WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Aftermath and General Discussion

This PPV was actually like a roller coaster, not in that it had twists and turns every which way, but in that the beginning is kind of slow, but builds anticipation, the middle is fast and exciting, then there's a dull point, a little more action, and then you have those last few moments to sit and take in what happened as you wait for the ride to pull back into the station.

Daniel Bryan (C) vs. Ted DiBiase for the US Title

Solid opening match. I didn't get to see all of it, but I tuned in just in time to see Daniel Bryan deliver some good offense and go back and forth with DiBiase a little before using The La Belle Lock for the win. This definitely set the tone for the first half of the night with a solid wrestling match.


Dolph Ziggler (C) vs. Kaval for the Intercontinental Championship

This was definitely my favorite match of the night. Both superstars got in their offense, but Kaval's offense was awe inspiring. His kicks were both impressively powerful, and wildly creative. Ziggler got the win with the Zig-Zag, but Kaval definitely controlled most of the match and he has all but ensured future PPV matches after his performance last night. At once point I asked a friend, "Do you think Kaval's kicks hurt?" A few moments later, they showed Dolph on the entrance ramp with dried blood crusted up under his nose. I got my answer.


John Morrison vs. Sheamus

It's a feud that's been in the works for a while, and last Monday they finally made it PPV official, which is almost as important as a couple becoming Facebook official. This match was solid with both superstars showing exactly what makes them special. My favorite move out of Sheamus was a running polish hammer that made a standing Morrison flip over backwards before face planting into the ground, though he also had a really nice counter into an Irish Curse Backbreaker in the later moments of the match. Morrison, however, stole the spotlight of the match after he dodged a Brough Kick, and used a springboard jump kick to smack a tangled up Sheamus in the face. I think Sheamus may have swallowed a few teeth after that one. JoMo covered him up and beat a former two time WWE Champion. Big win for JoMo on a big stage and in a good match.


Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio

I had a feeling early on that Team Mysterio would win, but I couldn't decide who would get eliminated (besides Chris Master). MVP is the hometown hero, Big Show is a beast, Kofi is hot with the fans, and this is Rey's match to win... on the other hand, Alberto Del Rio has assembled a solid team as well. As these matches tend to have a lot going on, I'll give you the highlights.

  • After scoring some big offense and looking impressive, MVP is eliminated after Del Rio cheats by holding his legs down during a pin attempt.
  • Del Rio makes Masters tap after countering the Master Lock into an Arm bar.
  • Del Rio gets punched the fuck out by the Big Show, and leaves the match as he is carried out by his entourage.
  • Show punches Cody Rhodes in the face, which causes Cody to throw a fit. He leaves the ring and makes some random crew member hold up his jacket with the mirror on it so he can check his face. He deems himself okay, and re-enters the ring, only to be punched out cold by Big Show.
  • Swagger hits Show with a HUGE flying shoulder block and teams with Reks to get in some offense.
  • Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Reks and rolls him up for a pin.
  • Soon after Reks leaves, Kofi tries to hit Trouble in Paradise on Swagger, but Swagger counters with the ankle lock. Kofi taps
  • Mysterio 619's Swagger and pins him after making the hot tag to Big Show who was trapped in the ankle lock.
  • Mysterio tags in Big Show, 619's McIntyre, and Show chokeslams him and gets the pin.

The match wasn't the best pure wrestling match I ever saw (though it was pretty good, especially from MVP, Swagger, and Del Rio), but it was extremely entertaining, and Cody is playing his character to PERFECTION.


