[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

it seems like everyone here is speaking from the heart.... and not the mind!

Taker could not do it! With that much focus on his in ring work he'd finally be a "Dead man" lol
Triple H would make a perfect jobber.... I mean.... When Triple H jobs now.... his opponent is supposed to be seen as big time!
HBK couldn't keep up this the TNA stars now.... He would have to battle people like sting or flair or hogan...
Hornswoggle got lucky.... But if he went to TNA they could call him "The little Bastard" again!
Cena wouldn't make it! The PG rating is the only thing keeping Cena from getting canned!
Sure there is alot of people that like Cena..... but its not a majority!
Cena is my number 1 pick! Cena would have been a jobber in WcW....
I wouldn't exactly put that on lashley because when he left wwe everybody thought he was going straight to mma and yes he did and while doing so losing momentum. If he came right after his compete clause expired and didn't have the mma on the side I'm sure TNA would have thrown him right into the title picture.

Another name I saw on another post was Taker, I'm sure they could fit him in somehow, doesn't seem likely at all but if he ended up there I think they could make it work, Taker vs Foley Monsters Ball?

I don't think that Big Dick Johnson would be a good fit, that was WWE written all over it.
Obviously the Undertaker wouldn't fit at all. Sure i would luv to see him face some guys in tna like styles,joe,daniels,and especially Abyss. The real reason why i think he wouldn't fit is because of wrestlemania. Every year his streak gets bigger and bigger because of wrestlemania and it's legacy. That and what is tna's big ppv slammaversery or bound for glory or victory road. I mean all three have a number and usually that means it's important. So i think he wouldn't be as special in tna without that legendary streak because every year a new taker vs match most of the time steals the show. Perfect example his previous bout with hbk. I didn't even care about the titles or orton and h having problems. That was a mainevent and then some.
I think older guys like HHH HBK and the Undertaker would have it rough the style is much more athletically based something no 40 year old really has period.

I don't think Ted Dibiase or Cody Rhodes would do very well at all either.

TNA requires a completely different style than the WWE does and most of the vets would never be able to change what years of experience in the WWE taught them.
Someone like Cena would not make it to TNA because his own status in WWE seems to built on nothing but hype and chance. Kurt Angle, Christian and Booker T at least came with promises on what the could offer other than a big name - great ring work and an obvious love for the business. HHH could work a decent match with someone like Angle or AJ, especially as a heel, but Cena couldn't, due to a limited moveset, lack of technical proficiency and an aversion to any spots. And his shoulderblock-shoulderblock-duck-sitoutpowerbomb-5knuckleshuffle-attemptedFU is the complete opposite of what TNA wrestling aspires to be, namely unpredictable and for lack of a better word, awesome. And while it seems im picking on Cena, i've used him as representative of many top WWE stars.

People in WWE that are legitimately talented wrestlers, such as Jericho or CM Punk, or Benjamin/Regal/Swagger etc would be welcome with open arms. But people who think name value and hype takes precedence over in ring ability wouldnt.
It's pretty well known that Kimbo isn't the most talented MMA fighter, and that he's mostly a gimmick. Which makes me think he's in the wrong sport. Say what you want about his fights, but the guy draws.

Hell, his fight on the ultimate fighter show against Roy Nelson itself drew 6.1 million viewers. It was the highest rated MMA television show in U.S. history.

I know we most likely wouldn't be in for any 5 star classics, but the guy could be a very entertaining character. Plus, as a power house, it's not like he'd have to flip around or take crazy bumps. Hogan could teach him all he needs to know about being a monster.

I don't know if it would work or not, but with the right storyline, I think this guy could really help TNA get bigger.

I know the guy wants to fight, but he's getting up there in age already and the fact is he may have tried to join mma too late.

From a business standpoint, I know if I was Vince or Dixie, I'd give him a call.
Kimbo is a bitch. I'm surprised this hack even still has a fan in the world. He lost his giant fight on CBS. He lost against a guy that is just TRYING to win a spot on TUF. I don't care how many people this guy draws... he sucks. He has got to be the biggest never-was in the history of sports. All the NFL bust quarterbacks at least drew in college. This guy is lucky he could draw water.

I get the appeal. I really do. But what I don't get is how he appeals to so many other people? This goon has proven nothing. Why would anybody take a chance on a never-was?

