[OFFICIAL] TNA Slammiversary Discussion, Aftermath, and Review thread


Team Finnley Baylor
Keep discussion concerning the TNA Slammiversary PPV in here. Particular matches get their own thread, but general talk about predicted matches, storylines, and the types of matches that may take place can be talked about in here. Also discuss the aftermath of the PPV, and review the PPV in here as well.

Heres the card :

Rob Van Dam vs. Sting

The Motor City Machineguns vs. The Band

Rob Terry vs. Orlando Jordan

Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi

A.J. Styles vs. Jay Lethal

Abyss vs. Desmond Wolfe

Team 3D vs. Ink Inc. (Tables Match)

Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian w/ Ric Flair

Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy vs. Beer Money Inc.

I could see it going down like that. Unless Hardy/Anderson takes another turn. Then it'll be Anderson vs. Hardy instead of the tag match
I thought the PPV started out great but it was a huge letdown overall. I knew we wouldn't get a huge surprise tonight, but I thought at least we would get an explanation out of Sting or a main event that was worth a damn. It seems like the faces always come out on top in the end on these PPVs. Doug Williams and Madison Rayne were the only heels that won when they could of easily took a loss.

Roxxi was another victim of the TNA Knockouts chopping block. Pretty soon it will just be Lacey Von Erich vs. Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne.

I thought Angle vs. Kaz was the match of the night. Followed by Lethal vs. Styles. The problem with both of these matches is it does nothing for the winners and it makes the losers look weak. Styles went from TNA world heavyweight champion to losing to Jay Lethal. At least Angle gave a Kaz a decent match, but no one cares enough about Kaz to give a damn. Lethal is a good worker, but he is someone that will never reach the main event.

Bubba vs. Neal didn't do anything for fans but show a Tommy Dreamer debut. It looks like Dreamer could be involved with or against Team 3D and Ink Inc which will be another sleeper. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez could of been a good match if it wasn't made at the last minute. This match was more of a brawl that ended in a DQ.

Abyss vs. Wolfe had been done to death. The old school wrestling classic damsel in distress that shows a beautiful woman that is torn between a handsome villain and an ugly caring beast. We have seen it done time and time again. Abyss wins another match going through glass and barb wire. Even that doesn't peak my interest any more. Meanwhile, Wolfe loses more credibility. The man went from the semi main event with Kurt Angle to jobbing to TNA's version of Eugene/Kane/Mankind.

The tag match was alright but Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson are the last two people to team together and stay a team. Mr. Anderson sharing the mic with anyone is bad, especially with someone like Jeff Hardy. These are 2 of TNA's biggest stars and they are in a tag team?

The main event pitting RVD vs. Sting was the letdown of the night. TNA promised some answers to Sting's wild behavior and cryptic messages tonight, but we got none. RVD comes out lackadaisical as ever and him and Sting have a brawl. Jarrett comes down and attacks Sting like he has done time and time again for the past 10 years, and RVD wins. No answers and no build up for RVD's next opponent.

RVD's next opponent will be the one who is ranked number 1 in the biased TNA rankings. AJ Styles was number 2 last time while Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, and Abyss trail behind. I have sickening feeling that Abyss will be the winner. Styles is at home evaluating himself, Hardy is teaming with Anderson or in jail by this time next month, and Abyss has beaten Wolfe too many times to count. We will have to wait and see.

I enjoyed most of the matches tonight except for the main event, knockouts, and Morgan DQ match. I just hope TNA can deliver on the "big surprise", because tonight they didn't deliver anything new to keep me tuned in next week.
I thought the show was really good. I was entertained.

Angle/Kaz was a really good match. Good way to open the show. Angle can pretty much have a good match with anyone.

The X-Division match was pretty solid. I love Doug Williams. I love the old school style he brings. He is a very believable champion. And right now I can't see anyone in the X-Division beating him.

Roxxi/Rayne was entetaining for the fact that roxxi was bleeding like a stuffed pig. I've never seen a woman wrestler bleed like that. But to her credit she kept going. And no, no doctors came out to stop the match and put a band aid on her head.

