[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Thank Christ for that great AJ v Angle main event, because up until that point I thought this show was a huge letdown.

Jeff Hardy is the only person I care about out of all the guys who debuted/redebuted last night, but they blew what should have been his big debut. He was WWE's most popular performer for the past 2 years and is still in his prime unlike the other guys they gave more hype to, and they have him debut like that? He just shows up after an awful x division cage match for no apparent reason? Even the announcers didn't care, "Hey look Taz, it's Jeff Hardy...", say what you will about Don West, but he would have made this sound like a big deal, some times hyperbole is required. In short, it's like they took one of the biggest stars in wrestling in recent years and turned him into just another guy on the roster in the space of one night.

Tara losing the title so quickly again was ridiculous, don't they diss WWE for having sloppy womens matches that don't go longer than 3 minutes? Thankfully the Knockouts Tag title match was a huge improvement on that.

All the Hogan/Bischoff/NWO/Jarrett stuff was boring and took up far too much time, they are bringing nothing new or entertaining to the table with this, this will not bring in ratings, short term or long.

Desmond Wolfe jobbed out in under 3 minutes, I think he's won one match so far since he debuted, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

On a night when they should be doing everything possible to generate goodwill from potential first time viewers, they announce a barb wire match and don't deliver it. Opening the show with a 4 minute cage match and ending it in a DQ of all things was also very counter-productive and not a way to hook viewers in.

At this point, the show was a disappointment of epic proportions, then finally, they had the main event, that match was awesome, this is what should have been showcased more, there's no reason why there couldn't have been more of a balance between the wrestling and the angles with the old timers, there's no excuse for having 20 minutes of wrestling in the first 2 and a half hours of the show, especially on a show where they kept talking about how different they were from WWE, not on this night they weren't.
I thought Impact was average maybe slightly above average. With the exception of Angle vs Styles the matches absolutely sucked and there were far too many unnecessary surprise appearances.

I really had no interest in seeing Hall, Waltman, Jarrett, Orlando Jordan, Val Venis, Shannon Moore or the Nasy Boyz. The only appearances that I liked were Jeff Hardy and Ric Flair. I don't see any of the other guys doing much with the company. Hogan came out and talked about all the great young talent TNA had, but all they did is show those young guys laid out because of a "mystery attacker."

Hopefully they go away from the shock value and random appearances from people that no one really cares about anymore and focus on having a better overall show for next week.
WWE fans should come on and join the action with us because they get too see Hardy and Flair. And oh yeah AJ FREAKIN STYLES

The bad points- Too many segements, to many ex-wrestlers, Nasty boys, lack of X division, Terrordome still exists, Nasty boys, No Angelina Love, Lacey is still in TNA, Nasty boys, lack of Amazing Red.

Why should any fans, WWE or not, come on and join the action when the bad points you explained was the ENTIRE TNA show lastnight? Exactly.

TNA dropped the ball huge this past Monday and I don't see ratings being any different, and I certainly don't see anyone starting to watch the show consistently from here on except for the TNA fans who already have been watching, and can clearly STILL turn their head and ignore the sheer failure of this past show while praising it like it's the best thing that TNA's ever done. Unbelievable.
I'm still collecting myself. I had a massive headache for much of the night due to all the mark outs I had. The show was amazing. I will say first and foremost that I am not a TNA mark at all. I only recently began watching because of the acquisition of Hogan and Eric, but last nights show rocked my socks.

The steel asylum match sucked, and I thought it was a horrible way to start of the night with an end like that. Everyone thinks Homicide couldn't get out of the cage, but I started thinking to myself and I think the reason he didn't get out was because he was waiting for the others to pop up and chase him. Idk it's a possibility but who knows. Now back to the match. I thought that was a horrible way to start the show, but then that amazing song that I must find the name of came on, and I saw Jeff Hardy. Now I heard that we saw him arrive during the MMA broadcast which I was watching, but turned off for the commercials so I was absolutely shocked. Also didn't read any spoilers. I legit jumped off my couch in shock. Then all the sudden it turned from bad to amazing.

Nash cuts a great promo. Glad for him. I really like Nash and am glad he can still get some tv time. Glad ODB won blah blah blah boring match. Then comes my ssecond mark out of the night. Ric fucking Flair is in the impact zone! Again this caused me to jump off my couch. Then we see Hall and Waltman. Really glad to see Waltman but that fat fucking drunk Hall ruins it for me.

Then came Hulk entering. As soon as that fucking music played I yelled and again jumped up. The promo he and Eric cut was amazing, and it really reminded me how great Eric was on the mic. It was great, and I really hope they continue to use Eric on tv. Great to see the Nasty Boys even if they are out of shape fuckers lol. They can still make me laugh.

The main event however quickly became the best wrestling match I have seen in some fucking time. See I quit watching wrestling about 4 months ago because I just saw it going downhill. These two proved me wrong last night. The match was incredible. I really became a huge AJ fan because of that match last night. Hulk came out and fucking praised them. Great class shown by Hulk to go out and show them respect for what they did.

This show really got me back into wrestling. I may not watch WWE, but TNA really impressed me. Hulk showed that he was there to help people and push younger wrestlers which really made some people eat their words. It was great. Really glad I decided to tune in.
TNA felt like a mix of WCW 97' and TNA. TNA was a weird mix of old guys and young guys but sadly they didn't really cross paths. They also did a pile of back stage crap that I hated in 1998 and now. Limos and prone bodies don't work as much now because people now know it's all a work. When it was "real" a guy laid out in the back meant something, not now.

TNA had the some great matches. The Diva tag match, was probably 2nd best of the night, and really made the WWE Divas look exposed, if not the WWE men, this was a great match, one of the best womens matches since Trish and Lita had a few good ones, and honestly one of the best tag matches I've seen in a while.

Angle and AJ blew the roof off with their insane match. It was like watching Mania, they left it in the ring it was great, even a good finish, clean! Match of the year maybe, and yes I know it's just began lol! I would have liked to see some more selling but since the concept was "who is the best wrestler in the world today" I thought both of them looking superhuman a.k.a. like Cena was ok.

Hogan being the boss is works as long as Bischoff is there to help him keep lines straight. They work.

Oh yeah Hardy. He is finally where he belongs again, in a spot match division with guys who he can hit it spits with. I never liked him as main event and I'm pretty sure he only got it because certain higher ups in WWE knew he wouldn't last and they could retake the spot from him. Notice WWE rarely puts over guys who might actually succeed? (ex. Booker, RVD, MVP, even Angle was getting buried for getting over) I like Hardy as a wrestler, but in crazy spot matches not main events.

Relating to him, the red cage with the botched spot sums up hour one. Why even go three hours then waste hour one with nothing? Thankfully the other 2 were better.

TNA began a pile of angles, we'll see how the follow through as weeks pass. The big angle is Hogan telling all his old boys no one gets an easy path, everyone will be earning there spot, no freebies, we'll see, I mean the nasty boys showed up and trashed Team 3-Ds locker room, so I'm skeptical.

Overall I give TNA the slight edge over Raw because of the amount of surprises and good matches. Not as polished but was more exciting, didn't know what would happen next, kinda like Raw was in 1998. It really showed how predictable Raw/WWE has become. If TNA works out the production stuff and the commercial timing it could go a long way. Signing some young good guys with some decent size is a must. As for the old guys, make them work it or burry them. If they can work cool, if they can't have Morgan eat them alive and "retire" them.

Raw was good too, but it was the same old one sided obviously booked matches little guys being mauled and DX being stale. They book the chosen few to protectively it's sad and the matches suffer as a result. Look at the great matches, both wrestler give to each other, now days a mid to low carder is booked to barely get off a single move against one of the elite. Even if that guys is the current champion he gets jobbed somehow; see Cena vs Shemus last week.

