[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

Flair isn't going to TNA. He's a smart man, and knows his age limits him from doing anything major like this. If he ever does consider a jump, Vince would just offer him a lifetime deal like he offered Hogan, Funk, and others. He wouldn't need to make regular appearances, he'd just have to be available for DVDs and signings and crap.

I'd like to see him show up and cut a promo or two putting over someone like Aj, but I don't realistically see it ever becoming a reality.
I don't really see very much coming from this. I believe that Flair is someone that, for the most part, has accepted the physical limitations that being nearly 60 years old is going to bring to a professional wrestler. Much like Hogan, Flair is at a point in his life and career where putting on a competitive match is something challenge.

I think Flair could have a lot to offer in terms of behind the scenes experience and knowledge, but his days of going out there and wrestling with 25 and 30 years olds are over, just as they should be. Flair has been loyal to the WWE and if Vince offers Flair some sort of significant place within the WWE, he'll most likely take it. The Raw celebrity guest host concept is going to run its course eventually and I think Vince would be very open to having Flair as Raw's General Manager.
Physical limitations aside, what if he comes in but not as an actual ring-performer? I don't think Ric is so far past his game that his ability to work a crowd on the mic, or get over on name or entrance alone would suffer. Sure, his ring performance days should be over, but I don't think that should disqualify him as a part of the company in some other aspect. Bischoff certainly doesn't wrestle anymore – he'd still be a hell of a TV personality, though. Why can't Flair follow suit?
Flair was busy bad mouthing TNA just a few months ago. Trashing Kevin Nash and basically saying TNA, what's TNA?

If I'm TNA I say "We're the promotion that has no interest in signing you to do anything."
ok, this thursday, Kevin said hogan wasn't coming alone. this made me think, Kevin, Hogan, Eric, and whO??? But that got me thinking to. If they all come, and feud with somebody, who do you think can go from wwe, to tna and make a name for themselves??

I think a few superstars really need to change themselves by going to TNA, and get some TV time.

1. MVP
2. Hornswaggle
3. Mark Henery
4. Shelton benjamin
5. Charlie Haas

these r just some opinion ppl who I like, and have not been getting a chance to feud or anything.

What are your thoughts??
I agree, especially with Shelton. I don't find him very entertaining in the WWE and I think he would fit perfectly in somewhere like the X Division in TNA. If I had to add anyone to that list, it would probably be Evan Bourne. Personally, I just don't think he fits into the WWE and just like Shelton, TNA would be a great fit for him.
Shelton definitely, but I doubt he'd go because WWE probably pays him more. All the reports about him are that he's lazy and doesn't care about being pushed, and is just content being a mid-carder for life. TNA has a lax schedule that should be appealing to Benjamin (if all that is true), but it won't pay as much. I think he would benefit most by leaving TNA, similar to Christian.

In all honesty, all the cruiserweights should get up and go. Chavo can still put on a good match, but is forced to wrestle Hornswaggle. It's known that Vince loves big guys, and guys like Sheamus are going to get pushed over guys like Evan Bourne, even though the fans like the high flyers. They should all get up and go to TNA, if they care more about performing than money that is. WWE, like the old WCW, keep down those Cruiserweights, with the exception of Rey Mysterio (who got his WHC push after the death of Eddie because it would've been a compelling storyline).
I would probably argue that Evan Bourne could use the change in scenery. He hasn't been used properly since his days in ECW. He hasn't even been used as a "Jobber to the Stars" since he keeps losing to people that get are themselves struggling in WWE (Jack Swagger). It's a shame too because someone like Bourne brings a lot to the table for anyone's TV show. His match with Matt Hardy a year ago was an excellent match, as was most of the matches Bourne was in during that time. WWE brought him up to Raw at the wrong time. ECW, working with the other young talent and having a somewhat prominent role on a show with other cruiserweights, was where he should have been for at least another year. In TNA, Bourne would be a highlight in the X-Division and would probably be shown on one of TNA's multiple shows at least once a week.
Shelton Benjamin is the most obvious. I think he could single handidly put new life into the x division and once TNA establishes him he can easily main event.

Matt Hardy is another guy who could shine in TNA the way Christian did when WWE wouldn't give him the chance. He just doesn't seem motivated in WWE and who can blame him when he's forced to job to spirit squad members.

