[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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TNA Has done it not only did they put on a show ....they put on a show much better then WWE only thing The "e" had was bret and with the segment at the start of the show it felt so forced and not ready that it came off as an underwhelming closure to probaly the biggest feud of the late 90's

Shawn said it best i remember that Iron Man Match that last 61 mins plus and they tore down the anahiem pond and that is what i'll remember from Hart/Micheals and it was such a sad waste to see them sit there bury the hatchet in such a dull manner i wish it would have been done like at wrestlemania or the hall of fame ceremony cause i do feel shawn is due to be inducted he is gonna leave soon but i digress

TNA i saw the first hour and i was shocked at what the product was giving me it was so great to grab my remote at 9:00 and be so confused as to what i was gonna watch (thank god for dvr)...

i know that Dixie/Hogan/Jeff are so pleased with what was delivered tonight its a good sign for the company it was a good sign of things to come for wrestling

now my questions are

1. Will WWE now consider TNA as a threat ?

2. Will TNA capitalize on the amazing WRESTLING/ENTERTAINMENT Show they delivered 1/4/2010?

3. Will WWE change the PG rating to combat the more adult like content of TNA?

and on a final note ....please Paul Heyman we need you in this war and we need you on the TNA's Side
I think they had so many returns and Storylines to start/further that they just didn't have enough time for the wrestling part. I LOVED the show. RAW did exactly what I thought they'd do and that's...well NOTHING.


- Bret seemed forced. His words weren't from the heart. He was clearly given a script. Not used well. WWE did the same crap they did the week before and before and before and that's leave the fans go bat shit JUST because Bret ( or their guest host ) is there and not think of anything creative to do with him other than kick him in the testicular area, and honestly...that's the pain I got after the sucky show was over.

- As far as matches go, JeriShow and DX was very good but I sware if I see Horn-freaking-Swoggle interfere in another DX Match I'll shoot myself in the pants.

- What's up with hyping Bourne up and then completely killing him? I saw something in Evan tonight. I don't know, that kid has the "it" factor and he's not nurtured well. Bourne is a diamond in the rough if someone adds some character into his...character.

- Everything else was typical WWE boring programing.


- The Steel Asylum thing WAS BS, they should've gave it some solid 20 mins and crown a new X Champion ( It's peanut butter SHELLEY time) ? It was decent until Homicide pulled that car antena or whatever the heck it was. First time I see a DQ in a Asylum/Cage/Cell/Dome match. Glad Hardy's there. He'll reach some audience, sell merchandise, bring in some money ( hopefully )

- The show kept me wondering. Lots of "myseries", lots of guessing. That's what made me watch TNA and not RAW ( which I watched in the morning ), I wanted to see what was going to happen.

- The Hogan segment was fantastic. Some people said that nWo interfering killed it, I say it SAVED it. ( By the way, Hall was not drunk...it's Hall he's always like that )

- Important Note : Bischoff is a GOD on the mic

- So glad they pushed Pope. I was getting pissed that he wasn't used well, clearly Hogan meant what he said, " If you can't talk and wrestle, brother, you can pack your bags..brother brother brother.......brother!"

- TNA is smart. They JUST started all these cool Storylines which will make me watch it next week etc.

1.Sting... what happens now?

2. Why was Flair there?

3. Is Hogan with the nWo or not?

4. What happens with Foley and nWo?

5. Who attacked the guys backstage ( nWo? )

6. What are these changes they speak of. Clearly we'll see new people pushed and I DO want to see that.

7. How happy am I that Lashley is gone?

That's 6 good things on TV. 6 top notch Storylines mixed with awesome wrestling and we have that served on us on a silver platter, hopefully every Monday.

WWE is in a BIG trouble. TNA will most likely not beat WWE in the ratings but that was not their goal this week. Their goal was to prove that they can do top notch shows with the INCREDIBLE talent they have and...they DAMN sure succeeded. THANK YOU TNA!
I think they had so many returns and Storylines to start/further that they just didn't have enough time for the wrestling part. I LOVED the show. RAW did exactly what I thought they'd do and that's...well NOTHING.


- Bret seemed forced. His words weren't from the heart. He was clearly given a script. Not used well. WWE did the same crap they did the week before and before and before and that's leave the fans go bat shit JUST because Bret ( or their guest host ) is there and not think of anything creative to do with him other than kick him in the testicular area, and honestly...that's the pain I got after the sucky show was over.

- As far as matches go, JeriShow and DX was very good but I sware if I see Horn-freaking-Swoggle interfere in another DX Match I'll shoot myself in the pants.

- What's up with hyping Bourne up and then completely killing him? I saw something in Evan tonight. I don't know, that kid has the "it" factor and he's not nurtured well. Bourne is a diamond in the rough if someone adds some character into his...character.

- Everything else was typical WWE boring programing.


- The Steel Asylum thing WAS BS, they should've gave it some solid 20 mins and crown a new X Champion ( It's peanut butter SHELLEY time) ? It was decent until Homicide pulled that car antena or whatever the heck it was. First time I see a DQ in a Asylum/Cage/Cell/Dome match. Glad Hardy's there. He'll reach some audience, sell merchandise, bring in some money ( hopefully )

- The show kept me wondering. Lots of "myseries", lots of guessing. That's what made me watch TNA and not RAW ( which I watched in the morning ), I wanted to see what was going to happen.

- The Hogan segment was fantastic. Some people said that nWo interfering killed it, I say it SAVED it. ( By the way, Hall was not drunk...it's Hall he's always like that )

- Important Note : Bischoff is a GOD on the mic

- So glad they pushed Pope. I was getting pissed that he wasn't used well, clearly Hogan meant what he said, " If you can't talk and wrestle, brother, you can pack your bags..brother brother brother.......brother!"

- TNA is smart. They JUST started all these cool Storylines which will make me watch it next week etc.

1.Sting... what happens now?

2. Why was Flair there?

3. Is Hogan with the nWo or not?

4. What happens with Foley and nWo?

5. Who attacked the guys backstage ( nWo? )

6. What are these changes they speak of. Clearly we'll see new people pushed and I DO want to see that.

7. How happy am I that Lashley is gone?

That's 6 good things on TV. 6 top notch Storylines mixed with awesome wrestling and we have that served on us on a silver platter, hopefully every Monday.

WWE is in a BIG trouble. TNA will most likely not beat WWE in the ratings but that was not their goal this week. Their goal was to prove that they can do top notch shows with the INCREDIBLE talent they have and...they DAMN sure succeeded. THANK YOU TNA!

I disagree with you on the Bret part.I think it sounded really sencire and I think they did a good job on the return of the Hitman.Ofcourse he sounded nervous on the beginning but thats normal.But after that i think it was great.

I watched more TNA then RAW because of the same as you.You never knew what was going to happen,and even if you wanted or not to watch it, you were intrigued by it.

I dont think that WWE is in big trouble at all.TNA just did a great show,yes,but can they keep up?...i´m not sure about that.WWE has more money and they are allready really famous.Plus like yesterday,they know what its like to compete with a other company.>They killed WCW.Yesterday was the first battle,and no other then Bret went to WWE after 12 years,thats huge,so i dont think they are going to beat WWE in a long time.( well i think they will never beat them).
Hey guys! Remember this one time when Ted Turner decided he could have a wrestling company, and he brought in a bunch of old wrestlers because they were big names and paid them lots of money to get them there even though they couldn't really put on the greatest matches anymore? Then eventually Ted Turner got out of the company and it eventually starting being run by Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, and Kevin Nash? Is anyone else seeing a trend here or am I the only one? As far as I'm concerned TNA is starting off on the wrong foot, not saying that Raw was great but the HBK, Bret Hark, McMahon segment was terrific. The only match on TNA that was really good was Angle and Styles. DX vs Big Show and Jericho was just as good I think even with Hornswoggle but TNA didn't have a second match to even compare to Orton vs Kofi. Even Sheamus and Bourne was better than what TNA put on. TNA tonight just kind of seemed closer to the lines of the recent episode of South Park that made fun of WWE. When will TNA have Mick Foley running around talking about how someone took his job? Oh wait a minute, they already have!
P.S. Apparently Jeff is there because he failed a third drug test. Check this out.
meh. Really meh. Never been a fan of TNA and this certainly haven`t won me over.
They've had 2 matches in one hour and they lasted 20 mins. The rest has been hype for Hogan and showing his cronies from 10+ years ago. AND he comes out with rip off music of the nWo..I loled.
And that first match went to no contest. Seriously? I was with the fans chanting this is bull.
Inconsistent too btw...Hogan said he's been in the back all day long and they just showed him arriving to the building. wow.

