[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I absolutely loved everything about tonight except that WWE kinda sucked to be honest...it was wwe again and they sucked

TNA kicked their butts and that is the truth. I was glad to see so many new faces in TNA that are recognizable.

the weird parts though were when the steel asylum ended in DQ and when flair came out during the main event and then just left that was extremely awkward

BUT overall it was amazing and WWE sucks
an did someone complain about you were being shocked too much...sorry you couldnt stand the excitement.you just enjoy watching cena win the championship over an over an over again that all wwe has really very predictable an boring just how you like it.remind me never to throw you a surprise party.
The show was horrible.

I haven't watched TNA in a LONG time. I tried to give it a chance; I watched it every week for a month, and just gave it up.

Today was a fresh start for me. I was hoping Hogan and Bischoff would bring something to the table, but today's episode was horrible.

The opening was pathetic, even the fans at the arena thought so. Then Spike cutting the audio was lame. How am I supposed to take Homicide seriously when he can't even climb out of a cage?

The knockouts match... thanks Spike for cutting away because of fear of some ass-crack.

Hogan's in the limo, on the way, some guy jumps in, who was it?

He gets to the arena... "I've been in the back all day...":banghead:

"Young guys this, young guys that...
Hi Hall
Hi Val Venis
Hi Waltman
Hi Nash
Hi Ric Flair
Hi Nasty Boyz
Hi Foley"

At least they brought it ONE young guy, Orlando Jones.

Jeff Hardy. He could be in jail in a month. TNA really doesn't care at all about what their talent does. They allow someone with charges of drug trafficing on their show. I also lost a lot of respect for him. WWE gave him the title, and he left it to pursue other projects and ends up in TNA. The guy has no loyalty. If he's ever in WWE again, it's because Christian finally got off ECW duty.

Angle v Styles:
Do they even know how to sell? How many ankle locks did Angle put on? Styles never sold it. How many Angle Slams and whatever Styles finisher is? No selling, they just kept getting back up and going for more.

Why have finishers if they don't do anything?

I can't wait to see the Nasty Boyz pin Team 3D, just like Madden said!
YOu know maybe i missed this somewhere but ais Impact officially moving to Monday nights and if so is it a live show. if you look at TNA's website there are no dates for live shows on Mondays. Which makes me wonder what the hell is actually going on. Show was pretty good. My disappointment is that it seems if you were friends with Hulk Hogan you can get a job with TNA. Didn't TNA notice that WCW spent all this money to bring in guys of this stature and because of it they folded.. Yes I know HOGAN is in charge but with so many ego's when is Scott Hall or Ric Flair or waltman going to say where is my shot and why not me. When is a guy like Sting going to say enough is enough. I mean I am excited to see what TNA has to offer and what they can do for the future but just do not know how long they can keep the push Of impact up!!! Hope they can Monday Night War Part 2!!! Wrestling needs it. TNA Needs it. The Fans need it. Hell even the WWE needs it.

As for Jeff HArdy, people can say what they want but I think he made a good decision to come to TNA . The WWE kept toying with him. I remember I watched 7 PPV in a row and Jeff walked out champion at one of those and he was scheduled to be in all of the title matches. I mean come on how much can you dick a guy around before he jumps ship. Can't have anyone beat Triple H> He is GOD!!! what crap and that is why WWE fans have been praying and begging for TNA to step it up.

Hahhahahaha......Bret and Shawn had one of the greatest promo moments of all time and you idiots are talking about the Impact show tonight. It's a joke for you "real" wrestling fans to praise this show. You hate the WWE because its directed towards kids and it's all the same storylines and main eventers. HELLLLLLOOOO people...did you watch Impact. Hall is a 300 pound alcoholic, Waltman's greatest fame in the last decade was banging a man-girl and video taping it, Nash is...well Nash. Hey guess what guys, you watched and enjoyed a show which did nothing more than exploit and praise former WWE talent that Vince made. The nasty boys going for team 3-D....hahaha...yeah people, WWE is so boring and stale.....GO SAGGS GO...

