[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I thought the opening match was horrible, and yes i thought Homicide was going to fall or something. Hardy coming back was ok, same thing with flair. I didn't really like the first hour at all. It was basically wasted space.

As for the final 2 hour i thought it was great. The Knockout tag match was good and Angle vs AJ was just classic i didn't even bother switching to raw to see the whole bret/vince thing.

Hogan has basically brought in the entire Australia tour into TNA. I really hope they don't do the Nasty Boys/Dudley Boys storyline line.

WWE. First 5 minutes was great to see Bret back and then it got boring. We waited 12 years to say sorry on national tv? And the way it ended (don't want to spoil it for anyone) was pathetic.

Props to TNA for running a commercial on USA during Orton and Kofi basically telling everyone to switch the channel lol.

Overall TNA had the better show tonight. IMO
I think it was a good night for TNA, Just to send a message to Vince that they are out there and they're not afraid. I think it is was good for there product. The night was alright besides the opening...other than that good night...but how do u announce a match, then forget lol

It was a good move by wwe, but tna has along way to go. I can see tna atleast getting someone to pay attetion to them in a year or 2.

2014 TNA will be up there and Wars will start. :wcw: vs wwe #2
Pretty entertaining show overall.

IMO the first cage match ended pretty horribly. The match started out great and had me all hyped for the evening, all the stars in the match got to put on some pretty cool spots. Then the ending with the baton DQ just ruined everything. You could even hear the fans chanting "This is Bullshit", I made me worry this would be the same ol TNA botched stories. On top of that Hardy coming out here just seemed awkward unless he is going to have some major part in the upcoming X-Division scene. Don't get me wrong, Im happy to see him back, it was just weird timing, someone please clear this up for me. PS great Jeff Hardy chair shot.

The knockouts title match was decent, nothing to special. It was funny when ODB was pinning Tara and her ass was hanging out so they had to switch the camera.

I thought Hogan's mic work seemed pretty decent, it started to get stale towards the end though; like others have said Eric B. saved the promo. I think Bischoff was amazing, I am so happy to see him back on wrestling no matter where he is, he will do nothing but great things for TNA.

The Knockouts tag-team match was very very good, for some reason I expected it to be crap (I guess Im just so used to the Divas on WWE). Lots of great spots and a good ending, I really enjoy watching awesome kong.

The Nasty Boys segments where horrible and totally irrelevant except for showing new TNA viewers that the Dudleys where also on TNA.

The tag match with Matt Morgan & Hernandez V. Raven and Dr. Stevie was a huge let down, I think the only point of this match was to show TNA also has Raven and Stevie and put over some new TNA talent.

Ric Flair was cool but totally irrelevant. I don't know what sting was doing or how the Foley angle will play out (I hope he stays). Seeing JJ was nice it seems the crowd was over for him against Hogan.

Awesome Abyss/Joe match.

The main event was solid gold, probably a match of the Year canidate already. Just a phenomenal match overall, I liked seeing the mutual respect between Angle and Styles.

Overall Great Start!

*Seeing Hardy and Moore return.
*Samoa Joe/Abyss
*JJ return
*Knockout Tag Team
*Main Event
*Pushing Younger Talent
*Showing most of the TNA stars
*Overall Show

*Random Irrelevant crap (Val Venis, Nasty Boys, ect..)
*Cage Match
*Ric Flair just standing there
*Just all the random crap that will hopefully make sense later.

**BEWARE WWE! The TNA product is a lot better, people just need to catch on!**

PS- I know I missed quite a few things, this is just what stood out most to me.
I thought it was horrible. Honestly...The Nasty Boys? Fat Scott Hall? Val Venis? The *SLOPPY* promo between Hogan, Nash, Hall, Waltman, and Bischoff? Sting sitting in the rafters doing absolutely nothing? Ric Flair...doing absolutely nothing? I don't think you guys were watching the same show. They had some decent ideas and setup (and the main even was great), but the overall execution was terrible. I like how Hulk Hogan was "on his way" during the first hour, then he says he's been in the back...all day.
I will say this, and I definitely did not think I would say this before the shows, but I think TNA put on a better product then WWE but I'm not sure if that's due to TNA's efforts or the lackluster efforts on a WWE show that in my opinion dropped the ball on Bret.

I will say this, I think the Hogan thing was done extremely well.