Had some interesting stuff..but overall looked like a Nitro wannabe, and not a very good one at that.

Raw ( the first one I`ve watched in like a year) was the better show..not question about this as far as I am concerned.
Hello all,

First time poster and I plan to post more often. I got to watch both programs tonight thanks to being able to DVR both shows. I'll give my review of everything and than give an overall rating.

Just some quick info about me. I've been a wrestling fan for a good 20 years. While I'm nothing compared to lets say Bubba the Love Sponge, my opinions are usually spot on and have good depth with them. I have been a fan of all products including the "true" ECW not the watered down version that Vince runs. TNA, and WWE even though I will say this now. WWE is very stale and boring at the moment and really needs to work on toughing up their shows otherwise TNA will take over in a matter of time. Could be a few years up to 10 years.

TNA Impact

I thought the show was good, and bad, with some really good high points and some terrible low points.

Asylum - If you break it down, everybody agrees the first match was terrible and should never of been inserted. Though I see a reason to use it, just not in tonight's case. Was it the only reason to promote Jeff Hardy? I find that stupid to use eight wrestlers including the X-Division Champion to waste time inside of a cage basically doing nothing promoting a wrestler who is planning on making a run in. This could of been done much better by just having a match with Homicide versus Amazing Red. Get some good stuff working from those two, have Homicide use the baton at end of the match, incoming Jeff Hardy everything works fine. TNA just wasted the pay checks of six other wrestlers.

ODB vs Tara - The Woman's title match was terrible and to be honest I have no good comments about that match. What I will say is either ODB needs a new gimmick, or she needs to stop getting drunk before going to perform. I'm sorry but does anybody else think ODB is a terrible wrestler in both selling moves, and performing moves. The only good thing about the match was Tara's finisher.

Bobby Lashley thing was terrible. Now we know that Lashley can not do both sports, so he basically just quit TNA. Wonderful job Bobby, you did two matches. Another waste of money for TNA. Could of spent that on promoting some of your other events the last few months. Nice spot with Flair. I'm a Flair supporter, I feel that his retirement in WWE was just a way to part ways with him. We all know Vince has no respect nor liking for any WCW or ECW star even though he helped put ECW on the map.

Hogan segment. Good and bad. I think Hogan on the mic is wonderful, just keep him away from wrestling. I think Eric coming out and saving the day was wonderful, I am glad Eric has the "on air VP" way back like he did in WCW. I don't know Eric and Hulk's real intention of TNA, but so far so good. Though Scott Hall looks terrible, his gut is huge and you can see it in his face. He also looked drunk. Waltman was good, kind of the old hyper self that he was back in WWE and WCW. Not the best of segments, but it got some points across.

Hamada / Kong vs Wilde / Sarita - Wonderful match. I demand a rematch, not just for the titles but to actually see a good match. I am glad Hamada is getting some credit here. I feel that Hamada is probably one of the better female wrestlers TNA has next to Sarita. I don't know if I can put Wilde up there, while she is cute, I don't think she has the skill like Gail Kim had when she was in TNA. Kong is dominant, nothing more said.

Morgan / Hernandez vs Raven / Stevie - What a match, phew hard work by all competitors. Really this match could of been longer, nice job jobbing Stevie and Raven. Back to your old self again are you Richards.

I didn't recognize Orlando Jordan at all. I smell a feud starting though. Wish we would of gotten some more into it. The PPV is less than 2 weeks away and right now we have no idea what matches are being on there. Rematch of AJ vs Angle?

Pope vs Wolfe - A good match that should of went longer and not have a school boy type pin. I like Wolfe and I really would like to see him wrestle, but it seems like TNA is punishing him because he considered an offer from WWE, so he is jobbing to everybody now. Wolfe can be a main event contender with his mic skills and his wrestling ability. Does anybody else get the shivers when he does his behind the back arm DDT. Every time he does it gives me shivers.

Hogan and Jarrett showdown - I'm not sure what to make of this. We all know Hogan isn't going to wrestle any time soon, so why promote such hate with Jarrett. I think what Jarrett said was good, and I did not feel that Hogan had to interrupt him. As a fan you can still see that there is bad blood between Carter and Jarrett. I'll make a prediction, one of those two by the end of the year will be out of TNA. In my opinion I hope its Carter. I don't trust her, she doesn't know anything about wrestling. Her "shoot" interviews in the past have been terrible, and I think the reason why TNA PPVs have been terrible lately is because of her. I don't mind bringing in Hall, Waltman for a while, or even Saggs and Knobs. But from the looks of it Hogan's army of wrestlers from the 80s are back. Hogan says he wants to promote the young talent, after tonight I don't see that.

Joe vs Abyss - Not a bad match. We all know that TNA was trying to promote Joe in this contest. I think both wrestlers did a fine job, but I would of liked to see a Muscle Buster, or even a Black Hole Slam to show case both of their abilities even more. Overall wrestling was well done and I would not mind watching a longer match between these two.

Bubba segment - I'm not sure what to make of this now. Other than he can not be trusted as he is revealing story lines. He thinks he knew who did it, oh really want to clue us in Bubba or do we have to tune into your show to find out. I know he made an apology after the show was over, but this is entertainment. One shot and your done. Also I think Bubba should go back to forming opinions and interviewing wrestlers on his show. Leave the backstage stuff to JB who is a lot better at it.

Nasty Boys vs Team 3D Storyline - Eh, snore fest. I wouldn't pay to see this.

AJ vs Angle - Pretty simple here. Match of the year! That was a lot better than the last few years in wrestling from both companies. I agree TNA had some really good matches last year (Joe vs AJ vs Daniels), but this one takes the cake. 4 Style Clashes to finish off Angle, and two 450s. If TNA wanted to showcase AJ, they did a fine job in this match. I demand more matches like this, I'd order every PPV if I was guaranteed more matches like this.


Bret Hart / HBK - I for one loved this segment. I feel it was perfect and while it looked like a shoot, it was scripted in some sense. I know Bret has had some trouble in his life lately, but this one was a great segment. I still don't approve of that finish in 97.

Maryse vs the Bellas - Eh, just as bad as the ODB / Tara match in TNA. I think both companies need to re package their women wrestlers.

MVP vs Swagger vs Henry vs Carlito - Good match, I'm not a fan of MVP. I feel that he is an average wrestler, and not really in the league of the WWE. I know WWE would never put two heels together in a match so Swagger vs Miz would of gotten nobody's attention at HQ. Though I think that would of been a good match.

DX vs Jerishow - Good match, I enjoyed the finish the most. The wrestling was there, but nothing new from either team. Compared to some of the TNA fights above, TNA so far is winning in my book.

Sheamus vs Bourne - Am I the only one who thinks Bourne is in the wrong company. Get your butt to TNA, you belong there. Sheamus looks good, though I never realized how pale he is. His boot finisher reminds me a little of Matt Morgans, just this one has a little more punch to it.

Kingston vs Orton - I enjoyed most of this match, I think both wrestlers hit their spots well. Again I will say that Kofi does not belong in the WWE, he belongs in TNA where he will flourish. Orton is as evil as ever, and I'm glad as the WWE needs one. Though one question, why does Orton always hold his wrist after hitting an RKO? Does he hurt himself after hitting it? Good match though.