Hey, you know what? You are right, Bret and Shawn had an amazing moment in wrestling history. That was amazing. However, after watching the rest of RAW now on the DVR, the rest of the show was CRAP! It's the same damn WWE show over and over again man. Not to say that TNA's show was perfect, but it killed WWE and left the old Battleship dead in the water and sank it with torpedoes. I am sure that RAW will win in the ratings sadly, due to habit, but I would suspect that TNA may end up indeed pulling down the biggest rating in it's history and they deserve it on this one as TNA proved that in a live setting, the show can be more compelling and more entertaining than the same crap WWE can pull off right now. Oh boy, Jerishow VS D-Geriatrics-X again? At least Hall, Nash and Walman were somewhat entertaining. Wait, I know what TNA was missing that WWE has:p Hornswoggle as the nWo mascot!:banghead:Please dude, TNA destroyed WWE tonight, plain and simple and I am a fan of both promotions. Hopefully tonight proves to Vince that TV-PG just isn't going to work for Wrestling. Oh, and AJ VS Kurt Angle was amazing, Period!:worship:
I watched Hart and Shawn make amends tonight, but other than that my TV stayed tuned into Impact. I thought it was a very strong show, and it set up so many new angles. I would have to say that no matter what the ratings say, TNA had the stronger show tonight, and if they can keep this level of excitement in their product, they will have the momentum as well.

I did the same. I also took a quick look at Bret Hart making peace with Shawn Michaels during a TNA commercial break. And the quickly tune back to TNA :) I personally loved it, the surprises, the nostalgia, the wrestling, etc.

I like that Eric Bischoff is back and I know he'll help make the show better, and the main event was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle

Good Job TNA !!! :)
It was much better than I thought it would be. After the last few TNA ppv's I figured that a live show would be a train wreck of production glitches, but they were fairly negligible.

The highlight of the night was definitely AJ vs Angle, and I kind of wish they had put more wrestling on the show and less surprise appearances.
Speaking of which, I could definitely have lived without seeing Moore/The Nasty's/Venis/Bubba/Waltman/Hall....it kind of seemed like 'bring your loser friend to work day' in that regard.

That being said, Hogan and Bischoff came across well, and I'm definitely interested in seeing how the story develops from here.
The NWO teaser, the Jarrett/Hogan tension, the suspicious talk between EB and AJ and of course the ending: they all have left me bewildered as to what will happen next, which is a nice change. I just hope they don't fall completely into a WCW style mentality, where it becomes all about signing big name stars without any idea of how to incorporate them into the card.
TNA blew WWE out of the water. It is just that simple. The promo between HBK and Bret could have been done so much better. A Huge anti climax with the hug and the making up. Wrestling storylines are about the drama! WWE had a HUGE opportunity to create a little more drama regarding HBK and Bret and they dropped the ball bigtime. They could have dragged it out more and made a big thing about the embracing of the two. The rest of Raw was pathetic also.

Impact was awesome!! You saw the debuts of Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Orlando Jordan, Eric Bischoff!!! Wow!! The talking segments were awesome. Hogans return was HUGE. Hardy's segment, Flairs little segment, Jarrets segment, the NWO thing, Foleys thing, Stings thing - They were all executed beautifully, they were entertaining, and they left you wondering and wanting to see more. They didnt have something meaningless or even with meaning, and squash it on the spot. There were a bunch of storylines that were planted or executed, that will make people heavily anticipate next weeks impact.

The main event was awesome. The opening match was good, the knockouts match was great, and it closed with a great segment. They used the young guys, let them get exposure, let them strut their stuff, and they also used the older guys who have huge 'history' that will make for great storylines and combined the whole thing into one package!

The problem with WWE is they have not had competition for 10 years! Every possible feud has been done by the WWE!! Excet for cena v taker, and that is a wrestlemania calibre feud, and they must be saving it for next year because hbk is fighting taker this year! Seriously, they have shown us every possible combination of feuds with their talent that is worth watching. TNA has a bunch of potential feuds that noone has ever seen, or that have not gained enough exposure to be considered 'done' that they can run with! Its new, its innovative and it is exciting!


And the old man was right - Where Hulk Hogan goes, the fans go, but also the TALENT goes too! Im excited!
Oh boy, Jerishow VS D-Geriatrics-X again? At least Hall, Nash and Walman were somewhat entertaining. :worship:

So you're going to call DX geriatrics when they worked a 20 minute match with a lot of near falls but praise Hall, Nash and Waltman for looking weird and out of place? It's nice to be nostalgic, but it's hard to take you seriously when you knocked 2 guys for age when they were busting their butt IN A MATCH!! Those 2 are in great shape and still put on great matches. I can't say the same for Nash as we've seen that recently, and Hall and Waltman is a mystery, but if I had to guess, Waltman might be able to work but Hall looked fat and out of shape. I know many were pulling for TNA to be wonderful and many are nostalgic for the Monday Night Wars/attitude era or wrestling. However, you have to take a step back and look at what you saw, and what you saw with TNA programming was very subpar.

