[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

Why wouldn't you want Mickie in TNA if you like her? I don't know about you, but I believe that TNA just ran a big Knockout tournament on their New Years Eve show, giving them huge amount of air time. Now I think that is a littl better than the 5 minutes WWE gives them a week. If I was her fan, Id lover for her to be in TNA and get a huge push in their division.
Will Jeff Hardy go to TNA? No. There is no way Jeff will go back to TNA after he was being pushed so big by WWE. I heard that he has stated that he will only return to WWE out of loyalty.

I doubt he will want to return to TNA especially since he no-showed so many events
I think the reason why people want him to sign with TNA is because it would provide Hardy fans (including myself) a quick fix by seeing him wrestle once again. However in the long run it would most likely prove to be a better choice if Hardy continued his break and returned to the WWE at a later time. Since WWE is finally using Jeff's talent in the main even picture it would probably--in the long run--be more entertaining and fulfilling to see him back there.

WWE is stricter with its drug policy and rules, it seems like Hardy has a better work ethic while in the WWE (not missing shows ect..) because of these policies, and has been free of personal issues within the WWE. TNA however, is obviously more lax with its wrestlers often to even a fault, IMO Jeff would be more likely to go back to his old ways here and possibly even cause his own downfall.

This is not to say Hardy would not do well in TNA like he once did, he would probably even be more entertaining here in-ring. It's just Hardy seems like he needs discipline to truly do well and that is just what the WWE would give him (at-least compared to TNA).

I would enjoying seeing Hardy come back to wrestling early but not if he under-performs, maybe he will prove me wrong and steal the show again with TNA. All I can say is I love all the possibilities that are emerging now that TNA and WWE are squaring off toe to toe.
Hardy can sell the kids, no doubt about that. But TNA can't afford to sign him for one simple reason. They don't have Vince McMahon. Same reason why Hogan has only drawn money for 2 years out of 8 or so he was with WCW. Vince can pull the reigns in those two and anybody else. You let Hardy be 100% Hardy, and it's bad. You have drugs, you have missed PPVs, missed tapings and you can't have that if your wanting to compete with Vince.

You make Hardy a top guy in TNA and he no shows you, your screwed. And just like Hogan, what does Hardy care if TNA folds. Answer is he doesn't. He has no ties there, he didn't start there and won't finish there. Hardy knows if he screws up in TNA, Vince might take him back down the road. But Hardy is just as selfish and a prick as Hogan, so let them rot together
Jeff Hardy would have to be high on whatever drugs it is he likes to do, to even consider going to TNA.

You have to pose the question "What does TNA have to offer him, that WWE can not?" And right off the bat you have to know the answer is "Nothing". The only bargaining chip TNA has is the fact that Jeff could do all the drugs, alcohol, pills, and steroids he wants with TNA, and that is not nearly enough to compete with what WWE has to offer. They have made Jeff Hardy practically a house hold name, made him a multi time champion, and if he comes back will probably push him into being one of the legends of our time if he is not already heading that direction as is.

If Jeff Hardy went back to TNA, they would have to offer him a lot more money than the last time he was there, because he would be coming back there as 100 times the star he was before. Not only that they would have to promise to make him that big in their company, and we all know that won't happen in TNA, especially with the new direction of the company taking the shape of Hogan and about to launch.

I am not too concerned with Jeff Hardy or anything he decides to do. He has shown that he doesn't have what it takes to stick in there and really hold the reigns of the company. His spotty attendance record is the proof, and his current absence is the pudding. Eventually he will probably come back to WWE and stick around until he's "burnt out" again, leave, possibly come back again, and leave again, which will lead at some point to WWE saying either you go or stay, or just deciding to remove the option all together. That will be his loss, his mistake, and then he can go paint pictures of himself carrying the cross, go paint his finger and toe nails black, slit his wrists, and continue to live his seemingly Emo/Hippie/Stoner existence .
Will Jeff Hardy go to TNA? No. There is no way Jeff will go back to TNA after he was being pushed so big by WWE. I heard that he has stated that he will only return to WWE out of loyalty.