LayCool (C) vs. Natalya for the Diva's Championship(s)

The first 5 minutes of this match was purely Michelle and Layla ganging up on poor Natty. Natty's strength was no match for Michelle and Layla's quick tags, and she soon found herself outside the ring getting walloped by Mae Young's ****s. Natalya finally caught a break after she threw Layla over the barricade and got back into the ring with Michelle in pursuit. Layla comes to ringside to try to help out Michelle, but Michelle is tripped by Natty, causing headbutt Layla. Natalya drags Michelle away from the ropes and puts Michelle in the Sharpshooter and Michelle taps immediately. Natty wins the belt(s), and she almost looks like she's going to cry! The celebration is short lived before Layla and Michelle blindside her and begin to attack. It looks like Natty's night is over when some familiar music hits... it's Beth Phoenix! Beth makes the save and takes out Michelle. Layla tries to retaliate, but Beth sets her up for the Glamslam. Right before she hits it Layla makes an absolutely FLAWLESS (see what I did there?) face, and then gets it planted on the canvas. Phoenix goes to Natty and picks her up on her shoulders as Natty picks up the celebration where she left off.

There was really no need to explain that match in such detail, but it made me happy.


Kane (C) vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship

I didn't really know what to expect out of this match. Both Kane and Edge are great workers in their own right, but I wasn't sure if they were going to have good chemistry. My suspicions were proven correct as this lack luster match was not only a snoozefest, but also lacking in the sense department. After going back and forth, Kane chokeslammed Edge, but Edge managed to kick out. Kane set Edge up for the Tombstone, but Edge countered and hit the Spear off the ropes. EVEN THOUGH EDGE ALL BUT FELL ON TOP OF KANE, HE ROLLS TO HIS SIDE AND BOTH HE AND KANE PUT THEIR HANDS ON ONE ANOTHER'S CHESTS. The ref counts three, and Edge thinks that he won, and they played his music, but the ref hands the belt to Kane, saying that it was a draw. Edge is disappointed, but not pissed like he should be. Kane gets up and starts to attack Edge, but Edge eventually gets the advantage and beats on Kane before going to the back.

This match sucked and lacked sense.


Gabriel and Slater (C) vs. Santino and Kozlov for the WWE Tag Team Championship

I love Santino, but this match was a little late in the PPV for my taste. None the less, it was a fun match. Santino got the advantage on Wendy early, before she tagged in her boyfriend Justin Gabriel. Santino managed to dodge Gabriel's kicks in hilarious fashion before tagging in Kozlov. Kozlov ran shit for a while, but eventually fell victim to Gabriel and Wendy and they started to beat on him. Hot tag to... Santino? Sure enough, Santino comes into the ring and hits his routine on Wendy... he dodges a punch, hits a hip toss, and then sets up for The Cobra. Before Wendy pops up to get bit by the snake, Nexus distracts Santino, who attempts to Cobra Otunga and McGillicutty. This distraction allows Wendy to hit her finisher, giving Nexus the victory. Nexus hits the ring to beat on the ex-challengers, but are ordered to leave by an email from the RAW GM.

This was a fun little match, and I love me some Santino Marella. If I had to list my top five favorite superstars right now... he might make the list. If not top 5, definitely top 10.


Randy Orton (C) vs. Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship with John Cena as the Special Guest Referee

As many Wrestlezone users have noted (and lamented) this was not so much a title match as it was a, "What the Fuck is Cena Going to Do?" match, and that's basically how it will be remembered. All I can tell you is towards the end, Wade Barrett had the advantage and even hit Wasteland on Orton, but Cena only got to two and a half every time Barrett went for the pin. (Cena counts VERY slow.) After hitting Wasteland but failing to pin Orton, Barrett became infuriated and pushed Cena. Cena retaliated by punching Barrett, who turned around right into an RKO. Cena counted one... two... PAUSE... three! Orton retains, and Cena is fired. Orton and Cena stared at each other awkwardly for a while before they hugged briefly, and Orton made his way to the back. Cena took off some of his gear, saluted the crowd, and made a few rounds around the arena to say good bye to friends and crew members. It's worth mentioning he hugged Michael Cole, but there's no reason to read into that as I'm sure it was just to make the firing look legit. It was dramatic, but could have been done better.

The match itself gets a 2.5/5. It was the definition of mediocre match.

The Cena situation doesn't fare much better at 3/5. WWE should have done everything within its power to make this a 5/5 moment, as it is the climax of one of the biggest angles in years... but it was just sort of... lukewarm.