And just an aside, to those still harping on the PG thing, I have to dispel something. Good programming doesn't mean blood, gore, cussing, and titties. At least for me, give me good storylines that feel personal and keep me interested week to week. That can be done under ANY rating. I say this to both programs. Put time into developing storylines and being cohesive and you might have something.
TNA had a good night, but I cant see them sustaining this. These guys they brought in were old 10 years ago, now they are really old!

I can't see many people shelling out 50 bucks to see the Hulkster barely able to move around in that 6 sided ring. I don't care who it is, it won't be special.
So you're going to call DX geriatrics when they worked a 20 minute match with a lot of near falls but praise Hall, Nash and Waltman for looking weird and out of place? It's nice to be nostalgic, but it's hard to take you seriously when you knocked 2 guys for age when they were busting their butt IN A MATCH!! Those 2 are in great shape and still put on great matches. I can't say the same for Nash as we've seen that recently, and Hall and Waltman is a mystery, but if I had to guess, Waltman might be able to work but Hall looked fat and out of shape. I know many were pulling for TNA to be wonderful and many are nostalgic for the Monday Night Wars/attitude era or wrestling. However, you have to take a step back and look at what you saw, and what you saw with TNA programming was very subpar.

And just an aside, to those still harping on the PG thing, I have to dispel something. Good programming doesn't mean blood, gore, cussing, and titties. At least for me, give me good storylines that feel personal and keep me interested week to week. That can be done under ANY rating. I say this to both programs. Put time into developing storylines and being cohesive and you might have something.

I hear what you are saying with the old man thing. My big problem with DX is that it's a watered down version of DX. I love Shawn Michaels and Triple H as performers, but I think they are better suited on their own. DX has run it's course. Believe me, this whole nWo thing TNA is doing will hopefully only go so far as it's going to get old really quick. I probably should have worded that differently when I wrote it. WWE seems to have been chugging along at the same pace it has been for quite some time tonight. The Bret Hart stuff was nice and it had a few moments, but it lacked the energy the TNA show had. I remember when WWE had that energy and it was amazing. Been a long time since then. On a plus though, it was nice to see TNA actually try something different from what they have been doing. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for the industry as a whole.
I figured since everyone is throwing in their 2 cents about 1/4, so I figured I might as well too. I think my biggest word to sum up tonight was: DISSAPOINTING.

I just want to start off by saying that I watch both companies regularly, and really hoped that tonight would be a fresh start to something new and exciting. I am 25 years old, a graduate school student and avid wrestling fan.

TNA failed terribly to carry their burden and make an interesting and cohesive Monday night show.

First off, when a wrestling fan has to sit in their living room and say “the camera men keep missing spots” you know your in for trouble. The producing of TNA’s show as far as changing the angles of multiple cameras was some of the worst I have ever seen. The show should be seemless, with the fan thinking they have the very best vantage point of every spot. There was at least 25-30 times on TNA’s show where the camera missed the action.

And I haven’t even gotten to the storylines yet.

I could care less who “runs” TNA. I know who runs TNA and who owns it, Dixie runs it and her parents own it. This storyline of power struggles has been so overdone and in the MODERN times we are in with twitter etc. it makes it completely unrealistic and boring. Unless there is some incredible twist that I can not foresee, the power struggle angle between Hogan/Carter/Jarrett/Foley etc is a cop out to original storylines.

And I know it has been brought up in the past posts, but a RED cage? Didn’t they test it out on TV before the live show and realize you cant see the wrestlers? The NHL has nets behind the goal nets to protect the fans and they are BLACK because BLACK doesn’t reflect light causing the spectators to be unable to see the action.

TNA had one chance to get it right, and to start the night with such a discombobulated match seriously turned me off. With Homicide not being strong enough to get out of the top, to Jeff Hardy awkwardly attacking him, it was terrible. Jeff Hardy, arguably one of the biggest wrestlers in the world should have opened the show, cut a short promo in the ring, challenge the winner of the match. So people turn in to see Hogan but they see the former WWE Champion. That would’ve been the way to start off the new TNA.

The Angle/Styles match was incredible obviously, but all the other matches were pretty lackluster.

There was also no need for this show to go 3 hours. The limo shots and the commercials was incredibly annoying, and if TNA ever goes live on Mondays I will just DVR it and fast forward thru it.

It was also terribly obvious that Hogan brought all his outdated cronies; Hall/XPac/Nasty Boys?? Is that necessary if TNA is already loaded with able talent?

