[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

Honestly, I hope it's not Ken Anderson. Even with the lighter schedule, he'd still miss over 3 months of action, come back, miss 3 more months. The sooner everybody gets the idea out of their heads that he's the "next Austin", the better.

That being said (because it had to be), I wouldn't mind it being somebody who's still relevant to today's fans. Dreamer's obviously out of the equation, due to a 90 day no-compete clause. Ed Leslie? Please, he wasn't relevant in WCW. Kevin Sullivan would be a good choice, if half of TNA's fans knew who he was. Rock's not in the business anymore, and has made it abundantly clear he doesn't wish to be.

So, who would I like to see? Easy. Rob Van Dam is my choice. He is, or was, a big name. Imagine the numbers they'd do on iMPACT! the following week, if Rob showed at a PPV and promised an explanation on that weeks broadcast. Can you see it? I can. It would give Tenay and Taz something to mark out over, and not look like a complete pair of idiots. And, I'm not even say put him in the main event picture. Van Dam could be the much needed shot in the arm that the X-Division needs. *Gasp* Somebody who doesn't need high spots to get over?!

So, yeah, there's my choice, and it's the only acceptable one I can see.
for some reason, when i read that, first person came to mind was The Rock. dunno why, it's probably 99.9% not gonna happen but man that .1% sure is giving me butterflies
I was just about to post a thread regarding who could come in to TNA...so this one works.

I've read on some wrestling sites that they have not one, but two, "huge" names that are signed and coming in. I'm very curious who these HUGE names could be. I think everyone expects Ken Anderson to be one. I don't think he's "huge" though, if he were signed right when he was released then yes, but not now. The other most obvious one is RVD. Beyond that I really don't know who could be considered such a big name that could reasonably sign with TNA. Also, if it's not a wrestling, then really I have no interest.

Heyman is a good guess, I didn't think of that, but he's more valuable as a behind the scenes guy and I think it's obvious that he wouldn't be given the power he would want/need. There are a few "big names" that I can think of but I'm not sure that I would believe pretty much any of them signing until I see it. Like I said, I think the two bigger names people are expecting are Anderson and RVD (and I'd bet Anderson is probably a lock at this point). Others:

Goldberg: They have Hogan, Hall, Nash, Waltman, Sting, Steiner...so it only makes sense that they'd make a play for Goldberg. I also think that he has some ties with Spike. But we've heard in the past that he simply wants too much money. I don't knwo how much of a draw he would be really. I personally have never found him interesting and I don't know if he's a name that current fans would really care about that much.

Randy Savage: Another ex-WWF, high profile WCW guy. He's a huge name no doubt but he can't go anymore either. I could see him turning up in TNA and if he's in shape I might be interested...but I'm sure it would get old fast.

JBL: I cannot stand JBL and do NOT want to see him in TNA, but he is a familiar face to this generation of fans. I don't know why he would choose TNA at WWE at this point though. He likely would get more money (and a reduced schedule if he wrestled) in WWE, and has a shot at the WWE HOF, even though I don't think he's anything special. I think we have a better chance that some others of seeing JBL in TNA.

Shane McMahon: I don't think he would ever come to TNA simply because there is still plenty he could do at WWE and it is an family business. I just can't see him bailing wealth, success, and family just to "try something else."

The Rock: Let's just get this out of the way right now. The Rock will not be in TNA. He's a Hollywood career guy now. If he was going to go back, it would be as a guest, and it would be to wherever he could get the most exposure, and that would be WWE. He will 99% never wrestle again, and I'd say he's 99.999999% sure to never appear in TNA.

Brock Lesnar: Now here's an interesting idea. Another long shot, and I don't see it happening. But let's say that Lesnar is hurt enough that he cannot fight legit. He may still be able to do something wrestling wise. Obviously there is the Spike TV connection there so that could help. I do see Brock as a "I'll go where the money is" kind of guy, but he has also done so much. If the price it right, and he is unable to fight MMA, I could see him come into TNA. I also wouldn't expect any announcement if/until we find out about his UFC stats, and then only if he simply cannot fight ago. While I don't really expect this to happen, this would truly be a surprise and a big name signing.

Other than that, I really can't see any "big names" that are out there. If I were forced to pick a name right now I'd have to go with Ken Anderson.