Overall, this was a VERY good PPV, though it could have ended stronger. That said, the majority of the matches were very entertaining, and I think this may have been the most enjoyable PPV for me this year. I give the entire show a 3.5/5, or a B+/A- if you prefer letter grades.
Not going to dwell on this too much but i will make a few short points:

US Title Match

-Seriously, does Daniel Bryan know any other grapples other than the Labelle Lock? Because i've seen 3 PPV matches now, and each involved a fuck load of kicking with some suicide moves here and there up until the submission and that's it.
- Dibiase certainly stepped it up a notch in terms of his character's aggression, but the whole 'Million Dollar Man' bit shouldn't really be about being aggressive should it? Surely Dibiase should just be paying people to do his dirty work for him, while he stands on the stage, Maryse hanging off him, and then he picks up the scraps right?

There's no point in him having that gimmick if he's not going to use it to his advantage. See how Cody is acting like a vain pussy all the time? Dibiase should be flashing his cash.

-I too wish we'd had Bryan/Punk, but the silver lining was more Maryse.


I actually drifted off through this one a couple of times but i did catch the very ending. I'm going to assume that the match involved JoMo getting pounded for 10 minutes and suddenly getting some counters in, until Sheamus regained momentum briefly, leading to the end scenario.

-tbh i'd like to see anyone take two massive kicks in the face straight after one another and kick out, so the fact that Sheamus lost doesn't really hurt him in my eyes. I can see them having another match next month, probably a Tables match, and i can envision JoMo flying through the air, with his arms out in a crucifix position straight, through some wood.
- If JoMo ever did ANY kind of crowd interaction EVER during a match, he'd probably do his career a BIG favour. Fuck sake, at least Jeff Hardy put his fingers in his mouth every now and then.

IC Title Match

-Ziggler gets better and better every month. God knows why Rey refused to drop the belt to him last year.
- Yet another new guy who does fuck loads of kicks, is that all they're training these guys in developmental?
-That corskcrew senton were he landed on his feet?..... Impressive.
- Fast paced, back and forth style match where i honestly had no idea where it was going. Some, like Will, felt that there was no way Kaval was going to win. I personally felt that Ziggler's title reign had somewhat run it's course and it's time for him to move on to upper mid-card fueds, plus with this whole 'push everyone new' movement they've got going these days suggested to me that Kaval would win. After last night's performance, he should definitely be on PPV again in 2 weeks.....

Survivor Series Tag Match

First and foremost, this is the 3rd match in a row where someone bounced off the second rope to kick someone. Kicks are starting to become far to prevalent for my liking.

Ok, there were a fair few things that were fucked up about this match.

-MVP got the biggest reaction of the night and he was eliminated first, causing the crowd to go dead pretty much immediately, until their 2nd favourite Florida resident, Big Show got back in the ring....... Smart move on the part of whoever booked this. Rey/MVP should have been the final pair, not Rey/Show, especially as it was MVP who was standing up to Del Rio this past week.
-Del Rio getting knocked out was stupid. Most guys on Rey's team had had at least one confrontation with Del Rio, with Show probably being the exception, and NONE of them manage to get their hands on him. Show just blasts him and he's gone. He should have lasted until the end, instead of McIntyre getting squashed on his own.
-Swagger probably put on the best showing in this match out of the ten.
-I didn't see Bragging Rights, did Tyler Reks actually do anything last month, because he sure as hell didn't last night did he?

Divas Title

Beth Phoenix came back. Yay!

I will say this actually. Lay-Cool do so well in garnering so much heel heat in a short space of time between PPVs, why are they never given more than 3 minutes on PPV anymore? I remember in the beginning of the year when Michelle was fueding with Mickie and Melina, that their matches went on quite a while. Now you've got Michelle and Natalya in the ring, and they don't get more than 3 minutes?

