[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

Who I want to see is Ken Anderson/ Mr. Kennedy. I think TNA could really let him be himself and really push the product with his promos and strong in ring work. The injury BS is just that BS. Yeah he gets injured but so do all wrestlers. Maybe he never ever gets injured again but he probably will but you can't just go on past history too much.

That said Ken Anderson IS NOT coming in to TNA because he is working on some tv/movie scripts and is by all accounts completely finished with wrestling for the near future. If he really was coming to TNA he would have already been in TNA and going strong. He is done with wrestling and has put down the TNA product at every turn recently and like Rob Van Dam thinks of TNA as minor league. HEY AT LEAST HE DOES NOT BASH ON AJ STYLES LIKE ROB VAN DAM HAS DONE IN RECENT INTERVIEWS.

AS I said it won't be RVD! After the comments he has put on TNA recently!

Knowing TNA the will say it is a big signing but what TNA thinks is BIG and what we know is big are two completely different things. With that said it will be some one like JIMMY HART, SID VISCOUS,DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE,or one of Hogans cronies that he has already have begun to bring in. IT WILL NOT BE A BIG DEAL like Jeff Hardy or Ric Flair, IT WILL FLOP LIKE TNA DID with Val, Orlando,The Nasty Boys etc...! TNA MAY THINK IT IS HUGE BUT IT WILL NOT BE CAUSE THEY WILL NOT JUST SIGN KEN ANDERSON OR RVD. They will think too much and use some has been/never was!
Your link doesn't work but I have done you a favour by quoting it:

Vince Russo said:
TNA writer Vince Russo says the only WWE wrestler he wants to join his company is Randy Orton.

The controversial booker revealed he has no desire to see the likes of Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena and Shawn Michaels in Dixie Carter's promotion.

And when asked who he would like to see move to TNA, Russo said emphatically: "Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton and Randy Orton."

Let me start off by saying that Vince Russo is a fucking moron. The more I hear from him, the more I become sure of that fact. Firstly, he is not going to lure Randy Orton away from WWE. Randy Orton is a company man and the WWE has been good to him. The WWE are putting a lot of stock in Randy Orton and if he does leave WWE, I think that Vince McMahon will cry himself to sleep from then on in. That being said, I doubt that he will ever leave the WWE. Vince Russo always likes to try and stir the pot but this time he is just being moronic. There is no way that Randy Orton will leave WWE for TNA at the minute. I am not saying that there may come a time when people are thinking about jumping ship to TNA and I am sure that the likes of Matt Hardy have already thought about it. However, Vince Russo knows that Randy Orton is not interested all this is doing is trying to further his cause in TNA.

I also like how they state it as "his" company. The other thing is, why in the blue hell would you not want to have John Cena or the Undertaker in your promotion?! They are two of the biggest names in wrestling and have more reputation and credibility than any of the people that are currently mobbing "his" promotion. Russo is a fucking idiot.
watz apnin, this my first post really, so ere we go.

john cena is a shitbag, he iz the same pg bullshit fed to those fifteen and under, tna is a choice for older people. cena sux ass, 5 move jonathan, then waving his hand around like a disabled monkey. he has no stock, wwe just wanting to sell them orang shirtz off the punk.

undertaker'z orite, actually hez very good, but anyone with half a brain must admit he gettin very predictable as-well from a storyline point of view. it's like what russo said, before wcw challenged the wwe, wwe fed whatever they wanted to the audience, i mean u can picture stephanie and triple h just lyin in bed, sayin and in the end 'cena does an attitude adjustment, and dx do all the suckkkkit with the little bastardo, show over'
they just feedin cena and dx, i mean sure now and then orton will come around in the main event, only to be crushed by john cena in 5 minutes, or weasling to hhh.
it dont make any f'in sense, if tna get bigger arenas, then trust me the likes of orton will jump, trust me, not yet. but soon,hogan wants to move to bigger arenas, hopefully they do, coz itz the atmosphere that makes all the difference.
by the way hbk needs to whip hhh's ass, i mean this dx shit gettin very boring rite now, and cena needs to stop being superman please, if not all the viewers over a certain age will gradually go to tna.
I would only prefer Rnady Orton in TNA it it is the Randy Orton from prime Evolution days, if not then screw it. It will be a nightmare watching the uncharasmatic, constipated, monotone, slow and boring Randy in TNA.