As you said... you pretty much nailed it. He's a 110% gimmick. He's nothing real. So the world of professional wrestling sounds like something Kimbo should gravitate towards. It does make sense as much as it pains me to say it. Would I like to see him in the E or TNA? Not one bit. I want nothing to do with Kimbo Slice in a form of entertainment I love and have been watching since I was 5... or the last 19 years of my life. However you want to put it. When you have guys like Petey Williams, Ken Kennedy, and even The Brian Kendrick that are unemployed by a major promotion (at the time of this writing of course), Kimbo Slice doesn't deserve a call from a talent standpoint. From a money and gimmick standpoint, he's worth a call.
It could work if booked right. But I am not sure how much he would draw for TNA. People want to see him compete in UFC against REAL fighters because let's face it, we all want to see how well he measures up. He might be able to give TNA a slight boost but I wouldn't expect too much from it. That is unless TNA pairs him up in a shoot fight with Bobby Lashley or something.
Well like I said, he wouldn't put on 5 star matches and it's definitely something a wrestling purist wouldn't like.

But from the casual fan's standpoint. There's no denying that even though he's lost some fights, the last time he fought he drew better than all of TNA's roster combined. Hell, the UFC isn't stupid. They know he's still the main draw for the Ultimate Fighter right now which is why every week they tease that Kimbo is going to get a second chance somehow.

I know some people will bring up WCW bringing in Tank Abbott and about how that failed, but I would say that this is much much different. MMA is whole different animal these days, and Kimbo is much more popular with the casual fan than Tank ever was. He's also got a unique look, whereas Tank just looked like somebody's dad who just got home from the mill.
Petey Williams, Ken Kennedy, and even The Brian Kendrick that are unemployed by a major promotion (at the time of this writing of course), Kimbo Slice doesn't deserve a call from a talent standpoint. From a money and gimmick standpoint, he's worth a call.

I love all three of those guys, Petey Williams especially (still have no idea why the hell he isn't in TNA anymore), but I'm still willing to bet the avg person would have a lot more fear of Kimbo face to face. From that standpoint already he has the advantage of seeming to be a legitimate threat.

I knew Lashley would get brought up in this. While I do like Lashley, and it kinda makes sense MMA guy vs. MMA guy; if TNA were to bring Kimbo in, I think the smartest thing would be to make Kimbo a TNA guy. Plus, you would HAVE to have Kimbo win that match if you wanted to get the return on the initial investment and I don't see Lashley wanting to job to Kimbo.

I mean look at the company Lashley wants to join; Strikeforce's show on network tv with Fedor (considered the best MMA fighter in the world) headlining, didn't draw near as many people as Slice's fight on SpikeTV on a Wed night did.

Kimbo is the bigger star (between him and Lashley) and would be a much bigger deal. Whether he was better in the ring or not.
It's pretty well known that Kimbo isn't the most talented MMA fighter, and that he's mostly a gimmick. Which makes me think he's in the wrong sport. Say what you want about his fights, but the guy draws.

Hell, his fight on the ultimate fighter show against Roy Nelson itself drew 6.1 million viewers. It was the highest rated MMA television show in U.S. history.

I know we most likely wouldn't be in for any 5 star classics, but the guy could be a very entertaining character. Plus, as a power house, it's not like he'd have to flip around or take crazy bumps. Hogan could teach him all he needs to know about being a monster.

I don't know if it would work or not, but with the right storyline, I think this guy could really help TNA get bigger.

I know the guy wants to fight, but he's getting up there in age already and the fact is he may have tried to join mma too late.

From a business standpoint, I know if I was Vince or Dixie, I'd give him a call.

Great post. I think this could be huge for TNA if it happened, it could be like what the WWF tried to do with Ken Shamrock. I like Ken, but he just lacked the charisma and unique look that Kimbo has.
kimbo was screwed by elitexc and that's why he lost to Seth P. cause the ref was part of it. That's why EliteXC went bankrupt. Kimbo deserves a 2nd chance due to that screwjob by then and I'll glad the UFC will hopefully give him one. Kimbo doesn't need to go to TNA or WWE. Go look it up.
If Kimbo tanks his fight against Houston Alexander at the Ultimate Fighter finale, I could easily see TNA giving Kimbo a call. They already have the direct connection to Dana thanks to SpikeTV, and Dana, despite being a money ****e, would gladly let a hack like Kimbo go, especially with a loss.

Kimbo is a compelling enough character that I could see him doing fairly well in TNA...pair him with Lashley to start (unless that Strikeforce deal happens), mow him through some monsters (Kimbo/Morgan, Kimbo/Abyss, Kimbo/Rhino), then see where he is...he's got the size and the look, he knows how to hype himself and whatever he's doing, and his MMA ability IS improving...who's not to say Kimbo wouldn't take naturally to wrestling?

