[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

Sorry, but I think that since sting is leaving, they needed to replace him. So now it's hogan... But maybe they wanted to try to boost ratings with sid vicious?! Maybe Hogan is just s REPLACEMENT FOR STING
I love the way people oppose TNA bringing in older talent, as though it will ruin the sanctity of something great.

Just like people opposing gay marriage because they want to protect the "sanctity of marriage.

In reality, all you have to do is look at the divorce rate regarding marriage. What sanctity?

Similarly, TNA is an organization that within the last year had a main event ppv title match between Sting and Mick Foley... Yet people fear Sid will ruin everything?

Back on earth it's obvious that TNA needs all the star power they can get their hands on, and Sid can provide a little in a lot of ways. He's worth way more than a one time squash of Jay Lethal. Of course you don't restructure the company around him, but he can be a real player who would definitely enhance the product and the viewership.

I'm getting really tired of the know it all wrestling fans online who think they know how to run a promotion better than anybody, including the McMahons. If you're that great, start your own, and stop shitting on everything the pros are trying to do to better entertain you.
I love the way people oppose TNA bringing in older talent, as though it will ruin the sanctity of something great.

Can't help but say I am one of those people. If TNA is about pushing the younger talent, why bring in an older guy to help get him over? Why not use what you have and shoot for the stars?

Just like people opposing gay marriage because they want to protect the "sanctity of marriage.

I'll ignore this because I have some gay friends and am not against gay marriage. To each their own and if someone finds love in the same sex then I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

In reality, all you have to do is look at the divorce rate regarding marriage. What sanctity?

Again I've got nothing here. Hmmph. Actually, after just looking up some information. The divorce rates have apparently been decreasing over the years. That's all I've got to say about that.

Similarly, TNA is an organization that within the last year had a main event ppv title match between Sting and Mick Foley... Yet people fear Sid will ruin everything?

Sting is an icon, and despite his age, he still has juice in the tank. He's one of the few that I will truly miss seeing in the ring as he can still put on great shows. And Mick Foley, is an icon for Hardcore wrestling, and while he may not have much left in the tank, he can still perform pretty well from time to time and has decent drawing ability.
Back on earth it's obvious that TNA needs all the star power they can get their hands on, and Sid can provide a little in a lot of ways. He's worth way more than a one time squash of Jay Lethal. Of course you don't restructure the company around him, but he can be a real player who would definitely enhance the product and the viewership.

Sid can provide a little in a lot of ways? So you are saying that TNA should bring in Sid, potentially throw him into a storyline with one of the guys, which incidentally could take a spot away from one of the more deserving up and comers?

I'm getting really tired of the know it all wrestling fans online who think they know how to run a promotion better than anybody, including the McMahons. If you're that great, start your own, and stop shitting on everything the pros are trying to do to better entertain you.

We're not so much know-it-alls so much as very opinionated. And secondly, wouldn't you fall into this category? I mean if you are saying bring in Sid, wouldn't you technically be thinking it would be a good move for TNA, making you think you know what's good for a wrestling promotion?
I love the way people oppose TNA bringing in older talent, as though it will ruin the sanctity of something great.

I think that most TNA fans, especially TNA-IWC fans, watch because of the young talent and hope that the promotion could be built around them and succeed.

Similarly, TNA is an organization that within the last year had a main event ppv title match between Sting and Mick Foley...

And that was a Bad Thing, Jimmy. Think of it as like dropping a huge book on your penis. See? A very bad thing.

Yet people fear Sid will ruin everything?

Ruin everything? No. Increase the amount of ruination? Yes. Think of it as like hitting your penis with a ruler really hard.

Does the fact that you dropped a book on your penis make hitting it with a ruler a better idea? No, no it doesn't.

TNA already has or has barely gotten rid of Sting, Foley, Steiner, Nash, Booker and Jarrett, plus Rhino, Raven and 3D, plus Hogan waiting in the wings. There is a tipping point somewhere where TNA stops being the brand of Styles, Angle, Joe, Daniels, the Motor City Machine Guns, Amazing Red, D'Angelo Dinero and Desmond Wolfe and becomes the brand of tired nostalgia acts.