The cocky one and cheeky smirk Randy Orton with hair on his head from 2004-2006 rules. Then yeah i would welcome his presence in TNA
watz apnin, this my first post really, so ere we go.

john cena is a shitbag, he iz the same pg bullshit fed to those fifteen and under, tna is a choice for older people. cena sux ass, 5 move jonathan, then waving his hand around like a disabled monkey. he has no stock, wwe just wanting to sell them orang shirtz off the punk.

undertaker'z orite, actually hez very good, but anyone with half a brain must admit he gettin very predictable as-well from a storyline point of view. it's like what russo said, before wcw challenged the wwe, wwe fed whatever they wanted to the audience, i mean u can picture stephanie and triple h just lyin in bed, sayin and in the end 'cena does an attitude adjustment, and dx do all the suckkkkit with the little bastardo, show over'
they just feedin cena and dx, i mean sure now and then orton will come around in the main event, only to be crushed by john cena in 5 minutes, or weasling to hhh.
it dont make any f'in sense, if tna get bigger arenas, then trust me the likes of orton will jump, trust me, not yet. but soon,hogan wants to move to bigger arenas, hopefully they do, coz itz the atmosphere that makes all the difference.
by the way hbk needs to whip hhh's ass, i mean this dx shit gettin very boring rite now, and cena needs to stop being superman please, if not all the viewers over a certain age will gradually go to tna.

Wow! That is just what we need. Another person who can't spell correctly enough for me to even know what you are talking about. I know that it is your first post but you should really work on your grammar and punctuation. If you don't, it will take away from the point you are "attempting" to make. My point being that this post is just incredibly idiotic.

Vince Russo is widely regarded as being a fucking moron. You can say all you want about him bringing Stone Cold into the WWF/E but the point that you seem to be overlooking is that Vince Russo is a tired writer so has yet to come up with anything original since his run in WWF and WCW, to a lesser extent. The point you are also missing is that Vince Russo is not responsible for the Attitude Era. Vince McMahon knew which direction his company was taking and every angle that Russo came up with went through McMahon. He had the final say on everything and one could argue that it was Vince McMahon that saved the WWE, with some assistance from Russo. Just like he had some good decisions in the WWF, he had some pretty piss-poor ones. Just because many people see him as being instrumental in "saving the WWF", does not mean that he is above question so shut the fuck up.

Oh look! He also thinks that Cena is being "fed to the kids" too. Hi! Have you met Lord Sidious? Listen, John Cena is the most successful crossover star that the WWE has had since the Rock. You may not like him and you may love him. It makes no difference because Cena is going nowhere. He is bringing in money and business for the WWE and as long as that is happening, he will always be the golden boy of the WWE. Oh! You also use the "5 Movez of Death" argument. Good for you. Around here, we like to think that only the morons use that and since you did... Well.

OK, now I am done with you.

The fact of the matter is that Orton is a big star. However, Russo has got it wrong if he thinks that Orton will be joining his promotion in the near future. In fact, I don't even think that he does. All I think this article does is attempt to turn some heads on this side of the pond and get some British fans, who like the WWE, to tune into WCW TNA. Orton will not join TNA in the near future if at all.
The only reason I can think of Orton possibly jumping ship to TNA is due to TNA's more relaxed views on Marijuana, which is also making me lean towards TNA signing RVD apposed to WWE.
I'm going to have to agree with Dave here. Not his rant against the guy up there, but the Russo-is-a-moron thing. Simply put, Orton has a very very comfortable spot in the WWE at the moment and that's not likely to change any time soon. With Jeff Hardy gone, he is arguably the number 3 star in the company, maybe number 2 on a good day. And considering he's a heel, that is incredibly difficult to do. But just listen to the reactions. People either love him or hate him, but everyone has a strong opinion, and that's a sign that he's doing his job properly. He's making good money, I'm sure and there's no doubt that he will be back in the main event picture some time this year.

Now, call my crazy, but I think any sane person would take being the number 3 man in WWE over being the number 1 man (assuming they even make him the number 1 guy) in TNA. There's very, very few would jump ship to TNA with such a good position in WWE. There's a few moronic exceptions, a la Jeff Hardy. But Orton is much smarter than that, so we'll never see Orton in TNA unless something major happens.