Even this review was cluttered because I have so many points to say about how disappointed I was! I am convinced I could’ve written a better show.
Well first of all let the truth be known TNA did its thing tonight and I don't watch TNA much I enjoy WWE. But as far as TNA goes it won hands down. The DQ in a cage match was stupid. Thank God Jeff Hardy saved that part with his return. I loved seeing the old NWO in one ring and that Hogan and Bishoff didn't want to go that NWO route anymore. I loved seeing Flair again. As far with the matches goes. All of it had that classic WCW feel to it that I missed so much, especially AJ/Angle match. I think this is where Angle belongs at.

Overall the show was almost perfect and I will see it next week. Yes I watch WWE too only thing they had going was Bret Hart everything else was same old thing. WWE needs to lay off that pg crap. Cuz TNA will take over.
What has Hogan really brought? Hall can be great as long as he can remain sober. Not taking a jab at the man, it's be docmented. The guy has a problem and has been VERY unreliable in the past. Waltman might be ok depending on what he'll look like in the ring. Nasty Boys really piss me off. They look like shit. They wrestle like shit. Can we just flush them like the shit they are already?
Bishoff is really the only guy in the circle of friends here that I'm glad is in TNA.
However, bringing back Jeff Hardy is HUGE. He went out of WWE damn near as well as anyone and certainly better than quite a few. CM Punk dropped his name all over TV after jeff left and then they released his DVD. I hope he is used as a main guy in the near future.
Ric Flair I really have no more interest in seeing wrestle. I'd love it if he were just a mouth piece.
Sting. Old. Gimmick is beat to death. Go do a year with WWE and wrestle HBK in a Jesus on a pole match at Wrestlemania. Then retire from an amazing career.
I just don't like seein Hogan's old crew stinkin up the joint. Even taking into account the promise that this time it'll be different I have a bad feeling. Hope I'm wrong.
ok, so i watched Both Raw and Impact, i had two t.v's going at the same time, (yes i have no life) but i was hoping. I was praying that TNA would shock the hell out of me and bring something totally new to the table and really make Vince sweat cause Vince always puts on a better show when he has competition. But at the same time there was no way i was missing Bret Hart returning. But to me both shows canceled each other out, they both were miserable aside from a few high points for each. But lets break this all down.

Impact opened with a Steel whatever you want to call it match, should be called the red birdcage of i cant see what your doing in there match. Cause honestly if the camera wasnt in the ring following the action you couldnt tell if someone was being bodyslammed or F-5'ed. But considering the talent in the ring i could look past that, but The Hulkster and Dixie proved within the first hour of this "new era" that they are indeed WCW version 2.0. The match went for maybe 5 minutes at best, before HOmicide gets DQ'ed for used a weapon in a CAGE MATCH!! Now when your in a cage match dosent that mean all the rules are out the window? BUt as if that wasnt the worst part they send Homicide up to the top of the Cage and he has to be hanging on there for about a good 3 to 4 minutes, with nothing going on except for the crowd chanting "This Is Bullshit" (and i will get back to that chant in a moment) but then out of nowhere this Korn sounding music plays and the apperently drunk cameraman takes us to the auidence and there is Jeff Hardy, well half his head and a lot of a fans back, well TNA IS SAVED!!! ahhh no i'm kidding. They totally wrecked what could have been the swerve of the century, maybe even bigger then when Kurt Angle jumped ship. Jeff Hardy was headling PPV's for the WWE, which has a way bigger fanbase then TNA, he was the World Champion, the WWE Champion, he had epic battles with The Undertaker, Triple H and CM Punk, and now he is wrestling with the opening bout talent of TNA? Nothing against the stars of the X-Division but come on, this is Jeff F"N Hardy here. But the whole match to me seemed pointless, if any new viewers tuned in at that moment, they were quick to go to the Football game or re-runs of Home Improvement, cause that was just a horrible segement and match.

Now if your live crowd, the crowd is helping you get over by the way is chanting "This Is Bullshit" within the first 20 minutes of the show...That ushally indicates a problem and that you did something wrong. I think that chant was the 2nd biggest thing i marked out for on the TNA show next to Angle Vs. Styles.

Now as if that wasnt all bad enough what came next still has my mind wondering.....Did TNA set a new record for commerical breaks taken in an hour span? Cause after that Cage match it was all commericals and Hogan coming to the building hype. O i almost forgot there was an Knockouts title match in there too...but i kinda forgot about it considering it was only about 5 minutes long and there was no buildup for it. but that was TNA's first hour, two terrible matches, a ruined surprise return, and about 90 small video clips of a limo on the road.

