[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

I honestly don't know why TNA signed Jordan. He is generic, and wasn't that good in the ring. Unless he has improved in rign wise I see him being gone in 2-3 months.
Hes gay get over it just cause he is gay doesn't mean he is useless.

oh yea, you're right about that. Regardless of his preferred sexuality...he still sucks! haha

Him being gay doesn't bother me none, i'm just presenting the facts.
But yeah, it doesn't necessarily MEAN he's useless.... but he's not really use-worthy either.

In my eyes.... a waste of a contract.
My question is what do you think will happen with him in TNA? Will he feud with D'Angelo Dinero? Can you guys see him being anything other then midcard?

I barely recognized him at first. About halfway into the segment with Dinero, I realized who it was. I don't see Orlando Jordan going far in TNA. He will probably feud with Dinero first and Dinero will go over. Orlando's best time was when he was helping JBL as part of his cabinet stable and held the US title. He might win the X Division title but I doubt it. It was cool to see him on Impact, but I just don't think he will go too far because even in the midcard there are so many others who are better than him.
He's a wrestler TNA never showed any intrest in before, yet he suddely arrives with Hogan some 4 years after he was fired by WWE, all seems a bit pointless. His biggest and possibly best match is a 19 second loss to Chris Benoit, he hasn't got a good look, he's not a good talker, I just don't see why TNA feels the need to bring him in. He'll never be as over as Petey Williams, bring that guy back instead.
5. So the old NWO members having a reunion was a rerun but Bret Hart and Vince going at it on Raw like it was 1997 again wasn't?

No, it wasn't. Bret and Vince was the culmination of 12 years of bitter seperation.

Having the old nWo boys back together was just a rehashing. If it hadn't have been done at least 5-6 times in the past 10 years, maybe it would've actually been a worthwhile packaging like Bret's return.
Okies so we think that Jeff is heading to TNA for maybe short term or whatever and thats cool. So naturally as you do on here you start another thread to discuss someone else coming to TNA and here we are, Matt Hardy to TNA?

Matt Hardy since the days of his tag team infamcy with the Dudleys and Edge and Christian in late 90's/early 00's has never been used properly in WWE in my opinion. Hes always been held down never really given an oppurtunity to develop his mic skills and personality, and in the ring I believe hes pretty solid. Why not sign him? Okies I know hes in WWE contract but offer the guy somethhing to tempt him leaving maybe? But would Matt Hadry going to TNA be any good for the company? I believe yes, and heres why, he can still go in the ring, hes relevant to wrestling now days and the past, maybe more the past but hes not washed up yet. A few nostalgic matches with his brother Jeff and Team 3D would perhaps bring in some of those fans who lived through the end of the Monday Night Wars. Besides anything else hes a what I think as an untapped talent that still hasnt developed yet does have slight drawing power, and so you can mould him him into anything, much like they are trying to do with Bobby Lashley.

So Matt Hardy in TNA good move or bad move?
JB has already confirmed that a "big name" will indeed debut at Genesis. What are you thoughts on this?

Who do you think this person will be? A former WWE wrestler? Former WCW performer?

Paul Heyman?

discuss your opinions.
I was just about to post a thread regarding who could come in to TNA...so this one works.

I've read on some wrestling sites that they have not one, but two, "huge" names that are signed and coming in. I'm very curious who these HUGE names could be. I think everyone expects Ken Anderson to be one. I don't think he's "huge" though, if he were signed right when he was released then yes, but not now. The other most obvious one is RVD. Beyond that I really don't know who could be considered such a big name that could reasonably sign with TNA. Also, if it's not a wrestling, then really I have no interest.

Heyman is a good guess, I didn't think of that, but he's more valuable as a behind the scenes guy and I think it's obvious that he wouldn't be given the power he would want/need. There are a few "big names" that I can think of but I'm not sure that I would believe pretty much any of them signing until I see it. Like I said, I think the two bigger names people are expecting are Anderson and RVD (and I'd bet Anderson is probably a lock at this point). Others:

Goldberg: They have Hogan, Hall, Nash, Waltman, Sting, Steiner...so it only makes sense that they'd make a play for Goldberg. I also think that he has some ties with Spike. But we've heard in the past that he simply wants too much money. I don't knwo how much of a draw he would be really. I personally have never found him interesting and I don't know if he's a name that current fans would really care about that much.