Neal/Bubba was about what i expected. Bubba taking Jesse to school. Awesome to see Dreamer come out. Very cool moment. Hope we see an ECW stable emerge soon.

Hernandez/Morgan was quite forgetable.

Abyss/Wolfe was awesome. Great hardcore match. Made me like Abyss a little more. People have been so hard on him lately because of the stupid Ring angle but we forget how good he is in a hardcore enviroment.

Lethal/Styles was 2nd best match of the night. Great wrestling. I don't like seeing A.J. lose like this but it does build Lethal up and maybe start a feud with A.J. and Kaz.

Beer Money/Enigmatic Assholes was a really good tag match. Just a solid match all around.

Sting/RVD not what I was expecting. If it were me, I would have thrown a big curve ball at the end of the match and had Hogan come out and screw RVD out of the title. That would explain the "Deception" angle. Which would really be awesome. But the match itself was pretty dull. I was on edge for a "surprising" ending. But i was let down. It almost seemed like the ending was fucked up if you watch the final pinfall. Like String was suppose to kick out but didn't. I dunno. Bad way to end the night.

Overall it reminded me of an old school ECW PPV. Good Wrestling. Hardcore Wrestling. Blood. Just a good product. I really just can't get into WWE anymore so, i'm stoked to have a second option for wrestling. Real Wrestling.
People seem to be crucifying TNA for this show, and I'm not sure why. One of their better PPVs of the year, in my opinion. Let's take a look, shall we.

Kaz vs. Angle

Fine match here. Nothing we wouldn't expect. Angle way over with the crowd, Kaz still shit but it's ok cause he's wrestling Kurt freakin Angle. Likely the match of the night, which a predictable yet solid ending. Good work.

Williams vs. Kendrick

Another very good match, just about as good as the opener. Usually am not a "technical wrestling" kinda guy, but I was thoroughly entertained by this one. Williams wins, as he obviously should and a good things continues in the X-Division.

Rayne vs. Roxxi

Actually liked the promo before the match. Gives a reason actually care a little bit about this match. This was kept short, which is definetly a positive. The blood was a nice touch, as was Rayne's ass. Some may be mad that Roxxi is gone, but honestly, who gives a shit? No damage done here.

Neal vs. Ray

Not nearly as bad as it could've been. Once again, promo before the match adds a little intrigue and means they won't have to wrestle as long, which is a good thing. Above average 5 minute match, considring who was in it. I actually enjoyed Dreamer and the crowd going nuts. Who cares if he's shit and hasn't ever done anything? He's the heart and sould of ECW, damnit. It's still real to me.

Morgan vs. Hernandez

Worst match of the night, likely. Morgan has regressed quite a bit since the time he was actually good. Not sure why Hernandez was constantly able to rape the ref throughout this one. DQ ending and knocking out the ref for no apparent reason. Whatever.

Abyss vs. Wolfe

Pretty bad, but not any worse than you'd expect. Some decent hardcore spots, if nothing else. Teddy Bear utilized well. Disappointing to see Wolfe lose yet again, but Chelsea turn was reather obvious from the get go. Hoping for an on screen sex celebration between her and Abyss on Thursday.

Lethal vs. AJ

Once again, not great or anything, but more than good enough. I enjoyed it, for the most part. Good to see Lethal appear somewhat normal and get the win. May be only black wrestler that isn't a stereotype, possibly qualifying himself as my token black guy. AJ may be sent off for awhile now. That may be good, really needs to get his act together and turn face again, like, now.

Beer Money vs. ********s

Pretty good stuff here. Seems Hardy may be holding Mr. Kennedy back at this point though. Strange to say, eh? This was like, 15 mintues though, most of them quite good. Ending didn't go very smoothly, but I'll live with it.

RVD vs. Sting

Nothing special, but it is a Sting match. Not sure why you'd expect anything different. After the video before the match I was convinced Sting had to win, considering he actually had some direction, albeit muddled, while RVD really doesn't. Fucking Jarrett gets invloved, that cunt. Not a great way to end the show, but I've seen much worse.

