[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

Shelton Benjamin can only get so far unless he has a serious charisma transplant. I'm sorry, I know i'm upsetting alot of people here, but he can't cut an engaging promo to save his life, therefore he will not be a main eventer. Now that's not to say he won't get better in time, but we've given him a fair few years now (5?), and I havn't seen too much improvement.

People seem to forget that being a mid-carder doesn't automatically mean:
1) You should be a main eventer within the next few years due to natural progression


2) You're a failure.

Of course, everyone's dream is to main event Wrestlemania, but not everyone is cut out to be a main event player, or let's face it, the scene would be completely overcrowded.

Saying this, Shelton in TNA would be great. He'd be a marvelous addition to the X-Division, which is still enjoyed immensely to this day by the majority of TNA fans. Shelton can do short backstage segments, and paired with someone charismatic, i'm sure it could work to progress storylines/angles. He'd make a brilliant X-Div Champ with the Gold Standard gimmick. He'd really set the standard for the X-Division stars.

Someone like a Chris Jericho would be a great fit for TNA right now. A wrestler with star power, great mic skills, and oozes charisma. Not that this is realistic, of course.

Bring in anyone? Anyone at all? Well if so that's easy, The Rock. Nobody else would even touch the impact he'd make.

Realistically, probably RVD, although I dont think TNA need him really, he'd just be interesting to have around, it'll be good to see him in wrestling again after all this time. I might've Savage, but I dont relish the idea of having him and Hogan in the same company again.

Of the current rosdter, the one I'd like to see most in TNA is...*drumroll*...Christian! Why?

Well, because we know he works there, and the fans love him. He's not getting the push people expected in the E, and he'd instantly be a main eventer again in TNA. This is all helped by me being a huge fan of his...

If it had to be someone that hasn't already been there, I'd go with Kane...Only so he gets another big push, and we can see what happens when The Big Red Machine stares down The Monster Abyss...
R-Truth, well, he was a big deal in TNA apparently, although it seems WWE are finally listening to crowd reactions and pushing him instead of crowd killers like Drew Macintosh and that Eric fellow. But yeah, he was a jobber for a long time in WWE.

Christians another good example, former TNA world champion, he'd go back to the main event I think.
Kofi Kingston-He would be a Title contender and could but on some great matches with AJ,Daniels,Angle,and the whole X division
I really hope Macho Man does not join and become a full time member of the company. A one-off against Lethal would be OK, if only to put him over, and pass the character on. Other than that, I just wouldn't be able to stomach it.

He was one of the best back in the 80's and 90's, and is an old greyed man now. How good could he really be? How interesting could he be? He's better off staying out...
I think that Hogan is a piece of sh**! Period point, blank. I honestly detest Hogan more than I do Cena, which is a lot because I cannot stand John Cena whatsoever (I even turned the minute that I seen him come down the ramp for the main event of Raw last night and did NOT turn back whatsoever---that's how much I hate that man). Anyway, Steve will NEVER, EVER appear in a TNA ring. EVER! He has no reason to. Beyond that, as it was stated perviously, Hulk loves to run his mouth and get people talking, which I guess is good business, but the man is an a-hole if there ever was one. So to Austin appearing in TNA, yeah right lol
No one. I pick not a single guy. Why? If TNA is seen as picking up WWE's left overs or casts offs they'll never gain any momentum. The old WWE guys they do have need to put TNA talent over and go from there. After that's established then maybe bring in a made WWE guy.
Also here's the thing. Name one wrestler that would bring a huge following with him? I just don't see that huge marque wrestler on the scene today. Austin was it, Rock also. Hogan had it, but now it's gone.
IMO not even Cena nor HHH would bring a lasting increase in fan base to TNA just by them being there.
Well this crap, never say never actually do not really apply here.

Not even because it is TNA, it is because of Hogan, just like the Wrestlemania match never happened, their egos are too big. None of them will put the other one over even if their lives depended on it.

Hogan tried to get on TNA before but left because he got an apperance with WWE, now that WWE won't go with him is why he got to TNA, you can try to lie to yourselves saying it is not true and believe he really wants to help TNA "shake things" again but the reality is the WWE is no longer that fond on Hogan anymore.

