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Mickie James should not go to TNA!
she is the best female wrestler in WWE, she has loads of fans and would be doing what so many have done-shit on the fans of WWE.

Hulk Hogan has basicly taken one giant shit on the wwe fans, and it looks like ric flair, RVD and i cant believe it....jeff hardy, tommy dreamer AND stone cold are about to take a giant shit on the fans.

I pray Mickie doesent go to TNA, everyone claims this story line for mickie is demeaning but u will change ur mind whn she wins the womens title.
She is one of the only good things about the divas division and if she goes to TNA she will take a shit on us (the "us is for all the few real fans of wwe using this).
You can't say her going to TNA would be taking a shit on the fans. Are you watching them shit on Mickie on live television every week? You think she should just deal with being ridiculed while carrying a whole division? When anyone does something good its always nice to feel appreciated. When they call you a fat ass instead (not just the angle, commentators have been doing it for awhile) brand loyalty goes down the shitter. If the fans consider themselves the shitter then fine, you're being shit on. From what I see only the selfish ones can symbolize themselves as the shitter.
I'm not going to say if she "should", but I'd definitely welcome it. She's great in the ring, and I personally love her look. She'd fit right in with the rest of the Knockouts, and she'd be able to show off her skills a lot more.

Imagine finally getting a chance to see Mickie v. Victoria, without Vince reigning over it, making it a bikini contest, or burying one or the other. Imagine Mickie taking on the Beautiful People, or slaying the giant, and taking down Awesome Kong.

I'd also want to see the photoshoot with her and Taylor Wilde...
I would love to see Mickie James free of Vince McMahon. The angle she is somewhat in right now where her wait is being made fun of is ridicukous. She looks damn good just how she is.

I for one would love to see her in the ring with any of the Knockouts, and I've love to see her work an actual match. The reason being that I say actual match is because a lot of the Divas matches are just straight squashes. I'd love to see Mickie take on the likes of Tara, Kong, Hamada, Flash, and ODB. Mickie would fight right in with the Knockouts.

She is one of the only good things about the divas division and if she goes to TNA she will take a shit on us (the "us is for all the few real fans of wwe using this).

How could you possibly even think she would be shitting on you? If anything, if you are a real WWE fan, you'd want to see a better product, especially a better womens division.
- Shannon Moore posted on his Twitter account that he and Jeff Hardy are flying to Orlando tomorrow to meet with TNA and Hogan.


Some people called it. I think Jeff will have a better run and possibly hold the TNA championship, as long as he doesn't miss any shows. He was over crazy when he left. Maybe he'll be on the show tomorrow.

just because he's going to Orlando to TNA doesn't mean he's signed a contract, he may just be accompaning Shannon Moore, last time I checked Jeff still had legal issues so those would have to be sorted first.
Im torn between what I want him to do. If i had the choice he'd be on Smackdown but I dont so i guess i wouldnt mind seeing him back in TNA. Love to see what they'ed do with him. I personaly dont think he will return.
He announced via his twitter account he's just going in support of Shannon, which I'd believe over any internet reports of him signing. It's an easier schedule, sure, but I'd presume returning to TNA would burn his bridge with the E after they catipulted him to the main event.
Holy shit, if Jeff Hardy actually goes to TNA, then TNA just became real competition to Vince. Jeff Hardy isn't some over-the-hill legend who was last important in 2002. This is a guy who was a top merchandise seller, decent in the ring, knows how to do the flippys, and is over with the kiddies. While it wouldn't actually improve TNA's product much, it would instantly make ripples in the bathtub of professional wrestling. Not Hogan, Scott Hall, Shawn Waltman, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Randy Savage, DDP, Goldberg, or even RVD could match this. Jeff Hardy was unexplicably getting Cena-sized pops just 6 months ago. If Hardy signs with TNA, then there will most definitely be a huge audience gain for TNA.

You and Slyfox696 are going to get on like a house on fire.