Orton and Kofi had a great match, (they gave to one another) if not for TNA I would rave about it, but the good TNA matches were PPV quality. In truth Orton vs Kofi was probably just an average match 12 years ago, but now I'm giddy about it, because it's so rare I am given good matches on RAW or even PPV.

It was nice NOT to see Cena, I'm really tired of that Same promo and his over booking. Turn the man a heel, give him a gang (Killings and Crime Time) and let him go on a tear already! I love heel Cena and the fans are dying for it, he is more stale than DX, they were young rebels when DX began, but how can fans buy them as "young degenerates" now? I love them both as singles, or even as a team but please stop the overly childish acting stuff leave that gimmick to the teams like the Hart Dynsaty who actually are young and rebellious! I never saw how 2 men were a "gang" anyway but thats a whole different rant.

Bret looked a bit rough but that worked for the emotion, I think everyone felt for him. It was great to see him, but the angle with Vince was just kinda lame. It was a 90's style double cross complete with hand shake and arm raise. Vince kinda ruined it, if he done the low blow then berated a bit it would have looked better, but he threw a snap low kick then ran off, it just seemed awkward and wasn't what the viewers wanted. Still glad to see Bret and he did well considering his various health issues. I hope to see more of him and HBK as friends in and out of the ring, the both need it.

Overall it was a win for fans, my remote was never on anything but wrestling, been a long time since I did that and I really enjoyed it. Usually between the 2 of them one is worth watching.

Lastly my mark out of the night: Angle vs AJ finish; Bret and Shawn in the Ring.
First off way too many commercials shown for a three hour show. I really think an hour of the show was commercials.

Next, for a company who has been around for seven years, why are they still doing shows in small arenas? With the rise of wrestling within the past ten years, if TNA is so great why isn't it presenting itself bigger? I think if they are so great they should have a bigger fan base and more money to do the things WWE does.

Bringing back Hogan and the old NWO, Ric Flair, Nasty Boys, J.J., was good for a one night thing to let everyone know, hey they are old but still alive. Jeff Hardy coming back to TNA was a waste of time. I feel that he is going to lose a lot of fans. The only fans he is going to have are little adolescent girls who think he is dreamy. I don't understand why he left WWE? He was on top! I guess the weed is allowed in TNA and he wont get tested. Whatever.

Back to Monday's show, as usual the script sucked, too much talking, Scott Hall was drunk and it was way to obvious, and again too many commercials. I just don't understand what TNA plans to accomplish. Yeah a six sided ring is cool and the young talent is amazing, but why are they reliving the past. Why can't some of the wrestlers just realize that they are done and they need to let the young guys carry the organization? Hogan, Flair, Sting, Nash, etc. dont need to wrestle anymore.

The only thing that came good out of the TNA 1/4/10 show was the Angle/Styles match. It was eh ok. It was worth watching. Other than that, TNA is still horrible, needs so much more work done if it wants to continue to compete with WWE.
First of all great post KB and was exactly what I was thinking... and I'm actually really worried. Maybe all the jokes the IWC were making about Russo having the Daniels/Styles main events before Hogan shows up and puts all his buddies over is reality. Poor Dixie, it looks like she has just given TNA over to Hogan really thinkng he could do something special... and just like KB's breakdown, it was the opposite.

I'm a TNA mark and have stood by them through all their bad booking and wrong pushes, I just hope it gets better. Jeff Hardy on TNA is HUGE... don't mess it up Hogan, he was twice as over as any other wrestler in the WWE 3 months ago (that includes Cena or HHH)... get him involved with Daniels, Angle, or Samoa Joe or Jarrett or Wolfe. Build him towards a title shot. I'm in no way a Hardy mark, but I cannot deny his star power right now. His name should be advertised just as much as Hogan's t the moment because the current WWE actually know what he can do in the ring.

I hope next week we get the Young Bucks vs MCMGs. Samoa Joe vs Wolfe, Daniels vs Hardy (with an attack from 'Cide), Beer Money vs Team 3D, an X div title match Red w/ West vs RVD and an opening promo from TNA Champion AJ Styles with an interruption by Kurt which can be turned into the Genesis ppv match by Hogan and endorsed by Flair.

Showcase the wrestling not the bs.
Ok first of all before i get on my rant about what i saw and i didnt like on tna so just get this clear..I have crossed the line and I will watch Tna on a regular basis so if that is what tna wants out of people , they succeeded. I loved the show but there was a few parts to me that stick out like a sore thumb to me but for this topic im going to stick with one name.
Scott Hall!
Im sorry but he may have name value but I am a firm believer that he has bad new all over his face. I mean give him credit he is the bad guy razer ramon but still I think atleast someone out there has the agree with me. Bringing scott hall is a big mistake. He has a history of not showing up to shows and not being able to keep him self clean. A friend and I were watching tna monday and we both got a scary feeling that he may have been buzzed with the nwo remake segment that was made in the middle of the ring.
He couldnt stand still for more then two seconds and seems like he was going to fall over. When Kevin Nash came out it looked like to me they tryed to keep the camera of hall and Nash was standing next to him and a few times it looked like to me that kevin nash was giveing him the eye to calm down. They even shown a quick shot of dixie and she looked pissed off in my book.

Now maybe I have it all wrong and tna could be a good thing for hall but I really have my doubts. Maybe he wasnt buzzed and he was just excited to get back in the ring and make some noise but with his track record , I have to belive that he could have been buzzed.
So with that in though guys..do you think this may have been a bad choice for tna to bring in the bad guy ..scott hall?
Let me start by saying that I have rarely watched TNA, I couldn't tell you what was going on, who faces are, who the heels are etc. But I did watch the first hour of the show, thinking that TNA would attempt to hook WWE fans before Raw started, but I think they did the opposite of that. Like everyone else has said so far, there were WAY too many commercials, and once they came BACK from commercials there would be someone we don't really care about (Hall, X-Pac, Nasty Boys) with the announce team saying something along the lines of, "What are they going to have to say about Hogan?!" Then another commercial.

It seemed like TNA was stalling for the first hour of the show and they didn't try to stand on their own legs. The opening match seemed really interesting (like I said, I've rarely watched) and I was trying to keep up with the action in the ring, but the cameramen kept missing the action it seemed like, then only to have the match end in a DQ??? That didn't make much sense to me, and on top of that having the crowd chant "Bullshit" didn't make TNA look that great.

TNA didn't keep my attention mainly because of all the commercials. I will say that the AJ Styles and Kurt Angle match was great. WWE had Kofi vs Orton (which we've seen many of times) so I obviously tuned in to Angle and Styles, and I'm glad that I did.

I was hoping that TNA would catch my attention with their show, that would make me want to continue to watch on Thursdays, but I think they dropped the ball.
I admit I was switching between RAW and TNA, (sure did not want to miss the return of the Hitman). From what I did see of Impact.. if that was the best Bischoff and Hogan can come up with.. man are they in trouble - brother! Are you kidding me... NWO retreads to breath some life into TNA? Who are we gonna see next.. Macho Man?? Brutus Beefcake??? Been there, seen that in the original Monday Night Wars. Scott Hall is a tub of drunken goo, Waltman has never been worth a shit, and Kevin Nash is half the wrestler he was. The Nasty Boys? Really? The, and the only bright spot in the three hour show was the Angle/Styles match. Even then... to many fake finishes and to many finishing moves. How many times did AJ flip out of the AngleLock? How many times did AJ hit his finisher on Angle? Excellent match nonetheless. But get real people, Hogan and Co. had better take stock and take baby steps before they trip over there own feet or they are in big trouble.
Ok first of all before i get on my rant about what i saw and i didnt like on tna so just get this clear..I have crossed the line and I will watch Tna on a regular basis so if that is what tna wants out of people , they succeeded. I loved the show but there was a few parts to me that stick out like a sore thumb to me but for this topic im going to stick with one name.
Scott Hall!
Im sorry but he may have name value but I am a firm believer that he has bad new all over his face. I mean give him credit he is the bad guy razer ramon but still I think atleast someone out there has the agree with me. Bringing scott hall is a big mistake. He has a history of not showing up to shows and not being able to keep him self clean. A friend and I were watching tna monday and we both got a scary feeling that he may have been buzzed with the nwo remake segment that was made in the middle of the ring.
He couldnt stand still for more then two seconds and seems like he was going to fall over. When Kevin Nash came out it looked like to me they tryed to keep the camera of hall and Nash was standing next to him and a few times it looked like to me that kevin nash was giveing him the eye to calm down. They even shown a quick shot of dixie and she looked pissed off in my book.