Now lets get to Raw's first hour, God when Bret's music hit and he came out i dont think i have ever Marked out as much in my life as i did then, it was one of those goosebump moments that you only get once in long time, as soon as i saw him standing there i knew the show was going to be an epic one...Well....sorta...ok not really epic at all. But the first half hour had me thinking so. The confrontation with him and Shawn was Perfect. i was on the edge of my seat the entire time, i didnt know if Bret was gonna spit in Shawn's face or if HBK was gonna superkick Bret into the next world. Hell i am in Maine and i could feel the tension in that ring, cause it is literally the first time they had been in the same ring together since Montreal. But to see them bury the hatchet was great to me, cause i never really bought that HBK was out to sabotage Bret anyway, so i was happy to see the two shake hands, and then HBK just made the moment that much better when he was walking away, he looked like he was gonna superkick the hell out of him, and to be honest i thought he was. But instead he gives the man a hug. It was a great segement and a good way to open. But then...Things took a turn but a slow turn, cause The Miz saved a portion of there first hour. The womens tourney match was forgettable to say the least, The Bellas need to stick with just being Eye Candy. Maryse has potiental (but she is great to look at) But then the Miz came on (with much needed new music might i add) and did some commentary and that man can work a mic or a headset or whatever, he is gifted and i hope he keeps getting a push. But the fatal fourway lacked for me. It could have been great. Swagger, Carlito, Henry, and MVP, four guys that very well could have had the match to steal the show, but instead it was the clusterfuck from hell that did nothing for me. I was more concerned with what the Miz was saying then the actual match. And the finish was sad to say the least. It took MVP about 30 seconds to get his finsiher to work without him falling over. And y did he have to pin Swagger? They are wasting a true talent. A Swagger vs. Miz match sounds way better then a Miz Vs. MVP match but i guess it could be worse.

Meanwhile TNA is working on bringing back the NWO...And dear god lets hope this isnt what lays ahead for TNA fans. X-pac and Hall are no good for anything anymore, lets face it there best days were in the WWE, but then when that ended so did there careers. But apperently Hogan and Dixie see gold with these 2 washups. And i cant beleive Bishoff is going along with this, i thought he might have learned his lesson when Vince bought him out the first time, but apperently we will have to wait and see if he learns when Vince buys him out for a second time. The second hour did have one good match in there and it was the knockout tag team title match. Arguebly the 4 best knockouts on the roster got together and put on a better tag team match then the WWE put on, during that hour. But lets hope Kong and Hamada get a good lengthy run as the champs cause they make a great and interesting tag team.

Now DX is battleing Jerishow at this point, and the match is good but again it is lacking for me, it didnt seem like it had a main event feel to it even tho it was the biggest match on the card. The stipulation was that Jericho is off Raw for good if they lose, and it didnt seem like Jerishow was willing to do anything and everything to win, which is one of Jericho's M/O's. But the match would have been pleasing to me if that damn Midget didnt show his face, the match was just getting interesting and then here comes tiny tons of fun to crash the party....But when Jericho kicked that little basturd in the head it was maybe one of the greatest moments of my life. But in the end DX got the win, big shocker (my eyes are rolling if you couldnt guess that). And that was the last we saw of the Heartbreak Kid for the night. And there was no mention of him and the undertaker expcet for a second in between the segment where Triple H used Hornswoggle as a human dog. And that was it for the WWE in there first hour and some of there second hour lol.

In TNA's final hour of the night, they had Samoa Joe battle Abyss...WHy? Is this gonna continue into something or was this just a "audition" match for Hogan and his team of idiots? It was a decent match but served no prupose. I was pumped for a bloody gore fest with and Rhino but that didnt happen of course. And neither did full metal mayhem cause someone had to go around laying talent out backstage...ooooooooo the intrigue...what a random set of people too to have layed out. RHino, The Machine Guns...Beer Money...what the hell is going on? But this hour did produce one of the best matches ever seen on free live t.v. Aj Styles and Kurt Angle had one of the best matches ever, TNA did something right they gave these two men 25 minutes to go out there and bring the house down. Its about time AJ gets what he deserves and that is to be the flagship of the company, the one everyone else follows. Cause lets face it...he is maybe the best wrestler out there today but that is aregueable. but anytime you put AJ against Kurt its gonna be gold. '