Randy Savage: Another ex-WWF, high profile WCW guy. He's a huge name no doubt but he can't go anymore either. I could see him turning up in TNA and if he's in shape I might be interested...but I'm sure it would get old fast.

JBL: I cannot stand JBL and do NOT want to see him in TNA, but he is a familiar face to this generation of fans. I don't know why he would choose TNA at WWE at this point though. He likely would get more money (and a reduced schedule if he wrestled) in WWE, and has a shot at the WWE HOF, even though I don't think he's anything special. I think we have a better chance that some others of seeing JBL in TNA.

Shane McMahon: I don't think he would ever come to TNA simply because there is still plenty he could do at WWE and it is an family business. I just can't see him bailing wealth, success, and family just to "try something else."

The Rock: Let's just get this out of the way right now. The Rock will not be in TNA. He's a Hollywood career guy now. If he was going to go back, it would be as a guest, and it would be to wherever he could get the most exposure, and that would be WWE. He will 99% never wrestle again, and I'd say he's 99.999999% sure to never appear in TNA.

Brock Lesnar: Now here's an interesting idea. Another long shot, and I don't see it happening. But let's say that Lesnar is hurt enough that he cannot fight legit. He may still be able to do something wrestling wise. Obviously there is the Spike TV connection there so that could help. I do see Brock as a "I'll go where the money is" kind of guy, but he has also done so much. If the price it right, and he is unable to fight MMA, I could see him come into TNA. I also wouldn't expect any announcement if/until we find out about his UFC stats, and then only if he simply cannot fight ago. While I don't really expect this to happen, this would truly be a surprise and a big name signing.

Other than that, I really can't see any "big names" that are out there. If I were forced to pick a name right now I'd have to go with Ken Anderson.
Edge? i think hes not on a contract with wwe last time i checked or heard.I think that would be an awesome pick up for TNA and him and hogan are close. lol at shane-o-mac that would be insane!!!!!!
Edge? i think hes not on a contract with wwe last time i checked or heard.I think that would be an awesome pick up for TNA and him and hogan are close. lol at shane-o-mac that would be insane!!!!!!

Edge in still under contract with wwe, they have an injury clause that extends the deal for as long as he was out.

The only "big" name will be Ken Anderson. RVD is going to the wwe, Sid Vicious could show up but he's far from a big name.
Edge? i think hes not on a contract with wwe last time i checked or heard.I think that would be an awesome pick up for TNA and him and hogan are close. lol at shane-o-mac that would be insane!!!!!!

First of all I would like to know where you got your information on that because edge is still under contract.

My guess is Mr. Kennedy or mr. anderson ..what ever they want to call him.

This would be a good choice for tna. With tna's nlight scheduel this could possibly help kennedy with the injury prone stuff going on with him. Now i understand he has some stuff going on with heymen.
So posssibly if we get Mr. Kennedy in tna we could also get paul heymen. So with a combo with eric and paul both gunning it out for wwe. That combo could be really deadly.
I'm not sure who I'd like to see debut at Genesis really. I'd have to give some thought on it since I just read about this a few minutes ago myself. As to who it could be, I think Rob Van Dam is a real possibility. There has been talk about Ken Anderson, AKA Mr. Kennedy, heading to TNA for quite a while now. The possibility also has to be considered that "big name" might be a bit of an exaggeration.

After all, TNA referred to Jim Neidhart and Tatanka as "legends" for their matches against Jay Lethal. While some argument could possibly made for Neidhart as a legend due to his association with Bret Hart as part of the Hart Foundation, it's still something of a stretch in my opinion. It also wouldn't surprise me to see someone older show up that's friendly with Hulk Hogan like Kevin Sullivan. TNA is quickly becoming the unofficial rest home of pro wrestling.
Hmm.. If it's a big name i'd probably say it's Paul Heyman. There really aren't that many big name fee agents out there that I could think of that's worth a PPV debut. Kennedy's not that big of a name and IMO hasn't really done anything that much in WWE. Maybe RVD? But I heard he's going to WWE so I'm not sure. Goldberg could work but I don't think he would draw that much and probably not worth investing the money into. But if I have to bet it'll probably be Paul Heyman.
i think it would be awesome if Tommy Dreamer showed up at Genesis u know like in a Raven match that would be awesome and spark the old fued again. maybe matt hardy if he is wasn't under contract. I think it might be an ECW star like the Sandman too but i doubt its an old WWE or WCW star i think it could be somebody from the Tribe of EXTREME ECW
Big name... hmmmm...
I really like the Goldberg idea.. dunno what kinda chape he is in tho.. Hulk can bring that destructive force in to test the younger guys.. But again. dunno what kidna shape he's in.