Bret with Vince. Just look at Bret's face after this over. He's not happy. Yes Stu got inducted, but still Vince never apologize and he still firmly believes Bret did this to himself. I think Vince at this point is getting too old for the company, and needs to pass it to Shane or Stephanie. If Vince continues to hold grudges like this with other wrestlers like Jeff Hardy, Jim Ross due to his health, and Hogan, Vince is going to die a miserable man. There's a reason why Hogan did not approach Vince with his offer, because Vince and Hogan just do not see eye to eye. The kick that Vince did just shows he has no respect for Bret, or that day in 97. Shoot or not, this feud with Bret is not over and while many will say it will end with a match, I for one am saying lets not end it with a match. Get it over back stage, do not bring this to the public. Your ratings will go down because this is a fight while many will pay to see, will be a slaughter-fest and will be done in five minutes.

So for the overall shows.

TNA Impact - 8/10. Three matches made this night worth watching more than Raw. The Woman's tag team title match, Joe vs Abyss, and AJ vs Angle. The first match killed it by a point, and some of the lame segments like Bubba giving away story lines gave away another point.

WWE Raw - 4/10. Weak show. Bret was barley used, and all we got from Bret was the "I'm sorry" segments. Wrestling was no where near as good as TNA, but average.

I think for the future TNA will do good in the Monday Night Wars. The main thing that TNA has to do is bring a PPV quality night and offer it for free. WWE might want to take note and do the same otherwise they will lose viewers. We will see how this plays out this week with the ratings, but I feel TNA might have won the ratings tonight just by the shear talent level and the matches.
Last night was utter rubbish. Bischoff and Hogan kept promising "change", but all we got was WCW part II. X-Pac? Check. A drunk Scott Hall? Check. Sting up in the rafters? Check. An almost immobile Kevin Nash? Check. Hogan and Bischoff standing in the ring together? Check. Horribly booked matches? Check. Wait...didn't we see all of this 13 years ago?

Seriously, they had a chance to really make a statement, and they blew it big time. Far too many promos and commercials, not nearly enough wrestling. Horrible booking that entire first hour, just horrible. How do you get a no contest in a cage match? Really? TNA fan, ask yourself, if the WWE had booked that match, with the same cage, with say, Christian, CM Punk, John Morrison, the Miz, Shelton Benjamin, Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston, do you think you would tolerate such a bullshit ending? No, I doubt you would. In fact, on paper, you would say that would be an absolute much watch PPV match, completely ruined by bad booking...Stop pretending that match was so awesome just because it was TNA. Then, when you have the entire wresting audience still, you give us Tara/ODB? That couldn't have waited until after RAW fans changed the channel? You give us 2 bad matches in the hour you had all to yourself, endless promos, and commercials, commercials, and for the hell of it, more commercials, after returning to TNA for about 15 seconds?

The storyline continuity was straight from WCW too...They made a huge deal about Hogan arriving by limo, etc...then, in the ring, Hogan says he has been backstage all day? WTF? Can they not even remember that Hogan didn't "arrive" until about 8:57 EST?

Finally, just because you kick out of about 20 finishers does not make AJ Styles/Angle a good match. All it did was show that finishers are only effective when the booker wants them to be, it means that the Angle slam is now worthless, the ankle lock submission is worthless, etc. When you kick out that many times, and just do finisher after finisher after finisher, it cheapens the effectiveness of it. There used to be a time when a finisher move actually finished someone off...That wasn't a match, it was a series of finisher spots again and again, and that is all. Frankly, I was incredibly disappointed.

I am a long time WWE fan, who was willing to give TNA a try. I saw them in a house show last year, and was wanting more. A little competition is good, but what TNA delivered last night is little competition. All it did was remind me of why I watch RAW instead of Impact. TNA fans, put away the fandom, and examine what TNA did last night objectively. Knowing what was at stake, knowing they had to make a serious statement to go against RAW, can you honestly tell me that it was mission accomplished? Sorry, but TNA's attempt last night was amateur at best. Try harder next time.
I thought TNA actually did a really awesome job last. Despite all the negative things people could say last night. I felt for the first time I actually had a choice of wrestling show to watch and both of which were entertaining.

I thought TNA has a lot ahead of it but def poses a potential threat for WWE and I never thought I would say that before last night.

No one can say anymore that the WWE doesn't see TNA as a threat.. IE. Chris Jericho making fun of Hogan half way through the match with DX.

Two things ran through my head.... "God damn it I love Chris Jericho" And then the next was "Wait.. did they just acknowledge TNA.. holy shit"

That to me was the official sign that the wars are on.
the show didn't live up to my expectations, but tonight I did see TNA start to mold itself into something that could be a threat to WWE. It was a sloppy show from beginning to end, with cool guest appearance that met nothing to the show overall.

Tonite did not start the new TNA, and I didn't see any change at all. However the next couple weeks could very bring forth the change that should have been started tonite. Tonight TNA brought forth it's new roster(with more guys coming I assume), and that was the point. To show the new and old guys that are coming to TNA. IT was the only purpose of the show. IT wasn't about wrestling all.

Hopefully with everything set in place next week, we'll have a spart of the New TNA product we are all hoping to see.

What were you watching? I completely disagree. How can you say that last night was not the start of the new TNA? You didn't see change? The whole night was BASED on change and all Hogan and Bischoff talked all night was that this is a new time and this is the beginning of something great. The storyline's can actually build from here, something TNA has stalled on more than enough times in it's past before this big following of superstars. The talent is THROUGH THE ROOF and with the touches of guys like Sting, Hogan, Jarret, Nash, Hall, Waltman and Flair (with more to come) then I think TNA can put out a new product that can keep fans interested in some time to come behind the young guys.

I've watched TNA for YEARS and tonight was the first night I was actually entertained, even for the whole 3 hour set. Just remarkable how they jumped so far in ONE NIGHT.
I'm not really sure that either show lived up to expectations, but with all of the hype and analysis leading up to them, really how could they? Every single possibility was analyzed and dissected to death leading up to last night, that's hard to live up to for either organization.

Having said this, I was pleased with both shows. I watched the first hour of iMPACT, then flipped over to RAW (back and forth during commercial breaks) and recorded TNA and watched it later.

RAW was good but not great. The Hart/HBK segment was awesome, exactly how I wanted it to play out as a long time wrestling fan who always hated the way Hart's tenure with WWE ended because of the Screwjob. I wanted closure to this, and I feel like we got it, both on and off camera. The Vince/Hitman segment was a little lacklustre, but it's all part of the long-term plan (ie.e, WM26). They couldn't do too much with this last night as this has to keep its momentum for months, they couldn't do too much on one night (as TNA did, more later).

The rest of the show was same old same old, but in my opinion, same old same old hasn't been too bad. Hornswoggle has to go, I hate absolutely everything to do with him, but the rest of it was OK. Remember RAW didn't have to make a big splash last night like TNA did, they just had to stay the course, and they did that, and they did it without their biggest star.

How sexy is Maryse? Never mind the divas tournament, just give her the belt and be done with it. Love her chemistry with the Miz as well, they really need to go somewhere with this.

TNA was actually much better than I expected, but it still offered little to convert me over or to make me "cross the line." I think they blew their load last night and will have a really hard time following it up on a consistent basis.

Jeff Hardy returned to TNA much to my surprise and disappointment. Intrigued by some of the suggestions made by others that this may not have necessarily been his decision fully. He may have failed a third drug test and so would have been let go by WWE (although I really don't believe this as such failures are usually made public, plus WWE would have mentioned it to minimize the impact of him jumping ship). But with two failed tests in the past plus his recent troubles, Vince may have decided to not bring him back leaving TNA as his own viable option until his next drug related transgression. It'll be interesting to see how long before he self-destructs without the order and control offered by WWE. In the past, when left to his own devices, he's not fared too well.

Before I get too excited about Hardy, let's see what TNA does with him. I feel he'll be an upper midcarder on the B show rather than a superstar in the main event of the A show. Sure, great drama to see him jump ship, but let's see how TNA develops this drama.

Flair is only in TNA because Vince didn't want him back and he just simply can't let go. He'll have no impact on TNA over and above the OMG reaction to him appearing there which is now over. And I too am unclear why the TNA champion who has been at or near the top of TNA for years needs a mentor, first his interactions with Sting, now Flair.

Strip poker with the Beautiful People and Val Venis was a little cheesy, although God they're sexy women too, especially Velvet Sky. I just found it odd that TNA fans consistently go on and on about how great their Knockouts are in the ring as compared to the divas, yet they have to resort to T&A to get people to tune in. Inconsistent.