Overall, I'd give this shindig a B. You had 4 well above average matches, but the fact that there wasn't anything truly great and that the main event was disappointing hurt this one.
I thought this was a pretty good ppv. IMO way better then WWE's extreme rules and over the limit.

With the exception of the Bubba Ray/Jessie Neal and Morgan/Hernandez matches i genuinely liked all of the matches on the card...and i didn't hate these matches either but they could of been alot better

Bubba and Neil should of never had that segment at the beginnig of the match...instead they should of battled it out going back and forth for a good 10-15 minutes culminating in Bubba being distracted by dreamer and them BAM...the spear by Neil(even though i would of preferred Bubba winning)

-side note...Did tna even realize they brought back Hernandez essentially the same exact way they debuted dreamer 3 days prior...IMO creative was seriously sleeping on this debut...he should of just came out the entrance ramp or had a video of him backstage but i digress.

Morgan/Hernandez should of been a great match as well but instead they decide to have Morgan in a neck brace. In the same amount of time they just could have had Hernandez come out and dominate which is what everyone wanted to see culminating in a 3 count.

Biggest shock of the night for me was the knockouts match. Never have i seen a women bleed like that and continue to wrestle. Especially being let go of the company Roxxie carried herself and put on a womens match that i was exactly interested in. This is something i may never say again and something i could never say bout the diva division in the E.

side note- Why the hell was ref Slick Johnson so pissed off during the tag team match...he was literally fliiping out and was half comical/half annoying

Letdown of the night (drum roll please).....Sting...why in the blue hell didnt Sting win the title tonight. All his talk of deception and lies and countless beatings and now where does that leave us. With this top contender deal is Sting going to get another chance. I am disappointed in the fact that i accepted this new Sting and started to like him about a month ago. Now on top of all the sting questions that mike tenay and hogan rant about every week i have one more question to add....Why TNA creative WHY
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Wow. Were you guys watching the same PPV as me? This was probably the worst one so far this year for TNA. It sucked big time, especially considering this is meant to be one of their big PPVs. Imagine the outcry if WWE's Summerslam was to suck this badly.

Generally, I thought there was way too much talking. You had promos in the ring before the match in 4 out of the 9 matches (with 3 of them - rayne, bubba & morgan all coming in a row) which made it seem like an extended version of Impact. Especially as none of the matches were of a PPV quality.

Anyway, on to the matches....

Kaz vs. Angle:

Easily match of the night, wrestling wise. But what do you expect with Angle? I do feel that one of these days Kaz is going to seriously hurt someone with his finisher though.

Williams vs. Kendrick:

Ok match but Kendrick was made to look like shit in it, hardly got any offence in. And the finish was pretty lame because a: it was just so abrupt b: who gets pinned after a hurricanrana DDT?

Rayne vs. Roxxi:

Roxxi must have done something to piss someone off backstage cos it doesn't makes sense as to why they would release her now. I'm no fan of hers - i think she's pretty boring and her promos suck (she's sucked she dropped the voodoo gimmick) - but seeing as they don't have that many knockouts left they could have at least kept her around for a few months until the division was back to full strength. The only reason this match was ok is cos Roxxi got busted open so seeing her fight for her career whilst covered in blood added to the story - however, it seemed she got busted open the hard way so you can't give the bookers any credit for this.

Neal vs. Ray:

Terrible match. Not only was Bubba's promo way too long but it was also extemely predictable. I'm not a big fan of someone losing cos they got distracted by a wrestler in the crowd, it's just too unbelievable. Would Brock Lesnar lose a UFC fight if he saw Kurt Angle in the audience? Of course not!
And surely there's a better way to bring Dreamer into TNA? I understand why they did it - the whole posing with the crowd thing represting when he did it in the old ECW etc - but couldn't they have done that after he'd interfered in the match? Perhaps with a chair shot to Bubba?

Morgan vs. Hernandez:

I was looking forward to this cos Morgan has been excellent recently and Hernandez looks like he's been working out a bit and got leaner. Unfortunately is was a huge let down. I don't feel it was the fault of Morgan and Hernandez, it's just the match was booked wrong. In fact, the whole fued has been booked poorly. Morgan should have taken the beating he got at impact on the PPV instead (perhaps have Morgan escaping the beatdown on impact). That way they could have had a better match before it turned into a Morgan beat down. Then have the ref bump at the next Impact. Again, another match that wouldn't have been out of place on Impact, certainly not a PPV match.