World Title Match

-Typical Edge/Kane match, except Edge did more face moves this timearound, because ya know... this time he's a face.
-Will made a point earlier. That Kane had been built up to have destroyed Taker for months, and Taker spent most of 2008 destroying Edge, so therfore Edge should no way have beaten Kane..... but what about all those times where Edge beat Kane because Kane is a dumb fuck? PLUS he's set a plan in motion to keep Kane from thinking straight so i don't think the outcome was THAT set in stone for most people, but i do agree in the fact that, at no point did i expect Edge to walk out champion, and that double pin ending was pretty lame. The stupid wheelchair into the barricade didn't make up for it either. IF Edge had actually used Paul Bearer in some way, that would have been decent, but no we get piss poor result with piss poor spot to go with it.

Tag Title Match

-The whole 'Santino's learning new moves' gimmick is good, i like it, but there's no way that Kozlov should ever be making a hot tag to the guy he's mentoring, espcially when his student is half his size.
-And really, it took 3 guys to distract Santino long enough for him to lose? He didn't even get 450'd for god sake.

-Why was this match on so late? To separate the title matches, so the crowd would still have energy for the ME. Sadly, the ME was nothing to get energetic about.

WWE Title

A singles match where the guest ref was absolutely pointless because he didn't do anything. And then, when Cena counted the 3, did he obliterate Barrett at the end? No, he threw a couple of Nexus members out of the ring, and then stood there for 5 minutes, hugs Michael Cole of all fucking people, and then walks up the ramp, walks around the arena, and then walks up the ramp again. Will was totally right when he said we got a screw job.

-We got screwed out of a ME that was worth paying to watch.
- We got screwed out of a climax to a fued, because seriously nothing happened. It was like lighting a firework with a flamethroweer only to watch it go 'poof' on the floor.
- We got screwed out seeing Barrett get his comeupance.
- We all in all just got screwed out of a decent ending to the Cena/Nexus angle in total.

Unless that's not the end, but seriously where else can they go with this now? Cena's obviously not fired, but what direction will they take this Cena/Nexus thing now?

And why did he hug Cole of all people? Cole's supposed to have become an asshole, and you don't hug the asshole announcer for any reason, legitimate friendship or not, especially when you haven't ACTUALLY been fired.


It was a decent PPV with a LOT of focus on the mid-card guys, which is something i personally really like. Gives them a chance to show what they can do on PPV seeing as how they'd never be given the same opportunity on Raw or SD. After last night, i WANT to see Daniel Bryan v CM Punk, or in any match where he doesn't kick any time he isn't selling. I WANT to see another Ziggler/Kaval match. I WANT to see Beth Phoenix v Natalya in match that lasts at least 5 minutes, and i WANT to see Alberto Del Rio in a PPV singles match where he isn't going to disappear half way through it, and I WANT to see more Swagger, McIntyre and Rhodes............ and Maryse.

To me, only the ME's let Survivor Series down last night. Not because the talent weren't up to their usual standard, but by poor booking.

Edge abducts Paul Bearer and we'll spend an entire episode of SD hyping that fact, and then come the PPV and.... nothing? That's poor booking.
WWE Survivor Series - November 21, 2010

Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase: WWE United States Championship - This was an excellent, physical & hard hitting match to start the show off with. I figured that this would be a pretty good match but it was better than I expected. DiBiase showed an aggressive side here and I think it’s something that he’s been missing. He hasn’t really come across like a young, hungry guy out to make his mark until last night. Daniel Bryan comes across like a gritty baby face scrapper and it works quite well. Both guys looked strong and I’m thinking that, just maybe, DiBiase may have turned a corner last night. Bryan eventually locks in the LaBell Lock and gets the win at the 10 minute mark. Both guys looked good, the match was competitively physical and Bryan retained the strap. That’s exactly how things should have been. Thumbs Up