Its probably going to be Ken Anderson and Paul Heyman. Goldberg and Lesner have both stated they are done with wrestling. Lesner espcially. He is no shape to wrestle right now.Their is no way in hell Shane Mc. or the Rock go anywhere but the E. Savage is a possibilty, JBL not so much. And also for the guy who said Edge isn't on Contract with the E......he is. Just because your injured doesnt mean your contract gets thrown out of the window.
I guess it might be too far off to say the Rock, because he has been turning down WWE as of late, and with a new movie coming out why would he turn it down. That's alot of free publicity for his up coming movie "the tooth fairy" I still say its stone cold steve austin.

You've mentioned Austin twice now. I can say with 100% certainty that it is not Austin. He always has the opportunity to come back and do something if he wanted to with the WWE, and they would offer way more money. The biggest reason however, is that I do believe he signed a lifetime legends contacts with WWE.
I dont know if this has been posted or not but for everyone thinking it is going to be Paul E. I seriously doubt it. Paul E HATES Bischoff with a passion. Through that fact alone I doubt that he is going to show up in TNA
None other then the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin who else bigger is it than Austin, Austin apperas everynow and then for WWE but i dont think he is on a WWE contract and it would make alot of sense joining guys like Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair
It's going to be very likely RVD or Kennedy, it could also be Paul Heyman. Any of those would be amazing. Kennedy was a guy everyone tipped for great things, TNA could really make him their own star. If they do bring him in, I'd have Heyman manage him personally, get him over hugely.

Outside chance of Lesnar, with him being injured and also the spike connection.

Even more remote chance, Goldberg. Wouldn't surprise me, considering we've got a Sting/NWO fued about to start by the looks of it.

It wont be Austin or Rock. If they had either of those two, they'd announce it beforehand to get the ratings.
Who would I 'like' to see debut? Honestly, no-one, if that was a choice. I'm a little concerned with how many people TNA has been bringing in. It's one thing to sign new names, it's another to incorporate them into the company properly. If you'll remember WCW in the 90's, they had guys as talented as Ted Debiase and Curt Henning floundering, with absolutely no direction. And they had no idea how to use Bret; like most of their other acquisitions, they seemingly just signed him to prove that they could. I would love to see RVD in TNA, and that's honestly who I think will debut. But I would prefer if they waited a month or two until they have 'trimmed the fat', so to speak, with the recent roster additions.
First off let me say that it's NOT AUSTIN !! 100% !! Austin hates Eric Bischoff with a passion over the way Eric fired him from WcW. Second I'm pretty sure whom ever it is is going to turn out to be a Huge Smelly Turd just like the one they took in the ring this past Monday 1/4/10 and every show since TnA's debut!

My guess is going to be The Ultimate Warrior or Warrior as he's known today partly because he has been hiding under a rock somewhere and because nobody else has said him yet.
Utimate Warrior & booker T are my guesses

Warrior cause he'd never go to the E caus ethe dvd release

Booker cause he has proberly thought about it with his time off & thinks he'd be in for more money if tna did take off
Well, just like how everyone is guessing who the "huge" name will be, I'll also go with Ken Anderson. There's been rumors running rampant ever since his release that he'll eventually end up in TNA just like any other released WWE superstar. He's squashed rumors, teased us in his home movies...c'mon, it has to be him.

Other than that, everytime TNA thinks that a big name is coming to TNA, it ends up being some mid-carder that nobody cares about..
It’s obviously a free agent, but out of all the free agents there is, who are the “big names.” Well, a lot have mentioned guys like Paul Heyman and Goldberg. The problem with those two is that they have no interest in working for TNA and have said so many times in the past. Goldberg has too much stuff going on and I think Paul just doesn’t want to work for them. He might have problems with some of the people that work there, if I’m not mistaken.

Who else is there? Well, there’s Ken Anderson who I really wouldn’t consider a big name. Apparently, he’s under contract with the Hulkster because of the Australia tour so it might end up being him. If can stay healthy and has improved his wrestling skills, then I could see him being a nice addition to the TNA roster.

Someone mentioned Randy Savage and I think the chances of that happening are slim to none. Randy HATES Hogan and I don’t see him wanting to work for TNA with him being there and all. There might also still be some bad blood with him and TNA over his last run with them. I just don’t ever see this happening unless he makes peace with Hogan.