Now maybe I have it all wrong and tna could be a good thing for hall but I really have my doubts. Maybe he wasnt buzzed and he was just excited to get back in the ring and make some noise but with his track record , I have to belive that he could have been buzzed.
So with that in thoughs guys..do you think this may have been a bad choice for tna to bring in the bad guy ..scott hall?

First off Dixie looked pissed because she is a business women and likes to be viewed profesionally. When Eric Bischoff grabbed the script wripped it up and tossed it into the audience it got Dixie feeling uneasy because it was live television and she thought he was crazy. After AJ Vs Kurt she realized what a success the night was.

Second of all Wrestlezone staff isn't doing their job and PWInsider picked up the story thanks to me regarding the TNA Live ratings. I'm happy to say that TNA Impact on Monday Night Live drew 2.2.-2.5 million television viewers on Spike TV.

Data from ratings came from Multi Channel News


I have been a WWE fan for about 25 years now. I seen things come and go. Last night was an alright night for WWE. Though TNA = WCW all the same characters.

Just remember the ratings are coming in soon for WWE justremember there was no JOHN CENA if they do a 4.0 with no CENA thats alright

F all the guest hosts

Shane O Mac = next owner of TNA
They tried too hard to make Scott Hall and Sean Waltman look like washed up drunks. They kept talking about partying and easy money instead of fighting when it came to The NWO. Hogan told them there was no place for them in TNA and that they're not welcome. Hogan's trying to prove that he's not going to push the old guys and bring in all of his buddies. Even The Nasty Boys weren't on the list and not welcomed by security. Meanwhile all of them forced themselves in and just expected Hogan to let them because of their friendship. It almost seems like the storyline was in place and those people were invited just to fuck with The IWC.

Everyone missed the whole point of the storyline with those guys being there and it's really really starting to annoy me. I'm starting to think everyone watched The Hitman instead of listening to Hogan's promo which mapped all that out. Either that or the IQ of the average wrestling fan is extremely low.
Ok first of all before i get on my rant about what i saw and i didnt like on tna so just get this clear..I have crossed the line and I will watch Tna on a regular basis so if that is what tna wants out of people , they succeeded. I loved the show but there was a few parts to me that stick out like a sore thumb to me but for this topic im going to stick with one name.
Scott Hall!
Im sorry but he may have name value but I am a firm believer that he has bad new all over his face. I mean give him credit he is the bad guy razer ramon but still I think atleast someone out there has the agree with me. Bringing scott hall is a big mistake. He has a history of not showing up to shows and not being able to keep him self clean. A friend and I were watching tna monday and we both got a scary feeling that he may have been buzzed with the nwo remake segment that was made in the middle of the ring.
He couldnt stand still for more then two seconds and seems like he was going to fall over. When Kevin Nash came out it looked like to me they tryed to keep the camera of hall and Nash was standing next to him and a few times it looked like to me that kevin nash was giveing him the eye to calm down. They even shown a quick shot of dixie and she looked pissed off in my book.

Now maybe I have it all wrong and tna could be a good thing for hall but I really have my doubts. Maybe he wasnt buzzed and he was just excited to get back in the ring and make some noise but with his track record , I have to belive that he could have been buzzed.
So with that in though guys..do you think this may have been a bad choice for tna to bring in the bad guy ..scott hall?

I think Scott Hall seemed to be buzzed for sure. Maybe it was just the excitement of what was happening in the ring, and being back on television. Hard to say, but Scott Hall is only being paid for the shows he shows up too. He has no long term contract with TNA unless he proves himself, but i don't think he's ready to step back in the ring. But it gave me goosebumps to see the all in the ring together, and at the end when they beat the hell out of Mick Foley which i enjoyed.. lol
lol--You really think Dixie got nervous when Bischoff ripped up the script--Guarantee that was scripted just like Styles vs Angle was already pre planned--I hate to burst your bubble but there's also no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy or easter Bunny
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I honestly think Scott Hall may have been drunk, and they wrote him and XPAC in as playing off partying and playing drunk to cover for him being intoxicated. I have listened to Scott Hall's internet show and he is always slurring his words. It's quite said that he's that screwed up. TNA is trying to give him a chance to clean up, and become useful again, and he shows up for work intoxicated half the time. very very sad.. I'm not all that crazy about the nasty boys, but I see where there going with them. Nast boys vs team 3d. I think it would be great tag teaming.Both teams are balls to the walls hardcore and it will make for interesting matches to say the least. I think the guy beating the hell out of everyone and AJ last night was Tyson Tomko. Of course Mr. Kennedy was rumored to be going to TNA, we never saw him. They got most of all the new talent on camera last night, so people at least know that they have expanded and new story lines and matches will shake things up, and make it fresh.
There were some flaws last night but TNA kept their audience glued in from start to finish. The Asylum match could of been better without the DQ on Homicide but Jeff Hardy saved the segment. Maybe Hardy could of been brought in a better way then attacking Homicide, but it created the flow for the rest of the show. The same can be said about Ric Flair's debut.

I would of loved to seen Ric cut a promo, but TNA gave focus to where it was due to the young talent. The Knockouts tag title match was entertaining and exciting. Although Wolfe lost the match to the Pope, it was nice to see Burke cut a great promo and receive a push. Not all the matches were gold like the Knockouts title match and the Morgan/Hernadez vs. Raven/Dr. Stevie match. I think Angle vs. AJ Styles made up for it though.

It was great to see the old NWO members tease a reunion without actually turning into NWO. Bischoff tearing up the program paper and adding his own was great. It was like watching history. Last night was like old times and 1.5 isn't nothing to overlook considering who TNA was up against on Monday Night.
Minus a few parts here and there for the sake of time including the BP segments, the endless shots of limos, and the main event because it was awesome and I didn't need to see it again. I also have a counter on my DVR so I can keep an eye on the time, which I think will be most interesting. My conclusion: Impact was not very good.

Well, let's see how you arrive at a conclusion contrary to everyone else.

We all got sucked into the moment and that's exactly what we were supposed to do. However, let's take a look at what actually happened last night and see how it sounds on paper.
Why? Seriously, the shows impact can only be accurately measured while watching it. When you go back over it, you lose all the "Holy Shit moments" and just sound like another smark trying to hate on a product because it's the cool thing to do. I know you don't tend to do that, however, all that matters is your enjoyment of the product while watching it, and while you were a bit reserved in the LD, I still know that you liked it.
Before the show starts, we have the card listed. Remember, most of these matches WILL NOT HAPPEN, even though we're told they'll be happening. It's like offering punch and pie and then not having any, yet hoping people will stay anyway due to being bored and having nothing else to do since they were lured in with something else. It's also called false advertising which is illegal but that's such a nasty term that we just won't use it here.
OK, so, going into the show, you were expecting one thing and got another. Well, congratulations for being the only person alive who was watching TNA for Barbed Wire Massacre match between Abyss and Rhyno. The rest of us were there for Hogan. He showed up, right?
We open with Bubba talking to fans. Who is this guy? I guarantee you a TON of people have no idea who this guy is. We hear about him here a lot because he's one of Hogan's lackeys, but how many people either A, know who he is, B, listen to him, or C, care. This is a wrestling show.
I agree. But with Hogan's drawing power and name recognition, you also get some bullshit. You know what you're in for.