I doubt he will want to return to TNA especially since he no-showed so many events

So many events? He only missed two shows, the second show was a pre-show for a ppv. Would you be pumped up to wrestle a pre-show? Now I know Jeff could have been lying but I give him the benefit of the doubt when he says he had travel problems.
Its not going to happen.I would be really surprised if he would go to TNA.But you never know,i also thought that i would never see Bret Hart in WWE again and look whats going to happen tonight :p
He needs to get healthy and then only then comeback, we all know that this guy cracks under pressure, and immediately recurs on drugs and stuff. I really dont care where he comes back but only if he comes back healthy.
It's not impossible for Jeff to go to TNA. The only "legal issues" that he has right now are the ones that deal with his drug bust (framed of course), however, that doesn't say he can't work for another promotion. His 90 day no compete clause is way past over so there's no problem with him jumping ship.

And if he did jump ship, and Moore came back to TNA, then maybe we could see a few more people from the old OMEGA coming in to TNA. Sure they're not legends, but they can help the X-Division gain exposure for sure.
Jeff to TNA should not happen. They're taking enough of a risk signing Hall and (possibly) Waltman to contracts, so why hire someone else who may no show, end up in jail, or worse, die? I'm a fan of what Hardy can do in the ring, and think he'd have some great matches, but there's just too much of a risk there.

Shannon Moore possibly coming would be huge for me. He was greatly misused in WWE, and would slide right in to the X Division title picture if he came in. He's loved by the fans, he can do the high spots, and he can work with anyone else in the division.
I with Lionshare and NSL Jeff should only come back if healthy,I am a huge Jeff Hardy fan and am proud to be from the Same state as he is. I would hate to see one of my hero's die due to drugs. But when it comes the acquisition of Jeff who wouldn't want to sign him He draws kids,women,and men who want to be like him. TNA made a right choose on bringing him back...yea there are the problems like the no shows but like Scottland i also give him the benefit of the doubt of having travel problems.
Okay , we all remember him from the WWE. He was the United States Champion at some point, he was a part of JBL's "Cabinet " and was his right hand man. After his time in the WWE he went off to the independent circuit with mild success. Now he's come to TNA. My question is what do you think will happen with him in TNA? Will he feud with D'Angelo Dinero? Can you guys see him being anything other then midcard?

I'd like to see a nice fued with Dinero to start off his tenure with the company. Maybe after that he can align himself with someone like Eric Young so he can help become a recognizable face in the company. Either way, I thought he wasn't bad in the WWE, so it should be interesting to see how he is used here in TNA.
Honestly if Orlando Jordan was going to do anything in TNA I do believe he missed the ball by about a few years. I mean I didn't mind him when he was in the WWE but once he got let go why the hell didn't he negotiate with TNA sooner. If TNA didn't see anything in him until Hogan pulled some strings then that's not a good sign. I mean TNA takes any WWE reject whether they are relevant or not. So this kind of concerns me that after all this time we finally get Orlando Jordan. Good wrestler but I can see him quickly fall out of grace unless his packaged with some good fueds/storylines. Honestly I was more excited about Val Venis being used well again then Orlando Jordan but we'll see what happens.
I agree with Spillz: if Orlando had've capitalised on his WWE tenure and jumped to TNA straight away, he probably would've been put to decent use and made into a recognisable name earlier.

As it stands now, his arrival on the same night as Hogan, Hardy and the "don't-call-them-nWo" is just going to result in a non-event by all accounts.
I agree 100% about Jordan not going to be used properly, in fact TNA screwed the pooch last night.

Every one of the "surprise" guests were WWE rejects or Hogan's boys.

1. Hardy and Moore, a hypocrite & a worthless reject who did nothing in the WWE.

2. Flair, big name 20 years ago, but now is nothing more than a joke, a pathetic shell who can't let it go. The only option for him is to create a new 4 Horsemen, (Angle, Styles, Joe, Daniels) if he has control over the name?

3. Brooke Hogan, we all know that she could care less about her fathers wrestling, we saw it on Hogan Knows Best, another hypocrite.

4. Bischoff, please this guy couldn't even keep his job in the WCW, now he is doing the exact same thing that lost him control of WCW.

5. "don't call them the nWo" nothing like watching a rerun, I do it daily while at work, but the nWo failed and now we have the 2 ton Jerry Lewis look-alike Scott Hall, Chyna's butt raper, Waltman, and a whining Nash.

6. The Nasty Boys, WTF???? They were a joke in the WWE in the late 80's and early 90's, they are Hogans boys, I guess they could be the TNA's version of the Bushwackers.