And even though it won't happen I'd love for Punk to go back to TNA. He is easily the best heel going in wrestling right now (yes better than robotic Jericho) and WWE is just wasting him in the mid card now. He could have so many great feuds in TNA with AJ, Daniels, Joe, Angle, Abyss, Sabin, Shelley, Storm list goes on and on.
You know I rather have Jack Swagger, Burchill, Knox, and Dolph from WWE. I would say Carlito but it depends on his mindset. I know Swagger has superstar written all over him. He could have an awesome feud with AJ or Angle. I want Burchill there to pair with the Brits. Maybe have like a British version of the Freebirds. Dolph would be just the heel the mid card divison needs.
Matt Cross aka Spartan 3000. Watched the guy at hulkamania in Melbourne and loved him. Give him a look up on YouTube he can do some amazing things in the ring even if he looks like king leonidu, would help the x division emensely and brig a fresh face too it. But you have to say RVD, Ken Anderson as people to get if you could. Great free agent names who arnt over the hill and would put over talent instead of worrying about there 'spot' and could put on some fantastic new matches if used properly. RVD could bring some name value back to the xtitle ala Jerry Lynn back in the day

a long shot. William Regal. Wouldn't happen, I just was throwing a name out there that would be good to watch on tna
ProWrestling.net recently reported Kurt Angle may have had a spot open in TNA for Haas to make the jump, but the WWE instead of granting his release (per his request) gave him a raise to keep him around.

Seems to me like TNA is becoming more and more of a threat day-by-day, even if the threats are for would-be jobbers like Haas (in the WWE), it's still a threat.

I'm not really sure what Haas would have brought to TNA, but I was always a big fan of Team Angle, and if it also meant somehow snagging Shelton Benjamin at some point in the future, the acquisition would have made a lot of sense and had a really big pay-off.

Do you (or did you) see a future or a spot for Haas in TNA? What can/could he have really brought?
Right now, with Hulk Hogan a part of TNA, it's safe to say that ANYONE who has been released by WWE is a possibility to be signed by TNA. I think that Haas would have jumped ship had WWE not offered him a raise to stick around. The question is why did they offer him a raise? Haas right now is nothing but a mid to low-card jobber and he's hardly ever seen on TV anymore. I think once the opportunity presents itself, there will be a spot for Haas in TNA as part of the Kurt Angle-Desmond Wolfe storyline which doesn't look like it will end anytime soon.
Remember that therem is also some history here as Haas' wife, Jackie was with TNA for awhile. If he eventually jumps ship, I expect his wife to come along with him.

Charlie is a talented wrestler, but was/is underused. With Angle in his corner, there is potential for him to be successful, a la The Pope (Elijah Burke).

It wouldn't surprise me, if many of the mid-to-low card underused WWE talents are looking at Burke and Matt Morgan's success and are looking to jump ship. Especially with the excitement that Hogan signing with TNA and now a live show against RAW has generated.
As reported on ImpactWrestling, here's a couple of notes from Hogan's interview with Bubba the Love Sponge yesterday:

– He mentioned RVD being over in WWE and said politics were a reason he was never as successful as he should have been.

– Said he'd "love to have Jeff Hardy" in TNA

– Said he he has not spoken to Randy Savage or Scott Hall

– Put over Umaga and Ken Anderson (called him Mr. Kennedy), saying they "tore it down" in Australia.

– Said he talked to Umaga the night before he died and said he'd have loved to have brought him to TNA.


I suppose it leaves the door somewhat open for Anderson and RVD, as well as Jeff Hardy, though I doubt Jeff would jump to TNA at this point in his career when he has so much still going for him in the WWE.
Anyone against pursuing Carlito at this point? He's essentially been squashed out of the picture by John Cena (the company man), which to me says Carlito isn't getting along well with creative or McMahon's cronies (perhaps McMahon himself, as well) backstage, and he's already expressed a disinterest or disdain with how he was booked prior when the first "Carlito to TNA" rumors surfaced.

I'd have to ask again, is he worth a cup of coffee? He could certainly give the X-Division the major heel they desperately need right now...
Usually when court dates keep getting pushed back its when they don't have enough evidence to have a real case and there's a believable story out there about him being set up so once all of that mess clears up do you think TNA should try to bring him in?

I know about him no-showing them in the past but he seems to have changed since then and he could be the one guy who can match Cena. I think Jeff Hardy in 2010 is a much bigger draw than Hulk Hogan in 2010. His merch sales were matching Cena's this year and are still a top seller on WWEshop even tho he's been gone for months. The live crowds love him and its not just kids like Cena's fan he has fans men and women of all ages. He's only 32 so if he could avoid injuries that could be TNA's face of the company for the next 10 years.

He's easily one of the best performers in wrestling. He can have great feuds and matches with AJ, Daniels, Joe, Wolfe, etc.