Meanwhile back in WWE land we have Randy Orton against Kofi Kingston. Now this match started to get me going again, thinking that the WWE was going to redeem itself and put the show back on track. Once again Vince McMahon kicks me right in the nuts. The match itself turned out to be ok...not the best but not the worst either, but this was the perfect time to have Ted Dibiase spread his wings and fly away from Legacy. And at the same time gotten Kofi a win over Orton. But no...Instead we get Kofi being RKO'ed and then Legacy sitting outside doing well...nothing. And that was that, nothing else was mentioned about it. And then to end the show we had Bret and Vince..finally a one on one showdown between the two, after Vince kisses bret's ass for what seemed like 10 hours i was convinced that this was gonna be all, a one time showing for Bret, Vince will get locked in the sharpshooter and the show will end. But that was not the case at all....Instead Vince kicks Bret in the gut and simply walks away. Which in turns sets up future appearences by The Hitman and which in turn is going to keep me tuning in every week to see where it all goes.

Now on a side note, did Hogan owe like a million favors to a bunch of WWE Castaways? Cause why else would Val Venis and Orlando Jordan be there? And will someone please tell me why Ric Flair was there? Was he lost? He didnt seem like he belonged there.

Wrestling fans are doomed if this is what a potiental monday night war is gonna be like from week to week.....TNA is a clusterfuck from hell of new and old guys, and WWE is stuck on this PG level crap....To me its whoever fixes themselves first is going to win. If TNA can get there head out of there ass then they will overtake Vince down the road, and if Vince can get away from trying to bring a PG product every week then he will still be the dominant company. But right now both companys are hurting and are not going in the right direction at all...
Besides AJ styles and Angle, and an appearance by Sting, Impact was a complete joke. As a loyal WWE fan, Vince has nothing to worry about anytime soon. Hall and Waltman are drug addicts and no one wants to see any of theyre drunk old asses anymore. It was a joke. besides the last match. Hello People!!! Bret freakin Hart is back!!!! Also Great match between Kofi and Orton. Going back to Impact, These "knockouts" are even more worse to watch than the Divas.At least a few girls in WWE are fun to watch, still though doesnt do much for me. The opening match was a bunch of jobbers who will never be anybody in a really poorly designed cage. No contest?? Really what was the point. Jeff Hardy being there was a bit of a shocker to me, I dont think hes a star in TNA though, hes a star in WWE I dont think hes doing himself any good by joining TNA. The Pope looks like he could be a stud, other than that and the main event I give the show a D+. The people who thought this was a good show are on crack. A bunch of out of shape bottom of the barrell talent. they got some work to do.
ok i seriously dont know what ppl were watching if they thought that TNA show was great lol...

ill admit, i dont watch TNA at all.. i know of some of the characters and such..but i watch WWE pretty often..

anways i sat down from 8pm till 11:25pm here in canada to watch both of them at the same time...

TNA started out soo terrible.. the opening shots of asking ppl random stupid stuff in the audience was terrible... that cage match was crap.. no contest? wtf... guy gets stuck in the cage and even if he didnt i doubt he could of made it out.. horrible design... jeff hardy coming in was pretty decent and that chair shot was nice... so that was good...

all the fat drunk scott hall and waltman stuff was just meh and nothing special... nash interview backstage was stupid... all of them in the ring with Hogan was ok at best, nothing special... totally stupid how hogan goes on about how he has been BACK STAGE all day talking with ppl yet they do this whole thing for an hour about how is LIMO is on the way to the arena right then and such.. give me a break...

other things... too many segments with fast commercials.. womens back stage stuff with poker and val venis was just soo terrible...

didnt watch the womens wrestling matches so those could have been decent but i rarely watch the womens matches in either fed.. id much rather see eye candy of maryse and the bellas, as they r hotter than anything that TNA has to offer...

also, desmonde wolf losing in like less than 3 minutes? THIS GUY FRIGGIN BEAT KURT ANGLE AND HE LOSES in 3 MINUTES TO ELIJAH BURKE? give me a break...terrible...

raven and stevie richards jobbed in a couple minutes to matt morgan and some mexican guy? terrible.. sure matt morgan is suppose to be the next big thing, so why not put him in a singles match and beat someone good...

bobby/kristal lashley interview was terrible... just bad..

flair doing nothing but walking out of limo and walking out during final match then going back again?

sting doing nothing but sitting in the rafters a couple of times?

double J's interview was pretty good...can see that he is becoming a face....

that bubba backstage guy was soo bad.. just soo terrible....

nasty boys coming and starting a feud with the dudleys? another terrible thing....

the whole stupid mick foley trying to get in and such and then just basically gets beat down by the nWo... pretty pathetic...

only great thing on the show was AJ stylez vs. Angle... a really really good match....

as for the WWE show... i think the hbk and bret stuff was good and the finally with bret and vince was great imo... totally leads up to more stuff being done and a potential match for wrestlemania... rest of the show was ok at best..kofi vs orton ok but feud ended too fast and kofi got burried... tag match was ok except for stupid hornswoggle stuff...other stuff was meh...