Abyss vs. Wolfe:

Another terrible match from these two. Hopefully this is the end of the fued as it's plainly obvious that these two simply can not work well together. The two styles clash too much. Wolfe is a mat wrestler whilst Abyss is a hardcore wrestler and Abyss isn't good enough to carry a non-hardcore wrestler in a match of this type. All the supposedly "hardcore" spots lent nothing to the storyline, they were just excuses for Abyss to blade himself. However, I will give credit where it's due and Wolfe's powerbomb on Abyss through the barbed-wire board was pretty decent.

Lethal vs. AJ:

Pretty decent match, some good athletic moves (as you'd expect from these two) and some good storytelling. But coming after 4 awful matches in a row it was going to take more than that tog et this PPV back on track.

Beer Money vs. Hardy/Anderson:

Ok match. Again, good storytelling (Beer Money showing why they are good tag team v Hardy/Anderson showing they can get along). However, I expected a little more than this - there was no "big finish", it just sort of ended. In fact, I can't even remember how it ended!

RVD vs. Sting:

Oh dear, what a let down. First of all, there should have been some pay-off on the deception thing. Perhaps not the whole story but something should have happend to further the story more. When you run an angle like this, at the end of match you either want questions answered or more questions posed - neither happened.
The match itself was pretty lame too. Sting is getting too old and RVD is even sloppier in the ring than he used to be (which is saying something). And that finish was way too early. There was no attempt from Sting for any of his finishers, just a quick frog splash and that was it.

To sum up : People keep saying that the sooner TNA get Heyman in the better and I agree but one thing TNA need more than anything else at the moment is better road agents to plan the matches out. TNA used to pride itself on having quality wrestling matches but recently they've lost this. TNA have the talent on their roster to perform the moves and tell the story but the people actually planning the matches out don't seem to have it.
Slammiversary 2010
Date: June 13, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay

This is the anniversary show which is called Slammiversary VIII, even though it’s the 5th of this show I think. There’s no KOTM this year which kind of sucks, but it’s the new era I suppose. I haven’t been thrilled with this card, but then again I’m not TNA’s target audience I guess. RVD vs. Sting isn’t my favorite program but it’ll do fine for a less huge PPV, which this isn’t. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is about the history, as you would expect. They do a good bit about Angle vs. Joe which indeed was a big moment, but damn that could have been epic if they built it up long enough. Ok, Van Dam winning the belt was cool, but not a huge moment in company history.

Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle

Well this should be decent. Short I’d bet but decent. Also Angle is opening a show. Well he said he wanted to start at the bottom and work his way back up. I love that beard on Angle. The fans are way behind Angle so that’s at least making sense. Angle is billed as a 13 time world champion. Yeah sure. New rankings come out on Thursday so we’ll know who gets nothing for the next month.

And let’s talk about Flair. We actually got 9 minutes before we mentioned him. That has to be a new record for not mentioning him and Hogan. The fans chant for the USA, which Kaz is from. They must hate Angle all of a sudden. The referee wants to DQ Kaz but Angle tells him not to. I like the whole high flying vs. mat work stuff. They’re two of the basic three styles and matches where they’re against each other work best.

Angle hits a German to get himself out of trouble and we’re back to even. Angle Slam of course doesn’t work. Were you expecting something else? Naturally we talk about Angle’s neck which apparently can’t heal according to announcers. Both kick out of finishers but the ankle lock ends it which isn’t all that surprising.

Rating: B. Great choice for an opener as we get some nice back and forth stuff here that came off like a good match is supposed to. While it was clear who would win, they made it interesting which is all you can ask for. I liked it and although it wasn’t a classic, it was still a great opener.

We recap the feud between Kendrick and Williams, which isn’t a feud nor do we recap it. More or less they just say they’re having a match.