Either have a wrestling guy like JB or a hot chick like Christy or Val. We're told he's a big name in radio. So? So are Artie Lange and G. Gordon Liddy. I don't want to see them on a wrestling show.
Then don't watch WWE, because at the rate of nobodies and has-beens they're using, those two might be on soon.
What do the fans want? Hot sexy wrestlers and NEW things, you know, like Hulk Hogan (his words not mine) who is approaching twenty six years since he won the world title. By a show of hands, how many of you were alive back then?
*Raises hand*

And Hogan is new to a lot of wrestling fans. All of these petulant children who pine for the Attitude Era probably have limited memories, if any, of Hogan. I remember the yellow and red, before the boas, I remember the ice cream bars, the cartoon show, the anticipation on the morning of Wrestlemania VI, and everything from Hogan's first run as well as his second run, and his third run. I am a mark for Hogan. Fuck it, I am a mark for the business. Last night was a complete and total mark out night. Time after time I was excited, and all TNA wanted to do last night was create excitement. Except for a few pessimists and Negative Nancies, they accomplished their goal.

First match: Steel Asylum

Now i know a lot of us were happy this started things out. However, let's take a look here. For one thing, there are 8 people in there. that's FAR too many. Four would be great but TNA likes to do way too much. Second, you can't see SHIT. The cage blocks everything and because so much is going on, the cameras are limited anyway, but the cage makes it nearly impossible to see most of the match.
I noticed that too. Putting a camera man inside the cage would have helped. Making that camera man Jeff Hardy would have made it better.

But FTS, WWE did that with Edge.

Fucking so what? It would have been an awesome way to reintroduce him to TNA.
As for the match itself, it runs 4 minutes. Yes, the X-Division got ten minutes for a segment. The match itself got about 4 of those while the rest were entrances and the shock, which we'll get to momentarily. The ending you ask? A no contest, or a DQ without saying it because a DQ can't happen in a cage match right?
Sure it can. It's an escape match. Nowhere in the accompanying literature did it say that weapon were allowed. If you assumed that, cool. I assumed that triple threat matches were no DQ also, but that got proven wrong by WWE in 2009.

Anything goes in a cage match right? We couldn't have a match end because of a weapon being used in a cage match right? Yeah that couldn't happen. Only an IDIOT would call a match because of a weapons shot in a cage match.
No, I don't think it takes an idiot. It takes someone who makes assumptions. But, then again, TNA's show last night wasn't for people who analyze consistency of booking. It was for people who want to see the new direction for the company. It was for people to mark out and yell Holy Shit! It was for people who want to get excited about a new competition in wrestling. The show last night satisfied all those fan, leaving the IWC to ponder what could have been. All I know is that the show was far from perfect, but it was fucking awesome, and with all that room for improvement, I am far more excited for TNA Thursdays than I am for all the WWE shows combined.

Last night was not a wrestling show. It was a shock value show with a ****1/2 main event. That satisfied me.
Rating: D. For all the reasons listed above, not only was this stupid and overdone, but DAMN man, they managed to piss off the insanely hot audience inside of 15 minutes. Not fucking bad.
Yeah, and the heat of that audience definitely cooled thoughout the night. A studio full of internet fans chanting "Who needs Bret?", their hero, is definitely a sign of a pissed off crowd.

Now we get to the SHOCKING, COMPLETELY UNPLANNED debut of Jeff Hardy. It was so SHOCKING AND COMPLETELY UNPLANNED that he had his own music. I’ll give them this: this was huge. Vince now looks like an idiot for plugging that DVD for a month and now Jeff is with the competition. That’s not good.
This could be their biggest acquisition if they can hold on to him. TNA is missing the kiddie audience. Getting Jeff brings them in. Refusing to dumb the show down for the kids gets them the respect of our age group (16-Sidious), and AJ and Angle get them the purist audience. Last night was TNA's first attempt at mass appeal, and I think they did well.
Commercial #1
This is completely untrue and has no basis in fact. :lmao:

Jeff is in the back and meets with Shannon Moore. The same Shannon Moore that has bounced back and forth between the two companies more than anyone else without actually doing anything of note.
I couldn't pick him out of a crowd of people I know even if you said, "Shannon Moore is the only one you won't know." I wouldn't care either.
Hogan, the booker/boss, isn’t here yet. That’s just stupid.
Not really. It's like I said in the LD, making fans wait to see Hogan before they turn to WWE will force people to stick with TNA. It bumps up the first competitive quarter hour, which is good for business, and gives Hogan a chance to steal fans from WWE. It made it Hogan vs. Bret, and judging by the fact that this section is outdrawing the WWE section five to one as I write this, I would say Hogan won.

Nash talks about Hogan with a smoking hot Christy. Now why couldn’t we see her earlier instead of Bubba? That would make too much sense I guess, because who wants to see a gorgeous Playboy centerfold who is a former wrestler in an incredibly revealing outfit when we can see a big name from radio that most of us have never listened to?
Bubba was there because Hogan wanted him to be. Hopefully, we get less Bubba in the future. Sometimes, you just have to placate the star. At least he didn't try to marry any of Dixie's kids. Does she have kids? If not, I would love to give her some.

Women’s title: ODB vs. Tara

We’re told none of the history here or that ODB won the tournament or anything like that. This is supposed to be a rebirth of TNA, yet we’re not told anything about WHY we should care. If you’re trying to get the new audience, then go after the new audience. Don’t just throw stuff out there, even the too hot to be human Tara with her kick ass theme song, and expect the people to just buy it. We need reasons to be interested in these characters. WWE has done a horrible job with their women of just telling us they’re interesting without explaining WHY they’re interesting. That’s just bad all around. Again, this is three minutes with the title changing hands. Oh and we get the stupid jump to the empty arena shot in case Tara’s ass shows. Alcohol drinking: fine. People looking stoned off their ass: fine. ODB slapping her vagina: fine. Two second of ass cleveage: GET IT OFF THE AIR NOW!!!
I think the Jeff Hardy segment ran long and they had to cut something. Thank God is was ODB. I love Tara, but ODB's dick has to be twice the size of mine, and that scares me quite a bit. But, yeah, worthless segment.
Rating: N/A. It’s another three minute match. We’re thirty minutes into the show and we’ve had 4 minutes of intros, 4 of commercials, 2 of promos, 2 of a guy trying to climb a cage, 2 of Jeff doing nothing of note, other mindless stuff, and 6 of wrestling. In other words, it’s 20% wrestling. For a show called Total Nonstop Action, that’s a bad sign.
But, when we were all caught up in the moment, TNA could do no wrong. In the quest for new fans, they kept us giddy despite the lack of wrestling. I honestly think last night was simply to make people think about what might happen next, confuse the fuck out of them so they tune in, and then, in the coming weeks, TNA can hook us with the amazing wrestling.

Flair is here. Shocking, yes. Important, nope. We’ll see why later. Actually we won’t see why but whatever.
But, the shock value was the most important part of the show. Remember, last night was about the show, not the post game analysis. I'm sure TNA knew that the wrestling would be shit, but no one cared about the wrestling. They wanted to see Hogan, and who was going to bring with him.

Commercial #2

More talking to fans, this time with Christy, meaning that Bubba was, say it with me, COMPLETELY POINTLESS. Foley shows up, making him character with power #2 on the show.
Because a power struggle has never worked on any TV show, much less a wrestling show? Why the snideness (is that a word?) about powerful characters?

Bobby Lashley and his wife come out to talk. They talk for three minutes. What do they say? They want to leave. They came here and talked, to say they don’t want to be here. To break that down even further, they came here to say they don’t want to be here. Do you see why my head hurts already? Also, Kristal is really weak at insulting fans. She makes Vickie look good at it.
She drew heat. That's what heels do. Do you think that Lashley is leaving? Fuck no. They are turning him in an attempt to make him interesting, re: Batista.

Commercial #3

Hogan is still on his way.

Commercial #4

Hall and X-Pac can’t get in. Hogan is still on his way.