7. Val Venus is the only thing that could be good from the changes, if used properly, he was never more than a mid card in the WWE, but was popular.

All in all, nothing will change, Hogan and Bischoff have proven that they could care less about the younger talent, and I don't see why it would change.

One question, story line excused, is Jeff Jarrett still in control of TNA or did Dixie Carter really remove him as the owner?
They refuse to push the X division, sign Kenta, Mistico or new Knockouts yet they push Orlando Jordan, Nasty boys and countless others.
I personally think they should of saved him for next weeks taping or even after that... I think putting him in the middle of a night where we saw 6-7 debuts and he was probably the least known (maybe VV but) wasn't smart
Val Venis is what caught my attention the most. Anyways though, Orlando Jordan????
I never liked that dude, he's whack. he sux.
Isn't he gay??

Wonder if he does go into a feud with the Pope, if TNA would use that as the storyline.
Wonder how any wrestler would feel working with Orlando Jordan being that he's gay.
Orlando Jordan.... he's no good. he's garbage. I don't care if he was U.S. Champion, he's a disgrace 2 the belt.
A feud with the Pope, just belittles Dinero!!
That is a shocking post ^^

Orlando Jordan is an average worker with no redeeming qualities. He would be best served as a short term jobber. But given that Neidhart and Tatanka have come in and been given wins over a promising wrestler, chances are he would be given the same undeserving treatment.
Thought he was bland in WWE, thought he was bland last night. He's a slightly above average in ring talent with the charisma and "it" factor of a career curtain jerker, which was highlighted even more during an interview segment where he stood next to one of the best stick-workers in TNA last night.
That is a shocking post ^^

I've been reading this site 4 a long long time.....I'm pretty sure that I read it here, that Orlando Jordan is gay. That he put it on his myspace a pic of him and his boyfriend or whatever. That's the 1st thing I thought of when I saw him on tv last night. & no, i don't see him anything above midcard. not even worth a dark match 2 me either.

It shocked me that he would even go back 2 wrestling being that he's gay. I'm just sayin, dude's in tights, oiled up, etc. etc. & this dude might be gay.
I catch heat from ppl @ work that say wrestling is gay cuz it's dude's in their underwear haha

but that's what shocked me most last night. Orlando Jordan, who's next Kanyon??
put them in a tag team & go sign chuck palumbo, you already have Kip James there
and have Billy & Chuck vs. Orlando Jordan & Kanyon

It's not that he's gay. That shouldn't be an issue.

What should be an issue is that he's a statutory rapist, and that the reason why he was let go from the WWE to begin with was because he'd be bringing underage boyfriends around on the road, which obviously, is a problem. Most companies don't want to employ known statutory rapists for obvious reasons. I guess TNA really wanted to make him one of the "surprises" last night, except a lot of people have forgotten about him. Furthermore, he wasn't really that talented to begin with. He had no real "WOW" factor about him.

He's a generic guy. Hopefully TNA sees he's nothing more than that, and doesn't give him any real semblance of a push. I mean, unless Orlando has another underage boyfriend, he should be allowed to work without any problem. It's just that people in the know are going to treat him differently due to the whole statutory thing.
Again, it was TNA realizing they didn't have much to go on except Angle, Wolfe, Pope and Styles. So they throw a ton of new debuts and hopes that draws fans in. Only problem is 99% of the debuts were horrible. Flair, Hardy, Hall, Nash ALL were horrible.

I'm not even a TNA fan, but I tell ya ONE part I didn't change the channel to WWE to see what they were doing. When the Pope was giving his promo and when he wrestled. I would have LOVED to seen Pope and Wolf have a good 25 minute match. Leave out the Nasties, Hardy, Flair and Foley and give me Pope and Wolf for 25 minutes.
I agree 100% about Jordan not going to be used properly, in fact TNA screwed the pooch last night.

Every one of the "surprise" guests were WWE rejects or Hogan's boys.

1. Hardy and Moore, a hypocrite & a worthless reject who did nothing in the WWE.

2. Flair, big name 20 years ago, but now is nothing more than a joke, a pathetic shell who can't let it go. The only option for him is to create a new
4 Horsemen, (Angle, Styles, Joe, Daniels) if he has control over the name?

3. Brooke Hogan, we all know that she could care less about her fathers wrestling, we saw it on Hogan Knows Best, another hypocrite.

