[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

I think it would be a great move, but they'd have to publicize it well. I'm talking adverts in WWE TV time, posters with him on the front etc. etc.
TNA's only weakness IMO is bad advertising. TNA would be on a very high level if not for bad advertising i believe TNA would be on a much higher level than they are now.
I discovered TNA by channel flicking. Not many people channel flick.
Apparently TNA gave ROH tag team "Young Bucks" a tryout, and I'd love to see them come on board. I have only seen highlight clips of them, but they would fit in well, and it would give the tag division a needed jolt.

They also gave a few women tryouts, and since the KO Tag Title has no challengers, I'd love to see some fresh faces come in and give Sarita and Taylor a run for their money. The division was definitely at it's best when there was a larger active roster, and adding in some names wouldn't hurt to freshen up the matches and really separate the "girls" from the "women".
Honest question. I know not who the Young Bucks are, nor do I know why I should care about the news that they're joining the TNA roster.

I'm not really interested in watching indie wrestling, aside from the very occasional underwhelming Ring Of Honor show. Someone described them to me as "The Hardys but with crazier spots".

I'm off to YouTube. When I come back, I expect some fucking good reasons as why I should or shouldn't like the fact that they're coming to TNA.
You should definitely like that they're coming to TNA Sam. I know you have a soft spot for spot monkeys, don't you dare deny it. The Young Bucks are actually probably better than the Hardys ever were as a tag team, they've been one of the best teams on the indie scene for awhile now. Seeing as how they had a tryout match with MCMG, you can imagine how fun those matches would be to watch once you've returned from YouTube.

Nothing is set in stone right now though, it was only a tryout match. TNA management was apparently impressed by them though so there's a very good chance they could be the newest addition to TNA tag team scene, and thank god because their tag scene has been quite stale for awhile now.
I definitely agree with your argument that the TNA tag scene needs brightening up Xfear. Any combination of the Machine Guns, 3D, British Invasion in any sort of match just seems dull. The one exception would be the most recent match between the Machine Guns and the Invasion, but that was only because I half expected the Machine Guns to finally win the belts. I don't think this is a problem re-forming LAX and Lethal Consequences would solve, so new talent definitely is necessary.

It's a shame that the WWE has signed the Briscoe Bros. Wait, did they? 'Cos if they don't, TNA should snap 'em up. Good team, not great.

I started watching a Young Bucks match but I can't say I was really focusing on it. Turned it off halfway through. Not because it was bad - it actually left quite a good impression. I liked their matching outfits and for the 30 seconds I was paying attention I was moderately impressed by how they wrestled. Question; are they identical twins? Yes, I was that zoned out.
I watched a few episodes of the NWA Showcase and that's the only reason I know who they are. The Showcase is filmed in a small gym like thing with about 30 fans, so it's nothing too extraordinary, but the only time they got fired up was with the bucks. I would say they're more like the MCMG than the Hardyz, because they do a ton of tag moves that are quick and in sync. On one of the Showcase episodes, they were compared to the Rockers, for whatever that's worth.

Adding them adds to the tag team division, as well as the X-Division, and if adding isn't something TNA wants to do, they're great replacements for moving people into singles (Creed and Lethal can make up their minds on whether to be a team or not).

Why should you care? I know I care because I want TNA to succeed, and any solid talent that hasn't been to WWE will help them (not because I have a problem with ex-WWE guys going there, but others see it as the worst thing possible for TNA, but that's a different discussion). As long as they aren't treated like the MCMG (randomly used), they should be a huge plus, and have a much more successful career than that new tag team on ECW that plays Wii a lot. From the first time I watched the Showcase, I wanted TNA to get them. TNA utilizes that style well and the guys were fluid in just about every move they did.
TNA's tag division is seriously getting boring, so they did the right thing by hiring The Young Bucks. To answer the OP question, they basicly look like The Hardyz, the one with the brunette hair looks exactly like Matt Hardy lol.

They are also like Rhe Rockers but more quicker and more fluid. How TNA likes their wrestlers. Lets bring on THE BRISCOES TNA.
First off, apparently they were offered a deal by Terry Taylor, and if the boys are smart, they will TURN HIM DOWN.

That's right.

As great as the Young Bucks currently are, they still have a lot of work to do. They NEED to develop some character or else the audience will turn on them lightspeed.

HOWEVER, they are incredibly gifted in the ring and already have the ability to tell a good story...that and their use of tag moves is probably the best we've seen since...well, the MCMG.

While it would bolster TNA...now is not the Buck's time. Both guys are still in their EARLY 20's, so they have plenty of time to make it to the big time...too much too fast destroys teams.