Wrestling is, and always has and will be, a sideshow...you gotta have freaks that draw, and one of the biggest drawing freaks right now is Kimbo Slice.
While I will agree that Kimbo is a huge draw I dont think he would ever make it in the wrestling business. I think hed be a good attraction for a couple of months and then be done. He would not stay for the long haul, its just not him. Theres only so many things you can do with a character and TNA would go through them quick or lose interest all together. He would be an imposing person but people would get over that quickly. Itd be just like what WCW did with Tank Abbot and that didnt work real well either. Kimbos best thing right now is to continue fighting and not even think about wrestling.
I'd like to see a shoot fight with Kimbo and Lashley, it could get Lashley the attention he needs, lets face it Lashley is a beast. He'd match up with Lesnar in stregth and size perfectly, he hits hard and can move on his feet, he's explosive and probably a better wrestler then Lesnar(I'm not talking sports entertainment either) TNA & UFC are both on Spike, TNA should be blowing Dana to get a little exposure on there shows, at least advertise on them. Kimbo can hit but until now has no skills, but be careful of what you say, you may be eating your words when he fight on TUF finale, yea he's got a contract with the UFC, so Dana had to have seen something in the guy. I mean Roy Nelson only won that much cuz he smothered him with his fat ass gut, he never threw a good punch, and Roy is a fat piece of garbage that couldn't put on an entertaining fight for a crowd full of blind people!
Kimbo could never work as a wrestler. Someone else pointed out his match with Roy Nelson.

Did anyone actually watch that match? Roy Nelson knocked him on his ass, laid on his face, and pounded on his skull for about 3 minutes. Kimbo didn't move, didn't defend himself, and when the ref moved Roy at the end of the round, he looked tired. For what? Laying there?

Kimbo is a waste, and needs to go back to fighting pre-paid drunks in his backyard.
Kimbo could never work as a wrestler. Someone else pointed out his match with Roy Nelson.

Did anyone actually watch that match? Roy Nelson knocked him on his ass, laid on his face, and pounded on his skull for about 3 minutes. Kimbo didn't move, didn't defend himself, and when the ref moved Roy at the end of the round, he looked tired. For what? Laying there?

Umm...huh? Did you actually watch that fight NSL? Kimbo dominated the fight early before Nelson's big fat ass just sat on top of Kimbo and smothered him with his stomach while laying without a doubt THE weakest punches in the history of MMA onto him. Seriously, did you see that fight? The only reason Nelson won was because he has a ground game and Kimbo is still new to MMA and an amateur with his ground game. When it comes to knock out power it's not even a fucking debate, Kimbo has knockout power like few others.

As for Kimbo in TNA...no thanks. I'd rather see him in the UFC to be honest.
Umm...huh? Did you actually watch that match NSL? Kimbo dominated the fight early before Nelson's big fat ass just sat on top of Kimbo and smothered him with his stomach while laying without a doubt THE weakest punches in the history of MMA onto him.

I'm not saying Nelson's punches weren't pillow punches, but they were still landing, and Kimbo still wasn't trying to get up. I was pissed the ref didn't cut it out, and stand them up after 15 seconds of Kimbo taking it. The big point of my post was that he was worn out, from essentially nothing. If Nelson was ikn a full mount, and landing haymakers, then sure, I'd say he had a reason to tire out.

But, from what we both saw, he had no reason to tire out, and should have fought back.
No thank you, with an extra side of piss off for me with Kimbo Slice to TNA.

What exactly does he bring to the table, other than a hilarious haircut and a face that could win a Mastiff Look-A-Like contest? Who would he even feud with? Kimbo Slice would be a worse addition than Pacman Jones, and they even gave Jones the friggin' tag belts with Ron Killings!

I'm just not one really for the whole MMA guys to TNA thing. Lashley was/is kind of a failure – at least thus far, considering his feud with Steiner seems to be picking up, and Trigg never really did much for me either.

Sorry, but I just don't see the appeal with this guy. Like fear before said... he needs to go back to fighting drunk guys for pocket cash in his backyard.
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kimbo was screwed by elitexc and that's why he lost to Seth P. cause the ref was part of it. That's why EliteXC went bankrupt. Kimbo deserves a 2nd chance due to that screwjob by then and I'll glad the UFC will hopefully give him one. Kimbo doesn't need to go to TNA or WWE. Go look it up.