The Miz - The Miz came out and delivered another fun promo for the crowd. I especially liked him coming out and nailing Bryan from behind with the MITB briefcase while Bryan was saluting the crowd. Bryan was basking in the adulation of a hard fought victory and this tool comes up from behind and ruins his moment. Classic heel stuff. The Miz did his thing of generally insulting the crowd, the town itself and the Miami Heat, which is always enough to garner heat among the locals. I was a little surprised to hear Miz insult Nexus as heels don’t generally go after other heels. However, Nexus is a barrier between Miz and his goal of becoming WWE Champion so it worked out fine. Miz continued to tease that he might cash in the MITB briefcase. Solid stuff from Miz. Thumbs Up

Sheamus vs. John Morrison - I enjoyed this match a lot and thought it displayed two good in-ring workers with contrasting styles. It was a good physical match up, both guys getting in a lot of offense and I honestly wasn’t sure who was going to come out on top here. I liked how Sheamus deliberately slowed the pace of the match at times and used his facial expressions and body language to generate heat from the crowd. Sheamus is quite good at conveying emotions inside the ring and I think it adds a little extra something to him as a wrestler. Morrison eventually gets the win about the 11:15 mark and I think it was the right call to make here. Morrison needed the win here more than Sheamus and Sheamus looked very strong. Losing here didn’t hurt him at all. Morrison winning clean allows the feud to continue and I’m glad that they ultimately didn’t wind up feeding him to Sheamus as I feared they were going to. Fun match from these two. Thumbs Up

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kaval: WWE Intercontinental Championsihp - This was another damn good match on this card. Kaval has an exciting offense that just makes him stand out from everyone else and Dolph Ziggler has improved by leaps and bounds since becoming champ. This match was extremely physical at times, particularly during some of Kaval’s offense. I think Ziggler got cut a little bit, maybe a bloodied nose, because I saw a little bit of blood on Kaval’s chest. I’m so glad that they didn’t stop the match so that the trainer could hop in and take a look at it. I think they’ve figured out that doing that can just kill the momentum and buzz of the match. Ziggler is able to get the win at the 10 minute mark by rolling up Kaval and using the tights. Both have won a match against the other, Ziggler got himself a heel victory last night and Kaval has an excuse for not winning the strap. Keeping the belt on Ziggler was the right call here and I think he’s been a damn good IC champ. Very good effort here from these two. Thumbs Up

Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio: Traditional Survivor Series Match - The WWE has done so many of these types of tag matches since SummerSlam that I didn’t really expect much out of this. I have to admit though that I liked this match a lot. Both teams put forth a good effort and I was pretty impressed last night with Jack Swagger. Del Rio was also a lot of fun out there just by being himself. MVP is the first to be eliminated when McIntyre gets the pin, with a little help from Del Rio holding MVP’s feet down so he can’t kick out. McIntyre gets a little revenge for his loss against MVP this past Friday. Del Rio takes out Chris Masters about a minute or so later. I don’t know why they even put Masters in this match if they were gonna do this. It made him look like a scrub with no business being out there. Show comes in and lays Del Rio out with the knockout punch. Del Rio sold it well and was “unofficially” eliminated as to protect him in this match up. Mysterio also looked pretty good in there tonight as did Big Show when you consider everything. Kofi Kingston is the next to be eliminated as Swagger forces him to tap around the 16 minute mark. Show & Mysterio ultimately win and are the survivors for their team. The match had a lot of fun sequences throughout and I enjoyed it much more than I figured. However, I’m hoping very much this is the last elimination tag match we see in the WWE for a good long while. Thumbs Up

Natalya vs. LayCool: WWE Unified Divas Championship - This was a pretty short match. It only lasted about 4 minutes but it was better than I expected. It was alright, nothing to write home about, but nothing embarrassing happened. What ultimately made this match good was the aftermath more than anything. Natalya gets the win, becoming the new champ, and I thought her emotional display was very appropriate and well done. She won a championship, dropped to her knees and cried. Whether you like the Divas or hate them or whatever, Natalya looked like she accomplished something major. LayCool broke up her celebration afterward only for Beth Phoenix to make her return. It’s nice to see her back and she looked great. She’s always been quite good in the ring, so things are looking up for the moment for the Divas. This was easily the weakest match on the card overall, but the aftermath made it all click. Thumbs Up