So much talk of the young talent in TNA, yet the entire show was peppered with Hogan, Bischoff, Hall, Nash, Waltman, Foley, Jarrett, Nasty Boys, etc., I found it interesting that Hogan was dressed in black, with black beard, and an update version of his old nWo theme music. Bodes ominously for the future. Unless this is leading up to Hogan turning his back on his old cronies in favour of the new blood in TNA, I smell disaster here. I personally have no interest in Hogan, Bischoff, and Carter versus Jarrett and Foley. Potentially too much like nWo vs WCW.

If TNA is suddenly all about the talent they have backstage, why is Wolfe fading? Why was the steel asylum so brutally bad? Granted the Angle/AJ encounter was spectacular, but it's going to take more than two guys to carry the company, especially when one of them has an ego comparable to that of Hogan.

I'll definitely watch WWE again next week. I'll probably watch TNA too, which I normally do not and wouldn't except for their recent push for respectability. I expect I'll be watching it on Thursday, though, as I just still don't see a sustained threat being posed by TNA. As I said in an earlier thread, the Tortoise and the Hare. And we all know who emerges victorious there. If you don't remember, think back to the Monday Night Wars version one, it'll all come back to you.
I was watching Both WWE and TNA at the same time, My audio was on TNA and to be honest the first hour was fairly disapointing because (bar Jeff Hardy betraying to the WWE) nothing happened. Matches were short and fairly pointless. When Hogan came out I turned down the audio on TNA and put it on WWE for the Bret Hart segment, So I don't really know what Hogan was saying but I'm sure it was something along the lines of 'ya know something brother TNA is going to be huge'' then I saw Fat Hall and then Xpac who I marked out for. Then I saw the Nasty Boyz and thought this is really clutching at straws now. The best part of the show was by far the amazing match between Kurt Angle and AJ Styles, that was a really really good match. Plus the commentry team of Tazz and that other guy (Tenay?) was awful. Angle hit the Angle slam which is one of his finishers and the commentators didn't make one word about it. Nothing about that show apart from the Angle match made me think it was anything better than what WWE offered.
It was typical TNA last night except the Wolfe/Pope and the amazing Angle/AJ match. Those two matches were the highlight of TNA for me. Everything else TNA did was borderline desperate (Val, Nasty Boys??) to bland. (Tara and Raven/Stevie squahses)

RAW was decent for the most part for the first hour until DX showed up, then I changed the channel. Sheamus/Bourne squash was no good, and didnt see Kofi/Orton because of the Styles/Angle classic.

The segments with Bret were all well done and even got a laugh when Bret carried Jericho. The Jarrett promo was great and so was Eric Bischoff.

TNA was successful on showing WWE how to do a Monday Night Main Event title match. I cannot stop thinking about how good that match was and how the tore the house down. WWE needs matches like that on RAW and SD!.
with all the errors TNA made,im sure everyone done read all of them already,still I feel and from what i read all over,That TNA was indeed a better show,But really How can Vince Russo or anyone write a show when you don't know whos gonna be showing up? like how you write a storyline for Flair and Hardy when they come in at the last second? all you can do is having em just walk in.IF you do your homework,TNA storyllines are written way ahead of time because they have to do 2 tapings a week,thats all i can think of why TNA didn't really have storylines for flair and hardy

Even tho fans from all over have spoken that TNA was better but it wont change the ratings

Raw 4.3
Impact 0.8

most likely numbers i really do hope TNA can atlease pull a 1.0
Well, other than the fact that Hogan is shamelessly maneuvering himself into being the company's top babyface with a bunch of cheesy lines and tactics about "doing the right thing", I liked it.

I see where it's going. Bischoff and the "nWo" vs. Hogan and TNA. Maybe it won't last forever. Maybe it WILL. Isn't that where the nWo went wrong? No give-and-take? No longevity? No star making? This time, they do it right and TNA is the real winner in the end.

We can dream, anyway.
Having watched the first hour of Impact and then Raw afterwards, I think it was a fantastic night to be a wrestling fan for sure. The first hour of Impact was good. Not brilliant, not bad, just merely good. The first match; The Steel Asylum, almost made me cringe. The fact that Homicide levelled all of the other guys to make himself look good and then could not even get out of the cage!? That was so strange and it was not helped that the fans began to chant "This is bullshit" during a match that TNA hoped would capture the imaginations of the fans. Personally, I would have done it slightly different than that and would probably would have finished the match properly and determined a winner before Hardy came out and done his business. The acquisition of Hardy is massive though. I don't know what he is thinking but I have to believe that this is a bad move for him. That being said, it is a different discussion for a different thread. However, the sight of him being there really did make me mark out.

Then we have the acquisition of Ric Flair. Words cannot describe how much my jaw dropped when I saw the Nature Boy stepping out of the limo. It completely took me off guard and I marked out once more. Seeing him walking around a TNA arena just seemed so strange to me and I better get used to seeing it, I suppose. By all accounts, it looks as though he is going to play a mentor role in the continuing development of AJ Styles. That being said, I seriously hope that he doesn't wrestle for TNA although that may be a lost cause, in my opinion. It is no secret that Roc Flair misses being in the ring and TNA has probably offered him the chance to wrestle whomever he wants. I don't think that he should though and if he were smart, he wouldn't do it. Personally, I think that he has turned his back on the WWE after they gave him that fantastic send off. Wrestling for TNA would all but diminish that and I would be very upset to see it.

Then, of course, we have the arrival of Hulk Hogan. Personally, I thought that too much was made of it. I know that sounds so stupid considering that he is the biggest name to ever walk out into a TNA arena but they did it so poorly. I mean, the motorcade and the limo turning up almost an hour late for a show is pretty poor writing. As Sly pointed out, if you are the biggest name in an industry and the name that the company is hinging on, why the fuck would you turn up an hour late for work!? That annoyed me because it seemed really tired but I suppose that it needed to happen in the long run. Of course, you had Scott Hall and Sean Waltman turn up before Hogan and made a complete tit of themselves in typical fashion. Their segment was stupid and how the fuck did they manage to get in? Seriously, I think I missed it but how did they manage to sneak in such a shirt period of time when it took Foley fucking hours? Surely, Foley would know the layout of the building better than those two clowns? Anyway, once Hogan turned up I was intrigued to see what he said. Unfortunately though, I had bigger fish to fry and as Hogan finally got to the ring, Bret Hart was making his appearance. You can see from my sig that I thought it was a big moment...

I switched over to Raw just as it was starting and already the goosebumps were appearing on my arms. I have been a Bret Hart fan for only a couple of months. I always used to think that he was stuck in the past and that his legacy had gotten the best of him. However, after watching "Wrestling With Shadows" and more and more of his matches, I can honestly say that Bret Hart was one of the finest people and wrestlers to step between the ropes. As his music hit and the fans started cheering, I marked out hard. This was truly a ground-breaking moment in the history of wrestling and as he spoke, my eyes welled up. It is so good to see him back in the ring. A talent like Bret Hart doesn't deserve to be sidelined because of a cruel twist of events. Seeing him in a WWE ring brought back some memories of my childhood, when I was the biggest mark for him. As he called out Shawn Michaels, I swear my heart fluttered a little. Myself and Blade shared the same sentiment and could not believe that Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart were standing face to face in the middle of a wrestling ring. What's more is that they were forgiving each other for past events and if wrestling means anything to you, you will realise that this moment is sheer history in the making. I have never seen such an epic mark out like Blade did last night. Some of the extracts were as such: "He is coming out", "They are in the same ring" and "They are face to face". That s an awesome mark out and I was the exact same. This was quickly followed with "This is perfect" as Bret and Shawn hugged. I honestly get chills thinking about that hug. It was just so perfect. An amazing turn of events that brought out the mark in me and reduced grown men to tears.