If TNA ever plans to go live again, they MUST work on their timing. You could tell they wanted the Hogan promo then the Jarrett Promo to be the 9 and 10 slots hence why they kept doing a lot of quick "in for a recap then back to commercial" people are going to start getting tired of that and changing the channel.

The Steel Asylum and Hardy return were both done poorly. The DQ was stupid and neither the announcers nor Hardy seemed excited about the return. IMO Homicide should have won then had Hardy come out, homicide attacked then have the chair shot and hardy on the asylum. With that said I also think the "you can't come in the building" was WAY OVER DONE tonight. It should have stopped at Foley.

I was initially shocked that the knock out tag match came on right after the Hogan promo as I was worried it might tune some people out but I must admit, that was the best women's wrestling match I have seen in a long time, maybe ever.

WWE really only gave you one reason to wanna watch next week with Brets possible reaction. TNA however left LOTS of questions which i think is good cause it gives you more reasons to want to watch next week and buy the PPV
we're talkin about tna here so no it didn't come close to my expectations..... ok so they had an excellent main event with angle/styles. And these geezers coming to tna... i.e Ric Flair, nasty boys, Val Venis, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman big fucking deal... now were gonna see the same bullshit like we saw in wcw with eric bichoff and the old world order... aka the NWO. But the storylines will be improved and maybe watchable at times depending who does what. Also as well what the hell was the point of the asylum match ending in a no contest how ******ed. IMO no tna knockout for a long time will get those straps off Kong/Hamada till we get tired of it lol either way wwe is still the gold standard and always will be.... good luck with the blast with the past tna well might as well call it wcw now haha
I watched the first hour of TNA and watched Raw and when Raw ended I watched the end of TNA. I'm not a TNA fan, but I wanted to give it a chance tonight. I just don't see why everyone is so excited? I'll give the TNA fans AJ Styles and Kurt Angle because that match was great and Jeff Hardy showing up was a suprise (even though he killed his chances ever going back to the WWE). Other than that TNA brought in a bunch of guys tonight that were the exact reason WCW failed in the first place.

The WWE product is nothing to brag about because the last few years it has been extremely stale and boring. They're ruining their shows with throwing John Cena and Hornswoggle down our throats. Not to mention the give us the same matches over and over. What I was hoping for tonight was that TNA would give Vince a little bit of a scare and make him improve his product.

As for TNA do people really want to see Bishoff, Hall, Waltman and Nash anymore? Ric Flair is 60 years old has been retired already and just can't let go. I love Sting but he is in his 50s now. Mick Foley lost all credibility back in 2000 when he was retired and said he would never wrestle again and made his way back. Val Venis REALLY? The whole Hulk Hogan act has been done to death over the last 25 years. I'm sorry I tried to give it a chance tonight but all I see is the same people that killed an organization ten years ago.
It was great!!
Im glad hogan is bringing the NWO vibe without bringing the negatives of the NWO. he made it clear that he's there to beter the company and the NWO was behind them but it felt like the good old days.. I have a feeling hall and pac are gunna do some kind of story line wherre they enforce hogans law. Nontheless. TNA proved it can top WWE. Raw was pathetic.

I'm sorry but at this point the knowouts put on a better match then WWE's main events. DX vs jerishow was boring, what they did with bret was boring, all of ortons actions, lets put it this way.. its all been seen before.

I watched the first hour of TNA and watched Raw and when Raw ended I watched the end of TNA. I'm not a TNA fan, but I wanted to give it a chance tonight. I just don't see why everyone is so excited? I'll give the TNA fans AJ Styles and Kurt Angle because that match was great and Jeff Hardy showing up was a suprise (even though he killed his chances ever going back to the WWE). Other than that TNA brought in a bunch of guys tonight that were the exact reason WCW failed in the first place.

The WWE product is nothing to brag about because the last few years it has been extremely stale and boring. They're ruining their shows with throwing John Cena and Hornswoggle down our throats. Not to mention the give us the same matches over and over. What I was hoping for tonight was that TNA would give Vince a little bit of a scare and make him improve his product.

As for TNA do people really want to see Bishoff, Hall, Waltman and Nash anymore? Ric Flair is 60 years old has been retired already and just can't let go. I love Sting but he is in his 50s now. Mick Foley lost all credibility back in 2000 when he was retired and said he would never wrestle again and made his way back. Val Venis REALLY? The whole Hulk Hogan act has been done to death over the last 25 years. I'm sorry I tried to give it a chance tonight but all I see is the same people that killed an organization ten years ago.