Kane vs. Edge: World Heavyweight Championship - This match was generally pretty solid overall, but it wasn‘t as good as I thought it‘d be. I think the reason is because the whole kidnapping bit that they’ve done with this feud over the past few weeks has watered it down. It just seems kind of corny and it’s not something that’s done any favors for either Kane or Edge. At any rate, both Kane & Edge put up a pretty good effort and the ending was kind of unique. I can’t recall if I’ve ever seen a double pin in this way. On one hand, it doesn’t make all that much sense as I figured the referee was supposed to start counting both guys out if they were both down on the mat. However, both of them did technically have their arms across one another so that does make it a different situation. I’m sure that some are harping on that it was called a tie instead of a draw, IWC has to have something to gripe about after all. The match ends about the 13 minute mark and it was overall a decent set up with a unique finish. The feud will continue and Kane retains here, which I think was the right call. Thumbs Up

Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel vs. Santino Marella & Vladimir Koslov: WWE Tag Team Championship - This match just didn’t click with me. One problem was that it was far too short, lasting only about 5 minutes. Generally speaking, it was solid but I’ve just got very little interest in seeing Santino and Koslov in the tag title picture. The crowd was into Santino’s offense, the guy can be entertaining, but I’m just not all that wild about a guy that’s spent most of his career in the WWE as a comedy jobber being #1 contender for a title. The other members of Nexus interfered as Santino was about to go for the Cobra. Heath Slater hits his finisher to get the win. I know this match was mostly just filler, but it just didn’t do anything for me. I like that Slater & Gabriel retained, but the finish just means that we probably haven’t seen the last of Santino and Koslov. Thumbs Down

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett: WWE Championship - I thought this was a pretty good match between these two. It wasn’t overly spectacular, but both guys put out a strong effort. I think that the stipulation of John Cena being free or fired kind of overshadowed everything, but I don’t really think anybody could realistically expect otherwise. The live crowd was a little flat and I think they were mostly wrapped up in wanting the match to ultimately end in order to see what would happen to Cena. The tension with Cena and Barrett was a good selling point for the match and Cena sort of pushed Barrett into the RKO. Orton retains the title a little past the 15 minute mark and I like how Cena hesitated a little before counting three. I was a little surprised to see Orton retain, though Barrett could claim Cena played a part in costing him the match. The aftermath of everything was a great touch. Cena & Orton embracing was a good, emotional moment. The story will be that Cena ultimately kept his word and remained a hero in this instance and that Orton has to respect him for that. Cena removing his wristbands was a nice little symbolic moment. I’m sure some will probably be let down by the finish of the match, but I enjoyed it. This was a match in which the aftermath, no matter what that would’ve been, is something that people were going to tune in to Raw in order to see what happens. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - I thought that Survivor Series was an extremely fun ppv. There were a lot of very fun and interesting matches on the card and I thought that, overall, everything came about in the ideal way. Ziggler & Bryan both had great matches and retained their titles, the traditional Survivor Series tag match was quite fun and better than I expected, Kane & Edge had a solid match with Kane retaining the title via an interesting ending, Morrison & Sheamus had a very fun match with Morrison getting a needed win, Natalya wins the Divas title and Randy Orton retains the WWE Championship with John Cena’s future, storyline wise, being up in the air at the moment. Raw should be good tonight and the fallout from the show, especially for John Cena, should be quite interesting.

Grade: B+
Ok, so here i sit reflecting on the most recent WWE PPV....Survivor Series....and i must say WOW!!!
This is the kind of PPV i've been waiting for WWE to gie us for a long LONG time now.
It HAd everything...Twists, Turns, Excellent RingWork...Everything!!!
Personally, it was easily the best PPV we have had this year.
Daniel Bryan vs Ted Dibiase was as good an opening fight you will see, action packed from start to finish..and while once again Bryan looked amazing...Ted also gave a great account of himself....and proved he can actually wrestle.