Russo was there in the Monday Night Wars. He should know that young guys never leave WWE, they just go there. It's all the older guys that leave WWE for other promotions. Russo just can't seem to get it through his thick skull. But oh well, he doesn't have the power he used to with Hogan around, so that's a good thing.
There is absolutely no way this will happen. Not a chance.

It's just a way for Russo to get people talking about TNA.

However, it is the kind of thing that needs to happen for TNA to become a legit rival to the WWE
Randy Orton will NOT leave the WWE for TNA. Not now, not ever. By the time TNA might have had the "stroke" to draw real star power (Cena, Orton, Trips, 'Taker, etc) they will have already been run into the ground by the Leg Drop of Doom, his cronies, and poor management. TNA has been around for a while now and this past week was barely a blip. They cannot feed us those huge surprises each week to draw viewers. Once the masses notice TNA is still just TNA....RIP.

The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”:flamed:
watz apnin, this my first post really, so ere we go.
first of all thunder dave you can go f urself, if it waznt for russo there wud b no wwe rite now as he saved their asses by making dx, stone cold and the rock, even kane- undertaker story, so u can kiss my ass.

john cena is a shitbag, he iz the same pg bullshit fed to those fifteen and under, tna is a choice for older people. cena sux ass, 5 move jonathan, then waving his hand around like a disabled monkey. he has no stock, wwe just wanting to sell them orang shirtz off the punk.

undertaker'z orite, actually hez very good, but anyone with half a brain must admit he gettin very predictable as-well from a storyline point of view. it's like what russo said, before wcw challenged the wwe, wwe fed whatever they wanted to the audience, i mean u can picture stephanie and triple h just lyin in bed, sayin and in the end 'cena does an attitude adjustment, and dx do all the suckkkkit with the little bastardo, show over'
they just feedin cena and dx, i mean sure now and then orton will come around in the main event, only to be crushed by john cena in 5 minutes, or weasling to hhh.
it dont make any f'in sense, if tna get bigger arenas, then trust me the likes of orton will jump, trust me, not yet. but soon,hogan wants to move to bigger arenas, hopefully they do, coz itz the atmosphere that makes all the difference.
by the way hbk needs to whip hhh's ass, i mean this dx shit gettin very boring rite now, and cena needs to stop being superman please, if not all the viewers over a certain age will gradually go to tna.

Funnily enough I agree with most of this! You're gonna start me on another Vince Russo rant haha...

It's my belief that 'WWE' fans truly don't know the full extent of Vinnie Ru did for the WWF. It's funny how Russo will give credit to people who deserve it and he doesn't get shit in return. To be fair, you can't form an opinion on the guy based on biased WWE DVD's.

The creative set-up in the WWF during Russo's tenure was much different than today. Vince Russo was Vince McMahon's right hand man from May of 1996 right up until he left for WCW in October '99.

Unlike now, where the creative team is made of a committee, from '96 and through til '98 the creative was handled by Vinnie Mac and Russo. Of course guys like Kevin Dunn and Pat Paterson had a little influence, But Russo was writing the shows. Keep in mind, starting in '95, he was writing all the promos for the guys as well as editing the WWF magazine.
Anyway, as the WWF's on screen 'attitude' began to change in late '96, that direction is credited to Russo. Since WCW was so superstar heavy at the time, McMahon knew he had to get with the times and can the 1980's style wrestling and modernise his product to stay in the ballpark with WCW.

By 1999, Ed Ferarra was brought in to assist Russo with the writing duties for Raw and later Smackdown! which debuted in August '99.
Russo is also credited as the architect behind the original DX, The 'Greater Power' storyline in '99, The Corporation/DX feud, The Undertaker/Kane angle and the Austin/McMahon feud to name a few.
It was even Russo's idea to change the look of the bland Raw to 'Raw Is War' and make the show more aggressive and feature more reality based storylines and angles in '97. Due to the popularity of TV shows at the time like Jerry Springer etc...Ratings steadily increased until Raw drew 5's and 6's in the Nielson's. It's also interesting to note that Vince Russo booked the all time highest-rated segment in the history of wrestling on cable TV, The This Is Your Life skit with Foley and The Rock from the September 27th 1999 Raw. Which drew an incredible 8.1 rating!
Russo would write for each talent in depth individually and would have a story for everyone on TV, which kept the under card healthy and interesting. Totally unlike WWE for the past 9 years. Each character would react differently when put in different situations. Again, unlike today.