As for the Briscoes, they're getting a one-week TRYOUT, not a contract. Considering they just won the RoH Tag Titles this past weekend, one would have to guess they've already turned the offer down.
First: TNA needs to keep developing their own talent, and maybe have a couple of big, recognizable stars to put them over. If Jeff will help put them over, then he's what TNA needs, if not, don't hire him just for the name.

Second: Regardless of his necessity, Jeff no showed two TNA pay per views in the past, that's why he got fired, so they're probably no rehiring.. that being said, it'd be awesome.

i can see what you mean bout TNA developing their own talent thats a must, but remember when the WWE was comming big there used a lot of stars that made there name in the NWA, AWA, WCW, ECW so companies using big stars from other places have been around for like the last 50 years and also Jeff didn't get fired from TNA hell all he got was just suspended and he let his contact expire from TNA so he could rejoin WWE in fact if Vince was going to have him take like a bunch of drug test to get back he was going to tell Vince to go fuck himself and resign with TNA honestly jeff even says that in the Jeff Hard DVD side on Twist of Fate the Matt and Jeff story so dude get you fuckin facts straight before you say shit. Now on the note i would really like to have Jeff back in TNA cuz I think they truly aloud Jeff to be himself
After thinking about Rob Terry in the X Division, I realize that he does fit a need, even if he does suck out loud. It's been a problem for a while that they need more heels, and at least he'll bring that to the title picture. I still don't want to see the matches, but I'm looking for the silver lining.

It all brought me to this idea though. Who could TNA bring in that would fit the role of X Division heel, and still put on stellar matches. Austin Aries (formerly Austin Starr) was great in TNA, and had a ton of heat. He wasn't there long, and he's still a name that people know, so why not bring him back? He'd have a fresh new batch of people to face, and he's been gone long enough that evenr ecycled feuds/matches would seem "new".
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Aries left TNA when he was suspended for 90 days, I don't remember why he was suspended and I don't think he wants to return to X-Division when he is World Champion in ROH and Desmond Wolfe is in a feud with Angle.
I'd like to see RVD in TNA someday. It'd be interesting to see the matches he could have with guys like AJ, Daniels, or Joe. He could even tear across the X division. I know he's happy where he's at and with what he's doing, but I just think he'd have a good fit in TNA and could even be a main eventer full time.
Not long ago, there were reports that TNA is interested in Super Crazy, Juventud Guerrera and Mistico. Anyone know what happened ?

No idea, but I'd like that. I always liked Super Crazy and Juventud/Psychosis (not familiar with Mistico, but I'm a fan of the luchador style). I thought when Hernandez and Homicide were getting pushed to the moon they were going to make LAX a faction (when they brought Hector on and had Shelly Martinez and the talks of Super Crazy and Juventud started). Either way, they'd bring some more credibility to the X-division since they both made a name for themselves and are recognizable.
Here are some guys I would really like to see in TNA that I think could make an "Impact" pun intended.

Jeff Hardy: While it is highly unlikely seeing as how he left WWE on good terms, makes good money there, and has a great spot on the card because he is so over I doubt he would even consider TNA. Then again wouldn't he be a fool to not at least consider it. I mean the man left WWE because he was burnt out. With a lighter road schedule thats just one thing that makes TNA more appealing than WWE. How about a more promising creative direction. The writers in WWE get bored and drop characters on a whim. TNA looks for something for everyone on the card to get used. Maybe a place in history. Sure TNA could bomb and go bankrupt and go out of buisiness. But even if they do WWE will still sign up all the guys with talent so he would still have a job. But what if they don't burn up in smoke? What if TNA does succeed? What if they do beat WWE and finish the job WCW started? Then Jeff would have been an even bigger piece of an even bigger puzzle. He'd definetly have a place in history then.

Rob Van Dam: See Jeff Hardy lol. Seriously I could see RVD being a very flexible addition to the TNA roster in that he can be used in the main event, or to beef back up the X-Division, or in a tag team to help get another guy over. Why go back to WWE where he will be a midcarder for life when he can showcase his talents in TNA and be a star. Plus ECW was a litttle engine that could RVD loved that. TNA is an even bigger little engine that could.

New World Order: As I was going to list a few former NWO guys I'll just put them as a group you know the main ones. Hall,Nash,Hogan,Waltman. I don't care how old they are the NWO was huge and are a guaranteed ratings booster if used in TNA. Just don't let them get too much control.

Ric Flair: If you have Hulk Hogan you gotta have Ric Flair. Hell If Sting isn't done I'd love for his last match to be with Flair. That's a dream for any old school WCW fan right there. Which is a large portion of the audience TNA is targeting.