That being said, I thought that Raw was pretty average. As has been said before, they didn't need to try and compete with TNA. Although they are in direct competition now, it is not going to last and I think that Raw did a great job of just getting on with business. I mean, it must have gotten to them that Jeff Hardy had joined TNA and Ric Flair had gone with him. Although it is not as serious as them jumping ship I bet that Vince was fucking seething with Hardy especially. Of course, Raw did try and put on a great show and the matches were pretty solid, if I am honest. The first match of note was DX against JeriShow. I honestly have no idea what happened at the end of this match. I know that Jericho lost but it was strange to just see the events unfold. I mean, it is not as if he is getting fired from the company, he is just going to where he was supposed to be all along. I may think that Raw is better with him but I cannot bet the only one who thought that they overplayed the situation slightly, am I? That being said, it was a decent match and it will be good to see how DX evolves from here on in and what will happen with the Big Show.

I must say something about the match with Sheamus and Evan Bourne. I was watching this with Blade and although he thought I was being a bitch about it, I still stand by the fact that it was so predictable an infant could have seen it coming. I don't think the argument that it will be better in the long run works because nothing was accomplished, to be honest. Sure, it shows that Evan Bourne has balls but he got fucking crushed and his finisher could not put Sheamus away. You could argue that that makes Sheamus look strong but I don't think so. He dominated a smaller opponent for a long period of time and although it may have shown that Sheamus was brutal, I could not get past te predictability of it all. I am not saying that I would have loved to see Evan Bourne in the main event at the Royal Rumble but I would have certainly loved to have seen him being given 10-15 minutes with Sheamus in what could have been a most impressive match. Sure, it is a weight mis-match but Rey Mysterio seems to get away with it at every turn. Come on WWE, give me a break.

Of course, then we come to the main event of the evening. Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston have some great matches together and this was no exception. These two just seem to hit it off every time they get into the ring and I must admit that I half-expected Kofi to go over here and set up the Legacy split. However, I guess WWE shut me up for my earlier predictability claim when Orton eventually went over. This is a feud that I am very interested in. These guys could go in any direction and it is certainly one of the most intriguing feuds that WWE can hang their hats on at the moment. Orton going over basically tells me that Kofi will not be winning the Royal Rumble this year, leading me to believe that it is set up for Ted DiBiase, Shawn Michaels or Edge to win.

However, this seems to have been overshadowed by the match on TNA between Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. I had TNA on a stream and I was watching Raw on my TV. However, I could not take my eyes off of this match. Blade says that it was done to appease AJ Styles and I have to agree with him. However, I am thankful that this match took place and true wrestling fans will know that it was one of the best matches of this young year and the last. From what I seen of it, it seemed to be amazing and just one of the reasons that TNA did a great job last night. Put on more matches like that and you will have to beat people away. It was tremendous and although I thought it seemed to be a bit of a clusterfuck in terms of appearances, I think it was brilliant. I wouldn't expect any less from these two men though and I really enjoyed what I saw.

As this was going down, Bret Hart was getting kicked in the balls by Vince again. Not figuratively, like in Montreal but more literally as the feud between the two of them seems to be getting set up for Wrestlemania. I was excited to see Vince talking Bret up and I thought that it seemed really genuine as he spoke. However, the turn was always going to happen and I am glad that it did. It means that the seeds have been planted for a great feud between the two.

However, this thread asked if it lived up to what I had expected and I have to say that it did. I expected it to have moments that I could forever say "I was there". In terms of that, I think it did. I was there when Jeff Hardy turned his back on the WWE once again and turned up at the Impact Zone. I was there when Ric Flair came to TNA to help out AJ Styles. I was there when Hulk Hogan was warmly welcomed to a new dawn in wrestling entertainment and I was most certainly there when Bret "The Hitman" Hart came back to the WWE after a 12 year stint on the sidelines. It met my expectations and exceeded them by the bucket load. It was a fantastic night to be a wrestling fan and all of you can say too that "I was there"...
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Raw was predictable as usual and I only turned on the show during commercials and when Miz came out and some of Bret's promos(which was kinda disappointing). I'm sure that I'll be watching TNA every monday if this continues unless RAW bring it's game up. I mean hornswoggle and all the dx advertising, and sheamus as wwe champion doesn't really cut it for me. Loved the Angle/Styles match btw.
The show that I watched last night , TNA iMPACT! did live up to my expectations. In fact it was better then I thought it would be. Everyone said that the WWE had the advantage because they were going with an already announced card so the fans knew what to expect. TNA left everything wide open until the show begun, which I loved.

TNA had a lot of great moments last night. The only issue I have is that all of their debuts should not have taken place last night. I would have some go week by week, but oh well. The AJ - Angle match stole the show, and even more so , was a definite early match of the year candidate. Now, it's time I catch up on Raw.
I watched both shows last night, though TNA definitely had more of my screen time than WWE by far. Why? I wanted to see what was going to happen on TNA next. That is precisely the type of product I want to see coming from both companies on a weekly basis.

On the subject of who won the "war", that ones easy. TNA won by a landslide mostly because at this stage, they are competing with "themselves" as opposed to WWE. Vince and company are not sweating TNA and why should they? Despite the minor weekly fluctuations, RAW is a good semi-consistent ratings grab every time it's on. TNA's ratings have been a fraction of those posed by RAW, don't typically compete favorably with Smackdown, and are only semi-competitive with ECW (a C level show). There is simply no reason for Vince to worry about TNA... yet.

The big win here is TNA stepping up their game and making an effort to get into the "big leagues" where WWE resides now. Whether individuals personally think they were successful or not, they made a solid attempt and I think in that regard they undeniably succeeded. The real question is "where does TNA go from here?"

Things have only just begun and the following weeks and months will determine Vinces level of concern and/or worry. I don't think WWE truly competed last night because they don't see TNA as true competition. I'm guessing that in 6 months time or less we'll know whether we have a true War on our hands. TNA fired the first shot Monday night... they're going to have to fire a lot more to phaze the 800lb gorilla that is WWE. When/if they do, wrestling fans will surely know and they'll be all the better for it.

Until the future reveals itself, I say Go TNA! I want my compelling, constantly raising the bar wrestling program back, despite who it is that's producing it.
Thank God for Tivo because I was able to record and then watch both IMPACT and RAW last night and they were both pretty awesome. I'll give the edge to TNA last night because, well, it was Hulk Hogan. Yes, I also noticed that his new theme song is an edgier NWO theme. Wonder what that means. Also, the fact that Bischoff "hired" Hall, Nash, and Waltman to protect him against Foley as the show went off the air makes me wonder where this is going. Couldn't really get a fix on Hogan's reaction when he walked in and saw Foley down. Styles-Angle was off the chain and the surprise appearances were indeed surprises. Who was attacking people backstage and what's up with Lashley?

RAW was terrific, too, and it was great to see Bret and HBK bury the hatchet. Overall, RAW was very good. Wasn't a fan of what Vince did at the end. Is this buildup to Hart-McMahon at Mania?

All in all, it was a great night for wrestling fans everywhere.
On this thread i see a lot of "repeating" what other people say that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I hear a lot of the same crap about Hornswoggle ruining it for people but that everything else WWE does is ok. Bull. Everything WWE does is far from ok. It's terrible. Hornswoggle sucks but he's the closest thing to "being" worth tuning in to compared to the rest of WWE programming prior to Bret Hart. The only reason people hate him is cause Shawn Michaels makes a point each week to say he hates him. When Shawn Michaels says something, everybody repeats it like its truth. Shawn Michaels is a fantastic wrestler but a piece of shit of a human being. So everybody repeating everything he says is clearly a piece of shit with no credibility.