I'm editing and thinking outside the box..
Also TRYING to think about WCW Wrastlers... Glacier.. NO just kiddn.
JB said a big name.. thats it.. how about optimus prime? Did JB specifically say wrestler?
My mind keeps fan boyishly weening back over to goldberg.
It needs to be huge. TNA is trying to say we can pick up anyone we want. We have the backing, and we're not messing around. I had heard a rumor about stone cold steve austin coming in to TNA possibly. Makes some sense, and would be a fun program to come in and call out shark boy, who was mimicing him for awhile , and he's been off tv for awhile. i think it would be fun, and the ratings would rocket through the roof.
Well TNA has gone out of their way in the past, as far who they consider "big names." I personally would take this with a grain of salt, as most of the "big names" that debuted on Impact this past Monday were the furthest thing from that. The only exceptions were Jeff Hardy and Ric Flair.

Since Hogan has a habit of giving all of his buddies jobs, I wouldn't be surprised to see Ed Leslie (Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, The Zodiac, The Booty Man) show up. Of course, about 75% of the Impact Zone will have no idea who he is.

Another possibility is Ken Anderson (Kennedy). This seems the most realistic to me, as he stalled on joining TNA to participate in the Hulkamania tour, and see if his WWE stock would rise again. Apparently, that didn't happen, so he needs a job.
I agree, I think it will be Mr. Kennedy as well. I used to love watching his promos on WWE, I think he is one of the most underrated stars in the wrestling world. If it is indeed him to debut, wonder who he would be wrestling against? I'd hate to see him wrestle Desmond Wolfe though because those two could potentially make an awesome tag team if they set their egos aside...yeah I know thats a long shot but stranger things have happened.
Big name... hmmmm...
I really like the Goldberg idea.. dunno what kinda chape he is in tho.. Hulk can bring that destructive force in to test the younger guys.. But again. dunno what kidna shape he's in.

Bischoff was really high on Goldberg, and he ran him for awhile with the title, but I would have to say that Goldberg is not huge anymore.
I want RVD. Wherever he ends up will be a draw for me.

In reality, the biggest name that they can draw would be Goldberg because he's on the new season of celebrity apprentice.

Plus, he's still a huge name and he isn't broken down like a lot of other guys.

The downside to Goldberg will be when he hurts another big name in the ring.
it's highly unlikely, but what if it was the rock? i mean he's turned down raw guest hosting for a while now and he's got stuff to promote, if it was him? would WWE remove him from the intro, that aside, they'd surely have to rename Smackdown too? I mean it was the rocks show right? that aside, i think shane macmahon would be a posibility too, and a 'huge suprise' as we keep getting told. He did leave WWE to 'persue new avenues' or something like that and i forget if his contract ended on Jan 1st if i remeber correctly. Either of those two would be immense, but knowing TNA they'll get us to tune in to see them reveal funaki as the big new signing or something. I hope im pleasantly surprised though...
Another "BIG" possiblity would be Rikishi. He is a big name, and just toured with hogan also

I don't think it will be Rikishi. First off, does anyone want to see him? Second, he was already and TNA and left on supposedly not so good terms, and his time there was really a flop.

Good thinking though, trying to come up with some other names.
I guess it might be too far off to say the Rock, because he has been turning down WWE as of late, and with a new movie coming out why would he turn it down. That's alot of free publicity for his up coming movie "the tooth fairy" I still say its stone cold steve austin.
Kennedy or RVD is really all i could think of...

Rvd isnt giong to wwe. Last new i heard was there was talk of maybe him doing another 1 time royal rumble appearance but not go go to wwe. Think about it....he really would ether not fit in the pg era or he would not be able to be himself which is part of the reason he left wwe in the first place. He wanted to do his own thing where he could be himself. Tna he could deffintly be more of himself at.

and kennedy has been rumored forever so that would be cool to see.

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