X-Division Title: Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick

Yeah…this isn’t a feud. Somehow Brother Ray vs. Jesse Neal has more build than this. We’re told about how it’s about no limits, even though neither member of Team No Limit ever won the belt and how one guy over the traditional cruiserweight weight limit has ever won the title. Williams working the traditional style is very interesting as he’s skilled enough at it to make it annoying.

The fans get on him as he’s dominating with incredibly basic stuff. Since it’s been all Williams, I’m thinking Kendrick wins it. Kendrick tries to get things going and it only works to an extent. The referee’s shirt is extra blue here and I kind of like it. In a BRILLIANT ending, Kendrick gets out of the Chaos Theory, but he hits a great tornado DDT, an X-Division style move, to get the pin. And once again we have psychology winning the day.

Rating: C+. Some will find it boring but I liked this. The psychology was totally there and the match wasn’t bad. The throwback character is perfect and it worked very well here. I liked this a lot and it worked quite well for what it was going for as well as getting him over as a heel.

Eric says Sting is selfish.

Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi

Again they inform us that she’s TNA Knockout Roxxi, not to be confused with Roxxi the Doberman. Rayne gets on the mic and says she wants Roxxi’s career on the line. So be it. And now Roxxi is bleeding. TNA IS ADULT BABY! OH man she is fucking CUT. Shame as she’s kind of cute too. That has to be legit too. There’s no way a regular blade job is that bad.

And with her head covered in blood, Madison works on her arm. Sure why not. There’s an enziguri to the head, which would translate as head kick to the head. It’s been a long day and I know the endings already so don’t expect that many jokes here. Voodoo Drop gets only two. She hits it again but Madison falls to the floor. And then Madison hits Gail Kim’s finisher to get the win. There was no transition at all and it was just awkward as hell.

Rating: D. This was pretty weak really, but they’re pushing the hell out of Rayne so I’ll give them credit for that. This actually wound up being Roxxi’s farewell which she was told about earlier in the day with no other notice. To me, that’s bullshit as she didn’t even have a chance to look for another job or anything like that. But hey, TNA doesn’t have to worry about that right? Screw the whole time and effort and stupid stuff like that.

We recap Jesse Neal vs. Bubba, which is getting more build than the X Title and the Global Title which isn’t on the show. Let’s get this over with.

Brother Ray vs. Jesse Neal

Before the match Ray gets the mic and wants D-Von to come out here. Here he comes and Shannon Moore sprints by him. Is there a reason they didn’t just do the damn tag match that you know is coming? Ray wants to apologize. The fans want tables. And sure let’s chant YOU’RE A DOUCHEBAG at Ray because any chant is COOL! Can we get Bubba to be the prick he’s going to wind up being already and stop filling in time like this?

They all shake hands and stuff and of course Bubba blasts him as everyone expected him to. I’m not going to say that was pointless, because it was far below that. Taz says he didn’t expect this, showing how absolutely stupid he is. With Neal getting dominated, he starts throwing headbutts into Ray’s stomach. Is he trying to cut him or something? Yeah the referee shirts are different now. I’m not surprised. Damn those chops sound great.

The freaky looking guy starts his comeback as apparently nothing he had done to him even hurt that I can tell. Bubba Bomb hits and is called that as this is just an ok match. And here’s the surprise: Tommy Dreamer. Yeah in 2010 there’s actual talk of an ECW stable. Bubba and Dreamer have a staredown as Tommy does his thing in the crowd and the spear ends it.

Rating: D+. I wanted to rip this apart, but it’s really not all that bad. Dreamer at least has a connection to Team 3D so that fits well enough I suppose. It could have been worse if they had made it go longer, but this was good enough for five minutes I guess. It’s not bad for what it was though I guess.

Christy is with Hernandez who is RIPPED. He says he’ll win.

Morgan vs. Hernandez is recapped. The Morgan gimmick is still weird but at least they managed to get the hint and put the match people might actually want to watch on PPV rather than an ice cold Band vs. Morgan and whoever else match.

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

You know it really is impressive how much his muscles grew in the three days since Impact. I’m sure that has nothing to do with the taping schedule at all. Morgan is here in street clothes and a neck brace. He “can’t perform” due to a neck injury. He has a doctor’s note and I promise you that it’s nothing like the one Miz had two or three weeks ago. And here’s Supermex.