Sure, TNA had a lot of old guys come back and such, but overall, the show was pretty pathetic with only the main event, jeff hardy coming in and the jeff jarrett interview being the good parts of the show...hogan stuff was average.. and the rest was just terrible...

WWE Raw was the better show tonight overall, but it wasnt even that good other than the Bret stuff, which i thought was pretty good considering how things ended in november 97
I'm not exactly sure what to make of Impact, but I must say, it has left a mark, a mark that will lead to bigger and better things for TNA, but I can't say that out of the two programs that impact was a better show. I can't do it.

The show had 3 hours to work with and as much as there were new-old faces sprouting everywhere and many matches and speeches going on, i still felt that TNA still had so much of a cluster going on.

I felt TNA got on the wrong foot with the Steel Asylum match. It was bogus how it ended, especially when Homocide was climbing the asylum and as everyone was chasing him, he just falls. BOTCH! at least in my opinion...

The matches were good, especially Angle vs. Styles. That match already has a match of the year candidate written all over it.

Some of the "surprise" guests that came in, I felt had little to no purpose being there at all. It didn't really "answer" things, they were only there cause Hogan was there...(thats what it seemed)

I'm glad guys like Hardy, Flair, Hall, Waltman, Sting...etc. were back on t.v., but it didn't give a whole lot of closure with what they are doing there and what their agenda is other than HULK HOGAN IS IN TNA.

Has impact made an "impact"? I can say so, but I felt this show could have been a giant leap, but instead it was a footstep.

Nevertheless, they went and did some things and it "sparked" interest in people. So now, what does TNA have to do to get the ball REALLY rolling?

Set the program up better. You got the stars & the wrestlers...now lets make a story one can remember.

ADDED THOUGHT: How can impact have a segment scene with The Beautiful People and Val Venis playing strip poker, when impact cameras cut away from ODB vs Tara, when tara's buttcrack gets slightly shown on TV from ODB getting the winning pinfall grabbing Taras tights? Doesn't make sense.

Hulk Hogan...(riding in a limo, then being in the back all day?....uh yeah...you're getting old and dumb. Do you not know where you are?)

the fans reactions from Hulk going to TNA, before the show started were very idiotic. If they had much sense and talked about what it meant for wrestling and not as a fan of Hulk and TNA, the fans would have been better, instead the fans looked stupid.

If Jarrett and Foley are working together as a unit to gain back TNA, how come Jarrett doesnt help Mick and since Jarrett is a voice and a head guy in TNA, how come nothing is shown where he was doing something about it?

I think "The Pope" had a great promo going on, even after Orlando Jordan messed it up.

I think the "value" of "familiar faces" in TNA on 1/4 was WAY TOO MUCH. They should have had a select few, but they had a total of 14 people returning or debuting in the company and that is WAY TOOOOOOO MUCH for a program to handle, even if its 3 hours.

The Jarrett speech was very good. I enjoyed that a lot as it brought out RAW emotion and lit a fire in what the company truly "should" stand for.

Overall: The buzz was there, I watched, but just like I did with WCW, I tuned in for the 1st hour and when WWE came on at 9pm est, I switched to that and watched TNA during WWE's commerical breaks (except for the Styles vs Angle match).
I have to admit my favorit part of the night is when hogan said ''ive been in the back all day'' even though he arived in a limosine just minutes earlier. I was like wtf??? And then I laughed so props to TNA for that.
I hear what you are saying with the old man thing. My big problem with DX is that it's a watered down version of DX. I love Shawn Michaels and Triple H as performers, but I think they are better suited on their own. DX has run it's course. Believe me, this whole nWo thing TNA is doing will hopefully only go so far as it's going to get old really quick. I probably should have worded that differently when I wrote it. WWE seems to have been chugging along at the same pace it has been for quite some time tonight. The Bret Hart stuff was nice and it had a few moments, but it lacked the energy the TNA show had. I remember when WWE had that energy and it was amazing. Been a long time since then. On a plus though, it was nice to see TNA actually try something different from what they have been doing. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for the industry as a whole.