As far as the crap about AJ Styles and Kurt Angle's match being the only thing worth watching at TNA, well that's a crock of shit. Sure it was a great match, but some people on here are acting like it was the most amazing match that ever happened and only because they were told so by Tazz and Mike Tenay. It was a good match, but really Kurt Angle's good guy routine leaves him with no charisma and AJ Styles has little if any and will not be a credible champion till he gets some. TNA put on a great show, i was shocked that Hogan got perhaps an even bigger ovation than Bret Hart. I was pleasantly surprised to see some hinting at an NWO reunion and i think if wrestling is going to make any sense moving forward then Hogan and Bischoff have to start typing up loose ends from the late 90s and give this wrestling generation the boost it needs, even if it means building up the old guys temporarily to give the new ones the long term credibility they so desperately need if TNA is going to be any challenge to WWE in the future. There has to be passing of the torch from the old guys to the new ones or else there will be no future for TNA wrestling, and perhaps no future for wrestling period. Without competition, WWE will put out the most lackluster product possible until there's any real threat like now, and a 3.2 rating of girls and lame ass men everywhere will continue to eat it up because they have nothing better to do and don't remember anything better. Ultimately, in order for TNA to do well there needs to be guys from the past with the mic skills, charisma, the guys people want to see like Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Sting..TNA has to use these guys against guys like AJ Styles and whoever to build these TNA guys up like the few guys the NWO guys built up in the late 90s (Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg, etc). That way, moving forward, TNA will appear much strong to the average wrestling fan. And one last thing: TNA can't have guys, like Hogan and Flair if they do wrestle, losing matches to Billy Kidman and Vince Russo. TNA has to build up even the older generation to prove to today's fans that these guys can still compete and at one time were the best in the business. They need to be pushed too, just like Shawn Michaels and Triple H are week after week.
What did TNA do to introduce its existing roster to the new fans tuning in? There were no video packages, no highlight reels...just poor matches and backstage attacks. The casual fan that tuned in would definitely talk about the "old guys", but aside from AJ, will they remember any of the pre-Hogan TNA wrestlers? I mean aside from the embarrassing red cage and the trailer park looking woman that became champion (& I like ODB btw, just looking at it from a casual viewer's perspective).

Wow that is a very good point that I guess I just didnt realize watching last night, I watch TNA almost every week so I know wat guys like Hernandez, Matt Morgan, Daniels, Beer Money, etc., can do but to a fan tuning in for the first time what did they see from these guys, Matt Morgan and Hernandez in a 10 sec sqaush match, Beer saying hello to rick flair then being knocked out in the back, and Daniels 1 min of camera time :wtf: I guess in all my marking out last night I didnt realize TNA buried their great talent they already had besides Styles and The Pope, That makes me look at the show a little diff but still I enjoyed it, but that is a great point
Well, I am hopeful for TNA. I don't suppose I need to discuss the debacle with the "look our cage is new and different" match, fans in the building got it right. I have never been a fan of the female wrestlers cause they are sooo lame but the tag match was a treat. :worship: They had wrestlers that happened to have hooters which are 2 of my favorite things. I flipped back and forth so some things were missed. When Hogan and the Band were doing their in-ring I kept hoping Fat Hall would fall on and flatten XPac aka sean aka XUglychickporker. Just not my favorite wrestler. I am very hopeful that most of the "new" old people NEVER wrestle and most are on very short, if any, contracts. Hogan should stick to being the boss(whatever he is) and stay out of the ring. I see a lot of potential so please, please, PLEASE, don't beat a dead horse :banghead: . I don't mind them being mentors, enforcers, thugs in the back, managers, comedy for a break or whatever but keep nasty boys, flair, hall, eric, and Val out of the ring. As previously posted by others decent match from aj & angle but what use are finishers? WWE was not real impressive but Brett is a HUGE draw. I am curious as to all the hate for hornswoggle. Kinda breaks up the monotony of half a DX and he has actually made me laugh a couple of times. As to my name, yes I have been a wrestling fan for 40 years, my first wrestling idol was the Crusher cause he supposedly trained by running with a keg til it was empty. You youngsters thought austin was original lol.:lol:
Was there any doubt i was going to miss this for Bret hart screwjob number 2.
Let me start of by saying this was exactly like the old days, i would say around 1998. The crowd was good, the action was good, storylines looked good, Ric flair, Jeff hardy, they looked more major on this night than in their 7 year history. And the best part is more surprises are too come.

WWE fans should come on and join the action with us because they get too see Hardy and Flair. And oh yeah AJ FREAKIN STYLES

The bad points- Too many segements, to many ex-wrestlers, Nasty boys, lack of X division, Terrordome still exists, Nasty boys, No Angelina Love, Lacey is still in TNA, Nasty boys, lack of Amazing Red.
Only Tuesday morning and still so many posts.

Me and my friends decided TNA had better prospects (we'll be watching DVRed Raw tonight). And our final opinions were all pretty similar. I felt the show was pretty decent despite all of the "big surprises" being immensely underwhelming (Orlando Jordan and Sean Morley were not what I had in mind. I was more keeping my fingers crossed for a certain Green Bay, Wisconsin native...so it goes) but I'm pretty used to standard TNA fare where the matches are good and the storylines are atrocious.

That being said, there were a lot of goofy questions left to be answered that honestly felt more like plot-holes than suspense to tune in next week. If Hogan was in the back all day why did he need to show up in a motorcade? Who got into his limo? It wasn't Flair; he showed up in his own limo. Was it Bischoff, because I'm pretty sure they made it pretty clear Bischoff was coming with Hogan and I don't need to be "tantalized" with common knowledge. Did they seriously build up this mystery attacker angle for so long just to have it end with Kurt Angle clotheslining him out of the ring? Or does TNA honestly expect the mystery guy to still have heat when he just got mega-embarrassed Bushwhacker-style?

I like the idea that there was some mystery as far as who the heels and faces are supposed to be. Whether Hogan and the rest of NWO and Bischoff are on the same page or which combination of the three are. They all did a good job adding a level of complexity to all involved, Foley and Jarrett included.

You see, Vince MacMahon is more of a PT Barnum, sucker-born-every-minute kind of guy who has been very successful taking advantage of the unfortunate fact that most wrestling fans are kind of dumb and need everything to be clear cut good guys against bad guys and girls just need to look pretty. They don't even really experiment. A face is courageous, fearless, and makes the crowd feel good about themselves by spewing meaningless platitudes of "yes we can". A heel is arrogant, egotistical, usually cheats to win, and only gets on the mic to gloat or complain. Besides an accent and ring experience, there's hardly a discernible difference between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton. Like a lot of the people Bubba the Love Sponge (by the way, what a waste of space that turd is) interviewed said pretty much the same thing, WWE can feel like a kiddie product because in their attempt to appeal to the lowest common denominator it might as well be Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

I like the complicated vague interrelations going on so far between Hogan, Jarrett, NWO, Bischoff, Foley and Sting (tight as security was, some jackass still let Sting back up on the catwalk). It has to translate into something. I think, Hogan is right in the lace 'em up and I think all of the "new guys" should seriously have a one shot match to get in and be for real about it. I'm still flabbergasted that despite making fun of bringing back the Nasty Boys, they did it anyway, granted all with more than a little lampshade hanging. But they get ONE MATCH against the Dudleys, get put through some tables, and they come immediately back to Tampa to get drunk at Rays games. I don't know if Hall can still wrestle, but it's not like that's stopping Nash. I've seen X-Pac wrestle for AAA and he can still go, it's just that....well, everybody kind of hates X Pac. I honestly don't know what you do with them. Orlando Jordan and Val Venis? **sigh** I really don't know what they are planning on doing with them either and really, if they aren't paying Val Venis with table scraps he can go join Billy Gunn in Hasbeenland.

Here's to Mr. Anderson showing up eventually.
Minus a few parts here and there for the sake of time including the BP segments, the endless shots of limos, and the main event because it was awesome and I didn't need to see it again. I also have a counter on my DVR so I can keep an eye on the time, which I think will be most interesting. My conclusion: Impact was not very good.

We all got sucked into the moment and that's exactly what we were supposed to do. However, let's take a look at what actually happened last night and see how it sounds on paper.

Before the show starts, we have the card listed. Remember, most of these matches WILL NOT HAPPEN, even though we're told they'll be happening. It's like offering punch and pie and then not having any, yet hoping people will stay anyway due to being bored and having nothing else to do since they were lured in with something else. It's also called false advertising which is illegal but that's such a nasty term that we just won't use it here.