Seriously was that supposed to work? I mean really, was Hernandez supposed to just sit there and not come out? I fail to see the thought process here but whatever. It’s ALL Hernandez here as we’re approaching the evil world of glorified comedy match. We get an OLD Foley move as Morgan hits a discus lariat. You know, throwing people into the post with their shoulder hitting would look a lot better if the shoulder actually connected with the post. Just a thought.

Aww how cute we get a Cole reference as he says a brand new move is VINTAGE. Yeah that’s not funny at all. And there goes the referee for the DQ. Wow that was cheap. Post match Hernandez tries to do the same thing Morgan did to him but he kicked the referee instead. Earl Hebner, the referee’s dad, comes out and helps.

Rating: D. Eh this was pretty weak. It was just to kind of set up the future between these two and it worked ok I guess for that. That being said though, it just wasn’t much else at all. It was short and mostly painless, but at the same time it was kind of pointless. I wasn’t impressed here.

Hogan says he’s pissed at Sting. That’s going to happen at Bound For Glory isn’t it? He talks about a code among wrestlers and how Sting broke it. Again, less is more with Hogan and this worked more or less fine.

Desmond Wolfe vs. Abyss

I think you know what this is going to end with. Chelsea is with Wolfe again. Abyss is listed as in excess of 350lbs. Quit eating so much Chelsea Abyss. Uh…I mean….tuna. Yeah….Chelsea is slang for tuna now. This is a Monster’s Ball now by the way. Wolfe is in the jacket here too which is new for him so I’d bet on barbed wire very soon.

And there it is less than a minute in. It’s a big board of it and my intelligence is lowering as long as Abyss is on my screen. Abyss’ ass is bigger than the garbage can he’s being beaten with. Why do I have a bad feeling tuna is going to leave with Abyss? She got a teddy bear wrapped in barbed wire. Uh…sweet. That’s what I’m going with so I don’t have to think about it that much.

Teddy bear to the stomach of Wolfe and now Chelsea gets the bear in a nicer manner. And it’s thumbtack time. Make that broken glass. He actually does the Hogan finger point for this. Oh give me a damn break. We’re up by the announcers now with Wolfe in control for 8 seconds. He gets chokeslammed through part of the ramp which of course doesn’t end anything.

You know what would make this more interesting? Wolfe actually having a prayer in this match. He could slice Abyss’ head off to make a bowling ball, use his fingers as bowling pins and use his ass for a bowling bag and Abyss would still get a win over Wolfe. Abyss sets for a suplex off the top onto the barbed wire and he naturally winds up on it. This would be a lot more interesting if it was something new or actually good.

Also, there’s no way Wolfe is going to win this at all. Abyss’ arms are bleeding which at least looks cool. Abyss’ face goes into the glass. Wolfe shouts for tuna’s purse, which of course is empty. Chelsea has them and throws them to Abyss. That plus a Black Hole Slam ends it. Yeah that wasn’t expected AT ALL. Next match. Any other match. NOW.

Rating: D. So freaking what? What did this accomplish at all? We’ve completely buried Wolfe as he hasn’t won a match in forever, and what do we get in exchange? We get Abyss being made to look strong. Pay no attention to no one caring. This was just stupid, although the blood looked decent.

RVD says nothing of note at all.

We talk about Flair’s obsession with Lethal and the whole AJ wants to impress Flair idea. Yeah anyone that knows my tastes knows how much I freaking hate this angle so let’s just get it over with.

AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal

The annoying thing here is that the wrestling is likely to be fairly good but the angle will hurt it like no other. I’ve never gotten the huge appeal of Lethal, but then again that could be the gimmick which is very possible. We start with some nice technical stuff as you would likely guess was coming. Taz talks about swollen areolas. There’s a bad joke there. Flair’s sag so I guess it’s ok.

There isn’t much going on here as we’re in a long feeling out mode to start us off. No one is really getting a long advantage here which is a nice way to go. AJ is winning here but not dominating and Flair chokes Lethal with the coat. Lethal slaps the living hell out of him. That sounded GREAT. I love leg lariats. They’re just awesome looking.