Two other choices are Austin and The Rock. Both of those appearing are slim to none too. Rock apparently is working on something with the WWE for the fans and if I’m not mistaken, Austin is still under some contract with the WWE. So that won’t be happening.

So, who else could it be? While I think that it would be great if it ends up being RVD, I’m a little scared. TNA has, in the past, advertise wrestler coming in as big names, even though those wrestlers weren’t really big names. So hopefully it’s him but I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being someone else, who knows, it might even end up being someone from ROH.

Anyways, some possibilities on why it may be RVD is because of the lighter schedule. That’s probably the main reason we won’t see him in WWE again on a full time basis. He wants to take care of his wife. With TNA’s schedule he can still be with her a lot and make good money in the process. Another issue he has with WWE (or at least I assume he does) is the fines that would be piling up because he uses marijuana. In TNA there’s no punishment for him if he smokes marijuana so he doesn’t have to worry about paying fines with them.

Overall, I think it’s going to be RVD because it would benefit him a lot because of the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph. I would love to see it happen. He’s a great wrestler that knows how to entertain a crowd. Call him a spot monkey, I don’t care, he’s still very damn entertaining and it would be great to see him join TNA.
For all the people who are saying it might be Austin, there's something that I saw once that may show it would be impossible for him to go to TNA, and strangely enough it came from Hogan's reality show. Remember the episode when Vince tried to sign Hogan to a twenty year contract? Something along the lines of selling his merchandise what not. And Hogan said then he'd be signed with the WWE into his seventies? Well, anyways, as you can tell, Hogan turned down the contract. But in the episode Hogan said that other wrestlers like STONE COLD had done the same. Now I don't know if he can break the contract or even if I might have heard it wrong. But I'm pretty sure I didn't, and I'm pretty sure Austin is going to be aligned with the WWE for a very long time. Now as for who the "big name" could be: I think quite possibly it will be Bill Goldberg. I know, and have seen him during several interviews with the likes of TMZ that he has nothing but utter disdain for Vince McMahon. So what better way to get back at the prick? Sign with the competition. Although, I'm not so sure Goldberg's name is as big as it once was. Otherwise, and this is a no brainer, it will be Kennedy or RVD.
Has everyone forgotten Tommy Dreamer? He mentioned in his blog that he might go to TNA and since TNA seems to be taking just about anyone, I wouldn't be surprised to see him at Genesis. And yes, TNA would bill him as a big name. Ater all, Tatanka and Jim Neidhart were considered legends.

Other than him though, my picks are Kennedy and/or RVD, though Kennedy is probably the strongest choice since he's stalled a TNA debut for a while now.
Has everyone forgotten Tommy Dreamer? He mentioned in his blog that he might go to TNA and since TNA seems to be taking just about anyone, I wouldn't be surprised to see him at Genesis. And yes, TNA would bill him as a big name. Ater all, Tatanka and Jim Neidhart were considered legends.

Other than him though, my picks are Kennedy and/or RVD, though Kennedy is probably the strongest choice since he's stalled a TNA debut for a while now.

Dreamer's got a 90 day no compete clause though surely? That clause is in all people leaving the E isnt it?

Plus that 'blog' you speak off wasnt Tommy, it was somebody else, and the wrestling websites picked it up and said it was a direct quote from Dreamer, but it wasnt, it was someone having a laugh, Dreamer denied that he was looking to go to TNA.

As for the big name, in my opinion, it'll end up being Ken Anderson. Why?

Well, he's recent... some of the younger TNA fans may not really know Waltman/Hall/Nash/Hogan's history... but TNA have gone with it and will re-define it to the young TNA fans now I think... so why not counter balance that with someone theyve all heard of and recognise in someone like Ken (Mr Kennedy) Anderson?

Its either him or RVD, but the comments coming out of RVD's camp are that he see's TNA as small-fry, so doubt it'll be him.
Well let me throw some names out there.... JBL. Mr. Anderson (Kennedy), DDP, Tommy Dreamer, anyone released from WWE in the last year, or an old WCW guy.

Ive seen alot about The Rock and Austin... neither will go to TNA. Not because of the money but because of pride. Neither wants to be associated with an up and coming company. If they were more developed and had a lot more to offer right now i'd believe this.