Theres nothing wrong with Val Venis? He can do some entertaining stories and with the beautiful people it will be hilarious. He's not going for x division or world heavyweight champion, he's a gimmick wrestler. Stop being so pessimistic. Before WCW went down, which company went head to head with RAW? thats right, WCW. The fail isnt going to happen this time because Hogan isn't running the show, and before things get too bad if they even do, they're gone.

However i do agree with you that WWE has become stale. In fact WWE has been stale the moment the attitude era went out.

People gotta stop shooting down the NWO thing. Its great, it brings people back to the old days. However theres NOT going to be a take over so quit over reacting.

Pretty entertaining show overall.

IMO the first cage match ended pretty horribly...
*Random Irrelevant crap (Val Venis, Nasty Boys, ect..)
*Cage Match
*Ric Flair just standing there
*Just all the random crap that will hopefully make sense later.

**BEWARE WWE! The TNA product is a lot better, people just need to catch on!**

PS- I know I missed quite a few things, this is just what stood out most to me.

Apologize for cutting your quote but i only wanted to comment on those, yea it was a bad ending for the cage match. It happens a lot. But WWE does it way more!!
Val Venis as a con? I think people are missing the point with him. He's probably nothing more then a storyline with Angelina love's return and help to get the beautiful people over a bit more. man power behind the beautiful people cant hurt. As for Ric, well people know he's there, he didn't say much, people might want to tune in next week to see if he says anything.
Neither show was awesome, but both were good. It was a trip down memory lane for sure. TNA looks to be setting themseves up for the same mistakes WCW did though. The arrogance of Bischoff gets annoying and boring quickly.

Remember Hogans last WWE matches. His knees are so bad he cant move so I cant see him being much of a force anymore. See

Scott Hall looked AWFUL!!!!

Cant see TNA doing much with these old guys, if they really want to hurt Vince, go after Randy Orton, CM Punk and Jericho.
Honestly,As for what show was better,hands down tna was way better. The hyped up bret and vince and shawn thing really didnt do much besides just talk. I loved the surprise TNA return of jeff hardy. I really didnt believe despite the rumors that he would come back. Hall and Waltman was awesome to see again but I just hope they last without making mistakes. Flair was awesome to see. Orlando should be interesting to see because he is still a young talent so he could be used pretty well. If nasty boys and 3D is booked right it could turn out good. Val was cool as long as its a one time thing or a couple matchs. Hes wrestled in japan a couple times and he has a couple good matchs left in him. Everything was good all together about tna. WWE was just so lacking for all the hype. Bret really didnt do much and if vince really thought just a kick to the gut to bret would do alot well hes mistaken. I litterly just cant watch tna anymore. I just dont like the things they have taken out like no blood,not alot of young talent good matchs as often and just too many things I just cant get in to. So I hope tna does great over the next few months and really ups their games
All in all I think both shows dropped the ball. WWE had a show filled with so many possibilities, something the wrestling world had been salivating for for years, and then did absolutely nothing with it. Bret was hardly around. He had next to nothing to do with the show (I'm still not sure what he was the host of...) And it was an incredibly watered down Hitman.

TNA reminded me wayyy too much of the new blood/millionaires club angle. It was almost scary. It was a landmark show that seemed way more intent on showing new people than the guys they already had.

I will give the TNA show the edge though. Not that the show was better, it was just less bad. It at least had some quality wrestling and some genuinely interesting moments (when compared to the WWE's highlights of Bret and Shawn hugging, and HHH playing with a midget).

That being said, I think that TNA is on a very dangerous path right now. The show tonight might have been better, but the shows of the future do not look so promising.
Here's the one thing I really hated: The Nasty Boys being on television.

I can only hope that Hulk quashes that crap quickly.

But the thing is, outside of Bret Hart's return, a decent DX-Jerishow bout and the miz's commentary, what did we get from Raw?

TNA felt like such a bigger event. The crowd was into it, the wrestling was so much better and there was some actual character development that didn't include Hornswoggle.

I'm 100% on TNA's board next week because the only weekly reason for me to watch Raw right now is the Miz.