If I ran Impact Wrestling, (if I ran TNA it wouldn't be called Tits -N- Ass Wrestling), I would have a use for the Sids of the world. I would have Sting, Jarrett, Foley, Nash, Savage, Hall, Sid, Steiner, Booker, Flair, JBL, Raven, Shane Douglas, etc. come in one or two at at time for a couple of months at a time. You'd get the nostalgia pop and the polite white lie of you've-still-got-it without making the old guy a permanent fixture of the promotion. (I would put RVD on that list, but I would want RVD full time if I could get him.)

But talking about bringing in Sid NOW, when the big issue around TNA is whether it's going to be the athletic wrestling show or a bigger budget version of the Hulkamania tour, you're bringing up the whole issue of what TNA should be.
I like the idea of Sid coming back, even if he's just an enforcer. Sid's one of those guys whose promos are so awful that they're great! Like the Ultimate Warrior. One of the best promos ever, because you really thought he was freaking insane!

I could see a fued with Sid and Morgan, although Sid isn't even in the same universe as Matt, wrestling wise. My fear is Sid's drawbacks will make Morgan look bad.

As far as Sid being the guy attacking AJ, I think Sid is too big to be that guy.

Lastly, anyone who can return from this you have to respect. Um, ouch.

The whole "we warned WWE this would happen" makes it seem to me like this isn't for the invitational.

There are so many ways he could be involved with TNA and it doesn't have to hurt other talent or push him above some of the younger guys. Just because he is big and is a former champion does not = ME push.

-What if he is brought in to be part of the new MEM ? Remember Scott Steiner said the MEM wasn't over. Perhaps Tomko is a part of that too or maybe not.

-He is the self claimed "Master and Ruler of the World" so perhaps he will go after the Global Championship.

-Like others mentioned perhaps he will be a bodyguard for someone on the roster

-Perhaps he will be part of a tag team with someone currently on the roster

-Perhaps there are 2 attackers or he will be the sole attacker in the end (just because he doesn't look the part from what we know about the attacker does not mean they will forget about that and change the direction)

Time will tell how they are going to go about this but I think he could help out if he is part of the actual roster and not just the invitational going forward. It will all depend on how they choose to book him and what angle to involve him in.
Eh, why not. I've always liked Sid, even if he is prone to giving the worst botched promos in the history of professional wrestling ("I have half the brain that you do!"). He looks to be in pretty good shape and he doesn't look too old, throw him on Impact and let's see what happens. This is probably only for the Jay Lethal thing, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Sid vs. Abyss feud or something along those lines.
What I'd like to know is, has anyone seen him wrestle recently? I say, if the guy has still got some wrestle in him, then he'd be an interesting addition to TNA. But if he's past his prime, there's only so many "wrestlers who don't wrestle" TNA can take.
Who? Naw I no who he is. I think I liked him when I was 6 or so, but I really see no purpose having him come to TNA. He is probably shit in the ring now, and if I remember correctly his mic skills weren't the best anyways(forgive me if I'm wrong, I was 5).

And he's not a bigger name then someone like Kevin Nash(who everyone complains about)so I really don't see a point of bringing him back. His name value isn't big(new fans won't even know who the fuck he is), he's old, and he probably won't do anything good in the ring. I don't mind TNA hiring old guys if theirs a chance they will help TNA out, but for Pyscho Sid "Justice", I say don't bother.
Ok guys, I am not saying this is gonna happen, but do you think that Hardy should go to TNA? I mean since he lost to cm punk, he has been forced to "retire". That makes me wonder, knowing how TNA goes after older, retired experienced people, will TNA try to recruit Jeff Hardy? Or do you think Hardy will ask to join TNA? Oh, and if Jeff did join TNA, what do you think would happen. Would TNA be better or worse??? Or maybe Jeff can chsse a few titles here and there, and in a few months,/ years, return to wwe???

Your opinion and why?
Hardy already had his run in TNA, and he fucked them over three times sideways when he no-showed his "Clockwork Orange House of Fun" match with Raven at Hard Justice 2005, and then again no-showed Turning Point in December 2005.

While I've always been a bit of a Hardy mark, and love his high-spots, I'm just not sure he really has a place in TNA anymore. No one would consider it a "return" to TNA, because chances are very few even knew he was there prior to his last run with WWE to begin with. He'd essentially usurp A.J. Styles as the high-spot face, and that's just not something I'd tolerate, because A.J. deserves it – Hardy does not. It's the same reason I don't really want to bring in RVD, either.