Now like I said with Austin, who is really preocupied about his legacy now, do you really thing he is interested in working with Hogan?

If it really was about helping other guys probably would happen, but when he knows everything revolves around Hogan he probably won't do it.
It won't happen. But, if Austin did go to TNA, could he use the name Steve Austin? Obviously no Stone Cold, but I'm curious to whether or not he could use Austin, seeing that he legally changed his name after wrestling. Does WWE own the Austin copyright? Someone answer that one for me.
Lets be realistic here.

Swagger, Bourne, Jericho, Kingston, ect....those guys aren't going anywhere.

Shelton Benjamin and Christian on the other hand are both under-used talent that is being wasted in the wwf and both wrestlers could possibly make more money down the line with TNA (or at least get more "Playing Time"). Shelton would be a main-eventer eventually in TNA and we all know Christian is just wasting his time in the WWF. Unless, Vince finally does a Christian/Edge angle...but that's another topic.
It won't happen. But, if Austin did go to TNA, could he use the name Steve Austin? Obviously no Stone Cold, but I'm curious to whether or not he could use Austin, seeing that he legally changed his name after wrestling. Does WWE own the Austin copyright? Someone answer that one for me.

Yes, he would be able to use the name Steve Austin. Like you said, he wouldn't be able to use the Stone Cold part. He'd prob. just be Steve Austin or maybe even Cold Stone Steve Austin :p

I'm not sure about other nick names though such as "The Texas Rattlesnake" or the 3:16.
Rather than picking a ripe young and athletic prospect, I would instead go for an already established WWE worker. Why? Rather than taking the same route of pushing Ex-WWE talent to the top, wouldn't it be a good idea to push down said superstar? Make your home grown talent look superior to WWE's. Otherwise the'll never be taken seriously. Say TNA would somehow get their hands on somebody along the lines of... Batista. Main event level, multiple time world champion, big, strong and well known, headlined a few Wrestlemania's. He make's his way to TNA by some bizarre twist of logic. He feuds with somebody like AJ Styles and Styles win's. Styles will look great because he beat a guy who is normally headlining WWE events. With that done, 1 TNA wrestler can be compared with WWE superstars and look credible. Sure, it will eventually suck Batista dry and turn him into a glorified jobber, but all is fair in love and war.

Sting once said that his biggest fear of joining WWE was being pushed down and then he used Booker T vs The Rock as an example. Booker T (WCW's top athlete) was made to look like a chump against WWE's then poster boy, The Rock.

So why not do that? I thought TNA wanted to step up? If you ask me, thats how you do it? Squash a guy. Force him to work his way from the bottom up in the worst possible way. Thats how TNA can truly benefit from WWE alumni. Sure WWE guys will eventually stop TNA as a second option, but it helps raise TNA own prospects.
No one. I pick not a single guy. Why? If TNA is seen as picking up WWE's left overs or casts offs they'll never gain any momentum. The old WWE guys they do have need to put TNA talent over and go from there. After that's established then maybe bring in a made WWE guy.
Also here's the thing. Name one wrestler that would bring a huge following with him? I just don't see that huge marque wrestler on the scene today. Austin was it, Rock also. Hogan had it, but now it's gone.
IMO not even Cena nor HHH would bring a lasting increase in fan base to TNA just by them being there.

I have to agree with you, but one name that would change people channel is... The Undertaker... He's never leave the WWE, he's there foundation, but is the only one I think people would tune into to see. Other than him yes they could poach stars and get a few good weeks of TV, but what TNA needs is a creative department that doesn't drop the ball and put on there "idea" of good wrestling, tna wants to succeed I say let the IWC write the scripts, If Dixie wants to play boss and give the fans what they want, let the fans run the show. WWE does it once a year, why not let the fans vote on who they want to see in feuds, and then let creative take ideas from fans and write stories.
The three names that I think would help TNA are:

First I would bring in RVD and push the hell out of him. Make him Angle, Styles, and Desmond Wolfe the four tentpoles of the company. RVD vs anyone in TNA makes for compelling television.