4. Bischoff, please this guy couldn't even keep his job in the WCW, now he is doing the exact same thing that lost him control of WCW.

5. "don't call them the nWo" nothing like watching a rerun, I do it daily while at work, but the nWo failed and now we have the 2 ton Jerry Lewis look-alike Scott Hall, Chyna's butt raper, Waltman, and a whining Nash.

6. The Nasty Boys, WTF???? They were a joke in the WWE in the late 80's and early 90's, they are Hogans boys, I guess they could be the TNA's version of the Bushwackers.

7. Val Venus is the only thing that could be good from the changes, if used properly, he was never more than a mid card in the WWE, but was popular.

All in all, nothing will change, Hogan and Bischoff have proven that they could care less about the younger talent, and I don't see why it would change.

One question, story line excused, is Jeff Jarrett still in control of TNA or did Dixie Carter really remove him as the owner?

Ric Flair and Jeff Hardy were WWE Rejects, that's a laugh.:lmao:

1. Wow Hardy is a worthless reject who did nothing in WWE? Do you even watch wrestling? Hardy was the biggest star in WWE last summer. He won the championships at least two or three times last year. Yeah he is worthless arlight.:rolleyes:

2. That wouldn't be a bad idea to have a stable but we have seen it done to death. I'm sure you would be singing a different tune if Flair went to WWE.

3. So Brooke Hogan is a hypocrite because she went to The Impact Zone to support her father like she normally does? She may not be a wrestling fan but who cares she is his daughter.

4. Yeah Bischoff is doing the same thing that made WCW into a #1 wrestling company beating Raw for years at a time. Even beating out Monday Night Football on occasion. You can't blame WCW's demise on Bischoff, TNT didn't want to have wrestling on their programming after the Time Warner/AOL Merger.

5. So the old NWO members having a reunion was a rerun but Bret Hart and Vince going at it on Raw like it was 1997 again wasn't?

6. I'm not crazy about they Nasty Boys either, but I would rather sit through a Nasty Boys/ Team 3D Iron Man Match then another ridiculous Hornswoggle DX skit.

7. This is hilarious, Val Venis is the only good thing to come in the new TNA changes? Are you really insane? I like Venis as well but seriously that is gonna be your big gun in TNA? Let's forget about the incredible young talent and Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, and Jeff Hardy appearing. Let's have Val Venis be the savior of TNA! Wow you really don't know anything about wrestling.

So Hogan and Bischoff have proven they don't care about the young talent when the show was focused on nothing but... The Young Talent? Not only that but Hogan and Bischoff said it wasn't about NWO but about the new talent and taking TNA to the top.

Another example is him saying its not about the past but the future and calling AJ Styles the best wrestler in the world today. Where is your proof now? As far as Jeff Jarrett is concerned he definitely isn't the owner of the company storyline wise. In real life I'm sure him and Dixie are still owners but Hogan might have a chunk of the deal too.

Now to get on subject about Orlando Jordan, I think it is good that all talent get a chance to shine in TNA even if they are "washed up" or "rejects". Apparently who ever goes to TNA, even if they were the WWE champion at the time they are considered washed up and Rejects or hypocrites. Give me a break.

I would like to see Orlando feud with Dinero and think his time was cut short in WWE. I don't know about his criminal history, but if it its true then the guy shouldn't be anywhere in a wrestling ring if he is having sex with underage teenagers. It's just nice to see talent that doesn't get a chance in WWE can come to TNA and shine.
I've been reading this site 4 a long long time.....I'm pretty sure that I read it here, that Orlando Jordan is gay. That he put it on his myspace a pic of him and his boyfriend or whatever. That's the 1st thing I thought of when I saw him on tv last night. & no, i don't see him anything above midcard. not even worth a dark match 2 me either.

It shocked me that he would even go back 2 wrestling being that he's gay. I'm just sayin, dude's in tights, oiled up, etc. etc. & this dude might be gay.
I catch heat from ppl @ work that say wrestling is gay cuz it's dude's in their underwear haha

but that's what shocked me most last night. Orlando Jordan, who's next Kanyon??
put them in a tag team & go sign chuck palumbo, you already have Kip James there
and have Billy & Chuck vs. Orlando Jordan & Kanyon


Hes gay get over it just cause he is gay doesn't mean he is useless.

He had potential but i dont think TNA will use him right with the amount of wrestlers they have now and he will get lost in the shuffle.

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