So I think TNA should give it a shot. If he no-shows them again then fire him but the reward in this one case is greater than the risk IMO. Cause that reward could mean that TNA has their "John Cena" except an even more popular one.
It would be a nice change for TNA to bring in guys that are big stars, young and still a ways off from being officially labled middle aged. TNA's strategy of bringing in these much older wrestlers, the vast majority of which are well past their best days, for the purpose of jacking up ratings has been a flop. I have no doubt that Hogan's presence in TNA will probably increase the shows ratings temporarily, but I don't see the momentum being sustained once we all find out for 100% certainty what Hogan is actually going to do.

Jeff Hardy is only in his early 30s and is still one of the most popular wrestlers out there today. Nobody honestly ever thought that Hulk Hogan would go to TNA, so I see no reason why TNA shouldn't make some kind of overture. It just might pay off and, quite frankly, I'd be more interested in seeing a young big star like Jeff Hardy that's still relevant instead of older wrestlers, most of whom simply don't want to give up being in the spotlight.
No reason being is that he already had a stint in tna and it didn't work all that well compared to what he has done in the wwe. I somehow don't think he'll want to come back, but you never know :O
The question is will Jeff even be in enough shape to wrestle in 2010? Jericho didn't risk his body as much as Jeff did and he took roughly two years off after being burnt out, since he was 16 Jeff has been wrestling professionally, and apart from his two strikes on the wellness policy since he returned to WWE he hasn't had any time off, and since only September of this year he began the hiatus from wrestling. I doubt he'd sign with TNA, if you heard his speech before he left WWE then I doubt he'd even consider another company. On top of that hes still being promoted by WWE, his merchandise is still being sold and they're currently promoting his DVD, despite when it first came out about this case was first announced and they decided to at first scrap planned production. Yes, I am a WWE fan and not a TNA fan but I'm just stating a few facts. But if they want to go for him then go for it, hes not under contract to WWE so to TNA hes fair game.
Jeff hardy wont go to TNA I assure you of that, he is to loyal to WWE and when he does eventually come bak (u no one day he will), it will be with WWE.

On a side note I just wanted to say....RANDY ORTON IS THE MOST HOTTEST MAN ON EARTH!!!!!!!!
What's with this Jeff Hardy will never go to TNA crap? He has done it before so what's stopping him from doing it again. The less chaotic schedule is very appealing to Hardy and probably something Hardy would be interested in if he felt the itch. Also Hardy can definitely be in a great position of power knowing what TNA would do to take him back and maybe a part of him would love to help start a revolution. He would definitely help keep TNA relevant and he can definitely have a good run as long as he stays healthy. I would love for TNA to pursure him actually because why the hell not. You can use as much momentum as possible if your first head to head show with WWE is the one that the Rock is hosting.
I think absolutely. I think the biggest concern would be his physical ability to do what made him famous (which is just being pretty crazy). TNA has a much lighter schedule, and that would be a huge plus for a guy like Jeff. I agree with another post that he's a bigger draw in 2010 than Hogan would be in 2010, and the big reason is that the medium changed. The aimed age that WWE goes for were infants or not even born when Hogan was doing his nWo stint. They're the fans of Jeff Hardy. Personally, I feel there's not much overlap in viewership from WWE to TNA. I don't think the kids who watch WWE are watching TNA, and if older people still watch wrestling, they're equally likely to watch both. I kind of see it like from 5 - 13ish is WWE, then it starts to get to "childish", and you can switch to TNA, which is on Spike, the "Man" channel, and doesn't cater to younger people, so it feels more mature. Jeff Hardy can be that link that TNA should aim for to bring those WWE fans who have started growing out of the slapstick humor of midget-beats-small-mexican and glow sticks into a new promotion. This kinda ties in with the January Monday Night Skirmish that's going to happen. I don't think either ratings are going to change too much because they're aiming at different things. I know I'll be jumping back and forth, but a lot of the kids that tune into WWE won't be (I know if I were younger today, my mom would've blocked Spike). Jeff is the one available superstar that the young kids connected to like they did with Hogan (who for his entire career were banking off the fans that he first had in the 80s, who grew up and went with him to WCW)
Jeff Hardy has been there and done that. He is not in the WWE right now NOT because he wants a lighter schedule or because he has anything against them, but because he is burnt out. Typically if a wrestler jumps ship to TNA it is because they want off the road or are just pissed off about something that happened to them in WWE.

Jeff left because he was burnt out, and TNA could do nothing to change that. Jeff will return to the WWE when he is ready to wrestle again, it is as simple as that.

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