Fair enough, and I respect that you were able to clarify that. There's a lot of short, mindless posts on this board, and I apologize for lumping you in there. I don't totally agree with everything you are saying, but we can argue our points like adults. As for DX, I rather liked their feud with Legacy as it brought out a serious side to them which I thought was a nice change of pace from the 2006 version. I hoped this 2009-2010 version would be focused and dedicated with the occasional humor. Shawn is caught between a rock and a hard place as he came out and had a wonderful segment in which I sensed real emotion with Bret Hart and then has to explain how Hornswoggle isnt' a kid because he has a beard. A valid point, but it's quite a change from the segment he was previously in.

As for TNA, I was rooting for them as I do think fans deserve a choice between 2 quality products. However, you did not get two quality products. You got one put together product that runs like a well oiled machine and another that ran like a car put together by the little rascals. When I chatted with Shannon, we talked about the young, athletic guys of TNA and how they were focused on putting a different kind of product out there. That would be wonderful, but what I saw tonight is WCW part 2. A lot of old guys, shoddy camera work at best, and just a hodgepodge where nothing made sense. The main thing I want to get across is that if you are trying to attract new viewers, you have to get them up to date with the happenings in the company with some video packages, recaps, ANYTHING. Nothing like that was done and it was just poor in that regard. I hoped it would do well, but it didn't, and I didn't get any indication that the show was heading in the right direction.

Last point, for those who castrate Vince for burying talent that has come from TNA (which is maybe half true), what about Jeff Hardy being relegated to X Division crap when arguably, he is the biggest name they got for today? That's like Derek Jeter going from the Yankees to the Pirates but being a utility infielder in Pitt........what? You would think going to the less talented place, you would be put in a position to star, but he was put in a position to be forgotten. Shame on TNA for that.
The opening of the show was a complete clusterfuck...how does a cage match result in a no contest? WTF???

Angle-Styles was amazing....only beginning of the year, yet it already has match of the year potential.

Also, on a side note...anyone notice that Hogan's theme is a NWO-remix? o_O

Yea how does a Cage match end in a DQ?

But anyways From Top to bottom I felt like TNA backed up what they said they were going to do. I flipped back and fourth from WWE and TNA and the most notable difference is knockouts and divas...the Hamada/kong vs Sarita/wild match was on during the Bella twin vs Maryse match...the knockouts ring work was better the crowd was into the match,and it was a better Title

I also liked the people who we didnt know about that showed up i was shocked to see Val Venus and Orlando Jordan on tv after all this time.
TNA has a terrible habit of having far too many things going on at one time. The Hogan/NWO thing was good, but why add the Sting thing in? The whole promo was about how things were gonna be new, and fresh..and there's Sting in the rafters again. And it was barely even paid attention to. If you are going to do something with Sting and Hogan, it has to be HUGE, not just a sidenote. They really need to get their storylines working more in depth, not just glances here and there. They try and get through way too much in a real small amount of time (even though tonight was three hours). And what about Flair? If he wasn't going to say anything, why not save him? Same thing with Hardy. They didn't need to bring ALL of their surprises out tonight, should have saved some. I did like the making the Styles-Angle match happen tonight, they needed a big, awesome match for the night, and they got one. I think once they move to Mondays for good, we will see some damn good competition, and it will definitely force the WWE and Vince to step their game up, hopefully ditching this stupid TV-PG crap in the process.
P.S. I would LOVE for them to scrap the six sided ring, but they probably won't because that might make it look like they actually made a mistake bringing it in.
I just gotta say never watch wrestling again, Impact is/ was a joke. styles angle amazing. Bret hart is back. Impact has nobody that anyone wants to see other than those two. You made me laugh.
What I think is going wrong with WWE is that they don't have title matches these days, sure #1 contendership matches are great but they need to have something like dramatic title changes. WWE is getting boring!!!!!!!!!!
I have to admit my favorit part of the night is when hogan said ''ive been in the back all day'' even though he arived in a limosine just minutes earlier. I was like wtf??? And then I laughed so props to TNA for that.

LOL.. man, that was classic.. i laughed pretty hard too when Hogan said he was in the back even though we were watching a limo with him in it on his way to the arena :)

but i still enjoyed Impact alot more than Raw.. call it living in the past or whatever, but i still get all excited when i see Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Hall and Syxx in the same ring together.. :)
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