I thought the opening match was horrible, and yes i thought Homicide was going to fall or something. Hardy coming back was ok, same thing with flair. I didn't really like the first hour at all. It was basically wasted space.

This right here says it all.

Only TNA fans would've stayed through the first hour to watch the next two hours. You know what that means? Epic fail for TNA. They failed to do the very thing they needed to do and had to do with this entire show, pull the casual fans in and keep them interested and continuing to watch.
Well overall I thought the show sucked. Besides the Angle/Styles match, it was just complete shit.
The opening match was indeed a clusterfuck and most of the time you couldn't even see what was going on.
We also saw the returns of a bunch of washed up former WWE wrestlers and 3 drug addicts in Jeff Hardy, Scott Hall, and Sean Waltman. Wonderful.
Hogan's theme was a remixed NWO theme and Nash, Hall, Waltman, and Hogan were all wearing black. Another NWO reunion. Great...it's not the 90's, the NWO isn't cool anymore. Especially with a bunch of middle aged losers.
And the Nasty Boys? Seriously?
It's been said before, TNA is just WCW part 2. They're literally doing the same things as WCW did back in the 90's.
WWE on the other hand, had a very strong show from top to bottom, and Bret Hart, (even with his incorrect grammar and word mispronunciation) made it just that much better.
Sorry TNA, you lose.
Ok, I"ll be the first level headed person to post that isn't a TNA mark. The TNA show was pretty awful. And I say this by giving it every opportunity to be good. I put it on at 8 and told myself that by 9, I'd decide what to do, and by like 8:30, I knew I wouldnt' be watching TNA except during commercial breaks. Let's break it down:

The opening segment is a steel asylum match which you couldn't see because the damn thing was red, the spots looked too planned to come off as a smooth wrestling match, then there was a DQ after like 5 minutes for whatever reason. It seemed Jeff Hardy missed his cue because it took forever for them to leave this segment. Homicide was climbing forever and finally they have their little confrontation which I think was a disgrace. Blinde marks WAKE UP! This is Jeff Hardy, former WWE champion and he's attacking lower midcarders? Jeff is a main eventer but on this show, he's opening segment material. His return to TNA could have been HUGE if done right, but it's clear that he is not seen as main event talent for that show. Not in its current form at least. I think it's a damn shame for Jeff and I hope he realizes his mistake soon and peaces from there to get some real spotlight and real money in New York.

After the first of 600 commercial breaks, Jeff and Shannon shake hands........what did Shannon do? More on that later, though I was excited to see Shannon on TV since I just interviewed him (interview coming soon on the homepage I hope!)

After that was the first of 16 shots before commercial break of Hogan's limo. It went interview, limo, commercial for quite a while, with the only interruption being the Knockouts title match which was ok, but since this was the first hour of a show that was hoping to attract new viewers, shouldn't the announcers have hyped up the rivalry, or shouldnt' a video package be done to show how the rivalry has been going? New viewers had to be confused out of their minds from this show. I was and I've seen the show! At the end, ODB wins and Tara attacks her......is Tara a heel now? Hard to tell since the crowd didnt' react much and her facial expressions didn't show much to let us know. Clearly selling a character wasn't of utmost importance, just swerves and weird finishes that make little sense.

I skipped the Nash promo because it wasn't very good and he seemed flustered. Not typical for Nash, but he said that Hogan wasn't alone.......duh! The press conference included Bischoff so anyone with a brain knew he was coming! This wasn't exactly a suspense builder!

Next Ric Flair shows up, which could be the biggest thing they've done, even bigger than Hogan, but it's still unclear what his role is which will be a theme to the night. It's unclear what anything is moving forward and that will become more clear as time goes on.

A few more eh segments, one with Mick Foley (who's supposed to be a heel against Hogan? maybe not...), Bobby Lashley and his wife who announced he might be leaving, which is a weird announcement on a show where so many new people are arriving, and the Beautiful People playing faces by "giving the people what they want to see". Those poker segments were a poor attempt and trying to sexy and say "we're not PG even though we basically are" and on top of that, we'll bring in Val Venis to have a nothing role as well. Where was Angelina who could have at least given the segment substance? I thought she was coming back? Her return would have been bigger than most on the show.