Hardy is WWE property now, and he's their burden to bear. I'm sure at some point he'll return, and I don't doubt it will be under the WWE's flag. There's nothing really in TNA for Jeff to accomplish right now.
I hope he doesn't. It would be a ridiculously stupid thing to do. Let me explain:

Jeff Hardy was insanely over in the WWE, and they pushed him despite his continual screwups. He was a champion. Then, he left at the height of his popularity. If he goes to TNA, I doubt the WWE will be very forgiving.

Jeff would be better off in the WWE. He'll get used properly (not to say he wouldn't in TNA, just that it's a guarantee he would in wWE) and get paid more.
Not sure if this thread will stay in the TNA section, but here are some thoughts.

He wasn't forced to retire, HE wanted time off to pursue other projects. I don't know if "other projects" was supposed to include "gobbling whole bags of prescription and otherwise narcotics at a time" but there you are.

TNA will definitely make Jeff Hardy offers, if they haven't already.

Jeff would be foolish, in my opinion, to take an offer from TNA. TNA is an even bet to still be around in five years, while WWE and a vengeful Vince McMahon aren't going anywhere.

If Jeff joined TNA again, and kept his drug consumption under control enough to show up to work and all, he would have some awesome matches with Styles, Angle, Samoa Joe and all the rest. Maybe some work re-elevating the X-Division, but I doubt that anyone in TNA leadership wants to bother with that--if anything, they'll just bring the elements that made the X-Division work into the main event scene.

Hardy, Styles, Joe, Daniels, ANgle and Wolfe in Ultimate X for the World title, anyone?

By the way, Jeff Hardy was in TNA before. He challenged for the World title a time or two, he no-showed a show or two, and was gone.
I'm sure they were calling him literally within hours of his last WWE match, and while Jeff Hardy is indeed an idiot, not even he would be stupid enough to sign with TNA right now.

He can take off the next year or so to rest his body and then WWE will welcome him back with open arms, he would be guaranteed to main event major PPV's and make a crazy amount of money on merchandise alone, to jeopardise that by going to TNA would be a really dumb move IMO and would greatly damage his drawing power just like what has happened to Kurt Angle, Mick Foley and basically every other big name who goes to TNA and ends up having no effect on ratings and they end up lesser stars than they were before. I think he's of the same opinion as RVD, he wants to have a break and has no set date on where or if he will return, but if he does, it will be WWE and not TNA, not to mention he owes them big time for sticking by him through all his screws ups and continued to push him when they could easily have let him fade away in the mid card. If his body is completely falling apart and he can't put up with WWE's schedule even in a year or two's time, then that's the only small chance I think of him even considering TNA, for the easy work schedule.
Jeff hardy shouldn't go to tna because I don't think there is much for him to do there. I mean yeah he can be in the main event or even go to the x divsion for while. But then its just going to be more bitching an complaining about how tna keeps get ex. wwe wcw and ecw guys.

Also I'm not sure Jeff would want to go back there. I mean I heard he has a bad rep there cause of the no show a lot of tna ppvs. I think it would be best if he take a break for while from wrestling and come back when he is ready rather that is for wwe or tna who knows.
Jeff hardy shouldn't go to tna because I don't think there is much for him to do there. I mean yeah he can be in the main event or even go to the x divsion for while. But then its just going to be more bitching an complaining about how tna keeps get ex. wwe wcw and ecw guys.

Nothing to do? He was there for a while, and never once held gold. There's plenty for him to do. And, since he's obviously been there before, it wouldn't be TNA pushing a former WWE guy, it'd be pushing someone who's been there before.

Do I think it will be happening? Do I want it to happen? No, on both accounts. TNA can not risk having someone like Jeff on their roster, and they don't need him. He's a risk, and they can't afford that with everything going on at the moment.
In my opinion, that stupid druggie should stay in the E. He had his chance in TNA and screwed it up. I'm not saying that he wouldn't be good because he'd be good talent wise. I remember his debut vs aj styles...that was a good match. I really enjoyed him in monster's ball vs sabu, abyss, and rhino. Still i'm not sure...I remember catching the retirement thing...it's rare that I watch smackdown...and in his little speech or whatever, at the end he said those words...see you in the future...didn't he use to say that in TNA. I remember those being the words I'd see on I guess TNA's titantron.
According to reports Sid Vicious is due to make a return to mainstream wrestling and to TNA. He is now almost 50 years old and was the former wwe champion and wcw champion.