As for Goldberg, i just dont see any competition there for him. You have to remember this is the guy who was built as a dominant force in WCW and even carried over into WWE. There is no way TNA could even use him unless they were going to book him with power. And who on TNA could actually hang in a power match with Goldberg. Joe maybe but who else? Heres who I would like to see come to TNA.

Id like to see Matt Hardy come to TNA. I have no idea when his contract expires but it would be awesome to see him in TNA for as long as Jeff is there (probably going to prison). And I'd also like to see the return of Petey Williams. He was an awesome wrestler and he would benifiet the X-Division again as well. Even Elix Skipper. Oh i would love to see an Ultimate X match with Petey Williams, Elix Skipper, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Kaz (suicide), Amazing Red, yes throw Waltman in there right now, and a debuting Shelton Benjamin (way under appreciated in the E). That would be an awesome match with huge spots. Could u imagine Shelton and Kaz each leaping from the turnbuckle to the middle of the X at the same time and wat could come from that. Well thats my take.
None other then the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin who else bigger is it than Austin, Austin apperas everynow and then for WWE but i dont think he is on a WWE contract and it would make alot of sense joining guys like Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair

ok people, seriously ya'll need to stop with the "Austin to TNA" bull. It's NEVER going to happen, he's on that WWE Movie contract to make at least 3 movies, he made "The Condemned" and is currently making another movie for WWE. He still has 1 more to go after this one. Plus he isn't going to wrestle ever again. If he didn't wrestle at WrestleMania 25 in Houstin, TEXAS, then it's never going to happen. And he wouldn't go to TNA just for a few appearances or anything to try and run the show with Hogan or be a "GM" or whatever. It's not going to happen, get it out of your heads please.
Big name? I honestly can't think of anyone.

But, to the point, I'd say Ken Anderson. He's stalled for a little bit too long and I'm sure the guy needs a job now that the Hulkamania tour is over.

I'm sure I'd consider him a big deal if he wasn't so damn injury prone though. :D
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here.. and say it's Paul Heyman, RVD, and they might even bring Sabu and Sandman into the mix.. Clearly the age of the wrestlers they are bringing in doesn't really matter.. and I am gonna a even bigger shot in the dark here and say they are going grab Dreamer once his 90 day compete clause is up.. if that applies.. if it doesn't since he asked for his release than he'll be there soon and start that whole ECW thing again.. except clearly it won't be ECW cause WWE owns those rights.. that might lead to the resurrection of all those hardcore matches that the PG era has completely gotten rid off.

As far as Tommy Dreamer saying he wouldn't go to TNA.. Well I mean, what do you expect him to say... "Yeah, I'm going to TNA i just lied to my former employers to get a release" The guy isn't an idiot. And he was pretty well respected by WWE despite his Jobber status for long periods of time

I do agree that Mr Kennedy Anderson is a logical choice as well. And I'd be really shocked if he doesn't show up in TNA sooner than later....
this has me intrigued mostly because of the thought. who would they have go at the next ppv that wouldn't have been good enough to draw against raw? I think that its either going to be savage or warrior at genesis to challenge jay lethal.

p.s. Shane-o-mac would be epic though i doubt that would happen.
i'd like to give my 2 cents on the Austin theories: NO WAY HE'S GOING!

Austin's worked with Bischoff as talent, no way he works with him if he's his boss.

Austin's hated Hogan because he wanted to team w/ him during Hogan's pre-nWo run and Hogan didn't want to. if Austin was gonna work with Hogan, he would've accepted that challenge Hogan laid out to Austin years ago on that RAW anniversary show. if Austin wouldn't have Bischoff as a boss, no chance he wants Hogan as a boss. Hogan already had HHH job to him and HBK too. he beat Orton too, now Austin? i don't think Austin's stupid enough to budge unless it was for an insane amount of money that Vince McMahon would have a stroke over because TNA would pay Austin that. besides that, Stone Cold was Austin's gimmick. is he gonna just be Steve Austin? i think Austin's the kind of person that doesn't wanna drag out more than he can like Flair & Hogan have done. he wants people to remember him for what he did when he was good at doing it, not when he's broken down to get a paycheck. he's acting, he doesn't need money
Another thing on RVD is that whole he looks at tna as the minor leagues...well all not to long ago RVD was in a promotion considered the minor leagues that all the big companys picked talent up from....ecw. Ecw really wasnt a threat to anyone in everyones minds. No one even gave them a hint of faith to come anywhere close to wwe or wcw. So to say that him calling tna the little company might not be a bad thing really. Now yes tna and ecw are different for sure im not saying they are similar. Just saying its not like Rob has been this all for Big time power corp guy his whole career.
I will list a few reasons of why I don't think certain wrestlers will be at Genesis, based on what JB said:
First of all, he said "debut"-if it's really their debut, than it can't be savage or rikishi
Rock and Austin-like many other people have said, they're staying with WWE
Heyman-it could happen, but I doubt it due to his past with Bischoff