Sixteen commercials later and we finally have Hogan's entrance right before 9 o'clock. My guess is they wanted him on at 9 so that they could challenge Hart head to head, but they had absolutely no programming for the first hour so they milked it as much as possible with commercials and stupid segments showing a fat version of Scott Hall and Sean Waltman walking in and sitting down. 10-15 minutes of quality programming right there.......I had to switch over at that point, it was unbearable. I would try and catch segments on commercial breaks from RAW, but at this point I was so turned off by the lack of organization and lack of focus on TNA's "young roster". Hogan might have said in his speech that it's about giving the young guys a chance but they were barely a presence on the show. You had more of Bubba the Love Sponge and the Nasty Boys than young talent. The most you saw young talent was them layed out in the ring.

I did see parts of the Angle/Styles match and it was fantastic, and the Knockout tag title match was pretty good too but an opportunity was missed to reveal AJ's attacker on the biggest show of the year. That might have been good TV. It also would have been good TV to end the show with that match or at least somethign in the ring. Ending on a backstage segment? That's just terrible for the fans in attendance.

Basically, the show was 3 hours of nothing making sense which was a nice homage to Bischoff's old show, Nitro when it started going downhill. The bookign was sloppy at best, returns were made for the sake of returns with no value to the show as a whole, storylines are so confusing it's crazy. No one knows who is a heel and who is a face, especially not the fans who dont' know what to cheer, and the new cast was the majority of the show with the "fresh young faces that built TNA" being non existent for the most part. If this is what they plan to put on moving forward, count me out. It came off as trying WAY too hard to simply be shocking and really what it was was bad TV. I'd go back to Thursdays and try and gameplan before attempting anything like that again. My buddy and I could do nothing but laugh at the whole thing. It was clear that it was second rate from the opening bell. When you can't even see a match because the cage color and structure was poorly picked and designed, you're doomed from the start. TNA has a LONG way to go.
Im a WWE fan but tuned into Impact at 8 to see what they had to offer. I have to say, the opening cage match and Jeff Hardys apperance was hideous. They shoved "shocking moments and debuts down our throats. It went too far. Watching a DQ in a cage and Homidcide tyring desparatly to climb it was embarressing. No bias here, the Hitman/HBK segment to start Raw blew anything TNA did tonight out the water. You can't write real emotion. It was surreal. I had 6 friends text me as they watched the Hart/Michaels exchange and they were just casual fans. They all were shocked it was happening. They commented on TNA, but it was more of a joke...they laughed so hard at Nash, Hall and Hogan in the ring...sorry it's true. Bret may be old to but he brings a freshness and excitment to WWE that hasnt exsisted in years. Good try TNA, but Bret is back, and the next few months leading to Mania will be very interesting.
I think it was a good overall show. The reason I know this is because usually I cannot watch a TNA show all the way through, and I was able to watch the show and only switch to RAW to see the beginning with Bret Hart. This show as a far superior show vs. RAW tonight. It has been dull for a long time and I don't know if TNA can ever "take over" the Monday night scene, however there is room to sway a good number of both nostalgic and RAW viewers who are bored to death.

PS - The pseudo NWO theme that Hogan used sounded just like this bootleg wrestling theme cd that I bought back in the day. Wouldn't surprise me if that was the tune they used.
I can honestly say tonight impact lived up to the hype...the only part that when I look back they could of done a better job with was the steel asylum as it had somewhat of a rushed feel to it as well as a DQ ending:wtf: other than that great show I marked out when I saw :worship: Jeff Hardy :worship: Scott Hall :worship: Hogan jus so many great debuts and returns...and the main event was simply phenomenal... I have to go back and watch Raw but no way could they have done better than IMPACT... great job TNA... :worship: 1/4/2010
I liked during the show, when Hogan accused Jeff Jarrett of almost running TNA into the ground.

Hogan and Bischoff ruined WCW and I would be really upset if I was a younger wrestler in TNA trying to make a name for themselves, because TNA looks to be running out of room quickly.
besides the cage match.
Id give Impact 2 thumbs Up WWE candy asses
That show was awesome.I hate all these ppl bitchen about lil things
"O they showed too many old guys"
atleast tna old guys entertained me
when all wwe old guys did was kicked each other in the balls an give each other hugs
atleast Tna show had a pulse and an attitude.
an if you just tuned in for an hour thats ur dumbass fault.
I liked during the show, when Hogan accused Jeff Jarrett of almost running TNA into the ground.