Commercial #5
I can just see your face in your palm while you type this part.

The limos are here and one person gets out of one and gets into another. Who was it? What does it signify? We’re never told, but why would we need to be told something like that? It’s not like this is interesting or anything like that.
I'm glad you think that TNA should be tying up all the loose ends right away. Final Resolution tied up all the loose ends except one, AJ's attacker. I am now firmly convinced that AJ's attacker will be a nWo member, or even Hogan himself. That is the only reason to leave that one story open. Final Resolution was a reset show. They ended everything, and are starting something new this week. Remember, this wasn't a PPV. It was a weekly show. It's purpose is to ask the questions, not answer them. So, at the end of that show, we are left wondering about the limos, about Hogan's allegiances, his motives, Mick's role, the attacker, the role of the nWo, etc. This show was supposed to start the show anew, and to start it anew, you need week to week intrigue, and this show did a great job of establishing that.
Hall and X-Pac get in anyway, showing the brilliance of the TNA security. Points to the stoned/drunk Hall for his Prince Justice Brotherhood shirt.
I don't know how fucked up he was. He delivered his line and didn't trip and fall. It's just fun to call Hall drunk, so they did.

Commercial #6

In case you were wondering, two minutes later and Hall and X-Pac are STILL here.

Commercial #7
Let's see, Hogan is about to come on, people are watching, prime ad space, right? Gotta pay Hogan somehow.

Hogan FINALLY is here. Note, Raw is starting right about now. He says exactly what you would expect him to say: TNA will be #1, it’s a new beginning, everyone get ready, etc. Hall and X-Pac get in the ring and talk about how the band is back together, Hogan says it’s time to grow up. This kills me with laughter but whatever. Note: Bret Hart is in the ring on Raw at this time and is calling out Shawn Michaels in a much more interesting segment.
More interesting? HBK and Hart hugging and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears is more interesting? Really? Really? Hart and HBK in the ring together was the biggest disappointment I have ever had in wrestling. HBK admitting he had a hand in the screwjob is news? The WWE completely wasted Hart. Hogan was used perfectly all night. The segment about getting the band back together was awesome. This is coming from someone who stayed loyal to WWE during the wars, and watched recorded Nitro episode as he had time during the week. That segment was awesome because it added intrigue, which was, say it with me, the point of the show.

The problem here is that Hogan, Hall, X-Pac and Nash who eventually come down and talk about the old days and the code and the gang etc. One problem: THEY NEVER SAY WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT. It’s nothing but vague references and mentions to incidents without saying what those were.
WWE owns that legacy, and direct mentions are probably some sort of problem. They did enough to let you know what they were talking about, and right now, you are nitpicking to show how awesome your contrarian view is.

This is fine for people like us that get what they’re talking about, but remember that this is the NEW ERA of TNA. They’re supposed to be getting new fans.
Really? When has TNA's goal ever been anything other than stealing fans from the WWE?
What about people that started watching wrestling in 2000 or after? What about people that have only heard little references to the NWO on WWE television? What about fans that think they mean the WWE NWO? That’s the problem with these angles about the past: a TON of fans are going to be lost. It’s great for people like us, but we make up a tiny fraction of the viewing audiences, even for a company like TNA.
Then why the big deal up above about the lack of wrestling and the like? If we're such a "tiny fraction of the viewing audience", then why not gear the show toward everyone else, who doesn't care about Rhyno hitting anyone with a barbed wire 2X4. They came to see Hogan, and they got them some Hogan.
Also, TNA’s new era is being centered around an angle that happened over ten years ago. Anyone else see the problem there?
Thank you for telling us what the entire new era is centered around. Let's pack it up and go home boys, KB has figured it out. What if this is a two or three week angle to establish that the new era of Hogan will not be about the nWo? What if they lead up to a confrontation where Hogan banishes the nWo, Jarrett, Foley, and Steiner from the company to open it up for the young guys? I said in another thread, that if they bring in heel Hogan, he will be face Hogan soon and vice versa. This is a setup.

Bischoff comes out as another surprise, which is yet another guy that while awesome hasn’t been on television other than a popup appearance here or there in over four years, confusing even more new fans. He rips up the format sheet and says that the rest of the card has been changed. We’ll ignore how completely and utterly stupid that is for now and move on to the fact that this is their clever way of changing the announced card and avoiding false advertising. That’s just cheap, plain and simple. They announced a bunch of cool matches at the opening of the show, but now they’re changing the whole thing. What if someone watched the show just for those matches?
You are the only one who watched that show for the matches. I can't believe you're making these arguments. The show was about Hogan. One show, about Hogan, does not ruin the new era. One show centering on one angle does not establish the tone for the next year. One show creates intrigue and allows TNA, a company with all the loose ends tied up at Final Resolution, to shoot a million conspiracy theories around and run six or seven solid angles for a few months. We're all wondering what happens next. That was the point of that show, not to showcase the X division, not to show how great the Knockouts are, not about the brutality of Abyss, it was about Hogan, with a badass main event throw in to show what TNA's best have to offer. Fuck the cruisers and women. They might be nice attractions, but are so unimportant to the show that it's laughable.
FUCK THEM. That’s what so much of this show has been: fuck the new fans, we want the old ones and that’s about it.
That's what TNA is all about. They have never pretended to be about getting new fans. "Cross the Line" is a slogan denoting that someone has been to one place and needs to cross over into something else. I don't think they mean "Cross the line from Grey's Anatomy and watch some rasslin'."
Sting is watching, which while intriguing, is even more pointless. Why in the world would you use Sting, a guy on the final legs of his career, in an angle with Hogan and Bischoff instead of having him put over young guys?
Seriously, I don't get the obsession with old guys pushing young guys. As soon as someone gets over and establishes themselves in the mainevent, the entire IWC starts asking why they aren't putting some spot monkey midcarder over. Sting is there because the storyline leads to Hogan getting rid of the old guys. In order to get rid of the old guys, you need some fucking old guys.

Of the six guys in that segment (Bischoff, Hogan, Hall, Nash, X-Pac, Sting), the youngest is X-Pac at 37. All others are over 50 and all but one are referencing an angle that has been over for at the bare minimum seven and a half years but in reality over ten. Yep, some new era if I’ve ever seen one.
People are spoiled in this instant gratification world. The MEM was deemed a failure after two weeks because they didn't immediately put the belt on AJ. TNA slowly builds wrestlers and angles. It allows people, the ones who aren't there to nitpick ever flying tiger space drop, to get emotionally invested in angles. TNA executed ending the MEM well, and I am going to assume that they know what they are doing in getting to this group of old guys. Give it a chance. Or, just shit on it before you know what's happening. Either way.

Commercial #8

Sting is still watching.

Women’s Tag Titles: Sarita/Taylor Wilde vs. Kong/Hamada

Hamada is hot actually,
Too thick and manly for me, but whatever your tastes...
as are the champions.
I never knew how hot Sarita was until last night.
Note: as the bell rings, we’re 80 minutes into this show and have had 6 minutes of wrestling. That comes out to 3/40 of the show, or .075 percent.
Because, you know, the best way to hook in an audience who came to see Hogan is with great wrestling. Because Hogan fans are synonymous with work rate marks....

They announce Angle vs. Styles for the PPV. Not happening either apparently but whatever.
Jesus Christ, this false advertising tangent your on show that you missed the point of the entire show. You are seriously the only person in the entire world, or the leader of a group of five who cares about that.
We hear that the Motor City Machine Guns have been attacked. After three minutes of wrestling we segue into this.
Which is more interesting than a girl's match, so good. Sorry that the bottom corner and 20 second mention destroyed your enjoyment of this catch as catch can classic. That little segment accomplished two things. One, it introduced us to a mystery. Remember, after Final Resolution, there were no stories in TNA, so they started one. God forbid. Secondly, it showed that Russo was booking the show, because that was some serious Crash TV.