Next I would head over to WWE and poach The Big Show and Jericho. I think they both have a lot of wrestling in them. the WWE has been underusing Big Show since they got him and Jericho is the kind of main eventer that TNA needs. He is about as legitimate as it gets. Jericho vs. Styles would be a kickass progaram.
If I could bring in anybody, it would be Ken Doane (Kenny Dykstra).
I don't necessarily think he would help TNA, since obviously he isn't a huge draw. But I really would like to see him make a name for himself in TNA, like Matt Morgan has.

He may not be spectacular on the mic but I thought he was pretty good in the ring. Plus the guy is young as hell so he has enough time to work on his mic skills. The way he was booked in WWE absolutely sucked. If TNA refrained from using the guy as a jobber like WWE did then I think he'd become a great addition to the roster.

Other than him, I'd have to go with the obvious choices of Anderson and RVD, since I'm a fan of both. I like Umaga as well but I wouldn't sign him before I signed the three I previously mentioned.
CM Punk....
WWE Won't let go of this weak championship runs that CM Punk gets!

If Cm Punk went back to TNA They would use him alot better then the first time!
Plus Angle isn't much bigger if at all! CM Punk would be average hight and size!

I know it wasn't part of the question....but...
The TNA wrestler that needs WWE.... Suicide!
TNA starts of really strong with suicide.... Then drops the push for Christopher Daniels?!
The fallen Angel isn't a young punk anymore! He really didn't need to take the Push suicide was given!
Austin is trying to get a movie career going and it is starting to look good now,even featuring in the new Stallone movie. So I don`t see him committing himself with TNA. If he wants to promote his career or movie, he`ll go to WWE. In a recent interview, he said he turned down a guest host job cause he didn`t want to ruin his send off at wrestlemania and will now be careful with his appearance in WWE, he wants impact.
Besides, Austin going to TNA to help Eric Bischoff to build some competition (and basically turning his back on Vince)?? Hello, remember he was fired on the phone, major pissed, got noticed in ECW mainly because of some great anti wcw/Bischoff promos, went to WWE, saved the company, helped sink WCW.......seriously, I know anything is possible but this is near impossible. Austin wrestling carrer is now limited to some rare appearance in WWE. Hogan is just trying to get some fuzz but this is a failure.
I`m all for TNA becoming some competition for WWE but I would hate the sight of Austin in TNA, glad it won`t happen.
Even though the Savage is my all time favorite, I don't think a full time thing with TNA would benifit himself or TNA in the long run. He has been there, dont that, but if he does a few appearances that would be AWSOME!!

What I am HOPING happens is that Randy Savage awnsers the "Black Machismo Legends Invitaional", or whatever it is called, and if Jay Lethal loses then he has to quit doing the Black Machismo gimmick. I really think that is the evntual plan for this whole open invitational. It really is time for Lethal to give that gimmick up, it is holding him back IMO.
Last time I saw pictures of Randy Savage, he was very old looking, and last time I saw him in the ring, which was when TNA was first starting, he was past his prime then, and that was years ago.

Also, I am not sure on how true or what the situation is, but I thought Randy Savage and Hogan had a bit of a feud going? Randy Savage released a diss song to Hogan:

If that is passed, than maybe Hogan can bring in Randy, but it seems to be a bluff from Hogan. He has done them before. Hogan seems to be the type of person who switches loyalties and attacks everything he is no longer a part of.
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If my purpose was to just improve the talent level for the current product my first call would be to RVD. He is good, people recognize him, and people love what he does in the ring.

My second would be to Mistico. TNA and the WWE have both tried to work out a deal to bring this guy in. He is exciting, athletic, and a high flyer. He has been a major draw in Mexico and Japan. This guy would improve any roster (even RAW)he was own.

Both of these guys are good and a good booker can build a story line around them.

