels exchange at the start of Raw was better. ESPECIALLY, watching the same egotistical mania Hogan, talking about how they are gonna take down WWE.

Some of you people actually choose to see a washed up Hogan, Hall, Nash, and 123 Kid/X-Pac/Syxx/6-Pac/Sean Waltman over ANYTHING Hart/HBK had to say to each other one on one for the first time in 12 years?

That was the REALEST thing in wrestling (not including wrestler deaths) of the last 15 years. The only thing that I could compare the raw emotion to, is the final minute and post match to Flairs career at Wrestlemania. Everything they said was not staged, it was completely honest and from the heart. How do you go against that? Oh wait, recovering drug addicts and egotistical can't leave the spot light 60 year olds are SO much more entertaining.

TNA failed in the first hour. They had the whole wrestling world watching and they failed. People in WWE were watching, including those that were going to be featured later on during the Raw programming. They start the show off with an absolute pathetic "I even feel uncomfortable watching this from my own home, so I turn away at times because I'm embarrassed for them" type match. They missed spots, there was mass confusion, and it was just an attempt at something different.

I could care less about Hardy. He was exciting for me growing up when he was revolutionizing tag matches, high ladder spots, and going through epic matches with Edge & Christian and The Dudleys. Since then, he has had poor mic skills, no real wrestling talent, and drug problems.

Ric Flair going to TNA was mildly expected, and can't hold any real value to WWE now anyways. Sure he is entertaining when he comes in doses, but nothing steady.

AJ and Angle was a great match. Point blank.

Everyone else I won't even mention. They are truly not worth it.

I would have been thrilled to see RVD on TNA. But that's about it. Not that WWE's programming was that much more enteraining, I just think TNA is getting way more credit than it deserves.

Let's pretend TNA didn't exsist. If you never seen Waltman, Hall, Nash, Flair, HOGAN, Moore, Nasty Boys, Venis, Jordan, or even Hardy, would you REALLY HONESTLY give a shit? I know I wouldn't. Meaning, TNA didn't deliver anything amazing for me.
The Show was shit with only one good part(will get to that in a minute). Hogan, Flair, Hall, Waltman, Nasty Boys, Val Venis, Orlando Jordan, The Love Sponge all suck! Tna do not need them! A no contest cage match? Really? I hate there cage it looks like the old wwe cage from the 80's but with a top on it(kind of hard to see what was going on half the time) and what was with Homicide at the end kind of looked like he was supposed to go over the cage but fuck it up. then there was nothing but crap for 2 1/2 hours til angle vs AJ that was killer! Now IMO All Tna needed out of this whole deal is Eric Bischoff he is the only one that could turn that company around. Raw was better but not by much, oh and if any shit dick peckerhead wants to talk shit about this oh well bitches!
So TNA uses the wrong color cage and you over look that raw SUCKED???

The cage wasn't just red, it was hard to see through and practically impossible to get out of.

I'll treat this episode of TNA as a pilot, but they need to get their act together for next week's show. Aside from the Styles-Angle match, the entire show was embarrassing. TNA really looked bush-league tonite. I thought Bishoff & Hogan would have at least done something to improve the appearance of the set to give the show a big league player atmosphere.

TNA tonight looked like an episode of "where are they now - wrestlers' edition". Nostalgia can go only so far and TNA sure surpassed the limit. The Nasty Boys, Val Venis...really? The endless segments of old wrestlers still stuck in the 90's was painful to bear. The show seemed very disorganized...like WCW in its last days.

WTF with Desmonde Wolfe losing like that? How can TNA hype that he took Angle to the limit when he jobs to Burke in no time?

I think TNA would have been better served if they had shown highlight clips of the wrestlers as an introduction prior to the matches as opposed to all the backstage segments. Imagine a highlight reel featuring Awesome Kong not only decimating the women wrestlers, but Awesoming Bombing the refs, Kip James, etc. prior to her match tonight. Wouldn't that have raised interest in wanting to see her match?

TNA, imo, didn't take advantage of the extra hour. While I was watching the clusterfuck fans, the shitty fireworks, and the god-awful cage match (I swear I thought Homicide was going to fall and die), followed by the atrocious women's championship match, I imagined Vince and Co. laughing their asses off and breathing a collective sigh of relief that they wouldn't even have to put out a top notch show to counter TNA.

TNA really needs to get organized otherwise the current interests they've generated will be gone in no time.

Anyone else found it hysterical that TNA marketed strongly when it signed Hogan than its entire existence prior to the Hogan signing combined?

And who the f**k designed that cage anyways? I find it hard to believe that nobody within that organization realized that the cage's design stifles viewing of the action within and the escape through the top is unsafe.
You know, I thought the show started off absolutely horribly. First, they show all these fans just straight insulting WWE, and I'm just thinking to myself, "What moron decided to air this shit?" Seriously, a lot of WWE fans were tuning into TNA last night for the first time, and the first thing they see is the professional wrestling company they love get shitted on? That's going to instantly turn off fans from the product tuning in for the first time, and it was just a HORRIBLE idea.