Commercial #9

We come back for three more minutes with a good deal of botches and slipups before the pin and the meaningless title change as these belts simply aren’t needed, doubling the actual amount of wrestling that we’ve seen giving us 12 minutes of wrestling that we’ve seen in 90 minutes of programming, good for 12/90, or a whopping 13% of the airtime!
So, interrupting the botches and slip ups, including Taylor Wilde missing completely on a double drop kick, with a mystery was a bad idea. At this point in the show, I am wondering what is going to happen next. They got me. They also got millions more. Good thing you were above it enough to come on here and kill everyone's buzz.

Rating: C-. It was good but that’s it. This was far from the masterpiece that everyone said that it was.
I never said it was a masterpiece. It was a girl's bullshit waste of time. If the BP or Kelly Kelly or McCool aren't involved, I couldn't care less about women's matches.
Why did the heels get a title shot? You don’t need to know. How did the faces get the belts? Don’t need to know that either. Why should I care about this match? See other two questions for answer. Seriously, I don’t need a novel to tell me what’s going on here, but give me SOMETHING.
Right. Hogan's here. TNA is completely resetting. Let's bog everyone down with stupid ass video packages about shit that won't even matter in a couple of weeks. You know, they should have stripped everyone of their belts and had tournaments for everything with Hogan as the special guest referee of every match. That way, Hogan can serve a purpose while we get the entire history of the company in one night. Something tells me that TNA would have needed six hours of TV time with eight hours of wrestling to make you happy.

The fans might be impressed, but if you don’t know who these people are, you’re likely not going to be enthralled by fairly sloppy wrestling to stay with it. These belts need to go. Damn Hamada really is hot.
Because, people were there for the wrestling....

More strip poker, the second segment of it, but Val Venis, aka the guy in the towel, shows up. Again, a cool thing for older fans, but a lot of people aren’t going to know him.
TNA is a show for the older fans. It is the edgy, groundbreaking, bloody show that fans of Attitude should eat up. It is not a kiddie show. They don't need to politely introduce themselves to everyone. If you got lost during this show, then one, you aren't the people TNA is targeting, or two, you went to catch yourself up. I don't see the need to serve everything up on a platter. If you need to know something, use some Google and figure it out. If not, figure it out as you go. If you don't like to learn, go watch Power Rangers.

Also, anyone find it odd that the first thing he does is take a shower? That just came off as odd to me.
They should have taken some more of Hogan's time to explain that, because, you know, no one was there to see Hogan.

Commercial #10

Mick Foley can’t get in but he wants to talk to Hogan. Screw the fact that he owns stock in the company. Owning the company means nothing anymore. The Nasty Boys are here. They get thrown out but whatever.
I own WWE shares, but that doesn't mean I have access to Vince. Furthermore, this gets explained later in the night. Never, ever, has TNA said Mick Foley is the majority shareholder in the company. During the JJ promo, Hogan says the company has been restructured by Dixie, the acknowledged boss of the company, so there it is. Dixie said no, so everyone listened because she is the boss.
Matt Morgan/Hernandez vs. Raven/Stevie Richards

Rating: N/A. It’s a minute and a half match as Morgan kicks Richards for the pin. I’ll call it two minutes just to be nice and I rounded down on the women’s tag title match. This was a #1 contenders match actually and it’s announced that Flair is with Styles. Not that we get to see that or anything because why would we want to see that?
Two minutes is far too much time for Richards to be on my television. So, earlier, not pushing the young stars is bad. Now, making them look dominant is bad. Yep, there's some proof that you are looking for something bad about the show. Like I said, it wasn't perfect, but you were against Hogan coming in from day one and have been waiting to unleash some venom, so here it was. Problem is, the show was awesome. You have every right to your opinions, but those of us that liked the show have every right to question them, and your motivation for this post is what I am questioning now.

And now we go to the Pope for no apparent reason. ORLANDO FREAKING JORDAN interrupts Slick 2.0 from his meaningless promo and yet no one cares again.
The Pope is over as hell, but since you don't like him, I guess it's meaningless.

D’angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe

In another three minute match, the character beats the wrestler, which is again stupid as Wolfe’s credibility takes a hit that isn’t needed to push a character who doesn’t have a character. I hate this show.
The wrestler dominated the match, and got rolled up by the slick guy from the streets. A guy who is incredibly athletic and realistic looking in the ring. It was a roll up cheap win, and in no way hurts Nigel's credibility. He came out looking like a beast who got cocky.
Rating: N/A. Can we get a freaking match go 7 minutes? Is it that hard? The Slammys did this and were called crap. TNA does it and it’s called genius. Yeah TNA fans aren’t biased at all.
Once again, five to one the TNA section is outdrawing the WWE section right now. TNA is usually at what, a third of the readership of the WWE section? So, umm, yeah, I would say it is more than traditional TNA fans who were excited by the broadcast. That, and the Slammy's are a throwaway show that creates zero excitement. This show created nothing but excitement from pillar to post. If you didn't get excited by it, I would blame you more than TNA, because everyone else seems to love it.

Commercial #11

Jeff Jarrett is here.

Commercial #12

Rhyno is attacked. JB is run off so that Bubba the Love Sponge can say that he’s Bubba the Love Sponge.

We waste two minutes showing clips of Hogan and company from earlier in the night.

Jarrett is coming to the ring.

Commercial #13
Oh no, let's all flip to the crotch chopping midget now!

AJ is in the back and Bischoff shows up, saying the Genesis PPV match, the can’t miss PPV main event, is TONIGHT on free TV instead of on PPV where they could, you know, make money on it. That’s not like the mega mistake they made with Goldberg and Hogan in 98 at all. Nope not at all.
Because AJ and Kurt have never been in the ring together before. You know, they could still put that match on the PPV and people who saw the free one would wonder what the fuck those guys have left to show and but the PPV.

Two hours in, 18 minutes of wrestling, good for 18/120, or 15%.
Two hours, no CM Punk botchfests...I'm still not changing the channel.

Jarrett comes to the ring to his sweet My World music. The fans are cheering the hell out of him and he cuts an emotional speech, clearly establishing himself as a big face. He’s authority figure #4 if you’re paying attention. (Foley who owns a bunch of stock, Hogan who books, Bischoff who has the authority to tear up a run sheet and redo it, and Jarrett who owns part of the company) We see a shot of Dixie Carter in the crowd, giving us authority figure #5. Jarrett has the fans loving him and praising TNA to no end, acting just like a face boss character should. He says that he’s wanted Hogan here for years.
Which must be why he attacked and bloodied him at a press conference in Japan.

To make this clear: Jeff Jarrett has been here since the beginning, he’s fought to build this company, he loves TNA, and the fans are into him. Jeff Jarrett is a face character here, plain and simple.
TNA has openly acknowledged that JJ stole Angle's wife, by the way, so not too face of him.

So what do they do? They have Hogan show up to completely steal the spotlight and make HIMSELF the face. He runs down Jarrett but talks like a face anyway. See, this is the problem: Hogan has done NOTHING in TNA.
Oh my God! Not a tweener! Not intrigue and mystery! Why would we want that? I mean, TNA should totally tell us who to cheer for so we can get on with the crotch chopping midget. Thanks TNA for trying a different direction.

He’s been there two hours but he’s making himself the savior of the company and throwing aside guys like Jarrett who have the authority and the history here and is clearly still loved by the fans. As NSL and I have both said, we were worried about this happening: Hogan shoving aside characters that are both established and over in favor of himself.
How did he do that? He told Jarrett to get in line. We now have the founder of the company, fighting for the company he loves. That sounds like an awesome angle with a lot of great story potential to me.

The expression of if it ain’t broke don’t fix it could never work better.
Then why bring Hogan in?

Jarrett is a clearly over character that is popular and has the reasons to be. He made TNA and deserves a big part of the spotlight and a lot of the credit.
Two years ago we were clamoring for JJ to leave the spotlight and let someone else shine. He did the right thing and pushed a young up and coming talent named Sting. Please, with this JJ is the heart and soul of TNA. That spot belongs to AJ, and I think he got some pretty good rub from guys who combine for, what, 36 World Titles?