If there is an X-Division or Monday show in the works then I would at least talk to Sicodelico Jr. , Dragon Kid, Austin Aries, and Volador Jr. We saw Volador in the X-Cup last year and he was impressive. Sicodelico Jr. was in FCW for a while but I don't think he was a "Legacy" wrestler like they wanted. He has decent mat skills and would bring a unique offence. Aries was impressive last time he was in TNA and he provides a strong mat wrestling with a nice 450. Dragon Kid has some high flying moves and could form a tag team with Kiyoshi.
Macho Man despises Hogan, probably so do alot of other talent that had to work with him, knowing now that he backstabbed alot of people and held countless people back in his tenure

Savage hates him with a passion for the whole Elizabeth reason too and has done ever since they were the Mega Powers, his website has not changed to indicate any changing of that fact.

Personally Savage was my favourite of the 80 and early 90's, he was to that generation what Bret Hart/Chris Benoit were to technical wrestling, Untouchable
I'd rather leave it at that and watch the old tapes then see him stubmle to the ring and be another old fogie taking up air time over talent they want to establish as believable

Anyway Hogan is a lier, he'll say anything to get attention.
I don't believe this for one second anymore than i'd believe Hogan would be fine with jobbing to someone.
I was just thinking up a scenario.

I was thinking it would be kind of cool if Macho man came in, and hulk came in, and both started talking shit to each other. And then some wrestlers backed up Macho man, and others backed up Hogan. And a huge feud started between the two "dynasties". I don't know, I just think it would be a cool storyline if done right.

I like Macho man I think he's hilarious, I'd like him to come back.

Now, neither of these guys has to wrestle for it to actually go right. They could be doing any number of things.
Whereas I do agree that by TNA grabbing WWE rejects and making them "stars" in TNA; it reflects so badly on them. Mainly because these guys couldn't lace up the boots of the main eventers and now they are title contenders (Angle not included)? It makes their product look inferior.

But if there is a list to be made, here is my top 5:

1. Edge-he's been losing heat before he left and maybe a new territory will help him...besides, look how it turned Christian's career around

2. Batista-someone mentioned this before, but I feel that he was truly not missed on WWE and a feud with Lashley would be something

3. MVP-I know I'll get flack for this one, but he's so under-used on RAW that he needs to build up his talent, not just let it get stale...which was happening on Smackdown

4. Gregory Helms-the on again/off again boyfriend of Velvet Sky (lucky bastard); before his injury on Smackdown, he was kicking serious ass and even earning Heavyweight Title shots; and now he's just lost on ECW...could you imagine A.J. against him?

This is the bombshell that no one would ever consider...

5. Rey Mysterio-he is only 1 violation away from being kicked out of WWE anyway; he could provide an incredible talent to TNA that would make everyone step up their game over there; between he and Batista, that would actually bring up the credibility to TNA as a contender; he would also bring in more of a cultural fan base that Smackdown utilizes every week; besides, it would be classic to watch a feud between him and Angle.

If you noticed, I did not choose nobodies for this; they could use true talent and if (or when) any of these move, it would be incredible.
I can give you a few. These guys will never be main WWE guys. Next to their names, I'll give you somereasons why they won't be. These are the guys/girls who will do better in TNA, sooner than later.

Carlito- Career mid-carder in WWE. Probably won't get another run at the IC or US, maybe ECW. I'd rather be a big fish in a small pond than a big fish in a puddle (ECW).

Evan Bourne- X-Division Champion or spot monkey?

Gail Kim- WWE wont seriously push a former TNA talent.

Charlie Haas- He is in Shelton's shadow. Shelton's in everyone elses.

Matt Hardy- WWE's least favorite Hardy, but would be a major player in TNA as a heel.

Rey Mysterio- Not until TNA gets a larger fan base, or offers Rey a chance to work for New Japan & AAA at the same time. He won't be given the ball again in WWE because of his size, but in TNA he would be given the TNA title. As long as WWE has a bigger audience and TNA makes to attempts to really compete there, Rey will stay where he is.

Shelton Benjamin- Obviously.

Chavo Guerrerro- Him & Hector together. He'd carry mid-card titles, where he wouldnt carry any in WWE. Plus, he wouldn't get knocked out by washed up boxers.

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