Yeah he got screwed by having a glass jaw. He got dropped by a casual jab and got jumped on for the finish. Even after the fight Kimbo was seemingly dazed so the only person who screwed Kimbo was Kimbo.

Don't get me wrong, I think he has some potential if he is willing to learn how to defend takedowns and work on his guard because he is heavy handed and can knock anyone out. But even his biggest fans have to admit that right now Kimbo is not a very good fighter.

However, he is a good draw. And as I said earlier if used right it could work.
I'm not saying Nelson's punches weren't pillow punches, but they were still landing, and Kimbo still wasn't trying to get up. I was pissed the ref didn't cut it out, and stand them up after 15 seconds of Kimbo taking it. The big point of my post was that he was worn out, from essentially nothing. If Nelson was ikn a full mount, and landing haymakers, then sure, I'd say he had a reason to tire out.

But, from what we both saw, he had no reason to tire out, and should have fought back.

A couple of things here. Kimbo wasn't worn out by the punches from Nelson. He was worn out by trying to get a 265 pound man off him while being trapped in a crucifix mount. There really was no way out for him there. And he spent a whole lot of energy in the process. Just because it looked like he wasn't fighting back (because there was nothing he could do) doesn't mean he wasn't trying to get the fatass Roy Nelson off his chest.

Secondly, a ref is never gonna stand 2 people up in that position. Nelson clearly had a dominant position and there was nothing Kimbo could do about it. He had Kimbo's left arm trapped with his legs and his right arm trapped with his left arm and upper body. That left Nelson with wide open punches to the head that Kimbo could not defend. And not only that but Kimbo could not even move his upper body. So the fight had to be stopped no matter how weak the punches Nelson was throwing were.
I really don't like Roy Nelson. Like Xfear said, all Nelson did was smother Kimbo with his fat. Then afterwards,Nelson want's to act like he just knocked out Brock Lesnar for the Heavyweight title in ten seconds. If you watch TUF, you'll see that Dana White can't even stand this guy.

Anyway, I think Kimbo's drawing power is gone. His lost to Seth Petruzelli really took all the steam out of that momentum run he was on. Then to top it off, he loses to Nelson on the TUF? No, Kimbo going to TNA wouldn't work. A lot of the fans would probably boo him, and it won't be because he's beeing a good heel. Kimbo was a Youtube sensation,and managed to draw pretty good while EliteXC was around, but all that hype is long gone.

Kimbo is better off trying to polish his MMA skills. I don't think a feud with Matt Morgan, Hernandez or any other big men in TNA would do anything for him.
WZ Main Page said:
"I am in the best shape ever. I train everyday and run 5 to 8 miles per day. It showed tonight why I am the new Heavyweight Champion at ACPW. I still want to be the best. Nothing less. My Goal is to make it back to WWE or TNA,” said Vito.

This is from the article on WZ's main page, reporting Big Vito winning the ACPW Heavyweight Championship. Apparently he's in good shape (you'll have to take his word for it), and working at least semi-good matches if any company is giving him a belt. He wants to work in the big time again, and this is just a small step on his way to that.

In my opinion, no matter what shape he's in, I don't see him going to TNA. He's always been a mid-card bully, putting over guys on their way to the main event. He's got some brawling skill, but I don't think he can keep up with the guys already in TNA's mid-card. Finesse has never been his style.

What do you think? Does TNA need the big Italian, or are they better off without him?
TNA should give any WWE Reject* a shot. He'll work cheap, and if you bring in ten guys like Big Vito, Jethro Holliday/Trevor Murdoch, Elijah Burke/D'Angelo Dinero, Rhino, Danny Basham, Rikishi/Junior Fatu, Orlando Jordan, etc. you'll probably find or develop one Matt Morgan. That makes it a good idea.

I don't think anyone would say that they should get Big Vito for his "name value," which is usually the problem with WWE Retreads--guys who were big in WWE or WCW but who WWE doesn't want anymore. Vito was never really Big, so I don't consider him a Retread.

*A WWE Reject is a guy who was in WWE for a while but never really succeeded. Vito is not a WWE Retread, a guy who TNA is considering for his "name value."
No,No,No! TNA doesn't need Vito. Seriously, what kind of impact(no pun intended) would he make in TNA?The biggest push I could see him getting is him being yet another member of World Elite. Other than that, he would just be another random mid-carder that nobody would really notice, no matter how good of shape he's in.

I'm sorry but when it comes to Vito, I just have lasting memories of him running around in dresses. And to top it off he had an undefeated streak! I think it went for four months or something like that. How is he going to be taken seriously? But then again, stranger things have happened.

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