Yes, for a long time he hogged the spotlight and the company itself, mainly the title, but since then he’s been barely on TV and has been a minor character for the most part, never being involved in the main event and having good solid matches with guys like Angle. He’s stayed out of the way and has been nothing but a positive for TNA. Now, is Hogan a bigger deal? Absolutely. Should Hogan be pushed above Jarrett? Absolutely. Should Hogan crush Jarrett on the way there? Not in a million years.
And after one promo, where Hogan established a JJ vs. Hogan storyline, how is he crushing him? You can assume all you want that Hogan is going to keep him down, but I don't see that happening. I see a long and drawn out Hogan vs. Jarrett angle, possibly, with factions. I like where that is going. You keep AJ in the World Title picture, and you keep the old guys in a stable war, calling up young guys to help. Everyone gets rub.

That is complete and utter bullshit but he can get away with it anyway which is just garbage. I don’t like Jarrett at all really but this isn’t right at all. You can’t crush say Dixie Carter, who has been on TV all of an hour since she got there, but you can crush Jarrett who gets in front of the camera and built this company up? I’m sorry, but that’s just unacceptable to me. Hogan said Dixie saved the company from Jarrett. I’d say that’s bullshit, but here’s the thing: without Jarrett, there is no TNA, period and end of story. Also, people are going to care about Jarrett A LOT more than Carter, but hey, Hogan can’t be wrong right?
You forgot to call him Hitler and ask "What about the children?" You should let this play out, because the possible upside of letting those two run with this is quite exciting.
Daniels tries to say something but JB interrupts to stop Foley from coming in, which he fails at. Even more reason for Bubba to take his job I guess.
OMG! A storyline! How dare you do that on a wrestling show.

Commercial #14

Jeff is painting and he and Moore say that Hogan wants to talk to him. Thanks for that.

Beer Money has been attacked too.
More intrigue. I want to know who is running around TNA attacking people.

Samoa Joe vs. Abyss

Joe is a face now?
The TNA fans will never let Joe stay a heel. They just love the guy.

Sting is still here by the way. He’s not doing anything, but he’s still here damn it! Abyss loses to the choke in five minutes. Yeah he’s a MONSTER damn it. Another five minutes.
I used to love Abyss' angle with Lauren, when he was fighting for her. He was a monster showing a human side. Now, he's a fat guy in a mask who may or may not wet himself at night.

Rating: C. Average. That’s what this was to a T, or A in this case. This could have been on any house show and it would have been the exact same thing. There was nothing special at all here for me and I don’t know of anyone that would think otherwise. It’s ok, but that’s just it: it’s just ok.
Once again though, not enough to dampen the hot crowd.

23/140 now, or 16%.

Kristal wants to talk to Hogan. Bischoff still has his spot as Authority figure #3.
I liked this segment. So often, a woman with an attitude is looked at as empowered instead of being a bitch. Bischoff made her look bitchy. For selfish, personal reasons, I liked this segment.

Commercial #15

Jeff and Shannon are “mobbed” by 3 fourteen year old girls. I guess they’ll be the new Rock N Roll Express or something.
:lmao: Awesome. As long as Moore is Morton.

The Nastys trash Team 3D’s locker room. Nastys segments: 3, AJ segments: 1. That should tell you a lot.
But, AJ's second segment was a 22 minute match of the year candidate. Why let facts (in retrospect) get in the way of a good rant?

TNA World Title: AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

This match was awesome and went 22 minutes. That’s all you need to know. Oh and commercial #16 is in there. Oh and Flair comes out. Doesn’t say anything, but he’s there and will get a huge check for doing nothing at all. To be fair though, he truly was a big shock and is still a major draw. Keep in mind though, less than a year ago, people were BEGGING for him to be thrown off the air, and that’s when he was interacting with a young guy in Orton.
Flair was last regularly interacting with an unprove, young guy, like four years ago. Are you telling me that Flair, from North Carolina, being the mouthpiece for AJ, from Georgia, is a bad thing for a company based in the south? You're from Kentucky. This should make you erect.

And that match was fucking badass, and if you haven't seen it, you should. It was a better in ring product than Taker vs. HBK, by a fucking longshot.

Rating: A-. Great match, don’t need to explain why.

The not-NWO have been beating people up and do the same to Foley. So in other words, they’re doing the same thing that they did in 1996 but Hall is fat now, Hogan doesn’t wrestle (ok so that’s the same as it was 14 years ago), Nash only talks, and X-Pac hasn’t been seen on TV in forever. Our show ends with Hogan being confused.
Let me rephrase this in a down the middle edit. The show ends with Foley madly dashing around backstage, looking to confront Hogan. He obviously wants to know what his role will be in the new company. After a brief run in with a topless Madison Rayne and a towel wearing Val Venis, he finds Hogan's office. Instead of Hogan, however, he find Bischoff. He eventually gets beaten down by the nWo, a faction who can't use that name for copyright purposes, but is clearly who you think they are. Hogan comes in and looks neither please, nor displeased.

Now, in all actuality, it made me unable to wait ten days until the next Impact!, because I want to know the direction of the six new storylines they started during the night.
Overall Rating: D+.
A-. There could have been better matches, but, I didn't care about any of the wrestling.

This show was just not that good.
The show was 180 minutes of epic win mixed with commercials and two girl fights.

It was a GREAT first hour and then the show just falls apart. Let’s see. We finish up with SIXTEEN COMMERCIALS totaling over half an hour which we’ll call 30 minutes to be VERY nice
In the average 30 minute TV program, there are three breaks, and 8 minutes of commercials. That, over three hours, comes out to 18 breaks and 48 minutes of commercials. Fuck you TNA for giving us more TV and less ad time that Spike would have on it's own. You bastards.

plus 45 minutes of in ring wrestling. That leaves us with an hour and 45 minutes of intros, promos and just random talking. Yes, Impact put on a three hour show, with over HALF being promos or talking. Think about that.
For the last time, with no current storylines, they had to establish some.

There is one match that goes over seven minutes, which is the awesome main event. Hogan crushes Jarrett, who was still over, and we get nearly 40 minutes dedicated to Hall, Nash, and X-Pac. The Nasty Boys have 3 segments and Bubba does nothing at all other than say his name. Yes, this is the NEW TNA!
Yes, this is a completely biased rant by someone who has been waiting months to shit on Hogan.

Now look, I loved this show last night on a first viewing,
Which is the number of times 99% of the audience watches the show, proving that they achieved their purpose in reintroducing the product to the people, and enthralling WWE and new viewers to watch their show. Shame on you TNA for achieving your goal.
but this is like a Slyfox post: it looks great at first, but one you actually break it down and look at it, there’s nothing substantial there.
If only I had room in my sig.....
It’s simply the same things that have been said before but adjusted to look better (not a knock on Sly as it’s incredibly effective). The thing is though, there is zero substance here. Everything was just about being flashy. The problem is that TNA blew everything into this one show.
They blew their surpise appearances, but left us wondering about so many possible angles and feuds that I am hooked for months.

Hardy and Flair are huge deals, but that’s all they’ve got. There is nothing left for them to throw out there and if this doesn’t work, they’re in real trouble. They’re never going to be able to compete with Vince if last night wasn’t huge because that’s all they’ve got and the rest of the company was pushed aside. AJ vs. Angle was great, but it was more or less an afterthought. It was thrown out mid show (great job of advertising that one guys. It’s not like anyone would want to see a guaranteed classic, or even better PAY to see it which a ton of people would).
You can run that match weekly and guarantee a classic every time. That match set up the Iron Man match that is bound to happen. Furthermore, when you have that captive audience, why would you not want to be pure flash. The more flash the better. There was something in that show that appealed to everyone. Next week, you give the new fans spectacular wrestling and hook them in good. I think TNA's marketing of the show was commendable, and they pulled it off very well.
This show was great on a first viewing, but since it’s reairing on Thursday, they could be in trouble. I watched it again and it fell apart faster than Tiger Woods’ marriage.
KB, you're better than that.