Don't get me wrong, I think Raw as a whole is as shitty as the next guy, but if I ever air a professional wrestling show, I am not going to diss WWE, because I want WWE fans to like my product. Why would a WWE fan ever like TNA, now?

And then of course that opening match... Jesus was that absolutely terrible. At least Hardy came at the end of it, which made it okay I guess. But man oh man what a terrible way to start off the show.

After that, however.... I thought everything was excellent. The matches (especially that main event....WOW!!), promos... everything was on point. Some promos were long winded, but that's no big deal. And some things were teased that were never delivered (more BP segments, RVD, etc.), so that was disappointing... but overall, for a free 3 hour wrestling program, I thought the show was highly enjoyable and the only time I felt the need to change the channel to Raw was to check out the Bret Hart stuff. But that was it, which is something considering I rarely watch TNA and even though I hate Raw, I still usually have the shitty program on my television every week. But last night, I stuck with TNA, and I guess that means I was enjoying the programming for the most part, and I was.
i say tna won tonight. im a fan of both tna and wwe but i say tna had more energy tonight. it seemed more special. raw just seemed like an ordinary episode of raw with just the addition of bret hart. the only thing i enjoyed was the bret/hbk segment. other than that raw was very lackluster like its been as usual lately. tna had a few great matches and great suprises. the only thing that kinda killed tna tonight was ALL THOSE DAMN COMMERCIAL BREAKS!!!! and some things going unanswered that i really hoped would be answered tonight. but yeah tna totally took this one tonight. wwe needs to kill the kiddie bullshit and also release hornswoggle.
Im very pleased with how super impact went on monday night it was the best impact ever IMO but im afaid the ratings wont do justice to how perfect the show really was i cant wait till jan 14 to see what they follow up with, and i think the segment with the nwo and sting was way better than anything hart hbk and vkm did
Personally I was very dissapointed with impact. The steel asylum was an absolute joke. The 2nd best match of the night was a womens tag match? Are you serious?! and yes styles/angle was incredible but I think it kinda went a little over the top. Styles kickd out of an angle slam off the top rope? Realy? What does angle have to do to win that match shoot styles? For me after that happened the entire flow of the match was ruined. And my biggest problem was during matches ther hyping sumthin backstage or ric flair and it took away from the matches in the ring. If tonight was truly the best tna has to offer Im not to worried about there being a 2nd monday night war
First, they show all these fans just straight insulting WWE, and I'm just thinking to myself, "What moron decided to air this shit?" Seriously, a lot of WWE fans were tuning into TNA last night for the first time, and the first thing they see is the professional wrestling company they love get shitted on? That's going to instantly turn off fans from the product tuning in for the first time, and it was just a HORRIBLE idea.

I thought the same thing. My cousin said "so this company has to say wwe on there program for what reason? seems pointless"

Tna needs to stop the shit talk of wwe and stick with Thursday nights, you dont need to go head to head. Shit wcw may of stuck around if they would have just moved to a different night.
both shows kinda disappointed me. although i was glad to see bret again, raw sucked donkey balls. tna sucked even worse. all these damn has- beens showing up out of the wool works, commercials out the ass, hogan claiming he was in the back all day when he just arrived in the fucking limo, some random masked dude(who i bet is some wash-up like ddp or something) and a terrible cage match. the only good thing was angle vs styles. it was also good to see bichoff again. but i highly doubt tna will be able to compete with wwe no matter how shitty wwe is.
and yes styles/angle was incredible but I think it kinda went a little over the top. Styles kickd out of an angle slam off the top rope? Realy? What does angle have to do to win that match shoot styles? For me after that happened the entire flow of the match was ruined.

True very true!

I hate that whole hey I'm going to hit you with my finisher 4 times and you kick out of everyone of them, then you do the same thing to me. I can see doing it on a ppv but free t.v. come on.
People keep saying that raw wasnt much better then tna are you serious? Raw actually accomplished what they set out to do. They ended two feuds set up the potential for two more and continued to lay the seeds for the long awaited legacy break up. And people may rip hornswaggle whatever that match was still excellent and seeing jericho kick a midget made my night. My question is what did tna accomplish? They established that styles and angle are great and that apparently the knockout tag division isnt the 2nd most compelling thing goin for them since every other match was a complete farce. 2 roll ups a 20sec squash match and no contest cage match thats what tna accomplished. Spike should have just showed a couple of manswers re-runs instead of that abortion
I can honestly say tonight impact lived up to the hype...the only part that when I look back they could of done a better job with was the steel asylum as it had somewhat of a rushed feel to it as well as a DQ ending:wtf: other than that great show I marked out when I saw :worship: Jeff Hardy :worship: Scott Hall :worship: Hogan jus so many great debuts and returns...and the main event was simply phenomenal... I have to go back and watch Raw but no way could they have done better than IMPACT... great job TNA... :worship: 1/4/2010