Onto WCW, I challenge anyone to look up the ratings for Nitro during Russo and Ferarra's first stint from October '99 to early January 2000. The September 27th 1999 Nitro was the last one before Russo and Ferarra took over the booking. It scored a final and consistent for the time 2.9 rating. Ratings steadily increased and the October 18th '99 Nitro finished up with a 3.3 compared to Raw's monstrous 5.4 final rating. The WCW product in my opinion had a bit of life in it again, younger and or underutilised talents saw more TV time. Other guys such as Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr. got a push alongside super worker Eddie Guererro forming the Filthy Animals and so on. The product also adopted a more aggressive style and became much less predictable. This as I mentioned before was reflected in the TV ratings for Nitro which instead of 2's, started pulling 3.5's and 4's each week.

The reason why Russo was canned the first time in January 2000 was because he proposed to put the belt on Tank Abbott at the Souled Out event. It was a scrambled plan due to Heavyweight champ Bret Hart vacating the belt as a result of Goldberg stiffing him with the head kick in the main event at Starrcade the previous month. Hart informed everyone that he was out injured the day before the PPV. With Hart out of the picture, the 'new' nWo angle took a huge blow as Hart was the centrepiece as heel world champ. Other similar situations took place that week too which fucked up the advertised card.

An 'over the top rope' Battle Royal Royal was proposed by Russo, in which Sid was going to be booked to outlast all these other guys, one by one, then the last entrant would be Tank Abbott. Vinnie Ru's argument was that realistically from an in-ring standpoint, If you're Sid, you're tired and battered, then after you've ousted all these guys then suddnely you have to go up against a fresh, former UFC combatant, in the real world, he could hit ya once and knock you over the ropes. Tank was only going to have a transitional reign anyway until they figured out who to put the belt on. The old guard, led by J.J Dillon actively fought against the more mature direction the show took with Russo at the helm, and the Tank Abbott proposal gave them enough ammo to have Russo demoted and placed in a committee. Russo had no wish to do so, therefore he was able to get out of his WCW deal.

WCW was in such disarray at this time, Benoit won the WCW Heavyweight title in match against Sid in which Arn 'The Enforcer of Kayfabe' Anderson refereed. Then right after the match, Benoit as the holder of the World title, Guererro, Malenko, Shane Douglas and Konnan all asked for a release from WCW. They couldn't bare the thought of working under Kevin Sullivan again as he got the pencil after Russo. Benoit, Eddie, Malenko and Perry Saturn incredibly got a full release from WCW and debuted 2 weeks later on Raw.

April 2000 saw the return of Russo, this time working alongside Eric Bischoff. The two never found common ground in which to 'relaunch' WCW which resulted in the bungled Millionaires Club/New Blood angle. By late June 2000, Bischoff bailed. I'll probably never agree with the Arquette title reign, but to be fair, it was Tony Schiavone's idea! Tony had a lot of input in creative in WCW. In the production meeting, after Schiavone proposed the Arquette title win, not one single person objected. Guys such as Johnny Ace (WWE's current Talent boss) and Terry Taylor all kept their mouths shut and agreed to go with it. It is what it is, it certainly got WCW mainstream publicity at a time when they had zero. If Page had won the title that night, It's pretty safe to guess that his picture wouldn't have been on the cover of Entertainment Weekly or whatever the hell it was. But overall, the angle failed miserably and caused more harm than good.
WCW was a sinking ship long before any of this, none of the guys were over anymore and there really wasn't any 'money matches' that could have been booked at that point.

Now onto topic, Russo has mentioned that he believes Orton is the best overall talent in wrestling today. I don't necessarily agree with that, but no question, He would be a huge coup for TNA now at a time when they need name talent. Although promos remain the weakest part of Randy's repertoire, he can still talk and is confident in what he does. Obviously, when motivated, he can go in the ring too.
I don't think it's impossible for Randy to 'Cross The Line', but I don't see it in the short term. Focus more on Ken 'Don't call me Kennedy' Anderson! As Hogan is bringing in all of his boys that took part in his Australian Hulkamania Tour late last year.
I'm going to have to agree with Dave here. Not his rant against the guy up there, but the Russo-is-a-moron thing. Simply put, Orton has a very very comfortable spot in the WWE at the moment and that's not likely to change any time soon. With Jeff Hardy gone, he is arguably the number 3 star in the company, maybe number 2 on a good day. And considering he's a heel, that is incredibly difficult to do. But just listen to the reactions. People either love him or hate him, but everyone has a strong opinion, and that's a sign that he's doing his job properly. He's making good money, I'm sure and there's no doubt that he will be back in the main event picture some time this year.