This wasn’t a great show and it wasn’t even relatively good. Hogan has turned the place upside down
As advertised.
and all of the talent is trying to hold on while guys like the Nastys, who will be back, and Bubba, who is an idiot, try to stomp on their fingers.
Knobbs can barely walk. How long do you think they'll be there?
Great surprises, BAD overall show.
I disagree.

It’ll keep people for a few weeks,
Which was the plan.

but if they don’t start giving us something solid to fall back on, this is going to go downhill very fast.
Now that you have people excited, you show them what you have. When PT Barnum was selling white salmon he got the people excited before he gave them Tuna.
It's hard to say whether Hall was drunk or not. I am sure he was a little buzzed but also, if you look at the Scott Hall persona, he has always acted like that a little bit.

One thing I dont understand is what TNA was trying to accomplish last night? If it was ratings, then they succeeded. And they did it smart. For one night, that is. However, they need to go hire some guys and that can stay and produce week after week. Yeah it was great seeing Hall, Flair, Nasties, but, these guys aren't gonna carry your weekly programming. Even Hardy is so-so anymore. You never know when he is gonna get "burned out."

I would have like to seen RVD(rumored guest) and Kennedy(another rumored guest). Younger guys who can wrestle and also bring some name value. I do like that Val Venus was there. I think even Waltman can probably still go.

I really want them to succeed, but last night looked waaaay too much like the old days of WCW. You know, lets put older, well-known names on tv for ratings and who cares about anything else. Hopefully, that was just an attention grabber to make people start to tune in to their programming!!
My feeling is generally negative regarding last night's three hour show. Reasons why:

1.) Jeff Hardy, despite all his legal troubles, is far over with the crowd. He should NOT have beat up Homicide at the end of that match but rather ENTERED the match. Or even better, he should have got himself into the world title match from the get go. Him making paintings and all....it just paled greatly compared to his storyline with Punk six months ago.

2.) The nWO does not need to return in the year 2010. Seriously, this is like one of those joke predictions people would make. The nWo was cool in 1996, nearly fifteen years ago. It was fine in 1997. It started to get stale in 1998. It got really old in 1999 and 2000. As for 2002, yeah, still old.

3.) They effectively killed some of the characters and story lines they are building. After reviewing what happened:
a.) Is team world elite gone? Did that make Homicide's turn just two or so months ago pointless?
b.) Are Team 3-D now faces? The same team that within the last two months turned heel and began targeting younger talent?
c.) Are the younger talent that (we hope) was going to be pushed to the top after their feud with Team 3-D now restricted to tag team matches?
d.) So is Daniels, who recently turned heel, now turning face again?
e.) Is the Pope, who recently turned face, now turning heel (I didn't see this match or his interaction so I am basing my comment on reports)?
f.) So Desmond Wolfe, who was a red-hot, fiery newcomer that had great, yet narrow losses to Kurt Angle, now just a mid-carder?
g.) So Lashley, whom was being pushed for a huge world title match, probably against the heel who beat Styles for the title, suddenly now a huge heel?
h.) Joe is now a face (I am reading another person's comments on this one). The same Joe who turned heel just a few months back and basically obliterated everyone? Or something? If that is true, does that mean Abyss is suddenly a heel again? The same Abyss who was feuding for months with Raven, Richards, and all?

See, this reminds me of when WCW "restarted" back in 2000. They completely abandoned ALL story lines without any reason whatsoever. The sad thing then though was people were so down on WCW that they just kind of shrugged and went with it. However, TNA wasn't in THAT bad of shape. There was no reason to suddenly shift gears regarding the story lines and characters. And I'll be more than a little annoyed if Kurt Angle goes back to being a super-heel again when he just recently turned face with the "I respect younger talent" attitude.

As mentioned, they also screwed up with Jarrett, and Lashley too. On national TV, you effectively turn two, fairly over faces, heel. Or something. And what was with Mic Foley turning face? Of all the people who should have done a full heel turn, Mic Foley, given that he has bounced back and forth between being a face and being a heel, as well as his tweener treatment with Abyss, should have been the one to turn heel.

See, the thing is, I, as a wrestling fan, like to make an investment in a character. Sure, there will be twists and turns, and changes in alignment, but it takes it's time (usually). Now though, who should I cheer for? I guess Kurt Angle and AJ Styles as they are (maybe, at least right now) faces. After that though, it becomes a bit unclear. Very unclear. I can understand needing to inject Hogan and others into some story lines. And honestly, at the world title scene and a few other places, they could need it as there really wasn't any logical next step. However, there were some angles that are developing that didn't need to end and could continue developing during the show. And in those angles, new stars were being created.
All they were doing last night is trying to grab attention. I dont care what anybody says, to see Hall, Nash, Waltman,Bischoff, and Hogan together, gave me goose bumps!!!!
Even if it doesnt work out with Hall, what they did last night is gonna make people watch Impact every week for a while.
It's a case of putting all their eggs in one basket. Impressing Spike execs is fine. Putting all of your cards on the table at once is not a great idea. With a push for viewership even the legends challenge had more opportunity to bring in viewers than throwing a retro viewer love fest on the screen. It felt like someone charging a ton on their Amex right before the class reunion. You don't buy respect, you earn it. WCW taught all of us that in the end. You can throw every popular, memorable has-been at us and we'll feel wistful. But we won't necessarily watch.

Hall is someone who held my attention for years when he was old...now that he's acts as a counterpoint to the Iron Sheik...not so much. I don't pay much attention to TMZ...so why is TNA trying to recreate it? (Hall, Waltman, Hogan, Flair, Hardy or Angle: might as well bring in Chyna, Screech and some @$$ from "Jersey Shore".
It's hard to say whether Hall was drunk or not. I am sure he was a little buzzed but also, if you look at the Scott Hall persona, he has always acted like that a little bit.

One thing I dont understand is what TNA was trying to accomplish last night? If it was ratings, then they succeeded. And they did it smart. For one night, that is. However, they need to go hire some guys and that can stay and produce week after week. Yeah it was great seeing Hall, Flair, Nasties, but, these guys aren't gonna carry your weekly programming. Even Hardy is so-so anymore. You never know when he is gonna get "burned out."

I would have like to seen RVD(rumored guest) and Kennedy(another rumored guest). Younger guys who can wrestle and also bring some name value. I do like that Val Venus was there. I think even Waltman can probably still go.

I really want them to succeed, but last night looked waaaay too much like the old days of WCW. You know, lets put older, well-known names on tv for ratings and who cares about anything else. Hopefully, that was just an attention grabber to make people start to tune in to their programming!!

Yeah you are right in some ways but Tna did have some good wrestling going on. I watched both wwe and tna. I taped them both. Overall, Tna was better. They didn't use Brett right. I am sure the ratings was good when Brett was on but after that it was back to business as usual and so goes the ratings. I think wwe doesn't respect tna so they are not going to change until they start losing viewership and especially to tna. Also leave Scott Hall alone. Let him make some money. Tell tna to upgrade the piro and stage to compete with wwe's. Also tell tna to give their wrestlers some good tracks with artists on it that can help too.
Last night was fun, but I'm looking forward to the next few weeks more than I was excited for last night. First off, at one point, in the TNA ring you had Sean Waltman, Hall, Nash, Hogan and Bischoff. In the WWE ring you had Bret and HBK. It was all nostalgia, it was what we all wanted, for one night. I think wrestling as a whole needs both companies to take these more reputable stars to start giving rubs to new guys. The Angle-Styles match and the Pope-Wolfe match is what we need. More of that. Now lets hope Bret starts working with the Dynasty, and some more new stars to try to make them better.
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