Sheamus vs Morrison was, in my opinion, a fantastic match. Sheamus looked beastly as always, yet Morrison was phenomonal, kick out after kickout, and finally got the win his career so badly needed.

Kaval vs Ziggler was another great match, Kaval showing he is a tremendous athlete, but Ziggler proving yet again that he will do anything to keep his title.

The 5-5 elimination match was also very good, although i would have liked to have seen a bit more from Del Rio.

The Diva's match wasn't the best, but we'll all se far worse, plus the comeback of Beth Phoenix was unexpected.

Kane and Edge put on a decent match, with a rare ending that not many would have predicted, and the aftermath kept this feus bubbling along nicely.

And Orton retaining against Barrett was a good way to end the night, putting to sleep the rumours of a Cena Heel turn.

So...there you go...A fantastic PPV..Shock victories...surprise returns...Morrison, Bryan,Dibiase, Ziggler, Kaval, Sheamus ALL putting on fantastic performances....Makes me think the future is bright!!!

But my question is this....Is it the start of something good in WWE???
...or will they just balls it up as usual???

Discuss !!!
I was only 4 for 8 in my predictions posts. I usually do better than that, but that's ok. We all have days when we don't do as well. However I still think that it was one of the better PPV's this year and everyone who was at my PPV party would agree. The best matches were Sheamus VS Morrison and the world title matches. The only problems I really had with it (disregarding wrong predictions) was Ziggler retaining, because the other matches had good outcomes and there was not a bad match. Even the divas match was good as far as those tend to go. Not a bad show at all.

I give the show a B.
The show was overall a decent telecast. Which surprises me in some ways as WWE has done bad in the past at getting Survivor Series done correctly.

Nonetheless, aside from there being only ONE SS style match, it was a decent overall show.

Personally, I think three/four guys shone last night.

1. Alberto del Rio. He was brilliant in the little rally moment backstage. Entrance was great as always. And he played his part perfectly on the card. So good in the ring and sold the punch well. Played and handled well.

2. Dolph Ziggler/Kaval. Probably the best match of the night. (Daniel Brian/Ted DiBiase Jr. was also pretty decent.) Kaval and Dolph went at it in front of what WAS a dead crowd and about halfway into it, had the crowd going pretty well.

3. Jack Swagger. He had some Kurt Angle-esque reversals for his Ankle Lock and he just did well overall. He gets the nod for doing a lot better than I thought he would in that match. The match overall was pretty well done.

What about you guys? Who do you think shined?
Overall really liked this PPV.

Couple things i really enjoyed.

1. Ted DiBiase FINALLY stepping up. What a brilliant match that was. Hopefully he can continue with this, and actually get into a feud of some substance. Ditch the million dollar man thing if he isn't actually using it, but keep Maryse, wowowow she is SMOKING!

2. Ziggler. The more i watch this guy, the better he gets. Everything he does is just brilliant. Love watching every one of his matches, and him and Kaval put on one of the matches of the night. Just brilliant. Kaval's kicks were intense, highlighted by the fact that that Dolph's nose was busted up at the end. But wow, Dolph was super impressive yet again.

3. Swagger. He was simply amazing in the elimination match. Some of the maneuvers he used to get into the Ankle Lock were brilliant. Especially the one on Kofi. Seriously hoping Swagger is back in the title picture once Edge eventually gets the belt.

4. Rhodes. Same as ziggler, love watching this guy. The way he lost his shit after show hit him in the face, brilliant selling of the gimmick. I think thats what makes him enjoyable to watch. Still needs to get himself some kneepads though..haha

Something to note: Miz really should have had a match... Yeah, they had him and R-Truth as potentially interrupting the main event, but that was it. Just thought for a future main eventer, he should have had a match. Also, the ending was a bit random, although it was definitely unexpected. Just a bit of a slap in the face considering we ALL KNOW Cena definitely isn't fired...Especially when he took so much time saying goodbye, taking away any time Orton should have had to celebrate retaining.