What did TNA do to introduce its existing roster to the new fans tuning in? There were no video packages, no highlight reels...just poor matches and backstage attacks. The casual fan that tuned in would definitely talk about the "old guys", but aside from AJ, will they remember any of the pre-Hogan TNA wrestlers? I mean aside from the embarrassing red cage and the trailer park looking woman that became champion (& I like ODB btw, just looking at it from a casual viewer's perspective).
I really enjoyed the TNA show-whatever warts it had, it still kept me entertained. (though I was disappointed that Rob Van Dam & Angelina Love were nowhere to be found). The same can't be said for tonight's Raw. I do admit, I'm not an old-school wrestling fan, so the significance of Brett Hart's screwjob is probably lost on me. All I saw was a bunch of endless talking (even if it was from the heart) & very little action.
(I was really annoyed at HHH treating Hornswoggle, who even I don't like, like a pet dog in that stupid skit.)
TNA was chaotic, but it was fun. I just don't get why it has to be so black & white; why do you have to either love WWE or love TNA? I plan on watching/dvring both shows and look at it as a positive of having double the wrestling. Competition in a market is always a good thing, as domination breeds complacency. And I do think the WWE has become complacent of late. Whatever TNA brings, it will be interesting to watch it unfold. I plan to be a fan of both shows. Either way, we wrestling fans are the winners as we will have more options, more talent to be discovered, and more mainstream press/exposure to wrestling.:)
I think its quite funny how you sit there and complain that tna has 50, 60 year old guys returning and wrestling. Hogan was probably using half the people backstage to just help with ratings. No one knows if they have contracts or if they was there just for the show. I'll admit wwe did follow through with Bret, im happy That bret and hbk buried the hatchet and put it behind them.

But obviously Vince see's something in TNA, cause I doubt he would ever of went to try to get Bret on tv.
OK so i watched both, Raw at 6 to 8 and then TNA at 8.20 until 11 something, since i dvr'ed the beginning of it.
With raw, seeing hart was cool but I though he would have done more, even in his interviews, and where the hell was the dynasty. I highly expected him to book them in a tag title match with the winner of the dx jerhico show match
With Tna, I actually liked it more, kept my intrest more. The only thing that kept my intrest with raw and the only reason i turned it on at 6 was cause of hart and that was the only reason i even turned it on
I got to page 3 on this thread and I just had to post real quick. Some people are stupid. Noone can understand anything unless it's spelled out for them. Luckily potheads like me are smart enough to do that for them.

A. Hogan pretty much told The NWO that they weren't welcome. Then at the end the show left off with Hogan finding them beating on Foley. They seem to be running a storyline especially for us. They're going out of their way in a storyline to tell us these old guys aren't welcome and what do we do? We complain about them saying theyre going to ruin TNA. Some of you are making wrestling fans look dumb for not getting the point. They're not supposed to stick around for long. Just long enough to finish the story and get the point across.

B. Bischoff grabbed the script and tore it up saying they were going to rewrite it. That action canceled the barbed wire massacre match. You expected a blood and guts barbed wire match on TV? Please. That was a ruse to keep us watching.

C. The "This is bullshit" chants were meant to be heat for Homicide. He got his foot stuck in the cage at the top by the looks of things. He was supposed to climb out of the cage then get jumped by Hardy on his way up the ramp. If Homicide wouldn't have gotten stuck that heat would have turned into a huge pop for Hardy. Not everything can go as planned and that wasn't bad booking. That was Homicide.

D. The Nasty Boys were not on the list therefore they were unwelcome. This ties into point A. Hogan will give his friends a few paychecks to get his storyline/point across then they will be on their way.

E. Everyone's complaining saying stuff like "Ric Flair/Sting showed up and didn't even do anything". So now you want storylines to be started and concluded on one show? We're supposed to be left wondering so we'll tune in next week.

F. When Ric Flair first showed up he walked into AJ Styles locker room. He then walked out on the ramp during his match. Don't expect an explanation. Just accept the hint because mystery and the need to watch next week to find out what happens next or get your questions answered is what wrestling is missing.

We got surprises for once. Just be happy and bask in it. I had goosebumps for the first time since I last saw Sting in the rafters. TNA was fucking awesome.
I had average expectations for it, the show ended up being fantastic. It was much better than Raw, and Raw had Bret Hart's return! I really enjoyed seeing all the "new" (new to TNA anyway) people, and TNA truly felt like it could one day be competition for WWE. Tonight's show went far beyond my expectations for it because it was one of the best Impacts I have ever seen and it felt like the start of something huge!
Honestly felt like I was watching an old episode of WCW not TNA. It was what I expected. Lots of surprise guests, most who are washed up and that was about it. No possible way TNA can keep this up. It was a one time night that they won't be able to match. I do hope they prove me wrong because competition is good.

The opening 10 minutes of Raw blew away the entire TNA show because of the magnitude. Bret and HBK standing in the ring? Nothing can top that.
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