We open with Bubba talking to fans. Who is this guy? I guarantee you a TON of people have no idea who this guy is. We hear about him here a lot because he's one of Hogan's lackeys, but how many people either A, know who he is, B, listen to him, or C, care. This is a wrestling show. Either have a wrestling guy like JB or a hot chick like Christy or Val. We're told he's a big name in radio. So? So are Artie Lange and G. Gordon Liddy. I don't want to see them on a wrestling show. What do the fans want? Hot sexy wrestlers and NEW things, you know, like Hulk Hogan (his words not mine) who is approaching twenty six years since he won the world title. By a show of hands, how many of you were alive back then?

First match: Steel Asylum

Now i know a lot of us were happy this started things out. However, let's take a look here. For one thing, there are 8 people in there. that's FAR too many. Four would be great but TNA likes to do way too much. Second, you can't see SHIT. The cage blocks everything and because so much is going on, the cameras are limited anyway, but the cage makes it nearly impossible to see most of the match. As for the match itself, it runs 4 minutes. Yes, the X-Division got ten minutes for a segment. The match itself got about 4 of those while the rest were entrances and the shock, which we'll get to momentarily. The ending you ask? A no contest, or a DQ without saying it because a DQ can't happen in a cage match right? Anything goes in a cage match right? We couldn't have a match end because of a weapon being used in a cage match right? Yeah that couldn't happen. Only an IDIOT would call a match because of a weapons shot in a cage match.

Rating: D. For all the reasons listed above, not only was this stupid and overdone, but DAMN man, they managed to piss off the insanely hot audience inside of 15 minutes. Not fucking bad.

Now we get to the SHOCKING, COMPLETELY UNPLANNED debut of Jeff Hardy. It was so SHOCKING AND COMPLETELY UNPLANNED that he had his own music. I’ll give them this: this was huge. Vince now looks like an idiot for plugging that DVD for a month and now Jeff is with the competition. That’s not good.

Commercial #1

Jeff is in the back and meets with Shannon Moore. The same Shannon Moore that has bounced back and forth between the two companies more than anyone else without actually doing anything of note.

Hogan, the booker/boss, isn’t here yet. That’s just stupid.

Nash talks about Hogan with a smoking hot Christy. Now why couldn’t we see her earlier instead of Bubba? That would make too much sense I guess, because who wants to see a gorgeous Playboy centerfold who is a former wrestler in an incredibly revealing outfit when we can see a big name from radio that most of us have never listened to?

Women’s title: ODB vs. Tara

We’re told none of the history here or that ODB won the tournament or anything like that. This is supposed to be a rebirth of TNA, yet we’re not told anything about WHY we should care. If you’re trying to get the new audience, then go after the new audience. Don’t just throw stuff out there, even the too hot to be human Tara with her kick ass theme song, and expect the people to just buy it. We need reasons to be interested in these characters. WWE has done a horrible job with their women of just telling us they’re interesting without explaining WHY they’re interesting. That’s just bad all around. Again, this is three minutes with the title changing hands. Oh and we get the stupid jump to the empty arena shot in case Tara’s ass shows. Alcohol drinking: fine. People looking stoned off their ass: fine. ODB slapping her vagina: fine. Two second of ass cleveage: GET IT OFF THE AIR NOW!!!

Rating: N/A. It’s another three minute match. We’re thirty minutes into the show and we’ve had 4 minutes of intros, 4 of commercials, 2 of promos, 2 of a guy trying to climb a cage, 2 of Jeff doing nothing of note, other mindless stuff, and 6 of wrestling. In other words, it’s 20% wrestling. For a show called Total Nonstop Action, that’s a bad sign.

Flair is here. Shocking, yes. Important, nope. We’ll see why later. Actually we won’t see why but whatever.

Commercial #2

More talking to fans, this time with Christy, meaning that Bubba was, say it with me, COMPLETELY POINTLESS. Foley shows up, making him character with power #2 on the show.

Bobby Lashley and his wife come out to talk. They talk for three minutes. What do they say? They want to leave. They came here and talked, to say they don’t want to be here. To break that down even further, they came here to say they don’t want to be here. Do you see why my head hurts already? Also, Kristal is really weak at insulting fans. She makes Vickie look good at it.

Commercial #3

Hogan is still on his way.

Commercial #4

Hall and X-Pac can’t get in. Hogan is still on his way.

Commercial #5

The limos are here and one person gets out of one and gets into another. Who was it? What does it signify? We’re never told, but why would we need to be told something like that? It’s not like this is interesting or anything like that.

Hall and X-Pac get in anyway, showing the brilliance of the TNA security. Points to the stoned/drunk Hall for his Prince Justice Brotherhood shirt.

Commercial #6

In case you were wondering, two minutes later and Hall and X-Pac are STILL here.

Commercial #7

Hogan FINALLY is here. Note, Raw is starting right about now. He says exactly what you would expect him to say: TNA will be #1, it’s a new beginning, everyone get ready, etc. Hall and X-Pac get in the ring and talk about how the band is back together, Hogan says it’s time to grow up. This kills me with laughter but whatever. Note: Bret Hart is in the ring on Raw at this time and is calling out Shawn Michaels in a much more interesting segment. The problem here is that Hogan, Hall, X-Pac and Nash who eventually come down and talk about the old days and the code and the gang etc. One problem: THEY NEVER SAY WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT. It’s nothing but vague references and mentions to incidents without saying what those were. This is fine for people like us that get what they’re talking about, but remember that this is the NEW ERA of TNA. They’re supposed to be getting new fans. What about people that started watching wrestling in 2000 or after? What about people that have only heard little references to the NWO on WWE television? What about fans that think they mean the WWE NWO? That’s the problem with these angles about the past: a TON of fans are going to be lost. It’s great for people like us, but we make up a tiny fraction of the viewing audiences, even for a company like TNA. Also, TNA’s new era is being centered around an angle that happened over ten years ago. Anyone else see the problem there?

Bischoff comes out as another surprise, which is yet another guy that while awesome hasn’t been on television other than a popup appearance here or there in over four years, confusing even more new fans. He rips up the format sheet and says that the rest of the card has been changed. We’ll ignore how completely and utterly stupid that is for now and move on to the fact that this is their clever way of changing the announced card and avoiding false advertising. That’s just cheap, plain and simple. They announced a bunch of cool matches at the opening of the show, but now they’re changing the whole thing. What if someone watched the show just for those matches? FUCK THEM. That’s what so much of this show has been: fuck the new fans, we want the old ones and that’s about it.

Sting is watching, which while intriguing, is even more pointless. Why in the world would you use Sting, a guy on the final legs of his career, in an angle with Hogan and Bischoff instead of having him put over young guys? Of the six guys in that segment (Bischoff, Hogan, Hall, Nash, X-Pac, Sting), the youngest is X-Pac at 37. All others are over 50 and all but one are referencing an angle that has been over for at the bare minimum seven and a half years but in reality over ten. Yep, some new era if I’ve ever seen one.

Commercial #8

Sting is still watching.

Women’s Tag Titles: Sarita/Taylor Wilde vs. Kong/Hamada

Hamada is hot actually, as are the champions. Note: as the bell rings, we’re 80 minutes into this show and have had 6 minutes of wrestling. That comes out to 3/40 of the show, or .075 percent. They announce Angle vs. Styles for the PPV. Not happening either apparently but whatever. We hear that the Motor City Machine Guns have been attacked. After three minutes of wrestling we segue into this.

Commercial #9

We come back for three more minutes with a good deal of botches and slipups before the pin and the meaningless title change as these belts simply aren’t needed, doubling the actual amount of wrestling that we’ve seen giving us 12 minutes of wrestling that we’ve seen in 90 minutes of programming, good for 12/90, or a whopping 13% of the airtime!

Rating: C-. It was good but that’s it. This was far from the masterpiece that everyone said that it was. Why did the heels get a title shot? You don’t need to know. How did the faces get the belts? Don’t need to know that either. Why should I care about this match? See other two questions for answer. Seriously, I don’t need a novel to tell me what’s going on here, but give me SOMETHING. The fans might be impressed, but if you don’t know who these people are, you’re likely not going to be enthralled by fairly sloppy wrestling to stay with it. These belts need to go. Damn Hamada really is hot.

More strip poker, the second segment of it, but Val Venis, aka the guy in the towel, shows up. Again, a cool thing for older fans, but a lot of people aren’t going to know him. Also, anyone find it odd that the first thing he does is take a shower? That just came off as odd to me.