:wtf: So you're telling me that Randy is a better heel than Edge? Edge is much better than Orton and when he makes his return you will see how much the WWE have missed Edge! He basically carried Smackdown for a year when he was "married" to Vickie!
Well, I know if Orton is in TNA, his IED character would be done right with Vince Russo as the writer. WWE teased the fans with it going into Mania, and did their usual "Abandon something while it's hot" and did what they do best-- "Water things down".

Russo would turn up the knob full blast on Orton, because he likely saw what we see, the person with the greatest potential in wrestling history to pull off a psychotic character. Orton's demeanor and his facial reactions were absolute gold.

So I would definitely like to see a return of this character, and I know Russo wouldn't let us down with letting that character go, like McMahon did.
Steve001, finally we have someone who points out the positives than the negatives. Russo has said himself that he put The Rock in the Nation, he made DX, he made DX go to Nitro in a tank and countless others, people need to get their head out of their asses and stop always listening to what Macmahon feeds them, have you people no shame.
This has to be one of the most absurd suggestions I've ever heard.Orton going to TNA is about as likely as Triple H going to TNA....It will never happen. Why would Orton jump ship to TNA, when he's being built up as WWE's #1 heel? Why would he go to TNA, when he just main evented Wrestlemania 25 and feuded with the Mcmahons and Triple H? Why would he go to TNA if he just spent most of 2009 being WWE champion multiple times? Do you see what I'm getting at here. Like others have already said, Vince has put way TOO MUCH stock into Orton for him to just abandon WWE, and go to TNA. Along with Cena, he is probably the top guy in the company, as far as getting pushed goes. So why would he go to TNA?
watz apnin, this my first post really, so ere we go.

john cena is a shitbag, he iz the same pg bullshit fed to those fifteen and under, tna is a choice for older people. cena sux ass, 5 move jonathan, then waving his hand around like a disabled monkey. he has no stock, wwe just wanting to sell them orang shirtz off the punk.

undertaker'z orite, actually hez very good, but anyone with half a brain must admit he gettin very predictable as-well from a storyline point of view. it's like what russo said, before wcw challenged the wwe, wwe fed whatever they wanted to the audience, i mean u can picture stephanie and triple h just lyin in bed, sayin and in the end 'cena does an attitude adjustment, and dx do all the suckkkkit with the little bastardo, show over'
they just feedin cena and dx, i mean sure now and then orton will come around in the main event, only to be crushed by john cena in 5 minutes, or weasling to hhh.
it dont make any f'in sense, if tna get bigger arenas, then trust me the likes of orton will jump, trust me, not yet. but soon,hogan wants to move to bigger arenas, hopefully they do, coz itz the atmosphere that makes all the difference.
by the way hbk needs to whip hhh's ass, i mean this dx shit gettin very boring rite now, and cena needs to stop being superman please, if not all the viewers over a certain age will gradually go to tna.

russo is a morron. why in the world would the wwe's top heel go to a third rate promotion like TNA

9/10 times if a wrestler is given an option between WWE and TNA they are going to chose WWE. its thats simple
First off he may want Orton but he's not going to get him. Vince would not allow Orton to leave and Orton is not going to go to TNA to make a quarter of what he makes right now. In ten years he may go but right now that would be career suicide.

Besides even if Orton left Vince would have no idea what to do with him. It's not like everything that Russo touches turns to gold. With Hogan and Bischoff in TNA he is going to slowly lose his power anyway. I have near heard of a guy who did so little yet gets praised like he changed the wrestling world. NEWS FLASH....he didn't change the wrestling world. There's a reason why a lot of the boys don't like Russo. WCW found that out when they hired him.

Steve001, finally we have someone who points out the positives than the negatives. Russo has said himself that he put The Rock in the Nation, he made DX, he made DX go to Nitro in a tank and countless others, people need to get their head out of their asses and stop always listening to what Macmahon feeds them, have you people no shame.

So we should stop believing one Vince and believe everything that the other Vince says? I think maybe you should look into removing your head before asking other to remove theirs.