With Hogan and Bischoff coming in and possibly Sid Vicious it's kind of like TNA is turning into wcw again except all these established guys are close to 10 years older. Sid brings experience to the table but i think TNA should be focusing on pushing their younger talent or else no one will give them credibility when the older wrestlers are forced to retire.

Thoughts on whether you want Sid in TNA or not?
I'm all for Sid coming in if he doesn't win the world title and just helps put younger guys over. Sid knows how to work like a big man should and if he can still go then he could help put over Matt Morgan and Hernandez. I think both of those guys are next in the pecking order to become believable main eventers but they need a final "rub" and an established big man veteran like Sid would be perfect for that.
After what allegedly happened with Arn Anderson, I can't believe he's welcome anywhere, unless I've been misinformed?
I think it's likely that Sid is going to be the "other guy" who is coming in with Hogan that Foley keeps talking about. He's a pretty big name that has main evented WM, so I guess that'd make sense. It'd be a big enough deal to get people excited might lead to something decent.

Sure, he probably isn't great in the ring anymore, but neither are Nash or Steiner. Sid's name value would be enough to make it worth TNA's while to bring him in for at least a couple of months and to see where it leads. At the very least, he could help put some guys like Morgan and Hernandez over.
I'm not so sure TNA will still be bringing him in.

Reports are coming out that he may have torn muscles in his arms, which would effectively negate any value he could have brought into the company, obviously.

Though I'm still not opposed to him, a torn muscle takes quite a while to heal, so chances are we may not be talking about this again (if we do at all) until 2010, when Hogan finally shows up.
Even if Sid is basically useless right now as a wrestler due to his injuries, I wouldn't be surprised if TNA were to still bring him in. After all, TNA has plenty of guys on their roster right now that just stand around, doing absolutely nothing and getting paid for it

For the most part, TNA's strategy has been signing these big names and cross their fingers with hope that viewers will come with those big names. The strategy hasn't been very effective and Sid won't be the exception since he's been out of the limelight more or less for close to a decade. So, even though he's not a draw and doesn't really offer anything to the company, it won't surprise me a bit if he shows up. I probably couldn't care less if he were to, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Seems as though it's a legitimate possibility. The combination of a conflicting relationship with the WWE and Vince McMahon, and a desire to still be a major part of professional wrestling really says otherwise regarding just how "retired" Ric Flair really is.

Flair recently was interviewed with ScrippsNews.com about the potential to join Hulk Hogan in TNA, and was quoted as saying:

"I haven't entertained the idea of working there because I've been so loyal to WWE, but you never know what's going to go on," Flair said. "I don't want to make any predictions, but I've certainly got a lot left to offer. I think I would be a good addition to (TNA's) program.

"Everything is about money, timing, what they want me to do and the job description. There's a lot up in the air. I haven't talked to (TNA ownership) yet, but I've had conversations with people who work there. I've stood by WWE, but if they're not going to use me anymore, I'm ready for any kind of action."

I know this was discussed as a preliminary when the original rumor surfaced, but at the time Ric had "no interest" in TNA. This is a ground-breaking development, IMO, and could really ignite the opportunity for certain.

I for one would really welcome Ric to TNA. Not for misuse, or simply to spite Vince, but because I actually enjoy Ric Flair – he's one of the best entertainers in the business, and combining the legendary forces of Ric Flair, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan under a new company? Some may see the foundation for failure, but I choose to look at the glass half full – I see much more foundation for future there.

As I said prior, this was discussed in the preliminary rumors of him coming, but with the new information at hand, what are everyone's thoughts on Ric Flair to TNA?
I respectfully dont like tna at all but its very well possible that flair will go tna but i hope he doesn't its just not right to ruin that sendoff and match at wm 24 with shawn michaels esp. seeing that the match was the match of the year in 2008.

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