Who do I think it could be?
here are some possibilities:
RVD and Kennedy-either one could, neither have been in tna and i would love to see either one in tna
Goldberg-slight chance, but who knows? maybe it could happen

here are some long shots that no one has named:
Arn Anderson-TNA signed Ric Flair, maybe Arn is next. correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he's still with WWE
Lex Luger-if JB is right about a "debut", I believe Luger has been in TNA before, but if he didn't mean "debut", than I wouldn't be surprised
Jimmy Hart-Hogan and Nasty Boys are both in TNA now, why wouldn't Hart go with them?
Haku-most young fans nowadays probably have never heard of him, but he's a friend of Hogan's
I have been reading all the names people think may be coming to TNA and I got to be honest I dont know as a wrestling fan if someone like Goldberg,JBL or if anyone else I have seen mentioned showed the WOW factor just wouldnt be there for me. Even Lesnar who I think is awesome and would tear up TNA it still wouldnt be a WOW moment that will keep me watching. Personally I think TNA needs to bring in more talent from over seas I would be in more Awe at seeing Shuji Kondo in a TNA ring more so than seeing RVD,Goldberg,Savage,JBL or anyone else who used to work for the WWE. Hell I'd be excited to see Nathan Jones finally appear in TNA. Bring back Tanahashi or get Nagata,Nakanishi,Tenzan, Akiyama,Kojima bring in some real talent if its truley about wrestling then TNA needs to bring in guys who can WRESTLE.
Possibilities mentioned:

Goldberg: I don't see this happening at all because for one, Goldberg has no interest in wrestling anymore.. and for two, they'd have to pay him an exceedingly huge amount of money because he has no interest or passion for wrestling and would need lots of money to entice him. This would be a horrible choice in my opinion, sure he was at one time a big name but it would be bad because one, they'd be spending lots of money to get him and I don't think they should be spending tons and tons of money right now for lots of old talent, that was WCW's problem. And two, he'd want to come in and be in the spotlight, and that would be taking things away from the young stars being pushed. There's no way Goldberg's going to come in and want to just give young guys the rub, I think the past has proven his mentality when it comes to his wrestling career.

Randy Savage: I don't really see the benefit here. Sure he's an established name and a big time star in wrestling, a proven commodity, but he'd just be another old star who'd have to be pushed into a role in the company and another reason things would start to get overcrowded and other, younger guys would find themselves losing a spot. He's just not needed.

JBL: He's loyal to WWE and has made that very clear. I don't see him ever coming to TNA.

Shane McMahon: It's a nice thought in terms of storyline and swerves, but there's no way Shane's going to go to the company trying to compete with the WWE and his family. This isn't an angle.

The Rock: Not a chance.

Brock Lesnar: Not a chance. He has no interest in going back to wrestling, he's a MMA star now and that's what he feels he was born to do.

Who I think and would like to debut:

Ken Anderson, formerly Mr. Kennedy. I think he's going to debut and I think he would be the best option and best prospect to get into TNA. Sure he's supposedly injury prone, although it could've just been bad luck and a fluke part of his career.. there's no reason to use that as a con against him when there are so many, many pros about him. He's still young and has years ahead of him, he has talent, he has phenomenal mic skills, and I think he could be a big time player and prove his true potential in TNA if given the chance. He could bring a lot to TNA and I'm hoping to see it happen. I think he could add another layer that would give TNA more possibility of lifting their ratings and getting closer to breaking out.

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