Hogan and Bischoff ruined WCW and I would be really upset if I was a younger wrestler in TNA trying to make a name for themselves, because TNA looks to be running out of room quickly.

Hogan and Bischoff didn't "ruin" WCW, but even if you believe they did, they also made it the # 1 company in the world first, something Jarrett did NOT do.
I kinda have a soft spot for TNA cuz there are some guys there I like that WWE never had, or if they did they were mis-used. Ive always been a WWE fan, but during the old monday night wars, I was a fan of wrestling so id watch WWE and WCW without having a favourite. So id like to see an alternative like that again.

Lets start with TNA.... I was pumped for this all day to see it. At 6 (Mountain Time), I tuned in to see how TNA would start out. The Steel Asylum was a great way to start the show I thought, except the finish was BRUTAL...how do you have your highlight division, high flyers and crazy bastards battle it out to a NO CONTEST?? Thats BRUTAL....A very solid, high flying tons of crazy crap with a winner would have been the perfect way to keep people tuned in. The Debut's of numerous guys, and returns of many others was cool. The show felt Brand New. Like this was the first night TNA had ever been on... like a reunion show but also the start of something new. It felt great. Seeing Flair, although rumours were around he'd be there, was still pretty cool to see. Knowing his buddies, HBK, HHH, Batista etc are all in the other company now. Just seeing Ric Flair on a tv show with the TNA logo was pretty special. Hogan's debut (and I dig the nWo remix theme he has) was awesome, I was a HUGE HUGE nWo fan but having those guys come out and to have Hogan say No was weird, and I didnt like how it came across... The Main Event was awesome. AJ Styles/Angle, match of the year candidate already. The Ending I thought was pretty weak too with the "nWo" attacking Foley was decent but could have been better. The nasty boys invading Team 3D's locker room was a good idea I thought, because they worked Team 3D into the show. I hate the nasty boys but it was a good idea.

at 7:15 (here in Canada Raw is tape delayed 15 mins) I tuned in to see if Bret Hart would be the first out. He was and that segment was amazing!!! i tuned in to see what TNA had going on at that time quickly and it was the knockout tag titles, Knockouts are good but it wouldnt compare to Bret Hart. Other than the Bret Hart stuff and the DX/Jerishow match, Raw was brutal I thought...but what does McMahon care, they got rating from Bret Hart alone, and thats all they needed to carry them past TNA tonight

But like I said, I definatly liked TNA better than WWE, but i dont know if the rest of the world seen it that way

By the way, Get Bubba The Love Sponge off TNA already. I cant stand that guy, and just because he is Hogan's buddy he is there, he is an idiot. Thats Borash's role, not Bubba's
Hahhahahaha......Bret and Shawn had one of the greatest promo moments of all time and you idiots are talking about the Impact show tonight. It's a joke for you "real" wrestling fans to praise this show. You hate the WWE because its directed towards kids and it's all the same storylines and main eventers. HELLLLLLOOOO people...did you watch Impact. Hall is a 300 pound alcoholic, Waltman's greatest fame in the last decade was banging a man-girl and video taping it, Nash is...well Nash. Hey guess what guys, you watched and enjoyed a show which did nothing more than exploit and praise former WWE talent that Vince made. The nasty boys going for team 3-D....hahaha...yeah people, WWE is so boring and stale.....GO SAGGS GO...
I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I found my self switching back and forth much more than I anticipated. Unlike some others, I was very happy to see Jeff Hardy return. I enjoy watching him wrestle, and if he's putting on good matches, I don't really care which company he's in. There is definitely potential for some great matches in TNA.

I would agree with a previous poster-they need to go to a traditional ring. The 6 sided ring just doesn't work.

I thought Flair being there was cool. The first Hogan segment was okay, Hall was definitely off, but they set up an interesting angle there. The Hogan/Jarrett segment was good-you can see where they're going with that as well.

And, to agree with someone else, the Styles/Angle match was awesome.
Hogan and Bischoff didn't "ruin" WCW, but even if you believe they did, they also made it the # 1 company in the world first, something Jarrett did NOT do.

You are right, they did become number 1, but then they failed because they believed they were unbeatable. They didn't see the Stone Cold and Rock growing into household names.

TNA can use Hogan to get new viewers, but they have to establish new superstars to keep them watching.
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