ECW Extremists: Tommy Dreamer,Sabu,Sandman,Paul Heyman etc. all fall into this category. I could have included RVD as well but he deserved his own paragraph. Anyway there is just as much of a market for the old school ECW fan as there is the WCW one. With TNA not being afraid to be flexible like WWE this could be capitalized on.

I have some more but my hands are getting tired I'll include them later.
Jeff Hardy would be a huge addition to TNA.
RVD would also be a positive addition.
Besides that, I really think TNA is good for talent. I mean if they get an opportunity at someone like Matt Hardy, Christian, Swagger, Bourne, Miz, then yeah they would have to try. But honestly, they don't need old talent.

TNA has Hogan, they have Nash, they have Angle, Foley, Sting, and probably Flair. That's enough old talent. Let the old guys (Angle isn't in my old list BTW) wrestle, promote them, and put them in lower-upper card spots. Let them beat mid-carders, but when they wrestle a main-eventer they rarely win.
Angle, AJ, Daniels, Joe, Tomko, Morgan, Hernandez, Wolfe, those guys are the ones that need to be on top.
I really believe TNA would lock onto and have a valueable 2.0 range rating and get decent PPV's if they used the old guys to attract viewers, then presented a great product. Granted, I don't think pure work-rate attracts everyone. But I think if they put the top guys in meaningful programs with each other with some compelling storylines, and have some amazing matches (let the X division have a really exciting 10-20 minute title match each week), they could satisfy most people.
Jeff Hardy being brought back into TNA could be either be really bad or really good.
Here's the pro's and con's.

- Bring in the younger audience to TNA.
- He has a huge fanbase and they will follow him where he goes.
- Possible fueds that we have yet to see.
- Hardy without WWE restrictions (Can truly be Hardcore Hardy).

- TNA may misuse him like with his first TNA run.
- His known problems may come into play and backfire on TNA.
- Where would he fit in within TNA? Main-event is full to capacity with over 6 contenders currently. Legends/Global belt is pointless currently. X-Division seems to be the only place he would fit, but that belt may as well be defunct at its current state. Also the same applies to the rest of the possible areas for him.
- He may outshine the current stars which TNA should be focusing on such as AJ, Daniels and the rest of the TNA Originals.

So really with Hardy it is a win-lose situation. It could be a potentially amazing move for TNA or a tremendous mistake.
Rob Terry in the X Division? Meh, I'm just happy they're pushing someone who isn't a fat Samoan, Indian or Russian lard arse who can't wrestle, and even better, actually using an English worker.

So much stupidity. First off.... Rob Terry, he's welsh. Unfortunately, Swansea. But still, they may be scum but they're part of Wales too, and NOT England. If you LIVE in the uk you should know that.

Second, fat samoan. Samoa Joe. Over with the fans, is a good wrestler(a couple of five-star matches to his name), and who's name is synonymous with the glory days of the X-Division.

Third, Indian. Sonjay Dutt. Not with the company, and never really got a push. Logic called. He wants to know why you haven't used him in a while.

Fourth, Russian lard arse. The only person I can think of in TNA is Alex Kozlov in the World X cup, who's a popular indy wrestler in mexico and was only in TNA for a short period of time.

Fifth, pure racism. Pure racism. Despite the fact all the other talents you mentioned have more wrestling ability, and drawing power in their left pinkies than 1000 Rob Terrys put together, you prefer him because hes "english". But now youve found out he's welsh youll probably hate him. Nice one, tosser.

Now, to be on topic, I'd say the best acquisition TNA could hope to make, as many have said, is RVD. He could fit anywhere in the company- from X Division to World title, his style works in any of them. Though I think AJ Styles is to TNA what RVD was to ECW, and having two would be a little strange.
Personally, i dont care for jeff hardy. Never been very impressed by his work, and let's all be honest, he can't cut a decent promo to save his life. That being said, i think he may be able to bring a few fans with him if he went to TNA. Not saying these fans who would tune in to watch him would drop the WWE product all together, just maybe they'd check out TNA if they knew theyre favorite junkie was on tv. As far as TNA goes, it would help them to have a name like hardy there. I mean he's still young, and most fans seem to love the guy. However, you can't ever really count on the guy. I mean, he reaches the pinnacle of his career and then wants to take time off to pursue other things. What exactly has he done since he left WWE, besides getting busted. Last time in TNA he no showed ppvs, just unreliable. Then upon returning to WWE while scheduled to win MITB he fails a drug test again. Honestly, i don't think the guy cares too much about the wrestling business. To put a world title on him or make him the focal point of your company is a huge gamble. You just can not count on jeff hardy. So, maybe it would pique some interest among fans, and get a few to tune in to TNA. In the long run though it probably won't make much of a difference. Also, whom ever said that Hardy was an icon like Austin or the Rock is on the same shit hardy's on. He's not even close to the level of those guys. Mainstream america knows of Austin and Rock, if they know of Hardy it's because of his drug busts. Take it how you want and be mad all you hardy marks but its true. I just don't believe jeff hardy would make a big difference in the ratings for tna. Plus you cannot rely on the guy ever. He's proven that time and time again.
Didn't really wanna start a thread for this, and this kind of falls under this topic, but the profiles for both Kip James and Cody Deaner have been removed from the TNA website, which is leading a lot to believe they've both been quietly released.