Back to the topic, the reason i dont think he is going to go back to TNA is he's jumped to many times but i dont think that has stoped TNA from offering him a contract.
I doubt he will return any time soon because of his legal troubles. However idk if any of you remember but in Jeffs goodbye speech on smackdown he said I will see you in the future which is part of his TNA theme song. And TNA has an easier schedule so if he returns at all i expect he will go to TNA.
He wont go to TNA but if he did I think it would be quite funny considering WWE have just released a DVD about him. But I don't think it will happen, he wanted to quit WWE to have time off and focus on that ridiculous reality shite that him and Matt do. He said it himself hes just going to support Shannon Moore. Would TNA take a risk on him considering all the legal worries around Jeff at the moment?
I know that as a guy who considers Rob Van Dam his favorite wrestler I'm not supposed to say this, but I don't wanna see him in TNA. Sorry, but he was young and able in the ECW. In the WWE, he was uniquely charismatic and athletic. Sure, I and many others have a deep connection with him and who doesn't love his air brushed singlets? But in TNA, he's liable to be a slower version of his former self getting lost in a company that is extremely deep and has high fliers that can do much more in the ring in the year 2010. Would RVD-Lynn once more be something to see? Maybe. Would I like to see him take on Styles, Daneils, Joe, Shelley, or Red? You bet. But I don't know if I want to see him fall short of the great reputation he's built himself. I haven't seen him work since he left the WWE, so I'm very scared about this. I hope I'm wrong, but it could cut me deep to find out my fears were justified.
of coarse he should and proberly will go to tna jeff has always wanted to be thought of and considered one of the best and who can help him acieve that more than the best mind and greatest of all time HULK HOGAN hulk is all tna needs to take them to the top there is nothin vince mcmahon brett hart or any other jack leg wwe can come up with that will top what hogan does i mean i like brett he was great in his day but he is no were close to the leavel of hulk hogan that is no disrespect to brett because there is noboby wwe has got or can get that is own the leavel hogan is own i meam for god sakes he made wrestlin without him they would be no wrestlin and there sure would be no mcmahon i mean he single handly almost put vince out of biss. in the 90s and the only reason he didnt is because turner sold out had he not vince would be an after thought this time he might just do it hogan does not have to wrestle just his presence is enough
I think tna has lot of potential to become the future of pro wrestling but i honestly wish to God they would straighten up and stop swiping former wwe talent, they need to look at wrestlers from independent wrestling or wrestlers from japan wrestling. Jeff possibly in tna? i dont know, im just sick of seeing former wwe talent pop up on Impact its getting ridiculous. Jeff in tna? maybe hes better off in tna we'll see what happens.
Well there's a number of factors that at the moment kind of say that Hardy won't be signing with TNA.. of course this is all my opinion of the info given. Isnt hardy still under WWE contract and had been removed from WWE as part of story? If he is actually released doesn;t WWE do no compete stuff in their contracts?
As someone said above, he's probably just accompanying Moore this time but i think he seriously wants to come back to TNA.. He said he would be back. HE SAID IT!!!

I have no doubt Hardy is going back to TNA but needs a bit of time before that.

I think tna has lot of potential to become the future of pro wrestling but i honestly wish to God they would straighten up and stop swiping former wwe talent, they need to look at wrestlers from independent wrestling or wrestlers from japan wrestling. Jeff possibly in tna? i dont know, im just sick of seeing former wwe talent pop up on Impact its getting ridiculous. Jeff in tna? maybe hes better off in tna we'll see what happens.