Everybody has their own story to tell about the AE but about 95% of them are wrong.
I'll bash Russo when he does something stupid, but NOBODY said or ASKED if he thinks Randy Orton will jump ship. Simply, a fan asked him who he would like to see in TNA from WWE and he said Randy Orton. THAT'S IT.
Steve001, finally we have someone who points out the positives than the negatives. Russo has said himself that he put The Rock in the Nation, he made DX, he made DX go to Nitro in a tank and countless others, people need to get their head out of their asses and stop always listening to what Macmahon feeds them, have you people no shame.

Yeah...A lot of fans nowadays in my opinion, when looking back at WCW when Russo had the book are too quick to point out the obvious negatives. Partly because they weren't actively watching the product at the time and partly because most of their information comes from biased WWE DVD releases.

What I think a lot of people have to remember is that a lot of the talking heads on the WWE DVD's of today have axes to grind with Russo. Jim Ross has heat because in 1999, when Russo looked to expand his duties in the WWF. Vinnie Ru started looking into payoffs the boys were getting for each show and booking the house shows, both tasks that Ross held dear. Also the whole Austin refusing to work a program with Jeff Jarrett in the summer of '99 put a wedge between them too. Austin's excuse was that Jarrett "didn't hit the ropes hard enough" which is wrestler carny talk implying Jarrett's offence is too light and phony looking. Did Austin's own crappy looking punches hold him back...? NO!

Sure, Jarrett was lighter than most when it came to working, but a lot of the guys liked that about him. Shamrock and Waltman liked working Jarrett for that reason. But that excuse was bullshit. Everyone knew it. Austin resented the fact that back when he and Jarrett worked for Jeff's father, the promoter of the territory, Jerry Jarrett. As Jeff would always get the big pay off and Austin was jerking the curtain, busting his ass and getting $40 a week.

I do concur with Austin about that somewhat, as Jarrett probably wasn't quite at Stone Cold's level in terms how over he is, but Austin was hot enough at the time that he probably could have brought Jarrett up. Russo was always pushing for Jarrett and Ross backed Austin. That's how the major heat between Ross and Russo started.

Vince McMahon is always quick to downplay Vince Russo's contributions to his company. I'll never forget watching an interview with McMahon conducted when they toured here in Australia for the first time in 20 years in November 2002 for the 'Global Warning' Tour. It was shown before a November 2002 Raw broadcast here. This sports reporter from Fox Sports asked Vince to comment on Vince Russo. McMahon all but buried him, but did mention Russo was an asset at one time.
Vince McMahon's ego will not let him admit to the true degree how big of a part Russo played in the WWF's 1990's popularity boom.

Back to the positives of Vince Russo's WCW 'career':

As I mentioned earlier, I believe the first stint Vince Russo and Ed Ferarra had with WCW was a positive one. I make that claim as a fan who watched the WCW product week in and week out at the time. Not as someone who has studied Wikipedia or watched WWE's Rise & Fall of WCW and Monday Night War DVD releases.
Go back, try and watch objectively, and you'll see between the months of September to December 1999, larger and more vocal live crowds attending the events, greater emphasis placed on super workers like Eddie Guererro, Rey Misterio Jr., Chris Benoit, Bret Hart, Dean Malenko and others. Improved pre tapes for live shows that actually advanced storylines instead of just having the yawn inducing wrestler A. attack wrestler B. in the middle of a pre tape promo spot.
Also more mature and thoughtful dialogue was written for the guys to create a more reality based product. It was working! TV ratings were up a full ratings point in just under 3 months! That's damn impressive. I mentioned those ratings numbers in my earlier post.

Fast forward to the period of time just after Russo went on hiatus from WCW in early 2000, the show's change dramatically! Storylines and angles are dropped midstream as Kevin Sullivan and Kevin Nash take over creative. Having to deal with Benoit walking out of the company right after winning the WCW Title in the main event of Souled Out 2000, WCW turns into an even more confusing clusterfuck than it was before. Ratings drop again. Flair is back on top working Hogan in PPV main events, moving with all the speed and grace of a heavily sedated geriatric. So Nash concocts a boring as shit tournament to crown a new champ. Which turned out to be a crippled mess. So much so, that Bill Busch HAD to bring Russo back to WCW to work with E-Z-E. Unfortunately, that failed for the reasons I mentioned earlier too.