I would hope by this point both guys would have been given their walking papers seeing as they're both rather useless as anything other than jobbers, and depending on the size of their paychecks, why pay former stars to be jobbers when you can pretty much bring in a wrestler in training if you want to squash him?
Didn't really wanna start a thread for this, and this kind of falls under this topic, but the profiles for both Kip James and Cody Deaner have been removed from the TNA website, which is leading a lot to believe they've both been quietly released.

I would hope by this point both guys would have been given their walking papers seeing as they're both rather useless as anything other than jobbers, and depending on the size of their paychecks, why pay former stars to be jobbers when you can pretty much bring in a wrestler in training if you want to squash him?

Agreed. Two useless talents and Kip James should have been fired twp years ago.

I would say no to Jeff Hardy. Great talent, bigger drug addict.

I want TNA to go after Tyler Black and Kevin Steen. I want to see wrestlers I haven't seen on TV. If they do acquire WWE talent, it should be wrestlers either who have left WWE and did not get the chance to get over there, a la Matt Morgan or Pope.
F4Wonline.com is reporting that TNA officials are contemplating signing former WWE (ECW) wrestler "Ricky Ortiz" (Richard Young) who's apparently drastically altered the appearance we saw him under in ECW (the afro and baggy pants).

He's apparently been working well as heel, and his body type is certainly heavyweight. Could be a decent replacement for Matt Morgan or Scott Steiner's spot in the mid-card were Steiner to retire, or Morgan to vault to the main event, no?
Personally, I think that this would be a fucking brilliant time for TNA to make a move for Jeff Hardy.

I know that it is not likely to happen. The guy is a junkie and although he likes to get super high on illegal drugs, WWE would still welcome back with open arms. Believe it. He is so over with everyone that he could fit right in and no one would care less. Although he has been with TNA before, no one really took notice of it and it wasn't as successful as it could have been. With that being said, the time to snap him up is right now. He is on an upper echelon of performer that people just love to love and signing him up would be a great step forward for TNA in regards to signing big name talent. Especially after his Championship run with WWE. It's not going to happen realistically though.
Next are some people tna should sign or resign

Micheal Shane; for the reasons i mentioned above but also because he has lineage. he is the nephew of hbk and since its in to be part of a legacy why not have the wrestler who realated to maybe the best of all time come in and make n impact. Shane could show some of the resilency that runs through his veins and could have a fued of the year type fued with tna's other signing....

Teddy Hart; Wrestling wild cannon would be a great fit in tna and could have a great fued with shane. legacy is a big part of wrestling these days and the 2 biggest legacies could have an emotional fued over the past. yes i hear how every1 is tired of hearing about the screwjob but whats better then having someone to blame for all your famolies problems. hart could say since shane's uncle ruined the hart legacy he has no choice but to make shane's life miserable. this could be a fued that pulls in more people and much like a dremer raven fued could go on for a long long time.

Roderick Strong; the x division has been weak for the last year or so and as much as i like red strong would be a great start to getting this division back where it should be. a hard hitter despite his size and has looked fantastic on roh hd net. a cross between dean malenkos ring accumen and beniots hard style strong could be a feared opponent for a division in need of a heavy hitter. able to put on a great match with red, daniels, styles lethal, sabin and anyone else who could challenge.

Claudio Castagnoli; How is this guy not in one of the big 2. great size and wrestling ability and tna has a slot where he would fit perfectly. world elite does not really have anyone who could contend for a world tittle but after a couple dominent performes by the very europen big man and eric young as the mouthpiece it would give him instant crediblilty. world elite then would be a threat to every tittle in tna by having a big man thats not nash. we all know nash is only part time w.e. and claudio would give the group a rock to get behind.

American Wolves; Held the roh tag tittles for a long time and even though i dont think they would be the best team in tna i think that the x division tag tittle i was talking about earlier would need a strong heel team and who better then the wolves. would give mcmg a credible team to defend against and build the tittle up to defend against or challenge. could have great fueds with them and young bucks and lethel consequences.