Overall, i give it a 7/10. Mainly for how amazing the IC and US title matches were. Kane and Edge and the tag titles matches were pretty average for different reasons, and i just assumed Miz would cash in after Randy retained... Looking forward to RAW thats for sure.
Entertaining show! Just thought I'd give my thoughts!

Daniel Bryan VS Ted Dibiase, US Championship

This was a great start, and a great match, crowd were really into it as well. Dibiase was showing a much needed agressive side and Bryan was just terrific in his babyface role. Seriously Bryan hasn't had anything below a very good match on PPV. I knew this match would be good but damn this was gripping stuff. Bryan won which was the right descion, but Dibiase looked strong too which is how it should be. 9/10

Miz segment was AAAWEESSSOOMMEEE as usual, loved the way he's insulting Barrett and Nexus as I love heel's hating on heels. Great segment as usual with Miz and Riley.

Sheamus VS John Morrison

Much better then I expected, crowd were definetly behind Morrison, and Sheamus was brilliant as the bully heel here. Subtle facial expressions from Sheamus here were great, and the selling from Morrison was good too. Really thought Sheamus would pick up the win, was pleasently surprised to see John win and his win wasn't protrayed as flukey and Sheamus came off really strong here. These guys have great chemistry. 8/10

Dolph Ziggler VS Kaval, WWE Intercontinental Championship

another very good match, although the crowd weren't that into it which was a shame, as it was hard hitting fight and Kaval really impressed here. Diggler, sorry, Ziggler was good although I still think his heel persona is a bit flat, was surprised Vickie didn't have an involvement in the match. Great offence from Kaval his kicks are awesome! Ziggler wins by pulling the tights during a pin combonation, which was the right move and allows Kaval to demand a rematch. 7/10

Team Mysterio VS Team Del Rio, Traditional Survivor Series Match
ANOTHER entertaining match, MVP got an amazing hometown reaction here, so of course he's made to look like a tool and is eliminated first which was a shame as he really looked like a star out there. Swagger was on fire here, as was Del Rio who's brilliant reactions and selling are just beautiful. Masters wasn't over at all, he was really the odd man out on the babyface team., but Show was really over . Some great sequences here and the heel team was never below average in any regard. 8/10

Natalya VS LayCool WWE Unified Divas Championship
An average match but a great finish and Natayla looked decent out there. Her celebration was great and Beth's return was awesome too. Overall a decent Diva's match, enhanced greatly by a heartfelt win. 6/10

Edge VS Kane, World Heavyweight Championship
A good, if slightly flat title match that the crowd had trouble warming to, till the last few minutes. Kane worked much better with Edge then I thought he would, but the build felt so thrown together that it was hard to care about the match. The finish was an insult as WWE went with their 'both shoulders were down so champ retains BS' but overall a decent match. 6/10

Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel VS Santino Marella & Vladimir Koslov, WWE Tag Team Championship
Bah a short, meaningless title match. Santino was very over, but the match was flat as hell and easily the worst match of the show. 4/10

Wade Barrett VS Randy Orton, WWE Championship, with John Cena as the special referee
hmm....I can't help but feel that WWE made a big mistake by getting John Cena to admit so heavily that he'd call it down the middle. It eliminated some of the intrigue in exactly what he would do, and thus when he finally did hit Barrett in the big match moment, it was extremely anti-climatic. As for the rest of the match it never entered second gear and like some of Orton's matches had a deliberately slow pace. It was exciting at times granted but we were all waiting for the big referee moment, and I expected far more then just a punch from Cena to Barrett into the RKO. Disapointing but decent 5/10

Overall, a very decent show with 2 great matches, followed by 2 very good contests, a average diva's title match with a great finish, a decent, if lacking heat, world title match, a flat nothing tag team title match, and disapointing main event which considering how big it was pushed was even more of a disapointment. Overall 7/10

EDIT: Oh and one more thing.....why the FUCK did Cena hug Michael Cole? He made fun of Cole constantly as a babyface back on Smackdown, and now with Cole showing his heel tendancies toward some acts on the show, it just made no sense.

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