But overall, Vince Russo made some huge contributions to the WWF and deserves the credit he's due. It's easy to pinpoint someone, put them under a microscope and analyze the shit out of them. You could tear anyone apart for various reasons. It's high time Vince Russo gets at least a golf clap for all his efforts!
People should really read more carefully. It`s not like Russo said "You know who you should watch out for to show up in the near future? Randy Orton". I'm sure he meant it as a more hypothetical "If you had one wish and could bring any wrestler over to your company, who would it be?"

I agree with the guy too. If I was the #2 promotion, and I had one shot to bring in one guy I'd have to go with someone that could do it all. Sure, talking is his weak point, but he can still throw out a better promo than half the TNA locker room. In terms of looking for an investment that will pay off, Randy Orton is the full deal. He's still young, he's got tons of drawing power, he can wrestle with the best of them. He's not close to retirement like your Undertakers, Shawn Michaels and to a lesser extent Triple H. He's more accepted than John Cena, who only seems to have about 50% of people cheering for him, even though his job as a face is to be cheered. (by the way, anyone ever realize that even though he's hated so much, he sells probably the most merchandise out of everyone. It's those damn kids.) The only other guy I could see being as valuable to TNA as Randy Orton would be is Edge. These two guys are still young (Randy's younger though) and they can both get a crowd going. If I were Russo, I'd probably lean towards Randy Orton as well. But Edge would be a close, close second.
TNA needs to stop signing so many high profile names. Too big of a roster with too many big names just leads to chaos. Booker T left TNA because he thought he was going to get into more matches but he only ended up fighting like 3 different people while there. TNA would find a good starting story-line for Orton and then wouldn't know what else to do with him. At least he's safe in the WWE; he always has a spot.

Oh and supersayin, I think they made him change his character because there was already a star main-eventing with that personality: Edge. That's why they made such a great tag team. But Orton really didn't take the super leap into the main event until 2007, when his first REAL title reign started. By then, the cocky Edge had 3 title reigns under his belt and I guess they wanted more diversity. But I agree, I think he was at his best when he was like that. They should bring back the Randy Orton that challenged Undertaker at WM21.
Wow what a shitstorm topic. Everyone with their opinions so here is mine. Russo did do somethings for the WWE back in the day and yes he did help WCW as well, however I have seen it a few times in this thread and who are you gonna believe? Russo takes credit for every big thing that happened in the attitude era in the E. Now to me that sounds like a major Ego-trip to me. Now before someone jumps down my throat I am not saying he wasnt a good writer, but back then especially with the McMahon/Austin thing, that was not Russo's idea. He may have written alot of the shows and expanded on it but McMahon and Austin were the ones that came up with the whole idea of Bue collar/white collar.

I just cant understand the few Russo marks are saying Russo is responsible for all of these great storylines, when in fact i might give him credit for maybe half of them if he is lucky.

Sorry to go off topic there a little, but now that I am back on topic I know Russo only said that we would like to see ORton over any other WWE performer if he had the choice and unless something stupid happen I know for a fact that this will never happen. HHH and Orton are pretty good friends, and the last 2 times they were in St. Louis they were seen a restaurant by someone close to me and actually had a conversation with the 2 of them, so I am pretty sure he isnt going any where being buds with Vinnie Mac's son in law. That alone does say alot to me. And again I will say this one more time Russo is an Idiot and nothing anyone here says can change my mind on that one.
I don't think Russo expects Ortion to join TNA, it's wishful thinking really. But why wouldn't he want Orton? He's young, talented, one of the biggest stars. And unlike others, he has the talent to adapt to different types of matches.

Really, I don't see Orton ever leaving WWE. The company is in his blood-his father participated in the first Wrestlemania. The only way he would ever leave is if he had some sort of personal issues and was forced to leave, similar to what happened to Jeff Hardy. But I think Orton would be given more of a chance to redeem himself and return, because I think Vince sees a much bigger career upside in Orton that he saw in Hardy.
Orton will never leave WWE for TNA unless something absolutely insane happens. If TNA can land Orton, what difference will it make though. At first it'll be cool and fun, but then good old Hulk will run TNA into the fucking ground. Am I supposed to believe a running leg drop is a finisher. I won't. TNA is a WCW ripoff. If they become the #1 wrestling company in the world, I will shit my eyes out of my nose. I know that's impossible, but so is TNA beating WWE.

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