Commercial #10

Mick Foley can’t get in but he wants to talk to Hogan. Screw the fact that he owns stock in the company. Owning the company means nothing anymore. The Nasty Boys are here. They get thrown out but whatever.

Matt Morgan/Hernandez vs. Raven/Stevie Richards

Rating: N/A. It’s a minute and a half match as Morgan kicks Richards for the pin. I’ll call it two minutes just to be nice and I rounded down on the women’s tag title match. This was a #1 contenders match actually and it’s announced that Flair is with Styles. Not that we get to see that or anything because why would we want to see that?

And now we go to the Pope for no apparent reason. ORLANDO FREAKING JORDAN interrupts Slick 2.0 from his meaningless promo and yet no one cares again.

D’angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe

In another three minute match, the character beats the wrestler, which is again stupid as Wolfe’s credibility takes a hit that isn’t needed to push a character who doesn’t have a character. I hate this show.

Rating: N/A. Can we get a freaking match go 7 minutes? Is it that hard? The Slammys did this and were called crap. TNA does it and it’s called genius. Yeah TNA fans aren’t biased at all.

Commercial #11

Jeff Jarrett is here.

Commercial #12

Rhyno is attacked. JB is run off so that Bubba the Love Sponge can say that he’s Bubba the Love Sponge.

We waste two minutes showing clips of Hogan and company from earlier in the night.

Jarrett is coming to the ring.

Commercial #13

AJ is in the back and Bischoff shows up, saying the Genesis PPV match, the can’t miss PPV main event, is TONIGHT on free TV instead of on PPV where they could, you know, make money on it. That’s not like the mega mistake they made with Goldberg and Hogan in 98 at all. Nope not at all.

Two hours in, 18 minutes of wrestling, good for 18/120, or 15%.

Jarrett comes to the ring to his sweet My World music. The fans are cheering the hell out of him and he cuts an emotional speech, clearly establishing himself as a big face. He’s authority figure #4 if you’re paying attention. (Foley who owns a bunch of stock, Hogan who books, Bischoff who has the authority to tear up a run sheet and redo it, and Jarrett who owns part of the company) We see a shot of Dixie Carter in the crowd, giving us authority figure #5. Jarrett has the fans loving him and praising TNA to no end, acting just like a face boss character should. He says that he’s wanted Hogan here for years. To make this clear: Jeff Jarrett has been here since the beginning, he’s fought to build this company, he loves TNA, and the fans are into him. Jeff Jarrett is a face character here, plain and simple.

So what do they do? They have Hogan show up to completely steal the spotlight and make HIMSELF the face. He runs down Jarrett but talks like a face anyway. See, this is the problem: Hogan has done NOTHING in TNA. He’s been there two hours but he’s making himself the savior of the company and throwing aside guys like Jarrett who have the authority and the history here and is clearly still loved by the fans. As NSL and I have both said, we were worried about this happening: Hogan shoving aside characters that are both established and over in favor of himself. The expression of if it ain’t broke don’t fix it could never work better. Jarrett is a clearly over character that is popular and has the reasons to be. He made TNA and deserves a big part of the spotlight and a lot of the credit. Yes, for a long time he hogged the spotlight and the company itself, mainly the title, but since then he’s been barely on TV and has been a minor character for the most part, never being involved in the main event and having good solid matches with guys like Angle. He’s stayed out of the way and has been nothing but a positive for TNA. Now, is Hogan a bigger deal? Absolutely. Should Hogan be pushed above Jarrett? Absolutely. Should Hogan crush Jarrett on the way there? Not in a million years. That is complete and utter bullshit but he can get away with it anyway which is just garbage. I don’t like Jarrett at all really but this isn’t right at all. You can’t crush say Dixie Carter, who has been on TV all of an hour since she got there, but you can crush Jarrett who gets in front of the camera and built this company up? I’m sorry, but that’s just unacceptable to me. Hogan said Dixie saved the company from Jarrett. I’d say that’s bullshit, but here’s the thing: without Jarrett, there is no TNA, period and end of story. Also, people are going to care about Jarrett A LOT more than Carter, but hey, Hogan can’t be wrong right?

Daniels tries to say something but JB interrupts to stop Foley from coming in, which he fails at. Even more reason for Bubba to take his job I guess.

Commercial #14

Jeff is painting and he and Moore say that Hogan wants to talk to him. Thanks for that.

Beer Money has been attacked too.

Samoa Joe vs. Abyss

Joe is a face now? Sting is still here by the way. He’s not doing anything, but he’s still here damn it! Abyss loses to the choke in five minutes. Yeah he’s a MONSTER damn it. Another five minutes.

Rating: C. Average. That’s what this was to a T, or A in this case. This could have been on any house show and it would have been the exact same thing. There was nothing special at all here for me and I don’t know of anyone that would think otherwise. It’s ok, but that’s just it: it’s just ok.

23/140 now, or 16%.

Kristal wants to talk to Hogan. Bischoff still has his spot as Authority figure #3.

Commercial #15

Jeff and Shannon are “mobbed” by 3 fourteen year old girls. I guess they’ll be the new Rock N Roll Express or something.

The Nastys trash Team 3D’s locker room. Nastys segments: 3, AJ segments: 1. That should tell you a lot.

TNA World Title: AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

This match was awesome and went 22 minutes. That’s all you need to know. Oh and commercial #16 is in there. Oh and Flair comes out. Doesn’t say anything, but he’s there and will get a huge check for doing nothing at all. To be fair though, he truly was a big shock and is still a major draw. Keep in mind though, less than a year ago, people were BEGGING for him to be thrown off the air, and that’s when he was interacting with a young guy in Orton.

Rating: A-. Great match, don’t need to explain why.

The not-NWO have been beating people up and do the same to Foley. So in other words, they’re doing the same thing that they did in 1996 but Hall is fat now, Hogan doesn’t wrestle (ok so that’s the same as it was 14 years ago), Nash only talks, and X-Pac hasn’t been seen on TV in forever. Our show ends with Hogan being confused.

Overall Rating: D+. This show was just not that good. It was a GREAT first hour and then the show just falls apart. Let’s see. We finish up with SIXTEEN COMMERCIALS totaling over half an hour which we’ll call 30 minutes to be VERY nice, plus 45 minutes of in ring wrestling. That leaves us with an hour and 45 minutes of intros, promos and just random talking. Yes, Impact put on a three hour show, with over HALF being promos or talking. Think about that. There is one match that goes over seven minutes, which is the awesome main event. Hogan crushes Jarrett, who was still over, and we get nearly 40 minutes dedicated to Hall, Nash, and X-Pac. The Nasty Boys have 3 segments and Bubba does nothing at all other than say his name. Yes, this is the NEW TNA!

Now look, I loved this show last night on a first viewing, but this is like a Slyfox post: it looks great at first, but one you actually break it down and look at it, there’s nothing substantial there. It’s simply the same things that have been said before but adjusted to look better (not a knock on Sly as it’s incredibly effective). The thing is though, there is zero substance here. Everything was just about being flashy. The problem is that TNA blew everything into this one show. Hardy and Flair are huge deals, but that’s all they’ve got. There is nothing left for them to throw out there and if this doesn’t work, they’re in real trouble. They’re never going to be able to compete with Vince if last night wasn’t huge because that’s all they’ve got and the rest of the company was pushed aside. AJ vs. Angle was great, but it was more or less an afterthought. It was thrown out mid show (great job of advertising that one guys. It’s not like anyone would want to see a guaranteed classic, or even better PAY to see it which a ton of people would). This show was great on a first viewing, but since it’s reairing on Thursday, they could be in trouble. I watched it again and it fell apart faster than Tiger Woods’ marriage. This wasn’t a great show and it wasn’t even relatively good. Hogan has turned the place upside down and all of the talent is trying to hold on while guys like the Nastys, who will be back, and Bubba, who is an idiot, try to stomp on their fingers. Great surprises, BAD overall show. It’ll keep people for a few weeks, but if they don’t start giving us something solid to fall back on, this is going to go downhill very fast.
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