Chris Hero; wanna know who the best promo guy in the industry look no further. gets better in the ring with every trip to japan and should be roh's top guy right now. elbow are devastating and could walk into tna with instant swag know hes been around the world to face some of the best and he actually believes he is better then any1 tna has to offer.

Kenny King; shelton benjamin with a personalitty. athletic as all get out and has personality that comes through in the ring.could challenge for x division , global, or tag team tittles. versatillity alone should make him worth value and in time could develop into one of the top midcarders in the company and a fringe tittle contender.

Rob Van Dam; as much as i want to stay away from wwe and wcw guys rvd was more of an ecw guy and since tna promotes real wrestling as opposed to sports entertainment even though the programs show other wise rvd could come back for some dream matches with styles, joe, daniels or even angle after angles said he doesnt know howto work. rvd is good to have for a name that seperates itself from wwe because he never really fit into the wwe way of things and people would buy in too him making a move to tna because it is different.

Tommy Dreamer; first of all tommy should get no where close to a world tittle but no one takes a beating like tommy and would be of great use to get guys like abyss, wolfe and other new comers to the compny over. tommy has never had a problem laying down and still looking good. I think hes happy as long as hes on tv and has always known how tomake him and whoever he puts over look good,

Brent Albright; recently released from roh albright is the prototypical wrestler tna is looking for. when he debut in roh albright was a beast but after teaming with colt for a while went soft and it showed in the ring. would be a great addition as a heel with no remorse and getting back to the strong style he once used.

Adam Pearce; Scrap Iron is gold on the mic and very good in the ring. a great addition to the mid card and behind the scences could help with booking. brillaint wrestling mind could do wonders for tna.

Paul Heyman; speaking of brilliant minds tna should fire russo and give the booking duties to this man. heyman would have a great influence on the future of tna in a good way and since they already have the talent and business heyman could do what he does best and book wrestling matches.

Chuck Taylor; remember when you first saw the canadian destroyer. well the omega driver gives you that same feeling and taylors oddball personality could fit into the x division.

Some Guys to stay away from;
Jeff Hardy: I have never been a big hardy guy but the name value alone makes you wanna sign him. Time and time again he had been inconsistent and irreliable. name a match that wsnt a specialty match you can say was great with hardy. really over his career he has had no memorable long running singles fueds or sucess where he beat someone over again and again.

Austin Aries; first of all i am a big fan of aries but tna already proved once they had no idea what to do with him so why waste time again. Aries is a perfect fit for roh and neither would benefit by him leaving much like what happened when shane douglas left ecw. Aries is the best wrestler on the indy circut and is great at makin new stars who can go to the next level but being the face of roh is where he belongs.

Colt Cabana: another guy i am a big fan of but is better off in the minors. tna would have no idea what to do with colt because as talented as he is no one has had any idea how to get this guy involved in serious angles because hes always goofy and though he is super talented cannot make you belive he seriously contends for any tittles.

Tyler Black: i think black is the most overated wrestler on the indy scene. i have not been all that impressed and it may just be the booking but he always tries to have a great match with everyone but since he is considered a top contender in roh he should dominate someone like sonjay dutt not barely scrapping by. to me he doesnt have the it factor that you would expect him to have.

i know alot of my additions came from roh but they should. a move to tna is a move up for them and since roh is already on tv a lot of its guys are getting comfortable in front of the camera. roh much like ecw is making stars for the big 2 to use but unlike ecw understand that and keep bringing in the best of the indies to get noticed. eventually roh make move up but i think they are comfortable where they are at for the time being.
I know big names in wrestling are good for a promotion as they help the younger stars get recognition, but TNA needs to lighten up on this. On the main page it was saying how they were signing X-Pac and Scott Hall (for pay as you appear appearances) but still that money could be used on a young talent. They also want to try and sign Ric Flair and Jeff Hardy. I can see their point with Hardy as he is still pretty young and can still perform, but why Flair, I mean I know it's The Nature Boy but the money their forking out for Flair could be used on someone else.

Im not saying to TNA stop bringing in big names but lighten up on it, bring in a few for name value that can still perform to a good standard (RVD, Hardy etc) but guys like Hall and Flair they can do without
I just think they've gone completely over-board, most of the wrestlers they have are from or have been trained by the WWE. If TNA want to be indipendant from the WWE they need to get some new original talent. I know a lot of you are saying that WCW and the WWE used to do the same thing with each other, but that was a different time. There are plenty of new indy wrestlers which TNA can sign now days... TNA need orginality and DON'T need to parading WWE past exploites like some crappy spin-off show.

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