Lethal hits a running dropkick which when No Mercy was the hot video game at the time I didn’t think was possible. Lethal Combination gets two. In a SWEET move, Lethal sets for a belly to back but throws him into the air and turns around for a reverse neckbreaker. It was more or less a one man version of the reverse 3D that the Dudleys use. And as I’m done typing that Styles has the figure four on.

Uh, wasn’t he just getting his ass kicked before that? Styles hits a brainbuster which is a new one for him I think. Lethal misses a top rope elbow as the selling is lacking a good bit here. AJ crotches himself and a Northern Lights suplex ends it. Apparently AJ’s legs didn’t work because of the figure four that Lethal used. Post match Kaz comes down and calms Flair down.

Rating: B-. This was pretty good, but like I said the selling was just bad as they wouldn’t stay down for anything. That being said, MAJOR points for TNA for pushing a young guy and doing so clean. That right there is the main thing that keeps then from being like WCW.

Sting says tonight he’ll do something in his war vs. Hogan and Bischoff and then the veil will be lifted. That means Sting loses since the explanation isn’t coming. He uses Joker quotes, which was the analogy I used on Thursday.

We recap Anderson and Hardy uniting, which more or less means the same thing from every Impact in the last three weeks. I get that they’re both popular, but damn we get it: they’ve got a monogamous bromance going on.

Anderson and Hardy name themselves the Enigmatic Assholes. They chose this over Creatures of the Asshole. Wow I hate this company.

Beer Money vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson

Yeah no way I’m calling them that. I have more dignity than that, and this is the guy that has a record for most trees up his ass. Storm has that stupid scooter thing back again. Is the money thing even an aspect of the team anymore? Well I think it’s safe to say the faces are over. Anderson and Roode start us off. And there are the ASSHOLE chants. I really can’t stand that thing.

Somehow that makes him over but you could get these people to chant anything. Hardy has the pink shirt on so you know shit is going to go down tonight. Anderson does nothing during a double team. Most interesting indeed. Not really but it’s hot and I’m tired and I want to end this show so there we are. I’m really liking those new referee shirts for some reason.

Beer Money hits a nice double team move with Roode slingshotting Hardy into Storm for a DDT. Hardy hits a Stunner which thankfully Taz realizes isn’t a Twist of Fate and a Swanton for two as the referee is pulled out. More asshole chants begin and I hate the Impact Zone more and more every day. There’s a nice dynamic going here with new superstars vs. established good team. That usually works and it is here as well.

The fans want assholes. Do you see why I don’t even need to make fun of this? Anderson gets the hot tag and destroys everyone associated with beer or money. I said beer and money rather than drugs and blown money so Hardy is safe. Anderson is bleeding but the Mic Check ends Roode for the pin. They do each other’s victory announcements post match.

Rating: B. I was pleased here as the dynamic was completely there and it worked very well for me. I don’t think anyone expected Beer Money to win here and they didn’t so I can’t complain about that. Although, that’s another pair of heels losing here which is becoming a big problem for TNA.

Sting vs. RVD recap. Sting is #1 in a poll. That’s all there is to it. I know he stole the belt and wrote DECEPTION on it, but it’s not like that means anything or other so I’ll ignore the details on it.

TNA World Title: Sting vs. Rob Van Dam

We start with a stall from the t-shirt wearing challenger. And we’ll throw in some big match intros to really draw this one out. I’m still not sold here as it’s just another one on one match rather than feeling like something special. King of the Mountain didn’t happen either which is annoying as while it’s a mess, it’s TNA’s mess. It just feels like it should be here, but whatever.

We’re on the floor already as it becomes apparent that Sting doesn’t have much on offense outside of basic strikes and brawling. No change as we’ll still on the floor. Is this supposed to be interesting? Don’t get me wrong: I hated it during the Attitude Era too for the most part. Van Dam charges and is backdropped over the railing and we fight MORE in the crowd.