Buddy, so its ok for WWE to steal TNA talent? Maybe it hasn't happened as much as the opposite but they still do it. Some started in WWE, werent given a chance then when they get a name in TNA WWE buys em up.. that's a halfassed way of building up your talent which wont matter because they going to get overshadowed by muscled behemoths.
Jeff is only going to support shannon, but TNA is gonna push hard to sign both maybe even promising them a tag title run together. i prefer jeff in WWE but the bottom line is Jeff dosnt want to give up the drugs and TNA wont make him.
I can't see any reason why Jeff would sign with TNA. He wasn't treated poorly by WWE, He was a major contender on Smackdown and if/when he returns he'd be put straight back into the spotlight again because Jeff is really entertaining to watch. I think he really is just going to support Shannon. He wanted to take a break from Wrestling when he left WWE and he hasn't really gotten that seeing as he got into legal problems the day after...
I mean, hey, if TNA gets Jeff then congrats to TNA and that'll be awesome but, I just don't see if happening. I think Jeff really has more to lose than gain by going to TNA if he is looking to go back to wrestling.
I doubt it. He burned a lot of bridges in TNA when he was there. Remember his many no-shows, including one where he was supposed to get the world title.

Then again, TNA has been showing a tendency to do stupid things lately.

They are called "The New WCW" for a reason....
jeff hardy...if he was to join tna yet again I mean I guess I'd be okay with it. Do I really want it? That'd be a no. What does he have to offer? TNA already has talent. They have big names. I mean I guess they can have someone to do good spots but that's it. TNA doesn't need someone who currently has legal issues and has a history with drugs
Not only do I think Jeff won't sign with them, I'm not sure TNA would offer him a contract right now. His legal situation needs to be solved before he starts wrestling again. I also think Jeff will go back to WWE if he comes back. His brother is there, and he can shoot back to the top in no time.
I`m wondering why so many people have said `doesn`t jeff need to clear up his legal issues anyway.` Just because it hasn`t been reported on WZ doesn`t mean he`s not in a position to sign to a company if he chooses. Last reported was that his hearing had been pushed back, and pushed back, and pushed back again. For all we know, he could very well have had his charges completely dropped and just kept it quiet. Maybe he just wants to go to TNA for a few appearances to spark some interest. Maybe just to get people talking. From a career standpoint he`s in a very interesting position. I think even if he went to TNA, short or long term, the WWE would still take him back the first chance they got. He`s a huge hit with woman, children, and unlike Cena, most males as well. He`s a huge merchandise seller and gets killer pops every time he comes out. I`d prefer to see him on Smackdown as well but if he goes to TNA with Shannon Moore, It'd definately be interesting and I'll definately be watching. Sucks RVD won't be showing up but if Jeff Hardy pops on TV on either channel tomorrow, I know, atleast while he's on, that's where my viewership will be.
I mean jeffs first tna run was shaky would be the right word, somewhat ok and somewhat what the hell is he doing? he seemed out of it by the end of his run there and just no showed and that was that. I think right now hes just going with shannon to chill and talk with old friends maybe put in a good word for shannon and just sit back watch the show like the rest of us.
I'm not going to say if she "should", but I'd definitely welcome it. She's great in the ring, and I personally love her look. She'd fit right in with the rest of the Knockouts, and she'd be able to show off her skills a lot more.

Imagine finally getting a chance to see Mickie v. Victoria...

I think she Should,WWE diva's(expect Beth Phoenix and Melina) are Tits and Ass:suspic: Mickie James in TNA would have great depth in matches they can make.

I would love to see a fued with her and Hamada
He wont go to TNA but if he did I think it would be quite funny considering WWE have just released a DVD about him. But I don't think it will happen, he wanted to quit WWE to have time off and focus on that ridiculous reality shite that him and Matt do. He said it himself hes just going to support Shannon Moore. Would TNA take a risk on him considering all the legal worries around Jeff at the moment?

As history has proven TNA will sign almost anybody...Even people who screw them over and probably drive the company face first into the dirt..-cough- Hogan, -cough- Hall, -cough cough- Eric Bishoff. Hall has done a no call no show on a major ppv for TNA. Hardy just stop showing up at sum point when he was signed. TNA doesnt care who u r. They will sign u, they juz care about bringin the wwe down. Which in the end will be there biggest downfall.

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