I dozed off for a bit and woke up to see them right back where they were earlier. That’s not a good sign. HOKEY SMOKE WE’RE IN THE RING! The splash hits. That’s the Stinger version, not the Five Star mind you. I won’t say the match sucks, but it’s just not that interesting. Van Dam is controlling here and of course as I say that there goes the control. And there goes the referee and here comes the bat.

See what I mean about this being nothing special? Jeff Jarrett, the man that SWORE he would be in Tennessee for this show is back. At least he’s someone that belongs at an anniversary show. He takes out Sting, of course setting them up for the next PPV. Stinger Splash misses, Five Star ends it.

Rating: D+. Uh…yeah. Was there a point to this at all? Sting gets beaten, RVD is still champion, and there’s no explanation in sight for the Sting stuff. That Deception deal? Don’t worry about it apparently as it’s never mentioned. I don’t get the theory here but it didn’t work that well. Also this is like eleven minutes long. I don’t get it at all and the match just wasn’t very good with the majority being brawling on the floor, despite Sting consistently saying he has no personal issue with Van Dam….yet he’ll beat the hell out of him. Sure.

Overall Rating: C-. This actually wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be. Now don’t get me wrong: it’s not very good, but it’s definitely not awful. It’s a very hit and miss show as the stuff that’s good is good but the stuff that’s bad is really bad. Angle vs. Kaz is a good match, but I don’t get why THAT is the opener.

The psychology in the X Title match is brilliant but the match is thrown on the card as glorified filler. The Morgan/Hernandez, Abyss/Wolfe and Knockouts matches are just bad. That’s all there is to it. The tag match is solid as is AJ/Lethal, but where are they supposed to lead?

I have a BAD feeling it’s to Flair vs. Lethal so Flair can “show them how it’s done”, because clearly a win over a guy that was world champion 3 months ago pales in comparison to beating a man in his 60s with two matches on television in over two years. It’s not a bad show, but it’s disjointed has a lot of flaws to it. The main problem I see though are the heels: this is the second PPV in a row where they’ve more or less been swept.

That’s just bad no matter how you look at it. Who does RVD fight now? A face? Abyss? See what I mean? Not really recommended, but if you watch it be ready to do some fast forwarding.
I dunno how anyone can defend this PPV from TNA. I watched it on a Stream and you know what annoyed me the most about it? The Crowd,yes the Crowd. If anyone really listened they were Chanting We Want Assholes and I think I heard them spelling the Word Asshole. Wow TNA must feel proud of their Impact Zone Fans right now for doing that. That just furthers the fact TNA needs to get out of there right NOW. If they really want to make Money they should because they don't charge those idiots anything to get into their Shows.
It's a wrestling show not Impact! critics say the "UFC" is doing pro wrestling better than pro wrestling but tna finally got it right. you use Impact to build towards the pay per views and give them long matches to settle the dispute at the ppv. that's the way to book a wrestling company not the way they were doing it before.
It's a wrestling show not Impact! critics say the "UFC" is doing pro wrestling better than pro wrestling but tna finally got it right. you use Impact to build towards the pay per views and give them long matches to settle the dispute at the ppv. that's the way to book a wrestling company not the way they were doing it before.

And who might these Critics be? UFC is nothing but a Glorified Bar Fight and does nothing for me.
I read the results and Slammiversary doesn't seem like that great of a PPV to me.

Why did they have all of their top heels lose? AJ, Beer Money, Desmond Wolfe and Sting all lost their matches.

I have no problem with Jay Lethal beating AJ because he really needed a big win, but Desmond Wolfe and Beer Money should have won their matches at least.

Doug Williams retaining the X division title is a good thing because he is one of the bright spots in TNA to me right now. I just hate that doesn't have any competition in the division.

I really don't care about the KO title match but I do feel for Roxxi if it's true about how TNA handled the situation with her release. Also I don't care what anyone says Madison Rayne as KO champion is ridiculous and her winning it before Velvet Sky is idiotic.

Speaking of Velvet I cannot believe they would just leave this woman off one of the biggest PPVs. She is suppose to be the leader of TBP why would she not be there?

I would have liked to have seen Sting win the world title just for his master plan to unfold.
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